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Organized By

Economics Study Center, University of Dhaka

September 11-September 19, 2020

Economics Study Center, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science, Dhaka –1000
Contact Number: 01766800742, 01536102871;
YouTube: Economics Study Center
3rd Bangladesh Economics Summit
Tentative Schedule: September 11- September 19, 2020
About Economics Study Center (ESC)

Economics Study Center is the pioneer student chapter of the Department of Economics, University of
Dhaka. It represents the entire student body of the Department, and is responsible for promoting
economic and business thinking, and facilitating relevant programs. The Center was established in
1973. Professor Dr. M M Akash and Associate Professor Dr. Atonu Rabbani are currently the co-
moderators of this organization. Professor Dr. M M Akash, Chairman, Department of Economics,
University of Dhaka, is the chief patron of Economics Study Center (ESC). The vision of the
organization is to be an institution in the study and research of theoretical and applied economics, in
order to ensure an active and dynamic participation in economic policymaking of the country.

Along with its regular activities like organizing seminars, symposiums, study circles, quiz and
presentation competitions, the entity partners with prominent organizations in organizing high-profile
events including the IMF, the EMK Center, Save the Children Bangladesh etc. It is noteworthy that it
was one of the organizing partners of “South Asian Economics Students Meet (SAESM) 2018” held
in January 2018 at Motel Saikat, Chittagong.

ESC is the founder member of Bangladesh Economics Students’ Network (BESN). It is a network of
student bodies primarily based in the field of economics around the country.

ESC is also a part of the Engage Men and Boys Alliance Bangladesh’s youth wing, The Youth
Platform for Transforming Masculinities. The EMB network members collectively advocate for
gender transformative approaches to engage men and boys in advancing women’s rights and gender
justice for all.

Bangladesh Economics Summit (BES)

Economics Study Center, University of Dhaka, is proud to present the 3rd Bangladesh Economics
Summit (BES) 2020.

BES is a platform for economics students around the country to meet and share ideas about economics
and political economy. BES acts as a national forum for students, providing opportunity for
application of theoretical knowledge on economics. The summit also aims to promote dialogue
between academicians and policy makers.

After the successful completion of the first two editions in 2018 and 2019, ESC is determined to make
the third season even more lustrous. Previously participants from various public and private
universities around the country had participated in the essay competition and presented papers. Both
the summits were attended by distinguished guests and panelists from renowned organizations and
institutions including BIDS, BRAC, CPD, SANEM UNCDF, Swisscontact Bangladesh etc. The

Economics Study Center, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science, Dhaka –1000
Contact Number: 01766800742, 01536102871;
YouTube: Economics Study Center
events consisted of Paper Presentation competition, essay competition, panel discussion, Show debate
and quiz competition.

3rd Bangladesh Economics Summit

During this pandemic period, the third chapter of BES will be very different from its previous
iterations. This year, BES aims to focus on the socioeconomic consequences of COVID-19 and assess
the response from the different stakeholders in tackling the crisis. The theme for the third edition of
Bangladesh Economics Summit: “The Impact of COVID-19: Exposing the Fault Lines of
Bangladesh Economy”

The events will be designed and organized to engage people into thinking about the central theme.
Academicians, policy-makers and young economists will share the platform to explore the solutions
to such problems.

Moreover, this time, ESC plans to use the platform of BES to raise awareness and funds for the poor
population of Bangladesh who have been hit the hardest due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With this goal in mind, ESC would like to raise funds for “Pashe Achi Initiative” during the various
segments of BES. Pashe Achi Initiative is a voluntary non-profit organization run by students of the
Department of Economics, University of Dhaka. The organization has been working since the start of
the COVID-19 pandemic to aid the helpless people of the country. They have already helped 10,000
families in 20 districts of the country.

Donate to Pashe Achi Initiative:

01707-117066, 01975888855 (bkash personal)

Bank account: 1061440479332

Account Name: Tahmid Hasan
Bank: Eastern Bank Limited, Dhanmondi
Routing No: 095261188


The summit will consist of the following segments:

1. Research Paper Presentation
2. Panel Discussion
3. Public Lecture Series
4. Essay Competition
5. Book Review Competition
6. Policy Debate
7. Economics Quiz Competition

Economics Study Center, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science, Dhaka –1000
Contact Number: 01766800742, 01536102871;
YouTube: Economics Study Center
Research Paper Presentation
Economics Study Center publishes Bangladesh Students’ Digest on Economics and Development
(BSDED), a student journal showcasing research papers written by undergraduate and postgraduate
level students. In the student conference, the published papers from BSDED Volume III will be
invited for presentation.
Panel Discussion

The panel discussion sessions will center on the crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has created for
our country.
Public Lecture Series

As a part of the summit, Economics Study Center is looking to organize public lectures on vital topics
in the realm of Economics to give an opportunity to the students to learn about the current
developments in the field.

Essay Competition

The undergraduate level essay competition will focus on the topic: “How to Stop the Next
Pandemic?” Whilst focusing on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and finding a cure, it is necessary
to shed a light on the reasons behind pandemics.

In a new report, the UNEP calls for a “one health strategy” to rebalance the needs of people, the
planet and animals in order to prevent the next pandemic. Against this backdrop, the essay contest
will give the students an opportunity to critically think and analyze this very important issue.

Guidelines for Essay Writing:

1. The essay must be written in English.
2. Font size: 16 for section headings, 14 for sub-headings, 12 for text, 10 for footnotes
3. Bold and italic are accepted
4. Line spacing: 1.15
5. The essay must not exceed 2500 words.
6. Page numbers: top-right
7. Color: black and white only
8. Referencing: Harvard style
9. Cover page instructions: The following pieces of information must be present in the cover
page of the paper in the given sequence
- [On the top of the cover]: 3rd Bangladesh Economics Summit 2020
-Title of the essay, as decided by the author
-Name of the author, session, year, semester, department, university, e-mail address and
contact number (sequentially)

Essay Competition Regulations:

• The essay competition is only for undergraduate students
• The essay must be written individually. Co-authored essays will not be accepted.

Economics Study Center, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science, Dhaka –1000
Contact Number: 01766800742, 01536102871;
YouTube: Economics Study Center
• The submitted essay must be original. Essays that have been submitted to other
competitions/conferences or published in any kind of publication will not be accepted.
• If any form of plagiarism is found, the essay will be disqualified.
• The essay will have to be submitted to Economics Study Center prior to the competition.
The submission deadline for essay is 25th August, 2020.
• The essay must be emailed to
• The participant must write “Essay Submission for Bangladesh Economics
Summit” in the subject of the mail.
• The essay must be submitted in MS word format.

 First Prize: 3,000 BDT, E-certificate and the essay will be published in ESC
 Second Prize: 2,000 BDT and E-certificate
 Third Prize: 1,000 BDT and E-certificate

The Prize Money will be donated to a charity of the winner’s choice.

Book Review Competition

The undergraduate level book review competition will focus on Daron Acemoglu and James A.
Robinson’s seminal book “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty”.

Guidelines for Book Review Competition:

1. The review must be written in English.
2. Font size: 16 for section headings, 14 for sub-headings, 12 for text, 10 for footnotes
3. Bold and italic are accepted
4. Line spacing: 1.15
5. The review must not exceed 800 words.
6. Page numbers: top-right
7. Color: black and white only
8. Cover page instructions: The following pieces of information must be present in the cover
page of the paper in the given sequence
- [On the top of the cover]: 3rd Bangladesh Economics Summit 2020
- Title of the book review, as decided by the author
-Name of the author, session, year, semester, department, university, e-mail address and
contact number (sequentially)

Book Review Competition Regulations:

• The book review competition is only for undergraduate students
• The review must be written individually. Co-authored reviews will not be accepted.
• The submitted review must be original. Reviews that have been submitted to other
competitions/conferences or published in any kind of publication will not be accepted.
• If any form of plagiarism is found, the review will be disqualified.
Economics Study Center, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science, Dhaka –1000
Contact Number: 01766800742, 01536102871;
YouTube: Economics Study Center
• The review will have to be submitted to Economics Study Center prior to the competition.
The submission deadline for the review is 21th August, 2020.
• The review must be emailed to
• The participant must write “Book Review Submission for Bangladesh Economics
Summit” in the subject of the mail.
• The review must be submitted in MS Word format.

 First Prize: 1,000 BDT, E-certificate and the review will be published in ESC
 Second Prize: E-certificate
 Third Prize: E-certificate

The Prize Money will be donated to a charity of the winner’s choice.

Policy Debate

Prominent debaters will engage in discourse on relevant socioeconomic issues related to the current
COVID-19 pandemic.
Economics Quiz Competition

The quiz competition will invite undergraduate level students to test their knowledge on theories and
events related to Economics.

For the quiz competition, undergraduate level students will need to form a team consisting of three
members where the members must be from the same university. There will be two rounds. In order to
take part in the quiz competition, register here:

Last date of registration: August 31, 2020


 First Prize: 3,000 BDT and E-certificate

 Second Prize: E-certificate
 Third Prize: E-certificate

The Prize Money will be donated to a charity of the winner’s choice.

Economics Study Center, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science, Dhaka –1000
Contact Number: 01766800742, 01536102871;
YouTube: Economics Study Center

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