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Werner G. Bergen 3 and Melvin T. Yokoyama 4

Michigan State University, East Lansing 48824

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SUMMARY polysaccharides into usable substrates and the
concomitant fixation of non-protein nitrogen
This paper is a review of the current knowl- into microbial cells places the ruminant in a
edge on the productive limits to rumen fermen- unique niche in animal production systems. The
tation. The following topics are discussed: trend has been toward ever-increasing output of
Ruminal carbohydrate fermentation and ATP milk and meat by ruminants. The question that
generation; heat and gas losses during ruminal must be considered is to what extent can the
fermentation; ruminal microbial growth yields rumen provide nutrients to the host for high
and efficiency; YATP and the maintenance performance or should the rumen be regulated
coefficient; manipulation of fermentation prod- or bypassed to get more efficient utilization of
ucts and growth efficiency; digesta passage and more refined feedstuffs. The anerobic nature
substrate disappearance; the role of ciliate
and other characteristics of the ruminal fermen-
protozoa in the rumen. This review reempha-
tation place an upper limit on the potential
sizes the need for even further study to enhance
nutrient yield for the host from this fermenta-
the utilization of feedstuffs for optimal animal
tion. In this paper, we will describe the physio-
logical processes that limit ruminal output of
(Key Words.- Rumen, Fermentation, ATP Yield, nutrients and discuss how these processes may
YATP, Cell Yield, Maintenance Coefficient.) be regulated to maximize ruminal output.
Ruminal Carbohydrate Fermentation and
The feedstuffs consumed by ruminants are ATP Generation. The occurrence of an aerobic
all initially exposed to the fermentative activity fermentation in the digestive tract of the
in the rumen. Dietary polysaccharides and ruminant dictates that besides significant inher-
protein are generally degraded by the ruminal ent energy losses (i.e., heat of fermentation and
microorganisms into characteristic end products methane), the amount of free energy (ATP)
which in turn provide nutrients for the host's derived from the dietary constituents consumed
metabolism. The extent and type of transfor- will only represent a fraction of its aerobic
mations of feedstuffs in the rumen will influ- potential. Stoichiometric estimates indicate
ence the host's productive performance. Hun- that only 4 to 5 ATP are generated per hexose
gate (1966) has described the rumen as a molecule fermented in the rumen representing
common denominator and also as a limiting about 10 to 12% of its potential aerobic yield
process in agricultural production systems with (Hungate, 1966). This generated ATP, however,
ruminant animals. is not entirely lost to the animal, since it is put
Clearly, the ruminal degradation of 3-1inked to use for de novo synthesis and maintenance
of microbial cells, which along with the volatile
fatty acid end products of fermentation can be
1Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal utilized by the animal to meet its nutritional
Article No. 7906. requirements. The resultant effect of this ar-
2Presented at the Symposium on Turning Rumen
Fermentation On and Off to Maximize Animal Pro- rangement, however, is that productive effi-
ductivity, Northeast Sections of the American Society ciency of the animal is compromised and
of Animal Science and American Dairy Science Associ- probably limited, in exchange for sustaining a
ation, July 12, 1976, Beltsville Agriculture Research rumen microbial capacity to convert fibrous
Center, MD.
feeds and non-protein nitrogen into products of
3Ruminant Nutrition Laboratory, Department of
Animal Husbandry. nutritional value. The key question, therefore,
4Agricultural Fermentation and Nutrition Labora- appears to be how to manipulate ruminal
tory, Department of Animal Husbandry. fermentation such that the optimal production

of end products of nutritional value is coupled of 10, as determined for Metbanosarcina bakeri
with an optimal response in net microbial cell and "Metbanobacterium omelianskii" (S-
growth. organism and MOH strain) values between .16
The chief source of energy (ATP) in the and .44 mole of ATP per CH4 are obtained
rumen is derived from the fermentation of (Stadtman, 1967). ATP is required for initial
carbohydrates (starch, cellulose, pectins and activation of the reaction, with the terminal

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hemicellulose) to volatile fatty acids. While the methyl reduction probably being the site of
basic ruminal microbial saccharoclastic path- free energy exchange. A current assignment of
ways have been elucidated (Baldwin, 1965), moles of ATP generated per mole of end
estimates of the theoretical yield of ATP from product produced is: acetate, 2; propionate, 3;
specific reactions are still arbitrary, especially butyrate, 3; and methane, 1; (Is~acson et al.,
for propionate and methane production. In the 1975).
rumen, propionate is produced via the dicar- The most important factor which influences
boxylic acid (randomizing) pathway and by the ruminal microbial fermentation is the diet.
direct reductive (non-randomizing) pathway. Alteration of the rate and type of fermentation
The contribution of each pathway is dependent which ensues by manipulation of dietary carbo-
on the diet. While the dicarb9xylic acid path- hydrates and their physical form is a well
way is the predominant one, increasing carbo- known phenomenon. However, the nature of
hydrate availability will increase the role of the the change in terms of the microbial population
direct reductive pathway, presumably because and its energetic consequences is not clearly
of an increase in lactate as a precursor (Baldwin understood. Furthermore, our knowledge of
et al., 1963). While the theoretical ATP yield the modifying effects of factors such as dilution
(.67 mol ATP/mole lactate) for the conversion rate (rate of passage) and intermicrobial interac-
of lactate to propionate appears to be in tions, especially on YATP yields, is incomplete.
agreement for various propionate-producing While shifts in ecological niches constantly
microorganisms, the theoretical ATP yield for occur in the rumen, resulting in transit changes
the conversion of glucose to propionate is still in the microbial population (adaptation), some
in doubt. It has been suggested (Hobson and pure culture studies (Wolin, 1975) suggest that
Summers, 1972) that Selenomonas rumina- fermentation end products could be quite
ntium in the conversion of pyruvate to propio- different for specific ruminal microorganisms
nate, with glucose as substrate, derives 3 ATP in depending on the effect of the carbohydrate
the flavoprotein-linked electron transport from substrate on dilution rate. Other studies (Hob-
NADH to fumarate, pyruvate to malate, and son, 1965; Stouthamer and Bettenhaussen,
methylmalonyl CoA to propionate. This is not 1973) have demonstrated that microorganisms
consistent in propionibacterium, which forms will shift their fermentation to less efficient
propionate from pyruvate via malate dehydro- pathways as dilution rate increases, but because
genase and methylmalonyl CoA transcarboxyl- of lower maintenance requirements, show a net
ase. For propionibacterium it is postulated that growth response. There are instances however,
2 ATP are generated in the cytochromeqinked of microorganisms which do not adhere to this
electron transport from NADH to fumarate mechanism of action (Wolin, 1975). Some
(de Vries et al., 1973). Selenomonas ruminant- recent continuous culture studies show that
ium, however, could account for most, if different dilution rates do not affect total VFA
not all, of the rumen production of propio- or acetate production, but as the dilution rate
nate via succinate. (Wolin, 1975), and its increases, propionate tends to increase and
decarboxylating activity is 87 times as great as butyrate tends to decrease (Isaacson et al.,
that of propionibacteria (Sijpesteijn and Elsden, 1975). In this regard, an in vivo increase of
1952). dilution rate by incorporation of mixed mineral
The energetics of methane production are salts into a diet resulted in the increased
still not clearly understood (Stadtman, 1967). dilution rate being negatively related to the
Calculations of the free energy change for the molar proportion of propionate and positively
reduction of CO2 with molecular hydrogen to related to the molar proportion of acetate, with
methane is about - 3 2 Kcal per mole of no difference in total VFA production (Thomp-
methane formed. Based on this value, a theoret- son et aL, 1975).
ical yield of 4 ATP per mole CH4 produced can While the rumen is the major site of fermen-
be calculated. However, based on a YATP value tation, and our understanding of its function

(albeit incomplete) permits us to discuss its maintenance of the microbial population. Only
manipulation, much remains to be learned a few direct calorimetric estimates have been
about post-ruminal fermentation and the micro- made of this energy loss. Heat of fermentation
biology of the ruminant large intestine. A (HF) values for two cows immediately after
recent review of the structure and function of consuming a concentrate feed were .99 and .77
the ruminant large intestine has been published Kcal/kg ingesta/hr. After being fed a mixed

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(Ulyatt et al., 1975). Providing large amounts grass-legume hay ration, the HF values were .44
of fermentable carbohydrates has demonstrated and .38 Kcal. Fasting for 24 hr, resulted in
that while most of it will be fermented in the decreased HF values of .10 and .11 Kcal
rumen, a significant quantity will escape to the (Houp~, 1968). Indirect estimates (CO2/CHa
lower gut and undergo secondary fermentation ratio, in vitro substrate fermentation and stoi-
(Orskov et al., 1971; Karr et al., 1966). chiometric calculations of end products) indi-
Considerable amylolytic, cellulolytic, proteo- cate that the heat of fermentation ranges from
lytic, deaminase and urease activity has been 3% to 12% of the gross energy of the feed
detected in the large intestine (Orskov et al., (Blaxter, 1962), with a probable modes for
1969, 1970; Hecker, 1971, Mann and Orskov, cellulose of about 6% (Marston, 1948). This is
1973). Commensurate with this fermentation in contrast to a value of about 1% for digestive
are changes in the microbial population, and heat loss in nonruminants. It is still open to
the production of additional volatile fatty acids question as to how effectively this energy loss
and microbial cells. Overloading concentrates can be recovered, and how significant a contri-
into the rumen of cattly and sheep has been bution it would make to productive efficiency.
shown to increase caecal concentrations of Factors such as feed quality and quantity will
lactobacilli, streptococci, coliforms and Clos- have a marked influence on its variability, by
tridium perfringens (Allison et aL, 1975). While affecting the type of fermentation developed
caecal and large intestine fermentation and (Blaxter, 1962). Accommodations can also be
microbial cell synthesis would appear to be a made in reducing fermentative heat loss by
disadvantage to the ruminant, there is evidence altering the physical form of dietary constitu-
for volatile fatty acid and ammonia absorption ents (grinding, flaking, chemical predigestion,
Ulyatt et al., 1975), the significance of which etc.), but overall conservation must be assessed
has not been fully ascertained. In view of recent against the rate of fermentation and microbial
interest in rumen by-pass of nutrients and growth response. Furthermore, fermentative
increasing dilution rates, however, it would be heat can be and usually is credited to body heat
an important consideration to be taken into maintenance (Houpt, 1968). To the extent that
account. The nutritional implications of the it would reduce fermentative heat loss, selective
autochthonous microflora of the lower intesti- protection of dietary components (partial
nal tract of the ruminant has yet to be studied. avoidance of fermentation) could also be a
Heat and Gas Losses During Ruminal Fer- manipulative approach. This would however,
mentation. Actual energy losses as a result of circumvent rather than alleviate the problem.
ruminal fermentation far exceed the energy Thus, the problem appears to be that since the
losses associated with the hydrolytic reactions heat of fermentation is an exponential expres-
of nonruminant digestion. While short of at- sion of total microbial energetic efficiency
tempting to completely remove this ruminal (Walker, 1965), it is difficult to take into
fermentation in the process of digestion, the account the numerous variables and their inter-
question arises as to how, and to what extent actions, some of which have yet to be even
these energy losses can be reduced to improve identified in the rumen. In this regard, the
productive efficiency of the animal, and yet utilization of rumen simulation modeling sys-
retain the advantage of the arrangement. The tems, as proposed by Baldwin et al. (1970), and
ruminal energy losses which bear the most by Koong and Baldwin (1976) would be of
scrutiny in this regard are (1) the heat of benefit in rapidly evaluating microbial interac-
fermentation, and (2) methane production. tions and the energetic efficiency of fermenta-
The heat of fermentation is the free energy tion types.
which is dissipated as a result of inefficiencies The production of methane in the rumen is
in microbial metabolic activity (anabolic and subject to fewer variables than fermentative
catabolic reactions) in the rumen. By defini- heat, and as such would appear to be more
tion, it is not associated with the energy loss in amenable to direct manipulative control. The

identification of these variables has been largely Actually very little is known about the role o f
due to the intensive research interest which has acetate in rumen methanogenesis, and rumen
proceeded in this area, and several excellent methanogens which utilize it as a precursor.
reviews (Bryant, 1965; Stadtman, 1967; De- Nutritional studies with Methanobacterium
meyer and Van Nevel, 1975) are available. ruminantium, have identified an essential
Methane will usually constitute between 15% to growth factor, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid

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30% of total ruminal gases, and its production (coenzyme M), for the organism (Taylor et al.,
is influenced by such factors as the physical and 1974). Other work (Prins, 1974) has demon-
chemical nature of the feed, as well as the level strated an N-acetylglucosamine requirement for
of intake (Hungate, 1966). In contrast to Mb. ruminantium. These findings suggest an
fermentative heat, however, its production opportunity for controlling rumen methano-
(e.g., energy loss) expressed as a percentage of genesis by this specie.
the gross energy of a particular feed is relatively Ruminal Microbial Protein Synthesis. The
constant. A reasonably accurate estimate of its Role o f Dilution Rate and Maintenance Coeffi-
energy loss from most feeds is about 8% of the cient on the Efficiency o f Cellular Growth. The
gross energy (Blaxter, 1962). Another distinct ruminal fermentation can be likened to a
characteristic of ruminal methane production is continuous, anaerobic microbial culture
that it is not directly proportional to the (chemostat) system (Hungate, 1966). The
digestibility of the feed consumed (Blaxter, salient components of a continuous system,
1962). Highly digestible feeds result in less substrate supply, end product removal, buffer
methane production per unit of caloric energy capacity, temperature control and dilution rate
consumed. However, above a maintenance level (growth rate) regulation are all present in the
of intake, this decrease is less for these feeds unique symbiotic relationship between the
than for feeds of a lower digestibility (Blaxter reticulo-rumen and the host.
and Clapperton, 1965). Ratios for moles of Two classes of microorganisms are usually
methane produced to moles of hexose fer- found under natural ecological conditions. The
mented for various carbohydrate substrates aerobic organisms use excess oxygen as an
range from .3 to .5 with a mean of .45 electron aceptor and thereby have a high
calculated from a number of in vivo determina- potential of ATP generation from a given
tions (Hungate, 1966). substrate. The anaerobic organisms must use a
It is now well established that the major variety of limiting metabolites as electron ac-
precursors of rumen methane are H 2 and CO2. ceptors and hence have a much lower potential
Formate, which is degraded to CO2 and H2 via for ATP generation from a given substrate
formate hydrogenlyase, is estimated to contrib- (Gunsalus and Shuster, 1961). The limiting
ute about 18% of rumen methane (Hungate et factors for microbial growth under aerobic and
al., 1970). Other precursors include methanol anaerobic conditions are carbon and energy,
and acetate, other alcohols, and volatile fatty respectively (Gunsalus and Shuster, 1961).
acids. While these other precursors are not Hungate (1966) proposed that energy availabil-
thought to be significant in the rumen, acetate ity for microbial growth was the limiting factor
may be important under certain conditions. and hence there must be an upper limit of
Earlier studies showed that rumen enrichment microbial cell production in the rumen. Since
cultures produced methane from acetate and anerobic rumen microorganisms are a major
suggested that its contribution to methanogene- source of protein for the host and provide the
sis may increase in vivo with time after feeding only mechanism for non-protein nitrogen
(Opperman et al., 1961). Data from in vitro (NPN) utilization, and since high productivity
continuous culture studies with ruminal micro- by the host is desirable, quantitative aspects of
organisms suggest that acetate may be a signifi- microbial cell synthesis are important to animal
cant precursor of methane, especially at low production.
dilution rates (Isaacson et al., 1975). Under Extensive research was conducted in batch,
conditions of low partial pressures of hydrogen energy limiting cultures to relate.cell growth to
and high acetate concentrations, acetate may be substrate disappearance. Bauchop and Elsden
the preferred precursor for methane produc- (1960) concluded that adenosine triphosphate
tion, since less reducing equivalents would be (ATP) was the common denominator between
required for reduction of the methyl group growth and substrate disappearance and that
than for carbon dioxide (Zeikus et al., 1975). microbial growth was directly proportional to

the amount of ATP generated from the catabo- generated from cytochrome-linked electron
lism of energy substrates. Bauchop and Elsden transfer or substrate phosphorylation reactions
(1960) defined the relationship between ATP in anaerobes. (Hobson and Summers, 1 9 7 2 ;
and cell growth as YATP (molar growth yield Hungate et al., 1971 ; deVries et al., 1974).
per mole ATP or g organisms (dry weight) per Recently a major breakthrough was achieved
mole ATP). From the work of Bauchop and in this area when Stouthamer and Bettenhaus-

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Elsden (1960) and others (Forrest and Walker, sen (1973) proposed that YATpwas not con-
1971, Payne, 1970; Stouthamer, 1969), it was stant and that the molar growth efficiency of
further concluded that the YATP was a con- microorganisms depends on their specific
stant value for different microorganisms. The growth rate and maintenance requirements.
generally accepted value for YATP is 10.5 These workers pointed out that all previous
(Stouthamer and Bettenhaussen, 1973). studies on YATP were done in batch cultures or
From the formulation of the YATP concept continuous cultures with excess energy. Stou-
and from knowledge of ATP yields for the thamer and Bettenhaussen (1973) determined
various catabolic pathways in the rumen, Hun- the YATP for A. aerogenes grown at various
gate (1966) calculated that the rumen fermen- growth rates (dilution rates; D) in an energy
tation can produce about 10 g of microbial limiting chemostat. They were able to show
protein for each 100 g carbohydrate fermented. that as growth rate increased, YATP also
This value would represent an upper limit of increased. The yA Max
TP was determined to be
synthetic capacity in the anaerobic ruminal around 25. From these results, Stouthamer and
fermentation. Purser (1970) calculated that this Bettenhaussen (1973) were also able to esti-
level of protein synthesis was equivalent to 18.3 mate the maintenance coefficients at various
g digestible protein per Mcal digestible energy, a growth rates. It was shown that slow growing
protein-calorie ratio below that required to organisms have a much higher maintenance
meet the protein requirements of young grow- coefficient and it was concluded that any given
ing ruminants and less than such ratios estab-
YATP value is determined by the specific
lished from empirical balance studies with
growth rate (or more generally dilution rate; D)
growing ruminants (Purser, 1970). In vitro
and maintenance coefficient (Me) in any given
isotope incorporation studies with rumen con-
physiological situation. Thus YATP is low
tents (Bucholtz and Bergen, 1973), energy
(<10) in slow growing cultures but may ap-
balance calculations from ruminal fermenta- = Max
tions (Baldwin, 1970), and ingesta passage proach the YATP of 25 at high growth rates.
studies with sheep using NPN-eontaining diets Major maintenance energy needs by microorga-
or microbial cell markers (Hogan and Weston, nisms would be for motility, replacement of
1971; Hume et al., 1970; Lindsay and Hogan, lysed cells, intracellular ionic concentrations,
1972) all showed that the microbial protein active transport and turnover of intracellular
synthesis rate was from 15 to 22 g per 100 g components (Marr et al., 1963). It is only after
organic matter fermented. these requirements have been met that net
Growth yield studies with pure cultures of microbial growth from which the animal can
rumen bacteria (Hobson, 1965, Hobson and benefit can occur.
Summers, 1967; Hungate, 1963), certain Strep- Isaacson et al. (1975)extended the approach
tococcus strains (Moustaffa and Collins, 1968) of Stouthamer and Bettenhaussen (1973) to
and A c t i n o m y c e s israelii (Buchanan and Pine, mixed ruminal cultures grown at various D in a
1967) produced YATP values from 15 t o 2 0 . continuous culture system using glucose as an
These high values were at that time considered energy substrate. These workers found that the
anomalous growth yields since the pathways for YAT P was also not constant for ruminal bacte-
ATP production were not adequately known ria and observed that YATP rose from a value
for the above organisms (Forrest and Walker, of 7--8 at a D of .02 h-m to 1 6 - 1 7 at a D of .12
1971). h q . lsaaeson et al. (1975) found that at a low
Assuming a constant YATP (Payne, 1970), D, approximately 55% of the energy derived
the anomalous growth yields of pure cultures of from glucose was used for maintenance, where-
organisms and microbial protein yields in excess as at high D only 15% of the available energy
of the upper limit proposed by Hungate (1966) was used for maintenance. These workers con-
may be attributed to higher ATP production cluded that over the physiological range of
than previously proposed. Extra ATP could be ruminal conditions, YATP values vary broadly

and are dependent on the maintenance coeffi- This whole area needs further study in ruminal
cient of the bacteria, which is a function of the systems.
dilution rate. Under ruminal conditions, the diurnal varia-
Cole e t al. (1976) and Kropp e t al. (1976) tions in microbial numbers and fermentation
studied abomasal passage of microbial protein activity in relation to time after feeding (War-
and ruminal organic matter disappearance. ner, 1965) suggest that fluctuations in the

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They used various combinations of roughage, microbial Me coefficient could be quite large.
grain, and protein supplements in their studies. Increasing the frequency of feeding should
Based on lignin passage to the abomasum, Cole stabilize these fluctuations. Increasing feed in-
e t al. (1976) and Kropp e t al. (1976) also take, on the other hand, generally means a
computed ruminal dilution rates. In these stud- higher rate of passage (increased dilution rate)
ies, dilution rates varied from .02 to .06 h -1. (Van Soest, 1975) which will increase YATP
Microbial protein synthesis was higher at the and Y substrate yields by decreasing the micro-
higher dilution rates and the overall range was bial maintenance. Serious attempts to manipu-
from 7 to 10 g per 100 g DOM to 17 to 20 g late rate of passage should take into account:
per 100 g DOM. These results are a direct (1) a decreased feed digestibility, ( 2 ) a decrease
example of the principles outlined by Stouth- in ruminal protozoa numbers, (3) possible
amer and Bettenhausen (1973) and Isacson e t changes in macromolecular composition of mi-
al. (1975) that efficiency of microbial growth is crobial cells, and (4) possible changes in fer-
dependent on maintenance which in turn is a mentation end products. Optimal microbial cell
function of dilution rate. The extra VFA yield must be assessed and counterbalanced
produced by the microorganisms during periods against the digestibility of the feed, as an
of high maintenance needs are not totally lost increase in cell yield (especially with highly
as they can be used by the host; however this fermentable carbohydrates) would not be ex-
use will have a negative effect on the protein- pected to nutritionally offset a decrease in
energy ratio as more energy is available con- digestibility (Isaacson e t al., 1975). This factor
comitantly with less microbial protein produc- again reemphasizes our need to thoroughly
tion (i.e., less microbial cells mass produced per understand the function of the lower intestinal
unit of energy and per unit of substrate). As tract of the ruminant in regard to nutrient
previously indicated, Me is not a constant and absorption and energetic efficiency. With an
will vary with different microorganisms. The increased rate of passage, ruminal protozoa
Me coefficient is also not a fixed entity for a numbers will also decrease (Coleman, 1975)
specific microorganism, since conditions of and considerations must be made for the
growth such as excess or limited substrate lowered amount of protein from this source.
availability, osmolarity, and redox state will There is, however, some question as to the
affect its value (Stouthamer and Bettenhaussen, significance of ruminal protozoa contribution
1973). to net microbial protein passage, and its de-
Other factors (e.g., other than D) may also crease may not be a serious problem. This will
influence the maintenance coefficient of micro- be discussed in another section of this paper.
bial cells and hence modulate growth efficiency Of considerable interest is the effect of
and the YATP. Stouthamer and Bettenhaussen increased dilution rate on changes in the macro-
(1973) reported that a shift in media NH4 CI molecular composition of the microbial cells
levels (from .2 to .4%) increased the mainte- produced. As dilution rate increases, the rela-
tive content of RNA increases greatly, whereas
nance coefficient in A . a e r o g e n e s but the V~ATP
ax the relative content of DNA and protein de-
was not affected. Other factors that may affect clines (Kjeldegaard, 1967). Should this be the
microbial maintenance requirements are the situation in the rumen, improvement in cell
presence of growth inhibiting substances and yield may be at the expense of microbial
the unfavorable shifts in the ionic composition protein quality and quantity, which would be
in the culture media (Stouthamer and Betten- an obvious disadvantage to the animal. Lastly,
haussen, 1973). Since there are wide fluctua- as dilution rate or microbial growth rate in-
tions in ruminal osmolality from hypotonic creases, microorganisms will shift their fermen-
(250 m osmolar) to hypertonic (400 m os- tation to less efficient pathways and yet may
molar) after feeding (Bergen, 1972), the effi- show a net growth because of lower mainte-
ciency of microbial growth could be impaired. nance requirements. (Hobson, 1965). Regula-

tion of carbon flow into fermentation end other ruminal microorganisms under methano-
products as a function of growth rate is not gen dependent and independent conditions
completely understood. In regard to the latter have been described (Wolin, 1975). In essence,
two considerations, it has been demonstrated these model systems (no tri-culture studies have
that increasing dilution rate will markedly yet been conducted) suggest that successful
influence bacterial enzyme activities (Matin et competition for electrons by rumen methano-

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al., 1976). gens shifts the fermentation away from ineffi-
Manipulation o f Fermentation Products and cient pathways (i.e., from ethanol, lactate,
Growth Efficiency (Cell Yield). Productive effi- formate and perhaps, succinate) to acetate
ciency can be improved in the rumen by production, which should make more ATP
exploiting what is known about the microbial available for growth. Related to this discussion
processes and advantageously manipulating the is the observation that some strains of Seleno-
end products of fermentation (i.e., volatile monas ruminantium, although producing only
fatty acids and microbial cells). Current re- trace amounts of H2 in pure culture, will
search interest has centered on attempting to substantially increase H2 production in the
inhibit rumen methanogenesis by shifting the presence of methanogenic bacteria (Scheifinger
reducing equivalents away from CO2 to end et al., 1973).
products of more nutritional value, thereby If Hungate's hypothesis is accepted, there-
conserving the estimated 8% loss in feed energy. fore, shifting ruminal fermentation away from
That this is a real possibility has been demon- methane to propionate production should re-
strated by in vitro and in vivo studies (Van sult in a decrease in molar cell yield because of
Nevel et al., 1969; Rufener and Wolin, 1968) less ATP availability. Demeyer and Van Nevel
which show H2 accumulation, as a result of (1975) varied ruminal fermentation to change
methane inhibition, with a concomitant shift in the proportions of methane and propionate
fermentation end-products, primarily to propio- produced, and measured in vitro N1 s and p32
nate. There is, however, some controversy as to incorporation to estimate microbial cell yield.
whether the inhibition of methanogenesis Although they were able to effect a wide
would be an advantageous manipulation with variation in the proportions of these end
regard to ruminal fermentation efficiency. This products, based on their incorporation data,
controversy concerns the hypothesis that meth- they concluded that in batch cultures a shift to
ane formation serves as an energy sink into a low methane and high propionate type of
which the electrons from all ruminal microorga- fermentation was not associated with a decrease
nisms drain, in turn allowing them a higher in microbial growth efficiency. This would be
yield of ATP, and generating additional ATP contrary to Hungate's hypothesis. On the other
(Hungate, 1966). In effect, this hypothesis hand, some in vivo results (Jackson et al., 1971)
suggests that methanogenesis modulates micro- have demonstrated an increased yields of micro-
bial cell yield by its effect on net ATP yield, bial cells with an increase in propionate produc-
and its inhibition (conservation of feed energy) tion. These researchers, however, altered the
will be offset by a decrease in efficiency of net physical form of the ration by grinding and
microbial growth. pelleting which may have increased rate of
In vitro studies concerned with the interac- passage (dilution rate) and thereby the specific
tions of ruminal microorganisms, specifically in growth rate of the ruminal microorganisms. It is
combined cultures, have conceptually con- conceivable that under conditions of decreased
firmed this hypothesis (Iannotti et al., 1973). methane production (batch culture or constant
In these studies, co-culturing Ruminococcus dilution rate in a continuous system) increased
albus and Vibrio succinogenes demonstrated availability of succinate and its conversion to
that an H2-utilizer (V. succinogenes) can alter propionate (perhaps providing additional ATP
the fermentation end products of an H2-pro- via anaerobic cytochromeqinked electron trans-
ducer (R. albus) such that more ATP is made port) could be making up for or complementing
available for growth. The symbiotic association the ATP generated via acetate formation in the
of Metbanobacterium ruminantium and S- presence of a competitive methanogen. Seleno-
organism is another example where the removal monas ruminantium, an important propionate
of H2 by the methanogen can stimulate the producing bacterium in the rumen, is known to
growth of the S-organism by almost twofold possess a cytochrome b linked electron trans-
(Bryant, 1972). The probable interactions of port system, and this property is believed to be

related to its higher molar growth yield (62 g pear from the rumen more or less at the
cells/mole glucose) (Hobson and Summers, prevailing outflow rate. Although the optimal
1967). NH3-N (and possibly amino acid) levels (Maeng
The Role o f Digesta Passage and Degradative and Baldwin, 1976a,b; Maeng et al., 1976) that
Rates on Substrate Utilization in the Rumen. are necessary for microbial growth are not
Rate of substrate disappearance from the precisely known (estimates vary from 5 mg

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rumen is a combined function of ruminal NH3-N to 23 mg NH3-N/100 m. rumen liquor
outflow (passage) and the rate of degradation. (Satter and Slyter, 1974; Mehrez and Orskov,
Particle size and specific gravity are the two 1976)) it is clear that if preformed proteins are
primary factors that control the potential exit the sole N source in diets of ruminants,
of a feed particle from the reticulo-rumen excessive bypass will limit microbial growth and
(Balch and Campling, 1965). Coarse, poorly VFA production. This point was amply demon-
digestible roughage will be retained in the strated in steer feeding trials by Schmidt et al.
rumen for a long period to achieve breakdown (1973) with formaldehyde treated soybean
and will be poorly consumed. Grinding of this meal.
roughage will increase the rate of disappearance The Role o f Ciliate Protozoa in Rumen
from the rumen and hence intake. An increased Fermentation and Host Metabolism. The extent
rate of disappearance from the rumen (e.g., of the contribution of ciliate protozoa to the
passage) will actually decrease the extent of ruminal carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism
roughage digestion (Van Soest, 1975). The has long been debated. Oxford (1955) argued
same phenomenon is not readily observed with that protozoa provide the host with a higher
more digestible feedstuffs such as processed quality, "animal type" protein source. The
grains as the rate of digestion will generally protein quality (NPU), protein digestibility and
exceed the rate of outflow (or dilution rate) lysine content of ruminal protozoa exceeds
from the rumen (Hungate, 1966). values found in ruminal bacteria (Bergen et al.,
Hungate (1966) detailed the expected extent 1968a,b). Abou Akkada and el Shazely (1964)
of digestion of either soluble, soluble polymer found that the average daily gain of faunated
and insoluble carbohydrate substrates. The rate feeder lambs was significantly higher than for
of microbial degradation of soluble carbohy- defaunated lambs, although overall the daily
drates (simple sugars) vastly exceeds the rate of growth rates were quite low (80 to 100 g/day).
ruminal outflow (dilution rate) so that very few Klopfenstein et al. (1966) reported that defau-
simple sugars escape ruminal fermentation (Hun- nated sheep fed restricted high grain rations had
gate, 1966). Medium size, polymerized, soluble a lower apparent dry matter and protein diges-
carbohydrates are degraded somewhat more tion and N balance than did faunated lambs.
slowly than are simple sugars and more of these Concomitantly, the faunated sheep had consist-
materials will escape ruminal fermentation. ently higher rumen ammonia-N concentrations
Regardless of rate of degradation, the outflow (Klopfenstein et al., 1966) a phenomenon also
of the insoluble structural carbohydrates is noted by other workers (Eadie and Hobson,
dependent on particle size, and hence ruminal 1962; Males and Purser, 1970).
outflow will not affect ruminal disappearance Rumen ciliate protozoa engulf bacteria and
of these materials until the proper particle size use these as a source of amino acids and
is reached (Hungate, 1966). possible other growth factors (Coleman, 1975).
A treatment similar to the one for ruminal Large species of protozoa may also engulf and
carbohydrate disappearance used by Hungate use plant proteins directly. The overall rate of
(1966) is depicted for preformed dietary pro- bacterial (S. boris) breakdown by mixed proto-
tein sources (figure 1). The major deviation zoa in the rumen was estimated to be 5.2% per
from the above considerations for carbohy- hour (Jarvis, 1968). The high rate of protozoal
drates is that proteins resistant to degradation engulfment of bacteria may be responsible for
are not usually physically restrained from leav- the much lower ruminal bacterial concentration
ing the rumen. Figure 1 shows that the extent generally found in faunated animals (Coleman,
of ruminal breakdown (or bypass) of proteins is 1975; Eadie and Hobson, 1962; Males and
a function of both outflow and catabolism. Purser, 1970).
Proteins that are rapidly catabolized do not Only about one half of the engulfed bacte-
escape the rumen, whereas slowly catabolized rial N is utilized by the protozoa and the
proteins such as zein (McDonald, 1954)disap- remaining portion is released back into the

1.0 (Pilgrim et al,, 1970), 70% and 30% (Hungate et

al., 1971) and 50% and 50% (Bucholtz and
i.~. . Spillover Bergen, 1973), respectively. In all the above
E x~o.kt studies roughage based rations were used. It had
always been assumed that the protozoal protein
synthesized in the rumen would quantitatively

Downloaded from by ASAS Member Access user on 16 June 2019

pass to the omasum and then be digested in the
abomasum and small intestine. Further it had
0 always been commonly assumed that most
Time bacteria and protozoa leave the rumen with the
fluid-smaU particle phase. If the rumen fluid
Figure 1. Hypothetical d~pp~rance rate of pre-
formed proteins and digesta spillover (outflow) rate
concentration of bacteria and protozoa as well
from the rumen. The disappearance from the rumen of as the rumen fluid dilution rate were known,
the fast, medium and slow degrading proteins is a the passage of microbial protein to the lower
combined function of the specific degradation rates [x gut could be determined. Weller and Pilgrim
(a-t) where t < a; x = fraction of protein remaining (1974) compared the actual appearance of
after time t; the degradation rate is linear during time
0 ~ aI and the ruminant spillover rate (x ---e-kt, where protozoa in the omasum with an estimated
x is fraction of outflow marker remaining in the outflow based on dilution rate data. The work
rumen after time t). The three protein disappearance indicated a passage of protozoa to the omasum
curves can be described by the combined general only 6 to 29% of that which was estimated
formula x = e -kt (a-t).
from the dilution rate data. It would appear
that the protozoa undergo some sort of seques-
rumen (Coleman, 1975). The higher ruminal tration in the rumen and that protozoal turn-
NH3-N levels in faunated animals may be a over is therefore slower than the rumen liquor
direct consequence of the poor protozoal utili- dilution rate. (Weller and Pilgrim, 1974).
zation of bacterial N and thus represents a The above data raise the possibility of a
sizeable inefficiency (or an increase in mainte- cycling protozoa pool within the rumen with
nance energy costs) for overall ruminal micro- little net protozoal protein passage to the lower
bial protein synthesis. This extensive loss of gastro-intestinal tract. If this were indeed the
bacterial amino acid-N and partial conversion case, ruminal protozoa would actually limit
into protozoal protein has not been interpreted ruminal protein production and depress the
as a major detriment to the productivity of supply of amino acids to the host.
ruminants as it was felt that the higher protein Coda. The two major reactions of the
quality and digestibility of protozoa would ruminal fermentation are the degradation of
counterbalance any net N losses (Coleman, carbohydrates to V F A as a method of energy
1975). This view may be somewhat misleading (ATP) generation and the concomitant produc-
as the Biological Values of mixed bacterial and tion of microbial cells. The overall scheme of
protozoal preparations (at least with rats) are ruminal activity is depicted in figure 2.
the same (85 vs 82) (Bergen et al., 1968a) and The capacity for microbial growth depends
only the protein digestibilities differ (75 vs 87) primarily on the extent of ATP generation.
improving the NPU for protozoa by eight units Other factors such as the dilution rate (growth
(Bergen et al., 1968a). In animals fed high rate) can modulate the maintenance needs for
roughage (low net energy (NE)) rations this loss microbial cells. At high microbial growth or
of microbial N may not be critical as the ruminal dilution rates, the ATP needs for
animal's protein requirement depends on the maintenance are quite low, and much of the
available energy for growth, b u t in high produc- ATP is available for cell synthesis, while at low
ing ruminants fed high NE rations this loss of dilution rates the major portion of available
microbial N may be critical. It should be ATP is needed for maintenance of the microbial
emphasized however that protozoa are seldom cells.
found in high numbers in the rumen of animals For optimal ceils synthesis, other precursors
fed high grain rations (Coleman, 1975). are needed. These include an adequate supply
From a variety of experimental approaches of NH3-N, carbon skeletons, sulfur, possibly
bacterial and protozoal protein synthesis (as a free amino acids (Maeng et al., 1976) and other
percent of total microbial protein synthesis) not well identified cofactors. The process of
have been estimated to be 80% and 20% V F A production from carbohydrates and cellu-

microbial protein. J./Maim. Sci. 27:1497.

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