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MotivIT Group

Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) Services
Table of Contents


Scope of Work

Service to Client Process Flow

1st Prospecting

2nd Getting in touch

3rd Service Presentation

4th Enter into an agreement

5th Onboarding

6th Evaluation

Implementation of Service Offering

Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) Services Quotation

I. Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) Services Package

II. Pricing Structure

III. Terms & Conditions

IV. Service Schedule

Terms and Conditions

Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) services play an important part in today's healthcare context, acting as
an essential component for better patient care and operational efficiency inside facilities. These services
take a proactive approach to patient engagement by providing outreach for appointment scheduling,
updates, and health counseling. Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) services improve operational efficiency by
streamlining administrative procedures, allowing doctors to focus on their primary clinical responsibilities.
These services' flexibility and customization allow healthcare facilities to adjust the approach of
communication to their specific needs, resulting in increased patient satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore,
Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) services help to achieve the general objective of expanding patient access to
healthcare by removing geographical boundaries and providing effective support for virtual care adoption.
These services' extensive reporting provides significant insights to healthcare facilities, allowing for data-
driven decision-making and continual improvement efforts. In summary, the value of Virtual Assistant
(Telehealth) services results from their ability to improve patient care, optimize operations, and embrace
technological innovations that benefit both doctors and patients.

Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) services facilitate proactive outreach to patients, engaging them in
preventive care, appointment scheduling, and health education. This improved patient engagement leads
to better health outcomes and increased patient adherence to recommended healthcare practices.
Dedicated call centers streamline appointment scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups. Which reduced no-
show rates, optimized scheduling, and improved resource utilization contribute to better operational
efficiency. Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) services break down geographical barriers, providing patients with
access to healthcare services from the comfort of their homes. It improved accessibility leads to increased
patient reach, particularly for those in remote or underserved areas. By offloading routine administrative
tasks to call centers, healthcare facilities can focus on core clinical activities. That improved operational
efficiency, reduced administrative burdens, and increased capacity to handle more critical aspects of
patient care. In conclusion, Telehealth caller services are instrumental in reshaping healthcare delivery by
fostering patient engagement, improving operational workflows, and embracing technology to meet the
evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers. Their importance lies in the ability to create a patient-
centric, efficient, and adaptable healthcare environment.

Scope of Work
The scope of Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) services is comprehensive, aiming to streamline
communication processes, enhance patient engagement, and contribute to the overall success of
Telehealth initiatives within healthcare facilities. This scope may be further customized based on the
specific needs and objectives of each healthcare facility.
1. Appointment Scheduling:
Conducting outbound calls to patients for scheduling virtual consultations or in-person appointments.
Utilizing a secure scheduling system to coordinate appointments based on patient availability and
healthcare facility schedules.
2. E-Prescription Follow-Up:
Following up with patients regarding e-prescriptions, ensuring they understand and fulfill medication
orders as prescribed by healthcare providers.
3. Technical Support:
Providing technical assistance to patients facing connectivity issues or challenges related to Telehealth
tools, ensuring a smooth and positive patient experience.
4. Health Campaign Outreach:
Proactively reaching out to patients for preventive care reminders, vaccination schedules, and participation
in health campaigns aimed at improving overall well-being.
5. Compliance with Regulations:
Ensuring that all Telehealth caller services adhere to relevant healthcare regulations, including HIPAA
compliance for patient data security and privacy.

1. Owner
2. Managers
3. Virtual Assistants
4. Government
5. Clients
6. Patients/ Customers

Key Terms:
1. Telehealth- is done primarily online with internet access on your computer, tablet, or
smartphone. Talk to your health care provider live over the phone or video chat.
2. Patient-centric- is an approach that places the patient at the heart of the healthcare system. It
involves creating a partnership among practitioners, patients, and their families to align
decisions with patients’ wants, needs, and preferences.
3. E-prescriptions- (Electronic Prescriptions) is the process by which clinicians in hospital and
ambulatory settings directly enter outpatient prescriptions using computer applications that
provide clinical decision support and can deliver the prescriptions electronically in structured
form to dispensing organizations (HDO pharmacies, drugstores and mail-order fulfillment
Service to Client Process Flow:

1st Prospecting- involves identifying and targeting potential clients who may benefit from our
a. Define Your Ideal Client Profile: Clearly outline the characteristics of your ideal clients.
Consider factors such as industry, company size, location, and specific needs that align
with your service offering.
b. Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify industries or sectors
with a demand for your services. Analyze competitors, industry trends, and potential
c. Build a Target List: Create a list of potential clients based on your ideal client profile and
market research. This can include companies you've identified through online research,
industry publications, or referrals.

2nd Getting in touch- involves strategic communication to establish a connection, understand

their needs, and demonstrate the value of your services.
a. Utilize Online Tools and Platforms: Leverage online tools and platforms to identify
potential clients. This could involve using professional networking sites, industry forums,
and business directories to find companies that fit your target criteria.
b. Referrals: Encourage and leverage existing client relationships for referrals. Satisfied
clients can be a powerful source of new business.
c. Cold Calling: Strategically use cold calling to directly reach out to potential clients.
Prepare a compelling script and focus on building a rapport while highlighting the value
of your services.
d. Social Media Outreach: Engage with potential clients on social media platforms. Share
relevant content, participate in discussions, and reach out to prospects who may be
interested in your services.
e. Email Marketing: Develop targeted email campaigns to reach out to potential clients.
Personalize your messages and focus on how your services can address their specific

3rd Service Presentation- is a critical step in the sales process, and it requires careful planning
and execution.
a. Prepare Presentation Materials: Create a visually appealing and informative
presentation deck that outlines your services, benefits, and key features.
b. Understand Client Needs: Review your research on the client's needs and challenges.
Tailor your presentation to address their specific requirements.
c. Build Rapport: Start the presentation by building rapport. Begin with a friendly greeting
and express appreciation for the opportunity to present your services.
d. Acknowledge Challenges: Acknowledge the challenges or pain points the client is
currently facing. This shows that you understand their situation.
e. Ask Questions: Encourage client engagement by asking questions about their current
processes or issues. This helps tailor your presentation to their specific needs.
f. Emphasize Benefits: Clearly articulate the benefits the client will gain by choosing your
services. Address how your solutions can solve their problems or enhance their current
g. Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Clearly state your unique value proposition and what
sets your services apart from competitors.
h. Interactive Demo: If applicable, offer a live demonstration of your services. This provides
a hands-on experience and helps the client visualize the functionality.
i. Transparent Pricing: Be transparent about your pricing structure. Clearly explain the cost
of your services and any additional fees.
j. Encourage Questions: Open the floor for questions. Encourage the client to ask
questions about any aspect of your services, pricing, or implementation.
k. Proactive Addressing of Concerns: If there are common objections or concerns,
proactively address them during the presentation. Show how your services can overcome
potential challenges.
l. Outline the Next Steps: Clearly outline the next steps in the process. This may include a
follow-up meeting, additional documentation, or a trial period.
m. Timeline and Implementation: If applicable, provide a tentative timeline for
implementation and any required client actions.
n. Express Appreciation: Thank the client for their time and express your appreciation for
considering your services.
4th Enter into an agreement- involves several steps to ensure clarity, mutual understanding,
and a legal framework for the delivery of services.
a. Prepare a Draft Agreement: Once the client has accepted the proposal, prepare a draft
agreement that outlines the terms, conditions, and specifics of the service engagement.
This may include scope of work, pricing, timelines, and any other relevant details.
b. Finalize Agreement Terms: Once all parties are satisfied with the terms, finalize the
agreement. Ensure that all details are accurate, clear, and comprehensive.
c. Signatures: Collect signatures from authorized representatives of both parties. This may
involve physical signatures on a printed document or electronic signatures using secure
digital platforms.
d. Payment or Deposit (if applicable): If the agreement involves upfront payment or a
deposit, ensure that the client is aware of the payment schedule and terms. Arrange for
the necessary financial transactions.
e. Kickoff Meeting (if applicable): Schedule a kickoff meeting to formally initiate the
service engagement. Discuss project details, expectations, and any additional information
relevant to the successful start of the project.

5th Onboarding- It involves introducing the client to your services, aligning expectations, and
ensuring a smooth transition into the engagement.

a. Welcome and Introduction: Extend a warm welcome to the client. Provide a brief
introduction to your company, key team members, and the purpose of the onboarding
b. Assign a Dedicated Onboarding Manager: Designate a dedicated onboarding manager
or point of contact who will guide the client through the onboarding process, answer
questions, and address concerns.
c. Setting Up Communication Channels: Establish clear communication channels,
including email, project management tools, and any other platforms necessary for
effective collaboration. Ensure that both teams are aligned on communication protocols.
d. Training Sessions (if needed): Provide any necessary training sessions for the client's
team on the use of your services, tools, or platforms. This ensures that the client feels
confident and competent in utilizing the offered services.
e. Access and Permissions: Set up necessary access and permissions, both for your team
and the client's team. This includes access to relevant systems, documentation, and
collaboration tools.
f. Documentation and Resources: Define reporting structures and set expectations for
regular progress updates and performance reviews. Establish a schedule for check-ins
and status meetings.
g. Issue Resolution Plan: Discuss and establish a clear plan for issue resolution. Outline the
process for raising concerns, reporting issues, and resolving challenges that may arise
during the engagement.

6th Evaluation- Evaluating a client's satisfaction and the overall success of a service offering is
crucial for continuous improvement and building long-term relationships.
a. Schedule Evaluation Sessions: Schedule evaluation sessions or meetings with the client.
Clearly communicate the purpose of the evaluation and the expected duration.
b. Performance Metrics Analysis: Analyze performance metrics related to the service
offering. Evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) against predefined targets or
c. Address Concerns: If there are concerns or areas for improvement identified during the
evaluation, create an action plan to address them. Communicate how these issues will be
resolved or improved in the future.
d. Continuous Improvement Recommendations: Gather recommendations for continuous
improvement. Encourage the client to provide insights into how future service offerings
can be enhanced or optimized.
e. Repeat the Process: Use the insights gained from the evaluation to refine and improve
the process for future service offerings. Make adjustments based on lessons learned and
client feedback.

Implementation of Service Offering:

It involves a strategic and systematic approach to ensure the successful delivery of healthcare
services remotely. Here is a step-by-step process for the implementation of Telehealth services:
a. Telehealth Training for VA: Provide comprehensive training for VA on Telehealth best
practices. This should include training on using the Telehealth platform, conducting
virtual appointments, healthcare facility process and ensuring patient privacy.
b. Regulatory Compliance: Familiarize yourself with the regulatory landscape and
compliance requirements for Telehealth services. Ensure that your service offering
adheres to local, state, and national healthcare regulations, including compliance with
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) for patient data protection.
c. Patient Appointment Scheduling: Patients schedule virtual appointments through the
Telehealth VA. This can be done through an online portal, mobile app, or a phone call to
Appointment setter itself.
d. Automated Reminders: The Telehealth VA sends automated reminders to patients
before their scheduled virtual appointments. Reminders can be sent through email, SMS,
or within the platform itself.
e. Telehealth Consultation: The virtual consultation takes place between the healthcare
provider and the patient. This can include video, audio, and chat communication based
on the patient's preferences and the nature of the appointment.
f. Billing and Insurance Processing: If applicable, billing for Telehealth services is
processed. Insurance information is verified, and claims are submitted following standard
g. Secure Messaging and Follow-Up: Telehealth VA can use secure messaging within the
Telehealth platform for follow-up communication, answering patient questions, and
providing additional information.
h. Follow-Up Appointments: If necessary, VA schedule follow-up Telehealth appointments

to monitor progress, adjust treatment plans, or address any ongoing health concerns.
i. Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys: Patients are encouraged to provide feedback on
their Telehealth experience. Satisfaction surveys help VA assess the quality of service and
identify areas for improvement.
Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) Services Quotation:
V. Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) Services Package:
a. Appointment Scheduling: Dedicated telehealth VA for efficient appointment

scheduling. Customized scripts to align with Healthcare Facility's communication style.

b. Automated Reminders: Timely reminders sent to patients for upcoming virtual

consultations. Follow-up calls to ensure patient readiness and address any concerns.

c. Patient Onboarding: Guided onboarding calls for new patients to familiarize them with
Telehealth services. Technical support for patients facing connectivity or access issues.

d. Follow-Up Calls: Post-appointment follow-up calls to gather patient feedback and

ensure satisfaction.

e. Patient inquiries: Answering patient’s inquiries in a timely manner and accurate


VI. Pricing Structure: Based on the services outlined above, the pricing structure is as follows:

1. Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) Services Package:

Appointment Scheduling Service: $3 per hour

Follow-Up and Patient Engagement Service: $1 per hour

Resolution for Patient inquiries: $1 per hour

Total: $5 per hour per VA

Approximate recurring payment: $800 per month per VA

2. Onboarding fee: $XXX (One Time Fee)

3. Data, Dialer & VoIP (DDV): (If Needed): $XXX

Note: All items on this quotation, except for onboarding fee and DDV, are monthly subscription-based which
requires a 30 days’ notice prior to cancelation. MotivIT will invoice monthly price depending on the services

subscribed and the days of work per VA.

VII. Terms & Conditions: All prices and description are subject to change without notice. o The

pricelist is a quotation only and is not an order or offer to sell.

VIII. Service Schedule: Based on the Healthcare Facilities:

MONDAY TO FRIDAY (Depends of the Healthcare Facilities’ operation hours).

Terms and Conditions

1. MotivIT will provide Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) services to [Healthcare Facility’s name] as described
in the agreed-upon scope of work.

2. The duration of the service agreement is as specified. The agreement will automatically renew unless
canceled in writing by either party with ____ days’ notice.

3. In case of termination, the [Healthcare Facility’s name] agrees to pay for services provided up to the
termination date.

4. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all non-public information obtained during the
course of the engagement.

5. The client is responsible for providing timely feedback, access to necessary resources, and approvals

We are excited about the prospect of supporting [Healthcare Facility Name] in enhancing patient
engagement and optimizing Telehealth services. If you have any questions or would like to discuss specific
requirements, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for considering MotivIT as your Virtual Assistant (Telehealth) Services provider. We look forward
to the opportunity to collaborate with [Healthcare Facility Name].

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