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English Exam G11 Answers

1- Bill is a .... Worker, and highly esteemed by his company for his
• Superior
• Determined
• Resourceful
• Diligent
2- The new high speed electric train.... the capital with many cities
• Join
• Form
• Build
• Link
3- I think I 've finally found my.... I'm going to education sector
• Vacancy
• Riche
• Redundancy
• Trade
4- He used to live in Tanta, But now he...... in Cairo
• Lives
• Lived
• Was living
• Has lived
5-The ending of the movie was ..... Because the storyline was so
• Carefree
• Exaggerated
• Predictable
• Convential
6-People with eating …. need to seek medical help
• Syndromes
• Extinctions
• Disorders
• Trends
7- When gates opened, fans…. in to catch a glimpse of the actor
• Guarded
• Marooned
• Flattened
• Flooded
8- I will take a taxi because my car .... repaired
• Is being
• Had being
• Was being
• Has being
9- Better health care that the average life …. is higher than any
other period
• Membership
• Expectancy
• Span
• Longevity

10-By this time next year, we will….. to our new house

• Have moved
• Be moving
• Moved
• Had moved
11-I can't do it as ..... as Mariam can. She is perfect.
• better
• Well
• best
• good

12-The high pollen count ........ my allergies.

• Hesitated
• Triggered
• Appreciated
• slumped

13-You ..... stay at home, hadn't you?

• 'd rather
• 'd better
• had to
• had

14-The noise was ....... Low, but it still distrupted my concentration.

• Relatively
• Seamingly
• Constantly
• inaudibly
15-....... is a process of increasing in size and filling more space.
• Expansion
• Admission
• Exclusion
• Inclusion
16- It's our duty to ... the planet for the future generations.
• Reverse
• Consume
• Preserve
• Preverse

17- Nada was asked to work with a/an .... on the project to speed up
the pace.
• Applicant
• Authority
• Candidate
• Colleague

18- He seems really stressed; he should try to take a day off.

The word stressed is an antonym of ....
• Rested
• Bored
• Processed
• Acted
19.When you got off the train ,we ..... For you on the platform
• Wait
• Will have waited
• Will be waiting
• Will wait
20.The bad weather could not..... from the excitement surrounding
the event.
• Delight
• Detract
• Delete
• Dovate

1. Diligent;
2. Links; 11. Well;
3. Trade; (in case he really 12. Triggered;
meant riche) 13. 'd better;
4. Lives; 14. Relatively;
5. Predictable; 15. Expansion;
6. Disorders; 16. Preserve;
7. Flooded; 17. Colleague;
8. Is being; 18. Rested;
9. Expectancy; 19. Will be waiting;
10. Have moved; 20. Detract.
(The nearest version to the passage!!)

The hopping kangaroo is a familiar sight in every snapshot relating

to Australia. Member of the kangaroo family can be as small as a rat
or as big as a man. Kangaroos are found mainly in Australia,
Tasmania and New Guinea. Kangaroos which are big-footed
marsupials that evolved in Australia use their short front legs like
arms. The man-sized kangaroos of Australia are capable of speeding
up to 88 km/hr for short distances, their means of locomotion being
their powerful hind legs, which carry them over the ground in jumps
of 9 in or more at a time.
Weighing around 70 kg they have an average lifespan of around six
to eight years and a maximum lifetime of 20 years. When bothered by
predators kangaroos often head for the water, standing submerged to
the chest, and attempting to drown the attacker by holding him under
water. Another defensive technique is to get their back to a tree and
kick their adversary with their clawed hind feet, sometimes with
sufficient force to kill a man. Normally shy animals, they alert other
kangaroos to danger by beating on the ground with their hind feet.
This loud alarm signal carries over a long distance.
The tail is important for kangaroos. It holds them in balance and
supports them when they sit or fight against other kangaroos. The
kangaroo uses its short legs as arms. With them, it scratches itself,
cleans its fur and holds branches when it eats leaves. Kangaroos are
marsupials and the females carry newborns in a pouch in front of
their abdomens. The babies are born small and climb up into the
safety of the pouch. Therefore the next 225 days or so, they eat, sleep,
and grow. Once they reach full development they leave the pouch. A
young kangaroo that leaves the pouch is called a ‘Joey’. To keep from
getting too hot the kangaroos take naps in the afternoon and do most
of their gazing at night. But the best stay-cool secret of these creatures
is the spit bath! Kangaroos drool and lick saliva all over their faces
and bodies to cool down.
1-The origin of the kangaroo?
• Africa
• Europe
• Australia and new guinea
2-The tail’s benefit for kangaroos?
• For fighting enemies
• Used for balance
• Additional hand
3-Kangaroo defend itself from animals like raptors by?
• By flying
• By Swimming
• By Using its tail
4- The young kangaroo is called?
5-The unique way for kangaroos to stay cool?
• Hide in shade
• Appear only at night
• Licks and covers itself with saliva
• Burry itself under ground
6-Kangaroos are classified as marsupial because:
• have pouches to carry their young
• hop instead of walk
• have sharp claws for fighting
• help them survive in hot climate
7- Approximate lifespan of kangaroo
• 50-70
• 15-20
• 6-8
• 1-2
8-The passage mentions that kangaroos are typically
• shy unless threatened
• very aggressive
• excellent swimmers
• nocturnal hunters that come out only at night
9-Kangaroos use their short front legs for
• Hopping
• Digging
• Catching preys
• Grooming, holding food, and scratching
10-Kangaroos hops are achieved primary using
• Hind legs
• Front legs
• Swinging tail
• All four legs together

1-Australia and new guinea 6- have pouches to carry their
2-Used for balance
3-By Swimming 7- 6-8
8- shy unless threatened
4- Joey’
5- Licks and covers itself with 9- Grooming, holding food, and
saliva scratching
10- Hind legs
The remainder of the exam, including sections such as
dialogue, story, and essay, has more than one correct answer
or specific right answer for each, so correct answers can vary
from one person to another.

Thank You

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