actividades inglés 3er sem

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1- Contesta los siguientes ejercicios en AFIRMATIVO DE PRESENTE SIMPLE.

Elige la opción correcta.

1 Mechanics usually ____ work at nine o'clock



2 My cousin Peter ____ in France.



3 The village bank ____ at eight o'clock in the morning.



4 Susan ____ toys and clothes for children.



5 I usually ____ coffee and toast for breakfast.


6 Mike ____ old cars.



7 This museum ____ dozens of paintings.



8 She ____ volleyball after school.



9 Our parents ____ on the second floor.



10 Luke ____ to work by bike.


Escribe la forma afirmativa del presente simple utilizando las palabras más abajo y el infinitivo
entre paréntesis.

You / going / on holiday (like).
You like going on holiday.

1) You / playing / football (like).

You________ football.

2) I / to watch / television (want).

I __________ television.

3) He / football / at weekends (play).

He __________ football at weekends.

4) Mary / home / after work (go).

Mary __________ home after work.

5) Mary / a cup of coffee / on Friday afternoons (have).

Mary ____________ a cup of coffee on Friday afternoons.

6) It / winter (snow).

It _____________ in winter.

7) The cat / its milk (drink).

The cat _________its milk.

8) Dave / about his job (worry).

Dave __________ about his job.

9) He / his English homework / every evening (do).

He __________ his English homework every evening.

10) My boss and I / once a month (meet).

My boss and I __________ once a month.

2- Contesta los siguientes ejercicios en NEGATIVO DE PRESENTE SIMPLE

Presente simple negativo. Elige la opción correcta.

1 He ____ a book every month

 doesn't reads

 doesn't read

 does read not

2 You ____ my girlfriend yet.

 don't know

 doesn't know

 know don't

3 Your grandmother ____ in Chicago.

 don't live

 doesn't live

 doesn't lives

4 They ____ to the beach on their holiday.

 doesn't go

 don't go

 don't goes

5 He ____ any magazine.

 don't reads

 doesn't read

 doesn't reads
6 Peter and Tom ____ to the gym.

 do go not often

 don't go often

 don't often go

7 My neighbour's dog ____ too loudly.

 don't bark

 doesn't bark

 don't barks

8 I ____ to understand him.

 don't needs

 need not

 do not need

9 The world population ____ above three billion people a year.

 doesn't grow

 don't grow

 don't grows

10 My brother ____ pasta.

 don't eat

 doesn't eat

 don't eats

Presente simple negativo. Escribe el verbo en verde en presente simple negativo.

1 Peter (not to talk) ________________ to many people.

2 Elephants (not to live) _________________ in Europe.

3 The train (not to leave) ________________ until five.

4 You (not to learn) _________________ very fast.

5 She (not to cry) _________________ no more over a thing like this.

6 Mary (not to eat) _______________ too much pasta.

7 Please, (not to open) _______________ the window.

8 My family (not to care) _______________ about me.

9 I (not to drink) __________ milk every day.

10 Steve and his wife (not to go) ____________ shopping together.

3- Ejercicios del presente simple INTERROGATIVO II

Presente simple interrogativo. Pasa las siguientes oraciones a interrogativas.

1 Peter doesn't talk to many people.


2 Elephants live in Africa.


3 You want to visit many countries.


4 The ship doesn't arrive in the morning.


5 She does not know a lot of Maths.


6 Mary wants some more cake.


7 The boy plays with the computer.


8 They go shopping on Fridays.


9 I don't have a good opinion of you.


10 Lucy and her husband live in Dublin.

4- Elige la forma correcta del presente simple interrogativo del verbo to be.

1 ______ this my house?

 Am
 Is
 Are

2 ____ you sad?

 Am
 Is
 Are

3 ____ Mary at home?

 Am
 Isn't
 Aren't

4 ____ I a good friend?

 Am
 Is
 Are

5 ____ that city in Europe?

 Am not
 Isn't
 Aren't

6 ____ they not your parents?

 Isn't
 Aren't
 Are

7 ____ Susan and her sister hungry?

 Am
 Is
 Are

8 ____ his family happy?

 Am not
 Isn't
 Aren't

9 ____ his new boyfriend German?

 Is
 Am
 Aren't

10 ____ a bit fat?

 Am not I
 Am I
 I'm


Antes de comenzar el ejercicio recuerda que existen pronombres singulares y plurales. A
continuación, te ofrecemos una explicación al respecto.
Los singulares son:

o I: yo
o You: usted o tú
o He: él
o She: ella
o It: usado para un “animal” o “cosa”.

Los plurales son:

o We: nosotras o nosotros

o You: ustedes, vosotros, vosotras
o They: ellos, ellas. Es usado para personas o cosas; ejemplo de este pronombre para cosas:

The cars are blue (Los carros son azules): They are blue (Son azules)


En estos ejercicios de los pronombres personales en inglés debes reemplazar la palabra subrayada
con el pronombre correcto:

1. Reemplaza la palabra subrayada con un pronombre personal:

1. Peter is a teacher.

o ____is a teacher.

2. Peter and Oscar are teachers.

o _____are teachers.

3. Maria plays tennis.

o _____ plays tennis.

4. Charles and I like American movies.

o _____ like American movies.

5. The cat is black.

o _____is black.

6. The cats are white.

o _____are white.

7. The computers are expensive.

o _____are expensive.

2. Traduce las siguientes frases:

8. Yo soy italiano.

o _____ am Italian.

9. Usted es enfermero / Tú eres enfermero.

o ____are a nurse.

10. Ustedes son enfermer@s / Vosotras sois enfermeras / Vosotros sois enfermeros.

o ____are nurses.

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