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Ver, 09/2015 VDR/S-VDR Annual Performance Test Procedure Following describes how to carry out annual performance test of VR-7000, VR-3000, VR-30008, and VR-5000 and how to fill in the test report. 41) Confirmation of Pre-existing alarms Confirm that no red LED (error indicator) lights up on the RAP (Remote Soh Panel) and in the DCU; Status:Nomal (VR-7000);- - = or - - 4 (VR43090/8000S); and yellow, yellow, yellow, green (VR-5000) 2) Power supply alarm check CY Ensure that BAT power LED lights. If the LED blinks, wait'Until{t comes on, or until the battery is fully charged. Tum off AC and DC power Switches and confirm that error code 412214(VR-7000); 214 (VR- Socaro09s); ‘er. gieen, green, yellow, red (VR-5000) is indicated. Record the time (hh:mm ney yregd the error code, l/ Check that the record number in the Wes qu display increases and no error except for 412214, 214 or green, green, Yellow), red is generated after 1 hour 55 minutes from turing off AC and DC power silitches. Record the time (hh:mm) you read the increasing record number.” 3) Reserve power source check ( 4) Reserve power source shutdown'theck Check that the record numbér lithe Web status display automatically stops by internal battery after 2 houp-S:minutes from indication of error code. Record the time you read the record nuntber stopped. Ensure the track information of recording medium after reboot by/Liye Player. Shy \/ 5) Battery expiry dates Acoustic beacon: Th8jéxpiry date of the battery is found on the acoustic beacon and in the card onythe babkside of the DCU cover. (1) 0K120;,6 yéérs after manufacturing date on the beacon (2) PT9.NINETY:'3 years after manufacturing date on the beacon Reséryeipower source: The expiry date of the built-in battery is found in the card on the backside of the DCU cover: 4 years after installation (VR-3000/3000S and VR-5000); 4 years after manufacturing date on the battery (VR-7000). Hf you cannot find the card, find the manufacturing date in the nameplate or by asking FEC. The expiry date is the manufacturing date plus 4.5 years. \VDRIS-VDR APT Test Procedure v6 Configure the expire date in consumable parts configuration of Maintenance Viewer (VR-7000 and VR-3000/3000S V1.5X and V2.XX). 6) Acoustic beacon test 1, Measure the voltage of acoustic beacon. It should be the rating (1) DK120: Refer to FQ4-2006-015 , ) (2) PT9 NINETY: 2.5V-3.6V > 4, Selftest routine b Slide the switch from READY-pésition to TEST-position and keep 15 seconds. Check that the LED on the Tprof antenna flashes once and release the switch to READY- position. ) 5, Labeling if Check that the indication of the beacon serial number, 15 Hex ID (Hexadecimal Identification), MMg\callsign, and Due date of the next SBM on the beacon is appropriate. ( _¥ te ) 6. Deco: Decog6 thé: mln signal in self-test mode by EPIRB tester and fill 15 Hex ID, MMS{anf callsign in the test report. Distance between the antenna of the beacon and EPIRG tester is taken 30cm approximately. 7. Registration information Check that the ship's information decoded at the item no. 6 is identical to the description in the ship's station license or the SBM record retained on board. \VDRUS-VDR APT Test Procedure 316 8. Battery (1) Type Check that the battery type is 87457(X-89340) in the label of the beacon. (2) Expiry date Check that the date (5 years after the installation date) is valid in the label of the beacon, CK 9, HRU (Hydrostatic Release Unit) f) (1) Type Check that the HRU type is X-86218 composed to X- 97820 and 80184 in the indication ¢ (2) Expiry date my, A Check that the date (2 years after the instalation 8 Gate) 19 valid inthe label ofthe HRU. 10, 406MHz Emission in self-test mode 1 Check the emission of 406,037MHz signalfin Sel-tést mode with EPIRB tester. The distance between the antenna of the keactn and EPIRB tester is taken 30cm approximately : 11. 121.5MHz Emission in self-test, 6d) Cheek the emission of 121.5MHz radio"Wave in self-test mode with EPIRB tester. The distance between the antenflaof the beacon and EPIRB tester is taken 30om approximately. (% 12. SBMinteval (|) Check that the SBM has beén carried out every 5 years (4 years depending on the flag) by the next,SBM date and the installation date or previous SBM date in the documents on boatd, of the loat-ree DRU in its bracket Check that the! beacon i is remounted in the bracket in accordance with the procedure in the nstallation manual. When there is little silicon grease on board for the periodic perfatmafice test conducted by the crew, ask the ship’s representative to order the replenishment 13, Remountit Note: Do not use the silicon grease for the periodic performance test on board at the APT. Purchase the silicon grease for APT from Jotron or Furuno separately. (Silicon grease X-88237: Jotron's Part No, 88237 / Furuno's Part No. 001-365-040-00) ‘VDRIS-VDR AP" Test Pred 416 14, Presence of operating instructions Check that the user manual is available on board, Shore-based maintenance required by MSC/Circ, 1039 (Item no, 15-20): Following items should be carried out by the qualified person belongs f appioved SBM provider at the intervals not exceeding 5 years or in case that the beacon housing is opened, SY IMPORTANT: The test radiating signal in normal transmitting WHod® should be carried out with a shielded box to prevent the signal from reaching to the satellite. It is recommended to use radio shielded box in radio shielded.toom. © 15, Battery change Remove the storage module from the beacon togeth@rawth void sticker attached across storage module and bumper, Remove the qulatby belts which are ring for join upper and lower housing of beacon. Divide, the beacon to upper and lower units and change lower battery unit, sealing andi stig gel to new one. Assemble the beacon with new equator belts, storage madule ‘aid new bumper and attach new void sticker across storage module and bulmper.\Indicate battery expire date (5 years after exchange) on the label. In case that thesbattery exceed 1.5 years from battery manufacturing date for shelf life, the/eXcess months should be subtracted from 5 years from exchange date for servige life. 16. 406MHz f Connect the EPIRB tester to the eitternal terminal of the radio shielded box via the Coaxial cable (In case of YsingEPIRB tester UNIDEC manufactured by Jotron AS, connect 20-30dB attenuator between the external terminal of the radio shielded box via the coaxial cable. {h dase, of using EPIRB tester BT100 manufactured by W.S. Technologies Inc., no need 46 connect the attenuator). Put the new beacon in the radio shielded box and read the output power in the normal transmitting mode with EPIRB tester. Gileulate in advance the correction value to the measuring the difference between the value measured with the EPIRB tester and indicated inythe factory acceptance sheet (Beacon Test Results) issued by Jotron AS. } Short/Segwtét contact by using dedicated jig and put the beacon into the radio shieided-box. Check that radio wave in normal transmitting mode with EPIRB tester connectedto radio shielded box. If beacon working good, the first transmission including test message burst after 5-8 seconds and real message is transmit every 50 seconds. VDRIS-VDR APY Test Procedire Check that the frequency error of the radio wave in normal transmitting mode received with EPIRB tester is roughly in the range (406.03725kHz). Read the output power in normal transmitting mode with EPIRB tester and apply the correction value calculated above to the output power. Check that the corrected value is in the range of 5W+2dB (This check is carried out by output power in normal transmitting mode instead of self-test mode according to MSC/Circ.1039. Because the tested EPIRB in the radio shielded box is not able to transmit in selFta8ty physically). Considering the uncertainty of this measurement, at, least we Se tolerance from the required range should be allowed. 17. 121.5MHz, 4 Transmission in normal mode Check that 121.5MHz radio wave in normal tranemitingympde Iransmited wth EPIRB tester. ) tof Modulation (Sweep tone) Check that the audible sweep torn of 121.5MHa‘fadiowave in normal transmitting mode by moving 120MHz band receiver he radio shielded box. 18. GNSS Slide the switch to Test position twice within,3 sBconds and back to REDY position, The beacon beeps every 3 second fintil acquiring GPS position, Check that the beacon beeps twice serially at last., >» Check that the GPS position is 4hcluded in the transmitted signal received with EPIRB tester at the item no.6. “_)) 19. Waterproof test Wash the beacon by bath'toap and clean up dusty which may cause babble on the beacon. Prepare the hot'watér'which temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius hotter than the room tempetatufe shot exceeding 60 degrees Celsius in heat-resistant container. Attach strong magnet to the magnet switch position on the beacon not to operate the seawater switch by using dedicated tool. Sink and shake the beacon in the hot water and\rémdve babbles on the beacon. Check that no babbles are generated in gh beaton housing 10 cm under the water surface during 5 minutes. 20. Labeling (Dye date of the next shore-based maintenance) Indicats year. afd month ater § years from the SBM date (4 years depending on the flag) for he due date of next SBM on the beacon properly. YDRIS-VDR APT Test Procedure 66

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