LoA Terminated6July2023

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iro.ra,r,pr,rnc,.-nrnrrnrrirro,r-i j jlillJ elnaii: ppp-ceU.0o.Onic.in

crh., ...,. r.itr,,xr, I c.,,1 Ntr,aLcrJ

Mrturho, htr,tr,r.I{- itilt, t,n,rr
Opp. l,c nH ra CoiJ!,rG l,nrk,
Ofi.lrnlrrro Ratr n M !,lr$oI.JLIrWl
Mr trbr- 40'Dl:l

Mrinir ltnginering l!rivrc L,inrircd(coDsorriun,

irN \trn0t, nl.wr. rnJ \, rfiri.r.LHt\
Mo br,
llJ Llc' i,!l-sni'Uj4 tctJ rlru t,1,,

OTTMFC ('onsutrrnB t,Lt'((nnsoi rm

Shnf NL.l&4. r, dJvJ L lirt, slrLor
l'loln. I, SdfFda Itan, Navi Mun,bxi.100705

Kind atltr: (i)M'.IlinhDshu iu. vrkhxrir

,,]. Nx\in (.hrn,l,r
(iirM'. q,te
!rnnjti scr@miwir.corn
(iii)[rr. A],nisI Shah
Dinat: inrb(rocL oc coh

S(1,: l)!vcl{,p cnr nftnicrnirionit (: jrorrioo Ccnrrc,r

Donr l,rurr, (I)r oD DrsiErj Iltrild,
l.inxtrcc, Opcn e, r.rrndo. ( t)lJrroTl 0!ris

Rct' (i) nrP No.2slDt,ptnCC/Rrt/2022

(ii)Yotrril rcccn.cd in Bnohc lo rhe rbolr iclerorced R!.P

Lctrer ofA!rrd

wr,.i!- 1 ,, n JJ .j r .
riNnc'rL ltid Nbmi(cd by }our
r . , , t,."t( ., 1. ,,i .. ,. d .d ll h \'lay 2022 ..d otul
0{umons(or ir rulngrh( Ridd nq t).cumcntr

o.e"l t
+li 6"
- lnr
, '.-: - , hlvc rrs: rrnr.n n,
'. , *.,,.-;;.-: l;: : li':j.,]'"".-"
Nr e irledren h Ln,i,\.,ih
, .p,.aq". rnurn,.!(- lrcn.,l lJi.i,,,,
,,,",:," ..:, ,l.l'i'il]";i.,,1 ;X;;il;;l":;::
^, '.i.i
a. As per J,ou r.jrancritlid, Lfre
(fivc Drr mnl)aDd rhe t)o\ynslrcrnr
nercctrt).1hcalnrc,anl slh/t hcaLb ft I k
l,ol rhc d,!11 Concc$nr) i
CoDcessi.tr 7\ANctr jc ^a,cc;cnr
b. ll crovidc rtrc ].oll,nrirs lvntjh 4J ibnv-tivcl
d,af! atl.

l. Ce ificrboflnoo4rorarioD . rljcSttc.'t nurnL\€ Vehnlc (St,V) rcomu,srlrl

lor rhe purposc otcrcrnrg i,,.rlrrc,r((str,
2. McrhoriDdrni Arriclcs otAssrciarirD otrtrc sIv
3. (lo,(ifi.d co|y ot adails of 0rc shrtohot(lio! ir Lhu St,v ra!
conaonniry lo rh..r{inBiddirg As.!cnrcDr subnri(ed
bv v.o
Ccrtified cop, olrhc lhr otDireo6,s otrtrc sl)v
A lesalopinionwirh tuspcd h rtrc tcsatearus oI rhc aoncessio.xtrc
(sPV) ro
ortd iro lhc Coe$ioo Agremenr and dju cnlbrceabiliry
oarhc rolisioDs

6. (lhancrdocuDre0lst rludiisrhct{cnnudonr.Al]llDrtsrlnrnr.Menxmn(tr
\ .,.,,1:,,, t fl .r
\1. ?'\ .'r.!
^ {., \t,\ ..'..,!.n.,r,,
' ''. -r,,li.:n,., Ir
rrlc!rrh'i,uqh'hcs 1.
.\ L,]

c TheSPvshall ente, ntro llc (incc $nrn A srconcn r wi fi tho Au droiry subscqucntlo thc
aulnlme.Lolrennsstdcd nr I'rrrsnFh I(b) olthcLoA and in accord cc*ilht[c(cms
and condirions olLLr lliddnrg Ooclncn \ YdL/Sl']V \liall e ru.e thfl r& ,4grednent is
shall iLrcr llE costs. rthrrd ]ts, dulics,lo"hsmd ixes xppli.ahLe lo r l, c c x m u d o I
L Li

d Y.u/SPV shrll co,nply \vi(h dl ll,c Enns xdd co ditiinF ol thc Biddirg i)ocuncnrs /
Conccssion Agrccmcnr

IrmryaLsobckindllnotcdrhxrinlhcevenlyouli,ilbonplyqithrtryoD!or nomoldrtc'ms
a d cotiLions nerlioned iir tu lliddiLrg l)ocumeDts, \rilhiri ll)e limc psrod and in lhe Dranncr
tlescrihcd rhc.di., \ve, i'r additio r. rll orlrr ugLrh xnd Lcnrcdrcs Lhd mry bc availdhle r. us
undslhepovisr.ns olrlru Rl'l'(loctrmcm rnd LL)c rpplicib[ L!Nr, shalLbo.r absolure Lrbc(, ind
lr.cdoDr ro trcx( yor Bid N rcjlcL( dnd dcrlwitlr LLrc.rprioncd Pqect xs *s ti, dccm li'ir)

'lLrisLclrcrolAw disspcc'licrllt valid lori fiidol'60 drys non, snsrinc.. Allthe rcmx
i0d condirioDs specillcd nt rhc I.,4, i,tchdiis rigniDC.l (rorcssnm ,^gruurcnr neod t. be
fulnLled i0 rlr specificd riDc |Prtud, hilin8 rrhich lhrs lcucr !uloudtlcdlly {atrdt can.cllod /
q hdiiur lhcvalidilyolthisI etcrol Alvrrd nrf lt *(ttrdrd only bywnrcnconnnu iodrotr

6. Youare requdsed10 convcy i0 wrirnrs, yourdccerhccol LLris Lcller ol^wfilvi iLr 7(scvcn)
d.)r l$m $. drtc.lirs issur c!.

7. wElookfo&adto,errl!c.mtlian.colrhcabovc{ncnti.ncdrequircmentsbyyoo


Enclo$trc: lorn,xt for Pcrfnnrinc. (l(rrantcc

Wc hcreby un.onditionrlly rc.unt tlrc isrrs rtrd condilion! \c.lorrh in this I-crrerol,4INrd

L r_eN (lonsolidrtcd constn'cti. Co, t,imircd (Lcxd Membcr)

2. MaNi.litrgirscrinE Prirtrtc Linited (aotrs.rin'm MtmLcl)
3. OClMllC Cotrsultanh ll,l'l (C.isn itrr Mcnbcr)


Fo nrl tor l,criornin.cSecurily

(ttu Cku!.9 t)

(^) 'lhe Au ro,iry hrs Gsucd thc Lc(!r ol Arvad No. .. . ...... . dxred,............. ro thc
ScLecredBrddcr... . . ...... ......Aspx olrLr.o diriors.lrhcr DrLDr.lAwnt,dreSuteckd
Didder 16 connrnud ro nr.o'ro,xrc an Srv (thc i(ron.esu'rire,,) :nd b edrer i or
Conces'o lgr.cn,cn( "Agrcrmctra) whcrcby rrc Aulhoriry slul ,gNc ro rhe
Conc.sionai'cuDdcn,kirArhrd!vcl.pm. .llheltoldctondcs'gi,l,u,ld,6d rcs,opedd
flrLluaDslir(rL'e "DB!OT") l,xrs. sulrjccr k, aod i', accod cc with the povisions oadrc

(t!) lhc Ldlu ol qui'rs t[. (]drccssnnli]cb tur rish k, rlru Atrdxily-rrid ro sisDils
0llh.Concc$ionAtrccmcDrrPcrlonDid.!Sccr yAtrdril} trrxsuh of I 16,20,00,000.
(ltupe.sSixreen a\or. Iw.nL! l..kh (rrly)(rlr "(;urmn(cc l\m unl!!)xsscurilr rorduo
rdd li hftlltdnnnr.cc ol irs obligario s, urdq rnd trr rc.o r..c wnh thc Aerccrcnq
dufnE thc C.trcc$tun rcrbd(irdcritrrd tr rhc Aq,r.Drd[).

(c) wc. lr,'iel L'l'r' IJrlJl.i .,

I itkhL"ll Lr3-' d.i i 'nl
) qJJ iillut n 4L.L \clunrj

NOw' IHEREIORE. drcUx k hcroby, unco dil nnlL, rn iinvocdtily, guaranrocstut afims s

I Wirh,clcrcnco b clntrsu 9 ol rhc Conccsor As(c'nctrr. (hc

IIx k hercby uDco.dnionally
and inlvoorbly guira ccs i d rtr cnakcs ro pay ro {lrc AurLrority upon occuEcncc oloDy
hilu.D or dohult in duc and ihiLhftl Dcrtormrncc oi rll or any ol rhc Corcessionairs s
oblisaLions, uMcr and ir trccordancc wnh drc lbvirions oltLc srccmcnt, on ns Dcrc lnst
RfiLlotrdcnrnd,andrith.utany(lcmur,Esca.riof,rs.oxrsc,c.nrcsrortlre irndrvirhoul
any rlcrcncc to thc aloncossnrDanc, uch sunr or suns up to xn .8g{gdtc $trD ol drc
Guarxnrec A'nounlas thcAu&orit, shxllcln n,rnhotrLLlr urhorirybci.sEquirldtoplvc
or t show BrcuDds.rra$)s n,r iN Jdmod rn(vo' lnrlhc nd sp.ciicd thqdn.

2 A letu li.n, rlr Aurhorir, dH rhc Concc$ionrir. has c.0Di(td dcftulr rn rlc duc dnd
hnhtul perlonDancc ol'all or aDy ol ils oblisalnm utulcr dd in nc.ordrDce vl lhc
As,cflne t slrll be coicLusivc, fiDrLrDd bindiDg.n Lhc lr rk llxnk lnlrher,gree! di,'
lhcAuthoru shall bclhcnncludscas () whcrlrcr thc Or.co$nnrrn! is nr ncaxult iD duc anJ
ialrhlirlCcrf..nancc oli( obligxrions d ii',grltG,tcsorI'ctioduDdcrLhcAgrten,cDtand
iN d.chior lhrt dr Co.cessi.xne is i'r (lel]rlr rlnll l)d liiiL, rnd bi.dins on re Bmk,
norwirhsEndiL)eaDyJiflc,tnccsbclwecnLhcAfrhorny d rLrD(rdrccssionrnc, o, adydhlu(c
heNe.n rhetr, pcndrg bclo'! a.y coun, dbunaL, rrbitrlo,s or xny othcr !uih.'iq or bod],
o. bv rhc dischrrEc olLhc Conccssiomne ro, any tonson Nhdsocvcr.

3 h ordcr givc cfliicl ro rhr (nL ra rcc, Llro ArLlroriry sM lbe cntlled b act as itlLE LIank
wer!rhcpin,cipxLde6o &dnn! drmgc in conniLution ol fic con.o$ionairc lDdrr rhc
Government of Goa
Department of PubUc Pnvate Partnership
Room No 19,se.rol.rat
Porvor m
Goa 403s21
Ph aa32 2419541 cmaitr ppp-cett goa@nrc n
No. 38/Dt?P/ICC-fiID EV.{LUA I ION/2022 39
l. NsvConsolidxrcd Cotr.r'ucrioi Co. Lnnir'd (rcrd iucnbc')
Nl arl,o,lnrovr, B l/r01, l' uoor.
opp PoiiNtrLaCono'a1o lh.k,
OllCaipabaoKidxn M.,g, Losc' P?re (w),

r. lrrnyirEtrgincernrg Privic Lirnircd (CoNo i nM'nbu)

/609, Sh srih Pl3zx, oad No. 2 Bxtrjrm Hr!h,
Llydsabid, l slrDgrra 500014

]. ocTr'IEcconsulrinrsLt,P(cotrso iu u'mbcr)
Shop No.l&,] aod T l'
( secb 6
. i m \,nJ.d: "i .. \- \4 mb..i. \',...' 00 05

(n,d Au: O!I''. xnn.Nhu Ir vrkhrriiiL m' hhv_6n"lidi3'om/'slcortrrct@atrril'co'n

(i'rvr.NJ'inr hxn.li H'rlc' trr 'r n 'tr o
(iii) Mr. Avrtrisli shih i e' nxil itr d4odns m n

0tl!!1q!!!i!r!r[L!r!]c!!i!! e!r!rli(!!r!
sulir DcrtloDnrcnr l
FneNc. omturq rrrrl.r ]GIIIIID ]!j!

R.l:ri, RllNo.25'DPl'f l.-t Rll4072'lt c't: ll' vr) )0221

\otrrRiJrci'i(d'n'o'nvn"rorhtiLo\r'r('rf i'lnfl' t'
'i,' ;,,,;, ;i^.'.,.,, ,'.. '', iu.rs. rrrfr rt t -r!rt' r\ ar I a t ro\ 2u!2 ru- dr'r I r'ur'
(i!) Your Ldlcr dkl 21'L IcD,202l rrqu6rnrg 'dditionil limc for tulnbncnt ot LoA

,., n;.I rr., ( ltlnI\\t|\flo\)022rO4'lx'c'llJ'vlrch)023

\"..ru Dtl'P l'
lO\ 2"'2 2 1 drrc'l l<'' \'li"'l' 107\
,'rnl, i ",", ^".t" rl'|'",'' BIL' l'\ \l l \ llirsincring Priv'rc Linril'd drrcd 28r'
i",il_r*ti t., a.*"t. N{cmDcr Nlanvir
Mrnh (rilh cnclollre Lolrcr fro r bank0rIrrlri dilcd 27Lr' Mkrch
irldilional tnnc tor tuliilmc'1 0t LoA
t,iiij V"". ,"",1u,a Zq" Itr,r.h 2023 rcqurslirg
N0. ls/r)PPP/rcc BrD trvAl-uA'rloN/2022' drred
l2rh 202,l
(l-);;; ;;ii",' ^!ril
.,N'itr".rt.rio. trx lo 27'h Anril,1023 or r 4
,., ti;;;;;;i .* r,o r- " r' ir 2o. rLlurnrns,r'rL i''trir r nnc ru' rnrnrdenr '
'"',", ^
Gi) Orr Ldtcr No.l8/DPPt/lalC-BIl) [\/ALUATION/2022I8 diled 04rh May 2023
prntinB crtcnsion ul) lo l2' May,?023
(xii) Your cnxil / lcttcr diled l2Lh Mry 20?3 rcqucsrirg lor lur(her rddition,t time tor
fulfilmcnl olLoA condilions
(xiii) Your .m.il / Icrt.r drtcd 29'h Mxy 2023 rcquLsling t0r furlher rddilionil limc ror
fullilncnt otLoA conditions
(xiv) Our L.ttcr No,38/Dl,PP/ICC BID ItvALUAIION/2022129 (lntc(l03d July 2023

i,Il l l'ER olr'rnRi!1rNA Iro\

ll,is Lr6 rctrcm to rlrc RFPNo 25/Trl,IP/lCC/ltr}r022 (Dxrcd: ll,h ivl!)2021) rorLlrcDcve opDeDr
oIlrnsitrliomlCorvc lotrCstrrexrOonal a60rotrDBI,OrBrss.YombddaLcd2l,,ScpLombe
2022 hxd ctrrlgcd 6 HLElrcs( B anl xccordi,gy, Co'soniuD, (1.. coNodlm orNsr
'lic Conrl)rny, Lnnitcrl (NCCL),]otr
Consolnhrcd Cotrsrrucriotr Mumbxi, Nlhiwir Iinsinccntrg Pnvntc
Linnrcd (MIPL), llydcrrbxd, xid OCTMnC CoDsulrxnr LLP (OCTMI'C), Niu Munhri) rvrs
detrnikd as rhc "SclsEd IllJdc/ t r-.".r oI Aw^rd (I-oA) No33/D?PP,ICC BID
2 rv ]mas, oc LoA, rcquncd r re n'laLnrotrrolcotrr iLionsotr(rined iD Lhe LoA i'r crruse r bwtrhn r penod
ol45 drys (ic 27 I.crr ruiN. 20?:r) ard cl.trsc 3.c N a pnrod ol 60 diys (r.c.l4'r MMch,202J),
lio n rhe d coahn,colrrcr.oA
L Whertil, b6ed on ]ou reqtred, rlt Covc nnflrL olcoa co'sidftcd gmtrrrg (rcc cxLctro s i', (r
rme iffs for I"Lfi Derr olcotrdir o's ouLl trd i', C r&:.bard C arcl. olrhc LoA, irr ally up ro 4l
ivhrrh. 202r (for ltrlfilnE olcoDdirioN rrder criur I b) rrd r:l, .\nril201l (ao. furarnctrr ot
condirioNund crauk r.c), atrd srbscqtrcnry bccd o yotrr,.qtrc!s ror i!,1rcrcxrctrno's, !nLo 170
Ap .2023 atrd t2'!h Mrv202r, cspc ivdy.
CoNoniu i aor h'lUlnc,n oalrc cord't ois otrLlNd u (lrc Lo , !!!l_!!lEoiinn' his r,il.d lo Irllil
lhc CondirioN outh,c{l i', Chus! 3.1' atr{l Chusr l.c oltho l-o,{

5. v,dc LE(er No.38/DPPP/lcc-BID EVALUATIoN/2022/29 darcd o3'i July 2o2l il was

communicatcd IoyoulLmtyou ltriB exENiorh trotbeeirpDrovedbylheCoveDnen.
6 I" vir\voIllErIove,ll'eund.tuigicd i! dircckrllo inlonn rlrde.isio orthrGovr.i r totCox
tharrl,cLcftroI ,vrdrl-o,{lNo.:r8/DI'Pl'/Ic(rlllDnv,{l,IJAlloN/102?/137d
2!21hsucd ro ]our consodnn trtrd llrirhdn'ytri tor hilurc ro mccr rlr
condirions ofrhc RIP rnd Ldtc,'0fA,v.d.Iturrhrr, r0 nnLil rnd iDlioDrirk you. Bid S!.urily
s olthc Chnsc2.r0.6 rc|d,virh Chuse 2,20 7 ofrlre RrP

d 2.20 s ofLre RFP, rhe Covc nnerLolCorr6crcsi{si8h(EbLacklnr

a rd dcumtotr lb pa'[c p ]g irl,!ShtolCoilo,iNriodollyeaF
Yotr rc tuqL ircd ro LrLo oLcolLlr dLovo rd tcar rlns $ rh o l! L n' n otr i', Lris eg d

tHi.uhNot d-7.20
Signature Verified
Digitally signed by VISHAL SUBHASH
Date: 2023.10.06 16:33:00 IST
Location: Goa

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