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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

First of all, thank to Allah who has given us an opportunity to speech in front of the
Peace be upon to our prophet muhammad SAW,who has guide us from the darkness to the
Good morning ladies and gentleman..
The honorable judges and respect the audiences.
I’am yesi laura.
You can call me yesi
I’m from SMP N 4 Ampek Nagari

Today, I want to share what I have thought it's about “The youth of nationalism of
Do you know, what is nationalism?
Nationalism is the desire to be united as a nation even thought we have a lot of differences
such as race, religion, culture and so on.

This nationlism has brought indonesia to escape from colonialsm ,the struggle of our heroes
to show nationalism is a way to express love to our homeland like a proverb loving
homeland is a part of faith.

The 78 (seventy eight) years of indonesia independence should be a thing for all sociaties in
indonesia. To be grateful for it is only by the grace for go the circle of our heroes we want
live in peace now,all the audiences the effort to achieve independence.

Ladies and genleman….

What should we do to show our love for our homeland?
Fist, we must learn the history of our country.there is this saying,” you can’t love
what you don’t know “.if we do not really know indonesia, then how can we really love it?
Learning history is away to get to know our country better and to love it more.
Second, we must respect its people.As we know, the people our country come from
various races, etnichs, and religions.we must respect them regardless their background in
order to maintain the unity of indonesia.
Third, we must use our rights and do obligations as cityzens, such as participating in
elections obeying regulations and so, we must use indonesian local product more
often then using those of foreign in order to help developing our country’s economy.last but
not least, we must proudly communicate with indonesia language and our traditional in
daily life to preserve them.

Ladies and gentleman….

Many figures may have their own creative way to strive nationalism in this period. So, I’d
like to invite everyone is the next generation of indonesia never stop loving our
country ,we’re living here together, so, we must be take care of our country together well.
Ladies and gentleman…., This is the end of my speech. Thank you for your time and
attention.I hope it has made you realize that is important to love our homeland and build
the youth nationalism of indonesia,but it is more important to show our love for the
homeland through our actions,and see you next time.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb,

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