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1. Schedule of the mock test plan is subject to change depending upon actual 70th BPSC
notification and exam date.
मॉक टे काय म 70th बी पी एस सी परी ा की वा िवक अिधसूचना और परी ा की ितथी के आधार
पर संशोधन के अधीन है।
2. All attempts will be made to provide cent percent accuracy in the answer key.
However, if any abnormality is observed in the answer key of any particular
question, then such abnormality can be brought to the notice of admin.
उ र कंु जी म शत ितशत सटीकता दान करने के िलए सभी यास िकए जाएं गे। हालांिक, यिद
िकसी िवशेष की उ र कंु जी म कोई असामा ता दे खी जाती है, तो ऐसी असामा ता को
व थापक के ान म लाया जा सकता है।
3. Mock test program will be available both in Hindi as well as in English medium.
मॉक टे काय म िहंदी के साथ-साथ अं ेजी मा म म भी उपल होगा।
4. Total 38 Sectional mock test will be conducted for 70th BPSC Pre exam.
कुल 38 से नल मॉक टे 70 वी ं बीपीएससी ( ी) परी ा के िलए आयोिजत िकये जायगे।
5. Mock test will be conducted in Online mode only.
मॉक टे केवल ऑनलाइन मोड म आयोिजत िकया जाएगा।
6. Mock test LINK will be available on mock test schedule date at 10 AM on BPSC
PATHSHALA ( telegram group.
मॉक टे िलंक BPSC PATHSHALA ( टे ली ाम ुप पर मॉक टे के िलए
िनधा रत ितिथ को सुबह 10 बजे उपल होगा।
7. Candidates are to submit mock test before cut-off date/time as per schedule shared in
BPSC PATHSHALA ( telegram group.
उ ीदवारों को बीपीएससी पाठशाला ( टे ली ाम ुप म साझा िकए गए
शे ूल के अनुसार कट-ऑफ तारीख/समय से पहले मॉक टे सबिमट करना है।
8. Please note that the link to appear in a particular Mock Test will be disabled after
cut-off date/time of that particular Mock Test. However, pdf of question paper
along with answer key will be provided after result of a particular Mock Test.
कृपया ान द िक िकसी िवशेष मॉक टे म उप थत होने का िलंक उस िवशेष मॉक टे की
कट-ऑफ तारीख/समय के बाद िन य हो जाएगा। हालांिक, उ र कंु जी के साथ प का
पीडीएफ एक िवशेष मॉक टे के प रणाम के बाद दान िकया जाएगा।
9. A consolidated marks details cum merit list of each mock test will be published on BPSC
PATHSHALA ( telegram page.
ेक मॉक टे का एक समेिकत अंक िववरण सह मे रट सूची BPSC पाठशाला
( टे ली ाम पेज पर कािशत की जाएगी।
10. Individual answer sheet of each Mock Test with correct/incorrect response will also
be provided to each participant on their registered e-mail.
ेक ितभागी को उनके पंजीकृत ई-मेल पर ेक मॉक टे के सही/गलत िति या वाली
गत उ र पु का भी उपल कराई जाएगी।
11. PDF Copy of question paper along with answer key will be provided to each registered
candidate after result of a particular Mock Test.
एक िवशेष मॉक टे के प रणाम के बाद ेक पंजीकृत उ ीदवार को उ र कुंजी के साथ प की
पीडीएफ ित दान की जाएगी।

Sl Mock Test Question upload Cut-off Topic No of

No No Date/Time Date/Time Ques.
1. Mock Test-1 26 Nov 23/10 AM 27 Nov 23/6 PM NCERT History Class-6 60 Ques
2. Mock Test-2 03 Dec 23/10 AM 04 Dec 23/6 PM NCERT Geog & Polity Class-6 40 Ques
3 Mock Test-3 10 Dec 23/10 AM 11 Dec 23/6 PM NCERT Science Class-6 20 Ques
4. Mock Test-4 17 Dec 23/10 AM 18 Dec 23/6 PM NCERT History Class-7 50 Ques
5. Mock Test-5 24 Dec 23/10 AM 25 Dec 23/6 PM NCERT Geog & Polity Class-7 50 Ques
6 Mock Test-6 31 Dec 23/10 AM 01 Jan 24/6 PM NCERT Science Class-7 30 Ques
7. Mock Test-7 07 Jan 24/10 AM 08 Jan 24/6 PM NCERT History Class-8 80 Ques
8. Mock Test-8 14 Jan 24/10 AM 15 Jan 24/6 PM NCERT Geog & Polity Class-8 30 Ques
9 Mock Test-9 21 Jan 24/10 AM 22 Jan 24/6 PM NCERT Science Class-8 30 Ques
10. Mock Test-10 28 Jan 24/10 AM 29 Jan 24/6 PM Current Affairs-1 100 Ques
11. Mock Test-11 04 Feb 24/10 AM 05 Feb 24/6 PM NCERT History Class-9 25 Ques
12 Mock Test-12 11 Feb 24/10 AM 12 Feb 24/6 PM NCERT Geog & Polity Class-9 60 Ques
13. Mock Test-13 18 Feb 24/10 AM 19 Feb 24/6 PM NCERT Science Class-9 50 ques
14. Mock Test-14 25 Feb 24/10 AM 26 Feb 24/6 PM NCERT History Class-10 40 Ques
15 Mock Test-15 03 Mar 24/10 AM 04 Mar 24/6 PM NCERT Geog & Polity Class-10 60 Ques
16. Mock Test-16 10 Mar 24/10 AM 11 Mar 24/6 PM NCERT Science Class-10 50 Ques
17. Mock Test-17 17 Mar 24/10 AM 18 Mar 24/6 PM Current Affairs-2 50 Ques
18. Mock Test-18 24 Mar 24/10 AM 25 Mar 24/6 PM NCERT History Class-11 (Old) 80 Ques
19. Mock Test-19 31 Mar 24/10 AM 01 Apr 24/6 PM NCERT Indian Geog Class-11 75 Ques
20. Mock Test-20 07 Apr 24/10 AM 08 Apr 24/6 PM NCERT Phy Geog & Polity Cl-11 80 Ques
21. Mock Test-21 14 Apr 24/10 AM 15 Apr 24/6 PM NCERT History Class-12 100 Ques
22. Mock Test-22 21 Apr 24/10 AM 23 Apr 24/6 PM NCERT Geog & Polity Class-12 100 Ques
23 Mock Test-23 28 Apr 24/10 AM 29 Apr 24/6 PM Indian His (Ancient & Medieval) 100 Ques
24 Mock Test-24 05 May 24/10 AM 06 May 24/6 PM PHYSICS 100 Ques
25 Mock Test-25 12 May 24/10 AM 13 May 24/6 PM Current Affairs-3 50 Ques
26 Mock Test-26 19 May 23/10 AM 20 May 23/6 PM Indian Geography 100 Ques
27 Mock Test-27 26 May 24/10 AM 27 May 24/6 PM Indian History (Modern) 100 Ques
28 Mock Test-28 02 Jun 24/10 AM 03 Jun 24/6 PM CHEMISTRY 100 Ques
29 Mock Test-29 09 Jun 24/10 AM 10 Jun 24/6 PM Physical & World Geog 100 Ques
30 Mock Test-30 16 Jun 24/10 AM 17 Jun 24/6 PM BIOLOGY 120 Ques
31 Mock Test-31 23 Jun 24/10 AM 24 Jun 24/6 PM Indian Polity 100 Ques
32 Mock Test-32 30 Jun 24/10 AM 01 Jul 24/6 PM Current Affairs-4 100 Ques
33 Mock Test-33 07 Jul 24/10 AM 08 Jul 24/6 PM Economy and Budget 100 Ques
34 Mock Test-34 14 Jul 24/10 AM 15 Jul 24/6 PM History of Bihar 50 Ques
35 Mock Test-35 21 Jul 24/10 AM 22 Jul 24/6 PM Geography of Bihar 50 Ques
36 Mock Test-36 28 Jul 24/10 AM 29 Jul 24/6 PM Bihar Current Affairs 50 Ques
37 Mock Test-37 04 Aug 24/10 AM 05 Aug 24/6 PM Current Affairs-5 100 Ques
38 Mock Test-38 11 Aug 24/10 AM 12 Aug 24/6 PM Mathematics 50 Ques
TOTAL 2630 Ques

Sl No Mock Test No Topics Brief details of the Mock Test

1. Mock Test-1 NCERT History Class-6  Reference book: - Our Past-I
 All chapters of NCERT Class-6 History are very important.
2. Mock Test-2 NCERT Geography & Polity Class-6  Reference book: - The Earth: Our Habitat
 Cover Class-6 NCERT Geography sincerely.
 Polity can be skipped
3. Mock Test-3 NCERT Science Class-6  Reference book: - Science Class NCERT Class-6
 Read for basic understanding of science.
4. Mock Test-4 NCERT History Class-7  Reference book: - Our Past-II
 All chapters of NCERT Class-7 History are very important.
5. Mock Test-5 NCERT Geography & Polity Class-7  Reference book: - Our Environment
 Cover Class-7 NCERT Geography sincerely.
 Polity can be skipped
6. Mock Test-6 NCERT Science Class-7  Reference book: - Science Class NCERT Class-7
 Read for basic understanding of science.
7. Mock Test-7 NCERT History Class-8  Reference book: - Our Past-III
 Important History book, Read sincerely
8. Mock Test-8 NCERT Geography & Polity Class-8  Reference book: - Resources & Development
 Have a look of all chapters of Geog for basic understanding.
 Skip Polity
9. Mock Test-9 NCERT Science Class-8  Reference book: - Science NCERT Class-8
 Read deeply. Important science book
10. Mock Test-10 Current Affairs-1  Cover Jul 23 to Dec 23 Current Affairs.
 Reference book: - Dristi/Civil Services Chronicle/Vision IAS
 Only National & International Current Affairs
 No short cut for current Affairs.
 Buy monthly magazine every month in hard copy without fail
11. Mock Test-11 NCERT History Class-9  Reference book: - India and the Contemporary World-I.
 This book Can be skipped. However, have a basic look.
12. Mock Test-12 NCERT Geography & Polity Class-9  Reference book: - Contemporary India-I
 NCERT Class-9 Geography is very- very important.
 Polity can be skipped.
13. Mock Test-13 NCERT Science Class-9  Reference book: - Science NCERT Class-9
 Read deeply. Important science book
14. Mock Test-14 NCERT History Class-10  Reference book: - India and the Contemporary World – II
 Read only chapter-2 (Nationalism in India) of Section-I
 Skip Section-II & Section -III
15. Mock Test-15 NCERT Geography & Polity Class-10  Reference book: - Contemporary India-II
 Read all chapters of geography NCERT Class-10 thoroughly.
 Polity can be skipped
16. Mock Test-16 NCERT Science Class-10  Reference book: - Science NCERT Class-10
 Read deeply. Important science book
17. Mock Test-17 Current Affairs-2  Cover Jan 24 to Feb 24 Current Affairs.
 Reference book: - Dristi/Civil Services Chronicle/Vision IAS
 Only National & International Current Affairs.
 No short cut for current Affairs.
 Buy monthly magazine every month in hard copy without fail.
18. Mock Test-18 NCERT History Class-11 (Old)  Reference book: - Ancient India (Ram Sharan Sharma)
 Most important History Book
19. Mock Test-19 NCERT Indian Geography Class-11  Reference book: - India Physical Environment.
 Most important book of Geography.
 Must Read without fail.
20. Mock Test-20 NCERT Physical Geog & Polity Class-11  Reference book: - Fundamentals of Physical Geography.
 Most important book of Geography.
 Must Read without fail
 Polity can be skipped
21. Mock Test-21 NCERT History Class-12 Reference book: -
 Themes in Indian History Part-I
 Themes in Indian History Part II.
 Themes in Indian History Part III.
 Must Read Must Read without fail
22. Mock Test-22 NCERT Geography & Polity Class-12 Reference book: -
 Fundamentals of Human Geography.
 India People and Economy.
 Must Read Must Read without fail
23. Mock Test-23 Indian History (Ancient & Medieval) Reference book: -
 Ancient India: R S Sharma.
 History of medieval India: Satish Chandra.
 Arihant Publication History Magbook.
24. Mock Test-24 PHYSICS  Reference book: - Lucent General Science.
 Mechanics, Heat, Sound, Light, Electricity, Modern Physics
25. Mock Test-25 Current Affairs-3  Cover Mar 24 to Apr 24 Current Affairs.
 Reference book: - Dristi/Civil Services Chronicle/Vision IAS
 Only National & International Current Affairs.
 No short cut for current Affairs.
 Buy monthly magazine every month in hard copy without fail.
26. Mock Test-26 Indian Geography Reference book: -
 Geography a comprehensive study: Mahesh Baranwal.
 Geography through Map- K Siddharth
27. Mock Test-27 Indian History (Modern) Reference book: -
 Indian freedom struggle by Bipin Chandra.
 Arihant Publication History Magbook.
 A brief history of modern India by Rajiv Ahir: Spectrum
28. Mock Test-28 CHEMISTRY  Reference book: - Lucent General Science.
 Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
29. Mock Test-29 Physical & World Geography Reference book: -
 Geography a comprehensive study: Mahesh Baranwal.
 Geography through Map- K Siddharth
30. Mock Test-30 BIOLOGY  Reference book: - Lucent General Science.
 Botany, Zoology, Health & Nutrition
31. Mock Test-31 Indian Polity  Reference book: - Indian Polity M Laxmikanth
32. Mock Test-32 Current Affairs-4  Reference book: - Dristi/Civil Services Chronicle/Vision IAS
 Only National & International Current Affairs
 No short cut for current Affairs.
 Buy monthly magazine every month in hard copy without fail.
33. Mock Test-33 Economy and Budget Reference book: -
 Pratiyogita Darpan Economics Extra Issue.
 Mrunal Economics YouTube Lectures.
 Annual Economic Survey (2023-24)-India/Bihar
 Annual Budget (2024-25)-India/Bihar
34. Mock Test-34 History of Bihar Reference book: -
 Anyone of these.
 Imtiyaz Ahmad: Hindi.
 Lucent Bihar Special: Hindi.
 Prayojan Pub Bihar Special: Hindi/English.
 Crown publication: English.
35. Mock Test-35 Geography of Bihar Reference book: -
 Anyone of these.
 Imtiyaz Ahmad: Hindi.
 Lucent Bihar Special: Hindi.
 Prayojan Pub Bihar Special: Hindi/English.
 Crown publication: English.
36. Mock Test-36 Bihar Current Affairs Reference book: -
 Dristi Bihar Special Monthly Magazine
 Cover Aug 23 to Jul 24 Bihar Current Affairs.
37. Mock Test-37 Current Affairs-5  Cover Jan 24 to Jul 24 Current Affairs.
 Reference book: - Dristi/Civil Services Chronicle/Vision IAS
 Only National & International Current Affairs
 No short cut for current Affairs.
 Buy monthly magazine every month in hard copy without fail.
38. Mock Test-38 Mathematics  Number system
 Percentage
 Proportion
 Profit and loss
 Time and distance
 Simple and compound interest
 Unitary method
 Average
 Basic Reasoning

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