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What do nutrients do Is breakfast really

W for my body? the most important
HEALTHCARE Nutrients are like superheroes meal?
for your body! They help you
CENTER Yup! Breakfast is like the
grow, stay strong, and have kickstart button for your
energy. Think of them as your day. It gives your body and
body's special fuel. brain the energy they need
Ever wondered how the to tackle all the awesome
food you eat and the ways stuff ahead.
you play affect how you
feel? Let's find out
Why do I have to What goes on inside GET IN TOUCH
move my body? when I exercise?
Moving is like a secret code It's like a magic show! Your heart
for a happy and healthy life! pumps faster, sending oxygen to all EMAIL ADDRESS:
It makes your heart parts of your body. Muscles get
stronger, muscles powerful, stronger, and your brain releases SOCIAL MEDIA:
and boosts your mood. feel-good chemicals. Exercise is the @reallygreatsite
Plus, it's a fantastic way to secret to a happy body and mind. MOBILE NUMBER:
have a blast! +123-456-7890

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