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International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

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International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering

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Priyadharshini Bhupathi 1, S. Prabu 2, Alexis P.I. Goh 3,∗
VIT School of Agricultural Innovations and Advanced Learning, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, 632014, India
Department of Banking Technology, Pondicherry University (A Central University), Puducherry, 605 014, India
Executive Master Program in Business Administration, College of Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan R.O.C.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: To better manage human resources (HR), companies are increasingly incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and
Human resource management other AI-based tools into their HR management (HRM) strategies, at a universal scale. Companies on a global
Machine Learning models scale, highlight the employment prospects and use of resources, business judgment, and make predictions using
Iterative Decision tree
machine learning approaches. This work aims at the situation that the human resource department faces high
Random Forest
employee turnover in the company especially some experienced employees leave. The termination of an employee
ABC rule miner
is predicted by using an enhanced ID3 decision tree with ABC rule miner. The best-classifying attributes are
chosen by ID3 and association rules are mined to generate an enhanced decision tree to perform classification. It
is then passed to the regressor model to make prediction. Gradient descent optimizer is used for optimizing the
proposed machine learning model. Predictive analysis is done in HR dataset v-14 by visualizing and analyzing and
exploiting the behavioral relationship among the attributes. The variables of employee termination are predicted
by a data-driven predictive analysis from the performance measure metrics.

1. Introduction possible for businesses to realize their full potential in terms of strate-
gic goals including improving the quality of service, efficiency, cost-
Technology has been an integral part of running a business and mak- effectiveness, the superiority of service (Agrawal et al., 2017), func-
ing it more efficient and effective. Artificial intelligence (AI) is about tioning efficiency, client assignation, and trustworthiness. Staff service
to change in a good way how people use technology. Artificial intel- quality (Malik et al., 2020) and significant cost savings (Wirtz et al.,
ligence can also help eliminate subjectivity by collecting data from 2019) in operations were other notable achievements. Reduced em-
past employees who had similar jobs and making targeted questions ployee turnover and increased job satisfaction are two individual
for hiring managers (Abraham et al., 2019). This gives more atten- benefits.
tion to the skills of the candidate, more information about what the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed various aspects of knowl-
job is like, and a comparison to similar jobs in other companies. As edge management by enabling advanced analytics and visualization
part of a fourth industrial revolution, new technologies like artificial techniques. By integrating AI algorithms and technologies, organiza-
intelligence (AI), big data, computer vision, mobile cloud computing, tions can leverage vast data and extract meaningful insights to support
Industrial IoT, spatial and location-specific, augmented reality, natu- decision-making processes. One such approach is the adoption of a mul-
ral language processing, and authentication are increasingly employed tidimensional analytical framework of visualizations. The multidimen-
(Abubakar et al., 2019). The implementation of these cutting-edge tech- sional analytical framework provides a structured approach to organiz-
nologies has a significant impact on the design of work, the engage- ing, analyzing, and visualizing complex knowledge domains. It encom-
ment of workers, and the transformation of workplace processes among passes various dimensions, including data sources, information types,
others. AI is getting more people excited and interested in the work- knowledge domains, and user perspectives. By employing AI techniques,
place. 50% of workers now use some kind of AI at work, up from 32% such as machine learning and natural language processing, the frame-
last year. Workers in some countries use AI more than twice as much work can efficiently process and analyze diverse data sets, including
as others. AI and other intelligence-based applications have made it structured and unstructured data.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Bhupathi), (S. Prabu), (A.P.I. Goh).
Received 16 January 2023; Received in revised form 28 June 2023; Accepted 28 June 2023
Available online 4 July 2023
2666-3074/© 2023 The Authors. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
P. Bhupathi, S. Prabu and A.P.I. Goh International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

• Most of the employees (75%) is not involved in any special project

for the past 6 months and did not have any days late for the last 30

AI gathers information about how each employee’s career

(Haleem et al., 2021) is going and gives it to them in a way that is
specific to them. 64% of individuals will indeed trust automation more
than their boss, and 50% of people have asked a robot for advice in-
stead of their boss. Employers also have to worry about paying the right
amount for the right jobs, so they don’t pay too little or too much. Lead-
ers need to plan ahead and try to figure out what their competitors are
doing so they can meet employee expectations and keep their best work-
ers. Since HR is always changing, it’s important that the way pay is set
also changes (Ward and Chapman, 2003) and hence there is a need for
automated prediction in HR management. Organizations need a greater
variety of information to develop an approach that collaborates with
their people and considers their different roles, skills, and expectations.
Major contributions are, firstly, it provides a standardized and trans-
parent decision-making process, reducing the potential for bias and
Fig. 1. Workforce Recruitment Source. favoritism. Secondly, it enables organizations to identify performance
gaps and address them proactively, potentially mitigating the need for
terminations in some cases. Thirdly, the system assists HR professionals
The AI-enabled knowledge management framework facilitates the and managers by providing data-driven insights and recommendations,
identification of patterns, trends, and relationships within the data. enhancing their decision-making capabilities. It provides organizations
Through sophisticated machine learning algorithms, it can automati- with a clear understanding of how to collect and analyze relevant em-
cally categorize and classify information, extract key concepts, and gen- ployee data. It helps improve decision-making, enhance predictive ac-
erate meaningful visual representations. These visualizations aid in un- curacy and feedback loop, and continuous improvement. This feedback
derstanding complex knowledge domains by presenting information in loop bridges gaps ensuring relevance and effectiveness.
a comprehensible and intuitive manner. By leveraging AI and visual- The organization of the paper is as follows: the related works on
ization techniques, organizations can achieve several benefits in knowl- knowledge management and machine learning approach for HR man-
edge management. First, the multidimensional analytical framework en- agement are discussed in section 2 (Literature Review). A thorough anal-
ables efficient knowledge discovery and retrieval. Users can explore vast ysis of machine learning techniques that can improve the abilities and
repositories of information and quickly identify relevant knowledge as- intelligence of a data-driven application is also presented. The applica-
sets. Additionally, visual representations enhance the interpretation and bility of machine learning-based solutions in predicting employee ter-
comprehension of complex knowledge domains, allowing users to gain mination and the proposed method is described in section 3 (Materials
insights and make informed decisions. and methods). The experimental analysis of the model implementation
Collaboration, information sharing, creation, usage, and reuse are all with visualizations is illustrated in section 4 (Results and Discussion),
objectives of knowledge management (KM). Knowing how to use KM followed by the conclusion in section 5.
can help you perform better, be more inventive, and learn more about
yourself and your organization. Knowledge is at the foundation of KM 2. Literature review
and AI. Cognitive computing has been made possible by the relationship
between KM and AI (Azadeh and Zarrin, 2016). Computerized models The literature on artificial intelligence in human resource manage-
are used in cognitive computing to mimic how people think. Cognitive ment (Wirtz et al., 2019) is constantly debating how best to pinpoint
computing is the use of self-directed or deep-learning artificial neural the characteristics of workers that will help their companies make the
network systems to imitate the functions of the human brain through most of such technologies. While modern HRM technology has nu-
the use of text/data mining, pattern recognition, and natural language merous advantages, humans are still superior to robots in many situ-
processing (Paul and Criado, 2020). Future Techniques and approaches ations (Shank et al., 2019). Since AI and people may thrive and per-
incorporating AI and KM are leading to cognitive computing. form well when employed together, experts suggest that the best or-
As both organized and unorganized data continue to proliferate, ganizational gains come from complementing human workers with AI
ability requirements will be continued to extract the knowledge con- applications rather than replacing them. HRM that incorporates AI pro-
tained inside these big data resources (Snyder, 2019). Cognitive com- duces fruitful outcomes via human-AI configuration processes is argued.
puting is essential for extracting knowledge from massive data sets. Evidence from single-country studies (Tranfield et al., 2003) or local
Process-centric methods (Budhwar et al., 2022), strategies and inter- branches of large technology conglomerates is just beginning to emerge
organizational aspects of decision support to study new technology and (Tambe et al., 2019) research.
academic activities in this domain will continue to shed light on how
better decision-making on processing large data is performed. 2.1. Interactions between human-AI technology setups
Recruitment scores of the human resource (HR) database are visual-
ized in Fig. 1 Over the past two decades, there has been a discernible increase
Exploratory data analysis on HR datasets are in studies examining human-AI collaboration. Though inconsistent
and erratic, this leaves a greater potential for theoretical and em-
• Around 40% of the employee are married. pirical research on Automation technologies and human relationships
• Higher portion of female employees (57%) as compared with male (Nguyen and Malik, 2021). AI enables the digitization of work via voice
employees (43%) recognition software, chatbots, and other process automation tools to
• Two third of the employee performance score is fully met. speed up workflows and increase work effectiveness. A common con-
• Churn rate for this company is around one-third (33%). text for investigation on frontline services is human-AI research, which
• Employee satisfaction on average sit at 3.89 out of 5 has discovered various staff-level results, notably clients’ perceptions

P. Bhupathi, S. Prabu and A.P.I. Goh International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

Table 1
Summary of Machine Learning Models

Model Transparency of Algorithm

Decision Tree model Without prior knowledge of mathematics, a human may simulate and derive the predictions of a decision tree on their own. Easily readable rules
that directly convey the predictive model and the information obtained from the data
Rule-based The rule set size can be managed by a specific user alone, and the variables used in rules are legible. Due to the complexity of the rules and the
quantity of the rule set, mathematical methods are required to examine the stability of the data.
Regression model Variables and interconnections among the predictions are too complicated to perform an investigation
K-Nearest Neighbor The model’s complexity (in terms of the number of variables, their clarity, and the similarity metric) corresponds to the naive simulation abilities of
humans. The user must rely on mathematical and statistical methods to examine the model since the similarity metric can indeed be deconstructed
and the amount of variables is huge.
Bayesian model The intended audience should be able to comprehend immediately both the statistical relationships modeled between variables and the variables by
themself. Even after decomposition, statistical correlations cannot be understood, and determinants are so complicated that only mathematical
techniques can be used to examine the model.

Fig. 3. Decision Tree Rules.

Fig. 2. Integrated framework of AI-enabled applications. cial Intelligence (AI), decision trees are a graphical representation of
information that aids in making judgments or reaching a resolution.
Knowledge management software backed by artificial intelligence may
of service outcomes. Fig. 2. Illustrates the integration of human and AI generate decision trees that extract information using smart keyword
technology for developing applications. While cognitive and intellectual extractors. Integrations with CRM are also feasible to automate proce-
jobs that require little emotional or social intricacy can be performed dures while on call. This finally aids in the reduction of AHT (Average
by robotics technology, these tasks seek emotional genuineness, which Handle Time). When Augmented Reality (AR) is incorporated into the
can only be demonstrated by a person. Additionally, highly complicated scenario, it becomes the ideal combination of customer service alterna-
jobs that demand strong emotional and social intelligence must be car- tives (Makarius et al., 2020). Knowledge management is supported by
ried out by people with the assistance of robots and AI. However, using Artificial Intelligence, allowing the consumer or the agent to receive the
AI technology results in increased distress and needs role modifications. appropriate instructions. The client is not just able to view how to fix a
machine or any other object. To keep the feel of on-site customer care,
2.2. Support Vector Machine this promotes contactless client support.

The basic SVM hardly ever works with very linearly inseparable data 3. Materials and Methods
and can only handle linearly separable or almost linearly separable data
(Islam et al., 2022). In other words, linear SVM can only be applied to Iterative Dichotomiser (ID3) is a decision tree learning algorithm
datasets accurately classified and divided by a hyperplane. Soon after, that generates a tree from the dataset based on the information gained
the kernel technique, also known as kernel SVM, is implemented to im- performing a spatial top-down greedy search. Gain (G) is a statistical
prove SVM’s capabilities. measure of how well an attribute separates a training dataset according
The issues of overfitting and underfitting in machine learning are to the target classification. The next attribute is selected according to
challenging but crucial. Most learning techniques currently in use can’t the G measure. This ID3 algorithm is used to choose the best attribute
effectively address these two issues; therefore, one may have to put up to perform classification.
much work to find the perfect balance by adjusting the parameters.
Table 1 represents the transparency of other classification models. 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛(𝑆, 𝐴𝑡𝑡) = 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙_𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆 ) − 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒_𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆 ) (1)
Entropy(H(.)) is the measure of impurity of random collection of S
2.3. Cognitive Decision Trees
examples for n-ary classifications.

Combining Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management can
𝐻 (𝑆 ) = −𝑝𝑖 log2 𝑝𝑖 (2)
result in novel breakthroughs like a cognitive decision tree. In Artifi-

P. Bhupathi, S. Prabu and A.P.I. Goh International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

Fig. 4. Generated Decision tree.

Where relative entropy is defined as, Salary, Manager_Name, ManagerID, Recruitment source, etc. Dealing
∑ |𝑆 | with HR metrics and measurements, it is easy to analyze and do pre-
𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒_𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆 ) = | 𝑣 | ⋅ 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙_𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆 ) (3)
|𝑆 | 𝑣 diction and classification on the dataset. This dataset is passed to the
Decision tree classifier to compute the best attribute classifier. A deci-
Partitioning S according to Att causes a reduction in entropy value. sion tree is constructed mainly based on the attributes such as project
The attribute with the maximum gain is selected. engagement, satisfactory level, Absence and performance score.
Iterative decision tree algorithm The procedure involved predicting the termination of an employee
from the HR dataset.
ID3(exemplars(S), target-attribute(TA),attributes(Att))
Create a tree root.
𝐼𝑓 all exemplars are positives, then return a root node of tree indicating (+) label
𝐼𝑓 all exemplars are negatives, then return a root node of tree indicating (-) label Step (1) Determine whether there is a relationship between who a person works for
𝐼𝑓 Att == {}, then return root with most common TA and their performance score.
𝐸𝑙𝑠𝑒 1.1 Check for Independence.
A ← attributes in Att best classifies S 1.1.1 Create a table between Manager & Performance score.
Decision attribute, root← Att 1.1.2 Check the degree of freedom and expected table.
𝐹 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 ∀𝑣𝑖 of Att, 1.1.3 Presume that there is a relationship between performance score with the
Add new branch Att=𝑣𝑖 manager and or department.
Let 𝑆𝑣𝑖 ⊂ 𝑆 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑣𝑖 𝑓 𝑜𝑟 𝐴𝑡𝑡 Step (2) Check for diversity in the profile
𝐼𝑓 𝑆𝑣 𝑖 𝑖𝑠 ∅, 𝑎𝑑𝑑 a leaf node which is highly common TA in S as a label 2.1 Find the majority of the employee is white and US citizens
𝐸 𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑑 𝑑 𝐼𝐷3(𝑆𝑣 𝑖 , 𝑇 𝐴, 𝐴𝑡𝑡 − {𝐴}) 2.2 Around 40% of the employee are married.
Return root. 2.3 Higher portion of female employees (57%) as compared with male employees
Human resource (HR) dataset of version 14 comprising of 312 obser- Step (3) Find the best recruiting sources to ensure a diverse organization.
vations and 36 different attributes available in Kaggle website. The at- 3.1 Apart from the white employees, the majority of other races were recruited by
tributes of this dataset are Employee_ID, Married, Marital status, Gender, Diversity Job Fair.
Emp_Status, Department, performance_score, From_DiversityJobFair, (continued on next page)

P. Bhupathi, S. Prabu and A.P.I. Goh International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

Step (4) Predict the employee to be terminated and the accuracy level
4.1 Logistic regression is applied
4.2 Correlation matrix indicates that Diversity recruitment source and special
project count have the highest association with termination followed by
DaysLateLast30, marital status, and salary.
4.3 However, based on the low partial correlation results, termination could not be
4.1.1 Most of the employees who are terminated mainly came from the special
project count with none or more than 4.
4.1.2 Recruited from Diversity Job Fair has a higher chance of being terminated.
4.1.3 Large portion of terminated employees come from the production department.
4.2 Split the department into each variable to obtain the production variable.
4.3.1 From Diversity Job Fair and days late last 30 days attained the highest
accuracy score among attribute combinations.
4.3.2 Highest accuracy of 69.5% is obtained through Diversity Job Fair, Production
department & DaysLateLast30 while any addition could not offer any uplift toward
the accuracy.

Therefore, association rules are to be mined from the user behavior

using the ABC rule miner.

3.1. ABC Rule miner

Association Rule for user behavior and context awareness (ABC) is

a rule-based machine learning approach that was developed to find the
interesting non-redundant rules needed to deliver intelligent services in
the actual world. Considering the significance or priority of the linked
contextual characteristics, this method efficiently detects redundancy in
connections and unearths a set of non-redundant association rules. Using
a top-down approach, this method first creates an association generation
tree (AGT), from which it then extracts the association rules by travers-
ing the tree. Because of this, ABC-Rule Miner is more effective than con-
ventional rule-based approaches in terms of both non-redundant rule
development and intelligent decision-making, especially in a context-
aware smart computing environment where user preferences are taken
into account. Association rules are mined based on the behaviour con-
text of the dataset and is illustrated in Fig. 3
The generated decision tree is shown in Fig. 4.
The Dataset is visualized using ggplot2 library and gg themes library.
Fig. 5 (a) and Fig. 5(b) represents the visualization of employee engage-
ment survey and employee absence in each department of HR dataset.
Based on the decision tree and ABC rules mined, termination of em- Fig. 5. (a) Employee engagement survey of each department. (b) Absence of
ployee is to be predicted. employee in each department.

3.2. Random forest (RF)

4. Results and Discussion
The mean value of the decision tree outcomes is considered by ran-
dom forest regression. Random forests are substantially more accurate Huge data of employee information of the HR dataset and other pub-
than a conventional decision tree and lower the risk of overfitting. More- licly available datasets are passed to the proposed ID3-based ABC rule
over, decision trees in a random forest operate concurrently to prevent miner model. It is also passed to the random forest regressor model with
time from becoming a bottleneck. A group of decision trees is called a 42 random states. A transformer involving an encoder performs oneho-
random forest. This means that a Random Forest is made up of several tencoder function which is used to fit the array for training the model.
trees that were built in a particular "random" manner. Fig. 6 represents the coding snippet of the ML regressor model produc-
A separate sample of rows is used to build each tree, and a differ- ing the mean absolute error as 79.62, residual sum of squares (MSE),
ent sample of characteristics is chosen for splitting at each node. Each and R2 score as 0.69. The decision tree model with stochastic gradient
tree provides a unique prediction on its own. A single outcome is then descent (SGD) optimization is deployed to find the factors influencing
produced by averaging these predictions. employee turnover the most. It is found in general, performance level,
project satisfaction level is the major attribute to remain with the com-
3.3. Gradient descent Boosting pany. This information may help decision makers get better and sensible
decision and help the company run effectively and efficiently. Decision-
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is an iterative approach for solving makers may be aided by this information in making wiser decisions that
the optimization problem with randomness. The SGD is a convex func- will improve the company’s performance.
tion that, mathematically speaking, produces a second derivative of a The ABC rule miner incorporates a three-step process: Attribute se-
set of its process variables. It is applied to optimize the proposed deci- lection, Building the decision tree, and Classifying instances, which al-
sion tree with the ABC rule miner. Gradient boosting accepts the tree as lows it to effectively identify the key attributes and rules that contribute
input and optimizes the matrix to improve the performance. This boost- to employee termination. By leveraging this enhanced algorithm, or-
ing regressor function intakes the parameters such as learning rate, loss, ganizations can make informed decisions regarding employee manage-
number of estimators, maximum depth, and minimum sample split. ment and take proactive measures to mitigate termination risks.

P. Bhupathi, S. Prabu and A.P.I. Goh International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

Fig. 6. Coding snippet

Fig. 7. Visualization of HR dataset v-14. (a) Employee satisfaction vs count. (b) Special project count vs count. (c) Employee Absence vs count. (d) Performance
score vs employee count. (e) Employee count vs Terminated. (f) Engagement survey vs Density.
P. Bhupathi, S. Prabu and A.P.I. Goh International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

Fig. 8. Cluster map.

Table 2
Performance measure of ML models

Machine Learning Model Accuracy (%) Training Time taken (in seconds)

Baseline 66.66 1.54

XGBoost 69.36 9.28
Linear 74.81 6.83
Decision tree 89.61 16.59
Ensemble 82.5 1.33
Random forest 85.45 56.94
Proposed Decision Tree-ABC 95.67 1.24

Termination prediction from the HR dataset is visualized and ex-

plored in the Fig. 7. The cluster map of the HR dataset is illustrated in
Fig. 8.
The predictive analysis of employee termination is performed by var-
ious machine learning models and its performance is shown in Table 2.
Fig. 9 illustrates that the performance of the proposed Decision tree Fig. 9. Performance of ML models
with ABC rule miner is outperforms the other ML models in prediction
of employee termination.
Enhancing ID3 decision tree for accurate prediction of employee ter-
mination have implications such as assisting HR and workforce man- proved workplace dynamics, reduced employee stress, and increased
agement, framing policy and regulations, identifying employment prac- job satisfaction. Ultimately, this can create a more positive work en-
tices, measuring work-life balance and employee well-being, and eco- vironment and enhance employee well-being.
nomic impact. Society can benefit from increased awareness and dis- • Enhanced Employee-Management Relations: The use of the en-
cussions surrounding ethical AI and algorithmic governance, leading to hanced algorithm can promote better employee-management rela-
the establishment of guidelines and regulations that ensure responsible tions. By identifying potential termination risks early on, organiza-
accountable use of technologies. tions can engage in open and honest conversations with employees,
The potential societal impacts of utilizing an AI-enabled knowledge offering support, guidance, and resources to address underlying is-
management framework are as follows, sues. This can foster a culture of trust, communication, and mutual
understanding between employees and management.
• Improved Workplace Dynamics: By accurately predicting employee • Economic Impact: High turnover rates can have negative economic
termination, organizations can take proactive measures to address consequences for organizations and society. The algorithm’s ability
issues that contribute to high turnover rates. This can lead to im- to predict employee termination accurately can help organizations

P. Bhupathi, S. Prabu and A.P.I. Goh International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 4 (2023) 240–247

reduce turnover rates, resulting in cost savings associated with re- Declaration of Competing Interest
cruitment, training, and onboarding. Additionally, a stable and en-
gaged workforce can increase productivity and innovation, benefit- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
ing the overall economy. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
• Labor Market Efficiency: Accurate predictions of employee termi- the work reported in this paper.
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Thus AI-enabled framework supports collaborative knowledge sharing Tambe, P., Cappelli, P., & Yakubovich, V. (2019). Artificial intelligence in human resources
management: Challenges and a path forward. California Management Review, 61(4),
and collaboration. The outcome of this intelligent employee termina- 15–42.
tion decision-making system combines AI knowledge management tech- Tranfield, D., Denyer, D., & Smart, P. (2003). Towards a methodology for developing
niques to enhance objectivity, fairness, and efficiency in termination evidence-informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British
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processes. The system has the potential to revolutionize the way organi- Ward, S., & Chapman, C. (2003). Transforming project risk management into project un-
zations approach employee terminations, leading to better outcomes for certainty management. International journal of project management, 21(2), 97–105.
both employees and employers. At the societal level, the research con- Wirtz, B. W., Weyerer, J. C., & Geyer, C. (2019). Artificial intelligence and the public sec-
tor—applications and challenges. International Journal of Public Administration, 42(7),
tributes to fairer employment practices, supports employee well-being, 596–615.
and fosters discussions on ethical AI and algorithmic governance.


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