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ULAB Film Apprenticeship Program

Manual Book
Table of Content

CinemaScope---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Mission, Vision, Logo, Motto & Objective --------------------------------------------------- 00
Program Design ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Executive Body Formation---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Designations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Organogram -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Job Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Rules & Regulations------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Application Process----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Cancellation of Membership ------------------------------------------------------------------ 00
To get a Certificate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
Prize and Awards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Process of Achieving Points ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Regular Events Description--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Film Reading Session --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Study Circle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Show & Tell --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Advanced Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Master Class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Seminar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Basic Pre Production Workshop--------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Basic Cinematography Workshop------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Basic Editing Workshop------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
CinePedia---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival (DIMFF) --------------------------------------------- 00
CinemaScope Alumni Association Guideline------------------------------------------------------ 00
About CinemaScope Alumni Association----------------------------------------------------- 00
Mission ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Structure and Governance ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Eligibility to be an Alumni Member ----------------------------------------------------------- 00
Election Commission ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
EGM & AGM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Annual Fee ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Work Log: Advance Workshop ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Work Log: Film Reading Session --------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Work Log: Master Class -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Work Log: Seminar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Work Log: Study Circle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Work Log: Show & Tell --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Demo Proposal: Advanced Workshop -------------------------------------------------------- 00
Demo Proposal: Film Reading Session -------------------------------------------------------- 00
Demo Proposal: Master Class ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Demo Proposal: Seminar ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Demo Certificate Design -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00
Evaluation Form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00

CinemaScope (ULAB Film Apprentice Program) is a platform for ULAB students who want to
practice advanced elements of film production, other than just shooting and bringing out a final
product. With the aim of film reading, analyzing and making films, a group of students enroll into
ULAB Film Apprenticeship Program - CinemaScope. CinemaScope solely stands for studying films.
CinePedia is the mouthpiece of CinemaScope, published once in a semester.

আমরা সিনেমা খাই ,সিনেমা পসি ,সিনেমায় ঘুমাই

CinemaScope logo is a combination of local (Bangladeshi) traditional musical instrument and a cine
camera which is positioned in a triangle where one line is imaginary, and angles are slightly curved.
CinemaScope written in Blue colour where ‘O’ is in red colour with the shape of ‘Aperture’. Colour
palates: Triangle, Text and Inner design (R5, G46, B109), Red Text (R176, G32, B37). For dark
background all lines will be white except ‘O’ in text.


CinemaScope, Film Apprenticeship Program of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) is
dedicated to inspire and train students who aim to obtain knowledge about creation and aesthetics
of film production. This program involves a gradual process of learning. There are four dedicated
teams inside CinemaScope –the screening team, the workshop team, the research and publication
team, and the production team. These four teams allow members to articulate their skills in all
sectors. CinemaScope, as a whole, is determined to produce groups of bright minds who would
wholeheartedly work towards the betterment of Bangladesh’s film industry.
Program Design


PLO1 Develop an understanding of the industry components of pre-production, production

and post-production

PLO2 Develop the skills of organizing and management power being a film activist

PLO3 Empowerment in composing convincing written arguments backed by evidence from

films and secondary sources

PLO4 Able to analyze and critique contemporary films as well as classic films

PLO5 Able to identify and establish an understanding of the theoretical and practical making
foundations of film by practicing making

PLO6 Produce an acceptable portfolio to contribute on further development of the moving

image and sound arts.


Semester 1: Candidate member

Semester 2: Screening team
Semester 3: Research and publication team
Semester 4: Workshop team
Semester 5: Production team
Semester 6: Production team

Note: Apprentice can continue in a particular team through the semesters if s/he has a focus or goal
in particular sector.


Semester 1: Submission of a short fictional film and production book

Semester 2: Point achieve by arranging two film reading sessions
Semester 3: Point achieve by write ups for CinePedia, contribution in CineSchool, show and tell,
study circle and special events
Semester 4: Point achieve by arranging workshop, master class and seminar
Semester 5: Point achieve by contributing in film production and photo & video documentation
Semester 6: Point achieve by contributing in film production and photo & video documentation
Executive Body Formation


1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

2. Event Manager
3. Brand Manager
4. HR Manager
5. Accounts Manager
6. Production Head
7. Production Secretary (optional)
8. Workshop Head
9. Workshop Secretary(optional)
10. Research & Publication Head
11. Research & Publication Secretary(optional)
12. Screening Head
13. Screening Secretary (optional)


Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive of CinemaScope is the person who governs all activities and members of every
department under CinemaScope. S/he is the head who holds the vision of the organization and
designs the strategy towards executing them. The CEO proposes the team and adviser/instructor
approve it based on track record to carry out progress of the program. The CEO is responsible for
decision making and taking initiatives. Communicating with the executive body and the members to
maintain harmony within the team is also a prime responsibility. Setting an example through great
leadership is one of the main criteria. S/he needs to submit progress report two times in a semester
to the advisor/instructor, one before MID exam and one before Final exam. S/he has to present
semester report and planning for next semester in the general meeting happen end of each
semester. S/he will propose name of next CEO for upcoming semester to adviser/instructor.
Adviser/Instructor will finalize and announce it in semester end general meeting.

Required Files:
 Executive Body List
 Planning for next semester
 Weekly Activity Reports
 Verified point list
 Verified accounts details

Event Manager
The principal job of an event manager is to coordinate any event that takes place under any four
department of CinemaScope. S/he has to follow up overall preparation from proposal approval to
event monitoring. On the day of any event, the event manager needs to crosscheck each activity and
help the event coordinator so that the event runs smoothly. S/he needs to coordinate event
evaluation process. S/he needs to submit required files to CEO/Instructor after end of each event.

Required Files:
 Each Event Evaluation Report
 Each Event Report

Human Resource Manager

The HR Manager must be active and follow the rules very strictly and also let people know about
the rules. It is his/her duty to help and stay connected with all the members. There are few files
which he/she needs to submit two times in a semester one before MID exam and one before Final

Required Files:
 Meeting minutes of each executive meeting with signed attendance list.
 General member list.
 Candidate member list.
 Member’s attendance in activities with signed attendance list.
 Members’ updated point list (briefly in EXCEL & Summary in DOC).
Account Manager
The Account Manager of CinemaScope is in charge of the account of all savings and expenses made
throughout a semester. S/he has to process and record of all expenses during events along with
bills that need to be reexamined by the CEO and the adviser. The account manager is also
responsible to withdraw money according to the budget of every event organized under
CinemaScope. S/he has to constantly update the account status to keep the entire team aware of the
savings. S/ he has to submit a file two times in a semester; one before MID exam and one before
Final exam to Instructor.

Required Files:
 Accounts Update

Brand Manager
The Brand Manager takes care of all offline and online circulation of CinemaScope’s news. S/he
designs an effective branding plan that would reach the targeted audience. The brand manager is
also the resource person for all platforms available for particular events organized under
CinemaScope. The core responsibility is to engage as many people possible with the activities; this
includes invitation, promotion and communication. S/he will be core responsible for all social sites
(websites, Facebook pages, blogs, YouTube channels) of CinemaScope.

Required Files:
 Branding plan and outcomes

Head of Production
The Production Head is one of the most important figure in the Executive Body who takes care of
every production related activities of Cinemascope; starting from documentation of an event to film
production. The production head is responsible to guide the team who wishes to make a film under
CinemaScope. S/he makes the production plan for each semester, selects the story and leads the
team. Every event’s documentation is edited and submitted by the Production Head and s/he takes
care of the audio-visual archive of CinemaScope.

Secretary of Production
The Production Secretary holds the responsibility to carry out tasks under the instruction of the
Production Head. S/he also acts as guidance for the members throughout any production process.
The production secretary manages all equipment required for documentation and CinemaScope’s
production from the Media Lab. It’s the Secretary’s duty to finely execute and supervise the
activities according to the Head’s plan.

Head of Workshop
The Workshop Head will arrange an advanced level workshop during the semester break but has to
plan and lock it before MID exam. S/he will select a mentor, fix a date with mentor, write a proposal,
make arrangements of certificate, take the responsibility of mentors food, gift pack and rumination
and take necessary steps to complete the workshop. After workshop is over S/he will submit a
report containing pictures regarding the workshop, mainly the points of learning from it. The
Workshop Head also plan and implement master class or seminar before mid term exam.
Secretary of Workshop
Workshop secretary will have to book the room right after the date is fixed; have to give updates of
registration process to everyone regularly, make arrangements of participants food and entrance of
everyone including mentor, select volunteers and divide works among them during workshop.
He/she will have to clear that the mentor is getting what he/she needs, also will have to be
connected with the head all time.

Head of Research & Publication

Head of Research & Publication mainly do the research for upcoming CinemaScope events with
their team, they will set a theme for every next semester and most of the activities should be design
on the theme. Generally, R&P department organizes Study-circle and Show & Tell. This department
is also responsible for organizing special day event like National film day, birthday of Zahir Raihan,
death anniversary of Tareque Masud etc. In that purpose, S/he makes the agenda for the event
proposal and gives that to the secretary of R&P. S/he also arranges some topics for film reading
session, advanced workshop, master class and seminar with the objective. The Head of R&P selects
the book and the topic or the chapter for Study Circle, arrange it and encourage the members for
discussion. Sometimes s/he manages a proper person with an interesting topic for Show & Tell.
S/he does proper research with their team and writes scripts or notes for CineSchool. S/he will
always communicate with production team for CineSchool contents. S/he will update and upload
write ups in blog regularly. At the end of the semester he/she looks for write-ups to publish

Secretary of Research & Publication

The main job of the secretary is always communicating with their departmental head. They collect
the event agenda from the head and make the event proposal. S/he always has to face the deadline
consciously and needs to be punctual. They need to think about different activities and share the
idea with their departmental head. S/he mainly does official arrangements.

Head of Screening
A Screening Head is particularly responsible to decide and organize the Film Reading Sessions of
CinemaScope. The Film Reading Sessions are arranged for the apprentices to engage into
discussions based on films of a particular director or a genre. The Screening Head also selects a
guest speaker appropriate for every Film Reading Session. She/he forms a team who works as per
necessary to hold up maximum two Film Reading Sessions in a semester.

Secretary of Screening
The Screening Secretary is the executor of the Film Reading Sessions. She/he takes under his/her
responsibility the tasks required for the event. It is the Secretary’s duty to keep record of the
registered participants. She/he works side by side with the Head and meets all needs required also
distributes responsibilities regarding the event.
Rules and Regulations


1. Any current student of ULAB can apply for join in CinemaScope.

2. Applicants have to dedicate their semester break and other leisure time in CinemaScope.
3. Applicants have to show their commitment in interview board.
4. Applicants have to mention their primary field of attraction but flexible to take all
5. Each application form has to submit with 100 taka.
6. After selection they have to join in CinemaScope by deposit 500 taka as Candidate Member.
7. Candidate Members will continue under the supervision of Executive Body for a semester.
After that on the basis of Executive Body report, Candidate Members can be select as
8. In January of every year, members have to renew their membership with 200 taka.

1. Membership will be cancelled without giving any show cause; if any member stays absent in
3 consecutive meeting or activity for unexcused reason. Each film screening will be
considered as an activity.
2. If any member remains absent in any assignment or activity where their participation is
mandatory; then s/he has to reply showing their absence cause in comment box of
attendance post uploaded by HR within 48 hour and adviser/ instructor will take the final
3. Membership will be cancelled if any member is not able to achieve at least 10 points in a
semester or 30 points within a year.
4. Membership will be cancelled if any member takes unapproved leave in semester break.
5. Membership will be cancelled if any executive member ignores his/her responsibility in
6. Membership will be cancelled if any member shows any unethical behavior, activity and

1. To get a certificate member have to spend at least one year and have to achieve 100 points.
2. Member has to apply for certificate with mention his/ her achieved points in detail.
3. All activity will verify by his/her post in CinemaScope Facebook group.
4. After receive the formal application it may take maximum one semester to get the

1. CinePerson is a prestigious award given to the most active CinemaScope Member in a
2. Head of HR and CEO will nominate member for the prize and award; Adviser/Instructor will
select the award winner.

Department Description Position Point

Screening Per day Coordinator 5
Assistant coordinator 2
Discussant 3
Host 2
Publication Per issue Editor 20
Writer: cover story 10
Writer: 2000+ words 10
Writer: 1000+ words 5
Writer: 500+ words 2
Workshop Per day Coordinator 5
Assistant coordinator 2
Host 2
Attendance 1
Research & Per day Coordinator 5
Publication Assistant coordinator 2
Discussant 3
Host 2
Production Per Production Director 20
Cinematographer 10
Video Editor 10
Actor 6
Other Main Position 7
Other Assistant Position 5
Coordinator/ Line Producer 7
Assistant coordinator 5
Event Documentation Per Documentary Cinematographer 4
Editor 6
Live Streaming Operator 4
Photographer 2
Miscellaneous Per session attendance Attendee 1
Per candidate member Referrer 2
Management Level 5 / semester Secretary of Screening 2
Secretary of Reading & 2
Secretary of Workshop 2
Secretary of Production 2
Level 4 / semester Accounts Manager 4
Brand Manager 4
Level 3 / semester Head of Production 6
Head of Screening 6
Head of Reading & 6
Head of Workshop 6
Level 2 / semester Human Resource Manager 8
Event Manager 8
Level 1 / semester CEO 10
Regular Events Description


CinemaScope arranges Film Reading Sessions on different films to analyze the filmography
techniques and methods that filmmakers use to elucidate their art and message. Maximum 2
sessions wil be arranged each semester by the screening department of CinemaScope. The film
reading sessions are followed by discussions done by the apprentices and a guest speaker. This
event takes place day long for 2 to 3 days and is open for all by registration.

STUDY CIRCLE (Research and Publication team)

CinemaScope arranges Study Circle, which takes place every semester. Maximum 2 sessions may
arrange each semester. Research & Publication department select a book for the study-circle. It’s as
like a group discussion. There would be a discussant, who introduces the topic or chapter with
some video clips. One by one read the book text and discuss the whole event. It’s mainly a 3 hours
or 1 session event.

SHOW & TELL (Research and Publication team)

CinemaScope arranges Show and Tell, which takes place every semester. Maximum 2 sessions may
arrange each semester. Apprentices gather and talk about anything related to film. They are given
the chance to select the topic they want to talk about. 1 to 3 apprentice are given the opportunity to
present and talk about the subject matter.


CinemaScope arranges advanced workshops to learn better and thoroughly about the jobs of the
chosen topics and its responsibilities. As studying cinema is one of the main objectives of
CinemaScope, workshops help them to learn and study the key elements of filmmaking.
CinemaScope arranges 3 to 5 daylong advance workshops on every semester break regarding a
topic that is not covered in MSJ curriculum. There could be a registration fee any may open for all

MASTER CLASS (Workshop team)

CinemaScope arranges Master Class on different film theories/philosophies to enlighten the

aesthetic sense of film enthusiasts. Under the Department of Workshop of CinemaScope,
apprentices select a certain theme or person to focus the Master Class on. A guest speaker is
selected, who is best fit to discuss with the students on the particular topic. It is a full-day event
from 10 am to 5 pm, whichmay takes place once in a semester.

SEMINAR (Workshop team)

CinemaScope sometimes arrange seminars on various contemporary topics of Cinema. A seminar

typically incorporates a lecture. There are activities and discussions run throughout the session
which encourage interaction between the students and lecturer. Seminar is generally be two to
three hours in length and is open for all by registration.

CinemaScope arranges basic workshop on pre- production for the Candidate members. It is a
daylong workshop. In this workshop the new members get to know what people had to do in pre
productions. As it is for the new members, it is designed very simply. Adviser/Instructor usually
conducts the session.


CinemaScope arranges basic workshop on cinematography for the Candidate members. It is a

daylong workshop. In this workshop the new members get to know many aspects of
cinematography. As it is for the new members, it is designed very simply. Adviser/Instructor
usually conducts the session.


CinemaScope arranges basic workshop on editing for the Candidate members. It is a daylong
workshop. In this workshop the new members get to know about how to cut and join footages, add
sounds and other very basic sides of editing. As it is for the new members, it is designed very
simply. Adviser/Instructor usually conducts the session.

Cinepedia is the mouthpiece of Cinemascope. A publication that is brought out by the students
themselves every semester. Each issue has it’s particular theme. All students of ULAB are allowed to
submit any article related to cinema, the decided theme and about different aspects of cinema while
a cinemascope member acts as an editor. This is a platform for students to publish their own
writings and thinking about cinema. The cover story is usually research based while the other
articles supplement it.

Cinepedia Blog Link:

1st Issue 2nd Issue 3rd Issue

Editor: Ananta Gourab Editor: Nafis Khan Editor: Farhan Tanvir Rafith

4th Issue 5th Issue 6th Issue

Editor: Monon Muntaka Editor: Arif Arman Badol Editor: Priyanka Chowdhury
Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival (DIMFF)

Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival (DIMFF) has been

started in 2015 as Cinemascope Mobile Film Competition
(CMFC). The festival upholds and promotes the motto 'New
Generation, New Tools, New Communication'. The festival is
free of entry. Competition category is restricted to university
students in Under Graduate or Graduate level and One
Minute Film category is restricted to Grade 1 - 12 students.
Films for this festival must be shot in a mobile phone (cell-
phone/smart phone). However, there is no restriction
regarding brand, model and operating system of the phone
as well as post-production tools. The festival is organized by
CinemaScope which is a film apprenticeship program of
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB).


1. Screening Category:
Any one from any region can submit films shot in mobile phone. Selected films will screen in
2. Competition Category:
Only university student of Under Graduate or Graduate level can participate in this
competition section. Selected films will be screened in Dhaka International Mobile Film
Festival and best film will get CinemaScope Best Film award.
3. 1 Minute Film Category:
Only grade 1-12 student can participate in this competition section. Selected films will be
screened in Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival and best film will get ULAB Young
Film Maker award.


Screening selection Certificate and gift

Competition selection Certificate and gift
Competition award BDT 100000, crest and certificate
1 Minute selection Certificate and gift
1 Minute award BDT 50000, crest and certificate


Please visit:

Website :
Facebook Link :
Cinemascope Alumni Association

CinemaScope Alumni Association (CAA) is a community of ex CinemaScope members whose

mandate is to use the network for their carrier development as well as support their fellow
CinemaScope Members in the pursuit of their goals.


To promote, connect and recognize CinemaScope Alumni Members through networking,

filmmaking, publication and organizing events.


An executive body is formed along with 9 members for a year in AGM by an election commission.

1. Convener (Alumni Member)

2. Internal affairs Secretary (Alumni Member)
3. External affairs Secretary (Alumni Member)
4. Financial Affairs Secretary (Alumni Member)
5. Executive Member (Alumni Member)
6. Executive Member (Alumni Member)
7. Executive Member (Alumni Member)
8. Honorary Member (Present CEO, CinemaScope)
9. Honorary Member (Instructor, CinemaScope)


 Have to get the certificate from CinemaScope

 Have to complete the graduation


Three members committee is responsible to elect executive body (1-7 from alumni) in every year at
the beginning of Spring semester. The members are,

1. Apprenticeship Coordinator/ Admin, Media Studies and Journalism Department

2. Alumni Coordinator/ Admin, Media Studies and Journalism Department
3. Adviser, CinemaScope


At least once in a semester


At least once in a year

BDT 500 only (Applicable from 2nd year)
No entry fee is required for registration

Pre-Event Slip
1. Topic Selection 29. Collecting Water Bottle, Tissue and
2. Deadline Setting etc.
3. Guest Selection 30. Sending the List of Total Participant
4. Budget Setting Up (including Registered Outsider +
5. Time Selection and Confirmation Ulabian) to the Security (with Name,
6. Making Proposal for Guest ID and Phone No)
7. Guest Confirmation
8. Venue Selection & Confirmation
9. Host Selection & Confirmation
10. Making Proposal for ULAB 31. Morning Checkup (all the plans)
11. Proposal Confirmation by ULAB 32. Time maintain according to the
12. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner proposal
Design 33. Attendance (by session)
13. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner 34. Uploading at least one photo or video
Confirmation & Going for print in the page of every session during the
14. POffline Branding (Poster, X Banner & session going on…
Outsider Banner Circulation) 35. Volunteer Management
15. Opening Up an event from 36. Certificate Handover
CinemaScope Page 37. Gift pack Handover
16. Online Branding 38. Remuneration Handover
17. Release of Registration Form 39. Event Evaluation (Everyday)
18. Volunteer Selection Post-Event
19. Fixing Up Volunteer
40. Expense Slip Return & Closing up all
20. Fixing Up the Photographer
the financial matter
21. Fixing up the Production Team for
41. Guest Remuneration Slip Submission
42. Uploading Photos related to
22. Media Lab Equipment Form Signature
everywhere online by 2 hour after the
from Instructor
event finishes
23. Making Host Script
24. Collection of Registered Participant
43. Uploading the documentation by 3
List days after the event finishes
25. Sending Certificate Design Info with 44. Post Event Online Coverage
Participant List to Instructor 45. Event Report Submission
26. Collecting Printed Certificate with 46. Evaluation Form Submission with
Signature Score
27. Collecting Gift Pack
28. Collecting Mentor’s Remuneration &

1. Topic Selection
2. Deadline Setting Event
3. Guest Speaker Selection 28. Morning Checkup (all the plans)
4. Budget Setting Up 29. Time maintain according to the
5. Time Selection and Confirmation proposal
6. Making Proposal for Guest 30. Attendance (by session)
7. Guest Speaker Confirmation 31. Uploading at least one photo or video
8. Host Selection & Confirmation in the page of every session during the
9. Venue Selection & Confirmation session going on…
10. Making Proposal for ULAB 32. Volunteer Management
11. Proposal Confirmation by ULAB 33. Gift pack Handover
12. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner 34. Event Evaluation (Everyday)
Design Post-Event
13. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner 35. Expense Slip Return & Closing up all
Confirmation & Going for print the financial matter
14. Offline Branding (Poster, X Banner & 36. Press Release for Media
Outsider Banner Circulation) 37. Uploading Photos related to
15. Opening Up an event from everywhere online by 2 hour after the
CinemaScope Page event finishes
16. Online Branding 38. Uploading the documentation by 3
17. Collecting Cinema with Subtitle days after the event finishes
18. Fixing Up Volunteer 39. Post Event Online Coverage
19. Fixing Up the Discussant Member 40. Event Report Submission
20. Fixing Up the Photographer 41. Evaluation Form Submission with
21. Fixing up Production Team for Score
22. Media Lab Equipment Form
Signature from Instructor
23. Making Host Script
24. Guest Confirmation (Final call)
25. Collecting Gift Pack
26. Collecting Water Bottle, Tissue and
27. Sending the List of Total Participant
(including Registered Outsider +
Ulabian) to the Security (with Name,
ID and Phone No)

1. Topic Selection
2. Deadline Setting
3. Mentor Selection 26. Morning Checkup (all the plans)
4. Budget Setting Up 27. Time maintain according to the
5. Time Selection and Confirmation
28. Attendance (by session)
6. Mentor Confirmation
29. Uploading at least one photo or
7. Venue Selection & Confirmation
video in the page of every session
8. Host Selection & Confirmation
during the session going on…
9. Making Proposal for ULAB
30. Volunteer Management
10. Proposal Confirmation by ULAB
31. Gift pack Handover
11. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner
32. Remuneration Handover
33. Event Evaluation (Everyday)
12. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner
Confirmation & Going for print Post-Event
13. POffline Branding (Poster, X Banner 34. Expense Slip Return & Closing up all
& Outsider Banner Circulation) the financial matter
14. Opening Up an event from 35. Guest Remuneration Slip
CinemaScope Page Submission
15. Online Branding 36. Press Release for Media
16. Fixing Up Volunteer 37. Uploading Photos related to
17. Fixing Up the Photographer everywhere online by 2 hour after
18. Fixing up the Production Team for the event finishes
documentation 38. Uploading the documentation by 3
19. Media Lab Equipment Form days after the event finishes
Signature from Instructor 39. Post Event Online Coverage
20. Making Host Script 40. Event Report Submission
21. Mentor Confirmation (Final call) 41. Evaluation Form Submission with
22. Collecting Gift Pack Score
23. Collecting Mentor’s Remuneration
& Slip
24. Collecting Water Bottle, Tissue and
25. Sending the List of Total
Participant (only CinemaScope
members) to the Security (with
Name, ID and Phone No)
1. Topic Selection
2. Deadline Setting Event
3. Communicate with Speaker 25. Morning Checkup (all the plans)
4. Budget Setting Up 26. Time maintain according to the
5. Time Selection and Confirmation proposal
27. Attendance (by session)
6. Speaker Confirmation
7. Venue Selection & Confirmation 28. Uploading at least one photo or video
8. Host Selection & Confirmation in the page of every session during
the session going on…
9. Making Proposal for ULAB
29. Volunteer Management
10. Proposal Confirmation by ULAB
30. Gift pack Handover
11. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner
Design Post-Event
12. Poster, X Banner, Outside Banner 31. Expense Slip Return & Closing up all
Confirmation & Going for print the financial matter
13. Offline Branding (Poster, X Banner 32. Press Release for Media
& Outsider Banner Circulation) 33. Uploading Photos related to
14. Opening Up an event from everywhere online by 2 hour after the
CinemaScope Page event finishes
15. Online Branding 34. Uploading the documentation by 3
days after the event finishes
16. Fixing Up Volunteer
35. Post Event Online Coverage
17. Fixing Up the Photographer
36. Event Report Submission
18. Fixing up the Production Team for
documentation 37. Evaluation Form Submission with
19. Media Lab Equipment Form
Signature from Instructor
20. Making Host Script
21. Speaker Confirmation (Final call)
22. Collecting Gift Pack
23. Collecting Water Bottle, Tissue and
24. Sending the List of Total Participant
(only CinemaScope members) to
the Security (with Name, ID and
Phone No)
1. Topic Selection
2. Book Selection
3. Chapter Selection
4. Discussant Selection
5. Communicate with Discussant
6. Time Selection and Confirmation
7. Host Selection & Confirmation
8. Offline Branding ( Handover X-banner to MSJ admin)
9. Online Post
10. Morning Checkup (all the plans)
11. Time maintain
12. Attendance
13. Uploading at least one photo or video in the page of every session during the session
going on…
14. Event Evaluation (Everyday)
15. Uploading Photos related to everywhere online. (Group, Page)
16. Attendance upload to the group
17. Event Report Submission
18. Evaluation Form Submission with Score
19. Collect the X-Banner for further use
1. Topic Selection
2. Discussant Selection
3. Communicate with Discussant
4. Time Selection and Confirmation
5. Host Selection & Confirmation
6. Offline Branding ( Handover X-banner to MSJ admin)
7. Online Post
8. Morning Checkup (all the plans)
9. Time maintain
10. Attendance
11. Uploading at least one photo or video in the page of every session during the session
going on…
12. Event Evaluation (Everyday)
Post Event
13. Uploading Photos related to everywhere online. (Group, Page)
14. Attendance upload to the group
15. Event Report Submission
16. Evaluation Form Submission with Score

Workshop on Acting
with Afsana Mimi
and BFTA
About CinemaScope Advanced Workshop
 CinemaScope arranges workshop program on different sectors of making a film.
 This will be the only workshop program of this semester
 Participation is open for all Ulabians by registration
 Supported by Department of Media Studies and Journalism, University of Liberal Arts
 We are planning to arrange the upcoming workshop on Acting. A concept of step by step
process of film making.

Objective of choosing ‘Acting’ as a workshop topic for Spring ’18 is to learn acting in terms
giving proper direction. Cinemascope apprentices are aspiring filmmakers, directing casts’
actions is also an important feature of filmmaking. Many are as well interested in acting. The
workshop would include acting in different situations of cinema, body language,
expressions, etc. This would help in proper execution of characters’ activity in future also;
bring out existing talent from the apprentices.

Afsana Mimi
Afsana Mimi is a very well-known face of television and film industry. She started her
career in media in 1990. Mimi has acted in few films, but she is mainly popular as a
television artist. She debut her acting career with the most popular television drama
“Kothao Keu Nei” by Humayun Ahmed. Mimi entered in film industry by acting in her first
movie “Modhumoti Ekti Nodir Nam” (A River Named Madhumati) in 1994. She has also
anchored a television show named “Moner Kotha”. As of August 2011 she has been directing
a Bengali film based on Muhammed Zafar Iqbal story Camp.

Event Details
Date: 7 June, 2018- 9 June, 2018
Time: 10.00 am- 5.00 pm
Venue: Auditorium, ULAB (Campus-A)
Mentor: Afsana Mimi
Host: Fabliha Nawar
Coordinator: Shaikh Al Dine
Assistant coordinators: MD. Hafizur Rahman

Participant Rules:
Open for ULABians by Registration

Registration Process: For Registration,

REX GOMES, MSJ Admin Officer, Campus B, ULAB
Contact @01876342927 (Workshop Head, CinemaScope)
Registration Fee:
For CinemaScope Members: 100 Taka
For CinemaScope Candidate Members: 200 Taka
For ULABIANS: 1000 Taka

Registration Deadline: 14 May, 2018


Program Schedule
1st DAY
09:00 am Introduction session
09:10 am Orientation and Introduction to Acting
01:00 pm Break
02:00 pm Theatre Games
04:30 pm Conclusion

2nd DAY
09:00 am Introduction session
09:10 am Psychological Journey
01:00 pm Break
02:00 pm Improvisation
04:30 pm Conclusion

3rd DAY

09:00 am Introduction session

09:10 am Screen Acting
01:00 pm Break
02:00 pm Gaining Report
04:30 pm Conclusion

Coordination Plan
Proposal Submission : May 15
Proposal Approval : May 22
Promotional Content Design : May 27
Promotional Content Design Approval : May 28
Promotional Content Print Out : May 30
Promotion (online & offline) : May 31 - June 06
Event Report Submission : June 09
Cost Submission and withdrawal (if any) : June 10
Item Amount/tk. Price/tk. Remark
Backdrop 1*448 448 MSJ Dept. Budget
External Banner 2*768 1536 MSJ Dept. Budget
Poster 15*35 525 MSJ Dept. Budget
X Banner 4*160 640 MSJ Dept. Budget
Honorium 4000*3 12000 MSJ Dept. Budget
Lunch 300*6 1800 MSJ Dept. Budget
Gift pack 1 - Communication Office
N.B: Lunch will be provided to the Guest Speaker and CinemaScope Instructor

Shaikh Al Dine
Head, Worksop Department, CinemaScope
Contact No.: 01876342927

Fabliha Nawar
Event Manager, CinemaScope
Cell: +8801790707700

Shrabonti Suchandrima
CEO, CinemaScope
Cell: +8801872227005

Thank You

Film Reading Session


Adaptation through
Satyajit Ray’s
Cinematic Eyes
About CinemaScope Film Reading Session
 Cinemascope arranges Film Reading Session sessions on different films to analyze the f
ilmography techniques and methods that filmmakers use to elucidate their art and mes
 This will be the 1st Film Reading Session of Summer 2018.
 Participation is open for all by registration.
 Supported by Department of Media Studies and Journalism, University of Liberal Arts B
 We are planning to arrange the upcoming Film Reading Session on Adaptation through
Satyajit Ray’s Cinematic Eyes.
Objectives of the Film Reading Session on Adaptation through Satyajit Ray's
Cinematic Eyes: March, 1895. It is a significant date as it is the birthdate of another art
form ‘Film’. It was started by two Lumiere Brothers showing people who were leaving the
factory and the rest is history. In the history of film, adaptation has gained the foremost
part of it starting with “The Kiss” and “The Great Train Robbery”; the first narrative film
was also an adaptation.
When we look back to our roots, it starts with honorable Hiralal Sen. His longest film titled
“Alibaba and the Forty Thieves” was an adaptation from Arabian Folklore later translated
into several versions by European Orientalists. The most celebrated director of Bengali
cinema, Satyajit Ray had opened his career through an adaptation of Bibhutibhushan
Bandyopadhyay’s ‘Pather Panchali’. So, world history and our native history of film are
mostly related with adaptation.
Great French theorist Andre Bazin’s “In defense of Mixed Media” and George Bluestone’s
“Novel to Film” are the most celebrated books and has set out some rules to read film
adaptation more closely.
But we are still in the dark on this question: ‘what is a good adaptation?’ What would be
the parameter of measuring or distinguishing between good or bad adaptation? On what
basis are we commenting ‘The film is not as good as the text’.
So, we will be trying to read the pros and cons of adaptation closely through Satyajit Ray’s
films which are all adapted from different Bengali writers’ works where some of film
academics will present their thought and experience on adaptation and hopefully we will
gain some insight from it.

Guest Speaker
Bidhan Rebeiro
Bidhan Rebeiro is the Feature Editor at NTV Online. He has been working in the journalism
sector since2005 and worked with several television channels. He was graduated in
Computer Science and completed his post-graduation from Mass Communication and
Journalism in Dhaka University, with the scholarship of Norwegian Government. His
notable books are Cholocchitro Path Sohayika (2011), Chalacchitra Bichar (2013),
Shahabag: Rajniti Dharama Chetona (2014), Bibidho Ovab : Leonardo Lalon Laca (2015),
Bollywood Bahas (2015) etc.
Event Details
Date: 7 June, 2018- 9 June, 2018
Time: 10.00 am- 5.00 pm
Venue: Screening Room(B101), ULAB (Campus-B)
Speaker: Bidhan Rebeiro
Host: Fabliha Nawar
Coordinator: Foysal Mahamood
Assistant coordinators: Srejan Ghanta Shoumik

Participant Rules:
Open for all by Registration.
For Registration Call @ 01910285456
Registration Deadline: 6 June, 2018

Program Schedule
1st DAY
10:00 am Introduction session
10:10 am 1st session- Aparajito (1956; Duration: 2h 7m)
12:20 pm Discussion (Discussant- Shrabonti Suchandrima)
01:00 pm Break
01:30 pm 2nd session- Mahanagar (1963; Duration: 2h 16m)
03:50 pm Discussion (Discussant- Foysal Mahamood)
04:30 pm Conclusion

2nd DAY
10:00 am Introduction session
10:10 am 1st session- Charulata (1964; Duration: 1h 57m)
12:10 pm Discussion (Discussant- Bidhan Chandra Das)
12:50 pm Conclusion

3rd DAY
10:00 am Introduction session
10:10 am 1st session- Aranyer Din Ratri (1970; Duration: 1h 55m)
12:10 pm Discussion (Discussant- Fabliha Nawar)
12:50 pm Break
01:10 pm 2nd session- Jana Aranya (1976; Duration: 2h 11m)
03:30 pm Guest Discussion (Discussant- Bidhan Reberio)
04:30 pm Conclusion
Coordination Plan
Proposal Submission : May 15
Proposal Approval : May 22
Promotional Content Design : May 27
Promotional Content Design Approval : May 28
Promotional Content Print Out : May 30
Promotion (online & offline) : May 31 - June 06
Event Report Submission : June 09
Cost Submission and withdrawal (if any) : June 10

Item Amount/ Tk Price/ Tk Remark
External Banner 1*768 768 MSJ Dept. Budget
Poster 25*35 875 MSJ Dept. Budget
X Banner 4*160 640 MSJ Dept. Budget
Gift pack 1 Communication Office

Foysal Mahamood
Head, Screening Department, CinemaScope
Cell: +8801910285456

Fabliha Nawar
Event Manager, CinemaScope
Cell: +8801790707700

Shrabonti Suchandrima
CEO, CinemaScope
Cell: +8801872227005

Thank You

Master Class on
Satyajit Ray’s Art of
About CinemaScope Master Class
 Cinemascope arranges Master Class on different film theories/philosophies to
enlighten the aesthetic sense of film enthusiasts.
 This will be the 6th master class.
 Participation is only for CinemaScope Members.
 Supported by Department of Media Studies and Journalism, University of Liberal Arts
 We are planning to arrange the upcoming master class on Satyajit Ray’s Art of
The objective of the master class is to dissect the work of the renowned director and
screenplay writer Satyajit Ray so as to obtain from within his art, the aesthetic of
successfully adapting enticing stories or novels into worthwhile films. The understanding of
the technique of adaptations is crucial for any and every one willing to garner the
knowledge, much like the Cinemascope apprentices. It is important to mention that Satyajit
Ray took some of the more significant Bengali literature based texts and converted them
into deeply heartfelt adaptations. Those very adaptations inspire new aspiring film makers
to this day. Some of the names of the Bengali literature texts turned adaptations are:
“PatherPanchali” by BibhutibhushanBandyopadhay, “Charulata” by Rabindranath Tagore,
“Ghare-Baire” by Rabindranath Tagore, “Kapurush” by PremendraMitra, “Abhijan” by
TarasankarBandyopadhay, “Mahanagar” by NarendranathMitra and so on and so forth.


Zahed Ur Rahman is a film critic and journalist. He is working as a teacher at
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh and Independent University of Bangladesh.

Event Details
Date: 13.04.2018
Time: 10.00am-5.00pm
Venue: Seminar Room, ULAB (Campus-B)
Speaker: Zahed Ur Rahman
Host: Shrabonti Suchandrima
Coordinator: Bidhan Chandra Das
Assistant coordinators: Zareen Nawar

Participant Rules:
Only for CinemaScope Members
Program Schedule
10:00am Introduction session
10:10am 1st session of Master Class
12:30pm Lunch break
02:00pm 2nd session of Master Class
04:30pm Question Answer Session
05:00pm Ending session

Coordination Plan
Proposal Submission : May 15
Proposal Approval : May 22
Promotional Content Design : May 27
Promotional Content Design Approval : May 28
Promotional Content Print Out : May 30
Promotion (online & offline) : May 31 - June 06
Event Report Submission : June 09
Cost Submission and withdrawal (if any) : June 10

Item Amount/ Tk Price/ Tk Remark
External banner 2*768 1536 MSJ Dept. Budget
Poster 15*35 525 MSJ Dept. Budget
Backdrop 1*448 448 MSJ Dept. Budget
X banner 4*160 640 MSJ Dept. Budget
Lunch 2*300 600 MSJ Dept. Budget
Honorium 4000*1 4000 MSJ Dept. Budget
Gift Pack (Special) 1 1 Communication
 Lunch will be provided to the Guest Speaker, and CinemaScope Instructor

Bidhan Chandra Das
Head, Research & Publication Dept., Cinemascope
Cell: +8801674933324

Fabliha Nawar
Event Manager, CinemaScope
Cell: +8801790707700

Shrabonti Suchandrima
CEO, Cinemascope
Cell: +8801872227005
Thank You

Seminar on
Problems and prospects of film distribution:
A case of ‘Kingdom of Clay Subjects’
About CinemaScope Seminar
 Cinemascope arranges Seminar on different contemporary film issue/ film theories to
enlighten the aesthetic sense of film enthusiasts.
 This will be the 1st Seminar.
 Participation is open for all by registration.
 Supported by Department of Media Studies and Journalism, University of Liberal Arts
 We are planning to arrange the upcoming seminar on Problems and prospects of film
distribution: A case of ‘Kingdom of Clay Subjects’

The objective of this seminar is to learn better and thoroughly about the job of a film
branding and the responsibilities. As studying Cinema is one of the main objectives of
Cinemascope (ULAB Film Apprenticeship Program), we organize several events where we
learn and study te key elements of filmmaking. In order to maintain the continuity,
Cinemascope wants to arrange a seminar on Problems and prospects of film distribution: A
case of ‘Kingdom of Clay Subjects’ for better understanding of the job and the processes
involved. For this we selected Arifur Rahman, as our speaker. Kingdom of Clay Subjects is
upcoming film of Arifur Rahman as producer.

Arifur Rahman is the Producer of the film “Kingdom of Clay Subjects”. It’s an independent film from
Bangladesh while has played around the world in many different prestigious film festivals including
42nd Seattle International Film Festival, Cinequest Film Festival, Silk Road International Film
Festival. The film won the award of Best Film at Chicago South Asian Film Festival. Now, it’s about
to release in theaters in Bangladesh after a long wait. “Kingdom of Clay Subjects” contains a
message of hope and humanity in an artistic way and we believe that young curious minds of your
University would really appreciate the film. And the film hope to Invoke thoughts from their side
about Bangladeshi transitions compared to human dignity.

Event Details
Date: 13.04.2018
Time: 10.00am-5.00pm
Venue: Seminar Room, ULAB (Campus-B)
Speaker: Arifur Rahman
Host: Shrabonti Suchandrima
Coordinator: Bidhan Chandra Das
Assistant coordinators: Zareen Nawar

Participant Rules:
Only for All by Registration
For Registration Call @ 01910285456
Registration Deadline: 11 March, 2018
Program Schedule
3:00 pm Welcome speech by Shrabonti Suchandrima, CEO, CinemaScope
3:15 pm Speech of Mr. Arifur Rahman, Producer, Kingdom of Clay Subjects
4:00 pm Question and answer session
4:45 pm Vote of thanks by Bidhan Chandra Das, Head of R & P, CinemaScope
5:00 pm Token of appreciation followed by photo session

Coordination Plan
Proposal Submission : May 15
Proposal Approval : May 22
Promotional Content Design : May 27
Promotional Content Design Approval : May 28
Promotional Content Print Out : May 30
Promotion (online & offline) : May 31 - June 06
Event Report Submission : June 09
Cost Submission and withdrawal (if any) : June 10

Item Amount/ Tk Price/ Tk Remark
External banner 2*768 1536 MSJ Dept. Budget
Poster 15*35 525 MSJ Dept. Budget
Backdrop 1*448 448 MSJ Dept. Budget
X banner 4*160 640 MSJ Dept. Budget
Gift Pack (Special) 1 1 Communication

Bidhan Chandra Das
Head, Research & Publication Dept., Cinemascope
Cell: +8801674933324

Fabliha Nawar
Event Manager, CinemaScope
Cell: +8801790707700

Shrabonti Suchandrima
CEO, Cinemascope
Cell: +8801872227005

Thank You
Participant Evaluation Form

Date Day

Event Title

Event Type Workshop Master class Screening Show & Tale Others
⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝


Feed your answer with some ink; like this:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. The event was well organized
2. Event objectives were introduced clearly and met
3. This event increased my knowledge and skills
4. The event was compatible with the Event title
5. The event was feedback generating
6. The materials were appropriate for the program
7. Was the event above your current skill level?

1. Introducing with new lesson
2. Setting mood for learning
3. The information and skills presented were relevant and useful
4. Attitude of Mentor was positive
5. The mentor(s) provided adequate time for questions and answered them
Suggestions for improving this Event:

Areas/topics about which you would like to receive further Event:

Thank You

Certificate of Participation
This is to certify that

(Participant Name)

has successfully participated a three days long

workshop on Mise-En-Scene
conducted by Zahidur Rahim Anjan & Amitabh Reza Chowdhury
held on January 8,9 and 14, 2018

We wish him success in his film career.

Workshop Mentor Workshop Mentor Advisor, Cinemascope

Zahidur Rahim Anjan Amitabh Reza Chowdhury Mohammad Shazzad Hossain
Filmmaker Filmmaker Assistant Professor,MSJ- ULAB

আমরা সিনেমা খাই ,সিনেমা পসি ,সিনেমায় ঘুমাই

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