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A personal take on science and society

World view By Carissa Bryce


Every nation needs

a space agency
As commercial firms transform the space depend on satellite imagery.
economy, each country’s space governance will National-security agencies in the United States and
elsewhere are expanding their long-standing cooperation
shape its opportunities for decades to come. Nations with commercial space firms to access satellite hardware

and acquire intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
ast month’s dramatic test launch and explosion of major space imagery and analytics. Nations are benefiting from tech-
SpaceX’s uncrewed Starship vehicle highlighted
programmes nology transfer from space programmes, gaining access to
the opportunities — and risks — of commercial advanced computing and products such as microelectronics,
space flight. A new breed of space company is need to along with developments in areas such as food safety. They
shaping the space environment and life on Earth. consider are also sharing in insights gained from space exploration.
In the past decade, the investment of some US$60 billion by how to avoid In an era of commercial space exploration, a nation that
venture firms and space-enthusiast billionaires has yielded has not previously viewed itself as a space actor might find
more than 500 space start-ups. The number of functioning
losing out.” that it has a long-term future interest in the sector. This might
satellites in orbit has ballooned from around 1,000 in 2013 be in planetary resources, for example, because of a strong
to more than 7,000 today. People have reached space on mining industry, or in space exploration, if it can acquire
commercial flights for the first time. access to commercial launch vehicles and space stations. It
The activities of commercial companies offer new capa- might want to influence competitive policies in other nations
bilities that could improve quality of life, safety, sustaina- seeking to attract businesses from abroad. Now is the time
bility, science and security for billions around the world. for nations to protect their future interests by joining the
But they also pose environmental and operational risks, discussions and negotiations on the global stage.
ranging from satellite collisions to light pollution to reli- Established international structures are changing, and
ance on high-risk ventures that could go out of business. nations risk losing out if they are not part of the conversa-
Regulatory and governance structures need to evolve tion. Increased commercial space activity is leading to new
quickly to keep up. governance in areas such as the management of space traffic
Throughout my career, I’ve tracked the space economy, (including questions about who is responsible and liable for
developed tools to measure trends and models to predict collisions); preventing the accumulation of orbital debris;
outcomes, and advised on government strategy. As an analyst licensing satellite services; and managing the competing
focusing on the space ecosystem, particularly the interplay uses of the electromagnetic spectrum. The role of the
between the commercial, civil and national-security sectors, International Telecommunications Union, which has long
I can say that, compared with previous waves of commercial managed orbital access rights and spectrum management,
space activity, we are seeing a tsunami today. The institutions is under reconsideration as satellites expand drastically
put in place to deal with established aerospace contractors into new orbits. Countries and organizations of the United
and satellite operators, which are typically large and govern- Nations have proposed rules for responsible space actors.
ment-focused, don’t work for today’s challenges. A number of nations have signed NASA’s Artemis Accords,
Major space-faring nations — those with launch capa- which seek to establish a shared vision to enhance the gov-
bility, sizeable government space budgets and significant ernance of civil exploration and the use of outer space.
space industries — are already implementing new ways of In this context, a dedicated public space agency can
managing space activities nationally and globally. Nations improve a nation’s standing and help it to achieve its objec-
without major space programmes will be affected by these tives. Even if a nation’s space activities are minimal and
changes, and need to consider how to avoid losing out. Carissa Bryce its agency small, the organizational construct could have
My view is that every country should consider establish- Christensen value. For example, the head of a space agency might have
ing its own space agency to protect its interests and meet is founder and access that a lower-level space lead in a larger agency (say,
national objectives in this period of rapid change. chief executive of a telecommunications regulator) might not, even if the
Almost every nation is already a regular consumer of BryceTech, based in budgets and authorities of the two are roughly the same.
some level of space capability, mostly satellite services. Alexandria, Virginia, Different nations will have different objectives: to
Satellites are integral to global telecommunications, carry- and a Fellow of the expand their space presence, build space alliances, take
ing television and Internet traffic. Precision timing, used by American Institute fuller advantage of commercial products and services,
financial systems and energy grids, is based on satellite sig- of Aeronautics and or protect national rights and equities. In this period of
nals. Satellite observations drive forecasting models that Astronautics. rapid change, in which space-based activities will become
predict both daily weather and life-threatening events such e-mail: carissa. increasingly important to every country, national space

as hurricanes. Transportation infrastructure, land man- christensen@ agencies will help nations to achieve equitable treatment
agement and a host of industries, including agriculture, and meet their goals in space.

Nature | Vol 617 | 4 May 2023 | 9


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