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Annual Syllabus (Class-9)




CHAP-1 Method of Communication

CHAP-2 Communication Cycle
CHAP-3 Perspectives in Communication
CHAP-4 Basic writing skills


CHAP-4 Creating a document

CHAP-5 Editing text in writer
CHAP-6 formatting a Document
CHAP-7 Creating and Using a Document
CHAP-8 Printing a document
CHAP-9 Mail merge in writer



Chapter-5 Importance of self. Mgmt

Chapter-6 Building self confidence
Chapter 7 Introduction to ICT
Chapter-8 Components of IT
chapter-9 Peripheral Devices
PART-B : Electronic Spreadsheet
chap-10 Creating Spreadsheet
Chap-11 Editing
chap-12 formatting
Chap-13 Cell Referencing
Chap-14. Charts
Mid-term (Part-A (Chap-10 to 14) & above Syllabus)
PART-A (unit-1)
Chapter 10 Basic Computer Operations
Chapter 11 Operating system
Chapter 12 Internet
Chapter 13 E-mail
Chapter 14 Social Media

PART-B: Digital Presentation.
chap-15 Characteristics of Good Presentation
Chap-16 Open office
chap-17 Working with Slides
Part B: Digital Presentation
Chap 18: Formatting Text and applying Animation
Chapter 19: Working with Tables
Chap 20: Inserting and formatting Image in a presentation
chap 21: Working with Slide Master
annual syllabus ( ut-3 + preannual syllabus)

Class-9 (Maths)


UT-1 Syllabus

Ch-1Number System

Ch-2 Polynomials

Ch-3 Co-ordinate Geometry

UT-2 Syllabus

CH-4 Linear Equations in two Variables

Ch.5 Introduction to Euclidl’s Geometry

CH-6 Lines and Angles

CM-10 Hero’s formula

Mid-Term Syllabus
Ch-1Number System
Ch-2 Polynomials
Ch-3 Co-ordinate Geometry
CH-4 Linear Equations in two Variables
Ch.5 Introduction to Euclidl’s Geometry
CH-6 Lines and Angles
Ch-7 Triangles
CM-10 Hero’s formula

U-T-3 Syllabus

Ch-11 Surface area and Volumes

CH-12 Statistics
ch-8 Quadrilateral
Ch-9 circles

Pre Annual/ Annual

Ch-1Number System
Ch-2 Polynomials
Ch-3 Co-ordinate Geometry
CH-4 Linear Equations in two Variables
Ch.5 Introduction to Euclidl’s Geometry

CH-6 Lines and Angles

Ch-7 Triangles
ch-8 Quadrilateral
Ch-9 circles
CM-10 Hero’s formula
Ch-11 Surface area and Volumes
CH-12 Statistics

कक्षा नौवीं पाठ्यक्रम विभाजन

श भाग 1
गद्य खंड पाठ : दुख का अधिकार
पद्य खंड पाठ : रैदास के पद
व्याकरण: ब्द और पद,अनुस्वार एवं अनुनासिक,स्वर संधि ।

संचयन भाग 1
पाठ : गिल्लू
श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ :एवरेस्ट :मेरी खर यात्रा
व्याकरण : अपठित गद्यां, उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय ,अनौपचारिक पत्र
प्रथम चक्रीय परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम
श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ : दुख का अधिकार
पद्य पाठ : रैदास के पद
संचयन : गिल्लू
व्याकरण: अनुस्वार- अनुनासिक , ब्द और पद , स्वर संधि ,पत्र- लेखन, अपठित
स् प र्श भाग 1
पद्य पाठ : रहीम के दोहे
संचयन : स्मृति
व्याकरण : अर्थ की दृष्टि से वाक्य भेद,संवाद लेखन
द्वितीय चक्रीय परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम
स् प र्श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ : एवरेस्ट :मेरी खर यात्रा
पद्य पाठ : रहीम के दोहे
संचयन : स्मृति
व्याकरण: अपठित गद्यां,उपसर्ग -प्रत्यय, अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य भेद, संवाद
लेखन ।
स् प र्श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ : तुम कब जाओगे अतिथि
पद्य पाठ : गीत -अगीत
व्याकरण :अनुच्छेद लेखन तथा अपठित गद्यां
अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम
स् प र्श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ : दुख का अधिकार , एवरेस्ट मेरी खर यात्रा, तुम कब जाओगे अतिथि
पद्य पाठ : रैदास के पद , रहीम के दोहे
संचयन : गिल्लू , स्मृति
व्याकरण : अनुस्वार-अनुनासिक, ब्द और पद, उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय ,स्वर संधि ,अर्थ के
आधार पर वाक्य भेद ,अनौपचारिक पत्र , संवाद लेखन, अनुच्छेद लेखन ,
अपठित गद्यां
स् प र्श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ :वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक चंद्र खर वेंकट रामन
पद्य पाठ : अग्निपथ
संचयन : कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी
व्याकरण : विराम चिह्न
तृतीय चक्रीय परीक्षा
स् प र्श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ : वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक चंद्र खर वेंकट रामन
पद्य पाठ : गीत अगीत
संचयन : कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी
व्याकरण :उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय , स्वर संधि, विराम चिन्ह , अनुच्छेद , अपठित गद्यां
स् प र्श भाग 1
गद्य पाठ : क्र तारे के समान
पद्य पाठ : नए इलाके में खुबू रचते हैं हाथ
संचयन : मेरा छोटा सा निजी पुस्तकालय
व्याकरण :चित्र वर्णन

पूर्व वार्षिक परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम

गद्य पाठ : एवरेस्ट मेरी खर यात्रा, तुम कब जाओगे अतिथि , वैज्ञानिक
चेतना के वाहक चंद्र खर वेंकट रामन, क्र तारे के समान
पद्य पाठ : रहीम के दोहे , गीत अगीत, अग्निपथ, नए इलाके में खुबू रचते
हैं हाथ
संचयन पाठ : स्मृति, कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी, मेरा छोटा सा निजी पुस्तकालय
व्याकरण : अनुस्वार अनुनासिक , ब्द और पद, उपसर्ग प्रत्यय ,स्वर संधि , अर्थ के
आधार पर वाक्य भेद, अनौपचारिक पत्र , विराम चिह्न , अनुच्छेद, चित्र वर्णन
, अपठित गद्यां
वार्षिक परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम
सीबीएसई के अनुसार संपूर्ण पाठ्यक्रम

Annual syllabus ix class

April to may
History - Ch 1 history French Revolution
Geography -Ch 1 Geography India size and location
Geography – ch 2 Physical features of India
Economics - Ch 2 People as a resource
Democratic politics – Ch 1 what democracy and whyDemocracy
Democratic Politics _ ch 2 Constitutional Design
UT 1 syllabus
History ch- 1
Geography ch- 1
Democratic 1
Economics Ch 1

July to August
History ch -2 Russian Revolution
History Ch 3 Nazism and rise of Hitler
Geography Ch 3 Drainage
Geography ch 4 Climate
Democratic politics Ch 3 Electoral politics
Economics ch -3 Poverty as a challenge
Ut 2 syllabus
History ch 2
Geography Ch 2
Economics Ch 3
Democratic politics ch 2
Mid term syllabus
uT 1 +Ut 2 + history ch 3
,Geography ch 3 , Ch 4 +democratic pol 3
History Ch 4 Forest and wild life
Geography ch 5 Natural Vegetation and wild life
Geography Ch 6 Population
Democratic politics ch 4 Working of Institution
Democratic Politics Ch 5 Democratic Right
UT 3
History ch 4
Geography ch 5 Natural vegetation and wid life
Economics ch4 food security
Democratic Politics

Monthwise syllabus
subject – English
Class – 9th
Session – (2024-2025)


Section Title Total Weightage

A Reading Skills 20

B Writing Skills 24

C Grammar 10

D Literature Textbook 26



 The section will have two unseen passages with the maximum
word limit of 600 words. The passages can be of any two types
out of the following: literary / factual / discursive. Please refer to
the Main Course Book.
 Objective Type Questions (including Multiple Choice Questions),
and Very Short Answer type Questions will be asked to test
inference, evaluation, analysis and vocabulary in context.


This section will have a variety of short and long writing tasks.
 Notice Writing for school assembly/ Resident Welfare Association/
School Events/ Classroom information etc. (maximum 50 words) 4
 Dialogue Writing, (maximum 100 words) 5 Marks
 Informal Letter (maximum 120 words) 7 Marks
 Paragraph on one out of two themes from the Main Course Book,
based on verbal or visual cues (maximum 150 words) 8 Marks


1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Subject – verb concord
4. Reported Speech
(i) Commands and Requests
(ii) Statements
(iii) Questions
5. Clauses:
(i) Noun clauses
(ii) Adverb clauses
(iii) Relative clauses
6. Determiners
The above items may be tested through test types as given below:
 Gap filling (3 marks)
 Editing or Omission (4 marks)
 Sentences Reordering or Sentence Transformation in context. (3


 Two out of three extracts from prose/poetry for reference to the
context. Very Short Answer Questions and Short Answer
Questions will be asked to assess local and global comprehension,
interpretation and analysis. 8 marks (4+4)
 Six Short Answer Questions out of seven, from the Literature
Reader, to test local and global comprehension of theme and
ideas, analysis and evaluation (30-40 words each) 2×6 = 12 Marks
 One out of two Long Answer type Questions to assess how the
values inherent in the text have been brought out. Creativity,
imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across the
texts will be assessed. This can also be a passage-based question
taken from a situation/plot from the texts. (120 words). 6 marks

Text books
 Literature Reader (Revised Edition)
 Workbook (Revised Edition)

Section – A (Reading)
(i) 2 Unseen passages

Section – B (Writing)
1. Notice
2. Dialogue Writing
3. Informal Letter
4. Descriptive Paragraph

Section – C (Grammar)
1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Subject – verb concord
4. Reported Speech
(i) Commands and Requests
(ii) Statements
(iii) Questions
5. Clauses:
(i) Noun clauses
(ii) Adverb clauses
(iii) Relative clauses
6. Determiners

Section – D (Reader)

1. The Brook 4. The Seven Ages

2. The Road Not Taken 5. Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After My Teeth

3. The Solitary Reaper 6. Song of the Rain


(1) How I Taught My Grandmother to Read

(2) A Dog Named Duke
(3) The Man Who Knew Too Much
(4) Keeping it from Harold
(5) Best Seller


(a) Villa For Sale

(b) The Bishop’s Candlesticks


Fiction - How I Taught My Grandmother to Read

Poetry – The Brook
Grammar – Tenses
Writing – Notice, Informal letter
Reading – Unseen Passage

Fiction – A Dog Named Duke
Poetry – The Road Not Taken
Grammar – Determiners, modals
Writing – Descriptive Paragraph

Cycle Test – 1

Fiction - How I Taught My Grandmother to Read, A Dog Named Duke

Poetry – The Brook
Grammar – Tenses
Writing – Notice, Informal letter


Fiction – The Man Who Knew Too Much

Poetry – The Solitary Reaper
Drama – Villa For Sale
Grammar – Prepositions, Sentence Re-ordering
Writing – Dialogue Writing
Reading – Unseen Passage

Cycle Test – 2

Fiction – The Man Who Knew Too Much

Poetry – The Solitary Reaper
Grammar – Prepositions, Sentence Re-ordering, Tenses, Modals
Writing – Dialogue Writing, Descriptive Paragraph
Reading – Unseen Passage
Fiction – Keeping It From Harold
Poetry – The Seven Ages
Drama – Villa For Sale
Grammar – Subject Verb Agreement, conjunctions
Writing – Notice
Reading – Unseen Passages

Mid – Term Examination

Fiction –How I Taught My Grandmother To Read, The Man Who Knew Too Much,
Keeping It From Harold
Poetry –The Brook, The Road Not Taken, The Solitary Reaper
Drama – Villa For Sale
Grammar – Integrated grammar
Writing – Notice, Dialogue writing, Informal Letter, Descriptive Paragraph
Reading – Unseen Passages

Fiction –Best Seller

Poetry –Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth
Drama – The Bishop’s Candlesticks
Grammar – Voice
Writing – Informal Letter, Descriptive Paragraph


Poetry – Song of The Rain

Grammar – Integrated Grammar
Writing – Notice, Dialogue
Reading – Unseen Passages

Cycle Test – 3
Reading – Unseen Passage
Fiction – Keeping It From Harold
Poetry – The seven Ages
Grammar – Integrated Grammar
Writing – Informal Letter

Pre - Annual Examination

Annual Examination
(Syllabus Covered From April To November)

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