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BI Bankai

Unit 3:

a) Drill Up & Drill Down:

1. Drill Down:
- Drill down involves moving from a higher level of summary data to a more detailed level.
- For example, in financial reporting, if you start with the total revenue for a company, you can
drill down to see revenue by region, then by country, and then by city.
- In a data visualization tool or dashboard, this might involve clicking on a chart element
representing a higher-level category to reveal more detailed data beneath it.
- It provides users with the ability to explore data and identify specific trends or outliers at
lower levels of granularity.

2. Drill Up:
- Drill up, on the other hand, involves moving from a detailed level of data to a higher,
summary level.
- Using the previous example, after drilling down to see revenue by city, you might drill up to
see revenue by country, and then by region, and finally back to the total revenue for the
- This allows users to maintain context and understand how individual data points contribute to
the overall picture.
- Drill up is particularly useful for understanding trends and patterns at higher levels of

b) Multidimensional Data Model:

A multidimensional data model organizes data into multiple dimensions, allowing users to
analyze and explore data from different perspectives. It is commonly used in data warehousing
and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) systems.

Consider a sales database for a retail company. In a multidimensional data model:

- Dimensions:
- Product: Categories, subcategories, brands.
- Time: Year, quarter, month, day.
- Location: Country, region, city.
- Facts:
- Sales revenue, quantity sold, profit.

Using this model, users can analyze sales performance by various dimensions. For example:
- Summarize sales revenue by product category for each month.
- Compare sales quantity across different regions over quarters.
- Analyze profit margins by brand for specific countries.

c) Data Grouping and Sorting:

Data Grouping:
Data grouping involves arranging data into logical categories or groups based on common
attributes. It helps in organizing and summarizing data for analysis.

In a sales dataset, you can group sales data by product category to calculate total sales
revenue for each category.

Data Sorting:
Data sorting involves arranging data in a specified order based on one or more criteria, such as
alphabetical order or numerical order.

Sorting a list of customer names alphabetically.

d) Different Types of Reports:

1. Tabular Reports:
- Tabular reports present data in rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet.
- They are used for detailed, structured data presentation.
- Example: Sales report showing products, quantities sold, and revenue.

2. Summary Reports:
- Summary reports provide aggregated data, typically in the form of totals, averages, or other
summary statistics.
- They offer a high-level overview of key metrics.
- Example: Monthly sales summary showing total revenue and average order value.

3. Drill-Down Reports:
- Drill-down reports allow users to navigate from summary information to detailed data.
- They provide interactive capabilities for exploring data at different levels of detail.
- Example: Financial report allowing users to drill down from total revenue to revenue by
product category, then by region.

4. Dashboard Reports:
- Dashboard reports present multiple visualizations and key performance indicators (KPIs) on
a single screen.
- They provide a comprehensive view of business performance at a glance.
- Example: Sales dashboard showing revenue trends, top-selling products, and customer
satisfaction scores.

5. Ad Hoc Reports:
- Ad hoc reports are customizable reports generated on-the-fly to meet specific user
- Users can define criteria, select data fields, and format the report as needed.
- Example: Customized sales report showing revenue by product category and region for a
specific time period.

e) Relational Data Model:

The relational data model organizes data into tables (relations) consisting of rows and columns,
where each row represents a record and each column represents an attribute. Relationships
between tables are established through keys.

Consider a simple relational database for a library:

- Tables:
- Books: Contains information about books, with columns for book ID, title, author, and genre.
- Authors: Contains information about authors, with columns for author ID, name, and
- Members: Contains information about library members, with columns for member ID, name,
and contact information.
- Borrowings: Contains information about books borrowed by members, with columns for
borrowing ID, book ID, member ID, borrow date, and return date.

In this example, the tables are related as follows:

- Each book can have one author, establishing a one-to-many relationship between the Books
and Authors tables.
- Each borrowing is associated with one book and one member, establishing one-to-many
relationships between the Borrowings table and the Books and Members tables.

f) Filtering Reports: Filtering reports involve applying criteria to data to display only the
information that meets specific conditions. It helps in focusing on relevant data and excluding
irrelevant or unwanted data from the report.
For example, in a sales report, you can filter data to show sales only for a specific time period,
particular product category, or target market segment. Filtering reports enhance data analysis by
allowing users to customize views based on their requirements and make informed decisions.

g) Best Practices in Dashboard Design:

1. Clarity and Simplicity: Design dashboards with a clear and simple layout to avoid
overwhelming users with unnecessary information. Use concise labels and intuitive
2. Consistent Design: Maintain consistency in design elements such as colors, fonts, and
layout across the dashboard to provide a cohesive user experience.
3. Relevant Information: Include only relevant data and key performance indicators
(KPIs) aligned with the dashboard's purpose. Avoid cluttering the dashboard with excessive
4. Interactivity: Incorporate interactive features such as drill-down capabilities, filters, and
tooltips to enable users to explore data and gain deeper insights.
5. Responsive Design: Ensure that the dashboard is responsive and adapts to different
screen sizes and devices for optimal viewing experience.
6. Feedback Mechanism: Provide feedback mechanisms such as notifications or alerts
to keep users informed about important updates or changes in data.

h) Difference between Relational and Multidimensional Data Model:

1. Structure:
- Relational Data Model: Organizes data into tables with rows and columns, where each table
represents an entity and relationships between entities are established using keys.
- Multidimensional Data Model: Organizes data into multiple dimensions, with each dimension
representing a different attribute or aspect of the data.

2. Complexity:
- Relational Data Model: Supports complex relationships between entities, allowing for flexible
querying and analysis of data.
- Multidimensional Data Model: Simplifies data analysis by pre-aggregating data along
different dimensions, making it easier to analyze data from various perspectives.

3. Querying:
- Relational Data Model: Queries involve joining tables based on common keys to retrieve
- Multidimensional Data Model: Queries involve slicing and dicing data along different
dimensions to analyze subsets of data.

4. Usage:
- Relational Data Model: Commonly used in transactional databases and OLTP (Online
Transaction Processing) systems.
- Multidimensional Data Model: Commonly used in analytical databases and OLAP (Online
Analytical Processing) systems for decision support and business intelligence purposes.

i) Use of Data Grouping & Sorting, Filtering Reports:

1. Data Grouping & Sorting:

- Use: Data grouping and sorting are used to organize and present data in a structured
manner, making it easier to analyze and interpret.
- Example: In a sales report, you can group sales data by product category to analyze total
revenue generated by each category. Sorting the products based on revenue allows you to
identify top-selling categories.

2. Filtering Reports:
- Use: Filtering reports help in focusing on specific subsets of data based on user-defined
criteria, providing customized views.
- Example: In a customer feedback report, you can filter feedback responses to display only
those related to product quality issues. This allows management to address specific areas of
concern efficiently.

j) File Extension:
A file extension is a suffix attached to the end of a filename, indicating the format or type of the
file. It helps operating systems and applications identify the file's contents and determine how to
handle it.

Structure of CSV File (Comma-Separated Values):

A CSV file is a plain text file format used to store tabular data, with each line representing a row
of data and commas separating values within each row.

Name, Age, Gender
John, 25, Male
Jane, 30, Female

In this example:
- Each row represents a record, with values separated by commas.
- The first row often contains headers, indicating the names of columns.
- Values can be enclosed in quotes if they contain special characters or spaces.
- CSV files are widely used for exchanging data between different applications and systems due
to their simplicity and ease of use.

k) Charts:
Charts are graphical representations of data, used to visually illustrate trends, patterns, and
relationships within datasets. Different types of charts are used based on the nature of the data
and the insights to be communicated.

Different Types of Charts:

Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot, Histogram, Area Chart, Bubble Chart, Box Plot,
Radar Chart, Gantt Chart
Pie Chart:

A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions.
Each slice represents a proportion of the whole, and the size of each slice is proportional to the
quantity it represents.

- Slices: Each slice represents a category or segment of the data.
- Labels: Labels are used to identify each slice and its corresponding category.
- Center: Often, additional information such as the total value or percentage of each category is
displayed in the center of the pie chart.

Use and Application:

Pie charts are commonly used to show the composition of a whole and highlight the relative
proportions of different categories within a dataset. They are effective for visualizing data with a
small number of categories and for conveying percentages or proportions. However, they may
not be suitable for displaying large datasets with many categories or for comparing individual
values within each category.

A pie chart can be used to illustrate the distribution of sales revenue across different product
categories, where each slice represents the revenue generated by a specific category, and the
entire pie represents the total revenue.
Unit 4:

a) Data Exploration:

Data exploration is the initial step in data analysis where the primary focus is on understanding
the characteristics of the dataset. It involves summarizing the main characteristics of the data,
often using visualization techniques and statistical methods. The goal is to gain insights into the
underlying structure, patterns, distributions, and relationships within the data.


Let's say we have a dataset containing information about housing prices in a certain city. To
explore this dataset, we might perform the following steps:

1. Summary Statistics: Calculate summary statistics such as mean, median, standard deviation,
minimum, maximum, and quartiles for variables like house price, square footage, number of
bedrooms, etc.

2. Data Visualization: Create visualizations such as histograms for continuous variables (e.g.,
house price distribution), box plots to identify outliers, scatter plots to explore relationships
between variables (e.g., house price vs. square footage), and heatmap to visualize correlations
between variables.

3. Data Cleaning: Identify and handle missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies in the data.
This may involve imputing missing values, removing outliers, and correcting errors.

4. Feature Engineering: Derive new features from existing ones if necessary. For example,
creating a new feature like price per square foot by dividing house price by square footage.

5. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Perform in-depth analysis to uncover patterns or trends in
the data. This may involve segmenting the data based on different criteria (e.g., location, house
type) and comparing distributions or relationships within each segment.

By exploring the data, we can gain a better understanding of factors influencing housing prices
in the city and make informed decisions in subsequent analysis or modeling tasks.

b) Data Transformation:

Data transformation involves converting raw data into a more suitable format for analysis or
modeling. This process may include normalization, standardization, encoding categorical
variables, and creating new features through mathematical operations or transformations.

Example: Consider a dataset containing information about students' exam scores in different
subjects. Here's how we might perform data transformation:
1. Normalization: Scale numerical features to a standard range, such as between 0 and
1, to ensure that all variables contribute equally to the analysis. For instance, we can normalize
exam scores using Min-Max scaling.
2. Standardization: Standardize numerical features to have a mean of 0 and a standard
deviation of 1. This is particularly useful for algorithms that assume normally distributed data,
such as linear regression. We can standardize exam scores using Z-score normalization.
3. Encoding Categorical Variables: Convert categorical variables into numerical
representations that can be understood by machine learning algorithms. For example, we can
use one-hot encoding to represent student's grade levels (e.g., freshman, sophomore, junior,
senior) as binary variables.
4. Feature Transformation: Create new features by applying mathematical
transformations to existing ones. For instance, we can calculate the logarithm of exam scores to
reduce skewness in the data.
5. Handling Text Data: Process and tokenize text data to extract meaningful features,
such as word frequencies or TF-IDF scores, for natural language processing tasks.

After data transformation, the dataset is ready for analysis or modeling, with features that are
standardized, encoded appropriately, and possibly augmented with new derived features.

c) Data Validation, Incompleteness, Noise, Inconsistency:

Data validation: Data validation refers to the process of ensuring that the data collected
is accurate, consistent, and reliable for analysis or modeling purposes. Incompleteness, noise,
and inconsistency are common challenges encountered in real-world datasets that can affect
data quality.
Incompleteness: Incompleteness refers to missing values in the dataset. Missing data
can arise due to various reasons such as human error, equipment malfunction, or intentional
omission. It's essential to identify missing values and handle them appropriately through
techniques like imputation or removal.
Noise: Noise refers to irrelevant or erroneous data present in the dataset that can
obscure patterns or relationships. Noise can arise due to measurement errors, data entry
mistakes, or variability in the data collection process. It's important to identify and filter out noisy
data using techniques like smoothing, outlier detection, or data cleaning algorithms.
Inconsistency: Inconsistency occurs when there are contradictions or conflicts between
different parts of the dataset. This can include discrepancies in attribute values, logical errors, or
violations of integrity constraints. Inconsistencies can arise due to data integration from multiple
sources, data entry errors, or changes in data over time. Data validation techniques such as
cross-validation, rule-based checks, and anomaly detection can help identify and resolve
inconsistencies in the data.

d) Data Reduction:

Data reduction refers to the process of reducing the volume of data while retaining its integrity
and meaningfulness. It aims to simplify complex datasets by eliminating redundant or irrelevant
information, thereby improving efficiency in storage, processing, and analysis.
Example: Consider a large dataset containing customer transaction histories for a retail
business. Here's how we might perform data reduction:
1. Feature Selection: Identify and select a subset of relevant features that are most
informative for the analysis or modeling task. This can involve using techniques such as
correlation analysis, feature importance ranking, or domain knowledge.
2. Dimensionality Reduction: Reduce the number of dimensions in the dataset while
preserving its essential structure and patterns. Techniques such as principal component
analysis (PCA) or t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) can be used to project
high-dimensional data onto a lower-dimensional space.
3. Sampling: Instead of using the entire dataset, extract a representative sample that
captures the essential characteristics of the population. This can help reduce computational
complexity and memory requirements while still providing reliable insights.
4. Aggregation: Aggregate data at a higher level of granularity to reduce the number of
records. For example, instead of storing individual transactions, aggregate sales data by day,
week, or month.
5. Data Compression: Apply compression techniques to reduce the storage space
required for the dataset while preserving its original information content. Techniques such as
gzip compression or delta encoding can be used to compress data efficiently.

e) Difference between Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Analysis:

1. Univariate Analysis:
- Univariate analysis involves the examination of a single variable at a time.
- The primary goal is to understand the distribution, central tendency, dispersion, and shape of
the variable's values.
- Common techniques used in univariate analysis include histograms, box plots, summary
statistics (mean, median, mode), and measures of variability (standard deviation, variance).

2. Bivariate Analysis:
- Bivariate analysis examines the relationship between two variables simultaneously.
- The focus is on understanding how changes in one variable correlate with changes in
another variable.
- Common techniques used in bivariate analysis include scatter plots, correlation analysis, and

3. Multivariate Analysis:
- Multivariate analysis involves the simultaneous examination of three or more variables.
- The goal is to understand complex relationships and interactions between multiple variables.
- Common techniques used in multivariate analysis include multiple regression, factor
analysis, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis.
f) Data Discretization:

Data discretization is the process of converting continuous variables into discrete intervals or
categories. It is often performed to simplify data analysis, reduce complexity, and facilitate
decision-making in various applications.

Note on Data Discretization:

- Purpose: Data discretization is used to convert continuous data into categorical or ordinal data,
making it easier to analyze and interpret.
- Techniques: There are several techniques for data discretization, including equal
width/binning, equal frequency/binning, clustering-based discretization, and decision tree-based
- Equal Width Binning: Divides the range of continuous values into a specified number of
intervals of equal width.
- Equal Frequency Binning: Divides the data into intervals such that each interval contains
approximately the same number of data points.
- Clustering-based Discretization: Uses clustering algorithms to group similar data points into
discrete bins.
- Decision Tree-based Discretization: Utilizes decision tree algorithms to identify optimal split
points for discretizing continuous variables.
- Considerations: When discretizing data, it's essential to consider the trade-off between
granularity and information loss. Too few intervals may oversimplify the data, while too many
intervals may lead to overfitting or noisy results.
- Applications: Data discretization is commonly used in data mining, machine learning, and
statistical analysis tasks such as classification, clustering, and association rule mining.

g) Computing Mean, Median, and Mode: To compute the mean, median, and mode for the
given data, we first need to calculate the midpoint of each class interval. Then, we can apply the
formulas for mean, median, and mode.

Class Frequency

10-15 2

15-20 28

20-25 125

25-30 270

30-35 303

35-40 197

40-45 65
45-50 10

Mean: Mean = (Σ (Midpoint * Frequency)) / (Σ Frequency)

Mean = ((12.5 * 2) + (17.5 * 28) + (22.5 * 125) + (27.5 * 270) + (32.5 * 303) + (37.5 * 197) +
(42.5 * 65) + (47.5 * 10)) / (2 + 28 + 125 + 270 + 303 + 197 + 65 + 10)

Median: Median is the midpoint of the data when arranged in ascending order. Since the data is
already grouped, we find the median by locating the class interval containing the median.

Median class = (n / 2)th item = (n / 2) = (1345 / 2) = 672.5th item

Median class is the 4th class (20-25), and the formula for median is:

Median = L + [(N/2 - C) * w / f]

Where: L = Lower boundary of the median class (20) N = Total number of observations (1345) C
= Cumulative frequency of the class before the median class (126) w = Width of the median
class (5) f = Frequency of the median class (125)

Median = 20 + [(672.5 - 126) * 5 / 125] = 20 + (546.5 * 5 / 125) = 20 + (2186.5 / 125) ≈ 20 +

17.492 ≈ 37.492

Mode: Mode is the class interval with the highest frequency.

Mode = Class interval with highest frequency = 30-35

h) Explanation of Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Analysis with Examples and


1. Univariate Analysis:
- Definition: Univariate analysis focuses on analyzing a single variable at a time to understand
its distribution, central tendency, and variability.
- Example: Analyzing the distribution of exam scores of students in a class.
- Applications: Univariate analysis is used in various fields such as:
- Descriptive statistics: Calculating mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.
- Finance: Analyzing stock prices, returns, and volatility.
- Healthcare: Studying patient demographics, disease prevalence, and medical test

2. Bivariate Analysis:
- Definition: Bivariate analysis examines the relationship between two variables
simultaneously to understand their correlation or association.
- Example: Investigating the relationship between rainfall and crop yield.
- Applications: Bivariate analysis is widely used in:
- Market research: Analyzing the relationship between advertising expenditure and sales
- Social sciences: Studying the correlation between education level and income.
- Environmental science: Exploring the association between pollution levels and health

3. Multivariate Analysis:
- Definition: Multivariate analysis involves the simultaneous examination of three or more
variables to understand complex relationships and interactions.
- Example: Studying the impact of multiple factors (e.g., income, education, age) on voting
- Applications: Multivariate analysis finds applications in:
- Predictive modeling: Building regression models to predict sales based on multiple
- Market segmentation: Identifying customer segments based on demographic,
behavioral, and psychographic variables.
- Epidemiology: Analyzing the joint effects of risk factors on disease incidence and

In summary, univariate analysis examines individual variables, bivariate analysis explores

relationships between two variables, and multivariate analysis considers interactions among
three or more variables, each playing a crucial role in understanding different aspects of data.

i) Contingency Table and Marginal Distribution:

Contingency Table:
A contingency table, also known as a cross-tabulation table, is a tabular representation of the
joint distribution of two or more categorical variables. It displays the frequencies or counts of
observations that fall into each combination of categories for the variables.

Marginal Distribution:
Marginal distribution refers to the distribution of a single variable from a contingency table by
summing or aggregating the counts or frequencies across the other variables. It provides
insights into the distribution of individual variables independent of other variables.

Consider a survey conducted to study the relationship between gender and voting preference.
The data collected is represented in the contingency table below:

| Gender | Democrat | Republican | Independent |

| Male | 150 | 100 | 50 |
| Female | 200 | 120 | 80 |
Contingency Table:
- The rows represent the categories of the "Gender" variable (Male and Female).
- The columns represent the categories of the "Voting Preference" variable (Democrat,
Republican, and Independent).
- The cells contain the frequencies of observations corresponding to each combination of

Marginal Distribution:
- Marginal Distribution of Gender: Summing the counts across columns provides the distribution
of gender.
- Male: 150 + 100 + 50 = 300
- Female: 200 + 120 + 80 = 400
- Marginal Distribution of Voting Preference: Summing the counts across rows provides the
distribution of voting preference.
- Democrat: 150 + 200 = 350
- Republican: 100 + 120 = 220
- Independent: 50 + 80 = 130

Marginal distributions help in understanding the distribution of individual variables in a

contingency table, providing valuable insights for further analysis.

j) Explanation of Data Reduction Techniques: Sampling, Feature Selection, Principal

Component Analysis:

1. Sampling:
- Definition: Sampling involves selecting a subset of data points from a larger population to
represent the whole. It aims to reduce the size of the dataset while preserving its essential
- Example: Randomly selecting 10% of customers from a database for a satisfaction survey.
- Applications:
- Market research: Conducting surveys on a sample of consumers to make inferences
about the entire population.
- Quality control: Testing a sample of products from a manufacturing batch to ensure
- Opinion polling: Surveying a sample of voters to predict election outcomes.

2. Feature Selection:
- Definition: Feature selection involves choosing a subset of relevant features (variables) from
the original dataset while discarding irrelevant or redundant ones. It aims to reduce
dimensionality and improve model performance.
- Example: Selecting the most informative features (e.g., age, income, education) for
predicting customer churn in a telecom company.
- Applications:
- Machine learning: Identifying key features for building predictive models to improve
accuracy and interpretability.
- Signal processing: Selecting relevant features for pattern recognition and classification
- Bioinformatics: Choosing genetic markers for disease diagnosis and prognosis in
genomic studies.

3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA):

- Definition: PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique that transforms the original variables
into a new set of orthogonal variables called principal components. It aims to capture the
maximum variance in the data with fewer dimensions.
- Example: Reducing the dimensions of a dataset containing correlated variables (e.g., height,
weight, and body mass index) into a smaller set of uncorrelated components.
- Applications:
- Image processing: Reducing the dimensionality of image datasets while preserving
important features for tasks such as object recognition and image compression.
- Finance: Extracting principal components from a portfolio of assets to diversify risk and
optimize investment strategies.
- Genomics: Identifying patterns and structures in high-dimensional genomic data to
understand genetic variability and disease associations.
Unit 5:

a) Association Rule Mining:

Association rule mining is a data mining technique used to discover interesting relationships,
associations, or patterns among variables in large databases. It's commonly used in market
basket analysis to identify combinations of items frequently purchased together. Three important
terms in association rule mining are:
- Support: Support refers to the frequency of occurrence of a particular itemset in the
dataset. It indicates how often the itemset appears in the dataset. Mathematically, it's calculated
as the ratio of the number of transactions containing the itemset to the total number of
transactions. Higher support values indicate more frequent itemsets.
- Confidence: Confidence measures the reliability or strength of the association between
two items in an itemset. It's calculated as the ratio of the number of transactions containing both
the antecedent and consequent of a rule to the number of transactions containing the
antecedent. High confidence values indicate strong associations between items.
- Lift: Lift measures how much more likely item B is purchased when item A is
purchased, compared to its likelihood without the presence of item A. It's calculated as the ratio
of the observed support of the itemset to the expected support if the items were independent.
Lift values greater than 1 indicate that the two items are positively correlated, values equal to 1
indicate independence, and values less than 1 indicate negative correlation.

b) Difference between Hierarchical Clustering and Partitioning Method:

- Hierarchical Clustering: In hierarchical clustering, data is grouped into a tree of clusters,
where each node represents a cluster. It can be agglomerative, starting with individual data
points as clusters and merging them into larger clusters, or divisive, starting with one cluster
containing all data points and recursively splitting it into smaller clusters. Hierarchical clustering
doesn't require the number of clusters to be specified beforehand.
- Partitioning Method: In partitioning methods like k-means, the data is partitioned into a
predefined number of clusters. Initially, k centroids are randomly chosen, and each data point is
assigned to the nearest centroid. Then, centroids are recalculated as the mean of the points
assigned to each cluster, and the process iterates until convergence. Unlike hierarchical
clustering, the number of clusters (k) needs to be specified beforehand in partitioning methods.

c) Apriori Algorithm:
Apriori algorithm is a popular algorithm for mining frequent itemsets and generating association
rules. Given a dataset of transactions, it works by iteratively finding frequent itemsets with
increasing size. Here's how you can apply the Apriori algorithm to the given dataset:

1. Identify Individual Items and Calculate Support:

Count the occurrences of each individual item in the dataset and calculate their support.

2. Generate Candidate Itemsets:

Generate candidate itemsets of size 2 or more based on the frequent itemsets from the
previous iteration.
3. Calculate Support for Candidate Itemsets:
Count the occurrences of candidate itemsets in the dataset and calculate their support.

4. Generate Association Rules:

For each frequent itemset, generate association rules based on the minimum confidence

5. Filter Rules Based on Confidence:

Keep only those rules that satisfy the minimum confidence threshold.

Here's the calculation for the given dataset:

- Minimum support count is 2.
- Minimum confidence is 60%.

| Itemset | Support |
| {11} |6 |
| {12} |7 |
| {13} |5 |
| {14} |2 |
| {15} |2 |
| {11,12} | 5 |
| {11,13} | 3 |
| {12,13} | 3 |
| {11,15} | 2 |
| {12,14} | 1 |

Association rules:
- {11} => {12} (Support: 5, Confidence: 5/6 = 83.33%)
- {12} => {11} (Support: 5, Confidence: 5/7 = 71.43%)
- {12} => {13} (Support: 3, Confidence: 3/7 = 42.86%)
- {13} => {12} (Support: 3, Confidence: 3/5 = 60%)

d) Bayes Theorem:
Bayes' theorem is a fundamental concept in probability theory that describes the probability of
an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. It's stated
mathematically as: P(A|B) = [P(B|A) * P(A)] / P(B)
- P(A|B) is the posterior probability of event A occurring given that B is true.
- P(B|A) is the likelihood of B occurring given that A is true.
- P(A) is the prior probability of A occurring independently.
- P(B) is the prior probability of B occurring independently.
Bayes' theorem is widely used in various fields such as statistics, machine learning, and artificial
intelligence for tasks like classification, anomaly detection, and probabilistic reasoning. It
provides a framework for updating beliefs or hypotheses in the light of new evidence.

e) Difference between Classification and Clustering:

- Classification is a supervised learning technique where the goal is to categorize input data into
predefined classes or labels.
- In classification, the algorithm learns from labeled data to predict the class labels of new,
unseen data.
- Example: Spam email classification. Given a dataset of emails labeled as spam or not spam, a
classification algorithm learns to predict whether new emails are spam or not based on features
such as words frequency, sender's address, etc.

- Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique where the goal is to group similar data points
into clusters based on their inherent characteristics or properties.
- In clustering, the algorithm discovers the underlying structure or patterns in the data without
any predefined class labels.
- Example: Customer segmentation. Given a dataset of customer attributes like age, income,
and purchase history, clustering algorithms can group similar customers together to identify
segments for targeted marketing strategies.

f) Logistic Regression:
Logistic regression is a widely used statistical technique for binary classification problems. It's
called "logistic" regression because it models the probability of the binary outcome using the
logistic function.

Key points about logistic regression:

- It's a parametric model that estimates coefficients to describe the relationship between the
independent variables and the log-odds of the dependent variable.
- It's used when the dependent variable is categorical (binary) and the independent variables
can be continuous, discrete, or categorical.
- Logistic regression is interpretable, and the coefficients can provide insights into the influence
of each independent variable on the probability of the outcome.
- Despite its name, logistic regression is a classification algorithm, not a regression algorithm, as
it predicts the probability of a binary outcome.

Consider a dataset of student exam scores and their corresponding pass/fail status. The goal is
to predict whether a student will pass (1) or fail (0) the exam based on their exam scores. We
can use logistic regression to build a model that predicts the probability of passing the exam
based on the exam scores.
Let's say we have two predictor variables: exam1_score and exam2_score. The logistic
regression model can be represented as:

- is the probability of the student passing the exam given their exam scores.

- and are the exam1_score and exam2_score respectively.

- are the coefficients of the model.

The logistic regression model estimates the coefficients from the training data, and
the predicted probability is used to make predictions. If the predicted probability is
greater than a certain threshold (e.g., 0.5), the student is predicted to pass (1); otherwise, they
are predicted to fail (0).

g) Association Rules and Evaluation using Support and Confidence:

Association Rules:
Association rules are patterns or relationships discovered in datasets consisting of transactions
or items. They are used in market basket analysis to identify co-occurrence relationships
between different items in a transaction. Association rules typically take the form of "if-then"
statements, where antecedents imply consequents.

Evaluating Association Rules using Support and Confidence:

- Support: Support measures the frequency of occurrence of an itemset in the dataset. It
indicates how often the itemset appears in transactions. Higher support values indicate more
frequent itemsets. Mathematically, it's calculated as the ratio of the number of transactions
containing the itemset to the total number of transactions.

Support(X -> Y) =(Transactions containing both X and Y) / (Total transactions)

- Confidence: Confidence measures the reliability or strength of the association between two
itemsets in a rule. It's calculated as the ratio of the number of transactions containing both the
antecedent and consequent of a rule to the number of transactions containing the antecedent.

Confidence(X -> Y) = Support(X U Y) / Support(X)

Consider a dataset of supermarket transactions, and we want to find association rules. Let's say
we have the following rule: {Diapers} → {Beer}.
- Support(Diapers → Beer) = 0.2: This means that 20% of transactions contain both diapers and
- Confidence(Diapers → Beer) = 0.8: This means that among the transactions containing
diapers, 80% also contain beer.

In this example, a support of 0.2 indicates that the rule is relevant in 20% of transactions, while
a confidence of 0.8 indicates that the rule is accurate in 80% of cases where diapers are

h) Different Formulae for Evaluation of Classification Models:

1. Accuracy:

2. Precision:

3. Recall (Sensitivity):

4. F1 Score:

5. Specificity:

6. False Positive Rate (FPR):

i) Clustering Visitors by Age with K = 2:

To cluster visitors by age into two groups, we can use the K-means clustering algorithm:

Given the ages:

16, 16, 17, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 29, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 62, 66.
Initial centroids: Let's choose two initial centroids, say 20 and 40.

1. Assign each age to the nearest centroid.

2. Update centroids as the mean of ages in each cluster.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until convergence.

Let's apply these steps:

Initial centroids: 20, 40

- Iteration 1:
Cluster 1: 16, 16, 17, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 29
Cluster 2: 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 62, 66
New centroids: 21.4, 49.4

- Iteration 2:
Cluster 1: 16, 16, 17, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 29
Cluster 2: 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 62, 66
New centroids: 21.4, 49.4

The clusters are:

- Cluster 1: Ages 16 to 29.
- Cluster 2: Ages 36 to 66.

j) Classification Evaluation Model using Confusion Matrix, Recall, Precision, & Accuracy:
Confusion Matrix:
| Positive | Negative |
Actual Positive | True Positive | False Negative |
Negative | False Positive | True Negative |

Recall (Sensitivity):


These metrics provide insights into the performance of a classification model in terms of its
ability to correctly classify instances into different classes, detect true positives, and minimize
false positives and false negatives.

k) K-Means Partitioning Method with Example:

K-means is a partitioning clustering algorithm used to divide a dataset into K clusters. Here's
how it works:

1. Choose K initial centroids randomly or based on some heuristic.

2. Assign each data point to the nearest centroid, forming K clusters.
3. Update the centroids as the mean of data points in each cluster.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence (centroids do not change significantly).

Suppose we have the following dataset with two features (x and y):

Data point | x | y |
A | 1 | 2 |
B | 2 | 3 |
C | 3 | 4 |
D | 8 | 7 |
E | 9 | 8 |
F | 10 | 7 |

Let's say K = 2. We randomly initialize two centroids: Centroid 1: (1, 2) and Centroid 2: (8, 7)
- Assign data points to the nearest centroid:
- Cluster 1: {A, B, C} (centroid: (2, 3))
- Cluster 2: {D, E, F} (centroid: (9, 7.33))
- Update centroids:
- New centroid for cluster 1: (2, 3)
- New centroid for cluster 2: (9, 7.33)
- Repeat until convergence.
Unit 6:

a) Business Intelligence (BI) applications in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) involve

utilizing data analysis and reporting tools to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences,
and trends. One example of BI application in CRM is the analysis of customer purchase history
to identify patterns and trends. By using BI tools, such as data mining algorithms or predictive
analytics models, businesses can segment their customers based on buying behavior,
demographics, or other relevant factors. For instance, a retail company may use BI to analyze
past purchases and identify which products are frequently bought together (known as market
basket analysis). This information can then be used to personalize marketing campaigns, offer
targeted promotions, or optimize inventory management.

b) Analytical tools play crucial roles in Business Intelligence (BI) by enabling organizations to
process, analyze, and visualize data to derive actionable insights. Some key roles of analytical
tools in BI include:
1. Data Integration: Analytical tools facilitate the integration of data from multiple
sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and cloud applications, into a single, unified
platform. This ensures that organizations have access to a comprehensive dataset for analysis.
2. Data Analysis: Analytical tools offer various techniques for analyzing data, including
statistical analysis, data mining, and predictive modeling. These techniques help businesses
identify trends, patterns, and relationships within their data, allowing them to make informed
3. Reporting and Visualization: Analytical tools enable users to create interactive reports
and visualizations to communicate insights effectively. Dashboards, charts, and graphs help
stakeholders understand complex data quickly and facilitate data-driven decision-making.
4. Performance Monitoring: Analytical tools provide capabilities for monitoring key
performance indicators (KPIs) and tracking business performance in real-time. This allows
organizations to identify areas of improvement and take proactive measures to address issues.
5. Forecasting and Predictive Analytics: Analytical tools enable organizations to forecast
future trends and outcomes based on historical data and predictive analytics models. This helps
businesses anticipate changes in the market, demand, or customer behavior, allowing them to
plan and strategize accordingly.

c) Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the use of data analysis tools and techniques to transform
raw data into meaningful and actionable insights for business decision-making. It involves
gathering, storing, analyzing, and presenting data to help organizations understand their
performance, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions.

Different tools used for Business Intelligence include:

1. Reporting Tools: These tools enable users to create and generate reports from their
data. Examples include Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, and SAP Crystal Reports. They allow
users to visualize data through charts, graphs, and tables, making it easier to understand and
2. OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Tools: OLAP tools facilitate multidimensional
analysis of data, allowing users to explore data from different perspectives. Examples include
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services and Oracle OLAP. OLAP tools are particularly useful for
complex data analysis and ad-hoc querying.
3. Data Mining Tools: Data mining tools use algorithms to discover patterns, trends, and
relationships in large datasets. Examples include IBM SPSS Modeler, RapidMiner, and Knime.
These tools are used for predictive analytics, customer segmentation, and anomaly detection.
4. Dashboard and Data Visualization Tools: These tools provide interactive dashboards
and visualization capabilities for presenting data in a visually appealing and informative manner.
Examples include Tableau, QlikView, and Domo. They help users monitor KPIs, track
performance, and gain insights at a glance.
5. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Tools: ETL tools are used to extract data from various
sources, transform it into a consistent format, and load it into a data warehouse or repository for
analysis. Examples include Informatica PowerCenter, Talend, and Microsoft SQL Server
Integration Services (SSIS).
6. Data Warehousing Tools: These tools are used to design, build, and manage data
warehouses, which serve as central repositories for storing and integrating data from different
sources. Examples include Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, and Google BigQuery.
7. Predictive Analytics Tools: Predictive analytics tools use statistical algorithms and
machine learning techniques to forecast future trends and outcomes based on historical data.
Examples include SAS Predictive Modeling, IBM Watson Analytics, and RapidMiner.

d) Business Intelligence (BI) finds various applications in the telecommunication and

banking sectors:

In Telecommunication:
1. Customer Segmentation and Churn Prediction: Telecommunication companies can
use BI to segment their customer base based on usage patterns, demographics, and
preferences. Analyzing customer data can help identify high-value customers and predict churn,
enabling proactive retention strategies.
2. Network Optimization: BI tools can analyze network performance data to identify
areas of congestion, service outages, or network issues. By analyzing historical data and
real-time metrics, telecommunication companies can optimize network infrastructure, improve
service quality, and enhance customer satisfaction.
3. Revenue Management: BI enables telecommunication companies to analyze revenue
streams, pricing structures, and billing data. By understanding customer spending patterns and
revenue drivers, companies can optimize pricing strategies, offer personalized packages, and
maximize revenue generation.

In Banking:
1. Risk Management: BI tools help banks analyze credit risk, market risk, and
operational risk by aggregating and analyzing data from various sources. Banks can use
predictive analytics to assess creditworthiness, detect fraudulent activities, and mitigate risks
2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): BI facilitates customer segmentation,
profiling, and targeting in banking. By analyzing customer data, transaction history, and behavior
patterns, banks can offer personalized products, cross-sell and upsell services, and enhance
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
3. Performance Monitoring: BI dashboards and reporting tools enable banks to monitor
key performance indicators (KPIs) such as profitability, asset quality, and operational efficiency.
Real-time analytics help bank managers identify performance bottlenecks, optimize processes,
and make data-driven decisions to achieve strategic objectives.

e) Business Intelligence (BI) applications in logistics and production include:

In Logistics:
1. Supply Chain Optimization: BI tools help logistics companies optimize supply chain
operations by analyzing inventory levels, demand forecasts, and transportation routes. By
identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the supply chain, companies can streamline
processes, reduce costs, and improve delivery performance.
2. Warehouse Management: BI enables logistics companies to monitor warehouse
operations, inventory turnover, and stock levels in real-time. By analyzing historical data and
demand patterns, companies can optimize warehouse layouts, inventory storage, and order
fulfillment processes.
3. Route Planning and Optimization: BI tools analyze transportation data to optimize
route planning, vehicle utilization, and delivery schedules. By leveraging predictive analytics,
logistics companies can minimize fuel costs, reduce transit times, and enhance customer
service levels.

In Production:
1. Demand Forecasting: BI tools help production companies forecast demand by
analyzing historical sales data, market trends, and customer preferences. By accurately
predicting demand, companies can optimize production schedules, inventory levels, and
resource allocation.
2. Quality Control: BI enables production companies to monitor quality metrics, defect
rates, and production yield in real-time. By analyzing quality data, companies can identify root
causes of defects, implement corrective actions, and improve product quality.
3. Capacity Planning: BI tools facilitate capacity planning and resource optimization by
analyzing production capacity, equipment utilization, and resource availability. By identifying
production constraints and bottlenecks, companies can optimize production processes,
minimize downtime, and maximize efficiency.
f) Business Intelligence (BI) plays significant roles in finance and marketing:

In Finance:
1. Financial Analysis and Reporting: BI tools help finance professionals analyze financial
data, generate reports, and gain insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) such as
revenue, expenses, and profitability. By visualizing financial metrics, stakeholders can make
informed decisions, identify trends, and monitor financial health.
2. Risk Management: BI enables financial institutions to assess and mitigate risks by
analyzing credit portfolios, market trends, and regulatory compliance data. Predictive analytics
models help identify potential risks, such as credit defaults or market fluctuations, allowing
companies to implement risk mitigation strategies proactively.

In Marketing:
1. Customer Segmentation and Targeting: BI tools enable marketers to segment
customer data based on demographics, behavior, and preferences. By analyzing customer
segments, marketers can personalize marketing campaigns, target specific customer groups,
and improve campaign effectiveness.
2. Campaign Performance Analysis: BI facilitates the analysis of marketing campaign
performance by tracking metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and return on
investment (ROI). By analyzing campaign data in real-time, marketers can optimize marketing
strategies, allocate resources effectively, and maximize ROI.

g) Similarities and differences between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and

Business Intelligence (BI):

1. Data Integration: Both ERP and BI systems involve integrating data from various
sources, such as databases, applications, and external systems, to provide a unified view of
business operations.
2. Decision Support: Both ERP and BI systems aim to provide decision support
capabilities by offering tools for data analysis, reporting, and visualization.
3. Improving Efficiency: Both ERP and BI systems help improve operational efficiency,
streamline processes, and optimize resource allocation by providing insights into business
performance and trends.

1. Scope and Focus: ERP systems primarily focus on managing core business
processes such as finance, human resources, inventory, and supply chain management. In
contrast, BI systems focus on analyzing and interpreting data to support decision-making across
various business functions.
2. Real-time vs. Historical Data: ERP systems typically deal with real-time transactional
data, capturing day-to-day business operations. In contrast, BI systems analyze historical data
to identify trends, patterns, and insights over time.
3. Functionality: ERP systems provide functionalities for transaction processing, data
management, and workflow automation, aiming to streamline business operations. BI systems
offer capabilities for data analysis, reporting, and visualization, aiming to provide insights and
support strategic decision-making.
4. User Base: ERP systems are typically used by operational users such as finance
managers, HR professionals, and supply chain managers to perform day-to-day tasks. BI
systems are used by business analysts, data scientists, and decision-makers to analyze data,
generate reports, and derive insights for strategic planning and decision-making.

h) The role of Data Analytics in business is paramount for extracting valuable insights from large
volumes of data to drive strategic decision-making and gain a competitive edge. For example, in
retail, data analytics can help businesses understand customer preferences, optimize pricing
strategies, and improve inventory management. By analyzing sales data, customer
demographics, and purchasing behavior, a retail company can identify trends, forecast demand,
and personalize marketing campaigns to enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales.

i) Implementing business intelligence findings within an organization involves several steps:

1. Identify Key Objectives: Determine the specific business objectives or challenges that
BI findings aim to address. Whether it's optimizing operations, improving customer satisfaction,
or increasing revenue, clarity on objectives is essential.
2. Data Collection and Integration: Gather relevant data from various sources within the
organization, including databases, spreadsheets, CRM systems, and external sources. Ensure
that data is cleaned, standardized, and integrated to create a unified dataset for analysis.
3. Data Analysis and Insights Generation: Utilize BI tools and techniques to analyze the
integrated data and generate actionable insights. This may involve data visualization, statistical
analysis, predictive modeling, and machine learning algorithms.
4. Interpretation and Decision-making: Interpret the insights derived from BI analysis in
the context of business objectives. Collaborate with stakeholders, department heads, and
decision-makers to understand implications and devise strategies for implementation.
5. Implementation Planning: Develop a comprehensive plan for implementing changes or
initiatives based on BI findings. This may involve reallocating resources, redesigning processes,
launching new initiatives, or revising existing strategies.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor the implementation of BI-driven
initiatives and track their impact on key performance indicators (KPIs). Evaluate the
effectiveness of strategies and make adjustments as necessary to optimize outcomes.

j) Business Intelligence (BI) applications in logistics involve leveraging data analytics to optimize
supply chain operations, enhance efficiency, and improve decision-making. BI in logistics
enables organizations to:
1. Demand Forecasting: Analyze historical sales data, market trends, and customer
demand patterns to forecast future demand accurately. This helps in optimizing inventory levels,
reducing stockouts, and improving customer service.
2. Route Optimization: Utilize BI tools to analyze transportation data, including traffic
patterns, delivery routes, and vehicle utilization. By optimizing routes, logistics companies can
minimize fuel costs, reduce transit times, and improve delivery efficiency.
3. Warehouse Management: Implement BI solutions for monitoring warehouse
operations, inventory levels, and order fulfillment processes. Real-time analytics help in
optimizing warehouse layouts, reducing picking times, and enhancing overall efficiency.
4. Supplier Management: Analyze supplier performance metrics, such as lead times,
quality levels, and delivery reliability, to identify top-performing suppliers and optimize supplier
relationships. BI insights enable better decision-making in supplier selection and contract
5. Risk Management: Utilize BI tools to identify and mitigate risks in the supply chain,
such as disruptions, delays, and inventory shortages. Predictive analytics models help in
proactively managing risks and implementing contingency plans to minimize their impact.

k) WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is a popular open-source data mining
software tool used in Business Intelligence (BI) for data preprocessing, classification,
regression, clustering, association rule mining, and visualization.

Key features and uses of WEKA in BI include:

1. Data Preprocessing: WEKA provides a range of data preprocessing techniques, such
as data cleaning, attribute selection, normalization, and transformation. These preprocessing
steps are essential for preparing data for analysis and improving the quality of results.
2. Classification and Regression: WEKA offers a variety of classification and regression
algorithms, including decision trees, support vector machines (SVM), k-nearest neighbors
(k-NN), and neural networks. These algorithms are used for predictive modeling and making
predictions based on input data.
3. Clustering: WEKA includes clustering algorithms such as k-means, hierarchical
clustering, and expectation-maximization (EM). Clustering is used to discover hidden patterns
and group similar data points together, facilitating exploratory data analysis and segmentation.
4. Association Rule Mining: WEKA supports association rule mining algorithms, such as
Apriori and FP-Growth, for discovering interesting relationships between variables in large
datasets. Association rule mining is used for market basket analysis, recommendation systems,
and identifying cross-selling opportunities.
5. Visualization: WEKA provides visualization tools for exploring and interpreting data
analysis results, including scatter plots, histograms, and decision tree diagrams. Visualizations
help users understand patterns, trends, and relationships in the data more intuitively.

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