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Program Book

Community Service Project



Green initiatives for a green way of life

T. VISWESH (23JN5A3302)

Under the guidance of

Dr. P. KALYANI, M. Tech., Ph.D.,



NAAC ‘A’ grade Accredited institution, An ISO
9001::2015 certified institution
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to
JNTU, Ananthapur)
North Rajupalem (Vi), Kodavalur (M), S.P.S.R. Nellore (Dt)-524316

Program Book
Community Service Project

Name of the Student: T. Viswesh

Name of the College: Sree Venkateswara College Of Engineering

Registration Number: 23JN5A3302

Period of CSP:6weeks

From: 16/05/2024 to 27/06/2024

Name & Address of the Community/Habitation:

Kovur , Nellore, Andhra Pradesh 524137

Community Service Project Report

Submitted in accordance with the requirement for the degree of B.Tech

Name of the College : Sree Venkateswara College of Engineering

Department : CSE (AL &ML)

Name of the Faculty Guide: Dr .P. Kalyani , M. Tech, Ph.D.,

Duration of the CSP:From:16/05/24To:27/06/24

4Name of the Student : T. Viswesh

Programme of Study : B. Tech

Year of Study :2023-2024

Register Number: 23JN5A3302

Date of Submission:
Student’s Declaration

I, T. VISWESH, a student of CSP Program, Reg.No. 23JN5A3302 of the Department

of CSE, SVCE College do hereby declare that I have completed the mandatory
community service from 16/05/2024 to 27/06/2024 in KOVUR under the
Faculty Guideship of Dr. P.KALYANI M.Tech, Ph.D., Head of the department
Department of CSE (AL &ML) in SVCE College

(Signature and Date)


Faculty Guide:

Head of the Department:

Certificate from Official of the Community

This is to certify that T. Viswesh Reg. No 23JN5A3302 of SVCN underwent

community service in KOVUR from 16/05/2024 to 27/ 06 / 2024

The overall performance of the Community Service Volunteer during his/her

community service is found to be GOOD.

Authorized Signatory with Date and Seal


With immense respect, I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. P. GUNA SHEKAR ,

Chairman, who took keen interest and encouraged in every effort throughout this course.
I own my gratitude to Dr. C. PRAKASH RAO , M Tech, Ph.D., Principal, SREE
opportunity to fulfill our aspiration and become Engineers.
I would like to extend ardent thanks to Dr. P. KALYANI, M Tech, Ph.D., Associate
Professor &Head of the Department, Electronics and Communication Engineering, for
endowing a practical environment in the institute.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere deep sense of gratitude to my guide

Dr.P. KALYANI , M Tech, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, for her significant suggestions and help in every aspect to
accomplish the project.

I would like to express my gratitude to our coordinator Ms. T. ANUSHA, M Tech,

Assistant Professor, for her guidance, significant suggestions and help in every aspect to
accomplish the project. Her persisting encouragement, everlasting patience and keen interest in
discussions have benefited ME to an extent that cannot be spanned by words.

I am thankful to the staff members of my department for their cooperation over the
completion of this project.

Finally, I thank one and all who directly or indirectly supported me in the completion of
this project successfully.

Submitted by



Department of CSE

Kovur is a Locality in SPSR Nellore City in Andhra Pradesh State, India.

The area does not contain much trees. So, we started checking around various small
areas in that locality. We had taken report from the people living in that areas about the
problems they are facing right now and we had observed that there was maximum no.
of problems that are related to the lack of trees around their places.
So, along with my batch mates, I had planned to take some remedies that
will help to that people as of course we are doing community service project. Then we
started our executing our ideas from giving awareness about the importance of the trees
around their places firstly. Also, we had taken the awareness to the students, as they are
the upcoming generation to our society.

As the conclusion part of our project, we had given trees to the people and
to the students to plant them around their places which will help to reduce their

The Department of Handlooms and Textiles is concerned with Handlooms, power

looms in the Co-operative and decentralized sector and setting up of Apparel and Textile
Parks in the Garment sector. Andhra Pradesh is one of the important States in the
Handloom Industry. There are about 2,00,310 handloom weavers in cooperative fold
and 1,58,902 in outside cooperative fold. There are about 81,000 power looms working
in the State both in cooperative and outside cooperative fold.

There are 1282 Weavers Cooperative Societies in the State consisting of Cotton-
896, Silk-325, Wool-61. Besides this, there are 166-Tailor Societies and 193-
Powerlooms and other societies. There is one Apex society i.e., APCO for marketing the

Several Centrally Sponsored Schemes as well as State Schemes are being

implementedfor the socio-economic development of Handloom Weavers in Andhra
Pradesh including schemes with matching share of Central and State Governments.


Hinduism is majority religion in Nellore city with 78.72 % followers.

Islamis second most popular religion in city of Nellore with approximately 19.03 %
following it.
In Nellore city, Christianity is followed by 1.59 %, Jainism by 0.40 %, Sikhism by 0.06
%and Buddhism by 0.06 %. Around 0.01 % stated 'Other Religion', approximately 0.18
% stated 'No Particular Religion'.

Due to its many positive benefits, greenery deserves a prime position in

planning and budgeting processes. In consultation with potential and existing clients,
the tips below can help suppliers of vegetation to give greenery its due in our
immediate living environment.


 Greenery in classrooms purifies the air: it reduces concentrations of CO2 and volatile
organic compounds, keeping the air fresh and healthy.

 Outdoor vegetation reduces heat in and around schools in the summer, lowering
heat stress and reducing the need for artificial cooling.

 Green roofs and facades increase insulation capacity, reducing both heating and
cooling expenditure.
 Moisture released into the air by plants in buildings helps with dry atmospheres,
reducing headaches and improving concentration.
 Visible greenery, both indoors and out, reduces stress and increases the ability
to concentrate.
 Green playgrounds encourage playing outdoors, and foster a better social climate.


 The presence of greenery in the immediate vicinity of houses increases their value
by4-15%, depending on local conditions.

 A practical study in eight primary school classes showed a 20% increase in

performance when plants were included in the classroom.

 A study in Norway showed that office workers without an outdoor view from their
desk were five times more likely to put a plant in their office than those with a

 In less wealthy suburbs in particular, children use less ADHD medication (such as
Ritalin) the more greenery there is in their surrounding environment.

 In living environments with more natural elements (such as greenery or water),

residents suffer less.


& In-charge
DATE Signature

We had observed the surroundings of We learnt that there is

our area in which we want to do our lack of trees in some
Day – project. areas.

We had taken the pictures of that areas In the analysis, we

and analyzed the reasons for the lack of searched the reason for
Day - trees. the lack of trees.

We had met the people around that area In this process, we had
and asked them firstly about their needs. learnt communicating
Day – with the people.

We also asked the people that what is the In that, we understood

reason behind the lack of trees around their their problems.
Day – areas.

The very next day, we arrived at different Through this process

houses individually in that area to analyze we decided to make
Day – the conditions of their places. them aware about the
5 importance of trees.

We planned to roam around the houses in So, from this decision

that area every lane wise. we learnt how to plan
Day – about things carefully in
6 order to achieve our
WEEK – 1 (From Dt 16/5/24 to Dt 21/05/24)
Objective of the Activity Done: Noticing the surroundings of our project
Detailed Report: As we started the project, we came to know about
the lack of trees. We started checking and monitoring the areas around that area.

The people in the area were enquired by us about the geography and also, the effects

facing by them which thereby caused by the lack of trees.

Firstly, we started slowly communicating with the people of that area about

their needs and the difficulties facing by them. Then, we came to know that their

major problems were due to the lack of trees around the places living

by the people.

Secondly, we started approaching the houses of the people individually

so that we can analyze the area more clearly which will help us to do our project


At the end of the first week of our project, we decided to roam around the

houses in that area every lane wise so that we can interact with that people efficiently.

It will help us to end our project in a better way.

So, in this way we concluded our first week of the project.




We planned to start roaming in From this, we had a keep

the project area for better observation of our project
Day – analysis. area.

And finally, we arrived at the In this process, we found

first house in our project area to out the ideal routine and the
Day - hunt for the problems of the conditions of the people.

So, in the same manner, we So, by reaching the to the

reached another house in the area. house, we thought that there
Day – is no proper guidance to the
3 people about trees.

So likewise, we started reaching By travelling to the house

various houses in our project area. we also observed that there
Day – are no small plants too.

In the end of this week, we wantedFrom roaming to the

to organize more houses in our planhouses, we concluded that
Day – in order to explore more about thethere is no knowledge
5 difficulties of the people around ourabout trees to the people.
project area.

We completed our second week by We had gained a parti

going around the houses andknowledge about the are
Day – collecting the details. and the problems around
6 there.
WEEK – 2 (From Dt 23/5/24 to Dt 29/5/24)
Objective of the Activity Done: Acquired partial knowledge about our
project area.
Detailed Report: We started our second week of the project by going around the

houses for a detailed information of our area of interest. As we commenced our deeds in

order to acquire knowledge about the problems around that area, we came to know that

there are many problems in that area which are related due to the lack of trees.

So, we started approaching more houses in the area to get better

knowledge. As we started approaching their houses, we observed that the people in that

area had welcomed us with their pure hearts.

When we started asking about the problems they are facing in that area, they

began telling the very problem of theirs. By watching us noting down the problems which

they told us, someone even requested us to solve their problems as soon as possible. So,

this is one of the best examples about the purity of the people around the area.

As we scheduled our second week of the community service project to go

around the houses in that area and to get the knowledge about the circumstances of both

the people and the surroundings, had almost completed our tasks that are assigned as

per team’s decision. Having known that there is no proper knowledge to the people about

the trees, we had chosen to implement an awareness program to improve their

consciousness about the importance of trees around our surroundings. At finally, we had

finished our second week of the project.



& In-charge
DATE Signature

This time, we again reached the houses to So, from this task of our
put some sense of the importance of trees in batch, we noticed their
Day – the people’s mind of our project area. spirit to learn new

We had taken the details of them To us, the learning

i.e., about their daily routine, their outcome from this is that
Day - food habits etc. we had known about

The next day, we had reached We observed that they

some other houses in our area. are very much
Day – habituated to that place.

Our batchmates decided to ask them the I think we had done

questions about trees. according
Day – project aspects.

In the same way of the previous day, we We felt very strange that
had asked the same question in few houses they did not have any
Day – too. basic knowledge
5 about the trees.

At the last day, we had almost visited all Our strong belief is that
the houses of that lane. they will listen to us.
Day –
WEEK – 3 (From Dt 30/5/24 to Dt 5/6/24)
Objective of the Activity Done: Knowing about the people of that area.

Detailed Report: As we decided to know about the people of the area, we resumed

our work i.e., roaming around their houses, and to know about the people better. We had

decided to ask them about the importance of trees.

As we had known to them for the past two weeks, we strongly believe that

they will definitely believe us. In the same belief, we started moving to the next step of the

process in this week. We started doing the same as the previous weeks to get the entire

knowledge about the area and also the people.

I think, we had planned very well because without these minute details

about the people and the area, we cannot proceed with the further developments of the

project .We did not feel it as a burden because we had enjoyed doing especially this project

because for myself, I am very much interested in knowing about the trees.
So, the last days of this week, we had visited one special house in that lane.

The reason behind calling the house -special because in that house there had an old

woman who had better knowledge about various plants and also their uses. We had gain

very much knowledge about the trees which will be useful to us in further steps of our



& In-charge
DATE Signature

The first day of our fourth week in There we had me

the project, we had visited one school inthe children of coming
Day – the premises of our project area with the generation and interacted
permission of headmaster of that school. with them a bit.

The next day of this week, we had This helps u

tried very much to get closer with thevery much to understand
Day - students. about them.

As we get acquainted with the So, for this, we

students of the school, we planned to startplanned some
Day – the same procedure as we did in the las arrangements for further
3 week of project. proceedings.

Our batch arranged to ask them As expected, the

the same questions that asked the people students gave us a really
Day – in the area and also the queries facing by enjoying company in this
4 them. program.

By watching the interest in the In this task, we

students, we had planned a small joyfulhad observed their
Day – task for them. complete efforts and
5 noted them.

The last phase in this week is to The student

make them aware about the importance ohad acquired the
Day – trees. knowledge about the
6 trees .
WEEK – 4(From Dt 6/6/24 to Dt 12/6/24)
Objective of the Activity Done: Giving awareness to future generation

Detailed Report: We started this week by going to a school in the premises of

our area with the permission of the headmaster of that school. The students were like a bit

excited when we entered there. When they found the reason behind our arrival, we

were asked a many number of questions about our project topic by them. Initially, we

decided to get more acquaintance with them, so, we had spent the first two days by just

interacting with them.

It also helps us to do our works in a very simple way after that contact made with

them. As we get acquainted with the students of the school, we planned to start the same

procedure as we did in the last week of project. So, for this, we planned some arrangements

for further proceedings.

Our batch arranged to ask them the same questions that asked the

people in the area and also the queries facing by them. As expected, the students gave us a

really enjoying company in this program. By watching the interest in the students, we had

planned a small joyful task for them. In this task, we had observed their complete efforts

and noted them.

The last phase in this week is to make them aware about the importance of

trees. The students had acquired the knowledge about the trees. The task is to make the

students responsible about their surroundings i.e., we had asked to observe the


Day –1 This time, we again reached theSo, from this task ofour
houses to put some sense of thebatch, we noticed their spirit
importance of trees in the people’sto learn new things.
mind of our project area

We had arranged a small chartTo us, the learning

about the importance of trees tooutcome from this is that we
Day -2 illuminate thoroughlyto the people. learnt to think logically
to do work in an
effective manner.
The next day, we gathered We observed that the
people of the area to give the realization of the
Day –3 awareness presentation of the people about the trees and
importance of the trees. the problems
caused by lack of that trees
around their places.

Our batchmates decided to give I think we had shownthe

plants tothe people which will help remedy to the
Day –4 them. problems of the people.

In the same way of the previous We felt very fortunate to

day, we had distributed trees to all plant the trees along with
Day – the people in the area. them.

At the last day, we had told the Our aim from this process is
people toshare the things that sharing the awareness that
Day – happened in the last tw weeks to thewe hadprovided them.
6 people who were known t them.
WEEK – 5 (From Dt 13/6/24 to Dt 19/6/24)

Objective of the Activity Done: Giving awareness to the people about trees

Detailed Report: As we decided to plant awareness of trees in people’s mind of that

area, we arrived at the houses of our project area afresh. So, this time we arrived at their

houses to give the awareness to them.

Rather by going around house to house individually, we had decided to

gather the people around our area in order to make them aware about the importance of

trees. As we planned to give the awareness program to the people, we had done some

arrangements which include small charts which will help us to demonstrate them in an

effective way. We had taken the help of internet in doing this because we thought that we

can give more knowledge with this.

I think we had given a brief presentation about the importance of trees to

the people with the help of internet. Also, they had responded in a very positive way like

they too showed interest in this project of ours.

So finally, we started the ultimate step of our project as we planned

which is of course a part of the project i.e., distribution of the plants to those who are in

need of them in the project area. They really felt elated while we had distributed the plants.

Along with our batchmates, I feel very satisfied while doing this step in the project.



Day –1 The first day of our sixth week in There we had met the childr
The project, we had visited one Ren of the coming
School in the premises of generation interacted with
our project and permission of Them a bit
headmaster of the school
The next day of this week, we This helps us very much to
Had tried very much to get closer Understand about them
Day -2 With the students.

As we get acquainted with the So, for this we planned

Students of the school ,we planned some arrangements for
Day –3 To start the same procedure as we further proceeding
Did in the last week project

Our batch arranged to conduct As expected, the students

An awareness program the same wayGave us a really enjoying
Day –4 As we did our project area Company in this program

By watching the interest in the In this week, we had observ

Students, we had planned a small Ed their complete efforts
Day – Joyful task for them And noted them

The last phase in this week is to The student had planted

Dispense plants to the students of Them in their school
Day – Coming generation Premises and in their house
6 Premises
WEEK – 6 (From Dt 20/6/24 to Dt 26/6/24 )

Objective of the Activity Done: Distribution of plants

Detailed Report: We started to do the same procedure as the previous week but

in a school this time, because we thought that we should also put the same sense of the

importance of trees in the upcoming generation too. As they are the foundation to the

future of our country, we decided to let them know about the importance of trees.

So, we arrived a school in the premises of our project area with the

permission of the headmaster of that school. The students were like a bit excited when we

entered there. When they found the reason behind our arrival, we were asked a many

number of questions about our project topic by them. Initially, we decided to get more

acquaintance with them, so, we had spent the first two days by just interacting with them.

It also helps us to do our works in a very simple way after that contact made with them.

We prepared the arrangements for our presentation of the awareness program. We got a

very great support not only from all teachers and the headmaster but also with the children

of that school during our presentation about our topic in community service project. All of

them listened to our presentation very carefully. After the end of our presentation, all of

them applauded us and the staff who are working there praised us for the selection of the

topic. We really felt very contented after the finishing of our presentation before all the

people of the school.

So, moving on to the next phase of the conclusion, as we all know,

children are a bit of enthusiastic and here was the same situation. We used that zeal by

giving a very casual task which will also be helpful to them as well. The task was to learn

and present like us in front of their friends about the same topic also they should inform to

other people about that day. In both tasks, they had showed their best efforts. Finally, we

had given plants to the students as well as teachers which ended up our project.

Details of the Socio-Economic Survey of the Village/Habitation. Attach the

questionnaire prepared for the survey.
Socio-economic survey tools are designed to collect information as a means of improving

on land understanding of local resource management systems, resource use and the relative

importance of resources for households and villages. Surveys also provide information on

interaction with the government decision-making systems and community perceptions of.

trends and priority issues Knowledge about community-based institutions, which is also

obtained, and their roles in the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources, helps

to facilitate or reinforce a consensus tenure and rights for the region, now and in the future.

This survey aims to provide practical steps for field-based practitioners to follow in

conducting socio-economic surveys of households and villages, including focus group

discussions and key informant interviews. This survey is accompanied by nine Supporting

Notes. These are essential tools for gathering socio-economic information, the results of

which can be used as input to collaborative land use decision-making tools and procedures.


1)What are the problems faced by them for not having trees cultivation?

2) What do they hope to achieve by growing trees?

3)Would they know the importance of tree plantation?

4) Does they know the after effects of not having proper trees around the surroundings?

5)Did they plant any trees till now?

6)Do they have any interest towards planting trees before the awareness program?
Describe the problems you have identified in the community

 Loss of Habitat:

One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and.

plant species due to their loss of habitat. 70% of land animals and plant species live in

forests. Not only does deforestation threaten species known to us, but also those unknown.

 Increased Greenhouse Gases:

In addition to the loss of habitat, the lack of trees also allows a greater amount of

greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere. Healthy forest absorb CO2

from the atmosphere, acting as valuable carbon sinks. Deforested areas lose that ability and

release more carbon.

 Soil Erosion and Flooding:

Without forests, the soil erodes and washes away, causing farmers to move on and

perpetuate the cycle. The barren land which is left behind in the wake of these

unsustainable agricultural practices is then more susceptible to flooding in coastal regions.

 Water in the Atmosphere:

Trees also help to control the level of water in the atmosphere by helping to regulate the

Water cycle. One of the most important forests for regulating water cycles across the planet

is the Amazon rainforest. Its millions of trees work together to release moisture into the air,

creating atmospheric “rivers” that regulate Earth's weather patterns. In deforested areas,

there is less water in the air to be returned to the soil. This then causes dryer soil and the

inability to grow crops and cause the food scarcity.

Short-term and long-term action plan for possible solutions for the problems
identified and that could be recommended to the concerned authorities for
The Short-term and long-term action plan for possible solutions for the
Problems identified and that could be recommended to the concerned authorities

for implementation are:


Green business concerns re-use and recycling. Green methods of production and utilization

of resources can immeasurably reduce deforestation. Particularly, it’s the focus on re-using.

items, reducing the use of artificial items, and recycling more items. Paper, plastics, and

wood are linked to the destruction of forests and other natural resources


Eco-forestry is a move on saving the worlds forest. It acknowledges that sometimes, the

use of trees for various human activities or reasons can be inevitable. Per se, eco-forestry

underscores the need of cutting down trees in an environmentally friendly manner. It is

where only cautiously selected trees are fell and transported with the least possible damage

to the area. Also, eco-forestry not only calls for the preservation of the forest regions

ecosystem but also allows for controlled and green timber extraction.


Due to the nature and extent of forest destruction, efforts to stop the human activities can

be complemented by laws and regulation at governmental and organizational levels.


Replanting or tree planting utilizes almost the same aspect as community forestry.

However, it entirely focuses of replanting, a feature commonly known as reforestation.

Reforestation is the restoration or replanting of forests that have been reduced by fire or

felling. It requires an ongoing process and should not be viewed as a onetime thing.
Description of the Community awareness program/s conducted w.r.t the problems
and their outcomes.
Community Awareness is generally defined as knowledge created through

interaction between community people and its environment, a setting bounded in space and

time. It involves states of knowledge as well as dynamic process of perception and action.

It is the knowledge that must be maintained and kept updated to complete some tasks in the

environment. Community Awareness generation is considered as core element of.

successful disaster risk reduction.

 INTERACTION PROGRAM: Social interaction is the meaningful contact people

have with one another. “Meaningful” is an important word here, because it implies an

exchange that includes real communication, even if only for a moment, and leaves each

party feeling that he’s shared something with another human being. Good places for

interaction are spaces that make people from different areas and backgrounds want to be


 There has to be a reason for people to go there.

 There has to be a reason for people to want to stay once they’ve arrived.

 People in the space have to feel safe and comfortable.


Our awareness program which was conducted in the community area had covered the

following aspects:

• We had explained the importance about the presence of trees around the areas.

• As the part of this program, we had told them to plant trees around their houses.

• We had given our awareness program with the help of internet and through this, I

thought that they had understood in an effective way.

Report of the mini-project work done in the related subject w.r.t the

A mini-project work in the related subject w.r.t the habitation/village


Kovur is a Locality in SPSR Nellore City in Andhra Pradesh State,

India. The area does not contain much trees. So, we started checking around various
small areas in that locality. We had taken report from the people living in that areas
about the problems they are facing right now and we had observed that there was
maximum no. of problems that are related to the lack of trees around their places.

So, along with my batch mates, I had planned to take some remedies that
will help to that people as of course we are doing community service project. Then we
started our executing our ideas from giving awareness about the importance of the trees
around their places firstly. Also, we had taken the awareness to the students, as they are
the upcoming generation to our society.

As the conclusion part of our project, we had given trees to the people and
to the students to plant them around their places which will help to reduce their

The Department of Handlooms and Textiles is concerned with

Handlooms, power looms in the Co-operative and decentralized sector and setting up of
Apparel and Textile Parks in the Garment sector. Andhra Pradesh is one of the important
States in the Handloom Industry. There are about 2,00,310 handloom weavers in
cooperative fold and 1,58,902 in outside cooperative fold. There are about 81,000 power
looms working in the State both in cooperative and outside cooperative fold.

There are 1282 Weavers Cooperative Societies in the State consisting of Cotton-
896, Silk-325, Wool-61. Besides this, there are 166-Tailor Societies and 193- Power
looms and other societies. There is one Apex society i.e., APCO for marketing the
handloom products.

Several Centrally Sponsored Schemes as well as State Schemes are being

implemented for the socio-economic development of Handloom Weavers in Andhra
Pradesh including schemes with matching share of Central and State Governments.


Hinduism is majority religion in Nellore city with 78.72 % followers.

Islamis second most popular religion in city of Nellore with approximately 19.03 %
following it.

In Nellore city, Christianity is followed by 1.59 %, Jainism by 0.40 %, Sikhism by

0.06 %and Buddhism by 0.06 %. Around 0.01 % stated 'Other Religion', approximately
0.18 % stated 'No Particular Religion'.

Due to its many positive benefits, greenery

deserves a prime position in planning and budgeting processes. In consultation with
potential and existing clients, the tips below can help suppliers of vegetation to give
greenery its due in our immediate living environment.


 Greenery in classrooms purifies the air: it reduces concentrations of CO2 and volatile
organic compounds, keeping the air fresh and healthy.

 Outdoor vegetation reduces heat in and around schools in the summer, lowering heat
stress and reducing the need for artificial cooling.

 Green roofs and facades increase insulation capacity, reducing both heating and

 Moisture released into the air by plants in buildings helps with dry atmospheres,
reducing headaches and improving concentration.

 Visible greenery, both indoors and out, reduces stress and increases the ability to

 Green playgrounds encourage playing outdoors, and foster a better social climate.

Socio-economic survey tools are designed to collect information as a

means of improving on land understanding of local resource management systems,
resource use and the relative importance of resources for households and villages.
Surveys also provide information on interaction with the government decision-making
systems and community perceptions of. trends and priority issues Knowledge about
community-based institutions, which is also obtained, and their roles in the sustainable
use and conservation of natural resources, helps to facilitate or reinforce a consensus
tenure an rights for the region, now and in the future.

This survey aims to provide practical steps for field-based

practitioners to follow in conducting socio-economic surveys of households and
villages, including focus group discussions and key informant interviews. This survey
is accompanied by nine Supporting Notes. These are essential tools for gathering socio-
economic information, the results of which can be used as input to collaborative land
use decision-making tools and procedures.


1) What are the problems faced by them for not having trees cultivation?
2) What do they hope to achieve by growing trees?
3)Would they know the importance of tree plantation?
4) Do they know the after effects of not having proper trees around the surroundings?
5)Did they plant any trees till now?
6)Do they have any interest towards planting trees before the awareness program?
Loss of Habitat: One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of
deforestation is the loss of animal and. plant species due to their loss of
habitat. 70% of land animals and plant species live in forests. Not only
does deforestation threaten species known to us, but also those unknown.

Increased Greenhouse Gases: In addition to the loss of habitat, the lack

of trees also allows a greater amount of greenhouse gases to be released
into the atmosphere. Healthy forest absorb CO2 from the atmosphere,
acting as valuable carbon sinks. Deforested areas lose that ability and
release more carbon.

 Soil Erosion and Flooding: Without forests, the soil erodes and washes

away, causing farmers to move on and perpetuate the cycle. The barren
land which is left behind in the wake of these unsustainable agricultural
practices is then more susceptible to flooding in coastal regions.

 Water in the Atmosphere: Trees also help to control the level of water
in the atmosphere by helping to regulate the Water cycle. One of the most
important forests for regulating water cycles across the planet is the
Amazon rainforest. Its millions of trees work together to release moisture
into the air, creating atmospheric “rivers” that regulate Earth's weather
patterns. In deforested areas, there is less water in the air to be returned to
the soil. This then causes dryer soil and the inability to grow crops and
cause the food scarcity.

The Short-term and long-term action plan for possible solutions

for the problems identified and that could be recommended to the concerned
authorities for implementation are:

 GREEN BUSINESS: Green business concerns re-use and recycling.

Green methods of production and utilization of resources can
immeasurably reduce deforestation. Particularly, it’s the focus on re-
using. items, reducing the use of artificial items, and recycling more items.
Paper, plastics, and wood are linked to the destruction of forests and other
natural resources.

 ECO-FORESTRY: Eco-forestry is a move on saving the worlds forest.

It acknowledges that sometimes, the use of trees for various human
activities or reasons can be inevitable. Per se, eco-forestry underscores the
need of cutting down trees in an environmentally friendly manner. It is
where only cautiously selected trees are fell and transported with the least
possible damage to the area. Also, eco-forestry not only calls for the
preservation of the forest regions ecosystem but also allows for controlled
and green timber extraction.

 LAW AND REGULATIONS: Due to the nature and extent of forest

destruction, efforts to stop the human activities can be complemented by
laws and regulation at governmental and organizational levels.
 REPLANTING(REFORESTATION): Replanting or tree planting
utilizes almost the same aspect as community forestry. However, it
entirely focuses of replanting, a feature commonly known as reforestation.
Reforestation is the restoration or replanting of forests that have been
reduced by fire or felling. It requires an ongoing process and should not
be viewed as a onetime thing.

The central conclusion from the analysis is that role of plantation forests, in meeting
future wood and fibre demands, will increase during the next 30 years, irrespective of
future rates of plantation establishment. Trees in the ground already largely determine
wood supplies from forest plantation for the next decade. In many countries, a
considerable increase in areas of plantation forests reaching harvestable age will occur.
By 2010 the annual yield of plantation-grown industrial roundwood is estimated to
increase from its current 414 million to around 600 million m3yr-1.

Beyond 2010, plantation production forecasts are increasingly dependent on

assumptions of new planting rates, and on assumptions of improvements in annual
increments. There is scope, depending on policy decisions and markets, for forest
plantations to play a dominant role in industrial wood and fibre supplies. A more likely
scenario is that the proportion of forest plantation-grown wood will increase, but natural
forests will continue to supply a modest majority of industrial roundwood.

The question of where future plantation forest development is most likely to occur
remains unclear. At present, many governments remain active in plantation forest
establishment, either directly, through state planting programmes, or indirectly, by
providing incentives to the private sector. In some instances plantations realising non-
market values can justify incentives. In other cases the incentives are merely mai ntaining
wood supply capacity. In any event, under these circumstances, competitive and
comparative advantages are not clearly emerging.

The most significant forest plantation increases in the immediate future will be in
countries where specific public planting programmes are in force, most notably China
and India. In Europe, plantation establishment is likely to be mainly dictated by the life
span of EU incentive policies. Europe is largely self-sufficient in terms of wood-fibre
volumes and development of a larger than present plantation-based export trade seems
a unlikely development.
Student Self-Evaluation for the Community Service Project

Student Name: T. VISWESH

Registration No: 23JN5A3302

Period of CSP: 6 weeks From:16/06/2024 To:27/6/2024

Date of Evaluation:

Name of the Person in-charge: Dr.P.Kalyani, Ph.D.,

Address with mobile number: Kovur ,7207208529

Please rate your performance inthe following areas:

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank

1) Oral communication 1 2 3 4

2) Writtencommunication 1 2 3 4
3) Proactiveness 1 2 3 4

4) Interactionability withcommunity 1 2 3 4
5) Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4

6) Self-confidence 1 2 3 4
7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4

8) Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4

9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4

10) Creativity 1 2 3 4
11) Quality ofwork done 1 2 3 4

12) Time Management 1 2 3 4

13) Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4

14) Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4


Date: Signature of the Student

Evaluation by the Person in-charge in the Community/Habitation

Student Name: T. VISWESH

Registration No: 23JN5A3302

Period of CSP: 6 weeks From:16/06/2024 To: 27/06/2024

Date of Evaluation:

Name of the Person in-charge: Dr.P.Kalyani ,M .Tech, Ph.D.,

Address with mobile number:Kovur, 7207208529

Please rate the student’s performance inthe following areas:

Please note that your evaluation shall be done independent of the Student’s self-evaluation

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank

1) Oral communication 1 2 3 4

2) Writtencommunication 1 2 3 4 5

3) Proactiveness 1 2 3 4

4) Interactionability withcommunity 1 2 3 4 5

5) Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4

6) Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5

7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4

8) Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5

9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4

10) Creativity 1 2 3 4 5

11) Quality ofwork done 1 2 3 4

12) Time Management 1 2 3 4 5

13) Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4

14) Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5


Date: Signature of the Supervisor


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