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1. What are the main goals and objectives of the portfolio?

2. Are there specific features or functionalities you would like to include?

3. Do you have any specific design preferences or existing brand guidelines?
4. Will you provide all the necessary content, such as text, images, and
videos, or do you expect the designer to create or source them?
5. How many pages or sections do you envision for the portfolio?
6. What is the expected timeline for completing the portfolio?
7. Are there any specific deadlines or milestones?
8. Will the portfolio be integrated into an existing website or hosted
9. Are there any technical considerations or third-party integrations to be
aware of?
10.Who is the primary target audience for the portfolio?
11.Are there any specific user preferences or demographics to consider?
12.How many rounds of revisions are included in the project?
13.What is the process for providing feedback and making revisions?
14.What specific deliverables are expected at the end of the project?
15.Will you provide design files, and are there any specific file formats you

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