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Name: Date:

Lesson 03 : Always Aware, Always Prepared(1)

One night in February, after I had gone to bed, an earthquake

hit. I woke up suddenly because my bed was shaking. I thought

my brother was shaking my bed as a joke. But then I heard the

mirror on my desk fall to the floor and break into pieces. I knew it

wasn’t my brother then, but I still didn’t know what exactly was


by 솔터디
Name: Date:

Lesson 03 : Always Aware, Always Prepared(2)

Soon the whole room began to shake violently, and my

confusion turned to panic. My mom shouted that it was an

earthquake and ran into my room. Since it was my first time

experiencing an earthquake, I didn’t know how to react. I just

kept saying, “What should I do?”

by 솔터디
Name: Date:

Lesson 03 : Always Aware, Always Prepared(3)

My mom pulled me and my brother out of bed. We ran to the

kitchen and crawled under the table. I could see the light

swinging violently and books falling to the floor. Our family

picture dropped from the wall and the glass covering it broke. A

cup tipped over and rolled off the kitchen table. Every second, I

could hear something else in the apartment break. I started to

worry that the building would collapse.

by 솔터디
Name: Date:

Lesson 03 : Always Aware, Always Prepared(4)

Then the shaking seemed to stop. We started crawling toward

the door. At that moment, my mom’s cell phone rang. It was my

dad, who was coming home from work.

He shouted, “It stopped! Get out of the building! Take the stairs!

Don’t take the elevator! Hurry!” “Where are you? Are you okay?”

my mom asked urgently. My dad answered, “Don’t worry. I’m

okay. I was driving home when the shaking started. But I pulled

over immediately. I’m listening to the radio right now to find out

what’s going on.”

by 솔터디
Name: Date:

Lesson 03 : Always Aware, Always Prepared(5)

We nervously made our way down the stairs and outside. I

looked around. Parts of buildings had fallen and had smashed

several cars. We went to an open space to avoid more falling

pieces. How could all this have happened in a few minutes?

by 솔터디
Name: Date:

Lesson 03 : Always Aware, Always Prepared(6)

Although I had done many earthquake drills in school, I had

never thought I’d experience a real earthquake. I still get scared

when I remember that night. I can’t forget the panic I felt when

the furniture was shaking and things were falling to the floor.

After that night, I began to take earthquake drills seriously. I

realized that I should be prepared for the next earthquake, which

can occur at any time.

by 솔터디

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