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Unit – 3


1. Which among the following will show anisotropy?

(a) Glass (b) Barium chloride (c) Wood (d) Paper.

2. Amorphous solids
(a) possess sharp melting points
(b) undergo clean cleavage when cut with knife
(c) do not undergo clean cleavage when cut with knife
(d) possess orderly arrangement over long distances.

3. Solid CO2 is an example of

(a) Ionic crystal (b) Covalent crystal
(c) Metallic crystal (d) Molecular crystal.

4. Which one has highest melting point ?

(a) Ionic crystal (b) Molecular crystal
(c) Covalent crystal (d) Metallic crystal.

5. Which of the following are the correct axial distances and axial angles for
rhombohedral system?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

6. Which of the following does not represent a type of crystal?

(a) Isomorphous (b) Triclinic
(c) Hexagonal (d) Rhombohedral

7. The unit cell with the structure given below represents…crystal system

(a) Cubic (b) Orthorhombic (c) Tetragonal (d) Trigonal.

8. In a face centred cubic cell, an atom at the face contributes to the unit cell
(a) 1 part (b) 1/2 part (c) 1/4 part (d) 1/8 part.

THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(1)
9. The arrangement of the first two layers, one above the other, in hcp and ccp
arrangements is
(a) Exactly same in both cases (b) Partly same and partly different
(c) Different from each other (d) Nothing definite.
10. ccp tallies with
(a) bcc (b) fcc (c) hcp (d) none of these.

11. In a closest packed lattice, the number of tetrahedral voids formed will be
(a) Equal to the number of spheres in the lattice
(b) Half than that of the number of spheres
(c) Double than that of the number of spheres
(d) None of these.

12. If R is the radius of the sphere in the close packed arrangement and r is the
radius of the tetrahedral void, then
(a) R = 0.225 r (b) r = 0.225 R (c) r = 0.414 R (d) R =0.414 r

13. The available space occupied by spheres of equal size in three dimensions in
both hcp and ccp arrangement is
(a) 74% (b) 70% (c) 60.4% (d) 52.4%

14. In a face centred cubic lattice, the number of nearest neighbours for a given
lattice point is
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 14.

15. The structure of TICI is similar to CsCl. What would be the radius ratio in
(a)0.155 - 0.225 (b)0.225 – 0.414 (c) 0.414 – 0.732 (d)0.732 – 1.000

16. The formula for determination of density of unit cell is:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

17. The ionic radii are in the order

(a) Na+ < Mg 2+ <Al3+ (b) Na +> Mg 2+ > Al3+
(c) Al3+ < Mg 2+> Na+ (d) Mg2+< Na+ < Al3+.

18. The correct order of increasing radii of the ions Br -,F-, O2- and S2- is as
(a) Br-,< F- < O2- < S2- (b) S2-< O2- < F- < Br-,
(c) F- < O2- < S2- <Br- (d) F- < Br- < O2-< S2-

19. The tetrahedral voids formed by ccp arrangement of Cl - ions in rock salt
structure are
(a) occupied by Na+ ions
THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(2)
(b) occupied by Cl- ions
(c) occupied by either Na+ or Cl- ions
(d) vacant.

20. The co-ordination number of Cs+ and Cl- ions in CsCl structure is
(a) 4 : 4 (b) 6 : 6 (c) 8 : 8 (d) 4 : 8

21. The co-ordination number of Zn2+ and S2- ions in the zinc blende (ZnS) type
structure is
(a) 4 : 4 (b) 6 : 6 (c) 8 : 8 (d) 4 : 8

22. Which one of the following statements is wrong about zinc blende type
structure ?
(a) Each Zn2+ion is surrounded tetrahedrally by four S 2- ion and each S2- ion
by four Zn2+ ions
(b) S2- ions form fcc arrangement
(c) AgBr has zinc blende type structure
(d) Cuprous halides have zinc blende type structure.

23. The structure drawn below is for

(a) Fluorite (b)Cesium chloride
(c) Wurtzite (d) Zinc blende

24. Example of a non- stoichiometric compound is :

(a) FeS (b) CaF2 (c) Fe0.9S (d) ZnS

25. Bragg’s law is given by equation

(a) (b) (c) (d)

26. Which of the following is an orthosilicate ?

(a) Se2 (Si2O7) (b) Mg2SiO4 (c) Na2SiO3 (d) MgSiO3

27. Schottky defect in crystals is observed when

(a) unequal number of cations and anions are missing from the lattice
(b) equal number of cations and anions are missing from the lattice
(c) an ion leaves its normal site and occupies an interstitial site
(d) density of the crystal is increased.
28. In the Schottky defect
(a) cations are missing from the lattice sites and occupy the interstitial sites
(b) equal number of cations and anions are missing
(c) anions are missing and electrons are present in their place
(d) equal number of extra cations and electrons are present in the
interstitial sites.
29. Schottky defect is likely to be found in :
THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(3)
(a) Agl (b) NaCl (c) ZnS (d) ZnO

30. Of the following crystal lattices, the one that has the largest packing fraction
(a) Body centred cubic (b) Simple cubic
(b) Simple tetragonal (d) Face centred cubic

31. For the various types of interactions, the correct order of increasing strength
(a) Covalent < hydrogen bonding < van der Waals < dipole –dipole
(b) van der Waals < hydrogen bonding<dipole-dipole <covalent
(c) van der Waals < dipole – dipole <hydrogen boding < covalent
(d) dipole – dipole < van der Waals < hydrogen bonding <covalent.
32. Point out the correct statement
(A) The unit cell having crystal parameters is
(B)Interfacial angles in crystals are measured by goniometer
(c) Schottky defect is a stoichiometric defect.
(D) All the above.
33. Germanium is an example of
(a) An intrinsic semiconductor (b) An n- type semiconductor
(b) A p- type semiconductor (d) Insulator.

34. Of the five values required to calculate a lattice energy using the Born-
Haber cycle, the one that is most difficult to measure is
(a) The electron affinity of the non-metal
(b) The heat of formation of gaseous atoms of the non-metal
(c) The ionisation energy of the metal
(d) The heat of sublimation of metal.
35. The total number of three fold axes of symmetry in ccp arrangement is
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1

36. Pressure cooker reduces cooking time because

(a) the heat is more easily distributed
(b) the higher pressure tenderizes the food
(c) the boiling point of the water inside is elevated
(d) a large flame is used.

37. The number of atoms contained in a fcc unit cell of a monoatomic substance
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6

38. Most crystals show good cleavage because their atom, ions or molecules are
THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(4)
(a) weakly bonded together (b) strongly bonded together
(c) spherically symmetrical (d) arranged in planes.

39. The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Which of the following
statements is true about them ?
(a) Gases and liquids have viscosity as a common property
(b) The molecules in all the three states possess random translational motion
(c) Gases cannot be converted into solids without passing through the liquid
(d) Solids and liquids have pressure as a common property.

40. In a solid lattice the cation has left a lattice site and is located at an
interstitial position, the lattice defect is
(a) Interstitial defect (b) Vacancy defect
(c) Frenkel defect (d) Schottky defect

41. A closed flask contains water in all its three states solid, liquid and vapour
at OºC. In this situation, the average kinetic energy of water molecules will
(a) the greatest in all the three states
(b) the greatest in vapour state
(c) the greatest in the liquid state
(d) the greatest in the solid state

42. In the fluorite structure, the coordination number of Ca 2+ ion is

(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 3

43. On doping Ge metal with a little of In or Ga, one gets

(a) p- type semi conductor (b) n-type semi conductor
(b) insulator (d) rectifier
44. The pure crystalline substance on being heated gradually first forms a
turbid liquid at constant temperature and still at higher temperature
turbidity completely disappears. The behaviour is a characteristic of
substance forming.
(a) Allotropic crystals (b) Liquid crystals
(c) Isomeric crystals (d) Isomorphous crystals.

45. The existence of a substance in more than one solid modification is known
(a) Isomorphism (b) Polymorphism
(c) Amorphism (d) Allotropy

46. A liquid can exist only:

(a) between triple point and critical temperature
(b) at any temperature above the melting point
THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(5)
(c) between melting point and critical temperature
(d) between boiling and melting temperature.

47. For a covalent solid, the units which occupy lattice points are :
(a) atoms (b) ions (c) molecules (d) electrons

48. When electrons are trapped into the crystal in anion vacancy, the defect is
known as :
(a) Schottky defect (b) Frenkel defect
(c) Stoichiometric defect (d) F-centres

49. In the laboratory, sodium chloride is made by burning sodium in the

atmosphere of chlorine. The salt obtained is yellow in colour. The cause of
yellow colour is
(a) Presence of Na+ ions in the crystal lattice
(b) Presence of Cl- ions in the crystal lattice
(c) Presence of electrons in the crystal lattice
(d) Presence of face centred cubic crystal lattice

50. If one end of a piece of a metal is heated the other end becomes hot after
some time. This is due to
(a)Energised electrons moving to the other part of the metal
(b) resistance of the metal
(c) mobility of atoms in the metal
(d) minor perturbation in the energy of atoms.

51. If we mix a pentavalent impurity in a crystal lattice of germanium, what type

of semiconductor formation will occur ?
(a) p -Type (b) n – Type (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the two.
52. A metallic crystal crystallizes into a lattice containing a sequence of layers
AB AB AB …..Any packing of spheres leaves out voids in the lattice.
What percentrage of volume of this lattice is empty space ?
(a) 74% (b) 26% (c) 50% (d) none of these.

53. A solid has a structure in which W atoms are located at the corners of a
cubic lattice, O atoms at the centre of edges and Na atom at centre of the
cube. The formula for the compound is
(a) Na WO2 (b) NaWO3 (c) Na2WO3 (d) NaWO4
54. The critical temperature of water is higher than that of O 2 because the H2O
molecule has
(a) fewer electrons than O2 (b) two covalent bonds
(b) V- shape (d) dipole moment.

55. The co-ordination number of a metal crystallising in a hexagonal close

packed structure is
THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(6)
(a) 12 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 6

56. The packing fraction for a body-centred cubic is

(a) 0.42 (b) 0.53 (c) 0.68 (d) 0.82

57. The range of radius ratio (cationic to anionic) for an octahedral arrangement
of ions in an ionic solid is
(a) 0 - 0.155 (b) 0.155 - 0.225 (c) 0.225 - 0.414 (d) 0.414 - 0.732

58. When molten zinc is cooled to solid state, it assumes HCP structure. Then
the number of nearest neighbours of zinc atom will be
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 12

59. When the temperature is increased, surface tension of water

(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant
(d) shows irregular behaviour

60. Co-ordination number of Na+ in NaCl is

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 5

61. When the temperature is raised, the viscosity of the liquid decreases. This is
(a) decreased volume of the solution
(b) increase in temperature increases the average kinetic energy of molecules
which over comes the attractive force between them
(c) decreased covalent and hydrogen bond forces
(d) increased attraction between molecules
62. A crystalline solid
(a) changes absorptly from solid to liquid
(b) has no definite melting point
(c) undergoes deformation of its geometry easily
(d) has an irregular 3- dimensional arrangement
(e) softens slowly

63. What is the co-ordination number of Cl- in NaCl crystal ?

(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3

64. In a solid AB having the NaCl structure, ‘A’ atoms occupy the corners of the
cubic unit cell. If all the face-centred atoms along one of the axes are
removed, then the resultant stoichiometry of the solid is
(a) AB2 (b) A2 B (c) A4B3 (d) A3B4
65. A substance Ax By crystallizes in a face centred cubic (FCC) lattice in which
atoms ‘A’ occupy each corner of the cube and atoms ‘B’ occupy the centres
of each face of the cube. Identify the correct composition of the substance
THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(7)
(a) AB3 (b) A4B3 (c) A3B
(d) Composition cannot be Specified

66. A binary solid ( ) has a zinc blende structure with ions constituting
the lattice and A ions occupying 25% tetrahedral holes. The formula of solid
(a) AB (b)A2B (c) AB2 (d) AB4
67. A solid AB has NaCl type structure. If the radius of the cation A is 100 pm,
then the radius of the anion B will be
(a) 241 pm (b) 414 pm (c) 225 pm (d) 44.4 pm

68. The ionic radii of Rb+ and are 1.46 and 2.16 respectively. The most
probable type of structure exhibited by it is
(a) CsCI type (b) NaCl type (c) ZnS type (d) CaF2 type

69. The second order Bragg diffraction of X- rays with from a set of
parallel planes in a metal occurs at an angle of 600. The distance between
the scattering planes in the crystal is
(a) 0.575Å (b) 1.00 Å (c) 2.00 Å (d) 1.15Å

70. The wavelength of X-rays which gives a diffraction angle, 2Ө, equal to 16.80º
for a first order diffraction for a crystal with interplanar distance 0.200 nm,
is ( given sin 8.4º = 0.146)
(a) 0.584 nm (b) 0.1168 nm (c) 0.0292 nm (d) 0.2336 nm

71. X- rays of wavelength equal to 0.134 nm give a first order diffraction from
the surface of a crystal when the value of  is 10.5º. The distance between
the planes in the crystal parallel to the surface is (sin 10.5º = 0.1822)
(a) 0.368 nm (b) 0.184 nm (c) 0.726 nm (d) 0.92 nm

72. If NaCl is doped with 10-3 mol % SrCl2 then the concentration of cation
vacancies will be :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
73. A binary solid ( ) has a rock salt structure. If the edge length is 400 pm
and radius of cation is 75 pm, the radius of anion is
(a) 100 pm (b) 125 pm (c) 250 pm (d) 325 pm

74. A solid has a bcc structure. If the distance of closest approach between
the two atoms is 173 pm , the edge length of the cell is
(a) 200 pm (b) (c) 142.2 pm (d) .

75. Potassium has a bcc structure with nearest neighbour distance 4.52 Å. Its
atomic weight is 39. Its density will be
(a) 454 kg m-3 (b) 804 kg m-3 (c) 852 kg m-3 (d) 908 Kg m-3
THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(8)
76. The number of atoms in 100g of an FCC crystal with density d = 10 gcm -3
and cell edge as 200 pm is equal to
(a) (b) (c) (d)

77. An element (atomic mass = 100 g/ mol) having bcc structure has unit cell
edge 400 pm. Then density of the element is
(a) 10.376 g/cm3 (b) 5.188 g/cm3 (c) 7.289 g/cm3 (d) 2.144 g/cm3
78. How many unit cells are present in a cube-shaped ideal crystal of NaCl of
mass 1.00 g ?
[Atomic masses : Na = 23, Cl=35.5]
(a) (b) (c) (d)

79. The pyknometric density of sodium chloride crystal is while its

X-ray density is . The fraction of the unoccupied sites in
sodium chloride crystal is
(a) (b) (c) (d)

80. The Miller indices of a plane having intercept 2 a, 2b and are

(a) 110 (b) 220 (c) 100 (d) 010
81. The presence of air bubble in blood stream is dangerous to life because
(a) Air combines with blood forming a complex
(b) the flow of blood increases manifold due to concentration of surface
active substances at the blood- air interface
(c) the flow of blood is obstructed due to the concentration of surface active
substances at the blood-air interface
(d) none of these.

82. In a face centred cubic arrangement of A and B atoms in which A atoms are
at the corners of the unit cell and B atoms at the face centres, one of the A
atom is missing from one corner in unit cell. The simplest formula of
compound is
(a) (c) (c) (d)

83. For a cubic system, the interplanar distance, d, is given as :

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

THE GUIDANCE 58/1, Kalu Sarai, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi-16, Ph: 41828089, 46043741(9)
Unit – 3
Answer Key
Q. Ans. Q. Ans. Q. Ans. Q. Ans. Q. Ans.
1. b 18. c 35. b 52. b 69. d
2. c 19. d 36. c 53. b 70. a
3. d 20. c 37. c 54. d 71. a
4. c 21. a 38. d 55. a 72. a
5. a 22. c 39. a 56. c 73. b
6. a 23. d 40. c 57. d 74. a
7. b 24. c 41. b 58. d 75. d
8. b 25. b 42. c 59. b 76. b
9. a 26. b 43. a 60. c 77. b
10. b 27. b 44. b 61. b 78. d
11. c 28. b 45. b 62. c 79. d
12. b 29. b 46. d 63. b 80. a
13. a 30. d 47. a 64. d 81 c
14. c 31. c 48. d 65. a 82. c
15. d 32. d 49. c 66. c 83. d
16. b 33. a 50. a 67. a
17. b 34. a 51. b 68. b


1. BaCl2 is a crystalline solid and will show anisotropy.

2. Amorphous solids do not undergo clean cleavage.

3. Solid CO2 is a molecular crystal.

4. Covalent crystals have highest melting points because of network structure.

5. For rhombohedral system a = b = c,

6. Isomorphous is not a crystal system.

7. Here It belongs to orthorhombic system.

8. An atom at the face contributes to the unit cell .

9. The arrangement of first two layers in hcp and ccp is exactly same.
10. ccp = fcc

11. No. of tetrahedral voids = .of spheres in the packing.

12. r = 0.225R.

13. The space occupied in hcp and ccp arrangement is 74%.

14. fcc = ccp has a co-ord. no =12

15. As CsCl has co-ord. no = 8, the radius ratio lies in the range 0.732-1.000.

16. Density

17. For isoelectronic ions, greater the nuclear charge, smaller is the ionic radius.

18. F- and O2- are isoelectronic but nuclear charge of F-> O2- . Hence ionic radius
of So the order is

19. Tetrahedral voids are vacant. All the octahedral voids are occupied by Na +

20. of Cs+ and ions in CsCl is 8: 8.

21. In ZnS,co -ord. no. of Zn2+ and S2- ions is 4:4.

22. AgBr has NaCl type structure.

23. The given structure is of zinc blende.

24. Fe0.9S is non-stoichiometric( ratio is not 1:1)

25. Bragg’s law is n = 2d sin .

26. Mg2 SiO4 is an orthosilicate.

27. Schottky defect is due to missing of equal number of cations and anions.

28. In Schottky defect, equal no. of cations and anions are missing.

29. Due to small difference in size of Na + and ions and high co-ordination
number, NaCl has Schottky defects.

30. fcc (= ccp) has maximum space occupied and hence largest packing fraction.
31. In order of strength van der Waals < dipole –dipole < hydrogen bond <
32. All the given statements are correct.

33. Germanium (like silicon ) is an intrinsic semiconductor.

34. In Born –Haber cycle.electron affinity of the non-metal is most difficult to


35. The three-fold axes of symmetry in ccp are 4.

36. With increase of pressure, the boiling point increases.

37. An fcc crystal contains = atoms in a unit cell.

38. Crystals show good cleavage because their constituent particles are arranged
in planes.

39. Both gases and liquids posses fluidity and hence viscosity.
Molecules in the solid state do not have translational motion.

40. When cation shifts from lattice to interstitial site, the defect is called Frenkel

41. Velocity and hence the K.E is maximum in the gaseous state.

42. In fluorite structure, co-ord. no. of Ca2+ = 8.

43. Ge belongs to Group 14 and In to Group 13. Hence on doping p – type

semiconductor is obtained.

44. Liquid crystals on heating first become turbid and then clear.

45. The existence of a substance in more than one solid modifications is known
as polymorphism.

46. A substance exists as a liquid above its and below its

47. In a covalent solid, the units occupying the lattice points are atoms.

48. When electrons are trapped in anion vacancies, these are called F– centres.

49. Yellow colour on heating NaCl in presence of Na is due to presence of

electrons in anion vacancies (F- centres).

50. Energised electrons flow from hot end to cold end in a metal rod.
51. Pentavalent impurity mixed in germanium gives n – type semiconductor.
52. ABAB…type is hcp which has 26% empty space.

53. In a unit cell,

W atoms at the corner =

O atoms at the center of edges =

Na atoms at the centre of the cube =1
W : O : Na =1 : 3 : 1. Hence formula is NaWO 3.

54. is polar. Hence it has higher critical temperature.

55. In hcp, co-ordination number is 12.

56. For BCC,packing fraction = 0.68.

57. For octahedral arrangement (co-ordination no. = 6), radius ratio is in the
range 0.414 – 0.732.

58. HCP has 12 nearest neighbours.

59. Surface tension of water decreases with increase in temperature.

60. Co-ordination of Na+ in NaCl is 6.

61. With increase in temperature, viscosity of liquid decreases because the

average kinetic energy of the molecules increases.

62. A crystalline solid undergoes deformation of its geometry by application of

pressure or heat.

63. In NaCl, each Na+ and ion has a co-ordination number of 6.

64. Atoms A that occupy corners also occupy face-centres. Removal of face-
centred atoms along one axis means removal of two atoms of A from face-
centres. Hence atoms A left per unit cell will be = But atoms
B remain the same i.e. equal to 4. Hence ratio of A: B= 3 : 4 i.e . the formula
will be A3B4
65. No. of atoms A per unit cell =

No. of atoms B per unit cell =

Hence the composition is AB3.
66. Suppose no of B- ions constituting the lattice = 100
As 25% are occupied by A+ ions, their no. = 50.
 Ratio of A+ : B- = 50 : 100 = 1: 2 i.e. the formula is AB2.
67. As in NaCl, Cl- ions are arranged in ccp and Na + ions occupy octahedral voids
and radius of octahedral void = 0.414 R i.e.


68. which lies in the range 0.414-0.732.Hence co-ord. no.

= 6 i.e. The structure is NaCl type.

69. or
or d = 1.15 Å (sin 60º = )

70. or

i.e or .

72. As each Sr2+ ion introduces one cation vacancy, therefore concentration of
cation vacancies = mol % of SrCl2 added.

73. For NaCl type structure, distance between A+ and B- =

As radius of cation = 75pm, therefore radius
of anion = 200 – 75 = 125 pm.

74. For bcc, d =

75. For bcc, d = or a = = 5.219 = 522 pm.

76. = 12.04

No. of atoms in 100g = =

77. = = 5.188 g/ cm3.

78. One unit cell of NaCl contains 4 NaCl units i.e. has
mass =

79. Molar volume from pyknometric density

Molar volume from X – ray density =

Volume unoccupied =

Fraction unoccupied = = 5.96 10-3

80. Coefficients of a, b, c are 2, 2, . Their reciprocals are Multiplying

with LCM viz 2, we get 110.

81. The presence of air bubble in blood stream is dangerous because the flow of
blood is obstructed.

82. If one atom (A) is missing from one corner, no. of atoms A/ unit cell =
No. of atoms B (present at the face centres) = Thus A : B

= Hence the simplest formula is A7B24.

83. The perpendicular distance of a face (hkl) from the origin of a cubic crystal or

interplanar distance is given by

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