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Giemsa Followd Local ptimal eboice' Gl eoolw Alege.) with —inkencl of pacing global aptimrum. - 9 A qr alg erithen is an approach to Aolvin 4 a problem thal selects Whe most eppiake option baseol on ne crrnl aitval(or> FS Bret SOG © al sHhin Usk >) > - oe bez WPS Mamie —€7 tlvwst : This olgmidhon ignores the fock thal We current, beat result may mo not bair aboud the overcdh ophmet rel Even if ke initial oleeiion wos incone te akg 6a thn never reverses jt. Loach Slim e D Feasible Setulion (Seleeiion) 2) Optimal” Solulion !- . ate speech se e > Mima Cost on of wie opt => Marimam PORES HT TE Ton > Miniowm Risk 5 Lo en Cote Ne pli AY knapsack Prolaler ay Hellrer Cookin ne) a) dob Sequencing = Optimmad. Menge . ter . S) Spamming eet oS bijste's, Agositvn sss Limi allio ns / Disoclvonlage: @ It maka judgment ee on the wfprenalor al cacy felt without cemideri she beader problem 5 hence Tk does ne al produce the bet answer for every problem. e@ Te problematic port is analyzing its accuracy. © Optinvzalion robles (Dik re’s Algorithm) with neqalive, qeph edger cannt be solvecl using a greedy akgorith nn. A ! ag Gat slow @ wd queventeed h, nd, hes wen 5 ; : | 0 The greedy meted So AMI § shriALfomarch | vay te solve optinizafion problems e@ iti cary te implemen and onde lane —— EeE==~=_—=. Applicalion of Greely Technique, Merny ACs one of the main % imxpolon Provlenr of Geeky Technique. JO KA we oil have “Profit” “weight? q- Aowk, most “2 Ob jeeks” comesporcling with o Knapsack means. bay, Arcl knapsook “pacity will be given. Here. we Sm “mnaidiwen puofit. eo th ati Aeccly pacbleny nee C cptmat e A m we tinol onl optima elution OI ‘ 4 Dp in Kinvepsack ue will ate Thaee Techwever,,, 3) Greedy abo profit ) Greedy how weg 3) Ws Greedy atool both. (Best > J , 4y) Cyeedy obwul Profits As we know we hove Mopacty a : , i jt (28) with Chose object which hove Wigh profit (2 Nee ~ weights Ub) pak iF in Knap satle (borg) of 20 coped. / - % aenea ete’ Peptic 5 (8 reat 2. ia wo R oftes Aol /\ D 7 pf we Will choose oby2 ~ i SP Reagec ty ie 7 weight 18 uble th. bag we have of 2. Se, vr Al, weceme) AA] Hho ¥ Ww M =. Manton ren which 16 2 We reign of ohjy. whids tS 1s R= Oofit of ob}, wld is QM. “Whur: Forewla is Po PA Ona pat valver P2284 24( 22) =? 2) Greedy about” al Hore fst we will cheese, wd objet which hes lowest = So we wi pe Objs, in bag. uglvche “ad, 20 ceepaeiy. 310 capacity te. 043 fre wogil . ‘ after Ob72 we Lill Avo Se Obj with wei | whle arGirrwm capauly Aame procedure, ill Opp by Wainy formula. e = P+ HM eae ee 1 + 240) => £3) Pine Pe Croft=1o of | bag iS rss 10 865 ” | a: ee 3) Oe abouk botn Boe fitt one qn dake coblg became it had KuTWAT — proposier (valve) anerr ofhts & P= Pofit-Qu _|s weft enpnsty a bal Nent will esse obj, beewid wes valve geal 3 : 40 4" rec or then oh 4, while it?s CH pacity eaikeeapuithe z Thun manimem capacity] S. B&, Ma Pe HM ot pais tS) > Lrsrsl- TRS iy our GARETT optimal aAglilinn bez abs eretit more yen ethers paket Cm [= >? > 28D : Algorithm of 34 Techessye @ for it ten colewele tofi/ewoghl Cormplenity oln) Roliomy ‘trtoyn) + ; ‘ @ Sot sie in deceoring) order of Fry fy jet we if My ank Wee ola) + o(ntagh Jeon Me Maw P= Pxhis )" clye break ie yA 70 DY Tire complessty of = P+ Pi Ut); ___ Kaapseals frablens « Se z Mary Gelling I ss get Pe encode compaeys the. clecle D& loin with Exa les One menage WU consis of doo oracles . Arol we hove 6 otplabela ates [P> @..> EF) with pees fic frequencies ~ Few Cacccling merage we vill une ASCII encoding range: fom 0-10 emnsshof Fhit. Se fer Showiny Achamebe Fhite arr using, od howe 400 characte. Thea: FAxloo = Ho sits bo 2: Hu n + To encode, ‘ mexdag e and. encode chareelay in a “minimuns “bist.” 5 ea Y 2 — Su Echwitue: As uc bnew we have 6 charreland we Con Shan each chwrelay in differen” Ashik. + &=000. , b=d01 7 c= O10 5 deo e= l00 oa f= fol So, far shanna VL dvaaclet “ Dbits oret Carer oye ne have 400 / Chovacley Bs ne heave 6 alprabely (element) take v0 element wi evi nn frecyenct) wld ws 4 He. fom rere cha far pat on let Ajdle bee Nod lowrt valve dign e23- Arel then oly adelition or eae fer valves wirick will be O. pat tes Sin HE foble of alprolel 2% again eke ae hart valwg <8 ancl cypp fre Aame proce Unlil Henk if value real then ppeafic value put charaeler on nig aide. tel’s chareclin woget SO ee Sg menyret iS We. lO megeve} Dye SRA 20 memjer ef “yo%b priv fe Lef cide of Hoff man Vee wil ’@O fe) A je Q riget side JM be > i Sy 4.9 bloke NN jeldo extol, F= [lO —a2 Now mrvutlipe ' ry bit meen Whe value of charael , loi ° { cherie ty oe f cll’ Cee Ceo Caan Yequived Aewtly CG) Value x beat | Se xa ia $e tee ex 3 = 30 “eM Be x 2D BHC) A= hoto ony a 20 @= Voll\ ae e = F= tetle ie o las — Je can encode MeMaye of 400 chavacler eer MUNinwm 186 bits. = = Tiss} < 400 < Foo Bik for cack choveclo: Averege bits negpired to aspen” ae chorneliy = 13y = i: as Bh oaecln ; ! “T6o vane for Teo bite « 4 a x = [7 _bik/charentey for 300 pik 2 308 = ae = Rene] ] Mini 2 4288 a Se Applicalian of Get Techni NING Ewe GL eaplesn it with awmedeak let ye awe sver King) ay a Seftrware Eoae gee pace 4 Jobs (4 softrone) trek 7 hwe to develop, Every softente has 2paramelers one. is presi & Seeondl is its, 1 deadkine we ane mex oma uni proceso “ae (score ene re Hon (fiak vrrd te conplele one ph then can)e ope eeny (is wait, te alle okie ) Beng will Fake A ont of time for exeenbinn - Komple: > Th ww gues Aable oe know hak, Ca oo wy Dredmanth wile eveay pe can be Encl) int Aeon Fp Tp can be sempelich in Ct mand or tn Zh muah’ ssl Tay dq should be complete in 2 months ber ths denltine LmUC 2»? ‘ aenth. OUC forget qo schedule jobs » is 7 Pa et nan ak we gah inom eat (obs git te scleolele Gebs in garth chart. — Gantt Chart 2 0 wo 2S Derbine, we need Merimwm profit a J, hor Man foht Ws Shecuulg. Suni —] | . : L DP Nel Mon foo fit Schedule. in 2 ~ . Meth bee yak déndline,”» » oe on hat Mlcadiine of 2rrentha L a lx P2Sotlo= 60s net manicin, poltt “ee wan tHe & Janll net, Dl Te as ott it her deadline. of enc gee ey ee Talon pie month © Se me can Scheele THiS job ir 2°4 month. r Loe) P=S0 Now he mesmo Profit we ef J. Se sckedube ina rth : du Th F2 sone er . So prs best schedule oy wehewe man Profib= FY. 14 ovidtarnat rapt Dd Arenge ell jobs Pn decreasing oreley of Slog), 2) For cack Jobo) de Mees Acar ta! Sing parbiader slot in anasy ° size(n)y where N= main deadling Pan me total Joos if mewbr ef jdos eawert * dedi Haan tig complenit-y n= => Oh eo art Applicelion of Greedy Technique y- Oph Mo Moge filter: Ehtean: Tn “hn we heave 3 files wth recordA swe need te merqe, them ath 6 conver Eng ato: one. big le. Fablem: we can o merqe 2 files et the same Hee Ta Ys proces Sve will find ont the Swomlber ae of vecurd revemens- Purpose nee to find ont minimum number of reel movement, while merqi ahem in atitle- bee! minim movementh vill Jake Abort Here +o 1 me mere recor. + “xX _ ( ' Feasible $0 baions 4 Technique: oat | ELIS= ae at takes J fk A, fast ral ant Go +60] ®) (o440 dina) oN me [h) [ble ™ tf De 30 10 38 Fim Both Technique number of record of movement are WO & (00 Wh 7 net minima. Merge falletni ie vill we WHA patlern far optimal so lions Lo . First dake 2 fijes) vehuds howe vainiowen vere ref. a \ [4s) Ga Ca 9 Ee & 32) we 7B Seis our optimal Aveo. * langithwr: Eee / ) Creale Min Heey with on files ij dime caplet Ga) Bont exch level Aemuve’ eo + mininwen » & Cb fen nin heap!* and pat Oth again ya pest Time, colony = 3 Lognlot) “Time tompleni hy 2z0(n boy) e—_— | a “pptialin of Creadey Techni | 5. os innit B 5 A comeceol _ Aub raph ‘$? of Graph (vs &) x» Aci fe be alana only if its following Hose prrpetien . "S? shold contain ootk vey tices o Qepl QS ses F Geph |EY qI=ph_ ne exyele JS celloweck — built Quek . cormectedd. with all vertices ne iselatied verter ables ce po _ Uke te a isoleded ver! averted [ES “TW Spanning Wee Spemvirg Wee! YS reuld cater Civ) cAgps. \ L if Queph hay “edger au Nodes. D. Gepla™ oles sgamer) Vee cell ecg» (Wt) = Bver tices “Tr? tis def: @ Tee vr span Weer bee nw cyl, & ert ver tices | a connscléd méans reachasle s Gg: if ype have, compl le gph then how many Spannins P err ave possible 7 . i a Ko hes Ang af Wwe! howe -. ky complete ype lev eo cee vb Spanning ore = ky Wy > ay st) > nol Tum v4 eth aroonch t ek. cE Tm ik alk cvewre (cleckisise or onliclectvise ) all o Gees ) then You will hon (cuckivise an J , ve Mf will have 4 Posstnbtion You ier 2 if 2 oxi i bilihys UT puseintlihy o—S ae cb 7 ad ars Miler turning ath aveunel Afr teining atl arovrt will have U4 possibilities mill kawe UL postition Tes: yetizuey -(46] For KS KE SE for knowing Sforniry Tees we. formule. bee EER is mvt posible Jo Pow ail spain) Tees. as fr ks WSO) ©) wo Ors = — | hove \ —= ApplicaLion of Greedy Teduninhe b- Dipatn Apiton 0 * snot) path “S also collect minimization cg orton Ee is fe a geoph which tonsist of edges Snales- $22 Tt id Sek ote finol oul nine angle Aovree. shortest path fo " acer all other nrodet means te reach ell dher nrodiy with one node 69 ware) greedy opprrach « £ always faa splint arawer: I >» ened im google meq? » Docial ndluosking, DNA mapping » delep hens. relive rk ee - east cost - . Working: mule “20° scp comist of Divek Quaph: Nw 3B nocler A 2 edocs, Mow : . The main cfm ef algoritirr 3s relartatior » — * Rlanakion if + dlw) +cu,y) < Ald Aw) = acuy+ clu). (Soure) whag Bisa fintrede fom where ve stot taveting Vis a firwl nocke whee uc will reaches. Ae Ais tore c=cost an raph O-~ will fake as some U s @©: wil me ay Vi for @. ini batty , Suppose we olomt kow he at [For © SG, it will Se infiacte. a Uro y ve, TL 20 O— 3B , A te .. woe tot . Pil lies im Rg oT edu) +cWsv) Fom Or dle) + c(u,v) Deck eccers ~ 44 Naw minmwn 4 fin) > 4,2 te 00 44 Biter Hail. whS 5 4.23,6 Alter B%Mjro-- rfid _, 1553008 AN shertest galls founded sae says: 2. @ @ Aller 9-44 (fi) > Aoyd ® @ @ @ D> New ithe qoph becomts

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