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Urbanisation and Water Consumption: Influencing Factors in the

Metropolitan Region of Barcelona

Article in Urban Studies · August 2006

DOI: 10.1080/00420980600749969


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2 authors:

Elena Domene David Saurí

Autonomous University of Barcelona Autonomous University of Barcelona


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Urban Studies, Vol. 43, No. 9, 1605– 1623, August 2006

Urbanisation and Water Consumption: Influencing

Factors in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona

Elena Domene and David Saurı́

[Paper first received, April 2005; in final form, November 2005]

Summary. This paper is concerned with the relationships between urbanisation and residential
water consumption, taking as a case study the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. More
precisely, it investigates the influence of certain demographic, behavioural and housing factors
on this consumption using descriptive statistics and a regression analysis. The data are derived
from a sample of 532 households in 22 municipalities of the study area. Results show that
income, housing type, members per household, the presence of outdoor uses (garden and
swimming pool), the kind of species planted in the garden and consumer behaviour towards
conservation practices play a significant role in explaining variations in water consumption. It is
concluded that, along with prices and incomes, further research is needed on other demographic
and housing variables in order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the
determinants of domestic water consumption in areas periodically affected by water stress.

1. Introduction and Background

the past decade. In 2004, for instance, more
In southern Europe and Spain, in particular, new housing units (around 675 000) were
changes in the size and composition of built in Spain than in France, Italy and
families and in the social preferences for Germany combined (El Paı́s, 2005). Demo-
certain types of housing are, among other graphic and social trends, rising levels of
factors, stimulating the demand for new affluence and low interest rates have fuelled
homes in the suburbs of the main cities. Vari- this expansion which, on the other hand, has
ations in family structures are caused by produced spectacular increases in housing
demographic factors such as the ageing of prices and the need to capture new urban
the population and the decline in fertility land in the metropolitan peripheries.
rates after the populous generations of the The growth and diversification of the
1960s and early to mid 1970s, and by social housing stock has led to urban sprawl which
factors such as the rise of single-member is relatively new in Mediterranean cities.
families. Housing, on the other hand, is Consequently, concerns have been raised
growing and diversifying with a significant over the environmental impacts of low-
increase in single and condominium units. density urbanisation. These impacts, already
These factors contribute to explain the recognised in Anglo-Saxon countries,
booming Spanish real estate market during include growing energy consumption and
Elena Domene is in the Institut de Ciencia i Tecnologia Ambientals, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Edifici C Nord Campus,
UAB Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Barcelona 08193, Spain. Fax: þ34 93581 3331. E-mail: David
Saurı́ is in the Institut de Ciencia i Tecnologia Ambientals and Departament de Geografia, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona,
08193 Bellaterra, Spain. Fax: þ34 93 581 2001. E-mail: The authors would like to thank Roberto Martı́nez
Castiñeira, Vicent Alcàntara, Jordi Roca and Manoli Alcañiz for helpful comments on previous versions of the manuscript. They
also wish to express their gratitude to five anonymous referees and to the editors of the journal for their insightful comments and
criticisms. Any remaining errors are the authors’.
0042-0980 Print=1360-063X Online=06=091605 –19 # 2006 The Editors of Urban Studies
DOI: 10.1080=00420980600749969
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emissions (Kenworthy and Newman, 1989; study and review the recent process of urban
Anderson et al., 1996; Lavière and Lafrance, growth in this area, especially the trends
1999; Crane, 1999); an increase in travel towards urban sprawl and the reduction in
distances (Southworth, 2001; Giuliano and household size. Thirdly, we present the
Narayan, 2003; Cameron et al., 2004); and results of a survey of 532 households under-
the loss of agricultural land, open spaces and taken in the study area with the objective of
environmentally valuable areas (Heimlich, obtaining information on habits of water use,
1989; Brabec and Smith, 2002). However, in water consumption and a host of relevant
a Mediterranean context, other impacts are household characteristics such as size,
worth studying, especially the rising water income, outdoor water uses and attitudes to
consumption observed in the suburbs as com- water conservation. In this part of the paper,
pared with the denser city cores. This is we attempt to correlate possible influences
important given the situation of potential on water consumption using a linear
water crises affecting many southern regression with a set of independent variables:
European metropolitan areas (Del Moral and housing type, household members and atti-
Giansante, 2000; Kallis and Coccossis, 2003). tudes towards conservation, the latter
In Catalonia, for instance, an emergency derived from certain consumer habits. Fourth
alert for water was issued in the summer of and finally, we discuss the results obtained
2005 (see below). in the context of water planning and manage-
One question that appears fundamental in ment in this area, especially the use of water
this context of urban change and mounting demand management measures.
water demand concerns the role of different
factors governing residential water consump-
2. Factors Influencing Residential Water
tion. Water prices, household incomes and
Consumption: A Brief Review
metering have been widely investigated as
important variables in this respect. Other Income, metering and, above all, water prices
factors, however, remain less studied. and taxes have been widely used in various
Among the latter, we can mention household contexts and under different conditions to
members, housing type and size, consumer study the determinants of residential water
behaviour with regard to water (especially consumption. Most studies in this respect
attitudes towards conservation), household have focused on price elasticities using
water-saving technologies and climate regression methods, including both linear
(Nauges and Thomas, 2000). and quadratic (log linear) models. Also, differ-
In this paper, we want to examine the influ- ent specifications of the water price variable
ence of three of these factors in residential and different types of dataset have been used
water consumption: housing type, household to understand the key determinants of con-
size and consumer behaviour. Our objective is sumption. However, few studies have used
to ascertain whether a significant amount of disaggregated data at the household level
the variation found regarding domestic water (more appropriate when considering indiv-
consumption can be attributed to the housing idual behaviour) and, furthermore, factors
type (single houses; apartment blocks with other than prices and incomes remain insuffi-
shared garden and swimming pool; and ciently examined.
apartment blocks without those amenities), to According to some authors (see, for
household size and to consumer behaviour example, USEPA, 2002; Arbués et al., 2003),
influenced by conservation attitudes. water consumption tends to be inelastic in
The paper is organised as follows. First, relation to water prices. Most authors,
we offer a brief literature review on the however, insist on the effects of prices on con-
factors that may influence residential water sumption (Baumann et al., 1998; Dandy et al.,
consumption. Secondly, we introduce the 1997; Taylor et al., 2004), especially when
Metropolitan Region of Barcelona as a case block-rate pricing is present (Hewitt and

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Hanemann, 1995; Dalhuisen et al., 2003). shrubs and trees in a Mediterranean climate
Another perspective considers a threshold of (Domene et al., 2005).
water that is insensitive to price and a quantity Regardless of housing type, indoor water
that can adapt instantaneously to price changes consumption has been found to be relatively
(Martinez-Espiñeira and Nauges, 2004). This stable across seasonal variations and different
threshold would cover water consumed for socioeconomic groups. The variations in
the satisfaction of basic needs (drinking and internal water consumption often depend on
food preparation), as well as water used in con- household size and appliance ownership
junction with domestic appliances for personal (Loh and Coghlan, 2003). Hence, household
hygiene. Also, price responsiveness is found to size can be also an important factor in deter-
vary by income-group, with lower-income mining consumption since, often, some econ-
households being more price-responsive omies of size cannot be accomplished in
(Renwick and Archibald, 1998). Outdoor smaller households (for instance, full loads
uses are found to be more sensitive to prices in washing machines). Therefore, for an
(Howe and Linaweaver, 1967; Renwick and equal population, more water per capita will
Green, 2000) and winter demands less sensi- be consumed in smaller than in larger
tive to price changes (Howe, 1982; Dandy households.
et al., 1997). Although difficult to separate Finally, consumer behaviour including atti-
from other factors such as price, metering tudes and habits towards conservation may
usually produces savings of 10 –25 per cent also constitute a significant element in residen-
due to information, publicity and leakage tial water consumption. Studies show that
repairs (EEA, 2001). domestic water-saving devices (for example
Income correlates positively with residen- the adoption of low-flow toilets, showerheads
tial water consumption, although not in and faucets) and certain garden irrigation
clear ways (Baumann et al., 1998; Kallis, technologies reduce water consumption sig-
1999; Dalhuisen et al., 2003). In households nificantly (Renwick and Archibald, 1998;
where water bills constitute a very small Chesnutt et al., 1992). However, water use
proportion of the disposable income, the appears to be more related to sociodemo-
latter does not seem to be a determining graphic variables (household size and
factor in explaining water use (Martinez- income) that influence specific behaviours,
Espiñeira and Nauges, 2004). Moreover, than to attitudinal variables (Gatersleben
while indoor water consumption remains et al., 2002). Although households may be con-
relatively stable for different income cat- serving water for other reasons (high prices,
egories (Loh and Coghlan, 2003), larger vari- for instance), a certain level of environmental
ations appear when outdoor uses are present awareness is likely to appear in conservation
(Syme et al., 2004). attitudes and practices as well.
Besides prices, some prior research within In sum, the consideration of these three
the water conservation perspective (Dziegie- variables (housing type, household members
lewski et al., 1993; Baumann, 1998; Zhang and conservation attitudes) has only been
and Brown, 2004) considers housing type to examined partially and, along with more
be a major explanatory factor of domestic economic instruments, may offer new insights
water consumption. Thus, single houses with when studying the underlying causes of
substantial outdoor uses are major water domestic water consumption.
consumers and it has been noted that their
consumption has a positive correlation with
3. Urbanisation in the Metropolitan Region
garden size (Linaweaver et al., 1967;
of Barcelona
Renwick and Green, 2000; Mukhopadhyay
et al., 2001; Syme et al., 2004). The type of The Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (MRB)
landscaping also has a substantial effect—for is formed by 163 municipalities and a total
example, turf grass versus native species of population of 4.4 million in 2001. Functionally,

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the MRB can be divided into a metropolitan Because of these processes, the traditionally
core (the city of Barcelona), a denser first per- compact Mediterranean city is now becoming
iphery (including various sub-centres) and a a diffuse urban area, with a growing predomi-
more diffuse second periphery (Figure 1). nance of low-density housing. Urban land, for
In recent decades, and as in many other example, has increased from some 20 000
Mediterranean cities, important economic, hectares in 1972 to more than 45 000 hectares
social and territorial changes have occurred in 1992 (Serratosa, 1994) and more than
within the MRB. These changes have stimu- 50 000 hectares in 2000. Without significant
lated (and have been stimulated by) the population increases for the whole of the
dynamics of deconcentration of population, MRB (at least since the beginning of
jobs and economic activity in general. Resi- the 1980s), most of this new urban land has
dential mobility, in particular, has been been used to accommodate internal migratory
intense with people moving from the denser shifts. Another important feature of this
metropolitan core and partially from the first urbanisation process is the increasing number
periphery to the second periphery (Figure 2). of detached and semi-detached houses being
Many factors may have contributed to this built in the periphery. During the period
process, including comparatively cheaper 1985– 2000, detached and semi-detached
housing in the second periphery, changing (condominium) units represented 35 per cent
perceptions of quality of life (the ‘closer to of the total housing stock built in the MRB
nature’ suburbs are socially preferred to the (INE, 2001) and, for certain small and
denser core), improvements in communi- medium municipalities of the second
cation networks (especially for private trans- periphery, it reached almost 70 per cent
port), the constitution of new labour markets (Muñoz, 2003).
in the periphery and the strong tertiarisation One attractive aspect of detached housing is
of the central areas (Fielding, 1982; Castells, the possibility of having a garden. Gardens are
1990; Nel.lo, 2002; Durà-Guimerà, 2003). linked with the ideas of stress avoidance,

Figure 1. The metropolitan region of Barcelona.

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Figure 2. Population trends in the MRB, 1975 –2001.

recreation, social positionality and personal household sizes and family structures,
identity, but preferences in garden compo- already dominant in large European metropo-
sition are changing rapidly in our study area. litan regions, is consolidating in the Metro-
Gardens in the Mediterranean countries have politan Region of Barcelona (Pujades and
traditionally been characterised by a rich López, 2004). Some causes of this process
variety in the number of species (shrubs and lie possibly in the so-called second demo-
trees, in particular), flavours and colours. graphic transition (van de Kaa, 1987).
However, a new type of garden with large In the MRB, the overall decrease in house-
areas of turf grass not adapted environmen- hold size can be observed in Table 1. This
tally to the Mediterranean context is growing trend is common to all the territorial units
in popularity. In fact, lavish green turf grass presented and may be related to important
gardens can be considered a positional good declines in fertility levels and to the fact that
(Hirsch, 1976) for some people who strive the crowded generations of the 1960s and
for status and social distinction. the early –mid 1970s are reaching emancipa-
Sociodemographic changes have also a role tory ages and forming new households. The
to play in the deconcentration and suburbani- comparison between the population censuses
sation processes commented on above. First, of 1991 and 2001 shows, for instance, that
the number of households between 1991 and more than 25 per cent of the households in
2001 in the MRB grew by over 245 000 the city of Barcelona were single households
units (an 18 per cent increase). Depending in 2001 (and more than 50 per cent had two
on the proximity to the metropolitan core, persons or less). From the same table, we
different household structures are found. can also notice the sharp decrease in house-
Smaller households, with one or two holds with four or more members and the
members, are more frequent in the metropoli- increase in households of two and three
tan centres, while larger households become members in the second periphery. The latter
more common in suburban locations. This illustrates clearly the migration of young
spatial segregation pattern of different couples with children to the suburbs.

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Table 1. Number of members per household in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, 1991 and 2001
Household size (percentages)
number of
Year 1 2 3 4 5 persons per household
Barcelona 1991 18.1 27.8 22.0 20.3 11.8 2.85
2001 26.2 29.9 21.2 16.3 6.6 2.50
First periphery 1991 10.3 22.8 22.9 27.0 17.0 2.32
2001 17.5 28.2 24.5 21.9 8.5 2.78
Rest of first periphery 1991 8.8 21.5 22.4 28.2 19.2 3.37
2001 15.4 27.1 24.5 23.5 9.5 2.76
Second periphery 1991 10.6 23.9 22.5 25.6 17.5 3.25
2001 17.2 27.8 23.5 22.2 9.3 2.67
Total MRB 1991 13.5 25.1 22.4 23.9 15.3 3.06
2001 20.3 28.6 22.9 20.1 8.2 2.63

4. The Water Issue in the Metropolitan Barcelona region, as in most urban areas of
Region of Barcelona developed countries. Threats of water scarcity
have become more pronounced since 1990.
The MRB is supplied by water from reservoirs The regional government of Catalonia (in
in the River Llobregat; by a transfer from the charge of water planning and the management
River Ter (100 km to the north) and by local of this area) issued four drought alerts (with
aquifers. New supplies from these conven- restrictions for some water uses) between
tional sources seem unlikely since no new 1990 and 2002. In the summer of 2005 and
reservoirs appear to be environmentally and after the worst drought since 1947, a state of
socially feasible in both river systems and, emergency was declared with restrictions for
in 2004, the Spanish national government agricultural and municipal uses. If rains did
withdrew a proposal for transferring water not arrive before October, restrictions (either
from the River Ebro (and stated its opposition lowering water pressure or limiting the pro-
to another projected transfer from the River vision of water during certain hours during
Rhone in France). Moreover, many local the day) would begin to be implemented in
groundwater resources are becoming too pol- the residential areas of the region where
luted to provide water to the municipalities already near 100 000 people had to be
depending on them (Saurı́, 2003). Given this supplied partially with mobile water tanks.
situation of limited supply, the regional Previous studies in the Metropolitan Region
government of Catalonia together with the of Barcelona show how different variables
such as income, water prices and housing
Spanish national government, favour the con-
types are affecting water consumption at the
struction of desalinisation plants and, above
municipal level. Metering is widespread in
all, the stimulation of demand management the area; therefore it is not possible to use
measures—especially raising prices and this variable in the analysis. As to income,
taxes for water. Tello (2001) reveals that municipalities in
In 2001, residential demand represented 67 the region with higher incomes also register
per cent of the total water demand in the higher water consumption. Rivera et al.
MRB, followed by industrial (23 per cent) (2001) also observed positive correlations
and agricultural (10 per cent). Compared between average municipal incomes and resi-
with Spain as a whole, where 77 per cent dential water consumption, although with a
of water is consumed by agriculture (INE, lower coefficient than urban density or
2001), residential uses dominate in the number of stories per building. Consumption

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varies on average from 131 litres/person/day where, 0 , q , qB0 and qB0 , q , qB1 and
(lpd) in the denser metropolitan core to where q is the quantity consumed by the cus-
178 lpd in the more diffuse periphery and con- tomer; MPBn is the marginal price of each
sumption by some municipalities in the block; and, qBn is the threshold quantity
suburbs may be four times higher than con- between the n 2 1 and n blocks.
sumption in the core (Saurı́, 2003). To a Taxes
large extent, garden irrigation is responsible
for these differences. On average, the water CP ¼ MPC0  q
consumed annually by the garden reaches 30 CP ¼ MPC0  qC þ MPC1  (q  qC )
per cent of the total water consumed in
the household and can attain 50 per cent where, 0 , q , qC and qC , q and where q is
during the summer season (Domene et al. the quantity consumed by the customer,
2005). MPCn is the marginal price of each taxation
Water prices are very heterogeneous in the block; and, qC is the threshold quantity
MRB. The more common residential water between the two existing blocks, that is, 12
billing model in the MRB consists of a fixed cubic metres/month.
component or service fee (which may range Therefore, the total cost of water is
from 2 –7 euros per month) and several TPi ¼ FCi þ BPi þ CP
increasing block rates. Every municipality in
the MRB negotiates with the water company where, FCi is the fixed component applied by
(which may be public or private) the service the municipality.
fee, the block structure if this is used (2– 4 Finally, consumer behaviour related to
block rates, depending on the municipality) water savings has been examined during
and the threshold quantity and price of each periods of drought, mostly to gain knowledge
block. Therefore, the variety of water prices about the efficacy of public campaigns aimed
in the MRB may be quite high. To give just at conserving water. When drought alerts are
one example, the company supplying the issued, some uses (above all, water for agri-
city of Barcelona uses a service fee and up cultural irrigation and water for public pur-
to 3 blocks, the last of which is set at 36 poses such as street cleaning) are restricted
cubic metres per 3 months, while another since the Spanish water law of 1985 estab-
municipality, Sitges, also uses a service fee lishes that residential uses must be the last
and 2 tariff blocks, the last of which is set at to be curtailed. The overall results of these
90 cubic metres per 3 months. In 2003, the conservation campaigns (only informative
price for the last block in Barcelona was and never mandatory) have been positive,
1.065 euros per cubic metre, while in Sitges, mostly for indoor uses. Thus strongest
the price for the last block was 0.806 euros savings have been recorded in dense munici-
per cubic metre. palities where consumption was already
Contrary to water prices, water taxes (the quite low. However, water consumption
so-called Cànon de l’Aigua) are the same for appears to have increased in municipalities
all the municipalities in the MRB and also with a predominance of gardens. Therefore,
follow a block system. In 2003, they included conservation practices in water seem to be
2 blocks with a threshold established at 12 more effective in the denser metropolitan
cubic metres per month. core than in the periphery.
In sum, the water billing system in the This review of water and urbanisation in the
MRB can be modelled as follows MRB does not add much to the study of
Block pricing specific causes or factors that govern residen-
tial water consumption. Prices have a role to
BP ¼ MPB0  q play in this consumption but other factors
may also be important. More detailed analysis
BP ¼ MPB0  qB0 þ MPB1  (q  qB0 ) at the household level would probably shed

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more light on these causes, especially the water use—both indoor and, where appropri-
influences of housing types, the number of ate, outdoor uses. Indoor uses included water
members per household and patterns of used for personal and domestic hygiene
consumer behaviour with regard to water (drinking, cooking, bathing, washing clothes
conservation. and similar purposes). Outdoor uses included
water for gardens and swimming pools. Indi-
vidual households were asked to provide
5. Materials and Methods
information on the following five aspects:
In order to investigate the factors influencing household socioeconomic data; household
residential water consumption, we used disag- characteristics; household water use (indoor
gregated data at the household level. We and outdoor); household water fixtures; and,
selected a sample of 532 households located total water consumption as registered in their
in 22 municipalities of the Metropolitan water bills.
Region of Barcelona. Each household was The information referring to total water
asked to respond to a telephone questionnaire consumption by the household was obtained
of 42 questions that took place between from the interviewed through their water
January and March 2004. The selection of bills of 2003. The calculation of per capita
households followed a stratified sampling domestic consumption was obtained by divid-
method based on the population of the munici- ing the total annual consumption (in cubic
palities as well as the predominant housing metres/year) by the number of members in
type. Three housing types were selected: the household.
high-density housing (that is, apartments in Data such as indoor water fittings (taps,
multistorey buildings); mid-density housing showers, toilets and baths), presence of
(apartment blocks with shared garden and garden and swimming pool, garden dimensions
swimming pool); and, low-density housing and plant species were requested from the
(condominiums and detached houses). High- interviewed. Water used to irrigate gardens
density housing represents around 60 per was calculated using a simplified version of
cent of the total housing stock of the region. the so-called Costello method (Costello et al.,
Detached and semi-detached housing consti- 1991) based on the evapotranspiration of
tutes about 30 per cent while the rest corres- plants. We assumed that gardens were
pond to apartment blocks with community watered according to their agronomical needs.
garden and swimming pool. The latter type, The income of the family unit was also
however, has seen the largest increase in obtained from the interviewed. The average
recent years (INE, 2001). water price for 2003 (including the service
Interviews in the high-density group were fee, the cost of the water consumed and
obtained mainly in the city of Barcelona and taxes) was obtained from the Catalan Water
in other municipalities greater than 50 000 Agency for four consumption levels (6, 10,
inhabitants, all of them dense urban areas 12 and 20 cubic metres/month). In order to
dominated by apartment blocks. The sample obtain the average price for the consumption
of low-density housing was extracted from in each particular case, an extrapolation
municipalities with more than 70 per cent of from the four levels of consumption was
detached and semi-detached homes. Inter- applied. The share of water expenditure
views in apartment blocks with shared (including taxes) in total income was also
garden and swimming pool were made using computed from the data.
a random sample of municipalities where the In order to take into account the influence
proportion of this housing type had experi- that consumer behaviour might have in
enced an important growth in the recent past water consumption, a consumer behaviour
(Muñoz, 2003). index was constructed from water use patterns
The questionnaire was designed to obtain within individual homes. We determined six
information about the distribution of domestic water conservation practices: the installation

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of water-saving devices in taps, toilets and and, secondly, water consumption in

showers (each one of them counted individu- relation to household and socioeconomic
ally); turning off running water while brushing characteristics.
the teeth, the purchase of water-efficient appli-
ances and the consultation and comparison of
water consumption between periods. Behavioural patterns in indoor water
Two values (zero or 1) have been given to use. Our objective in this case was to find
each practice (‘zero’ meaning that the con- possible heterogeneities across housing types
sumer did not adopt the practice and ‘1’ and different income-groups regarding
meaning that the consumer did adopt the prac- certain habits in water use. Hence, we
tice). Thus, the consumer behaviour index provide information about water habits and
represents the sum of the values correspond- frequencies of water use in relation to per-
ing to each practice. Furthermore, it was sonal hygiene as well as to household cleaning
assumed that every practice contributed tasks. Results do not show statistically signifi-
equally to the index. Thus, this index must cant differences across housing types. Income
not be considered as an accurate weighting seems to have a major effect on the frequency
of each practice, but as an indication of how of indoor water uses, but only in the case of
consumers behave regarding water uses. The showers. Since no significant differences were
possible explanatory power of this general found, the mean and standard deviation of the
index will be higher than that of each practice frequency of indoor water uses are presented
studied independently as dummy variables. only for the whole sample (see Table 2).
For example, the practice of saving water As mentioned, the frequency of showering,
when brushing the teeth is more readily seen one of the largest indoor uses, presents some
if considered together with the other conserva- differences across income-groups. Low-
tion practices than if considered alone. income groups usually shower less per week
The statistical treatment of the data than high-income groups (around two
obtained involved two steps. First, we pro- showers less per week). Others aspects such
duced some descriptive analysis. Secondly, a as age, the gender of the respondents and the
multivariate analysis was carried out with time spent at home appear also to be relevant,
the main significant variables obtained especially for the frequency of uses for per-
through the interviews by using a linear sonal hygiene. Hence, older people tended to
regression model (see next section). be more frugal in relation to water, women
tended to use more water for personal
hygiene and people staying at home (usually
6. Results and Discussion women or retired men) used more water in
uses such as washing the hands or flushing
6.1 Descriptive analysis
the toilet. Showering was the use with the
In this section, we will analyse first beha- smallest variation in all these variables and
vioural patterns with regard to water use most respondents answered that they took a

Table 2. Frequency of indoor water uses for personal hygiene and cleaning tasks
(per person)
Task Frequency Mean (standard deviation)
Washing hands Per day 4.68 (2.43)
Brushing teeth Per day 2.21 (0.85)
Flushing the toilet Per day 4.57 (2.10)
Showers Per week 5.91 (1.74)
Using the dishwasher Per week 1.45 (0.78)
Using the washing machine Per week 1.56 (0.82)

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shower almost every day. Also interesting to per cent of the total sample) selected a water-
note with regard to the public campaigns for efficient model. Finally, 55 per cent of the
water conservation is that, in our study area, interviewed studied the water bill and com-
showers were almost always preferred to pared water consumption between periods.
baths. In 90 per cent of cases, people spent
less than 10 minutes in the shower and about Water consumption, household and
a third spent less than 5 minutes. Furthermore, socioeconomic characteristics. Results are
58 per cent of the interviewed said that they presented for the three housing types selected.
always (or most of the time) interrupted the Table 3 shows the mean and the standard devi-
flow of running water while soaping. This ation of the data obtained. Results show that
contrasts with the much larger proportion of high-density housing observes the lowest per
respondents (93 per cent) affirming that they household and per capita water consumption
turned the tap off while brushing their teeth. with an annual average of 120.1 (47.80)
With regard to technical solutions to water litres/person/day (lpd), followed by the
conservation, 11 per cent of the interviewed mid-density housing (156.7 (65.73) lpd)) and
had installed water-saving devices in all by condominiums and detached houses
household faucets (20 per cent in all showers (203.3 (116.4) lpd).
and 33 per cent in all flushing toilets). Forty- The large variability in the registered dom-
six per cent of households that had purchased estic water consumption, especially in the
a washing machine in the past 4 years (21 low-density housing type, is related to house

Table 3. Descriptive statistics across housing types: means and (standard deviations)
High-density Mid-density Low-density
housing housing housing
Water per household, annual average (cubic 112.6 (58.73) 172.4 (74.3)a 226.3 (120.4)
Water per household, summer (cubic 27.7 (15.6) 40.5 (16.4)a 70.3 (45.2)
Water per household, winter (cubic metres/ 28.6 (15.7) 40.2 (18.8)a 45.4 (25.5)
Water per capita (annual average (litres/ 120.1 (47.80) 156.7 (65.4)a 203.3 (116.4)
persons  day)
Water per capita, summer (litres/ 117.6 (54.59) 158.7 (69.2)a 254.2 (182.5)
persons  day)
Water per capita, winter (litres/ 121.3 (53.10) 144.5 (66.4)a 161.6 (98.2)
persons  day)
Household size (persons) 2.7 (1.2) 3.2 (1.2) 3.3 (1.3)
House area (square metres) 85.6 (30.5) 109.6 (32.1) 173.0 (67.3)
Indoor water fittings (number) 8.7 (2.9) 10.9 (2.2) 13.6 (3.9)
Garden necessities annual average — 1.199 (0.384) 1.014 (0.426)
(l/square metres  day)
Garden size (square metres) — 29.6 (34.81)b 195.7 (228.6)
Presence of swimming pool 0 80 21
Income, net (E/month  family unit) 2038 (1222) 3035 (1381) 2535 (1170)
Average water price (E/cubic metres) 1.187 (0.164) 1.029 (0.168) 1.085 (0.248)
Water expenditure (fraction of 0.64 (0.44) 0.55 (0.42) 0.87 (0.48)
total income)
Consumer behaviour index (0 –6) 1.97 (1.29) 2.06 (1.21) 2.10 (1.23)
Water consumed by communal garden and swimming pool is included. bCalculated by dividing the garden size by the
number of households per building.

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characteristics such as house size, number of gardens under 20 square metres, abundant in
water fixtures, garden size and garden water our sample, have per capita consumptions
needs (see Table 3). High-density households similar to those of high-density housing.
correspond therefore to apartments with fewer However, detached houses with gardens over
indoor water fixtures and with fewer members 200 square metres with a considerable
per household. Mid-density housing is rep- amount of turf grass may attain a consumption
resented by larger apartments with more of up to 500 lpd. Therefore, housing type, and
water fixtures and more persons per house- especially garden size and species planted, are
hold. Lastly, single-family housing forms the major factors influencing water consumption.
group with a higher size and number of The distribution of indoor and outdoor uses
water fixtures, and also a higher number of also shows significant differences between the
members per household. three housing types (Figure 3). For example,
With regard to outdoor uses, these are not in high-density housing, water used for per-
present in high-density housing—hence the sonal hygiene (shower, bath and toilet) rep-
relatively low water consumption of this resents on average 72 per cent of the total
category. All mid-density residences of the water used. This figure is slightly smaller
sample have a community garden which (71 per cent) in the mid-density housing
varies from 100 square metres to more than since in this case some water is used to irrigate
500 square metres and with turf grass as the the shared garden. In the low-density housing
main species planted. In the single-family group, water used for irrigating the garden
housing category, 92 per cent have a private attains on average 36 per cent of total house-
garden. Most of these gardens (82.6 per hold consumption, although it is also more
cent) occupy less than 100 square metres important than indoor use as a source of
and half of them have different vegetation variability.
than turf grass; 22 per cent have less than Significant differences are also found
half the garden area occupied by turf grass between seasons, especially in single-family
and the rest have more than half occupied housing. Average water consumption in the
by this species. Detached houses with high- and mid-density housing types remains

Figure 3. Distribution of water uses across housing types.

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relatively stable across seasons. Conversely, in consumed about 134 lpd. This figure
low-density housing, water consumption decreased to 103 lpd when the 6 conservation
during winter is around 162 lpd, and increases practices were adopted. The same tendency
to some 254 lpd during the summer season. was observed in the other housing types.
During these months, water used for the Regarding economic variables, income
garden represents on average around 45 per may not be independent of housing type, and
cent of the total consumption of the household. it is higher in the mid and the high housing.
Household size exerts an important effect Average water price is similar across
on per capita domestic water consumption. housing types; it is higher in the first periphery
As already mentioned, some water uses are where the high-density housing type is predo-
constant and independent of the number of minant. We will analyse the effect of these
persons per household, such as water for gar- two variables in the next section. Finally, it
dening or for filling the swimming pool. With is worth pointing out that water expenditure
other uses, such as laundry or dishwashing, it in the households of the Metropolitan
becomes more difficult to adjust water con- Region of Barcelona represents less than 1
sumption when the number of users is small. per cent of the total income of the households.
For this reason, in households with few
people, per capita consumption may be
6.2 Models
higher than in households with large families.
In our case study, this occurred not only for Next, we performed a multiple linear regression
the total sample, but also when we analysed analysis in order to find structural relationships
each housing type separately as can be between the independent variables and the
observed in Figure 4. dependent variable: daily average water con-
Conservational practices in indoor uses sumption per person (see Baumann et al.,
may also influence consumption. The analysis 1998). Typically, residential demand is mod-
of the consumer behaviour index shows that elled as a function of price, household income
the per capita domestic water consumption and, less frequently, of other housing, climate
decreases when the value of the index and social characteristics. The variables
increases. For example, people living in flats included in the model were chosen according
without any conservation practices adopted to the results shown in the descriptive section

Figure 4. Average per capita water consumption across household sizes and housing type.

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and the indications provided in the literature, general customer and that he or she is
especially price and income. The conceptual unaware of the marginal price (Shin, 1985;
model is as follows Opaluch, 1982; Billings and Agthe, 1980).

W ¼ b0 þ b1 Y þ b2 P þ b3 HT þ b4 HS 6.3 Estimates
þ b5 S þ b6 GS þ b7 GN þ b8 SP The model has been estimated for the whole
sample and for every house type separately.
þ b9 CBI þ e We have obtained satisfactory results for the
whole sample and for the low-density
where, W ¼ water consumed (litres/person/ housing type. Therefore only these will be
day); Y ¼ income of the family unit (E/ presented. Moreover and in order to analyse
month); P ¼ average water price (E/cubic seasonal differences, the demand model has
metre); HT ¼ housing type (dummy); HS ¼ been estimated separately for the summer
number of members per household; S ¼ house and winter seasons as well as for the average
size (square metres); GS ¼ Garden size annual data. The dependent variable is per
(square metres); GN ¼ Garden necessities (l/ annual average per capita water consump-
square metres  day); SP ¼ Possession of tion (lpd) for each period. The estimates are
swimming pool (dummy); CBI ¼ consumer presented in Tables 4 and 5. In all the
behaviour index (0–6); e ¼ error. estimates, coefficients of determination,
To avoid co-linearity, the variable ‘number statistically significant in all cases, are
of indoor fittings was not included in the modest but reasonable for studies of this
model, due to its high correlation with house nature.
size (S). Categorical variables such as
housing type and presence of swimming Estimates for the whole sample. Results for
pool were treated as fictitious variables the average annual data show that the vari-
(dummies). The three categories of ‘housing ables selected explain 36.7 per cent of the var-
type’ were therefore given the following iance. The significant explanatory variables
values: 1 (high-density), 2 (mid-density), and are housing type, garden necessities, house-
3 (low-density). High-density housing was hold size, presence of swimming pool,
the category of reference. income and consumer behaviour towards
In the model, we assume that consumers in water conservation practices.
the MRB respond to average prices rather than In more detail, results reveal that the dom-
to marginal prices (Nieswiadomy, 1992). We estic water consumption is statistically differ-
justify this assumption with the following ent between high- and low-density housing
two reasons. First, almost half of the inter- (because of the presence of private outdoor
viewed do not look at the water bill or uses), but it is not between low- and mid-
compare it with previous bills. Secondly, density housing. This can be explained
most consumers admit to not understanding because the water consumed by the communal
the billing model applied in their municipality outdoor uses is not as important as in the
and therefore end up being indifferent to the private ones. Coefficients also show that
block tariff structure. This is not to suggest keeping the other independent variables con-
that marginal prices would not produce sig- stant, water consumption would increase
nificant results but, given the highly hetero- around an average of 36 lpd by the fact of
geneous block tariffs and thresholds for living in a single-family house instead of
quantities and prices of water in the MRB, living in a multistorey building. With the
we have opted for average pricing, which we presence of a swimming pool, it would
think fits better in the model. Furthermore, be expected to attain 37.88 lpd more. Also
several researchers assume that the block- associated with housing type, the veg-
rate pricing structure is unknown by the etation composition of private gardens in

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Table 4. Water demand estimates using per capita water consumption by seasons for the whole sample
(t-statistics in parentheses)
Annual average Summer Winter
Constant 161.29 (7.40)a 121.08 (3.81)a 184.27 (9.03)a
Income 0.013 (4.70)a 0.016 (3.95)a 0.013 (5.02)a
Average water price 20.78 (20.05) 39.05 (1.66) 20.27 (21.79)c
Housing type (D2) 220.79 (21.31) 235.1 (21.65) 215.38 (21.12)
Housing type (D3) 36.57 (3.14)a 74.0 (4.36) a 13.21 (21.21)
Household size 226.18 (29.54)a 233.27 (28.36)a 220.99 (28.19)a
House size 0.092 (1.34) 0.088 (0.85) 0.074 (1.14)
Garden size 0.018 (0.88) 0.001 (0.04) 0.001 (0.31)
Garden necessities 44.15 (4.75)a 22.82 (4.88)a 9.26 (3.07)a
Swimming pool (D) 37.88 (2.62)a 69.18 (3.28)a 0.04 (0.03)
Consumer behaviour index 24.60 (21.86)b 23.73 (21.04) 24.35 (21.89)b
R2 0.367 0.393 0.199
F-value 29.60 32.324 12.994
Significance of F-value 0.000 0.000 0.000
N(obs) 532 532 532
significant at the 0.01 level; bsignificant at the 0.05 level; csignificant at the 0.10 level; dsignificant at the 0.15 level.

single-family houses obtains a significant coef- may exert a more major effect on water
ficient in this model. Consistent with previous consumption than the house area.
findings (Domene et al., 2005), households Economic variables such as income and
with a high proportion of turf grass in the water price show different results. On the
garden have a larger water consumption. one hand, income appears as a significant
However, garden size does not appear to be explanatory variable. Larger incomes may
significant. This shows that garden design increase the standard of living expressed in
(with high or low watering necessities) is the presence of more water-using appliances
more important than garden size in determining and amenities, and outdoor water facilities.
water consumption. Lastly, the number of Understanding private gardens, and particu-
members per household or the housing type larly ‘Atlantic’ gardens as positional goods,

Table 5. Water demand estimates using per capita water consumption by season for low-density housing
(t-statistics in parentheses)
Annual average Summer Winter
a a
Constant 172.66 (4.12) 174.96 (2.53) 183.82 (4.82)a
Income 0.023 (3.83)a 0.031 (2.77)a 0.013 (3.76)a
Average water price 44.07 (1.39) 93.05 (1.03) 20.62 (21.79)
Household size 244.54 (27.78)a 261.53 (26.52)a 231.83 (26.11)a
House size 0.022 (0.20) 0.015 (0.99) 0.013 (0.13)
Garden size 0.013 (0.36) 0.026 (0.41) 0.001 (0.27)
Garden necessities 24.54 (3.71)a 37.28 (3.42)a 14.19 (3.07)b
Swimming pool (D) 29.24 (1.49)d 53.30 (1.65)c 24.87 (20.27)
Consumer behaviour index 28.53 (21.47)d 27.97 (20.84) 28.85 (21.89)c
R2 0.407 0.340 0.276
F-value 13.991 10.511 7.749
Signficance of F-value 0.000 0.000 0.000
N (obs) 171 171 171
significant at the 0.01 level; bsignificant at the 0.05 level; csignificant at the 0.10 level; dsignificant at the 0.15 level.

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we can conclude that higher-income house- way. Hence, small changes in household size
holds also have larger domestic water con- may generate substantial changes in the per
sumption than middle- and low-income capita water demand because fixed outdoor
households. uses are already higher. Social status also
On the other hand, average water prices for plays an important role since changes in
different consumption levels do not appear income in single-family housing may induce
significant. Partly, this can be explained by higher changes in water consumption than in
the fact that consumers do not perceive the other house types. This would support the
water associated with their necessities as too idea that income has major effects when con-
costly. In addition, the expenditure required siderable outdoor demands exist.
for water uses represents a very small fraction Also, water needs depending on the veg-
of the total household budget. Regarding con- etation composition influence significantly
sumer behaviour, domestic water consump- per capita domestic water consumption.
tion decreases significantly when the number Therefore, gardens with important percen-
of water conservation practices increases. tages of their area occupied by turf grass
The results also show differences between may increase domestic water consumption as
seasons. In summer, the variables selected well. Again, average water prices do not
explain the variance of the dependent variable seem to bear much influence on consumption.
better than in winter. The significant explana- Differences between seasons are also
tory variables in summer are the same as in the evident. The presence of outdoor uses would
annual average estimates, except for the case induce substantial increases in the summer
of consumer behaviour, which may be offset season but not in winter. Consumer behaviour
by the effect of the outdoor uses. Thus, in also plays a part in the domestic water con-
single-family houses with a garden and swim- sumption in the winter season since the
ming pool, a substantial increase in total water effect of the adoption of certain conservation
consumption would be expected in this practices may not be offset by the presence
season. However, the effects of the housing of outdoor uses.
type and the swimming pool are not relevant
in winter where conservation practices
7. Conclusions
become significant. Regarding the economic
variables, it is interesting to observe that in The main objective of this research was to
the winter season average prices appear to assess the role of some sociodemographic
be significant. The lack of outdoor uses and, aspects, such as housing type, household size
consequently, a similar consumption among and consumer behaviour, on domestic water
household types, may explain this fact, consumption using descriptive statistics and
especially when it is in the high-density a regression analysis. This theme is relevant
housing type where the average water price for southern European and other Mediter-
is higher and the consumption is lower. ranean contexts where water resources are
subject to strong pressures and, in the specific
Estimates for the low-density housing case of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona,
type. Regressions run only for single-family where residential water supply is very vulner-
households show that the variables selected able to precipitation deficits—as the drought
explain better the variance of annual average of 2004 –05 testifies. Changes in urban
per capita water consumption (R 2 ¼ 0.47). growth and the consolidation of new urban
Consumption is expected to be higher in this lifestyles are leading to a more complex
house type and, again, household size, water scenario where consumption tends to
income and garden necessities appear to be grow in the expanding suburbs and to dimin-
the most explanatory variables. The presence ish in the central cores.
of a swimming pool and consumer behaviour The following conclusions can be drawn
are also explicative but in a less significant from our research. First, housing and

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demographic factors may be significant expla- acknowledged for some time, initiatives pro-
natory variables of domestic water consump- moting intensive water conservation are
tion. In particular, household size and scarce. Water management policies in our
housing type appear to be important factors study area have mostly followed two strat-
behind consumption. Small families show egies: water pricing and taxation, and water
higher per capita domestic water consumption conservation campaigns during drought
than larger ones and single-family houses periods. These policies tend to ignore import-
have higher water consumption mainly ant socio-demographic and cultural variables.
because of outdoor uses, especially gardens. However, over the past two decades, water
Most of all, high water consumption is associ- planners in other regions have begun to
ated with single-family housing with an employ disaggregated water use forecasts
‘Atlantic garden’, planted with turf grass. which take into account differences in the
Secondly, water consumption is not con- socioeconomic characteristics of the resident
stant across incomes and the relationship is population, as well as seasonal variations in
positive in all housing types. However, the economic and climatic conditions of
income may have a more minor impact than different study areas (Baumann et al., 1998;
housing type. For example, higher-income Renwick and Archibald, 1998). Among the
households living in multistorey apartments information that policy planners may need to
consume less water than middle-income evaluate effectively alternative measures to
households living in single-family houses achieve a reduction in demand, we must
with outdoor uses. Nevertheless, the positive emphasise the characteristics of the household
effect of income is more relevant when and, to some extent, how different types of
outdoor uses are present. households are influenced by different socio-
Thirdly, consumer behaviour also plays an demographic and economic variables.
important role as an explanatory factor, Our results show that pricing policies alone
although attitudinal variables seem to be less may not suffice to control domestic water
important than sociodemographic and econ- demand, although the highly heterogeneous
omic variables. For example, using low-flow price system existing in the MRB precludes
toilets cannot offset the effects of household any definitive conclusion in this respect.
size or housing type, especially in summer. Some structural factors, such as the increase
Generally, consumer habits regarding indoor of welfare, the changes in urban growth and
water uses show certain moderation (for the consolidation of new (sub)urban lifestyles,
example, showers are largely preferred to may add more pressures to the water demand
baths) but the installation of water-saving that are difficult to manage. People moving
devices remains very low. from the denser city to the periphery, where
Fourthly, average water prices do not residential water consumption is higher and
appear to be significant in the Metropolitan there is a significant presence of single-
Region of Barcelona, except during the family houses with gardens, can increase
winter season and for high-density house- future domestic water consumption.
holds. This can be explained, partly, by the If we consider gardens as one of the main
fact that consumers do not perceive the causes of rising domestic water consumption,
water associated with their necessities as too they should be targeted in the different conser-
costly. In addition, the expenditure required vation campaigns by encouraging the use of
for water uses represents on average about more Mediterranean species and of adequate
1 per cent of the total household budget. technology. At the regional level, land use
Our study may have some relevance for planning may play an important role recom-
policy-makers seeking to influence water mending more compact urban developments.
demand through specific policies. Although However, the containment of low-density
the need for water conservation in the Metro- housing types may collide with the strong
politan Region of Barcelona has been social perception that lower-density cities

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