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SHORT NOTES PRODUCT ALL IN ONE (Updated as on 15.11.2023)

(For Internal Circulation Only)

Sunil Kumar Achara



3 HOME LOAN 36-63
6 AUTO LOAN 72-81
8 GOLD LOAN 90-99
9 PENSION LOAN 100-102
11 AGRI PRODUCTS 114-150
12 SME PRODUCTS 151-191



Type of txn Unit Rate
Receipts – e-mode Per transaction Rs. 9/-
Receipts - physical mode Per transaction Rs. 40/-
Pension Payment Per transaction Rs. 75/-
Payments other than Pension Per Rs. 100 turnover 6.5 Paisa
Digital Life Certificate “Jeevan Praman” launched on 10.11.2014
GST introduced 1st July 2017
GBSS Software has been Launch 1st February 2009
CTS 01.02.2016
Govt. e-Marketplace (GeM) portal ( 9th August 2016
PPF - 1968
Eligibility Resident Individuals
Age limit No
Minimum deposit per year Rs. 500/- (in multiple of Rs. 50/-)
Max deposit per year Rs. 150000/-
No of subscriptions Max. – No limit, Min - 1
Mandatory initial deposit No mandatory
Tenure / Maturity 15 years
Extension Per extension 5 years. Allowed if extended within 1 year from maturity
Lock in Period 5 year
Penalty for default Rs. 50 for every default year
No of accounts 1 per individual
Interest calculation Interest is paid on 31st March every year. Interest is calculated on the minimum
balance between 5th day and end of the month (Compounded yearly)
Nomination Yes, any no of nominee
Withdrawal 50% balance in the account as at the end of 4th financial year can be withdrawal
from 7th financial year
Loan Loan amount is capped at 25% of the balance at the end of the second financial
year preceding the year in which the loan was applied for.
It can be applied from 3rd year to 6th year @ more than 2% of the interest earned
on the scheme.
For example: if you opened a PPF account on 26 th Feb 2020, (i.e. FY 2019-20) you
can get a loan from 1st April 2021 (i.e. FY 2021-22) to 31st March 2025 (i.e. FY 2024-
Loan repayment 36 months
Withdrawals Any time after the expiry of five years from the end of the year in which the initial
subscription was made.
An amount not exceeding 50% of the amount of the balance available at the end of
the 4th year immediately preceding the year of withdrawal.
Or 50% of the PPF account balance at the end of the financial year, whichever is
Not more than one withdrawal during any one year.
Tax benefit Yes, u/s 80 C of the I.T. Act
Transfer of account Free of charges
Interest Premature Closure 1% Lesser Interest on Premature closure
Premature Closure  The amount is required for the treatment of serious ailments or life threatening
diseases of the account holder, spouse or dependent children or parents.
 The amount is required for higher education of the account holder or the minor
account holder, on production of documents and fee bills in confirmation of


admission in a recognised institute of higher education in India or abroad.

 The premature closure shall be allowed only after the account has completed five
financial years
Other features  Opening of PPF accounts in the name of Hindu Undivided Family is not permitted
On maturity, the entire amount including the interest is non-taxable.
 PPF account to be in a single name only, no joint account.
You cannot offer the balance in your PPF account as collateral to take a loan.
 Balance in PPF account cannot be attached under court decree.
 If a resident who subsequently becomes Non Resident Indian during the currency
of the maturity period prescribed under Public Provident Fund Scheme, may continue
to subscribe to the Fund till its maturity on a Non Repatriation Basis.
 The interest on loan amount is plus 2% per annum against the prevailing interest
In case of no nomination in PPF account the outstanding amount will be paid to
legal heirs of the deceased without Succession Certificate up to Rs. 1 lakh.
Forms Application =FORM 1
Nomination = FORM 1
PPF withdrawal = FORM 2
Loan from PPF = FORM 2
Closure after maturity = FORM 3
PPF Extension = FORM 4
Pre mature closure = FORM 5
 An individual can have only one PPF account. However, he can open an account in his minor child's name.
 There is no concept of joint holding in a PPF account. It has to be in a single name only. You can however
nominate your dependents to your PPF account.
 Interest is computed on the minimum balance between the 5th and end of a month. If you are investing a lump
sum to save tax, deposit the amount before march 5 of the year to get interest on your deposit. Therefore, to get
interest on your deposit for the month in which the amount deposited; the amount be deposited before 5th day of
the month.
 Balance in PPF account cannot be attached under court decree.
 Entire deposit in a PPF account is exempt from the Wealth Tax.
 The deposit in a minor account is clubbed with the deposit of the account of the guardian for the limit of Rs.
 Non Resident Indians are not eligible to open an account under the Public Provident Fund Scheme.
 On maturity, the entire amount including the interest is non-taxable.
 A resident who subsequently becomes NRI during the currency of maturity period prescribed under the Public
Provident Fund Scheme, may continue to subscribe to the fund till its maturity on a Non- repatriation basis.
However, these accounts cannot be extended further.
 Except the above-mentioned category of NRI PPF accounts, all other PPF accounts with NRI status need to be
closed immediately and no further interest to be paid after maturity of these PPF accounts.
Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS) 2019
Eligibility  An individual who has attained the age of 60 years and above.
 Retirees who have opted for the VRS or Superannuation in the age bracket 55-60. The
investment has to be done within a month of receiving the retirement benefit.
 Retired defense personnel with a minimum age of 50 years.
 HUFs, PIO and NRIs are not allowed to invest in this scheme.
Deposit I) The account shall be opened with a minimum deposit of Rupees one thousand or any sum
in multiples of Rupees one thousand not exceeding Rupees thirty lakh: Provided that the
deposits in the account specified under clause (ii) of sub-paragraph (1) paragraph 3, shall be
restricted to the retirement benefits received, or Rupees thirty lakh, whichever is lower
((Systemic controls are in place in CBS).
II) There shall be only one deposit in the account.


(III) Where a deposit in excess of the ceiling specified under the Scheme has been made, the
accounts office shall, refund the excess deposit to the account holder immediately.
Amount of Deposit  Max – Rs. 30 Lakh (in multiple of Rs. 1000/-)
Tenure 5 years, which can be extended by 3 years
Withdrawal Permitted after one year of opening the account but with penalty
Mandatory OVDs PAN & Aadhaar of the customer are mandatorily required for opening SCSS, 2019 account
(1) Aadhaar Number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India: Provided that, -
(a) Where the Aadhaar Number has not been assigned to an individual, he shall furnish proof
of application of enrolment for Aadhaar at the time of opening an account and the account
holder shall furnish the Aadhaar number to the Branch within a period of six months from
the date of opening of account for linking the account with Aadhaar Number.
(b) If a depositor has already opened an account and has not submitted his Aadhaar number
to the Branch, he shall do so within a period of six months with effect from the 1st day of
April 2023.
In the event of failure of the depositor to submit the Aadhaar number within the specified
period of six months, his account shall cease to be operational till the time he submits the
Aadhaar Number to the Branch.

(2) The Permanent Account Number (PAN) or Form 60 as defined in the Income Tax
Rules,1962: Provided that the individual who has not submitted the Permanent Account
Number at the time of opening an account shall submit the same to the Branch within a
period of two months from the date of happening of any of the following events, whichever
is the earliest, namely: -
(a) The balance at any point of time in the account exceeds Rupees fifty thousand rupees; or
(b) The aggregate of all credits in the account in any financial year exceeds Rs Rupees one
lakh: or
(c) The aggregate of all withdrawals and transfers in a month from the account exceeds
Rupees ten thousand.

In the event of the failure of the depositor to submit the Permanent Account Number within
the specified period of two months, his account shall cease to be operational till the time he
submits the Permanent Account Number to the Branch.

(3) Any other document as may be considered necessary by the Branch including those
related to the nature of business and financial status of the depositor.
Interest Payable at the end of each calendar quarter e.g. 31st March / 30th June / 30th September /
31st December. Compounding of interest not permissible. Only Simple Interest
Nomination A depositor in a Single Account, or the depositors in a joint account, as the case may be, shall
nominate one or more individuals as Nominee, but not exceeding four individuals.
Maturity  The deposit made at the time of opening of the account shall be paid on or after the expiry
of 5 years, or after the expiry of 8 years where account was extended, from the date of the
opening of the account on an application in Form-3.
In case a depositor does not close the account on maturity and also does not extend the
account, the account will be treated as matured and the depositor will be entitled to close the
account at any time subject to the condition that the post maturity interest at the rate as
applicable to the deposits under the Post office Savings Accounts from time to time will be
payable on such matured deposits up to the end of the month preceding the month of the
closure of the account.
Death of Depositor In case of death of the depositor before maturity the account shall be closed and deposit
refunded on application in Form-3 along with interest to the nominee or legal heirs in case
the nominee has also expired or nomination was not made as per rules.


If the total amount including interest payable is up to Rupees one lakh it may be paid to the
legal heirs on production of (i) letter of indemnity (ii) an affidavit (iii) a letter of disclaimer on
affidavit (iv) certificate of death of the depositor on stamped paper in the form as in Annexure
to Form F.
Pre-mature closure  On an application in Form 2 the depositor may be permitted to withdraw the deposit and
close the account at any time after the expiry of one year from the date of opening of the
account subject to the following conditions:
 In case the account is closed after the expiry of one year but before the expiry of two
years from the date of opening of the account, an amount equal to 1.50% of the deposit
shall be deducted and the balance paid to the depositor.
 In case the account is closed on or after the expiry of two years from the date of opening
of the account, an amount equal to 1% of the deposit shall be deducted and balance paid to
the depositor
TDS TDS is applicable. However, no TDS is applicable if the depositor files Form 15H or Form
15G or a certificate under Section 197 (i) of IT Act.
Nominee of investors of SCSS can also produce 15G form at the time of payment after the
death of depositor.
Extension after (a) The initial period of deposit is 5 years and subsequent extension period of deposit is 3
Maturity years by making an application in Form-4 within a period of one year from the date of
(b) The extension of the account shall be deemed to have been made from the date of
maturity irrespective of the date of application.
(c) The account holder may close the account any time after one year from the date of
extension of account without any deduction.
Others  An account holder may operate more than one account under this Scheme subject to the
condition that the deposits in all the accounts taken together shall not exceed the maximum
limit of Rs. 30 lakhs.
 Both the spouses can open single account and joint account with each other with the
maximum deposit of upto Rs. 30 lakhs in each account provided both are individually eligible
to open the accounts.
 In case of Joint account, the whole amount of investment in an account under the scheme
is attributed to the first applicant / depositor only.
 In case of a joint account, if the first holder / depositor expires before the maturity of the
account, the spouse may continue the account on the same terms and conditions as specified
under the SCSS Rules. However, if the second holder i.e. spouse has his / her own individual
account, the aggregate of his/her individual account and the deposit amount in the joint
account of the deceased spouse should not be more than the prescribed maximum limit.
 An account opened under these rules may be transferred from one Branch to another
Branch, whether under the same Government Savings Bank or another, anywhere in India by
submitting an application in Form-5, along with prescribed fees specified in Schedule II, and
passbook or savings certificate in original to the Branch where the account is maintained or to
the Branch where the account is intended to be transferred.
 All the settlements related with Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme transactions needs to be
settled on T+1 basis.
Forms Account Opening Form FORM -1
Closer of account FORM -2
Application for Loan/Withdrawal FORM -3
Extension of account FORM -4
Transfer of account FORM -5
Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA) Scheme
Eligibility Girl Child
Age limit Min- Since Birth; Max-10 years


Min deposit per year Rs. 250/- (In multiple of Rs. 50/-)
Maximum deposit per year Rs. 150000/-
No of subscriptions Min-1, Max-No limit (The total amount deposited in an account shall not exceed Rs.
1.50 Lacs in a financial year. If any deposit in excess of Rs. 1.50 Lacs is deposited in the
account due to any accounting error, it will not be eligible for any interest and may be
withdrawn any time by the depositor.)
Mandatory initial deposit Rs. 250/-
Tenure / Maturity 21 Years (from the date of opening)
Max. Period for Subscribe Deposits may be made in an account till the completion of a period of 15 years from
the date of opening of such account.
Extension No Extension Allowed
Lock in Period 18 years (Withdrawal is permissible only after the girl child attains 18 years of age or
has passed tenth standard, whichever is earlier.)
Documents Birth Certificate & KYC of Guardian
Penalty for default Rs. 50/- for every default year
No of accounts Natural/ Legal guardian may open two accounts in the name of two girl children. Third
account in case of twin girl as second birth or if first birth itself results in three girl
Interest calculation Interest will be calculated for the calendar month on the lowest balance in an account
on the deposits made between the close of the 10th day and the end of the month and
shall be credited to the account at the end of each financial year. (Compounding –
Nomination No
Withdrawal Withdrawal is permissible only after the girl child attains 18 years of age or has passed
tenth standard, whichever is earlier
Loan Not Available
Premature Closure If the account holder becomes a non-citizen or NRI after opening of account, the
account shall be deemed to be closed prematurely from the date of change of status &
no interest shall be deemed to accrue to the account from such date.
On the death of the account holder the account shall be closed immediately on
production of death certificate issued by competent authority. In this case the interest
will be paid till the date of death of account holder. In this case, No penalty to be
imposed for failure to deposit the minimum stipulated amount of Rs.250/- in a year
Other features Interest is permitted even after the completion of 15 years of the account till the
closure of account on maturity
No interest shall be payable once the Account completes 21 years from the date of
its opening.
If Sukanya Samriddhi Account defaults, it can only be regularized within 15 years else
Post Office Savings Bank interest rate will be applicable at the time of its maturity.
 The account shall be operated by the guardian till the account holder attains the age
of eighteen years.
Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
Age Criteria for joining the scheme 18 to 40 Years of age
Contribution to be made up to ___ 60 years of age
Fixed Pension per month Ceiling for the subscriber:- Rs. 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 & 5000
Minimum & Maximum Monthly Subscription for Rs. 42/- (who joins at 18 years)
monthly pension of Rs. 1000/- are Rs. 291/- (who joins at 40 years)
Minimum & Maximum Monthly Subscription for Rs. 210/- (who joins at 18 years)
monthly pension of Rs. 5000/- are: Rs. 1454/- (who joins at 40 years)
The Central Government would also co-contribute 50% of the total contribution or Rs. 1000 per annum, whichever is
lower, to each eligible subscriber, for a period of 5 years, i.e., from F.Y. 2015- 16 to 2019-20, who join the APY before
31 st December, 2015.


Under APY, the monthly pension would be available to the subscriber, and after him to his spouse and after their
death, the pension corpus, as accumulated at age 60 of the subscriber, would be returned to the nominee of the
Return of corpus For Subscription of Pension of Rs. 1000 = Rs. 1.70 Lacs
amount to the nominee For Subscription of Pension of Rs. 2000 = Rs. 3.40 Lacs
are: For Subscription of Pension of Rs. 3000 = Rs. 5.10 Lacs
For Subscription of Pension of Rs. 4000 = Rs. 6.80 Lacs
For Subscription of Pension of Rs. 5000 = Rs. 8.50 Lacs
Charges for Delayed Contribution upto Rs. 100 : Charges of Rs. 1/- per month
payment. Contribution Rs. 101 to Rs. 500: Charges of Rs. 2/- per month
(Min-Rs. 1&Max- Rs. Contribution Rs. 501 to Rs. 1000 : Charges of Rs. 5/- per month
10) Contribution Above Rs. 1001 : Charges of Rs. 10/- per month
Discontinuation of Discontinuation of payments of contribution amount. Once the account balance in the
payments of subscribers account becomes zero due to deduction of account maintenance charges
contribution amount and fees, the account would be closed immediately. For those subscribers, who have
shall lead to following: availed Government co-contribution, the account would be treated as becoming zero
when the subscriber corpus minus the Government co-contribution would be equal to
the account maintenance charges and fees and hence the net corpus becomes zero. In
this case, the Government co-contribution would be given back to the Government. Even
when the account balance is non-zero and the subscriber wants to discontinue payment
of contribution amount and chooses to close his account, money would be returned as
per the exit provisions. However, till the account balance is non-zero, the subscriber can
continue contributions to his account in case of delayed contributions by paying the
overdue interest along with the contributions in arrears.
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)
Launched on 09 May 2015
Age Criteria Min-18 (Age Last Birthday)
Max-70 (Age Nearest Birthday) With operative account holders
Premium Rs. 20/-
New Enrolment (Branch) = Insurance Co. = 18, Bank = 02
New Enrolment (CSP) = Insurance Co. = 18, Bank = 01, BC /CSP = 01
New enrolment through Electronic means / SMS = Insurance Co. = 18, Bank = 01
Insurance Cover Rs. 2.00 Lacs (Maximum only on Accidental case)
Cover Period 1st June to 31st May (Of Every Year)
Term Insurance Partner National Insurance Company Limited
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) is a scheme offering accident insurance cover for Death and
Disability (both total and partial) on account of an accident.
The Bank has tied up with National Insurance Co. Ltd. for Master Policy, under which all
Tie-up with
Applicants will be enrolled
Situation Sum insured
Accidental Death (renewable each year with auto debit of premium
Rs. 2 Lakh
from the account)
Total and irrecoverable loss of both eyes or both hands or feet or
Rs. 2 Lakh
loss of sight of one eye and loss of one hand or foot
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye or one hand or foot Rs. 1 Lakh
Age of the Applicant All savings account holders in the age 18 to 70 years are eligible
Premium Amount Rs. 20/- per annum per member
Applicant will remain insured for a period of one year from June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016.
Period of Insurance
Next year onwards as well, the risk cover period will remain to be June 1 to May 31
Applicant will be needed to give consent for auto debit of Rs. 12 as the annual premium
Auto Debit Facility from the bank account used at the time of enrolling for this scheme. This premium of Rs. 12
will get deducted from bank account through auto debit facility every year between May 25


and June 1
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
Age Criteria Min-18 (Age Last Birthday)
Max-50 (Age Nearest Birthday) With operative account holders
Premium Rs. 436/-
New Enrolment (Branch) = Insurance Co. = 395, Bank = 41
New Enrolment (CSP) = Insurance Co. = 395, Bank = 11, BC /CSP = 30
New enrolment through Electronic means / SMS = Insurance Co. = 395, Bank = 11
Insurance Cover Rs. 2.00 Lacs (on death due to any reasons)
Cover Period 1st June to 31st May (Of Every Year)
Term Insurance Partner SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Termination On attaining 55 years (age nearest birth day) or closure of savings bank account or
insufficiency of funds for payment of premium or withdrawal in writing
For new members enrolling into the scheme the risk will not be covered during the first 45 days from the date
of enrollment into the scheme (lien period) and in case of death (other than due to accident) during lien period, no
claim would be admissible.
Maximum time limit for bank / post office to forward duly completed claim form to the insurer is seven days
and maximum time limit for the insurer to approve claim and disburse money thereafter is seven days.
Eligibility: (i) All FI accounts, which are operated satisfactorily for at least 6 months.
(ii) OD to be granted to the earning member of family, preferably woman of the house.
(iii) Age of applicant between 18 years to 60 years
Period of Sanction Loan 36 Months subject to annual review of account.
Amount a) 4 times of Average monthly balance
b) or, 50% of credit summations in account during the preceding 6 months
c) or, Rs 10000/- whichever is lower
Other Features Cheque facility will not be extended on this account



Current Account
Regular Silver Gold Diamond Platinum Rhodium
MAB 5000 50000/- 1 Lakh 5 Lakh 10 Lakh 50 Lakh
 If MAB <2.5  If MAB < 50% =
 If MAB <5 L =
L = 4000+GST 25000+GST per
Charges for non 2000 + 8000+GST per
500+GST 1000+GST per month. Month.
maintenance of GST per month
per month per month  if MAB >  If MAB > 50% =
MAB month  MAB>5 L =
2.5L = 15000+GST
2000+GST per month.
Cash deposit free 5 Lakh 15 Lakh 25 Lakh 100 Lakh 200 Lakh 600 Lakh
Cash deposit at 5 Lakh per 5 Lakh per 5 Lakh 5 Lakh per day 5 Lakh per day 10 Lakh per day
Non Home day day per day
Cahs Withdrawal Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
free Home Unlimited
Cheque Book per 150 300 700 1500 5000
1 Lakh per 1 Lakh 1 Lakh per day 1 Lakh per day 5 Lakh per day
1 Lakh per
Cash withdrawal day (self per day (self only) free (self only) free (self only) free
day (self
non home only) free (self only)
only) free
RTGS/NEFT Applicable No No charges No charges No charges
charges charges
20 per 50 Drafts No charges No charges No charges
month at free per
DD charges Applicable Home month
Realtor’s Current Account
Purpose Realtor’s Current Account for the Purpose of RERA Act 2016.
(Specifically designed for depositing the minimum 70% of Realtor’s Collections from Investors
and Buyers).
Style of Account Account 1: Realtor’s Current Account for receipt of 100% Collections [Auto transfer to Account
2 and Account 3 in the ratio of 70:30 at end of day (EOD)]

Account 2: Realtor’s Current Account for depositing minimum 70% of Collections (funds to be
transferred from Account 1). This account will be registered with RERA Authority.

Account 3: Realtor’s Current Account for Day to Day operations for receiving 30% of Collections
(funds to be transferred from Account 1). However, Realtors may decide for transfer of 30% of
Collections to their other Operating CC/OD account instead of Current Account 3.
Eligibility Realtors of Residential and Commercial Real Estates registered/ to be registered with Authority
of respective State/Union Territory under RERA Act 2016.
MAB Account 1 = Nil
Account 2 = 10,000/- (The a/c will have Sweep and Reverse Sweep facility.)
Account 3 = 10000/-
Penalty for MAB Account 1 & 2 = Nil
Account 3 = Rs.500/- +GST per month
Internet Banking Viewing rights only
Sweep facility to Term Deposits: Parameters
• Sweep Facility to Term Deposits allowed only if permitted by concerned RERA Authority for the State.


• Threshold balance: Rs 2,00,000/-

• MOD created for minimum amount of Rs 1,00,000/- (and in multiples of Rs 10,000/-) at any one instance.
• Resultant Balance: Rs. 1,00,000/-
• Sweep facility to MODs will be allowed once in a week on Monday.
• Prepayment penalty will be applicable as in case of normal Term Deposits.
Approval from DGM (B&O) or DGM in CAG/CCG is no longer required for opening of RERA Current Accounts.
Shubharambh - startup Current Account
Eligibility Entity:
i) Private Limited Company
ii) Limited Liability Partnership
iii) Registered Partnership Firm
MAB Rs. 20,000/-
There is no need to maintain MAB upto 12 calendar months from account open month
Non-Maintaining of No charges for non-maintenance of MAB upto 12 calendar months from account open
MAB Charges month.
Thereafter Rs.1000/- per month +GST
Cheque Books 100 cheque leaves free per month, thereafter, Rs. 3/- per cheque leaf + GST
Cash Deposit Rs. 15 Lakh per month free including cash deposited at Home, Non-Home and
Thereafter, card rates: Currently Rs. 0.75 per Rs. 1,000/- + GST
Minimum Rs. 50/- + GST, Maximum Rs. 20,000/- + GST
Cash Deposit at Non- Rs. 5 Lakh per day
Home Branch
Cash withdrawal at Unlimited Free
Home Branch
Cash withdrawal at Rs. 1 Lakh per day
Non-Home Branch
ATM Card Business Debit Card “Pride” Free
Free Insta Deposit Card for deposit of cash
POS Machine i. Waiver of installation charges.
ii. 20% Concession on monthly rental of all types of POS Machine.
CINB Facility Free: View & Transactions Right Allowed
NEFT/RTGS Free online, Normal charge at branch
DD/BC Free upto 10 DD/BC per month. Thereafter, Normal Charges
Existing CA to Shubharambh Startup Account & vice versa: Can be changed by Score. Branch will obtain CoR
and request letter from the customer, verify it and raise a Score request with attachment of CoR.
CA for Govt. Depts/Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies & Defence-Para Military
Overdraft No
Cash Deposits allowed Upto Rs. 25 lacs per month- Free
(Inclusive of cash deposited in CDM, Recycler, GCC, Home & Non-Home
Cheque Book 10 cheque books of 50 leaves each (500 cheque leaves free)
Beyond free limit: Rs.3/- per cheque leaves + GST.
Cash Deposit at Non- Home Branch Rs. 2 Lakh per day
Cash Withdrawal at Home Branch Unlimited free
Cash Withdrawal at Non-Home Rs. 1 Lakh per day by self (Account Signatories) and by cheques only
Issuance of DD/BC Unlimited free
RTGS/NEFT Unlimited free at Branch and CINB both
CINB Facility View & Transaction right available
Account Closure Nil


SBI Surabhi Deposit Scheme
• Aimed for Corporates / Institutions / Trusts / Small & Medium Enterprises who manages the PF / any other trust
account of their employees, with a facility to sweep and reverse sweep into / from Term Deposit in Current
Account/Savings Bank Account.
• Tenor : Minimum 7 days to Max of 36 months
• Threshold limit for auto sweep is Rs.1,00,000/- and minimum sweep Amount is Rs.1,00,000/- in multiples of
• No overdraft or loan facility available against this deposit.
SBI Surabhi Power POS Current Account
Purpose To provide a scheme with option for sweep and For customers availing POS facility
reverse sweep.
Opened by Corporates, institutions or trusts Customers (All Segments)
Nature of Saving or current account CA with POS facility
MAB CA=10000/- and Saving refer cir. 5000
Penalty for non CA: 500 +GST, Rs. 500 + GST per month
maintenance For SB Account Normal card rates:
MAB At Metro and Urban Centre Branches
Shortfall <=50% Rs.10/- + GST
Shortfall > 50% -- 75% Rs.12/- + GST
Shortfall > 75% Rs.15/- + GST
Semi Urban Centre Branches
Shortfall <=50% Rs.7.50/- + GST
Shortfall > 50% -- 75% Rs.10/- + GST
Shortfall > 75% Rs.12/- + GST
Rural Centre Branches
Shortfall <=50% Rs.5/- + GST
Shortfall > 50% -- 75% Rs.7.50/- + GST
Shortfall > 75% Rs.10/- + GST
Account Keeping Rs. 550/- + GST
Period of CLTD Minimum = 7 days **
Maximum = 36 Months
Operation of  Threshold limit for auto sweep= 1 Lac
Account For CLTD Initial deposits would be i.e. for the first
sweep – 1 Lac and above, & subsequent deposits
would be in multiples of 10,000/- with a min of 1 Lac
Cash deposit in CA = Free cash deposit limit upto Rs. 5 lakhs per Free up to 5 Lac per month, Beyond
home branch month (Inclusive of cash deposited in CDM, Recycler, Cash Handling Charges would be 0.75
GCC, Home & Non-Home Branches) per 1,000/-+GST, Min 50/-+GST, Max
Above 5 Lakh Normal Cash Deposit Charges will be 20000/-+GST
applicable i.e. Rs.0.75 per 1000/- +GST,
Minimum Rs.50/- + GST
Max. Rs.20000/- + GST.
Saving Account= Cash deposit 3 txn free in a month,
their after Rs.50/- + GST per txn.
Maximum limit 2 Lakh per day Rs.1 Lakh per day
of cash deposit
at Non home
Cash deposit at 22 /+Service Tax, Maximum: 49900/- per transaction (Maximum of 200 pieces at any one


CDM instance).
Cheque Leaves 50 Multicity cheque leaves free.
Thereafter 50% of the Normal Charges
OD & Loan No Overdraft Facility: Available up to 5
Loan Amount: 25% of last 6 months txn.
Min : Rs 25000/-
Max: Rs 5 Lacs
 Facility is Available: Only after 6
months after installation and
satisfactory operation of terminal with
all terms and conditions remaining
To be eligible for eligible for OD , the
merchant must have generated a
transaction volume of at-least Rs 1.25
lakh on the terminal(s) installed in the
last 6 months
Penalty for Current Account Closure Charges Upto 14 days of opening- NIL
closing the Upto 14 days of opening of account - NIL After 14 days upto 1 year- Rs.1000/- +
account within After 14 days upto 1 year = Rs.1000/- +GST GST
12 months After 1 year to 5 years = Rs.500/- + GST After 1 year to 5 years of opening-
Beyond 5 years of opening of account—Free Rs.500/- + GST
Saving Bank Surabhi Account: Beyond 5 years of opening- Free
Upto 14 days of opening of account = NIL
After 14 days upto 1 year = Rs.500/- +GST
Beyond 1 year of opening of account =Free
Auto sweep to Threshold limit for auto sweep Rs. 1,00,000/-
CLTD Minimum Sweep Amount: Rs.1,00,000/- in multiples of
Rs. 10,000/-
Resultant Balance: Rs.1,00,000/-
Cash withdrawal For Current Account: Upto 50,000 Free.
Charges at Non- Max. Limit: Non-Home Up to Rs. 1 L per day (self only) Above 50,000 and upto 1 lac 2.50/- +
Home Branch Free GST per Rs. 1000/-. Min 50/- + GST per
Home Branch: Unlimited Free Transaction
For Saving Bank Account:
Non-Home upto Rs.50000/- Free by self only
Average Monthly Balance Cash withdrawal transaction
Upto Rs.25000/- 2 transactions free
Above Rs.25000/- upto Rs. 50000/- 10 transactions
Above Rs.50000/- upto Rs.100000/- 15 transactions
Above Rs.100000/- Unlimited free
Charges for transactions beyond free limit Rs.50/- +
GST per transaction
Power Jyoti Power Jyoti PUL
Purpose To provide customized fee/funds collection facility for
Institutions/firms /companies, etc through our core
banking branches
Type of account CA CA
MAB 50000/-


Penalty of non 1,000/- + GST per month

Penalty for Up to 14 days of opening- Charges = Nil; After 14 days upto 1 year: - Rs.1,000 + GST. And
closing a/c Beyond 1 year of opening the account: Nil
within 12 months
Account keeping 550+GST
Cheque facility No No
Overdraft No No
INB Not available Available
Cheque book facility not available. The Institution can transfer the required balance through authorization /
In single challan how many types of fee can be collected = 10
Challan is in Parts = three
Service charges for Power Jyoti and Power Jyoti PUL
i. Upto challan amount Rs. 1,00,000/- = Rs. 60/- + GST per challan
Above Rs. 1,00,001/- & above challan amount = Rs. 0.75 per Rs. 1000 with minimum of Rs. 60/- and maximum of Rs.
20,000/- + GST per challan.
ii. Cash deposited other than through challans i.e. through CDM/ADWM: Card rates will be applicable till the
necessary IT development take place.

Card rates of cash handling charges for Current Accounts, (Deposition through Branch/CDM/ADWM) = Rs.
0.75 per Rs. 1000 + GST
Minimum = Rs. 50/- + GST
Maximum = Rs. 20000/- + GST

Discretionary Powers for concessions:

i. Discretion vested with CGM of the Circle to reduce charges by Rs. 20/- per challan for amount of the challan upto
Rs.1,00,000/- only (except for all type of Banks, NBFCs, Aggregators, Cash collection/pickup agencies).
ii. The discretionary power to allow further concessions over and above the power of Circle CGM are vested with
DMD (TB & NI).
iii. The discretionary power to permit any concession to Banks/NBFCs/Aggregators/Cash Collection/Pickup Agencies
vests with DMD (TB & NI) only.
NRE “SUKOON” Current Account
Eligibility NRIs / OCIs who do not wish to earn any interest on their Bank Deposits
Purpose To park overseas earnings remitted to India
MAB Rs. 3,000/-
Charges for non-maintenance of Nil
Account Keeping Charges Nil
Overdraft Not Permitted
Permissible Credits  Fresh Remittances from abroad through banking channel.
 Transfer from another NRE / FCNR (B) account.
 Personal cheques drawn on bank accounts abroad.
 Proceeds of Foreign Currency Notes / Travelers cheque tendered by
NRI/PIO/OCI, while visiting India. Amount in excess of USD 5,000 (or
equivalent) in Travelers cheques should be accompanied by Currency
Declaration Form (CDF).
Permissible Debits Apart from remittances outside India, the debits allowed from this account
 Local disbursements


 Transfer to other NRE/FCNR (B)

 Investments in India.
Reimbursement Current Account (RCA)
Eligibility All CSP/SUSP Account Holders
Purpose Additional feature for all employees openingSalary Account under
Corporate SalaryPackage (CSP)/ Start Up Salary Package(SUSP)
To enable CSP/ SUSP customers to get credit ofvarious reimbursements
other than salaries paidby the employer
Minimum Balance Zero Balance Accounts
Annual Maintenance Charges Nil
No penalty for non-maintenance of MonthlyAverage Balance
Account Keeping Charges Nil
ATM cum Debit Card Debit Card of Salary Account is linked toReimbursement Current Account
Multi City Cheques Free 20 Cheque Leaves in a year
Other facilities: As applicable/ available to Regular Current Account holders.
Savings Bank
Minimum Cash Deposit 10/-
Minimum cash withdrawal 50/-
Inoperative No transactions for a period of 2 years
Annual review should be carried out of accounts with the Rs. 5000/- and more
balance of
 First 10 cheque leaves free in a financial year
Thereafter: 10 Leaf Cheque Book at Rs 40/-+GST
 25 Leaf Cheque Book at Rs 75/-+GST
Interest will be calculated on daily product basis (in round Rupees). Interest will be credited to the account at
quarterly intervals, i.e. March, June, September, and December. Interest will be paid only if it works out to Rs. 1/- or
more. Thereafter fifty paise and more will be rounded off to the next higher Rupee and anything less will be ignored
Minor Becoming Major =
a) Confirm the balance in his/her account.
b) Submit fresh specimen signature and photograph.
c) Provide a declaration with the proof of majority for activation of the account as a major account.
d) Obtain the copy of PAN Card or Form 60/61 (whichever is applicable)
Free Transactions Month (No of Year (No of txns)
Cash Deposit 3 36
Cash withdrawal 2 24
Own Bank ATMs 5 60
Other Bank ATM 3* /5** 36* /60**
Cash deposit in CDM through debit Free Free
 Banks cannot open joint accounts with either or survivor/former or survivor mandate where one account holder is
a minor and the other one is major who might not be a guardian. (758 dt. 04.10.2017)
Minor account Max balance
Pehla Kadam &Pehli Udaan Rs.5 Lakh in the account,
Rs. 10 Lakh aggregate deposit on the CIF of the minor
SB accounts of minor in single name 10 Lakh
SB accounts of minor with guardian 20 Lakh
RD 2Lakh
Term deposit in single name 2 Lakh
Term deposit jointly with guardian 20 Lakh
Proof of DOB of minor:


Date of birth should be obtained While opening accounts in the name of minors.
Proof of date of birth can be obtained by way of original/certified copy of date of birth certificate, certificate issued
by Local Self Government authorities, Government Officials, Head Master/Principal of School where the child is
studying, or School leaving Certificate.
Aadhaar letter issued in the name of the child may also be accepted as proof of date of birth.
KYC of Minor accounts:
If minor is less than 10 years of age, ID proof of the person who will operate the account is to be obtained along
with Photograph of guardian, Proof of Date of Birth of Minor.
In cases where minor can operate the account independently, KYC procedure for identification/address verification
as in the case of any other individual would apply.
Updation of KYC in Minor Accounts
Accounts of customers, who were minor at the time of opening account, on their becoming major, fresh
photographs shall be obtained on their becoming a major and at that time it shall be ensured that CDD documents
as per the current CDD standards are available with the Bank. Wherever required, Bank may carry out fresh KYC of
such customers i.e. customers for whom account was opened when they were minor, on their becoming a major.
Minors can open Savings Bank accounts either singly or jointly with his/ her guardian or by guardian alone on
behalf of his/ her minor ward.
Mothers can also be a Guardian of the minor for opening of Bank accounts. Mothers, however, will be guardian for
the limited purpose of operation of the account with their minor children.
Banks cannot open joint accounts with either or survivor/former or survivor mandate where one account holder is
a minor and the other one is major who might not be a guardian.
Pehla Kadam Pehli Udaan
Eligibility PK - Minor of any Age
PU - Above 10 yrs who sign uniformly
MoP PK - Jointly with Parents/Guardian or singly by Parents/Guardian
PU- Single
Cap on balance * Rs.5 lakhs in the account,
* Rs. 10 lakhs aggregate deposit on the CIF of the minor
INB limit per day PK- Rs 5000/-
PU - Rs 5000/-
IMPS limit PK - Rs 2000/-
PU - Rs 2000/-
Product Code PK - 1029 1411
PU - 1029 1421
Internet Banking With Enquiry rights and limited transactions
KYC Requirements Date of Birth proof of the Minor + KYC of the Parent
Cheque book Personalised cheque book (with 10 cheque leaves)
Specially designed cheque book CSD Kolkata
provided by to the LCPC
Auto sweep Minimum threshold of 20,000. Sweep in multiple of 1,000/-, minimum of
OD facility available
Value Added Feature (optional)  PAI for Parent available only in Pehla Kadam account.
 Smart Scholar - Child Plan offered by SBI Life with inbuilt premium waiver
benefit and loyalty additions to fulfil the child’s dreams.
Saving Plus
Minimum threshold 35000/-
Minimum amount to be transferred to 10,000/- in units of Rs 1,000 each
Period of deposit 1 year to 5 years
Min balance requirement Rs. 3000/-
MoD break when needed Last in first out (LIFO)


For PK-PU * Threshold = 20000/-,

* Sweep will be in multiple of = 1000
* with minimum of = 10,000
BSBD Account
KYC Full KYC compliant, offers certain minimum common facilities without levying
any charge.
Minimum balance Nil
Number of deposits No limit
Cheque book No cheque book will be issued. 25 cheque leaves free every year can be
issued to BSBD/SMALL account holders (Senior Citizens and Differently
Abled Persons) on request.
Debit Card Only Basic RuPay Card will be issued.
Withdrawals Maximum 4 withdrawals including withdrawals at own ATMs and other Bank’s
ATMs and other modes including RTGS, NEFT, Clearing, Branch cash
withdrawal, Transfer, Internet debits, SI, EMI etc. Withdrawals counting
beyond 4, in a month permitted at a cost of Rs. 15/- + GST per withdrawal.
Services Deposit and withdrawal of cash at branches as well as ATMs; receipt/credit of
money through electronic payment channels or by means of
deposit/collection of cheques drawn by Central/State Government agencies
and Departments.
Charges No charges will be levied on any of the above facilities including activation of
inoperative BSBDA. Holders of BSBDA will not be eligible for opening any
other Savings Bank Deposit account in the bank.
Declaration Before opening a BSBDA, a declaration from the customer will have to be
obtained that he/she is not having a BSBDA in any other bank
Existing Saving Bank Account It can be converted to BSBDA. Whenever customer submits request for
conversion of regular Saving Bank Account to BSBDA, the account should not
be closed only the product code needs to be changed in CBS.
Max no of withdrawals 4
 Cheque book facility is not available.
 BSBD/ Small ac are replacement of 'No frills' a/c.
 Foreign remittances are not allowed.
Purpose Financial Inclusion. To facilitate opening of accounts for
individuals who do not have officially valid KYC documents
Max. aggregated credited in financial year 1 Lakh
Balance in the account should not exceed 50000/-
Max. monthly withdrawals & transfer limit 10000/-
Foreign remittances allowed No
Further transactions not allowed, if limits are breached
Such accounts should either be converted to BSBD or Regular SB accounts on submission of KYC documents.
Initially valid for 12 months only.
Further transactions permitted only if either KYC documents or proof of having applied for KYC documents is
Allowed to be continued for another 12 months, if proof of having applied for KYC documents,
No transactions after 24 months of opening the account and the account should be closed, if the customer fails to
submit KYC documents
The salient features of the revised SB-OD scheme for BSBD accounts are as follows:
i. Maximum age of applicant has been raised from 60 years to 65 years.
ii. Maximum loan limit has been revised from Rs 5000/- to Rs 10000/-.
iii. There will not be any condition attached for OD up to Rs 2000/-.


This scheme is nondiscretionary in nature, sanction process has been automated on LOS platform, with minimum
manual intervention. Detailed process in Circular
PMJDY (officially launched across the country on
28.08.2014) 15.08.2014
Target group Households which could not open their account so far
Accidental insurance 1 Lakh
Debit card Rupay debit card
 There is no separate product code for PMJDY
 PMJDY provides OD facility after 6 months of satisfactory conduct of account.
SBI (Tiny) Account (For Minors without Overdraft facility)
Purpose To provide Banking Services in unbanked area closer to place of stay through Kiosk operated by
authorized CSPs of BC.
Eligibility A minor above aged 10 years and below 18 years (Male/Female/Transgender)
Mode of Operated Singly
Available at BC Channel
KYC Norms As laid down by RBI for “Liberalized KYC Accounts”
Minimum Nil
Initial Deposit Any Amount (Max: Rs. 30,000/- at BC Channel)
Maximum 50,000/-#
Balance # The limit on balance shall not be considered if deposits come through Government grants,
welfare benefits and payment against procurements.
Ceilings on 1,00,000/-#
Credits in a year # The limit on aggregate credits shall not be considered if deposits come through Government
grants, welfare benefits and payment against procurements.
Ceilings on The aggregate of all withdrawals and transfers in a month should not exceed Rs. 10,000/-.
Monthly (However, if the customer wants to withdraw or transfer more than the ceiling amount, OVD is to
Payments be obtained from the customer and the account to be converted to full KYC product).
Number of Not more than one account
Nomination Not available
Account System Generated forms to be used
Opening Form
Operation of the No Cheque Book facility
account and No internet banking.
applicable Facility of ATM Card (Rupay (Debit) card) is available to all account holders.
charges Debits permitted through biometric authentication at Kiosk & AEPS platforms/ RuPay (debit)
Foreign remittances are not allowed.
Passbook issued at link branches.
Four Cash withdrawals in a month: Free
The charges for transactions in excess of first four free withdrawals excluding Digital
Transactions: Rs. 15/- + GST per transaction
Others i) The account is initially valid for 12 months. System will put stop in the account after
completion of 12 months of opening of account and no further transaction will be allowed.
ii) When customer submits OVD and the details are entered into the system, stop to be removed
by the linked/ home branch and the product code of the account must be converted to full KYC
product from Liberalized KYC product, by the Link Branch.
iii) On conversion to full KYC account, Branch officials to be guided by Bank’s extant instructions


on KYC updation. The KYC documents are to be sent to linked LCPC for scanning & storage
iv) In case, customer submits proof of applying for OVD, stop to be removed by linked/ home
Branch and transactions may be permitted for additional period of 12 months.
v) The Present functionality in CBS sets stop on small accounts on completion of 24 months of
operations & No transactions to be permitted after 24 months of opening of the account if the
customer fails to submit KYC documents.
SBI Tiny (Special) Account
Purpose / Objective a. To encourage customers for saving higher amount and
b. To ensure that all the government credits are routed through BC channel.
Eligibility Individuals with age limit of 18 years and above
Mode of Operation Operated singly
Transactions will be through biometric / AEPS / using card with PIN
PMJDY OD Atm/ PMJDY Overdraft facility upto Rs. 10,000/-
Enabled at BC channel
KYC Full KYC Account
Min / Max Balance Minimum: Nil, Maximum: No limit
Initial Deposit Amount No minimum amount (Max. Rs. 30,000/-)
Transaction Limit Maximum Rs. 30,000/- per day / per transaction
Ceiling on credits in a year No limit
Rate of Interest on OD 3% + 1 year MCLR
Operation of the account No Cheque Book facility & internet banking
and applicable charges INB facility with full transaction rights allowed
RuPay (Debit) card issued on request
Debits permitted through RuPay (Debit) card / biometric authentication at Kiosk
and AEPS platforms
Foreign remittances allowed
Pass Book issued at Link Branch
Family Savings Account “SBI RISHTEY”
Eligibility Gold and above variants Salary Package Customers.
Included Family Members Spouse, Children, Parents and Siblings
Number of Family Savings Maximum 4 (Four) individual accounts can be linked as Family Savings Accounts
Accounts allowed with a (SBI Rishtey) with primary Salary Account Holder’s Account.
Salary Package customer
Debit Card Classic Debit Card
Debit Card – Issuance Nil
Debit Card – AMC Waived
Multi City Cheques Cheque Leaf charges: NIL
(except for bulk requirement i.e., in excess of 25 cheque leaves at a single instance or
in a month)
NEFT/ RTGS Online free
DD Issuance Charges Waived if issued by debit to Family Savings Bank Account.
Annual Locker Rental 10% concession on Annual Locker Rental
Free transaction on ATM Unlimited free transaction of SBI as well as other banks’ ATM
Personal Accidental Up to Rs.5.00 lacs (Except Minor)
Insurance (Death Cover) Insurance facility on SBI Rishtey accounts will start from 4th of the next month of
opening/ converting of account and will be governed by the provisions of other PAI
Policy procured for Salary Package Customers, reviewed from time to time.
Shaurya Family Pension Account
Eligible Family pensioners of Defence / Indian Coast Guard and Central Armed Police


Multi City Cheque No Issuance Charges up to 25 Cheque leaves per month
Concession in Annual Locker Rent 10% on prevailing Locker rental
RTGS / NEFT Charges Free (Online and Branch Channels)
Draft Issue Charges Free (no restrictions on number of drafts of any amount, if issued by debit to
Shaurya Family Pension Account under new product code)
DSP, CAPSP and ICGSP Serving personnel features
Variants Gold Diamond Platinum
Concession in annual locker rent 10% of applicab le rate 15% of applicable rate 25 % of applicable rate
Multi City Cheques 25 cheque leaves free per month
RTGS/NEFT Unlimited Free
Drafts issue Charges Free (no restriction on number of free drafts and amount, if issued through
Salary Package account)
PAI (Death) Cover Rs. 50 Lakhs
PAI (Death) Cover For Rs. 30 Lakhs
Additional PAI (On duty Death during Rs. 10 Lakhs
action against Terrorists / Naxalites /
Foreign enemy)
Permanent Total Disability Cover Maximum up to Rs. 50 Lakhs
Permanent Partial Disability Cover Maximum up to Rs. 50 Lakhs
Air Accidental Insurance (Death) Rs. 1 Crore
cover* i. If Air ticket have been purchased by debit to Defence Salary Package
Account through Debit Card/ Cheque / Internet Banking or
ii. where ticket is not required to be purchased by the account holder
(service/combat/chartered aircrafts of Defence Forces) or
iii. ticket is provided by the department for official duty.
Central Govt. Salary Package (CGSP) & Railway Salary Package (RSP)
Variants Silver Gold Diamond Platinum
Net Monthly Salary Rs.10,000 and up Rs. 25,001 and Rs.50,001 and up to Above Rs.
to Rs. 25,000 up to Rs. 50,000 Rs. 1,00,000 1,00,000
Locker Concession Nil 10% 15% 25%
PAI Death Cover 40 lakh
Air Accidental Insurance (AAI) Cover 100 lakh
Permanent Total Disability Cover Up to Rs. 40 lakh
Permanent Partial Disability Cover Up to Rs. 20 lakh
Police Salary Package (PSP)
Variants Silver Gold Diamond Platinum
Net Monthly Salary Rs.10,000 and up Rs. 25,001 and Rs.50,001 and up to Above Rs.
to Rs. 25,000 up to Rs. 50,000 Rs. 1,00,000 1,00,000
Locker Concession Nil Nil 15% 25%
PAI Death Cover Rs. 5 Lakh Rs. 5 Lakh Rs.15 Lakh Rs. 20 Lakh
PAI Death Cover for PSP (Home Rs. 1 Lakh
Air Accidental Insurance (AAI) Cover - Rs. 5 Lakh Rs. 20 Lakh Rs. 30 Lakh
Corporate Salary Package (CSP)
Variants Contrac Silver Contractual Gold Diamond Platinum Rhodiu
tual Gold m
Eligibility (NMI) 10,000 10,000 and 25,001 and 25,001 and 50,001 and 1,00,001 and Above


and up up to 25,000 up to 50,000 up to up to 1 Lakh up to 2,00,000

to 50,000 2,00,000
Concession in Nil Nil Nil 10% of 15% of 50% of 50% of
Annual Locker applicable applicable applicable applicabl
Rental rate rate rate e rate
ATM cum Debit Free, Free, Free,
Card Domesti International International
c Classic Gold Debit Platinum
Debit Card Debit Card
OD up to 2 Not Not Available Not Min 25 K & Min 25 K & Min 25 K & Min 25 K
months’ Net Availabl Available Max 1 Lakh Max 2 Lakh Max 3 Lakh & Max 5
salary, subject to e Lakh
residual service
of 6 months
PAI (Death) 1 Lakh 1 Lakh 10 Lakh 10 Lakh 20 Lakh 30 Lakh 40 Lakh
Air Accident Not Not Available 10 Lakh 10 Lakh 30 Lakh 60 Lakh 100 Lakh
Insurance Availabl
(Death) e
Wealth Not Available Available
Manager (WRM)
Add on Cover Cost of Plastic Surgery in burn cases - Maximum Rs.10 lac
{Applicable with Transportation of imported medicine - Maximum Rs.5 lac
Personal Death in Coma (more than 48 hours) after accident– Maximum Rs.2 lac
Accident Air Ambulance – Maximum Rs.10 lacs
Insurance Child Higher Education Cover (for Graduation) age between 18-25 Years –25% of entitled PAI
(Death) Cover} cover. (If PAI claim is found admissible) - Maximum Rs.5 lac
Girl Child Cover for Marriage (Age 18-25 Years) – 10 % of entitled PAI Cover. (If PAI claim is
found admissible) – Maximum Rs.5 lac
Family Transportation (cost of travel incurred by immediate 2 family members to reach place of
accident) - Maximum Rs.20,000/-
Repatriation of mortal remains – Maximum Rs.20,000/- Ambulance charges- Maximum
Min. Balance Requirement = Nil
Transactions at ATMs = State Bank & Other Bank ATMs: Unlimited Free
Demand Draft charges = Unlimited Free, if issued through Salary Account
Setting up SI within SBI = Free
Multi City Cheques (Payable at par at all Branches) = Cheque Leaf charges: NIL (except for bulk requirement i.e., in
excess of 25 cheque leaves at a single instance or in a month)
NEFT/RTGS charges = Waived except transactions originated through Branch Channel by Silver and Gold variant
CSP accountholders
SMS Alerts charges = Free
Auto Sweep Facility (Available only on customer’s request) = Threshold Amount: Rs.35,000/-
TDRs/ STDRs to be created for a minimum amount of Rs.,10,000/- (and in multiples of Rs.1,000/-) in any one
 For for Salary Package Account: Latest SalarySlip for last 2 months for categorization of accounts as Silver, Gold,
Diamond or Platinum. In case of new recruits, copy of Offer Letter from Employer, with break-up of salary would
Service Certificate is to be obtained at the time of salary account opening in case of account under DSP/ ICGSP/


Two Months Easy Overdraft Facility for Silver variant of CSP account holders is withdrawn now. (Earlier Rs.40000/)
Reimbursement Current Account is the facility for CSP account holders for Crediting reimbursements of various
tax-free allowances which are to be segregated from salary and other credits.
If there is no credit for more than 3 months in CSP Account, that account is to be converted into regular SB

Salary Accounts of IPS officers, selected through Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination, are eligible
in Platinum variant under PSP from induction level itself.
RuPay Debit Cards for accounts under CSP: Usage and Base Feature details
Base Features RuPay Platinum RuPay Select
For Silver, Gold & Diamond CSP variants For Platinum & Rhodium CSP variants
Card Validity 5 Years 5 Years
Card Type EMV Chip and PIN + Contactless EMV Chip and PIN + Contactless
Domestic/ International # International #
Daily Cash limits Rs.100 (min) and Rs.100,000 per day (max) 100 (min) and Rs.200,000 per day (max)
at ATMs
Daily PoS/ Rs.200,000 per day Rs.500,000 per day
eCommerce limit
Issuance Fee Nil upto 2 cards per account and maximum one for Nil upto 2 cards per account and
one customer maximum one for one customer
AMC Nil for 2 debit cards per salary account Nil for 2 debit cards per salary account
Contactless limit Rs.5,000 per txn Rs.5,000 per txn
Insurance (AAI/ To be provided by RuPay To be provided by RuPay
PAI) on debit
Corporate Salary Package” for serving employees of AIR Force schools under Indian Air Force educational &
cultural society
Variants Silver Gold Diamond Platinum Rhodium
Eligibility (Net 10,000/- to Above 25,000/- Above 50,000/- Above 1,00,000/- Above 2,00,000
Monthly Salary 25,000/- and up to and up to and up to
Credit) 50,000/- 1,00,000/- 2,00,000/-
Complementary PAI 20 lakh 30 lakh 40 lakh
(Death)** Cover
Complementary AAI 30 lakh 60 lakh 100 lakh
(Death)** ** cover (Air ticket should have been purchased by debit to Corporate Salary Package
account, or where ticket is provided by the department for official duty)
Permanent Total Maximum up to ₹ 10 lakh
Disability (PTD)
Permanent Partial Maximum up to ₹ 10 lakh
Disability (PPD)
SBI Rishtey (Family A zero Balance savings account for up to 4 close family members, for all “Gold” and above
Savings Account) variant accounts, which offers bouquet of benefits including PAI Cover of ₹ 5 lakh to each
adult family member**
Processing Fee Waived on Xpress Credit, Car Loan, and 2-Wheeler Loan
Overdraft up to 2 Nil Min. 25,000/- & Min. 25,000/- & Min. 25,000/- & Min. 25,000/- &
Month’s Net salary Max. 1,00,000/- Max. 2,00,000/- Max. 3,00,000/- Max. 5,00,000/-
Concession in No 10% of applicable 15% of 50 % of applicable rate


Annual Locker concession rate applicable rate

Multi City Cheques Issuance of 25 Cheque Leaves free per month
RTGS/NEFT Charges Waived through online channel for all variants, Offline transactions waived for Diamond,
Platinum, and Rhodium Variants
Demand Draft Waived for unlimited number of drafts, if issued through debit to Corporate Salary Package
Transactions at
State Bank & Other Bank ATMs: UNLIMITED number of transactions Free within India
Add on covers**: Available only if the Personal Accidental (Death) Insurance (PAI) Claim is found admissible
as a valid claim
• Child Higher Education Cover (for Graduation) age between 18-25 Years –25% of entitled PAI cover - Up to ₹ 10
lakh (In case of Male child maximum ₹ 8 lakhs – in case of Girl child maximum ₹ 10 lakh – for one Male/ Girl child
• Girl Child Cover for Marriage (Age 18-25 Years) – 20 % of entitled PAI Cover, maximum 10 Lakh for two girl children
(5 lakh each, i.e. in case of 1 Girl child – maximum ₹5 lakh only)
• Family Transportation- (cost of travel incurred by immediate 2 family members to reach the place of accident) – up
to ₹ 50,000/-
• Repatriation of mortal remains – up to ₹ 50,000/-
• Ambulance charges- up to ₹ 50,000/-
• Air Ambulance cover – up to ₹ 10 lakh
• Death in Coma (more than 48 hours) after accident– ₹ 5 lakh
• Transportation of imported medicine – up to ₹ 5 lakh
• Cost of Plastic Surgery in burn cases – up to ₹ 10 lakh

** Insurance covers available valid w.e.f. 04.11.2023. Policy valid till 03.01.2024 and continuation thereafter will be
subject to review/ renewal.
DSP - Agniveer
Eligibility “Agniveers” of Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force
Min. Balance Nil
Multi City Cheques 25 cheque leaves issue free per month
Concession in annual locker rent 10% of applicable rate
RTGS/NEFT/Draft Free
Complimentary Insurance Cover **
PAI (Death) Cover 50 Lakhs
Air Accidental Insurance (Death) 1 Crore
cover i) If Air ticket have been purchased by debit to “DSP- Agniveer” Salary
Package Account through Debit Card/ Cheque / Internet Banking
(ii) where ticket is not required to be purchased by the account holder on
duty (service/combat/chartered aircrafts of Defence or Para Military Forces)
(iii) ticket is provided by the department for official duty.
Permanent Total Disability Cover Maximum up to Rs. 50 Lakhs
Permanent Partial Disability Cover Maximum up to Rs. 50 Lakhs
Add on Cover (Applicable in case of Accidental Death only)
Cost of Plastic Surgery in Burn cases Max. up to Rs. 10 Lakh
Transportation of Imported Medicine Max. up to Rs. 5 Lakh
Death after Coma after accident (if patient remains in coma for more than 48 Max. up to Rs. 2 Lakh
Air Ambulance Max. up to Rs. 10 Lakh
Girl Marriage Cover (18-25 age) 10% of Applicable PAI cover Max. up to Rs. 5 Lakh


Child Higher Education Cover (For graduation) age between 18-25 years 25% Max. up to Rs. 5 Lakh
of applicable PAI cover
Family Transportation (cost of travel incurred by immediate 2 family members Max. up to Rs. 20,000
to reach place of accident)
Repatriation of mortal remains Max. up to Rs. 20,000
Ambulance charges Max. up to Rs. 15,000
Additional PAI cover for death in action against Anti National Max. up to Rs. 10 Lakh
Activities/Naxalite/Foreign Enemy
** Insurance cover available till 03.01.2023 and continuation thereafter will be subject to review / renewal. Terms and
Conditions apply
Number of Accounts Not more than one account
Recurring Deposit (RD)
Tenure * Min = 1 Year
* Max = 10 Years
Min monthly installment Minimum instalment Rs. 100/- & multiple of Rs. 10/-
Non credit of installments leads to premature closure Six consecutive installments
Max amount payable for RD of minor 2 lakh
* Deposits with interest amounting to 20000/- and above has to be paid by way of credit to account/Bank
Draft/crossed cheque.
In case of Delayed payment of installment in RD Account, if the period of deposit is 5 years and less, penalty
shall be Rs. 1.50 for every Rs. 100 per month& if the deposit is above 5 years, the penalty is Rs. 2.00 for every
Rs.100 per month.
In case six consecutive instalments are not received, the account should prematurely be closed, and balance
paid to the account holder.
Interest Rates as applicable to Term Deposits
Premature closure as applicable to Term Deposits
Interest payable will be subject to TDS
Nomination facility is available
Where the depositors fail to pay an instalment for calendar month, no reminders will be sent by the Bank.
Penalty is charged on delayed payment of instalment
A Service Charge will be levied on Recurring Deposit accounts paid out on or after the date of maturity, wherein
there is default in payment of three or more consecutive instalments and the account has not been regularized. A
service charge of Rs. 10/- will be levied on such accounts at the time of payment at or after maturity.
Penalty when applied, shall not exceed the interest paid to the depositor.
Term Deposit
Meaning of Term deposit Deposit for a period from 07 days to 120 months
Minimum Tenure STDR = 6 month
TDR = 7 days
Maximum tenure 10 years
Amount Min = 1000/-, max = No limit
TDS applicable
TDS is applicable when the interest on time * 40000/-,
deposit exceeds * 50000 for Sr Citizen
If pan is not provided the applicable TDS on 20% + 3%cess
Resident individual
15G-H Form 15H = 60 yr and above, form 15 G = below 60 yr
Interest interval is paid on TDR Quarterly but on request of customer it may be half yearly or
In the absence of maturity instructions Balance payable on maturity jointly to the survivor (s) and legal
representative (s) of the deceased depositor (s)
How many DL permitted on TDR/STDR 1 only


Maximum amount of loan granted against term At the Branches = 90% of principal amount + accrued interest
deposit Through YONO/INB = (i) 90% of the face value of
STDR/eSTDRi.e., customers will have no choice to fix the lower
(ii) default 75% of the face value of TDR/eTDRby default
i.e.,customers will have no choice to fix thelower limit.
Amount of loan available against time deposit Min = 1000/-, Max = 2 Cr
Maximum deposit accepted in term deposit 2 lac
account of minor in single name
Maximum deposit accepted in term deposit 20 lac
account of minor jointly with guardian
 The maturity proceeds will be credited to the current/savings bank account of the depositor if exceeding
Premature Withdrawal:
a) For Retail Term Deposits up to Rs. 5 Lac the penalty for premature withdrawal will be 0.50% (all tenors).
b) For Retail Term Deposits above Rs. 5 Lac but below Rs. 2 Crores, applicable penalty will be 1% (all tenors).

Retail Deposits = Term Deposits of less than Rupee Two Crores

Bulk Deposits = Term Deposits equal to or more than Rupee Two Crores.
Term Deposits should not be issued with effect from a ‘backdate’ against the balance lying in Current/Savings
Bank accounts.
An Account Opening Form is required to be obtained at the time of opening of Term Deposits.
Term Deposits for Girl Child is also available as a Special Scheme for receiving contribution/grant from
State/Central Government or other Govt. bodies in the name of newly born girl child.
The period of deposits under this Scheme is up to the maximum age of 18 years of the girl child.
Any repayment of Term Deposit (including RD), for Rs. 20,000/- or more (inclusive of interest) should be made by
an Account Payee Cheque, Account Payee Demand draft drawn in the name of person who has made the deposit or
to an account maintained with the Bank and not in cash.
Term Deposit Account not funded on the date of opening, shall be closed at the end of the day.
If Term Deposit Accounts are opened with operating instructions ‘Either or Survivor’, the signatures of both the
depositors neednot be obtained for payment of the amount of the deposits onmaturity. Signatures of both the
depositors have to be obtained, in case the deposit is to be paid before maturity.
In case the mandate is ‘Former or Survivor’, the ‘Former’ alone can operate/ withdraw the matured amount of the
Term Deposit, when both the depositors are alive. However, signature of both the depositors have to be obtained,
in case the deposit is to be paid before maturity.
Bulk Deposit classification
i) Only Single Deposit of Rs. 2.00 Cr and above shall be considered as Bulk deposit
ii) Cumulative amount of term deposits opened under same CIF during the day shall not be considered for classifying
any term deposit as Bulk Deposit.
MOD (Multi Option Deposit) Scheme
(a) These are combination of Term Deposits/Special Term Deposits with linked Savings Bank/ Current Accounts.
(b) Deposits are completely liquid and can be withdrawn in multiples of Rs. 1000, any number of times through
(c) Tenor of deposits for 1 to 5 years.
(d) TDS is applicable at prevalent rate.
(e) Nomination facility is available.
(f) Provision of MODs are also available through auto sweep facility in Savings Plus accounts.
(g) For ‘auto sweep’ facility, the Minimum Threshold Balance & Minimum Resultant Balance should be Rs 35,000/-
and Rs. 25,000/- respectively. Minimum Sweep amount of Rs. 10,000/- in multiples of Rs.1000/-.
(h) It is to be noted that the above restriction on Threshold Limit will apply only for availing auto sweep facility and
the individual Stand – Alone MOD can continue to be opened by the customers including e-MOD with a minimum of
Rs.10,000/- irrespective of the threshold Level.


(i) Additional Rate of interest applicable to Senior Citizens is payable.

(j) Maintaining AMB (Average Monthly Balance) is applicable on linked Savings Bank/Current Account.
SBI Tiny Recurring Deposit Account
Eligibility SBI BSBD A/c holder with full KYC products, viz: Kiosk Channel customers having their
Savings accounts are eligible for opening SBI Tiny RD accounts.
Mode of Operation Single
Available at Kiosk (CSPs)
Initial Deposit Minimum installment of Rs. 50/- and multiples of Rs. 10/- thereof
Monthly Installment  No fixed installment.
 Minimum Deposit Rs. 50/- and maximum deposit Rs. 30,000/-.
 Multiple deposits can be made.
 However maximum deposit in a financial year per Tiny RD account is pegged at
Rs. 50,000/-
Tenure of RD 6/12/24/36/48/60 months
Number of A/c per Multiple accounts can be opened without restriction on maximum aggregate balance.
Pre-Mature a) Interest will be 0.50% less than the interest payable on the deposit for the period
Payment which it has run (For Tiny RD Account balance upto Rs. 5.00 lac)
b) Interest will be 1 % less than the interest payable on the deposit for the period
which it has run (For Tiny RD balance above Rs. 5.00 lac)
c) There is no discretion for reduction / waiver of penalty for premature withdrawal of
term deposits.
d) No interest will be paid on Deposits which remain for a period of less than 7 days.
Pre-mature payment request to be sent to link Branch.
Nomination Available
Loan facility There is no facility of sanctioning of Loans in FI channel, including those against term
However, Branches may accept the deposit as primary/collateral security as per Bank’s
policy on Loan against Term deposits.
Others “On the date of maturity, the maturity proceeds will be transferred to full KYC BSBD
account with SBI, and the customer can withdraw the amount from SB Account.”
SBI Tiny Special Term Deposit Account
Segment Personal
Eligibility SBI BSBD A/c holder with full KYC products, viz: Kiosk Channel customers
having their Savings accounts are eligible for opening SBI Tiny STDR
Mode of Operation Single Operation only
Available at Kiosks
Minimum Deposit 1,000/- thereafter in multiples of Rs. 500/-
Maximum Deposit Maximum single deposit amount permitted up to Rs. 30,000/-
Tenure of Deposit 6,12,24 & 36 months only
Rate of interest As applicable to domestic retail Term Deposits. Interest payable will be
subjected to TDS.
Mode of transaction Single through BC channel only
Facility of premature withdrawal Available, penalty as applicable in branch channel for normal branch
customer. Payment before maturity request will be sent to the link branch.
Number of accounts No Ceiling on number of accounts
Operation of the account and STDR acknowledgement will be printed and issued by the Link Branch. CSP
applicable charges will issue the printed receipt generated from technology device after
successful transaction/receiving deposit amount from the customers.
Loan facility There is no facility of sanctioning of Loans in FI channel, including those
against term deposits.


However, Branches may accept the deposit as primary/collateral security as

per Bank’s policy on Loan against Term deposits.
TDS TDS related matters are to be handled by the Link Branch
Payment method on Maturity On maturity date, the matured amount will be renewed for the given period
in cases where the customer has opted for auto-renewal facility else the
matured amount will be credited into the Savings Bank Account of the
Change of Home Branch Change of home branch is permitted. The process is same as applicable to
other term deposits of Branch Channel.
SBI Tax Saving Scheme 2006
Tenure * Min = 5 years
* Max = 10 years
Min & Max deposit * Min = 1000/-, in multiple of Rs. 100/-
* Max = 1.5 lac
In case of joint account who will get tax benefits 1st Account holder
IT on interest income is liable for tax deduction u/s 194 and 195 of the act
PAN Mandatory
Premature payment Allowed after completion of 5 yrs
Loan No
Nomination Available
 Quarterly compounded Interest.
 Lock-in period of 5 years.
 No Loans or advances against these deposits is allowed during lock in period. Term Deposit shall not be pledged
to secure loan or as security to any other asset.
 Interest Rate as applicable to Term Deposits.
 Type of account will be Term Deposit (TD) account / Special Term Deposit (STD).
 In the event of death of first account holder in case of joint account, the other holder of the deposit shall be
entitled to encash the deposit before its maturity/ within lock in period by making an application to the Branch,
supported by proof of death of the first holder of the deposit. In that case, interest shall be paid for the period for
which deposit has remained with the Bank without penalty.
 The deposit may be transferred from one branch, from which it has been issued, to another branch, on the
depositor making an application, at either of the two branches.
 Term Deposit shall not be transferred to another Bank.
Annuity Deposit Scheme
Minimum Based on minimum annuity of Rs 1000/-p.m.
In no case Minimum Amount of deposit should be below Rs 25,000/-
Maximum No Limit
Tenure 36/ 60/ 84 or 120 Months
Rate of Interest As applicable to Term Deposits
Loan / Overdraft up to 75% of the balance amount of annuity deposits
One-time lump sum deposit amount is paid back in Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs), comprising a part of the
principal amount as well as interest.
Payment will start on anniversary date of the month. If date is non-existent (29th, 30th and 31st), it will be paid on
1st day of next month.
Premature payment allowed for the deposits up to Rs.15,00,000/-.
Interest payment is subject to TDS as per Income Tax Rules.
Loan / Overdraft up to 75% of the balance amount of annuity deposits may be granted.
Motor Accident Claim Annuity Deposit (MACAD)
Eligibility Individuals in single name including Minors (through guardian)
Minimum Based on minimum annuity payment of Rs. 1,000/- p.m. for the relevant
Maximum No Limit


Tenor i) 36 to 216 months as per directions of Tribunal/Court.

ii) In case the period is less than 36 months, normal Term Deposit account will
be opened
The compensation amount awarded by a Tribunal/Court to victims/claimants of motor accidents are deposited and
paid in monthly annuity instalments comprising part of the principal amount plus interest.
MACAD Scheme is also extended to victims/claimants of Railway accidents where an award/order is received from
Railway Claim Tribunals/Courts which conform to features of MACAD.
No Receipts will be issued to depositors.
Only Passbook will be issued for MACAD.
In case of normal Term Deposit (for a period less than 36 months), a Term Deposit Advice will be issued.
No loan or advance shall be allowed against the deposit.
Annuity payment/ Premature closure payment/ Part lump sum payment will be made only through MACT claims
Saving Bank account as per order of the Court.
Account transfer- Not allowed without the permission of Tribunal/Court.
Opening of MACT Claims Savings Bank account is mandatory for this product.
Floating Rate Bulk Term Deposit (FRBTD)
Eligible All Individuals (Including NRIs) and Non-individual customers
Tenor Minimum 91 days – Maximum 3 years
Minimum period for NRE Rupee Term Deposit shall be 12 months.
Minimum amount Rs. 2 Crores and in multiples of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rs. One lac) thereafter.
Maximum No Limit
Loan/Overdraft up to 90% of FRBTD amount (excluding accrued interest).
The product is available in Rupee Deposit only
Minors not eligible to open Floating Rate Bulk Term Deposit either singly or jointly with guardian.
Interest rate would be 1.50 % p.a. above the applicable floating interest rate at the time of opening loan
account and rising and falling with changes from time to time.
No interest shall be paid in case of premature withdrawal of deposit before 91 days.
Penalty for premature payment of FRBTD for all tenors will be 1%.
Senior Citizen Deposit Scheme
Tenure * Min= 1 year
* Max= 10 years
Minimum amount 10000/- and thereafter in multiple of 1000/-
Minimum age 60 years
Differential rate of interest 0.25% above the normal rates
Capital Gain Account Scheme (CGAS)
The CGAS account can be opened only with an authorized/approved bank branch. Rural branches of banks are not
Deposit Minimum Rs. 1000/-
Maximum: No Limit
Period of deposit 2 or 3 years from date of transfer of original asset as the case may be.#
Max- 24 Months Purchase of One Residential House situated in India from
the date of transfer
Max- 36 Months Construction of One Residential House situated in India
from date of transfer
Loan No loan facility. This term deposit can neither be accepted as margin money for
non-fund based nor as collateral to any type of fund-based facilities
Type of Account S.B. Account (Deposit Account-A) and Term Deposits (TDR / STDR) (Deposit
ROI As applicable to normal Savings Bank account and/or Term Deposits for
respective maturities of Retail & Bulk deposits.
No additional interest rate benefit for Senior Citizens or Staff.
Nomination available for the deposits (Up to 3 Nominees can be nominated)


Funds withdrawn from CGAS account needs to be utilized within 2 months.

Interest earned on CGAS deposit, will be taxable.
Transactions at non-home branches are NOT allowed for these products.
INB facility is allowed with viewing rights only, NO transaction rights permitted.
Closure of TDR/STDR (Account – B) allowed before maturity. (Proceeds to be credited to CapGains SB account-
Account- A only). At the time of closure of all accounts, the depositor will have to produce specific authority letter/
certificate from the Income Tax Officer of the respective jurisdiction. The closure would be allowed on the terms
mentioned in the letter of authority.
Auto renewal is NOT available for Term Deposits or Special Term Deposits opened under SBI Cap Gains Plus
unlike the Regular Term Deposit or Special Term Deposit product.
Periodical interest (quarterly, half yearly etc.,) can be credited to regular SB account of depositor. Calendar quarter
option will NOT be available for this product.
Upon maturity of a Term Deposit or Special Term Deposit opened under SBI Cap Gains Plus, the proceeds will be
credited into the Savings Bank Account opened under SBI Cap Gains Plus.
NO ATM debit card or Cheque book can be issued for Cap Gains SB account (A/C-A).
Cash withdrawals from Account-A only upto Rs. 25,000 per instance. Above Rs.25,000 can be paid only by way
of issuance of a crossed DD / banker’s cheque drawn in favour of the person to whom the depositor intends to make
the payment.
Accounts under CapGains are barred from online opening of account / assigning Internet banking transaction
rights. (Can be mapped only for enquiry rights) Payment of interest on Capgains TDR Periodical interest (quarterly,
half yearly etc.,) can be credited to regular SB account of depositor. Calendar quarter option will NOT be available for
this product.
Form-A: Application Form;
Form-B: Conversion of TDR into S.B. Account
Form-C: Withdrawal from CGAS
Form-D: Subsequent Withdrawal are permitted only after the customer submits the details regarding the manner
and extent of utilization of the amount withdrawn from account on the previous occasion
Form-E: Nomination;
Form-F: Cancellation of Nomination
Form-G: Complete closure of all Capgain plus accounts
Form-H: To be used by the legal heirs / nominees of the deceased customer, duly approved by the Assessing
Officer, Income Tax Department of the Assessee’s (depositor’s) jurisdiction.
SBI WECARE Senior Citizens Term Deposit Scheme
Purpose Protecting income of Senior Citizens by providing additional interest on their Term Deposits
Eligible Senior Citizens
Type of Deposit Domestic Term Deposit
Period of Deposit Min = 5 years
Max = 10 years
Interest Rate Additional premium of 30 bps (over and above existing premium of 50 bps) over card rate for
Public i.e. 80 bps over card rate for Public.
Payment of Term Deposit – At monthly/ quarterly interval
Interest Special Term Deposit- On maturity
ii) Interest, net of TDS, shall be credited to Customer Account
Loan Facility Available
TDS At applicable rate as per Income Tax Act
Available Through Branch/ INB/ YONO
Others Scheme is available on fresh deposit and renewal of maturing deposits.
NRE Non-Callable Bulk Deposit (STDR & TDR)
Period of 1 year (only)
Deposit 2 years (only)
Minimum Rs. 2 crores (Single Deposit)


Maximum No maximum limit
Eligible Deposits i) Fresh remittance from abroad through banking channel
ii) Transfer from NRE accounts.
iii) Term Deposit and Special Term Deposit only.
(Scheme not available for MOD / Auto Sweep)
Interest Rate 6.85%
(i) NRE Deposits of Staff, staff pensioner and Senior Citizen will not be eligible for any additional
interest rate.
(ii) DIR will not be available on non-callable deposits.
(iii) Interest Rate may be revised from time to time.
Payment of i) Term Deposits – At monthly / quarterly / half yearly / yearly intervalsii) Special Term Deposits -
Interest On maturity
Premature Premature withdrawal facility will not be permitted except in deceased settlement case and
Withdrawal direction fromJudiciary / Statutory / Regulatory authorities. All eligiblecases to be approved by
Branch controllers.
Renewal on On maturity account will be rolled over to normal NRE Term Deposit for the same tenure
Loan Facility Only Demand Loan against Term Deposit, aligning repayment with the residual period of
 Overdraft facility will not available.
Only Principal amount should be considered while calculating the loan against deposit
NRE Non-Callable Retail Deposit (STDR & TDR)
Period of Deposit  1 year (only)
 2 years (only)
Minimum Deposit Rs. 15.01 lacs (In multiples of Rs. 1000/- thereafter)
Maximum Amount Less than Rs. 2 Crores
Eligible Deposits i) Fresh remittance from abroad through banking channel
ii) Transfer from NRE accounts.
iii) Term Deposit and Special Term Deposit only.
(Scheme not available for MOD / Auto Sweep)
Interest Rate  30 bps over card rate for tenor 1 year
 40 bps over card rate for tenor 2 Years
(i) NRE Deposits of Staff, staff pensioner and Senior Citizen will not be
eligible for any additional interest rate.
(ii) DIR will not be available on non-callable deposits.
(iii) Interest Rate may be revised from time to time.
Payment of Interest i) Term Deposits – At monthly / quarterly / half yearly / yearly intervals
ii) Special Term Deposits - On maturity
Premature Withdrawal  Premature withdrawal facility will not be permitted except in deceased
settlement case and direction from Judiciary / Statutory / Regulatory
authorities. All eligible cases to be approved by Branch controllers.
 In exceptional circumstances premature withdrawal will be permitted with
Branch controllers’ approval
 No Interest will be paid in case of premature withdrawal.
Renewal on Maturity On maturity account will be rolled over to normal NRE Term Deposit for the
same tenure
Loan Facility  Only Demand Loan against Term Deposit, aligning repayment with the
residual period of deposit (Overdraft facility will not available).
 Only Principal amount should be considered while calculating the loan


against deposit eligibility (accrued interest should not be considered)

 As per RBI guidelines, loan amount cannot be repatriated abroad.
 Non-Callable Deposits should not be used as Security / Margin Money for
LC / BG and any other credit facilities or purpose.
Available through Branch / INB Channels
Others Branches are advised to affix following stamp on term deposit advice:
“Care: NRE Non-Callable Term Deposit Premature withdrawal not
permitted except in deceased settlement case and direction from
Judiciary / Statutory / Regulatory authorities”
All other terms and conditions for NRE Term Deposits shall remain
SARVOTTAM (Non-Callable) Domestic Term Deposit
Eligibility Resident Individuals and Non- Individual Customers (Minors and NRI customers are not eligible)
Special Category Senior Citizens / Staff/ Staff Senior Citizens eligible for additional Interest Rate applicable over
of Customers Non-callable Rate for public. (NRI Senior Citizens / NRI Staff not eligible)
Minimum Retail = Rs.15.01 lacs
Amount Bulk = Rs. 2 cr
(In multiples of Rs. 1000/- thereafter)
Maximum Retail = < Rs. 2 cr.
Amount Bulk = No limit
Tenor 1 year and 2 years only
Rate of Interest  30 bps over card rate for tenor 1 year
 40 bps over card rate for tenor 2 years
Eligible Products TDR/ STDR only
Premature Not allowed except in case of
Withdrawal  Death of Individual Depositor(s)
 If directed by Court/ Regulator or in case of Winding up/ Bankruptcy
 Right to set off
Loan Facility  Demand Loan facility available to account holder only.
 Demand Loan to third party against Sarvottam Deposit is not allowed.
 No Overdraft facility allowed.
 However, premature payment of Sarvottam Term Deposit is not permitted for repayment of
Loan except on (i) death of depositor (ii) court order
TDS Applicable
Renewal of Not allowed.
Deposit Maturity amount shall be credited to Customer SB/CA/CC/OD Account
Available The product shall be available through Branch CBS only.
through Channel
i. Not to be used as security/ margin money (LC/BG) and any other credit facility or purpose.
ii. Conversion from existing TDR to Non-Callable and vice – versa not allowed.
AMRIT KALASH (Retail Term Deposits including NRI Rupee Term deposits)
Period of Deposit 400 Days
Eligible Deposits i) Domestic Retail Term Deposits including NRI Rupee Term Deposits (< Rs 2 crore)
ii) New and Renewal Deposits
iii) Term Deposit and Special Term Deposit only
i) Other products i.e., Recurring Deposit, Tax Savings Deposits, Annuity Deposits, MACAD,
Multi Option Deposits (MODs), Capital Gains Scheme etc.
ii) NRI Deposits of Staff and Senior Citizens.
Interest Rate 7.10%
Senior Citizens, Staff and Staff Pensioners are eligible for additional interest rate
applicable to them


TDS At applicable rate as per Income-tax Act

Premature Withdrawal As applicable for Retail term deposit
Loan Facility Available
Available through Branch/INB/YONO Channels
Others No separate product codes are required for AMRIT KALASH Deposit.
Mahila Samman Savings Certificate, 2023
Eligibility An application for opening an account under this Scheme shall be made by a woman
for herself, or by the guardian on behalf of a minor girl to the Branch, on or before
31st March 2025.
Type of Accounts Single holder type account.
Deposits  An individual may open any number of accounts subject to the maximum limit
for deposit specified as below and a time gap of three months shall be maintained
between the existing account and the opening of another account.
 Minimum of Rs. 1000/- and any sum in multiples of Rs. 100/- may be deposited
in an account and no subsequent deposit shall be allowed in that account.
 Maximum limit of Rupees two lakh (Rs. 2,00,000).
 At customer level, the maximum amount of deposit cannot exceed Rs. 2,00,000.
Interest 7.5% per annum.
 Interest shall be compounded on quarterly basis and credited to the account.
 The interest payable to the account holder in respect of any account opened or
deposit made which is not in consonance with the provisions of this Scheme shall be
payable at the rate applicable to the Post Office Savings Account.
Maturity 2 year
TDS Applicable
Withdrawal from account Maximum up to 40% of the Eligible Balance once after the expiry of one year from
the date of opening of the account but before the maturity of the account.
Premature closure  The account shall not be closed before maturity except in the following cases:
a) On the death of the account holder
b) Where the Post Office or the Bank concerned is satisfied, in cases of extreme
compassionate grounds such as medical support in life-threatening diseases of the
account holder or death of the guardian, that the operation or continuation of the
account is causing undue hardship to the account holder, it may, after complete
documentation, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, allow premature
closure of the account.
 Where an account is prematurely closed as detailed above, interest on principal
amount shall be payable at the rate applicable to the Scheme for which the account
has been held.
 Premature closure of an account may be permitted, any time after the completion
of six months from the date of opening of an Account on an application in Form-4,
for any reason other than provided above, and in which case the balance as stood
from time to time in the account shall be eligible only for the interest rate less by
2% than the rate specified in this Scheme.
Nomination Available
Other In the event of death of the Guardian, the succeeding guardian shall be eligible to
operate the account of the Minor or the person of unsound mind.
Forms Form-1 (Application for opening of accounts)
Form-2 (Application for closure of accounts)
Form-3 (Application for withdrawal)
Form-4 (Application for premature closure of account)
Gold Deposit Scheme
Eligible Individual, joint Hindu family, Trust, Company
Min quantity 500 gram


Nomination Yes only if account is in single name

Nodal branch for gold deposit Overseas branch, Mumbai
Loan facility DL/OD
SBI Flexi Deposit
Target group High earning people who desire to earn good interest with flexibility of increasing
the amount.
Tenure * Min = 5 year
* Max = 7 year
Min & Max deposit per FY * Min = 5000, in multiple of Rs. 500/-
* Max = 50000/-
Type of Account Recurring Deposit
Penalty for default Rs 50/-. {in payment of Minimum Deposit per Financial Year}
Interest Compounded quarterly intervals, based on the balance outstanding on the last date
of each month.
withdrawn Deposit on maturity can be withdrawn on the last date of the month in which it
Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable)
Launched July 01, 2020, by GOI
Eligibility for Investment: (i) a person resident in India,
(a) in her or his individual capacity, or
(b) in individual capacity on joint basis, or
(c) in individual capacity on any one or survivor basis, or
(d) on behalf of a minor as father/mother/legal guardian
(ii) a Hindu Undivided Family
Subscription Subscription to the bonds will be in the form of cash (upto `20,000/-
only)/drafts/cheques or any electronic mode acceptable to the Receiving Office.
Form of the Bonds The Bonds will be issued only in the electronic form and
held at the credit of the holder in an account called Bond Ledger Account (BLA), opened
with the Receiving Office.
Receiving Offices Any number of branches of State Bank of India, Nationalised Banks and four private
sector banks
Nomination Yes
Transferability The Bonds held to the credit of Bond Ledger Account (BLA) of
an investor shall not be transferable, except transfer to a nominee(s)/legal heir in case of
death of the holder of the bonds.
Interest (Floating) (i) Option – The interest on the bonds will be payable at half yearly intervals on Jan 1st
and July 1st every year. There is no option to pay interest on cumulative basis.
(ii) Rate – The coupon/interest of the bond would be reset half yearly starting with Jan
1st, 2021 and thereafter every July 1st and Jan 1st. The coupon rate for first
coupon period, payable on January 1, 2021 is fixed at 7.15%.
(iii) Base Rate – The coupon rate will be linked/pegged with prevailing National
Saving Certificate (NSC) rate with a spread of (+) 35 bps over the respective NSC rate.
Brokerage Brokerage at the rate of 0.5% of the amount mobilized will be paid to
the Receiving Offices, and they shall share at least 50% of the brokerage so
received with brokers/sub brokers registered with them, on the applications
tendered by them and bearing their stamp, on behalf of their clients.
Dhan Lakshmi
Period 19.09.2023 to 31.01.2024
Deposit Type FCNR(B)/FCNR Premium
Type of Deposit TDR/STDR
Eligible Deposit USD 100,000/- to less than USD 250,000/-


(New and Renewal Deposit)

Period of Deposit 1 Year to less than 2 Years
Interest Rate 10 bps above card rate
Others All other terms and conditions of FCNR(B)/FCNR Premium Deposits shall remain unchanged.
‘Dhan Lakshmi’ festive deposit drive is for specific amount and period subject to monthly review.
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme
Eligibility The SGBs will be restricted for sale to resident individuals, HUFs, Trusts, Universities and
Charitable Institutions.
Denomination The SGBs will be denominated in multiples of gram(s) of gold with a basic unit of One
Tenor Eight years with an option of premature redemption after 5th year to be exercised on the
date on which interest is payable.
Minimum size One gram of gold
Maximum limit 4 Kg for individual, 4 Kg for HUF and 20 Kg for trusts and similar entities.
Joint holder Investment limit of 4 KG will be applied to the first applicant only.
Payment option Payment for the SGBs will be through cash payment (upto a maximum of Rs.20,000) or
demand draft or cheque or electronic banking.
Sales channel The SGBs will be sold through at the branches network and Internet Banking channels.
Interest rate The investors will be compensated at a fixed rate of 2.50 percent per annum payable
semi-annually on the nominal value.
Collateral The SGBs can be used as collateral for loans.
Tax treatment The interest on SGBs shall be taxable as per the provision of Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of
1961). The capital gains tax arising on redemption of SGB to an individual is exempted.
Tradability The SGBs shall be eligible for trading.
SLR eligibility Counted towards Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
Commission Bank gets commission @ 1% on total mobilisation and is shared at 50:50 ratio between
receiving branches and Mumbai Main Branch (Nodal Branch for the scheme).
Designated FCRA Current Account
Purpose The “Designated FCRA Current Account” is exclusive for NDMB
Who can Open the A/C Individual (Single/Jointly), NGOs, Firms, Company that either has a valid FCRA Registration
Certificate / Prior Permission or
Intended to apply for FCRA Registration Certificate / Prior Permission
Permissible Modes for Home Branch Credit & Credit from other Banks through NEFT/ RTGS
Debit / Credit Not permitted if FCRA Certificate / Prior Permission details not captured in the CBS or
restrictions certificate has expired, suspended cancelled or deemed to have ceased. Branch to put a
STOP in such accounts
Cheques Facility Permitted
NEFT/ RTGS Free Inter Bank transfers / NEFT / RTGS to Utilization accounts only
Demand Draft Permitted
Internet facility Permitted (without any restriction)
MAB No minimum balance criteria is applicable
Cash deposit at Not permitted
Non-Home Branch
Cash withdrawal Cash withdrawal at Home Branch is permitted. Charges as applicable.
Cash withdrawal charges at Non- Home Branch not permitted.
Account Transfer Not permitted
ATM Not permitted
Interest Rate Not applicable
Free Cheque Books 50 leaves per month
Cash Deposit Permitted at home branch only if it is related to donation in foreign currency or in INR


Designated FCRA Savings Bank Account

Purpose The proposed “Designated FCRA Savings Bank Account” is exclusive for
Who can Open the Individual (Single/Jointly), NGOs, Firms, Company that either has a valid FCRA
A/C Registration Certificate / Prior Permission or
Intended to apply for FCRA Registration Certificate / Prior Permission
(Who are otherwise eligible to open Non- Individual SB Account as per
extant instructions)
Permissible Modes for credits Home Branch Credits & Credits from other Banks through NEFT/ RTGS
Debit / Credit Restrictions Not permitted if FCRA Certificate / Prior Permission details are not captured
in the CBS or certificate has expired, suspended cancelled or deemed to have
ceased. Branch to put a STOP in such accounts.
Cheque facility Permitted
NEFT/ RTGS Free Inter Bank transfers / NEFT / RTGS to Utilization
accounts only
Demand Draft Permitted
Internet facility Permitted (without any restriction)
MAB No minimum balance criteria applicable
Maximum cash Cash deposit not permitted
deposit limit at
Non-Home Branch
Cash withdrawal Cash withdrawal at Home Branch is permitted. Charges as applicable.
Cash withdrawal charges at Non- Home Branch not permitted.
Account Transfer Not permitted
ATM Not permitted
Cash Deposit Permitted at home branch only if it is related to donation in foreign currency
or in INR
Free Cheque Book 10 leaves per month


Individual(s) over 18 years of age with steady source of income, including persons
engaged in agriculture & allied activities.
Maximum loan amount will be lowest of loan amount assessed on the basis of:
• Permissible EMI/NMI ratio
Loan max
• Maximum permissible LTV ratio
• Loan amount applied for
Age 18-70 Yrs
Repayment/ Tenure 30 years or before the borrower reaches the age of 70 years.
Determining Max. Loan The Age of the Youngest Earning Co-Borrower to be considered to arrive at the
Tenor Maximum Loan Tenor.
Home Loan amount LTV Ratio
Loan Upto Rs. 30 Lakh 90%
Margin/ LTV
Loan Above Rs. 30 Lakh and upto Rs. 75 Lakh 80%
Loan Above Rs. 75 Lakh 75%
Nature of Takeover Permissible LTV
Takeover of only Home Loan with automatic waiver of Interim 75%
Security/Third Party Guarantee (TPG) in eligible Cases
Takeover of Home loan where takeover of top up loan is also 75%
In case of Take Over involved
All other Home Loan Takeovers
(a) For Loan limit upto Rs.30 Lakh 90%
(b) For Loan limit above Rs.30 Lakh and upto Rs.75 Lakh 80%
(c) For Loan limit above Rs.75 Lakh 75%
Net Annual Income EMI/NMI ratio
<= 1.2 Lakh 20%
> 1.2 &<= 3 Lakh 30%
> 3 &<= 5 Lakh 55%
> 5 &<= 8 Lakh 60%
> 8 &<= 10 Lakh 65%
>10 Lakh 70%
 In case of salaried person if NAI above 10 Lakh and CIBIL score is below 750 then
ratio = 70%
 if NAI is above 10 Lakh and CIBIL score is 750 & above then ratio = 75%
Security Primary: EM/RM of the immovable property
Other immovable properties offered as Collateral security in lieu of mortgage of house/flat
Collateral financed the realizable market value of the residential property (should not be a vacant
plot of land) should be at least 125% of the value of the Home Loan sanctioned.
No. of Floors Maximum Permissible Moratorium
Upto 7 Floors 18 Months
Moratorium >7 floors and <=14 floors 24 Months
>14 floors and <=21 floors 30 Months
More than 21 floors 36 Months
0.35% of loan amount /limit + GST, minimum Rs. 2000 + GST and Maximum Rs. 10000
Proc. Fee
 No penal interest should be charged for Home Loans upto Rs. 25,000/-
 For Home Loans above Rs. 25000/-, if the irregularity exceeds EMI or Installment
Penal Interest on amount, for a period of one month, then penal interest should be recovered @2% p.m.
Irregular Loans (over and above the applicable interest rate) on the overdue amount for the period of
If part installment or part EMI remains overdue, then penal interest should not be levied.


Charges for Failed or

Non-payment EMI /  Cheque returned (for insufficient funds only): Rs. 500 + GST
Cheque returned/SI  Failed SI/NACH: Rs. 250 + GST
No of Co-borrowers restricted to 6. However, number may be allowed upto 10 with
No. of Co-Borrowers
approval of AGM (CPC)
Borrower / Home Loan Borrowers may also add Family Members who are NOT Property Owners
Co-Borrower (Spouse, Children, Parents, Siblings) as Co- Borrower with Approval from DGM (B&O).
 Standard Asset provisioning on HL sanctioned before 07.06.2017 = All Home Loan
except CRE Home Loans will attract Standard Asset provisioning of 0.40% (For CRE HL-
Capital Adequacy
Frame work
 Standard Asset provisioning on HL sanctioned on / After 07.06.2017 = All Home Loan
except CRE Home Loans will attract Standard Asset provisioning of 0.25%
CERSAI registration Loan Amount Registration Charges (per loan account)
charges (Cr to BGL Upto Rs. 5 Lakh Rs. 50/- + GST
3199841) Above Rs. 5 Lakh Rs. 100/- + GST
@ 2% plus GST will be levied on the loans foreclosed/prepaid amount during the initial
Pre-Closure Penalty
fixed tenor of 2 years. After 2 years, no pre-payment penalty levied
Permitted, administrative approval to be obtained from-
Pari-passu/ Second
upto 30 lakhs = AGM(Region/branch),
Over 30 lakhs = GM Network.
 2% above ROI on entire outstanding for period of delay, in cases where valid mortgage
is not created by the borrowers in favour of the Bank within 60 days of execution of Sale
Penal interest/ penalty
deed or issue of possession letter by builders/Occupation certificate, whichever is earlier.
on delayed mortgage
 DGM (B&O) is empowered to waive penal interest in cases where the delay in
creating mortgage occurs due to reasons beyond the control of borrowers.
 Not permitted for resident Home Loan borrowers, except borrowers employed in
Execution of
Defence Services, Para Military Forces and NRIs.
Documents on basis of
PoA would be restricted to close relatives namely Spouse, Father, Mother, Brother,
Power of Attorney
Sister, children, Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law.
Sanction Validity 3 months (including PAL) from the date of sanction
Fee for Revalidation Processing Fee of Rs. 5000/- will be required for each revalidation of sanction.
CIBIL Score Scores higher than 700 indicate low risk and score less than 520 indicates high risk.
 Home Loan limit upto Rs. 10 Lakh: Report from CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau Ltd).
 Home Loan limit above Rs. 10 Lakh: Two CIRs from the following two CICs need to be
Requirement of CIC
obtained:(a) CIBIL (ii) CRIF High Mark
 Sequence of CIC Reports in Home Loan where no information is available with the
primary or secondary bureau.= (i) CIBIL (ii) CRIF (iii) Experian (iv) Equifax
TIR in respect of POA Sales/Gift Deed will invariably be obtained from two empanelled
advocates, irrespective of loan amount.Wherever, In House Legal Team has been created
one TIR shall be obtained from them and one TIR shall be obtained from the empanelled
Scrutiny of Gift Deed and POA by Bank’s Law officer will be waived in respect of loans
less than Rs. 1 crore.
Title Investigation However, extant instructions for scrutiny of Gift Deed and POA by Bank’s Law officer will
Reports continue to be followed in respect of loans of Rs. 1 crore and above for project approvals
and for any such proposals where any clarification or further legal examination is
suggested by the empanelled advocates.

Title Investigation Report (TIR) from two different empanelled advocates:

 In respect of Housing Loans where the RERA registration is available and Loan amount
is aboveRs.5 crores.


 In respect of Housing Loans where RERA registration is not available and Loan amount
is Rs.1 crore and above.
 Second Sales and Loan amount is Rs.1crore and above.
 Post disbursement inspection within 15 days in respect of all Standard loans
disbursements, thereafter every quarter for the first year.
 The 2ndand 4thinspection should be carried out by a different official. Thereafter,
inspection to be carried out once in every 3 year.
Inspection  If repayments are in arrears for two successive months, inspection should be
conducted immediately.
 Inspection in NPA accounts – At Half-yearly Intervals.
 Randomly selected 5% accounts should be verified by Inspection every month.
 6 Month Default- Revival Letter to be obtained from Borrower and Guarantor.
 Home Loan = Quarterly intervals & Other P-Segment Loan = Half Yearly
Submission of
 Submission of report in duplicate to the controllers, on or before the 15thof the
Irregularity Reports
following quarter/half year.
Bank should return the securities documents (viz. title deed) to the borrower within 15
Lenders’ liability days of closure of loan account subject to Bank’s final claim settlement. Incase of delay,
Bank to pay @ Rs. 100/ per day beyond 15 days subject to maximum of Rs. 5000/.
Score Normal HL & Top-up
Clear Sanction 50 & above
Scoring Model
Overrides required 41 to 49
Decline 40 & Below
 As per extant instructions, secured creditors are required to file all the particulars
relating to the transactions (creation, modification or satisfaction of equitable mortgage,
securitization & reconstruction transactions) with the Central Registry within a period of
CERSAI 30 days.
 In terms of the provision under Section 26(A) of SARFAESI Act, Central Registry will not
allow filing of any charge beyond 60 days of creation of security interest unless the delay
is condoned by the Central Government.
Special interest rate is available to women borrowers, subject to compliance of the
Special interest rate following eligibility criteria: The woman should be the Sole Owner / Co-Owner of the
Property or Applicant / Co-Applicant in the Home Loan.
Rate of commission payable to HLCs, HLAs, MCs, MA: commission structure for HLC /
HLA / MC and MA, whose sourcing is less than Rs. 1000 crore p.a., is as under:
Limit brackets New loans Take over
Aggregate sourcing upto 1 crore, per month 0.45%+ taxes 0.60%+ taxes
Aggregate sourcing more than 1 crore & upto 3 0.50%+ taxes 0.65%+ taxes
crore, per month
Aggregate sourcing more than 3 crore & upto 6 0.55%+ taxes 0.70%+ taxes
Empanelment of Home crore, per month
Loan Counselors (HLCs) Aggregate sourcing more than 6 crore & upto 9 0.60%+ taxes 0.75%+ taxes
crore, per month
Aggregate sourcing more than 9 crore, per 0.65%+ taxes 0.80%+ taxes
 Commission is payable for only loans of Rs. 10 lakh and above.
 Maximum commission per loan restricted to Rs. 10 Lacs.
 For individual proposals of Rs. 1 Cr and above, additional 10 bps would be paid over
and above the revised pay-out, subject to maximum 0.80% + taxes.
 For sourcing of project approval proposal along with necessary papers : Rs. 200/ per
Remuneration to
flat/unit in the project, subject to a maximum Rs. 10000/ per project.
SBICAP Securities Ltd.
 Commission to any sourcing entity is payable for only loans of Rs. 10 lakh and above
 Commission Payment Structure –


(a) 1st Disbursement- 90% of commission amount+ Applicable Taxes

(b) 24 months from the date of 1st disbursement or at the time of final disbursement,
whichever is later, including for take overs.-10% of commission amount+ Applicable Taxes
(c) If the loan sourced by the outsourced entities is shifted to our competitors within two
years from the date of sanction.- Entire commission paid to the outsourced entity for the
particular loan should be recovered by the Bank.
Purpose of Direct Home Loan Location Maximum loan
Purchase/construction of a Metro centres with Rs. 35 Lakh with
dwelling unit per family population of 10 Lakh& project cost not
above exceeding 45 Lakh
Priority Sector Purchase/construction of a Other Centres Rs. 25 Lakh with
Advances (staff loans dwelling unit per family project cost not
excluded) exceeding Rs. 30
Repairs to damaged dwelling units Metropolitan areas Rs. 10 Lakh
per family
Repairs to damaged dwelling units Others Centres Rs. 6 Lakh
per family
All eligible applications under Home Top-up Loan scheme to be source and process invariably through Retail
Assets Acquisition Solution (RAAS) & Retail Loan Management System (RLMS) with immediate effect.
Home Loan proposals for acquiring more than two units in the same Residential Housing project/ Cooperative
residential housing Complex will not be permitted.
Sanctioning authority is, however, left with discretion to sanction loans to individuals above the age of 70 years,
provided son / daughter / spouse, who is a legal heir and preferably below the age of 50 years, with sufficient
income for servicing the loan repayment, joins as co-borrower / guarantor.
Loan repayment in such cases should be made through a joint deposit account / current account in the names
of all the joint borrowers / guarantors.
For Salaried Customers:
a) Form-16 or ITR for last two years willbe obtained for all salaried applicants.
b) In case Form-16 / ITR is not available,Form-26AS is to be obtained in itsplace for the missing year(s).
c) Income reflected in ITR / Form-16 to be corroborated with statement of accounts. (Cross verification of the Income
d) Verification of Form-26 AS and Bank Statement by empanelled external agencies to be carried out for all loans
exceeding Rs. 1 Crore.
e) In extreme case of non-availability of Form-16, ITR and Form-26AS, deviation to be obtained from the competent
authority (instructions for the same already defined in deviation circular). Such deviations should justify the reason
for non-availability of Form-16, ITR and Form-26AS.
(Applicant(s) with new employment/business may not have ITR / Form-16 / Form-26AS for two years and deviation
may be required for such cases.)

Maximum permissible loan amount for all salaried applicants will be calculated based on NMI arrived at based on
(i) the salary income appearing in the latest salary slip / salary certificate.
(ii) other incomes which are either appearing in the Salary Slip or / and Form-16 or / and IT Return such as variable
pay, performance / production linked incentives, bonus, overtime allowance, reimbursement of expenditure, etc. may
be included in the salary income on basis of the average of the last two years after excluding taxes and statutory
In case of salaried person no deviations should be asked for the break in service for a brief period of up to 3
months during the last two years provided the applicants are currently in the Service.
AGM (Region) / (Branch) / (CPC) will have discretion in permitting relaxation in


i) break in service beyond the period of 3 months

ii) non-availability of Form-16 or IT Return for the last two years.
Payment of Own Contribution by the Borrower (Margin Money)
Margin Money Receipt from the Builder / Seller needs to be cross verified with Bank statement submitted by the
Borrower / Co-borrower to verify margin money Payment / Contribution.
NOC from the employers (Banks and other organizations) will not be insisted upon when their employees seek
Home Loans from our Bank.
For Non-Salaried Customers (Businessmen / Professionals / Self-Employed):
 I.T. Returns for last three years will be obtained.
 Maximum permissible loan amount will be calculated based on Net Annual Income appearing in the latest
Income Tax Return.
 If ITRs of last two years /more submitted by applicant/s are filed by Applicant/s with IT authority on the on the
same date/ same financial year, then home loan proposals will be considered after obtaining administrative
approval from DGM (B&O) duly verifying the ITRs , reason for delay in filing of ITRs and after satisfying about the
genuineness and steadiness of source of income and continuity of repayment capacity of the borrower/s.

 In case of Home & Home related Loans to Non-Salaried customers, Income Tax returns and Balance Sheets for
last three years will continue to be mandatory.

 Audited Balance Sheet will be required from borrowers who are classified for requirement of Audited Balance
Sheet as per the provisions under section 44AB of the Income Tax Act.

 However, Audited Balance Sheet is NOT mandatory for cases of Businessmen, where Total sales / Turnover /
Receipts are more than Rs 1.00 Crore but less than Rs 10.00 Crores provided
a) Aggregate of all amounts received including amount received for sales, turn-over or gross receipts during the
previous year, in cash, does not exceed 5% of the said amount
b) Aggregate of all payments made including amount incurred for expenditure, in cash during the previous years
does not exceed 5% of said payment.

Note: Certificate from Chartered Accountant be obtained mandatorily certifying that the Total Cash Receipts
and cash Payments in the Previous Year does not exceed 5% of Total Receipts and Total Payments.
Any disproportionate variation, say more than 20%, in current year income as comparedto the previous year
should be examined judiciously and the sanctioning authority should satisfy themselves about the reasons for such
major variations.
For Agriculturist:
NAI will be arrived at, based on the nature of their activity (e.g. farming, dairy, poultry, orchards, etc.), land
holding, cropping pattern, yield etc. and average level of income derived there from in the area.
Income of Spouse / Children / Parents / Siblings:
In addition to the applicant’s income, Income of Spouse / Children / Parents / Siblings may be considered for
arriving at maximum loan amount subject to following conditions -
a) If the proposed property is held jointly with the Spouse / Children / Parents / Siblings then all the joint holders
of the property should join as co-borrower, but in cases where the property is held in single name of the
borrower the spouse / children / parents / siblings may join as co-borrower or as guarantors.
b) Co-borrowers / Guarantors (wherever guarantor’s income is considered for arriving at loan eligibility) should be
employed / engaged in business / profession etc. for a minimum period of one year and has a steady source of
income evidenced by salary certificate, Form 16 or Income Tax Return and repayment should be by debit to his/her
salary account maintained with us or by means of post-dated cheques / SI / ECS issued from a joint account
maintained by the borrower with the co-borrowers /guarantors.
 Expected rental (next of taxes, cess, etc.) from the proposed house property may be reckoned subject to maximum
amount equivalent to the applicant’s NMI/NAI.
 Expected rent accruals should not be considered in case of ‘SBI-Realty’ Home Loans.
Adding back depreciation to the Net Income:


(a) The facility will be confined to businessmen, professionals and self-employed individuals who run the
business/activity on proprietorship basis.
(b) Sanctioning authority will ensure verification of fixed assets over which depreciation is claimed by the borrower
during the pre-sanction inspection process.
(c) The depreciation amount will be ascertained on the basis of previous three years ‘Audited Balance Sheet’ of
business/activity and the latest audited balance sheet should not be older than 9 months.
 Depreciation that is allowed to be added to the net income will be average depreciation during the last three
years or depreciation for the current year whichever is lower.
 EMIs towards existing loan accounts with residual tenure not exceeding 6 months will be excluded for the
purpose of calculating EMI/NMI ratio in case of under construction projects.
Limit Enhancement due to SBI Life Premium:
 Loan limit will be increased by the premium amount and a separate account under SBI Suraksha Loan will be
 The loan limit sanctioned for insurance premium must not be taken into account for arriving at LTV ratio
on Home Loan.
Stamp Duty, Registration Charges and other documentation charges has been permitted to be added to the
cost of house for project cost of the dwelling does not exceed to Rs. 10 Lakh.
 In case of construction of individual house, where the plot is already owned by the borrower, the LTV will be
calculated on the estimated cost of construction, duly vetted by the empanelled valuer, plus the Realizable value
of the plot (as per the latest valuation report). However, the maximum loan amount will be restricted to the
estimated cost of construction.
Adding cost of furnishings / interior to the cost of house / flat:
 The quantum towards Furnishings / Interiors has been raised to 25% of Agreement Value.
However, the Maximum Loan Amount will be restricted to the stipulated LTV & EMINMI Ratio.
Inclusion of Cost of Solar Photo Voltaic Lightening System:
The cost of rooftop Solar Photo Voltaic System may be included in the cost/ agreement to sale value for arriving at
the Home Loan eligibility for purchase/ construction/repair and renovation of residential units in respect of all
applicants willing to install such systems.
 Maximum limit for Repair & Renovation not to exceed 20% of the Project Cost or Rs. 50 lacs, whichever is
Reimbursement of investment in housing, made during the preceding 12 Months:
a) Reimbursement will be restricted to the investments made by the borrower from own resources or through
borrowings from friends, relatives and employers,
b) Reimbursement will not be permitted if the investment in the property is made through borrowings from
Banks/HFCs/NBFCs/Other FIs, etc.
c) Small expenditure like furnishing, wood work will not be considered for reimbursement.
d) Reimbursement will also not be permitted for investment made in acquiring vacant plots.
 Home loans will not be permitted where Builder / Partner / Director is acquiring flat / house / unit / plot in the
project developed by them / their Company.
Where the applicants are acquiring residential property from their own close relatives other than spouse such as
parents, siblings etc., Home Loan proposals may be considered after obtaining deviation from DGM (B&O) in cases
where Sanctioning Authority is upto the rank of SMGS-V.
Switch Over Option:
 The existing Home Loan and Home Related Loan borrowers who have availed loans linked to Base Rate / SBAR /
MCLR / RLLR rate of interest are permitted to switchover their loan account to the External Benchmark Lending
Rates (EBLR) subject to:
• Switch Over facility will be available to the loans account/s is/ are regular as on the date of switch over and also
linked with Floating Rate of Interest.
• One-time switchover fee of Rs 1000/- plus applicable taxes will be charged irrespective of the loan limit/ D.P
(Drawing Power) or Outstanding.
• Fee will not be charged for switch over of Suraksha loan accounts linked to Base Rate / SBAR / MCLR to current
interest rate linked to EBLR.


 Interest certificates and provisional certificate for financial year are available in Branch Report Folder dated 31st
March&30th April reports folder.
 Duplicate interest certificate may be issued to the borrowers on written request.
 Branch will ensure to recover charges of duplicate certificate as prevailing service charges circular issued time to
time by the bank.
 For Take over of loan: Suitable Interim Security including Third Party Guarantee may be obtained.
 If the mortgage of the property being financed by us is not possible, sanctioning authority may accept, at its
discretion, security of adequate value (at least 125% 0f loan amount) in the form of Term deposit, Life Insurance
Policies, Government Promissory Notes, Gold Ornaments or such other tangible securities as may be deemed
 Take Over: Loan to Value (LTV) should not exceed 75%
Purchase of House /flats which are more than 15 years old:
Administrative Clearance should be obtained from the next higher authority where the sanctioning authority is
AGM RACPC/AGM Branch or an official of a lower grade for cases other than those mentioned in the following
No administrative approval is required, subject to the following –
a) the expected longevity of the structure, as certified by an empanelled structural engineer / architect is at least 5
years more than the loan tenor.
b) Unexpired lease period, in case of lease hold properties, is at least 5 years more than the loan tenor.
Validity of Sanction:
The sanction of a home loan will be valid for 3 months (including PAL) from the date of sanction.
In case the loan remains undisbursed during the validity period, the applicant will be required to seek revalidation
of sanction. However, the interest rate in the account will be as applicable as on the date of first disbursement.
Rs 5000/- plus taxes towards processing fee will be recovered for each revalidation of sanction.
 If the first disbursement in the loan account is made during the extended period, the additional processing fee
recovered from the customer for revalidation will be refunded by way of credit to Home Loan account.
CIRs (Credit Information Reports) from CICs (Credit Information Companies):
 One overdue monthly payment in 24 months would be allowed provided DPD did not exceed 30 days in the
last 6 months.
 A single credit card default (settled or otherwise) more than 5 years old, regardless of amount, may be ignored
provided there are no other instances of over dues and credit discipline is demonstrated by regular repayment of
other loans.
Credit Card Defaults / Write-off:
i. Credit Cards (upto 2 cards) default with aggregate amount upto Rs. 10,000 /-
Approving Authority - Chief Manager (CPC) in BPR centres, Chief Manager (RACC / CM Credit (RBO) in non-BPR
ii. Credit Cards (upto 2 cards) default with aggregate amount above Rs 10,000/- to Rs 1.00 lac.
Approving Authority - AGM (CPC) in BPR centres and AGM (RBO) in non-BPR centres.

For loans sanctioned by Committees- Sanctioning authority.

Non-credit card Defaults / Write -off:

i. One Non-Credit Card default with amount upto Rs10,000/-
Approving Authority - Non-Credit Card default up-to Rs. 10000 to be approved by an Authority one stage higher
than the Sanctioning Authority.
ii. One Non-Credit Card default with amount above Rs. 10,000/- and less than or equal to Rs. 50,000
Approving Authority - DGM (B&O) for sanctions upto the rank of AGM
(V) or the concerned credit committees.

Deviation beyond the threshold as stipulated above for Credit Card & Non-Credit Card default will be
permitted only with the approval of DMD(RB).


 Extra precaution may be exercised in cases where more than 2 enquiries of the same product and same amount
are observed within a space of last 1 month.
Multiple Deviations:
 If AGM (Region) is authorized to approve one of the deviations and other deviation requires approval of GM
(Network) then both the deviations should be put up to the GM (Network) for approval.
The ‘in-principle’ approval shall be valid for 30 days from the date of issue, subject to that at least partial
disbursement of the loan is made before the expiry of the validity period.
Option to Avail loan other than the place of construction:
Prospective borrower(s) can exercise one time option while submitting loan application, to avail Home Loans from
(i) either at the place of construction, or
(ii) place of employment/profession/business activity, or
(iii) at a place of residence, or
(iv) at a Branch located at other centre where he/she has ongoing relationship for last two years, by securing the loan
repayment through check-off facility or by obtaining NACH/ ECS / S.I. as per extant instructions.

DSP account holders can avail Home Loan at a branch/ RACPC at any one of the places
(a) Place of posting
(b) Place where salary is drawn and
(c) Place of construction of property, as per his convenience.
 Repayment to be started Two months after completion of construction OR
 18 months from the date of first disbursement whichever is earlier.
 The moratorium period is to be included within the maximum repayment period.
 For Mega/Integrated Township projects (approved by our Bank under the Builder Tie-up arrangement), General
Manager (Network) is permitted to approve a longer Moratorium Period of upto 48 months irrespective of the
number of floors in the residential project.
 No Moratorium for purchase of plot under “SBI Realty” and for purchase of Ready-built house/flat.
 Interest applied during the moratorium period should be recovered
 EMI means all the existing EMIs. There will be no discretion vested on the Circle Authorities for approval of
relaxation in EMI/NMI ratio.
Income tax benefits:
 Under Sec 80C, up to 1.50 Lakh of principal repayment. (can be shown as Investment).
 Interest up to 2.00 Lakh (can be deductible from the taxable income)
 For Home Loans of Rs.1 crore and above, two valuation report and two TIR should be obtained from two
different valuers and advocates.
 Submission of copy of PAN Card as proof of identity will be mandatory in respect of all customers (excluding
NRI/PIO) availing Home Loan or other mortgage loan of Rs. 5 Lakh and above.
 Two CIC Reports will be fetched for Home loan = Rs 10 Lakh and above
Delivery of Title Deeds
 All the securities / documents / title deeds to mortgaged property for REH loans, should be delivered within 7
working days of the repayment of all dues agreed to or contracted where there is no other extension of mortgage”.
 A letter, will have to be sent to all the borrowers/guarantors, who had mortgaged their properties with the Bank,
stating that the borrower/guarantor has to collect the original title deeds within 60 days of full and final payment of
Bank’s dues (Loan).
 In case they do not collect the original title deeds within the prescribed time limit, applicable Safe Custody
Charges would be levied.
Take-over of Home Loans
RACPCs / Branches may entertain proposals of take-over of Home Loans outstanding with following entities:
i. Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs)- Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks, scheduled Small finance Banks,
Scheduled Foreign Banks.
ii. FIs / Housing Finance with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) / National Housing Bank (NHB) and
iii. Borrower’s employers if they are Central / State Govts. Or their undertakings or Public Sector undertakings


Take-over from Co-operative Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Gramin Banks is NOT permitted.
NRI Home Loans
NRIs having:
Eligibility  2 Years work experience in India or abroad.
 2 years minimum job contracted and completed 6 months on that job.
Loan min 3 Lakh
Loan max LTV Base
Age 18 yrs
Facility Term Loan and Maxgain
30 Years (Subject to liquidation of loan by 60 years of age). AGM (Region) may permit upto
Repayment/ Tenure
70 years of age.
Loan Limit Salaried Non- Salaried Customers
Margin/ LTV
Loan upto Rs. 75 Lakh 80% 75%
Loan Above Rs. 75 Lakh 75% 70%
TAT Under Builder Tie-up: 12 Days; Without Builder Tie-up: 16 Days
CIC Two CIC reports required
 Loans for repairs / renovation = Maximum – Rs. 10 Lakh (Above this limit approval of GM (Network) is
 No Pariassu Charge on property.
 Moratorium, Rate of Interest, Processing Fee, Insurance & Inspection: As per Normal HL.
 In case of OCIs, attested copy of valid passport and OCI Card issued by Government of India will be obtained as
proof of identity.
Realty Home Loan
 Purchase of a residential plot located within the municipal/ corporation area of
Urban/Metro Centres with population of 1 Lakh and above as per the latest available
census data for the purpose of construction of a house.
 Salaried & Non-Salaried Borrowers will be permitted to purchase plots in towns
with population of 10000 and above, within town limits, provided: Max. Loan Amt: Rs.
50 Lakh for the areas with population group of 10000 to 100000/-
Purchase of Plots located outside municipal / corporation area will be permitted only
in cases where the plots are allotted/ developed by Government Bodies/ Development
Authorities such as DDA, HUDA, BDA, LDA, etc.
 Deviation Authority will be GM (Network).

Salaried Borrowers:
 In addition to purchase of Plots from housing projects undertaken by Housing
Boards, Urban Development Bodies, Builders of National Repute and Reputed Builders.
Purchase of residential plots from individual owners is permitted, provided the
ownership of plot can be established and a valid mortgage can be created in favour of
the Bank.

Non-Salaried Borrowers:
 Non-Salaried borrowers will be permitted for purchase of residential plots only from
housing projects undertaken by Housing Boards, Urban Development Bodies, Builders
of National Repute and Reputed Builders.
 Non-Salaried Borrowers Purchase of Plots from Individual owners will not be
 To be offered to Salaried & Non-Salaried Borrowers (including NRIs)
Eligibility  Application of Non-Salaried Borrowers will be processed only upon approval by CPC
Min Loan 5 Lakh


Max Loan 15 Cr
Age Max age = 65 Yrs
Facility Term Loan only, No Maxgain facility will be made available under the Realty scheme
Tenure Maximum of 10 Years. No moratorium
Home Loan amount LTV Ratio
Upto Rs. 30 Lakh 75%
Margin/ LTV Above Rs. 30 Lakh and upto Rs. 75 70%
Above Rs. 75 Lakh 60%
Net Annual Income EMI/NMI ratio
> 3 &<= 5 Lakh 40%
EMI/NMI > 5 &<= 8 Lakh 50%
> 8 &<= 10 Lakh 55%
>10 Lakh 60%
No premium to be added in the Rate of Interest in case Salary Account is NOT
Interest Rate
maintained with the Bank.
 3 Years (36 Months) from the Date of First Disbursement of the Loan.
 Borrower will be required to submit completion certificate of the house within the
stipulated period of 3 years.
Maximum time period  An undertaking to this effect will be obtained.
stipulated for  However, an extension of 24 Months beyond stipulated 36 Months may begiven for
constructions of house deserving cases with proper justification and approval from the General Manager
 In the event the construction is not completed within the stipulated period the
entire loan amount will become due.
 For all loans of Rs. 1 crore & above and also for loans below Rs. 1 crore where the Market Value based on
Valuation Report is more than 20% of the Guidance Value, two valuation reports should be obtained and lower of
the two valuations should be considered for LTV calculation.
 Only Salaried (Whether salary account with us or not). Non-Salaried not Allowed.
 For arriving at quantum of loan and EMI, notional period of maximum up to 10 years will be considered.
 No moratorium period will be permitted in any case.
 EMIs will commence from the next month from the month of disbursement.
 In case the construction of house is completed and a completion certificate is submitted by borrowers within the
stipulated period of 3 years from the date of first disbursement, the Realty loan account will be converted to Home
Loan account.
 Takeover of Realty Loan from other Banks / HFCs = Not Permitted. However, sanction of Home Loans for
simultaneously taking over of Realty Loan from other Banks / HFCs and also for construction of a house on that
property is permitted.
Combo Home Loan
(i) Purchase of fully developed Land parcel / Plot & construction of Residential House
(ii) Purchase from Government Bodies / Development Authorities / Reputed Builders/
Individuals of plot/ land located in “Metro, Urban, Semi-Urban Area” for building
Residential House.
(iii) Purchase from Government Bodies / Development Authorities / Reputed Builders of plot/
land located in “Rural area” for building Residential House. (Purchase of Plot/ Land from
Purpose Individuals is NOT allowed in Rural Area.)
(iv) Purchase of not fully developed land will be allowed only from government bodies/
development authorities/ reputed builder, for construction of residential house, provided the
development of the land are undertaken by government bodies/ development authorities/
reputed builder.
(v) Reimbursement of purchase of Plot/ land payment (not exceeding preceding 6 months
from the date of sourcing in RAAS), subject to:


a) Satisfactory evidence of payment

b) Availability of clear title deed, where EM can be created immediately.
c) Approved Plan of Residential House on the proposed land.
(i) Individual(s) over 18 years of age with steady source of income, including persons engaged
in agriculture & allied activities.
(ii) Both salaried & non-salaried (including Businessmen, Professional & Self-employed)
(iii) All the property Owner(s) will mandatorily be the Borrower(s) / Co- Borrower(s). However,
related family members (Spouse, Children, Parents, Siblings and Daughter in law) may join as
Co- Borrower & their income can be clubbed together for arriving at Loan eligibility.
(iv) Borrower(s) with Net Annual Income of more than of Rs. 4 lacs
(i) Plot/ land to be purchased should be
• Non-agricultural plot/ land,
• SARFAESI compliant
Plot of Land Eligible
• Having Clear & marketable Title Deed.
for Purchase
(ii) When seller is an individual – Only registered sale deed to be considered.
(iii) When seller is society or developer- Preferably to consider the registered sale deed. In
case registration of sale deed is not feasible, registered agreement to sale can be considered.
Term Loan only
There will be one Composite Loan with 2 sub-limits as under
a) Cost of plot/ land
Type of Loan
b) Construction Cost: the construction cost will be based on estimated construction cost and
disbursement will be in stages as per construction. The estimated cost can not be revised
upward, at a later date/ on approval of plan.
 Maximum up to 30 years subject to liquidation of the Home Loan before the borrower
reaches the age of 70 years (Including moratorium period).
Loan Tenor
 The age of the youngest of earning Borrower / Co-Borrower to be considered to arrive at
Maximum Loan Tenor.
As per extant norms governing Home Loans – (However expected Rental Income will NOT
Eligible Income
be considered for arriving at Eligible Loan Amount.)
As Applicable to Regular Home Loans
Net Annual Income EMI / NMI Ratio
>Rs. 4 lacs & <= Rs. 5
> Rs. 5 lacs & <= Rs.
8 lacs
> Rs. 8 lacs & <= Rs.
EMI / NMI Ratio 10 lacs
> Rs. 10 lacs 70%
 Borrowers having Net Annual Income of Rs. 4 lacs & less will NOT be Eligible for the
Combo Home Loan product.
 Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) for the purpose of computing the EMI / NMI ratio will
include all EMIs towards existing loans and the proposed loan.
 EMIs towards existing loan accounts with residual tenure not exceeding 6 months will be
excluded for the purpose of calculating EMI / NMI ratio.
Minimum – Rs. 20.00 lacs
Maximum – Rs. 50.00 Crores

Sub-Limit for purchase of Plot/ Land:

Loan Quantum
Maximum Loan Amount (based on Project Cost) for Plot/ land Purchase will be Lower of the
a) 75% of Cost of Land including development cost (as per Agreement to Sale Value of the
Plot) [Fixed Minimum Margin for Land – 25%]


b) 60% of Proposed Total Loan Amount

c) Permissible overall loan as per EMI/ NMI ratio
d) Loan Applied for purchase of Plot/ Land.

Sub-Limit for Construction:

Maximum Loan Amount (based on Project Cost) for Construction will be Lower of the
a) LTV (85%) for Construction Cost + other components of Project cost
b) Permissible overall loan as per EMI/ NMI ratio
c) Loan applied for construction

Composite Loan
a) Composite Loan will be arrived based on
i) Cost of Plot/ Land.
ii) Estimated Construction Cost as submitted by an architect & approved by bank’s
empaneled valuer
iii) Other Components of Project Cost

The Loan Component for Purchase of Land / Plot will be restricted to 60% of the total Limit
b) The Composite Loan Amount will be arrived at, based on the LOWER of the following
1) Total Project cost (Land cost + Construction cost + other amenities)
2) EMI / NMI Ratio
3) Applicable LTV
4) Loan Applied
For outright purchase of land
• EM to be created within 1 month from the date of disbursement of cost of land/ plot
• Submission of approved plan within 6 months from date of disbursement of land/ Plot
(Extension of 3 months by GM (NW), approved with proper justification)

For non-outright purchase / deferred payment (only from government bodies/

development authorities/ reputed builders.)
• EM creation & submission of approved plan within 6 months from the date of final
Creation of
disbursement of plot/ land component.
Equitable Mortgage
(In case of deferred payment, payment period of land component should not exceed 6
months in any case.)

The Construction component of the Combo Home Loan will be disbursed only after
i) Creation of EM
ii) Submission of Approved Plan.
iii) Regular Service of interest during the intervening period on the plot/ land component of
the loan.

• Completion of construction within 24 months from the date of approved plan.

Land/ Plot Purchase Component -75 % of Agreement to sale
Construction Cost - 85% of Construction of Cost + Component of Project Cost
LTV Ratio Project Cost * (based on Project Cost * (based on Realisable
Loan Quantum Agreement to Sale Value of Plot) + Construction Cost +
Value of Plot/ Land) + Additions


Construction Cost +
Up-to Rs. 30 lacs ≤90%
Above Rs. 30 lacs
≤90% ≤80%
and up to Rs. 75 lacs
Above Rs. Rs. 75 lacs ≤75%
Maximum 36 Months.
No Pre-EMI Interest capitalisation – Interest to be served during the Moratorium period.
Penal interest for non- creation of EM
Penal interest @ 2% p.a. on the entire outstanding will be charged, if EM is not created for:
a) Outright purchase: within 1 month from the date of disbursement of plot
b) Deferred Payment: within 6 months from the date of final payment
(In the event the EM is not created within 24 months from the date of stipulated EM creation,
the entire loan amount will become due.)

Penal interest for non-submission of approved plan

Penal interest @ 2 % will be charged, if approved plan is not submitted for
a) Outright purchase: within 6 months from the date of disbursement of plot/ land and 9
months in case of deviation approved by GM (NW)
b) Deferred Payment: within 6 months from the date of final payment
Penal Interest
(In the event the approved plan is not submitted within 24 months from the stipulated date
of submission of approved plan, the entire loan amount will become due.)

Penal interest for non-completion of construction

Penal interest @ 2 %, if construction is not completed within 24 from the date of approved
(In the event the construction is not completed within 24 months from the stipulated
completion date of construction, the entire loan amount will become due.)

 Penal interest will be stopped only when the condition for which the penal interest
has been levied, is complied with.
 No discretion of waiver for penal interest.
a) Property should be Non-Agriculture and SARFAESI compliant.
b) EM be created within stipulated timeline.
c) Interim guarantee in form of TPG of an individual good for the loan amount (to cover the
period from the date of initial disbursement of plot/ land and date of creation of equitable
Security mortgage).
d) Quarterly inspection of the property to be conducted till submission of approved plan.

Releasing of TPG: Third Party Guarantee will be released only after creation of Equitable
 Completion of construction within 24 Months only from the date of approved plan.
 Borrower will have to submit a Completion Certificate of having completed the
Maximum Period for construction. After submission of the Certificate, the SIO will inspect the property and ensure
construction of the end use of funds disbursed for the construction. The requisite certificate to be submitted
House and subsequent inspection should be done within 24 months after disbursal of final Loan
Tranche of construction of house.
 No extension of period will be given for completion of construction of house.
Processing Fees As applicable to Home Loan
Risk Scoring Matrix As applicable to Home Loan


Eligibility Applicants should maintain Deposit account with us.

Loan min 20 Lakh
Loan max 3 Cr
Age Minimum – 18 Years (Max- As per Normal Home Loan)
Facility OD
Repayment/ Tenure 30 Years (Loan Close upto age of 70)
Margin/ LTV As applicable to Home Loans
 Account Can be used as a running account with INB, cheque book etc. after full disbursement of the loan.
Drawing power reduced on monthly basis. (But NO ATM).
 Drawing Power (DP) is reduced by principal component of EMI every month.
Recent amendments
Maxgain facility will be given only for Ready to Move-in Properties / Re-Sale Properties – where the full limit can be
disbursed, in one tranche – (NO Multiple disbursement tranches)
i. No Change where full disbursement is made in one go initially.
ii. Initially, Term loan will be sanctioned to applicants who avail home loan from Bank for purchase of under
construction property where disbursement takes place in accordance with stages of construction.
iii. Further, Term loan also should be sanctioned for purchase of property other than “Ready to occupy” property
where full disbursement of Home Loans cannot be carried out at the time of first disbursement.

iv. Conversion facility from Term Loan to Maxgain facility

a) On completion of full disbursement of Home loan limit, Home loan borrower will have the option to apply for
conversion of existing Term Loan to Maxgain facility as per Bank’s extant process for conversion of Term loan to
Maxgain facility.
b) At the time of conversion, fresh EMI mandate will be obtained as Maxgain entails higher Rate of Interest.

 Higher Rate of Interest applicable on Maxgain (which at present is 40bps over Term Loan) needs to be taken into
consideration while calculating the eligible Loan Limit for the customers who are genuinely desirous of availing the
Maxgain Home Loan facility in cases where Term Loan will be initially sanctioned.
SBI Home Top Up Loan
Any personal purpose such as meeting expenditure on education, marriage, health care,
Purpose repair/renovation/furnishing of the house, etc. other than speculative purpose. No
documentary evidence for end use of the fund will be insisted upon.
Two categories of Home Loan customers/ borrowers eligible:
 Category 1: All new Home Loan customers, acquiring Ready to move in Properties,
simultaneously along with new Home Loans and all existing Home Loan customers having
less than 12 months satisfactory repayment track record provided,
a) Home Loan limit is more than Rs. 30 Lakh,
b) Where the Market Value of the property as per the Valuation Report obtained at the
time of sanction of Home Loan is minimum 10% more than the ‘Value’ mentioned in
‘Agreement to Sale’ or ‘Sale Agreement’
c) Possession of the property has either already been taken and mortgage on the property
has been created or possession of the property and mortgage in favour of the Bank is
expected to be completed before disbursement of Top-up Loan.
 Category 2: All existing Home Loan customers with a satisfactory repayment record of
at least one year provided possession of the house has been taken by the customer and
valid mortgage has been created in favour of the Bank.
 Category-1 customers:
Minimum Top-up Loan amount of 2 Lakh. Maximum of 50 Lakh:
Home Loan Limit Maximum Top up Loan
Loan Limit
Upto Rs. 75 Lakh 10% of Home Loan Limit
Above Rs. 75 Lakh 15% of Home Loan Limit


 For Category-2 customers:

Minimum Rs. 2 Lakh &. Maximum: No Upper Limit
Min. Income Minimum NAI = Rs. 3 Lakh
Top-up Loan upto Rs. 20 Lakh= Only TERM LOAN)
Facility Above Rs. 20 Lakh& upto Rs. 2 Crore = Both TL & OD with reducing DP
Above Rs. 2 Crore = Only TERM LOAN
Residual period of Existing Home Loan or Maximum 15 Years, whichever is less but
Repayment/ Tenure
subject to liquidation of loan before age of 70 years
Home Loan amount LTV Ratio
Upto Rs. 30 Lakh 90%
Margin/ LTV
Above Rs. 30 Lakh and upto Rs. 75 Lakh 80%
Above Rs. 75 Lakh 75%
Net Annual Income EMI/NMI ratio
> 3 &<= 5 Lakh 55%
> 5 &<= 10 Lakh 60%
>10 Lakh 70%
Security Extension of EM is not needed on Top-up Loan up to Rs. 5 Lakh
66 & above = Clear Sanction (Grade-1 to 3)
Scoring Model 41 to 65 = Overrides required (Grade 4 to 6)
40 & Below = Decline (Grade- 7 to 10)
Proc. Fee “0.40% of loan amount subject to maximum recovery of Rs 10000/- plus applicable tax.”
Other Max. 2 Top-up Loans at one point of time WITHOUT stipulation of 12 months’ gap
YONO: Insta Home Top-Up Loan
8% of the Home Loan Limit,
Min: 0.5 Lakh
Loan Amount
Max: 8 Lakh
(whichever is lower)
Age 18 yrs
Facility Overdraft (with reducing drawing power)
Loan Tenor Min- 36 months; Maximum- 120 months
Margin/ LTV Nil
Collateral Nil
CIBIL Min 650
Proc. Fee Flat Rs. 2000 + GST
(a) Minimum Home Loan Limit of Rs. 10 Lakh with INB facility.
(b) The customer should not have any live Home Top-up Loan or Smart Top Up Loan/Insta
Top up Loan
(c) Minimum Home loan limit of Rs 10 Lakhs with INB facility
(b) No instance of the Home Loan account slipping to RG-2 or further in the past.
(e) Repayment of Insta Top Up Loan through SI only. However, repayment of primary home
Eligibility loan through ECS/NACH also will be considered.
(f) Fully disbursed home loan with satisfactory track record of 1 year or more.
(g) I Home loan accounts with maximum of up to two borrowers.
(h) Minimum residual tenure of Home Loan of 3 years.
(i) Minimum CIBIL Score of 650.
(j) Home loan account and repayment account should be under same CIF.
(k) Equitable mortgage has been successfully created for the primary security/home loan.
Purpose Any personal purpose other than speculative purpose.
Existing Home Loan borrowers will get a notification for the Insta Home Top-up Loan offer on
Offer Home page of YONO will be shown to these selected customers. The pre-selected customers
would also be informed using SMS and e-mail.


Offer Validity 30 days from the date of activation of the offer on YONO Mobile App
Moratorium No
 At any point of time, only one Insta Home Top-Up Loan’ will be permitted.
 May be pre-paid at any time without payment of any pre-payment penalty.
Smart Home Top-Up Loan
a) Fully disbursed home loan accounts.
b) Minimum Home Loan Limit of Rs. 20 lacs.
c) Minimum residual tenure of Home Loan of 5 years.
d) Valid equitable mortgage should have been created in favour of Bank.
e) Satisfactory track record of repayment and conduct for 1 (one) year or more, after
completion of moratorium period.
f) The customer should not have any live Home Topup or Insta Home Top-up loan.
g) No instance of the Home Loan account slipped to SMA (RG2) during last three months or
further in the past.
h) CIBIL Score of 550 or higher.
i) Staff will be eligible if they fulfil the product specific and staff eligibility EMI/NMI criteria.
j) Mode of repayment should be either through SI or NACH / ECS.
k) No documents such as income proof, TIR, Valuation Report need to be obtained from the
8% of Home Loan Limit
Loan Amount Minimum – Rs. 1.00 lacs
Maximum – Rs. 8.00 lacs (whichever is lower)
Facility Either Term Loan or overdraft facility
The maximum tenor of the loan will be the residual tenor of underlying Home Loan or 20
years, whichever is lower.
At any point of time either `Smart Home Top-Up Loan’ or “Insta Top-Up Loan” will be
permitted. Both cannot be granted concurrently.
Number of loans
Second Smart Home Top-up Loan will be considered only after closure of the previous “Smart
Top-Up Loan”.
CIBIL Min 550
Proc. Fee Flat Rs. 2000 + GST
The property already mortgaged to the bank for Home loan till the liquidation of all the loans
including Home Loan & “Smart Home Top-up Loan”
Tribal Plus
'SBI-Tribal Plus' Home Loans, a Special Scheme designed for Hill/Tribal areas for extending financial
assistance to individuals in such areas to
Purpose  Purchase or construction of a new house / flat (without mortgage of land).
Purchase of an existing (old) house / flat which is not more than 10 years old.
 Repair /Renovation/extension of an existing house or flat
 Salaried Class:
Permanent employees of Central or State Governments / Public Sector undertakings (PSU) and
Corporates (Corporates with minimum staff strength of 1000 employee and external rating BBB)
who maintain salary accounts with us subject to:
• Have put in a minimum of 5 years’ service.
• Avaibiality of Check off.
Eligibility In case check off is available: CIBIL Score will be as per extant Home Loan norms.
In case Check off is not available:
• Salary account of the applicant(s)/co-borrower(s) /Guarantor(s) will be mandatorily with SBI.
• Minimum CIBIL Score will be 700.
Employees of Corporates minimum CIBIL Score 700 will be considered irrespective of check off.

 Professionals, businessmen, self-employed and Agriculturist:


• Minimum experience of 5 years in their respective sphere of activity.

• Minimum CIBIL Score will 700.
• Maintain satisfactorily conducted deposit accounts with us with an average balance of
Rs.10000/- for the last two years
• Do not have any borrowing with other Banks / financial institution. Or
• Maintain loan accounts with SBI which are satisfactorily conducted for a minimum period of 2
years without any instance of slippage to RG 2 and below.
 For employee: 36 times Net Monthly Income (NMI)
 Businessmen / Professional / Self-employed: 2 times average Net Annual Income (NAI) for the
last 3 years on the basis of Income Tax Returns.
Loan Limit  Agriculturist: 2 times average Net Annual Income (NAI) for the last 3 years on the basis of their
 Maximum Loan: Salaried: Rs. 20 Lakh (with Check-off) & Rs. 15 Lakh (Without Check-off)
 Others: Rs. 15 Lakh
Age Min-21 Years, Max-60 Years (Loan must be liquidated by the age of 60 Years)
Facility TL only
Tenure 15 Years (Subject to liquidation of loan before 60 years of age)
 For construction/purchase of new/existing house/flat: 20%
Margin/ LTV
 For repairs / renovation / addition: 25%
Since mortgage of land will not be available,
 Central / State Govt / PSU Salaried with check-off : 30% of Loan amount.
 AGM of Region /Branches are vested with powers to reduce the requirement of liquid security to
Collateral 15% of the loan amount in respect of loans sanctioned up to Rs 10 Lakh only and availability of bulk
business potential of not less than Rs. 2 cr.
 For loans above Rs 10 Lakh, liquid security of 30% will be mandatory
 Other Salaried and Businessmen/professional/Self-employed/Agriculturist- 50%
CIBIL Minimum 700
Proc. fee As applicable to Home Loan Scheme
Inspection Half-yearly
Other Loan under SBI Realty will not be available under the product
SBI Home Top-up Loans for “Tribal Plus"
 The existing Home Loan borrowers under “Tribal Plus” scheme will be eligible for Home
Top up loans, subject to:
 Borrower(s) must have 24 months satisfactory repayment track record.
Eligibility  Co-borrower(s) and Guarantor(s) of the existing Home Loan must join as coborrower(s)/
Guarantor(s) for Home Top up Loan.
 Possession of the property house has been taken by the borrower(s).
 The loan eligibility will continue to be arrived at on the basis of latest income proof.
Max- Rs. 5 Lakhs, subject to the Total Loan Limit (existing Home Loan outstanding +
Loan Amount
proposed Home Top up Loan limit) should not exceed the existing Home Loan Limit.
Repayment Tenure Equal to residual tenure of existing “Tribal Plus”
 Fresh lien/ assignment should be obtained to cover Total Limit (HL Limit + Home Top-
Up Limit) over the existing liquid collateral security.
Security  If check-off is available for existing Home Loan, a fresh check off should be obtained
including Home Top-Up loan.
 Fresh Opinion report to be complied.
No of Loan Only One at a time. 2nd after closure of first Top-up loan.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Scheme
To finance applicants for earnest money for booking of residential plots/built-up houses
Purpose being sold by Govt. Housing agencies like Urban Development Authorities like PUDA,
HUDA and Housing Boards.
Eligibility Individuals above 21 years of age with a steady source of income


100% of application money, subject to maximum of:

Loan Limit  Rs.15.00 lakh for CSP/DSP account holders.
 Rs.10.00 lakh for others
Min. Income No Minimum
Facility DL
In case of unsuccessful applicants – on receipt of refund from the Housing Board/Urban
Development Authority.
In case of successful applicants – lump sum repayment of the loan if the applicant avails a
regular Home Loan/ Realty loan from us for purchase of house/ plot allotted to him/ her
Repayment/ Tenure or for construction of house on plot allotted to him/her. The loan may be paid out of the
proceeds of Home Loan/ Realty loan. (Sanctioning authority may allow longer period for
repayment depending upon merits of each case, but not more than 12 months from the
date of disbursement of the loan. Interest for such extended period should be recovered
in advance) No penalty for prepayment
Waived subject to:
Allotment letters / refund orders from Authority should be routed through SBI only
Margin/ LTV Lump sum amount equal to 6 month’s interests to be received upfront. In addition to
this, a post dated cheque equal to interest for the next 6 months (6+6= 12 months
interest) should be obtained at the time of documentation
Waived subject to:
Allotment letters / refund orders from Authority should be routed through SBI only.
Lump sum amount equal to 6 month’s interests to be taken upfront.
2 PDCs one for the principal amount of EMD and another towards interest for the next 6
months, in addition to recovery of 6 months interest in advance at the time of
disbursement, should be taken to meet the eventuality of refund getting delayed
 0.50% of the loan amount minimum Rs. 1,000/- plus applicable taxes.
Proc. fee
 (Circle CGM can waive Rs. 500 per application and DMD can waive full)
In any case, interest rate should not go below the interest rate applicable for SBI Realty
Reverse Mortgage Loan (RML)
To provide a source of additional income for senior citizens of India who own self-
acquired and self-occupied house property in India.
Age of the first
Above 60 years
Minimum age of When loan is availed jointly with the spouse Above 58 years
spouse When loan is availed in single name = Not applicable (spouse is not a co-borrower)
The loan amount would be 90% of the realizable value of property. Loan amount would
include interest till maturity
a) Rs. 2.00 Crore, subject to location of the property as mentioned hereunder:
Max loan
Within the Municipal Corporation Areas of NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Ahmedabad,
Bengaluru and Hyderabad Centres.
b) In all other Centres, Maximum Loan Amount will remain capped at Rs. 1.50 Crores
Monthly / quarterly payments
Lumpsum payment
Periodicity of availing (i) Limit under the lumpsum payment upto 50% of the total limit sanctioned.
loan (ii) Remaining 50% of the NPV of the limit to be disbursed through Monthly/ quarterly
payments/annuities. The monthly/ quarterly payments are subject to review at the end
of every 5 years.
Title Investigation Reports (TIR) from 2 Advocates on Bank’s panel should be obtained
for all RMLs, irrespective of the loan amount and there after search reports are to be
Title of Property
obtained for every 3 years, from one Advocate.
Title verification and search report for a period of 30 years will be required to be


obtained from the Bank’s empanelled advocate at borrowers’ cost.

Valuation reports from 2 separate Valuers empanelled on the Bank’s panel needs to be
Valuation of Property
obtained irrespective of the loan amount.
Residual Life of The expected longevity of the house property, as certified by an empanelled Engineer,
property should be at least 25 years or more.
(i) When loan is availed jointly with the spouse:
• If age of the younger of the borrowers is above 58 and up to 65 years: 20 years only
(option of 15/10 years not available).
• If age of the younger of the borrowers is above 65 years and up to 70 years :15 or 20
years only (10 years option is not available).
• If age of the younger of the borrowers is above 70 years: 10/15/20 years as per the
borrower’s option
Loan Tenure
(ii) When loan is availed in single name:
• If age of the borrower is below 65 years: 20 years only (option of 15/10 years not
• If age of the borrower is above 65 and up to 70 years: 15 or 20 years only (10 years
option is not available).
• If age of the borrower is above 70 years: 10/15/20 years as per the borrower’s option.
 Non-renewable Overdraft without ledger folio charges.
 No cheque book / debit card will be linked to this account.
Security EM
Proc. fee 0.50% of the loan amount + GST, Min- Rs. 2,000/- and Max- of Rs. 10,000/- + GST.
Inspection Post Sanction Inspection: Only Annually
Customers can avail RML from the place of the property which will be mortgaged by
Place of loan
customers for availing loan
Other The property should be free from any encumbrances
CRE Home Loan
If an individual owns two or more houses singly or jointly then the exposure for the third
house onwards will be treated as CRE Home Loan
3 (three) in the name of an individual, including the existing loans and the proposed one
Maximum number of
will be restricted to Home Loans (excluding closed accounts) under Home Loan Scheme in
Home Loans
Loan tenor 30 Yrs
No OD facility. No interest Concession
Provision on standard CRE to be made at 1% instead of 0.40% for Home Loans
Other The Maximum Loan Tenor in case of CRE HL and Non- Salaried Borrowers has been
increased to 30 years (360Months) – subject to the stipulation that the Loan should be
fully repaid before the borrower attains the age of 70 years.
Home Loans for employees of Government of Kerala
Home Loans for employees of Kerala Government who are eligible for Housing Loan under
HBA scheme of Kerala Government.
 Full waiver of Processing Fee, Subject to minimum recovery of lumpsum of Rs 10000/- +
applicable tax (wherever TIR and Valuation report are required.)
Processing Fees
 In case TIR and Valuation is not required minimum recovery, clause will not be applicable.
CERSAI and CIBIL charges will continue to be recovered from the borrower.
 The Branches/ CPCs will ensure obtention of NOC as per format devised by the
Government of Kerala from their related DDOs before sanction of Home Loan.
Other Norms
 The applicants (Employees of Kerala Government) needs to mandatorily maintain salary
account with our Bank.


All other norms applicable to Regular Home Loan will remain applicable to this scheme.
Home Loan PAL (Pre-Approved Limit)
Available at Only at the RACPCs.
Minimum limit 10 Lakh
 Sanction: 1 Day for Approved Project & 3 days for other than approved projects.
 Documentation & Disbursement = Only 1 day in all cases.
Valid For a period of 3 months
 In case a request for revalidation is received from the customer and 50% of the
applicable Processing Fee would be recovered for each revalidation of sanction.
 Interest rate will not be mentioned in the PLAL, so as to avoid misuse of PLAL by the
borrower for shopping around for bargains.
 Home Loan will have to be availed by the borrower from the same RACPC which has
issued the PLAL.
 If the time gap between PLAL and submission of Home Loan application by the
customer is more than one month, fresh CIBIL Credit report will be verified by RACPC.
 Non-refundable processing fee as applicable to the Home Loan will be collected
SBI Suraksha
Eligibility All Home Loan applicants opting for SBI Life cover under credit linked group policy.
Equivalent to the amount of SBI Life Premium for Home Loan applicants opting for
Quantum of Loan
credit- linked group policy. Nil Margin & Processing
In 5 annual installments in Old RiNn Raksha (scheme discontinued from 01.03.2018) and
One single installments in New RiNn Raksha (scheme wef 3.02.2018)
Repayment in RiNn Raksha account will commence from next month of disbursement of
Loan, including in case of under construction properties. (No Moratorium).
Purpose For funding of SBI Life Premium under credit linked group policy
Age 18 to 62 yrs for membership, Max age of cover = 70 years
Facility TL
Loan term Same as applicable to linked Home Loan
Permitted without any pre-closure charges after debit of the last installment of
Amount of additional loan is to be excluded while calculating LTV for the underlying
Home Loan.
A separate Arrangement Letter introduce for Suraksha Loans, which will be required to
be generated in applicable cases and signed along with other security documents.
Personal Loan Against Property (P-LAP)
Loan min 5 Lakh
7.5 Cr
Within the Municipal Corporation areas = 7.5 Cr
Loan max
(a) At Non-BPR centres: 1 crore,
(b) At other BPR centres: Rs. 2 crores
Age --
Min. Income NMI = 25K, NAI = 3 Lakh
Facility TL (No overdraft facility)
Tenure Min = 5 Yr, Max = 15 Yr
Upto Rs. 1 crore 65%
Margin/ LTV
Above Rs. 1 Cr & upto Rs. 7.50 Cr 60%
Net Annual EMI/NMI Not to Exceed
> 3L to 5 L 50%
> 5L to 10 L 55%


Above 10 L 60%
Collateral EM
Processing fee 1% of loan amount plus applicable Tax, maximum Rs. 50,000 plus applicable taxes
Min 700.
Proposal of applicants having scores between 600 and 700 and scores between -1 and
5 (indicating no history or insufficient history) may be considered subject to approval of
deviation by
(a) DGM (B&O) in respect of sanctions by RCC and below, and
(b) Sanctioning Authority in respect of sanctions by ZCC & above.
Place of availing loan Loan under P-LAP to be sanctioned at the Centre where the Property is located
Purpose Not for Business Purpose
Max Loan Centre wise:
At Non-BPR urban centres= 1 Cr
Other At other BPR centres= 2 Cr.
Within the Municipal Corporation areas of NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Ahmedabad,
Bangalore and Hyderabad centres and other State Capitals: Rs. 7.50 Crores,
 Purpose of P LAP-any personal purpose such as meeting expenses on education, marriage, healthcare etc.
 Documentary evidence is required for end use of the fund under this scheme = No
 P-LAP is not permitted for business purpose.
 RUSU areas are the areas having population upto = 1 Lakh
 Within the municipal corporation of area of NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Hyderabad
= 7.5 cr
 PAN card is mandatory = yes
 Valuation frequency = every 3 years
 Maximum age-should be liquidated before eldest borrower attaining the age = 70 Yrs
SBI Privilege Home Loan & SBI Shaurya Home Loan
Benefit under SBI Privilege Home Loan is to be extended only to those beneficiaries who are
Eligibility covered under the Defined Pension Benefit Scheme and therefore employees covered
under NPS are not eligible under SBI Privilege Home Loan.
Loan min 10 Lakh
Loan max 10 Cr
Minimum:18 Yr
Maximum: 75 years by which time the loan should be fully repaid.
Min. Income ***
Facility TL
Min = 5 Years
Repayment/ Tenure
Max = 30 Years or upto the age of 75 years
Margin/ LTV ***
a) Where age of the eldest salaried borrower is up to 45 years:
Annual Income EMI/NMI Ratio
>Rs. 3 L &<= Rs. 5 L 55%
>Rs. 5 L &<= Rs. 8 L 65%
>Rs. 8 L &<= Rs. 10 L 70%
>Rs. 10 Lakh 75%
(b) Where age of the eldest salaried borrower is above 45 years: EMI/NMI Ratio post
Retirement = 50%
Collateral EM
Moratorium If Age till 55 Yr = Normal as per HL. If >55 Yr = 18 months
No Processing charges to be levied subject to recovery of expenses on TIR & Valuation at
Processing Fee
actual levels.
 Launched by the bank on = 01 Aug 2016


 Restricting the income of the Coborrower(s) / guarantor(s)to 50% or less of the total NMI who are not Central
/ State Government, PSU, Defence / Paramilitary Employee for arriving at the eligible Loan Amount.
 If the Co-borrower is an Employee of Central Govt / State Govt / PSU / PSB / Defence / Para- Military, then full
NMI can be considered.
Shaurya Flexi Navy Home Loan
Eligibility All in service personnel of Indian Navy covered under Defined Pension Benefit Scheme
Purchase / construct a new house / flat
Purchase an existing (old) house / flat or extend an existing house
Furnishing / interiors as part of the project cost
Purpose Re-imbursement of investment made from own resources during the preceding twelve
months for purchase of property / construction / repairs / extension of house:
Scheme is NOT available for purchase of plot of land and repair / renovation of an existing
house / flat.
Minimum Age = 21 years
Maximum Age = 45 years
Applicants / Co-
Only Resident Indians
Min: Rs. = 10 Lacs
Loan Amount
Max: Rs. = 10 Crores
Annual Income EMI / NMI Ratio *
>Rs. 3L &<= Rs. 5L 55%
>Rs. 5L &<= Rs. 8 L 65%
>Rs. 8L &<= Rs. 10 L 70%
>Rs. 10 Lacs 75%
*The EMI / NMI Ratio mentioned above will be applicable for the full loan term. Income of
spouse / son / daughter, who joins the loan as co-borrower / guarantor will be considered
towards estimation of maximum loan eligibility. Income of Co-borrowers, who are not
Defense employees will be restricted to only 50% of Total eligible NMI. (Total EMI share of all
Co-borrowers combined together can only be equal to the share of the Principal Home Loan
borrower).Total Home Loan eligibility arrived at on the basis of aforementioned EMI / NMI
ratio will be estimated after taking loan term net of any moratorium period selected by the

However, a borrower shall be eligible for 1.2 times higher loan amount, subject to stipulated
LTV norms.
Minimum = 25 years
Maximum = 30 years.
Loan Tenure
Age of the principal borrower with pensionable service will be reckoned for calculating
maximum permissible loan term.
As per regular home loan scheme - upto 36 months
Extended Mortarium: Not Permitted
Period Monthly Repayment
First 36 months
Only interest debited in the account is to be repaid.
(Moratorium Period)
Next 36 months (3 years) 100% of EMI*
Next 36 months (3 years) 105% of EMI*
Terminal EMI i.e. EMI which fully amortizes the remaining
Balance Term
/outstanding in the Home Loan a/c within the balance term
*EMI arrived at, after considering full loan tenure less moratorium period if any
Revision in Upward / downward revision in the scheduled EMIs will be permitted once in every three
scheduled years during the loan term and will be subject to :
EMIs i. Completion of moratorium (if any) plus flexible repayment period


ii. Home Loan account being regular.

iii. Other norms prescribed for such revision in case of regular home loan scheme is fulfilled.
At each such instance, RACPCs / branches must ensure to establish a fresh check-off facility
or arrange to obtain fresh SI / NACH.
Facility Term Loan Only
No processing Fee.
Processing Fee Recovery of actual expenses towards TIR, valuations, CERSAI & any other out of pocket
Interest Rate 5 bps below the Card Rate not below EBR
Borrower to be suitably advised of the fact to make bulk Repayment in the Home Loan to
Instructions for
reduce the EMI / NMI ratio to 50% of Post Superannuation Income. This aspect is to be
Repayment after
Other norms All other norms, terms & conditions will be same as applicable in regular home loan scheme
Shaurya Flexi Home Loan
Eligibility All in service personnel of Army & Air Force covered under Defined Pension Benefit Scheme
Purchase / construct a new house / flat
Purchase an existing (old) house / flat or extend an existing house
Furnishing / interiors as part of the project cost
Purpose Re-imbursement of investment made from own resources during the preceding twelve
months for purchase of property / construction / repairs / extension of house:
Scheme is NOT available for purchase of plot of land and repair / renovation of an existing
house / flat.
Minimum Age: 21 years
Maximum Age: 45 years
Applicants / Co-
Only Resident Indians
Min: Rs. 10 Lacs
Loan Amount
Max: Rs. 10 Crores
Annual Income EMI / NMI Ratio *
>Rs. 3L &<= Rs. 5L 55%
>Rs. 5L &<= Rs. 8 L 65%
>Rs. 8L &<= Rs. 10 L 70%
>Rs. 10 Lacs 75%
*The EMI / NMI Ratio mentioned above will be applicable for the full loan term. Income of
spouse / son / daughter, who joins the loan as co-borrower / guarantor will be considered
towards estimation of maximum loan eligibility. Income of Co-borrowers, who are not
Defense employees will be restricted to only 50% of Total eligible NMI. (Total EMI share of all
Co-borrowers combined together can only be equal to the share of the Principal Home Loan
borrower).Total Home Loan eligibility arrived at on the basis of aforementioned EMI / NMI
ratio will be estimated after taking loan term net of any moratorium period selected by the

However, a borrower shall be eligible for 1.2 times higher loan amount, subject to stipulated
LTV norms.
Minimum: 25 years
Maximum: 30 years.
Loan Tenure
Age of the principal borrower with pensionable service will be reckoned for calculating
maximum permissible loan term.
As per regular home loan scheme - upto 36 months
Extended Mortarium: Not Permitted
Repayment Period Monthly Repayment


First 36 months
Only interest debited in the account is to be repaid.
(Moratorium Period)
Next 36 months
100% of EMI*
(3 years)
Next 36 months
105% of EMI*
(3 years)
Terminal EMI i.e. EMI which fully amortizes the remaining
Balance Term
/outstanding in the Home Loan a/c within the balance term
*EMI arrived at, after considering full loan tenure less moratorium period if any
Repayment method NACH / SI / Check-Off
Upward / downward revision in the scheduled EMIs will be permitted once in every three
years during the loan term and will be subject to :
Revision in i. Completion of moratorium (if any) plus flexible repayment period
scheduled ii. Home Loan account being regular.
EMIs iii. Other norms prescribed for such revision in case of regular home loan scheme is fulfilled.
At each such instance, RACPCs / branches must ensure to establish a fresh check-off facility
or arrange to obtain fresh SI / NACH.
Facility Term Loan Only
No processing Fee.
Processing Fee Recovery of actual expenses towards TIR, valuations, CERSAI & any other out of pocket
Interest Rate 5 bps below the Card Rate not below EBR
Takeover Permitted subject to eligibility under new product parameters
Happy Home Card Happy Home Card will be provided to eligible Home Loan borrowers.
Borrower to be suitably advised of the fact to make bulk Repayment in the Home Loan to
Instructions for
reduce the EMI / NMI ratio to 50% of Post Superannuation Income. This aspect is to be
Repayment after
Other norms All other norms, terms & conditions will be same as applicable in regular home loan scheme
Shaurya Flexi Home Loan (Vishistha)
Serving Defence personnel of Army, Navy & Air Force covered under Defined Pension Benefit
Eligibility Scheme and Borrowers with age more than 45 years but less than 55 years (On the date of
More than 45 years and up to 55 years.
Age of Primary applicant (Defence Official) will be considered for the eligibility.
Applicants /
Only Resident Indians
Loan Min = Rs. 10 Lacs
Amount Max = Rs. 10 Crores
EMI / NMI Same as per Shaurya Flexi Home Loan
 Minimum: 10 years – 120 Months
 Maximum: 29 years – 348 Months
Loan Tenure  Age of the principal borrower with pensionable service will be reckoned for calculating
maximum permissible loan term.
 (Subject to liquidation of Loan before the Principal Borrower reaches 75 years)
Moratorium No
Period Monthly Repayment
Next 36 months (3 years) 100% of EMI*
Next 36 months (3 years) 105% of EMI*
Terminal EMI i.e. EMI which fully amortizes the remaining
Balance Term
/outstanding in the Home Loan a/c within the balance term
At Superannuation Bulk repayment to be made in the loan account to keep the EMI


/ NMI ratio at 50% of Superannuation income.

Facility Term Loan Only
Processing Fee No processing Fee
Happy Home Card Happy Home Card will be provided to eligible Home Loan borrowers.
Other All other norms, terms & conditions will be same as applicable in regular home loan scheme
Home Loans to Non-Salaried Segment Differential Offerings
Loan min 50 K
Loan max 50 Cr
Age 18 Yr
Min. Income NAI = 3 L
 Loan upto Rs. 20 Lakh = only Term Loan facility (No Overdraft facility),
Facility  Loan above Rs. 20 Lakh and upto Rs. 3 crore = both Term Loan and Overdraft.
 Loan above Rs. 3 crore = only Term Loan facility (No Overdraft facility)
Repayment 30 Years (Loan Close upto age of 70)
Margin/ LTV As per normal HL
EMI/NMI As per normal HL
Collateral EM
Proc. Fee 0.40% of the loan amount + GST, minimum of Rs 10000/- and maximum of Rs 30000/- + GST.
Other Renovation: 10% of Project, Max- Rs. 50000
 In case the property is owned by individuals: NIL
Pre payment penalty
 In case the property is jointly owned by Firm and the individual: 2% + GST
 No penal interest should be charged for Home Loans upto Rs. 25,000/-
 For Home Loans above Rs. 25000/- , if the irregularity exceeds EMI, for a period of one
Penal interest month, penal interest @2% p.a. (over and above applicable interest rate) on the overdue
amount for default period.
 If part installment or part EMI remains overdue, no penal interest.
Special Feature Interiors up to Rs. 50 Lakh may be financed subject to 10% of project cost
PMAY Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) / ABHILASHA Home Loan scheme
Maximum Household
Upto 3 Lakh 3,00,001 to 6 Lakh 6,00,001 to 12 Lakh 12,00,001 to 18 Lakh
Income per annum
Maximum carpet Area of
30 Sq. Mtr 60 Sq. Mtr 160 Sq. Mtr 200 Sq. Mtr
Max- LOAN eligible for
Max. Rs. 6.00 Lakh Up to Rs. 9 Lakh Up to Rs. 12 Lakh
Maximum tenor of loan on
which subsidy will be 20 Years
Discounted rate for NPV
calculation (%)
Maximum Subsidy Amount Rs. 2.67 Lakh Rs. 2.35 Lakh Rs. 2.30 Lakh
Interest Subsidy % 6.5% 4% 3%
Validity of scheme 17.06.2015 to 31.03.2022 01.01.2017 to 31.03.2021
Woman Ownership Mandatory {Women must be sole/co- Non-Mandatory (Property may be owned
owner in the property (except in case of by any adult member of the family
construction of house on existing plot)} irrespective of the gender.)
Schemes (i) Salaried with Pensionable job:
under Offer If age is up to 45 yrs. - Flexipay or Privilege/Shaurya Home loan/Regular home loans
If age above 45 years – Privilege/Shaurya Home loans/Regular home loans
(ii) Salaried but Non-pensionable:


If age is up to 45 yrs. - Flexipay /Regular Home loans

If age above 45 years –Regular Home loans
(iii) Non-Salaried customers: Regular Home loan/Differential Offerings to non-
salaried scheme
(iv) NRIs can be considered under Abhilasha scheme provided they are eligible under
the Scheme guidelines and are also in compliance with other GOI/RBI rules, if any
applicable to NRIs.
(v) Customer will be free to choose regular home loan / any other extant Home Loan
schemes under Abhilasha Scheme as per his/her suitability.
Maximum permissible Loan As per norms applicable to Regular Home Loan scheme or any Home Loan variants.
 Government of India under the aegis of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has launched CLSS for
Urban Areas under the ambit of PMAY
 Loan Amount : Min. : NIL Max. : Rs 5 Lakh only in case I.T Return, Form-16, Salary Slips / Certificates / Audited
Balance Sheet are not available
 Home Loan accounts sanctioned up to Rs 5 Lakh under PMAY-CLSS (Urban)-EWS & LIG, will be covered
mandatorily under CRGFTLIH.
 WES = Economic Weaker Section
 LIG = Lower Income Group
 Moratorium = As per Home loan scheme; construction to be completed within 36 months
Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust For Low Income Housing In Urban Areas (CRGFTLIH)
Set up by Government of India and the National Housing Bank (NHB)
 Home Loans upto Rs. 5.00 Lakh for construction or purchase of new or old
dwelling units and extension of existing dwelling units to the borrowers in the EWS
(Annual income upto Rs. 1,00,000/-) or LIG (Annual income between Rs. 1,00,001/- to
Rs. 2,00,000/-) categories in Urban Areas.
Eligible  The Guarantee Cover will be restricted to such Home Loans where the carpet area of
the Housing unit is upto 430 sqft (40 sqm) and the Bank has not obtained any collateral
security and/or Third Party Guarantee.
 The maximum Tenor of the Home Loans eligible for cover under CRGFTLIH will be
25 years.
• If loan upto Rs. 2 Lakh: 90% of the Amount in Default
Extent of Guarantee
• Limit above Rs. 2 Lakh and upto Rs. 5 Lakh : 85% of the Amount in Default
Lock-in Period 24 Months or Within 2 months after the completion of the house, whichever is later.
Home Loans covered under this scheme will be available only by way of term loan (no
maxgain facility will be available) with maximum tenor of 25 years.
In case the loan is classified as NPA before the lock-in period expires, within one year
of the expiry of the lock-in period, or
In case the loan is classified as NPA after the lock-in period expires, within one year of
Invocation of Guarantee
the loan being classified as NPA. and
Home Loan has been recalled and the recovery proceedings have been initiated
under due process of law including actions under section 13 (4) of SARFAESI Act
(a) The Trust will pay 75% of the guaranteed amount on submission of the claim by the
Bank, within 60 days of applying for the settlement of claim, subject to claim being
Settlement of Guarantee otherwise found in order and complete in all respects.
(b) The balance 25% of the guaranteed amount will be paid on conclusion of recovery
proceedings by the lending Institutions
 Any amount recovered by the Bank towards defaulted loan will be deposited with
Appropriation of recovery the Trust within 30 days, after adjusting towards the cost incurred by the Bank for
amount (After Invocation recovery of the amount. If remains unpaid beyond 30 days, interest @ 4% above Bank
of Rate will be payable by the Bank for the period beyond 30 days.
guarantee)  The Trust will appropriate the same first towards any dues including the pending
fees, penal interest, if any, and the balance amount will be appropriated in such a


manner so that losses on account of deficit in recovery of the Home Loan between the
Trust and the lending Institution are in the proportion of 90% and 10%, respectively (in
case of Home Loans upto Rs. 2 Lakh) and 85% and 15%, respectively (in case of Home
Loans above Rs. 2 Lakh and upto Rs. 5 Lakh).
SBI Exclusif Home Loan Product
Customer fulfilling any of these conditions:
 Total Relationship Value (TRV) of more than Rs 30 Lakh (Deposit+MF+Demat) with the
Bank (Rs 50 Lakh for family)
Eligibility Net Salary credit of more than Rs 2 Lakh per month (Rs 3 Lakh for family)
Home loans of more than Rs 1 Cr (Rs 1.50 Cr for family)
 For new acquisition- Rs 10 Lakh of initial deposit with potential to scale it up to Rs 30
(i)Salaried with Pensionable job :
• If age is upto 45 yrs– Flexipay or Privilege/Shaurya Home loan
• If age above 45 years – Privilege/Shaurya Home loans

(ii)Salaried but Non-pensionable:

Scheme Under Offer
• If age is upto 45 yrs– Flexipay
• If age above 45 years – Normal Home loans

(iii)Non-Salaried Exclusif customers:

• Differential Offerings to non-salaried scheme
Max. permissible HL,
(i) Salaried with Pensionable job : As per Flexipay / Privilege /Shaurya home loan scheme
Min. & Max. Age
(ii) Salaried but Non-pensionable : As per Flexipay/Normal home loan scheme
(iii) Non-Salaried: As per Differential Offerings to non-salaried scheme.
Loan Tenure & ROI
Minimum loan Existing Exclusifcustomers: No minimum limit
amount criteria  New Exclusif customers: Home Loan of more than Rs 1 Cr
Same as normal Home Loan scheme except under Privilege/Shaurya scheme, where it is
fully waived.
Proc. Fee
For others, DGM (B&O) will have the discretion to waive upto 100% and
AGM(Region)/RACPC/HLM-CH will have discretion to waive upto 50%.
15% of the cost of the house/flat subject to maximum Rs 50 Lakh. However, the maximum
Furnishings& loan amount will be restricted to the stipulated LTV Ratio. The cost of interiors / Modular
Interiors Kitchen /Fixtures / Furnishing etc., which add-up to the realizable value of the property, will
be added to the agreement value/project cost for arriving at project cost and LTV.
SBI Flexipay Home Loan
Eligibility Salaried employees with minimum 2 years of experience
Age 21 to 45 years
 Minimum = 20 Lakh.
Loan Amount  Loan amount 1.2 times the loan amount calculated as per the normal EMI/NMI ratio
method, subject to stipulated LTV norms
Minimum NMI No Minimum Limit
Facility Only TL
Loan Tenure Min- 25 Years, Max-30 Years
For ready to move in properties: upto 36 Months.
Moratorium For under construction properties: 36 Months + remaining construction period (Max- 60
Period Monthly Repayment
During moratorium period Only interest debited in the account is to be repaid
Next 36 Months 100% of EMI
Further Next 36 Months 105% of EMI


Repayment Method Repayment will be accepted only through ECS, SI or Check-off facility
 Maximum age of borrower extended up to 75 years.
Apon Ghar (For Person of Asam)
Min-1 Lakh
Loan Amount
Max- Rs. 5 Crore
Age 21-75 Years
LTV % Same as Normal Home Loan
Tenure Min- 5 Years, Max-30 (Subject to closure upto age-75)
Facility Term Loan only
(a) Where age of the eldest salaried borrower is up to 55 years: Same as Home Loan scheme.
(b) Where age of the eldest salaried borrower is above 55 years: Up to 18 months.
However, borrowers above 45 years of age should be dissuaded from selecting moratorium
Processing Fee Waived
SBI Credit Card to Home Loan Customers “Happy Home Card
Customer’s Savings Bank A/c with the bank is mandatory for issuance of Happy Home Card
Simply Save – Happy Home
Joining Fee / Annual fee Waived off; 2nd year Onwards Rs 499 + GST Spend Rs. 2,000 or more in first 60 days
and get 2,000 bonus Reward Points
5 Reward Points per Rs 125 spent on Dining, Movies, Departmental Stores and Grocery Spends.
On all other spends, earn 1 Reward Point per Rs 125 spent (4 Reward Points = Rs. 1)
Spend Rs.50000/- or more on Simply SAVE SBI Card in the previous year and annual fee can be reversed

Prime – Happy Home

Joining Fee / Annual fee waived off; 2nd year onwards Rs 2999 + GST
5 Reward Points per Rs.100 spent on Dining, Groceries, Departmental stores and Movies; 1 Reward point on Rs 100
Spend on others
Get Pizza Hut e-Voucher worth Rs. 1,000 on achieving spends of Rs. 50,000 in a calendar quarter
E-Gift Voucher worth Rs. 7,000 from on achieving annual spends of Rs. 5 Lakhs
8 complimentary visits per calendar year to Domestic Lounges in India (max. 2 visits per quarter)
Waiver of Renewal Fee on annual spends of Rs. 2 Lakhs

Elite – Happy Home

Joining Fee / Annual fee Rs.5000 + GST
Free Movie Tickets worth Rs. 6,000 every year
Earn up to 50,000 Bonus Reward Points worth Rs. 12,500/ year
Earn 10,000 bonus Reward Points on achieving annual spends of Rs. 3 lakhs and 4 lakhs
Enjoy 2 complimentary Domestic Airport Lounge visits every quarter in India

NRI Customers are out of consideration of Happy Home Card



Loans against Deposits
Purpose For meeting contingencies & needs of personal nature and not to be used for speculative purpose
 Individual depositors against the Time Deposits held by them either in their sole name or in joint
names with ‘E or S’ / ‘Anyone or S’/ ‘F or S mandate’.
 In case of mode of operation is jointly payable, loans can only be granted to all the depositors
jointly. In case of survivor deposit holder in joint deposits with Either or Survivor / Anyone or
Survivor/ Former or Survivor, survivor need not be made joint borrower, however such survivor
must be joined in the creation of pledge over the Time Deposit jointly held i.e., the pledge
Eligibility document should be executed by both the joint deposit holders.
 Guardian in his capacity as a Natural /Legal guardian against the deposits held by her / him
jointly with the minor or in the sole name of the minor can also avail loan against such deposits.
 TDR/STDR (including NRE/NRO/FCNB deposits)
 RD (Accounts with balance of Rs.100/- & above only eligible including NRE/NRO Deposits)
 No loan will be granted against RFC deposits
 Age 18 Yr and above.
Facility Demand Loan or Overdraft Account
 Only one Demand Loan will be sanctioned against one Time Deposit.
 The DL will get liquidated at the time of maturity of Time Deposit and remaining amount of
deposit, if any, will be renewed for the same contractual tenor of Time Deposit or as per customer
 OD Facility to be given against multiple Time Deposits.
 Maturity proceeds of Time Deposit will be credited to OD account and DP will be reduced to the
extent of collateral value of matured FD and remaining amount, if any, will be renewed for the same
contractual tenor of Time Deposit or as per customer mandate
Other  An email/SMS conveying liquidation of loan on maturity of Time Deposit will be sent to the
depositor, through system, 30 days before maturity of Time Deposit.
 No advance should be granted against the security of Term Deposit Receipts issued by other
 Loan is not allowed against SBI Tax Savings Scheme -2006 during the lock in period of 5
 No Loan / Advance shall be made against Term Deposits in the name of Govt.
Officials/Departments issued at the request of Contractors/Traders.
 Family members of Staff / Retired staff are not eligible for staff loan benefits.
Residual Maturity period of deposit Margin
Upto 36 months 5%
Above 36 months & upto 60 months 10%
Above 60 months 15%
 Maximum 95% of Principle + accrued interest
Loan Amount  Through branches = No min & no max slab.
 Loan through INB or YONO: Min: 5,000/-& Max: 5 Cr
Proc fee Nil
 1%above the relative time deposit rate.
 For staff: Rate of interest on loan will be same as rate of interest applied on deposit.
Tenure Remaining maturity period of the security
Security Lien on the Time Deposit
 5% Margin on (Principal + Accrued) interest if residual tenure of Timedeposit is upto 60
Margin (Staff /
Months as on date of availing of loan.
 10% Margin on (Principal + Accrued) interest if residual tenure of Timedeposit is more than 60
months as on the date of availing of loan.
 Demand Loan (DL): Remaining maturity period of the deposit or 120 months whichever is
earlier. DL liquidated at the time of maturity of Time Deposit and remaining amount of Deposit, if


any, will be renewed for the same contractual tenor of original Time Deposit or as per customer’s

 Overdraft (OD): Running limit with yearly review. Maturity proceeds of Time Deposit will be
credited to OD account and DP will be reduced to the extent of collateral value of matured FD and
remaining amount, if any, will be renewed for the same contractual tenor of Time Deposit or as per
customer’s mandate.

Important Note:
 As auto rollover of TDRs/STDRs is permissible, loan granted against such TDRs/STDRS will not be
closed on the date of rollover and the new TDR/STDR will continue to be linked to the existing loan
account and lien/hold on the account will also continue.
 However, in case of DL, Branch should invariably close the loan account upon auto rollover of
TDRs/STDRs and remaining amount, if any, shall be renewed for the same contractual tenor of Time
Deposit or as per customer’s mandate.
Concession in
Concession in Card Rate Upto Control Report to be submitted to
0.10% p.a. Regional Manager
0.25% p.a Dy. Gen. Manager (B & O)
GM of the NW 0.50% p.a. for loan of Rs.1 crore and above Circle CGM
Online Overdraft against TDR/STDR
 For customers having Internet Banking and Fixed Deposit Accounts (e-STDR/TDR) in single
name only.
 The facility of online OD is not available against NRE/NRO/ FCNR(B) Fixed deposits, MODs
& Tax Savings Fixed Deposits.
 The Limit of overdraft against STDR/eSTDR = 90% of the face value of STDR/e STDR,
 TDR/ eTDR = 75% i.e., customers will have no choice to fix the lower limit.
Minimum Rs. 5,000/- and
Loan amount
Maximum Rs. 5 Crore
Rate of Interest Interest Rate will be 1% above the Interest payable on the Fixed Deposit.
No Minimum residual period of TDR/STDR/eTDR/eSTDR in YONO and INB mode.
(i) STDR/e-STDR: Maximum 5 years or remaining maturity period of Fixed Deposit,
whichever is lower.
(ii) TDR/e-TDR: Maximum 3 years or remaining maturity period of Fixed Deposit, whichever
is lower. The monthly/ quarterly/half yearly interest payable on TDR/eTDR will continue to be
credited to the account as originally opted by the
Availability Between 08:00 HRS IST and 20:00 HRS IST.
 The closure of OD account will be done by the Home Branch.
 Mandate for rollover of the TDR/STDR/eTDR/eSTDR given at the time of opening the deposit account will be
treated as cancelled if the OD account is not closed on or before the loan Tenure.
 Account cannot be renewed on limit expiry date by the branch.
Loan against deposits roll out of NPA functionality (902- Arrear condition)
 Under this new functionality, the CBS will track these loan accounts for NPA on the logic that, “as and when the
outstanding and accrued interest on loan amount exceeds principal and interest accrued on
DOMESTIC/NRE/NRO/FCNR deposit, the loan account will be classified as NPA”.
 The process of down gradation of loan account to SMA 0,1,2 is not applicable in cases of loan against FCNR(B)
deposits, but once the outstanding exceeds the collateral value, loan account will be directly classified as NPA.
 Branches must open new accounts only with new collateral type and subtype:
Loan Description Collateral Type Collateral Subtype Remarks
Loan in Indian Rupees 12 - Bank Deposit 07: INR Loan against FC Deposit Collateral value to be given in


respective currency only (Not

Loan in Foreign Currency. 12 - Bank Deposit 08: FC Loans against FC Deposit
to be converted to INR).
Loan Against Third Party Deposits
 Facility of loans in INR, in India, to third party resident individuals/ firms/ companies in India against the deposits
held by Resident India /NRI customers in their domestic/ NRE/ NRO/ FCNR(B) deposit accounts in individual
 Non-personal deposits are not eligible for third party loans
 Third Party Loan will be disbursed by Home Branches only, where deposits are held.
 Execution of documents for the third-party loan must be done in person at home branch along with the depositor.
 In no case, loan disbursement will be made to third party’s account maintained at other banks.
 In case of loan against bulk deposits, on receipt of administrative clearance, loan to third parties will be sanctioned
by the competent authority as per the delegation of Financial Powers for Advances against 100% Cash Margin/
Specified Securities.
 Loan shall not be granted for re-lending or carrying on agriculture / plantation activities or investment in real
estate business.
 Term deposits in the name of Govt officials / Department issued at the request of contractors / traders, etc. for
security deposit purposes are not eligible for such loans.
 Powers of Attorney holders will not be allowed to sign on behalf of the NRI customers in case of third-party loan
against NRI deposits.
 Loan proposals to be processed invariably through LOS/RLMS only. (Except in case of loan against FCNR deposits).
Loan against NSCs/KVP
All branches can grant loans to the customers maintaining satisfactorily conducted accounts,
Eligibility against the security of National Savings Certificates (NSCs) of VIII Issue and Kisan Vikas Patras
For meeting contingencies & needs of personal nature and not to be used for speculative
Facility DL or OD
 Public: 40% of face value with accrued interest.
 For Staff / Bank’s pensioners: 15% of face value plus accrued interest.
 Public: 60% of Face value together with accrued interest for public. No ceiling on
maximum loan amount provided stipulated margin is maintained.
Loan Amount
 For Staff / Bank’s pensioners: 85% of Face value together with accrued interest for staff.
No ceiling on maximum loan amount, provided stipulated margin is maintained.
0.35% of loan amount with a minimum of Rs. 500/- and Maximum of Rs. 2500/- plus
Proc. Fee
applicable GST.
 2.50% above 1- year MCLR

ROI For Staff / Bank’s pensioners:

 For loans upto 3 years: 2.00% above 1-Year MCLR
 For loan above 3 years: 2.25% above 1-Year MCLR
Tenure Remaining maturity period of NSC/KVP
The NSCs/KVPs are required to be transferred by the issuing Post Office as a security in the
Security name of the bank. Discharge of the holder on the reverse of NSCs/KVPs is not considered
Repayment a suitable repayment schedule is to be fixed based on Maturity Date of the security
Pre-payment / Pre-
closure Penalty
Pre-mature If a pre-mature withdrawal is made after 1 year from the date of issue of the certificate, then
withdrawal the investor shall be eligible to receive interest.
 Family members of Staff/Retired staff are not eligible for staff loan benefits.
Other  KVPs of denomination of Rs.50,000/- & above and NSCs of denomination of Rs. 10000/- &
above are issued only on special permission as advised by the Postal Department.


Loan against Life Insurance Policy

For meeting contingencies & needs of personal nature and not to be used for speculative
 All branches can grant loans to the customers maintaining satisfactorily conducted
 Loans can be granted against the security of the life insurance policies issued by
(a) Life Insurance Corporation of India,
(b) Department of Post Offices/ India Post,
(c) SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd.,
(d) HDFC Standard Life and
(e) ICICI Prudential Life Insurance.

Eligibility  Further following conditions shall also be fulfilled:

● The age of the insured should have been admitted by the authority issuing the policy.
● The policy has not been issued under the Married Women’s Property Act, 1874. Under the
Married Women’s Property Act, the benefits of the insurance policy held in the name of the
husband, upon his death or on maturity, will accrue to the beneficiaries under the Trust. Thus,
such a policy is not the property of the husband and therefore should not be accepted as
● The policy stands in the name of the borrower only. No third-party Insurance Policy to be
admitted as security.
● The policy is in force and the insurance premium has been paid upto date.
Facility DL or OD
Loan tenure upto 12 months 15%
Margin Loan tenure upto 24 months 25%
Loan tenure upto 36 months 30%
The amount of advance depends on the loan tenure and corresponding margin as
mentioned above. Margin would be applicable on the present surrender value of the policy,
Loan amount which should be ascertained from the respective Insurance Company and recorded in the
miscellaneous security register. Please note that Surrender Value is the amount payable by
the insurance company on premature payment of the policy.
Repayment within 3 years
0.35% of loan amount with a minimum of Rs. 500/- and Maximum of Rs. 2500/- plus
Proc. Fee
applicable GST
 2.50% above 1- year MCLR.
 For Staff / Bank’s pensioners: 1% above the prevailing interest rate payable to publicfor
60 months TDR/STDR.
 Family members of Staff/Retired staff are not eligible for staff loan benefits.
Security Assignment of policy
Pre-payment / Pre-
closure Penalty
 Loan may be granted against an Endowment Policy, Anticipated Endowment Policy or a
Money Back Policy.
 Advances against whole life policies should be discouraged.
 ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan) policies are not eligible for granting loan under this
 Insurance premium should, as far as possible, be paid by the Bank understanding
instructions from the borrowers and the premium receipts kept attached to the assigned
Loan against Shares
Loan Against Shares (LAS) is a general-purpose loan which may be granted to individuals to
meet contingencies and/or any personal need and for subscribing to rights or new issue of


shares against security of existing shares. However, the loans under the scheme are not to be
sanctioned for
i) Speculative purposes
ii) Inter-corporate investments
iii) Acquiring controlling interest in company/companies
iv) Loan against our own SBI shares
a. Individual customers with the following criteria:
i) Fully KYC compliant account
ii) Having Demat account with SBI CAP Securities Ltd (SSL).

Loan can be sanctioned to individual as well as joint Demat account holders. In case the
Demat account is held in joint name,
• First holder will apply for the loan online.
• All holders have to sign Pledge Request Form. Provision for obtaining the signatures of
Second and Third (if any) applicant has been made in the Pledge Request Form.
• The loan account will be opened in the First holder’s name.
• The customer(s), otherwise eligible for loan, should have an active mobile number and e-
mail id.
Facility Overdraft
Loan Min Rs. 50000/-
 For any personal purpose = 20 Lakh
Loan Max
 for subscribing to IPO = 10 Lakh
Maximum limit is inclusive of all loans borrowed by the applicant/borrower against Shares &
Maximum limit Securities held by them. It means that total loan sanctioned to the customer under LAS and
LAMFU for Equity/ Hybrid/ ETF MF should not exceed Rs 20,00,000.
50% of the prevailing Stock Exchange market prices of the shares based on the prevailing
market price as on date and time of loan sanction
0.75% of the loan amount sanctioned + applicable GST subject to minimum Rs. 1,000/- (non-
Processing Fee
ROI 2.50% above 1-Year MCLR (Fixed for all tenures with no reset clause)
Renewal charges Rs 1000+GST (Yearly)
Tenure 30 Months
 Pledge of Demat Shares
 Base list/ Universe of scrips: NSE 500/S&P 500 scrips
Prepayment  Prepayment penalty: Nil
Charges, Penal  Rs.500.00+GST for non-credit of EMI/Installment
Interest  2% per month penal interest on overdue installment for the over-due period
Nodal Branch Specialized Securities Finance Branch, Andheri East (18225)
 No advance will be granted against SBI shares, as the same is strictly prohibited under
Other Section 20 (1) (a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
 The shares offered as security must be in Demat form.
Loan against Mutual Fund (Incl DAF)
 18 years (Excluding NRI); Max Age- No Limit.
 NRIs are not elgible for LAMFU.
For meeting contingencies & needs of personal nature and not to be used for
speculative purpose
Minimum Loan Rs. 25000/-
 Equity / Hybrid / ETF: Physical / Electrical form- Rs.10 Lakh; Demat Form- Rs. 20
Max Loan Lakh
 Debt / FMP: Rs. 5 Crore
Facility OD (Cheque book, Debit-cum-ATM card, INB facility can be extended)
Margin  Equity / Hybrid / ETF – 50%


 Debt / FMP – 15%

Periodicity of
Review/Renewal charges Rs. 1000+GST
0.50% of loan amount + applicable GST
Proc. Fee
(Minimum Rs. 1,000 and Maximum Rs. 10,000 plus applicable GST)
Rate of Interest 250 bps above 1-year MCLR(fixed)
 Lien on units of MF units.
 Loan should not be issued against the security of Gold ETF.
D EMAT / Physical / Electronic Units of Open Ended as well as Close Ended Schemes
of SBI MF.
Security of SBI MF units-
 Loan should not be sanctioned against the security of Gold ETF.
Equity/ETF/ Hybrid
 Loan against Tax Savings Fund as well as Closed Ended Scheme to be given only after
the lock in period has expired.
Pre – payment charges Nil
Loan Against Soverign Gold Bonds (SGB)
For meeting contingencies & needs of personal nature and not to be used for speculative
 Loan will be granted against “SOVEREIGN GOLD BONDS” issued by Reserve Bank on behalf
of Government of India.
 All individual or joint investors under Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme holding the SGBs.
Eligibility  Physical form: Must be issued through our Bank.
 Demat Form:
 The customer(s) must have Demat account with SSL.
 In case of joint applicants, the Demat account and SB account should have identical name.
Facility Overdraft or Demand Loan (Bullet-Repayment)
Loan Min Rs. 20000/-
Loan Max Rs. 20 Lakh per Individual
Margin 35% of Market Value published by PMD, PBBU
Processing Fee 0.50% of Loan Amount + GST Or Rs. 500 + GST whichever is higher
Repayment Period Overdraft- 36 Months; Demand Loan- 12 Months (Bullet Repayment)
ROI 200 bps above 1-year MCLR(fixed)
Security Lien mark on “SOVEREIGN GOLD BONDS” issued by Reserve Bank of India
Penal Interest 2%
 Individual having Minimum Age- 21 years or above are eligible for facility.
 Trusts/HUFs/Companies/Partnership Firms/Proprietary NOT Eligible
 While granting advance the operating units shall ensure that maximum Quantity of 500 Grams per person per
fiscal doesn’t exceed.
 Under the Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme, bonds are denominated in units of one gram of gold and multiples
thereof. The minimum annual investment is one gram. The maximum limit permitted 4 kg for per individual, 4 kg
for per Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) and 20 kg for trusts and similar Entities
SGBs held in Physical form:
 Ensure that the loan sanctioning Branch has issued the SGB(s) to the loan applicant. i.e., Loan against SGBs shall be
sanctioned only by that branch which has issued the SGBs to the applicant.
 Ensure that loans are not sanctioned to the third parties against the collateral security of SGBs.

SGBs held in Demat Form:

 The customer(s) must have demat account with SSL.
 In case of joint applicants, the Demat account and SB account should have identical name.
 Ensure that loans are not sanctioned to the third parties against the collateral security of SGBs.


Other P Seg Asset Product

Overdraft Facility in Salary Packages
Features Through Branch Channel / YONO / INB
Eligible Variants Gold, Diamond, Platinum variants
 Age of customer should be less than 54 through INB.
 Regular salarycredits in Salary Package account for past 6 consecutive months.
Eligibility norms
 Residual service should not be lessthan6 months.
 The account should not have existing overdraft.
Not to sanction Salary Package OD to customers who have already availedSPL PAPL under
product code 64514034.
Up to 2 months Net Monthly Income subject to:
 Gold: Rs. 75,000/-
Overdraft Amount
 Diamond: Rs. 1,50,000/-
 Platinum: Rs. 2,00,000
Nature of OD Clean OD (Repayable in 06 Months); With NIL Processing Fee
Interest rate 595 bps above 6 month’s MCLR
Repayment 6 months
CIC Minimum Credit score of 650 (CIBIL score, version 2)
Solar Roof Top Finance for Personal Segment Customers
All existing salaried personal segment customers maintaining salary account with
CIBIL score of 670 and above,
Minimum NAI (Net Annual Income) of Rs. 3.00 lacs and above.
Purpose Solar Roof Top panels and equipment Installation
Facility Term Loan
 Net Annual Income >= Rs. 3 lacs & upto Rs. 5.00 lacs = 40%
 For > Rs. 5.00 lacs = 50%
Minimum: Rs. 50,000
Quantum of loan
Maximum: Rs.10 lacs
Minimum: 6 months
Maximum: 5 years
Validity of Sanction 3 months from the date of sanction
Pre-sanction Inspection Pre-sanction inspection for Surya Shakti Cell (SSC), Mumbai is waived.
Respective RACPC/Mini-RACPC/RACC has to do post sanction inspection, before
Post sanction Inspection
disbursement of the loan
Margin 20% minimum
 Centralized Processing for Sanction and Control: Surya Shakti Cell, Mumbai.
Authorized Branch(es)  Documentation, Inspection and post sanction formalities to be completed at
respective RACPC/Mini-RACPC/RACC (linked with customer’s home branch).
 1-Year MCLR plus 200 bps, current effective rate is 10.50% (with no reset clause).
 Existing home loan borrowers to get upto 20 bps concession subject to extension of
 Other existing SBI customers with good track record to get upto 10 bps concession.
Rate of Interest
 Concession shall be extended under only 1 category i.e., either under existing home
loan customers or under existing SBI customers with good track record.
Good track record customers are classified as customers with “CIBIL score above
700 with no default history” for this product.
Hypothecation of assets created out of Bank finance as primary security and if housing
loan borrower opts for extension of mortgage, housing property as collateral security.
MMGS-III and above at Surya Shakti Cell, Mumbai. Sanction and control will be done at
Sanctioning Authority
Surya Shakti Cell.
Processing fee 0.50% of the loan amount plus applicable GST, subject to minimum of Rs. 500


Penal interest 2% p.m. on the overdue amount

Pre-Payment Penalty Nil
 Take-over of accounts under the product not permitted.
 Margin to be brought up front.
 Reimbursement not permitted.
 No deviation from the product features is permitted.
 The product is eligible under priority sector lending.
Other  IRAC norms applicable as per existing Term Loans.
 Site feasibility report, Electricity generation & savings calculation sheet from the Solar
equipment Vendor (Tata Power presently) shall be kept on record
 In case of account turning NPA, deinstallation and transportation services will be
provided by TPSSL’s Channel Partner and hence, will be charged to SBI on actuals.
 There would be no charges for the storage in the Warehouse


Form used
Form 20: Application for Registration of a Motor Vehicle
Form 29: Notice of Transfer of Ownership of A Motor Vehicle
Form 30: Report of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle
Form 34: Application for Making an Entry of an Agreement of Hire-Purchase/Lease/Hypothecation Subsequent
to (after) Registration
Form 35: Notice of Termination of an Agreement of Hire Purchase /Lease /Hypothecation
SBI Car Loan
For purchase of new Passenger cars, Multi Utility Vehicles(MUVs) and Sports Utility Vehicles
Type of Loan TL
Age 21-70 Yrs
 Salaried = NMI >= 25000/-, (NAI >=300000/-)
Income  Others = NAI = 3 Lakh
 Agriculturists = NAI 4 Lakh
Loan min 1 Lakh
 Salaried = Up to 48 times the NMI
Loan max  Others = Up to 4 times of NAI
 Agriculturists = Up to 3 times NAI
Net Annual Income EMI/NMI Not to Exceed If CIC below 700 then
Up to Rs. 5 Lakhs 50% 50%
Rs. 5- 10 Lakhs 60% 60%
EMI/NMI Rs. 10- 15 Lakhs 70% 65%
(CIC 700 and above)
Above Rs 15 Lakhs 75% 65%
(CIC 700 and above)
85 % of On-road Price (Maximum up to 100% of Ex-show room price)
90 % of On-road Price for CSP customers
Margin 15% of on-road price. For Salary Package Customers = 10%.
Flat structure:
For Loan Amount up to Rs. 5.00 Lakh Rs. 750/- + GST
Processing fee
For Loan Amount above Rs. 5.00 Lakh to Rs 10.00 Lakh Rs. 1250/- + GST
For Loan Amount above Rs. 10 Lakh Rs. 1500/- + GST
Term Minimum: 3 Years; Maximum 7 Years or Up to the age of 75 Years whichever is earlier
Security Hypothecation of vehicle
Co-borrower Maximum number of applicants restricted to 2
CIBIL Salary Package accounts with SBI: 650& above, For others: 700& above
After initial inspection, waived for standard asset
Inspection Post disbursement inspection of vehicle must be carried out within 15 days from the
date of disbursement
For Car loan > 5 Lakhs, at least two agencies’ credit report strictly to be obtained. (CIBIL
Credit Report
& Experian)
Scoring Model 86 and above = Clear Sanction, 85 and below = Decline category
Processing Time 2 days
Penalty for Non-
Rs. 2500/- +GST per month to be recovered from borrower till Bank‘s hypothecation charge
is noted by RTO (after 120 days)
ecation of Vehicle
For maximum permissible tenure of the loan within 75 years of age, the age of applicant,
Loan in Joint Names whoseincome is higher of the two, will be considered.
CIC score of both the applicants is to be obtained and should be = > the threshold level.


For interest rate, CIC score of the applicant from whose income, loan will be repaid is to be
RSM will be run for the applicant whom the EMI will be paid.
Income of all borrower(s) can be clubbed to calculate the loan eligibility.
If one of the co-applicants is woman, she need not be the earning member.
Co-applicant (Only one) should be a Close relative of the applicant. Here Close relative
means (Father, Mother, Spouse, Son and Daughter).
Pre-payment Penalty = Nil
Foreclosure Charges = 2% of the closure amount plus GST, in case foreclose within 2 years.
PenalInterest (2% pa+ GST) is charged on late payment of EMIs for loans above Rs.25000.
One overdue monthly payment in last 12 months would be allowed provided DPD did not exceed 30 days.
There should be no overdue at the time of processing of the loan.
 Project Cost (On-road price) include ex-showroom price, road taxes, insurance.
 The cost of accessories, extended warranty and total maintenance should not be included in the project cost.
 In no case the Loan amount should go beyond 100% of Ex-showroom Price of the Vehicle.
 In case of co-borrower, repayment period will be counted based on applicant with higher age.
SBI Green Car Loan (For Electric vehicle)
Min-3 Years,
Max-8 Years
Rate of Interest Concession of 25 BPS applicable ROI in SBI Car Loan
CIC Minimum 700
Margin For all Customers: 10% of On-road price of vehicle.
Processing Fee Concession of 50% of the Processing fee applicable to SBI new Car Loan.
NRI Car Loan
NRI will be the Borrower and the NRI’s close relative in India may be taken as Co-applicant
or Guarantor.
For Borrower: NRI fulfilling following conditions:
Eligibility: a) Having valid Indian passport
b) Steady Source of Income
c) Employed abroad for at least 2 years
d) Holding a valid job contract/work permit
For our bank Having NRI account for at least 12 months with min. average balance of Rs. 50,000/- or
Customer New Account with USD 5000/- or equivalent.
Having NRI account with other Banks for last 24 months with a minimum balance
For Other Bank Cust. deposits of Rs. 50,000/-.
The borrower will open NRI account with SBI for repayment of EMIs.
 Minimum NMI US$ 1000 or equivalent in other currencies Or,
 Minimum NAI US$ 12000 or equivalent in other currencies
Min: 1 Lakh
Loan Amount
Max: 18 times of NMI or 1.5 times of NAI (of Borrower)
 In NRI Car Loan spouse / close relatives (Indian Resident) may be taken as co-applicant or Guarantor along with
the NRI as applicant.
 As per above, close relative means
1. Father
2. Mother
3. Spouse
4. Son and
5. Daughter

 Income from co-applicant can be considered for arriving at loan eligibility

Purpose, Age, Rate of Interest, EMI/NMI, Loan to Value (LTV), Margin, Loan Term, Risk Scoring Model, Pre-sanction
survey, Post sanction inspection will be applicable; as in SBI Car Loan Scheme.


SBI Assured Car Loan

To facilitates customers who do not have income proof documents, by keeping lien on the
Eligibility Existing customers with unencumbered Fixed Deposits.
Age Min - 18 Years, Max- No limit
Not stipulated. Income declared by applicant will be accepted. Loan amount is based on the fixed
deposit value.
Min- 1 Lakh
Loan Amount
Max –No limit, 100% of FD value. On-Road price of the vehicle.
Facility TL
Repayment 3 to 7 years
EMI/NMI Not Applicable
Proc. Fee Nil
 Third party TDRs will not be accepted.
 Maximum Joint Account holder in STDR/TDR can be – 2
 Risk Scoring Model: Not Applicable
 100% of TDR/STDR can be given as loan for vehicle of on-road price
 Applicants with CIBIL scores less than 650 and those in -1, 0, 1 to 5 categories will also be eligible.
 In addition to Lien marking on underlying deposit, collateral security is also to be created in CBS for the
underlying deposit.
SBI Loyalty car Loan (For Existing Home Loan Borrowers)
To facilitate our housing loan borrowers to avail Car Loan at concessional rate of interest
and processing fee to purchase new/old car, MUV & SUV
Individuals including joint borrowers who have
a) Availed the housing loan from SBI
b) Satisfactorily serviced the loan for at least one year after the moratorium period
c) Maintained security margin of at least 15% for purchase/construction of plot/house.
a) Loan amount has been de-linked with market value of the house property and
outstanding in HL ac. Instead, the loan eligibility to be decided as per regular new car loan
Loan Amount
b) Extension of charge on the mortgaged property is not required.
Minimum Income NAI 2 Lakh
Repayment 7 Years
Margin Nil (i.e. 100% Ex-show Room price)
Processing Fee 0.25% of the loan amount with a minimum of Rs. 500/ & max. of Rs. 5000/ + GST
Security Hypothecation of the vehicle only
 The new product is made applicable to all car loan scheme variants, viz (a) Car Loan Scheme, (b) NRI Car Loan
Scheme and (c) Certified Pre-owned Car Loan Scheme.
 Takeover of loans is NOT PERMITTED under the Scheme.
 Rate of Interest: Concession of 5 bps on applicable card rate. The concessions will be over and above our card
rates/any special concessions approved from time to time. However, no loan be sanctioned where CIC scores are
below 650.
Certified Pre-Owned Car Loans
Purpose For purchase of Certified Pre-Owned cars
Age of the vehicle Not more than 10 years old
Age 21-67 Years (Loan must be fully repaid before the borrower attains the age of 70 years)
Salaried / Pensioners:
 Net annual income of applicant and/or co-applicant (if any), together to be ₹3, 00,000/-
Eligible Customers and above.
 A copy of PPO is also to be obtained in case of pensioners


Self-employed & Professionals:

 Net annual income of applicant and/or co-applicant if any, together to be ₹3, 00,000/-
and above for the last year as per income tax return.
 GSTIN of professionals/ selfemployed applicants where the turnover is more than Rs.
20.00 Lakhs will be obtained, except for exempted categories viz Doctors, etc.

 Businessmen & agriculturist not eligible in the scheme.

CIC V3 based Score Maximum Loan Amount (₹Lacs) Minimum Loan
>=757 100 3 Lakh
721-756 100 3 Lakh
689-720 10 3 Lakh
101-200 (NTC) 10 3 Lakh
Loan Amount
a) The maximum loan amount that can be granted would be restricted to 30 times the net
monthly income of salaried persons / pensioners.
b) In case of others, maximum loan amount would be 2.5 times the net annual income (i.e.,
income as per latest income tax return filed less taxes payable).
c) For loans above Rs. 5 Lacs, scoring from 2 CICs will be required like in car loan schemes.
10 years minus the age of the vehicle at the time of applying for loan subject to a
maximum tenure of 5 years
Net Annual Income (Rs) EMI / NMI not to exceed
Up to 5 Lacs 50%
5-10 Lacs 60%
Above 10 Lacs 65%
LTV 85% of valuation price
Margin 15%
Processing Fee 1.25% of loan amount +GST, Min – Rs. 3750/- + GST, Max. Rs. 10,000/ +GST
Penal interest 2%
Valuation of
Two valuations for loan amount more than Rs. 25 Lacs
Premium Cars
Salaried / Pensioners – Minimum CIC – 689 & NTC Customers.

Self-employed & Professionals: Minimum CIC – 700 & NTC Customers

As per approved policy, NTC customers of professional and selfemployed to be considered

subject fulfilling the following conditions.
Minimum CIC Score a. Customer should have bank account for more than 12 months
b. Monthly single credit of ₹25000/- in the account other than system credit for last 12
months and Income tax returns are electronically filed. Status of acknowledgement receipt
to be verified (ITR-V) online.
c. Verification of the business /Profession continuity is done through online verification of
TAN/TIN/GSTIN Number, which contains Date of Registration and Address.
d. Pre-sanction inspection is to be carried out by Bank official only.
Document Name Valuation Report
All Auto Loan Hub Branches. A Dealer may be allowed to map with Maximum 3 AL Hub
Authorized Branches
SSL Commission 0.60% (Including GST)
@ 3% + GST on Theo balance to be levied only if closed within 2 years from the
Foreclosure Charges
disbursement of loan.
@ 1% + GST to be levied quarterly on the prepaid amount if prepaid within 2 years from
Pre-payment Penalty
the date of disbursement.
 No Takeover permitted
 Financing of old vehicles on the basis of Duplicate Registration Books will NOT be entertained.


 Maximum Number of ownership: should not have changed more than 2 times.
 Inspection: Waived after 1st Inspection but immediately on default
 Wherever NACH mandate is applicable it is to be obtained and activated within 7 days of disbursement.
High Value Super Bike Loan
Purpose To provide finance for purchase of premium segment Two-Wheelers
Age 21-57 years. (Loan must be fully repaid before the borrower attains the age of 60 years.)
a) Salaried = NAI- 3 Lakh and above.
b) Pensioners = NAI- 3 Lakh and above
b) Business = Net Profit or Gross taxable income – 3 Lakh
c) Agriculturists = NAI 4 Lakh
Minimum 1.5 Lakh
Maximum 25 Lakh
LTV 85% of On-road Price
15% of On-road price of the vehicle for all applicants.
Margin On-road price of the vehicle is inclusive of Showroom cost, Registration Charges, Road tax and
Insurance only.
2% of loan amount + GST subject to maximum Rs. 10,000 + GST
Term Upto 48 Months or before the borrower completing 60 Years of Age, whichever is earlier.
Salaried / Defence Pensioners: Minimum 700 and New to Credit, i.e.-1/ (151 – 200).
Others: Minimum 731 and New to Credit, i.e.-1 / (151 – 200).
Security Hypothecation of Vehicle
SSL pay-out 2% (inclusive of GST) of the Loan amount disbursed for the proposals sourced by SSL
Dealer Pay-
2% (inclusive of GST) of the Loan amount disbursed.
Other All other Terms and Conditions are applicable as per New Car Loan Scheme.
Two Wheeler Loan
1. Salaried customers of following categories
a) Existing Salary package customer of our bank.
Eligibility b) Existing, Salaried customer of our Bank, and New to Bank customer.
2. Professionals, Self-employed and other IT assesses.
3. Persons engaged in Agriculture and Allied activities.
To provide finance for purchase of new Two-wheelers viz. scooter/ motorcycle / moped / battery-
operated / electric vehicles of reputed make.
Age 18-65 Years
I. Salaried: Net Monthly Income of applicant should be ₹ 10,000 and above.

II. Pensioners: Net Monthly Income of applicant should be ₹ 10,000 and above and maintaining
pension account with us. Copy of PPO to be taken.
III. Self-employed, Professionals, Proprietor, Partner, and other IT assesses including
businessmen & traders: ₹ 1.50 lakhs p.a. as per ITR (i.e., Net Profit/ Taxable income Less Taxes
payable, if any).

IV. Agriculturists: Net annual income of ₹ 1.50 Lacs.

 Min: 50000/-,
 Max: 3 Lakh
Loan amount
 Subject to maximum, 6 times of Net Monthly Income and applicable EMI/NMI Ratio.
 Net Monthly Income of Self-employed and Agri customers: Net Annual Income / 12
Repayment For Agriculturalist: 60 Months (Max)
Period For Others: 48 Months (Max)


 Salary Package Customers: Up to 60%

 All others: Up to 50%
LTV 85% of On-Road price of vehicle
Margin 15% of On-Road price of vehicle
SPA customers: Minimum 650 and NTC*.
Others: Minimum 700 and NTC*.
Processing  2% of loan amount + GST
Fees  For SPA customers: 50% waiver in Processing fee
Penal interest 2%
Vehicle to be insured for 1 year own damage and 5 years third party insurance upfront with
hypothecation clause in favour of the Bank.
PSS of Residence and Workplace to be conducted on standard format by Bank official, except for (
The following existing KYC complaint category of Customers:
a) Defense/ Paramilitary/ Indian Coast Guard / Police/Railway / Central/ State Public Sector
Pre-Sanction Enterprises / Central / State Govt. Salary package account customers having salary credit for last 3
Survey months.
b) Gold and above variant Salary package account customers of our bank with salary credit for last
6 months in the account, which are linked to respective Employer codes (where applicable) and
with Mobile Number as per CBS record and verifiable PAN.
 For Standard Asset accounts, waived after the initial inspection.
Post sanction
 If there is a default of 1 EMI, inspection required.
 In case of NPA accounts – twice a year.
Other 50 bps Concession in interest rate for applicants purchasing Electric Two-Wheeler vehicles.
Pre-Approved Car Loans (PACL)
 At least one credit of Rs 25000 per month in salary account during 5 of the last 6
months, excluding cash deposit and system credit.
 Total salary credit summation of Rs 3 lac during last 12 months.
 There should be salary credit in the immediate last month (Sixth month).
Age 21 -57 years (Loan to be repaid by the time of retirement)
Term of Loan Minimum 3 years, Maximum 7 years
Loan Amount Minimum Rs. 1 lac, Maximum Rs. 5 cr.
Max Loan Amount 48 times of the Net monthly income.
RSM score 46 and above
Resident status Resident Indian
CIBIL (V3) 700 and CV New to Credit Score -1 (151-200)
Account should be in single name.
None of the existing loan accounts under the same CIF should be in SMA2 and/or NPA
Validity of Offer is 30 days
Pre-Approved Two-Wheeler Loan Scheme (PA2W)
CSP Customers:
 Aged between 21 and 57 having P-segment regular Salary Package account (Staff and Joint
accounts excluded).
 Account must be KYC updated and should have consistent single credit of Rs >= 10,000 in 5 out
of last 6 months.
 There shall be credits in the last 3 months immediately preceding the date of identification of
the prospects based on machine learning.
 CIBIL score of minimum 650 and New to Credit (141 to 200 score).

Non-CSP Customers:
 Aged between 21 and 57 having P-segment regular SB accounts (BSBD, NRI, Staff and Joint
account excluded)


 Account must be KYC updated with consistent credit of Rs >= 7,500 in 9 out of the last 12
months and MAB>=2000 during 75% of months in the last 12 months.
 There shall be credits in the last 3 months immediately preceding the date of identification of
the prospects based on machine learning.
 CIBIL score of minimum 700 and New to Credit (151 to 200 score).
 Min: 0.20 lakh
Loan Amount  Max: 3.00 lakh
Maximum 6 times of Monthly Income within applicable EMI/NMI Ratio
Repayment Min: 12 Months & Max: 48 Months (before borrower attaining age of 60 years)
LTV 85% of On-Road price of vehicle
RSM score 45 & above
 Customers having IRAC >=3 in last 3 years
Exclusions  Recalled assets or AUCA accounts in the past.
 Customers with written-off loans or willful defaulters.
 Pre-sanction Survey is waived, since all the eligible customers will be KYC compliant whose
transactions history will have been assessed over the period of three years.
 Postsanction to be made immediately after creation of the primary security and thereafter only
if A/c becomes irregular/NPA
2% of loan amount + GST, subject to minimum Rs. 1000 + GST Max 6000+ GST
Vehicle to be insured for minimum of 1-year own damage and 5 years third party insurance upfront
with hypothecation clause in favour of the Bank.
SME Car Loan
Promoter/ Partner/ Director should have a Gross Taxable Income of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs p.a. and
above as per their last year’s Income Tax Return.
Loan Amount Rs 3.00 crores or Up to 4 times the Gross Taxable Income per annum
Repayment 5 or 7 Years
Facility Term Loan
Loans up to Rs. 10 lakhs: 15% of the on road price of the car
Loan > Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 3 Cr: 20% on the On-Road Price of the car.
Sanctioning authority will have discretion to reduce the margin by 5% on case to case basis
considering value of connection.
Net Annual Income EMI/NMI not to exceed
Up to Rs 5 lakhs 50%
Rs 5-10 lakhs 60%
Above Rs 10 lakhs 65%
Finance 85% of On-road price; Gross Taxable Income in All cases (individual / Unit) = Rs. 4.00 Lakhs
CIC 689
Interest rate 1 Year MCLR +1.35%
5% p.a. over &above the existing rate of interest on overdue amount for the period of
Penal Interest
Prepayment Penalty 2%. If fresh loan then no.
0.50% of the loan amount subject to min. of Rs. 500 and max. of Rs. 10,000.
Upfront Fee
Circle CGM is vested with the powers to waive upfront fee either in part or full.
Auto Loans- General Instructions
Processing Time: The maximum time schedule for receipt of application and sanction/disbursal of the loan is 2
Place of availing Loan: Permanent Place of residence/ Place of Posting.
For DSP/PMSP/IGSP Customers: Permanent Place of residence/Place of Posting/ Place where salary account is


Any branch (MMGS-II), if authorized by RM (RBO): Up to its Delegation Power.

Proposals above Branch delegation will be put up to RCC for sanctioning.
Proposals from JMGS-I and MMGS-II branches (Not authorized to Sanction Car Loan) to be sanctioned by RCC.
Auto Loan Hub Branch linked to RACC: As per Branch Delegation or Rs. 25Lakhs whichever is less.
Proposals above Branch delegation and up to Rs. 25 Lakhs will be put up to RACC for sanctioning.
Proposals above RACC delegation (25 Lakhs) will be put up to RCC for sanctioning.
Waiver of Pre-Sanction Survey:
(A) For Existing customers:
i) If the address of the customer has not changed and he is a;
a) Home/Personal Loan customer with minimum one year’s satisfactory track record.
b) A car loan customer with one year’s satisfactory track record, who wants to availan other car loan,
c) Customer having satisfactory deposit account with average balance of Rs. 50,000/-& above and banking with us
for at least one year.
d) Under Corporate Tie-ups where check-off is available.

ii) VIP flagged salary accounts

iii) Gold & above variant Salary package accounts with minimum 6 months old salary account with our Bank,
which are linked to respective Employer codes where applicable and are KYC compliant in CBS with verifiable PAN &
Mobile Number.

(B) For Defense Salary Package A/cs (DSP A/c’s) PSS is waived, subject to the following conditions:
i. The officer should have Salary Package account with SBI with updated KYC.
ii. The Serving Certificate from the Commanding officer of the unit, certifying his rank, posting and residence of the
Officer shall be obtained.
iii. Copy of the Aadhar Card of the Officer shall be obtained.
iv. The copy of the Canteen Smart Card of the officer shall be obtained.
v. For repayment, SI from his salary account will be set up.
vi. The latest salary slips for 1 month issued by CDA, Pune will be obtained, and cross checked with the salary
account maintained with us.
 Verification of vehicle registration details from the website ‘‘ should be made in all car loans after
30 days from the date of disbursement.
 Vehicle should be registered in the name of unit only.
 Assessment of loan to be done in LLMS.

1. Sanctioning Authority will have discretion to reduce the interest rate by 0.25% on the basis of following factors,
on a case-to-case basis:
Our share of business
% of Routing of turnover/ cashflow through Working Capital account
Business relationship of unit & family members with Bank (CASA, Home Loans, SBI General Insurance, SBI Mutual
Fund etc).

2. In addition to the above, Sanctioning Authority will have discretion to reduce the interest rate by 0.25% in cases
where the loan is for purchase of Electric Vehicles.
CERSAI filing of Security Interest Relating to Auto Loans: CERSAI has advised all the Banks to file transactions
relating to security interest on Vehicles with VAHAN National Register only and not on CERSAI registry.
The charge for each vehicle search has been fixed as Rs. 50/-, which is to be paid on-line through SBI Internet


Vehicle Registration Number:–verify by sending SMS to VAHAN (space) registration number to 7738299899 and on
In case of Auto Loans, within how many days the vehicle to be registered to avoid penal charges by Bank for
delayed registration = within 120 days from date of disbursement
Penalty for Non-Registration /Non-Hypothecation of Vehicle: If the borrower fails to get the vehicle registered,
with hypothecation charge in favour of the Bank, within 120 days from the date of disbursement Or Bank‘s
hypothecation charge is vacated before liquidation of the loan, charge of Rs. 2500/- plus GST per month to be
recovered from borrower till Bank‘s hypothecation charge is noted by RTO, after sending due notice to the
RC details not updated in CBS:
In Auto Loans, Registration Certificates (RCs) pending for updation in CBS are being monitored as one of the Key
Risk Indicators (KRIs). As per KRI, no RC should be pending beyond 4 months of sanction and the KRI will be treated
in RED for any RC pending for submission beyond 4 months.
 Rs. 2500/- + GST per month to be levied if RC is not submitted within 120 days, for next 8 months or up to
date of submission whichever is earlier.
 After 12 months from disbursement, loan account will be charged rate of interest at prevailing clean overdraft
interest rate. Branch needs to enter the spread of 8.10% and prevailing EBLR rate for clean overdraft in Arrangement
letter, Loan cum Hypothecation Agreement and Key fact statement. Present EBLR is 8.55%. However, if RC is
submitted in between, normal RoI will be applied.
 After 18 months, if RC is still not submitted, the loan is to be recalled and legal proceedings to be initiated against
the borrower (s) & guarantor, if any.
Post disbursement inspection
 Within 15 days from the date of disbursement in respect of auto loans.
 For Standard Asset accounts periodical inspections will be waived after the initial inspection.
 If there is a default of1 monthly instalment, inspection would be required.
 In case of NPA accounts inspections would be made twice a year.
 Date of Post sanction inspection to be invariably captured in CBS.
Waiver of Post Sanction Inspection (PSI) for Defense Salary Package A/cs (DSP A/cs)
(a) Quotation of Car has been issued by the authorized Car Dealer, but payment will be made to CSD Canteen to the
Canteen Stores Department – Public Fund A/C by RTGS/Bank transfer.
(b) The dealer received the payment from CSD Canteen, and the delivery of the Car is effected by the linked Car
(c) Copy of Invoice, RC Book and Insurance with Hypothecation charge of the Bank is on bank record.
(d) Loan disbursing branch to verify details of the vehicle financed from web site “” and a signed print
out of the same may be kept with the loan documents.
(e) RC Book details will be fed in CBS before migration of documents to CPCs.
At all the centers where ECS/ NACH is active, 3 PDCs to be obtained for initial repayment.
Foreclosure Charges: Will be levied @ 3% + GST, in case foreclose within 2 years from the date of disbursement
of loan.
 New vehicle should be insured for 95% of Ex-showroom price irrespective of loan amount.
 In case of old/used vehicles IDV (Insured Declared Value) as prescribed by IRDAI to be used for insurance of
 A copy of Insurance policy for 1st year to be obtained and retained with the loan documents.
 In subsequent years, obtention of insurance policy for bank record is waived for loans up to Rs.20 Lakh.
Migration of Documents to RACPC/RASMECCC at BPR Centres
 In BPR Centres, migration of the auto loan documents within 2 months from the date of disbursement.
 In the event of pendency in migration beyond 60 days for want of RC, the approval of Network Head for grace
period of maximum 30 days to be obtained for all cases of pendency citing valid reasons, within 7 days (i.e before
67 days from disbursement date).
Maximum Number of car Loans: At any point of time maximum 3 car loans only should be outstanding in our


Waiver of Opinion Report / Asset & Liabilities Statement: for all car loans up to Rs. 20.00 lacs; if, the CIC Score
is 721 and above.
The Bulk business will be minimum of 20 Car Loans with gross value of Car Loans amount of Rs 1 Cr and above,
emanating from a single source of entity i.e. from organization / unit etc.
Branches with NPA in Auto Loan more than 1.50% should be barred, by withdrawing their sanctioning powers in
Auto Loans; subject to approval from Circle Management. The sanctioning power can be restored after NPA% has
reduced below 1%.
Flexi Pay option in New Car loan and NRI Car loan
Eligibility All customers eligible under New Car Loan and NRI Car Loan Scheme
Repayment Options a. First 6 months EMI to be 50% of Regular EMI applicable, provided, the tenure of loan is
& Frequency minimum 36 months.
b. First 6 months EMI to be 50% of Regular EMI applicable & next 6 months 75% of Regular
EMI applicable, provided, the tenure of loan is minimum 60 months.
 On selection of instalment option a. (Flexi Repayment 6 Months) or b. (Flexi Repayment 12 Months), system will
calculate and generate Flexi EMI schedule.
 The Flexi EMI schedule will be calculated and generated considering the lesser EMI being paid during the Flexi Pay
option period.
CIBIL New-to-Credit (NTC) Score
1. Clear Sanction NTC = 151 to 200
2. NTC 101-150. Deviation provided by Regional Manager for branches falling under his/ her control. For AGM
headed branches, the Deviation to be given by DGM(B&O).
Deviation Structure as given below:
a) Customer should have bank account for more than 12 months.
b) Monthly single credit of Rs.25000/- in the account other than system credit for last 12 months and Income Tax
returns are electronically filed. Status of acknowledgement receipt to be verified (ITR – V) online.
c) Verification of the business / profession continuity is done through online verification of TAN/TIN/GSTIN Number,
which contains Date of Registration and Address.
d) Pre-sanction inspection is to be carried out by Bank official only.
e) No deviation required in case of salaried customers maintaining salary account with us.
Retail Scoring Model (RSM) for Auto Loan
46 & above Clear Sanction
45 & below Decline
RSM for Two-Wheeler and Superbike
86 & above Clear Sanction
85 & below Decline
CIC Score for Car Loan/Two-wheeler Loan
Salary Package accounts 650
For others 700
For Two-Wheeler Minimum CIC Score: 700
For Loan Limit of Above Rs. 5.00 Lakhs two CIC reports to be taken
Primary – CIBIL
Secondary – Experian
Next CIC – CRIF Highmark
Next CIC – Equifax
 Dealers pay out = Maximum 2% of loan amount (incl. GST) (Total nos. of beneficiaries will not exceed three)
 Incentives to Auto Loan Councillors (ALCs) = 0.20% of the loan amount
Dealer mapping with Auto Loan Hub Branches:
A Dealer can be allowed to map max up to 3 branches, with incumbency of Scale –III & above and all such branches
will beallowed to give pay-out to the mapped dealers.


SBI Student Loan
Loan Amount:
Studies in India:
Loan Limit Ranked under Top 100 All other institutes eligible
by NIRF as per extant norms
Studies of MBBS/ MD/ MS (Medical) in India Upto Rs. 50.00 Lakhs Upto Rs. 30.00 Lakhs
All courses other than MBBS/ MD/ MS (Medical) in India Upto Rs. 30.00 Lakhs Upto Rs. 20.00 Lakhs
including engineering, management, dental courses etc
For higher Loan Limit (studies in India), CGM of the
Circle is empowered to approve deviation on case-to-
case basis as under:
Studies of MBBS/ MD/ MS (Medical) in India No Upper Cap Upto Rs. 50.00 lakhs
All courses other than MBBS/ MD/ MS (Medical) in India Upto Rs. 50.00 Lakhs Upto Rs. 50.00 lakhs
including engineering, management, dental courses etc
Studies Abroad - Maximum Rs. 7.50 lakhs (limits above Rs.7.50 lakhs covered under Global Ed-vantage Scheme).
Margin  Margin upto 4 lakh = Nil
Above 4 lakh for India = 5%
 Above 4 for abroad = 15%
Collateral security Upto 4 Lakh = Nil
Upto 7.50 lakh = Only Co-obligation of parent(s) as the loans are covered under Credit
Guarantee Scheme-CGFSEL
 Above 7.50 lakh = tangible security + guarantee of co borrower
 Above 7.5 Lakh and up to 20 Lakh = Realizable value should cover 100% of the loan
 Above 20 Lakh = Realizable value should cover 110% of the loan amount.
Moratorium  12 months after completion of course or
 06 months after getting the employment
Loan type TL
Repayment period 15 Years after Moratorium
Processing Fee Student loans for studies in India
a) Upto Rs 20 Lakh– NIL
b) Above Rs. 20 Lakh - Rs.10,000 + GST (Applicable for Medical courses)

Student loans for studies abroad

a) All those students who approach us for an education loan of above Rs. 4 Lakh and upto
Rs. 7.5Lakh for studies abroad, will be required to make a deposit of Rs.5000/-
b) The amount will be maintained in the form of a Bankers Cheque payable to
“SBIA/c......(name of the borrower)”
c) If the applicant avails the loan, the amount of Rs.5000/- will be adjusted against the
contribution of margin money by him. If no margin is payable by him, the amount may be
adjusted against the interest payable on the loan.
If the applicant does not avail the loan within a period of 4 months of sanction of the loan,
the amount will be appropriated and credited to Commission A/c.
TAT 15 days
CIBIL Students and Co-borrowers should have a minimum CIBIL Score between 101-200 for New
To Credit (NTC) or more than 591 (>591) for secured and between 101-200 for New To
Credit (NTC) >685 for unsecured Education Loans.
 For higher loan limit, the Circle CGM may approve on case to case basis for loan upto Rs. 50 Lakh.
 0.50% concession in interest rate for girl students.
 0.50% concessionfor insurance coverage of the loan amount plus accrued interest during moratorium, for the
loan tenure through SBI Rinn Raksha/other insurance policies assigned in favour of the Bank. However, for loan


upto Rs.7.5 lakhs, which are covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme, 50 bps concessions for insurance coverage
will not be available.
 1% concession in interest rate for full tenure of loan if full interest serviced during moratorium.
 Education Loan to Staff & ward of Staff (not retired staff) are not eligible for 50bps concession for insurance
coverage of the loan amount plus accrued interest during moratorium, for the loan tenure through SBI Rinn
Raksha/other insurance policies assigned in favour of the Bank.

 Co-Borrower should be parent/natural guardian of the student borrower. In case of married person, co-obligator
can be spouse or the parent(s)/parents-in law. Wherever parents/guardians are not there, the branches may
consider grandparent as co-borrower to the loan taking into account their net worth. In cases where the parent/
natural guardian/spouse/grandparent are not alive, the Operating Units may consider a ‘Major’
sibling/Relative/Third party acceptable to the Bank as co-borrower to the loan account.
 Report from 2 preferred CICs (Presently, TU CIBIL-Primary and CRIF High Mark-Secondary) to be obtained for
secured loans with limits > Rs.5 lakhs and Unsecured loan with limits > Rs.4 lakhs. In case of No Hit, preferred
CICs to be substituted with Experian and Equifax respectively.
 All the Loans sanctioned on and after 22.06.2021 are linked to EBLR (floating) except West Bengal Student
Credit Card (WBSCC) which is linked to EBLR (fixed).
 Penal interest @ 2% to be charged for loans above Rs. 4 Lakh for the overdue amount and overdue period.
 Takeover of Collaterised Education Loans with outstanding more than Rs.10 lakhs both for Studies in India and
abroad is permissible. The loan must have been fully disbursed and have at least 1-year repayment track record
after moratorium without any default.
 Obtaining of Asset-Liability Statement and compilation of Opinion Report has been waived for loans upto the
limit of Rs.7.50 lakhs. However, for loans above Rs.7.50 lakhs under various Schemes, obtention of Asset Liability
Statement and compilation of Opinion report of the Co-Borrower is mandatory.
 Pre-Sanction Survey (PSS) invariably to be done for all Education Loans.
 Incase of Scholar Loans, PSS can be done subsequently within 3 months of sanction of the loans.
 PSS Waived for wards of DSP/ CAPSP/ ICGSP.
 Repayment start date is course completion month + 6/12 months and Repayment schedule to be generated
for 180 EMIs.
 Registration under CERSAI is to be done within 30 days in case of collateralized loans where land & Building
have been offered as security.
 Reimbursement: Fee already paid to the Institute (last installment for semester/ term) by the borrower from their
own sources may be considered for reimbursement provided the reimbursement is claimed within 6 months of the
 Education Loans carries all the features of Term Loans, the sanctions in LOS will remain valid for 6 months.
 50% of the original processing fee to be recovered upfront along with request for revalidation of sanction.
 The total moratorium can be extended beyond 12 months to a maximum of 30 months (all inclusive) by giving
extensions of 6 months at a time, considering employability of the student or as recommended by SLBC/ RBI to
defer repayment on account of national disasters. A request letter from the student and co-borrower should be
obtained before considering extending the moratorium period.
 If the student is not able to complete the course within the scheduled time, extension of time for completion of
course may be permitted for a maximum period of 2 years (inclusive of initial moratorium and extended period). If
the student is not able to complete the course for reasons beyond his control, the sanctioning authority may at his
discretion consider such extensions as may be deemed necessary to complete the course. In case the student
discontinues the course midway, appropriate repayment schedule will be worked out by the bank in consultation
with the student/parent.

 Pan card of the student and the parent/ guardian is a mandatory document for all education loans
 No application for Educational Loan received should be rejected without the concurrence of the next higher
 Cost of a two-wheeler upto Rs. 50,000 can be included in the expenses considered eligible for finance where the
loan amount is secured by a suitable third party guarantee and/or tangible collateral security.
 NODAL OFFICER- To be identified from among the existing officials who are handling the job of education loans


in Branches with more than 200 Education Loans.

 In respect of educational loans, under no circumstances, the photographs of students will be published.
 Studies Abroad: FTC: Purchase of Foreign travel card (FTC) by students availing education loans for studies
abroad will be mandatory and minimum 25% of living expenses should be disbursed through FTC.
The remaining portion of living expenses shall be remitted through FTC or any other mode as per customer’s
demand and convenience.
SBI Scholar Loan
Eligible To be sanctioned jointly in the name of the Student and his Parent/ Guardian
Sanction MMGS-III and above
Loan Amount Category Without Coll. With Collateral
AA 50 Lakh --
A 40 Lakh --
B 30 Lakh --
C 7.5 Lakh > Up to Rs. 30 Lakh
Margin Upto 4 Lakh = Nil
4 - 7.5 Lakh = 5%
Above 7.5 Lakh = Nil
Collateral security No collaterals required for
(a) List – AA (up to Rs. 50 Lakh),
(b) List A up to Rs. 40 Lakh
(c) List B up to Rs. 30 Lakh and
(c) List-C up to Rs. 7.5 Lakh.

Collaterals required for loans

(a) Above 7.5 Lakh for List-C

List AA - Above 50 Lakhs = RV should cover 110% of the loan amount.

List A - Above 40 Lakhs = RV should cover 110% of the loan amount.
List B - Above 30 Lakhs = RV should cover 110% of the loan amount.
List C – (a) Above 7.50 Lakhs up to 20 Lakhs = RV should cover 100% of the loan amount.
(b) Above 20 Lakhs up to 30 Lakhs = RV should cover 110% of the loan amount.
Moratorium 12 months after completion of course or
06 months after getting the employment
Repayment period 15 Years after Moratorium
Processing Fee Nil
SBI Global ED-Vantage
Purpose For pursuing full time regular courses in foreign colleges/universities
Loan Amount Min Loan: 7,50,001/-
Max Loan: 1.50 Cr
Margin Above Rs. 7.5 Lakh to Rs. 20 Lakh - 15%
Above Rs. 20 Lakh to Rs. 1.5 Crores- 10%
Collateral security  Liquid security =100%&
Immovable collaterals
 Above 7.5 Lakh and up to 20 Lakh = Realizable value should cover 100% of the loan
 Above 20 Lakh = Realizable value should cover 110% of the loan amount.
Moratorium 06 months after completion of the course
Repayment period 15 Years after Moratorium
Processing Fee Rs. 10,000 + applicable taxes (irrespective of loan amount)
Security Tangible collateral security
Expenses Considered In addition to existing expenses covered under the scheme (tuition fee, boarding, lodging,
purchase of books & equipment, one-way travel expense), ‘Contingency Expenses’


amounting to maximum of 5% of loan amount to be considered.

ROI 2% above 3 years MCLR i.e.
Further ROI Concession:
0.50% concession for girl students
0.50% concession for students availing of SBI Rinn Raksha or any other policy assigned in
favour of Bank
SBI Skill Loan Scheme
Purpose SBI Skill Loan Scheme aims at providing a loan facility to individuals who intend to take up
skill development courses
Loan amount Min - 5000/-,Max - 1,50,000/-
Margin, Collateral & Nil
Processing Fee
Moratorium  Courses duration upto 1 year: 6 months from the completion of the course
 Courses duration above 1 year: 12 months from the completion of the course
Repayment  Loans upto Rs.50,000: 3 years,
 Above Rs.50,000 and upto Rs.1 lakh: 5 years,
 Above Rs.1 lakh: 7 years
Other  There is no minimum course duration.
 No age limit for Skill Loan
 Minimum Qualification: As required by the enrolling institution/ organization as per
National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF)
Shaurya Education Loan
Purpose Education Loans for wards of DSP/ ICGSP Officers in all Ranks for Studies in India &for Studies
Eligibility  Wards & Spouse of serving DSP/ ICGSP/ CAPSP in all Ranks.
 Co-borrower must be DSP/ICGSP/CAPSP account holder in our Bank.
 The Salary/ Pension account of the co- borrower should be with SBI throughout the loan
Loan amount i. Studies in India- Rs. 40 lakhs
ii. Studies Abroad- Rs. 1.50 Cr
Margin • Upto 4 Lakhs- Nil
• Above 4 Lakhs- 5%
Processing fee • Up-to Rs.20 Lakh - NIL
• Above Rs.20 lakhs - Rs. 10000 + GST
Securities • Upto Rs. 7.5 lakhs: NIL
• Above Rs. 7.50 lakhs & Upto Rs. 40 lakhs: optional with the borrower/coborrower

In case of secured loans:

• Liquid collateral- 100% of Loan amount, or Property as collateral- 110% of loan amount
Moratorium • Studies in India- Upto 12 months after completion of the course
• Studies Abroad- Upto 06 months after completion of the course
Tenure 15 years post completion of course and moratorium period
Rate of Interest Upto 7.50 lakhs = EBLR + 200 Bps
Above 7.5 lakhs to Rs. 1.50 crore
(a) In case of secured loans = EBLR + 200 Bps
(b) In case of unsecured loans: (Max Loan Rs.40 lakh) = EBLR + 260 Bps
Inspection Waived
Takeover norms  Account may be taken over anytime during the currency of the loan (which includes Course
period, Moratorium & repayment period).
 Loan should be standard in the books of other Bank/FIs.
 Loan may not be fully disbursed.
 Education Loan provided by Defence establishments to their staff from Army Welfare Fund


may be considered for takeover subject to fulfillment of our existing terms & conditions.
 Takeover of loan after completion of course period is permitted only in cases where the
primary borrower is employed.
 The loans will be covered under CGFSEL up-to Rs.7.50 lakh.
 0.50% concession will be allowed for ‘Girl’ borrower.
 0.50% concession will be allowed, if bank user will enter ‘Insurance Detail’ field value as ‘Yes’ in education loan
detail screen at DDE.
Creation of security and authority structure for approving extension of time for creating mortgage
 6 months’ time is provided to create Equitable Mortgage (EM) from the date of Sanction.
 A penal charge of 2% per month on outstanding to be charged in case there is delay in creation of EM beyond 6
months. The penalty will be charged from 7th month in case of security is not created within 6 months.
 Further, the DGM (B&O), based on the circumstances, may consider reduction or waiver of such penalty.
Education Loans to OCI & PIO
Eligibility Education Loan to PIO/OCI for studies in India
Loan amount Min = 10.00 Lakh, Max = 40 Lakh
Scheme I Above Rs 40 Lakh CGM of the circle is empowered to sanction
Scheme II Min = Rs. 10 Lakh
Max AA - 40 Lakh
A - 30 Lakh
B - 20 Lakh
C - 30 Lakh
Other a) Collateral Security will be mandatory for all loans, irrespective of amount of loan.
b) The Collateral Security(s) owned by co-borrower (parent/guardian) or third party
c) should be in India only;
d) Co-borrower(s)/Third Party offering collateral security should be Resident Indian;
e) The quantum of loan, margin money and the period of repayment shall be at par
f) with those applicable to Education Loans provided to a person resident in India;
g) The loan amount shall not be credited to NRE/FCNR(B)/NRNR account of the borrower;
h) KYC Compliance for PIOs/OCIs
i) The Co-borrower’s/Third Party’s account to be opened, if not already a fully KYC compliant
customer of the Bank.
j) PAN & Aadhaar should be mandatory for co-borrower(s)/ third party.
k) Credit worthiness of borrower/ co-borrower mandatorily to be assessed.
l) Interest Concession 0.50% concession in interest for girl student.
Education loan to staff Members
Eligible Staff and wards of Staff (not retired staff) are eligible for Education Loans for studies in India or
Interest rate 5.45% for Girl child, 5.95% for others
Proc. Fee Nil
 No prior administrative clearance is necessary for members of staff seeking loan under the scheme and stipulation
of deductions (60%) is not applicable.
 No lien noted on PF balance as Collateral security norms are same as applicable to public.
 The loan will be sanctioned by the Branches/CPCs/RACCs/RBOs as per delegation of financial powers applicable
for loans to public.
 All terms and conditions for staff educations loans are in line with public except int. rate and processing fee.
Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme" (CSIS) in 2009
 Launched by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
 Nodal Bank - Canara Bank
 Students whose annual gross parental/ family income is up to Rs.4.5 lakhs are eligible under the scheme.
 Under the scheme, education loan is provided without any collateral security and third party guarantee and for a
maximum amount of Rs. 7.5 lakhs.
 Under the Scheme, the interest payable on the Educational Loan for the moratorium period i.e., Course Period


plus one year as will be borne by the Government of India.

 Eligible: Education loans for studies in India up to a maximum limit of Rs.10 Lakh
Vidya Lakshmi Portal (VLP)
Launched 15 August 2015
Purpose Vidya Lakshmi Electronic Platform launched for students to apply for education loans and to
facilitate tracking and follow-up of the loan during its life cycle.
 In our Bank, Vidya Lakshmi Electronic Platform (VLP) is linked with OCAS, the online application site for Retail
Loans so that the leads fed into Vidya Lakshmi Electronic Platform are transmitted and monitored by bank
 The IBA has engaged the services of NSDL e-governance for developing this portal.
 The NSDL e-Governance has prescribed Rs. 250/- levy on approved /disbursed applications through Vidya
Lakshmi Portal, to be debited to the Loan account, as per IBA norms.
 Purchase of books, study tours, project work need to be capped at what percentage of the tution fees = 20%
 Caution deposit /building fund/refundable deposit supported by Institution bills/receipts the amount
considered for loan should not exceed 10% of the tuition fees for the entire course.
 Cost of a two-wheeler upto Rs. 50,000 can be included in the expenses considered eligible for finance where the
loan amount is secured by a suitable third-party guarantee and/or tangible collateral security. Two-wheeler can
be necessary in some cases where hostel and college are far apart.
TOP-UP Loans (Second Loan):
If 1st loan obtained under Student Loan and 2nd loan required is under Student/Global Ed-vantage Loan,
collaterals for total loan amount to be obtained.
If 1st loan obtained under Student Loan and 2nd loan required is under Scholar Loan, no additional collaterals to
be insisted.
If 1st loan obtained under Scholar Loan and 2nd loan required is under Student/Global Ed-vantage Loan,
collaterals for total loan amount to be obtained.
CIBIL New-to-Credit (NTC) Score
Clear sanction if NTC >160
No loans to be sanctioned to customers having CV NTC Score = 101-160
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Education Loans (CGFSEL)
The maximum loan limit under this scheme is Rs 7.5 lakhs without any collateral security and third-party
 Member Lending Institution shall pay Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) of 0.50% p.a. of the outstanding amount as
on the date of application of guarantee cover, upfront to the Fund within 30 days from the date of Credit
Guarantee Demand Advice Note (CGDAN) of guarantee fee.
 AGF shall be paid by the MLI within 30 days i.e. on or before April 30, of every year.
Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill Development (CGFSSD)
 The minimum and maximum loan limit under this Scheme is Rs. 5000/- and Rs.1,50,000/- respectively.
 For availing the guarantee coverage, the Member Lending Institution shall pay Guarantee Fee of 0.125% per
calendar quarter (i.e. 0.50% p.a.) on the quarter end outstanding portfolio balance (skill loans).
Guarantee fee shall be paid within 16 days from the end of the calendar quarter.(The MLI would need to furnish
a Management Certificate within 10 days from the end of the calendar quarter, after which, a Credit Guarantee
Demand Advice Note [CGDAN] would be issued by NCGTC within 3 day of receipt of management Certificate and
subsequently, the guarantee fee shall be payable within 3 days fromthe issue of CGDAN).
Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Schemes of Interest Subsidy
 Total income from all sources of the employed candidate or his/ her parents/guardians in case of unemployed
candidate shall not exceed Rs.8 lakh per annum.
 The interest subsidy under the scheme shall be available to the eligible students only once, either for Masters or
Ph.D. levels.
 50% Interest Subsidy will be given to the girl candidates.
 Under the scheme, interest payable by the students for the period of moratorium, shall be borne by the
Government of India.
Execution of education loan documents on the basis of Power of Attorney (POA): permissible under following


a) The student has applied for Education loans for studies abroad and proceeded abroad to join college/Institute
before execution of loan documents in India.
b) The co-borrower is Defence employee or Para Military Personnel, due to the demand of job may not be able to
come in person to execute loan documents.
 The Power of Attorney for execution of Loan documents will be restricted to close relatives namely Spouse, Father,
Mother, Brother, Sister, Children, Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law.
Financial sanction limits
Scale l - Rs 5 Lakh
Scale ll - Rs 20 Lakh
Scale lll - Rs 40 Lakh
Scale IV - 75 Lakh
Scale V - 1 crore
TCS on Education Loans:
 TCS must be collected on remittance under Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS) for amount in excess of Rs. 7
Lakh in a financial year for remittance out of India through a single remittance or cumulatively over multiple
 TCS applicable on Bank’s Education Loan (studying abroad) and Borrower’s Margin as stipulated @0.50% and
@5% respectively.
Education Loan Counsellors
Products Covered Fresh sanctions under Global Ed-Vantage Scheme
Fresh Sanctions under Shaurya Education Loan(for Studies Abroad only)
Takeover of education loans from other competitor Banks/FIs in above two schemes.
Minimum loan Rs. 10 Lakhs
Empanelling Authority For Circle - GM Network
For whole Bank - GM (RA-PB)
Eligibility ELC should be in business for minimum 1 years as counsellor.
Further, ELC with business experience less than 1years may be empanelled subject to
deviation approval accorded by next higher authority
Empanelling Authority Deviation accorded by
GM Network CGM of the Circle
GM (RA-PB) for Bank CGM (PB) at Corporate Centre
Review/Renewal of Every 2 years and the performance to be reviewed on yearly basis.
Empanelment year from 1st Oct to 30th Sept
Commission On year-wise performance ending 30th Sept.
Other Instructions Maximum time duration of 3 months’ is stipulated for raising invoice on eligible accounts
from the date of fulfilment of eligibility criterion.
National Portal for Credit Linked Government Schemes
 Name - Jansamarth Portal(
 Schemes included on National Portal - Education Loan subsidy schemes:
a) Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy (CSIS)
b) Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme ACSIS)
 Banks will have facility to upload subsidy claim data on the National Portal, which presently is being uploaded on
portals of Nodal Agencies.
 The Portal will display information of all the schemes which are divided into 5 categories: Education, Livelihood,
Business, Agriculture and Housing.
Acceptance of FCNR (B) Deposits as Collateral
(i) FCNR (B) Term Deposits denominated in USD, GBP and Euro to be accepted as liquid collateral to cover all
variants of Education Loan with collateral coverage of 115% of the loan amount.
(ii) Rupee equivalent of FCNR (B) deposit to be calculated at the RALOO (Revaluation of Assets & Liabilities of


Overseas Offices) rate of the month preceding to the month of sanction.

(iii) Review of collateral security to be done annually by CPC/branch head to ensure maintenance of 115% collateral
(iv) Undertaking from the borrower/guarantor/depositor to be obtained as per Annexure - 30 for providing
additional security for any shortfall occurring due to adverse movement in exchange rate, during the currency of
loan and/or till the loan account is liquidated and advising that facility of pre – mature withdrawal will not be
available for FCNR (B) deposits held as Collateral.
(v) The deposit can be in the name of student/ parent/ guardian/ third party. Document will be executed by
depositor himself at home branch and not by Power of Attorney holder. Third Party deposits held in individual
capacity will only be accepted. Non – personal deposits will not be accepted for Third – Party Loan.


P-Gold Loan
Features Personal GL (EMI) Personal Liquid GL Staff Gold Loan
Purpose Bank’s existing customers can avail the loan by pledge of gold ornaments including gold coins
sold by Banks. Gold coins (weight of coins not to exceed 50 grams per customer)
Facility DL OD DL
Eligibility (i) Age: 18 years with steady source of income including Bank’s employees and pensioners.
However, submission of proof of income by borrower is not necessary.
(ii) The Borrower to score 31 and above in Risk scoring Model (RSM).
(iii) In RSM score, CICs Score is one of the parameters and taken care by RLMS to determine
Security Pledge of Gold ornaments made of not less than 18 carrot gold
Processing Fee 0.50%+GST, subject to minimum Rs. 500+GST
Loan Amount Mini: Rs. 20,000/- Min: Rs. 1 Lakh No Min; No Max, total monthly
Max: Rs. 50,00,000/- (Per Customer) deduction not to exceed 60% of
Gross Salary.
Margin 25% 25% 25%
Repayment 36 EMIs 36 Months (Interest serviced on 36 m (60 months in case of
monthly basis. Principal paid at the medical expenses, purchase of
end of the term). land/building, educational
Pre-Payment Fee Nil Nil
ROI 1-year MCLR + 1.25% 1% above prevailing interest rate
payable to public for 60 months
Bullet Repayment
Features 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months
Eligibility (i) Age: 18 years with steady source of income including Bank’s employees and pensioners.
However, submission of proof of income by borrower is not necessary.
(ii) The Borrower to score 31 and above in Risk scoring Model (RSM).
(iii) In RSM score, CICs Score is one of the parameters and taken care by RLMS to determine
Facility DL
Loan amount Minimum: Rs. 20,000/-
Maximum Rs. 50,00,000/- (Per Customer)
Margin 30% 30% 35%
Rate of interest Three Month MCLR + 0.55% Six Month MCLR + 0.35% One Year MCLR + 0.50%
Primary Sec. Nil
Collateral Pledged Gold Ornaments/ Jewellery in favor of the Bank
Appraisal of Required at the time of first sanction. No further appraisal Required every time
Gold of pledged gold is required at the time of two subsequent
renewals, subject to the pledged gold remaining in the
custody of the Bank.
Processing Fee Rs. 200+ GST Rs. 300+ GST 0.50% of the loan amount. Min
Rs. 500 & Max Rs. 10000 + GST.
Pre-Payment Fee Nil
Penal Interest 2%
Both Interest & Principal be paid at the end of term.
SBI Realty Gold Loan
Features Realty Bullet Repayment Realty Liquid GL Realty EMI Gold Loan


Parameters Where repayment of loan is When interest is to be Where principle together with
permitted by way of bullet served every month and interest is repayable in Equated
repayment during the loan principal will be due at the Monthly Installments (EMIs
period/End of the term i.e. end of the loan term
there is no repayment
obligation during the loan
Purpose  At present, loans are not granted against security of Primary Gold i.e., 24 carats gold bars
and biscuits.
 Also, while granting advance against the security of specially minted gold coins sold by
Bank, operating units should ensure that the weight of coin(s) does not exceed 50 grams per

A general-purpose non speculative loan scheme for individuals, against collateral security of
gold ornaments & specially minted gold coins sold by Banks to meet undernoted
i) Margin money requirement in housing loan.
ii) Registration charges of house property.
iii) Project price escalation
Eligibility The loan can be sanctioned to the Housing Loan borrowers (both existing and new) with
Minimum capacity to service the interest/EMI (as applicable)
Age 18 Years
Loan Amount Minimum: Rs 50,000/-
Max: Rs. 50 Lakh
ROI 1-year MCLR + 0.50%
RSM Score 31 & above
Processing Fee 0.50% of loan amount subject to minimum Rs. 500 + GST
Facility DL OD (With Check book) DL
Margin 35% 25% 25%
Repayment 12 Months 36 Months (Review 36 Months
Repayment Mode Bullet Repayment of Interest Outstanding will be EMI from the next month of the
and Principal at the time of repayable at the end of disbursement of the loan
closure/end of the term. the Loan Term. Monthly
Interest will be charged in interest debited is
the account at monthly rests serviced & outstanding is
but will become due for well within the Limit / DP.
payment along with principal
only on maturity.
Other Conditions  No Fore-closure charges/Pre-payment penalties.
Only Gold appraiser charges will be paid by the Applicant.
Branches other than Gold Loan Point Branches are not authorized to Sanction and Disburse
the Realty Gold Loan.
Number of Gold Loans per Customer: there should not be more than three Gold loans
including the proposed one.
Marketing/Promoti HLST/HLC/SSL/Branches will market with the tag line: “GOLDEN EDGE FOR YOUR DREAM
on HOME”
Income Tax benefit Section 24(b) – Interest Section 80C – Principal Section 80EEA - Interest
Multi-Purpose Agri Gold Loan (MPGL)Scheme
Product Multi-Purpose Agri gold loan Scheme (Non-Interest Subvention)


Facility MPGL - Demand Loan

To meet the short-term production / investment credit needs of :-
 the farmers, engaged in agriculture, cultivating own and /or leased land or engaged in
cultivation of crops
 Farmers in allied activities like Dairy, Poultry, Fisheries, Piggery, Sheep, etc.
 entrepreneurs and famers who needs investment credit for acquiring farm machinery,
undertaking land development, irrigation, horticulture, transportation of Agri produce, etc.
 All other farming activities which are permitted to be classified under agriculture as per
RBI/GoI/NABARD guidelines and not covered under the Agri Interest subvention scheme.
All farmers: Individuals who are owner cultivators, Agri entrepreneurs.
 Tenant farmers, Oral lessees & Sharecroppers
 Any person engaged in any agriculture or allied activities and wants to repay loans availed
from non-institutional lenders as well as persons engaged in activities permitted by RBI to be
classified under agriculture.
 In case to repay loans availed from non-institutional lenders, a self- declaration has to be
obtained from the applicant that he/she is engaged in Agri and allied activities and that the
loan availed against the pledge of Gold ornaments is for repayment of higher interest rate
loans availed from non –institutional lenders.
 KYC compliance is mandatory.
 Loan can be granted against the security of specially minted gold coins sold by SBI/e-ABs
weighing up to 50 grams per customer only.

Branch to ascertain the purpose: -

a. Borrowers applying for farm related activities: -
Eligibility  Branch to mandatorily obtain evidence of land record from all borrowers irrespective of
loan amount, except tenant farmer/oral lessees & sharecropper who can avail loan limit
upto Rs 2.00 Lakhs with self-declaration (Annexure-1A). (For tenant farmer/oral lessees &
sharecropper, branch to record the fact in Loan application cum Appraisal).
 Wherever land records are digitized, the same may be verified online too.
 This shall be applicable for all category of borrowers (including salaried class, pensioners,
Bank staff, businessmen, persons having other income in addition to Agri income, etc.) who is
availing gold loan under Agriculture segment and purpose of loan would be towards
Agriculture and or Allied activity.

b. Borrowers applying for allied activities: -

 Branch to make a discreet enquiry about eligible allied activity to be carried out and
document the same in loan application/declaration & same must be kept on branch record.
 Applicant should be a resident of an area not exceeding 25 to 30 Kms from the branch.
However, it is not applicable to existing customers and the applicant from the non-banked
 Min = Rs 5,000/-
Quantum of loan
 Max = Rs. 25 Lakh
12 months
Margin 25%
Interest rate 1- Year MCLR rate + 1.25%
Penal Charges 2% p.a. for the defaulted portion for the period of default.
Prepay penalty Nil
a. Up to Rs.50,000: NIL
Processing fee b. Above Rs.50,000 to up to Rs. 2 Lakh = Rs.500 + GST.
c. Above Rs.2.00 Lakh = 0.30% of loan limit + GST.
Loan To Value “Loan sanctioned against pledge of gold ornaments and jewellery should not exceed 75% of


(LTV) the current value of gold ornaments and jewellery at the time of sanctioning Agri Gold Loan.
After this, the total outstanding in Agri Gold Loan account plus accrued interest should not
exceed 90% of current value of gold ornaments and jewellary pledged to the Bank. The current
advance value of gold as advised by Precious Metal Department shall be used for this purpose.
Once the LTV 90% is breached, borrower to be advised to top up/bring LTV within 90%.
Branches must be meticulous in recovering the amount in excess of 90% LTV by contacting the
“Gold Loan Release Letter cum Acknowledgement” is generated at the time of opening of gold
Gold loan release
loan account and it should be kept with loan document. An acknowledgement for receipt of
letter cum
Gold ornaments at the time of delivery has to be obtained from the borrower and same has to
be preserved for 10 years for audit purpose.
 Accounts in single CIF - Aggregate limit of the gold loans to a single borrower/ CIF should
be restricted to Rs. 25.00 lakh.
 Number of gold loans, exceeding five accounts per borrower / CIF, should be referred to
the next higher authority for approval before sanction.
Collateral value of loan must be recorded at 133% of the advance value, since value of the Gold
works out to 133% of the advance value based on the reverse calculation on the stipulated
margin. Branches should ensure that the security value of gold ornaments should not be less
Depletion of
than 133% of the outstanding of loan. The depletion of security value due to fluctuation in gold
security value
prices must be monitored whenever there is a downward revision in advance value of gold
ornaments. Branches should intimate the borrower either for top up the margin or repay the
i. Controllers should ensure surprise verification of quality and number of gold ornaments
pledged under Agri gold loan scheme at all branches by an officer other than the Joint
verification of
Custodian Quarterly on a random basis (30% or maximum of 100 gold loan accounts
gold ornaments
whichever is less) to safeguard bank interest against frauds.
Handing Over and The Cash Officer is expected to hand over / take over on an average of 200 to 250 accounts per
Taking Over day by verifying the quality / quantity of Gold ornaments and the respective documents.
Agri gold loan
Safe Keeping Charges @ 100/- +GST per month will be levied 30 days after the expiry of the
safe keeping
term period which is presently 12 months.
KCC Gold Loan for Agri Product
Farmers - individual/joint borrowers who are owner cultivators.
Tenant farmers, oral lessees, sharecroppers and SHG/JLG
Minimum: Rs. 1.61 lakh;
Loan amount
Maximum: Rs. 25 lakh.
Margin Nil
Primary: Hypothecation of crops grown / assets to be created out of bank finance.
Collateral: Pledge of gold ornaments.
Limit to be compiled based on the crop cultivated, acreage, SOF as decided by the DLTC (or)
advance value of thegold ornaments, whichever is lower.
Repayment Maximum 12 months
Limits above Rs. 1.61 lakh to Rs. 3.00 lakh – Rs. 250+GST
/Inspection and
Limits above Rs. 3 lakh - 0.30% of the loan amount +GST.
Penal interest 2%
SME Gold Loan
Target Group & Existing MSME Units (Proprietorship Firm only), both borrowing & non-borrowing units of
Eligibility our Bank, who want to avail loan against Gold Ornaments/ Jewellery.


 Unit/ Shop shall be with running activity

Account should not be in NPA status
Nature of Facility Overdraft (OD) / Demand Loan (DL)
 Minimum: > Rs.1 Lakh
 Maximum: Rs. 50 Lakh
Quantum of loan (i) 25% of the Projected Turnover of the unit,
(ii) 100% of value of asset proposed to be purchased for business purpose
(iii) 100% of the Advance Value of Gold
 OD: Max. 12 months. Repayable on demand. Interest to be serviced at monthly intervals
as and when applied.
Repayment Period
 DL: Max. 36 months Subject to review after every 12 months
 Repayable in Equated Monthly Instalments (EMIs).
LTV 75%
Margin Nil
Primary Security Nil
Collateral Security Pledge of Gold Ornaments/ Jewellery in favour of the Bank
Processing Fee Rs. 500 plus applicable taxes
Pre-Payment Penalty
/Inspection Charges
5% p.a. over and above the existing rate of interest on overdue amount for the period of
Penal Interest
Interest Rate EBR + 0.40%
Inspection Waived
 In case interest is not serviced for two months, auction notice to be sent mentioning the probable date of
auction, once account turns to SMA 2. - If no reply is received within 15 days from borrower, gold to be auctioned
before account turns to NPA status.
 SME Gold Loan is to be processed through LLMS only.
Top up Gold Loan
Purpose  An additional gold loan for our existing customers to meet their short term bonafide
 Existing EMI and Bullet Repayment Gold Loan Borrowers who want to avail top up loan
against their Gold Ornaments/ Jewellery already pledged with the Bank may avail this facility.
 Account should not be SMA/NPA.
Facility Demand Loan (Bullet Repayment)
Quantum of  Min: Rs. 10000/-
Loan  Max: The loan amount will be 50% of net of the present Market value of pledged ornaments
and security Value required for the existing exposure subject to maximum of Rs.10.00 lacs.
Repayment End of Term. Maximum Period is 12 months or currency of the original loan whichever is lower
Primary Security Nil
Collateral Security Extension of Pledged Gold Ornaments/ Jewellery in favour of the Bank.
ROI 1- year MCLR + 1.25%
Margin 50% at the time of sanction of top up gold loan. However, minimum margin of 25% is to be
maintained by the customer throughout the tenure in all his gold loans together against the
common security.
Processing Fee 0.50% of the loan amount subject to minimum Rs.500 plus applicable GST.
Other  One Top Up Gold Loan will be extended against One eligible Gold Loan.
 Maximum number of Top Up Gold Loan will be restricted to three inclusive of existing gold
 Maximum gold loan exposure per customer including Top Up Gold Loan will be Rs.50.00 lac.
General Instructions


Loan to Value Ratio

(i) The LTV of 75% must be maintained throughout the tenor of the loan.
(ii) The LTV Ratio is to be computed against total outstanding in the account including accrued interest.
(iii) The LTV Ratio must be computed against the current value of Gold.

The margin requirement would have to be re-worked whenever there is an increase in interest rates and also when
the market value of gold decreases.
Since the above two conditions i.e., upward movement of Rate of Interest and downward movement in price of gold
can happen any time, the operating units/Branches have to be meticulous in sending the notices to the borrowers in
case the LTV goes above 75%. The notices for maintenance of margin of 25% by cash deposit or gold ornaments are
required to be sent on the periodicity as mentioned below for:
a) On the day when LTV is above 75%, 1st Notice is to be sent.
b) If the above position continues, then 2nd Notice is to be sent after 15 days from the date of st Notice.
c) If still the above position continues then 3rd Notice is to be sent after 30 days from the date of 1st Notice.
d) In case the borrower fails to replenish the margin even after 3rd Notice, the operating units/Branches will be
required to auction the gold ornaments as per extant instructions of auctioning of Gold Ornaments. This is
mandatory irrespective of the IRAC status of the account.
Verification of Gold Ornaments:
The purity of Gold should be independently determined by Branch Cash Officer/Award Staff (Senior Special
Assistant/ Special Assistant / Senior Assistant assigned the job of Gold Loan processing) by using any of the first
three methods or all of the four methods based on the nature of ornaments and satisfaction of the assessor.
(Branches should exercise caution/vigilant while accepting Bangles /Kadas for pledge for sanctioning of gold loan.
Specific gravity method should be invariably adopted for assaying the purity of ornaments of this nature.)
a) Touch stone method
b) Nitric acid test
c) Specific gravity test
d) Gold assaying machine (Karatometer)

 Once the purity of the gold is assessed and found to be acceptable, photograph of all gold ornaments offered
as security shall be taken at the time of processing of the loan. A printout of the photograph shall be kept with
the documents.
 Photograph of the gold ornaments shall be signed by the joint custodians along with borrowers.
 The following details should be mentioned overleaf of the photographs.
(i) Name of the Borrower
(ii) Loan Account Number
(iii) Date of Sanction
(iv) Loan Amount
(v) Details of Ornaments viz. weight, purity etc.
Valuation of gold ornaments:
 For gold loans exposure at CIF level, up to Rs. 50,000 assessment by empaneled Gold Appraiser is optional. (Up to
Rs.1,00,000 in case of four circles i.e. Amaravati, Chennai, Hyderabad and Thiruvananthapuram Circles).
 For gold loans exposure at CIF level above Rs 50,000 but below Rs. 5 lacs, ornaments are to be assessed by
minimum one empaneled gold appraiser, for its quality and weight before accepting them for pledge. (However, for
Amaravati, Chennai, Hyderabad and Thiruvananthapuram Circles, assessment by min. one appraiser is
compulsory for loans above Rs 1,00,000)
 Gold loans exposure at CIF level of Rs. 5 lacs and above to a customer should be appraised by two empaneled
appraisers mandatorily.
 For gold loans exposure at CIF level with limit below Rs. 5 lacs, second approved gold loan appraiser must be
engaged to carry out the verification of purity and weight, on a random basis from all variants of gold loans, of at
least 15% of the loans sanctioned during the month.
 It should be ensured at the time of periodical verification that the second verification is done by an appraiser
other than first appraiser.


 The RBO may explore empaneling goldsmith at RBO level for post sanction verification of gold ornament on
sample basis.
 Gold loan cases processed at the Branches to be equally distributed amongst the approved appraisers available at
the center to avoid concentration risk and to be monitored by the Controllers.
 Ornaments made of brass or other base metal with a coating of gold should not be accepted and caution must be
observed that such ornaments are not passed off as made of solid gold.
Custody of gold ornaments pledged
 Gold ornaments must be stored in joint custody of Branch Manager where BM is joint custodian / Accountant and
the Cash Officer/Cash-in-charge.
 Gold Loan to be handled only at the branches where gold retention limit has been approved
 Joint custodian (Branch Manager where BM is joint custodian / Accountant) along with Cash Officer/Cash in
Charge shall be responsible for the number and type of ornaments sealed in the bags and total number of bags and
they should also ensure the bags are properly sealed and seals are not tampered with.
 Tallying of the closing balance of Gold Loan bags with the Ledger shall be done on daily basis by the joint
 Particulars (including the details/descriptions of the gold ornaments) of every loan granted, by way of a Demand
Loan/Overdraft should be entered in the standard Gold Loan Ledger and the particulars of the gold ornaments
should be initialled by the two authorised officers in whose joint custody the ornaments are to be held.
Procedure for keeping of Gold Ornaments:
 Polythene bags shall be used in our bank in place of cloth bags. The polythene bags shall have the following
a. It is a transparent polythene bag with provision for multiple openings. Each opening is provided with an adhesive
tape securing a perforated outlet. Once this outlet is opened and used, the said outlet is rendered ineffective for
further use.
b. There is a provision for writing down the key particulars as mentioned below:
(i) Branch Name (viii) Gross weight of Ornaments (ii) Branch Code (ix)Net weight of Ornaments (iii) Branch Serial
Number (x) Type of Gold articles (iv) Customer Name (xi) Name & Signature of the Joint Custodians (v) Gold Loan
Scheme (xii) Name & Signature of Auditor (vi) Gold Loan A/c No. (xiii) Date of Audit (vii) Date of Sanction
 All the above particulars to be filled in on the bag with an indelible ink.
 A handwritten slip with all the above details shall be inserted in the bag, this will take care of any deletion of
details written on polythene bag.
 On full repayment of a loan, obtained Gold loan release letter cum acknowledgment & should be preserved
for 10 years for audit purpose.
 Once the loan account is closed and the ornaments are delivered, the related polythene bag will be kept attached
with the loan documents as per the retention period prescribed for preservation and destruction of obsolete / old
 It is to be ensured that gold loan is first closed and then only the ornaments should be returned from the strong
room / safe and entered in the register. Joint custodian has to verify the closure of account before taking out the
ornaments for delivery.
 Branches to keep the polythene bags of the ornaments in seriatim. The Serial Number of the bag should be as
LOS / RLMS / LLMS ID/BR.Code/Branch Serial Number / FY along with the loan account number. and which has to
be balanced with CC/OD & Loan Balance files quarterly.
Number of Gold Loans per Customer:
 At the time of sanction of Gold Loan to the existing borrowers, there should not be more than three Gold Loans
including the proposed one.
 Loan cannot be sanctioned for amount of more than Rs. 50.00 lakh per customer (including Top Up Gold Loan &
Realty Gold Loan)
 In case of Agri Gold Loan, Aggregate limit of the gold loans to a single borrower/ CIF should be restricted to Rs.
25.00 lakh. Number of gold loans, exceeding five accounts per borrower / CIF, should be referred to the next
higher authority for approval before sanction.
 Financing against Gold Bar/ Bullion is not permitted.
 While granting advance against the security of specially minted gold coins sold by Bank, the operating units


should ensure that the weight of coin(s) does not exceed 50 grams per customer

 For Agri Gold Loan Branch to mandatorily obtain evidence of land record from all borrowers irrespective of loan
amount, except tenant farmer/oral lessees & sharecropper who can avail loan limit upto Rs 2.00 Lakhs with

 Appraiser fee shall be recovered from the borrower upfront and paid into her/his account. It shall not be paid
in cash.

 Insurance for gold ornaments held as per Gold retention limit at Branches is taken on a centralized basis at
Corporate Centre, Mumbai.
 Cash Officer or Cash-in-Charge is responsible for quality of gold.

Safe keeping Charges: Rs. 100/- to be charged and to be recovered manually, 30 days after the expiry of the
prescribed tenure of gold Loan in Per segment as Safe Keeping charge.

 Branches should tally the gold loan bags with the loan balance file at monthly intervals by an officer other the
joint custodian.

 Where it becomes necessary to retain the ornaments pertaining to a closed account, these should be kept in the
joint custody of the official in charge of gold ornaments and the Cash Officer as an article in Safe Deposit.
 Requests for loans should be tactfully denied in case there is even the slightest doubt regarding the ownership of
the ornaments.
 Insurance for gold held as per Gold Retention Limit at branches will be taken on a centralized basis through
Mumbai LHO w.e.f. 1stApril along with cash as per Cash Retention Limit held at branches as on 31st March, each
year based on the data / information provided by Circle.
 Insurance cost is presently borne by the Bank and will continue to be absorbed by the Bank.
 Gold Retention Limit of the branch will be reviewed annually at the time of review of Cash Retention Limit.
 Gold Retention Limit may be fixed based on the business of loan against Gold ornaments (Limits sanctioned) as
on 31st March after adding 50% for margin and business growth.
 Gold retention limit for branches under the Control of RBO and branches under Direct Control will be approved
by DGM (B&O).
 Gold ornaments must be stored in joint custody of Branch Manager/Accountant and the Cash Officer.
Income tax benefit
Section 24(b) – Interest
Section 80C - Principal
Section 80EEA - Interest
Periodical Verification
 Controllers should ensure verification of quality and number of gold ornaments pledged at the branches by an
official other than the joint Custodians on quarterly basis (50% or maximum 100 gold loan accounts whichever is
less) to safeguard the bank’s interest against fraud.
 The verifying official shall be deputed / nominated by the Controllers on quarterly basis and should not be
repeated for two consecutive verifications. Mandatorily verifying officer should be from another Branch / RBO /
Controlling Office.
 The verifying official shall ensure to tally the closing balance of gold loan bags in the ledger with the loan balance
file & CC/OD balance file.
Surprise Verification of Gold Loans:
i. Controllers should ensure surprise verification of quality and number of gold ornaments pledged under Agri gold
loan scheme at all branches by an officer other than the Joint Custodians quarterly.
ii. The identified official should ensure that the number of gold loan bags tally with the number of accounts reported
in Loan Balance file / CCOD file generated during the EoD process of the previous working day; and


iii. On a random basis check (check the ornaments for purity in respect of 30% or maximum of 100 gold loan
accounts whichever is less) to safeguard against frauds.
Controller should ensure the following:
 The Controllers (RBO) must ensure and maintain proper record of such verification made by an officer branch-
wise / date-wise.
 Handing over and taking over (Cash officers relieving certificate) after verification of gold ornaments is available
on record.
 The gold appraisers are approved by the Regional Manager as per bank’s extant instructions. Copy of Agreement
between the Bank and Gold appraiser should be available at the branch. RBOs after entering into agreement with
gold appraiser should send a copy of agreement to the branch advising allotment of gold appraiser to the branch.
 The Branches are using gold assaying machines (Karatometer) and other gold testing equipment like touch stone,
nitric acid and specific gravity test as specified by the bank.
 The Karatometer available with the branches are functioning satisfactorily without flaws so that the branches can
independently assess the quality and quantity of gold ornaments pledged. Needless to add machine is not a
substitute to the traditional methods of testing purity of gold but a supplement to assess the purity of gold
ornaments. AMC of karatometer should be in force.
 The branches are vigilant while sanctioning gold loans against solid gold ornaments (Bangles/kadas) which can be
spurious having gold plating / cladding. In case of solid ornaments, specific gravity test will help in identifying
spurious ornaments.
 The Gold Loan accounts are processed only through RLMS.
 Gold Appraiser Charges: 0.05% to 0.10% of Loan Amount, Min. Rs.50, Max. Rs. 600.
Rural/semi urban centers Min Rs. 50/- Max. Rs 300/-
Urban/metro centers Min Rs 50/- Max 600/
Gold Appraiser Charges to be paid from SB a/c by the borrower to the SB/CA of the gold appraiser.
Deceased borrower:
Interest on the account of the deceased borrower should be charged as per the contracted rate in the usual
 If the legal heir/near relatives wish to liquidate the outstanding in the gold loan account, they can be permitted to
do so by giving them clear understanding that the ornaments would be delivered only to the legal heirs on
production of legal representation in the proper way only and that the amount so deposited would not be refunded
to them in case they fail to obtain legal representation in their favour. A letter of undertaking to this effect must be
obtained and kept on record
The India Bullion and Jewellers Association (IBJA) closing Gold rates will be monitored on a daily basis and in
the event of increase / decrease in the rates vis-a-vis the above mentioned Market Value by 5% or more, the
Market and Advance Value will be revised accordingly.
Irregular Accounts: A letter should be served to the borrower as per Annexure-PL-57 advising him/ her to deposit
the amount /regularise the account within 15 days, immediately after the accounts become irregular.
Sale of Gold Ornaments
 First Notice: A registered post with Ack due has to be sent to borrower to regularize the loan account within 15
days, immediately after the end of the term.
 Final Notice: If the loan account is not regularized within 15 days, a final notice as per the Annexure 15 must be
sent by ‘Registered Post’ with acknowledgement due to the borrower advising that the relative gold ornaments shall
be sold by public auction without further reference, if the loan account is not closed, within 30 days from the date
of notice. The total auction process should be completed in 45 days from due date of payment by giving first and
final notices.
 The unsold items of the gold ornaments, if any, must be held as Safe Deposit article in the name of the
borrower and held in the joint custody of the Branch Manager / Accountant and Cash.
Procedure for auction of gold ornaments:
A) Ensure that the advance has been called up and the repayment is still not forthcoming, the Bank has the right to
sell the gold ornaments pledged, after giving reasonable notice to borrowers (Section 176 of the Indian Contract
B) If the account is not put in order within the time stated in the notice vide Annexure-PL-57, the ornaments should


be put up for auction with the prior approval of Branch Manager in accordance with the procedure described below:
C) A final notice as per Annexure-PL-58 must be sent by ‘Registered Post' with acknowledgement due to the
borrower or if he is dead to all the likely claimants at the last known address calling up the loan and stating, inter
alia, that the relative ornaments will be sold by public auction without further reference if the loan account is not
closed within 30 days from the date of the notice. The date of the proposed auction should be stated in the
D) In the event of the registered letter being refused, it must be kept unopened preferably on a separate file after
making appropriate remark in the Gold Loan ledger account.
E) The branch should satisfy itself before advising the borrower or his legal claimants, if he is dead, that in the event
of a forced sale, it is possible to realign the amount outstanding in the loan account plus interest.
F) The gold ornaments to be auctioned should be examined by an empanelledGold appraiser other than the original
appraiser and his valuation of each ornaments ascertained in writing.
G) The proposed auction and auction dates should be publicized in print media/digital media/local publicity prior to
the date of auction. (all charges to be equally debited to all the defaulting borrowers account.) However, Branch
Cash Officer/Award Staff (Senior Special Assistant/ Special Assistant / Senior Assistant assigned the job of Gold Loan
processing) may arrange for some of the local merchants to witness the proceedings and, if they choose, take part in
the bidding.
H) The auction should be held at the Bank's premises.
J) Every effort should be made to realize the full market value of the security pledged. A reasonable minimum price
must be fixed for each ornament depending on the valuer's report and the current market price and the bidding
must start form this amount.
K) While conducting the auction, each item of the ornaments must be auctioned separately. When the total amount
realized is sufficient to liquidate the outstanding plus interest in full, the auction shall be stopped. A Banker's cheque
in the name of the borrower should be issued for the amount, if any, remaining, surplus after liquidating, the loan
account. The cheque should be held in Safe Custody, pending disposal of the claim from the borrower or his
accredited legal representatives.
L) The unsold items of the gold ornaments, if any, must be held as Safe Deposit article in the name of the
borrower and held in the joint custody of the Branch Manager / Accountant and Cash Officer/ Cash in Charge.
Monthly auction of Gold Ornaments by the Branches
Besides the normal auction of pledged gold in NPA gold loan accounts being organized by the Branches, the Circles
can fix a common date during 3rd friday of every month on which the auction of gold ornaments in all eligible
cases should be done. In case this date is a holiday for that Circle, then the next working day will be the date on
which the auction must take place. The respective Controllers will ensure timely auction (within 3 months of
accounts become NPA) of Gold ornaments pledged in respect of all eligible Gold Loan account and also ensure that
the auction is invariably held without fail by all the Branches under their control. So, it is proposed that Branches
should put in a system to declare every 3rdFriday of the month for conducting monthly auction for sale of gold
ornaments to realize and recover the dues of NPA.
Asst Manager 5 Lakh
Dy. Manager 10 Lakh
Manager 15 Lakh
Chief Manager 20 Lakh
AGM/RM 50 Lakh


Eligibility a) All Central, State Government pensioners, and SBI Pensioners whose pension accounts are
with us and their PPOs are maintained by Centralized Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) of
b) Family pensioners (including Family Pensioners of SBI, Defense & Central Armed Police
Forces Personnel), i.e., spouse/ legal heir authorized to receive pension after the death of the
pensioner, whose pension accounts are with us and their PPOs are maintained by Centralized
Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) of SBI/ HRMS (SBI) or at PCDA, Prayagraj under SPARSH.
Min Loan Rs. 25000/-
18 months’pension
Age at the time of sanction For Pensioner Family Pensioner
Max loan Up to 72 years Rs. 14 Lac Rs. 5 Lac
>72 to 74 Years Rs. 12 Lac Rs. 4.5 Lac
>74 to 76 Years Rs. 7.5 Lac Rs. 2.5 Lac
EMI/NMP Pensioner = not to exceed 50%
Family Pensioner = not to exceed 33%
Age Upto 76 years of age at the time of loan sanction
Margin Nil
Facility DL
Repayment/Tenure Maximum 72 months, subject to full repayment of loan by 78 years of age
Security Nil
Proc. Fee SBI Pensioners & Defense Pensioners: No processing fee.
Other Regular Pensioners: 1% of the loan amount + applicable GST with a minimum of
Rs. 1000 and maximum of Rs. 10000 + applicable GST
Other Family pensioners: 0.50% of the loan amount + applicable GST with a minimum of
Rs. 500 and maximum of Rs. 2500 + applicable GST.
ROI 2 Year MCLR + 2.55%
RSM > 40
Place for availment • Regular/ Family Pensioner having PPO with our Bank: Loan can be sanctioned at home
of Loan branch (Pension paying branch) or any branch nearby his/ her place of present posting/
• Other categories of Pensioners: The loans to be sanctioned at Home branch (Pension
paying branch) only.
Pre-Sanction Survey Not stipulated
Pre pay. penalty 3% on prepaid amount
Penal interest 2% per month on irregular amount for overdue period
TPG  Regular Pensioner having PPO with our Bank: NIL
 Other Regular Pensioners: Third party guarantee (TPG) of the spouse eligible for family
pension. In the absence of the spouse, TPG of any other family member or a third party
worth the loan amount.
 Family Pensioners: Third party guarantee of a person who has been maintaining a
satisfactorily conducted account with the Bank; preferably of the son/daughter of the family
Loan limit Primary CIC Secondary CIC
Loans up to Rs.4 lac CIBIL NA
CIBIL Report
Loans above Rs.4 lac CIBIL Experian
If no Hit under above CRIF Highmark Equifax
Opinion Reports Obtention of Assets & Liabilities Statements and compilation of Opinion Reports waived in
all cases
Top-up Loan (Second Loan)
 Top-up loan (2nd loan) can be sanctioned to Pensioner and Family pensioner any time after disbursement of the
1st loan, provided the 1st loan has been satisfactorily conducted and is regular at the time of sanction of 2nd Loan.


There cannot be more than 2 Pension Loans standing in the name of a borrower.
However, this is subject to the overall EMI/NMP ratio of 50% for Pensioner and 33% for the FamilyPensioner.
The sum total of outstanding in the 1st loan and limit of 2nd loan in no case should exceed the pensioner’s
entitlement at the time of availment of 2nd loan.
Customer may opt for a second loan or may close the existing loan and open a new loan with enhanced limit but
there should not be more than 2 Pension Loans at a time against one PPO.
Jai Jawan Pension Loan
Eligibility Regular Pensioners of Defense (Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guards, Rashtriya Rifles, Assam
Rifles, Special Frontier Force, etc.) and Central Armed Police Forces (CRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP,
SSB, RPF, RPSF, etc.), whose Pension Payment Order is maintained by Centralized Pension
Processing Centre (CPPC) of SBI or at PCDA, Prayagraj under SPARSH.
Loan min Rs. 25000/-
Loan max  36 months’pension with a ceiling Rs. 14.00 lacs who are up to 56 Years of age.
 18 months’ pension with a ceiling Rs. 14.00 lacs if above 56 years of age.
Facility TL
Repayment/Tenure Maximum Age at the time of loan sanction = Up to 76 years
Maximum Repayment Period = 72 months
Age at the time of full repayment = 78 years
Proc. Fee Nil
ROI 2 Year MCLR + 2.55%
Place for availment  Regular Pensioner having PPO with our Bank: Loan can be sanctioned at home branch
(Pension paying branch) or any branch nearby his/ her place of present posting/ residence.
 The non-home Branch before processing the loan should invariably login to the Pension
Software application to cross check the Pensioner’s credentials as given in the PPO, a copy of
which is received from the Pensioner before sanction of loan. The operating units should
only disburse the loan to the pensioner’s pension account after tallying from the Pension
Software application.
 By extending Pension Loan to re-employed Defence Personnel at these Non-home
Branches, we can get an opportunity to bring in to our fold their salary accounts and market
other Retail products including cross selling of other financial products.
 Regular Pensioner having PPO with PCDA, Prayagraj (under SPARSH): The loans to be
sanctioned at Home branch (Pension paying branch) only.
Top-up Loan Top-up loan (2nd loan) can be sanctioned to Pensioner and Family pensioner any time
(2nd Loan) after disbursement of the 1st loan provided the 1st loan has been satisfactorily conducted
and is regular at the time of sanction of 2nd Loan.
There cannot be more than 2 Pension Loans standing in the name of a borrower.
All other Terms & Conditions as per regular Pension Loan Scheme
SBI Pension Loan scheme: Pensioners of Treasury
Eligibility Pensioners whose pension are disbursed by Govt. Treasuries by cheques drawn in favor of our
branches as per mandate of the pensioner are also eligible subject to the following conditions:
i. The original Pension Payment Order (PPO) remains in the custody of the treasury and the
pensioner gives a mandate to the Treasury for payment of pension through a particular branch of
a Bank.
ii. The pensioner concerned furnishes an irrevocable undertaking that he will not amend his
mandate to the Treasury to pay his pension from the branch, during the currency of a loan availed
by him from SBI.
iii. The Treasury concerned consents in writing that it will not accept any request from the
pensioner to transfer his pension payment to any other bank/ Branch till an NOC is issued by the
❖ Obtention of consent in writing mentioned at Point no iii above can be waived with the
following conditions:


a) CIBIL CV score of pensioners to be more than 658 (-1 may be considered in case of no credit
b) RSM Score in LOS to be more than 45 (Grade 1 to Grade 6), as against the clear sanction of
more than 40 (Grade 1 to Grade 7).
c) Customer pays a premium of 50 bps over the applicable card rate.
d) The other two conditions as mentioned in Para b.i & b.ii above, to be invariably adhered to.
Documentation Where the original Pension payment Order remains in the custody of the Treasury and the
pensioners gives a mandate to the Treasury for payment of pension through a particular branch of
a bank, the following additional documents needs to be obtained:
An Irrevocable undertaking from the Pensioner concerned that he will not amend his mandate
to the Treasury to pay his pension from the branch, during the currency of a loan availed by him
from SBI.
A consent in writing from the Treasury concerned that it will not accept any request from the
pensioner to transfer his pension account to any other bank/ branch till NOC is issued by the Bank
All other terms & conditions as stipulated under Pension Loan scheme will strictly be applicable to loans
under this scheme.
PBBU team to ensure that branches with NPAs above 2% are debarred from fresh sanctions, unless compelling
reasons exist which should be approved by the respective CMC.



Eligibility PAPL Sending SMS -PAPL<space»XXXX" to 567676, where XXXX are last 4 digits of A/c no
Credit Information Companies (CICs) Reports (in P-Segment Loans)
SECURED Personal, Auto & Education Loan UNSECURED Personal Loan & Education Loan
Limit upto Rs. 5 Lakh = One CIC Limit upto Rs. 4 Lakh = One CIC
Limit > Rs. 5 Lakh = Two CICs Limit > Rs. 4 Lakh = Two CICs
All other Unsecured Loans except above: Loan upto Rs. 3 Lakh: One CIC & Above Rs. 3 Lakh: Two CICs
Xpress Credit
Loan min 25000 K
Loan max 24 Times NMI Subject to Rs. 30 Lakh
Min. Income NMI = 15000
Facility TL
Min - 18 Yr
Age Max – 60 Yr for CSP, 65 Yr for Govt./ Defense Salary Package customers (loan to be repaid by
retirement age).
41 & Above – Clear Sanction
RSM Score
40 & below – Decline
 Govt. Salary Package Customers = 6 Yr / residual service, whichever is less”.
Repayment  CSP = 6 Yr or residual service period whichever is less” and the loan should be repaid by the age
of 60 years.
Margin/ LTV Nil
Proc. Fee 1.50% of loan Amount + GST, (Min-1000, Max- 15000 + GST)
Silver & Gold variant Salary Package customers:<= 50%
Diamond variant Salary Package customers:<= 55%
 Linked to 2-year MCLR, depending upon Employer Type & CIC Score
 ROI fixed for entire loan tenure with no reset..
Following concessions are available, subject to total maximum concession of 100 bps over the
Card rate:
Concessions  Loan amount ≥ Rs 10,00,000 = 50 bps in Rate of Interest
 Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) Considered Under ‘RATNA’ Status = 50 bps in Rate of
Security Nil
Govt. Salary Package: 650 and above
Corporate Salary Package (CSP): 670 and above
Any time after availing first loan subject to overall satisfactory track record and EMI/NMI ratio not
2nd Loan
exceeding <=50%. Max. 2 loan at a time.
Salary Package Account with SBI
Govt./Defense Salaried employees (CGSP, SGSP, DSP, CAPSP, ICGSP, RSP, PSP) with a minimum
service of 6 months or Corporate salaried employees (CSP) with a minimum of 1-year length of
Eligibility service.
Should be receiving monthly salary regularly during last 6 months. For new Salary Package
Accounts, Bank Account showing regular salary credits to be ensured (including last one through
our Bank).
Clear sanction = 41 & above
RSM Score
Decline = 40 & below
Pre-payment 3%
Penal Interest 2% + ROI
Concessions under Processing fee:
 100% Waiver for DSP/CAPSP/ICGSP Customers. The concession is valid up to 30.06.2023.
 50% concession for CGSP/SGSP/PSP Customers. valid up to 31.03.2021.
 50% concession to Railway Salary Package Customers (RSP) valid up to 25/01/2024.
Foreclosure/Prepayment Charges:


 Any prepayment of EMIs in full or in part and closure of account before the end of term will attract the
prepayment/ foreclosure charges of 3% on prepaid/ foreclosed amount.
 No pre-payment/ foreclosure charges to be levied if the loan account is closed after the completion of loan
tenure of 3 years.
 In case of Defence customers, 100% waiver of prepayment/ foreclosure charges to be applicable irrespective of
the loan tenure.
 No prepayment/ foreclosure charges will be applicable if the account is closed from the proceeds of a new
loan account opened under the same scheme at our branches.
 Foreclosure charges/ Pre-Payment penalty@ 3% on prepaid amount to be levied in case of all takeover cases
by other banks, irrespective of the tenure (including Defence customers).
Pre-Sanction Survey:
 PSS to be waived only for the following categories of customers:
1. Gold and above variant customers under DSP, CAPSP, ICGSP, CGSP.
2. Diamond and above variant customers under SGSP, RSP, PSP.
3. Platinum variant customers under CSP.
 PSS to be mandatory for all other category of customers as well as customers having Salary Package account
opened/ converted less than 6 months old with our Bank.
Credit Information report obtain
Particulars Primary CIC Secondary CIC
Loans up to Rs. 4 lac CIBIL NA
Loans above Rs. 4 lac CIBIL Experian
If no Hit under (2) above CRIF Highmark Equifax
 Branches with Xpress Credit loan NPAs of above 2% are debarred from fresh sanctions unless compelling
reasons exist which should be approved by the respective CMC.
 Sanction of Loans to be done only by the Branches where Salary account is maintained. However,
DSP/CAPSP/ICGSP/SGSP/CGSP customers may avail Xpress Credit loans either from the Branch located at or near
the place of their posting or Branch where the salary account is maintained.
 RLMS will auto calculate the NMI for eligibility as 110% of the average of last 6 months’ salary.
 SI date to be within 5 days of Salary Credit date.
 No Blank Cheque/PDC to be obtained.
 Branches to issue 30 day notice to the Borrower and contact the DDOs in case of failedSI/OTMS alerts and
actions under Sec-25 of PSG Act to be initiated for recovery of EMIs in default and to be taken up with DDOs on
their check off obligations.
 The Annexure XP-10 is only meant when only one loan account pertaining to the specific DDO is sanctioned
during the week and Annexure XP-11 is required to be sent if two or more accounts are sanctioned pertaining to
the specific DDO.
RMP Xpress Credit
Purpose Any personal purpose without ensuring end use of funds
 Customers should be having Salary Account with us
 Employers: Same as the regular Xpress Credit loans i.e.
•Central and State Government
•Defence & Paramilitary Forces
•Central PSUs & State PSUs
•Educational Institutions of National Repute (Institutions under SBI Scholar Loan Scheme)
•Govt. (Central & State)/ Govt. Aided/ Semi-Govt. Schools and Colleges

 Employees:
•Salaried Govt / Defence employees (CGSP, SGSP, DSP, CAPSP, ICGSP, RSP, PSP) with a
minimum service of 6 months which should be through Salary account statement or Salary
Package Corporate customers with a minimum 1 year’s length of service and maintaining Salary


Package Accounts with us.

•Should comply with Bank’s KYC norms.
•Should not be a minor or Non-Resident Indian.
•Maximum age should not be more than 60 years.
•Certain categories of customers e.g., School teachers, police personnel, state government
employees etc. who get salaries irregularly either because of financial exigencies of the
concerned State Governments (employer) or transfers/ unauthorized absence of such categories
of personnel.
•Loans to employees of Loss-making State PSUs dealing with utility services like Electricity,
transport, water supply, etc. will be considered under RMP, with the approval of DMD (Retail-
PB&RE) at the Corporate Centre.

 Approvals:
•Homogeneous target groups and Employers to be identified from a geographical region and
to be approved by the Controllers (RM/ DGM (B&O)).
•Loss making state PSUs dealing with utility services to be approved by the DMD (RB) based on
Circle recommendations and will be defined in RLMS by PBBU Corporate Centre.
•In case, the product is offered based on individual employee behaviour or his/her salary
payment pattern, with CIC score of more than 760, no separate approval required.
Minimum NMI Rs. 15,000/-
Loan Type TL Only
Minimum: Rs. 25000.00
Loan Amount Maximum: Rs 30 lacs
subject to 24 times of NMI and EMI/NMI stipulation
Repayment Maximum 72 months or residual service period, whichever is less (should be repaid by the age
Period of 60 years).
 EMI/ NMI Ratio for Silver and Gold variant customers under Xpress Credit <= 50%.
EMI/NMI ratio
EMI/ NMI Ratio for Diamond variant customers under Xpress Credit <= 55%.
Margin Nil
Security Nil
1.50% of Loan amount. Minimum Rs 1000/- and maximum Rs 15000/- + GST.

Processing Concessions already available

Fee 100% waiver for DSP/ CAPSP/ICGSP customers
50% concession for CGSP/SGSP/PSP customers
50% concession for RSP customers (valid upto 25.01.2024)
Loan Processing
 RMP Xpress Credit loans to be opened under separate product codes (as applicable, based on
the employer).
 System will automatically open a Retail Debt Reserve (RDR) Account.
 The RDR Account (Reserve Fund) shall be linked to the Term Loan Account.
 Post disbursement of the Loan, an amount equal to 3 EMIs will be transferred from salary
account to the Linked Current Account by the system.

Loan Maintenance
 If the loan becomes RG3 (Old IRAC), then system will transfer the due amount (i.e. 3 EMIs)
from RDR Account to RMP Xpress Credit loan account.
 Whenever Salary account has sufficient balance, system will automatically debit the salary
account and replenish the RDR account
 This will happen when the old IRAC turns RG3 during currency of the loan.
 All other product features and other terms & conditions for Xpress Credit Loan Scheme will be applicable under
RMP Xpress Credit.


Xpress Elite
• Salaried Employees/ Officials with Net Monthly Income of Rs.1.00 lakh & above.
Eligibility • Should comply with Bank’s KYC norms
(There is no compulsory requirement of him/ her maintaining salary account with the
Loan amount 24 x NMI
Loan min 3 Lakh
Loan max 35 Lakh
Min. Income NMI >=1 Lakh
Facility Overdraft (Reducing DP) / Term Loan [With cheque book facility]
Min - 18 Yr
Age Max – 60 Yr for CSP, 65 Yr for Govt./ Defense Salary Package customers (loan to be repaid by
retirement age).
Repayment/ Tenure 72 months or remaining period of service whichever is lower.
Margin/ LTV Nil
Proc. Fee 1.50% of Loan Amount + GST, (Min-1000/-, Max- 15000 + GST)
 Platinum customers with NMI <= Rs. 2 lakhs:<= 60%
 Platinum customers with NMI > Rs. 2 lakhs: <= 65%
Collateral Nil
CIBIL Govt. salary package-650, Corporate salary package-670
 Spread over 2-year MCLR based on CIC score at the time of sanction of the loan.
Rate of Interest
 The interest rate and EMIs are fixed over the loan tenure.
Any time after availing first loan subject to overall satisfactory track record and EMI/NMI
2nd Loan
ratio not exceeding 60%. Max. 2 loan at a time.
 For Customers maintaining salary accounts with the bank: As applicable under Xpress
Pre-Sanction Survey Credit Loan Scheme
 For Customers not maintaining salary accounts with the bank: Mandatory
 Check-book Allowed
 Review of loan, if 2 EMIs are overdue
 For NIL Credit history (New to Credit) provided verifiable regular salary credits during the last 6 months will be
Xpress Flexi
Eligibility  Diamond Salary Package customers (i.e. NMI: Rs. 50000 to Rs. 1 lakh)
 Platinum Salary Package customers (i.e. NMI> Rs. 1 lakh)
 Other eligibility criteria for Diamond Salary Package customers as applicable under Xpress
Credit scheme and for Platinum Salary Package customers as per Xpress Elite scheme
Loan Amount Diamond Salary Package customers:
 Minimum: Rs. 1 lakh
 Maximum: Rs. 20 lakhs
subject to EMI/NMI <=55% & 24 times NMI (whichever is lower)

Platinum Salary Package customers:

• Minimum: Rs. 1 lakh
• Maximum: Rs. 25 lakhs
subject to 24 times NMI and EMI/NMI <=60% (For NMI Rs 1 lac – Rs 2 lac) OR EMI/ NMI <=
65% (For NMI > Rs 2 lac), whichever islower.
Availability Through RLMS (branch channel)
Type of Loan Overdraft facility.
While customers will have to transfer the EMI as in the case of usual Xpress Credit Loans, the
Drawing Power on the Overdraft will be reduced on monthly basis to the extent of the
principal component of the EMI so that the Overdraft is liquidated at the end of the loan


Rate of Interest 0.25% higher
Repayment Period 72 months
Only one live Overdraft product under Xpress Credit is allowed under one CIF.
The extant instructions applicable to Xpress Credit Loans viz. RSM, processing fee, margin, penal interest, foreclosure
penalty, documentation, pre sanction survey, post sanction formalities etc., will also be applicable to Loans
sanctioned under “XPRESS FLEXI” OD facility.
Xpress Lite
Loan min Rs. 25000
1.80 Lakh
Loan max
12 times of NMI
Min. Income NMI: Min-7000, Max-14999
Facility TL
Min - 18 Yr
Age Max – 60 Yr for CSP, 65 Yr for Govt./ Defense Salary Package customers (loan to be repaid by
retirement age).
Margin Nil
Scoring Model 41 & Above – Clear Sanction, 40 & below – Decline
Tenure Maximum 36 Months or residual service whichever is less
EMI/NMI <=40%
Proc. Fee 1.50% of Loan Amount + GST, with a minimum of Rs. 1000/- plus GST
 Minimum service of 6 months which should be validated through Salary Account statement.
 Salary Package Account with SBI.
Rate of interest 1% higher than ROI applicable under normal Xpress credit scheme across various brackets
 680 for Government / Defence customers
CIC Score  700 for Corporate customers
(No loan to be offered in case of NIL/ NTC score)
2nd Loan No second loan. Fresh loan can be sanctioned after closing the existing loan
Real Time Xpress Credit (RTXC)
Purpose Any personal purpose other than speculative purposes
 Account should be opened with a Govt./ Defense Salary Package (SP) product code. (viz. CGSP,
 Account should be in single name (Joint Accounts not eligible).
 Residential Status of the Customer should be “Resident Indian.”
 Account should be KYC compliant.
 Age of the customer should not be more than 58 years.
 There should not be more than one existing Xpress Credit loan (including PAXC/ Insta
Topup loans) account under the CIF.
 Not more than one RG3 history in last 6 months (open + closed).
 None of the existing DL-TL/CC-OD accounts (open status) under the CIF should have RG-
>=Rs 15000/- for RTXC
Minimum NMI
>=Rs 100000/- for RTXC-Elite
 Minimum Loan amount: Rs. 25000/-
 Maximum Loan amount: Rs. 30,00,000/-
subject to 24 times NMI and EMI/NMI ≤50%.
Loan Amount
For RTXC-Elite
 Minimum Loan amount: Rs. 25000/-
 Maximum Loan amount: Rs. 35,00,000/-
subject to 24 times NMI and EMI/NMI ≤60%.


Facility TL
 RTXC will be available only through “YONO” App.
Availability of  The loan account will be parked in the Home Branch salary account (Except for
the facility DSP/PMSP/ICGSP where there will be option to select the Branch at place of posting).
 For RTXC- DDE cases, the loan account will be parked at the Home Branch by default.
 Minimum Term: 6 Months.
Loan Tenure  Maximum: 72 months
 Loan should be repaid by the time customer attains the age of 58 years.
 For RTXC with DDE: Digital document execution at NeSL platform and storing in e-DMS.
 For RTXC with documentation at Branch: The Loan will be sanctioned real-time and YONO
Reference number will be generated for the Customer.
 The reference number generated will be valid for 7 days.
 Applicants may avail second loan any time after availing first loan subject to overall satisfactory
track record and EMI/NMI ratio not exceeding 50% (60% in case of Xpress Elite).
Second Loan
 Maximum Two Xpress Credit/Insta Credit/PAXC accounts within the overall product limit will
be allowed.
Validity of RTXC sanction will be valid for a period of 7 days within which customer will have to visit the
Sanction Branch for documentation.
 SI date will be fixed as 1st /5th /10th/ 25th of following month within the overall window of 30 days.
Real time Xpress credit with DDE where there will be real time disbursement of loan.
This facility will be available from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM at present.
All other condition is same as applicable under Xpress Credit scheme.
Quick Personal Loan Scheme through CLP portal
Purpose Any personal purpose other than speculative purpose
Eligible Employer Central & State Government
Quasi Government
Central & State PSUs
Corporates (Private & Public Ltd.)
Educational Institutions of National Repute (Institutions covered under SBI Scholar
Loan Scheme & Whitelisted Institutes under Student Loan Scheme)
Eligible Employee As applicable under Xpress Credit scheme. (Customers not maintaining their salary
accounts with our bank are also eligible and have to apply through CLP portal
Net Monthly Income Minimum Rs.15,000/-
Loan Facility Term Loan
Loan Amount Minimum: Rs. 24,000/-
Maximum: Rs. 20 Lakh subject to 24 times NMI
EMI/ NMI <= 50%
Age 21 – 58 years
Repayment Period Maximum 72 months or residual service period whichever is less
Repayment Mode Salary A/c with our Bank: SI
Salary A/c with other Bank: NACH/ ECS
Processing Fee 1.50% of the loan amount plus GST (Minimum Rs. 1000, Maximum Rs 15000)
For Customers not maintaining salary account with the bank: Processing Fee to
be recovered upfront by Cash/ Cheque/ DD
CIC Score (CIBIL) Minimum 670
Rate of Interest For customer not maintaining salary account with SBI 0.25% higher than Xpress
(With no reset) Credit Scheme for all Brackets
Security/ TPG NIL as applicable under Xpress Credit Scheme
Pre-Payment/ Closure 3% of the prepaid amount, as applicable under Xpress Credit Scheme
Pre-Sanction Survey (PSS) For Customers maintaining salary accounts with the bank: As applicable under


Xpress Credit Loan Scheme

For Customers not maintaining salary accounts with the bank: Mandatory
Availability PAN India
Turn-around Time Customers with no requirement of PSS: 1 working day
Other customers: 2-3 working days
Sanctioning Authority Any Scale-III and above branch in Rural & Semi-urban areas & any Scale-II and
above branch in Urban & Metro areas.
Any branch near to place of posting or, current/ permanent address of the applicant
may process and sanction these loans, as per Delegation of Financial Powers &
incumbency mentioned above.
Features Pre-Approved Xpress Credit Loans (PAXC) Pre-Approved Pension Loans (PAPNL)
 PAXC loans to be offered to joint accounts of
Defense Salary Package customers (DSP/CAPSP/
ICGSP) as well, subject to fulfilment of other terms
& conditions. Aadhar is Mandatory.
 There must be at least one credit in salary
account for minimum 9 months during last 12
months with mandatory credit in latest month.
 Median of the Maximum Credit in the salary
account in each of the last 12 months is calculated  Customer’s PPOs must be with Bank;
and considered estimated Net Monthly Income Treasury are not eligible.
(NMI).  There should not be any existing
 NMI must be greater than Rs. 15,000/-. Pension account under the CIF
 In case of multiple salary package accounts  There must be at least one credit every
marked with the same primary CIF, the latest salary month for last 12 months.
account opened is to be considered.  None of the existing loan accounts
under the CIF should have SMA 2 and
 Salary Account must have a single credit greater
Eligibility above / NPA.
than Rs. 10,000/- in 9 out of the last 12 months.
 Salary Account must have a single credit greater
Family Pensioners:
than Rs. 10,000/- in the last month.  Loan limit upto Rs. 3 lakhs (subject to
 For the estimation of Net Monthly Income, credits EMI/NMP ratio <= 33% and 18 times
greater than Rs. 2,50,000/- will be capped at Rs. NMP, whichever is lower).
2,50,000/-.  Upper age limit of 66 years for these
 Consider only credit transactions having Family Pensioners (loan repayable by 70
maximum of 2 zeroes as end digits, for eligibility years of age).
criteria and NMI calculation.
 In case, maximum credit identified in the Salary
account has more than 2 zeros as end digits, the
next maximum credit to be identified and the logic
to be rerun for arriving at eligibility.
 Exclude credits from individual accounts based on
contra account number, for eligibility criteria and
NMI calculation.
Minimum- 25000/- Maximum: 24 times NMI
Minimum: 25000/-
 Diamond & Platinum category Defense salary
Maximum: 18 times NMP
package customers & Platinum category Govt.
Loan Amount Max- 5,00,000/-
salary package customers enhanced to = Rs. 15
NMP= Median of Monthly pension
amount for last 6 months
 For other category/ variant of Salary Package
customers = 8 Lakh


NMI = Median of the ‘Maximum credit in salary

account in each month for last 12 months.
Min Age 18 Years -
For Defense & Govt. Salary Package customers
to be increased to 58 years (loan repayable by 60
Upper Age years of age).
Less than 72 Years
Limit For Corporate Salary Package customers, will
continue to be 56 years (loan repayable by 58
years of age).
Facility TL TL
EMI / NMI % 50% ≤50%
 Minimum tenor = 6 M Maximum: 72 months or (repayable by 78
 Max = 72 M or (6 Yr of age) whichever is earlier years age)
 All Salary Package- No cut off
 Others: 700
1.50% of the loan amount plus GST (Minimum Rs. 1% of the loan amount plus GST, min Rs
Proc. Fee
1000, Maximum Rs 15000)+GST 1,000 & Max Rs. 10,000, plus GST
Penal Interest 2% above applicable ROI 2% above applicable ROI
Nil Nil
No. of Loan Only one PAXC at any point of time. Only one PAPNL at any point of time.
Till end of quarter, in which they are offered the Till end of quarter, in which they are
Validity Offer
Loan offered the loan
Xpress Credit Insta Top-up Loan
Purpose Any personal purpose other than speculative purpose
Existing Xpress Credit Loan Borrowers who fulfil the following conditions will be offered
“Xpress Credit Insta Top-up” Loan:
 Minimum existing Xpress Credit Limit of Rs 1 lac
 Minimum residual maturity of Xpress Credit - 1 year
 Satisfactory repayment record for the last 1 year
 The customer should not have more than 1 live Xpress Credit Loan
 Xpress Credit Loan Accounts should not have slipped to RG2 and beyond in last 1 Year
 None of the Loans of the customer should be RG2 and above at time of extraction
 Customer falling in the age bracket of 18-60 years (Filter Out all the customers with Age
> 59 Years and 9 Months as on Date of Extraction).
 KYC Not falling duewithin 4 Months from Date of Extraction
 Repayment of existing loan to be only through SI
Loan amount 20% of Xpress Credit Limit (Existing Loan Limit)
Loan min 20000/-
Loan max 3 Lakh
Facility Term Loan
Repayment/ Tenure Minimum12 months to maximum 36 months.
Security Nil
1.50% of the loan amount plus GST, subject to minimum Rs. 1000 and Maximum Rs.
Proc. Fee
15000, plus GST.
Interest Rate 3.50% above 2-Yr MCLR
Validity of Offer 1 months from the date of activation of the offer.
No. of Loan At any point of time, only 1 “Insta Top up loan
 3% on prepaid amount.
Prepayment  No prepayment/ foreclosure charges will be applicable if the account is closed from the
proceeds of a new loan account opened under the same scheme
PAPL (Non-CSP) Loan


Leads under PAPL (non-CSP) product will begenerated using AI based Machine learning
Lead Generation models developed by Analytics team, so that the product is offered only to less risky
Purpose Any personal purpose other than speculative purpose
a) Status of CIF should be active
b) Customers holding active accounts meeting the following criteria are eligible:
i) Currently listed under eligible P-Segment product codes
ii) Operated under a single name, i.e., joint accounts are excluded
iii) Account opening date must be two years prior to eligibility check
Inclusion Criteria
c) Residential Status of the Customer should be “Resident Indian”
d) Customer must have PAN and one OVD in CBS
e) Customer should be KYC compliant in CBS
f) KYC validity period should be more than 4 months from the date of eligibility check
g) Age of the customer should be between 25 Year and 65 years.
a) Customers listed as primary CIF on any of the undermentioned types of
accounts are excluded:
i) Pensioner accounts under CPPC
ii) Salary Package Accounts
iii) No-Frills Accounts
iv) Staff Accounts
v) Overdraft on SB account or any other clean overdraft account
vi) OD under identified product codes with limit>0 or balance<0
Exclusion Criteria vii) Account under PAPL product codes including insta-credit, i.e. cross productvalidation is
performed at CIF level. Only one PAPL Non-CSP live Accountwill be allowed per customer
at any point of time.
viii)Saving account opened under INSTA SB (1111-1701)
ix) None of the existing loan accounts under the CIF should have SMA 1 andabove
x) None of the existing loan accounts under the CIF had been NPA in last 12 months
b) Customers with CIF type 010224 (‘PUBLIC-IND-OTP-e-KYC’) are not eligible
c) Customers with value of Education Code 99 (Illiterate)
d) CIF should not be in negative list procured via Data-Warehouse from CBS(NCIF List)
a) Soft enquiry via CIBIL to be carried out for eligibility check
b) Customers with any account having Days Past Due (DPD) > 30 as on date are
c) Customers with suit-filed & other non-standard account status in the last 36 months are
d) Customer may be primary, secondary or guarantor of the account in the CIC Scrub.
e) CIBIL Score and other bank EMI considered for eligibility purpose.
f) Customers stamped as defaulters, Written-off as per CIBIL data are excluded.
a) Only transactions with selected Transaction Type and Code are considered (toavoid cash
deposit, etc.). Transactions pertaining to Interest credit fromdeposits are considered as
b) Any transaction where the primary CIF of the Contra-Account is the same asthe
Customer is discarded.
c) Credit Summation Criteria:
Transaction Criteria i) All accounts where the customer is the primary CIF are considered. CreditSummation
considered is at CIF level.
ii) Monthly credit summation ≥ Rs. 10,000/- in at least 9 out of the last 12 Months
iii) Monthly credit summation ≥ Rs. 10,000/- in each of the last 3 Months
iv) Median of the customer’s last 12 monthly credit summations must be ≥ Rs.15,000/-
v) Total credit summation over the last 12 months must be ≥ Rs. 1,20,000/-
vi) Estimated Net Monthly Income to be more than Rs. 15,000/-


An AI/ML Risk Model has been developed for the new PAPL Non-CSP product. Customers
tagged as High-Risk by this model are not eligible
Risk Modelling
a) Only customers with a CIBIL score ≥ 750 are eligible
b) New to Credit (CIBIL Score “-1”) customers are not eligible
Validity of Offer One month from the date of activation of the offer on our YONO/RINB Platform.
 Minimum: Rs. 20 K
Loan Amount
 Maximum: Rs. 2 Lakh
Number of
At any point of time, only 1 “PAPL” will be allowed to exist under the scheme.
a) NMI is estimated as the Median of the Single Largest Credit of each of the last 12
Eligible Limit and b) Maximum loan amount and tenor is calculated limit and tenor with EMI/NMI≤50%
Tenor subject to a ceiling of 18 times NMI.

iv) Loan must be paid back before customer attains the age of 66.
Tenor Minimum 6 months to maximum 36 months
Facility Term Loan
Following Processing fee (Convenience Fee)will be stipulated under PAPL (Non-CSP)
Customers with CIC (CIBIL) Score of 750-799: 1.50% of the loan amountsubject to
Processing Fee
minimum Rs. 1000/- andmaximum Rs. 15000/-, plus GST.
Customers with CIC (CIBIL) Score of >=800: 1% of the loan amount subject to
minimum Rs. 1000/- and maximum Rs. 15000/-, plus GST.
Prepayment Nil
Linked to 2-yr MCLR andbased on CIC score of the customer, asunder:
CIC (CIBIL)Score ROI (With no reset)
Rate of Interest
750-799 5.40% over 2-yr MCLR i.e.,5.40% + 8.60%= 14.00% at Present
>=800 4.90% over 2-yr MCLR i.e.,4.90% + 8.60%= 13.50% atpresent
Insta Pension Loans
Purpose Any personal purpose other than speculative purpose
Existing Pension Loan Borrowers who fulfil the following conditions will be offered “Insta Pension”
Top Up Loan
• Minimum existing Pension Loan Limit of Rs 1 Lakh
• Minimum residual maturity of Pension Loan - 1 year
Eligibility • Satisfactory repayment record for the last 1 year
• The customer should not have two Pension Loans
• No instance of the Pension Loan slipping to RG-3 and beyond in the last 1 year
• Existing Pension Loan account should not be RG-2 and beyond at the time of scrubbing
• Repayment of Loan will be only through SI
20% of Pension Loan Limit (Existing Loan Limit)
Minimum: Rs. 20,000
Loan Amount Maximum: Rs. 2,80,000
Rationale: Minimum existing Pension Loan limit is Rs 100,000 and the maximum Loan Limit under
the scheme is Rs 14,00,000
Facility DL
Loan Tenure Minimum 12 months to maximum 36 month
No of Loans At any point of time, only 1 “Insta Pension” will be allowed to exist under the proposed scheme
Prepayment waived
Security Nil
Interest 2.55% above 2-Y MCLR
Pro. Fee 1% of the loan amount + GST, Minimum Rs 1,000 and Maximum Rs. 10,000 plus GST
Offer Validity One month


General Instructions
 Customers having one instance of overdue monthly payment in the last 6 months with DPD more than 60 days
& upto 89 days = No loan will be sanctioned to such customers.
 Branches are advised that while closing existing Xpress Credit account, closure of Insta top up loan, if any,
should also be ensured.
 PAPL/Insta Top up is a 4 click process for availing loan through YONO with instant disbursement and the option
is available round the clock as long as the offer is valid.
NeSL Digital Document Execution (DDE) Facility
 NeSL is India’s first Information Utility and is registered with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
(IBBI) under the aegisof the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC).
 Digital Document Execution (DDE) facility being offered by NeSL involves real time execution of loan documents
through e-signature and e-stamping.
 Paperless execution of loan agreements/ contracts (Digitally Authenticated Contracts as per IT Act).
 Aadhaar OTP based e-sign of customer.
 An official (not below the rank of Chief Manager) has been identified in PBBU, CC whose digital signature shall
be applied to the loan documents on behalf of the Bank.


Documentation (Hey, Ganga, Maiya, Raksha karo, Raksha karo, Nahi to, Cripa karo)
AB-1: Hypothecation Agreement Hey , AB1 -agreement of hypothecation
AB-2: Guarantee Deed Ganga , AB2 -Guarantee deed
AB-3: Mortgage Deed Maiya , AB3 -Mortgage deed
AB-4: Revival letter (Borrower) Raksha karo , AB4 -Revival letter(Borrower)
AB-5: Revival letter (guarantor) Raksha karo , AB5 -Revival letter(guaranter)
AB-6: Notice to borrower if loan is not paid on due date. Nahito , AB6 -Notice to borrower
AB-7: Conversion of crop loan into term loan on account of Cripakaro , AB7-conversion of crop loan to term loan
crop failure.
SIM-GL/1 -Application and appraisal for loan against gold/silver ornaments
SIM-GL/2 -Gold Silver Ornaments Take Delivery Letter
SIM-GL/3 - Witness Letter
SIM-GL/4 - Arrangement Letter
SIM-GL/5 - Letter of Authority (not to be stamped)
SIM-GL/6 - Letter of Indemnity
SIM-GL/7 - Letter to the defaulting borrower
SIM-GL/8 - Final notice to the borrower
SIM-GL9 - Memorandum in respect of gold and silver ornaments deposited as security
SIM-GL/10- Gold Loan Ledger
SHG = Kalia Committee
Weaker sections = Ghosh committee
Service Area Approach = Ojha committee
Simplified and uniform documents are obtained = RV Gupta Committee
Revised KCC = Bhasin Committee
 Marginal farmer: Farmers with landholding upto 1 hectare (2.47 acres)
 Small farmer: Farmers with landholding of more than 1 hectare and upto 2 hectares (4.94 acres)
Revised Kisan Credit Card (RKCC) Scheme
Purpose Kisan Credit Card Scheme aims at providing adequate and timely credit support from the
banking system under a single window with flexible and simplified procedure to the farmers for
their cultivation & other needs as indicated below
 To meet the short-term credit requirements for cultivation of crops
 Post-harvest expenses
 Consumption requirement of farmer household
 Working capital for maintenance of farm assets and activities allied to agriculture like dairy
 Investment credit requirement for Agri like farm machinery and allied activities to agriculture
like dairy animals, etc., and repayable within a period of one year.
Eligibility i. All farmers-individuals/Joint borrowers who are owner cultivators;
ii. Tenant farmers, Oral lessees and Share Croppers etc;
iii. SHGs or Joint Liability Groups of farmers including tenant farmers, share croppers etc
Crop seasons Short duration crops (up to 12 months) or
Long duration crops (12 to 18 months).

In India, cropping season is classified into two main seasons:

a) Kharif – 1st April to 30th September
b) Rabi – 1st October to 31st March
Nature of account  Revolving cash credit facility. There should be no restriction in number of debits and credit.
 The credit balance in the account, if any, to fetch interest at Savings Bank rate
Quantum of Loan  Minimum loan: No ceiling Maximum Loan: No ceiling.
 It is need based finance considering cropping pattern, acreage and Scale of Finance (SOF)


 However, for parameterization in CBS, Min. and Max. loan amount is capped as Rs. 5000.00
and Rs. 20.00 crores respectively.
 This max cap of Rs. 20.00 crores will be reduced to Rs. 5.00 Cr. In due course. In LOS the max
cap is Rs. 5.00 Cr.
 Branches may get in touch with ABU & GSS Deptt. through their LHO in case any proposal for
more than the maximum cap is received.
Margin No separate margin need be insisted for crop loan as the margin is built while fixing SOF.
Maximum Drawl Short term loan limit assessed for the first year or for the 2nd to 5th year plus the estimated
Limit investment credit limit required will be the Maximum Drawl Limit (MDL) allowed in the
account, for the year.
Maximum The short-term loan limit arrived for the 5th year plus estimated investment loan requirement
Permissible Limit (highest among the five years) will be the Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL) and sanctioned as
the Kisan Credit Card Limit.
Fixation of limit For first year limit for crop cultivation purpose arrived at as above plus 10% of the limit towards
cost escalation / increase in scale of finance for every successive year (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year)
and estimated term loan component for the tenure of KCC (short term credit limit sanctioned for
5th year will be about 150% of the first year limit allowed to farmers).
Validity  KCC Limit is valid for 5 years, subject to annual review. Branches shall, therefore, ensure to
obtain revival letters before expiry of 3 years whereverapplicable, as per the Limitation Act.
 KCC borrower can be allowed to continue the same level of 5th year MPL (Maximum
Permissible Limit) subject toobtaining of revival letter before the expiry of three yearsas per the
Limitation Act.
Review/Renewal Benefits of KCC Reviews:
 KCC borrowers will automatically be eligible for 10% increase in their MDL limits, subject to
terms and conditions.
 Eligible for interest subvention and additional interest subvention as per the guidelines of GoI
from time to time which may result in effective rate of interest rate @4% at present.
 Eligible to cover their crop loans under crop insurance scheme.
 Eligible for other Agri loans as per the eligibility criteria of the product.

How KCC borrowers will be affected if KCC review is overdue?

 If the KCC borrower fails to repay or route the sale proceeds or other credits into his /her KCC
as on the due date of repayment, the account will become ‘overdue’ and hence:
 Interest beyond due date will be at card rate and compounded half yearly.
 MDL of the KCC account will become Zero and no further drawls be allowed.
 Branch will have to initiate recovery process immediately.

KCC Review / Renewal after 5th Year: KCC borrower can be allowed to continue the same
level of 5th year MPL (Maximum Permissible Limit) subject to obtaining of revival letter before
the expiry of three years as per the Limitation Act.

Enhanced MDL (Maximum Drawer Limit) can be considered under Revised Kisan Credit Card
(KCC) scheme within overall MPL (Maximum Permissible Limit) to meet the genuine farming
requirement of borrower by recoding the facts such as loss of crop due to unseasonal rains,
climate change and other external factors, etc., without obtaining any document
Rate of interest Size of the credit Limit Rate of interest (linked to One Year MCLR)
Up to Rs. 3.00 lakhs 7% p.a. (where Interest Subvention available from GoI from time
to time)
Above Rs. 3.00 lakhs and 3.25% above 1-Year MCLR
below Rs. 50 lakhs
Rs. 50 lakhs & above As per CRA based pricing
If loan is not repaid on due date, the interest rate will be linked to 1- Year MCLR + spread as


determined by Bank from time. Rate of interest for KCC account is basedon the Maximum
Drawing Limit (and not on MaximumPermissible Limit).

 Additional subvention of 3% per annum (present rate) for prompt/timely repayment farmers
as per GoI directive reduces the effective interest rate charged to farmers @ 4% per annum.
Penal Interest i. Loan limit upto Rs.. 1,00,000: NIL
ii. Above Rs. 1,00,000: 2% p.a.
Security  KCC Loan limit upto Rs.1.60 lakh
Primary: Hypothecation of crops grown / assets to be created outof bank finance,
Collateral: NIL

 KCC Loan limit above Rs.1.60 lakh.

Primary: Hypothecation of crops grown / assets to be created out ofbank finance
Maximum Permissible Limit (sanctioned KCC limit) must be considered for mortgage as
collateral security requirement.

Equitable Mortgage / Registered Mortgage of land / immovable property as applicable, the

value of which is 100% of the loan amount.
a. Noting of charge with sub-registrar of assurances: Where Equitable Mortgage (EM) is
registered /Registered Mortgage is created EC (Encumbrance Certificate) evidencing Bank’s
charge has to be obtained.
b. Where online creation of charge is being followed, printout evidencing Bank’s charge created
in the portal mustbe taken and kept along with documents.
c. Obtain Encumbrance Certificate (EC) (where EC / NEC isin vogue) every year at the time of
renewal of limit.
d. Where charge is created online, print out to be taken atthe time of annual limit renewal and
kept with loandocument. Applicable for new and existing KCC accounts.

 Alternative security such as lien or charge on liquidsecurities like NSC or Term Deposit of Bank
or any otheracceptable liquid security.
 Periodical verification of land records to be ascertained torefrain from revenue records to
ensure Bank charge isintact in land revenue records.
 Collateral security is waived for KCC limit up to Rs. 3 lacs for loans with tie-up
 To leverage the online digital land portal in the Stateswhere banks have the facility of on-line
creation of chargeon the land, it has been decided to relax mortgagenorms up to Rs. 3.00
lakhs by way of Online marking oflien /charge on land digital platform in lieu of
mortgage(applicable at those States where this facility is available).
 Existing KCC holders where Agri land is mortgaged wouldcontinue to be governed by the
terms and conditions asper the existing sanction.
Feeding of  The present outstanding even if not renewed / reviewed be covered by the future crop grown
Security in CBS in the same piece of land by the farmers.
 Valuation of crop loan security (135% of the KCC limit may be taken as value of crops) is to be
done by BM / FO at the time of renewal / review annually
Repayment The repayment period may be fixed as per the anticipated harvesting and marketing period for
the crops for which the loan has been granted.

Any one of the following norms while fixing the repayment may be followed.
 to fall in line with the local practices, SLBC/DLTC recommended repayment due dates shall be
adopted by the respective Circles / branches.
 Wherever repayment due date is not determined by SLBC/DLTC, the existing common


repayment due dates may be fixed by Circles/ branches.

 Due date for MDL (Maximum Drawl Limit) expiry under KCC will be twelve (12) / eighteen (18)
months for short /long term crops respectively from the date of disbursement. MDL expiry date
is auto linked to cropping pattern, i.e. 12/18 months for Short / Long Term crops in the system.
Processing Fee Processing fee should be recovered based on Maximum Drawing Limit (MDL) (and not on
Maximum Permissible Limit) for each year.
 KCC Limits up to Rs. 3.00 lakh: NIL
 Limits more than Rs.3.00 lakhs: 0.35% of loan limit with maximum of Rs. 35.00 lakhs + GST
Inspection  Inspection of standing crops and Agri land is to be done within 3 months of sanction and
also within 3 months of review or renewal to ensure end use of funds. In States, where land
records are digitized and Bank has entered into tie-up with Satellite imagery service Provider,
Branches may instead use services of Satellite Imagery Service Providers for limits upto Rs. 1.60
lakh to ascertain the cropping activity declared by the borrower and peruse other details as
available in the report.
 Frequent visits at least once in a quarter for recovery in irregular accounts and NPA
accounts should be undertaken. In case of any adverse information including those about
borrower, crop, village/locality, Farmland and any news of natural calamity in the area, etc.,
inspections should be conducted immediately and based on inspection desired action needs to
be initiated.
CERSAI Exempted crop loans up to a limit of Rs. 5.00 lakh from the requirement of CERSAI registration.
IRAC norms a. A loan granted for short duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal
or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons.
b. A loan granted for long duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal
or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season.
Crop period Due date of repayment / limit NPA Reckon date
Short Term Crop- 12 months ‘Crop Season Period for IRAC’ as
System auto 24 months (Two crop seasons).
populates “MDL RKCC account will become NPA
Expiry date” for 12 at the end of 36 month, if not
Months renewed.
Long Term Crop- 18 months ‘Crop Season Period for IRAC’ as
System auto 18 months (One crop seasons).
populates “MDL RKCC account will become NPA
Expiry date” for 18 at the end of 36 month, if not
Months renewed.
TAT 3 days after completion of all required formalities
Credit Scoring  50 & above is considered good for clear sanction for loan up to Rs. 3.00 lakh
Model  Above 70 for loan limits above Rs. 3 lakh & upto Rs. 50 lakh
Credit Information For secured loans up to a limit of Rs. 3 lakh Report from one Credit Bureau
Bureau Reports For loans above a limit of Rs. 3 lakh Report from two Credit Bureau
(CIRs) For unsecured loans, up to a limit of Rs. 1 lakh Report from one Credit Bureau
For unsecured loans for a loan limit greater than Rs. 1 lakh Report from two Credit Bureau
The following order has to be followed for pulling CIRs from CIC (Credit Information Companies)
a. CRIF HIGH Mark Credit Information Services Pvt. Ltd.
b. Credit Information Bureau Limited (CIBIL)
c. Equifax Credit Information Company of India.
d. Experian Credit Information Company of India.
 ITR is mandatory for KCC loan limits above Rs.50 lakhs.
 No pre-payment charges will be levied.
 Service Area Concept will not be applicable. However, branches should avoid scattered lending as far as possible.


A benchmark of 15 KM radius for normal branches and 25 KM radius for ADBs may be followed in respect of new
advances /customer acquisitions. The existing borrowers beyond the area specified above may be migrated to the
nearby branches opened /operated by our bank.
 One-time documentation at the time of first availment and thereafter simple declaration (about crops raised /
proposed) by farmer from the second year onwards provided the documents are in order or renewed in 5 years.
Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme (PM-KISAN), Central Sector Scheme with 100% funding from GoI, is
effective from 01.12.2018. Under the scheme, an income support of Rs. 6,000/- per year per farmer, in three
instalments, is provided to all farmer families in the country and transferred to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
Flexi KCC: Marginal farmers will be sanctioned a composite limit (as Flexi KCC limit) of Rs. 10,000/-to Rs. 50,000/-
based on the land holding and crop(s) grown + small term loan investments (repayable in one year), without relating
to the value of land.
KCC-Animal husbandry and fisheries (KCC-AH&F)
Purpose KCC (AH&F) enables farmers to meet the short term working capital requirements for rearing of
animals (dairy, sheep, goat, piggery), poultry, birds, rabbit, fish, shrimp, other aquatic organisms
including capture of fish.
Eligibility A. Fisheries:
B. Poultry & small ruminants
C. Dairy
D. Not to be defaulter in any other bank / financial institutions.
Minimum No ceiling
Maximum Loan For new KCC (AH&F) borrowers Rs. 2.00 lakh
For existing KCC borrowers (Crop Loan) Rs. 3.00 lakh including KCC (AH&F)
Margin No separate margin need to be insisted as the margin is inbuilt while fixing the Scale of Finance
Facility Revolving cash credit
Validity Fishery- KCC Loan Limit is valid for 1 year, to be renewed annually.
Interest  Up to Rs. 3 Lakh per farmer will be charged @ 7% p.a (fixed) as per Government of India
(GoI) directives. It is subject to GoI providing 2% p.a interest subvention to Bank on such
 Additional interest subvention of 3% per annum for prompt repayment borrowers as per GoI
directive reduces the effective interest rate charged to borrower @ 4% per annum.
 One Year MCLR +3.25%
Penal interest a. Loan limit : Rs.25,000 : NIL
b. Over Rs.25,000 and up to Rs 1 Lakh : 1% p.a
c. Over Rs.1 Lakh : 2% p.a
Security Loan limit up to Rs. 1.60 Lakh
Primary: Hypothecation of animal/bird/fish/stocks of seed, feed/ organic and inorganic
fertilizers/ lime & other soil conditioners and assets created out of bank finance.
Collateral: NIL

Loan limit above Rs. 1.60 Lakh

Primary :Hypothecation of animal/bird/fish/stocks of seed, feed/ organic and inorganic
fertilizers/ lime & other soil conditioners and assets created out of bank finance.
 Equitable Mortgage / Registered Mortgage of land /immovable property as applicable, the
value of which is 100% of the loan amount.
 Alternative security such as lien or charge on liquid securities like NSC or Term Deposit of
Bank or any other acceptable liquid security.
 In States, where banks have the facility of on-line creation of charge on the land records, the
same shall be ensured by the disbursing branch.
Collateral security is waived for KCC-Animal Husbandry & Fishery limit up to Rs. 3 Lakh for
loans under tie-up arrangement.


Processing Recovered each year

charges  KCC-AH&F Limits up to Rs. 50,000/- : NIL
 Limits above Rs. 50,000/- to Rs.1.50 Lakh : Rs. 200+ GST
 Limits above Rs,1.50 Lakh to Rs.3.00 Lakhs: Rs. 250+ GST per Lakh or part thereof
Inspection  Loans Upto Rs. 25,000/-: Nil
Charges  Over Rs 25,000/- but up to Rs. 2 Lakh: Rs. 600 p.a + GST
 Over Rs.2.00 Lakh up to Rs.3.00 Lakh :Rs. 275 per Lakh + GST Min.Rs.600 +GST .
Credit scoring50 & above clear sanction
TAT for new 7 days after completion of all required formalities
Age criteria No age stipulation
Simple and Fast Agri Loan (SAFAL) Pre-approved Agri Loan product
Purpose  To encourage/ facilitate Agri lending through partnership model with Corporates in hassle free
 For meeting the Dairy farming needs of farmers.
Pre-requisites for  Customer should be a resident Indian.
eligibility of loan  Customer’s age should be >18 years and < 70 years.
 Customer should be full KYC compliant with Bank and should not be under liberalized KYC
norms, including Insta account.
 Any of customer’s existing loan accounts should not have risk grade greater than RG1.
 Customer should not have dairy loan account with any financial institution.
 Customer should not have any live YONO Krishi SAFAL account.
 Customer should have been in sale arrangement relationship with Corporate for a minimum
period of 2 year.
 No default case should be present in CIBIL/CIC report. Cases settled under debt waiver
scheme/ OTS scheme will not be treated as default. Customers having no credit history will also
be eligible.
Type of Facility Dropline OD
Quantum of loan Minimum: - Rs. 25,000/-
Maximum: - Up to Rs. 3,00,000/-
Repayment 12 Months
Processing a. Upto Rs 50,000/-: NIL
charges b. > Rs 50,000/-, upto Rs 1.50 Lakh: Rs. 200/-+GST
c. > Rs 1.50 Lakh, upto Rs 3.00 Lakh: Rs. 250/-+GST

To be recovered manually
Process for  Customer logs into YONO App and clicks on SAFAL banner displayed on landing page of
customer to avail YONO.
offer  Additionally, customer can submit his/her application by accessing YONO Krishi section in
 Customer application is sent to home branch of CIF, for further processing; with notification to
customer to visit the branch for fulfilment of his/her application.
 Customer visits CIF maintaining branch for completing the documentation to avail the loan.
Interest rate One Year MCLR+2.75%
 Accounts will be opened using product Code Mudra Dairy Loan Scheme 6531-1150.
 The loan eligibility is calculated by the rule engine based on predefined parameters. Therefore, delegation of
financial power will not apply to this product at the Branch level while processing the loan in YONO Branch assist
Asset Backed Agri Loan (ABAL)
Purpose To provide hassle free finance to farmers for:
 Traditional and modern farm activities.
 Agri related and Allied Agri activities including emerging and High-Tech Agri activities in


meeting Production Credit (Including lease rentals payable to university/ Government/ Private
Institution’s land used for cultivation for a period of at least one year) and
 Investment Credit.
 Corporate Farming.
 Contract Farming.
Product Desc. Facility Activity Loan Amount Repayment IRAC Norms
MC-OD-ABAL- OD Agri Min: Rs. 3 Lakhs Yearly. Limit Expiry Date +Crop
AGRI Max: Below Rs. 50 Lakhs Period (18m/24m)
MC-OD-ABAL- OD Allied Min: Rs. 3 Lakhs Quarterly. Date of Irregularity + 90
ALLIED Max: Below Rs. 50 Lakhs Days
MC-ABAL- Dropline Allied Min: Rs. 3 Lakhs Quarterly Date of Irregularity + 90
ALLIED-DROP OD Max: Up to Rs. 200 Lakhs Days
MC-TL-ABAL- TL Agri Min: Rs. 3 Lakhs Yearly. Date of Irregularity + Crop
AGRI Max: Up to Rs. 200 Lakhs Period
MC-TL-ABAL- TL Allied Min: Rs. 3 Lakhs Quarterly. Date of Irregularity + 90
ALLIED Max: Up to Rs. 200 Lakhs Days
Quantum of Loan For Variant A - ABAL OD - Agri: Limit assessed is subject to the following three parameters and
whichever is less:
1. Limit Assessment will be purely on crop acreage, cropping pattern and Scale of Finance (SoF)
2. 65% of the realizable value of SARFAESI Compliant property being mortgaged.
3. 5 Times of Annual Farm Income and/or Non-Farm Income from all verifiable documentary

For Variant B - ABAL OD - Allied: Limit assessed is subject to the following four parameters
and whichever is less:
1. Limit Assessment will be based on Project Cost with suitable margins and/or working capital
requirement of the unit.
2. 65% of the realizable value of SARFAESI Compliant property being mortgaged.
3. 5 Times of Annual Farm Income and/or Non-Farm Income from all verifiable documentary

For Variant C - ABAL Dropline OD - Allied: Limit assessed is subject to the following three
parameters and whichever is less:
1. Investment Credit based on Project Cost with suitable margin as per product norms
2. 65% of the realizable value of SARFAESI Compliant property being mortgaged.
3. 5 Times of Annual Farm Income and/or Non-Farm Income from all verifiable documentary

For Variant D – TL ABAL - Agri: Loan assessed is subject to the following three parameters and
whichever is less:
1. Investment Credit based on Project Cost with suitable margin as per product norms.
2. 65% of the realizable value of SARFAESI Compliant property being mortgaged.
3. 5 Times of Annual Farm Income and/or Non-Farm Income from all verifiable documentary

For Variant E – TL ABAL - Allied: Loan assessed is subject to the following three parameters
and whichever is less:
1. Investment Credit based on Project Cost with suitable margin as per product norms.


2. 65% of the realizable value of SARFAESI Compliant property being mortgaged.

3. 5 Times of Annual Farm Income and/or Non-Farm Income from all verifiable documentary
Margin 15-25%
Interest rate One Year MCLR (floating) + 2.00% p.a. with Yearly Reset.
For loans below Rs. 50 lakhs - One Year MCLR (floating) + 2.00% p.a.
For loans of Rs. 50 lakhs and above - CRA Based pricing.
Renewal/ Review I. Running OD – Agri:
 Limit shall be valid for 12 months.
 Interest application shall be Yearly.
 For Renewal – Review/Renew Application and relevant documents to be obtained from
borrower with requisite information.
 Conditions stipulated for Review of RKCC are applicable:

The renewal condition is as under:

a) If the Account is Renewed Before or On the Limit Expiry Date:
If the outstanding is in Debit (even if within or more than the limit) as on the date of renewal: the
account shall be reviewed/renewed if the credit summations from the last sanction date to till
date are equal to or more than the maximum outstanding in the account from the last sanction
date to till date as on the date of renewal.
Further, if the outstanding is in Zero or Credit as on the date of renewal: Renewal will be allowed.

b) If the Account is Renewed after Limit Expiry Date (i.e. Renewal Of Expired Accounts):
If the outstanding is in Debit (even if within or more than the limit) as on the date of renewal:
The account cannot be renewed.
If the outstanding is zero or credit balance as on the date of renewal: Renewal will be allowed.

II. Running OD – Allied:

 Limit shall be valid for 72 months. Account to be closed concurrently (by 72 nd month).
 Quarterly Interest Application and its servicing is mandatory.

III. Dropline OD – Allied

 Limit Validity – 72 months.
 Quarterly Limit Reduction
 Outstanding should be below DP.

 Term – 72 months. Account to be closed concurrently (by 72 nd month).
 Repayment –Equated Yearly Instalments (EYI) .
 Yearly Review –Through System.

 Term – 72 months. Account to be closed concurrently (by 72 nd month).
 Repayment –Equated Quarterly Instalments (EQI) .
 Yearly Review –Through System.

All accounts with term above 12 months, shall be mandatorily reviewed annually
Security Primary: Hypothecation of standing/ future crops and assets created out of bank loan.
Collateral: SARFAESI Compliant Immovable property.
 No second Charge or Pari-Passu charge will be extended for other Bank/FI (exclusive charge of
our Bank).
 Property mortgaged needs to be within a radius of 25 km from the Branch, wherein loan is


availed. (Controlling Authority may decide going beyond 25 Km on case-to-case basis. The
reasons to be mentioned in the appraisal note).
 Mandatory: Search Report from CERSAI Portal ( documenting evidence that
the property offered to be mortgaged is free from encumbrance.
Valuation of Fresh valuation of property has to be carried out every 3 years and any shortfall has to be
property topped up.
Inspection Half yearly
Penal Interest 1% p.a. over and above the rate of interest on the balance outstanding if overdue for more than:
 1 Crop season from the date of default for all Agri activities.
 30 days from date of default for Allied and Ancillary activities.
Credit Scoring  For loans below Rs. 50 lakhs: Credit Scoring Model pertaining to the activity (Agri/Allied)
Models undertaken by unit/borrower is applicable.
 For Loans of Rs.50 lakhs and above: Internal Credit Rating wherever applicable and the
applicable CRA Model is Non-Trade Simplified Model.
 Hurdle rate: SB-10 has been prescribed as hurdle rate under internal risk rating models for
considering new connections.
Third Party  Personal Guarantee from the Promoters/Partners of the Unit.
Guarantee  Personal Guarantee of the owner of the Collateral Security offered for Mortgage/Pledge.
Verification of end  Up to Rs. 10.00 lakh loan limit, self-declaration from the borrower can be accepted without
use insisting for the bills / vouchers.
 Above Rs. 10.00 lakh loan limit, self-declaration up to Rs. 20% of the loan limit can be
taken from the borrower wherever they are not able to produce hills /vouchers due to cash
purchases / payment of labour wages etc. and the remaining limit, branches to ensure end use of
funds by verification of assets and collection of invoices/cash receipts within one month from the
date of disbursement of the funds.
TAT 14 days from the date of submission of all required documents/papers.
Other  Minimum gap of 6 months between two ITRs.
 Maximum of 2 (two) co-borrowers including Guarantor would be allowed in a Loan Proposal.
Produce Marketing Loan (PML)
Facility Demand Loan
Minimum limit Rs. 1 lakh
Maximum Limit a. e-NWRs issued by WDRA-registered warehouses Rs. 75 lakh per borrower
b. WHRs issued by Approved Collateral Managers Rs. 50 lakh per borrower
c. WHRs issued by CWC/CWC managed godowns non- registered
with WDRA.
Scoring Model For Loans above 25 lakh to 50 lakh, a Simplified Scoring Model has been developed to replace
CRA Rating under PML Scheme.
Margin Category of godown Margin
a. e-NWRs issued by WDRA-registered warehouses 25%
b. WHRs issued by Approved Collateral Managers 25%
c. WHRs issued by CWC/CWC managed godowns non- registered with 40%
Security Primary: PML will primarily be secured by hypothecation/pledge of e-NWR / Warehouse Receipts
issued by WDRA registered warehouses / Collaterally Managed go downs / SWC / CWC go down
/ cold storages

a. e-NWRs issued by WDRA-registered warehouses Waived
b. WHRs issued by Approved Collateral Managers Waived
c. WHRs issued by CWC/CWC managed godowns non- a. Waived upto 10.00 lakh.
registered with WDRA. b. If above Rs. 10.00 lakh, mortgage of
Agri land.


Repayment 12 months
Financing Joint Liability Groups (JLGS)
Objectives  Credit to tenant farmers and small farmers who do not have proper title of their land holding
through formation and financing of JLGs.
 An informal group compromising preferably 4 to 10 individuals (may be considered upto 20)
engaged in similar economic activity like crop production, coming together for purpose of
availing bank loan either singly or through group mechanism against mutual guarantee.
Who can form JLGs can be formed by NABARD, Bank Branches, NGOs, Farmers’ Clubs, Farmers Associations,
JLG Panchayat Raj Institutiions, Krishi Vikas Kendras, State Agricutlure Universities, Agriculture
Technology Management Agency, PACs, other Cooperatives, Govt Departments, Individuals,
Input Dealers/MFIs.
Incentive for NABARD will provide grant assistance to Banks for formation, nurturing & financing of new JLGs
promotion @ Rs.2,000 per JLG
JLG Models for  Model A- Financing individuals in the JLG.
financing  Model B- Financing the JLG as a Group.
Production and KCC/ATL
investment credit
Amount of Loan Rs.50,000 per individual under both models
Margin Nil
Tractor Loan Scheme (TLS)
Eligibility Applicant should possess a minimum land holding of 2.00 acres. Farmer or group of farmers, i.e.,
JLG/SHG, Institutions or organizations having regular income from farm activity or custom hiring of
Quantum of The total cost of tractor & cost of accessories including insurance and registration charges less margin.
Finance Minimum: Rs. 2.00 lakh
Maximum: Rs. 25.00 lakh
Margin  25% of the cost of tractor & accessories Including insurance and registration charges.
 In case of proposals where applicant score between 40 and 59 under Risk Scoring Model, if proposal
is sanctioned under ‘credit enhancement’, margin should be minimum 30% of loan amount.
Security:  Hypothecation of Tractor & accessories purchased out of Bank’s finance. Gold ornaments or any
(Primary / liquid securities (Value of these securities after netting Bank’s prescribed margin should be equal to
Collateral) sanctioned loan amount). (or)
 Registered / equitable mortgage of land belonging to the applicant for value not less than 100% of
the loan amount (or)
 Third Party guarantee good for the amount involved if the score is 71 or above.
 In case of proposals where applicant score between 40 and 59 under Risk Scoring Model, if proposal
is sanctioned under ‘credit enhancement’, collateral value should be minimum 150% of loan amount.
Upfront fees Above 2 lacs, 1.40 % of loan amount +GST
Insurance Tractor, accessories and implements purchased out of Banks finance have to be comprehensively
insured for the full cost till the loan is repaid in full.
Facility Agricultural Term Loan (ATL)
Repayment Maximum repayment in 60 months. EMI in half yearly instalments.
Credit Score  Good loan-Clear sanction = Above 60%
 Application to be referred to next higher authority = 40-60 %
 Bad loans-Decline = Less than 40%
Tractor Loan Under Tie-Up (TLT)
Purpose To meet the cost of purchase of Tractor (including insurance + registration charges)
Eligibility  Min land holding of 2 acres.
 Any individual / joint borrowers who are owner cultivators are eligible for finance.
 They should have sufficient and regular income either from own farm activity or custom hiring
incomes from the tractor and its accessories proposed to be purchased.


 Only applicants from the list of relatives as specified by the bank may become as co applicants.
 Cap on income from custom hiring should not exceed 50% of the repayment obligations while
calculating eligibility.
 Minimum CIBIL score - above 650 or No credit history with No default / overdue appearing in
CIC/CIBIL report. In case of ‘No credit history’ proper due diligence to be ensured.
 Only applications received directly from Tractor dealers of OEM (Original Equipment
Manufacturer)which are under Tie up with Bank will be processed and sanctioned in this scheme.
Facility Agricultural Term Loan (ATL)
Quantum of loan Min loan : Rs. 1 Lakh
Max loan : Rs. 10 Lakh
Repayment 5 years in 10 half-yearly installments
Moratorium 1st Instalment will be due after 6 months from the date of disbursement.
Margin  20% the total cost of the tractor including insurance and registration charges.
 Cost of company manufactured accessories not to be included.
 In case of proposals where applicant score between 40 and 59 under Risk Scoring Model, if
proposal is sanctioned under ‘credit enhancement’, margin will be 30%.
Corporate Tie up Loan is sanctioned under Corporate Tie-up with Tractor manufacturer’s FLDG (First Loss Default
Guarantee) of minimum 2% from the Corporate.
Security Primary: Hypothecation
For Loan Limit up to 1.60 Lakhs: Nil
For loan limit above Rs 1.60 Lakhs:
 Gold Ornaments (The value of gold ornaments should be minimum 100% of sanctioned loan
 any other approved liquid security (Sovereign Gold Bond, National Saving Certificate, Shares of
listed companies, Units of approved Mutual Fund schemes by Bank and Bank’s fixed deposit.
Value of these securities after netting Bank’s prescribed margin should be equal to sanctioned
loan amount).
 Equitable / Registered mortgage of land belongs to applicant.
 The value of land not less than 100% of the sanctioned loan amount.
 In respect of proposals with score of 71 or above, Third Party Guarantee (acceptable to the
Bank) maybe accepted in place of collaterals.
 In case of proposals where applicant score between 40 and 59 under Risk Scoring Model, if
proposal is sanctioned under ‘credit enhancement’, collateral value should be minimum 150% of
loan amount.
Credit Scoring above 60% Clear sanction
Model 40% to60% enhancement (taking additional security /increase in margin) or
Application be submitted to next higher authority for sanction.
Less than40% Decline
DSCR 1.5 : 1
Up-front Fee  Up to Rs 2.00 Lakhs-NIL
 Above Rs 2.00 Lakhs 1.40% + GST
Margin 20% of cost of tractor (Invoice + Insurance+ Registration)
Interest Rate One Year MCLR+ 3.25%.
Penal interest 1% p.a. will be charged on the irregular period on the irregular amount by system.
TAT 2 days
Financing Power Tillers
Eligibility  Farmers or a group of not more than three farmers owning one acre of perennially irrigated
land (contiguous /nearby) or corresponding acreage of semi irrigated /dry land prescribed in the


Land Ceiling Act are eligible for availing power tiller loans under the scheme.
 Farmers owning lesser acreage than that as prescribed above, also become eligible for availing
power tiller loans provided DSCR works out to 1.75 and above.
 If earning from custom hiring is considered, then it should be arrived at from the data built up
by the branches on the average custom hiring earnings by power tiller already financed by the
branch in the past.
 The farmers are adopting intensive cultivation practices..
Purpose  To meet the cost of purchase of Power Tiller along with accessories
 Loan should be made available for purchase of new Power Tiller only.
Project cost  Minimum: Rs. 5,000.00
 Maximum: Rs. 5,00,000.00
Quantum of loan 80% of Total cost of the power Tiller (including insurance)along with accessories.
Facility Agriculture Term Loan
Interest rate One Year MCLR+2.75%
Repayment 5 years in 10 Half yearly installments including grace/gestation period
Margin  20% of Cost of Power Tiller including Insurance) + cost of accessories.
 In case of proposals where applicant score between 40 and 59 under Risk Scoring Model, if
proposal is sanctioned under ‘credit enhancement’, margin will be 30%.
DSCR 1.75 :1
Upfront Fee Up to Rs 2.00 Lakhs-NIL
Above Rs 2.00 Lakhs- 1.40%+GST
Penal interest 2% Per annum above the normal interest rate for the overdue period.
Security Primary: Hypothecation of Power Tiller and accessories

a) For loan Limit, up to Rs 1.60 Lakhs: NIL
b) For loan Limit above Rs 1.60 Lakhs:
 Equitable/Registered mortgage of land belongs to applicant. The realizable value of land not
less than 100% of the loan amount
 Third-Party guarantee, good for the amount involved.
 Any other approved liquid security (Sovereign Gold Bond, National Saving Certificate, Shares
of listed companies, Units of approved Mutual Fund schemes by Bank and Bank’s fixed deposit.
Value of these securities after netting Bank’s prescribed margin should be equal to sanctioned
loan amount).
 In case of proposals where applicant score between 40 and 59 under Risk Scoring Model, if
proposal is sanctioned under ‘credit enhancement’, collateral values should be minimum150%
of loan amount.
Inspection Quarterly
RSM Score Good Loans - Clear Sanction Above 60%
Sanction may be considered 40% – 60%
a) After credit enhancement (additional security / increased margin) or
b) Application be submitted to next higher authority for sanction.
Bad Loans – Decline Less than 40%
Other  Branches should ensure by verifying the RC book within a period of 30 days from the date of
disbursement of the loan or reported delivery of the power Tiller, that the registration of the
power Tiller is done in the borrower’s name and
 Bank’s lien noted therein is only as a “Hypothecate” and not as joint owner.
 Failure to get the vehicle registered within one month from the date of delivery attracts
penal interest rate of 2% for the period of default of the borrower.
TAT 7 days


Financing Combine Harvesters

Eligibility Min acreage of 3 acres of irrigated land for individual borrower and 5 acres of irrigated land for
joint borrowers. (Dry land 15 acres).
Quantum of loan Minimum: Rs. 5,00,000.00
Maximum: Rs. 35,00,000.00
Facility Agriculture Term Loan
Margin 20% of project cost excluding insurance and registration charges
30% if credit score is between 40 and 59.
DSCR 1.50 :1
Security Primary: Hypothecation of the combine harvester and accessories

Collateral/Third Party
For loan limit up to Rs. 10 lakhs: No collateral or TPG is required.

For loans above Rs.10,00,000/-:

a) Primary: Hypothecation of Combine harvester purchased out of Bank's finance.
b) Collateral: Mortgage of land / buildings as applicable to Agricultural Term Loans and
applicable to other farm mechanization loans (OR) any other approved liquid security like
Sovereign gold bond, NSCs, Bank's own term deposits. Value of these securities after netting
banks margin should be equal to sanctioned loan amount. (OR)
 If the score is 71 or above, third party guarantee may be accepted in place of collateral
 If the score is between 40 and 59, collateral value should be minimum 150% of the loan
Repayment Repayable in maximum 6 years. 12 half yearly principally equated distributed instalment with
interest. Interest applicable on half yearly interval.
Credit Scoring  Above 60 % = Good Loans, can be sanctioned
Model  40 to 60 = may be considered after credit enhancements or to be referred to next higher
 Less than 40 = Bad loans-Decline.
Interest rate One Year MCLR+ 3.50%.
Up-front Fee Processing fee of 0.50% + GST on loan amount
TAT 4 days
Agriculture Marketing Infrastructure (AMI)
Eligible Individuals, Group of farmers/ growers, Registered Farmer Producer Organizations, Partnership/
beneficiaries Proprietorship firms, Companies, NGOs, SHGs, Cooperatives, Cooperative Marketing Federations,
Autonomous Bodies of the Govt, Local Bodies (Excluding Municipal Corporations for storage
infrastructure projects), Panchayats, State Agencies including State Govt Deptt.
Promoter’s  Margin min. 20% of Total Financial Outlay (TFO)
contribution  If <20%, TFO assumed as 5 times margin
 Min TL 50% of TFO (including subsidy)
 Margin = 20-50%
Credit Scoring  Above 60 = Good Loans, can be sanctioned
Model  40 to 60 = may be considered after credit enhancements or to be referred to next higher
 Below 40 = Should not be considered for sanction.
DSCR Indicative benchmark: 2:1 Gross DSCR: 1.75:1
Loan Tenor 10 years including moratorium period of 12 months.
Security Primary:
 Land based storage infrastructure: Equitable mortgage
 Other machines and equipments : Pledge/Hypothecation of Machinery/Equipments


Collateral Security
 Personal Guarantee of the borrowers, Proprietor, Partners Obtention/Waiver of collateral
security at discretion of the sanctioning authority as per loan policy 2018-19.
 Charge on other assets, wherever offered
Financing Cold Storage
Objectives To promote setting up of cold storage and reducing post harvest losses.
Eligible Individuals / Farmers, Group Farmers / Growers, Companies, NGOs, Partnership / Proprietary
organisations Firms, Corporations, Co-operative Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees, Marketing Boards
/ Committees and Agricultural Industries Corporations
Project Cost Financial assistance should be made available on the capital cost of the cold storage only. The
project cost will of course depend upon the capacity; technology used for the cold storage(s) and
has to be arrived at, on the basis of actual/estimates of architects / invoice prices of machineries
Loan amount Term loan from bank should be at least 15% more than the admissible rate of subsidy.
Margin Minimum 25% of the project cost. The purchase value of land only (if purchased for the project)
subject to a maximum of 10% of the project cost can be reckoned towards margin contribution of
the borrower(s) /enterprise.
Repayment 8 years inclusive of grace period maximum of 2 years; instalments are fixed depending on the
Subsidy The assistance will be given as subsidy @ 35% of the capital cost of project in general areas and
50% in case of NE, Hilly & Scheduled Areas, for a storage capacity above 5000 MT upto 10000MT.
Subsidy The subsidy released by NHB to Bank shall be kept in the separate account-Subsidy Reserve Fund.
administration The adjustment of subsidy in term loan account shall be made only as back-ended subsidy
(towards last instalments) which should not be prior to 36months period from the date of release
of Term Loan. Accordingly, the full project cost including the subsidy amount but excluding the
margin money contribution from the beneficiary would be disbursed as loan by the banks.
Interest should not be charged to the subsidy portion from the date subsidy is received by the
ATL Construction of Cold Storage/ Warehouse Scheme
Eligibility Individuals, Group of farmers/ growers, Partnership/ Proprietary firms, Companies, Corporations,
NGOs, SHGs, Co-operatives.
Purpose For creation of storage infrastructure viz., godowns, dry
warehouses, cold storages, cold chains, silos and market yards.
Loan limit Minimum Loan: Rs. 1.00 Lakhs
Maximum Loan: Rs. 50.00 Crs.
(The proposals above Rs. 50.00 Crs. will be done under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF)).
Facility Agri Term loan
Margin Minimum 25%
Interest rate a) For loan limit up to Rs. 50 Lakhs: 1-year MCLR+200 bps.
b) For loan limit above Rs. 50 Lakhs:
Unit with CRA rating of SB-1 to SB-5: 1-year MCLR + 150 bps.
Unit with CRA rating of SB-6 to SB-10: 1-year MCLR + 200 bps.
Security a) Primary: Mortgage of Land & Building, Hypothecation of Asset created out of Bank finance.

b) Collateral:
 For loans up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs: No collateral required. To be covered under PM MUDRA Yojana
mandatorily, if they are not being covered under the scheme for Capital Subsidy.
 For Other Categories:
 Loans up to Rs. 1.60 lakhs: NIL
 For Loan above Rs. 1.60 Lakhs: Minimum 25% of the loan amount.
Circle CGM may permit waiver of collateral security on case to case to basis. The waiver of collateral
security should be properly recorded in the appraisal.


Third Party Personal Guarantee from the Promoters/ Partners/ Directors of the Unit. Personal Guarantee of the
Guarantee owner of the Collateral Security offered for Mortgage
Repayment Equated Half yearly installments (EHI).
Moratorium Maximum 24 Month
Term 120 months including moratorium
IRAC Norms 90 days’ delinquency norms
Scoring a) For loan up to Rs. 50 lakhs: Applicable for Other Investment Credits below Rs. 50.00 Lakhs to be
Model used.
b) For loan of Rs. 50 lakhs and above: Applicable CRA Model to be used.
TAT 15 days from the date of submission of all the required documents/ papers
LOS usage  Loan limit up to Rs. 5.00 crs: Agri LOS is mandatory for sourcing, appraisal, sanction, control and
documentation to enhance the process flow.
 Loan limit above Rs. 5.00 crs: The proposal shall be processed in LLMS.
Financing Polyhouse
Eligibility a) Entities having land ownership in their name or leasehold basis for a remaining lease period of
15 years.
b) Individual/ group of progressive farmers/Producer companies/ JLGs/SHGs engaged in
c) Having assured irrigation facilities
d) They should be reasonably skilled to undertake this activity or have skilled manpower.
e) The location of the farm should be conducive for marketing of the produce.
f) They should have some tie-up arrangement for marketing of the produce
Purpose  Term loan to meet the cost of construction of house and purchase of machinery/equipment
needed. Project cost will be based on the rates prescribed by NHB/ other approved agency from
time to time.
 ACC/KCC to meet the cultivation of vegetables/flowers.
Loan Facility ATL
Project cost Minimum size of the unit would be 1000 sq m
Quantum of loan Project cost minus margin ATL: 85% of the project cost
 Minimum loan: Rs. 5,000/-
 Maximum loan: Rs. 50 Crore
Margin ATL: 15% of the project cost.
Repayment Maximum period of 72 months, inclusive of start-up period of 3-12 months
Rate of Interest 200 bps above One Year MCLR (floating)
Security Primary: Hypothecation of crops and polyhouse including all machinery/equipment & other
assets created out of Banks finance.
Up to Rs 1.60 lakh :Nil
Above Rs 1.60 lakh:
 Equitable Mortgage of SARFAESI COMPLIANT Immovable property for value not less than
100% of the loan amount by way of first charge pertaining to the individual /
proprietor/partners/their near relatives etc. In-addition to the land on which the activity will be
undertaken must be mortgaged.
 No second charge or Pari-passu charge will be extended for other bank/FI.
 Property mortgaged needs to be within a radius of 25 km from the branch, wherein loan is
availed. (Controlling authority may decide going beyond 25 km on case to case basis)
Physical gold/NSC/KVP/LIC Policies/Banks FD belonging to the applicant or the guarantor can
be accepted.
DSCR Minimum: 1:1.75
Credit Scoring  Above 60% = Good loans Clear sanction
Model  40% to 60% = Application to be reported to next higher authority
 Less than 40% = Bad loans Decline


Processing Term Loan Up to Rs 2.00 lakhs Nil

charges Term Loans above Rs 2.00 Lakhs (other than Micro Units)
a) CRA SB 1 to SB 4/ CUE 1 to 4 0.90% of the Loan Amount
CRA SB 5 to SB 7/ CUE 5 to 7 1.10% of the Loan Amount
CRA SB 8 to SB 10 / CUE 8 to 10 1.30% of the Loan Amount
CRA SB 11 and below and unrated/ CUE 11 and below 1.40% of loan amount
Inspection charges Upto Rs 25,000 Nil
Rs 25,001 – Rs 2 lacs Rs 600 + GST
Above Rs 2 lacs- Rs Rs. 275/- per lac p.a. plus GST. Min. Rs. 600 + GST p.a. Max. Rs. 15000 p.a.
1 Cr. plus GST
Above Rs.1 crore up Rs. 110/- per lac p.a. plus GST. Min. Rs. 15000 p.a. plus GST.
to Rs. 5 crore Maximum Rs. 25000 p.a. plus GST.
Capital Subsidy a. Subsidy by National Horticulture Mission / State Government provide capital subsidy for
establishing the poly house
b. Percentage of subsidy varies from State to State.
Penal interest 2% p. a. above the normal interest rate for the overdue period.
TAT 7 days
Agri Clinic & Agri Business Centres Scheme (ACABC Scheme)
Purpose To provide self employment opportunities to technically trained persons
Eligibility  The scheme is open to following categories of candidates of age group of 18 to 60 years.
 Graduates in agriculture and allied subjects from State Agricultural Universities/ Central
Agricultural Universities/ Universities recognized by ICAR/ UGC. Degree holders in Agriculture
and Allied subjects offered by other agencies are also eligible subject to approval of Department
of Agriculture & Co-operation, Government of India on recommendation of the State
 Diploma (with at least 50% marks)/ Post Graduate Diploma holders in Agriculture and allied
subjects from State Agricultural Universities, State Agriculture and Allied Departments and State
Department of Technical Education.
 Biological Science Graduates with Post Graduation in Agriculture & Allied subjects.
 Degree courses recognized by UGC having more than 60 percent of the course content in
Agriculture and Allied subjects.
 Diploma/ Post-graduate Diploma courses with more than 60 percent of course content in
Agriculture and allied subjects, after B.Sc. with Biological Sciences, from recognized Colleges and
 Agriculture related courses at intermediate (i.e., plus two) level, with at least 55% marks.
Loan Limit  Minimum Loan: Rs. 25,000/-
 Maximum Loan: Rs. 2.00 Crores
Facility Ag. Term Loan
Margin  Up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs – NIL
 For loans above Rs. 5.00 lakhs up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs – Min: 10% of the project cost.
 For loan above Rs. 10.00 lakhs – 25% of the project cost.
Term Maximum up to 10 Years (inclusive of the moratorium).
Repayment EMI
Moratorium Maximum 24 Months
Interest rate  Loans below Rs. 50.00 lakhs: One-year MCLR + 200 BPS.
 Loans of Rs. 50.00 lakhs and above: CRA based pricing.
Scoring Model  Term loan up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs: Standard Mudra Scoring Model can be used.
 Term loan above Rs. 10.00 lakhs and below Rs. 50.00 lakhs: Credit Scoring Model
applicable to other loans (Investment Credit) to be used.
 Exposure from Rs. 50.00 lakhs to Rs. 2.00 Crs.: CRA – Simplified.
Security 15 Primary: - Hypothecation of assets created out of Bank Finance.
Mortgage of Land & Building (wherever applicable).


b) Collateral: -
For loans up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs: No collateral required. To be covered under PMMUDRA
For loans up to Rs. 1.00 Crore: No Collateral required for all Proposals eligible Under Stand-
Up India Scheme.

Above Rs. 10.00 lakhs Other Category: - Mortgage of SARFAESI complaint immovable
property for value not less than 50% of the loan amount by way of first charge pertaining to
individual/ proprietor/ partners/ their near relatives.
Mortgage of agriculture land for value not less than 75% of the loan amount by way of first
charge pertaining to individual/ proprietor/ partners/ their near relatives.
National Saving Certificates/ KVPS/ LIC Policies/ Banks Fixed Deposits belonging to the applicant,
or the guarantor can be accepted. The value of which should not be less than 50% of the loan
NSC, KVP – 60% of face value plus accrued interest.
LIC Policy – 95% of surrender value.
FDR – 90% of principal plus accrued interest.
No Second Charge or Pari-Passu charge will be extended for other Bank/ FI.
TAT 15 days from the date of submission of all the required documents/ papers
Project Cost Category Ceiling of project cost for subsidy
Ceiling for subsidy Individual project Rs. 20.00 lakhs
Extremely successful Individual Projects Rs. 25.00 lakhs
Group project (Established by a group comprising Rs. 100.00 lakhs
at least 5 trained persons under the scheme)
Subsidy will be back-ended in nature.
 44% of project cost for women, SC/ST & all categories of candidates from North-Eastren & Hill states, and
 36% of project cost for all others.
Financing Organic Farming
Eligibility  All individual farmers i.e., our existing borrowers and creditworthy new borrowers.
 JLGs engaged in crop production activity.
The prospective borrower(s) shall own individually or collectively min. 4 acres of irrigated land /
10 acres of dry (rain fed) land.
Classification Direct Agriculture
Quantum of Loan As per ATL and KCC
DSCR 1.75
Margin 20% of the project cost – own contribution or subsidy received.
Gestation Period 3 years
Repayment 9 years including 3 years gestation period.
The accumulated simple interest during the gestation period will be recovered after harvest of
first Organic Crop i.e. during 4th year (and 5th year, if need be). The principal amount along with
interest will be recovered in half yearly / yearly installments thereafter.
Subsidy  From National Horticulture Mission (NHM): @ Rs. 10,000/- per hectare subject to a limit of 4
hectares per beneficiary.
 For Organic Cultivation of vegetables, maximum assistance is given at Rs. 10,000/- per hectare.
The NHM also provides financial assistance up to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs for a group of
farmers covering an area of 50 hectares, duly recommended by State Government on a case to
case basis for certification of organic process / produce.
Rate of Interest Card Rate
Security Primary: Hypothecation of assets created & crops to be raised
Individual Farmers Collateral: Mortgage of land OR any other readily realizable liquid/ immovable security of


adequate value.
Security Group Primary: Hypothecation of assets created and crops to be raised
Farmers (JLGs) Collateral: -Nil- (Mutual Guarantees offered by the JLG members to be obtained)
Scheme for Debt Swapping of Borrowers
Purpose To extend finance to farmers for paying off loans taken from non institutional lenders
Eligibility All existing farmer borrowers as well as other farmers in the operational area of the branch.
Classification Agriculture Term Loan (Farm Credit under Priority Sector norms).
Quantum of loan The loan granted shall be 100% if the debt is on account of cultivation or agri activity or Rs.1
Lakh whichever is lower
Minimum: Rs 5,000/- and Maximum: Rs 1,00,000/-
Repayment 60 months, Equated Half yearly installments
Interest Rate 360 bps above 1-year MCLR
DSCR 1.75
Sanctioning Branch Manager/Division Manager
Disbursement to the money lenders
Security All the existing security available with us both primary & collateral should be extended to cover
the loan. Collateral security by mortgage of agriculture property.
Financing Solar Photo Voltaic Pump Set
Purpose Purchase of Solar Photo Voltaic Pump set along with accessories.
Eligibility Individuals, group of individuals, SHGs, JLGs, NGOs, Farmer’s Clubs and Farmers Produces
 Farmer Producer companies are eligible to receive subsidy under the scheme.
 Bulk loaning by branches to Dairy Cooperative Societies is also eligible for subsidy provided
banks provided information to NABARD as stipulated under the scheme.
 Solar Pump-sets used for all purposes relating to agricultural allied activities like diary, poultry
etc. as also for manufacturing of salt.
 Solar pump-sets of Drinking water societies is allowed for subsidy.
 Private/ Public Limited Companies/ Corporate are not eligible
 Minimum age: 18 years
Loan Amount Minimum: No ceiling
Maximum: No ceiling

80% of the total cost of the project may be sanctioned as Bank Loan.
Margin 20%
Security Loan above Rs.1.60Lakh
 Hypothecation of Solar Photovoltaic Pumping system for irrigation equipment along with
accessories/attachments purchased with the bank loan.
 Hypothecation of crops grown /to be grown

 Mortgage of land/building as applicable to Agricultural Term Loans and applicable to other
minor irrigation loans.
 Physical gold/ National Savings certificate/Kisan Vikasapatra/ LIC policy up to the surrender
value belonging to the applicant or the guarantor/ Fixed deposit equivalent to Bank exposure.
Facility Agricultural Term Loan
Repayment Negotiated Repayment. Repayable in 10 yearly or 20 half yearly installments including grace/
gestation period
DSCR 1.5:1
Credit Scoring  Above 60% = Good loans Clear sanction
Model  40% to 60% = Application to be reported to next higher authority


 Less than 40% = Bad loans Decline

Inspection Quarterly
TAT 7 days
Subsidy  Back ended credit linked subsidy
 Subsidy is deposited in the form of TDR with Zero interest rate and kept with the branch
 Lock in period is 3years
Financing to Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)
Eligibility Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) is a legal entity registered under State Cooperative
Societies Act or established under Section 581 (C) of the Companies Act 1956 / 2013 respectively
to reap the benefits of economies of scale / bargaining power in purchase of inputs, processing,
marketing of their produce and to access financial services. FPO is a generic term used in the
market, which also covers Farm Producer Companies (FPCs).
Quantum of loan Minimum – Rs. 1,00,000/- Maximum – Rs. 5 Crores (CC+TL limit combined)
Facility ATL, CC
Repayment Cash Credit: It is a revolving cash credit limit. Sale proceeds are to be routed through the
Term Loan: Maximum repayment period of 10 years inclusive of moratorium period up to 24
months based on nature and justification of each product.
Margin 20% of project cost, unless otherwise stipulated in the Scheme for the activity for which the loan
is being availed.
Others The FPO should be duly incorporated as one of the follows:
➢ A Producer Company registered under part IX A of the Companies Act, 1956; or
➢ A Co-operative Society under the Cooperative Societies Act of the State; or
➢ A Mutually Aided or Self-reliant Co-operative Society (as applicable in States of Bihar, Andhra
Pradesh, Jharkhand, MP, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand,Karnataka, and J&K)
➢ It should have a full-time CEO/ Chairman/ Executive to conduct affairs of the FPO. He should
be fit and proper for the post.
➢ The FPO should have a minimum equity of Rs.5 lacs for being considered for lending.
➢ The FPO should have been in operation for at least 2 years.
➢ It should have no accumulated losses of the previous years.
➢ The proposal of the FPO should be backed by appropriate resolution and borrowing powers.
➢ The FPO should ideally be rated SB10 or above for loan limit more than Rs. 50 lakhs or have
scored 75 or above for loans up to Rs.50 lakhs for which we are in process of creating a new
Scoring Model.
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Scheme
Type of facility Term Loan
Quantum of loan There is no minimum or maximum loan limit stipulated under the scheme. However, the
maximum loan quantum on which the interest subvention and credit guarantee in eligible cases
available up to loan limit of Rs. 2 Cr.
Margin a. Up to the loan limit Rs. 2 Cr : Min 10% of the project cost.
b. Above the loan limit of Rs. 2 Cr : 25% of the project cost.
Interest rate Tiered Interest Rate Structure : Up to the loan limit of Rs. 2 Cr: 6M MCLR +100 bps (floating )
subject to maximum of 9 percent for all eligible projects as per the MOU entered by the Bank
with DAC & FW, Government of India.
b. Above the loan limit of Rs. 2 Cr: Card rate. CRA based Pricing.
Subvention  Interest subvention of 3% per annum up to a loan limit of Rs. 2.00 Cr. Loan above Rs .2.00
Cr., interest subvention will be limited to loan limit of Rs. 2.00 cr. Subvention will be available for
a maximum period of seven (7) years which includes moratorium period.

 If AIF loan more than Rs 2 Crs, two separate accounts shall be opened. One with a limit of Rs 2
Crs and other for remaining portion of the loan.
Security Primary Security:


a. Hypothecation of machinery, equipment, etc

b. Mortgage of Land.
Obtaining land as primary security is applicable where the project involves constructions of
projects on land.

Collateral Security:
Mortgage of Immovable property (compliant under SARFAESI Act ) belonging to the unit (
promoter /partner /director ) or their near relatives. Near relatives will cover Father, Mother,
Spouse, Son, Daughter , real Brother & real Sister.
Further, security which will be provided as collateral should not be linked with other loan /
Property mortgaged needs to be within a radius of 25 km from the branch, wherein account is
maintained (sanctioning authority may decide going beyond 25 km on case to case basis).

a. SHGs ( Self Help Groups) - Up to loan limit of Rs. 10 lakh : NIL.

- Above loan limit of Rs. 10 lakh and up to Rs. 1 Cr: Minimum collateral:50% of credit exposure .
- Above Loan limit of Rs. 1 Cr : Collateral Security norms linked to CRA of the entity.

b. JLGs ( Joint Liability Groups) - Above loan limit of Rs.1.6 lakh to Rs. 1.00 Cr : 50%.
- Above Loan limit of Rs. 1 Cr.: linked to CRA.

c. PACS/Marketing Coop Societies , Multipurpose Coop Societies, Agri entrepreneurs,

Start-ups and Central/Start-ups and Central /State agency or Local Body sponsored Public
Private Partnerships
- Up to loan limit of Rs. 1.6 lakh : NIL.
- Above loan limit of Rs.1.6 lakh to Rs. 1.00 Cr : 50% of credit exposure.
- Above loan limit of Rs. 1 Cr. linked to CRA.

d. FPOs / FPCs: Where credit guarantee from SFAC is available.

Up to loan limit of Rs. 1 Cr : NIL.
Above the loan limit of Rs. 1 Cr.: linked to CRA.
Valuation Fresh valuation of property to be carried out every 3 years and any shortfall has to be topped
Moratorium Min: six months and maximum two years from the date of disbursement. Subvention will be
available for a maximum period of seven (7) years which includes moratorium period.
Assessment of the a. For Term loan up to Rs. 50 lakh: with Scoring Model.
credit limits b. For Term Loan above Rs.50 lakhs to Rs. 5Cr: with CRA
End use of funds 1. End use of funds to be ensured immediately upon disbursement of loan, through inspection /
verification of purchase bills, etc.
2. The project would be considered completed when the following two documents are submitted
by the entities to the Bank:
a) Completion certificate signed by an approved engineer/ registered architect.
b) Certificate signed by a Chartered Accountant.
Insurance Cover Ensure comprehensive insurance policy against all risks. The policy should be taken in the name
of the borrower with Bank’s name duly noted in Bank’s clause of the policy. Insurance premium is
borne by the Borrower.
Inspection Monthly during implementation of project / unit / activity thereafter half yearly intervals.
TAT The time limit to convey the decision on the loan application to the applicant is set for a
maximum period of 60 days from the date of application of the loan
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)
Background  MoRD, GoI launched the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) by restructuring
Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) with effect from 01st April 2013.


 NRLM was renamed as DAY-NRLM w.e.f. March 29, 2016.

 The DAY-NRLM is the flagship program of GoI for promoting poverty reduction through
building strong institutions of the poor, particularly women, and enabling these institutions to
access a range of financial services and livelihoods.
Women SHGs and  Women SHGs under DAY-NRLM consist of 10-20 members.
their federations  In case of special SHGs i.e., groups in the difficult areas, groups with disabled persons, and
groups formed in remote tribal areas, this number may be a minimum of 5 members.
Financial Revolving Fund: DAY-NRLM, MoRD, will provide Revolving Fund (RF) support as corpus ranging
Assistance to the between Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 30,000 per SHG to strengthen their institutional and financial
SHGs management capacity and build a good credit history within the group.
Capital Subsidy No capital subsidy would be sanctioned to any SHG under DAY-NRLM.
Eligibility Criteria (i) SHGs should be in active existence for at least 6 months as per their books of accounts (and
for SHGs to avail not from the date of opening of S/B account).
loans (ii) SHGs should be practicing ‘Panchasutras’ i.e., regular meetings, regular savings, regular inter-
loaning, timely repayment, and up-to-date books of accounts.
(iii) SHGs should qualify as per grading norms fixed by NABARD. As and when the federations of
the SHGs come into existence, the grading exercise may be done by the federations to support
the banks.
(iv) The existing defunct SHGs are also eligible for credit if these are revived and continue to be
active for a minimum period of three months.
Facility Term Loan (TL) or a Cash Credit Limit (CCL) or both.
CCL, banks are advised to sanction a minimum loan of Rs. 6 lakh to each eligible SHG for a
period of 3 years with a yearly drawing power (DP).
Cash Credit Year Drawing Power
First Year 6 times of the existing corpus or minimum of Rs. 1.5 lakh, whichever is higher
Second Year 8 times of the corpus at the time of review/enhancement or minimum of Rs. 3
Lakh, whichever is higher
Third Year Minimum of Rs. 6 Lakh based on the Micro Credit Plan (MCP) prepared by SHG
and appraised by the federations/ support agency and the previous credit
Fourth Year, Above Rs.6 Lakh, based on the MCP prepared by SHG and appraised by the
Onwards federations/support agency and the previous credit history.
Term Loans Dose Drawing Power
First Dose 6 times of the existing corpus or minimum of Rs. 1.5 lakh, whichever is higher
Second Dose 8 times of the existing corpus or minimum of Rs. 3 Lakh, whichever is higher
Third Dose Minimum of Rs. 6 Lakh based on the Micro Credit Plan (MCP) prepared by SHG
and appraised by the federations/ support agency and the previous credit
Fourth Dose Above Rs.6 Lakh, based on the MCP prepared by SHG and appraised by the
Onwards federations/support agency and the previous credit history.
Credit facilities to (i) To facilitate women SHG members to graduate to entrepreneurs, banks may consider
SHG members extending loans up to Rs. 10 Lakh to individual members of select matured well performing SHGs
(SHGs which are more than 2 years old and have accessed at least one dose be running a viable
economic enterprise.
Banks are advised to share data on individual loans to women SHGs members in a mutually
agreed format and periodicity with DAY-NRLM.
(ii) One woman in every SHG under DAY-NRLM may be provided a loan up to Rs. 1 lakh under
MUDRA Scheme, if she is otherwise eligible.
(iii) As per RBI’s instruction, we are advised to provide minimum OD facility of Rs. 5000 to every
woman SHG member having PMJDY account in accordance with the guidelines issued by Indian
Bank’s Association (IBA). Banks may regularly share data on OD limit to women SHG’s members
in a mutually agreed format and periodicity with DAY-NRLM.


(ii) One woman in every SHG under DAY-NRLM may be provided a loan up to Rs. 1 lakh under
MUDRA Scheme, if she is otherwise eligible.
(iii) As per RBI’s instruction, we are advised to provide minimum OD facility of Rs. 5000 to every
woman SHG member having PMJDY account in accordance with the guidelines issued by Indian
Bank’s Association (IBA). Banks may regularly share data on OD limit to women SHG’s members
in a mutually agreed format and periodicity with DAY-NRLM.
Repayment Dose Repayment Period
schedule for Term First Dose 24-36 months in monthly/quarterly instalments
Loan Second Dose 36-48 months in monthly/quarterly instalments
Third Dose 48-60 months based on the cash flow in monthly/quarterly instalments
Fourth Dose Onwards 60-84 months based on the cash flow in monthly/quarterly instalments.
Security and (i) For loans to SHGs up to Rs.10.00 lakh, no collateral and no margin will be obtained. No lien
Margin should be marked against savings bank accounts of SHGs, and no deposits should be insisted
upon while sanctioning loans.
(ii) For loans to SHGs above Rs.10 lakh and up to Rs.20 lakh, no collateral should be obtained,
and no lien should be marked against savings bank account of SHGs. However, the entire loan
(irrespective of the loan outstanding, even if it subsequently goes below Rs.10 lakh) would be
eligible for coverage under Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU).
(iii) For loan to SHGs above Rs.10 lakh and up to Rs.20 lakh, a margin not exceeding 10% of the
loan amount exceeding Rs.10 lakh may be obtained as per the bank’s approved loan policy.
PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME)
Objectives to build capability of micro enterprises
Eligible Entities Individual Micro Food Processing enterprises
Group category : FPOs / SHGs/Producer Cooperatives
Purpose Support to individual and groups of micro enterprises
One District One The Scheme adopts One District One Product (ODOP) approach to reap the benefit of scale in
Product terms of procurement of inputs, availing common services and marketing of products
Facility TL
Quantum of loan no minimum and maximum ceilings
Repayment Maximum re-payment period should not exceed 10 years from the date of first disbursement
inclusive of maximum moratorium of 6-24 months
Margin Individual Micro enterprises: The beneficiary contribution should be minimum 10% of the
project cost.
FPO / Producer Cooperative: Cooperative /FPO should have sufficient internal resources to
meet 10% of the project cost and margin money for working capital.
SHGs: The SHGs should have sufficient own funds for meeting 10% of the project cost and 20%
margin money for working capital or sanction of the same as grant from State Government.
Subsidy a. Individual Micro Enterprises: Credit linked Capital Subsidy @35% of the eligible
project cost with a maximum ceiling of 10.0 lakh per unit..
b. FPOs/SHGs/Cooperatives : Credit linked grant @35% of eligible project cost to FPOs /
SHGs/ Cooperatives for upgradation of their operations
c. Common Infrastructure Development: Credit linked grant @35% for common infrastructure
development by groups, Government agencies or private Entities.
Interest For MSME Entities: Interest subvention of 2% under the Interest Subvention Scheme for
Subvention incremental credit to MSMEs 2018 would also be available to the borrowers on the outstanding
For SHGs: Interest subvention as applicable to SHGs under NRLM (National Rural Livelihood
Mission )
Security Loans to Individuals, sole proprietorship/partnership firms except Corporate Bodies,
Institutions, SHGs, JLGs up to Rs. 10 lakhs under PMMUDRA Yojana.
Primary : Hypothecation of assets created out of from Bank finance.
Collateral: Nil


For SHGs under DAY-NRLM:

i) Primary Security: Hypothecation of Assets created out of Bank Finance.
ii) Collateral Security: No Collateral shall be obtained.
However, for loan limit above Rs.10 lakhs and upto Rs.20 lakhs, the borrower account must be
covered under CGFMU.

FOR FPOs (Including FPCs)

i)Primary Security: - Hypothecation of Assets created out of Bank Finance.
ii) Collateral Security:
No Collateral shall be obtained for loan up to Rs.2.00 Crs. Credit guarantee from NABSanrakshan
must be obtained (The guarantee is a max of 75% of the loan amount, subject to a maximum
guarantee amount of Rs. 1.50 Cr).

Unit registered as MSME unit.

i) Primary Security: Hypothecation of Assets created out of Bank Finance.
ii) Collateral Security: No Collateral shall be obtained up to Rs. 2 Cr. Eligible MSME units should
be covered under credit guarantee cover CGTMSE for MSMEs. Guarantee fee under CGTMSE
shall be paid by the borrower only.

For all other Borrower (Including SHGs, MSME FPO/FPC etc beyond the celling/limit.)
i) Primary Security: Hypothecation of Assets created out of Bank Finance.
ii) Collateral Security: Mortgage of immovable property (compliant under SARFAESI Act)
belonging to the unit (promoter /partner /director) or their near relatives, near relatives will
cover Father, Mother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, real Brother & real Sister.
Further, security which will be provided as collateral should not be linked with other loan /
liabilities. Property mortgaged needs to be within a radius of 25 KM from the branch, wherein
account is maintained (Sanctioning Authority may decide going beyond 25 KM on case-to-case
basis. CERSAI verification shall also be made on the collateral securities.
Valuation of every 3 years
End use of funds End use of funds to be ensured immediately upon disbursement of loan, through inspection /
verification of purchase bills, etc
Inspection at monthly intervals during implementation of project / unit / activity thereafter half yearly
Monitoring Follow In case of non-repayment of installments, the borrower to be contacted Immediately
PSL categorizationThe disbursements under the scheme are eligible to be categorized under PSL up to aggregate
sanctioned limit of Rs.100 Cr per borrower
Assessment of the a. For Term loan up to Rs. 50 lakh: with Scoring Model.
credit limits b. For Term Loan above Rs.50 lakh to Rs. 5Cr: with CRA
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) Allied Activities (Mudra Loans)
Eligibility Individuals, sole prop, partnership firms, except corporate, bodies, institutions, SHG, JLG
Governments engaged in “ Activities allied to Agriculture”
Classification  Shishu - Loan upto Rs. 50,000
 Kishore - Loan from 50,001 to Rs. 5 lakhs
 Tarun - Loan above Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs
Loan ceiling Minimum: Rs.50,000/-,
Maximum: Rs.10 lakhs
Repayment  TL/Dropline OD - below Rs. 5 lakhs: Max. 5 years including maximum moratorium period of
upto 6 months.
 TL/Dropline OD - from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs: Max. 7 years including maximum


moratorium period of upto 12 months.

 CC: On Demand
Margin Upto Rs. 50,000/- = Nil
Rs. 50,001/ to 10 Lakh = 10%
Processing Fees Upto Rs. 50,000/-= NIL
Rs. 50,000- Rs.10 Lakh = 0.50% of Loan amount + GST
Interest Rate One Year MCLR rate + 2.75%
Credit Guarantee  All Mudra loans to be covered under the guarantee cover of Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro
Unit s(CGFMU).
 Premium amount to be recovered from the borrower.
Credit Guarantee Annual Guarantee Fee at the rate stipulated by CGFMU (Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units)
Fee of the outstanding amount on the date of application of guarantee cover is paid by the
Corporate Centre, Mumbai in a centralized manner by debit to borrowers’ account through
trickle feed mechanism to keep the Guarantee Cover alive till the expiry date of guarantee
Primary Security  TL – Hypothecation of Plant and machinery / other assets or Mortgage of Land / Property,
created out of Bank finance.
 CC/OD – Hypothecation of all Stocks and Receivables
Collateral Security No collateral security to be obtained for all loans upto Rs. 10 lakhs
Inspection Half yearly
TAT 7 days
Scoring pattern >60% Good and can be sanctioned
40-60% Sanction may be considered
1. After Credit Enhancement or
2. After referring to the next higher authority
<40% Bad and to be decline
Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) Scheme
Eligible Entities 1. Farmer Producer Organization(FPO)
2. Private companies
3. Individual entrepreneurs
4. Section 8 companies
5. Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).
Activities 1. Dairy Processing
2. Value added dairy product manufacturing
3. Meat processing and Value addition of facilities
4. Value Added Products: Establishment of new or strengthening of existing value addition
facilities for meat products.
Facility TL
Quantum of loan No minimum or maximum loan ceiling is stipulated.
Margin money/ The project under the AHIDF shall be eligible for loan up to 90% of the estimated/ actual project
beneficiary cost from the Scheduled Bank based on submission of viable projects by eligible beneficiaries.
contribution The beneficiary contribution in case of Micro and Small units as per MSME defined ceiling could
be 10% while in case of Medium Enterprises as per defined MSME ceiling, beneficiary
contribution could go up to 15%. The beneficiary contribution in other categories of enterprises
could go up to 25%.
Repayment Maximum re-payment period should not exceed 10 years from the date of first disbursement
inclusive of moratorium of 2 years on repayment of principal.
Submission of The EE will submit the proposal with complete DPR through “Udyami Mitra” Portal developed by
Project Proposal Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
Interest rate For Eligible MSME Entities: The interest rate should not exceed 200 basis points plus External
Bench Mark Based Lending Rate (EBLR) for the Eligible Entities whose project cost are falling
within MSME defined ceilings.


For Other Eligible Entities: FPOs / Private companies / Individual entrepreneurs / Section 8
Interest 3% is provided to all eligible entities, (MSME/ FPOs/Private companies/Individual entrepreneurs
Subvention / Section 8 companies) under the scheme.
The interest subvention will be provided only up to 8 years of repayment period. Beyond this
no interest subvention will be provided
Credit Guarantee The fund will be managed by NABARD.
Fund The credit guarantee will be provided only for those projects , which are viable and are covered
under MSME defined ceilings and the guarantee coverage would be up to 25% of the credit
facility available to the borrower
Security Primary : Hypothecation of plant, machinery and stocks, etc.
1. Mortgage of immovable property (compliant under SARFAESI Act) belonging to the unit
(promoter / partner /director) or their near relatives, near relatives will cover Father, Mother,
Spouse, Son, Daughter, real Brother & real Sister.
2. Further, security which will be provided as collateral should not be linked with other loan /
3. Property mortgaged needs to be within a radius of 25 KM from the branch, wherein account is
maintained (Sanctioning Authority may decide going beyond 25 KM on case to case basis.
4. CERSAI verification shall also be made on the collateral securities.
Valuation of Fresh valuation of property to be carried out every 3 years and any shortfall has to be topped
property up.
Assessment of the The need based assessment for the requirement of credit limits has to be done. Assessment of
credit limits fund based limits is as per the Bank’s extant Instructions. CMC of Circle is authorized to identify
designate RACCs/SMECCs/RASMECs for processing loan proposals.
For Term loan up to Rs. 50 lakh: with Scoring Model
For Term Loan above Rs.50 lakhs : with CRA Model
Moratorium Minimum six months and
Maximum two years from the date of disbursement
End use of funds End use of funds to be ensured immediately upon disbursement of loan, through inspection /
verification of purchase bills, etc. The project would be considered completed when the
following two documents are submitted by the entities to the Bank:
Completion certificate signed by an approved engineer/ registered architect. Certificate signed
by a Chartered Accountant.
Inspection Inspection of the unit /activity is stipulated at monthly intervals during implementation of project
/ unit / activity thereafter half yearly intervals
PM – KUSUM (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Uttham Mahabhiyan)
Product Financing Stand-alone- Solar Pumps / Solarisation of Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps.
Facility ATL, BG facility against 100% cash margin.
Purpose Financing solar or other renewable energy based power plants (REPP) of capacity 500 kW to 2
MW on Barren / uncultivable land backed by PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) with Distribution
Companies (DISCOM)
Eligibility Individual farmers/ Group of farmers/ Cooperatives/ Panchayats/ Farmer Producer Organisations
(FPO)/ Water User associations (WUA). Hereinafter called Renewable Power Generator (RPG).
Quantum Max. 70% of the project cost.
Max. Ceiling – Rs.10 Cr.
Loan Tenor 15 year, including moratorium
Moratorium 12 months post COD
Margin RPG Contribution: 30% of the Project Cost
Debt Equity Ratio Desired Level – 65:35
(Max) Acceptable Level - 70:30
Equity(Minimum) At least 50% of the promoter’s contribution to be brought in upfront.


LTV 70%
FACR in a year 1.25 (Minimum)
Security Primary Security:
(i) Mortgage of Project Land and Building (except forest land).
(ii) Hypothecation of Plant & Machinery
(iii) Hypothecation of Receivables based on Tripartite Agreement with DISCOM and farmer
backed by ESCROW arrangement under firm PPA.
Collateral Security:
(i) Assignment of PPA
(ii) 100% cash margin for BG facility

Personal Guarantees: Personal guarantee of the promoters to be obtained.

DSRA Equivalent to 3 months principal and interest (Minimum) in the form of FDR/TDR.
No deviation is to be permitted
Review of Loan Yearly
Penal interest 0.40 percent per month
Inspection Monthly during the implementation period and Quarterlyduring operation period or more
frequently if required.
CIR CIRs to be obtained from two Credit Bureaus since the limit would be greater than Rs.3.00 lakh
Yono Krishi
YONO-Khata Regular financial & non-financial banking services like fund transfer, recharges, bill payment, etc.
Specialized services like Agriculture Gold Loan, Tractor Loan, Kisan Credit Card, will be available
under this category. Currently, under this, Agricultural Gold Loan is only available.
YONO Bachat This category of YONO Krishi offers investment products and insurance products like Mutual
Funds, Life Insurance, General Insurance, D-mat accounts etc. Currently the products offered
through this platform are:
• Personal Accident Insurance
• Motor Insurance
• Health Insurance
• SBI Life Sampoorn Suraksha
YONO Mandi ‘Mandi’ in YONO-Krishi platform acts as an on-line marketplace for all Agri-inputs ranging from
seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, pumps, harvesters etc.
YONO-Krishi ‘Mandi’ services provides following benefits to the customers engaged in Agri/Agri
allied actives:
 One Stop solution for All Agri Input related needs and create a distinctive value proposition in
Agri- Banking.
 Cost effective buying options for all Agri needs, be it seeds, fertilizers, pumps &other Agri
related products and services.

User can click on Mandi section to see the list of the Mandi shopping partners to buy the Agri-
inputs and services on-line. User is at his liberty to browse and access any of the displayed
merchants. Before being redirected to Mandi service provider webpage, user needs to Read &
accept the disclaimer displayed. Only after clicking on “I Agree” user will be redirected to the
services provider webpage. Currently, different merchant partners available in the Mandi section
2. Farmers stop.
3. Big Haat
4. Poorti
5. BehatarZindagi
6. Agri Begri
YONO Mitra Mitra’ in YONO-Krishi platform acts as a knowledge hub for all agriculture related information


and also as a catalyst to improve the farm/allied activity income.

YONO-Krishi ‘Mitra’ services provides following benefits to the customers engaged in Agri/Agri
allied actives:
• Weather news & Information.
• Crop Advisory.
• Expert Advice on the fertilizer usage, soil management, best practices in sowing & harvesting,
pest management etc.
• Market (Mandi) Prices.
Yono KCC - KCC Review Process
Launched on 18thAugust 2020.
Prerequisites  Customer is KYC complaint and his/her Aadhar details are available in CBS.
 Customer has internet banking credentials and has registered on YONO (only for self-assist
 Only those customers who have cleared all previous dues should be eligible to apply.
 Other loan accounts of borrower should not be irregular.
 Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL) expiry date should not be within 6 months.
 Customers should be resident Indian.
 There should be a KCC account available for review.
 There should be no pending KCC review application through YONO.
 In case Rupay Debit Card is already issued to KCC borrower in his / her savings bank account,
application to be obtained from the borrower for linking the Rupay Debit Card with his/ her KCC
account being reviewed.
 In case of KCC accounts in joint names, if Rupay Debit Card is already issued to primary KCC
borrower in his / her savings bank account, application to be obtained from all borrowers of KCC
account for linking the Rupay Debit Card with their KCC account being reviewed.
 Application to be obtained from KCC borrower, including illiterate borrower, for issuing Rupay
Debit Card in KCC account being reviewed, in case no Rupay Debit Card is issued in KCC
 Application to be obtained from all KCC borrowers, including illiterate borrowers, for issuing
Rupay debit card to primary KCC borrower in KCC account (in joint names) being reviewed, in
case no Rupay Debit Card is issued to primary KCC borrower.
Eligibility criteria  Customer should be Resident Indian.
 Previous dues – only those customers who have cleared all previous dues will be eligible to
 Risk Grade - Risk grade of any of the customer’s other loan account(s) should not be 3 &
 Age limit – Customer’s age should be greater than or equal to 18 years. There is no upper age
 Application can be submitted in YONO App (Self Assist mode) if KCC account has one CIF.
Multiple CIFs linked to KCC account will be handled on YONO Branch Portal (branch assist
 Customer needs to visit the branch where his KCC account is maintained with the latest extract
of land holding and cropping pattern, only if there is any change.
 Expiry date of MPL (Maximum Permissible Limit) should not be less than 6 months.
 Aadhaar should be linked in the CIF of KCC account before application is processed at the
Process flow for 1. Customer can login to YONO mobile application and enter YONO Krishi then click on Khata
YONO KCC Review and apply KCC review.
(Customer Level) 2. Customer has to validate personal details, land area under cultivation and cropping pattern,
after confirmation the KCC eligibility limit will be displayed, then customer has to apply through
OTP, subsequently customer gets reference number of the application.
3. After branch processes the application and limit is sanctioned customer will be sent a


Process flow for 1. Customer visits the branch and requests for KCC review and process will be taken up by Maker
YONO KCC review by checking OVDS, pre-requisites.
(Branch Level) 2. Maker gets the display of customer details, land details and cropping pattern, after verification
customer signs the form.
3. Maker can download the list of customers for Pre-sanction survey and complete the
processing of application and recommend for sanction.
4. Checker access application from access queue and approves. After application is approved and
reviewed customer is sent SMS.
5. Maker/Checker needs to change the subvention flag to Yes, the next day in CBS.
Accounting & 1. Documents are not required in case of Review done through YONO Krishi app or Branch
Reconciliation Portal.
2. No change in procedure for Post Disbursement.
Trouble shooting Customer complaints will be handled through our existing CMS modules.
Contact numbers 1800111101 or 1800 425 3800 or 180011221 regarding any information, feedback, query or
complaint or send an email to
Benefits to the • 24*7 availability for submitting his/her KCC Review application.
customer • No branch visit required where Aadhaar is linked in KCC account and there is no change in land
records and limit after review is less than Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL).
• Minimal data entry with auto population of data from CBS.
• No physical application to be exchanged in case of applications received through Self-Assist
• One-page application obtained from customers whose applications are reviewed in branch
assist mode.
• Status of the loan is updated through SMS.
• Enhanced customer satisfaction
Benefits to the • Reduced processing time (TAT) with auto-population of data from YONO Krishi/ LOS / CBS.
branch / Bank • No physical documents exchanged with customer in case of applications received through self-
assist mode and as such document handling and storage cost is saved.
• Customer not required to visit branch in cases where Aadhaar is linked in the CIF of his KCC
account while submitting application through self-assist mode, thereby reducing branch foot fall.
• Enhanced productivity as branch staff will be able to devote more time in other activities.
• Adherence to compliance, regulation and risk mitigation ensured in proposed process.
• Empowering the branch for providing better customer service
New Dairy product under TIE – UP
Eligibility  Individual farmers who are members supplying milk to the anchor companies / societies for at
least 2 years prior to the date of loan application Applicant should be less than 65 years.
 Preference will be given to loan limit of Rs. 3 lakh & above.
 In case of loan limit less than Rs. 3 lakh, existing borrowers with satisfactory conduct of
account and management of dairy unit will be considered on a case to case basis.
 Applicants should own/lease a minimum-
 No land stipulation for 2 animals
 0.5 acre of land for 3-10 animals
 1.00 acre for 11-25 animals
 1.5 acres for 26-50 animals.
Purpose Purchase of milch cattle by dairy farmers / entrepreneurs to augment their income
Loan amount Maximum Loan Limit: Rs. 200.00 lakhs
Repayment Flexible repayment from 60 months to 96 months
Margin Nil
Security  Primary Security: Hypothecation of dairy animals, dairy equipment and other assets created
out of Bank's finance.
 Collateral Security: Collateral Security is waived for loans up to Rs 1.60 Lakh Loan limit above


Rs.1.60 lakh: Mortgage charge over land.

TAT 7 days
Mudra Dairy Loan Scheme
Eligibility  Individuals, sole proprietorship/partnership firms except Corporate Bodies, Institutions, SHGs,
JLGs engaged in dairy activities. (Sale proceeds of milk should be routed through the accounts
and other linkages to be ensured)
 Not to be defaulter in any other bank/financial institution.
Loan Amount Min = Rs.50,000/-, Max = Rs. 10 lakhs
Facility OD upto Rs 1 lakh
Dropline OD from above Rs 1 lakh to Rs.10 lakhs
Margin  Up to Rs. 50,000/- : NIL
 Rs. 50,000 to Rs.10 lakhs: 10%.
Interest rate One Year MCLR +2.75%
Processing  Up to Rs.50,000/- : NIL
Charges  Rs.50,000- Rs.10 lakhs : 0.50% of loan amount + GST
Penal interest 2% p.a above the normal interest rate for the overdue period
Security  Primary: Hypothecation of milch animals, assets and other movable assets created out of the
Bank Loan.
 Collateral: No collateral to be obtained for all loans up to Rs.10 lakhs. Loans to be covered
under CGFMU.
Repayment  Loan limit up to Rs.1.00 lakh: Running OD which is renewable annually.
 The loan limit beyond Rs.1.00 lakh: 5 years (60 months) including a moratorium/gestation
period of 1 month as Drop Line Overdraft Limit.
Credit Guarantee Annual Guarantee Fee at the rate stipulated by CGFMU (Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units)
Fee of the outstanding amount on the date of application of guarantee cover is paid by the
Corporate Centre, Mumbai in a centralized manner by debit to borrowers' account through
trickle feed mechanism to keep the Guarantee Cover alive till the expiry date of guarantee
TAT 7 days
Scoring pattern >60% Good and can be sanctioned
40-60% Sanction may be considered
1. After Credit Enhancement or
2. After referring to the next higher authority
<40% Bad and to be decline
SHG Bank Linkage
Eligibility (i) The size of the SHG should be preferably between 10 to 20 members to enable effective
individual participation in the group’s deliberations. However, in hilly tracks/ regions and tribal
dominated areas, where communities are dispersed, the minimum size of SHG can be of 5
(ii) The group should have been in active existence for at least a period of six months. The group
may be informal or formal (registered).
(iii) The group should have successfully undertaken savings and credit operations from its own
(iv) The group should have successfully undertaken savings and credit operations from its own
(v) Democratic working of the group where in all members feel that they have a say should be
evident. The group dynamics of working of the SHGs need neither be regulated nor formal
structures imposed or insisted upon.
(vi) The group is maintaining proper accounts/records.
(vii) The branch should be convinced that the group has not come into existence only for the
sake of participation in the project and availing benefits there under. There should be a genuine
need to help each other and work together among the members.
(viii) The SHG members should preferably have homogeneous background and interest.


(ix) The interest of the NGO or the SHPI concerned, if any, in the group is evident and the agency
is helping the SHG by way of training and other support for skill upgradation and proper
(x) The SHG as well as SHPI/ NGO should have a good track record in their functioning.
(xi) The defaults by a few members of SHG and/or their family members to the financing bank
should not ordinarily come in the way of financing SHGs perse by banks, provided the SHG is not
in default to it. However, the bank loan may not be utilized by the SHG for financing a defaulter
member to the Bank.
(xii) SHG Members should not have multiple membership in two or more SHGs.
(xiii) Meetings of SHG members should be conducted at regular intervals (at least once in a
month) and attendance and participation of members should be satisfactory.
Quantum of Loan NABARD has issued revised guidelines which state that” With the increased capability of mature
SHGs to handle higher quantum of funds, shift of SHGs from consumption to micro-enterprise
and improved banker borrower relationship, it is felt that banks would be able to transcend the
precautionary condition of financing SHGs in multiples of 1 to 4 times their savings which was
prescribed in the pilot phase of the SHG-Bank Linkage Programme. Bank may consider higher
quantum of loans beyond four times of the group’s corpus to SHGs availing repeat loan from
banks after taking into consideration factors such as quality of SHG as reflected in its rating
score, credit absorption capacity, managerial ability to handle income generating projects
entailing higher outlay, risk taking ability, etc., up to a limit of Rs. 50,000 per SHG member.
Group Corpus Group corpus comprises of the
i) Balance in savings account of SHG with the bank,
ii) Amount utilized in internal lending by the SHGs and
iii) cash balance with the SHG.
Composite Minor Irrigation
Eligibility Individual farmers, companies /partnership firms /JLGs/SHGs of farmers
Type of Loan Agricultural Term Loan (ATL)
Loan Amount  Project Cost less Margin
 Minimum: Rs. 10,000/-
 Maximum: Rs. 49 Lakhs
Margin 15% to 25% of the project cost
Processing Fee  Upto 2 Lakhs : Nil
 Above 2 Lakhs: 1.40% of the loan + GST
Collateral security Below Rs. 1.60 Lakh
 Primary: Hypothecation of movable assets created
 Collateral: NIL
Above Rs.1.60 Lakh
Primary: Hypothecation of movable assets created
Collateral: Mortgage / charge on land.
Loan Term 12 Years (Moratorium exclusive)
Repayment EHI: Repayable in maximum 24 half yearly instalments after moratorium period.
Moratorium 12 months
Interest rate 3.60% above 1-year MCLR
Penal Interest 2% p.a above the normal interest rate for the period of overdue.
Prepay Penalty Nil
Inspection Upto Rs 25,000 Nil
Charges Rs 25,001 – Rs 2 Rs 600 + GST
Above Rs 2 lakhs- Rs Rs 275 per lakh per annum. Min. Rs 600/- p.a and Max. Rs. 15000/- p.a
49 Lakhs
DSCR 1.75:1
Credit Scoring  Above 60% - Good loans Clear Sanction:


Model  40% to 60%- Sanction may be considered after credit enhancement. Or Application to be
reported to next higher authority.
 Less than 40%- Bad loan Decline
TAT 7 days
Inspection Quarterly
Microfinance Loan
Definition: Microfinance loan is defined as a collateral-free loan given to a household having annual household
income up to Rs.3,00,000. For this purpose, the household shall mean an individual family unit, i.e., husband, wife
and their unmarried children.
Repayment: Max repayment period is to be kept at 36 months with an allowable maximum moratorium period of 2
Limit on Loan Repayment Obligations of a Household:
 The limit on the outflows on account of repayment of monthly loan obligations of a household as a percentage of
the monthly household income shall be subject to a limit of maximum 50% of the monthly household income.
 The computation of loan repayment obligations shall take into account all outstanding loans (collateral-free
microfinance loans as well as any other type of collateralized loans) of the household. The outflows capped at 50% of
the monthly household income shall include repayments (including both principal as well as interest component)
towards all existing loans as well as the loan under consideration.
 Maximum period for processing a micro loan shall be 15 days.
Kisan Samriddhi Rin (KSR)
Objective To provide adequate (total requirement for end-to-end farming) and timely cash credit facility to
Corporate farmers, Companies of farmers, Agri. firms and Large farmers or other farmers using
Scientific and Progressive methods of farming at competitive pricing.
Eligibility  Minimum land holding: 4 acres of land holding Or farmer is engaged in scientific methods
of farming like Polyhouse, Hydroponics, Tissue culture, etc.

 Credit score: 650 and above, as per CRIF HIGH MARK and CIBIL.
Farmers with no credit history can also be considered, if eligible otherwise. In case of joint
applicants, worst credit score among the applicants to be considered. In case of farmers other
than Individual farmers, credit score of All Directors/Proprietor/Partners to be taken into
consideration for eligibility and worst credit score among them to be considered.

 Age Criteria: Min. 18 years, Max. 70 years. (Above 60 yrs., Co-borrower is must).
Co-Borrower must fulfil criteria of Credit score of above 650 and must be in age range of 18-60

 For Corporates: For companies older than 2 years, Corporates, Companies, and other Agri.
firms, it must be earning profit in at least last two years as per their audited balance sheet.
In case of corporates, companies, and other Agri. firms, which are less than 2 years old, there
must be net profit for 2 years, as per actual and/or projected balance sheet.
Quantum of Loan Minimum Loan: Rs. 5.00 lakhs
Maximum Loan: Rs. 50.00 Crores.
However, for parameterization purpose, this is kept initially at Rs. 20.00 Crores. And if need
is there or proposal is sanctioned for amount beyond this, the same may be amended at
parameter level after approval from CGM of the Circle.
Facility Cash Credit- Crop Loan
Pricing/Interest Below 50.00 Lakhs - 1.80% Rs. above 1-Year MCLR
Rate Rs. 50.00 lakhs and above- CRA based pricing.
However, customer specific additional concession may be granted, up to:
0.10% by the Regional Manager of the concerned RBO
0.25% by the Deputy General Manager (B&O) of the concerned Administrative office
0.50% by the General Manager of the concerned network


Interest  Simple interest will be applied on due date or for one year whichever is earlier.
application  Interest will be charged at yearly intervals and compounded at half yearly, if not reviewed
within the stipulated time.
Interest subsidy/ Not Applicable
Margin 15%
Security Primary: Hypothecation of crops grown/assets to be created out of bank finance.
Collateral: Collateral Security by way of mortgage (Equitable Mortgage/Registered
Mortgage) of immovable property/Agriculture land to be obtained for aggregate loan limit.

Further, collateral Security, in the form of SARFAESI compliant immovable property (Land &
Building) and/or Liquid securities like NSC (Face value) or Term Deposit (Face value) of Bank or
any other acceptable liquid security, together needs to be taken for the value at least 25% of the
value of limit.

However, in deserving cases collateral security norms related to SARFAESI Compliant property
may be relaxed and may be taken at- least for 15% of value of aggregate limit subject to
approval by the DGM (B&O).

Deserving Cases for relaxation in SARFAESI security will be as under:

 Borrower having CIBIL/CRIF HIGH Score of 700 and above. Or
 Borrower having existing borrowing relationship with us for at least 3 years and no
delinquency observed. Genuineness of securities must be ensured along with proper noting of
charge/lien/assignment before disbursement of the loan.
Valuation of Valuation in case of property (non-agriculture) should be as under:
Property i. Current market price/ realizable value/whichever is lower, based on Bank's empaneled valuer's
report which should not be more than 3 months old.
ii. Two valuer’s reports for loans above over Rs. 1.00 crore.
iii. Revaluation period- Once in three years.

Valuation in case of Agriculture land should be as under:

For Loans upto Rs.15.00 lakhs:-
i. Personal inspection
ii. Comparison with recent sales of similar properties in the neighbourhood
iii. Enquiries from parties having a good knowledge of local property values.

For limits over Rs.15.00 lakhs:- By valuers as per instructions in CPPD Cir No:CPP/CSK/CIR/1
dated 09/04/2012.
Revaluation period- When there is erosion in values perceived or conduct of account turns
adverse, the property revaluation must be done, immediately.
Guarantee Not mandatory. However, branches may explore taking Personal/third party Guarantee.
Review / Renewal Farmer is eligible for 10% incremental credit line, given the account is regular and having prompt
Moratorium No
Repayment Period Due date for Limit will be twelve (12) / eighteen (18) months for short /long term crops
respectively from the date of disbursement.
Processing Fees Limits of more than Rs. 3.00 lakh: 0.35% of loan limit + GST
Inspection fee Inspection fee should be recovered as per the bank’s extant guidelines for Agriculture Advances.
Pre-payment No
Penal interest 2% per annum for the defaulted portion for the period of default.
Post-sanction  Inspection of Crops and Agri land to be done at Half-Yearly interval. In case of limit of more


than Rs.50.00 lakhs, CM (Credit), RBO to do inspection every 6 months in addition to Branch.
 Monthly visits for recovery in irregular accounts should be undertaken. When there are
natural calamities in the area, inspections should be conducted immediately.
Credit Scoring  71 & above = Good for clear sanction in respect of Kisan Samriddhi Rin limits above Rs. 5.00
Model lakhs but below Rs.50 lakhs.
 50-70 = considered for sanction. However, such applications are to be referred to the next
higher authority for approval.
 Limits of Rs. 50 lakhs and above - CRA model to be used.
 Scale of realistic cost of end-to-end farming under the product will be determined by the Internal Crop Financing
Committee (ICFC) at the Circle level.
 Kisan Samriddhi Rin limit will be valid for 5 years, subject to annual review.
Agri Enterprise Loan (AEL)
Purpose Financing the business entities engaged in Agri Allied and Related activities
Eligibility For Agri based Enterprises: Proprietorship,Partnership concerns, Private Limited Companies,
LLPs, Corporates. (Applicable for Items a. to d. as stated above)
 Profit making existing units with CUE rating of CUE-8 and better as per Project Vivek.
 Take-over of good units, subject to compliance of takeover norms.
 Newly proposed / Newly established units with CUE of CUE-7 and better (greenfield units).
 Track record of previous two years to be considered for new connections / enhancements.
 CRA rating to be worked out for regulatory purpose and should be better than hurdle rate

For FPOs: must be legal entity registered with any of the following:
 The State Cooperative Societies Act of respective state.
 Mutually aided society act of respective state.
 Multi State Cooperative Society Act 2002.
 The FPCs registered under Companies Act 1956/2013.
 It should have a minimum member base of 300.
 The FPOs should have been in operation for at least 12 months.
Processing  Shall be processed at RACC for Limit upto Rs. 50 lakhs.
 Any other Branch where capability ofhandling high value agri loans is available in form of
 Loans shall be processed at CAPCs for Limit above Rs. 50 lakhs
Quantum Min = Rs. 1 Lakh
Max = Rs. 100 Crores
(Aggregate sanctioned Limit should not exceed Rs 100 Crores)
Facility Cash Credit (CC), Term Loan (TL), Bank Guarantee (BG) and Letter of Credit (LC)
Margin Term Loans:
 10% of the project cost for loans up to Rs 25 lacs
 15% for loans above Rs 25 lacs and below Rs 50 lacs
 20% for loans Rs 50 lacs and above.

Working capital Cash Credit:

 Stocks: 20%; Book debts/Receivables: 40%

In case of a borrower having a corporate tie-up, Margin for Working capital Cash Credit:
Stocks: 10%; Book debts/Receivables: 20%
Interest Not Applicable
CRA  Hurdle Rate: SBI 10 and better
 For Takeover Hurdle rate: SB8 and better


Credit Scoring Loan Limit up to Rs. 50 Lakhs:

Model  NABARD Scoring Card has been adapted for FPOs.
 Existing SME Scoring Card for other Agri based Enterprises shall be used.

Loan Limit above Rs. 50 Lakh: CRA Model as applicable.

Moratorium 6- 24 months as per the cashflow generation
Repayment Period For Term Loan :-
 Minimum: 12 months
 Maximum 10 years (including moratorium of maximum 24 months.)

Repayment Frequency: Negotiated Repayment

For Cash Credit :- Tenure: 1 year

 Repayable on demand
 To be renewed annually
Collateral Security With Credit Guarantee Cover:
 Loans up to Rs. 5 Crores: Collateral free on availability of Guarantee Coverage: CGTMSE/
NABSanrakshan/ CGFMU.
 Loans above Rs. 5 Crores can also be covered under CGTMSE for amount up to Rs. 5 Crores
under Hybrid Model (with partial collateral security) 40% Collateral security to be obtained for
amount above Rs. 5 Crores as per product feature.
Pricing / Interest Concession of 100 bps in case credit guarantee cover is availed or in cases where the market
Rate value of the collateral security provided is 40% of the limit sanctioned is available for all the
loans i.e. below Rs. 50.00 Lakhs and above Rs.50.00 Lakhs subject to Interest rate should
not be below EBLR.
Processing Fee/ 25% of the applicable charges
Inspection fee
Penal interest 2% per annum for the defaulted portion for the period of default
Stock Statement For Cash Credit- Monthly
Inspection  In case of Primary Security= Quarterly
 In case of Collateral Security = Yearly
 Immediate follow up with borrower to be done to regularize the irregular account.
Inspection to be monthly till account turns regular.
Other  Loans up to Rs. 10 lakhs to be processed under MUDRA Scheme in all eligible csases.
 For Loans Limits greater than Rs 20 lakhs opinion report on supplier shall be ensured.
ACC Allied/ Processing Activity
Purpose  To extend financial assistance to farmers engaged in Agri-Allied activities like dairy, poultry,
piggery, etc. to meet their working capital requirements.
 It can be offered along with the respective term loan product and can be assessed jointly.
Eligibility  Individual Farmers/ Joint Borrowers, Sole Proprietary Concerns, Partnership Firms.
 Loans to Corporate farmers and Cooperatives of farmers directly engaged in allied activities
viz., dairy, fishery, animal husbandry, storage, and marketing of agri products, poultry, beekeeping
and sericulture, custom hiring, working capital for Agri Allied activities, etc.
 Existing borrowers already availing credit facilities from our Bank.
 Takeover of existing units from other Banks/ FIs with satisfactory track record as per Banks’
Extant Norms.
Facility Cash Credit/ Working Capital
Quantum Min = Rs. 25,000/-
Max = Rs. 150.00 Crores
Margin  Stock - 25%
 Book Debts/ Recievebles - 40%
Security A). Primary: Hypothecation of current assets on receivables/ Bank’s assets.


B). Collateral:
a. For Loans up to Rs. 1.60 lakhs – NIL
b. For Loans up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs - NIL, if eligible under Mudra.
c. For Others:
Limits below Rs. 50 lakhs: Mortgage of SARFAESI compliant residential/ commercial property
to the extent of minimum 110% of the loan amount (or) 150% incase of Agricultural land
belonging to either the applicant or the guarantor.
Limits above Rs. 50.00 lakhs: - Mortgage of SARFAESI compliant residential/ commercial
property to the extent of minimum 110% of the loan amount belonging to either the applicant
or the guarantor.
 CGM (Circle) may permit obtention of Collateral security of lesser amount on a case-to-
case basis.
 It is to be noted that all eligible proposals under Mudra should be necessarily mapped
under it.
Interest rate  For loan limits up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs: 1- year MCLR + 275 bps.
 For loan limits above Rs. 10.00 lakhs up to Rs. 50 lakhs: 1-year MCLR + 200 bps.
 For loan limits above Rs. 50.00 lakhs : - CRA based Pricing.
Nature of The limit is revolving cash credit facility. There should be no restriction in number of debits and
Account credits.
Agri Cash Credit valid for 1 year and to be renewed annually.
Moratorium Nil
Credit Scoring For loan limits up to Rs. 50.00 lakhs:
Models Above 60% Good Loans - Clear Sanction
40% – 60% Sanction may be considered
a. After credit enhancement or
b. Application to be referred to next higher authority
Less than 40% Bad Loans – Decline
For loan limits of 50 lakhs and above, CRA model for assessment needs to be adopted.
Exposure from Rs. 50.00 lakhs to Rs. 5.00 Crs.: CRA-Simplified.
Exposure more than Rs. 5.00 Crs. : CRA - Regular.
Stock Statement Monthly
TAT 15 days from the date of submission of all the required documents/ papers.
Inspection Quarterly
Financing Farmer’s Receivables under Corporate Tieup
Purpose To provide Agriculture Cash Credit (ACC) facility to farmers to enable them to meet short term
agricultural credit needs against invoice receivables receipt acknowledged by an anchor company.
Eligibility At Borrower Level: -
Individual farmers, lead farmers, tenant farmers, farmers with lease agreements, Self Help Groups
(SHG) or Joint Liability Groups (JLG) of farmers, corporate and other entities who are directly
engaged in cultivation of agricultural crops and who have a duly acknowledged
invoice/receivables receipt from a corporate with whom Bank has a tie-up arrangement.

At Corporate Tie-Up level

New Tie-ups: -
Corporates having borrowing arrangement with us.
1. CRA of SB-9 & better
2. The Corporate should have earned Net profits for the past three FYs.

Corporates not having borrowing arrangement with us.

1. CRA of SB-9 & better
2. ECR of BBB & better wherever rating is applicable as per RBI guidelines.
3. The Corporate should have earned Net profits for the past three FYs.


Existing Tie-ups:
The same criteria which is applicable to New Tie-ups as mentioned above should be explored at
the time of renewal of Tie-up arrangement.
Limit Minimum: Rs. 1 lakh.
Maximum: Rs. 50 lakh
Facility Agriculture Cash Credit against Receivables
Margin Nil
Appraisal cum  Below ₹25.00 lakhs – No Scoring Model
Assessment  Above ₹25.00 lakhs and below ₹50.00 lakhs - Simplified Scoring Model.
Processing Fee Nil
Security A. Corporates: - MoU / Tie-up Agreement
B. Individual Borrowers: -

Primary Security: Assignment of receivables by the farmer

Collateral: Nil
Interest rate 50-70 bps above 1 Year MCLR
Repayment 1. Account to be zeroized at the end of 12 Months. Under no circumstance, outstanding should
remain in the individual accounts after end of 12 Months.
2. Interest to be paid on monthly basis by the Corporate.
Review / Renewal Annually
Penal Interest 2% is to be levied for the period of irregularity in the account.
CIC Loan applications will be rejected if CIC reports have one or more of the followings: -
 Report Score is below 650.
 Reports are reflecting 3 or more instances of DPD of more than 30 days in last 6 months.
 Report is reflecting presence of negative accounts viz. Written-Off, Settled, Restructured,
Devolved, Sold to ARC, Invoked, Settled post write-off cases.
TAT 3 days from the date of submission of all the required documents / papers by the Borrower /
PM Vishwakarma
Purpose To provide financial support to artisans and craftspeople (Vishwakarma)- Enterprise Development
Eligibility criteria An artisan or craftsperson working with hands and tools and engaged in one of the family-based
traditional trades in the unorganized sector on self-employment basis, shall be eligible for
registration under PM Vishwakarma.

i. The minimum age of the beneficiary should be 18 years on the date of registration.

ii. The beneficiary should be engaged in the trades concerned on the date of registration and
should not have availed loans under similar credit-based schemes of Central Government or State
Government for self-employment/ business development.
A person who has availed PMEGP loan cannot apply for PM Vishwakarma. A person having
outstanding PM SVANidhi or Mudra loan also can not apply. However, those who have repaid PM
SVANidhi or Mudra loans can apply for PM Vishwakarma.

iii. The registration and benefits under the Scheme shall be restricted to one member of the
family. For availing benefits under the Scheme, a ‘family’ is defined as consisting of the husband,
wife and unmarried children.

iv) A person in government service and their family members shall not be eligible under the
Loan amount Tranche Amount of Loan Tenure of repayment


1st Tranche Up to Rs.100,000/- 18 Months

2nd Tranche Up to Rs.200,000/- 30 Months
Type of loan Demand Loan
Margin Nil
Processing Fee Nil
Security Primary Security: Demand Loan: Hypothecation of assets created out of Bank finance.
Collateral Security—NIL
Tenor of Loan 1st Tranche = 19 Months
2nd Tranche = 31 Months
No morotarium as repayment will commence from immediately succeeding Month. EMI to
be paid on 10th of each month.
CIC Report Credit information report will be required for those who have credit history, for availing benefits
under the credit component, so as to exclude any defaulter from again availing credit under the
scheme. In case of beneficiary not having a credit history, the CPCs shall not exclude them from
availing credit, and they shall also not insist upon credit information Report.
Recognition PM Vishwakarma Certificate and ID Card will be provided to Vishwakarma in Physical or Digital
form in order to make eligible to avail the benefit under the PM Vishwakarma Scheme. A Unique
digital number shall be created for each Vishwakarma, and it is reflected in Certificate/ID Card.
Skill Upgradation 1. Skill verification (assessment of existing Skill and fulfilment of knowledge gap).
2. Basic Skilling (to improve skill level enable them to avail credit support-Requirement for 1st
Tranche) Training will be provided for 40 hours, over 5-7 days. Beneficiaries will be upskilled in
their trade through exposure to modern tools and practices. NSQF(National Skill Qualification
Framework) certification will be provided to skilled Vishwakarma.
3. Advanced Skilling-15 Days/120 hours or more training will be provided at designated Training
Centres for deeper understanding of latest technologies, design elements and enabling value
chain linkage with identified anchor industry Partners. After advanced skilling Vishwakarma will be
eligible for 2nd Tranche under the Scheme.
Interest Rate EBLR+3.25%
Concessional Rate of Interest Chargeable from beneficiaries is fixed at 5%.

Interest subvention to the extent of 8% (Maximum) will be provided by Govt. of India.

Interest Concessional rate of interest chargeable for loans from beneficiaries will be fixed at 5%. The
subvention interest subvention by the Government of India will be to an extent of 8% and provided upfront
to the banks.
Stipend Rs.500 per day during training period
Toolkit Incentives Rs.15000/ will be provided to the beneficiary after skill verification at the start of Basic Training.
Guarantee Cover Loan shall be covered under Special Scheme of the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and
Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) on portfolio basis.
Incentives for Incentive of Rs 1 per digital transaction (Maximum 100 transactions per month) will be given to
Digital the beneficiaries.


SME-1 = Arrangement Letter
SME-2 = Hypothecation 1. Aaj
SME-3 = Guarantee Agreement 2. Hum
SME-4 = Supplemental Agreement of loan cum 3. Guru
Hypothecation 4. Se
SME-5 = Creation of mortgage by deposit of title 5. Milenge
deeds 6. Channei
SME-6 = Confirmation for creation of mortgage 7. Me
SME-7 = Mortgage extension 8. Chennai
SME-8 = Confirmation of mortgage extension 9. Me
SME-9 = Mortgage Deed 10. Fr
SME-10 = Further deed 11. Ruk
SME-11 = Revival letter 12. Lenge
SME-12 = Link letter
MSME Classification
Classification Investment & Annual Turnover
Micro Investment does not exceed Rs. 1 Cr. & Turnover does not exceed Rs. 5 Cr
Small Investment does not exceed Rs. 10 Cr. & Turnover does not exceed Rs. 50 Cr.
Medium Investment does not exceed Rs. 50 Cr. & Turnover does not exceed Rs. 250 Cr.
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme [PMEGP]
 Any individual, above 18 years of age can apply (For project costing above 10 lakh in
manufacturing and 5 lakh in service sector.
 The applicant should have passed at least VIII standard.
 Assistance under the scheme is available only for new projects sanctioned specially under the
 Existing units (under PMRY, REGP or any other scheme of Government of India or State
Eligibility Government) and the units that have already availed Government Subsidy under any other scheme
of Government of India or State Government are not eligible.
 Projects without Capital expenditure are not eligible for Financing under the scheme.
 Cost of the land should not be included in the Project cost. Cost of the ready built as well as long
lease or rental Work-shed/Workshop can be included in the project cost subject to restricting such
cost of ready built as well as long lease or rental workshed/workshop to be included in the project
cost calculated for a maximum period of 3 years only.
Facilities Term loan and Cash Credit
(i) For setting up of new micro enterprise (units)
 The maximum cost of project/unit admissible for Margin Money subsidy under manufacturing
sector is Rs. 50 lakhs.
 The maximum cost of project/unit admissible for Margin Money subsidy under Business/ Service
sector is Rs. 20 lakhs.
 The balance amount (excluding the own contribution) of the total project cost will be provided by
Quantum of
 If the total project cost exceeds Rs. 50 lakhs or Rs. 20 lakhs for Manufacturing and
Service/Business sector respectively, the balance amount may be considered but this will be without
any Government subsidy.

(ii) 2ND Loan for upgradation of existing PMEGP/REGP/MUDRA units

 The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible for Margin Money subsidy under
Manufacturing sector for upgradation is Rs. 1.00 crore. Maximum subsidy would be 15 lakh (Rs.
20 lakh for NER and Hill States).


 The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible for Margin Money subsidy under
Business/Service sector for upgradation is Rs. 25 lakh. Maximum subsidy would be Rs. 3.75 lakh
(Rs. 5 lakh for NER and Hill Stated).

 If the total project cost exceeds Rs. 1.00 Crore or Rs. 25.00 lakhs for Manufacturing and Service/
Business sector respectively, the balance amount may be provided by bank without any Government
 Working capital based on turnover method i.e. Bank finance will be 20% of turnover and 5% of
Assessment of
turnover will be borrower’smargin.
 Term loan to be assessed based on project cost and invoices therefor.
For setting up of new Micro Enterprise (units)
Beneficiary’s Rate of subsidy (of
Categories of beneficiaries under PMEGP
Contribution project cost)
Urban Rural
General Category 10% 15% 25%
Special Category (including SC,ST, OBC, Minorities,
Women. Ex-Servicemen. Transgenders, Differentlyabled, 05% 25% 35%
NER, Aspirational Districts, Hill & border areas etc.
2nd loan for upgradation of existing PMEGP/ REGP/ 15% (20% in NER and
MUDRA Units Hill States)
 Up to Rs. 25000 = Nil
Processing  Above Rs. 25000/- but up to 2 lacs = Rs. 550/-
fees  Above Rs. 2 lac and up to Rs. 10 lacs = Rs. 1000/-
 Above Rs. 10 lacs and up to Rs,50 lacs = 0.40% of loan amount plus applicable GST
Rate of
EBLR + 3.25% p.a
Repayment Repayment 3 to 7 years an initial moratorium period of maximum 12 months
Primary: Hypothecation of Assets financed by the Bank
Collateral: No collateral security up to Rs. 10 lacs. PMEGP accounts are covered under CGFMU up to
Rs. 10 lacs and loans above Rs. 10 lacs covered under CGTMSE or Collateral security will be taken as
Security per Bank’s norm. Applicable charges to be recovered.

Other than individual borrowers- Primary/collateral security will be taken as per Bank’s norm.
Applicable Charges to be recovered.
TAT 30 Days
PMEGP Portal
 The margin money (subsidy) will be kept as TDR for 3 years.
Margin Money
 No interest will be paid on the TDR and no interest will be charged on loan disbursed to the
corresponding amount of TDR(CBS Subsidy module to be used).
 PMEGP CELL will closely monitor all applications forwarded for sanction, liaise with the
sanctioning authorities and ensure that no application is pending in the portal for more than 15
 Margin money will be claimed within 7 days of disbursal of loan amount.
Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)
a) The AGF for Cash Credit and Term Loan Accounts above Rs. 50 lacs, sanctioned on or after
17.06.2014 and for all Term Loans, irrespective of amount sanctioned on or after 01.12.2015 has to
be borne by the borrower. The AGF for Cash Credit limit upto Rs. 50 lacs are being absorbed by
Payment of
b) The AGF/ASF for all loans (irrespective of amount) sanctioned on or after 01.07.2017 must be
borne by the borrower.
c) Demand for AGF would be generated by 2ndweek of February every year. AGF so demanded


would be paid by the MLIs on or before 15th April each year.

d) Amount on which the AGF will be calculated will be as under:-
- Term Loan: Outstanding as on 31stDec against each guaranteed amount.
- Working Capital: maximum (peak) working capital limit availed by the borrower/enterprise in the
previous calendar year.
e) Hybrid Security Model: This product allows guarantee cover for the portion of credit facility not
covered by collateral security. In the partial collateral security model, the CGTMSE has allowed to
obtain collateral security for a part of the credit facility, whereas the remaining part of the credit
facility, up to a maximum of Rs.200 lakh, can be covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme of
CGTMSE. CGTMSE will, however, have pari-passu charge on the primary security as well as on the
collateral security provided by the borrower for the credit facility. All other covenants of the current
CGS would apply mutatis mutandis to such credit proposals with regard to other operational
modalities, etc. as modified from time to time.
Time norm for
lodging of
Application for guarantee cover can be lodged with the Trust for credit facilities sanctioned in a
application for
particular calendar quarter, latest by the end of the next calendar quarter.
Annual Guarantee Fee (GF) at specified rate is to be paid to the Trust within 30 days from the date
Time norm for
of Demand Advice Notice (DAN) generated by CGTMSE or from the date of first disbursement of
payment of
credit extended by the Bank to a borrower whichever is later but within 30 days from the date of
 Payment of Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) is linked to close of the financial year
 All payment of Guarantee fee has to be made through the NEFT/RTGS payment module.
 The guarantee cover commences from the date of payment of guarantee fee and runs through the agreed tenure
of guarantee.
 All the enhancements/ additional credit facilities and renewal of Guarantee Cover have to be notified in CGTMSE
Site and AGF is required to be paid for the enhanced portion.
The ceiling for coverage under the Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS)-I has been increased from Rs. 2.00 crores to
Rs. 5.00 crores per borrower for the credit facilities extended by eligible MLIs to the Micro and Small Enterprises
Extent of Guarantee Coverage :
Upto Rs. Above 5 Lacs 50 Lacs to 200 Lacs to
5 Lacs to 50 Lacs 200 Lacs 500 Lacs
Micro Enterprises 85% 75% 75% 75%
MSEs located in NE Region (including Sikkim), UT of
80% 80% 75% 75%
Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh
Women Entrepreneurs/SC/ST Entrepreneurs /Persons
with Disability (PwD)/MSEs promoted by Agniveers/ 85%
MSEs situated in Aspirational District/ZED certified MSEs
All other categories 75%
The above modifications shall be applicable for all guarantees approved on or after April 01, 2023 including
enhancement in Working capital of existing covered accounts.
Annual Guarantee Fee Structure of CGS-I Scheme
Slab Standard Rate (SR)*
0 to Rs.10 lacs 0.37%
Above Rs.10 lacs and up to Rs. 50.00 lacs 0.55%
Above Rs. 50 lacs and up to Rs. 1.00 crore 0.60%
Above Rs. 1.00 crore and up to Rs. 2.00 crores 1.20%
Above Rs. 2.00 crores and up to Rs. 5.00 Crores 1.35%
*The Standard rate is exclusive of GST (18%) and the applicable Risk premium (which varies from Bank to Bank based
on the quality of CGTMSE portfolio held by them.
Waiver of Legal action in respect of claims upto Rs. 10.00 lac : Initiation of legal proceedings as a pre-condition


for invoking of guarantees has been waived in cases where the aggregate outstanding amount considered eligible for
claim settlement by CGTMSE does not exceed Rs. 10.00 lac per claim(CGTMSE has issued Circular no.222/2022-23
dated 31.03.2023 conveying the enhancement in the threshold amount from Rs.5.00 lac to Rs.10.00 lacs per claim
based on aggregate outstanding amount considered eligible for claim settlement by CGTMSE).
Option for Claim settlement in single instalment in respect of claims upto Rs. 10.00 lacs:
As per the existing process, the claim is settled in 2 instalments i.e., 75% of the eligibility amount as first instalment
and balance 25% of eligibility amount as second instalment. Now, CGTMSE has decided to offer MLI two options for
claim settlement at the time of claim lodgement for cases where waiver of legal action is applicable (i.e., for claims
where the aggregate outstanding amount of the borrower is up to Rs.10.00 lacs). The options are as under: -

Option No. 1 : Single instalment of claim settlement with reduced extent of guarantee by 15%. Eg. in respect of
extent of coverage of 75%, reduced coverage would be 60%, in respect of extent of coverage of 80%, reduced
coverage would be 65% and so on.

Option No. 2 : Existing claim settlement process in two instalments i.e., 75% of the eligibility amount as first
instalment and balance 25% of eligibility amount as second instalment. For legal waiver accounts, second instalment
of claim would be settled after three years from the date of settlement of 1st claim or OTS whichever is earlier.
Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU)
 "Eligible borrower" means new or existing micro unit / enterprise, including micro
unit/enterprise set up under Joint Liability Group (JLG) framework, individually or jointly (irrespective
of the availability of guarantee under JLG), falling under any sector covered under PMMY or as
defined in the MSMED Act, 2006 (as amended from time to time), who meets eligibility criteria
prescribed by the Fund and whose credit requirement does not exceed the specified limit under
Eligible PMMY.
Borrowers  Specified limit of the loan shall be Rs.10 lakh or such other amount as may be decided by the
Fund from time to time.
 Overdraft loan amount of Rs.10,000/- sanctioned under PMJDY accounts shall also be eligible
to be covered under Credit guarantee Fund.
 Eligible borrower would also mean Self Help Groups who meet eligibility criteria prescribed by
the Fund and whose loan amount is above Rs.10 lakh and up to Rs.20 lakh.
Manufacturing, Service, Retail Trade, Agriculture allied & PMJDY
Eligible Loan
Max loan Rs.10 lakh as per PMMY
Guarantee Fee
Standard Basic Rate- 1% p.a. plus Risk premium (15% of S.R. )
Extent of Max cover available based on amount in default per portfolio. The first 5% (NPA of the portfolio) has
Guarantee to be borne by the Bank. The amount over and above 5% in default will be settled by NCGTC to the
Cover extent of 50% on pro-rata basis.
 "Collateral security" means the security provided in addition to primary security / personal obligation of
Primary security in respect of a credit facility shall mean the assets created out of the credit facility so extended
and/or existing unencumbered assets which are directly associated with the project or business for which the credit
facility has been extended (personal assets to be excluded).
First loss guarantee to be borne by the Member Lending Institution (MLI), has been reduced to 3%. However, first
loss will be NIL for SHGs.
 First loss will be calculated on “Amount in Default”.
 The amount in default over and above 3% (if applicable) will be settled by the fund to the extent of 75% on pro-rata
basis, subject to the receipt of an Auditors’ certificate confirming eligible claim amount.
Guarantee fee for SHGs shall be 0.25% during the first year and 0.5% on subsequent years.
 Guarantee fee for SHGs shall be charged on outstanding balance at the time of sanction (on pro rata basis) and
thereafter on annual basis for renewals.


Guarantee fee for Microunits in Aspirational Districts - The Guarantee fee would be charged against guarantee
cover for micro loans located in the Aspirational Districts at lower fees of 0.5% p.a. (on pro rata basis for first year) for
guarantees availed on the portfolios of FY 2020 -21 & FY 2021 -22. This shall be reviewed at the end of two years.
 The recoveries made after settlement of claim, in excess of legal costs, shall be shared on the same percentage on
which final claim amount was settled i.e. Final Claim amount paid / Final Amount in Default for each MLIs for each
guaranteed Portfolios. Such recoveries shall be passed on an Annual basis for three years beyond the life-time of the
Portfolio, within 30 days of each financial year end i.e. by April 30th of Year 5, Year 6 and Year 7. At the end of Year 7,
the Portfolio shall be marked as finally close

 During the base year (year of portfolio built-up)- Guarantee fee shall be paid on the sanctioned amount
corresponding to the outstanding balance of the quarterly built up balance of the portfolio of micro loans,
including micro unit/enterprise set up under Joint Liability Group (JLG) framework, individually or jointly, for the full
year or broken period i.e. till March 31 of the subsequent year, as the case may be, and the Guarantee will be valid up
to the end of that financial year. It may be noted that for such sanctioned cases which have been cancelled/ repaid/
prepaid/ taken over during the currency of the portfolio, no guarantee fee shall be charged for such sanctioned cases
in the portfolio and no guarantee cover would be applicable.

 From FY 2023-24, guarantee fee on portfolios (including on accounts turned NPA) of past years shall be
charged on the outstanding amount as on April 01 of the Financial Year except in case of working capital
accounts where it shall continue to be charged on sanctioned amount, as hitherto.” Guarantee fee with respect
to NPA accounts in the portfolio would continue to be paid till lodgement of claim for such accounts, at a rate
specified by the Fund on the amount or fee based on risk-based pricing/such other amount on such reference dates
or specified rate set by the Fund from time to time.

“For the Base year,” guarantee fee shall be paid within 16 days from the end of the quarter. (The MLI would need to
furnish a Management Certificate within 7 days from the end of the quarter, after which, a Credit Guarantee Demand
Advice Note [CGDAN] would be issued by NCGTC within 3 days of receipt of Management Certificate and
subsequently, the guarantee fee shall be payable within 3 days from the issue of CGDAN). “For subsequent years
w.e.f. April 01, 2023, data of live portfolio of accounts (including NPA accounts) of previous years for which
guarantee is sought to be continued during the Financial Year will be furnished by the MLI on or before July
31 and Annual Guarantee fee shall be paid on or before August 31 or such other date as may be decided by
NCGTC to enable guarantee cover for the Financial Year.”

In the nature of ‘First Loss Portfolio Guarantee’, wherein first loss to the extent of 3% of the amount in default, will be
borne by the MLI and therefore, will be excluded for the claim. Out of the balance portion, the ‘extent of guarantee’
will be to a maximum of 75% of ‘Amount in Default’ in the portfolio or such other percentage as may be specified by
the Fund from time to time on a pro-rata basis.

Extent of Guarantee Cover in respect of SHGs- First loss Portfolio Guarantee to be borne by MLIs shall be Nil and
extent of guarantee will be 75% of amount in default.

The same shall apply for micro unit/enterprise set up under Joint Liability Group (JLG) framework, individually or
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)
Launched 8th April 2015
Purpose Collateral free loan upto Rs. 10 Lakh to MSE
Eligibility Micro and Small Enterprise, including small retail traders are eligible to be covered.
 Shishu: Upto Rs. 50000/-
Loan amount  Kishor: Rs. 50001/- upto Rs. 5.00 Lakh
 Tarun: >Rs. 5.00 Lakh upto Rs. 10 Lakh
Facility CC / TL / Dropline OD
Repayment TL/Dropline OD = (Review every year)


 <5 Lakhs: 5 Years including Moratorium of 6 Months

 5 Lakhs to 10 Lakhs: 7 Years including Moratorium of 12 Months. (Moratorium of more than 6
months only to Manufacturing units.)
CC = On demand, Validity–12 month, Renew every year
 Shishu (Loan Amount upto Rs. 50000/-): Nil
 Kishore / Tarun (i.e. Rs. 50001/- to Rs. 10 lacs): 20%
Covered under Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU)
Guarantee All Mudra loans to be covered under the guarantee cover of Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units
Coverage (CGFMU). Yearly Premium amount as prescribed by NCGTC to be recovered from the borrower.
Inspection Half-Yearly
Interest rate EBLR + 325 bps
 Loan upto Rs. 5 Lakh (Shishu& Kishore): Nil
Proc. fee
 Above Rs. 5 Lakh (Tarun): 0.50% of loan + GST
 PAN card is not compulsory to avail PMMY loans.
 Life insurance is not required for loans under PMMY.
 Go / No-Go Criteria based on Experian Score Band for loans upto Rs. 10 lakh to be used.
 SOP will be reviewed in 3 years.
 The overdraft amount of Rs.10,000/ sanctioned under PMJDY has been also classified ass Mudra
 Staff/Staff Pensioners are not eligible for Mudra Loan.
 Application for Mudra loan can be submitted online on Portal.
 Branches/CPCs to ensure flagging of ‘M’ Flag and Scheme code 09119 in Mudra loan accounts for
CGFMU guarantee coverage.
 As per MSME guidelines, obtention of URN (Udayam Registration Number) is compulsory. This is
also required for classification under Priority Sector Lending (PSL).
To provide hassle free finance to micro entrepreneur for meeting their multiple requirements
related to their business activity.
 Existing customer- Individual customer maintaining Saving Bank/Current account with us
since past 6 months, will be onboarded on e-Mudra digital platform with some exclusion).
 Minimum amount of Rs 250/- to be received at least 4 months out of past 6 months for
loan eligibility. Calculation of eligible loan amount is based on credit summations as per
approved matrix.
Eligibility  Applicant should be 18 to 60 years of age.
 Applicant must obtain a minimum overall score of 50% in revised e-Mudra Scoring Card for
Shishu. However, the applicant has to score 60% in Objective parameters.
 Not availed any loan in past (Except loan availed against specified securities).
 Satisfactory Bureau report from CRIF Hi Mark with score above 650.
 Applicant having -1 score, can be considered as new to credit.
Limit Assessment Eligibility of loan amount to be linked with the monthly credit in the account.
Loan amount Up to Rs. 50000/-
Type of loan Term Loan
Period of Loan 60 months including uniform moratorium period of 3 months.
Sanction Credit Engine based instant Digital sanctioning of loans under e-Mudra
Primary: Nil (Unsecured ab initio)
Collateral: Nil. To be covered under CGFMU (Fee to be borne by the Bank).
Margin Nil
Utilisation Utilisation Certificate to be obtained within 1 month from the date of disbursal (to ensure end
Certificate use of funds).


Insurance Waived
SMECC/RASMECC/RACC Within 1 month of disbursement and thereafter at Half yearly
Rate of Interest Fixed Rate of Interest – 9.50% p.a
Processing fee Nil
Inspection, penal
interest charges
 All loans to be covered under guarantee cover of Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units
 Yearly premium will be payable during the tenure of the loan on the limit sanctioned at
Credit Guarantee
applicable rates as prescribed by NCGTC.
Bank will pay the CGFMU yearly premium (current rate 1.35% p.a +GST) on behalf of the
Review TL to be reviewed annually and recorded
Legal Action Waived
 For monitoring of e-Mudra loan accounts, officials at LHO/ AO/ RBO may access the following
Monitoring and URL: (Available on Banks intranet).
follow Up  After disbursement, the account will be auto migrated to linked SMECC/RASMECC/RACC
within T+1 day for post disbursement inspection, monitoring, Review and follow up.
SME Smart Score
Working Capital needs & Acquisition of fixed assets (To Individually managed
Purpose proprietary/partnership firm or closely held public/private limited companies in the Small and
medium industrial and trading sector under C&I and SIB segments.)
The chief promoter /chief executive should be 18 to 65 years of age
The applicant must obtain a minimum overall score of 60% with a minimum of 50% under each
sub-head like Personal details, Business details and collateral details (except in cases where collateral
should be asked as per Bank’s norms, where the minimum marks will be nil).
 Minimum: >Rs. 10 Lakh
Loan amount
 Maximum: <Rs. 50 Lakh
Facility Dropline OD / CC / TL or Combination of these facilities (depending upon customer’s need)
 Working Capital- On demand, to be renewed every two year subject to review every year.
 TL / Dropline OD- 7 years including moratorium of maximum 6 months
Working Capital = 20%
Term Loan = 33%
Hypothecation of Stocks, Machinery, Movable Assets acquired out of Bank's finance
 All account to be covered under CGTMSE and no collateral Security should be obtained.
 Guarantee fee to be borne by the borrower or as per the instructions of Bank issued from time to
Scoring model Minimum score of 60% with a minimum of 50% under each sub-head.
(a) WC-
For Manufacturing & Services sector units:
Assessment at 31.25% of project annual turnover and limit to be sanctioned of a minimum 25% of
the annual projected turnover after stipulating a margin on 6.25%.
For units with minimum 25% of sales through digital mode, assessment shall be 37.50% of
project annual turnover and limit to be sanctioned of a minimum 30% of the projected annual
turnover after stipulating a margin of 7.50%.

 For Trading units: Assessment at 18.75% of project annual turnover and limit to be sanctioned of
a minimum 15% of the annual projected turnover after stipulating a margin on 3.75%.

(b) Term Loan - Maximum limit of 67% of project cost for all units after stipulating a margin of 33%


Interest rate EBR + 3.50%

Bi-monthly intervals
 CUE Lite 1-8 or Score of 70 & above: Yearly intervals by Bank officials.
Quarterly intervals by Authorized Representative viz. SBOSS

 CUE Lite 9 & below or score below 70: Half-yearly intervals by Bank officials.
Quarterly intervals by Authorized Representative viz. SBOSS

Inspection * Proposed frequency by Bank Officials shall be applicable till inspection work is outsourced to
Authorized Representatives such as State Bank Operations Support Subsidiary Pvt. Ltd. (SBOSS).

# (The quarterly Inspections will be done by Branch officials as earlier till the time SBOSS or
any other agency is appointed)

 If the account turns into SMA 1/ 2/ NPA = Bi-monthly

Other CRA is not required but CUE-Lite rating to be done for all accounts.
SME e-Smart Score under Contactless Lending Portal (CLP)
All MSME Units including Proprietorship Firm/ Partnership Firm/ Closely held public & private
Target Group limited company in Small & Medium industrial manufacturing, trading and service sector under SSI,
C & l and SBF Segment having an in-principle sanction through Contactless lending platform.
To provide hassle free finance for financing their multiple requirements including normal working
capital/ Term loan related to their business activity
 The chief promoter / executive should be 18 to 65 years of age.
Eligibility  The applicant must obtain a minimum overall score of 60% with a minimum of 50% under each
sub-head like Personal Details, Business Details, Collateral Details of our internal scoring model.
Minimum = >10 Lakh
Maximum = 100 Lakh
Loan amount
E-SMART SCORE-2 Limit: >Rs. 100.00 lacs to Rs. 500.00 lacs
Facility CC, TL
Linked with EBR (CMR score would be applicable for interest rate calculation for loans upto
Interest rate
Rs.100.00 Lakh)
Margin Working Capital: 20%; Term Loan: 33%
Working Capital = Repayable on demand.
Term Loan= 7 years including moratorium not exceeding 6 months
Working capital: Hypothecation/Pledge of stocks, book debts and other current assets.
Term Loan: Charge by way of hypothecation / pledge / mortgage of entire assets created out of
bank finance.
 In eligible cases, Collateral Security need not be insisted as the loans are to be covered under
Collateral  If the borrower is not willing to bear the guarantee fee & premium, then collateral security as per
Security Bank's norms need to be obtained and in such cases, a written communication to be obtained and
kept on record.
 Eligible units may be covered under CGTMSE as per CGTMSE guidelines
Personal Personal guarantee of all the promoters, directors, partners. Third party guarantee in case property
Guarantee offered is in the name of a person other than promoters/directors/ Partners wherever applicable
 Half yearly for standard accounts.
 Monthly for SMA 0/1/2 accounts.
Proc. / Upfront CC: Processing fee: 0.35% of the limit amount


Fee TL: Upfront fee: 1.10% of the limit amount

Go/No Go SME e-SMART scoring model on CLP (CMR based go/no go criteria would not be applicable for
Criteria Go/No-Go exercise)
 CUE rating & CRA Rating are waived.
 CMR report for loans upto Rs. 50.00 Lakh to be obtained from CIBIL as GO/NO-GO criteria for all MSME loans.
 Takeover-Not Applicable.
 ERS-SL will be applicable for loans above Rs. 50 Lakh to Rs. 100 Lakh.
 For annualizing current year sale, GST sale of minimum 3 months will be required. In case GST data is not available
projected turnover 115% of last year GST sale will betaken.
 Decision: All the cases to be either sanctioned / rejected within 7days from the date of in-principle sanction.
 The branch / CPC to complete the renewal exercise with 7days of generation of in-principle sanction.
 Our Bank specified URL for CLP is
Finance under Multiple Banking Arrangement not permitted Bank Specific URL for data entry: Market URL for data entry
A) The rejection reason should be approved by GM (Network) before marking of rejection in CLP portal and the
rejection letter (to be provided to the customer) should be signed by:
i. BPR Centre Limit up to Rs.50.00 lacs: CPC Head
ii. BPR Centre Limit above Rs.50.00lacs: Regional Manager
iii. Non- BPR Centre: Regional Manager
B) Finance under multiple banking arrangement should not be permitted
Stand Up India (SUI)
To meet all kinds of credit requirement for setting up Greenfield Projects under manufacturing,
services or the trading sector.
Eligibility SC / ST / Women Borrower
 Minimum = >10 Lakh
Loan amount
 Maximum = 1 Crore
Facility Composite Loan (WC / TL)
Repayment 7 years including moratorium period upto 18 months
Minimum mandatory margin is 10%.
Margin Maximum Margin Money on composite loan would be upto 25% which will be reduced through
convergence with Central / State Schemes.
Collateral Covered under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Stand Up India Loans (CGFSIL) (Other Name-
Security CGSSI)
 Quarterly (Standard Accounts)
 Monthly (SMA Accounts)
Interest rate 1 Year MCLR + 3%
Proc. / Upfront 0.20% of Loan amount as unified charges (i.e. including Processing fee / upfront fee / Inspection
fee fee etc.)
CC Limits – 2% p.a. on entire outstanding for the period of irregularity.
Penal Interest
Term Loans – 2% p.a. on irregular portion for the period of irregularity.
 In case of Non-individual enterprise, minimum 51% shareholdings should be held by SC /ST / Women.
RuPay Card to be issued for Cash Credit Component
The scheme, which covers all branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks, can be accessed in three potential ways:
(a) Directly at the branch
(b) Through SIDBI’s interactive Stand up India portal called at home / branch /
through LDM / Common Service Centres (CSCs)).
Asset Back Loan Schemes: ABL, ABL CRE-CP AND ABL-RH
Asset Backed Loan (ABL) ABL CRE-CP ABL - RH
All Business Units who want to
Target group Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Company
avail loan facility for


manufacturing and services

activities covered by MSMED act
2006, wholesale/retail trade
To finance construction / acquisition
of real estate such as office
buildings, retail space, industrial or
For build-up of current assets and
warehouse space, multiplex, hotels,
fixed assets needed for business
restaurants, gymnasium,
purpose, capacity expansion, Creation / Acquisition of
Purpose amusement parks, cold storage etc.
modernization, short term Residential Real Estate
where the prospect for repayment
working capital (including shoring
would generally be out of lease or
up of Net Working Capital, etc).
rental payment or sale of asset or
project cash flows or the unit’s
cash flows.
 Existing Customer
 Existing customers who have
already availing credit
 Existing Customer already already availed credit facilities from
facilities from us.
availing credit facilities from us. SBI.
 New units with
 New units with marketable  New to Bank with marketable
Eligible marketable assets to
assets to offer as security. assets to offer as security (To be
Customers offer as security.
 Takeover of existing units from rated SB- 8 & better).
 Takeover of existing
other Banks/ FIs with satisfactory  Takeover of existing units from
units from other Banks/
track record. other Banks/ FIs permitted with
FIs with satisfactory
satisfactory track record.
track record.
Drop-line Overdraft facility OR
Facility Drop-line Overdraft facility TL
Cash Credit
60% of the realizable
60% of the realizable value of 50% of the realizable value of
LTV value of immovable
immovable property immovable property
Min: Rs. 50 Lakh.
 Rs. 50 crores for
Minimum= Rs. 10 lakhs Metro & other centers,
Maximum= where RMRE is posted
Min: >Rs.10 Lakh
 Metro & Urban Centres= Rs. 50 or RMSME identified to
Max: Rs. 20 Cr
Crs$. handle REH business
However, in cities viz, Mumbai,
Loan amount $ MD (RB&O) may permit loan otherwise maximum will
Delhi loans upto Rs. 30 Crores
above Rs. 50 Crs on case-to-case be Rs. 5 crores.
can be sanctioned by RCCC &
basis.  Exposure above
above committees.
 Semi-Urban Centres = Rs. 25 Crs maximum Limit i.e. Rs.
 Rural Centres: Nil 50 crores in Metro and
other centers is to be
approved by DMD of
the Vertical.
12 months to 240 months with
either equated reduction in limit
12 months to maximum 72 12 months to 84
or customized reduction in limit,
Repayment months, including the moratorium. months including the
depending upon the cash
Cash Credit: On demand
Min. 25% cash margin for Non
Margin 25% 25%
Fund Based facility


No renewal of limit.
Dropline OD: No renewal of limit. Review has to be carried out annually
Review has to be
Restitution of limit is allowed/fresh sanction under ABL.
Renewal / carried out annually
Cash Credit (Under ABL only): To be renewed once in two years with
Review and Restitution
yearly review for all satisfactorily conducted accounts which are not in
/enhancement in limits
SMA category during the last 12 months.
not permitted
Quarterly Operational Data cum
Stock Cash Flow statement for Builder Cash flow statement on
status of working capital funds
Statement / Finance on Quarterly basis in the Quarterly basis. (May /
statement on Quarterly basis.
Cash Flow month May/ Aug/Nov/Feb. Aug / Nov / Feb).
Monthly till completion of the
Half-yearly (Only digital project & thereafter half yearly.
Inspection Quarterly
inspection application to be used) FSMTL reports are to be compiled
till the project completion.
 1% of limit &Upper
For Dropline OD: 1% of the limits cap is as under:
(Upper Cap: Rs. 10 Lakhs).  Rs.10 lakhs for loan
1% of the limits (Upper Cap: Rs. 10
Processing Fee For Cash Credit: Once in a year. up to Rs. 50 crores.
(Rate as applicable to normal CC  Rs. 20 lakhs for loan
as per CPPD card rates.) more than Rs. 50 crores
and up to Rs.100 crores.
mandatory for sanction
of limits above Rs.100
ECR Not Mandatory
Crores but will not be a
factor for pricing
Nil (more than 75% utilization): 0.50% (50% to 75% utilization): 1% (for <50% utilization)
Penal interest 2% of outstanding amount, if overdue by >7 days
Loan up to 5 Cr: = Rs. 15000/-&
EM Fee
> Rs. 5 Cr: = Rs. 25 per Lakh (Min: Rs. 25000/- Max: Rs. 40000/-)
Inspection  Limits upto Rs. 1 Cr: Rs. 1000/-&
Charges  Limits above Rs. 1 Cr: Rs. 3000/- per inspection
Hurdle & CRA Unit with CRA of SB-10 and worse is not eligible for finance under ABL.
Rating Hurdle rate: SB-10.
 Credit Information Reports from CICs/CIBIL Report should be satisfactory and
 Credit Opinion Report from other Banks to be obtained.
 RBI defaulter list and CRILC should be verified.
 Takeover of loans from our associates / subsidiaries companies are not permitted.
 NPAs / SMA should not be taken over
 i-Probe should also be verified.
 Bank statements of all accounts of the constituent with other banks for last 12 months are to be
mandatory obtained and perused.
 Bank’s other takeover norms will not be applicable under this scheme.
 Creation of security: Simultaneously on taking over the loan outstanding from the other Bank
and Perfection of security – within 30 days from the date of first disbursement of the loan.
Collateral: Immovable property (SARFAESI enabled)
Security  Third party Guarantee: Personal Guarantee from the Promoters / Partners / Directors of the Unit.
 Personal Guarantee of the owner of the Collateral Security offered for Mortgage.
 TIR should be obtained from two different panel advocates in case of loan is above Rs. 25 Lakh.
Others  Property mortgaged needs to be within a radius of 25 km from the Branch, wherein account is
Conditions maintained (sanctioning authority may decide going beyond 25 km on case to case basis)
 If the credit summations in the account are less than 65% of sales realization, penal interest @


0.25% will be charged till next review of the limits.

 Existing term loan or cash credit can be converted into ABL subject to CRA of the unit is SB-5 or
better and conduct of account is fully satisfactory.
 Free cash pick up facility for limits above Rs. 10 Crore (maximum free pick up in a year up to
extent of 25% of the limits.
 Borrower will be given SME Insta Deposit Card and SBI Business Debit Card free of cost.
 Valuation of property every 3 years and any shortfall has to be topped up.
 Property with Power of Attorney not permitted.
 Agricultural land should not be considered as property for mortgage.
 SEZ property not to be taken.
 Open Land outside urban limits should not be considered.
 No Second Charge or Pari-Passu charge will be extended for other Bank/FI.
 No overdrawing to be permitted.
 DP reduction date or installment due date may be last working day of every month.
 In case of no credits in a calendar month, the Borrower will be contacted immediately.
Sanctioning Authority ABL:
 Loans upto Rs. 20 Crs: As per delegation of financial powers.
 Loans above Rs.20 Crores & upto Rs.30 Crores to be sanctioned at least by RCCC.
ABL Saral
For build-up of current assets and fixed assets needed for business purpose, capacity expansion,
modernization, short-term working capital (including shoring up of Net Working Capital, etc).
Drop-line Overdraft facility, Cash Credit, NFB Facility (LC, BG).
Cash Margin for NFB- Minimum 10%
Minimum = >Rs.10 Lakh
Loan Amount
Maximum = Rs. 5 Cr
LTV 65% (for other than Industrial property) of the realizable value
 For PSL Category (with URC): EBR + 100 bps Concessions: 0.50%
Interest rate
 For Non- PSL Category: 6 M MCLR + 200 bps Concessions: 0.50%
 Dropline OD up to 180 months.
 Cash Credit: No moratorium. On demand.
Moratorium should not be more than 6 months based on activity
Primary Security Nil.
 Immovable property (compliant under SARFAESI Act) belonging to the unit, its
proprietor/partners/ directors or their near relatives. Near relatives will cover Father, Fatherin-
law, Mother, Mother-in-law, Spouse, Son, Daughter, real Brother & real Sister.
 Properties in the name of Associates with the common promoters will be eligible.
 Industrial Property/Agricultural land not to be considered as property for mortgage.
Collateral  Leasehold property can be taken as security, subject to the compliance of banks instructions.
Security  Properties covered under social infrastructure such as schools/colleges, hospitals,
orphanage/old age homes etc., should not be accepted for mortgage. In respect of other
securities not mentioned above sanctioning authority may decide acceptability of such security
subject to the property being SARFAESI compliant and marketable.
 SEZ property not eligible.
 Open Land outside urban limits should not be considered as property for mortgage.
 Personal Guarantee of the Mortgager (Owner of the property) is mandatory.
 Personal Guarantee from the Promoters/ Partners/ Directors (other than mortgagor) of the unit
should be explored.
Assessment of Working capital limit (CC/Dropline OD) to be computed at minimum 25% of the projected turn
limits over.
 Dropline OD: Once in a year. (Rate as applicable to normal CC as per CPPD card rates). If the
Processing Fee DP is restored to original limit, upfront/ processing fee of 0.25% on the restituted amount will be


 Cash Credit: Once in a year. (Rate as applicable to normal CC as per CPPD card rates.)
 NFB: Once in a year. (As per CPPD card rates.)
Pre-Payment  No prepayment penalty to be charged for Micro Enterprises.
Penalty  However Small /Medium Enterprises will be subjected to levy of Pre-payment charges.
Penal Interest 5%
Valuation of
Every 3 years
EM Charges Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 2000/- p.a.
Stock Statements Half yearly
Drop line Overdraft:
 No renewal of limit.
Renewal / Review  Review has to be carried out annually.

Cash Credit: To be renewed annually

 In case of Dropline OD enhancement is not permitted.
Enhancement in
 2nd ABL can be sanctioned within the LTV.
 However, enhancement can be done in case of CC within the permissible LTV.
Inspection Half yearly
Yearly affidavit from the borrower that funds have been /will be utilised for the approved
Undertaking from activities under MSMED Act 2006, wholesale/retail trade and not used for speculative purpose
the borrower like investment in stock market, acquisition/development of land, etc., or for any activity not
permitted by law.
Hurdle and  Unit with CRA/CUE of SB-11/CUE-11 and worse is not eligible for finance under ABL.
CRA/CUE Rating  Hurdle rate: SB/CUE-10.
Existing term loan or cash credit can be converted into ABL subject to:
 Conduct of account is satisfactory.
Conversion of
 SMA-2 account will not be allowed for conversion (Account should not have been classified
existing Term
SMA-2 since last review of the account).
Loan or Cash
 Cash flow projected is sufficient to take care of the payment of future interest and instalment.
Credit account
 Loan amount is restricted to 65% of the realizable value of the collateral as per the scheme.
 In case of conversion of Term Loan to Dropline Overdraft, repayment should be kept as per
original sanction.
Sole Banking
Electronic Dealer Finance Scheme (e-DFS)
To provide hassle free finance to authorized Dealers/Stockiest/Distributors/Franchisees of Industry
Majors (IMs) for purchase of Inventory
Facility Cash Credit
Dealers/Stockiest/Distributors/Franchisees of Industry Majors having tie-up arrangement with the
Loan Amount Need Based and Tie-up Specific
EBLR/ One year MCLR + 0.55% to 3.00% depending on each tie-up and security coverage (Interest
Rate not Linked to CRA Rating/Financials of Unit. Interest on Daily Reducing Balance for each
Interest Rate consignment).
Interest Rate for MSME units will be linked to EBLR and for non-MSME units will be linked to One
year MCLR.
Margin Nil. 100% Finance. In case of Jewellery tie ups it is 25%
The dealer has to make repayment within the agreed credit period.
Repayment In case the dealer fails to repay within the grace period, no further drawings will be allowed from
his electronic dealer financing account.


Collateral Nil / Or up to 50% depending on each tie-up (Loans can be covered under Mudra, Stand Up India,
Security CGTMSE as per guidelines for respective tie-ups)
Transactions are done on Internet Banking Platform of the bank
Transaction through 2 methods i.e. PULL METHOD (When the Industry Major makes a request for
debit in the dealer account) & PUSH MODEL (When the dealer originates the remittance)
Method of
Dealers will route the credit proceeds of the goods sold by them, if any, through the loan account.
The amount received on account of sales relating to any invoices shall be credited immediately (in
the e-DFS account), without any delay, notwithstanding the availability of credit period and/ or
grace period.
Monthly. However, immediate inspection to be carried out on account becoming inactive and
monthly till account becomes active.
 The Bank has formed two verticals, namely Supply Chain Finance Unit (SCFU) under SME BU, Corporate Centre
and Transaction Banking Unit (TBU) under Corporate Banking Group, Corporate Centre to focus on financing the
supply chain of the Corporates.
In case dealer does not deposit invoice- wise sales in the e-DFS account it may be treated as diversion of funds and
penal interest of 0.50% p.a. will be charged to the e-DFS account”.
Limits up to Rs.1 crore, can be covered under CGTMSE.
CGM of Circles/ CCG will have the discretion to offer (in case of individual dealer accounts, on case to case basis), a
finer rate of interest up to 35 B.P., over the applicable rate for the tie up.
 Stock & Receivable audit (SAR) has to be conducted mandatorily upon completion of 30 days of inactiveness of
the account, for all loans above Rs. 10 Cr. Periodicity- Yearly
SME Open Term Loan
i. All units under Manufacturing sector and;
ii. Under Service sector: Healthcare Industry (Hospital, Doctors, Pathological Labs, and Nursing
Target Group
Home), Hospitality Industry (Hotels, Restaurants, etc), and Transport Operators with minimum 25
 The product will be extended upto CRA rating of SB-6 / CUE-6 or ECR of BBB and above.
Existing customers having banking with us for more than 3 years and having satisfactory track
record i.e. the account has not slipped to category SMA-1 and below in the previous 12 months
(irregular for 31 to 60 days) will also be eligible for finance under Open Term Loan subjected to:
(a) CRA rating of SB-8/CUE-8 & above, or
(b) ECR of BB & above
 CRA rating of SB-8 / CUE-8 & better Or ECR of BB & above.
 Non-customers /Units not having borrowing arrangements with us shall not be eligible.
Both manufacturing and services enterprises: 25% of total limit sanctioned with a minimum of Rs
Loan amount 25.00 lakhs and maximum of Rs. 10 crores (For expansion, modernization, technology
upgradation:- For the purpose of creation of tangible assets only).
Facility TL
Repayment Maximum – 8 years including a moratorium period (maximum moratorium 12 months)
Margin 25%
For new customers: CRA rating of SB-6 / CUE-6 or ECR of BBB and above.
CRA Rating
For existing customers: CRA rating of SB-8/CUE-8 & above/ECR of BB & above Loan Amount
DSCR 1.75
SME/MSME intensive branches and Branches equipped with RM (SME)
The limits are to be utilized within 12 months of sanction. If the limits are not utilized or only partially utilized within
12 months of sanction the limit or unutilized portion of the limit as the case may be, will lapse and should not
therefore be disbursed.
SME Marble Plus
Purpose To provide hassle free finance to the Marble, Flespar, Quartz and other Stone Units for financing


their multiple requirements including normal working capital/ capital expansion (capex)
requirements/ other requirements related to their business activity.
Existing and new units with credit rating SB-9 /CUE-9 and better.
Eligibility Takeover of good units- Hurdle Rate for takeover of the account will be SB-7/ CUE-7 subject to
adherence of take over norms as per Bank’s Loan Policy.
Minimum: >Rs. 10 Lakh
Loan amount
Maximum: Rs. 10 Cr.
Cash Credit / Term Loan / Dropline Overdraft
Non Fund Based Limits (LC/BG)
Term Loan / Dropline OD– Max. 120 months (Inclusive moratorium 12 Months)
Working Capital: Repayable on Demand. Sanction valid for 12 Months (Annually Renewal)
Working Capital: Stocks: 25%; Receivables: 40%
Margin Term Loan: 25%
LC & BG: Min. 25% Cash Margin
Minimum 50% of loan amount. (Security must be SARFAESI Compliance).
Collateral No Second Charge or Pari-Passu charge will be extended to other Bank/FI
Security Eligible units may be covered under CGTMSE as per CGTMSE guidelines (Trading units: up to Rs. 1
Cr; Services &Mfg units: up to Rs. 2 Cr). Customer has to bear the Guarantee Fee.
Loans up to Rs. 5 Cr: (Working Capital for MSME units)
 Minimum 25% of the annual projected turnover
 Minimum 30% of the annual turnover for units with min. 25% of sales registered through digital
Assessment of
loan For Trading Units: Minimum 15% of the annual projected turnover

Loans above Rs. 5 Cr to Rs. 10 Cr: (Working Capital) As per Assessed Bank Finance (ABF)

Term Loan: 75% of project cost for all loans

 Quarterly (For Standard Account) &
 Monthly for SMA1/ SMA 2 accounts, till the account turns regular.
CRA/CUE  New Connections/ Enhancement: SB-9 /CUE-9
Hurdle  Takeover: SB-7/ CUE-7
DSCR >=1.50
Proc. / Upfront
Unified Charges: 1% of Loan Amount (Min- Rs. 10000 & Max- Rs. 50000 + GST)
Healthcare Business Loan
Hospitals/ Nursing Homes/ Clinics/ Medical Colleges
Diagnostic Centres and Pathology Laboratories
Eye Centres, ENT Centres, Small and Medium size specialty clients like skin clinics, dental clinics,
Target Group dialysis centres, endoscopy centres, IVF centres, poly clinics, X-ray labs, Yoga Centres etc.
Qualified Medical Practitioners.
Manufacturers of healthcare products/ permitted drugs/medical equipments.
(Allopathic, Ayurvedic & Homeopathic streams can be covered under the product).
 Individuals/ Proprietorship Firms/ Partnership Firms/ Corporates/ Trusts (with powers to borrow)
 Applicant should have minimum 2 years of operations of the diagnostic Centre, pathological lab,
hospital, nursing home, etc. irrespective of constitution.
 In case of financing to Hospitals/ Nursing Homes, the promoter should have required minimum
qualification in the relevant discipline; like MBBS, BDS, BHMS etc.
 Should have the required approvals/ registrations from the statutory/ regulatory authority.
ITR is mandatory in case of all existing units operating for more than one Financial Year.


Deviation Approving Authority:

 In case of sanctions by CLCC and below, GM (Network) will have the discretion to approve
deviations in the eligibility criteria.
Nature of
Term Loan and/or Cash Credit
Minimum: > Rs. 10 Lakh
Maximum: Generally, Rs. 50 Crores
Quantum of
DMD of the vertical is vested with the powers to permit deviation for loan beyond Rs. 50 Crs on
case-to-case basis.
Cash Credit facility shall be given for maximum limit of Rs. 5 Crs only, for meeting recurring
Term Loan - 25%
Cash Credit - 25%
Circle CGM is vested with the powers to reduce margin upto 15% on case-to case basis.
SB/ CUE- 10. No deviation is to be permitted in this respect.
GM (Network) is vested with discretionary powers of upto 50 bps on case-to-case basis.
Price CGM (Circle) is vested with discretionary powers of upto 100 bps on case-to-case basis.
concession Note: During renewal/ review of limits, if CRA/CUE rating goes below SB/CUE- 10, then all
concessions to be withdrawn from the due date of renewal.
Primary: Hypothecation/mortgage of the assets financed by the Bank.

Loans up to Rs. 2 Cr: Nil, if covered under CGTMSE/CGSSI. Guarantee Fee to be borne by borrower.
For coverage under CGTMSE, partial collateral security model is also applicable as per extant
CGTMSE guidelines.
However, If the borrower is not willing to pay the guarantee fee or not willing to cover the exposure
under CGTMSE/CGSSI, then minimum 25% SARFAESI enabled collateral security needs to be
Loans above Rs. 2 Cr to Rs. 50 Cr: Minimum 25% SARFAESI enabled tangible collateral security.
Discretion: CGM of the Circle will have discretion to reduce collateral security coverage up
to 15% on a case to case basis on business considerations.
Cash Credit: Yearly Renewal. Repayable on demand.
Repayment Term Loan: 10 years including moratorium
Period  Annual Review to be done
Interest to be serviced on a monthly basis during the moratorium period
Maximum 18 months. However, in case of Equipment finance maximum moratorium will be 6
months only.
Circle CGM is vested with the powers to increase moratorium upto 24 months on case-to-case
Processing Fee 50% concession on card rates as per advance related service charges
In case of individual borrower & MSE borrower: Nil
For others:
In case of pre-payment through internal accrual/own fund: Nil
In all other cases: 2.00% p.a. of the prepaid amount
Penal Interest 5% p.a. over & above the existing rate of interest on overdue amount for the period of default
Half yearly for regular accounts and monthly for accounts in SMA category till account turns


 For collateral security, inspection to be done on yearly basis at the time of review
Cash flow generated out of the equipment financed under the product should mandatorily be routed through our
Bank account maintained at the Branch.
The borrower may be encouraged to route its transactions through PoS machine, other digital platforms of SBI etc.
PoS machines should be mandatorily installed to efficiently capture all the cash flows for CC facility, in respect of
card transactions.
Opening of Current Account with other Banks shall be restricted.
SME Finance for CAs Under CLP
Member Chartered Accountants (CAs) / Proprietorship / Partnership / or in any other form
Target Group
registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and currently under practice
Minimum Age: 25 Years, Maximum Age: 65 years
CA must have Certificate of Membership (CoM)/ Certificate of Practice (CoP) issued by ICAI. CoM/
CoP should be at least 5 years old.
Eligibility Last 3 years ITRs should be available.
The applicant must obtain a minimum score of 50% as per score card under the scheme..
Applicant must be registered in UDYAM portal as MSME.
Applicants with CIBIL score below 650 will be ineligible
Minimum: Rs. 2.00 Lakhs
Loan Amount Overdraft = Rs. 25 Lakhs
Term Loan: (i) Metros: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru: Rs. 100 Lakhs
(ii) Other Centres (State Capital/ Tier-I cities): Max. Rs.75 Lakhs.
Facility Overdraft and Term Loan
Repayment Overdraft: Payable on Demand; Term Loan: 5 Years (Inclusive of moratorium of 12 months)
Margin Overdraft: Nil, Term Loan: 25%,
Assessment Term Loan: 75% of the project cost.
of Loan Overdraft: 25% of Gross Receipts of the Firm/ CA (Max- Rs. 25 Lakhs)
Collateral Overdraft: Nil, Term Loan: Covered under CGTMSE. (Fee will be borne by borrower)
DSCR Minimum 1.50
PM Street Vendor’s Atma Nirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Third Tranche Loan to Beneficaries
Validity of
Facility Type Fund Based Working Capital (Demand Loan)
SVs applied through Udayamimitra portal and availed second tranche of loan from our Bank and
repaid promptly
Loan Amount Min Rs: 20,000/ - Max Rs. 50,000/-.
Disbursement Single tranche
Repayment Max 36 Months (EMI).
Margin Nil
Interest Rate EBLR + 3.25%
Security Nil
Processing fee Nil
Others Promotion of Digital Transactions by Vendors
Indra Gandhi Urban Credit Card Yojana (IGUCCY)
Facility Demand Loan
Validity of scheme Upto 31.03.2022
Street Vendors, Carpenter, Cobbler, Plumbers, Electricians, Rickshaw Pullers and other
unemployed people of unorganized sector other than
Target group
1. Applicant whose monthly income is Rs 15,000/- or more.
2. Applicant whose monthly family income is Rs 50,000/- or more.


1. Applicant should be domicile of Rajasthan State.

2. Applicant should be residing in Urban Areas only.
3. Applicant age shall be 18-40 years (No age restriction for Street Venders if otherwise eligible
under the scheme).
Eligibility 4. Applicant should not be getting any unemployment allowance.

Eligibility will be verified by the Urban Local Body (ULB) and Certificate will be provided by
them to the prospective borrower. The applications after screening by Nodal Officer and
certification by District Collector will be uploaded on State Government Portal.
To provide financial assistance to people desirous of Contingency business needs due to
The loan applications will be submitted by street vendors on Rajasthan Government Portal
Sourcing ( with SBI as preferred bank. OFFLINE PROPOSAL NOT TO BE
Loan to be processed as applicable to Shishu Mudra Scheme through LOS SME. The scoring
pattern applicable to Shishu Mudra Scheme will be used.
KYC and Eligibility of the applicant to be ensured.
CRIF Highmark check is applicable. There should be no default in credit history.
Due diligence
• Shall be ensured that the borrower is not an existing borrower of our Bank under any of the
Government Sponsored Schemes.
Quantum of Min: Rs. 1,000/-
finance/Loan Max: Rs. 50,000/-
Disbursement Loan amount to be disbursed either in lumpsum or maximum in 2 instalments.
As per Banks extant delegation of powers at RACC / RASMECC / SMECC.
Margin (%) Nil
Interest Rate 10% fixed ROI as decided by the State Government
Upfront fee Nil
 Primary Security: Assets created out of bank finance.
 No collateral will be obtained. The accounts will be covered under CGTMSE. Guarantee fee is
to be borne by the State Government.
 Branch/CPC to ensure CGPAN is incorporated in CBS.
 RBOs to collate the data for CGTMSE fee paid by the branches/CPCs and advise LHO on
monthly basis to claim the guarantee fee from State Government.
Credit scoring
As Applicable to Shishu Mudra
 For loans upto Rs. 25000/ = 12 Monthly Instalments of the Principal amount. Interest to be
paid as and when applied.
 For loans above Rs.25000/ = 18 Monthly instalments of the Principal Amount. Interest to be
paid as and when applied.
Moratorium 3 months
 Entire interest charged in the loan account will be reimbursed by the State Government in
the form of Interest Subsidy. The interest subsidy amount is eligible for accounts reported in
portal as disbursed. Branch/CPC to ensure reporting -on portal immediately after 1st
Interest subsidy disbursement to claim interest subsidy. The claim is to be submitted by LHO centrally to State
Government on monthly basis.
 The interest subsidy amount is credited directly to loan account of the customer on a
monthly basis.
Insurance Waived
TAT Not exceeding 7 days
 Pre-Sanction: Waived if ULB has issued Vendors ID/ Certificate of vending / LoR after Survey.
 Post sanction: Within one month from full disbursement.


 Thereafter at Half yearly intervals.

PSL Categorization These loans will be categorized under PSL "SME" category.
Processing Fee Nil
 The credit facility will be covered under CGTMSE and will be applicable for disbursement Up
to March 31, 2022.
Credit Guarantee  CGTMSE Fees will be paid by Bank and reimbursement of the same will be done by state
government subsequently.
 Submission of claim to be monitored by RBO/LHO level.
Lease Rental Discounting (LRD) Scheme
i. All SME intensive branches to handle proposals up to the cut off for NBG i.e., up to Rs. 50 Cr
ii. Other NBG branches approved by CMC of the Circle may handle proposals up to Rs.10 Cr.
iii. All CCG/CAG Branches
To meet borrower’s liquidity mismatch. A Certificate regarding the end use of funds should be
Purpose obtained stating that the funds will be utilised for the purposes required in the usual course of
business and not utilized for speculative, real estate purposes.
Owners of residential &commercial properties, to be rented or already rented to MNCs / Banks/
Large & Medium size Corporates / Government Offices (both Central and State) / reputed Public
bodies such as Municipal Corporations etc. (However, the properties should not be or have been
leased to Social Infrastructure projects such as Schools, Colleges, Orphanages, Hospitals, Old age
homes, Nursing homes etc)
If the Lessee is an Associate Concern and is the sole tenant, then loan not to be considered.
Location of
SARFAESI compliant properties located in Metro / Urban / Semi- Urban centers only
Minimum Maximum
R & DB Branches Rs 10 Lakh Rs 50 Cr
Loan amount CCG/CAG Branches* Rs 50 Cr Rs 1200 Cr
*For- CCG & CAG Branches i. ECR rating ‘A (+/-)’ or better – For Builders (lessor). If Builders
Rating is not available, Sponsor’s Rating to be considered. In such case, Max Loan=Rs. 2000 Cr
Facility TL
i. Upto Rs.50 cores: Maximum 10 years or residual lease period and the lease period under renewal
clause, whichever is lower.
However, in case of tenants being large MNCs/ Banks/ PSUs /Govt. Depts., Maximum 15 years, or
residual lease period considered for assessment of loan, whichever is less.
ii. Above Rs. 50 crores: Maximum 15 years, or residual lease period and the lease period under
renewal clause, whichever is lower
The realizable value of property to be mortgaged should be at least 143% of the loan amount
DSCR 1.25
i. Minimum 3 months EMI should be kept with the branch as Debt Service Reserve Account
(DSRA). In case of consortium/ MBA where ESCROW is maintained with other members,
DSRA stipulated DSRA to be maintained with us.
ii. Higher DSRA up to 6 months may be stipulated by Sanctioning Authority, on a case to case
1% of the prepaid Loan amount
 Half-yearly.
 Monthly if default with one EMI
Annual Review charges are not applicable
Dynamic To be carried out in respect of accounts where there is a shortfall of more than 20% in rent


Review realization during the previous 3 consecutive months.

Existing Borrowers where the original loan has run for a minimum period of 03 Years.
Top-Up Loan
The residual lease period in all cases should not be less than 2 years.
In case of Takeover of loans, timeline up to maximum 3 months may be permitted by the Sanctioning Authority on
a case to case basis for creation of mortgage
SME Laghu Udyami (SME Credit Card)
All Micro Enterprises, SSI units, SBF, Retail Traders, village industries, tiny units, professionals, self-
Target Group
employed, MSME Units
Purpose To meet any kind of credit requirements including purchase of shop
Customers of the target group segments with a satisfactory track record for the last 2 years.
Units who do not enjoy credit limit with us / other banks at present with excellent performance
Eligibility and credentials may be considered.
Term loans can be sanctioned under SBCC for acquisition of shop under Small Business
Loan amount Max: 10 Lakh
Facility CC or TL
 Upto Rs. 50,000/-: Nil
Above Rs. 50,000/-: 10%
Cash Credit: Repayable on demand. Validity: 3 years subject to Annual Review.

Term Loan:
Repayment  < Rs. 5 lakhs: Max. 5 years including moratorium period up to 6 months. Annual review to be
 Rs. 5 lakhs & above: Max. 7 years including maximum moratorium period of upto 12 months.
Annual review to be done.
Rate of
EBR + 3.25%
 Yearly intervals by Bank officials.
 Quarterly intervals by authorized Representative viz. SBOSS
* Proposed frequency by Bank Officials shall be applicable till inspection work is outsourced to
Authorized Representatives such as State Bank Operations Support Subsidiary Pvt. Ltd. (SBOSS).
# (The quarterly Inspections will be done by Branch officials as earlier till the time SBOSS or
any other agency is appointed)

 If the account turns into SMA 1/ 2/ NPA = Bi-monthly

Scoring model Minimum score of 60% qualify under the Scheme
a) Working Capital: 20% of turnover of the last 12 months through the account
b) Term Loan: Total Project Cost less stipulated margin
c) For Self - Employed & Professionals: 50% of Gross Annual Income as declared in their income
tax return
Hypothecation of stock in trade, receivables, machinery, office equipment
Collateral  Nil Collateral Security.
Security  All loans to be covered under CGFMU as under Mudra Scheme.
Processing fee As per CPPD Card Rates issued from time to time
PABL (Pre-Approved Business Loan)
C/A Customers with constitution type as Individual, Sole Proprietors and classified as Micro/Small as
Target Group
per definition of MSME. In case of Individuals C/As, mode of operation should be single.
Purpose of To provide hassle free finance to our existing C/A customers for meeting their multiple requirements


loan related to their business activity.

Leads generated after basic gating of existing Current Account customers and Go/No-Go based on
New Risk Model (BRE).
Age of
Maximum Age of promoter to be restricted to 70 years.
Type of facility Dropline Overdraft
Quantum of Min. = >Rs. 50,000;
Loan Max. = Rs. 20 Lakh
Repayment Fixed 48 months
CIBIL >=650
No Debit Card/ATM/ Business Debit Card are to be issued to the customer. However, cash
withdrawal in
withdrawal through cheque will be permitted.
OD account
Charges on
Cash deposits Charges for cash deposits into PABL OD Account to be similar as applicable for ‘Gold variant’ of
in O/D Current Account Product.
Not Applicable
Periodic Inspection is to be waived for regular accounts
Inspection A unit is to be inspected monthly for SMA/NPA accounts till regularization or till migration of the
account to SMEC/RACC/RASMEC whichever is earlier.
Processing Fee 0.30% of limit + applicable GST
No Inspection Charges to be levied as inspection is waived for regular accounts
Maintenance Not to be levied
Penal Interest As per CPPD card rate
Moratorium NA
Repayment On Demand
Rate of
BRE Score based Pricing
Primary: Nil,
Collateral: Nil
Multiple Banking (except for fund based revolving nature of business credit facility)
Insurance Responsibility on borrower. Branch not to be responsible for insurance of business assets.
Branch should obtain Revival Letter on completion of every two years to ensure against
documents getting time barred.
Arthias Plus Scheme
To meet the Working Capital requirements of Commission Agents/Arthias engaged in trading
Target Group Commission Agents/ Arthias engaged in Retail Trade
Commission Agents/ Arthias (functioning in markets/ mandies) also engaged in Retail trade
activities and enjoying good reputation in the market with sufficient experience in the line of their
business for the past 3 years. They should be registered with the Market Committee and possess a
valid license issued by the Authorized government agencies.
Minimum: >10 Lakh
Loan amount
Maximum: 5 Cr


Facility CC
Repayment One Year. To be renewed annually as per norms
 Stocks: 30%;
 Receivables: 40% (Not more than 6 months old)
125% of loan amount for all category of loans (Only SARFAESI Compliance). Collateral security must
be tangible (Non- agricultural property) belonging to the borrower or guarantor. Third Party
collateral from close relative is also acceptable. All properties required to be registered with CERSAI.
Quarterly - Primary Security.
Yearly inspection of property mortgaged (if any)
 Two Credit information reports from separate CICs.
 CIBIL Score – 650 for New unit. For existing unit, score <650 deviation by GM (NW).
For exposure above Rs 50.00 lakhs and up to Rs 5 Cr from the Banking system, CUE rating shall only
be applicable.
CUE Rating Hurdle Rate will be as under:
/Hurdle Rate New Connections: CUE-8
Takeover: CUE rating of the borrower should be CUE-7 or better
No enhancement for units rated CUE-10 and below.
(i) Where Sales are booked by Arthias: Limit would be assessed 20% of the projected sales
Assessment of
(ii) For Commission Income: Limit would be assessed as 20% of Sales.
Final limit to be arrived by adding both the limits at (i)+(ii).
 Charges: 1% of limit sanctioned p.a (Min, 10000/-, Max=50000/- plus taxes.
 Commitment charge waived.
Penalty of 1% shall be levied at the time of next renewal if the borrower fails to route 100% realizations through
Cash Credit accounts.
Weavers Credit Card PMMY Scheme Renamed as Weaver Mudra Scheme (WMS)
 All weavers and ancillary workers involved in weaving activities.
Eligibility  Possession of Photo ID Card issued by the Development Commissioner Handlooms) or the State
Government is a necessary re-condition for availment of the facility under this scheme.
For working capital requirements as well as purchase of tools and equipment required for carrying
out weaving activity.
Minimum = Rs. 50,000/-
Quantum of
a) For Individual handloom weaver/ Weaver Entrepreneur = Rs. 200000/-.
b) For Handloom organization/ Entity borrowers Maximum = Rs. 2.00 Crores.
(However, Loan up to Rs.10 Lac will be reported under Mudra loan).
 Working capital based on turnover method i.e. Bank finance will be 20% of turnover and 5% of
Assessment of
turnover will be borrower’s margin.
 Term loan to be assessed based on project cost and invoices, therefore.
Facility CC & TL
 TL to be repaid in 3 years including Moratorium period of 3-6 Months.
 Cash Credit- On Demand. Cash Credit limit to be renewed in 3 years with annual review
 20% of the loan amount Individual Handloom Weaver/Weaver Entrepreneur – Margin Money
assistance @20% of loan amount, subject to maximum of Rs.25,000/-
 Others: Handloom organization - Margin money assistance @20% of loan amount, subject to
maximum of Rs.20.00 lakh (margin money @Rs.2.00 lakh for every 100 weaver/worker)
Interest rate EBLR + 3.25% p.a.
Primary: Hypothecation of Assets financed by the Bank.
Collateral: Loan up to Rs.10 Lac to be reported under Mudra and hence no collateral to be insisted.
 Coverage of loans under CGTMSE to be ensured & CGTMSE flag should be enabled in CBS.
 For loans above Rs. 10 lacs accounts to be covered under CGTMSE guarantee scheme or


Collateral security as per Bank norm to be obtained and applicable Charges to be recovered.
Quarterly basis for loans up to Rs.10.00 lacs and for loans above Rs. 10.00 lac at monthly
NIL, in Individual cases up to Rs.2 lakh (above than Rs. 2 lakh- Usual charges applicable as per Bank’s
Proc. Fee
 Branches to verify KYC details of the applicant.
AML CFT  No cross- border transactions are permitted.
Guidelines  Only face to face initiation of Business relationship to be ensured.
 Cash transaction may be allowed for small value up to Rs.20000/- as per IT act.
For loans upto 10 lacs Quarterly and for loans above Rs. 10 lacs monthly
SBI Fleet Finance Scheme
Existing Fleet Operators & Captive Users, Business Enterprises, contractors, Mine owners, Port
Target Group
owners/operators etc.
 Minimum 3 years of experience in transport industry and other businesses. Fleet operator having
existing fleet of minimum 10 vehicles.
 Transport operators holding national/ state route permit and other necessary
 Satisfactory track record with existing banks/FIs.
 Income Tax Assessee (personal & Business).
 Average Gross DSCR: minimum 1.50. (Below 1.50, special approval from authority one step higher
than sanctioning authority).
 Eligibility is linked to the scores obtained under scoring model.
 Borrower has to get min 50% score under scoring model to be eligible for SBI Fleet Finance
 Minimum CIBIL Score of main Promotors/ Partners/ Directors should be 650.
 CRA / CUE Hurdle Rate: SB 10 / CUE 10.
 Minimum: Rs.50.00 lakh.
 Maximum: Rs.5.00 Crore.
 Loans to be covered under CGTMSE.
 Loans above Rs.5.00 crore and upto Rs.10.00 crore, in deserving cases, may be considered
with prior inprinciple approval from Circle CGM. Loans above Rs.5 crore to be covered under
Loan amount
hybrid model, with limit above Rs.5.00 crore be covered by tangible collateral security of
 Fleet Finance Loans above Rs.10.00 Crore to be sanctioned only under tie-up with OEMs / NBFCs.
 Line of credit can be given to the borrowers for 12 months based on its annual purchase plans and
disbursement can be made based on the orders / deployment schedule.
Facility TL
Scores between 50% to less than 60%: Max 60 months
Scores 60% and above: Max 66 months
Margin 5% to 50% (based on Scores as per Scoring Model)
 Loans upto Rs.5.00 crore should be covered under CGTMSE.
Collateral  Guarantee fee to be borne by the borrower.
Security  Loans above Rs.5.00 crore to Rs.10.00 crore should be covered under hybrid model, with limit
above Rs.5.00 crore be covered by tangible collateral security of >=50%.
Inspection of vehicles should be done within 15 days after disbursement of the loan.
Noting of bank’s hypothecation with RTO should be ensured.
Physical inspection should be done every three months.
In case of any irregularity, frequency of the inspection should be increased.
Proc. /  For Micro Enterprise units under MSME Act: NIL
Upfront Fee  For all others: 1% of the loan amount
Pre-payment Upto 2 years: 4% of the outstanding amount.


Penalty Beyond 2 years: 2% of the outstanding amount.

Annual review 0.05% of the sanctioned loan amount
Other Takeover cases are not allowed.
Dal Mill Plus Scheme
a) Working capital needs
b) Acquisition of machinery/factory building for modernization / Expansion etc.
a) Profit making existing units with CUE rating of CUE-8 and better as per Project Vivek.
b) Take-over of good units, subject to compliance of takeover norms.
c) Newly proposed / Newly established Dal Mill units with CUE of CUE-7 and better (greenfield
Eligibility d) Track record of previous two years to be considered for new connections / enhancements, i.e.2
years of continuous profit making.
e) Udyam Registration Certificate (for MSME units).

CRA rating to be worked out for regulatory purpose and should be better than hurdle rate SB-10
Assessment Working Capital Assessment: Assessment under Project Vivek using PACE Tool to re-draw
and Quantum Turnover and other parameters on the basis of cash flows.
of loan Maximum exposure under the Product: Rs. 25 Crores
Facility Term Loan, Working Capital limit (Fund based &Non-fund based facilities)
Term Loan: 8 years (including the moratorium period of maximum 12 months)
Working Capital: Repayable on demand.
Moratorium 12 months
Term Loan: Min. 25%
Working capital:
Stocks: Min. 25%
Book debts: Min. 40% with cover period up to 90 days
Hypothecation of Assets financed by the Bank
i. With CGTMSE Cover:
All loans upto Rs. 2 Crores are eligible to be covered under CGTMSE.
Loans above Rs. 2 Crores can also be covered under CGTMSE for amount upto Rs. 2 Crores under
Collateral Hybrid Model (with partial collateral security). 75% Collateral security to be obtained for amount
Security above Rs. 2 Crores.
Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) - borne by the borrower.

ii. Without CGTMSE Cover: 75% Equitable mortgage of property / tangible security.
Individuals and sole proprietor concerns engaged in any transport of goods / passengers (Existing
Target Group
or new).
Purpose For purchase of e-Rickshaws from Dealers for transportation of passengers and goods for hire.
Micro Enterprises / units those are in manufacturing, trading and services sector (including
Loan Amt Max Rs. 10 Lakh
Facility TL
Repayment 4 years
Moratorium One Month
NAI Up to Rs. 5 lakhs = 50%,
NAI > Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 Lacs = 60%
Upto Rs. 50000/- = Nil,
Rs. 50,001 – Rs.10 lacs = 10%
Interest Rates 1 year EBLR + 3.25%
Security  Primary: Hypothecation of e-Rickshaw.


 Collateral: Nil, All the loans are to be covered under credit guarantee scheme of CGFMU. Cost of
Guarantee cover to be borne by the borrower.
Up to 5 Lakh = Nil,
Proc. Fee
Above 5 Lakh to 10 Lakh = 0.50%+GST
i. The Bank shall restrict finance to e-Rickshaws only in States having approved subsidy in place from the State/Central
ii. The e-Rickshaws to be financed shall be duly registered with the RTO.
iii. Requirement of permit for e-Rickshaw from RTO should be complied with, wherever applicable.
iv. The e-Rickshaws to be financed shall be fully insured.
v. There shall be availability of authorised battery charging centres in the local area of operations.
vi. The driver of e-Rickshaw shall have valid license in his name.
vii. The Circles are advised to map the sanctions under the tie-up to the local Business Correspondents (BCs) for
regular recovery of loans.
viii. The Circles shall reckon the cost of replacement of batteries at the time of appraisal and have the feature of
deferred disbursement to enable the borrower to replace the batteries in time.
ix. Receipt/Invoice submitted in lieu of cash margin must be verified for genuineness before being accepted.
x. Branch to ensure taking of undated cheques (preferably Six) in order to initiate action under section 138 of NI Act
in case of default.

As per manufacturers and present Government registration norms, useful life of E-Rickshaw is estimated to be 5
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) under SATAT Scheme
Target Group Entrepreneurs who have been awarded Letter of Intents (LOIs) by Oil Marketing Companies
& (OMCs) for supply of Compressed Bio-Gas under SATAT Scheme.
Eligibility  Obtention of LOI from OMCs is a pre-condition for processing the loan.
Purpose To part-finance setting up of Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) plants
Nature of
Term Loan, Working Capital
Quantum of  Rs. 50 Crores Max. (to be handled by RDB)
loan  Above Rs. 50 Crores (to be handled by CCG)
 Term loan repayable in 10-12 years.
Repayment  The overall door-to-door tenor (moratorium + repayment tenor) not to exceed tenor of offtake
Period agreement, which is 15 years and may be extended on mutual consent. For Renewable Energy
projects, overall door-to-door tenor permissible is upto 15 years.
 Construction period / Achievement of COD: 12 – 18 months
 Moratorium after COD: 1 year. Interest to be serviced during moratorium
Debt : Equity Min. 70 : 30
Loan to Value
Term Loan: Min. 30% of Project Cost.
Working Capital: Min. 25%
CRA Rating SB-10 & better
Hypothecation of Stocks & Receivables
 Pledge of Shares: (51% of shares of the listed entities to be pledged) Process for pledge of
shares to be ensured as per Bank’s laid down guidelines.
 To be covered under CGTMSE, wherever feasible.
Collateral  The overall Collateral Security coverage (CGTMSE cover + additional collateral security in the form
Security of SARFAESI compliant immovable properties / Fixed Deposits / liquid securities) shall be minimum
50% of aggregate loan exposure.
 In case of leasehold lands, lease period should be at least 3 years more than the loan repayment


 If leasehold land is non-mortgageable, 100% SARFAESI compliant collateral security to be

Monthly (in case Working Capital limit is availed)
Inspection Periodicity: Monthly during the construction phase and Quarterly after COD.
 Average Gross DSCR: 1.25
 Minimum DSCR: 1.15
Sole / Multiple / Consortium
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has notified Central Financial Assistance (CFA)
of Rs. 4 crores per 4,800 kg of CBG per day generated from 12,000 cubic meters of biogas per day,
with a maximum of Rs.10 crore per project.
Corporate Loan
Loan(s) can be considered only for the following specific purposes:
 Shoring up of NWC: At any given point of time, for shoring up of NWC, only one Corporate Loan
can remain outstanding. The following financial ratios have to be complied with:
Purpose i. FACR minimum of 1.25 (To be calculated on WDV basis, including the proposed loan. Tangible
Collateral Security is to be considered while arriving at FACR),
ii. DSCR minimum of 1.20 and
iii. Interest Coverage Ratio minimum of 1.50.
Borrowers having CRA/CUE rating of SB1 to SB 5, if External Credit Rating is not available.
Borrowers with CRA/CUE rating of SB 6 to SB 10 or having
ECR of Investment Grade (i.e. BBB-) & better.
Borrowers with satisfactorily conducted accounts and should not have slipped even to SMA 1
during the last one year period.
Maharatna and Navaratna PSUs irrespective of Credit Rating.
ECR mandatory for exposures above Rs 50 crore.
Only existing customers with minimum of three years’ relationship with the Bank are to be
Minimum: Rs 50 Lakh
Maximum: Rs 10 Cr for Non-Corporate
Quantum of
For Central Govt PSUs enjoying Maharatna, Navratna status and Oil Marketing companies owned
by Central Govt. : As per RBI Pridential exposure Norms
Cap for Corporate borrowers as per Substantial Exposure norms under Loan Policy
Nature of
Term Loan
10 years or the useful life of fixed assets (wherever applicable), whichever is lower, including
moratorium period of up to one year.
Primary: First charge on assets created from financial assistance.
Security 1. First / Paripassu charge on fixed assets.
2. Personal Guarantee of Promoters/ Partners/ Proprietor.
Pledge of Promoters shares to be explored and obtained wherever possible
Corporate Loans outstanding in the name of a Borrower at any point of time, to be restricted to 2
If the loan is availed for shoring up of NWC, the number of outstanding Corporate Loan not to
Number of
exceed 1 at any given time.
in case of irregularities in the existing CL(s) on more than 3 occasions in aggregate in the
preceding 12 months, no new Corporate Loan to be considered even if the borrower meets the
eligibility criteria.
Distressed Assets Fund - Subordinate Debt for Stressed MSMEs (DAF-SDSM)
Purpose To provide personal loan to the promoters of stressed MSMEs for infusion as equity / quasi equity in


the business eligible for restructuring, as per RBI guidelines.

The unit must be in running condition and operational.
The Scheme is applicable for those MSMEs whose accounts have been standard as on 01.01.2016
and have been in regular operations, either as standard accounts, or as NPA accounts during
Eligibility financial year 2018-19 and financial year 2019-20.
Fraud/ Willful defaulter accounts will not be considered under the proposed scheme.
Personal loan will be provided to the promoters of the MSME units. The MSME itself may be
Proprietorship, Partnership, Private Limited Company or registered company etc.
Loan Amount 50% of Promoter’s stake in the MSME entity (equity plus debt) or Rs 75 lakhs whichever is lower.
Facility Type FB Term Loan
 Tenor: Maximum 10 years from the date of disbursement
 Moratorium: Maximum 7 years for principal only, interest is payable at monthly intervals
Repayment  The principal shall be repaid in 36 equal installments after the moratorium period is over.
 Interest to be serviced as and when applied.
 Pre-payment to be allowed at no additional charge to the borrower
Margin 10%
Interest Rate EBR + 100 bps
Certificate of End Use of Funds by Borrower
& ensuring
Chartered Accountant’s Certificate to be obtained stating that the amount has been brought in as
End use of
equity, after completing the formalities.
 First charge over security / collateral brought in towards 10% margin under sub debt facility.
Security  Second charge over assets financed under existing facilities for the entire tenor of the sub-debt
Guarantee Fee
First year: 1.50% per annum on the guaranteed amount on outstanding basis, payable by the
payable to
From second anniversary date onwards: Guarantee fee tobe paid by the Bank on due date and
shall be recovered from the borrower.
Pre sanction Inspection of the unit is mandatory.
Post sanction inspection of the unit is to be conducted on quarterly basis.
Risk weight CGTMSE guaranteed portion i.e. 90% of coverage to be assigned zero risk weight.
Sanjeevani SME Loan for Healthcare Sector
Set up of oxygen plant along with the power back up in the hospital for medical use.
To finance units engaged in manufacturing of liquid oxygen, oxygen cylinders etc.
Hospitals/ Nursing Homes having constitution as Individual/Proprietorship Firm/ Partnership Firm/
Corporate/ Trust/ Society (with powers to borrow).
Owners/Promoters need not be necessarily registered qualified medical practitioners. However,
professional qualified doctors should be a part of management of the hospital.
Manufacturers/ Suppliers of medical oxygen, oxygen cylinders should be registered and should
have all the Statutory Approvals.
Eligibility Should have the required approvals/ registrations from the statutory/ regulatory authority.
Criteria Necessary approvals/ licenses should also be obtained from PESO (Petroleum Explosives Safety
Organization) and FDA (Food & Drug Administration)
ITR is mandatory in case of all existing units operating for more than one Financial Year
Average Gross DSCR of 1.20 in case of Term Loan. DSCR calculation may be limited to oxygen
plant only.
Interest Coverage Ratio> 1.5
Unit should be classified as Standard Asset.
Quantum of
Overall exposure including Term Loan and LC should not exceed Rs. 2 Crs.
Nature of Term Loan, Letter of credit (Letter of Credit should be liquidated by debit to Term Loan)


Term Loan:
Maximum period of 5 years including moratorium period.
Maximum moratorium6months.
If TL A/c becomes irregular then half yearly review to be done.
Repayment can be equated or negotiated as per the cash accrual of the unit. Repayment will have
to be aligned with Cash Flows and linked with the life cycle of the project.
Interest to be serviced on a monthly basis during the moratorium period
TL shall be reviewed every year
LC: LC to be liquidated on due date by debit to Term Loan account.
Rate of
EBLR + 0.85%
CRA Hurdle Units with CRA worse than SB 10 may also be financed.
Rate Loans are covered under ECLGS.
Existing account should be standard.
Margin Nil
In case of individual borrower & MSE borrower: Nil
For others:
In case of pre-payment through internal accrual/own fund: Nil
In case of loan taken over by other Bank: 2.00% p.a. of the prepaid amount.
Hypothecation of the assets financed by the Bank
Collateral Loans to be covered under ECLGS 4.0.
Security Hence, CGTMSE/ Collateral security need not be obtained.
Guarantor Not be insisted upon/obtained.
Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)
All Business Enterprises /MSMEs who have availed loan for business purposes.
To be eligible under GECL-3.1, the borrower’s accounts should be less than or equal to 60 days
Target Group
past due as on 29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022.
& Eligibility
In order to be eligible, the borrower must be GST registered in all cases where such registration is
mandatory. This condition will not apply to borrowers that are not required to obtain GST
Additional WCTL facility for MSME borrowers:
To augment Networking capital
To Meet operational liabilities
Restart their businesses affected due to COVID-19 crisis.
Facility Fund Based- Working Capital Term Loan
The loan amount would be up to 50% of the fund based credit outstanding as on 29.02.2020 or
31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022, whichever is higher subject to a cap of Rs 200 crores per borrower.
 However, such of those entities who have already availed up to 40% of the fund-based credit
Loan Amount outstanding as on 29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021 under GECL-1.0 or GECL-2.0, GECL-3.0, GECL-3.0 (Extn)
shall be eligible for difference amount, subject to a maximum of 50% of their total credit
outstanding as on 29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022, whichever is higher subject to a cap of Rs
200 crores per borrower.
Tenor: Maximum6 years from the date of disbursement.
Moratorium: 24 months for principal only, interest is payable at monthly intervals.
Repayment  The principal under WCTL shall be repaid in 48 instalments after the moratorium period is over.
Period No variation in moratorium/repayment will be allowed in order to ensure alignment with the
Scheme/avoid rejection of Guarantee cover by NCGTC.
 Interest to be serviced as and when applied.
Margin Nil


a) For MSMEs: EBLR + 100 bps

Interest Rate
b) For non-MSMEs: 6 months MCLR + 100 bps
CLP Mudra - Scheme
Loan Amount Rs. 1.00 Lakh to Rs. 10.00 Lakh
Facility TL or CC
Margin 10%
Term Loan-
 Rs.1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh = Max. 5 years including maximum moratorium period of up to 6
Repayment  From Rs. 5 lakh to Rs.10 lakh = Max. 7 years including maximum moratorium period of up to
12 months. Repayment of TL to be made in EMI only

Cash Credit: On Demand

Cash Credit: EBR + 3.25%
Interest rate
Term Loan: EMI Based loan on EBR + 3.25%
Upto Rs. 5.00 Lakh = Nil
Processing fee
Above Rs. 5.00 Lakh = 0.50% +applicable GST
TL – Hypothecation of Plant and machinery / other assets or Mortgage of Land / Property,
Primary Security created out of Bank finance.
CC/OD – Hypothecation of all Stocks and Receivables
Collateral Security Nil
Credit Guarantee CGFMU
Inspection Half yearly
Review Renewal Annually
Stock Statement Quarterly
SME Finance to CA Firm
CA Firms (Proprietorship/ Partnership) registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Target Group
India (ICAI) and currently under practice.
CA firm should be registered with ICAI.
Promotor’s Age: Minimum: 25 Years, Maximum: 65 years
CA must have Certificate of Membership (CoM)/ Certificate of Practice (CoP) issued by ICAI. CoM/
CoP should be at least 5 years old.
Minimum ITR – ITR for past 3 years should be available.
The applicant must obtain a above 60% score as per score card under the scheme.
Applicant must be registered in UDYAM portal as MSME.
Applicants with CIBIL score below 650 will be ineligible.
Facility Overdraft, Term Loan
Overdraft: Min: Rs. 2 Lakhs; Max. Rs. 25 Lakhs.

Quantum of
Term Loan: Min. Rs. 2 Lakhs;
Max: (i) Metros: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru: Rs. 100 Lakhs
(ii) Other Centres (State Capital/ Tier-I cities): Max. Rs. 75 Lakhs
Term Loan: 75% of the project cost.
Overdraft: 25% of Gross Receipts of the CA Firm.
Max. Rs. 25 Lakhs.
CRA/ CUE Not applicable
Margin Term Loan: 25%, Overdraft: Nil
Overdraft: EBLR + 1.50%
Term Loan: EBLR + 1.50%
Primary Overdraft: Nil.
Security Term Loan: Assets created out of bank finance


Collateral Overdraft: Nil.

security Term Loan: Loan to be covered under CGTMSE. CGTMSE fee to be borne by borrower.
Overdraft: On demand.
Term Loan: Repayable in 60 EMIs. (With maximum Moratorium of 12 months)
Processing Fee Flat Rs. 2000 + applicable taxes
5% p.a. over and above the existing rate of interest on overdue amount for the period of default (as
Penal Interest
per CPPD card rate).
Stock Not required. However, for TL, schedule of fixed assets created out of bank finance to be obtained
Statement and annexed to SME-2.
Inspection For Term Loans: Quarterly
DSCR 1.50
Personal Personal guarantee of all active partners having more than 10% share in profit/ loss of the firm to
guarantee be obtained.
 Takeover is permitted as per Bank’s laid down instructions.
Other Current accounts with other banks to be closed.
Conditions All transactions to be routed through our Current account (OD account).
Disbursement (Term Loan): Directly to the supplier’s account
Commercial Vehicle Finance
Transport Operators, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Business Enterprises, Contractors, Captive
Target Group Users, Warehouse Owners, Logistics provider, Hospitality Sector, First Time Buyers with experience in
related activities
 Minimum 2 years of experience in transport industry/ Hospitality Industry and other related
business enterprise/ activities.
 Satisfactory track record with existing banks/FIs.
 Income Tax Assessee (personal & Business).
 Average Gross DSCR: minimum 1.50.
 MSMEs should be registered in UDYAM portal and should have Udyam Registration
Certificate. [To be obtained & captured in LLMS/CBS].
 First time users may also be considered as a special case.
 Circle CGM is vested with the powers to permit deviation in eligibility criteria on a case-to-case
Facility TL
Min: Rs. 10.00 lakhs.
Loan Amount Max: Rs. 50.00 Lakhs. (Loan for purchase of more than one vehicle can be sanctioned within the
overall limit of Rs. 50 Lakhs).
Repayment For Commercial Vehicle = Max 84 months.
Period For Electric Vehicle = Maximum 48 months.
Moratorium 6 months
15% on on-road price.
Circle CGM is vested with the powers to reduce margin upto 10% on case-to-case basis
0.50% of the loan amount + GST.
Processing fee Circle CGM is vested with the powers to permit reduction/ waiver of processing fee on a case-to-
case basis
Pricing EBLR + 1.50%
Hypothecation of the vehicles financed
 Loans will be covered under CGTMSE. Guarantee fee to be borne by the borrower.
 In case, the borrower is not willing to cover loan under CGTMSE or if the loan can not be covered
under CGTMSE, minimum 25% SARFAESI compliant collateral to be obtained.
 Circle CGM is vested with the powers to permit reduction/ waiver of collateral security on case-to-


case basis.
Personal Guarantee from the Promoters/ Partners/ Directors of the unit should be explored.
In case of MSEs, no pre-payment penalty to be levied
Penal Interest 5% p.a. over and above the existing rate of interest on overdue amount for the period of default
Not applicable
 Pre-sanction inspection/ survey of the borrower should be conducted & recorded before sanction
of loan.
 Inspection of vehicles should be done within 7 days after disbursement of the loan to verify
Inspection, that vehicles have been delivered and are running.
 Post-sanction inspection to be supported with selfie along with vehicle.
 Physical inspection should be done every three months. In case of any irregularity, frequency of
the inspection should be increased.
 Vehicles should be insured as per Bank’s extant instructions and the Bank’s interest as a
Insurance hypothecate should be noted in the certificate of insurance and insurance policy.
 The hypothecation charge must be mentioned in the books of the RTO.
Digital Supply Chain-Trip Finance
Target Group Industry Majors, Logistics Aggregators and Truckers
Purpose To meet Working Capital facilities
Facility CC
a) Industry Major (IM) (only Existing Customers having Credit Facilities from the Bank)
i) Minimum Turnover Size for IM: Rs. 300 Cr and above.
ii) External Rating: BBB+ and above
iii) IMs to have total trucker empaneled / registered / entered into agreement with at least 100
trucks for logistics management.
iv) Account should not have been in the SMA Category in the last 12 months.
v) Any deviation in above parameters to be approved by Sanctioning Authority.
b) Logistics Aggregator (LA)- Existing Customer / Non-
Eligibility for i) Minimum Turnover Size for LA: Rs. 50 Cr and above.
IM/LA for New ii) External Rating: Not Mandatory
Tie up iii) Internal Rating: SB-7& better
iv) LAs to have total trucker empaneled / registered / entered into agreement with at least 500
trucks for logistics management.
v) Account should not have been in the SMA Category in the last 12 months.
vi) Any deviation in above parameters to be approved by Sanctioning Authority
c) Truckers: Truckers who fulfills or has following
i) Commercial CIC Report if Loans up to Rs 10 lacs = CRIF High Mark Score of 567 and above Or
Experian Score Band of 1 to 7 Loans > Rs 10 lacs to Rs 50 lacs = CIBIL CMR Rank 1-8
ii) If Commercial report is not available then, Consumer CIC Report of Proprietor/ Partners/ Directors
= CIBIL Score of 650 and above
• Minimum: Rs. 1.00 lakh
• Maximum: Rs. 50.00 lakhs
Quantum of
Loans from Rs 1.00 lakh to Rs 10.00 lakhs shall be covered under Mudra Scheme. However, these
loans will not be covered under CGFMU, as these loans are against Corporate
Guarantee/Undertaking of the IM / LA. Hence, CGFMU flag to be marked as “N”.
Limits will be sanctioned for 3 years subject to review every year.
Rate of
EBLR + 130 bps to 305 bps based on each tie-up


Primary: Hypothecation of Receivables

Collateral: Nil
Insurance Waived
• Accounts with no irregularity- Annual
• Accounts in SMA category- Monthly
Period of
Limits will be sanctioned for 3 years subject to review every year
Penal Interest 5.00 % per annum on the invoice not paid on due date.
Not applicable
Surya Shakti – Solar Finance
For installation of Solar rooftop / ground mounted grid-connected systems upto 1 MW capacity for
captive use.
CRA/CUE: SB-8/CUE-8 & better (or) ECR ‘BBB’ (or)
CRA/CUE: SB-10/CUE-10 & better (or) ECR ‘BB’ (for customers banking with us for 5 years or more
and has not slipped into SMA-1 in the previous 12 months).
Electricity Cost Savings shall cover at least the monthly repayment obligations, post installation of
Eligibility solar rooftop / ground mounted grid-connected system.
Acceptable Interest Coverage Ratio (1.75), Debt: Equity ratio(4:1) and Debt/EBIDTA (6).
CIBIL Score of all Promoters > 650.
MSME unit having valid Udyam Registration Number (URN)
Non-MSME unit complying with all eligibility conditions shall also be covered.
Quantum Maximum: Rs. 4 Crores
Facility Term Loan
Lower of the following:
Assessment of
(i) Minimum 20% margin on Project cost
(ii) Projected CMA data satisfying the benchmark of Average Gross DSCR of min. 1.20
Margin 20% (minimum). Deviation not permitted
Repayment 10 years (maximum incl. initial moratorium)
Moratorium 6 months (maximum). Interest to be serviced during moratorium period
Hypothecation of Assets created out of Bank finance.
Primary Negative lien on factory land & building / business premises on which the solar rooftop / ground
Security mounted grid-connected system is proposed to be installed. An undertaking to be obtained from
the borrower and kept on record.
Guarantee Personal Guarantee of Promoters (proprietor / partners / directors, etc.)
Debt Service Equivalent to 3 months’ Principal and interest(in the form of Current Account / FD with sweep
Reserve facility to the term loan account)
Account (to be brought in by end of moratorium period, failing which additional 0.25% rate of interest shall
(DSRA) be charged in the account till compliance / replenishment)
Upfront fees 1% of Term loan amount + applicable GST
Penal interest 2% p.a. on the irregular portion for the period of irregularity.
Inspection Monthly during the implementation phase and Quarterly after Installation
Borrower’s margin of minimum 20% of project cost shall be ensured.
Pre-sanction inspection and due diligence shall be conducted by the SME Branch (loans above
Rs.50 lakhs) / SMEC / RASMEC(loans uptoRs.50 lakhs) / Branch, where loan account is parked and
Review of
Term Loan
Policy on financing to Startups
Purpose To provide financial assistance to Start-ups in MSME, Agriculture and allied services.


• Constitution: Public or Private Limited Company, Registered Partnership, or a Limited Liability

• Recognition: Should be registered with/ recognized by DPIIT, Government of India. Startups,
eligible for State funding, may be encouraged to register with respective State Government under
their umbrella Startup policy.
• Age of startup: To be aligned as per respective State wise Startup Policy subject to a maximum of
up to 10 years in line with DPIIT, Government of India guidelines.
• Attributes: Working towards innovation, development, or improvement of
products/processes/services or if it is scalable business model with high potential of employment
generation or wealth creation.
• Turnover: To be aligned with respective State wise Start up policy but subject to maximum of
Rs.100 crore in any of the Financial Year after incorporation/ registration.
• VC/ PE investment: 1st or 2nd round of investment (Series A or Series B) covering at least 30% of
the net worth should have been received as pure equity or through compulsorily convertible
instruments from a SEBI Registered VC/ PE fund shortlisted by the Screening Committee (as per
policy proposed).
 Up to Rs. 50 crores to Agriculture (excluding harvesting activity) and allied services and MSMEs
Quantum of as per following gradation:
Finance  New exposures to be capped at Rs.10 crore for FBWC/ TL facilities & guarantee cover under
classified under NCGTC is mandatory.
Priority Sector  For existing exposure/ takeover, need based exposure up to Rs. 50 crore per borrower may be
Lending permitted.
 Funding beyond Rs 10 Crore shall be only for Start-ups where tangible asset creation is ensured.
 Term loan (& Capex LCs): Regular assessment (as per Estimates/ Quotations for purchase of
tangible/ intangible assets). However, availability of adequate positive cash flows is required to
meet both interest and maturing loan liabilities as per repayment schedule.
 Working Capital (FB): Cash budget-based assessment/ Nayak Committee/ PBS method.
Assessment of
 WC (NFB): Need based assessment.
 BUs may specify assessment method depending on nature of activity financed, at the product
 For WC funding, availability of stable revenue stream is to be ensured.
 No Corporate loan is to be considered for Startups
Fund based:
 Cash Credit (need based)
 Term Loan – Maximum Rs. 50 crore. (No Corporate Loan to be given).
Non fund based:
• NFB – LC/ BG (both for WC/ TL)
Off Balance Sheet: CEL Limits for hedging.
• Need based export credit at pre and post shipment stage may also be extended. (For new
exposures viz. FBWC/ TL up to Rs.10 crore, guarantee cover under NCGTC is mandatory).
 Loan up to Rs.10 lacs - Nil
 Above Rs.10 lacs min:
WC: Minimum 25%.
TL: Minimum 25%.
WC: On demand, valid for 12 months.
Term Loan:
 Door to Door repayment shall be 84 months including moratorium period.
 Bullet repayment may be allowed to Startups based on visibility of adequate positive cash flows
for the defined repayment.
 No prepayment penalty is to be charged.
Moratorium Maximum up to 24 months on case-by-case basis
Concession to 50 bps concession in interest rates to women beneficiary.


 Hypothecation of Assets created out of bank loan.
 Collateral under Hybrid model of CGTMSE (wherever applicable). In other CGTMSE cases,
collateral is not to be insisted upon.
 In non CGTMSE covered cases, availability of personal guarantee/ collateral (to be explored).
 Collateral/ Personal guarantee, wherever available.
 Charge on Intellectual Property rights.
 Pledge of promoters’ shares (to be explored).
 For new entities covered under CGSS scheme of NCGTC upto Rs. 10 crore per borrower, the
scheme guidelines are to be adhered to in respect of hypothecation of assets, collateral
requirement, charge on intellectual property rights, pledge of promoters’ share etc.
 Minimum at quarterly intervals for standard accounts.
 In case of accounts showing signs of stress, monthly inspections are to be carried out.
 Stock statement/ Cash flow statement may be obtained at stipulated intervals to arrive at DP for
WC limits.
 Processing fees, Inspection fees, Commitment charges to be waived.
Others  FFR-I& II to be obtained for exposure above Rs.10 crore
 New exposures up to Rs.10 crore per borrower entity are to be necessarily covered under the
Credit Guarantee Scheme for Start-up (CGSS) which will be administered by the National Credit
Guarantee Trustee Company Limited.
Finance to Bio-Fuel Projects
To part-finance setting up of Bio-fuels extraction plant (including Biomass suppliers / aggregators),
including their storage and distribution infrastructure
Facility Term Loan, Working Capital, LC & BG
Rs. 50 Crores Max. (to be handled by RDB)
Quantum of Above Rs.50 Crores (to be handled by CCG)
Loan At locations where CCG Branches are not available, the proposals aboveRs.50 Crores shall be
handled by SME Intensive Branches in R&DB with approval by Competent Authority.
Term loan repayable in 10-12 years.
Repayment DCCO to be clearly documented / recorded.
Period The overall door-to-door tenor (construction, moratorium + repayment tenor) not to exceed 15
Moratorium Moratorium after COD: 6 months (maximum). Interest to be serviced during moratorium
Debt : Equity Min. 70 : 30
LTV 70
Term Loan: Min. 30% of Project Cost
Working Capital: Min. 25%
CRA Rating SB-10 & better
Term Loan: Exclusive charge on assets created by Bank’s finance including immovable assets,
movable assets, cash flow, Commercial Agreement and escrow accounts, DSRA/ISRA (wherever

Working Capital: Hypothecation of Stocks & Receivables

Loans upto Rs.2 Crores: To be covered under CGTMSE. Annual Guarantee fees to be borne by the
Collateral Loans above Rs.2 Crores: As per Bank’s extant guidelines for manufacturing units.
• In case of listed Companies, pledge of 51% of shares of the borrower to
be explored.
Personal /
Personal Guarantee of all the Promoters
Corporate Guarantee of the Parent Company in case of SPV / Joint Ventures.


Penal Interest
for 2% p.a. on the irregular portion for the period of irregularity.
Periodicity: Monthly during the construction phase and Quarterly after COD.
During the implementation stage: Branches should conduct periodic site inspection and compile
Inspection inspection report in FSM-TL-2.
Post-commercial production: Quarterly
Working Capital finance= Monthly.
At least 50% of the Promoters contribution should be brought in upfront by way of equity.
Advance against Indian Railways Letter of Credit
Facility Fund based Working Capital (WCDL)
Loan Minimum: > Rs. 10 lacs
Amount Maximum: Rs. 50 crores
Repayable on demand, However, limit will be sanctioned for one year.
Repayment Repayment and liquidation of WCDL facility will 30 days from date of completion of milestone date
as per LC/contract terms.
Margin 10%
Primary Security: Hypothecation charge over current assets of the unit/company, created out of our
Bank finance.
No second charge or Pari-Passu charge will be extended for other Bank/FIs on the portion of Current
Assets financed by our Bank.
Collateral Security: SARFAESI compliant collateral security, minimum upto 20% of limit sanctioned to
be obtained. All eligible loans may be covered under CGTMSE, borrower to bear the guarantee fee of
In case of existing customer having credit facility with our bank, charge on existing collateral may be
extended for proposed loan. However, collateral coverage should not be less than 20% including
proposed loan.
In case of takeover of working capital limits from other bank, Bank’s extant instruction on takeover of
SME loans to be applicable.
Limit above Rs 10 lacs to Rs 25 lacs = 10000*
Limit above Rs 25 lacs to Rs 1 crore = 25000*
Unified Above Rs. 1 crore = 0.50% of the loan amount subject to maximum Rs.5,00,000 * #
Charges * Plus GST as applicable
#Wherever, the tenure of LC is less than one year, prorate charges to be taken subject minimum for
one quarter.
Inspection Quarterly visit
Loans to Customer Service Providers (CSPs) / Kiosk Operators (KOs) engaged by BCs
a) Overdraft - To meet the working capital requirements of the CSPs.
b) Demand Loan - General purpose loan to meet all kinds of Credit requirements relating to
c) Term loan - To acquire fixed assets including computer, printer, furniture etc for CSP/KO outlet
 CSPs/ Kiosk Operators aged between 18 to 60 years
 Have valid agreement with the Business Correspondent (BC) for providing Banking Services under
Financial Inclusion
Eligibility  Should be registered under Centralized Commission Payment Module (CCPM) to receive monthly
Criteria commission.
 Residing in his/ her area of operations for more than 3 years
 Existing as well as New CSPs/KOs are eligible
 Existing CSPs/KOs should be receiving regular monthly commission of Rs. 5000/- and above per


month during last 12 months

 Individual BCs are not eligible, since Bank has stopped arrangement with individual BCs.
Overdraft (OD) / Demand Loan (DL) / Term Loan (TL)
Type of Facility Note: For new CSPs/KOs with less than one year engagement with BC, only TL facility to be given.
Only after reviewing the performance of the CSPs/KOs after one year, OD/DL shall be considered.
Minimum: Rs. 25,000/-
Loan Amount
 Existing CSPs/KOs with min. 1 year engagement with BC: Rs. 5.00 lacs
 New CSPs/KOs: Rs. 2.50 lacs
Pricing EBR + 3.25% (as applicable under Mudra Scheme)
a) Existing CSPs/KOs with at least one year engagement with BC: 12 times of the average
Assessment of commission earned during the last 12 months, with max. loan amount up to Rs. 5 lacs
Loan Amount b) New CSPs who have not completed one year engagement with BC: Need based requirement
up to max. of Rs. 2.50 lacs. Appraisal will be as applicable to Mudra Loans.
a) For existing CSPs/Kiosk Operators with at least one year engagement with the BC: Nil
b) For New CSPs/KOs who have not completed one year engagement with the BC
 Loans upto Rs. 50,000/-: Nil
 Loans > Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2.50 lacs: 10%
 OD: 12 months with annual review
 DL: Max. 36 months with 1 month moratorium
 TL: Max. 84 months with maximum 3 month moratorium
Blanket Insurance cover covering all assets in the CSP/KO outlet including fire and theft may be
Insurance obtained. If, blanket insurance cover is not available individual Insurance cover for the assets finance
should obtained.
Primary  Assignment of commission paid through Centralized Commission Payment Module (CCPM)
Security  Hypothecation of the assets purchased out of Bank’s Finance
Nil (exposure to be mandatorily covered under CGFMU)
 Loan Amount up to Rs. 50,000/-: Nil
Processing Fee
 Loan Amount > Rs. 50,000/-: 0.50% of the loan amount plus applicable taxes
 Half yearly for regular accounts and monthly for accounts under SMA 1 / 2 category.
 End use of funds to be ensured
 All accounts to be mandatorily covered under Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU)
Other  Applicant should be residing in the area of his / her operations for more than 3 years.
 In case OD facility is sanctioned, the commission should be credited to OD account.
Shaurya Maan: clean overdraft facility to URCs (Defence Canteens)
Eligibility Existing Registered Canteens
To provide Working Capital finance to the defense canteens to carry out procurement
from Depots and ease their day-to-day operations.
Minimum.: Rs.1.00 lakh.
Maximum: Rs.3.00 Crore
Loan amount
[Circle CGM may permit loans above Rs. 3 Cr and up to Rs. 5 Cr also on a case-to-case
strategic value basis.]
Facility Clean Overdraft Facility
 25% of the regular sanctioned limit. (Over and above of the regular sanctioned limit).
Standby Lines of Credit
 SLC can be availed thrice in a year. [To be repaid within 45 days from the date of
Margin Nil
Repayment On demand
Processing Fee Nil
Pre-payment Penalty Nil
Primary Security Nil


Collateral Security Nil

Guarantee Nil
MCLR (1 Year) plus 3.50% p.a.
Interest Rate
Concessionary powers of 0.50% to Circle CGM (Caseto- case basis).
Based on the average daily sales for last 12 months and depending upon procurement
Assessment of Loan period allowed by Depot. Assessment will be based on the cash cycle of the canteens
Limit starting from procurement of goods from Depots to sale of goods to the defense
CRA/CUE Hurdle Rate Waived
 Inspection is compulsory before and immediately after first disbursement of loan.
 For regular/ standard accounts further inspections are waived.
 RCC (irrespective of loan amount).
 In-principle approval from the concerned GM (Network) before putting up the
Our POS machines/QR Code shall be installed in the Canteen for capturing the card/QR-
Other Conditions
UPI transactions.
Scheme for Financing of Ceramic Units in Morbi
 Individuals / Proprietorship / Partnership Firms / LLPs / Private Limited Companies &
 CRMD specified CRA / ECR rating thresholds will be applicable. Deviations, if any, shall
be obtained from the Competent Authority.
Quantum of Loan Minimum Rs. 50 lakhs
 Term Loan = Max. 8 years
 Working Capital: Repayable on demand
Facility Term Loan, Working Capital (fund / non-fund based)
Margin Minimum 20%
Credit Information Company’s (CIC)
CICs are providing Consumer Report for individuals and Commercial Reports for Non- Individual entities.
CIBIL and CRIF High Mark have been identified as preferred CICs for obtaining report for proposal pertaining to
MSME / C&I segment
Secured Loan Unsecured Loan
Upto 10 Lakh = One CIC Upto 2 Lakh = One CIC
> 10 Lakh = Two CIC > 2 Lakh = Two CIC
Dynamic Review of Rating:
 Dynamic Review of Internal Rating of borrowers who are enjoying aggregate limits of Rs. 500 Crores/ USD 80 Mio
or its equivalent and above in all Business Groups, including those in IBG, is to be ensured at half yearly intervals
(without trigger).
 In case of borrowers with exposure of Rs. 10 Crores & above but below Rs. 500 crores, Dynamic Review of the
rating to be conducted as and when triggers are observed.
Review of CRA - For units which are assigned CRA rating upto SB-10, CRA is to be reviewed annually.
 For units having CRA SB-11 and worse, the CRA shall be reviewed at half-yearly intervals, except the accounts
where Dynamic Rating have been carried out.
 Under the turnover method, working capital requirement is computed at a minimum of 25% of turnover, of which,
at least four-fifths is provided by the Bank and balance one-fifth represents the borrower’s contribution towards
margin for working capital. This method is applicable for sanction of fund based working capital limit of up to Rs.5
crores or equivalent, as per recommendations of Nayak Committee which had looked into issues relating to
financing of Medium & Small Enterprises.
 Under the PBS method, the fund requirement is computed on the basis of borrower’s projected balance sheet, the
funds flow planned for the current/ following year and examination of the profitability and financial parameters etc.
Cash Budget method is used for assessing working capital finance for seasonal industries like sugar, tea and
construction activity. This method is also used for sanction of ad-hoc WC limits.


Project Vivek: This is applicable for all eligible SME proposals up to Rs. 50 Cr in R&DBG. SME loan proposals
eligible under Project Vivek shall be processed in LOS or LLMS.
Working capital facilities are granted for a period of one year from the date of sanction
Cash budget should be obtained, where considered necessary, to ensure that the borrower would be able to retire
the bills drawn under the LC on their respective due dates.
BGs will generally be issued / renewed for a period not exceeding 18 Months at any one instance.
Normally maximum Maturity period of Bank Guarantee is 10 Years.
 Bank may consider issuing BGs beyond maturity of 10 years only against 100% cash margin or with prior approval
of the competent authority specified in this regard.
The claim period shall be the period contractually agreed between the applicant and beneficiary as per their
operational necessity. No minimum mandatory claim period is to be stipulated.
In case the BG is not invoked within the validity period including claim period (if any), the Bank shall be discharged
from all its liabilities in respect of such guarantee.
 The period for which the Bank gives packing credit depends on the manufacturing / trade cycle or specific
requirements of the individual export, normally not exceeding 180 days.
i) For exposure upto Rs. 50 Cr from Banking System or its USD equivalent: The CRA of the borrower should be SB-
7 or better
 ii) For exposures above Rs. 50 Cr its USD equivalent: The CRA of the borrower should be SB-7 and ECR of the
borrower for the existing exposure should be BBB or better. The ECR for the enhanced exposure will have to be
obtained within a period of 6 months.
 Ideally, only such accounts should be targeted for Takeover where the unit is in commercial operations for at least
two years
 The unit should have been earning profits for at least 2 preceding years
Security should be Created and Perfected within 90 days of disbursement. Specific timeline in this regard is to be
appraised to the Sanctioning Authority as part of the proposal.
Takeover norms would apply even if borrower offers to liquidate existing credit facilities before disbursement
by our Bank. However, if there is a time gap of say 2 months between liquidation of existing facilities and
disbursement by our Bank, the Takeover norms would not apply.
Validity of the sanction shall be 3 months from the date of conveying sanction.
First review of all taken over accounts beyond Rs. 5 Crores / USD 1 Mio or its equivalent is required to be put up
by the branch concerned, to the respective sanctioning authorities, as the case may be, immediately after 6
months from the date of sanction.
 For MSE Sector (both Manufacturing and Services enterprises) no collateral security is to be obtained for loans
upto Rs. 10 Lakhs, and for loans above Rs. 10 Lakhs and up to Rs. 15 Lakhs the sanctioning authority may
consider waiving collateral security subject to compliance with certain conditions
 The Bank has decided to cover all eligible SME advances upto Rs. 200 Lakhs (manufacturing and services) and
upto Rs. 100 Lakhs (retail trade) under CGTMSE scheme.
 Covers all Credit Auditable Accounts (CAAs) (including LC Bill Discounting limits whether it is on stand-alone basis
or sanctioned as part of the existing limits) with total credit exposure (FB+NFB limits) above Rs. 20 Cr/ USD 2 mio or
its equivalent and above
 However, take over advances (accounts with exposure of Rs. 10 Cr and upto Rs. 20 Cr) are to be covered under
Credit Audit for the first audit and will be subsequently covered under RFIA.
CIBIL and CRIF High Mark have been identified as preferred CICs for obtaining report for proposal pertaining to
MSME / C&I segment and obtaining report from one or two CICs for these segments will be decided as per
following parameters.
Type of Advance Report from one CIC Report from one CIC
Un-secured loan Limit upto 2 Lakh Limit > 2 Lakh
Secured loan Limit upto 10 Lakh Limit > 10 Lakh
 Bank has come across instances where the promoters / key persons of some bad loans in any branch of SBI, are
forming new entities and approaching other branches of the Bank for new credit facilities. In some cases, they have
also been successful in getting new facilities sanctioned despite existence of bad loans in another branch. To guard
against such eventualities, bank has developed an application named “i-probe”


 While the search through i-probe can be carried out for any non-individual loan application, the search will be
mandatory for all loan applications for Rs.10 Lakh and above.
 While sanctioning credit facilities to proprietorship firms, it is not necessary to obtain personal guarantee of the
proprietor, as the proprietor is personally liable for any debt of the proprietorship.
 Before granting an advance in any form to a limited liability company, a search of the records of the Registrar of
Companies should be done to ensure that no prior charge exists over the security offered
 As per the Companies Act, 2013 a private company must have minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 200
 A public company must have a minimum of 7 members. A public company can issue shares to the general public
and the transferability of shares and related issues etc. are controlled by SEBI.
 Companies are classified as Holding, Subsidiary or Associate companies on the basis of control. A company is
treated as subsidiary of another company if the latter controls the composition of the Board of Directors; or holds
more than half in face value of equity share capital of the former. Thus if A Ltd has equity capital of Rs. 4 cr out of
which B Ltd. holds shareholding of Rs. 3 cr, then B Ltd. is a holding company and A Ltd. is the subsidiary of B Ltd.
 A Government company is one in which not less than 51% of paid up share capital is held by the Government
(Central / State).
 It is preferable to finance partnership firms which are registered with the Registrar of Firms of the local area
 No credit facility should be provided to a partnership firm for any activity which has not been mentioned in the
partnership deed as it may prove to be Ultra Vires (beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority) of the
executed deed between partners
 A minor can be a partner of a partnership firm, however he cannot be held liable personally for any debt of the
firm, so this aspect has to be kept in mind while granting credit facilities to partnership firms
 Every LLP must register itself with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
CMR report:
 Expansion of CMR report is CIBIL MSME RANK Report.
 It is to be obtained for all MSME loans limit >Rs. 10 Lakh to limit< Rs. 50 Lakh.
It shall be the duty of every Company to register a charge created on any of the assets with RoC within 30 days
from the date of creation of charge.
The Registrar may, on an application by the company, allow such registration to be made within a period of
300Dof such creation on payment of such additional fees as may be prescribed.
Equitable mortgage:
Mortgage is defined under TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882: Sec.58
Sec 58(f): Mortgage by deposit of title deeds – Where a person in any of the towns notified or in any other town
which the [State Government concerned] may by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, delivers to a
creditor or his agent, documents of title to immoveable property, with intent to create a security thereon, the
transaction is called a mortgage by deposit of title deeds
EM created based on Certified Copies of Title Deeds, where the Original Title Deeds are lost, destroyed etc.:
(a) Prior approval from the Controlling Authority to be obtained
(b) First Information Report (FIR) is lodged with the Police Authorities in respect of the lost title deeds.
(c) The intending mortgagor should give a public notice in one leading national and in one regional newspaper

Equitable Mortgage based on Original Laminated Title Deeds:

(a) The intending mortgagor must give a public notice in one leading national and in one regional newspaper
(b) A duly stamped affidavit-cum-declaration of the mortgagor should be taken
(c) Independent verification and identification of property / mortgagor is to be done, as usual.

All the original title deeds should be deposited in a notified area

Confirmation letter regarding the Equitable Mortgage created by the mortgagor is to be obtained and kept on
The particulars of the deposit must be recorded in the title deeds register and the entries must be verified by the
Branch Manager/ Divisional Manager and signed by him and also signed by the two witnesses who may be Bank


Exemption of SME-LOANS upto Rs.10.00 lakhs from registration of security interest with CERSAI.
Loans up to Rs.10 lakhs in SME are covered under the guarantee schemes of CGFMU/CGTMSE and no collateral is
to be obtained as per RBI Master Direction.
Central Registry of Securitization Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India is a Government of India
Company licensed under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 with Govt. of India having a shareholding of 51%
and select Public Sector Banks and the National Housing Bank also being shareholders of the Company


Mortgages by deposit of title deeds
Immoveable property by mortgage other than deposit of title deeds
Hypothecation of P&M, Stocks, Debts including book debts or receivables whether existing or future
Intangible Assets, being knowhow, patent, copyright, trade-mark, license, franchise or any other business or
commercial right of similar nature
Any under-construction residential or commercial building or a part thereof by an agreement or instrument other
than by mortgage

CERSAI has advised all the Banks to file transactions relating to Security Interest on Vehicles with VAHAN
National Register only
The “priority” shall be with the secured creditor, who has registered his security interest with CERSAI first,
notwithstanding the prior ‘creation’ of the security interest.
On receipt of the Audited Financials, first of all, the credit officer should check the genuineness of the same and
ensure verification at the time of fresh sanction/renewal/review of the account, with those available on the website of
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (
In respect of those Companies whose audited financials are not available on the website for any reason, an
independent confirmation should be obtained from the Chartered Accountant firms directly by e-mail/fax to ensure
genuineness of their certification and the fact of receipt of such independent confirmation should be recorded in the
Cost of production is the sum total of all direct expenses related to production process i.e. cost of raw material
consumed, stores & spares, power & fuel expenses, direct labor, other manufacturing expenses like repair &
maintenance, depreciation and any other cost (which is a direct factory of production).

Current Liabilities
(a) it is expected to be settled in the Company’s normal operating cycle;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting date;
Examples of Current Liabilities: Short term borrowings from Banks, Public Deposits (maturing within next 1 year),
Share Application Money, Advance / Deposits from Dealers, Trade Payables, Installments of Term Loans etc.
(becoming due within next 1 year), Statutory Liabilities, Expenses Payables, Provisions etc

Term Liabilities: Term liabilities are the liabilities, which are payable / become due for payment after one year
from the report date i.e. the date of financial statement.
Examples of Term Liabilities: Term Loans, Unsecured Loans or loans from friends & relatives, Public Deposits
(maturing after 1 year), Debentures, Bonds, Deferred Tax Liabilities etc

Net worth consists of Paid-up Capital and Reserves &Surpluses including share premium. Capital reflects the
amount brought in by the promoters whereas the reserves & surplus represents the capital, which is earned by the

Tangible Net Worth (Adj. TNW) represents the tangible funds, available in the business to support the operations.
For calculating Tangible Net Worth (TNW), we have to deduct the total Intangibles assets from the Net Worth.
Intangibles assets


All the investments, loans & advances to associate / subsidiaries / joint ventures should be deducted from the TNW to
arrive at Adj. TNW.

Current Assets
(a) it is expected to be realized in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the Company’s normal operating cycle;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is expected to be realized within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least
twelve months after the reporting date
Examples of Current Assets: Cash &Bank balances, Trade Receivables (Other than Deferred Trade Receivables), Raw
Materials, Stores, Spares, Consumables, Stock in Process, Finished Goods, Advance for purchase of Raw Material,
Advance Payment of Tax, prepaid expenses etc.

Net working Capital (NWC) means the difference between current assets and current liabilities
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Quick Ratio = Current Assets – Inventories / CurrentLiabilities
NWC= Current Assets - Current Liabilities
Gross Debt Service Coverage Ratio (GDSCR= Cash Accruals + Interest on Term Loans / Installments of Term Loans +
Interest on Term Loans.
 ECR has a bearing on Capital Adequacy Ratio of the Bank. Obtaining External Credit Rating (ECR) has been made
mandatory for all exposures above Rs.50 Cr.
1. Domestic
(a) CARE Limited (Credit Analysis and Research Limited)
(b)CRISIL limited (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)
(c) India Ratings and Research Private Limited (India Ratings)
(d) ICRA Limited(Investment Information and Credit Rating Limited)
(e) Brickwork Ratings India Pvt. Ltd. (Brickwork)
(f) SMERA (SME Rating Agency of India Limited)
(g) Infomerics
2. International
(b) Moody’s
(c) Standard & Poor’s
Obtention Of External Credit Rating (ECR)
 Obtention of ECR from any of the six accredited agencies is mandatory for all exposures of Rs.10 crores and above.
The approval for deferment of obtention of ECR permitted, if any, shall not be normally more than 6 months.
The validity of External Credit Rating is to be treated as 15 months from the date of rating. Borrowers with expired
ECR shall be treated as unrated and CRA linked interest shall be charged.
 Any waiver for non-obtention of ECR is to be approved by the sanctioning authority. In case of ECCB sanction, such
waiver is to be sought from CCCC. The approval for deferment of obtention of ECR permitted, if any, shall not be
normally more than 6 months.
In case of Takeover of accounts, wherever Credit Rating Agency is changed, justification including compliance of
regulatory guidelines (i.e., SEBI etc.), if any, to be provided in the proposal. Therefore, two ratings need not be



RBI is empowered to issue Priority Sector Lending guidelines under = Sections 21 and 35A of the BR Act, 1949
Domestic commercial Foreign banks with Regional Rural Banks Small Finance
banks (excl. RRBs & less than 20 branches Banks
Categories SFBs) & foreign banks
with 20 branches and
40% of ANBC 40% of ANBC or CEOBE 75% of ANBC or CEOBE 75% of ANBC or
or CEOBE whichever is higher; out whichever is higher; CEOBE
whichever is higher of which up to 32% can However, lending to whichever is
Total be in the form of Medium Enterprises, Social higher
Priority lending to Exports and Infrastructure and
Sector not less than 8% can be Renewable Energy shall be
to any other priority reckoned for priority sector
sector achievement only up to 15
per cent of ANBC.
18% of ANBC or CEOBE, Not applicable 18% ANBC or CEOBE, 18% of ANBC or
whichever is higher; out whichever is higher; out of CEOBE,
of which a target of 10% which a target of 10 whichever is
e (10% for
is prescribed for Small percent is prescribed for higher; out of
Small &
and Marginal Farmers SMFs which target of
(SMFs) 10% is
prescribed for
7.5% of ANBC or CEOBE, Not applicable 7.5% of ANBC or CEOBE, 7.5% of ANBC or
Micro whichever is Higher whichever is higher CEOBE,
Enterprises whichever is
12% of ANBC or CEOBE, Not applicable 15% of ANBC or CEOBE, 12% of ANBC or
whichever is higher whichever is higher CEOBE,
to Weaker
whichever is
Farm credit
i. Crop loans including loans for traditional/non-traditional plantations, horticulture and allied activities.
ii. Medium and long-term loans for agriculture and allied activities (e.g. purchase of agricultural implements and
machinery and developmental loans for allied activities).
iii. Loans for pre and post-harvest activities viz. spraying, harvesting, grading and transporting of their own farm
iv. Loans to distressed farmers indebted to non-institutional lenders.
v. Loans under the Kisan Credit Card Scheme.
vi. Loans to small and marginal farmers for purchase of land for agricultural purposes.
vii. Loans against pledge/hypothecation of agricultural produce (including warehouse receipt1) for a period not
exceeding 12 months subject to a limit up to Rs.50 lakh.
viii. Loans to farmers for installation of stand-alone Solar Agriculture Pumps and for solarisation of grid connected
Agriculture Pumps.
ix. Loans to farmers for installation of solar power plants on barren/fallow land or in stilt fashion on agriculture land
owned by farmer.
Corporate farmers, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)/(FPC) Companies of Individual Farmers,
Partnership firms and Co-operatives of farmers engaged in Agriculture and Allied Activities
(a) Loans for the following activities will be subject to an aggregate limit of Rs.2crore per borrowing entity:
(i) Crop loans to farmers which will include traditional/non-traditional plantations and horticulture and loans for
allied activities.


(ii) Medium and long-term loans for agriculture and allied activities (e.g., purchase of agricultural implements and
machinery and developmental loans for allied activities).
(iii) Loans for pre- and post-harvest activities viz. spraying, harvesting, grading and transporting of their own farm
(b) Loans up to Rs.75 lakh against pledge/hypothecation of agricultural produce (including warehouse receipts)
for a period not exceeding 12 months against NWRs/eNWRs and up to Rs.50 lakh against warehouse receipts
other than NWRs/eNWRs.
c) Loans up to Rs.5 crore per borrowing entity to FPOs/FPCs undertaking farming with assured marketing of their
produce at a pre-determined price.
(d) UCBs are not permitted to lend to co-operatives of farmers.
Agriculture infrastructure: subject to an aggregate sanctioned limit of …… per borrower from the
Rs. 100 crore
banking system.
Ancillary Activities: Loans up to Rs. ______ to co-operative societies of farmers for disposing of the
Rs. 5 Crore
produce of members comes under.
Ancillary Activities: Start-ups, that are engaged in agriculture and allied services. 50 Cr
Ancillary Activities: Loans for Food and Agro-processing up to an aggregate sanctioned limit of
Rs. 100 Cr.
Rs. _____ per borrower from the banking system.
Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs)
For the purpose of computation of achievement of the sub-target, Small and Marginal Farmers will include the
i. Farmers with landholding of up to 1 hectare (Marginal Farmers).
ii. Farmers with a landholding of more than 1 hectare and up to 2 hectares (Small Farmers).
iii. Landless agricultural labourers, tenant farmers, oral lessees and sharecroppers whose share of landholding is
within the limits prescribed for SMFs.
iv. Loans to Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), i.e. groups of individual SMFs directly engaged
in Agriculture and Allied Activities, provided banks maintain disaggregated data of such loans.
v. Loans up to Rs.2 lakh to individuals solely engaged in Allied activities without any accompanying land holding
vi. Loans to FPOs/FPC of individual farmers and co-operatives of farmers directly engaged in Agriculture and Allied
Activities where the land-holding share of SMFs is not less than 75%, subject to loan limits prescribed in para 8.2.
UCBs are not permitted to lend to co-operatives of farmers.
On-lending by NBFCs for ‘Term lending’ component under Agriculture will be allowed up to ____
10 Lakh
per borrower.
Micro Small and Medium Industries
Investment in plant & machinery Investment in equipment
Micro does not exceed 1 crore turnover does not exceed 5 crore
Small does not exceed 10 crore turnover does not exceed 50 crore
Medium does not exceed 50 crore rupees turnover does not exceed 250 crore rupees
Loans up to Rs. 50 crore to Start-ups, as per definition of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India that are
engaged in activities other than Agriculture or MSME.
All loans to units in the KVI sector will be eligible for classification under the sub-target of ___%
prescribed for Micro Enterprises under priority sector
Education loan 20 Lakh
Housing Loan: Loans to individuals up to Rs.35 lakh in metropolitan centres (with population of ten lakh and
above) and up to Rs.25 lakh in other centres for purchase/construction of a dwelling unit per family provided the
overall cost of the dwelling unit in the metropolitan centre and at other centres does not exceed Rs.45 lakh and
Rs.30 lakh respectively.
HL: Metropolitan centers for repairs to damaged dwelling units 10 lakh
HL: Other centers for repairs to damaged dwelling units 6 lakh
Social Infrastructure: per borrower for setting up schools, drinking water facilities and 5 Cr
sanitation facilities including construction/ refurbishment of household toilets & water
improvements at household level


Social Infrastructure: per borrower for building health care facilities including under ‘Ayushman 10 Cr
Bharat’ in Tier II to Tier VI centres.
Renewable Energy: Solar based power generators, biomass-based power generators, wind mills, 30 Cr
micro-hydel plants and for non-conventional energy based public utilities, viz., street lighting
systems and remote village electrification
Renewable Energy: Individual households 10 Lakh
SHG/JLG: the individual borrower’s household annual income in rural areas does not exceed Rs.1 1 Lakh per
lakh and for non-rural areas it does not exceed Rs.1.60 lakh. borrower
SHG/JLG: for activities other than agriculture or MSME, viz., loans for meeting social needs, 2 Lakh
construction or repair of house, construction of toilets or any viable common activity started by the
Loans to distressed persons [other than distressed farmers indebted to non-institutional lenders] 1 Lakh per
not exceeding Rs……. to prepay their debt to non-institutional lenders. borrower
Weaker Sections
(i) Small and Marginal Farmers
(ii) Artisans, village and cottage industries where individual credit limits do not exceed Rs.1 lakh
(iii) Beneficiaries under Government Sponsored Schemes such as National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), National
Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) and Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS)
(iv) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
(v) Beneficiaries of Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) scheme
(vi) Self Help Groups
(vii) Distressed farmers indebted to non-institutional lenders
(viii) Distressed persons other than farmers, with loan amount not exceeding Rs.1 lakh per borrower to prepay their
debt to non-institutional lenders
(ix) Individual women beneficiaries up to Rs.1 lakh per borrower (For UCBs, existing loans to women will continue
to be classified under weaker sections till their maturity/repayment.)
(x) Persons with disabilities
(xi) PMJDY- Overdrafr-10,000(With Age limit of 18-65Yrs)
(xii) Minority communities as may be notified by Government of India from time to time
Farmers for installation of solar power plants for solarisation of grid connected agri pumps 50 Cr
100 Cr per
Agri infrastructure subject to an aggregate sanctioned limit of
Export credit: RBI increased the loan sanction limit for small exporters to Rs _____ crore per
borrower from Rs 25 crore. Also, removed the existing criteria of ‘units having turnover of up to 100 40 Cr
Lending by banks to NBFCs for On-Lending. Agriculture:
On-lending by NBFCs for ‘Term lending’ component under Agriculture will be allowed up to …….. 10 Lakh
per borrower
Micro & Small enterprises: On-lending by NBFCs will be allowed up to Rs.……. per borrower 20 lakh
Bank loans to HFCs for on-lending: Housing: Bank loans to Housing Finance Companies (HFCs),
approved by NHB for their refinance, for on-lending for the purpose of purchase / construction /
20 Lakhs
reconstruction of individual dwelling units or for slum clearance and rehabilitation of slum dwellers,
subject to an aggregate loan limit of Rs. ___per borrower.
The eligibility under priority sector loans to HFCs is restricted to ___% of the individual bank’s total
priority sector lending, on an ongoing basis.
Service charges: No loan related and ad hoc service charges/inspectioncharges should be levied
on priority sector loans up to Rs.………... In the caseof eligible priority sector loans to SHGs/ JLGs, this Rs. 25,000
limit will be applicable permember and not to the group as a whole.


Risk Grade & SMA Structure
Risk Grade description
RG 00 (SMA-0) Account is regular or Principal or interest payment or any other amount wholly or
partiallyoverdue between 1-30 days
RG 01 (SMA-1) Principal or interest payment or any other amount wholly or partiallyoverdue between 31-
60 days
RG 02 (SMA-2) Principal or interest payment or any other amount wholly or partiallyoverdue between 61-
90 days
RG 03 Standard Asset buttemporarily Irregular up to 30 days
RG 04 Sub-Standard Asset
RG 05 Doubtful 1 Asset –Less than 1 Year
RG 06 Doubtful 2 Asset = > 1 Year but < 3 Years
RG 07 Doubtful 3 Asset => 3 Years
RG 08 Loss Asset
RG 09 Regular Accounts which do not show signs of incipient stress.
Asset Classification
Assets classified into Standard, Sub standard, Doubtful, Loss. Except standard all others are NPAs.
Performing Assets or Standard Assets i.e. where the advances are earning interest income on an actual
realization basis.
Sub standard Assets - When an account becomes NPA it is called Sub standard asset. An account remains sub
standard up to 12 months from the date of becoming NPA
Doubtful Assets: An asset is to be classified as doubtful, if it has remained NPA or sub standard for a period
exceeding 12 months.
Loss Assets: A loss asset is one where loss has been identified by the bank or internal or external auditors or the
RBI inspection but the amount has not been written off wholly.
Term Loan - If Interest and/ or installment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 90 days.
CC/Overdraft - if the account remains 'out of order or the limit is not renewed/reviewed within 180 days from
the due date of renewal.
Out of order means an account where
(i) the balance is continuously more than the sanctioned limit or drawing power OR
(ii) where as on the date of Balance Sheet, there is no credit in the account continuously for 90 days or credit is less
than interest debited OR
(iii) where stock statement not received for 3 months or more.
Overdue – any amount to the bank under any credit facility is ‘overdue’ if it is not paid on due date fixed by the
Bills - If the bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days from due date of payment
 The amount of liquidity facility remains outstanding for more than 90 days, in case of a
securitisationtransaction undertaken.
 In case of interest payments, an account should be classified as NPA only if the interest due and charged during
any quarter is not serviced fully within 90 daysfrom the end of the quarter.
Regular and Adhoc credit limits need to be reviewed/ regularised not later than three months from the due
date/ date of ad-hoc sanction. In any case, an account where the regular /Adhoc credit limits have notbeen
reviewed/ renewedwithin 180 days from the due date/ date of Adhoc sanction will be treated as NPA.
NPA Tracking For Crop Loans
Short term crops: If the life cycle of any crop (sowing to harvesting period or plantation to harvesting period) is
completed within 12 months period, such crops are called short term crops.
Long term crops: Those crops which are not covered under short duration crops, where the life cycle of the crops
extends beyond 12 months from planting to harvesting period are called Long term crops.
 if loan has been granted for short duration crop: interest and/or installment of principal remains overdue for
two crop seasons beyond the due date.
 if loan has been granted for long duration crop: interest and/or installment of principal remains overdue for one


crop season beyond due date.

Cropseason period considered for Short term crops is 12 months and for Longterm crops it is 18 months.
In this ideal situation, Revised Kisan Credit Card (RKCC) account will become NPA at the end of 36 months if not
 Decision about crop duration to be taken by SLBC.
 These norms shall be applicable only to Farm Credit.
 In regard to agricultural loans to other than the above category of borrowers or term loans given to non-
agriculturists, identification of NPAs will be done on the basis of 90 days delinquency norm.
Advances against Bank’s own Term Deposits, NSCs, KVPs, IVPs, surrender value of Life Insurance Policy etc.:
Such accounts would not be classified as NPAs provided adequate margin is available.
 However, advances granted against gold ornaments, government securities and all other securities shall not
be covered by this exemption.
Advances under Consortium Arrangements: Classification shall be done based on the record of recovery of the
individual member banks and other aspects having a bearing on the recoverability of the advances.
Loans with moratorium for payment of interest:
(i) Payment of interest becomes ‘due’ only after the moratorium or gestation period is over. They become
overdue after the due date for payment of interest, if uncollected.
(ii) In case of a housing loan or similar advances granted to staff members where interest if payable after the
recovery of principal, interest need not be considered as overdue from the first quarter onwards, such become NPA
only when there is a default in repayment of installment of principal or payment of interest on the respective due
Government guaranteed accounts:
CentralGovernment guaranteed credit facilities may be treated as NPA only when the Government repudiates
its guarantee when invoked. However, this exemption shall not be available for the purpose of recognition of
StateGovernment guaranteed advances and investments in State Government guaranteed securities would
attract asset classification and provisioning norms if interest and/or principal or any other amount due to the Bank
remains overdue for more than 90 days.
Unsecured advances: An exposure (FB+NFB) where the realisable value of the security, as assessed by the
bank/approved valuers/Reserve Bank’s inspecting officers, is not more than 10% or ab-initio unsecured advances
Accounts where there is erosion in the value of security/ frauds committed by borrowers: In cases of such
serious credit impairment, asset should be straightaway classified as doubtful or loss asset as appropriate:
i) If realizable value of security is less than 50% of the value assessed by the Bank or accepted by RBI at the time
of last inspection, it may be classified under Doubtful category,
ii) If realizable value of the security as assessed by the Bank/ approved valuers/ RBI, is less than 10% of the
outstanding in the borrowal accounts, the asset shall be straightaway classified as Loss asset.
Income from NPAs is not recognized on accrual basis but is booked only when actually received.
 Interest on advances against Term Deposits, NSCs, IVPs, KVPs and Life Insurance policies may be taken to income
account on the due date, provided adequate margin is available in the accounts.
 If any advance, including bills purchased and discounted, becomes NPA, the entire interest accrued and credited
to income account in the past periods, should be reversed if the same is not realized. This will apply to Government
guaranteed accounts also.
Assetclassification shall be borrower-wise and not facility-wise.
Appropriation of recovery in NPAs: following priority.
a. Charges
b. Unrealized Interest
c. Interest
d. Principal
Assets Provision Standard Asset
Farm Credit to agricultural activities 0.25%


Advances to Small and Micro Enterprises 0.25%

Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Sector) 1%
Commercial Real Estate Residential Housing Sector (CRE-RH) 0.75%
All other loan & advance & Medium enterprises 0.40%
Wilful Defaulters 5%
Accelerated provisioning
Asset Classification Period as NPA Normal provisioning (%)
Sub-standard Up to 6 months 15 15
(Secured) 6 months to 1 year 15 25
25 (other than infrastructure loans)
Up to 6 months 25
Sub-standard 20 (infrastructure loans)
(Unsecured ab-initio) 25 (other than infrastructure loans)
6 months to 1 year 40
20 (infrastructure loans)
25 (secured portion) 40 (secured portion)
Doubtful I 2nd year
100 (unsecured portion) 100 (unsecured portion)
40 (secured portion) 100 for both secured &
Doubtful II 3rd& 4th year
100 (unsecured portion) unsecured portions.
Doubtful III 5th year onwards 100 100
Loss Assets 100% of the outstanding
Any freshexposure to Non-Cooperativeborrower will by implication entail greater risk necessitating
Quick Mortality:
PER segment loans –
 OD - Accounts which have been sanctioned and disbursed and have slipped to NPA within one year from the
date of initial sanction.
 DL/TL - Accounts which have slipped into NPA within one year from the commencement of repayment of loan.

Other than PER segment loans (Incl. REH loans) –

 CC/OD accounts- Accounts which have been sanctioned and disbursed and have slipped to NPA within two
years from the date of initial sanction.
 DL/TL accounts - Accounts which have been sanctioned and disbursed and have slipped to NPA within two
years from the date of commencement of repayment of loan.

 Review of quick mortality accounts at portfolio level is to be put up at half-yearly intervals by respective BUs to
the MD in-charge of the Business Vertical.
Holding on operations
The holding on operations (HOO) would consist of freezing the bank’s exposure at the sanctioned limit or average
daily exposure during the previous one month prior to the date of reporting, whichever is higher and allowing
operations within such frozen limit.

Holding on operations would commence from the date branch identifies an SMA or a Sub- standard account as
‘potentially viable’. Such holding on operations (HOO) would not require any administrative clearance / approval
/sanction and would need only to be reported to the reviewing authority.

The reviewing authority would take the report on commencement of holding on operations on record and would
give necessary directions to the branch on the proposed action plan.

If holding on operations continued beyond the initial period of 3 months, the same has to be approved by the
sanctioning authority.
Details of all borrowers having aggregate fund-based and non-fund based exposure of Rs.5.00 crore and above
mentioning classification of an account as Standard / SMA / NPA.


Details of Current Accounts / Current Account overdraft with outstanding balance (debit or credit) of Rs.1.00
crore and above.
The above details are required to be reported on monthly basis as end of every month.
In case of borrower entities in default (SMAs / NPAs), with aggregate exposure of Rs. 5 crores and above, the
details are required to be submitted to CRILC on a weekly basis at the close of business on every Friday or the
preceding working day if Friday happens to be a holiday.
Banks are also required to report classification of borrower as Non-Cooperative Borrowers to CRILC as and when
any borrower is classified as Non-Cooperative Borrowers.
Non-Cooperative Borrower is one who does not engage constructively with the Bank, defaulting in timely
repayment of dues while having ability to pay, thwarting Bank’s efforts for recovery of their dues by not providing
necessary information sought, denying access to assets financed/collateral securities, obstructing sale of securities,
etc. In effect, a Non-Cooperative Borrower is a defaulter who deliberately stone walls legitimate efforts of the Bank
to recover their dues.
Willful default:
a) Default in an account where the borrower fails to repay the dues despite having the capacity to do so.
b. Default in an account where the borrower has diverted or siphoned off the proceeds of loan/ credit facility for any
purpose other than the purpose for which such loan/ facility is sanctioned.
c. Default in an account where the borrower has wrongfully disposed of any of the assets/property charged to the
Provisioning in respect of Exposure to Wilful Defaulters will be (a) 5% in cases of Standard accounts and (b) in
case of NPA account accelerated provisioning shall apply.
Valuation of security for provisioning purposes:
 With a view to bringing down divergence arising out of difference in assessment of the value of security, in cases
of NPAs with balance of Rs. 5 crores and above, stock and receivable audit at annualintervals by empanelled
Stock and Receivable Auditors is to be got done in order to enhance the reliability on stock valuation.
Collaterals such as immovable properties charged in favour of the Bank should be got valued once in threeyears
by Bank’s empanelled valuers.
Policies on different aspects of NPA management are being drawn up by SARG and is reviewed periodically.
Valuation of security is to be obtained at each of the following stages:
i. At the time of sanction of loan.
ii. Revaluation of the security every three years (except housing loan standard assets)
iii. At the time of account becoming NPA (It has to be ensured that valuation is not older than 3 years).
iv. At the time of migration of account to SARG.
v. At the time of compromise / OTS or sale of the security, if valuation report is older than 12 months.
The valuation report should describe the following four types of value:
a) Guideline value
b) Market value
c) Realisable value
d) Distress sale value
Time norms for CAPSA reporting and review
Process Time Frame
Submission of Report (SMA/Irregular in a calendar month, report by 10 of the following month) 10 days
Approval for CAPSA (by reviewing authority) 10 days
Completion of viability study, if necessary, and submission of restructuring / rehabilitation package /
40 days
appraisal memorandum and obtention of sanction from sanctioning authority
TOTAL 60 days
Irregularity in NPA accounts will be reported on advances account being classified as NPA.
Report has to be submitted within10th day of subsequent month to the sanctioning authority.
Thereafter, yearly reporting to sanctioning authority for information.
Early Warning Signal: EWS is to identify the building of stress in an account having an exposure of Rs. 1.00 cr and
above in an incipient stage and alert the operating functionaries well ahead of time to take corrective action and
thus prevent the slippage.


Based on the extant guidelines on Early Warning Signals / SMAs, the branch / SMEC / RASMEC maintaining the
account shall forward the stressed accounts with aggregate loan limits above Rs.10 lacs to the designated
committee for a suitable Resolution Plan (RP) within 5 working days.
Interest income in respect of restructured accounts classified as 'standard assets' may be recognized
on accrual basis and that in respect of the restructured accounts classified as 'non-performing assets'
shall be recognised on cash basis.
Restructured accounts, classified as non-performing assets upon restructuring, when upgraded to
standard category will attract a higher provision of 5% in the first year from the date of upgradation.
The irregular portion of the cash credit account (Principal dues after reducing the Drawing Power), would be
funded as Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL).
Unpaid interest portion of both term loan and cash credit is funded as Funded Interest Term Loan (FITL).
Promoters’ sacrifice and additional funds brought by them should be minimum of 20% of bank’s sacrifice or 2% of
restructured debt, whichever is higher.
Special Scheme(window) for Restructuring of MSME Sector Advances: The scheme will cover all Stressed MSME
units having aggregate exposure (FB + NFB limits) not exceeding Rs.25.00 Cr as on 01.01.2019 and banking with us
under Sole Banking arrangement including accounts under Consortium and
Multiple Banking arrangement.
Sale of properties under SARFAESI Act, 2002
SARFAESI means = Securitization, Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
Eligibility criteria:
A) The account should be an NPA as per RBI guidelines.
B) The claim amount (including accrued interest) should be for an amount not less than Rs.1.00 lac.
C) The amount due (including interest) should be more than 20% of the principal amount and interest thereon.
Authorised Officer has the authority to initiate action under the Act and issue notices. As per the Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rules, 2002 (the Rules), ‘Authorised officer’means an officer not less than a Chief Manager of a public
sector bank or equivalent.
SARFAESI came into force on___ 21.08.2002
Notice under Section 13(2) of SARFAESI 2002, relates to Demand Notice
Notice under Section 13(4) of SARFAESI 2002, relates to Possession Notice
Under which recovery measures, Notice under Section 13(2) of SARFAESI Act comes? Soft recovery measures
If Demand Notices could not be served on the Borrower(s)/Guarantor(s), as per the SARFAESI Rules, the service
should be effected by affixing a copy of the demand notice on the outer door/other conspicuous place where the
Borrower(s) /Guarantor(s) reside, photographs of the same should be taken and kept on record to be used as an
evidence in case of need.
Contents of the notice to be published in two leading newspapers, one in English and one vernacular, having
sufficient circulation in that locality.
Handling of Objections Raised by the Borrower: Authorized Officer shall consider such representation or
objection carefully and if he comes to the conclusion that such representation or objection is not acceptable or
tenable, he shall communicate the reasons for non- acceptance within 15 days of receipt of such representation or
If the amount mentioned in the demand notice is not paid within the time specified i.e.60 days from the date of
notice under section 13 (2), the Authorized Officer may take possession of the secured assets of the borrower
including the right to transfer by way of lease, assignment or sale for realizing the secured asset.
Consent in Case of Consortium / Multiple Banking Accounts: When security which is held by more than one
Secured Creditor or jointly financed by Secured Creditors, action under section 13(4) can be taken if exercise of
rights under the Act is agreed upon by the Secured Creditors, representing not less than 60% in value of the
amount outstanding as on a record date.
Filing of Caveat: When action under Section 13(4) of the Act is taken by the Bank, the Borrower(s)/Guarantor(s) may
file a Securitisation Application before the DRT u/s 17 of the SARFAESI Act within 45 days challenging such action.
Possession of Movable/Immovable Properties: After expiry of 60 days from the date of notice u/s 13(2), action
should be initiated for taking possession of the property.
Notice regarding possession of the immovable property with full details of the property and name of Borrower(s) /


Guarantor(s) should be published within 7 days of taking possession in two leading news papers, of which one
should be in vernacular language having sufficient circulation in that locality.
The Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s) should be served 30 days notice for sale of movable and immovable secured
The sale can be conducted only after expiry of 30 days notice given to Borrower(s)/ Guarantor(s)/legal heirs of
A public sale notice should be published in two leading newspapers, one in vernacular language having
sufficient circulation in the locality.
The Authorized Officer shall ensure registration of Sale Certificate on making payment as per stamp Act, and
charges as applicable in the respective State, cost of which will be borne by the purchaser.
After failure of the first sale of the immovable property, only 15 days’ notice is required to be served for any
subsequent sales.
Time frame for different activities under SARFAESI Act
The borrower /guarantor in demand notice to repay the dues 60 days
The borrower can submit representation / objection to the above notice 60 days
The Bank has to convey its decision against the above representation/objection 15 days
Bank has to permit for the borrower to repay the debt, while issuing the sale Notice 30 days
Borrower can file a petition in the DRT against Bank for having taken possession of
Within 45 days
DRT has to pass the order for the above Within 4 months
Bank / Borrower can file appeal with the Appellate Tribunal against the order of the
Within 30 days
Possession Notice of the immovable property should be published within …….. of
taking possession in two leading newspapers, of which one should be in vernacular 7 days
language having sufficient circulation in that locality.
Civil Court
The amount of total debt due from the borrower should be less than Rs.20 lacs.
Documents should not be time barred and should be in order.
Civil suit is to be filed immediately on approval but in any case, within a maximum period of 3 months from the
date of approval.
Borrowers / guarantor to file the written statement within 30 days from the date of receipt of summons. The date
can be extended by the court up to 90 days. Any adjournment sought for filing written statement should be
strongly opposed.
Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT)
 Established on the recommendation of Narasimham Committee.
 The bank has to file cases for recovery of debts of Rs. 20 lac and above.
 Call up notice to be served on the Borrower(s)/Guarantor(s) through Bank’s empanelled Advocate demanding
payment of the Bank’s dues within 30 days.
Original Application (OA) is to be filed in DRT immediately on approval but in any case, within a maximum
period of 3 monthsfrom the date of approval.
 Where documents are getting time barred, Original Application (OA) in DRT is to be filed atleast 2
monthsbefore expiry of documents.
OA to be drafted by the Bank’s empanelled Advocate based on the facts/figures/documents provided by the
branch within 7 days from the date of handing over the same and it is to be vetted by the Bank’s Law Officer.
 The tribunal has to dispose of the cases within 6 months.
 The Bank, Borrower/Guarantor or any third aggrieved by the order of DRT may file appeal with
AppellantTribunal (DRAT) within a period of 30 days from the date on which copies of the orders made by the
DRT are received.
 Borrower / Guarantors, are required to deposit with the Appellate Tribunal, 50% of the amount of debt due as
determined by the DRT for filing the appeal with the DRAT. However, if the Bank decides to file an appeal against
the Order of DRT, it may file by paying prescribed fee:
Amount of debt due Amount of fee payable


Rs. 10 Lac or more but less than Rs. 30 Lac Rs. 20,000/-
Rs. 30 Lac or more Rs. 30,000/-

 The Appeal can be filed even after the expiry of 30 days by filing an application for condonation of delay subject
to discretion and satisfaction of the Appellate Tribunal for the reasons of delay.
The Recovery Certificate issued by the DRT is sent to _____________ for execution Recovery Officer
Recovery certificate is issued by Presiding officer of the DRT
The appeal against the order of DRT, is required to be filed before _____ DRAT
Lok Adalat:
 Set up under the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987
 Dues up to Rs. 20 lakh can be settled.
 An award made by the Lok Adalat is deemed to be a decree of a civil court and is final and binding on all
 The compromise settled may be paid in monthly / quarterly installments or as per income generation within a
period not exceeding a total period of 36 months.
Post possession process and sale of property
1) Valuation Report should be less than 12 months old for fixing Reserve Price. Two valuation reports to be
obtained for properties valued above Rs.1.00 Crore from empanelled SARFAESI valuer only and higher of the two
values to be considered.
2) Reserve price to be fixed at realisable value of the securities and the reasons viz. defects/issues involved in sale
of the securities have to be furnished where the difference between market value &realisable value is more than
3) Minimum Time Bank has to permit for the borrower to repay the debt, while issuing the sale Notice - 30 days
from the date of notice.
4) Immediate payment of 25% of sale price required by the winning bidder. Balance to be paid on or before 15th
day of confirmation of sale or such extended period as agreed upon but not exceeding 3 months from the date of
5) In case sale is required to be conducted again due to any reason, the Authorized Officer shall serve, affix and
publish notice of sale of not less than 15 days to the borrower for any subsequent sale by publishing the sale notice.
Compromise Settlement Policy
 Valuation reports are not more than twelve months old. In case value of property is above Rs. 1 Cr,
twovaluation reports from Bank’s approved valuers have to be obtained and the higher value has to be taken into
account for deciding the compromise amount.
The Net Present Value (NPV) of settlement amount should generally not be less thanNPV of the realizable value
of the available securities.
 For calculation of NPV, the rate of discount should be taken as the Prevalent Benchmark Rate (presently MCLR) for
one-year tenor with annual rests and the maximum estimated time to realize the securities may be taken as
(i) 5 years from the date of notice under section 13(2) in case of SARFAESI action and
(ii) 7 years from the date of filing suits in case of DRT / Court cases.
Initial deposit of at least 5% of the offer amount may be taken from the borrower under no lien account as an
evidence of the borrower's intention to pursue the compromise settlement with the Bank.
15% of the approved settlement amount (inclusive of initial deposit) would be payable upfront with the
balanceinstallments spread over a maximum period of 12 months.
 Repayments exceeding 12 months should not generally be considered, however, if extended beyond 12 months
due to bonafide reasons it shall not be extended beyond a period of 18months without obtaining administrative
approval from an official not below the rank of Chief General Manager.
 To incentivizeearlypayment, nointerest is to be charged on the compromise amount paid within four months
from the date of approval of compromise.
 In case of willfuldefaulters, initialdeposit under no lien accounts will be 15% of offer amount and on approval
of the compromise, upfront payment including initial deposit will be 25% of the approved compromise amount.
In a compromise settlement, before the approval of the settlement, the initial payment
Kept in NO LIEN Account
received from the borrower will be credited to _______


Compromise Process will be initiated ……… the Bank has exercised its right to set off or
lien against any deposits of the borrower/guarantor lying with the Bank.
Online OTS/Compromise Portal
• An online portal for public for OTS/Compromise has been hosted on the Bank’s Corporate Website.
• The portal is having end to end status of processing of applications received for Compromise/OTS settlement till
final payment.
• The portal is available for Per, SME & Agri loans.
• The URL for Bank is users is in intranet is
Sale of Financial Assets to ARCs / NBFCs / FIs / Banks
 Accounts in SMA-2, Sub-standard, Doubtful and AUCA categories can be considered depending upon the IRAC
status and amount, for review and identification of accounts for sale in the 1st Quarter of every year by the
Business/Support group.
 S&R Department in SARG will consolidate the list of accounts identified for sale to SC&RCs/ Banks / NBFCs / FIs,
above threshold limit of Rs. 25.00 crore; received from all the verticals and put up the same to the ECCB for
information. Reviewing Committee (s) may consider Doubtful Assets above threshold limit of Rs. 5.00 Lakh so that
small NPAs will also be covered for taking a view on the exit or otherwise.
SMA 2 account with aggregate outstanding of Rs. 50.00 crore and above only, where probability of account
slipping into NPA is perceived as high .
 The invitation for bids for sale of financial assets will be through e- Auction.
Two valuations will be required from Bank’s approved valuer where the value of security is Rs.1.00 Cr. & above or
where the exposure is above Rs.50.00 Cr.
Publishing of photographs of Wilful defaulters in Newspaper
Branches will consider publishing of photographs of only those borrowers, including proprietors/ partners/
directors/ guarantors of borrower firms/ companies, who have been declared as willful defaulters and total
outstanding in the accounts is Rs. 25 Lac and above.
An advance notice of not less than 15 days shall be issued by the branch s advising them of the Bank’s intent to
publish their names and addresses, with photographs, in the newspapers, before publishing the same.
Approval for Publishing of Photographs: an officer heading the branch but not below the rank of AGM
The public notice along-with photograph(s) should be published in two leading newspapers, one in English and
one regional language, having sufficient circulation in that locality.
After publishing of photographs, a brief report in the prescribed format shall be submitted to the respective
Controlling Authority along with the cutting of notice published in the newspapers
SOP for NPA Management in Home Loans & Home Related Loan Accounts Capturing Early Warning Signals:
accounts IN RG-1, 2 &3
Date Calendar Action to be initiated Action to be
-7 days 7 days before System generated SMS as a reminder for payment of Initiated
installment due date EMI/Installment 7 days before installment due date
2 days before System generated SMS as a reminder for payment of Initiated
installment due date EMI/Installment 2 days before installment due date
One day after due date System generated SMS as a reminder for non- Initiated
& recovery of late payment of EMI/Installment & recovery of late
payment of EMI payment charges
7-30 Within 1 week of default 1st Irregularity reminder notice on non-receipt of By Branches /
days installment for payment within 7 days RACPCs
(SMA-0) 3rd /4th Week Telephonic contact with borrower by Branch/RACPC
31-60 Supplement recovery Tele-calling by Contact Centre and SBI Cards
days efforts
(SMA-1) 6th Week 2nd Registered reminder with copy to guarantor for By Branches /
next installment also ,if unpaid RACPCs
7th /8th Week In detail verification/Inspection of assets mortgaged If assets not created:


to bank as per title deed and Personal contact with FIR to be lodged for
borrower at residence/work place. (It can be breach of trust/
combined) educating the borrower regarding attempted fraud
consequences of non-adherence to the repayment
61-90 9th /10th Week 3rd Registered reminder with copy to guarantor By Branches/ RACPCs
days (warning of SARFAESI action)recalling the entire
(SMA-2) amount due with interest payable in 7 days
Supplement recoveryTele-calling by Contact Centre and SBI Cards to
efforts11th / 12th Week continue
SOP on Seizure & Sale of Vehicles
Before re-possession
1st Notice (Letter to Defaulting Account irregular for more than 30 days i.e., SMA 1. The borrower/s
Borrower) giving15days’time reckoned from the date of service of notice, to clear the
overdue amount.
2 Notice (Letter to Borrower/ After classifying the loan as NPA. Entireamount with interest becomes
Guarantor about engagement payablewithin7days from the date of the notice.
of Recovery Agent for When the second notice is also ignored the bank has the right to repossess the
Repossession of vehicle) vehicle. Branch Manager /CPC Head/ Head of the Recovery Cell is authorized to
take decision to repossess the vehicle for which no approval from Controlling
Authority is required. Panchnama and Safe Custody: After repossessing the
vehicle, in the presence of two witnesses, a Panchnama should be drawn up. The
repossessed vehicle should be kept in the custody of RAs.
After re-possession
Valuation Valuation and Fixingof Reserve Price should be completed within 15days from the date
of seizure/ repossession of the vehicle.
3 Notice (Sale Before effecting the sale, a notice of minimum7days to be given to the borrower.
 Removal of entry from AUCA may be considered after 2 years of parking in AUCA if no recovery is forthcoming
 The final reversal may be permitted in AUCA accounts before the two year period, in cases of decreed accounts,
where decree awarded is more than 3 years old.
 All NPA and AUCA accounts are to be handled by SARG. All NPAs / AUCA accounts with outstanding above Rs.
200 crores are to be reviewed by High Power Task Force (HPTF) Committee.
What is Net NPA?
Ans: Gross NPA - {Total Provisions held + DICGC/ECGC claim received and held pending adjustment + Balance in
Interest Suspense + any credit received as part payment to be adjusted}
Irregularity/Default in Working Capital accounts solely on account of application of interest need not to be
reported, if regularised within 30 days from date of application of interest.


Charges non maintenance of Cash Cash dep. Non Free cheque Cash withdrawal RTGS/NEFT
Varients MAB DD charges
MAB deposit Home per month non home charges
REGULAR 5000 500 + GST per month 5 Lakh 5 Lakh per day 50 1 L per day (self only) Applicable Applicable
20 per month at Home
SILVER 50 K 1000 + GST per month 15 Lakh 5 Lakh per day 150 1 L per day (self only) Applicable
50 per month at Home
GOLD 1 Lakh 2000 + GST per month 25 Lakh 5 Lakh per day 300 1 L per day (self only) No charges
4000+ GST per month (if MAB
DIAMOND 5 Lakh < 2.5 Lakh) 100 Lakh 5 Lakh per day 700 1 L per day (self only) No charges No charges
2000+GST (if MAB >2.5 Lakh)
8000+ GST (If MAB < 5 L)
PLATINUM 10 Lakh 200 Lakh 5 Lakh per day 1500 1 L per day (self only) No charges No charges
4000+GST (MAB>5 L)
25000+GST (If MAB < 50%)
RHODIUM 50 L 600 Lakh 10 Lakh per day 5000 5 L per day (self only) No charges No charges
15000+GST (if MAB > 50%)

Cash deposit Cash withdrawal

MAB Charges non MAB Cash deposit Cheque
Non-Home Non-Home
Account 1 = Nil
Account 1 & 2 = Nil
Account 2 = 10 K (A/c have
Realtor’s CA Account 3 = Rs.
Sweep & Reverse Sweep)
500/- +GST
Account 3 = 10000/-
Shubharambh - Rs. 1 Lakh per day
Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 15 Lakh per month free Rs. 5 Lakh per day 100 cheque leaves free
startup CA
CA for Govt. Depts Nil - Rs. 25 Lakh per month Free Rs. 2 Lakh per day Rs. 1 Lakh per day 500 cheque leaves free
CA=10000/- & CA: 500 + GST, SB: CA = 5 Lakh per month
SBI Surabhi Rs. 2 Lakh per day
Saving refer cir refer cir. free. SB= 3 txn free.
Power POS CA 5000/- 500 + GST 5 Lakh per month Free Rs. 1 Lakh per day
Power Jyoti 50000/- 1,000/- + GST
Power Jyoti PUL 50000/- 1,000/-+GST
NRE SUKOON CA 3000/- Nil
Reimbursement CA Nil Nil 20 cheque leaves free

Product Min Max Period Other
Min cash dep- 10 Min with- 50 First 10 chq free in financial yr
Max withdrawal per month= 10000/-, Max Cr- 1 Lakh per annum.
BSBD - Small 1 Yr, can be extended
Min balance- Nil 50000/- 1) No Cheque book, 2) ATM-Yes, No AMC, 3) Max withdraw– 4 per month incl. ATM,
account 1 Yr
4) No foreign remittance
5 Lakh, Aggr 10 INB per day limit=5000, IMPS=2000, Auto sweep Min threshold=20000, in multiple of
PK PU ** -
Lakh in CIF 1000 & minimum of 10000, Chkbook-Yes, ATM-Yes, OD-Yes
* Min threshold= 35 K, * resultant = 25 K. * Sweep in multiple of = 1000 * MOD
Saving Plus 10,000/- No maximum 1 yr to 5 yrs
break- LIFO
* Non credit of installments leads to premature closure= Six consecutive installments.
* Loan/Overdraft upto 90% available on the balance against RD. * TDS Applicable.
Min- 1 Yr
RD 100/- (multiple of 10/-) No maximum * Maximum amount payable for RD of minor= 2 Lakh
Max- 10 Yr
* Deposits with interest amounting to 20000/- & above - paid credit to account/Bank
Draft/crossed cheque
* TDS= if interest exceeds 40000, For SRCT= 50000.
* Sr Citizen – 0.50% interest extra.
Min - 7 Day, Max - 10
TDR 1,000/- (multiple of 100) No maximum Premature Withdrawal: a) up to Rs. 5 Lac the penalty will be 0.50% (all tenors).
b) Above Rs. 5 Lac but below Rs. 2 Crores, penalty will be 1% (all tenors).
* The maturity proceeds will be credited to the account if exceeding Rs. 20,000/-.
STDR 1,000/- (multiple of 100) No maximum 6 M to 10 yrs
SBI Tiny RD 50/- (multiple of 10) 30000/- 6/12/24/36/48/60 M
SBI Tiny TDR 1,000/- (multiples of 500) 30000/- 6,12,24 & 36 M
SBI Flexi 5000/- per Yr (multiple of
50000 per Yr 5-7 Yr RD account
Deposit 500)
1,000/- ((multiple of 100) 150,000/- 5 to 10 Yr * Premature payment- after 5 Yr.
Annuity * Monthly annuity to be received is Rs. 1000/-.
25000/- No limit 36/ 60/ 84 or 120 M
Deposit * Loan Upto 75% of the balance amount of annuity permitted
MACAD -- No limit 36 to 216 months Based on minimum annuity payment of Rs. 1,000/- p.m. for the relevant period.
FRBTD 2 Cr (multiples of 1 Lakh) No Limit 91 days to 3 years
NRE Non-
Rs. 2 crores (Single * Interest Rate - 6.85%
Callable Bulk No limit 1 Yr & 2 Yr (only)
Deposit) * Premature withdrawal facility will not be permitted
Interest Rate - * 30 bps over card rate for tenor 1 Yr, * 40 bps over card rate for tenor
NRE Non-
2 Yr
Callable 15.01 Lakh (multiples of
< 2 Crores 1 Yr & 2 Yr (only) * NRE Deposits of Staff, staff pensioner & Sr Citizen not be eligible for additional
Retail 1000)
* Premature withdrawal facility will not be permitted
SARVOTTAM Retail = Rs. 15.01 Lakh Retail = < Rs. 2 1 year and 2 years Interest * 30 bps over card rate for tenor 1 year

(Non- Bulk = Rs. 2 cr cr. * 40 bps over card rate for tenor 2 years.
Callable) (multiples of 1000) Bulk = No limit * Premature Withdrawal not allowed
* Interest Rate - 7.10%.
1,000/- (multiple of 100) No maximum 400 Days * Senior Citizens, Staff and Staff Pensioners are eligible for additional interest rate
(Retail Term
applicable to them
MSSC, 2023 1000/- (multiples of 100) 2 Lakh 2 Yr Interest rate – 7.5%
Citizen 10000/- (multiple 1000/-) ** 1 to 10 Yr Min age= 60 Yr. * Differential rate of interest= 0.25% above the normal rates
Deposit Sch
PPF 500/- 1.5 Lakh 15 Yr * In multiple 50/- * Per extension 5 Yr
SCSS ** 30 Lakh 5 Yr * In multiple 1000/- *Extended once for 3 Yr
SSA 250/- 1.5 Lakh 15 Yr
* For parking of capital gains for a period of max 3 Yr & utilization thereof for capital
SB = 1000/- * Period of deposit for purchase of residential house= 2 Yr
Capgain Plus No limit 2 to 3 Yr
TDR = 5,000/- * Period of deposit for construction of residential house= 3 Yr.
* Cash withdrawal allowed upto 25000 and above 25000 paid by issuance of demand
draft/banker cheque
Gold Deposit
Min qty= 500 gram Nodal branch for gold deposit scheme= Overseas branch, Mumbai
USD 100,000/- < USD 250,000/- 1 Yr to less than 2 Yr
Term Deposits Minor= Max TDR in case minor= 2 Lakh, Minor jointly with guardian= 20 Lakh

Product Min Max Age Facility Repayment/ Tenure
Home Loan ** LTV, EMI/NMI base. 18 Yr ** 30 Yr or Age reach 70 Yr
NRI HOME loans 3L LTV Base 18 Yr TL or Maxgain 30 yr or age reach 60 Yr
Realty 5L 15 Cr Max - 65 Yr TL only 10 Yr
Combo Home Loan 20 L 50 Cr 18 Yr TL only 30 Yr or Age reach 70 Yr
Maxgain (HL as OD) 20 L 3 Cr 18 Yr OD 30 Yr or Age reach 70 Yr
upto 20 L=TL,
Cat I= 50 L,
Home Top Up 2L 18 Yr 20 to 2 Cr=TL & OD, 15 Yr or age reach 70 Yr
Cat II = No limit
Above 2 Cr=TL
YONO Insta Home Top Up 0.5 L 8L 18 Yr OD with reducing DP 3-10 Yr
Smart Home Top Up 1L 8L 18 Yr Either Term Loan or overdraft facility Max 20 Yr
Sal=20 L (with Chk-off) & 15 L
Tribal Plus - 21-60 Yr TL Only 15 Yr or age reach 60 Yr
(Without c/off), Other=15 L
Top-UP for Tribal Plus - 5L Equal to Tribal Plus
EMD Scheme - CSP/DSP =15 L, Other=10 L Above 21 Yr DL 12 M from date of disb.
RML - 2 Cr & 1.5 Cr (As per location) 60 (spouse-58 yr) Non-renewable Overdraft 10/15/20 Yr
CRE Home Loan - - - - 30 Yr
PAL (Pre-Approved Limit) 10 L - - - -
P-LAP 5L 7.5 Cr TL Min-5 Yr, Max-15 Yr
Privilege & Shaurya HL 10 L 10 Cr 18-75 Yr TL Min-5 Yr, Max-30 (Close-75 Yr)
Shaurya Flexi Navy Home
10 L 10 Cr 21-45 Yr TL Min-25 Yr, Max-30 Yr
Shaurya Flexi Home Loan 10 L 10 Cr 21-45 Yr TL Min-25 Yr, Max-30 Yr
Shaurya Flexi Home Loan
10 L 10 Cr > 45 Yr to 55 Yr TL Min-10 Yr, Max-29 Yr
upto 20 L=TL,
Non-Salaried Segment 50 K 50 Cr 18 Yr 30 Yr (Loan Close to 70 Yr)
20 to 3 Cr=TL & OD, Above 3 Cr=TL
Flexipay Home Loan 20 L No limit 21-45 Yr TL Min 25 Yr, Max 30 Yr
Apon Ghar (For Asam) 1L 5 Cr 21-75 Yr TL Min-5 Yr, Max-30 Yr (Close-75)

Product Min Max Loan Facility Tenure Margin/ LTV Security
Loans against 90% of Principle + accrued Remaining maturity If maturity 36 m=5%, 36-60M=10%,
- DL or OD Lien on the Time Deposit
Deposits interest security Above 60M=15%
NSCs/KVPs required to
60% of
Loan against Remaining maturity 40% of face value with accrued transferred by the issuing
FV with No limit DL or OD
NSCs/KVP period of NSC/KVP interest Post Office in the name
acc. Int.
of the bank
Loan against LIC 95% of the present If tenure upto 12 M = 15%
- DL or OD 3 Yrs Assignment of policy
Policy surrender value of policy upto 24 M = 25%, upto 36M = 30%
* Pledge of Demat Shares
Loans against *For any personal prps=20 L 50% of the prevailing Stock Exc. * Base list/ Universe of
50000 OD 30 M
Shares (Online) *For subscribing IPO=10 L market prices of shares scrips: NSE 500/S&P 500
a) Equity / Hybrid /: Physical
OD (Cheque
Loan against Mutual / Electrical form- 10 L; OD (Auto Renewal / * Equity / Hybrid / ETF= 50%
25000 book, INB & Lien on units of MF Units
Fund (Incl DAF) Demat Form- 20 L Review yearly) * Debt / FMP= 15%
b) Debt / FMP: 5 Cr
DL(Bullet) / 35% of MV published by PMD, Lien mark on SGB issued
Loan against SGBs 20000 20 Lakh OD-36 M, DL-12 M
OD in Salary A/c - Up to 2 months NMI Clean OD 6M
(a) Eligibility = Consecutive salary credits for past 6 months, (b) Age = less than 54,
• Silver: Nil, • Gold: Rs. 75,000/- • Diamond: Rs. 1,50,000/- • Platinum: Rs. 2,00,000
Loans against Bank’s Time Deposits =
(a) Through branches = No min & no max slab.
(b) Loan through INB or YONO:Minimum: 5,000/- & Maximum: 5 Cr
(c) Limit of overdraft against STDR/e STDR = 90% of the face value of STDR/e STDR, TDR/e TDR = 75% i.e., customers will have no choice to fix the lower limit
(d) Time = Between 08:00 HRS IST and 20:00 HRS IST

Min Max Age Repayment Margin Income Processing fee
*Sal= 48 times NMI *Sal NMI >= 25 K Loan up to 5 L = 750 + GST
3-7 Yr or age 15% of on-road price.
Car Loan 1L *Others = 4 times NAI 21-70 Yr *Others NAI = 3 L Above 5 L to 10 L = 1250 + GST
75 Yr For CSP = 10%.
*Agri = 3 times NAI *Agriculturists = NAI 4 L Above 10 L = 1500/- + GST
Green Car Loan ** ** 21-70 Yr 3 to 8 Yr 10% of on-road price Concession of 50%
3-7 Yr or age 15% of on-road price. 0.25%+GST. Min 750/-+GST;
NRI Car Loan 1L 18 times NMI 21-70 Yr NMI US$ 1000
75 Yr For CSP = 10%. Max 7500/-+GST.
Assured Car Loan 1L 100% of FD value 18 Yr (Min) 3 - 7 Yr Nil Not stipulated Nil
*Sal= 48 times NMI 0.25%, Min 500/- & max 5000/ +
Nil (100% Ex-show
Loyalty Car Loan ** *Others = 4 times NAI - 7 Yr NAI 2 L GST.
Room price)
*Agri = 3 times NAI
10 Yr minus
Certified Pre- 21-67 Yr Salary: NAI 3L, Professional 1.25% + GST; Min 3750/-+GST,
3L CIC & NMI based age of vehicle 15%
Owned Car Loans (Rep 70) NAI 3L Max 10000/- + GST.
(Max. 5 Yr)
High Value Super 21-57 Yr Salary- NAI 3 L, Business-
1.5 L 25 L 48 M 15% of On-road price 2%+GST; Max. 10K+GST
Bike Loan (Repay 60) Profit 3 L, Agri - NAI 4 L
SBI Two Wheeler Agri-60 M Salary- NMI 10 K, Business-
50 K 3L 18-65 Yr 15% of On-road price 2% + GST
Scheme Other-48 M Profit 1.5 L, Agri - NAI 1.5 L
3 Cr or 4 times Gross Upto 10 L=15% of on-
SME Car Loan ** - 5 or 7 Yr Gross taxable income = 4 L 0.50%, Min. 500 & max. 10,000.
Taxable Annual Income road, Alove 10 L=20%

PACL 1L 5 Cr 21-57 Yr 3 – 7 Yr - - -
2% + GST, Min - 1000 + GST
PA2W 0.2 L 3L 21-57 Yr 12 M – 48 M - -
Max - 6000+ GST

Min Max Repayment Margin Moratorium Collateral
*upto 4 L = Nil, *Upto 7.5 L = Nil,
Student As per ranked by 15 Yr + 12 M after course or 06 M after
-- *Ab 4 L (India = 5%, *Above 7.50 L = tangible security +
Loan NIRF Moratorium employment
abroad=15%) guarantee of co borrower
AA = 50 L,
Upto 4 L = Nil,
Scholar A= 40 L, 15 Yr + 12 M after course or 06 M after Collaterals required for Above Rs. 7.5 L
4 to 7.5 L=5%,
Loan B= 30 L, Moratorium employment for List-C
Above 7.5 L = Nil
C = 7.5 L (coll=30 L)
7.5 to 20 L=15%, *Liquid security =100% &
Global ED- 15 Yr +
7,50,001/- 1.5 Cr Above 20 L to 1.5 06 M after course *Immovable collaterals above 7.5 L & up
Vantage Moratorium
Cr-10% to 20 L = RV 100% , Above 20 L= RV 110%
Upto 50 K= 3 Yr, *Courses duration upto 1 Yr= 6
Skill Loan
5000 1.5 L 50 K to 1 L=5 Yr, Nil M comp. course, Nil
Ab. 1 L=7 Yr *Above 1 Yr=12 M
Shaurya *Studies in India-12 M after
*Studies in India-40 L 15 Yr + * Upto 4 L - Nil
Education -- course. Upto 7.5 L = Nil
*Abroad- 1.50 Cr Moratorium * Above 4 L - 5%
Loan *Abroad- 6 M after course.
Collateral Security will be mandatory for
Loan to 10 L 40 L - - -
all loans, irrespective of amount of loan

Min Max Facility EMI/NMP Proc. Fee Pre payment penalty

Max 18 m pension, Age is:

SBI Pension Loan to Up to 72 Yr = Rs. 14 L 1%+GST, Min. 1000+GST,
25 K DL 50% 3% on prepaid amount
Regular Pensioner >72 to 74 Yr = Rs. 12 L Max-10000+GST
>74 to 76 Yr = Rs. 7.50 L
Max 18 m pension, Age is:
SBI Pension Loan to Up to 72 Yr = Rs. 5 L 0.50%+GST, Min 500+GST,
25 K DL 33% 3% on prepaid amount
Family Pensioner >72 to 74 Yr = Rs. 4.50 L Max-2500+GST
>74 to 76 Yr = Rs. 2.50 L
If Age upto 56 Yrs = 36 months’ pension (Max = 14 L )
Jai Jawan Pension Loan 25 K TL 50% Nil Nil
If Age above 56 Yrs = 18 months pension (Max = 14 L)
 Max Age = 76 years
 ROI = 2 Yr MCLR + 2.55%
 Repayment 72 months (repayment by 78 years of age)

Min Max Margin Repayment Facility Interest rate
Personal Gold Loan EMI 20000 50 Lakh 25% 36 EMIs DL 1 Yr MCLR + 1.25%
Personal Liquid GL 1 Lakh 50 Lakh 25% 36 EMIs OD 1 Yr MCLR + 1.25%
Bullet Repayment 3 M 20000 50 Lakh 30% 3 Months DL 3 M MCLR + 0.55%
Bullet Repayment 6 M 20000 50 Lakh 30% 6 Months DL 6 M MCLR + 0.35%
Bullet Repayment 12 M 20000 50 Lakh 35% 12 Months DL 1 Yr MCLR + 0.50%
Staff Gold Loan No min No max 25% 36 EMIs DL 1% above interest rate payable to public for 60 M TDR
Realty Bullet Rep 50,000 50 Lakh 35% 12 Months DL 1 Yr MCLR + 0.50%
Realty Liquid GL 50,000 50 Lakh 25% 36 Months OD (With Cheque) 1 Yr MCLR + 0.50%
Realty EMI GL 50,000 50 Lakh 25% 36 Months DL 1 Yr MCLR + 0.50%
Multi-Purpose Agri Gold Loan 5000 25 Lakh 25% 12 Months DL 1 Yr MCLR + 1.25%
KCC Gold Loan 1.61 Lakh 25 Lakh 25% 12 Months DL -
SME Gold Loan > 1 Lakh 50 Lakh 25% OD-12 M, DL-36M OD / DL -
Top up Gold Loan 10000 10 Lakh 25% 12 Months DL Bullet 1 Yr MCLR + 1.25%

Age 18 Years
*Bullet repay 3 M = Rs. 200+ GST
Proc. Fee *Bullet repay 6 M = Rs. 300+ GST
*Others = 0.50%+GST, subject to minimum Rs. 500+GST
Assessment & Security valuation - By Cash Officer / Cash In Chargers.
For above Rs 50,000, ornaments are to be assessed by reputed gold appraiser.
For Hyderabad, Chennai and Kerala Circles, assessment by an appraiser has to be done for loans above Rs 1,00,000/.
Responsibility of quality/purity of gold ornaments = Cash Officer/Cash In Chargers
Responsibility of Weight & no of items of ornaments = Joint custodian
Gold loans are not granted against the security of Primary Gold i.e., 24 carats gold bars and biscuits
While granting advance against the security of specially minted gold coins sold by Bank, the weight of coin(s) does not exceed 50 grams per customer
The Market Value and Advance Value for per gram of Gold of different Carats purity being given by Precious Metal Dept monthly
Gold Appraiser Charges: 0.05% to 0.10% of Loan Amount, Min. Rs. 50, Max. Rs. 600.
 Appraisal charges for urban/metro centers = Min Rs 50/- Max 600/-
 Appraisal charges for rural/semi urban centers = Min Rs. 50/- Max. Rs 300/-
Genuineness and purity of gold ornaments to be assessed by using the following methods:
a) Touch stone Method b) Nitric Acid Test c) Specific gravity test


Product Age Min Max Income Facility Repayment EMI/NMI 2nd Loan Eligibility

Silver & gold = <=50% Any time. Max. 2 Salary package, Min ser=6
Xpress Credit 18-60 25000 30 L NMI=15 K TL 6 Yr / residual ser
Diamond <=55% loan at a time. M, for CSP=1 Yr
RMP Xpress Silver & gold = <=50% Any time. Max. 2 Salary package, Min ser=6
18-60 25000 30 L NMI=15 K TL 6 Yr / residual ser
Credit Diamond <=55% loan at a time. M, for CSP=1 Yr
Platinum NMI <=2 L <=
TL/OD with 6 Yr / residual Any time. Max. 2
Xpress Elite 18-60 3L 35 L NMI=1 L 60% Salaried Employees
Chq book service loan at a time.
NMI > 2 L <=65%
Diamond=20 L 6 Yr / residual
Xpress Flexi 1L OD
Platinum=25 L service
Min 7K,
Xpress Lite 18-60 25000 1.8 L Term Loan 3 Yr / residual ser <=40% No second loan
>=15 K for
30 L RTXC. 6 Yr / repaid age 58 RTXC ≤50% Any time. Max. 2
RTXC < 58 25000 TL
Elite=35L >=1 L for years RTXC Elite ≤60% loan at a time.
Quick PL - Those who not maintaining
21-58 24000 20 L NMI=15000 TL 6Yr / residual ser <=50% No second loan
CLP salary ac
18- Min=6 M, Max=6 One PAXC at any
PAXC 25000 15 L & 8 L TL 50% Offer validity= Till qtr end
56/58 Yr (Max 58/60 age) point of time
Insta top up
18-60 20000 3L TL 12 to 36 months One loan Offer validity= 1 M
PAPL (Non- One loan at point
25-65 Yr 25000 2L TL 6 to 36 M One month
CSP) Loan of time
6 Yr (Repay: 78 Yr One PAPNL point of
PAPNL 72 Yr 25000 5L TL ≤50% Offer validity= Till qtr end
age) time
Offer validity = 1 M of
Insta Pension 20000 2.8 L DL 12 to 36 months

Product Min Loan Max Loan Margin/LTV Tenure
RKCC No ceiling No ceiling -- 5 Yr
KCC AH&F No ceiling For new-2 L, For existing-3 L -- 1 Yr
SAFAL 25000 3L -- 1 Yr
ABAL 3L 200 L 15-25% Max - 6 Yr
Produce Marketing Loan 1L 75 L 25-40% 1 Yr
Tractor Loan Scheme 2L 25 L 25-30% 5 Yr (10 Hly EMI)
Tractor Loan Under Tie-Up (TLT) 1L 10 L 20-30% 5 Yr (10 Hly EMI)
Financing Power Tillers No ceiling 80% of cost of power Tiller 20-30% 5 Yr (10 Hly EMI)
Financing Combine Harvesters 5L 35 L 20-30% 6 Yr (12 Hly EMI)
Agriculture Marketing Infrastructure
- - 20-50% 10 Yr
Financing Cold Storage - - 25% 8 Yr
Construction of Cold Storage/
1L 50 Cr 25% 10 Yr
Financing Polyhouse 5000 50 Cr 15% 6 Yr
*Upto 5 L-Nil, *5 to 10 L=10%
ACABC Scheme 25000 2 Cr 10 Yr
*Above 10 L=25%
Financing Organic farming - - 20% 9 Yr incl guestation
Scheme for Debt Swapping of
5000 1L - 5 Yr (10 Hly EMI)
Solar photo voltaic pump set No ceiling No ceiling 20% 10 Yearly or 20 Hly
Financing to FPOs 1L 5 Cr 20% 10 Yr
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) No ceiling Ceiling 10-25%
PMFME No ceiling No ceiling 10-20% 10 Yr
*TL/Dropline OD - below 5 L= 5 Yr,
Mudra Loans Allied Activities 50000 10 L Upto 50K-Nil, 50K-10 L =10%
5 L-10L= 7 Yr. *CC = on demand
AHIDF No ceiling No ceiling 10-25% 10 Yr
PM –KUSUM No ceiling 10 Cr 30% 15 Yr
New Dairy product under TIE – UP No ceiling 2 Cr Nil 60 to 90 M
Mudra Dairy Loan 50000 10 L upto 50 K - Nil, 50 K – 10 L=10% Upto 1 L= OD, 1 to 10L = Dropline OD
Composite Minor Irrigation 10000 49 L 15% to 25% 12 Yr
Kisan Samriddhi Rin (KSR) 5L 50 Cr 15% 5 Yr
Agri Enterprise Loan (AEL) 1L 100 Cr As per scheme TL=10 Yr, CC=renew annually
Stocks=25%, Book Debts/ Recievebles
ACC Allied/ Processing Activity 25000 150 Cr Renewed annually
= 40%
Financing Farmer’s Receivables under
1L 50 L Nil Renewed annually
Corporate Tieup
1st Tranche= 1 L 1st Tranche= 19 M
PM Vishwakarma - Nil
2nd Tranche= 2 L 2nd Tranche= 31 M

Scheme Min Max Facility Repayment Margin/ LTV
Shishu=50 K, *TL/Dropline OD= Review Yly, *<5
Upto 50000 = Nil
PMMY - Kishor=50001/- to 5 CC, TL, Dropline OD L=5 Yr, *5-10L=7 Yr *CC=On demand,
50001 to 10 L =20%
L, Tarun=5 L to 10 L Validity=12 M
SBI e-MUDRA - 50,000/- TL 60 M Nil
SME Smart Score >10 L <50 L Dropline OD, CC, TL *WC=2 Yr, *TL / Dropline OD=7 Yr WC=20%, TL=33%
SME e-Smart Score
>10 L 5 Cr CC, TL WC=Repayable on demand, TL=7 Yr WC=20%, TL=33%
under CLP
Stand Up India (SUI) >10 L 1 Cr WC, TL 7 Yr Min-10%, Max-25%
ABL >10 L 20 Cr Drop-line OD or NFB 12 M to 240 M 25%
ABLCRE-CP 10 L 50 Cr & 25 Cr Drop-line OD 12 M to 72 M 25%
ABL-RH 50 L 50 Cr TL 12 M to 84 M 25%
Dropline OD = 180 M, CC = On
ABL Saral >10 L 5 Cr Dropline OD, CC -
e-DFS - Need Based & Tie-up CC - Nil, 100% finance
SME Open Term Loan 25 L 10 Cr TL 8 Yr 25%
Fund Based-CC, TL,
TL/Dropline OD= 120 M, WC=12 M *WC=Stocks: 25%; Rece: 40%,
SME Marble Plus >10 L 10 Cr Dropline OD, NF
(Annually Renewal) *TL=25%, *LC&BG= 25% Cash Margin
based LC/BG
Healthcare Business
>10 L 50 Cr TL or CC TL=10 Yr, CC yearly renewal 25%
*OD=25 L,
SME Finance for CAs
2L *TL metro cetrer TL, OD OD=on demand, TL=5 Yr OD=Nil, TL=25%
Under CLP
=100 L, other=75 L
PM SVANidhi 3rd
20000 50000 - 36 M Nil
Loans upto 25 K = 12 EMI, Above 25 K
IGUCCY 1000 50000 DL Nil
= 18 EMI
R & DB Br. = 10 L R & DB Br = 50 L Upto 50 Cr: 10 Yr
LRD Scheme TL
CCG/CAG = 50 Cr CCG/CAG = 1200 Cr Above 50 Cr = 15 Yr
*CC= 3 Yr, Annual Review.
SME Laghu Udyami
- 10 L CC or TL *Term Loan: <5 L = 5 Yr. Upto 50K = Nil, Above 50K = 10%
(SME Credit Card)
5 L & above = 7 Yr
PABL >50000 20 L Dropline OD 48 M
Arthias Plus Scheme >10 L 5 Cr CC 1 Yr, Renew Yearly Stocks=30%, Receivable=40%
*Individual handloom
Weaver Mudra =2L
50000 CC & TL TL = 3 Yr, CC = Annual review 20%
Scheme (WMS) * Handloom org/
Entity = 2 Cr

SBI Fleet Finance Scores 50% to 60%=60 M,
50 L 10 Cr TL 5% to 50%
Scheme *60% & above=66 M
*TL= 25%, *WC=Stocks = 25%, Book
Dal Mill Plus Scheme - 25 Cr TL, WC, NFB TL= 8 Yr, WC = on demand
debts = 40% (cover period: max 90 D).
- 10 L TL 4 Yr Upto 50K = Nil, Above 50K = 10%
under PMMY
Compressed Bio Gas
(CBG) under SATAT - 50 Cr TL, WC TL repayable in 10-12 Yr TL = 30%, WC = 25%
Corporate Loan 50 L 10 Cr TL 10 Yr
DAF-SDSM -- 75 L TL 7 Yr 10%
Sanjeevani SME Loan
- 2 Cr TL, LC 5 Yr Nil
for Healthcare Sector
GECL - 200 Cr per borrower WC TL 6 Yr Nil
*Term Loan-  1 L to 5 L= 5 Yr
CLP Mudra – Scheme 1L 10 L TL or CC  5 to 10 L= 7 years 10%
*CC = On demand
Commercial Vehicle Commercial Veh = 84 M.
10 L 50 L TL 15%
Finance Electric Veh = 48 M
Digital Supply Chain-
1L 50 L CC 3 Yr, review yearly
Trip Finance
Surya Shakti – Solar
- 4 Cr TL 10 Yr 20%
Policy on financing to *Term Loan = 84 M
- 50 Cr CC, TL Upto 10 L = Nil, Above 10 L = 25%
Startups *CC = On demand
Finance to Bio-Fuel
- - WC, TL -- TL = 30% of Project Cost, WC = 25%
Advance against
Indian Railways >10 L 50 Cr WCDL One year 10%
Letter of Credit
Loans to Customer *OD: annual review Loans upto Rs. 50,000/-: Nil
Existing CSP = 5 L
Service Providers 25000 OD, DL, TL *DL = 36 M  Loans > Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2.50 lacs:
New CSP = 2.5 L
(CSPs) *TL = 84 M 10%
Shaurya Maan: clean
overdraft facility to
1L 3 Cr Clean OD On demand 25%
URCs (Defence
Scheme for Financing
TL, WC (fund / non- *Term Loan = 8 Yr
of Ceramic Units in 50 L - 20%
fund based) *CC = On demand


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