6th Sem Previous Year

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JULY 2023


Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks (,()

Answer to Question No.l is compul ory and

Answer any Five (05) Questions from Question No.2 to Que tion No.8

1. Answer Any Five (05) questions: 3x5=15
/3) Define the term entrepreneurship.
c) Who is an intrapreneur? '
,a) What is Venture Capital Funds?
,7 e) Discuss the three characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. �
What are the various types of Ownership in small Business? •
What is an investor pitch?
) What do you know about MSME? �

/2. a) Who is an entrepreneur? a 3+6
./b) Explain important differences between an entrepreneur and a manager . g

a) State the basic characteristics of a partnership firms. 3+6 �

b) In the same context differentiate between a Public Limited Company and a Private
Limited Company.

a) Write short notes on Working Capital. • 3+6

b) State the difference between Gross Profit and Net Profit.

a) Is it necessary to follow tax related compliance for startups? 2+7

b) Explain the legal requirements and Compliances needed for establishing a small
enterprise in India.

a) What is a start-up business? 3+6

b) Highlight main features of start-up.

7. a) State the benefits of registering start-ups as MSMEs. 5+4

b) Discuss any two funding options available for startups.

a) State the feature of mergers and acquisition as exit strategy for busine S 4
b) In the same context discuss the pros and cons of an IPO.
L 2

JULY 2023


Full Marks: 60
Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours

Five (05) Questions from Group B.

Answer any Five (05) Questions from Group A and any

Group A

Answer any Five (05) Questions: 3x5-15

What is the usefulness of a website having Dynamic Content?

i) Show the difference between(Equal) and(ldentical) operators in PHP.
i i ) How a Foreach loop is different from a For loop in PHP?
iv) List the advantages of Apache Web Server.
)What is SQL Injection?
vi) What is the difference between echo and print statements?
(vii) How to delete a Cookie?


2.a) Write the difference between Static and Dynamic Websites.

/b) Write the advantages of using PHP. 5+4

3. a) Differentiate between $_GET and S_POST methods in PHP.

b) Write a PHP code to display the content of a form after clicking the submit button. 4+5

4. a) How are comments used in PHP? Explain with an example.

b ) Show the ways how a global variable can be accessed inside a function? 3+6

5. a) What is an ASsoCiative array'? Explain with an example.

b) Differentiate between include and require statements in PHP. 5+4

6. a) Suppose you have a database table User(Userld, Password). Create a Login Form to log in using
user-id and password for users using the database and PHP session.
b) What is the use ofa die() function? 7+2
A.Write a PHP code to open a file using read-only mode and print the content.
b) How you will redirect to another URL using PHP? 6+3

.What is Codelgniter?
bExplain Codelgniter Architecture 2+1


w n ko 176
JULY 2023


Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60

Answer to Question No. 1 is compulsory and Answer any Five (05) Questions from the rest.

Write Short notes on any five (05) of the following: 3x5

a) Metadata
b) Data Cube
c) Issues and challenges in data mining
d) Features of OLAP
e) Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.
Prepruning and post pruning approach in Classification
g) Association Algorithm in Data Mining

What do you mean by data warehouse? Why data warehouse is needed? State the differences between
operational database systems and a data warehouse. 3+2+4

What do you mean by data mart? State the advantages and disadvantages of data mart 3+6

Draw & explain a three-tier data warehousing architecture.

What is data mining? What are the various applications of data mining? Explain in detail. 3+6
State the steps involved in data mining when viewed as a process of knowledge discovery. Differentiate
between data warehousing and data mining. 5+4

State the Apriori property. What are the types ofknowledge discovered during data mining? 4+5

What is clustering? What are the features of a good cluster? Explain Hierarchical clustering
method. 3+2+4
Uoudpuaceudu out

July 2023


Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60

Answer to Question No. 1 is compulsory and Answer any Five (05) Questions from the rest.

1. Answer any five questions: (35)

a) Explain, in brief, the two basic problems in economics.
b) Define Production Possibility Curve. Why the curve is negatively sloped? 12
/c) Distinguish between change in demand and change in quantity demanded.
d) A cost curve is given by C = a + bq+dg; where q stands for quantity. Find Fixed cost, Variable
cost, and Average Variable cost.
State any three objectives of a project.
Discuss in brief, some ofthe adverse impacts ofa project on environment.
g) Discuss the differences (any three) between PERT and CPM.

i) Define Price Elasticity of Demand.

i) What is the unit of price elasticity of demand?
ii) Suppose the demand function for a product is given by: q - 500 - 10p

a) Compute the price elasticity of demand when the price of the product is Rs. 30 pe unit..
b) State the whether product is necessary or luxury. [2+1+5+1]
i ) How will you derive market demand curve from individual demand curves?
ii) What do you mean by market equilibrium?
iii) When is market equilibrium stable?
) Let the market demand function be q=10-0.4p and the market supply function be
q5+0.6p. Find the equilibrium price and quantity. [1+2+2+4]
4. i) Draw a single diagram to show the shapes of Average Fixed cost, Average Variable cost,
Average Total cost and Marginal cost.
ii) Show that the Marginal cost passes through the minimum point of Average Variable cost.
5. 1) Ifthe demand is given by p 80- 3q and Total Cost is C 12 +2q, then write the profit
function. Calculate profit maximizing price and profit maximizing quantity
i i ) Compare the features of a perfectly competitive market and a monopoly market.
6. i) State any two methods of evaluating the financial feasibility of a project.
ii) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using payback period.
iii) Suppose the initial cost of a project is Rs. 40,000 and is expected to generate the following
returns in the next 4 years.

Year 1 2 3
Returns 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000
If the market rate of interest is 10% then calculate the NPV of the project and state whether the
project will be undertaken or not? (2+2+5)

.Discuss the Life Cycle of a project.

i) Discuss the importance of Project Management.
1) What is the importance of calculating financial ratios of a project? (5+4)


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