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Medical Summary 1: UTI

The patient is a female who presents with a UTI. She states she has episodes of a UTI every 3
months. For her symptoms she went to urgent care and received Macrobid, but she is still
experiencing dysuria. She took Macrobid for 7 days and Advil for a couple of days for her
dull pain above the pelvis without any benefit.

The patient reports dysuria for the past 10 days. She also complains of intermittent lower
abdominal pain but denies any urinary frequency or hesitancy. She reports foul-smelling
urine and mentions that her urine is light yellow in color. She has been drinking lots of water.
She denies any hematuria, cloudy urine, or discharge. She also denies any side effects after
taking Cipro.

General, lungs, heart, back, and abdominal examinations were conducted. The general,
lungs, and heart examinations findings were normal. Abdominal examination revealed slight
tenderness to palpation over the right lower quadrant as well as some moderate tenderness
over the suprapubic region. No CVA tenderness was noted during the back examination.

She was prescribed ciprofloxacin OD for 3 days. She was advised to drink plenty of fluids
and avoid spicy or acidic food and alcohol. She was also instructed to call the office if the
symptoms do not improve despite taking the antibiotic.

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