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Disusun oleh :
Nanda Octavia Sipahutar


1. a. Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer.
 The style of language used in thr conversation is informal language, because the
language used is everyday conversational language.
b. Identify the topic of the conversation
 The topic is about extreme cold weather
2. I Imagine it is a picture of your office. White a descriptive paragraph aboute the place
in 100-200 words.
 Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Nanda, I'm here to share a little story
about my workplace. I work in a company that provides financial services which is
located at Jalan Seram no. 37 Bekasi, North Jakarta, Indonesia.
The following is my meeting room, where every morning I gather and carry out my
work plans and work evaluations as well as our place for meetings with the
leadership The interesting thing in the room lies in the flower vase which is always
filled with fresh flowers every day and when I saw it that made me motivate
My feelings when I was in that room were often mixed, because it was not
uncommon for this room to be a place where some of us received very harsh
reprimands due to our performance not being optimal.
3. Identifikasi :
a. Who is the sender of the memo?
 The sender of memo is jhon doe
b. To whom the memo is addressed?
 The memo send to all staff
c. What is the memo about?
 The memo is about plainning to host a baby shower on Friday january 31, 2020
4. Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on the situation above
that includes ;
- Salutation
- Introduction
- Content
- Closing

 Date January 24, 2020

To : Online sammer course on general english
From : Nanda Octavia Sipahutar
Subject : Asking Information

I am writing this text because i interested to joining the online summer course on
general english, but i could’t find the information about the course’s fee and
schedule on the website.

Please tell me aboute the information of the cost and schedule for this online
sammer course on general english.

Thanks for joy attention.

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