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2020-21 Science Bee Nationals - Elementary Extra Questions

Extra Questions - Elementary

Extra Questions
(1) Long period varieties of these objects come from the Oort Cloud. In 1994, one
of these objects named Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into (+) the surface of Jupiter.
Solar wind causes the tails of these objects to always point away from the (*) star
which they orbit. For the point, name these icy bodies that orbit the Sun and include
examples named Halley's and Hale-Bopp.

ANSWER: Comets (accept Short-period comets; accept Long-period comets; accept

Periodic comets)

(2) As a consequence of its high density, this body's atmosphere experiences

super-rotation. Unique volcanic features on this body's surface include pancake
domes and ticks. This body is the only (+) planet to experience retrograde rotation.
Due to its similar size, this body is sometimes called "Earth's twin." The hottest
surface in the Solar (*) System is found on, for the point, what second planet from the Sun?


(3) In 1961, Bernice Eddy discovered that millions of people were exposed to SV40
[[S-V-"forty"]] through contaminated vaccines for this disease. During the Cutter
incident, thousands of Americans were given faulty (+) live-virus vaccines for this
disease. This disease's first vaccine was invented by Jonas Salk in the 1950s. Paralysis
can be (*) caused by, for the point, what disease that attacks the nervous system?

ANSWER: Polio (or Poliomyelitis)

(4) Children with this disorder typically fail the Sally-Anne test, demonstrating a
lack of theory of mind. The DSM Five reclassified this (+) disorder as a spectrum,
subsuming the previous diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome. Low (*) social interest and
communication struggles characterize, for the point, what neurodevelopmental condition?

ANSWER: Autism (or Autism Spectrum Disorder; accept ASD; accept answers relating to
being Autistic; prompt on "on the spectrum" and similar answers)
2020-21 Science Bee Nationals - Elementary Extra Questions

(5) Ralph Solecki controversially claimed that the presence of flower pollen with a
buried member of this species was evidence of ritual burial. This species is believed
to have frequently interbred with the closely related (+) Denisovans
[[deh-NEE-soh-vins]]. The 1983 discovery of this species's hyoid bone suggests they
had the ability to talk. A valley in Western (*) Germany names, for the point, what
cave-dwelling relatives of modern humans?

ANSWER: Neanderthals (or Homo Neanderthalis; accept pronunciations which replace

the "TH" with a "T" sound; prompt on "Neander Valley")

(6) The vaccinia [[vak-SIH-nee-ah]] virus is used to inoculate against this disease
and was first harvested from sores on the hands of milkmaids. During a 1763 siege,
British and American soldiers (+) used this disease as a bioweapon by distributing
contaminated blankets. The world's first vaccines were produced by Edward (*)
Jenner to prevent this disease. For the point, name this deadly disease caused by Variola
viruses, which was eradicated in the 1970s.

ANSWER: Smallpox (prompt on "Variola Major" or "Variola Minor" before mentioned)

(7) With theophylline [[thee-AH-fih-leen]], this compound is often used as a

treatment for sleep apnea among premature babies. This stimulant is often extracted
using supercritical (+) carbon dioxide. Due to being an adenosine
[[ah-DEH-noh-seen]] antagonist, this alkaloid compound is commonly used to prevent
(*) drowsiness. For the point, name this stimulant found in tea and coffee.

ANSWER: Caffeine (accept Guaranine; accept Methyltheobromine)

(8) A solution of ferrous iron and this compound is used to treat drinking water as
Fenton's reagent. Within eukaryotic [[yoo-"care"-ee-AH-tik]] cells, specialized
vacuoles use catalase [[KAT-ah-"lace"]] to (+) break down this compound into water
and oxygen. Often used as a first aid antiseptic (*), for the point, what is this compound
with formula H2O2?

ANSWER: Hydrogen Peroxide (accept H2O2 before mentioned; prompt on "peroxide")

(9) Common ores of this element include nagyágite [[nahg-YAH-gite]], petzite and
krennerite, from which this element can be extracted through (+) cyanide leaching.
Iron pyrite superficially resembles this element, lending it the nickname (*) "fool's"
this element. High conductivity and malleability characterize, for the point, what precious
metal known for its yellow color?

ANSWER: Gold (accept Au)

2020-21 Science Bee Nationals - Elementary Extra Questions

(10) In a wheel and axle system with equal wheel and axle mass, this quantity for
the wheel is equal to mass times radius squared. For a belt and pulley system, this
quantity is equal to the (+) axial force on the belt multiplied by the radius of the drive
pulley. This quantity, symbolized tau, is the time derivative of angular (*) momentum.
For the point, name this rotational analogue of linear force.

ANSWER: Torque (accept Moment, Moment of force, Rotational force, or Turning effect)

(11) This thinker was the first to note the color-changing camouflage of octopuses.
In On the Heavenly Spheres, this thinker claimed that the stars were suspended in an
imperishable aether [[AY-ther]]. This (+) thinker posited the prime mover in his
Physics. The Nichomachean [[nih-koh-mah-KEE-an]] Ethics were written by, (*) for the
point, what Greek philosopher who tutored Alexander the Great?

ANSWER: Aristotle (or Aristoteles)

(12) This type of radiation creates free radicals by reacting with CFCs, which can
damage the ozone layer. This kind of radiation creates vitamin D from ergosterol
[[er-GAH-steh-rol]] and (+) 7-dehydrocholesterol [[dee-hy-dro-"cholesterol"]]. The
primary cause of (*) sunburns, for the point, what is this type of electromagnetic radiation
which has wavelengths longer than x-rays, but shorter than visible light?

ANSWER: Ultraviolet Radiation (or UV Radiation; prompt on "radiation")

(13) A type of crystallography using this radiation was used by Rosalind Franklin to
take a photo of the structure of DNA. The discovery of this type of (+) radiation earned
Wilhelm Röntgen [[RENT-gen]] a Nobel Prize in Physics. With a lower frequency than
gamma (*) rays, for the point, what is this type of radiation which can be used to image

ANSWER: X-rays (or X-Radiation; accept Röntgen Radiation before "Röntgen")

(14) The pika [["PIE"-kah]] is a close rabbit relative found in these biomes.
Guanacos [[gwah-NAH-kohs]] and vicuñas [[vih-KOO-nyahs]] are two South American
(+) camelids [[KAM-eh-lids]] noted for living in these biomes. Plant-life on these
biomes typically stops above the snow line (*). For the point, name these high-altitude
biomes found in places such as the Himalayas.

ANSWER: Mountains (accept Alpine; accept Mountain range; accept Highlands; accept
Himalayan Mountains)

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