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Steps to Follow to Create an Effective

Student LinkedIn Profile for Professional

What is LinkedIn?
• LinkedIn is a social networking website for professionals. It is the world
largest professional network with millions of members.

Why You Should Create a LinkedIn Profile?

• LinkedIn helps the career aspirants to showcase their skills and talents with
various modes such as blog writing, poll posting, presentation posting,
article posting, certificates achieved, posting your winning moments etc.
• LinkedIn also is the only platform that has a huge database of employers and
HRs who posts genuine jobs, which help you to understand the skills you
require for a job and also can apply directly from their posts or can refer a
friend suitable for that position.

Steps to create a LinkedIn profile:

Step 1: Go to the official website of LinkedIn i.e.

Step 2: Click on the join now button on the top right corner.

Step 3: A new page will open.

Step 4: Fill up the details, like your first and last name, email address and

Step 5: Click on Join now or Agree and Join.

Step 6: A security check will pop up.

Step 7: A new page will appear.

Step 8: Fill up the required details including your country, Province, and

Step 9: Click on the Next button.

Step 10: A new page will appear in front of you.

Step 11: Fill up the required information.

Step 12: Click on either I’m a student’ or Continue’

Step 13: A new page will appear asking you the confirmation code, sent to your
email address.

Step 14: Open your email address. This should be the account you used to sign up
for LinkedIn.

• Make sure you don't close out of the LinkedIn page when you do this.
Step 15: Click Confirm your email. It's the blue button below the six-digit code
in the email's body.

• Youcan also copy the code here and paste it into the code field on your
LinkedIn page.
Step 16: Your home page will open
Step 17: Add a photo of yourself. Profiles with clear, professional photos
are much more likely to be viewed by employers, which can lead to more
job and networking opportunities. To add a picture of yourself, click
the Upload Photo box and select a photo from your computer.
Step 18: Add a headline. The headline is a place to tell people what you’re
pursuing and what you want to do in future. If you’re fresher in college, you can
highlight your current area of study also. For example, you can keep it as simple as
-“Student of Mechanical Engineering”.

Step 19: Add your Education.

List all the schools and colleges you’ve had joined along with descriptions and
activities you participated in.

Adding college names to your LinkedIn profile helps you find college alumni,
faculties and friends available on LinkedIn. This way you can stay in touch with
each other and keep a track of what they’re up to.
Step 20: Add your Skills
Add skills to your profile under featured skills and recommendation section to
showcase your abilities to others on the platform.

Step 21: Display proficiency in Languages you know.

Step 22: Highlight the Courses you’ve taken.

If you ever participated in coursework, you can include them in your profile under
Courses section.

Step 23: Connect with friends and professionals.

To add connections on LinkedIn, select My Network at the top of the screen. A list
of people you may know will appear, along with any connection invitations you
may have. If you see someone you'd like to connect with, simply click Connect.
You can also search for someone and click Connect on their profile.

Step 24: Searching for jobs on LinkedIn

When it comes to searching for jobs, LinkedIn can be a powerful resource. It

allows employers to post job openings to the site (like any online job board), and
you can search for these openings using the job search tool. LinkedIn also allows
you to use your connections to find new positions and ask for recommendations.
Additionally, you can follow companies so you'll always be notified of their latest
LinkedIn posts.

For More reference

Useful Correct Keywords While Creating Your

Profile in LinkedIn:
1. Write the name of ClinoSol correctly (It is NOT
Clinisol) – C and S are Capital Letters
2. Write your Batch Name (Eg: July_2022 or
August_2022 etc)
Some Important Dos and Don’t in LinkedIn:

• You can upload a professional looking picture of yours
• You can upload your updated resume for HR review purposes
• You can write technical blogs
• You can share poll questions from what you have learnt from
• You can post your presentation slides for a better reach
• You can connect with your friends, seniors from ClinoSol and
other Likeminded people, HRs, as well as Industry Experts
• You can request a connection Politely in a professional way and
get your questions answered from the professional community
• You can Tag ClinoSol for genuine reasons and prove your work is
as per the set standards
• You can share useful information and events of ClinoSol
• Always appreciate your friends or ClinoSol students on their
postings and achievements
• Spend an hour at least a day in LinkedIn and know the new things
happening such as free webinars, job placements, new
presentations, blogs, answering poll questions etc.,
• Do Write the Organization Name as ClinoSol so that other
ClinoSol students can easily identify and connect with you.
• Use appropriate Tags while posting your content.
• Crop Your pictures if you are using any screenshots
• Maintain utmost professionalism and politeness at all times in your
LinkedIn and other social medias
• Always Mention Your Name as First Name and Last Name

• Do NOT connect with unknown people or share personal
information to anyone unknown
• Do NOT share your personal contact numbers to unknown people
• Do NOT ask or write anything unusual or use unprofessional
language in LinkedIn
• Do NOT fall in the trap of fake job posters, if you get any doubt,
contact the consulting team immediately
• Do NOT beg for jobs, instead apply directly from the company’s
career page
• Make sure your resume is strong and you can speak on each
technical point for at least 2-5 minutes before uploading your
• Do NOT post anything without prior approval from the
management (this helps you to reach the right people at right time
with right content)
• Do NOT post any Industry Expert Slides in LinkedIn as it is a
breach to their Intellectual Property.
• Do NOT write your Nick Names
• Do NOT Use low case letters for Nouns and Pronouns (Such as
Names, Places, Day Names, Month Names etc.,)
kiranmai – wrong
Kiranmai - Correct

tuesday - Wrong
Tuesday – Correct

hyderabad – wrong
Hyderabad - Correct

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