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6th Year


1. Match the sentences (1–6) with the grammar rules (A–F).

Present simple and present continuous

A) for present habits, facts and repeated actions. _____
B) for actions happening now and changing situations. _____
C) with always for something that happens often and is usually annoying. _____
D) to add dramatic interest when telling a story. _____
Present perfect simple
E) for states that started in the past and continue now, recently finished actions or past
actions with a present result. The focus is on the result. _____
Present perfect continuous
F) for an action that started in the past and is still continuing. _____


1. I 've seen this film before, it’s really good.

2. Laura takes lots of photographs.
3. Dan's always forgetting his homework.
4. Imagine this, they give me the award and I'm feeling so shocked, I don't even say
thank you!
5. Mr Lee 's been teaching us tennis this term.
6. They're watching TV at the moment.

2. Complete the text with the correct present or present perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

The real Shelly Smith

Shelly Smith 1_____________ (win, just) her third Grammy award; this time for the best
song. Her fast paced pop music is known all over the world and she regularly 2
_____________ (entertain) her fans with her electrifying concerts. She 3 _____________
(visit, already) every continent and she plans to do at least eighty concerts this year. Not
only that, but currently she 4 _____________ (record) her fifth album, which will be
released later this year. The most incredible thing about Shelly is that she is still only
twenty-five years old.
There is no doubt that Shelly 5 _____________ (enjoy) the sort of lifestyle that many
people can only dream of. She’s got an amazing voice, a modelling career and she’s worth
millions. On stage she sings high energy pop hits, but in her free time 6 _____________
(not listen, usually) to pop music. Instead, her real interest is jazz music. Although few fans
will be aware of it, she 7 _____________ (sing) in a little-known jazz group for the last five
years. In contrast to her pop act, Shelly’s jazz group only performs small concerts, usually
to less than 100 people.

Shelly tends to stay at home with her family when she 8 _____________ (not work).
Although she has a flat in New York, she 9 _____________ (not stay) there often. In fact,
she 10 _____________ (not visit) New York since last year. Shelly’s family all live in
Manchester where she was born and together they 11 _____________ (buy, just) a large
house there. There’s enough room for her parents and sister and she 12 _____________
(spend) her time with them whenever she can. Shelly stays in touch with her old friends
and she 13 _____________ (go) out with them when she’s
at home.
At the moment, Shelly 14 _____________ (plan) to stop entertaining her fans. In fact, her
diary for next year is already full of concert dates. However, Shelly 15 _____________
(say, recently) that she would like to stop touring in the future and move back to
Manchester. We hope it’s not too soon!

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and
five words, including the word given.

1 I find it annoying that Hector leaves his books all over the floor.
Hector _______________________________ his books all over the floor – it’s so

2 I’ve had some help from my brother with my geography project for the last few weeks.
My brother has _______________________________ with my geography project for the
last few weeks.

3 Lena isn’t a regular player in our netball team.

Lena _______________________________ for our netball team.

4 It has been about a year since I last saw her.

I_______________________________ about a year.

5 We started to live here last Christmas.

We _______________________________last Christmas.

6 Their aeroplane landed in New York a few minutes ago.

Their aeroplane _______________________________in New York.

4. Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.

A: Oh, this 1 looks / is looking fun!

B: What 2 are you looking / do you look at?

A: One of those personality quizzes: "How adventurous are you?"

Shall we do it together?

B: Hmm, 3 I'm not really enjoying / I don't really enjoy quizzes like that.

A: Oh, come on! We 4 haven't done / don't do anything like this for ages. It'll be a laugh.

The first question is about food: How many new types of food 5 have you tried / have you

been trying so far this year? One to five, six to ten or eleven to fifteen?

B: Maybe one to five. 6 I've never been / I never am very adventurous with food

A: OK. The next one is about meeting new people: You 7 stand / are standing alone at a

party. How do you make contact? Walk over to a group and say hi, find one friendly person,


B: I'm sorry but 8 I get / I'm getting a bit bored with this quiz already.

A: Oh, don't be like that! It's only a bit of fun.

B: Yes, but 9 I've had / I've been having enough now. I think I'll go home.

A: Oh, 10 you've always been walking / you're always walking off like that.

B: That's not true! I just don't always like what you like.

5. Complete the text with the correct present form of these verbs.

change help know live make train walk wonder

Guide Dogs for the Blind (1) ___________ you ever what it is like to be unable to see? In
the UK, there are two million people at the moment who (2) ___________ with sight loss.
Since 1934, the charity Guide Dogs for the Blind (3) ___________ blind people to live an
independent life and has trained thousands of guide dogs. The charity breeds puppies and
(4) ___________ them so that they can be placed with a blind person. Christine Wells (5)
___________ just what a difference having a guide dog makes. She began to lose her
eyesight when she was five and by the time she was nine she was using a white stick,
which she hated. In 2012, Christine was matched with Bonnie. ‘Bonnie (6) ___________

me feel completely better since I got her. I feel totally confident with her.’ Christine now lives
the life of an outgoing teenager and (7) ___________ to college every day with Bonnie.
‘Bonnie (8) ___________ my life completely. I haven’t looked back since I got her.

6. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose
the best answer (A, B or C).

1) You overhear a girl talking about a fast-food restaurant on her phone. She wasn’t very
impressed by
A. the food on sale.
B. the interior and the choice of colours.
C. the cost of her meal.

2) You hear a boy talking to a friend about a football match he played at the weekend. What
problem did he have?
A. He was embarrassed by a relative.
B. He was sent off by the referee.
C. His team lost three-two.

3) You hear a teacher talking to his class about a competition. What is the teacher doing?
A. reminding the students to finish their designs
B. encouraging the students to win for the first time
C. explaining the rules of the competition

4) You hear part of an interview with a young artist. What is he going to do next?
A. change his style of painting
B. go abroad for a year
C. go to a photo exhibition

5) You hear a man talking about a young singer. What does he say makes the singer
A. She is an amazing performer.
B. She can play a range of instruments.
C. She writes her own songs.

6) You hear two friends talking about a music festival. How does the girl feel about it?
A. nervous about the journey there
B. worried that it might be boring
C. happy to be going with her brother

7) You hear a news report about a new sports stadium. What is the most surprising point
about it?
A. how many people it will hold
B. how attractive it will look
C. how quickly it will be finished

8) You hear two friends talking about their first day at a new school. What do they agree
A. the rooms are comfortable
B. the teachers are supportive
C. the food is enjoyable


1. You are going to read an article about four young people who have
volunteered to help on different projects. For questions 1–7, choose from the
people A–D. The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person/people:
1) was determined to assist the victims of a natural disaster? ______
2) refers to the negative effects of mass tourism on native species? ______
3) reports that some people in the community recognise how the project helps them?
4) describes a regular commitment to volunteering with children? ______
5) mentions the requirement to help to tidy up the environment? ______
6) had the opportunity to educate the next generation about conserving their
environment? ______
7) reports that similar conditions had not been seen for generations? ______

Young volunteers
Four young people talk about the projects they volunteered on.
Last year, I went to help with the conservation of endangered species in the Galapagos
Islands. I’ve always been fascinated by the animals that live there. Unfortunately, the fact that
over 80,000 tourists visit the islands each year means that the rubbish that they leave on
beaches can harm the giant tortoises and seabirds. At first, I monitored the Galapagos Petrel,
which builds its nests where the native miconia plants grow. Humans have introduced
non-native plants, like the guava tree, which stop miconia from growing freely and so are a
threat to this unique bird, as are the black rats that live in the rubbish-strewn urban areas on
the islands. After a week of counting, tagging and measuring these birds, I then worked in the
giant tortoise breeding centre. This is the only protected area on the islands and tortoises are
bred and kept safe here. I helped repair nests and ponds and also fed the tortoises. They eat
the otoi plant, so we planted lots of these. I also went into local schools to talk about how
school children can help this endangered species to survive.

As part of my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, I went on an expedition to Base Camp at the
foot of Mount Everest to clear up the rubbish left by many groups of climbers. Each year,
around 100,000 walkers and climbers visit the area and damage the precious ecology of the
mountain. Since 2014, climbers have had to fill canvas bags left on the mountain with the
rubbish left by previous visitors to the area. The bags are then taken away by helicopters at no

extra cost as these fly to the mountain to drop climbing ropes and used to return empty. To
date, over sixteen tonnes of waste including oxygen tanks, tents, eating utensils and other
camping materials have been taken away, but there is still more to do to return this famous
location to its pure and clean condition of earlier times.

Most people think it rains all the time in Britain, which isn’t true, but at times it can seem like it
does. Sometimes we get too much rain and it floods. In December 2015, the city of Carlisle
and the surrounding villages in the north of England experienced devastating floods after
Storm Desmond hit the area. Luckily, my family lives in a village on a hill so we weren't
affected. But when I saw that local children had had to leave their homes with their parents
and sleep in the sports hall of their school, I decided to do something to help. I went to the
flood relief centre and distributed hot meals that other volunteers had cooked. I am a bit of a
whizz at building websites, so I made one that asked people to donate clothing, shoes, food
and toys to be given to flood victims. There were also a lot of elderly people whose homes
were flooded and they said it was the worst flooding they had seen since 1947.

I live in a town near London, but my uncle and aunt live on a farm in Devon and I go to visit
them during the school holidays. I love helping to feed and care for the animals, so when I
heard that Hackney City Farm in the centre of London was looking for volunteers, I jumped at
the chance. I like working with children so I help at the Mini Farmers Club every Saturday
morning. We make arts and crafts and get to know the animals. Some children have never
seen a live farm animal until they come to the farm so it is wonderful to see their faces light up
when they can stroke the goats and cows. They also learn about where foods like milk,
cheese and meat come from as some think they are made in supermarkets! It’s not just the
children that we help –adults who want to learn how to grow fruit and vegetables come to
gardening sessions. I can only help on these during the school holidays, and I meet a lot of
retired people. Some of them tell me they feel isolated and like getting out and meeting
people. The farm is always looking for volunteers, so what are you waiting for?

2. Match the examples (1-7) with the tenses uses (A-G)

Past simple
A) for finished events in the past. _____

Past continuous
B) for an interrupted action in the past. _____

C) + always for expressing irritation OR for describing past activities in a negative way.

D) for failed plans or unfulfilled expectations. We can also use was going to or was
due to. _____

Past perfect
E) for actions, events and situations that happened before another past action. _____

Past perfect continuous
F) for describing an action that was happening over a period of time before another
action in the past. _____

Used to/Would
G) for past habits or activities but only used to for past situations. _____

1) We had been watching a documentary about volcanoes.
2) I was getting ready to go out when I overheard my parents.
3) It certainly lived up to all our expectations
4) I hadn’t realised that until my friend Anna and I binge-watched the series.
5) I was always thinking up good excuses for not getting on with my homework.
6) We used to stay with my Russian grandmother a lot.
7) I was going to give it up but then I thought, No, I can do this!

3. Complete the text with the correct past form of these verbs.

ask book cost have reach smoke take off wait

I am writing to complain about the summer holiday my family took with you to Crete last
August. Our flight (1) _____________ two hours late, and, to make matters worse, there
wasn’t any food left by the time the flight stewards (9) our row in the plane. We thought we
(2) _____________ a free transfer from the airport to the hotel, but when we came into
arrivals no-one (3) _____________ for us. We had to get a taxi instead and it (4)
_____________ fifty Euros! But there was worse to come. The previous holiday makers
(5) _____________ in our rooms and so they smelled very strongly of smoke. We (6)
_____________ for our money back, but changed our minds when the hotel manager
came and talked to us. He said he was sorry we (7) _____________ such a bad
experience so far and arranged for us to have non-smoking rooms. He also ordered us a
free meal on room service when he found out that we hadn’t eaten. I still think we should
get some money back, though.

4. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1) St Ives in Cornwall would / used to be a fishing village. Now it’s a very busy
holiday resort.

2) By the time our flight finally landed / was landing, we didn’t eat / hadn’t eaten for
twelve hours.
3) Helen was riding / rode her bike downhill when she hit / was hitting a cat that ran
in front of her.
4) They were going to ride / had been riding on the London Eye but it was / had
been fully booked.
5) ‘Now, have you done / were you doing your homework, all of you?’ asked / was
asking our teacher.
6) Kurt had been planning / was planning to go to the USA, when he had won / won
a week’s holiday.
7) I was / had been late for my exam and by the time I got to school, the teachers
had finished / had been finishing taking in all the exam papers.

5. Rewrite the sentences using the word given. Use between two and five words,
including the word given.

1) Marcus started to travel abroad three years ago.

Marcus ___________________________ three years.

2) My father often told us fascinating stories about his travel adventures.

The travel adventure stories my father ___________________________ were

3) The storm suddenly started during our breakfast.

While we were having ___________________________ breakfast, the storm
suddenly started.

4) I might possibly take part in an international summer camp next year.

I ___________________________ part in an international summer camp next year.

5) I got this tablet when I was twelve.

I ___________________________ I was twelve years old.

6. Complete the chatroom posts with the correct form of the verbs. Use short forms
where possible.


I 1 __________________ (go) to Croatia last month to stay with a girl I met online, Nika. I 2
__________________ (never/travel) abroad without my parents before and I really 3
__________________ (miss) them. Nika and I 4 __________________ (not/ get on) from
Day 1. It was strange because we 5 __________________ (write) to each other for ages
and we seemed to like the same things. I 6 __________________ (be due/stay) three
weeks and I lasted only one.


Last summer holidays I 7 __________________ (go/have) a week in Boston with my best

friend’s family. I 8 __________________ (look forward) to it for ages, but then suddenly my
parents 9 __________________ (say) no. They 10 __________________ (used/have)
us all together over the summer. I 11 __________________ (already/make) loads of
holiday plans, but dad 12 __________________ (not think) it was fair on my brother!


1. Match the examples (1-9) with the tenses uses (A-I)

A) present continuous for planned future events. _____

B) will for predictions and decisions made at the time of speaking. _____

C) present simple for timetables. _____

D) be going to for intentions and predictions based on current knowledge. _____

E) future continuous for actions that will be in progress in the future. _____

F) future perfect for actions completed before a particular time in the future. _____

G) future perfect continuous for actions happening during a period up to a specified

time in the future. _____

H) phrases for talking about the future be (just) about to … / be due to … / be

likely/unlikely to … _____

I) future time clauses after when, while, as soon as, after, until, once, by the time.

1) The school is going to offer more classes after school.
2) By the time he has finished, he’ll have written ten pages.
3) The students are having their first online class tomorrow.
4) I’ll have finished this exercise by the time the bell goes.
5) The idea is unlikely to be popular with students.
6) The school bus leaves at 7.30 a.m.
7) By next year, I’ll have been studying English for ten years.
8) In five years’ time you’ll probably be at university.
9) Most students will be revising for exams next week.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.
1) By the time the new school term starts, the teachers ________________________
(work) for a week.
2) After finishing school, I ________________________ (look) for a job in the music
3) This time next week, I ________________________ (finish) my exams.
4) The school concert ________________________ (start) at 8.00 p.m.
5) I ________________________ (have) my first online class tomorrow. It will be fun!
6) In five years’ time, he probably ________________________ (be) at university.
7) The new history teacher ________________________ (be) due to start work next
8) I ________________________ (give) my English teacher my homework when I
see her.

3. Read the sentences and choose the correct meaning.

1) I’m starting Spanish lessons next term.
This has already been planned / hasn’t been planned yet.

2) I’m sure you’ll do well in the exam.

This is a prediction / promise.

3) When does your next class start?

The speaker wants to know about your plans / timetable.

4) Lucy is off sick today. I’ll text her my lesson notes.

The speaker makes the decision to text the lesson notes before / at the time of speaking.

5) Vicky is playing really well. She’s going to make the first team.
This is just what I feel / based on what I know

6) Don’t ring at six. We’ll be eating dinner.
Dinner will / won’t be finished at six o’clock.

7) Let’s meet up on Sunday afternoon. I’ll have finished my project by then.

My project will be completed before / on Sunday.

8) By the time we arrive, we’ll have been travelling for a whole day.
This looks forward at an action that will be finished / in progress until a time in the future.
The focus is on the frequency / duration of the action.

9) I’ll message you as soon as class finishes.

The verb ‘finishes’ refers to the present / future.

4. Complete the text with these phrases.

will be will have been studying won’t have earned will begin is going to
´ll be learning starts ‘m doing won’t be ‘ll have gained

I’ve got plans too!

Soon, most of my friends 1 _________________________ their university courses but I’ve
got other plans. I 2 _________________________ an apprenticeship! It’s basically a
training scheme with a local company and it 3 _________________________ in
December. I’m really excited because the company 4 _________________________
design the new football kit for my favourite team. At first I 5 _________________________
basic office skills. That 6 _________________________ too difficult for me because I’m
quite confident with the computer and answering the phone. What 7
_________________________ more challenging is meeting the customers face to face. At
the end of the apprenticeship I 8 _________________________ lots of new skills. In the
meantime, my friends 9 _________________________ for two years but they 10
_________________________ anything!

5. Watch a clip about a sixteen-year-old Philip and his mother who have agreed to
change their farming business.
1. What is Philip’s plan for the farm? _______________________________________
2. Name 3 of his skills and give examples.
● __________________________________________________________________
● __________________________________________________________________
● __________________________________________________________________
3. How does Philip's mother react to his plans? _______________________________

6. WRITING: Imagine you’re going to visit your favourite country next summer holiday.
Send an email to a friend telling him/her about your stay. Write 140
words. You have to mention the following notes:
- Place and time to visit
- Timetable
- Possible excursions / activities
- Predictions






















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