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cf} F
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

"k|ultsf] cfwf/, sfdgf ;]jf ;Fu sf/f]af/"

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

!$ cf}F jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efsf emnsx?

-ldlt @)&& k'; @( ut], sf7df8f}+_

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+ssf]

;+lIfKt kl/ro
sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s, g]kfn ;/sf/, sDkgL
/lhi6«f/sf] sfof{nodf btf{ g+ ((&.)^#.^$ af6 btf{ eO{ g]kfn
/fi6« a}+saf6 ævÆ ju{sf] a+}lsª sf/f]af/ ug{ Ohfhtkqk|fKt
/fli6«o :t/sf] ljsf; a}+s xf] . ;fljs sfdgf ljsf; a}+ssf]
?kdf ldlt @)^$.)^.@$ ut] g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 ljQLo
sf/f]af/ ug{sf] nflu Ohfhtkqk|fKt u/L] @)^$.)&.@& ut] b]lv
s]Gb|Lo sfof{no n]vgfy l:yt 8fF8fsf]gfsdf /fvL
sf/f]af/ z'ef/De u/]sf] lyof] . ldlt @)&#.)#.)^ ut]
sf:sL lhNnfsf] kf]v/f Go'/f]8df s]Gb|Lo sfof{no /x]sf]
/fli6«o :t/sf] sf:sL kmfOgfG; lnld6]8;Fu dh{
u/]kl5 /fli6«o :t/sf] ljsf; a+}ssf] ?kdf sfo{
ub{} cfO/x]sf] sfdgf ljsf; a}+s / !) lhNNff
sfo{If]q ePsf] ?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] a'6jn *, k'iknfnkfs{df
s]Gb|Lo sfof{no /x]sf] ;]jf ljsf; a+}saLr ldlt
@)&$.)$.@) ut] Psfk;df dh{ ePkl5 kf]v/f
n]vgfy *, l;h{gfrf]sdf s]Gb|Lo sfof{no /fvL sf/f]af/
ub}{ cfPsf] a}+s ldlt @)&$ ;fn r}q dlxgf )^ ut] b]lv
s]Gb|Lo sfof{no sf7df8f}+ #), 1fg]Zj/, cfgGbe}/j l:yt cfˆg}
cTofw'lgs ;'ljwf ;DkGg ejgdf :yfgfGt/0f ul/ sf/f]jf/
ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

sfdgf ljsf; sf:sL kmfOgfG;

a}+s lnld6]8

sfdgf ljsf; a}+s ;]jf ljsf; a}+s


sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}Fs


k|ltj4tf / ;+nUgtf
cfb/0fLo u|fxs dxfg'efjx? tyf cfd pkef]Qmfx?sf ct'ngLo cfjZostf
kl/k"lt{sf nflu / pxfFx?sf] ck]lIft dfux? k"/f u/L v'zL / ;Gt'li6 k|bfg ug{
a}+sn] ljleGg lsl;dsf cTofw'lgs k|ljlwo'St ;]jfx? lbg sl6j4 /x]sf] 5 .
æk|ultsf] cfwf/, sfdgf ;]jf ;Fu sf/f]af/Æ eGg] d'n dGqsf;fy sfdgf
;]jf ljsf; a}+s cfˆgf d"Nojfg\ ;]jfu|fxLx?nfO{ pRr zfnLgtf / ;b\efj;lxt
u'0f:t/Lo pTkfbg / ;]jf k|bfg ug{ ;dlk{t 5 .

;an kIfx?
♦ Compliance -cg'kfng_
♦ Governance -;'zf;g_
♦ Risk Management -hf]lvd Joj:yfkg_
♦ Comprehensive Network -j[xQ/ zfvf ;~hfn_
♦ Strong Management -;jn Joj:yfkg_
♦ Service excellence -;jf]{Ts[i6 ;]jf _

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Provide smart, convenient &
reliable financial solutions to
our valued customers through
our happy employees.

Become a distinct National Level
Development Bank by continuously
delivering superior customer
service and promoting welfare
of stakeholders thus making
significant contribution to Nation

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Pursuit of Excellence:
The Bank shall always strive to bring continuous improvement
and excellence in products, processes, and services.

Customer Focus:
The bank shall always place customer’s interest at the center
while making decisions.

Corporate Governance:
The Bank shall endeavor to attain highest level of corporate
governance and not mere compliance.

The Bank shall always look forward to collaborative
opportunities and achieve common goals.

Business Ethics:
The Bank shall follow highest standard of business integrity &

The Bank shall leverage innovation to serve customers better.

Strategic Orientation:
The Bank shall derive its competitive edge from its ability to
link its goal with well-articulated & coherent strategy.

The Bank shall follow highest standard of professionalism
which is key to enhancing quality and efficiency.

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

2020 ♦ Bank crossed its Balance
Sheet Size to above 100
♦ Bank crossed its Billion.
Portfolio to above 50 ♦ Depository Participants
Billion License obtained.
♦ Awarded with Highest ♦ Awarded with Highest
Tax Payer for the first Tax Payer for the second
time. time.
♦ Appointed ♦ Issued Debenture (First
Independent & Female Development Bank to
Director as Board issue Debenture)
♦ Obtained Market Maker
♦ Made huge investment License.
in IT Infrastructure
♦ KSBBL share has been
listed as A Class Script

♦ Launched Kamana
Sewa Remit.
♦ Expansion of
footprint in
Kathmandu Valley.

♦ Kamana Bikas Bank
and Sewa Bikas Bank
was merged and
named as Kamana
Sewa Bikas Bank.
♦ Shifted to Corporate
Office in Gyaneshwor
Kathmandu in its
own building.

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Recognition and Awards

Awarded As Highest Tax Payer.

MBL Corporate Super Sixes 2020,

Season 6 Champion

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Digital Communication
and Awareness
-l8lh6n ;+rf/ / ;r]tgf_
u|fxs ju{x?df sf]le8sf] c;/af/] hfgsf/L
lng tyf sf]le8 ;+s|ldt u|fxsx?nfO{
dgf]an pRr /fVg] x]t'n] kmf]g ;+Dks{ ul/Psf]
Waiver on the charges lyof] . ;fy}, sf]le8sf] ;+s|d0f pRr /xbfF;Dd
for interbank digital l8lh6n a+}lsª dfkm{t sf/f]af/ ug{ ;'emfj
transactions during tyf l8lh6n a+}lsª k|of]u / To;sf] kmfObfaf/]
Lockdown period
hfgsf/L u/fpg] sfo{ ul/Psf] lyof] .
-l8lh6n sf/f]af/df 5'6_
aGbfaGbLsf] cjlwe/ l8lh6n a}+lsªsf]
-cGt/ a}+s Pl6d 6ld{gn k|of]u ubf{
nfUg]_ z'Nsx?df /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb{]zg
adf]lhd 5'6 lbOPsf] lyof] .

By Bank
gf]j]n sf]/f]gf efO{/;n] xfdL ;a}sf]
lbgrof{nfO{ kl/jt{g u/L lbPsf] 5 . o;n]
xfd|f] :jf:Yo nufot ljZj cy{tGqnfO{ g}
7"nf] c;/ kf/]sf] 5 . o; ljsf; a}+sn]
cfˆgf] ;]jf ;~rfngsf bf}/fg ckgfPsf
/0fgLltx? lgDg adf]lhd /x]sf 5g\ .

Sanitization and
Social Distancing
(lgd{lns/0f tyf ;fdflhs b'/L_
u|fxs tyf sd{rf/Lx?sf] :jf:YonfO{ klxnf] k|fyldstfdf
/fvL df:s, k~hf, :ofgL6fO{h/, km];l;N8, xft w'g]
Joj:yf / lgoldt sfo{sIfx? lgd{lns/0f ug]{ sfo{x?
ul/of] . To;} u/L sfof{no leq k|j]z ug]{ JolQmsf]
tfkqmd gfKg] Joj:yf ldnfO{of] . ;]jf ln+bf jf lb+bf / Work from Home Access
sd{rf/Lx? aLrdf klg oy]i6 b'/L sfod u/L sfo{ -3/af6 sfd ug]{ Joj:yf_
ug]{ Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . o; cjlwdf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ O{G6/g]6sf] dfWodaf6
3/af6} sfd ug]{ Joj:yf ul/of] . o;n] ubf{ u|fxsx?nfO{
lbg' kg]{ ;]jfdf sdL x'g lbOPg . Go"gtd sd{rf/Lx? /fvL
zfvf sfof{no tyf ljleGg ljefux? ;~rfngdf NofOof] .
To;} u/L sd{rf/Lx?sf] a}7s tyf tflnd cgnfO{gaf6
g} ;DkGg ul/of] . zfvfsf sd{rf/LnfO{ l;k tyf ¡ffg
clej[l¢ ug]{ x]t'n] ljleGg tflndx? lbOof] .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Demat Service
KS Insta Account o; a}+sn] l8Dof6 vftf vf]Ng ;Sg]
o; ;dodf a}+sn] Uf|fxsx?n] 3/df g} a;]/ ;'ljwf ;d]t ;~rfngdf NofPsf] 5 . Social Media Banking
cgnfOg dfkm{t ;/nLs[t s]=jfO{=l;df h;n] u|fxs dxfg'efjx?nfO{ z]o/ vl/b o; ;dodf a}+sn] km];a's d];]~h/ / efO{a/
cfwfl/t art vftf vf]Ng ;lsg] ;]jf laqmL ug{ ;xhtf k|bfg ug{]5 . d];]~h/ dfkm{t Rof6 u/]/ a}+ssf] ;]jf tyf
;~rfngdf NofPsf] 5 . ;'ljwfx? k|fKt ug{ ;lsg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 .

New Products
& Services cgnfOg shf{ cfj]bg
u|fxsx?nfO{ ;xhLs/0f ub}{ cgnfOg shf{
cfj]bgsf] ;'ljwf klg yk u/]sf 5f} . ca
u|fxs dxfg'efjx? a}+s kl/;/df pkl:yt
geO{sg klg cfˆgf] cfjZostf cg';f/g}
shf{ cfj]bg lbg ldNg] Joj:yf
ul/Psf] 5 .

Dff]afO{n a+}lsª dfkm{t d'2tL vftfdf Od]n cn{6 df]8"on

/sd /fVg ;lsg] Joj:yf o; ;dodf a+}sn] k|To]s u|fxsx?sf] vftfdf ePsf]
o; ;dodf a+}sn] sf]le8 !( sf] c;/nfO{ sd
sf/f]af/sf] ljj/0f Od]n dfkm{Tf u|fxsnfO{ k7fpg]
ug{sf] lgldQ u|fxs dxfg'efjx?n] 3/df g} a;]/
Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . pQm ;'ljwf dfkm{t olb s'g}
cfˆgf] art vftfdf ePsf] /snfO{ d'2tL vftfdf
sf/0fn] a+}lsª sf/f]af/sf] P;=Pd=P; k|fKt gePsf]
/fVgsf] lgldQ df]jfO{n a+}lsª dfkm{t cg'/f]w ug{
v08df Od]n cn{6 dfkm{t t'?Gt} hfgsf/L k|fKt ug{
;lsg] Joj:yfsf] :f'?jft ul/Psf] 5 .
;Sg' x'g]5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Core Financial Highlights

Deposit Lending
This Year: NPR 45.31 Bn This Year: NPR 40.45 Bn
Last Year: NPR 32.97 Bn Last Year: NPR 27.55 Bn
37.43% 46.83%

Investment Balance Sheet Size

This Year: 4.97 Bn This Year: NPR 102.61 Bn
Last Year: 5.76 Bn Last Year: NPR 73.24 Bn
(13.66%) 40.10%

Share Capital
This Year: 2.65 Bn
Last Year: 2.54 Bn

Reserve & Surplus

This Year: 1.61%
This Year: 658.76 Mn Last Year: 1.79%
Last Year: 544.15 Mn (10.06%)

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

of Staffs Total Loan
This Year: 905 Account
Last Year: 878 This Year: 29,114
4.10% Last Year: 22,070

Total Deposit
Account Number of
This Year: 388,457
Extension Counters
Last Year: 301,782 This Year: 1
28.72% Last Year: 0

Number of
This Year: 129
Last Year: 124
4.02% Debit Card
Number of This Year: 68,360
Last Year: 31,792
ATM Machines 115%
This Year: 71
Last Year: 64

Internet Banking
This Year: 6,682
QR Last Year: 4,779
This Year: 7,289
Last Year: 669

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Core Financial Highlights

1. Value Added Statement
The value-added statement shows how much value (wealth) has been created by the bank through utilization of its
capacity, capital, manpower and other resources and allocated the same to the stakeholders, employees, government,
community, shareholder and expansion and growth of the Bank.

Value added statement depicts the profit generated by collective effort of management, employees, capital and its
utilization which is distributed among its various stakeholder.
Amount in million
Particulars 2077/78 2076/77 Changes
Interest Earned 4,090.31 3,530.98 15.84%
Other Income 598.37 229.30 160.95%
Interest Expense 2,554.04 2,383.85 7.14%
Other Operating Expenses 264.71 317.89 -16.73%
Value Added by Banking Services 1,869.94 1,058.55 76.65%
Impairment 272.11 315.71 -13.81%
Gross Value Added 1,597.82 742.84 115.10%
Application Statement
To Employees
Salaries and other Benefits 623.46 489.36 27.40%

To Government

Income Taxes 269.56 53.38 405.01%

To Community

Corporate Social Responsibility 5.98 1.20 399.65%

To Share Holders
Dividend and Bonus Share 522.86 106.14 392.59%
To Expansion and Growth
Reserve and Accumulated Profit 69.34 12.38 460.15%
Depriciation and Amortization 116.12 89.37 29.94%
Deffered Taxation (9.50) (8.99) 5.66%
Total Value Added - Allocation 1,597.82 742.84 115.10%

The value added by the Bank stood at NPR 1,597.82 Million as on Asar End 2078 compared to NPR 742.84 Million in
previous year.

Application of Value Added

Chart Title

To Employees (38.47%)
To Government (17.05%)
To Community (0.38%)
To Share Holders (27.87%)
To Expansion and Growth (16.24%)
1 2 3 4 5

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

2. Market Value Added

Market value is the difference between the market value and total book value of the bank. It shows the difference between
the current market value of the bank and capital contributed by investors. It is the sum of all capital claims held against the
bank plus the market value of debt and equity. Positive market value added depicts the bank has added value.
Amount in million
Particulars 2077/78 2076/77
Market Price per share 580 145
Number of shares (in Million) 26.52 25.40
Total Market Value 15,381.39 3,683.28
Book Value per Share 145 126.13
Number of shares (in Million) 26.52 25.40
Total Book Value 3,838.24 3,204.06
Market Value Added (in Million) 11,543.15 479.23

The total market value of the Bank has increase by NPR 11,063.92 Million and has reached to NPR 11,543.15. Similarly, the
total book value of the shares stands at NPR 3,838.24 Million which saw the rise of 19.79%. With the increase in market
value of shares and book value of shares of the Bank the total market value added in the FY 2077-78, has reached to NPR
11,543.15 Million as compared NPR 479.23 Million in the previous year.

3. Economic Value Added

Economic Value Added (EVA) is a financial performance measurement tool which is an estimate of a Bank’s economic
profit, or the value created in excess of the required return of the Bank’s shareholders. EVA is the profit earned by the Bank
less the cost of financing the Bank’s capital.
Amount in million
Particulars 2077/78 2076/77
Net Operating Profit after tax 598.18 119.72
Average Shareholder Fund 3,521.15 3,224.64
Cost of Capital 10% 10%
Cost of Capital Employed 352.11 322.46
Economic Value Added 246.06 (202.74)

The bank has generated Economic Value Added of NPR 246.06 Million as on Asar 2078 which was NPR (202.74) Million on
Asar 2077. Cost of capital employed is assumed to be averaging around 10% which is slighly higher than the risk-free rate
due to inclusion of market risk premium.

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s lnld6]8

1fg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+
k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ug]{ lgj]bg kmf/fd

>L ;~rfns ;ldlt

sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s lnld6]8
s]Gb|Lo sfof{no, sf7df8f+}–#), 1fg]Zj/
sf7df8f+} .
ljifo M k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/]sf] af/] .
==================================lhNnf======================================ufpFkflnsf÷gu/kflnsf÷pk÷dxf÷gu/kflnsf j8f g+===========j:g]
d÷xfdL========================================= n] To; a}+ssf] z]o/wgLsf] x}l;otn] ldlt @)&* ;fn sflt{s @# sf lbg x'g] kGw|f}+ jflif{s
;fwf/0f;efdf :jod\ pkl:yt eO{ 5nkmn tyf lg0f{odf ;xefuL x'g g;Sg] ePsfn] pQm ;efdf d]/f]÷xfd|f] tkm{af6 efu lng tyf
dtbfg ug{sf nflu =======================lhNnf===================== ufpFkflnsf÷gu/kflnsf÷pk÷dxf÷gu/kflnsf j8f g+=======j:g] >L ==
===========================================nfO{ d]/f]÷xfd|f] k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/L k7fPsf] 5'÷5f}+ . ;fy}, lgh JolQm afx]s c? s;}nfO{ k|ltlglw
-k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm u/]sf] 5}g÷5}gf}+ .

k|ltlglwsf] lgj]bssf]
b:tvt M======================================= b:tvtM=======================================
gfd M gfd M
7]ufgf M 7]ufgf M
z]o/wgL g+= z]o/wgL g+= M
lxtu|fxL -l8–Dof6_ g++= M lxtu|fxL -l8–Dof6_ g++= M
s'n z]o/ ;+Vof M s'n z]o/ ;+Vof M
ldlt M ldlt M
b|i6Jo M of] lgj]bg ;fwf/0f;ef x'g'eGbf sDtLdf $* 306f cufj} a}+ssf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{nodf k]z u/L ;Sg'kg]{5 . z]o/wgL afx]s cGo
JolQmnfO{ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s lnld6]8
1fg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+

o; ljsf; a}+ssf] ldlt @)&*÷)&÷@# -tbg';f/ )( gf]e]Da/, @)@!_ sf lbg x'g] kGw|f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efdf efu lng of]
k|j]zkq hf/L ul/Psf] 5 .
z]o/wgLsf] gfd M
z]o/wgL g+=
lxtu|fxL -l8–Dof6_ g++= M
s'n z]o/ ;+Vof M sDkgL ;lrj

-;ef sIfdf k|j]z ug{ of] k|j]z kq clgjfo{ ?kdf lnO{ cfpg' x'g cg'/f]w 5 ._
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

ljifo ;"rL

kGw|f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef ;DaGwL ;"rgf @)

cWoIfsf] dGtJo @&
k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tsf] dGtJo @(
cWoIfåf/f k|:t't ;~rfns ;ldltsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg #$
lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL, @)&# sf] lgod @^ sf] pklgod @ ;Fu ;DalGwt $%
;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj %$
;~rfns ;ldlt tyf ;~rfns :t/sf cGo k|d'v ;ldltx? %&
n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg ^!
jf;nft ^$
gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa ^%
cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgLsf] ljj/0f ^^
OSjL6Ldf ePsf] kl/jt{g ;DaGwL ljj/0f ^&
gub k|jfx ljj/0f ^*
k|d'v n]vf gLltx? tyf n]vf ;DaGwL l6Kk0fLx? &)
Basel II Related Disclosures !@%
k|aGwkqdf ;+zf]wg k|:tfj ;lxtsf] # dxn] ljj/0f !@(
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] :jLs[lt kq !#)
g]kfn /fi6« a+}ssf] lgb]{zg pk/ a+}ssf] hjfkm !#!

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

kGw|f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef ;DaGwL ;"rgf

-k|yd k6s k|sflzt ldlt M @)&* c;f]h dlxgf @^ ut], sf/f]af/ /fli6«o b}lgs_

cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?,

o; sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+ssf] ldlt @)&*÷)^÷@% ut] a;]sf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] #!^ cf}+ a}7såf/f ul/Psf] lg0f{ofg';f/ o; a}+ssf] kGw|f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef
lgDg lnlvt ldlt, ;do / :yfgdf lgDg ljifox?df 5nkmn tyf lg0f{o ug{ a:g] ePsf] x'Fbf ;Dk"0f{ z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?sf] hfgsf/L Pj+ pkl:yltsf] nflu
xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ .
;ef a:g] ldlt, ;do / :yfg
ldlt M @)&* ;fn sflt{s @# ut] d+unaf/, -tbg';f/ )( gf]e]Da/ @)@!_ .
;do M laxfg !) ah] .
:yfg M kfs{ len]h l/;f]6{, a"9fgLns07, sf7df8f}+ .
-;~rfns lgjf{rgdf dtbfg ug{sf nflu sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf &! sf] pkbkmf @ / # adf]lhd z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx? :jod\ pkl:ylt e} jf k|f]S;Lsf]
dfWodaf6 dtbfgdf efu lng ;Sg' x'g]5 . sf]le8—!( sf] hf]lvd sfod} /x]sf] kl/l:yltdf hd36 sd ug]{ p2]Zon] oyf;Dej k|f]S;L dfkm{t lgjf{rgdf efu
lng cg'/f]w ul/G5_ .
5nkmnsf ljifox? M
s= ;fdfGo k|:tfjx? M
!= cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg dfly 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ .
@= n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg ;lxtsf]] cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* sf]] jflif{s cfly{s ljj/0f -cfiff9 d;fGt @)&* sf] jf;nft, cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf]
gfkmf÷gf]S;fg lx;fa / ;f]xL cjlwsf] gub k|jfx ljj/0f, gfkmf÷gf]S;fg afF8kmfF6 lx;fa, O{lSj6Ldf ePsf] kl/jt{g nufot jflif{s cfly{s ljj/0f;Fu
;Da4 cg';"rLx?_ pk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ .
#= ;~rfns ;ldltn] k|:tfj u/] adf]lhd cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf] d'gfkmf tyf ;+lrt d'gfkmf /sd ;d]taf6 o; ljsf; a}+ssf] xfn sfod r'Qmf k"FhL
?= @,^%,!(,^#,&#!=%( sf] )=(& k|ltztn] x'g cfpg] gub nfef+z ?= @,%&,@$,)$*=@) -cIf/]kL b'O{ s/f]8 ;GtfpGg nfv rf}la; xhf/ c7\rfln;
?k}ofF / aL; k};f dfq_ af]g; z]o/df nfUg] s/ k|of]hgfy{ ljt/0f ug]{ k|:tfjpk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ .
$= a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, @)&# sf] bkmf ^# tyf sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf !!! cg';f/ cf=j= @)&*÷)&( sf] n]vfk/LIf0f ug{
n]vfk/LIfssf] lgo'lQm tyf lghsf] kfl/>lds lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
%= ;+:yfks ;d"xaf6 # hgf / ;j{;fwf/0f ;d"xaf6 # hgf u/L hDdf ^ hgf ;~rfnssf] lgjf{rg ug]{ .
v= ljz]if k|:tfjx?M
!= ;~rfns ;ldltn] k|:tfj u/] adf]lhd cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf] d'gfkmf tyf ;+lrt d'gfkmf /sd ;d]taf6 o; ljsf; a}+ssf] xfn sfod r'Qmf k"FhL
?= @,^%,!(,^#,&#!=%( sf] !*=%) k|ltztsf b/n] x'g] /sd ?= $(,)^,!#,@()=#$ -cIf/]kL pgGrf; s/f]8 5 nfv t]x| xhf/ b'O{ ;o gAa] ?k}ofF / rf}+lt; k};f dfq_
af]g; z]o/ ljt/0f ug]{ ljz]if k|:tfj pk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ . ;fy}, af]g; z]o/ hf/L kZrft\ sfod x'g cfpg] leGg c+s -Fraction_ nfO{
eljiodf ;dfof]hg ug]{ u/L oyfjt /fVg] .
@= ljz]if k|:tfj -k|:tfj g+= !_ kfl/t eP cg';f/ x'g]u/L hf/L tyf r'Qmf k"FhL j[l4 ug{ ljsf; a}+ssf] k|aGwkqdf cfjZos ;+zf]wg ug]{ ;DaGwL k|:tfj
kfl/t ug]{ .
#= clws[t k"FhL j[l4 ug{ ljsf; a}+ssf] k|aGwkqdf cfjZos ;+zf]wg ug]{ ;DaGwL k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
$= a}+ssf] k|aGwkq tyf lgodfjnLsf] ;+zf]wgsf ;DaGwdf lgodgsf/L lgsfoaf6 s'g} yk36, kl/dfh{g jf ;+zf]wgsf] lgb]{zg k|fKt ePdf ;f]xL adf]lhd
ug{ u/fpg ;~rfns ;ldlt jf ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] JolQmnfO{ clVtof/L lbg] ;DaGwL k|:tfj kfl/t ug]{ .
%= o; sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s lnld6]8 / Ohfhtkq k|fKt cGo pko'Qm a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx? Pscfk;df k|flKt / ufEg] jf ufleg] -Merger/
Acquisition_ k|of]hgsf nflu pko'Qm a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] klxrfg ug]{, pko'Qm b]lvPdf ;f] ;DaGwL ;dembf/L kq -MOU_ df x:tfIf/
ug]{ tyf ;f]sf] cfwf/df ;}4flGts :jLs[ltsf nflu g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf lgj]bg lbg], ;DklQ tyf bfloTj d'Nofª\sg -DDA_ ;DaGwL sfo{ ug]{, ;f]sf] nflu
n]vfk/LIfs lgo'Qm ug]{, lghsf] kfl/>lds tf]Sg] nufotsf cfjZos ;Dk"0f{ sfo{x? ug{ u/fpg ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ clVtof/L lbg] .

u= ljljw M
;fwf/0f;ef ;DaGwL yk hfgsf/L
!= o; kGw|f}F jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef k|of]hgsf] nflu a}+ssf] z]o/wgL btf{ k'l:tsf ldlt @)&*÷)&÷!) ut] Ps lbg aGb /xg]5 . z]o/wgL btf{ k'l:tsf
aGb ePsf] ldlt @)&*÷)&÷!) eGbf cl3Nnf] lbg;Dd sf/f]af/ eO{ k|rlnt lgodadf]lhd o; ljsf; a}+ssf] z]o/ /lhi6«f/ la=cf]=s]= Soflk6n
dfs]{6 ln= sf7df8f}+df k|fKt z]o/ gfd;f/Lsf] lnvtsf] cfwf/df z]o/wgL btf{ lstfjdf sfod z]o/wgLx?n] dfq pQm ;fwf/0f;efdf efu lng, dtbfg
ug{ / af]g; z]o/ tyf gub nfef+z k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] Joxf]/f o;} ;"rgfåf/f hfgsf/L u/fOG5 . g]kfn :6s PS:r]Ghdf sf/f]af/ eO{ lwtf]kq Jofj;foL
-;b:o bnfn_ sf] Pool Account df /x]sf] z]o/sf cfwf/df z]o/wgL sfod gx'g] ePsfn] plNnlvt ldlt leq z]o/wgLsf] vftfdf ;dfj]z ug{
;d]t ;DalGwt lwtf]kq Jofj;flonfO{ cg'/f]w ul/G5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

@= z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?nfO{ a}+ssf] z]o/wgL nutdf sfod /x]sf] 7]ufgfdf jflif{s k|ltj]bg k'l:tsf k7fO{g] 5 . ;fy}, pQm k'l:tsf k|fKt x'g g;s]df
o; a}+ssf] j]a;fO6 dfkm{t k|fKt ug{ ;Sg'x'g]5 . ljZje/ km}lnPsf] sf]/f]gf efO{/; -sf]le8 !(_ sf] dxfdf/L /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0fsf] nflu g]kfn
;/sf/af6 hf/L ul/Psf] :jf:Yo ;DaGwL lgb]{zg Pj+ dfkb08x?sf] ;Ddfg Pj+ kl/kfngf ub}{ cgnfO{g eRo'{cn -Video Conference_ dfWodaf6
;efdf ;xeflu x'g], cfˆgf] dGtJo /fVg] tyf dtbfg ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf ;d]t ldnfO{Psf] x'Fbf sf]le8–!( sf] ;+s|d0faf6 aRg / arfpg cgnfO{g
eRo'{cn -Video Conference_ dfWodaf6 ;efdf ;xefuL eO{ lbg' x'g z]o/wgL dxfg''efjx?df ljz]if cg'/f]w ul/G5 .
#= eRo'{cn -Video Conference_ dfWodaf6 ;efdf ;xeflu x'g], cfˆgf] dGtJo /fVg] tyf dtbfg ug{ z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?n] ;ef x'g eGbf slDtdf
$* 306f cufj} cfˆgf] kl/ro kq ;lxt a}+sn] hf/L u/]sf] z]o/ k|df0fkq÷l8Dof6 vftf vf]lnPsf] k|df0fkqsf] :Sofg skL ;dfj]z u/L O{d]n 7]ufgf jf df]jfO{n g+= (*$($!@#$@ df Whatsapp df k7fpg' kg]{5 . o;/L k|fKt ePsf] O{d]n jf Whatsapp dfkm{t eRo'{cn
-Video Conference_ dfWoodaf6 ;efdf ;xefuL x'gsf] nflu Meeting ID / Password pknAw u/fOg]5 . ;efdf cfˆgff] lnlvt dGtJo lbg rfxg]
z]o/wgLx?n] dfly plNnlvt Od]n dfkm{t lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf ;d]t ldnfO{Psf] 5 .
$= ;ef z'? x'g'eGbf ! 306f cufl8af6 Online Login v'Nnf ul/g] 5 . pQm ! 306f ;do leq ;efdf ;xefuL z]o/wgLx?n] pknAw u/fO{Psf] Meeting
ID / Password sf] dfWodaf6 Online Login u/L ;efdf pkl:yt x'g'kg]{ 5 . o;/L ePsf] pkl:yltnfO{ klg ;ef :yndf pkl:yt eP cg';f/ dfGotf
lbO{g]5 . z]o/wgLsf] pkl:yltaf6 sDkgL P]gsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd ;efsf nflu cfjZos u0fk"/s ;+Vof k"\/f eP kZrft\ ;efsf] sfdsf/jfxL cufl8
a9fO{g] 5 .
%= gfjfns jf xf]; 7]ufgdf g/x]sf] z]o/wgLsf] tkm{jf6 ;+/Ifsn] ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{ / k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug{ ;d]t ;Sg]5g\ . z]o/jfnfsf] btf{
lstfadf ;+/Ifssf] ?kdf gfd n]lvPsf] JolQmnfO{ dfq ;+/Ifs dflgg]5 . ;+o'Qm ?kdf z]o/ vl/b ug]{ z]o/wgLsf] xsdf z]o/ nutdf h;sf] gfd
klxnf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5, ;f] JolQm jf ;+o'Qm z]o/wgLsf] ;j{;xdltaf6 cfkm"x?dWo] lgo'Qm JolQmn] dfq ;efdf efu lng, 5nkmn ug{, k|ltlglw
lgo'Qm ug{ / dtbfg ug{ ;Sg'x'g] 5 .
^= ;fwf/0f;efdf efu lng k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ug{ rfxg] z]o/wgLx?n] k|rlnt sDkgL P]gn] tf]s]sf] 9fFrfdf k|ltlglwkq -k|f]S;L_ kmf/fd e/L ;ef
z'? x'g'eGbf sDtLdf $* 306f cufj} a}+ssf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no, sf7df8f}+ #), 1fg]Zj/df lgjf{rg clws[tsf] sfof{nodf btf{ u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 . a}+ssf]
z]o/wgL afx]s cGo JolQmnfO{ k|f]S;L lbg / PseGbf a9L JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf] z]o/ ljefhg u/L tyf cGo s'g} lsl;djf6 5'6\ofO{ k|f]S;L lbg kfOg]
5}g, o;/L lbOPsf] k|f]S;L ab/ x'g]5 .
t/, k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ug]{ z]o/wgLn] cfkm"n] cufl8 lbPsf] k|ltlgwL -k|f]S;L_ ab/ u/]sf] :ki6 pNn]v u/L lgj]bg lbO{ csf]{ z]o/wgLnfO{ k|ltlglw lgo'Qm
u/]df To;/L lgo'Qm k|ltlglwn] ;efdf efu lng / dtbfg ug{ kfpg]5g\ o:tf] cj:yfdf clwNnf] k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ :jtM ab/ ePsf] dflgg]5 .
&= k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ul/;Sg' ePsf] z]o/wgL cfkm} ;efdf pkl:yt eO{ tf]lsPsf] ;do leq xflh/L lstfadf b:tvt u/L ;efdf efu lnPdf
cufl8 lbPsf] k|f]S;L :jtM ab/ ePsf] dflgg]5 .
*= o; a}+ssf] z]o/ vl/b u/]sf] ;+ul7t ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] ljsf; a}+ssf] s'g} csf]{ z]o/wgLnfO{ k|ltlglw -k|f]S;L_ d's// ug{ ;Sg]5 . To;/L k|ltlgwL
-k|f]S;L_ d's// gul/Psf] cj:yfdf To:tf] ;+ul7t ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] dgf]lgt u/]sf] k|ltlglwn] z]o/jfnfsf] x}l;otn] ;efdf efu lng ;Sg]5g\ .
(= ljljw zLif{s cGt{ut z]o/wgL dxfg'efjn] ljsf; a}+ssf] ;DaGwdf tf]lsPsf] k|:tfj afx]s cGo s'g} ljifodf 5nkmn, l6Kk0fL, /fo jf ;'emfj /fVg
cfjZos 7fg]df z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?n] cfkm"n] k|:t't ug{ rfx]sf] ljifoaf/] ;ef x'g'eGbf sDtLdf & -;ft_ lbg cufj}] sfof{{no ;doleq lnlvt ?kdf
ljsf; a}+ssf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{nodf hfgsf/L lbg'kg]{5 . o;/L k"j{ hfgsf/L gu/fPsf] ljifodf ;efdf 5nkmn tyf lg0f{o ul/g] 5}g .
!)= ;~rfns ;ldltdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ ;~rfnsx?sf] lgjf{rg ;DaGwL sfo{qmd dlt @)&*÷)&÷!^ ut] a}+ssf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no, sf7df8f}+—#), 1fg]Zj/
l:yt ;"rgfkf6Ldf 6fFl;g]5 .
!!= lgjf{rg ;DaGwL cGo sfo{x? a}+ssf] :jLs[t ;~rfns lgjf{rg ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf—@)&% tyf k|rlnt P]g, lgod adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!@= :jb]z jf ljb]zdf /xL ;fwf/0f;efdf pkl:yt x'g g;Sg] z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?n] a}+ssf] cflwsfl/s j]aj;fO6 df
/x]sf] k|f]S;L kmf/fd 8fpgnf]8 u/L x:tfIf/ u/L k|f]S;L kmf/fd a}+ssf] df k7fpg ;Sg'x'g]5 .
!#= ;fwf/0f;ef ;DaGwL cGo yk hfgsf/L tyf jflif{s k|ltj]bgsf] nflu ljsf; a}+ssf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{nosf] 6f]n k|mL g+= !^^))!!#))) /
kmf]g g+= )!–$%$)!!% df ;Dks{ ug'{x'g jf jflif{s k|ltj]bg pknAw x'g g;s]sf] v08df ljsf; a}+ssf] j]a;fO6 x]g'{x'g
jf sf7df8f}+ #), 1fg]Zj/ l:yt a}+ssf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{nodf sfof{no ;doleq ;Dks{ /fVg'x'g cg'/f]w 5 .

;~rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{ofg';f/
sDkgL ;lrj

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;~rfns ;ldlt

>L ;'lbk cfrfo{

lgo'lQm ePsf] ldlt
c;f/ #@, @)&%
z}lIfs of]Uotf M
:gftsf]Q/ ÷ o'lgel;{6L ckm csfg{ ;f;
-OG8i6«Lon OlGhlgol/ª_
;DalGwt ;+3 ;+:yfx? M
k|aGw ;~rfns l8;xf]d, cWoIf l8lh6n xf]d OG6/g]zgn k|f= ln=, cWoIf dlN6kn
6]lnlehg k|f= ln== k|aGw ;~rfns l/k'db]{gL k|f= ln=, ;~rfns dlN6 OghL{
8]enkd]06 k|f= ln=, ;+:yfks k|e' a}+s lnld6]8, ;+:yfks ljGWofjfl;gL xfO8«f]kfj/
sDkgL ln=, cWoIf l8lh6n 6]lnlehg ck/]6;{ P;f]l;o;g, lgjt{dfg cWoIf /f]6/L
Sna ckm gfufh'{g, ;b:o g]kfn Oh/fon r]Da/ ckm sd;{ ;~rfns ;fljs sf:sL
kmfOgfG; ln=, cWoIf÷ ;~rfns ;fljs sfdgf ljsf; a}+s ln= nufot ljleGg ;+3
;+:yfdf cfj4 .

>L led k|;fb t'nfrg >L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L

;~rfns ;~rfns

lgo'lQm ePsf] ldlt lgo'lQm ePsf] ldlt

c;f/ #@, @)&% c;f/ #@, @)&%

z}lIfs of]Uotf M z}lIfs of]UotfM

:gfts÷ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -cy{zf:q_ :gfts÷ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -lj1fg_

;DalGwt ;+3 ;+:yfx? M ;DalGwt ;+3 ;+:yfx? M

cWoIf a'6jn lxnkfs{ kl/ifb, k|aGw ;~rfns n'lDagL k"j{ cWoIf n]vgfy p=af= ;+3, ;+:yfks cWoIf nIdL cfb{z
xl:k6n P08 6]lSgsn sn]h k|f= ln=, cWoIf÷;~rfns ax'd'vL SofDk;, k"j{ cWoIf n]vgfy sDo'lg6L nfoG; c:ktfn,
;fljs ;]jf ljsf; a}+s ln= nufot ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfdf k"j{ ;ef;b–kf]v/f ljZjljBfno, dfgfy{ ;b:o clkm; ckm b
cfj4 . cEo":yfdfg lkmlnlkG;, ;+:yfks cWoIf n]vgfy nfoG; Sna
cWoIf÷ ;~rfns ;fljs sfdgf ljsf; a}+s ln= nufot ljleGg
;+3 ;+:yfdf cfj4, s[lt k|sfzg 1fgk'Gh / lty{ofqf :d/0f
k|sflzt .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

>L b]js[i0f sfˆn] >L ljZj]Zj/ ;'j]bL

;~rfns ;~rfns
lgo'lQm ePsf] ldlt lgo'lQm ePsf] ldlt
c;f/ #@, @)&% c;f/ #@, @)&%
z}lIfs of]Uotf M z}lIfs of]Uotf M
:gfts÷ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -dfgljsL_ :gftsf]Q/ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno Joj:yfkg
;DalGwt ;+3 ;+:yfx? M ;DalGwt ;+3 ;+:yfx?
k"j{ sf:sL lhNnf cWoIf tyf k"j{ klZrdf~rn If]qLo pkfWoIf ;~rfns g]zgn xfO8«f]kfj/ sDkgL lnld6]8, cWoIf
g]kfn k':ts tyf :6]zg/L Joj;foL dxf;+3, k"j{ ;b:o kf]v/f ;'gsf]zL xfO8«f]kfj/ sDkgL ln=, k|aGw ;~rfns nf]c/ Ov{‘jf
pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3, k"j{ cWoIf nfoG; Sna ckm kf]v/f ;]G6«n xfO8«f]kfj/ sDkgL lnld6]8, sfo{ ;ldlt ;b:o g]kfn OGe]i6;{
6fpg, s]G›Lo pkfWoIf sfˆn] ;dfh, k"j{ cWoIf Pj+ ;+:yfks kmf]/d, ;~rfns ;fljs ;]jf ljsf; a}+s ln= nufot ljleGg ;+3
kf:sn Ps]8]dL af]l8{ª :s'n, ;~rfns ;fljs sfdgf ljsf; ;+:yfdf cfj4 .
a}+s ln= nufot ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfdf cfj4 .

>L an/fd a/fn >L ;Ltf l3ld/]]

;~rfns :jtGq ;~rfns

lgo'lQm ePsf] ldlt lgo'lQm ePsf] ldlt

c;f/ #@, @)&% ebf} #), @)&&
z}lIfs of]Uotf M z}lIfs of]UotfM
:gfts÷ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -cy{zf:q_ :gftsf]Q/÷ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -g]kfnL_, -cy{zf:q_÷:gfts
;DalGwt ;+3 ;+:yfx? M
lgb]{zs /Djf hg/n km'8 O= k|f=ln=, lgb]{zs kf]v/f km'8\; ;DalGwt ;+3 ;+:yfx¿M
k|f=ln=, k|aGw lgb]{zs a]sNofG8 dfs]{l6Ë s= k|f= ln=, ;lra g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf #) jif{sf] sfof{g'ej, cfGtl/s C0f lj1 .
kf]v/f cf}Bf]lus If]q pBf]u ;+3, ;~rfns ;fljs sf:sL
kmfOgfG; ln=, ;~rfns ;fljs sfdgf ljsf; a}+s ln= nufot
ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfdf cfj4 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

cWoIfsf] dGtJo

;'lbk cfrfo{
26 cWoIf
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s ln= sf] !% cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf @)&*, a}zfv bf];|f] xKtfaf6 k'gM aGbfaGbL 3f]if0ff ePsf]n] ;du|
pkl:yt eO{ ;efsf] ul/df a9fOlbg' ePsf]df cfb/0fLo Joj;fodf k|efj kg{ uof] / h;sf] k|ToIf c;/ a}+s tyf ljQLo
z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?, k"j{ cWoIf Pj+ ;~rfnsHo"x?, lgodgsf/L ;+:yfx?dfly k¥of] . sf]le8sf] k|efjsf] c;/sf afjh"bklg a}+ssf
lgsfosf k|ltlglwHo"x?, a}+ssf jfXo n]vfk/LIfsHo", lgjf{rg x/]s ;"rsfª\sdf pNn]Vo j[l4 ug{ ;kmn ePsf 5f}+ . ;f] ;DaGwL
clws[t÷sfg"gL ;Nnfxsf/Ho"x?, kqsf/Ho"x?, a}+ssf k|d'v lj:t[t ljj/0f ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v ul/Psf] x'b+ f
sfo{sf/L clws[t Pj+ a}+sdf sfo{/t ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lx? tyf oxfF k'g/fj[lt u/]sf] 5}g . o;/L a}s
+ nfO{ d'ns
' sf] Pp6f cAan, ;Ifd
pkl:yt ;d:t a}+s kl/jf/nfO{ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 / ljZj;gLo ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ?kdf :yflkt u/fpg] b[9 c7f]6sf ;fy
;wGojfb ;lxt d o; ul/dfdo ;efdf xflb{s :jfut ug{ ;~rfns ;ldltn] hf/L u/]sf] Strategy -/0fgLlt_ nfO{ Joj:yfkgn]
rfxfG5'' . :jLsf/ u/L pRr dgf]jnsf ;fy sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|lta4tf hfx]/ u/L
;]jfu|fxL / a}s + Pp6} uGtAosf kl/k'/s ;xofqL x'g\ eGg] ;f]nfO{ d"t?{ k lbO{ h'g lsl;dsf] pknlAw xfl;n ug{ ;kmn eof},+ o;k|lt
dfGotfnfO{ cfTd;ft\ ub}{ Ps csf{sf] cfjZostfsf] ;Daf]wg d a}s + sf k|dv' sfo{sf/L clws[t nufot ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lx? tyf xfd|f]
ub}{ ;a}sf] ;fFrf] cy{sf] æk|ultsf] cfwf/ sfdgf ;]jf ;Fu c7f]6 k|
l t ljZjf; u/L h'g lsl;dsf] w}ot{ f b]vfpg' eof] o; k|lt
sf/f]af/Æ aGb} cfh xfdL ;kmntfsf] Ps P]ltxfl;s / uf}/jdo ;Dk"0f{ ;/f]sf/jfnfx?k|lt wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . ;fy}, a}+ssf] k|ultdf
:yfgdf cfOk'us ] f 5f}+ . ;fwf/0f ;efsf] o; 3l8df a}s+ sf] cWoIfsf] cxf]/fq v6L cfˆgf] ;jf]{k/L of]ubfg lbg'x'g] ;~rfnsHo"x?k|lt
x}l;otdf ut cfly{s jif{ -cf=j= @)&&÷)&*_ df a}s + n] xfl;n klg d o; cj;/df xflb{s cfef/ k|s6 ub{5' .
u/]sf] Jofj;flos pknAwL nufot a}s + ;Fu ;DalGwt k|dv ' a}+sn] ;fdflhs lxt k|j4g{ ug{, ljQLo ;fIf/tf j[l4 ug{,
ljifox?sf ;DaGwdf a}s + n] rfn]sf /0fgLlts of]hgf / xfl;n ;f+:s[lts tyf cfly{s ;jnLs/0fdf 6]jf k'¥ofpg Pj+ k5fl8
u/]sf pknlAwx? oxfFx? ;dIf k|:t't ug{ kfpFbf lgs} k/]sf ju{x?sf] pTyfg ug{sf] nflu ;d]t cfˆgf] uxg st{Jo
uf}/jflGjt dxz'; u/L /x]sf] 5' . a}s + sf ;+:yfks / ;j{;fwf/0f / lhDd]jf/L 7fg]sf] 5 . ;f]xL lhDd]jf/L af]wnfO{ rl/tfy{ ug{
z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?sf] k|ltlglwTj ub}{ a}s + sf] ax'cfoflds ;dLIff cjlwdf a}+sn] ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj cGtu{t
pGgtL tyf k|ultnfO{ ;'lglZrt ug{ lqmofzLn lgsfosf] ?kdf :jf:Yo, lzIff, ljQLo ;fIf/tf cleofg, jftfj/0f tyf ;+:s[ltsf]
;~rfns ;ldlt /xL cfPsf] 5 . xfd|f sfo{k4ltx? kf/bzL{ / k"0f{ ;+/If0f, cfly{s ?kdf lk5l8Psf kl/jf/sf afnaflnsfx?sf]
hjfkmb]xL ?kdf ;~rfng u/L nufgLstf{, u|fxsju{ tyf lxt tyf ljsf;, /fhdfu{x?df ofq' k|ltIffno lgdf{0f, ;8s
d'ns ' k|lt pQ/bfoL eO{ lbuf] a+l} sª ;]jf dfkm{t b]zdf cfly{s alQ, ;fj{hlgs ljBfno tyf j[4f>dsf] k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fsf] nflu
tyf ;fdflhs ljsf;sf nflu dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x cfly{s ;xof]u, ljleGg ;f:s[lts tyf wfld{s pT;jx?df
ug]{ k|ltj4tfsf ;fy pTs[i6 ?kdf xfd|f ;]jfx? k|jfx ub}{ cfPsf kfgL, h';, ljt/0f, sf]le8sf] ;+qmd0f /f]Sgsf] nflu ;fj{hlgs
5f}+ . ;'zf;glagf s'g} klg ;+:yf :j:Yo ?kdf cufl8 a9\g :ynx?df dfS;, ;]lg6fOh ljt/0f tyf r]tgfd'ns sfo{qmdx?sf]
;Sb}g eGg] d"No / dfGotfnfO{ cfTd;ft\ u/L ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf] cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . o; sfo{nfO{ cfufdL cfly{s jif{x?df klg
xsdf z"Go ;xgzLntfsf] gLlt cjnDag u/]sf 5f}+ . a}s + nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg] 5f}+ .
b]zsf] cAan ljsf; a}s + dWo] Ps ljsf; a}s + agfpg] tyf cGtdf, a}+ssf] pQ/f]Q/ k|ult tyf ;d[l4sf] nflu k|ToIf tyf
/fi6« lgdf{0fdf pTs[i6 of]ubfg k'¥ofpg] /0fgLlts p2]Zosf ;fy ck|ToIf ?kn] a}+snfO{ cd"No ;xof]u tyf ;'emfj lbO{ a}+ssf]
Strategy-2080 kfl/t u/L nfu" u/]sf] @ jif{ JotLt ePsf] 5 . sfo{bIftf tyf ;]jf lj:tf/ ug{ d2t ug'{x'g] ;Dk"0f{ z]o/wgL
;'?jftL jif{x?df zfvf lj:tf/, ;"rgf k|ljlw k|0ffnL, ;+/rgf tyf dxfg'efjx?, xfd|f cd"No u|fxs dxfg'efjx?, k"j{ ;~rfnsHo"x?,
k"jf{wf/x?sf] ;'/Iff Joj:yfnfO{ dha't agfpg tyf ;anLs/0fsf] k"j{ sfo{sf/L k|d'vHo"x?, a}+ssf] lxt tyf k|ultsf] nflu dfu{
nflu ;j{/ tyf g]6js{ :jLrsf] :t/f]Gglt, l8lh6fOh];g, c6f]d; ] g, lgb]{zg ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/, cy{ dGqfno, g]kfn /fi6« a}+s, sDkgL
;Ifd Pj+ :t/Lo dfgj ;+;fwgsf] ljsf;, cfd hgdfg;;Dd /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no, g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{, g]kfn :6s PS;r]Gh
+ sf] kx'rF / zfvf lj:tf/sf] nflu a|fl08ª h:tf If]qx?df lnld6]8, l;=l8=P; P08 lSnol/ª ln=, lacf]s] Soflk6n dfs]{6\;
bL3{sfnLg nufgL j[l4 u¥of]} . ln=, shf{ ;"rgf s]Gb| ln=, ljleGg a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx? tyf
ljZjJofkL ?kdf km}lnPsf] sf]/f]gf dxfdf/Lsf] ljifd kl/l:yltsf cGo ;+3–;+:yfx? Pj+ ;~rf/ hutk|lt xflb{s gdg ub}{ eljiodf
sf/0f cf=j )&&÷)&* klg r'gf}tLk"0f{ g} /x\of] . aGbfaGbL klg ;bf ´}+ ;fy, ;xof]u Pj+ dfu{bz{g k|fKt x'g] cfzf Pj+
k"0f{?kdf x6]kl5 @)&&, ;fpg dlxgfaf6 cfly{s ultljlwx? ljZjf; /fVb} xflb{s wGojfb 1fkg ug{ rfxfG5'' .
s]xL rnfodfg ePsf] lyof] / o;n] Joj;fo lj:tf/ tyf shf{
c;'nLdf ;s/fTds k|efj kfg]{ cfzf xfdLdf hfu]sf] lyof] . t/, wGojfb Û
t];|f] q}df; ;'? eP;Fu} sf]le8–!( sf] bf];|f] nx/ l5d]sL b]zdf ;'lbk cfrfo{
k'gM a9\b} uPsf] / g]kfndf ;d]t ;+qmd0f b/ / hf]lvd a9]sf] x'Fbf cWoIf

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tsf] dGtJo

k|lj0f a:g]t
k|d'v sfo{sf/L 28
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s lnld6]8sf] o; ul/dfdo !% cf}+ @@=%^ ?k}ofF, d"No cfDbfgL cg'kft @%=&! u'0ff, k|ltz]o/ g]6jy{
jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efsf] cWoIftf ug'{ ePsf a}+ssf cWoIfHo", !$$=&# ?k}ofF / t/ntf cg'kft @@=!) k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . ;dLIff
;~rfnsHo"x?, k"j{ cWoIfHo"x? tyf ;~rfnsHo"x?, ;+:yfks cjlwdf ! j6f PS:6]G;g sfpG6/ / % j6f zfvf yk u/L s'n
nufot ;Dk"0f{ z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?, cfdlGqt cltlyHo"x?, !@( zfvf ;Ghfn k'¥ofpg ;kmn ePsf 5f}+ . a}+snfO{ d'n'ssf]
kqsf/Ho"x? tyf d]/f ;xsdL{ sd{rf/L ;fyLx?df d a}+ssf] k|d'v Pp6f cAan, ;Ifd / ljZj;gLo ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ?kdf :yflkt
sfo{sf/L clws[t Pj+ ;d:t a}+s kl/jf/sf] tkm{af6 o; ul/dfdo u/fpg] b[9 c7f]6sf ;fy ;~rfns ;ldltn] kfl/t u/L nfu"
;efdf xflb{s :jfut tyf Gofgf] clejfbg JoQm ub{5' . u/]sf] / Joj:yfkgn] pRr dgf]jnsf ;fy :jLsf/ u/L sfof{Gjog
ljZjJofkL ?kdf km}lnPsf] sf]/f]gf dxfdf/Lsf] ljifd kl/l:yltsf ug]{ k|lta4tf hfx]/ u/]sf] Strategy-2080 -/0fgLlt–@)*)_
sf/0f cf=j )&&÷)&* lgs} r'gf}tLk"0f{ /x\of] . ;dLIff cfly{s dfly k"0f{ ?kdf ljZjf; u/L w}o{tf b]vfO ;xof]uL e"ldsf v]Ng]
jif{sf] klxnf] q}df;sf] ;'?jftL;Fu} aGbfaGbL k"0f{ ?kdf xl6 ;Dk"0f{ ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' .
sf]le8–!( lj?4sf] vf]k nufpg] sfo{;d]t ;'? ePkl5 v'lDrPsf] cGTodf, a}+snfO{ o; cj:yfdf Nofpg lg/Gt/ cfˆgf] cd"No
cy{tGq ;fdGotkm{ pGd'v eO{;s]sf] cj:yfdf t];|f] q}df; ;'? /fo, ;'emfj Pj+ dfu{bz{g ug'{x'g] lgofds lgsfox?, a}+ssf]
eP;Fu} sf]le8–!( sf] bf];|f] nx/n] l5d]sL b]z ;fy} g]kfndf k|ultdf cxf]/fq v6L cfˆgf] ;jf]{k/L of]ubfg lbg] ;~rfns
;d]t ;+qmd0f b/ / cToflws hf]lvd a9]sf] x'Fbf @)&*, ;ldlt, ;xsdL{ sd{rf/L ;fyLx?, g]kfn ;/sf/, cy{ dGqfno,
a}zfv bf];|f] xKtfaf6 k'gM aGbfaGbL 3f]if0ff ePsf]n] ;du| g]kfn /fi6« a}+s, sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no, g]kfn lwtf]
Joj;fodf g/fd|f] k|efj kg{ uof] . h;sf] k|ToIf c;/ a}+s tyf kq af]8{, g]kfn :6s PS;\r]Gh lnld6]8, l;=l8=P;= P08
ljQLo ;+:yfx?dfly k¥of] . o;/L sf]le8–!( sf] bf];|f] nx/sf] lSnol/ª ln=, lacf]s] Soflk6n dfs]6{ ; \ ln=, shf{ ;"rgf s]Gb| ln=,
b'ik|efjaf6 l;lh{t ljlzi6 kl/l:yltsf sf/0f a}+ssf] Joj;fo ;]jfk|bfos÷cfk"lt{stf{x?, Jofj;flos k|lti7fgx?, ljleGg a}s + tyf
lj:tf/ tyf shf{ c;'nLdf k/]sf] c;/sf afjh"bklg a}+ssf x/]s ljQLo ;+:yfx? tyf cGo ;+3–;+:yfx?sf] ;s/fTds ;xof]u / ;fyn]
;"rsfª\sdf pNn]Vo j[l4 ug{ ;kmn ePsf 5f}+ . a+}ssf] ut ubf{ g} a}+s cfhsf] o; cj:yfdf cfO{ k'u]sf] xf] . o; k|sf/
jif{sf] o;} cjlwdf ?=!^ s/f]8 $! nfv gfkmf -s/ cl3_ /x]sf] sf] cd"No ;xof]u / of]ubfgsf] nflu d oxfFx? ;a}k|lt xflb{s
df ;dLIff cjlwdf $@@=(* k|ltztn] a[l4 xfl;n u/L ?= *% s[t1tf k|s6 ub{5' / eljiodf ;d]t a}+snfO{ cAan ljsf;
s/f]8 *@ nfv gfkmf -s/ cl3_ ;~rfng gfkmf cfh{g ug{ ;kmn a}+s agfpg] cleofgdf lg/Gt/ nfUg] k|lta4tf JoQm ub{} pQm
ePsf 5f}+ . ut jif{sf] lgIf]kdf #&=$# k|ltztsf] a[l4 u/fO{ ?= $% cleofgdf oxfFx? ;a}sf] ;bf ;fy, ;xof]u / ;b\efj ldnL /xg]5
ca{ #! s/f]8 k'¥ofpg ;kmn ePsf 5f}+ eg] shf{ tkm{ ;f]xL cjlwdf eGg] cfzf Pj+ ljZjf; lnPsf] 5' .
$^=*# k|ltztsf] a[l4 u/L ?= $) ca{ $% s/f]8 k'¥ofpg ;kmn
ePsf 5f}+ . o;} u/L a}s F sf] v'b Aofh cfDbfgL klg ut jif{ eGbf wGojfb Û
##=(@ k|ltztn] a[l4 eO{ ?= ! ca{ %# s/f]8 k'us ] f] 5 . a}+ssf] k|lj0f a:g]t
lgliqmo shf{ !=&( k|ltzt /x]sf]df ;dLIff jif{df !=^! k|ltztdf k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t
/x]sf] 5, To:t}] k"+hLsf]if cg'kft !#=(# k|ltzt, k|ltz]o/ cfDbfgL

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

Joj:yfkg ;ldlt

xl/ k|;fb nD;fn

gfoa k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t Pj+ sDkgL ;lrj

lbd; cdfTo b08kfgL e§/fO{ /3'gfy lqkf7L

k|d'v – l/6]n a}+lsª k|d'v – sfg'g k|d'v – shf{ c;'nL tyf sn]Szg

3gZofd 9'+u]n lgt]z cof{n ;'/]z pk|]tL

k|d'v – /0flgtL tyf ;~rfng k|d'v – n3' shf{ k|d'v – Jofa;fo shf{

;[li6gf dfgGw/
k|d'v – >f]t Joj:yfkg 30
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

cGo ljefuLo k|d'vx?

kdf{ 9'Ë]n ldng clwsf/L

k|d'v – qm]l86 ck|'en k|d'v – ljQ

lg/Ghg e08f/L k|lbk k'8f;}gL

k|d'v – n]vfk/LIf0f tyf cg'kfngf k|d'v – hf]lvd Joj:yfkg

;f}/e >]i7 lgd{n /fO{

k|d'v – l8lh6n a}+lsª OGrfh{ – ;"rgf tyf k|ljlw

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

k|b]z tyf If]qLo k|d'vx?

k|b]z !

>L ;'j0f{ >]i7 >L laho /fh aflgof

k|d'v – latf{df]8 Sn:6/ k|d'v – O6x/L Sn:6/

k|b]z @

>L /fs]z l;+x

k|d'v – k|b]z @

>L k+sh xl/ zdf{ >L lai0f' clwsf/L >L k|sfz lwld/]
k|d'v – la/u+h Sn:6/ k|d'v – xl/jg Sn:6/ k|d'v – nfxfg Sn:6/

gf/fo0fu9 If]q

>L ;['/]Gb| e08f/L

k|d'v – gf/fo0fu9 If]q

>L s[i0f sfkm\n] >L lgZrn dfgGw/ >L Zofd RjfO{

k|d'v – xflsdrf]s Sn:6/ k|d'v – x]6f}8f Sn:6/ k|d'v – sfjf;f]tL Sn:6/

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

kf]v/f If]q
>L s]bf/ gfy zdf{
k|d'v – kf]v/f If]q

>L k|sfz yfkf >L ;flns /fd clwsf/L >L lzj s'df/ 9sfn
k|d'v – bdf}nL Sn:6/ k|d'v – wf}nflu/L Sn:6/ k|d'v – Go"/f]8 kf]v/f Sn:6/

a'6jn If]q

>L lvd nfn e';fn >L df]xg bQ vgfn

k|d'v – a'6jn Sn:6/ k|d'v – sf]l6xjf Sn:6/

klZrd If]q

>L /fh]z s'df/ /fjn

k|d'v – klZrd If]q

>L dx]Gb| vgfn >L hgs /fh hf]zL >L z}n]z zdf{
k|d'v – 3f]/fxL Sn:6/ k|d'v – dx]Gb|gu/ Sn:6/ k|d'v – g]kfnu~h Sn:6/

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

cWoIfåf/f k|:t't ;~rfns ;ldltsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg

cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?,
o; a}+ssf] kGw|f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efdf :jo+ tyf Digital dfWodaf6 ;xefuL x'g' ePsf]df a}+s ;~rfns ;ldlt Pj+ ;Dk"0f{ a}+s
kl/jf/sf] tkm{af6 d oxfFx?nfO{ xflb{s :jfut tyf Gofgf] clejfbg JoQm ub5'{ . ljZjJofkL ?kdf km}lnPsf] sf]/f]gf efO/;
(Covid-19) sf] dxfdf/Ln] ;a} k|s[ltsf Joj;fodf k|lts"n kl/l:ylt ;[hgf u/]sf] 5 . ljZj cyt{Gq sf]/f]gfsf] k|lts"n
kl/l:yltdf h'Wg' k/]sf] cj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o:tf] sl7g kl/l:yltsf afah'b klg a+}sn] cfly{s jif{ )&&÷&* df /fd|f] pknAwL
xfl;n u/]sf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf a}+sn] cjnDjg u/]sf] bL3{sfnLg /0fgLlt Strategy 2080 df nlIft p2]Zo xfl;n ug]{ tkm{
a}+s pGd"v eO{ sfo{ ul//x]sf] Joxf]/f cg'/f]w ug{ rfxfG5'' . ;f]xL bL3{sfnLg /0fgLlt cg'?k a+}sn] ;dLIff cjlwdf xfl;n u/]sf]
s]xL 7f]; pknAwLx? lgDg k|sf/ /x]sf 5g\ M
♦ a}+sn] cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ / @)&^÷&& df zfvf la:tf/df xfl;n u/]sf] P]ltxfl;s pknAwLnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbb} o;
cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df klg yk % j6f zfvfx? sf7df8f}+ pkTsfdf la:tf/ u/]sf] 5 . ;du|df o; a}+sn] xfn !@(
j6f zfvfx? / ! j6f PS;6]G; sfpG6/ tyf &# j6f Pl6Pdsf dfWodaf6 ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 .
♦ ;dLIff cjlwdf ljsf; a+}sx?sf] s'n lgIf]k j[l4df a+}sn] !) k|ltzt lx:;f xfl;n u/L ljsf; a+}sx?sf] s'n lgIf]kdf
#&=$! k|ltzt ahf/ lx:;f cf]u6\g ;kmn ePsf] 5 .
♦ a}+sn] 8]la6 sf8{, df]afO{n a}+lsª / O{G6/g]6 a}+lsªdf cl3Nnf] aif{ eGbf s'n j[l4df qmdzM !!% k|ltzt, %@=&@ k|ltzt /
#(=*@ k|ltztsf] pT;fxhgs ahf/ lx:;f cf]u6\g ;kmn ePsf] 5 .
♦ ;~rfng d'gfkmf tkm{ ut cfly{s jif{df eGbf $!(=!% k|ltztn] j[l4 ug{ ;kmn ePsf] 5 .
♦ a}+sn] lgodgsf/L lgsfo tyf sfg'gsf] kl/kfngfsf] lglDt dfq} geO{ Zero Tolerance Culture nfO{ ;b}j cfTd;ft\
ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . cfˆgf z]o/wgL nufot ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] lxtnfO{ clej[l¢ ug{ tyf ;+:yfut ;'zf;gnfO{ Priority df
/flv cfˆgf] gLlt tyf lgodx?sf] cg'kfngfnfO{ ;d]t kf/bzL{ ?kdf nfu" ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 .
♦ a}+ssf] oyftYo k|0ffnLnfO{ :jrflnt u/L u|fxsnfO{ l56f] / 5l/tf] 9+uaf6 ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ of]hgf cg'?k Cheque
book Request, Balance Inquiry Request, Balance Certificate Request, Balance Statement Request,
Locker Request, Loan inquire, Loan Request, Debit Card Request, Fixed Deposit Request h:tf
;]jfx? :jrflnt u/]sf] 5 .
;dLIff cjlwdf bL3{sfnLg /0fgLltn] lglb{i6 u/]sf ljifox? h:t} JolQmut, ;fgf tyf demf}nf shf{ Pj+ rNtL / jrt lgIfk]df ljz]if
hf]8, u|fxs ;+Vof tyf cfwf/ jl[4df ljz]if hf]8 tyf u}/ Aofh cfDbfgLsf] lx:;f a9fpg] nufotsf /0fgLltx?sf] ;kmn sfof{Gjogsf
nflu oy]:6 ;fwg kl/rfng ub}{ bL3{sfnLg nIo k|flKtsf nflu a}+s ;zQm ?kdf cufl8 a9]sf] hfgsf/L ;Ddflgt ;ef ;dIf
u/fpFb5' .
cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df a}+sn] u/]sf k|ultx?, pknlAwx?, a}+s ;~rfngdf b]lvPsf r'gf}ltx? Pj+ eljiosf cNksflng tyf
bL3{sfnLg of]hgfx? / ;du| a}+lsª sfo{sf] ;dLIff / k'g/fjnf]sg u/L sDkgL P]g @)^#, lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL,
@)&# tyf a}+s tyf ljQLo ;:+yf ;DaGwL P]g, @)&# sf] cwLgdf /xL tof/ ul/Psf] of] k|ltj]bg ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6
a}+ssf kGw|f}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efdf k|:t't u/]sf] 5' .
of] k|ltj]bg sDkgL P]g, @)^#, a}s + tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, @)&# / g]kfn /fi6« a}s + tyf g]kfn rf6{8 PsfpG6]G6
;+:yfaf6 hf/L ul/Psf lgb]z { g / ;do–;dodf hf/L ePsf g]kfn /fi6« a}s + sf lgb]z
{ gx?sf] cwLgdf /xL tof/ ul/Psf] 5 .
d o; ;efdf ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tk{maf6 a}+ssf] ;du| kl/;"rs k|:t't ub{} a}+ssf] ut cfly{s jif{sf] sf/f]af/sf] ;dLIff
tyf eljiodf ckgfpg' kg{] Jofj;flos /0fgLltx? tyf k"jf{wf/ tof/ u/L ;do ;fk]If ahf/ lj:tf/ tyf k|ljlwsf] k|r'/
k|of]u u/L xfd|f ;]jf ;'ljwfx?nfO{ cem k|efjsf/L 9+un] u|fxsx?dfem k'¥ofpg efjL sfo{qmdx¿ ;d]t k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . k|:t't
k|ltj]bgnfO{ ;'wf/ ug{ tyf ;+:yfsf] pGglt / k|ultsf] nflu ;bfem} oxfFx?af6 /rgfTds ;'emfj, ;xof]u / dfu{ lgb]{zgx? k|fKt
x'g]g} 5 eGg] s'/fdf xfdLn] b[9 ljZjf; lnPsf 5f+} .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

!= a}+ssf] ;+lIfKt kl/roM

sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s, g]kfn ;/sf/, sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{nodf btf{ g+ ((&.)^#.^$ af6 btf{ eO{ g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 ævÆ
ju{sf] a+}lsª sf/f]af/ ug{ Ohfhtkqk|fKt /fli6«o :t/sf] ljsf; a}+s xf] . ;fljs sfdgf ljsf; a}+ssf] ?kdf ldlt @)^$.)^.@$
ut] g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 ljQLo sf/f]af/ ug{sf] nflu Ohfhtkqk|fKt u/L] @)^$.)&.@& ut] b]lv s]Gb|Lo sfof{no n]vgfy l:yt
8fF8fsf]gfsdf /fvL sf/f]af/ z'ef/De u/]sf] lyof] . ldlt @)&#.)#.)^ ut] sf:sL lhNnfsf] kf]v/fdfg} s]Gb|Lo sfof{no /fvL
/fli6«o :t/sf] sfo{If]qsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ ljQLo sf/f]af/ u/L/x]sf] sf:sL kmfOgfG; lnld6]8;uF dh{ u/]kl5 /fli6«o :t/sf] ljsf;
a+}ssf] ?kdf sfo{ ub{} cfO/x]sf] sfdgf ljsf; a}+s / !) lhNNff sfo{If]q ePsf] ?kGb]xL lhNnfsf] a'6jn *, k'iknfnkfs{df
s]Gb|Lo sfof{no /x]sf] ;]jf ljsf; a+}saLr ldlt @)&$.)$.@) ut] Psfk;df dh{ eO{ sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a+}ssf] ?kdf
sf/f]af/ ub}{ cfO/x]sf] Joxf]/f o; ;Ddflgt ;ef ;dIf k'gM :d/0f u/fpg rfxfG5' .

@= cGt/f{li6«o tyf /fli6«o cfly{s tyf ljQLo If]qsf] kl/;"rs

-s_ cGt/f{li6«o ljsf; b/sf] kl/b[io
;g\ @)@! df ;d]t ;du| ljZj cy{tGq sf]le8–!( sf] bf];|f] nx/af6 k|efljt ePsf] 5 . ;g\ @)@) df #=@ k|ltztn] ;+s'rg
ePsf] ljZj cy{tGq ;g\ @)@! Dff ^=) k|ltztn] la:tf/ x'g] cGt/f{li6«o d'b|f sf]ifsf] cg'dfg 5 . ;g\ @)!( df ljZj cy{tGq
@=* k|ltztn] la:tf/ ePsf] lyof] . ;g\ @)@) df $=^ k|ltztn] ;+s'rg ePsf] ljsl;t d'n'sx¿sf] cy{tGq ;g\ @)@! df %=^
k|ltztn] la:tf/ x'g] k|If]k0f /x]sf] 5 . To;}u/L, ;g\ @)@) df @=! k|ltztn] ;+s'rg x'g] cg'dfg /x]sf] pbLodfg tyf ljsf;zLn
cy{tGq ;g\ @)@! df ^=# k|ltztn] la:tf/ x'g] k|If]k0f 5 . ;g\ @)!( df ljsl;t cy{tGq / pbLodfg tyf ljsf;zLn cy{tGqsf]
j[l4b/ qmdzM !=^ k|ltzt / #=& k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .
-v_ b]zsf] ljsf; b/sf] kl/b[io
s= b]zsf] cfly{s cj:yfM
cfly{s jif{ @)&^÷&& df @=)( k|ltztn] ;+s'rgdf uPsf] g]kfnsf] cy{tGq cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df $=)! k|ltztn]
la:tf/ x'g] s]Gb|Lo tYofÍ ljefusf] cg'dfg /x]sf] 5 . t/ rf}yf] qodf;df ePsf] sf]le8–!( sf] ;+qmd0fsf] bf];|f] nx/n]
of] j[l4b/ sfod x'g r'gf}tLk"0f{ b]lvPsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df s'n ufx{:Yo pTkfbg;Fusf] s'n ufx{:Yo artsf]
cg'kft ^=^ k|ltzt / s'n /fli6«o artsf] cg'kft #!=$ k|ltzt /x]sf] cg'dfg 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ oL cg'kftx? qmdzM ^=#
k|ltzt / #@=^ k|ltzt /x]sf lyP . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df s'n ufx{:Yo pTkfbgdf s'n l:y/ k"FhL lgdf{0fsf] cg'kft
@&=# k|ltzt /x]sf] cg'dfg 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] cg'kft @*=$ k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof]. cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df jflif{s
pkef]Qmf d'b|f:kmLlt cf};t & k|ltztsf] ;Ldfleq /fVg] nIo /x]sf]df #=^) k|ltzt sfod /x]sf] 5 . jflif{s laGb'ut cfwf/
df @)&*c;f/df pkef]Qmf d'b|f:kmLlt $=!( k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .
cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df lgof{t $$=$ k|ltztn] a9]/ ?= !$! ca{ !@ s/f]8 / cfoft @*=& k|ltztn] a9]/ ?= !,%#( ca{ *$
s/f]8 k'u]sf]5 . o; cjlwdf j:t' Jofkf/ 3f6f @&=# k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . ljk|]if0f cfk|jfx (=* k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= (^! ca{ % s/f]8
k'u]sf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&^÷)&& df rfn' vftf 3f6f ?= ## ca{ &^ s/f]8 / zf]wgfGt/ art ?= @*@ ca{ $! s/f]8 /x]sf] t'ngfdf
;dLIff jif{df rfn' vftf 3f6f ?= ### ca{ ^& s/f]8 / zf]wgfGt/ art ?= ! ca{ @# s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf s'n
ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rlt ?= !#(( ca{ # s/f]8 -cd]l/sL 8n/ !! ca{ &% s/f]8_ /x]sf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* sf]
cfoftnfO{ cfwf/ dfGbf ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rlt !!=@ dlxgfsf] j:t' tyf !)=@ dlxgfsf] j:t' / ;]jf cfoft wfGg kof{Kt x'g]
b]lvPsf] 5 . @)&& c;f/ d;fGtsf] t'ngfdf @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf cd]l/sL 8n/;Fu g]kfnL ?k}ofF !=!@ k|ltztn] clwd"Nog
eO{ k|lt cd]l/sL 8n/ vl/b b/ ?= !!(=)$ k'u]sf] 5 .
v= ljQLo If]qsf] cj:yf M
cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df a+}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] lgIf]k kl/rfng @!=$ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?=$,^^@ ca{ &# s/f]8
k'u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ lgIf]k kl/rfng !*=& k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?=#,*#( ca{ &# s/f]8 /x]sf] lyof] . cfly{s jif{
@)&&÷)&* df a+}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] lghL If]qtkm{ nufgLdf /x]sf] shf{ @&=# k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?=$,)*$ ca{
*! s/f]8 k'u]sf]5 . cl3Nnf] jif{ o:tf] shf{ !@=) k|ltztn] a9]/ ?=#,@)( ca{ &( s/f]8 /x]sf] lyof] . a}+s tyf ljQLo
;+:yf -n3'ljQ ljQLo ;+:yf ;d]t_ sf] r'Qmf k"FhL @)&& c;f/ d;fGtdf ?= #%@ ca{ #& s/f]8 /x]sf]df @)&* c;f/
d;fGtdf !)=* k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?= #() ca{ $# s/f]8 k'u]sf] 5 . @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf jfl0fHo a}+sx¿sf] k"FhL
sf]if kof{Kttf cg'kft !$=! k|ltzt, ljsf; a}+sx¿sf] !#=@ k|ltzt / ljQ sDkgLx¿sf] @@=) k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . @)&&
c;f/ d;fGtdf oL cg'kftx¿ qmdzM !$=) k|ltzt, !$=$ k|ltzt / !(=^ k|ltzt /x]sf lyP . @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf
jfl0fHo a}+sx?sf] lgliqmo shf{ cg'kft !=% k|ltzt, ljsf; a}+sx?sf] !=% k|ltzt / ljQ sDkgLx?sf] ^=@ k|ltzt /x]sf]
5 . @)&& c;f/ d;fGtdf oL cg'kftx? qmdzM !=* k|ltzt, !=% k|ltzt / ^=@ k|ltzt /x]sf lyP . ljut Ps bzs otf

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

o; a}+sn] ljQLo :yfloTj ;'b[9Ls/0f ug]{ p2]Zon] a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx? Ps cfk;df ufEg]÷ufleg] gLltut Joj:yf eP
kZrft\ @)&* c;f/ d;fGt;Dd s'n @@( a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx? ufEg]÷ufleg] k|lqmofdf ;fd]n ePsf 5g\ . oL dWo]
!&! ;+:yfx?sf] Ohfht vf/]h eO{ %* ;+:yf sfod ePsf 5g\ . a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf zfvf la:tf/;Fu} ljQLo kx'Fr
a9]sf] 5 . a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] zfvf ;+Vof @)&& c;f/ d;fGtdf (,&^% /x]sf]df @)&* c;f/ d;fGtdf !),^*#
k'u]sf] 5 . pQm cjlwdf k|lt a}+s zfvf hg;+Vof #,)&@ af6 36]/ @,*$$ sfod ePsf] 5 . jfl0fHo a}+ssf zfvf &%)
:yfgLo txx?df k'u]sf 5g\ .
cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df lj:t[t d'b|fk|bfosf] jflif{s j[l4b/ !*=) k|ltzt x'g] k|If]k0f /x]sf]df @!=* k|ltzt sfod ePsf] 5 .
cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df df}lb|s If]qaf6 k|jfx x'g] lghL If]qtk{msf] shf{sf] j[l4b/ @)=) k|ltzt x'g] k|If]k0f /x]sf]df @^=# k|ltzt
sfod ePsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df ?= $#* ca{ @* s/f]8 t/ntf k|jfx ePsf] 5 . o; cGt{ut l/kf]dfkm{t\ ?= ^& ca{ ($
s/f]8 / :yfoL t/ntf ;'ljwfdfkm{t\ ?= #&) ca{ #$ s/f]8 k|jfx ePsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df ?= #)# ca{ @( s/f]8 t/ntf
k|zf]rg ePsf] 5 . o; cGtu{t l/e;{ l/kf]dfkm{t\ ?= !)( ca{ %$ s/f]8 / lgIf]k ;+sng af]nsjf]ndfkm{t\ ?= !(# ca{ &%
s/f]8 k|zf]rg ul/Psf] 5 .

#= ljut jif{sf] sf/f]af/ ljZn]if0f

cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* nufot ljutsf s]xL cfly{s jif{x?sf]] k|d'v ljQLo ;"rsx? lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf 5g .
ljj/0f OsfO{ @)&#÷&$ @)&$÷&% @)&%÷&^ @)&^÷&& @)&&÷)&*
!= v'b gfkmf÷s'n cfDbfgL k|ltzt @)=$& !#=*& !)=&@ #=!( !#=%@
@= k|lt z]o/ cfDbfgL ? !%=(^ !@=^$ !!=@) $=&! @@=%^
#= k|lt z]o/ ahf/ d"No ? !$!=)) !^)=)) !$%=)) %*)
$= d"No cfDbfgL cg'kft cg'kft !!=!^ !$=@* #)=&& @%=&!
%= z]o/ k"FhLdf af]g; nfef+z k|ltzt !&=!@ (=%) ^=*) $=^# !(=$&
^= z]o/ k"FhLdf gub nfef+z k|ltzt (=@& *=)) ^=*) )=@# )=(&
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(= s'n lgIf]k tyf ;fk6Ldf Aofh vr{ k|ltzt %=(& &=^ &=%@ &=$& %=&*
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!!= sd{rf/L af]g;÷s'n sd{rf/L vr{ k|ltzt #$=(@ @&=*) !%=(! #=*& !*=)^
!@= v'b gfkmf÷shf{ ;fk6 k|ltzt @=*( @=@% !=$! )=$% !=%!
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!$= s'n shf{÷lgIf]k k|ltzt *&=%# *%=#% ($=^& *!=^) *&=@^
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-s_ k|fylds k"FhL k|ltzt !!=&% @)=%@ !%=$$ !@=&# !)=)@
-Vf_ k'/s k"FhL k|ltzt !=)@ !=)^ !=#& !=@^ #=(!
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;dLIff cjlwdf a}+ssf] k"FhL kof{Kttf cg'kft, t/ntf cg'kft nufot a}+ssf] ;'b[9 cj:yf dfkg ug]{ dfkb08x? g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn]
lgwf{/0f u/]sf dfkb08 adf]lhd ;sf/fTds /x]sf]n] a}+sn] c+uLsf/ u/]sf] ljj]sk"0f{ -Prudent_ Jofj;flos gLlt k|ltljlDat x'G5 .
-s_ r'Qmf k"FhL M ;dLIff cjlwdf a}+ssf] e'QmfgL ul/Psf] r'Qmf k"FhL ? @,^%!,(^#,&#!=%( sfod /x]sf] 5 . of] r'Qmf k"FhL ut
jif{ $=$) k|ltzt af]g; z]o/ ljt/0f u/]kl5 sfod ePsf] xf] .
-v_ k"FhLsf]ifsf] kof{Kttf M k"FhLsf]ifsf] u0fgf g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] tf]s] adf]lhd Capital Adequacy Framework 2007
-Updated July 2008_ cg';f/ ul/Psf] 5 . cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf] cGtdf k"FhLsf]ifsf] cg'kft !#=(# k|ltzt sfod /xg uPsf]
5 h'g g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zg cg';f/ cfjZos x'g] Go"gtd sf]if eGbf @=(# k|ltztn] a9L /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} a+}sn] o;} jif{ !
ca{ a/fa/sf] C0fkq hf/L u/]sf] 5 .
-u_ lgIf]k ;ª\sng M rfn' cfly{s jif{df a}+ssf] s'n lgIf]k ? $%=#! ca{ k'u]sf] 5 . h;df rfn' vftfdf !=^* k|ltzt, art
vftfdf @*=*( k|ltzt, d'2tL lgIf]k vftfdf %(=%* k|ltzt / sn vftfdf (=*% k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . ;fy}, s'n lgIf]ksf] ##=^%
k|ltzt ;+:yfut lgIf]ksf] of]ubfg /x]sf] 5 . a}+sn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] tf]s]sf] ;Ldf leq /xL ;+:yfut lgIf]k ;ª\sng u/]sf] 5 .

Deposit Type
Chart Title

33.65% Individual

1 2

-3_ shf{ tyf ;fk6L M o; cfly{s jif{sf] cGTo;Dddf a}+ssf] s'n shf{ nufgL ?= $)=$% ca{ k'u]sf] 5 . a}+sn] cfufdL lbgx?df
cem ;do ;fk]If k|efjsf/L k|f]8S6x? NofO{ cfˆgf] ;]jf lj:tf/ ub}{ hfg] nIo lnPsf] 5 .
-ª_ nufgL M o; cfly{s jif{sf] cGTodf a}+ssf] nufgL ? $,(&=@% s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 h;df, g]kfn ;/sf/sf] C0fkqdf ? $^& s/f]8
/ cGo ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] z]o/df ?= #)=@% s/f]8 nufgL /x]sf] 5 .
-r_ ;~rfng vr{ M o; cfly{s jif{df a}+sn] sd{rf/L vr{df ? ^@=#$ s/f]8 / cGo ;~rfng vr{df ? #&=*^ s/f]8 u/L s'n
? !))=@! s/f]8 vr{ u/]sf] 5 .
5_ cfo M a}+ssf] cfDbfgLnfO{ ;~rfng / u}x| ;~rfng u/L @ efudf 5'§fOPsf] 5 . ;~rfng cfDbfgL cGtu{t Aofh cfDbfgL,
sldzg tyf l8:sfp06 / cGo ;~rfng cfDbfgLnfO{ ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . o; cfly{s jif{df a}+sn] Aofh cfDbfgL, sldzg tyf
l8:sfp06 / cGo ;~rfng cfDbfgL cGtu{t qmdz ?= $)( s/f]8, ?= ##=*# s/f]8 / ?= @^=&# s/f]8 cfo u/]sf] 5 .
-h_ t/ntf Joj:yfkg M o; ljsf; a}+ssf] Jofj;fosf] cfsf/ Pj+ sf/f]af/sf] hl6ntfsf] cfwf/df t/ntf hf]lvd Jofj:yfkg
gLlt :jLs[t u/fO{ nfu" ul/Psf] 5 . Go"g t/ntfaf6 Joj;fodf g} ;+s'rg cfpg ;Sg] ;d:of /xG5 eg] clws t/ntfn] d'gfkmfdf
g} k|ToIf c;/ kfg]{ ePsf]n] a}+ssf] t/ntfsf] ;du| Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;DklQ–bfloTj ;ldlt (Assets Liabilities Committee)
sf] u7g ul/Psf] tyf ;ldltsf] a}7s lgoldt cGt/fndf a;L t/ntf hf]lvd u|fXo ;Ldfleq /xg] u/L Joj:yfkg ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 .
-em_ lgliqmo shf{ M o; cfly{s jif{df a}+ssf] s'n lgliqmo shf{ !=^! k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .

$= a}+ssf] sf/f]af/nfO{ c;/ kfg]{ d'Vo sf/sx¿

a}+ssf] sf/f]af/nfO{ c;/ kfg{ ;Sg] ljleGg lsl;dsf hf]lvdx¿nfO{ tn k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 M
!= sf]le8–!( sf] k|efjn] kfg{ ;Sg] hf]lvdx? .
@= /fi6«sf] cfly{s, df}lb|s tyf ljQLo gLlt kl/jt{gaf6 x'g ;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdx? .
#= ljb]zL ljlgdo sf/f]jf/ ubf{ ljlgdob/df x'g] kl/jt{gaf6 x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdx¿ .
$= t/ntfdf x'g] ptf/ r9fjsf sf/0fn] lgIf]k tyf shf{ nufgLsf] Aofhb/df x'g] kl/jt{g tyf nufgL of]Uo k"FhLsf] cefjaf6
Joj;fo j[l4df cfpg ;Sg] hf]lvdx¿ .
%= lgIf]k ;+sng, nufgL, tyf shf{ ;fk6Lsf] bfo/f ;f+3'l/P/ pTkGg x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdx¿ .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

^= oyf;dodf shf{ c;'nL geO{ pTkGg x'g] hf]lvdx¿ .

&= k|tLtkq / hdfgtkq hf/L ug]{ h:tf u}/sf]ifLo ;]jfx? k|bfg ubf{ x'g ;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdx¿ .
*= ;do ;fk]If l8lh6n k|f]8S6nfO{ k|of]udf Nofpbf o:tf k|f]8S6;Fu hf]l8Psf hf]lvd ;DaGwL r'gf}tLx? .
(= 7uL, hfn;fhL tyf ldnLeut h:tf a9\bf] ;~rfng hf]lvdx? .
!)=/fhgLlts kl/jt{gsf] sf/0f pKkGg x'g] hf]lvdx? .
pk/f]Qm adf]lhdsf r'gf}tL tyf hf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] nflu hf]lvdsf] klxrfg, dfkg, cg'udg, lgoGq0f / l/kf]l6{ªsf nflu ;'b[9
hf]lvd ;+/rgf tof/ u/L sfof{Gjogdf NofOPsf] 5 . a+}ssf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L / nufgL v/fa eO{ tyf ljlgdo b/ kl/jt{gaf6
x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdx?sf] nflu g]kfn /fi6« a+}ssf] lgb]{zg tyf cfˆg} ljZn]if0faf6 a+}sn] shf{ gf]S;fgL Joj:yf nufgLdf ;Defljt
gf]S;fgL Joj:yf, ;6xL 36a9 sf]if h:tf sf]ifx?sf] Joj:yf ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . a}+sn] ahf/ k|lt:kwf{sf] ;fdgf ug{sf] nflu hgzlQmsf]
1fg tyf bIftf clej[l4df cfjZos Wofg k'¥ofPsf] 5 .

%= a}+sn] ;~rfngdf NofPsf ljleGg of]hgf, sfo{qmd tyf pknlAwx?M

-s_ a+}sn] cfufdL jif{df hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;lxtsf] Joj;fo j[l4nfO{ cfˆgf] k|d'v /0fgLlt agfO{ lgDg adf]lhdsf sfo{qmdx?nfO{
k|fyldstfdf /fv]sf] 5 .
!= lgIf]k tyf shf{sf gjLgtd a+}lsª ;]jfx? k|rngdf Nofpg] .
@= Jofj;flos ;DefJotfsf cfwf/df zfvf/lxt a}+lsª ;]jf lj:tf/ sfo{nfO{ k|fyldstf lbg] .
#= a}+sdf sfo{/t hgzlQmnfO{ c´ a9L bIf agfpg :jb]z tyf ljb]zdf pko'St tflndx? k|bfg ug{] .
$= ;fgf tyf demf}nf vfnsf shf{x?nfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fvL nufgL u/L shf{sf] u'0f:t/df ;dofg's"n ;'wf/ ub{}] n}hfg] ;fy}
shf{ c;'nL k|efjsf/L agfpg] / shf{df x'g] hf]lvdnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ .
%= lgIf]ksf] nfut sd ug{ lgIf]k tkm{ gofF of]hgfx? th'{df u/L sfof{Gjog ug]{ .
^= u}/ Aofh cfDbfgL (Non interest Income) sf gofF ;|f]tx? klxrfg u/L a}+ssf] d'gfkmf clej[l4 ub{} n}hfg] .
&= a+}ssf] ;"rgf k|ljlwnfO{ ;'/lIft ub}{ ;dofg's"n ;'wf/ u/L cfw'lgs ;]jf k|bfg ug{] .
*= a}+ssf] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL tyf ;'zf;gnfO{ c´ a9L ;'b[9 ug{] .
(= ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj cGtu{t ljQLo ;fIf/tf nufot ljleGg sfo{qmdx? ;~rfng ug{] .
!)= Jofj;flos lx;fan] a}+snfO{ b]zsf] cAan ljsf; a}+ssf] ?kdf :yflkt u/fpg] .
!!= Digitization, Automation cflbnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg] .
-v_ zfvf lj:tf/M
ut cfly{s jif{ @)&^÷)&& ;Dd cfO{k'Ubf !@$ j6f zfvf sfof{no dfkm{t a}+lsª ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf]df ;dLIff cjlw;Dd
cfO{ k'Ubf yk % j6f zfvfx? sf7df8f}+ pkTsfdf la:tf/ u/L xfn !@( j6f zfvfx? / ! j6f PS;6]G; sfpG6/ tyf &# j6f
Pl6Pdsf dfWodaf6 ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . ;fy} cf=j=@)&%÷)&^ af6 VISA ;‘u cfa4 eO{ pQm Network ;Fu ;DalGwt
Chip Based ATM Card af6 cfˆgf u|fxsx?nfO{ ;]jf pknAw u/fpb} cfO{/x]sf] Joxf]/f o; ;ef ;dIf hfgsf/L u/fpg
rfxfG5' .
-u_ ljk|]if0f (Remittance)
a}+sn] l56f] tyf ;'/lIft ljk|]if0f ;]jf k|bfg ug{sf nflUf ljleGg Voflt k|fKt /]ld6]G; sDkgLx?;Fu ;Demf}tf ul/ ljk|]if0f sf/f]
af/ ;~rfng ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . a}+sn] cfjZostf cg';f/ cGo k|ltli7t ljk|]if0f ;DaGwL ;]jfk|bfos sDkgLx?;Fu klg ;xsfo{
ub}{ hfg] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . ;fy}, a}+sn] cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷)&^ df cfˆg} sfdgf ;]jf /]ld6 ;~rfngdf NofP kZrftsf jif{x?df
cfˆgf ;a} zfvf / ljleGg Ph]G;Lx? dfkm{t ljk|]if0f ;'ljwf k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf] o; ;Ddflgt ;ef ;dIf hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxfG5' .
3_ #^% lbg] a+}lsª ;'ljwf M
xfnsf] k|lt:kwf{Tds cj:yf, u|fxssf] dfu / cfjZostfnfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ zlgjf/ tyf ;fj{hlgs ljbfsf] lbgdf ;d]t sfp06/
vf]nL u|fxsx?sf] lgIf]k :jLsf/ ug{] / e'QmfGfL lbg] tyf shf{sf] ls:tf tyf Aofh hDdf ug{] ;'ljwf a+}ssf] d'Vo zfvf 1fg]Zj/,
Go'/f]8 zfvf kf]v/f, nfoG;rf]s zfvf gf/fo0fu9, / a'6jn zfvf k'ikfnfn kfs{af6 ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf]df sf]le8–!( sf]
k|efjsf] sf/0fn] c:yfoL ?kdf pQm ;]jf aGb ul/Psf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

-ª_ ABBS ;'ljwf M

a}+sn] z'? b]lvg} cfˆgf u|fxsx?nfO{ Ps zfvfsf] r]s csf{] zfvfaf6 e'QmfgL lbg] tyf s'g} Ps zfvfdf /x]sf] vftfdf csf]{
zfvfaf6 /sd hDdf ug{] ;'ljwf cyf{t ABBS ;'ljwf k|bfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 .
-r_ ;"rgf k|ljlw M
a}+ssf] ;"rgf k|0ffnLnfO{ k|efjsf/L / r':t agfpgsf nflu ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] ljsf;sf] cj:yf / u|fxsju{sf] ;'ljwfnfO{ dWogh/
/fvL a}+lsª ;km\6j]o/ Pumori IV dfkm{t sf/f]af/ :f~Rffng ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . pkef]Qmf Pj+ u|fxsju{nfO{ yk cfw'lgs
a}+lsª ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg] l;nl;nfdf a}+sn] ATM (Automated Teller Machine), Debit Card, SMS Banking,
Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, Any Branch Banking System (ABBS), jf h:tf k|ljlwd'ns ;]jfx¿ k|bfg ub}{
cfO/x]sf] 5 .
5_ lgMz'Ns C-ASBA ;'ljwf M
o; a}+sn] cfˆgf u|fxs dxfg'efjx?nfO{ 3/df a;L a;L s'g} klg sDkgLsf] z]o/ cfj]bgdf b/vf:t -IPO/FPO/Right Issue_
lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . o;n] ljutdf h:tf] 306f}+ nfOgdf a;L b/vf:t lbg'kg{] afWotfnfO{ x6fO{ k|ljlwd}qL agfpg
;xof]u u/]sf] 5 .
-h_ z]o/ cef}lts/0f ;]jf (DMAT) :
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?n] z]o/ cef}lts/0f ;]jfnfO{ cj;/sf] ?kdf lnO{ k|lt:kwL{ ahf/df cfˆgf] lx:;f sfod /fVgsf] nflu
cfˆgf u|fxsx?nfO{ z]o/ cef}ltlss/0f ;]jf pknAw u/fpg] nIo cg'?k @$ ;fpg, @)&* df l;l8P;l;;Fu lgIf]k ;b:otf
;DaGwL ;Demf}tf ul/ of] ;]jf ;d]t k|bfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf Joxf]/f hfgsf/L u/fpb5f}+ .
-em_ cGt/ a}+s e'QmfgL k|0ffnL (IPS) tyf lSno/Lª ;'ljwf :
o; a}s+ df vftf ePsf u|fxsx?n] lgjb]g lbO cGo a}s
+ tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] vftfdf /sd :yfgfGt/0f ;'ljwf k|bfg ug{sf ;fy}
g]kfn lSno/Lª xfp;sf] (NCHL) ;b:o /x]sf] h'g;'s} a}s
+ tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] r]s lSno/Lª ug{] ;l'jwf k|bfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 .
Connect IPS ;]jf dfkm{t ;/sf/L /fh:j tyf ljleGg s/ e'QmfgL ug{ ;lsg] Joj:yf ;d]t /x]sf] 5 .
-`_ ns/ ;'ljwf M
a}+sn] u|fxsx?sf] ax'd"No ;'g rfFbL tyf cGo sfuhftx?sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu ljleGg zfvf sfof{nox?af6 ns/ ;'ljwf pknAw
u/fp+b} cfPsf] 5 . nfut tyf u|fxssf] dfu / cfjZostfnfO{ dWogh/ u/L ns/ ;'ljwfnfO{ cem} lj:tf/ ug{] of]hgf /x]sf] 5 .

^= dfgj ;+;fwg
s'g} ;+:yfsf] ;jf{lË0f nIo k|flKtsf] nflu bIf / sd{zLn sd{rf/Lsf] cxd e"ldsf /x]sfn] o; a+}sn] ;+:yf / sd{rf/Lsf] cfk;L lxtsf]
ljsf; / ;+/If0f gLlt lnPsf] 5 . o;sf nflu ;do ;fk]If ;'ljwf tyf ;]jf pknAw u/fO{ sd{rf/LnfO{ pRr pTk|]/0ff k|bfg ul/Psf]
5 . Customer Service Excellency dfkm{t Jofj;flos p2]Zo xfl;n ug'{sf] ;fy} sd{rf/Lsf] bIftf clej[l4sf nflu AML/CFT,
NFRS, Risk Based Internal Audit, Treasury Products ;DaGwL ljleGg tflnd, uf]i7L tyf ;]ldgf/x?df ;xefuL agfO{
u|fxsju{nfO{ ;j{;'ne, l56f] 5l/tf] / k|efjsf/L ;]jf pknAw u/fO{ Jofj;flos p2]Zo k|flKt ug{ hgzlQmsf] bIftf clea[låsf nflu
dfgj >f]t ljsf; tyf Joj:yfkgdf ljz]if k|fyldstf lb+b} cfPsf 5f}+ .

&= cf}Bf]lus tyf Jofj;flos ;DaGw

a}+sn] cfˆgf] Jofj;flos bfo/f km/flsnf] kfb}{ hfgsf nflu ljleGg k|sf/sf ;/sf/L, u}/;/sf/L, ;3+ ;+:yf, Jofj;flos Pj+
cf}Bf]lus k|lti7fgx?, ;fdflhs ;+3–;+:yfx?, g]kfn /fi6« a}+s, sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no, g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{, g]kfn :6s
PS:r]Gh, l;l8P; P08 lSnol/ª, g]kfn lSnol/ª xfp; nufotsf cGo ;+3–;+:yfx?;Fu ;f}xfb{k"0f{ tyf Jofj;flos ;DaGw sfod
/fVb} cfPsf] 5 . ;fy} o; ljsf; a}+s, 8]enkd]06 a}+s;{ P;f]lzo;g, g]kfn pBf]u afl0fHo dxf;+3sf] ;b:o /x]sf] 5 .

*= ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgoGq0f tyf u|fxs klxrfg (KYC)

;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL lgoGq0f ;DaGwdf ljQLo hfgsf/L OsfO{ / o; a}+sn] tf]s] adf]lhdsf]
dfWodjf6 lgoldt ?kdf ;DalGwt lgsfox?df k]z ug'{kg]{ ljj/0f tyf k|ltj]bgx? tf]lsP adf]lhd k]z u/]÷gu/]sf] ;DaGwdf
;ldltn] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f -dlg nfpG8l/Ë_ lgjf/0f P]g, @)^$ sf] bkmf $$ s df pNn]lvt k|fjwfg k|lts'n gx'g] u/L 5nkmn
ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;dLIff cjlwdf o; ;ldltn] u/]sf k|d'v sfo{ ljj/0fx?sf] ;+lIfKt ljj/0f o; k|sf/ /x]sf] 5 M
!= cGt/f{li6«o d"No dfGotf cg'?k a}+sn] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL lgjf/0f ;DaGwL
Joj:yfx?sf] kfngf ug{ cfjZos gLlt lgod tyf dfu{bz{gx?sf] k'g/fjnf]sg ul/Psf] 5 .
@= ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL lgjf/0f ;DaGwL a}+sn] u/]sf] sfdsf/jfxLsf] cfjlws ?kdf
;dLIff u/L ;~rfns ;ldlt ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z ul/Psf] 5 .
#= ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdsf] d"Nofª\sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg k]z
ul/Psf] 5 .
$= ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL P]g, lgodfjnL / lgodgsf/L lgsfon] tf]s]sf] Joj:yfsf] sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg
;dLIff ul/Psf] 5 .
%= ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL lgjf/0f ;DaGwL k|ltj]bgsf] lgoldt ?kdf k'g/fjnf]sg u/L
;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL hf]lvd Go"lgs/0fsf] nflu cfjZos sbd rflnPsf] 5 .
Ps hgf u}/sfo{sf/L ;+~rfnssf] ;+of]hsTjdf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sf/L sfo{df ljQLo nufgL lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt
u7g eO{ AML/CFT ;DaGwL lgofds lgsfoaf6 k|fKt lgb]{zg sfof{Gjogsf nflu cfjZos gLlt lgb]{zg Joj:yfkgnfO{
lbg], cg'kfngfsf] cj:yfsf af/]df cfjZos cg'udg ug'{sf ;fy} ;~rfns ;ldltdf ;d]t k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{ u/]sf] o;
;Ddflgt ;efdf hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxfG5'' . pQm ;ldltsf] a}7s cflys{ jif{ @)&&÷)&* df hDdf % k6s a;]sf] 5 .
o;} u/L u|fxs klxrfg (KYC) / ;DklQ z'4Ls/0fsf ljifodf a}+ssf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ cBfjlws /fVg] p2]Zo;lxt a}+sn] lg/Gt/ o;
;DaGwL tflndx? cfof]hgf ub}{ cfO{ /x]sf] 5 . o;sf] ;fy} a}+sn] jflif{s ?kdf lng] æbIftf cf+sng hfFr (Skill Assessment Test)
df ;a} sd{rf/LnfO{ o; ljifodf clgjfo{ ;fldn x'g' kg]{ Joj:yf u/L ;f]sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog u/]sf] 5 . oL ;a} Joj:yfx?sf]
;du| kl/0ffd :j?k a}+ssf] u|fxs klxrfg (KYC) / ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL :t/ g]kfnL a}+lsª If]qs} pRr:t/df k'u]sf] 5 .

(= ;+:yfut ;'zf;g tyf cg'kfng

a}+sn] lgodgsf/L lgsfo tyf sfg"gsf] kl/kfngfsf] lglDt dfq geO{ c;n Jofj;flos sfo{ tyf cfjZos kf/blz{tfsf lglDt
;d]t ;+:yfut ;'zf;gnfO{ ;w}g} cu| :yfgdf /fv]sf] 5 . a}+ssf] ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;+/rgf cGtu{t ;~rfns ;ldltsf] lgikIftf
Pj+ kf/bzL{ sfo{ k|0ffnL, ;~rfns ;ldltsf] x:tIf]kd'Qm b}lgs Joj:yfksLo sfdsf/jfxL tyf a}+ssf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg cem r':t /
k|efjsf/L agfpg ;~rfns ;ldlt / o; cGtu{tsf ;ldltx? ;d]t lqmofzLn /x]sf 5g\ .
a}+sn] ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf tLg cleGg c+u Integrity, Transparency & Fairness nfO{ ;b}j cfTd;ft ub}{ cfPsf] 5 / a}+sn]
cfˆgf z]o/wgL, cGo ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] lxt tyf cfˆgf ;]jfu|fxLx?sf dfu / ;]jfu|fxLx?nfO{ lbOg] ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ jl[¢ ug{ ;+:yfut
;'zf;gnfO{ cfˆgf] gLlt tyf lgodx?sf] cleGg c+usf] ?kdf ckgfPsf] 5 .
a+}ssf] ;+:yfut ;'zf;gnfO{ yk r':t tyf dha't agfpg a+}sn] æ;+:yfut ;'zf;g gLltÆ Hff/L u/]sf] 5, h;sf] d'Vo p2]Zox? lgDg
plNnlvt /x]sf 5g\ .
!= a+}ssf ;Dk"0f{ tx, ;+/rgf tyf sfo{x?df pRr ;+:yfut ;'zf;g nfu" ug]{ .
@= a+}ssf] ;Dk"0f{ sfo{x? cfGtl/s tyf afXo gLlt cg'?k kfngf ug]{ .
#= a+}ssf] nIo, p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu cfjZos k|efjsf/L gLlt, ljlw tyf dfu{bz{g agfpg / ;f]sf] k|efjsf/L ?kdf kfngf
u/fpg'sf ;fy} lgoldt cg'udg ug]{ .

!)= ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj

a}+s Ps c;n ;+:yfut gful/s ;d]t ePsf] gftfn] ;dfhk|ltsf] pQ/bfloTjnfO{ cfTd;f6\ ub}{ ;dfhsf ljleGg If]qdf ;fdflhs lxt
tyf pTyfgsf] nflu ;lqmo e"ldsf lgjf{x ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] O{=k|f= lgb]{zg g++= !^ adf]lhd a}+sn] ;dLIff cjlwsf]
v'b gfkmfsf] ! k|ltzt ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj lqmofsnfksf] nflu ljlgof]hg u/]sf] 5 . ;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj
sf]ifdf ;dLIff cjlwsf] v'b gfkmfsf] ! k|ltztn] ?= &),)@,$)$ ljlgof]hg ul/Psf] 5 h'g cl3Nnf] jif{ ?= !!,(&,!(# /x]sf] lyof] .
o; afx]s a}+sn] b]zsf ljleGg :yfgx?df ljQLo ;fIf/tf ;DaGwL sfo{qmd klg ;lqmo ?kdf ;~rfng ub{} cfPsf] 5 . ;+:yfut
;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj lgjf{x ug]{tkm{ cfufdL lbgx¿df klg a}+sn] cfˆgf] Ifdtf tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] tf]s]sf] ;Ldf leq /xL ;lqmo
?kdf sfo{qmdx¿ ug]{5 .

!!= z]o/wgL;Fusf] ;DaGw tyf z]o/wgLx?nfO{ ;"rgf Joj:yfM

c;f/ d;fGt, @)&* ;Dddf o; a}+ssf hDdf ;+:yfks z]o/wgLsf] ;+Vof $)* tyf ;j{;fwf/0f z]o/wgLsf] ;+Vof $!,#*)
-Eff}lts tyf cef}lts_ /x]sf]] hfgsf/L u/fpFb5' . a}+sn] z]o/wgLx?;Fu ;"rgf cfbfg k|bfg ug]{ sfo{nfO{ pRr k|fyldstf

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

lbPsf] 5 . jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efdf z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?;Fusf] k|ToIf ;+jfbsf] dfWodaf6 a}+sn] dfu{ lgb]{zg k|fKt ug]{
u/]sf] 5 . a}+ssf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg, q}dfl;s k|ltj]bg, k|]; lj1KtL nufot cGo hfgsf/Lx? ljleGg ;~rf/ dfWod Pj+ a}+ssf] j]a;fO6 åf/f pknAw u/fpg] ul/Psf] 5 . o;} u/L z]o/wgLx?sf] xslxtnfO{ dWogh/ u/L ;+:yfut
;'zf;g tyf cg''kfng (Corporate Governance and Compliance) sf] :t/nfO{ pRrtd /fVg] sfo{df a+}sn] ;b}j dxTj lbb}
cfPsf] 5 . a}+sn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+s tyf cGo lgofds lgsfox¿af6 ;do ;dodf hf/L ePsf lgb]{zgsf] cwLgdf /xL ljleGg gLlt
lgod ;~rfns ;ldltaf6 :jLs[t u/fO{ k"0f{ ?kdf nfu" ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .

!@= n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf s'g} pNn]vgLo s}lkmot eP ;f] pk/ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltlqmofM
a}+ssf] lgoldt sfo{;Dkfbgsf qmddf b]lvPsf ;fdfGo sldsdhf]/L afx]s cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf] n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf s'g}
pNn]vgLo s}lkmotx? /x]sf 5}gg\ . n]vfk/LIfsaf6 k|fKt ;'emfjx?sf] oyf;dodf sfof{Gjog ug{ Joj:yfkgnfO{ lgb]{zg lbO ;lsPsf]
5 . ;fy}, Nepal Financial Reporting Standard (NFRS) cg';f/sf] @)&* c;f/d;fGtsf] jf;nft, cf=j= @)&&÷)&*
sf] gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fa, gfkmf gf]S;fg afF8kmfF8 lx;fa, gub k|jfx ljj/0f, ;DalGwt cg';"rLx¿ / n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg o;}
k|ltj]bgsf] c+usf] ¿kdf /flvPsf] 5 .

!#= cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL M

a}+ssf] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL / o;sf] k|efjsfl/tfsf] ;dLIff ug]{ lhDd]jf/L ;~rfns ;ldltdf /xG5 . o;sf nflu ;~rfns ;ldlt
cGtu{t g} ljleGg ;ldltx?sf] u7g ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy}, ljz]if If]qx?sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg / r':t tyf k|efjsf/L gLlt lgdf{0f tyf kl/kfngsf]
lglDt cfjZos ;ldltx? u7g u/L cfˆgf]] clwsf/x? ;d]t k|Tofof]hg u/]sf] 5 . n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltn] lgoldt ?kdf cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfs,
afx\o n]vfk/LIfs / ;'kl/j]IfsLo n]vfk/LIfssf n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgx?sf] ;dLIff u/L ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ a}+ssf] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f
k|0ffnLsf] k|efjsfl/tfsf ljifodf :jtGq ?kdf hfgsf/L u/fpg] / cfjZos ;'wf/sf] nflu /fo ;'emfj lbg] ub{5 . a+}sn] cfˆgf] cfGtl/s
lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{ yk k|efjsf/L agfpg cfjZos PsLs[t hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ljefunfO{ yk dha't agfpFb} nu]sf] 5 . o; ljefu a+}ssf]
Joj:yfkgsf] cwLgdf geO{ :jtGq OsfO{sf] ?kdf cfˆgf] sfdsf/jfxL ub{5 / a+}ssf] hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt k|lt hjfkmb]xL /x]sf] 5 .
o;}u/L a+}ssf] cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ljefun] a+}sn] c+uLsf/ u/]sf] gLlt lgdf{0fsf] kl/kfngf eP gePsf] tyf a+}ssf] sfo{;Dkfbg If]qsf]
n]vfk/LIf0f ug]{ ub{5 . o; ljefun] :jtGq OsfO{sf] ?kdf cfjZos sfdsf/jfxL u/L cfkmgf] k|ltj]bg a+}ssf] n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltnfO{
k]z ug]{ ub{5 . o;} u/L a+}sn] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f / hf]lvd Go"gLs/0fsf nflu Check and Balance, Maker and Checker,
Dual Control h:tf l;4fGtx? k|of]u u/L cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{ ;'b[9 ug'{‘sf ;fy} cfjZos gLlt tyf sfo{ljlw th'{df u/L
sfof{Gjog u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} ;'/Iff hf]lvdnfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ a}+sn] ;Dk"0f{ zfvfx?df CCTV Camera h8fg u/L s]Gb|Lo sfof{noaf6}
lgu/fgLsf] Joj:yf (Centralized Survellience System) u/]sf] o; ;efdf hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxfG5' .

!$= gfkmf–gf]S;fg afF8kmfF6 lx;fj / nfef+z afF8kmfF6 ug{ l;kmfl/z ul/Psf] /sd M
sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+ssf] cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf] afF8kmfF6 of]Uo /sd ?= %@&,%@!,)#% -hu]8fsf]if tyf cGo sf]if s6\6f u/L
ut cfly{s jif{ ;Ddsf] ;+lrt d'gfkmf ;lxt_ af6 xfn sfod s'n r'Qmf k"FhL ?= @,^%!,(^#,&#!=%( sf] !*=%) k|ltztn] x'g cfpg]
/sd ?= $(),^!#,@()=#$ af]g; z]o/ tyf s/ k|of]hgsf nflu )=(& k|ltztn] x'g cfpg] ? @%,&@$,)$*=@) a/fa/sf] gub nfef+z
ljt/0f nflu ;~rfns ;ldltsf] #!% cf+} a}7ssf] lg0f{oadf]lhd :jLs[ltsf nflu g]kfn /fi6« a}+s ;dIf k]z ul/Psf]df ;f]xL cg'?k
:jLs[t eO{ ;f]sf] kfl/tsf] nflu o; ;Ddflgt ;efdf k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 .

!%= ;~rfns ;ldltdf ePsf] x]/km]/ / ;f]sf] ljj/0f M

ldlt @)&%÷)#÷#@ df sf7df8f}+df ;DkGg !! cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efaf6 lgDg cg';f/sf] ;~rfns ;ldlt ;j{;Ddt ?kdf u7g
ePsf] lyof] .

l;=g= Gffd Kfb k|ltlgwLTj ;d'x

!= >L ;'lbk cfrfo{ cWoIf ;+:yfks
@= >L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;~rfns ;+:yfks
#= >L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L ;~rfns ;+:yfks
$= >L b]js[i0f sfkm\n] ;~rfns ;j{;fwf/0f
%= >L ljZj]Zj/ ;'j]bL ;~rfns ;j{;fwf/0f
^= >L an/fd j/fn ;~rfns ;j{;fwf/0f
&= >L ;Ltf l3ld/] ;~rfns :jtGq
gf]6 M :jtGq ;~rfnsdf >L ;Ltf l3ld/]Ho"nfO{ ldlt @)&&÷)%÷#) b]lv nfu"x'g] u/L lgo'lQm ul/Psf] .
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

!^= z]o/ hkmt ePsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0fx¿ M

o; sDkgLsf] cf=j= @)&&÷)&* df s'g} klg z]o/ hkmt ePsf] 5}g .

!&= ljut cf=j=df sDkgL / o;sf] ;xfos sDkgLn] u/]sf k|ultx¿ M

o; sDkgLsf] xfn ;Dd s'g} klg ;xfos sDkgL g/x]sf] .

!*= sDkgL tyf o;sf] ;xfos sDkgLn] cfly{s jif{df ;DkGg u/]sf k|d'v sf/f]af/x¿ / ;f]df
cfPsf dxTjk"0f{ kl/jt{gx¿ M
gePsf] .

!(= ljut cfly{s jif{df ljQLo ;+:yfsf cfwf/e"t z]o/wgLx¿n] o;nfO{ pknAw u/fPsf
hfgsf/Lx¿ / o;sf] z]o/ sf/f]af/df lghx¿ ;+nUg /x]sf] eP ;f] ;DaGwdf lghx¿af6 sDkgLn]
k|fKt u/]sf hfgsf/Lx¿ M
gePsf] .

@)= ljut cfly{s jif{x¿df ljQLo ;+:yfsf ;~rfns tyf kbflwsf/Lx¿n] lnPsf] z]o/ :jfldTjsf
ljj/0fx¿ M
gePsf] .

@!= ljut cf=j=df o; ljsf; a}+s;Fu ;DalGwt ;Demf}tfx¿df s'g} ;~rfns tyf lghsf] glhssf]
gft]bf/x¿sf] JolQmut :jfy{ ;DaGwL hfgsf/Lx¿ M
gePsf] .

@@= cfˆgf] z]o/ cfkm}n] vl/b u/]sf] eP ;f]sf ljj/0fx¿ M

sDkgLn] cfˆgf] z]o/ cfkm}n] vl/b u/]sf] 5}g .

@#= cf=j= @)&&÷)&* sf] s'n Joj:yfkg vr{ ;DaGwL ljj/0fx? M

l;=g= ljj/0f /sd -?_
!= sd{rf/L vr{ ^@#,$%&,^)#=))
@= sfof{no ;~rfng vr{ #&*,^*(,#)#=))
s'n Joj:yfkg vr{ !,))@,!$^,()^=))

@$= n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf ;b:ox?sf] gfd, lghx?n] k|fKt u/]sf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwfx? M
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf ;b:ox? /x]sf 5g\ M–
>L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;+of]hs -;~rfns_
>L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L ;b:o -;~rfns_
>L lg/Ghg e08f/L ;b:o ;lrj
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt ;+of]hs tyf ;~rfns ;b:ox?nfO{ a}7s eQf afx]s cGo s'g} kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwf k|bfg ul/Psf]
5}g . sd{rf/L ;b:o afx]s ;+of]hs / ;b:onfO{ k|lt a}7s eQf ¿ *,)))÷– pknAw u/fOPsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] * j6f a}7s a;]sf] 5 / a}7s eQf afkt ? !,@*,))) ÷– e'QmfgL ul/Psf] 5 .

@%= ;~rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v, sDkgLsf ;+:yfks z]o/wgL jf lghsf] glhssf gft]bf/x¿n]
sDkgLnfO{ a'emfpg afFsL /sdx¿ M
gePsf] .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

@^= ;~rfnsx¿ / k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ e'QmfgL ul/Psf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwfx¿ M
-s_ ;~rfnsx¿nfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwfx¿ M
l;=g= Gffd Kfb k|lt a}7s eQf -?_
!= >L ;'lbk cfrfo{ cWoIf (,)))=))
@= >L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;~rfns *,)))=))
#= >L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L ;~rfns *,)))=))
$= >L b]js[i0f sfkm\n] ;~rfns *,)))=))
%= >L ljZj]Zj/ ;'j]bL ;~rfns *,)))=))
^= >L an/fd j/fn ;~rfns *,)))=))
&= >L ;Ltf l3ld/] ;~rfns *,)))=))
cf=j= @)&&÷)&* df a}7s eQf :j?k ;~rfnsx¿nfO{ s'n ?= !!,)),)))=)) / oftfoft, e|d0f, 6]lnkmf]g tyf kqklqsf vr{
:j?k ?= $%(,!$& e'QmfgL ul/Psf] 5 .
-v_ k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[tnfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwfx¿ M
l;=g= ljj/0f /sd -?_
!= tna, eQf, jf]g; -s/ afx]s_ %*,&%,()#=%)
@&= z]o/wgLx¿n] a'emL lng afFsL /x]sf] nfef+z /sd M
?= !#,)&!,%()=*)
@*= bkmf !$! adf]lhd ;DklQ vl/b jf laqmL u/]sf ljj/0fx¿ M
a}+sn] ;dLIff cjlwdf s'g} klg 3/ hUuf vl/b jf laqmL gu/]sf]] .
@(= bkmf !&% adf]lhd ;Da4 sDkgL aLr ePsf sf/f]af/x¿sf] ljj/0fx¿ M
#)= cGo ljj/0fx¿ M
o; P]g tyf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]{ cGo ljj/0fx¿ o;} k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v ul/Psf 5g\ .

s[t1tf 1fkg
lgofds lgsfosf] dxTjk"0f{ lhDd]jf/LnfO{ cfTd;ft\ ub}{ o; a}+snfO{ z'Id ?kdf lgodg u/L cfjZos /fo ;Nnfx, ;'emfj, dfu{bz{g
/ lgb]{zg lbO{ cleefjsLo e"ldsf lgefO{ k|ulttkm{ pGd'v u/fpg k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgsf] nflu ;j{k|yd d g]kfn /fi6« a}+sk|lt xflb{s
s[t1tf 1fkg ub{5' . a}+snfO{ cfjZos kg]{ x/]s sfd / ultljlwx?df ;w} ;xh / ;/nLs[t ?kdf ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ uxg e"ldsf
lgjf{x ub}{ cfPsf]df sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{nok|lt klg d o; cj;/df wGojfb tyf s[t1tf 1fkg ub{5' . xfdLnfO{ cufw ljZjf;
/ e/f];f u/L lg/Gt/ ?kdf sf/f]jf/ ub}{ cfpg' ePsf xfd|f cfb/0fLo u|fxs dxfg'efjx¿k|lt xfdL lgs} cfef/L 5f}+ / o; cj;/df
oxfFx?nfO{ x[bob]lv s[t1tf k|s6 ub{5f}+ . a}+s ;~rfngsf nflu cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx¿n] xfdLnfO{ ;'Dkg' ePsf] uxgtd
cleef/fnfO{ OdfGbf/Lk"j{s jxg ug{ sl6j4 /x]sf] Joxf]/f cjut u/fpb} o; a}+ssf] pGglt / k|ultsf] nflu z]o/wgLx¿af6 k|fKt lg/Gt/
;xof]u, ;dy{g / k|]/0ff k|lt s[t1tf JoQm ub{} oxfFx¿af6 lg/Gt/ ;xof]u / ;b\efj kfpg] ljZjf; ;lxt a}+ssf] rf}tkmL{ k|ultsf
lglDt k|ltj4 /x]sf] ljZjf; lbnfpg rfxfG5f}F . a}+ssf] lg/Gt/ pGglt Pj+ k|ultsf nflu ;bf ;fy lbg] g]kfn ;/sf/, cy{dGqfno,
g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{, g]kfn :6s PS:r]Gh ln=, l;l8P; P08 lSnol/Ë ln=, 8]enkd]06 a}+s;{ Pzf]l;P;g g]kfn, nufotsf lgodgsf/L
lgsfo, a}+ssf] n]vfk/LIf0f sfo{ ;DkGg u/L a}+snfO{ cd"No ;'emfj lbg] jfx\o n]vfk/LIfs, sfg"gL ;Nnfxfsf/ tyf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf
;xof]u k'¥ofpFb} cfpg' ePsf xfd|f cGo ;Dk"0f{ ;xof]uL ;+3 ;+:yf tyf dxfg'efjx¿ k|lt xflb{s s[t1tf 1fkg ub}{ eljiodf klg
o;} u/L oxfFx¿sf] ;fy kfO{/xg] ljZjf; lnPsf 5f}+ . cGtdf, o; a}s + sf] g]tT[ j u/L /xg' ePsf k|dv
' sfo{sf/L clws[t nufot a}s
+ sf]
lxt / u|fxsju{sf] ;]jfdf ;+nUg ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lx¿, h;n] o; a}s
+ sf] k|ult xfl;n ug{sf] nflu u/]sf] d]xgt / nugzLntfn] g} oxfF;Dd
cfpg ;Dej ePsf] xf] . t;y{ ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lx?df ljz]if wGojfb lbg rfxfG5f}+ . ;fy}, cfufdL lbgdf oxfFx?nfO{ cem} pTs[i6, cem}
;xh, ;/n / k|ljlwd}qL ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ afrf ub{5f}+ .
ho sfdgf ;]jf a}+s
;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6,
;'lbk cfrfo{, cWoIf .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL, @)&# sf] lgod @^ sf]

pklgod @ ;Fu ;DalGwt
!= ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg M o;} k|ltj]bg;Fu ;DnUg /x]sf] .
@= n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg M o;} k|ltj]bg;Fu ;DnUg /x]sf] .
#= n]vfk/LIf0f ePsf] ljQLo ljj/0f M o;} k|ltj]bg;Fu ;DnUg /x]sf] .
$= sfg"gL sf/jfxL ;DaGwL ljj/0f M
s_ cf=j= )&&÷)&* df ;:yfn] jf ;:yfsf] lj?4df s'g} d'2f bfo/ ePsf] eP M o; ;dLIff cjlwdf ;+:yfsf] ;+:yfks jf
;~rfnsn] jf ;+:yfks jf ;~rfnssf] lj?4df s'g} d'2f dfldnf bfo/ gePsf] . shf{ c;'nLsf] ;Gbe{df ;+:yfpk/ tyf
;+:yfn] d'2f bfo/ u/]sf] .
v_ o; ;+:yfsf ;+:yfks jf ;~rfnsn] jf ;+:yfks jf ;~rfnssf] lj?4df k|rlnt lgodsf] cjf1f jf kmf}hbf/L ck/fw
u/]sf] jf ;f] ;DaGwdf s'g} d'2f bfo/ u/]sf] jf ePsf] eP M ;:yfnfO{ o; ;DjGwdf s'g} ;"rgf jf hfgsf/L k|fKt gePsf] .
u_ s'g} ;+:yfks jf ;~rfns lj?4 cfly{s ck/fw u/]sf] ;DaGwdf s'g} d'2f bfo/ ePsf] eP M ;:yfn] s'g} d'2f bfo/ gu/]sf] /
cGoqaf6 klg s'g} d'2f bfo/ ePsf] ljifodf o; ;:yfnfO{ ;DalGwt cbfnt jf sfof{noaf6 s'g} ;"rgf jf hfgsf/L k|fKt
gePsf] .
%= ;+ul7t ;:yfsf] z]o/sf/f]af/ tyf k|ultsf] ljj/0fM
s_ lwtf]kq ahf/df ePsf] ;+ul7t ;:yfsf] z]o/sf] sf/f]af/ ;DaGwdf Joj:yfkgsf] wf/0ffM
o; ljsf; a}+ssf z]o/x? g]kfn :6s PS;r]Ghdf ;"lrs[t eO{ g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{sf] /]vb]vdf v'Nnf ahf/n] lgwf{/0f
u/]sf] d"No adf]lhd sf/f]af/ e}O/x]sf] 5 .
v_ ut jif{sf] q}dfl;s ?kdf z]o/sf] ljj/0fM o; cjlwsf] z]o/ sf/f]af/ ljj/0f g]kfn :6s PS;r]Gh lnld6]8sf] j]j;fO{6 sf cg';f/ o; k|sf/ /x]sf] 5 M
z]o/sf] z]o/sf] z]o/sf] k|To]s q}df;sf]
s'n sf/f]af/
q}df; -dlxgf_ clwstd Go"gtd clGtd s'n sf/f]af/ s'n sf/f]af/
ePsf] z]o/ ;+Vof
d"No -?=_ d"No -?=_ d"No -?=_ lbg
k|yd q}df;
-c;f]h d;fGt @)&&_ 239 137 223 75,87,39,091 38,59,804 64

bf]>f] q}df;
-kf}if d;fGt @)&&_ 250 206 245 1,19,79,01,745 51,95,722 58

t]>f] q}df;
-r}t d;fGt @)&&_ 356 248 352 1,92,89,33,200 62,76,637 59

Rff}yf] q}df;
-cfiff9 d;fGt @)&*_ 663 328 580 6,64,71,71,507 1,38,06,374 65

^= ;d:of tyf r'gf}tLx? M

-s_ cfGtl/s ;d:of tyf r'gf}tLx? M
♦ a9\bf] k|lt:kwf{sf sf/0f bIf tyf k|lt:kwL{ sd{rf/Lx?sf] l:y/tf / pknAwtfsf] cefj .
♦ nufgLof]Uo kl/of]hgfsf] sdL .
♦ lgIf]k, shf{ tyf nufgL Aofhb/df x'g] kl/jt{g .
-v_ jfXo ;d:of tyf r'gf}tLx? M
♦ ahf/df a}+lsª Rofgndf t/ntf cefj x'g'sf ;fy} shf{ tyf nufgLsf] bfo/f ;f+3'l/P/ pTkGg x'g;Sg] hf]lvdx? .
♦ lgodgsf/L lgsfojf6 l56f] l56f] ul/g] gLltut kl/jt{gn] pTkGg x'g;Sg] hf]lvdx? .
♦ cGt/a}+s k|lt:kwf{af6 x'g;Sg] hf]lvdx? .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

-u_ /0fgLltx? M
a}+ssf zfvf ;~hfn g/x]sf] If]qdf zfvf lj:tf/ ub}{ hfg], sd{rf/Lx?sf] sfo{bIftf clej[l4 / a}+sk|lt k|ltj4 /fVgsf nflu
ljleGg jfXo tyf cfGtl/s tflnddf ;xefuL u/fpg] ljsf; a}+ssf] /0fgLlt /x]sf] 5 . a}+ssf] lgIf]k, shf{, t/ntf tyf gfkmfdf
kg{ ;Sg] k|efj tkm{ a+}s ;w} ;hu /x]sf] / To;sf] k|efjnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ub{} n}hfg] gLlt a}+sn] lnPsf] 5 . tLj| k|lt:kwf{aLr
a}+ssf] klxrfg pRr /fVgsf] nflu u|fxsd'vL ;]jf ;'ljwfx?sf] lj:tf/ u/L u'0f:t/df s]lGb|t /lx sfo{ ub}{ hfg] gLlt a}+ssf]
/x]sf] 5 . o; jfx]s jfXo sf/0fx?af6 l;h{gf x'g;Sg] hf]lvdsf] nflu a}+s Joj:yfkg rgfvf] eO{ ;Defljt xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g
glbg jf Go"g ug{ k|ltj4 5 .
&= ;+:yfut ;'zf;g M
;+:yfut ;'zf;g clej[l4sf nflu Joj:yfkgåf/f rflnPsf sbdx? ;DaGwL ljj/0fx? M
-s_ o; ;+:yfn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+s tyf cGo lgodgsf/L lgsfoåf/f hf/L ul/Psf ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL lgb]{zgx?sf] k"0f{
?kdf kfngf ul//x]sf] 5 . ;+:yfut ;'zf;g clej[l4sf nflu cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLx? Jojl:yt ug{ :jtGq cfGtl/s
n]vfk/LIf0f laefu :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 . k|To]s q}df;df n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgn] cf}+NofPsf ;'emjx?nfO{ Joj:yfkg dfkm{t sfof{Gjog
u/fpg n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt ;b}j lqmofzLn /x]sf] 5 . o;sf cnfjf cfjZostf cg';f/sf ;ldlt / pk;ldltx? u7g ul/Psf]
5 . pk/f]Qm ;ldlt / pk;ldltx?nfO{ k|Tofof]hg ul/Psf] clwsf/ cg'?k sfo{ ug]{ u/L Jojl:yt ul/Psf] 5 .
-v_ ;~rfng hf]lvd sd ug{ tyf sfdnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ ljleGg cfGtl/s gLlt, lgod, lgb]{lzsf / sfo{ljlwx? th'{df u/L nfu"
ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} ;f]sf] lgoldt cg'udg / lg/LIf0f ug]{ Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
-u_ ;+:yfut ;'zf;g sfod /fVgsf lglDt a}+sn] ;do ;dodf g]kfn /fi6« a}+s nufot cGo lgodgsf/L lgsfox?af6 k|fKt
dfu{ lgb]{zgx? pRr k|fyldstfsf ;fy kfngf ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . a}+ssf] ;'zf;g clej[l4 Pj+ ;+:yfn] ug]{ sfo{x? kf/bzL{ Pj+
lgod;+ut ug{sf nflu ;~rfns ;ldlt, n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt, hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt, sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt, a}+s
Joj:yfkg tyf cGo ljleGg pk–;ldltx? lqmofzLn /x]sf 5g\ . a+}ssf] sf/f]af/nfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ cfGtl/s gLlt lgod tyf
lgb]{zgx? th'{df u/L nfu" ul/Psf] 5 .
*= lwtf] kq lgisfzg lgb]{lzsf @)^% sf] bkmf @* cg';f/ ljj/0f kqdf k|If]k0f ul/Psf ljj/0fx? dWo] aL; k|ltzt jf ;f] eGbf
a9Ln] km/s k/]sf ljj/0fx? M
o;} k|ltj]bg;Fu ;+nUg /x]sf]
(= lgod @^ sf] pk lgod -%_ ;Fu ;DalGwt ljz]if 36gf jf kl/l:ylt ;DaGwL ljj/0f M
;dLIff jif{df ;~rfns ;ldltdf ! :jtGq ;~rfns lgo'Qm ul/Psf] . :jtGq ;~rfns ;lxt & hgfsf] 5l/tf] ;~rfns ;ldlt
/x]sf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL jflif{s cg'kfngf k|ltj]bg

-;"rLs[t ;+ul7t ;+:yfx?sf] ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf, @)&$ adf]lhd_
;"rLs[t ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] gfd sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s lnld6]8
sf7df8f}+–#), 1fg]Zj/, cfgGbe}/j dfu{
7]ufgf, Od]n / j]e;fO6 ;lxt
kmf]g g+= )!–$%$)!!%,$%$)!!^
k|ltj]bg k]z ul/Psf] cf=j= @)&&÷)&*

!= ;~rfns ;ldlt ;DaGwL ljj/0f

-s_ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfsf] gfd tyf lgo'lQm ldlt M
>L ;'lbk cfrfo{, @)&%÷)#÷#@
-v_ ;+:yfsf] z]o/ ;+/rgf;DaGwL ljj/0f -;+:yfks, ;j{;fwf/0f tyf cGo_M
qm=;+= z]o/ ;+/rgf z]o/ ;+Vof
! ;+:yfks !,#%,@%,)!%=))
@ ;j{;fwf/0f !,@(,($,^@@=#@
# cGo –
hDdf @,^%,!(,^#&=#@

-u_ ;~rfns ;ldlt ;DaGwL ljj/0f M

kb, tyf
;~rfnsx?sf] gfd k|ltlglwTj lgo'lQm ePsf] ;~rfns
qm=;+= z]o/ ;+Vof uf]klgotfsf] zky lgo'lQmsf] tl/sf
tyf 7]ufgf ePsf] ;d"x ldlt
lnPsf] ldlt
;+:yfks $#,&%&
>L ;'lbk cfrfo{,
! ;+:yfks ;j{;fwf/0f @)&%÷)#÷#@ @)&%÷)$÷)#
sf7df8f}+ –!), gofFafg]Zj/
;+:yfks !,&!,&(%
>L led k|;fb t'nfrg,
@ ;+:yfks ;j{;fwf/0f @)&%÷)#÷#@ @)&%÷)$÷)$
a'6jn–*, ?kGb]xL
;+:yfks *!,@(^
>L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L,
# ;+:yfks ;j{;fwf/0f @)&%÷)#÷#@ @)&%÷)$÷)$ lgjf{lrt
kf]=d=g=kf=–@&, sf:sL
>L b]js[i0f sfkm\n], ;+:yfks *^,!*^
$ ;j{;fwf/0f @)&%÷)#÷#@ @)&%÷)$÷)$
kf]v/f–!(, sf:sL ;j{;fwf/0f @#,&$&
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% ;j{;fwf/0f @)&%÷)#÷#@ @)&%÷)$÷)$
7'nL kf]v/L–$, kj{t ^%@
>L an/fd a/fn, ;j{;fwf/0f
^ ;j{;fwf/0f @)&%÷)#÷#@ @)&%÷)$÷)$
kf]v/f–!#, sf:sL #,!)!
>L ;Ltf l3ld/],
& :jtGq 5}g @)&&÷)%÷#) @)&&÷)%÷#! lgo'Qm
sf7df8f}+ –!), gofFafg]Zj/
gf]6 M kl5Nnf] k6s ;~rfns lgo'Qm ePsf] af/] ldlt @)&&÷)%÷@( ut] g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{ nufot lgodgsf/L lgsfonfO{
hfgsf/L u/fOPsf] .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

-3_ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s

♦ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s ;~rfng ;DaGwL ljj/0f M
o; cf=j= df a;]sf]
a}7ssf] lg0f{odf leGg dt
qm=;+= ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] ldlt pkl:yt ;~rfnssf] ;+Vof
/fvL x:tfIf/ ug]{ ;~rfnssf] ;+Vof

! @)&&÷)$÷!! ^ 5}g
@ @)&&÷)$÷@@ ^ 5}g
# @)&&÷)$÷#@ ^ 5}g
$ @)&&÷)%÷!@ ^ 5}g
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( @)&&÷)&÷@^ & 5}g
!) @)&&÷)*÷@! & 5}g
!! @)&&÷)(÷)# & 5}g
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@) @)&*÷)#÷@) & 5}g

♦ s'g} ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s cfjZos u0fk"/s ;+Vof gk'uL :ylut ePsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f M
♦ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s ;DaGwL cGo ljj/0f M
;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7sdf ;~rfns jf j}slNsk ;~rfns pkl:yt eP–
j}slNks ;~rfns gePsf]
gePsf] -gePsf] cj:yfdf a}7ssf] ldlt ;lxt sf/0f v'nfpg]_
;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7sdf pkl:yt ;~rfnsx?, 5nkmn ePsf] ljifo /
lg0f{osf] 5'§} clen]v /fv]sf]
tT;DaGwdf ePsf] lg0f{osf] ljj/0f -dfO{Go"6_sf] 5'§} clen]v /fv] g/fv]sf]M
;~rfns ;ldltsf] b'O{ nuftf/ a;]sf] j}7ssf] clwstd cGt/ lbgdf_ M @)&&÷!!÷!@ b]lv @)&&÷!@÷!(, #^ lbg
;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s eQf lgwf{/0f ;DaGwdf a;]sf] jflif{s
;fwf/0f ;efsf] ldltM
cWoIf ?= (,)))÷–
;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|lt a}7s eQf ?=
;~rfns ?= *,)))÷–
cf=j= @)&& ÷)&* sf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] s'n a}7s vr{ ?= ?= !!,)),)))÷–

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

@= ;~rfnssf] cfr/0f ;DaGwL tyf cGo ljj/0f

;~rfnssf] cfr/0f ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt ;+:yfsf] cfrf/ ;+lxtf eP÷gePsf]M ePsf]

Psf3/ kl/jf/sf] Ps eGbf a9L ;~rfns eP ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0fM gePsf]

k|To]s ;~rfnsn] cfkm" ;~rfnssf] kbdf lgo'Qm jf dgf]gog ePsf] kGw| lbgleq b]xfosf s'/fsf] lnlvt hfgsf/L u/fPsf]÷gu/fPsf] / gu/fPsf] eP
;f]sf] ljj/0f M
♦ ;+:yf;Fu lgh jf lghsf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} lsl;dsf] s/f/
u/]sf] jf ug{ nfu]sf] eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f,
♦ lgh jf lghsf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:on] ;+:yf jf ;f] ;+:yfsf] d'Vo jf
o; Joxf]/fsf] s'g} Hffgsf/L k|fKt gePsf]
;xfos sDkgLdf lnPsf] z]o/ jf l8a]Gr/sf] ljj/0f,
♦ lgh cGo s'g} ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] cfwf/e"t z]o/wgL jf ;~rfns
o; Joxf]/fsf] s'g} Hffgsf/L k|fKt gePsf]
/x]sf] eP To;sf] ljj/0f,
♦ lghsf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:o ;+:yfdf kbflwsf/L jf
o; Joxf]/fsf] s'g} Hffgsf/L k|fKt gePsf]
sd{rf/Lsf] x}l;otdf sfd ul//x]sf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f .
♦ ;~rfnsn] p:t} k|s[ltsf] p2]Zo ePsf] ;"lrs[t ;+:yfsf] ;~rfns,
tnaL kbflwsf/L, sfo{sf/L k|dv
' jf sd{rf/L eO{ sfo{ u/]sf] eP gePsf]
;f]sf] ljj/0fM
♦ ;~rfnsx?nfO{ lgoflds lgsfo tyf cGo lgsfox?af6 s'g} sf/jfxL ul/osf] eP
;f]sf] ljj/0fM

#= ;+:yfsf] hf]lvd Joj:yfkg tyf cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL ;DaGwL ljj/0f

-s_ hf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] nflu s'g} ;ldlt u7g eP÷gePsf] u7g gePsf] eP ;f]sf] sf/0fM ePsf]
-v_ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt;DaGwL hfgsf/LM
-c_ ;ldltsf] ;+/rgf -;+of]hs tyf ;b:ox?sf] gfd tyf kb_
qm=;+= gfd kb
!= >L b]js[i0f sfkm\n] ;+of]hs
@= >L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;b:o
#= >L 3gZofd 9'Ë]n ;b:o
$= >L k|lbk k'8f;}gL ;b:o ;lrj
-cf_ ;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM &
-O_ ;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM
of] ;ldltn] q}dfl;s ?kdf a+}ssf] k"FhL kof{Kttf ;DaGwL cfGtl/s ljZn]if0f, If]qut ;Ldf lgwf{/0f tyf cg'kfngf, bjfj
k/LIf0f cflbsf] cg'udg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 / q}dfl;s ?kdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . o;sf ;fy},
a}+ssf] hf]lvd ;DaGwdf cGo hfgsf/L lng] tyf To; ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{
cflb h:tf lqmofsnfkx? klg o; ;ldltn] ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .
-u_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f sfo{ljlw eP÷gePsf]M
cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k4tLnfO{ Jojl:yt agfpg ;+:yfn] ljleGg sfo{ljwLx? agfO{ nfu" u/]sf] 5 .
-3_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLsf] nflu s'g} ;ldlt u7g eP÷gePsf] u7g gePsf] eP ;f]sf] sf/0fM
cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k4tLnfO{ ;'b[9 ug{ ;+:yfdf ;~rfns tyf Joj:yfkg :t/Lo ljleGg ;ldltx?sf] u7g ul/Psf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

-ª_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL ;ldlt ;DaGwL ljj/0fM ♦ ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;dalGw ;ldlt -;~rfns :t/Lo_
-c_ ;ldltsf] ;+/rgf -;+of]hs tyf ;b:ox?sf] gfd tyf kb_ qm=;+= Gffd kb
;~rfns:t/Lo ;ldltx? != >L ljZj]Zj/ ;'j]bL ;+of]hs
♦ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt -;~rfns :t/Lo_ @= >L k|lbk k'8f;}gL ;b:o
qm=;+= Gffd kb #= >L 3gZofd 9'Ë]n ;b:o
!= >L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;+of]hs $ >L lg/Ghg e08f/L ;b:o ;lrj
@= >L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L ;b:o ;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM %
#= >L lg/Ghg e08f/L ;b:o ;lrj ;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM
of] ;ldltn] ef}uf]lns If]q, Joj;fo jf k]zf, sfo{If]q, u|fxs,
;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM * ;]jf jf pTkfbg, sf/f]af/ tyf ljt/0f dfWod ;d]tsf cfwf/df
;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cftfÍafb s[ofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL
o; ;ldltn] cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0fsf] sfo{ of]hgf :jLs[lt, cfGtl/s ;DaGwL hf]lvdsf] klxrfg tyf d'Nofª\sg ug]{, u|fxs÷af:tljs
n]vf k/LIf0f ljefuaf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] zfvf tyf ljefusf] wgL÷sf/f]af/sf ;DaGwdf lg/Gt/ cg'udgsf] k'g/fjnf]sg
n]vf k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg, afÅo n]vf k/LIfsaf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] ug{] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cftfÍjfb s[ofsnfksf] lgjf/0f
n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}s
+ af6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL cGo sfo{l{jlwx? cflb tof/ u/L ;f]
lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bg / ;f] pk/ Joj:yfkgaf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/;
k|ltpQ/ ;DaGwdf lj:t[t 5nkmn u/L Joj:yfkgnfO{ cfjZos k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .
{ g tyf ;'´fj lbg'sf ;fy} o; ;DaGwdf ;~rfns
;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ h:tf sfdx? klg Joj:yfkg:t/Lo ;ldltx?
ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . ♦ ;DklQ bfloTj Joj:yfkg ;ldlt -Joj:yfkg :t/Lo_
qm=;+= gfd kb
♦ sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt -;~rfns :t/Lo_
! >L k|lj0f a:g]t ;+of]hs
qm=;+= Gffd kb
@ >L xl/ k|;fb nD;fn ;b:o
!= >L an/fd a/fn ;+of]hs
# >L 3gZofd 9'Ë]n ;b:o
@= >L k|lj0f a:g]t ;b:o
$ >L lbd; cdfTo ;b:o
# >L 3gZofd 9'Ë]n ;b:o
% >L ;'/]z pk|]tL ;b:o
$= >L ;[li6gf dfgGw/ ;b:o ;lrj
^ >L lgt]z cof{n ;b:o
;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM %
& >L k|lbk k'8f;}gL ;b:o
;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM
of] ;ldltn] sd{rf/Lx?sf] kfl/>lds / ;]jf ;'ljwf * >L ldng clwsf/L ;b:o ;lrj
;+/rgfsf] cWoog tyf ljZn]if0f u/L kfl/>lds lgwf{/0f ug]{, ;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM @)
sd{rf/Lx?sf] sfo{ If]q lgwf{/0f tyf sfo{ ;Dkfbg d"Nof+sg ;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM
k|0ffnLsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{, sd{rf/L Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL ;DklQ tyf bfloTjsf] plrt Joj:yfkg, t/ntf Joj:yfkg,
cGo sfo{ljlwx? cflb tof/ u/L ;f] ;DaGwdf ;~rfns Aofhb/ d'Nofª\sg / shf{ tyf lgIf]k kl/jt{gsf cWoog tyf
;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} cfjZos Joj:yfkg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . To:t} nufgLsf] ;dLIff,
o; ;ldltn] jflif{s ?kdf a}+ssf] dfgj ;+zfwg of]hgf klg nufgL;Fu ;DalGwt plrt lg0f{o, cGt/fn ljZn]if0f tyf
tof/ u/L ;~rfns ;ldltdf k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . t/ntf of]hgfsf] ;dLIff ;d]t o; ;ldltn] ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .

♦ kbk"lt{ ;ldlt -Joj:yfkg :t/Lo_ ♦ vl/b ;ldlt -Joj:yfkg :t/Lo_

qm=;+= Gffd kb qm=;+= gfd kb
!= >L xl/ k|;fb nD;fn ;+of]hs != >L lbd; cdfTo ;+of]hs
@= >L 3gZofd 9'Ë]n ;b:o @= >L ldng clwsf/L ;b:o
#= >L ;[li6gf dfgGw/ ;b:o #= >L ;[li6gf dfgGw/ ;b:o ;lrj

;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM &# ;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM *!

;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM ;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM
l/Qm kb klxrfg, egf{ of]hgf ljsf;, pDd]bjf/sf] ;dLIff, cGt/ ;DklQsf] u'0f:t/, d"No tyf cfly{s k|zf;g ljlgodfjnLdf
jftf{÷lnlvt k/LIff ;~rfng, of]Uo sd{rf/L 5gf}6, sd{rf/L ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd ;+:yfdf vl/b ;DaGwL cfjZos
egf{ tyf sd{rf/Lx?sf] sfo{;Dkfbg d'Nofª\sg ;DaGwL sfo{x? o; ;ldltn] ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
Joj:yfkg nufotsf] sfo{ o; ;ldltn] ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

♦ cfly{s lgb]{zg ;ldlt -Joj:yfkg :t/Lo_

qm=;+= gfd kb
!= >L k|lj0f a:g]t ;+of]hs
@= >L xl/ k|;fb nD;fn ;b:o
#= >L 3gZofd 9'Ë]n ;b:o
$= >L ldng clwsf/L ;b:o
%= >L ;[li6gf dfgGw/ ;b:o ;lrj
;ldltsf] a}7s ;+VofM %^
;ldltsf] sfo{ ;DaGwL 5f]6f] ljj/0fM
o; ;ldltn] ;fdfGo ;]jf ljefun] klxrfg u/]sf] ljleGg cfk"lt{stf{ jf ;]jf k|bfosssf] j:t' jf ;]jfsf] u'0f, nfut
k|efjsfl/tf, bIftf, hf]lvd:t/, tyf ljZj;gLotfsf] d"Nofª\sg u/L ;a}eGbf pko'Qm cfk"lt{stf{ jf ;]jf k|bfossf] gfd
l;kmfl/z ub{5 . a:t' jf ;]jfx?sf] k|efjsfl/tf, bIftf / cy{ Joj:yf ;DaGwL dfkb08 k"/f u/L vl/b ePsf] ;'lglZrt ug{sf
nflu o; ;ldlt ;lqmo /x]sf] 5 .
-r_ cfly{s k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL eP÷gePsf] M

$= ;"rgf tyf hfgsf/L k|jfx ;DaGwL ljj/0f M

-s_ ;+:yfn] ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] ;"rgf tyf hfgsf/L k|jfxsf] ljj/0fM
ljifo dfWod ;fj{hlgs u/]sf] ldlt
Jfflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;"rgf /fli6«o b}lgs klqsf @)&&÷)(÷)* / @)&&÷)(÷@!, cfly{s cleofg /fli6«o b}lgs
ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;"rgf cf=j= @)&&÷)&* df ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef gePsf]
Jfflif{s k|ltj]bg a}+ssf] j]a;fO6 @)&&÷)(÷@!
k|yd q}df;–@)&&÷)&÷@%, cleofg b}lgs
bf]>f] q}df;–@)&&÷!)÷)%, cleofg b}lgs
q}dfl;s k|ltj]bg /fli6«o b}lgs klqsf
t]>f] q}df;–@)&*÷)!÷)%, sf/f]jf/ b}lgs rf}yf] q}df;–@)&*÷)$÷)#,
sf/f]jf/ b}lgs
Kfqfrf/ )=@# k|ltzt gub -s/ k|of]hgfy{_ / $=$) k|ltzt af]gz z]o/ k|bfg ug]{ af/]
lwtf]kqsf] d"Nodf k|efj kfg]{ d"No ;~rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&&÷)(÷)# sf] lg0f{o ;lxt g]kfn :6s
;+j]bgzLn ;"rgf PS;r]Ghdf ldlt @)&&÷)(÷)# rnfgL g+=
KSBBL/CO/FIN/077/078/182 sf] kqaf6 hfgsf/L u/fOPsf]

-v_ ;"rgf ;fj{hlgs gu/]sf] jf cGo sf/0fn] lwtf]kq af]8{ tyf cGo lgsfoaf6 sf/jflxdf k/]sf] eP ;f];DaGwL hfgsf/L M
-u_ kl5Nnf] jflif{s tyf ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DkGg ePsf] ldlt M

%= ;+:yfut ;+/rgf / sd{rf/L ;DaGwL ljj/0f

-s_ sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;+/rgf, kbk"lt{, j[lt ljsf;, tflnd, tna, eQf tyf cGo ;'ljwf, xflh/ / ljbf, cfrf/ ;+lxtf nufotsf
s'/fx? ;d]l6Psf] sd{rf/L ;]jf zt{ ljlgodfjnL÷Joj:yf eP÷gePsf]M
-v_ ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgf ;+nUg ug{] M
o;};fy ;+nUg /x]sf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

-u_ pRr Joj:yfkg txsf sd{rf/Lx?sf] gfd, z}lIfs of]Uotf tyf cg'ej ;DaGwL ljj/0f M
qm=;+= gfd kb z}lIfs of]Uotf cg'ej
! >L k|lj0f a:g]t k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t C.A., MBA, ISA !( jif{
@ >L xl/ k|;fb nD;fn lg=Gffoa k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t MBS @! jif{
Pj+ sDkgL ;lrj

-3_ sd{rf/L ;DaGwL cGo ljj/0f M

;+/rgf cg';f/ sd{rf/L kbkl"t{ ug]{ u/]÷gu/]sf]M u/]sf]
o; a}+ssf] sd{rf/L ;]jf ljlgodfjnLdf ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd k|lqmof
gofF sd{rf/Lx?sf] kbk"lt{ ubf{ ckgfPsf] k|lqmofM ckgfO{ lj1fkg k|sflzt u/L jf 6\ofn]G6 xG6åf/f kbk"lt{
ug]{ ul/Psf] .
Joj:yfkg :t/sf sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;+Vof M ##
s'n sd{rf/Lsf] ;+Vof M ()%
sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;S;];g Knfg eP÷gePsf] M ePsf]
cf=j= sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ lbOPsf] tflnd ;+Vof tyf tflnd ;+VofM %%
;Ddlnt sd{rf/Lsf] ;+Vof M ;Ddlnt sd{rf/Lsf] ;+VofM *#%
cf=j= sf] sd{rf/L tflnd vr{ ? M #,(^,^*^=))
s'n vr{df sd{rf/L vr{sf] k|ltzt M ^@=@!%
s'n sd{rf/L vr{df sd{rf/L tflnd vr{sf] k|ltzt M )=)^%

^=;+:yfsf] n]vf tyf n]vfk/LIf0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f

-s_ n]vf;DaGwL ljj/0f
;+:yfsf] kl5Nnf] cf=j= sf] ljQLo ljj/0f NFRS cg';f/ tof/ u/]÷gu/]sf], gu/]sf]
NFRS sf] cfwf/df tof/ ul/Psf] .
eP ;f]sf] sf/0fM
cf=a= @)&^÷&& sf] ljQLo ljj/0f ldlt @)&&÷)(÷)& df
;~rfns ;ldltaf6 kl5Nnf] ljQLo ljj/0f :jLs[t ePsf] ldltM
:jLs[t ePsf]
@)&&÷)&÷@%, @)&&÷!)÷)%, @)&*÷)!÷)%,
q}dfl;s ljQLo ljj/0f k|sfzg u/]sf] ldltM
cf=a= @)&^÷&& sf] ljQLo ljj/0f ldlt @)&&÷)(÷)%
clGtd n]vfk/LIf0f ;DkGg ePsf] ldltM
;DkGg ePsf]
cf=a= @)&^÷&& sf] ljQLo ljj/0f ldlt @)&&÷)(÷@( df
;fwf/0f ;efaf6 ljQLo ljj/0f :jLs[t ePsf] ldltM
:jLs[t ePsf]
;+:yfsf] cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f M
-c_ cfGtl/s ?kdf n]vf k/LIf0f ug]{ ul/Psf] jf jfXo lj1 lgo'Qm ug]{ ul/Psf] cfGtl/s ?kdf n]vfk/LIf0f ug]{ ul/Psf]
-cf_ jfXo lj1 lgo'Qm ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f q}dfl;s
-O_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f slt cjlwsf] ug]{ ul/Psf] q}dfl;s, rf}dfl;s jf cw{jflif{s_

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

-v_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt ;DaGwL ljj/0f

qm=;+= gfd kb of]Uotf
! >L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;+of]hs :gfts÷lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -cy{zf:q
@ >L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L ;b:o :gfts÷lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -lj1fg_
;+of]hs tyf ;b:ox?sf] gfd,
kb tyf of]Uotf M Rff6{8{ PsfpG6]G;L :gftsf]Q/÷ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -cy{zf:q_
;b:o :gfts÷lqe'jg ljZjljBfno -sfg'g, jfl0fHo_
# >L lg/Ghg e08f/L

qm=;+= ldlt pkl:yt ;b:o ;+Vof

! @)&&÷)%÷)% #
@ @)&&÷)&÷@) #
# @)&&÷)(÷@@ #
a}7s a;]sf] ldlt tyf pkl:yt
$ @)&&÷!)÷)$ #
;b:o ;+Vof M
% @)&&÷!!÷!& #
^ @)&*÷)!÷)$ #
& @)&*÷)#÷@& #
* @)&*÷)#÷@* #
k|lt a}7s ;+of]hs– ?= *,)))÷–
eQf ?=M ;b:o– ?= *,)))÷–
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltn] cfˆgf] sfd sf/jfxLsf] k|ltj]bg ;~rfns ;ldltdf k]z u/]÷gu/]sf]M u/]sf]

&=cGo ljj/0f
;+:yfn] ;~rfns tyf lghsf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] ljQLo :jfy{ ePsf] JolQm, a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfaf6 C0f jf
;fk6L jf cGo s'g} ?kdf /sd lnP÷glnPsf]
k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sDkgLsf] ;~rfns, zo]/wgL, sd{rf/L, ;Nnfxsf/,
k/fdz{bftfsf] xl};otdf kfpg] ;'ljwf jf nfe afx]s ;"lrs[t ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] ljQLo :jfy{ ePsf] s'g} JolQm, kmd{, gu/]sf]
sDkgL, sd{rf/L, ;Nnfxsf/ jf k/fdz{bftfn] ;+:yfsf] s'g} ;DklQ s'g} lsl;dn] ef]urng u/]÷gu/]sf]
lgodgsf/L lgsfon] Ohfhtkq hf/L ubf{ tf]s]sf] zt{x?sf] kfngf eP÷gePsf] ePsf]
lgodgsf/L lgsfon] ;+:yfsf] lgodg lg/LIf0f jf ;'k/Lj]If0f ubf{ ;+:yfnfO{ lbOPsf] lgb]{zg kfngf eP÷gePsf] ePsf]

;+:yf jf ;~rfns lj?4 cbfntdf s'g} d'2f rln/x]sf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f a+s
} sf ;~rfnsx? lj?4 o; a+s
} sf] sfd sf/jfxLsf ;DjGwdf s'g} d'2f rln/x]sf]
hfgsf/L gePsf] . o; a}s
+ kIf ljkIf eO{ @)&*÷)#÷#! ;Dd lgDg cbfntdf ljleGg d'2fx? rln/x]sf 5g\ .

qm=;+= cbfntsf] Gffd d'2f ;+Vof

! ;jf]{Rr cbfnt !
@ lhNnf cbfnt ^
# /fh:j Gofoflws/0f @
$ shf{ c;'nL Gofoflws/0f @

kl/kfngf clws[tsf] gfd M

>L lg/Ghg e08f/L
;xfos k|aGws

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj

o; a}s + n] ub}{ cfPsf] ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj cGtu{tsf sfdx? ;w}+ ;dfhsf] sNof0fsf nflu x'g] u/]sf] 5 . s'g}
Ps JolQmsf] lghL :jfy{sf nflu geP/ l;+uf] ;dfhsf] sNof0f x'g] u/L o; a}s + n] OdfGbf/Lsf ;fy ljleGg 7fpF /
If]qx?sf] cWoog ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . g]kfn /fi6«Þ a}s + åf/f tf]lsPsf] If]qx?nfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ o; a}s + n] cfˆgf] ;+:yfut
;fdflhs pQ/bfloTjsf] dfWodaf6 cWoog ub}{ sfo{kl| qmof cufl8 a9fpFb} cfPsf] 5 . xfn g]kfn /fi6«Þ a}s + sf]
lgb]l{ zsf cg';f/ dlxnf tyf ;fdflhs ?kn] lk5fl8Psf ju{nfO{ ljQLo ;fIf/tfsf nflu ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj
sf]ifsf] % k|ltzt /sd 5'§fO{Psf] 5 . o; a}s + df sfo{/t sd{rf/LnfO{ sf]le8–!( h:tf dxfdf/LhGo /f]uaf6
;'/lIft /fVg, o; a}s + n] ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lsf] sf]le8 aLdf ug's{ f ;fy} /f]syfd tyf pkrf/df nfUg] vr{ ;d]t Joxf]/s] f] 5 .

!= sf]le8 k|efljt If]qdf /fxt ljt/0f tyf

hgr]tgf sfo{s|d M
ljZjJofkL ?kdf km}lnPsf] sf]/f]gf efO/; -sf]le8–!(_ n] cfd
hg;d'bfonfO{ ql;t agfO/x]sf] o; 38Ldf a}+sn] cfkmgf] ;fdflhs
pQ/bfloTj cGtu{t sf]/f]gf /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0fnfO{ k|fyldstfdf
/fvL cfly{s ;xof]u ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . ;dfhdf ul/g] o:tf of]ubfg
cf}krfl/stf / lgofdsLo cfjZostf lgjf{x ug{sf nflu dfq geO{
To;af6 ;dfh / /fi6«df x'g ;Sg] lbuf] ljsf;nfO{ dWogh/ u/L
of]ubfgsf If]qx? to ug{] ul/Psf] 5 . a}+sn] ljleGg zfvfaf6 /fxt
ljt/0f ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . ljkGg ju{x?nfO{ vfB j:t'x? tyf sk8f
ljt/0f u/]sf] 5 . k|fs[lts ljklQdf k/]sf ju{ / ;d'bfonfO{ tt\sfn
ljleGg k|sf/sf /fxt ;fdfu|Lx? ;xof]u u/]sf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

hgr]tgfd'ns sfo{s|d
;dfhsf cu'jf, :yflgo lgsfo, g]kfn k|x/L,
g]kfn 6«flkms k|x/L nufotsf ;+3 ;+:yfx?sf]
;xsfo{df ljleGg sfo{s|dx?df o; a}+s
lg/Gt/ cu|;/ x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 .

@= /Qmbfg nufotsf sfo{qmdx?

æx/]s /Qmbftf Ps hLjg /Ifs xf] .ÚÚ
xfdL ;a} /Qmbftfx? k|lt w]/} cfef/L 5f}+ .
hf] sfo{qmdsf Ps lx:;f x'g / ;a} /Qmbfg
ug]{x?sf] nflu hf] cfˆgf] /ut s;}sf] hLjg
arfpgsf] nfuL of]ubfg ub{5g\ . o; ljsf;
a}+sn] ljleGg cj;/x?df /Qmbfg nufotsf
:jf:Yo ;DaGwL ljleGg sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng ub}{
cfPsf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

#= ljQLo tyf Jofj;flos ;fIf/tf

o; ljsf; a}+s Ps ljQLo ;+:yf ePsf]n] a}+sn] ljQLo tyf Jofj;flos
;fIf/tf sfo{qmdx? ;~rfng ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . ljQLo ;]jfaf6 al~rt
gful/sx?nfO{ ljQLo ;]jf lng / cfˆgf] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s cj:yf
dfly p7fpg a}+lsª ;]jfsf] dxTj / pkof]u af/] hfgsf/L u/fOg]
ul/G5 / a}+sn] o; ;DaGwdf cfˆgf] bfloTj k"0f{ ?kdf lgjf{x
ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .

$= ;/;kmfO{, j[Iff/f]k0f tyf jftfj/0f ;+/If0f sfo{s|d

o; a}+sn] j[Iff/f]k0f tyf jftfj/0f ;+/If0f sfo{s|ddf klg ;l/s
x'b} cfPsf] 5 . kof{j/0fdf k|b'if0f tyf jg ljgf;n] kfg]{ gs/fTds
c;/nfO{ sd ug{ ;lsof]; eGg] x]t'n] a}+s ;/;kmfO{ tyf j[Iff/f]k0f
sfo{s|ddf ;w} cu|;/ x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

;~rfns ;ldlt tyf ;~rfns :t/sf cGo k|d'v ;ldltx?

a}+s pRr:t/sf] ;+:yfut ;'zf;g / cg'kfngf sfod /fVg k|ltj4 /x]sf] 5 . o; a}+ssf] ;~rfns ;ldlt tyf Joj:yfkg lgofds
lgsfox?sf] lgb]{zgsf] kfngf ug{ / u/fpg sl6j4 /x]sf] 5 . ;'zf;g / cg'kfngf ;lxt c;n a}+lsªsf cEof;x?sf] sfof{Gjogn]
pQd Jofj;flos ;+:sf/sf] ljsf; ub{5 .
;~rfns ;ldlt a}+ssf] pRr lgsfo xf] . of] lgofds lgsfo, nufgLstf{x? nufot ;a} lxtu|fxLx? k|lt hjfkmb]xL x'g'kb{5 . o;n]
a}+ssf] nIo, p2]Zox? to ug]{, d"No / dfGotfx? :yflkt u/fpg] tyf /0fgLltx? to u/L a}+ssf] ;du| Joj;fo a[l4sf] of]hgfx?
;d]t nfu" ug]{ ub{5 .

;~rfns ;ldlt
a}+sdf & ;b:oLo ;~rfns ;ldlt /x]sf] 5 . k|rlnt a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g / sDkgL P]gsf] kl/lwleq /xL a}+ssf] gLltut
lg0f{o ug{] pRr lgsfosf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{] qmddf a}+snfO{ cfjZos ;a} gLlt, lgodx? lgdf{0f tyf cg'udgdf ;~rfns ;ldltsf]
;lqmo e"ldsf /x]sf] 5 . ;fy}, o; ;ldltn] a}+ssf] k|d'v ;"rsfÍx?sf] cg'udg u/L Ao:yfkgnfO{ cfjZos lgb]{zgx? hf/L ug]{,
a}+ssf] Jofj;flos of]hgf Pj+ ah]6 :jLs[t ug]{ / ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7snfO{ Jojl:yt ug{] u/]]sf] 5 . ;~rfns ;ldltdf >L ;'lbk
cfrfo{, >L led k|;fb t'nfrg, >L b]js[i0f sfkm\n], >L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L, >L ljZj]Zj/ ;'j]bL, >L an/fd a/fn / >L ;Ltf l3ld/]
/xg'ePsf] 5 . a}+ssf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?n] g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zgdf tf]lsPsf cfr/0fx? kfngf ug'{ePsf] 5 .
;~rfns ;ldlt a}+ssf] gLlt lgdf{0f tyf Joj:yfkgsf] cg'udg ug]{ tyf cfjZos lgb]{zgx? lbg] sfo{df s]lGb|t /x]sf] 5 . cfly{s
jif{ @)&&÷)&* df o; ;ldltsf] hDdf @) j6f a}7s -a}7s g+= @(# cf}+ b]lv #!@ cf}+ ;Dd_ a;]sf] lyof] .

n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt
a}+ssf] cfly{s cj:yfsf] ;dLIff, cfGtl/s lgoGq0f, n]vfk/LIf0f ;DaGwL sfo{s|d / n]vf k/LIf0f ;DaGwL lj:t[t sfo{ k|0ffnLsf] ;dLIff
u/L ;~rfns ;ldltdf cfjZos /fo÷;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ sfo{sf] lgldQ g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zgsf] cwLgdf /xL of]
;ldltsf] u7g ul/Psf] 5 . n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf ;b:ox? /x]sf 5g\ M–
>L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;+of]hs -;~rfns_
>L rt'/fv/ clwsf/L ;b:o -;~rfns_
>L lg/Ghg e08f/L ;b:o ;lrj
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt ;+of]hs tyf ;~rfns ;b:ox?nfO{ a}7s eQf afx]s cGo s'g} kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwf k|bfg ul/Psf]
5}g . sd{rf/L ;b:o afx]s ;+of]hs / ;b:onfO{ k|lt a}7s eQf ¿ *,)))÷– pknAw u/fOPsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] * j6f a}7s a;]sf] 5 / a}7s eQf afkt ? !,@*,))) ÷– e'QmfgL ul/Psf] 5 .
o; ;ldltn] cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0fsf] sfo{ of]hgf :jLs[lt, cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f ljefuaf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] q}dfl;s n]vf k/LIf0f
k|ltj]bg, afÅo n]vf k/LIfsaf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bg /
;f] pk/ Joj:yfkgaf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf] k|ltpQ/ ;DaGwdf lj:t[t 5nkmn u/L Joj:yfkgnfO{ cfjZos lgb]{zg tyf ;'´fj lbg'sf
;fy} o; ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ h:tf sfdx? klg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt

a}+ssf] hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL cfjZos /fo÷;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ sfo{sf] lgldQ g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zgsf] cwLgdf
/xL of] ;ldltsf] u7g ul/Psf] 5 . Pshgf u}/ sfo{sf/L ;~rfnssf] ;+of]hsTjdf a}+sdf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] u7g ul/Psf]
5 . n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf ;+of]hsnfO{ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldltdf kb]g ;b:osf] ?kdf /flvPsf] 5 .
hf]lvd Aoj:yfkg ;ldltsf ;b:ox?sf] gfdfjnL, lghx?n] k|fKt u/]sf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwf, ;f] ;ldltn] u/]sf] sfd
sf/jfxLsf] ljj/0f / ;f] ;ldltn] s'g} ;'emfj lbPsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f
hf]lvd Aoj:yfkg ;ldltdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf ;b:ox? /x]sf 5g\ M–
>L b]js[i0f sfkm\n] ;+of]hs -;~rfns_
>L led k|;fb t'nfrg ;b:o -;~rfns_
>L 3gZofd 9'+u]n ;b:o
>L k|lbk k'8f;}gL ;b:o ;lrj

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

hf]lvd Aoj:yfkg ;ldlt ;+of]hs tyf ;~rfns ;b:ox?nfO{ a}7s eQf afx]s cGo s'g} kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwf k|bfg ul/Psf]
5}g . sd{rf/L ;b:o afx]s ;+of]hs / ;b:onfO{ k|lt a}7s eQf ¿ *,)))÷– pknAw u/fOPsf] 5 . cfly{s jif{ @)&&÷)&* df
hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] & j6f a}7s a;]sf] 5 / a}7s eQf afkt ? !,!@,))) ÷– e'QmfgL ul/Psf] 5 .
of] ;ldltn] q}dfl;s ?kdf a}s + sf] k"h
F L kof{Kttf ;DaGwL cfGtl/s ljZn]if0f, If]qut ;Ldf lgwf{/0f tyf cg'kfngf, bjfj k/LIf0f cflbsf]
cg'udg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 / q}dfl;s ?kdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . o;sf ;fy}, a}s + sf] hf]lvd ;DaGwdf cGo hfgsf/L
lng] tyf To; ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ cflb h:tf lqmofsnfkx? klg o; ;ldltn] ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

hf]lvd Joj:yfkg
hf]lvdx?sf] plrt Joj:yfkg u/L a}+ssf] sfo{;Dkfbg r':t agfpg tyf ;+:yfn] ;fdgf ug'{kg{] hf]lvdsf] klxrfg, dfkg, cg'udg,
Joj:yfkg, lgoGq0f / l/kf]l6{ªsf nflu ;'b[9 hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;+/rgf tof/ u/L a}+sn] sfof{Gjogdf NofPsf] 5 . a}+sdf cGtlg{lxt
vf; dxTjsf d'ne"t hf]lvdsf] ;fdgf ug{sf nflu ;~rfns ;ldltn] Risk Management Guideline :jLs[t u/L sfof{Gjogdf
NofPsf] 5 / ;f]sf] jflif{s ?kdf k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{ cEof;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbO{Psf] 5 .
!= a}+s ;~rfns ;ldltn] a}+sn] axg ug{ rfx]sf] hf]lvd (Risk Appetite) / a}+snfO{ u|fx\o x'g] ;Ldf (Tolerable Limit)
klxrfg u/L hf]lvd /0fgLlt to ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
@= a}+s ;~rfns ;ldltn] k|efjsf/L hf]lvd Aoj:yfkgsf nflu a}+ssf] hf]lvdnfO{ shf{ hf]lvd, ;~rfng hf]lvd, t/ntf
hf]lvd, ahf/ hf]lvd, Aofhb/ hf]lvd, ljb]zL ljlgdo hf]lvd / cGo hf]lvdx?df juL{s/0f u/L k|efjsf/L ?kdf hf]lvdsf]
Joj:yfkg ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
#= shf{ hf]lvdsf] klxrfg, dfkg, cg'udg / lgoGq0fsf nflu pko'Qm gLlt tyf sfo{ljlw cjnDag ul/Psf] 5 .
$= sfo{/t hgzlQm, k|lqmof, k|0ffnL Pj+ jfx\o 36gfsf sf/0f l;lh{t / ;"rgf k|ljlwaf6 x'g ;Sg] ;~rfng hf]lvdnfO{ Go"gLs/0f
ug{ pko'Qm gLlt tyf sfo{ljlw cjnDag ul/Psf] 5 .
%= ;+:yfdf t/ntfsf] ;du| Joj:yfkgsf nflu t/ntf hf]lvd Jo:yfkg gLlt tof/ kf/L nfu" u/LPsf] tyf ;DklQ–bfloTj ;ldlt
(Assets Liabilities Committee - ALCO) u7g u/L cg'udg ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 .
^= ahf/ hf]lvd Jo:yfkgsf nflu ahf/ hf]lvd Jo:yfkg gLlt th{'df u/L sfof{Gjog ul/Psf] 5 .

t/ntf tyf clgjfo{ df}Hbft cg'kft

k|ltj]bg jif{sf] cGTodf a}+ssf] t/ntf cg'kft @@=!) k|ltzt /x]sf] 5, h'g g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] tf]s]sf] Go"gtd ;Ldf cyf{t @) k|ltzt
eGbf a9L /x]sf] 5 . t/ntfs} ;Gbe{df k|ltj]bg jif{sf] cGTodf a}+ssf] clgjfo{ gub df}Hbft cg'kft (CRR) #=@^ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5,
h'g g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] k|ltj]bg jif{sf] nflu tf]s]sf] Go"gtd cyf{t # k|ltzt eGbf a9L /x]sf] 5 .

lglis|o shf{ cg'kft

k|ltjb]g jif{df a+s
} sf] s'n shf{sf] t'ngfdf lglis|o shf{ -gg kk{mld{Ë nf]g_ !=^! k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 h'g ut jif{ !=&( k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .

l/on O:6]6 tyf cg'Tkfbs If]q ;DaGwL shf{

clws hf]lvd lglxt 3/ hUuf -l/on :6]6_ If]qdf shf{ nufgL ug]{ tkm{ a}+s ;hu /xg] u/]sf] 5 . k|ltj]bg jif{sf] cGTodf o; If]q;Fu
;DalGwt shf{ s'n shf{sf] %=&# k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . pRr hf]lvd ePsf] o; If]qdf goFf shf{ k|jfx ubf{ ljz]if cWoog ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 .

hf]lvd dfkg ug]{ bafa k/LIf0f (Stress Testing)

a}+sn] ljleGg dfkb08x?sf cfwf/df ug'{ kg]{ bafa k/LIf0fx? h:t}, pRr dfqfdf lgIf]k aflxl/g'af6 x'g ;Sg] hf]lvd, 3/ hUuf tyf
;du| shf{ k|lts"n ju{df juL{s/0f ePaf6 kg{ ;Sg] hf]lvd, Aofhb/ kl/jt{gaf6 kg{ ;Sg] hf]lvd, z]o/ ahf/ 36a9af6 kg{ ;Sg]
hf]lvd cflbsf] cfFsng / To;sf] Go"gLs/0f ug]{ pkfox?sf] ljZn]if0f q}dfl;s ?kdf ;~rfns ;ldlt tyf Joj:yfkgsf pRr
kbflwsf/Lx? ;lDdlnt hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldltåf/f ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . bafa k/LIf0f ;DaGwL ul/Psf] ;f] ljZn]if0f q}dfl;s ?kdf
;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7sdf k]z ug'{sf ;fy} bjfj k/LIf0fsf] kl/0ffd g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf klg q}dfl;s ?kdf k]z ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
xfn;Dd ul/Psf tL k/LIf0fx?df a}+ssf] cj:yf ;Gtf]ifhgs /x]sf] kfOPsf] 5 .

If]qut shf{
To:t}, If]qut shf{ ;Ldf cGtu{t a}+ssf] cfˆgf] shf{ gLlt cg'?k ;Ldf sfod ul/Psf] 5 . h; cGtu{t xfn;Dd a}+ssf] cj:yf
;Gtf]ifhgs /x]sf] 5 . ;fy}, g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] tf]s]sf If]qx? / ltgLx?sf] ;Ldf cg'udg ;DaGwdf o; a}+sn] tf]lsPsf lgb]{zg cg'?k
ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . Psn u|fxs shf{ ;DaGwdf klg o; a}+sn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] tf]s]sf] ;Ldfsf] k"0f{?kn] kfngf u/]sf] 5 .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL

♦ a}+sn] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{ ;'b[9 agfpgsf nflu hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ljefu, cfGtl/s n]vfkl/If0f ljefu,
cg'kfng ljefu nufot :yfkgf u/L ljleGg cfGtl/s gLltx? Nffu" u/]sf] 5 . o;af6 a}+snfO{ cfGtl/s sfo{x?sf] cg'udg tyf
Joj:yfkg ug{ ;xh ePsf] 5 . a}+sdf sf/f]jf/ ;Dkfbgsf qmddf lglxt hf]lvd Go"gLs/0fsf nflu sf/f]af/df ;+nUg
kbflwsf/Lsf] clwsf/ tyf ;Ldf;d]t tf]lsPsf] 5 .
♦ To:t}, a}+ssf] PsLs[t hf]lvd Joj:yfkg tyf cg'kfngf ljefun] jfXo gLlt lgod, sfg"g / lgb]{zgx?sf] cwLgdf
/xL cfGtl/s gLlt, kl/kq, sfo{ljlwx? cflb tof/ u/L nfu' ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . o;af6 a}+ssf] shf{, ;~rfng, t/ntf cflb
lqmofsnfkx?df lglxt hf]lvdsf] Joj:yfkg ug{ ;lsg] ljZjf; lnOPsf] 5 .
♦ a}+sdf n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] k|ToIf dftxtdf /xg] u/L :jtGq cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ljefu /x]sf] 5 . ;f] ljefun]
a+}ssf] sf/f]af/sf] lgoldt ?kdf n]vfk/LIf0f u/L ;f]sf] k|ltjb]g ;ldltdf k]z ug{] ub5{ . k|ltj]bgdf /x]sf s}lkmotx?nfO{
;ldltdf lj:t[t ?kdf 5nkmn u/L tL s}lkmotx? ;'wf/ ug{ tyf eljiodf bf]xf]l/g glbg lgoldt ?kdf lgb]{zg÷l;kmfl/z ug]{
ul/Psf] 5 .

sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt

a}+ssf] sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;]jf ;'ljwf ;DaGwL cfjZos /fo÷;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ sfo{sf] lgldQ g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zgsf]
cwLgdf /xL of] ;ldltsf] u7g ul/Psf] 5 . xfn o; ;ldltsf] ;+of]hsdf ;~rfns >L an/fd a/fn /xg' ePsf] 5 . ;ldltsf cGo
;b:ox?df k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t >L k|lj0f a:g]t, k|d'v ;~rfng tyf ljQ ljefu k|d'v >L 3gZofd 9'Ë]n tyf >f]t ljefu k|d'v
>L ;l[i6gf dfgGw/ /xg' ePsf] 5 . k|ltj]bg cjlwdf sd{rf/L ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldltsf] % k6s a}7s a;]sf] 5 .
of] ;ldltn] sd{rf/Lx?sf] kfl/>lds / ;]jf ;'ljwf ;+/rgfsf] cWoog tyf ljZn]if0f u/L kfl/>lds lgwf{/0f ug]{, sd{rf/Lx?sf] sfo{
If]q lgwf{/0f tyf sfo{;Dkfbg d'Nofª\sg k|0ffnLsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{, sd{rf/L Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL cGo sfo{ljlwx? cflb tof/ u/L
;f] ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} o; ;ldltn] jflif{s ?kdf a}+ssf] dfgj ;+zfwg
of]hgf klg tof/ u/L ;~rfns ;ldltdf k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt

a}+ssf] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL cfjZos /fo÷;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ sfo{sf] lgldQ g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zgsf]
cwLgdf /xL of] ;ldltsf] u7g ul/Psf] 5 . o; ;ldltsf] ;+of]hsdf ;~rfns >L ljZj]Zj/ ;'j]bL /xg' ePsf] 5 eg] ;b:odf
hf]lvd ljefu k|d'v >L k|lbk k'8f;}gL tyf ;~rfng ljefu k|d'v >L 3gZofd 9'+u]n / cg'kfng tyf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f
ljefusf k|d'v >L lg/Ghg e08f/L ;b:o ;lrj /xg' ePsf] 5 . k|ltj]bg cjlwdf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldltsf] %
k6s a}7s a;]sf] 5 .
of] ;ldltn] ef}uf]lns If]q, Joj;fo jf k]zf, sfo{If]q, u|fxs, ;]jf jf pTkfbg, sf/f]af/ tyf ljt/0f dfWod ;d]tsf cfwf/df ;DklQ
z'4Ls/0f tyf cftfÍafb s[ofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL hf]lvdsf] klxrfg tyf d'Nofª\sg ug]{, u|fxs÷af:tlas wgL÷sf/f]af/
sf ;DaGwdf lg/Gt/ cgu'dgsf] kg'/fjnf]sg ug{] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cftfÍjfb s[ofsnfksf] lgjf/0f Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL cGo
sfo{l{jlwx? cflb tof/ u/L ;f] ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltdf /fo ;'emfj tyf l;kmfl/z k]z ug]{ u/]sf] 5 .

/0fgLlts lbzf
xfdLn] lg/Gt/ cg';Gwfg, ljsf; / cfw'lgsLs/0f dfkm{t u|fxsx¿sf nflu NofOPsf pTs[i6, ;'xfpFbf / ;do;fk]If ljsf;
ul/Psf u'0f:t/Lo pTkfbg / ;]jf u|fxsx¿aLrsf] ljZjf; lgdf{0f / cfTdljZjf;sf] :t/ psf:gsf nflu cfwf/zLnf ePsf] ljZjf;
ub{5f}+ . t;y{, sfdgf ;]jf ljsf; a}+s kl/jf/ ;b}j u|fxs / cGo ;Dk"0f{ ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿nfO{ clwstd kmfObf / pRrtd ;]jfsf]
Uof/]G6L lbFb} ;Dk"0f{ u|fxs dxfg'efjx?nfO{ pxfFx¿sf cfjZostf;Fu pTs[i6 d]n vfg]u/L cTofw'lgs pTkfbg / ;]jf lbg k|oTgzLn
/xg] k|ltj4tfk|lt xfdL sl6j4 /xg]5f}+ .

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

dfgj ;+;fwg
o; ljsf; a}+sn] of]Uo / ;Ifd JolQmx?nfO{ /f]huf/Lsf] cj;/ k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . ef}uf]lns tyf n}+lus ;dfgtfsf] cfwf/df ;LdfGts[t
ju{ / ;d'bfonfO{ k|fyldstf lbPsf] 5 . o; ;+:yfdf @)&* c;f/ d;fGt ;Dd s'n ()% hgf sd{rf/Lx? sfo{/t 5g\ . s'n
sd{rf/Lsf] sl/j $) k|ltzt dlxnf sd{rf/Lx? 5g\ eg] @) b]lv $) jif{ pd]/ ;d"xsf sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;+Vof (# k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .

As of FY 2077/78 (2020/21) Age Wise Staffs As of FY 2077/78 (2020/21)

S.N Particulars No. of Staffs S.N Age Group No. of Staffs
1 Male Staffs 547 (60.44%) 1 Below 20 yrs 3 (0.32%)

2 Female Staffs 358 (39.56%) 2 20-30 yrs 522 (57.62 %)

3 30-40 yrs 317 (35.12%)

4 40-50 yrs 53 (5.79%)

5 Above 50 yrs 10 (1.09%)

Chart Title Chart Title

Below 20 yrs (0.32%)

20-30 yrs (57.62 %)
Male Staffs (60.44%) 30-40 yrs (35.12%)
Female Staffs (39.56%) 40-50 yrs (5.89%)
Above 50 yrs (0.32%)
1 2 3 4 5
1 2

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

jflif{s k|ltj]bg


Statement of Financial Position
For the year ended 31 Asar 2078
Particulars Note Current Year Previous Year
Cash and Cash Equivalent 4.1 4,401,235,416 1,710,904,134
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 4.2 940,622,266 1,074,761,475
Placement with Bank and Financial Institutions 4.3 - -
Derivative Financial Instruments 4.4 - -
Other Trading Assets 4.5 - -
Loans and Advances to BFIs 4.6 952,703,267 976,661,206
Loans and Advances to Customers 4.7 38,580,550,842 25,926,018,015
Investment Securities 4.8 4,972,529,625 5,759,416,102
Current Tax Assets 4.9 46,952,495 87,202,509
Investment in Subsidiaries 4.10 - -
Investment in Associates 4.11 - -
Investment Property 4.12 34,810,000 9,610,000
Property and Equipment 4.13 613,077,820 651,717,685
Goodwill and Intangible Assets 4.14 100,534,705 10,393,228
Deferred Tax Assets 4.15 28,379,326 36,562,104
Other Assets 4.16 633,508,463 378,465,414
Total Assets 51,304,904,226 36,621,711,872
Particulars Note Current Year Previous Year
Due to Bank and Financial Institutions 4.17 1,106,024,820 1,061,544,497
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 4.18 599,786,423 -
Derivative Financial Instruments 4.19 - -
Deposits from Customers 4.20 44,200,605,720 31,905,976,624
Borrowings 4.21 - -
Current Tax Liabilities 4.9 - -
Provisions 4.22 25,824,308 71,409,499
Deferred Tax Liabilities 4.15 - -
Other Liabilities 4.23 541,440,648 378,724,565
Debt Securities Issued 4.24 992,982,007 -
Subordinated Liabilities 4.25 - -
Total Liabilities 47,466,663,926 33,417,655,184
Share Capital 4.26 2,651,963,732 2,540,195,352
Share Premium - -
Retained Earnings 527,521,035 119,709,086
Reserves 4.27 658,755,534 544,152,249
Total Equity Attributable to Equity Holders 3,838,240,300 3,204,056,688
Non Controlling Interest - -
Total Equity 3,838,240,300 3,204,056,688
Total Liabilities and Equity 51,304,904,226 36,621,711,872
Contingent Liabilities and Commitments 4.28 170,357,616 1,137,769,548
Net Assets Value per share 144.73 126.13
As per our report of even date

Sudeep Acharya Bhim Prasad Tulachan Chaturakhar Adhikari Dev Krishna Kafle CA. Shiva Chandra Shrestha
Chairman Director Director Director Senior Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co. Chartered

Sita Ghimire Bishweshwar Subedi Balaram Baral Prabin Basnet Milan Adhikari
Director Director Director Chief Executive Officer Head - Finance

Date : 23 September 2021

Place : Kathmandu

jflif{s k|ltj]bg


Statement of Profit or Loss
For the year ended 31 Asar 2078
Particulars Note Current Year Previous Year
Interest Income 4.29 4,090,314,629 3,530,982,785
Interest Expense 4.30 2,554,044,452 2,383,849,804
Net Interest Income 1,536,270,177 1,147,132,980
Fee and Commission Income 4.31 338,368,753 221,466,336
Fee and Commission Expense 4.32 7,366,778 4,805,371
Net Fee and Commission Income 331,001,974 216,660,964
Net Interest, Fee and Commisson Income 1,867,272,151 1,363,793,945
Net Trading Income 4.33 44,822 51,791
Other Operating Income 4.34 267,326,680 12,590,273
Total Operating Income 2,134,643,653 1,376,436,009
Impairment Charge/ (Reversal) for Loans and Other Lossess 4.35 272,112,605 315,711,475
Net Operating Income 1,862,531,047 1,060,724,534
Operating Expense
Personnel Expenses 4.36 623,457,603 489,363,223
Other Operating Expenses 4.37 262,564,924 316,262,277
Depreciation & Amortisation 4.38 116,124,379 89,368,495
Operating Profit 860,384,141 165,730,539
Non Operating Income 4.39 - -
Non Operating Expense 4.40 2,143,348 1,623,481
Profit Before Income Tax 858,240,793 164,107,058
Income Tax Expense
Current Tax 4.41 269,564,022 53,377,549
Deferred Tax (9,498,969) (8,989,819)
Profit for the Period 598,175,740 119,719,328
Profit Attributable to:
Equity-holders of the Bank 598,175,740 119,719,328
Non-Controlling Interest - -
Profit for the Period 598,175,740 119,719,328
Earnings per Share
Basic Earnings per Share 22.56 4.71
Diluted Earnings per Share 22.56 4.71
As per our report of even date

Sudeep Acharya Bhim Prasad Tulachan Chaturakhar Adhikari Dev Krishna Kafle CA. Shiva Chandra Shrestha
Chairman Director Director Director Senior Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co. Chartered

Sita Ghimire Bishweshwar Subedi Balaram Baral Prabin Basnet Milan Adhikari
Director Director Director Chief Executive Officer Head - Finance

Date :23 September 2021

Place : Kathmandu

jflif{s k|ltj]bg


Statement of Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 Asar 2078
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Profit for the year 598,175,740 119,719,328
Other Comprehensive Income, Net of Income Tax - -
a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss - -
Gains/(losses) from investment in equity instruments measured at fair value 61,726,394 9,475,437
Gains/(losses) on revaluation - -
Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans (2,787,237) 4,196,574
Income tax relating to above items (17,681,747) (4,101,603)
Net other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 41,257,410 9,570,408
b) Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss - -
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - -
Exchange gains/(losses)(arising from translating financial assets of foreign operation) - -
Income tax relating to above items - -
Reclassify to profit or loss - -
Net other comprehensive income that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss - -
c) Share of other comprehensive income of associate accounted as per equity method - -
Other Comprehensive Income for the year, Net of Income Tax 41,257,410 9,570,408
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 639,433,150 129,289,736
Total Comprehensive Income attributable to:
Equity-Holders of the Bank 639,433,150 129,289,736
Non-Controlling Interest
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 639,433,150 129,289,736
As per our report of even date

Sudeep Acharya Bhim Prasad Tulachan Chaturakhar Adhikari Dev Krishna Kafle CA. Shiva Chandra Shrestha
Chairman Director Director Director Senior Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co. Chartered

Sita Ghimire Bishweshwar Subedi Balaram Baral Prabin Basnet Milan Adhikari
Director Director Director Chief Executive Officer Head - Finance

Date : 23 September 2021

Place : Kathmandu

Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 Asar 2078
Attributable to Equity-Holders of the Bank
Exchange Corporate
Particulars Share General Regulatory Fair Value Retained Other
Share Capital Eq. Social Total Total Equity
Premium Reserve Reserve Reserve Earning Reserve
Reserve Responsibility
Balance at Shrawan 01, 2076 2,540,195,352 - 395,642,548 5,230 173,788,123 (46,568,496) 173,655,162 5,992,029 2,510,311 3,245,220,258 3,245,220,258
Comprehensive Income for the year - - - - - - - - - - -
Profit for the year - - - - - - 119,719,328 - - 119,719,328 119,719,328
Other Comprehensive Income, Net of Tax - - - - - - - - - - -
Gains/(losses) from investment in equity instruments
- - - - - 6,632,806 - - - 6,632,806 6,632,806
measured at fair value
Gains/(losses) on revaluation - - - - - - - - - - -
Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans - - - - - - - - - - -
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - - - - - - - - - - -
Exchange gains/(losses)(arising from translating financial assets of
- - - - - - - - - - -
foreign operation)
Total Comprehensive Income for the year - - - - - 6,632,806 119,719,328 - - 126,352,134 126,352,134
Transfer to Reserves during the year - - 23,943,866 224,513 (11,790,316) - 118,787,208 (4,020,386) (7,425,557) 119,719,328 119,719,328
Transfer from Reserves during the year - - - - - - - - 5,217,579 5,217,579 5,217,579
Transactions with Owners, directly recognized in Equity - - - - - - - - - - -
Share Issued - - - - - - - - - - -
Share Based Payments - - - - - - - - - - -
Dividend to Equity-Holders - - - - - - - - - - -
Bonus Shares Issued - - - - - - - - - - -
Cash Dividend Paid - - - - - - (172,733,284) - - (172,733,284) (172,733,284)
Other - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Contributions by and Distributions - - - - - - (172,733,284) - (172,733,284) (172,733,284)
Balance at Asar 31, 2077 2,540,195,352 - 419,586,413 229,742 161,997,807 (39,935,689) 119,709,086 1,971,643 302,333 3,204,056,688 3,204,056,688
Balance at Shrawan 1, 2077 2,540,195,352 - 419,586,413 229,742 161,997,807 (39,935,689) 119,709,086 1,971,643 302,333 3,204,056,688 3,204,056,688
Adjustment/Restatement - - - - - - 633,007 - - 633,007 633,007
Adjusted/Restated balance as on Shrawan 1,2077 2,540,195,352 - 419,586,413 229,742 161,997,807 (39,935,689) 120,342,094 1,971,643 302,333 3,204,689,695 3,204,689,695
Comprehensive Income for the year - - - - - - - - - - -
Profit for the year - - - - - - 598,175,740 - - 598,175,740 598,175,740
Other Comprehensive Income, Net of Tax - - - - - - - - - - -
Gains/(losses) from investment in equity instruments measured
- - - - - 43,208,476 - - - 43,208,476 43,208,476
at fair value
Gains/(losses) on revaluation - - - - - - - - - - -
Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans - - - - - - - - (1,951,066) (1,951,066) (1,951,066)
Gains/(losses) on cash flow hedge - - - - - - - - - - -
Exchange gains/(losses)(arising from translating financial assets
- - - - - - - - - - -
of foreign operation)
Total Comprehensive Income for the year - - - - - 43,208,476 598,175,740 - (1,951,066) 639,433,150 639,433,150
Transfer to Reserves during the year - - 119,635,148 51,533 17,827,066 - - 4,010,114 - 141,523,861 141,523,861
Transfer from Reserves during the year - - - - (68,177,991) - (73,345,873) - - (141,523,865) (141,523,865)
Transactions with Owners, directly recognized in Equity - - - - - - - - - - -
Share Issued - - - - - - - - - - -
Share Based Payments - - - - - - - - - - -
Dividend to Equity-Holders - - - - - - - - - - -
Bonus Shares Issued 111,768,380 - - - - - (111,768,380) - - - -
Cash Dividend Paid - - - - - - (5,882,546) - - (5,882,546) (5,882,546)
Other - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Contributions by and Distributions 111,768,380 - 119,635,148 51,533 (50,350,926) 43,208,476 407,178,941 4,010,114 (1,951,066) 633,550,600 633,550,600
Balance at Asar 31, 2078 2,651,963,732 539,221,561 281,275 111,646,881 3,272,786 527,521,035 5,981,757 (1,648,733) 3,838,240,294 3,838,240,294
As per our report of even date
jflif{s k|ltj]bg


Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 31 Asar 2078
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Interest Received 4,090,314,629 3,530,982,785
Fee and Other Income Received 338,368,753 222,223,205
Dividend Received - -
Receipts from Other Operating Activities 267,371,501 8,812,848
Interest Paid (2,554,044,452) (2,383,849,804)
Commissions and Fees Paid (7,366,778) (1,733,025)
Cash Payment to Employees (539,665,942) (439,581,253)
Other Expenses Paid (264,708,272) (317,885,758)
Operating Cash Flows before Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities 1,330,269,439 618,968,998
(Increase) Decrease in Operating Assets
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 134,139,208 39,953,550
Placement with Banks and Financial Institutions - -
Other Trading Assets - -
Loans and Advances to BFIs 23,957,940 353,306,594
Loans and Advances to Customers (12,654,532,828) (7,019,416,708)
Other Assets (206,610,257) (305,424,597)
Increase (Decrease) in Operating Liabilities
Due to Banks and Financials Institutions 44,480,323 (538,211,446)
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 599,786,423 -
Deposit from Customers 12,294,629,096 10,529,843,731
Borrowings - -
Other Liabilities 117,130,893 (20,647,991)
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities before Tax Paid 1,683,250,236 3,658,372,132
Income Tax Paid (260,065,053) (44,387,730)
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 1,423,185,183 3,613,984,401
Purchase of Investment Securities 786,886,477 (4,990,760,629)
Receipts from Sale of Investment Securities - -
Purchase of Property and Equipment (74,070,134) (254,371,459)
Receipts from Sale of Property and Equipment - -
Purchase of Intangible Assets (93,555,857) (3,302,920)
Purchase of Investment Properties (25,200,000) (9,610,000)
Receipts from Sale of Investment Properties - -
Interest Received - -
Dividend Received - -
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities 594,060,486 (5,258,045,008)
Receipts from Issue of Debt Securities 1,000,000,000 -
Repayments of Debt Securities - -
Receipts from Issue of Subordinated Liabilities - -
Repayments of Subordinated Liabilities - -
Receipt from Issue of Shares 111,768,380 -
Dividends Paid - -
Interest Paid - -
Other Receipts/Payments (438,682,766) (526,376,345)
Net Cash from Financing Activities 673,085,613 (526,376,345)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,690,331,282 (2,170,436,952)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Shrawan 01, 2077 1,710,904,134 3,881,341,086
Effect of Exchange Rate fluctuations on Cash and Cash Equivalents Held - -
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Asar 31, 2078 4,401,235,416 1,710,904,134
As per our report of even date

Sudeep Acharya Bhim Prasad Tulachan Chaturakhar Adhikari Dev Krishna Kafle CA. Shiva Chandra Shrestha
Chairman Director Director Director Senior Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co. Chartered

Sita Ghimire Bishweshwar Subedi Balaram Baral Prabin Basnet Milan Adhikari
Director Director Director Chief Executive Officer Head - Finance

Date : 23 September 2021

Place : Kathmandu 68
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Statement of Distributable Profit or Loss
For the year ended 31 Asar 2078 (As per NRB Regulation)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Opening balance in retained earnings 119,709,082 173,655,158
Adjustment/Restatement 633,007 -
Net profit or (loss) as per statement of profit or loss 598,175,740 119,719,328
a. General reserve (119,635,148) (23,943,866)
b. Foreign exchange fluctuation fund (51,533) (224,513)
c. Capital redemption reserve - -
d. Corporate social responsibility fund (5,981,757) (1,197,193)
e. Employees' training fund - -
f. Other
>Investment adjustment reserve - 7,425,557
>Deferred Tax - -
>Bonus Share (111,768,380) -
>Cash dividend (5,882,546) (172,733,284)
>Merger - -
>CSR Expenses 1,971,643 5,217,579
>Training expense - -
Profit or (loss) before regulatory adjustment 477,170,109 107,918,766
Regulatory adjustment :
a. Interest receivable (-)/previous accrued interest received (+) 20,059,524 1,163,841
b. Short loan loss provision in accounts (-)/reversal (+) - -
c. Short provision for possible losses on investment (-)/reversal (+) - -
d. Short loan loss provision on Non Banking Assets (-)/resersal (+) (15,876,000) (6,054,300)
e. Deferred tax assets recognised (-)/ reversal (+) 8,182,778 (4,888,216)
f. Goodwill recognised (-)/ impairment of Goodwill (+) - -
g. Bargain purchase gain recognised (-)/resersal (+) - -
h. Acturial loss recognised (-)/reversal (+) (1,951,066) 2,937,602
i. Fair value Loss on investment 39,935,689 18,631,389
j. Other (+/-) - -
Distributable Profit or (Loss) 527,521,035 119,709,082
As per our report of even date

Sudeep Acharya Bhim Prasad Tulachan Chaturakhar Adhikari Dev Krishna Kafle CA. Shiva Chandra Shrestha
Chairman Director Director Director Senior Partner
G.P. Rajbahak & Co. Chartered

Sita Ghimire Bishweshwar Subedi Balaram Baral Prabin Basnet Milan Adhikari
Director Director Director Chief Executive Officer Head - Finance

Date : 23 September 2021

Place : Kathmandu

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1. General Information ♦ Notes to the Financial Statements comprising summary

1.1 Reporting Entity of Principal Accounting Policies and explanatory notes
that are of significant importance to the users of
Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited is a limited liability Financial Statements.
company domiciled in Nepal which has been in operation
in Nepal since 2064/02/24 (2007/06/07). The Bank is 2.2 Statement of Compliance
registered with the Office of Company Registrar as a public The financial statements have been prepared and approved
limited company and carries out banking activities in Nepal by the Board of Directors in accordance with Nepal Financial
under the license from Nepal Rastra Bank as Class “Kha” Reporting Standards (NFRS) and as published by the
licensed institution (National Level). It’s registered, and Accounting Standards Board (ASB) Nepal and pronounced
corporate office are at Kathmandu, Nepal. by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN)
and in the format issued by Nepal Rastra Bank in Directive
The Bank merged with Sewa Bikas Bank Limited in the Fiscal No. 4 of NRB Directives, 2078.
year 2074/75 and started joint operation from 20th Shrawan,
2075. 2.3 Reporting Period and approval of
financial statements
The Bank offers maximum banking services of banking Following reporting period has been considered as first
products and services including loans and advances, time adoption.
deposits etc. to wide range of clients encompassing
individuals, corporates, large public sector companies, Financial Statement
government corporations, etc. as authorized by the Nepal
Statement of Financial Position 15th July 2021
Rastra Bank (Central Bank of Nepal).
Comparatives 15th July 2020
The Bank is listed on Nepal Stock Exchange and its stock
symbol is “KSBBL”. The Board of Directors of the bank has authorized the
financial statement vide its resolution dated September
1.2 Subsidiary/Group 23, 2021 and recommended for its approval by the Annual
Subsidiaries are investees that are controlled by the Bank. General Meeting of the shareholders.
Control is achieved when the Bank is exposed, or has rights,
to variable returns from its involvement with the investee 2.4 Foreign Exchange Transaction
and has the ability to affect the returns of those investees Foreign Exchange Transactions Assets and liabilities
through its power over the investee. denominated in foreign currencies as on the balance sheet
date have been converted into local currency at mid-
The bank does not have any subsidiary company. point exchange rates published by Nepal Rastra Bank after
adjustment for effective trading rate.
2. Basis of Preparation
2.1 Basis of Preparation 2.5 Functional and Presentation Currency
The Financial Statements of the Bank have been prepared The financial statements of the Bank are presented in
in accordance with the requirement of Nepal Financial Nepalese Rupees (NPR), which is the currency of the
Reporting Standards (NFRS) as published by the Accounting primary economic environment in which the Bank operates.
Standards Board (ASB) Nepal and pronounced by The Financial information is presented in Nepalese Rupees.
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN) and in There was no change in the presentation and functional
the format issued by Nepal Rastra Bank in Directive No. 4 of currency during the year under review. The figures are
NRB Directives, 2078. The Group has opted for certain carve rounded to nearest integer, except otherwise indicated.
outs which are briefly described in Notes to Accounts. The 2.6 Use of Estimates, Assumptions and
Financial Statement comprise of: Judgment
♦ Statement of Financial Position (SOFP) stating the The Bank, under NFRS, is required to apply accounting
financial position of the Bank as at the end of reporting policies to most appropriately suit its circumstances and
period; operating environment. Further, the Bank is required to
make judgments in respect of items where the choice of
♦ Statement of Profit and Loss (SOPL) and Statement
specific policy, accounting estimate or assumption to be
of Other Comprehensive Income (SOCI) stating the
followed could materially affect the financial statements.
financial performance of the Bank for the reported
This may later be determined that a different choice could
period ended.
have been more appropriate. The accounting policies
♦ Statement of Cash Flow (SOCF) stating the ability of have been included in the relevant notes for each item of
Bank to generate Cash and Cash Equivalent. the financial statements and the effect and nature of the
♦ Statement of Changes in Equity (SOCE) stating all the changes, if any, have been disclosed. The NFRS requires
changes in Equity of the Bank during the reporting period. the Bank to make estimates and assumptions that will

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affect the assets, liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets however, certain interpretations might vary regarding the
and liabilities, and profit or loss as reported in the financial recognition, measurement, and other related provisions
statements. The Bank applies estimates in preparing and where the standards are not specific and not clear.
presenting the financial statements and such estimates
and underlying assumptions are reviewed periodically. 2.10 Discounting
The revision to accounting estimates are recognized in the Non- current assets and liabilities are discounted where
period in which the estimates are revised and are applied discounting is material. Interest income and expenses have
prospectively. Disclosures of the accounting estimates been recognized on unwinding of financial assets and
have been included in the relevant sections of the notes liabilities respectively.
wherever the estimates have been applied along with the
nature and effect of changes of accounting estimates, if 2.11 Prior Period Errors
any. Prior Period Errors are omissions or misstatements in an
entity’s financial statements. Such omissions may relate to
2.7 Accounting Policies and Changes in one or more prior periods. Correction of an error is done
Accounting Polices by calculating the cumulative effect of the change on the
There are different accounting principles adopted by financial statements of the period as if new method or
management and these policies are consistently applied estimate had always been used for all the affected prior
to all years presented except or changes in accounting years’ financial statements. Sometimes such changes may
policies that has been disclosed separately. not be practicable. In such cases, it is applied to the latest
period possible by making corresponding adjustment to
The Bank, under NFRS, is required to apply accounting the opening balance of the period.
policies to most appropriately suit its circumstances and
operating environment. Further, the Bank is required to 2.12 Materiality and Aggregation
make judgments in respect of items where the choice of Each material class of similar items is presented separately
specific policy, accounting estimate or assumption to be in the Financial Statements. Items of dissimilar nature or
followed could materially affect the financial statements. function are presented separately, unless they are immaterial
This may later be determined that a different choice could as permitted by the Nepal Accounting Standard – NAS
have been more appropriate. The accounting policies 1 on ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’. Notes to the
have been included in the relevant notes for each item of Financial Statements are presented in a systematic manner
the financial statements and the effect and nature of the which ensures the understandability and comparability of
changes, if any, have been disclosed. Financial Statements of the bank. Understandability of the
Financial Statements is not compromised by obscuring
2.8 New Standards in issue but not yet material information with immaterial information or by
effective aggregating material items that have different natures or
For the reporting of financial instruments, NAS 32 Financial functions.
Instruments Presentation, NAS 39 Financial Instruments
Recognition and Measurements and NFRS 7 Financial 2.13 Offsetting
Instruments – Disclosures have been applied. NFRS 9 has Assets and liabilities, income and expense are reported
been complied for the classification of Financial Instruments. separately and no assets and liabilities, or income and
Few carve-outs on applicable Accounting Standards as expense are offset unless required or permitted by NFRS.
provided by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Nepal have been used by the Bank, the quantitative and 2.14 Comparative Information
qualitative impact of the same have been disclosed in Comparative information is provided in narrative and
detail in Notes to the Accounts. Further, a number of new descriptive nature, if it is relevant to understand the current
standards and amendments to the existing standards period’s financial statement and reclassified whenever
and interpretations have been issued by International necessary to conform to current year presentation.
Accounting Standard Board after the pronouncements of
NFRS with varying effective dates. Those become applicable 2.15 Rounding
when Accounting Standard Board Nepal incorporates them The statements have been rounded off to nearest Rupees
within NFRS. in relevant assertions.

2.9 New Standards and interpretation not

3. Summary of Significant
In preparing financial statement, Standards and Accounting Policies
pronouncement issued by Accounting Standard Board The principal accounting policies applied by the Bank in
Nepal has been adopted. Management has used its the preparation of these financial statements are presented
assumptions and understandings for preparation of below. These policies have been consistently applied to all
financial statements under compliance with NFRS, the years presented unless stated otherwise.

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3.1 Basis of Measurement the Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank and non-controlling interests
The Financial Statements of the Bank have been prepared are determined on the basis of present ownership interests.
on the historical cost basis, except for the following material
items in the Statement of Financial Position: However, bank does not have a subsidiary. So the non-
controlling interest has not been calculated separately.
♦ Financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit
or loss or other comprehensive income are measured 3.2.3 Subsidiaries
at fair value. Subsidiaries are entities that are controlled by the Bank. The
♦ Liabilities for defined benefit obligations are recognized Bank is presumed to control an investee when it is exposed
at the present value of the defined benefit obligation or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with
less the fair value of the plan assets. the investee and has the ability to affect those returns
through its power over the investee. At each reporting
♦ Financial assets and financial liabilities held at date the Bank reassesses whether it controls an investee
amortized cost at measured using a rate that is a close if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes
approximation of effective interest rate. to one or more elements of control mentioned above.The
3.2 Basis of Consolidation Financial Statements of Subsidiaries are fully consolidated
3.2.1 Business Combinations and Goodwill from the date on which control is transferred to the Bank
Business combinations are accounted for using the and continue to be consolidated until the date when such
acquisition method as per the requirements of Nepal control ceases. The Financial Statements of the Bank’s
Financial Reporting Standard - NFRS 03 (Business Subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting year as per
Combinations). The Bank measures goodwill as the fair the Bank, using consistent accounting policies.
value of the consideration transferred including the However, bank does not have any subsidiary.
recognized amount of any non-controlling interest in the
acquiree, less the net recognized amount (generally fair 3.2.4 Loss of Control
value) of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities When the Bank loses control over a Subsidiary, it
assumed, all measured as of the acquisition date. When the derecognizes the assets and liabilities of the former
excess is negative, a bargain purchase gain is immediately subsidiary from the consolidated statement of financial
recognized in the profit or loss. position. The Bank recognizes any investment retained in
the former subsidiary at its fair value when control is lost
The Bank elects on a transaction-by transaction basis and subsequently accounts for it and for any amounts
whether to measure non-controlling interest at its fair value, owed by or to the former subsidiary in accordance with
or at its proportionate share of the recognized amount relevant NFRSs. That fair value shall be regarded as the fair
of the identifiable net assets, at the acquisition date. The value on initial recognition of a financial asset in accordance
consideration transferred does not include amounts with relevant NFRS or, when appropriate, the cost on initial
related to the settlement of pre-existing relationships. recognition of an investment in an associate or joint venture.
Such amounts are generally recognized in profit or loss. The Bank recognizes the gain or loss associated with the loss
Transactions costs, other than those associated with the of control attributable to the former controlling interest.
issue of debt or equity securities, that the Bank incurs in
connection with a business combination are expensed as However, Bank does not have any subsidiary.
3.2.5 Special Purpose Entity(SPE)
The Bank has applied Exemptions for NFRS 3 as stated in An entity may be created to accomplish a narrow and
Appendix C as follows: well-defined objective (eg. to effect a lease, research and
development activities or a securitization of financial
A first-time adopter may elect not to apply NFRS 3 assets). Such a special purpose entity (‘SPE’) may take the
retrospectively to past business combinations (business form of a corporation, trust, partnership or unincorporated
combinations that occurred before the date of transition entity. SPEs often are created with legal arrangements
to NFRSs). However, if a first-time adopter restates any that impose strict and sometimes permanent limits on
business combination to comply with NFRS 3 it shall restate the decision-making powers of their governing board,
all later business combinations and shall also apply NFRS 10 trustee or management over the operations of the SPE.
from that same date. Examples of SPEs include entities set up to effect a lease,
3.2.2 Non-Controlling Interest (NCI) a securitization of financial assets, or R&D activities. Nepal
The bank presents non-controlling interests in its Financial Reporting Standard 10 Consolidated Financial
statement of financial position within equity, separately Statement is applicable in relation to consolidation of
from the equity of the owners of the parent. The bank special purpose entity.
attributes the profit or loss and each component of other The Bank does not have any special purpose entity.
comprehensive income to the owners of the parent and to
the non-controlling interests. The proportion allocated to

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3.2.6 Transaction Elimination on Consolidation ♦ The asset is held within a business model whose
In consolidating a subsidiary, the group eliminates full intra- objective is to hold assets in order to collect contractual
group assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows and
cash flows relating to transactions between the subsidiary ♦ The contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on
and the bank (profits or losses resulting from intra-group specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments
transactions that are recognized in assets, such as inventory of principal and interest on the principal amount
and fixed assets, are eliminated in full). outstanding.
The bank does not have any subsidiary. ii. Financial asset measured at fair value
Financial assets other than those measured at amortized
3.3 Cash and Cash equivalent cost are measured at fair value. Financial assets measured at
Cash and Cash Equivalents include cash in hand, balances fair value are further classified into two categories as below:
with banks and money at call and at short notice. These
are subject to insignificant risk of changes in their fair value ♦ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.
and are used by the Bank in the management of short term ♦ Financial assets at fair value through other
commitments. comprehensive income
Details of the Cash and Cash Equivalents are given in Note Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.
4.1 to the Financial Statements. Financial assets are classified as fair value through profit or
loss (FVTPL) if they are held for trading or are designated
3.4 Balance with Central Bank at fair value through profit or loss. Upon initial recognition,
Balances with central banks are carried at amortized cost in transaction cost are directly attributable to the acquisition
the Statement of Financial Position. are recognized in profit or loss as incurred. Such assets are
subsequently measured at fair value and changes in fair
3.5 Financial Assets and Financial value are recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss.
Financial assets at fair value through other
3.5.1 Recognition comprehensive income
The Bank initially recognizes a financial asset or a financial Investment in an equity instrument that is not held for
liability in its statement of financial position when, and only trading and at the initial recognition, the Bank makes
when, it becomes party to the contractual provisions of the an irrevocable election that the subsequent changes in
instrument. The Bank initially recognize loans and advances, fair value of the instrument is to be recognized in other
deposits and debt securities/ subordinated liabilities issued comprehensive income are classified as financial assets at
on the date that they are originated which is the date that fair value though other comprehensive income. Such assets
the Bank becomes party to the contractual provisions of are subsequently measured at fair value and changes in fair
the instruments. Investments in equity instruments, bonds, value are recognized in other comprehensive income.
debenture, Government securities, NRB bond or deposit
auction, reverse repos, outright purchase are recognized 2. Financial Liabilities
on trade date at which the Bank commits to purchase/ The Bank classifies its financial liabilities, other than financial
acquire the financial assets. Regular way purchase and sale guarantees and loan
of financial assets are recognized on trade date at which the
Bank commits to purchase or sell the asset. Commitments, as follows;
♦ Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
3.5.2 Classification
♦ Financial Liabilities measured at amortized cost
Financial instruments are classified as
♦ Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
♦ Financial Assets
Financial liabilities are classified as fair value through profit
♦ Financial Liabilities
or loss if they are held for trading or are designated at
1. Financial Assets fair value through profit or loss. Upon initial recognition,
The Bank classifies the financial assets as subsequently transaction cost are directly attributable to the acquisition
measured at amortized cost or fair value on the basis of the are recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss as incurred.
Bank’s business model for managing the financial assets Subsequent changes in fair value is recognized at profit or
and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial loss
assets. The two classes of financial assets are as follows;
♦ Financial Liabilities measured at amortized cost
♦ Financial assets measured at amortized cost
All financial liabilities other than measured at fair value
♦ Financial asset measured at fair value
though profit or loss are classified as subsequently measured
i. Financial assets measured at amortized cost at amortized cost using effective interest method.
The Bank classifies a financial asset measured at amortized
cost if both of the following conditions are met:

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3.5.3 Measurement the Bank continues to recognize the asset to the extent
Initial Measurement of its continuing involvement, determined by the extent
A financial asset or financial liability is measured initially at to which it is exposed to changes in the value of the
fair value plus or minus, for an item not at fair value through transferred asset.
profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable
to its acquisition or issue. Transaction cost in relation to Derecognition of Financial Liabilities
financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation
loss are recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss. under the liability is discharged or canceled or expired.
Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another
Subsequent Measurement from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the
A financial asset or financial liability is subsequently terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such
measured either at fair value or at amortized cost based on an exchange or modification is treated as a de recognition
the classification of the financial asset or liability. Financial of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability.
asset or liability classified as measured at amortized cost is The difference between the carrying value of the original
subsequently measured at amortized cost using effective financial liability and the consideration paid is recognized
interest rate method. in Statement of Profit or Loss.

The amortized cost of a financial asset or financial liability 3.5.5 Determination of Fair Value
is the amount at which the financial asset or financial Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be
liability is measured at initial recognition minus principal exchanged, or a liability be settled, between knowledgeable,
repayments, plus or minus the cumulative amortization willing parties in an arm’s length transaction on the
using the effective interest method of any difference measurement date. The fair value of a liability reflects
between that initial amount and the maturity amount, and its non-performance risk. The fair values are determined
minus any reduction for impairment or uncollectibility. according to the following hierarchy:

Financial assets classified at fair value are subsequently Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from
measured at fair value. The subsequent changes in fair unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical
value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss assets or liabilities.
are recognized in Statement of Profit or Loss whereas of
financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive Level 2 valuations are those with quoted prices for similar
income are recognized in other comprehensive income. instruments in active markets or quoted prices for identical
or similar instruments in inactive markets and financial
3.5.4 Derecognition instruments valued using models where all significant
Derecognition of Financial Assets inputs are observable.
The Bank derecognizes a financial asset when the
contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset Level 3 portfolios are those where at least one input,
expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual which could have a significant effect on the instrument’s
cash flows in a transaction in which substantially all the valuation, is not based on observable market data.
risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are When available, the Bank measures the fair value of an
transferred or in which the Bank neither transfers nor retains instrument using quoted prices in an active market for that
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership and it instrument. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices
does not retain control of the financial asset. are readily and regularly available and represent actual and
Any interest in such transferred financial assets that qualify regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length
for derecognition that is created or retained by the Bank is basis.
recognized as a separate asset or liability. On derecognition If a market for a financial instrument is not active, the Bank
of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying establishes fair value using a valuation technique. Valuation
amount of the asset (or the carrying amount allocated to techniques include using recent arm’s length transactions
the portion of the asset transferred), and the sum of between knowledgeable, willing parties (if available),
♦ The consideration received (including any new asset reference to the current fair value of other instruments that
obtained less any new liability assumed) and are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analyses.
The best evidence of the fair value of a financial instrument
♦ Any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized at initial recognition is the transaction price – i.e. the fair
in other comprehensive income is recognized in profit value of the consideration given or received. However,
or loss. in some cases, the fair value of a financial instrument
In transactions in which the Bank neither retains nor on initial recognition may be different to its transaction
transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership price. If such fair value is evidenced by comparison with
of a financial asset and it retains control over the asset, other observable current market transactions in the
same instrument (without modification) or based on a

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valuation technique whose variables include only data collectively assessed for any impairment that has been
from observable markets, then the difference is recognized incurred but not yet identified.
in profit or loss on initial recognition of the instrument.
In other cases the difference is not recognized in profit Loans and advances and held-to-maturity investment
or loss immediately but is recognized over the life of the securities that are not individually significant are collectively
instrument on an appropriate basis or when the instrument assessed for impairment by grouping together loans and
is redeemed, transferred or sold, or the fair value becomes advances and held-to-maturity investment securities with
observable. All unquoted equity investments are recorded similar risk characteristics. Impairment test is done on
at cost, annual basis for trade receivables and other financial assets
based on the internal and external indication observed.
3.5.6 Offsetting
In assessing collective impairment, the Bank uses
Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount
statistical modelling of historical trends of the probability
presented in the statement of financial position when,
of default, the timing of recoveries and the amount of
and only when, the Group has a legal right to set off the
loss incurred, adjusted for management’s judgment as to
amounts and it intends either settle them on a net basis or
whether current economic and credit conditions are such
to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
that the actual losses are likely to be greater or less than
Income and expenses are presented on a net basis only
suggested by historical trends. Default rates, loss rates
when permitted under NFRS, or for gains and losses arising
and the expected timing of future recoveries are regularly
from a group of similar transactions such as in the Group’s
benchmarked against actual outcomes to ensure that they
trading activity.
remain appropriate.
3.5.7 Impairment
Impairment losses on assets measured at amortized
At each reporting date the Bank assesses whether there is cost
any indication that an asset may have been impaired. If such Financial assets carried at amortized cost (such as amounts
indication exists, the recoverable amount is determined. due from Banks, loans and advances to customers as well as
A financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired held–to–maturity investments is impaired, and impairment
and impairment losses are incurred if, and only if, there is losses are recognized, only if there is objective evidence as
objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial
events occurring after the initial recognition of the asset (a recognition of the asset. The amount of the loss is measured
loss event), and that loss event (or events) has an impact as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and
on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or the deemed recoverable value of loan.
group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.
Bank considers evidence of impairment for loans and
The Bank considers the following factors in assessing advances and investment securities measured at amortized
objective evidence of impairment: cost at both specific asset and collective level. Bank
first assess individually whether objective evidence of
♦ Whether the counterparty is in default of principal or impairment exists for financial assets that are individually
interest payments. significant and assessed on collective basis for those that
♦ When a counterparty files for bankruptcy and this are not individually significant. Loans and advances to
would avoid or delay discharge of its obligation. customers with significant value are assessed for individual
♦ Where the Bank initiates legal recourse of recovery in impairment test. The recoverable value of loan is estimated
respect of a credit obligation of the counterpart. on the basis of realizable value of collateral and the conduct
of the borrower/past experience of the bank.
♦ Where the Bank consents to a restructuring of the
obligation, resulting in a diminished financial obligation, If there is objective evidence that impairment loss has been
demonstrated by a material forgiveness of debt or incurred, the amount of loss is measured at the difference
postponement of scheduled payments. between asset’s carrying amount and present value of
♦ Where there is observable data indicating that there is a estimated future cash flows. Carrying amount of the asset
measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows is reduced through the use of an allowance account and
of a group of financial assets, although the decrease amount of loss is recognized in profit or loss. All individually
cannot yet be identified with specific individual financial significant loans and advances and investment securities
assets. are assessed for specific impairment. Those not found
to be specifically impaired are collectively assessed for
The Bank considers evidence of impairment for loans and impairment by grouping together loan and advances and
advances and held-to-maturity investment securities at held to maturity with similar risk characteristics.
both a specific asset and collective level. All individually
significant loans and advances and held-to-maturity Assets that are individually assessed and for which no
investment securities are assessed for specific impairment. impairment exists are grouped with financial assets with
Those found not to be specifically impaired are then similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed

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for impairment. The credit risk statistics for each group of losses recognized in the profit or loss on equity instruments
the loan and advances are determined by management are not reversed through the profit or loss.
prudently being based on the past experience. For the
purpose of collective assessment of impairment bank has 3.6 Trading Asset and liabilities
categorized assets in to four broad products as follows: Trading assets and liabilities are those assets and liabilities
that the Bank acquires or incurs principally for the purpose
1. Term Loan
of selling or repurchasing in the near term, or holds as a part
2. Auto Loan
of a portfolio that is managed together for short term profit
3. Home Loan
or position taking.
4. Overdraft
If, in a subsequent year, the amount of the estimated Trading assets and liabilities are initially recognized at
impairment loss increases or decreases because of an fair value and subsequently measured at fair value in the
event occurring after the impairment was recognized, statement of financial position, with transaction costs
the previously recognized impairment loss is increased recognized in profit or loss. All changes in fair value are
or reduced by adjusting the other reserves and funds recognized as part of net trading income in profit or loss as
(impairment reserve) in other comprehensive income regarded as fair value through profit & loss account.
and statement of changes in equity. If a future write–off
is later recovered, the recovery is credited to the ’Income 3.7 Derivative financial Instruments
Statement’. A derivative is a financial instrument whose value changes
in response to the change in an underlying variable such as
Loan Loss Provision as per direction of Nepal Rastra an interest rate, commodity or security price, or index; that
Bank requires no initial investment, or one that is smaller than
Loan loss provisions in respect of non-performing loans and would be required for a contract with similar response to
advances are based on management’s assessment of the changes in market factors; and that is settled at a future
degree of impairment of the loans and advances, subject to date.
the minimum provisioning level prescribed in relevant NRB
guidelines. Provision is made for possible losses on loans Forward contracts are the contracts to purchase or sell a
and advances including bills purchased at 1% to 100% on specific quantity of a financial instrument, a commodity, or
the basis of classification of loans and advances, overdraft a foreign currency at a specified price determined at the
and bills purchased in accordance with NRB directives. outset, with delivery or settlement at a specified future
date. Settlement is at maturity by actual delivery of the item
Policies Adopted
specified in the contract, or by a net cash settlement.
The bank adopts carve out issued by ICAN for measurement
of impairment loss on loans and advances. As per the All freestanding contacts that are considered derivatives
Carve out notice issued by ICAN, the Bank has measured for accounting purposes are carried at fair value on the
impairment loss on loan and advances as the higher of statement of financial position regardless of whether they
amount derived as per norms prescribed by Nepal Rastra are held for trading or non-trading purposes. Changes in
Bank for loan loss provision and amount determined as per fair value on derivatives held for trading are included in
paragraph 63 of NAS 39. net gains/ (losses) from financial instruments in fair value
through profit or loss on financial assets/ liabilities at fair
Impairment of investment in equity instrument
classified as fair value though other comprehensive value through profit or loss.
3.8 Property, Plant and Equipment
Where objective evidence of impairment exists for available-
for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss (measured as
the difference between the amortized cost and the current Property, plant and equipment are tangible items that are
fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset held for use in the production or supply of services, for rental
previously recognized in the statement of profit or loss) is to others or for administrative purposes and are expected
reclassified from equity and recognized in the profit or loss. to be used during more than one period. The Bank applies
A significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an the requirements of the Nepal Accounting Standard - NAS
equity security below its cost is considered, among other 16 (Property, Plant and Equipment) in accounting for these
factors in assessing objective evidence of impairment for assets. Property, plant and equipment are recognized if it is
equity securities. probable that future economic benefits associated with the
asset will flow to the entity and the cost of the asset can be
If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument measured reliably measured.
classified as available-for-sale increases and the increase
can be objectively related to an event occurring after the
An item of property, plant and equipment that qualifies
impairment loss was recognized, the impairment loss is
for recognition as an asset is initially measured at its cost.
reversed through the statement of profit or loss. Impairment
Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to

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the acquisition of the asset and cost incurred subsequently on cost or valuation of the property over its useful life. The
to add to, replace part of an item of property, plant& rates of depreciations are given below:
equipment. The cost of self-constructed assets includes the
cost of materials and direct labor, any other costs directly Rate of Depreciation per annum (%)
attributable to bringing the asset to a working condition for For the year For the year
its intended use and the costs of dismantling and removing Asset Category ended 15 July ended 15 July
the items and restoring the site on which they are located. 2021 2020
Purchased software that is integral to the functionality of Freehold Buildings 5% 5%
the related equipment is capitalized as part of computer Motor Vehicles 20% 20%
equipment. When parts of an item of property or Computer Equipment 25% 25%
equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted
Furniture, Office
for as separate items (major components) of property, plant 25% 25%
and equipment. Leasehold Properties/
Useful Life Useful Life
Intangible Assets
Cost Model
Property and equipment is stated at cost excluding the costs Other disclosures regarding the depreciation;
of day–to–day servicing, less accumulated depreciation
and accumulated impairment in value. Such cost includes i. Depreciation for income tax purpose is calculated
the cost of replacing part of the equipment when that cost separately at the rate and manner prescribed by the
is incurred, if the recognition criteria are met. Income Tax Act, 2058.
ii. Assets with a unit value of NPR 5,000 or less are
Revaluation Model
expensed-off during the year of purchase irrespective
The Bank has not applied the revaluation model to the any
of its useful life.
class of property, plant and equipment. Such properties are
iii. Leasehold assets and cost of software licenses are
carried at a previously recognized GAAP Amount.
amortized over a period of useful life and in case useful
On revaluation of an asset, any increase in the carrying life cannot be ascertained the bank has the policy to
amount is recognized in ‘Other comprehensive income’ and amortize the cost in five years.
accumulated in equity, under revaluation reserve or used Changes in Estimates
to reverse a previous revaluation decrease relating to the The asset’s methods of depreciation are reviewed, and
same asset, which was charged to the Statement of Profit adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year end.
or Loss. In this circumstance, the increase is recognized as
income to the extent of previous write down. Any decrease Capital Work in Progress
in the carrying amount is recognized as an expense in These are expenses of capital nature directly incurred in
the Statement of Profit or Loss or debited to the Other the construction of buildings, major plant and machinery
Comprehensive income to the extent of any credit balance and system development, awaiting capitalization. Capital
existing in the revaluation value reserve in respect of that work-in-progress would be transferred to the relevant asset
asset. when it is available for use, i.e. when it is in the location
and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating
The decrease recognized in other comprehensive income in the manner intended by management. Capital work-in-
reduces the amount accumulated in equity under progress is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment
revaluation value reserves. Any balance remaining in the losses.
revaluation reserve in respect of an asset is transferred
directly to retained earnings on retirement or disposal of Borrowing Costs
the asset. Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction or production of an asset that necessarily
Subsequent Cost takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its
The subsequent cost of replacing a component of an item intended use or sale are capitalized as part of the cost of an
of property, plant and equipment is recognized in the asset. All other borrowing costs are expensed in the period
carrying amount of the item, if it is probable that the future in which they occur. Borrowing costs consist of interest and
economic benefits embodied within that part will flow to other costs that the Bank incurs in connection with the
the Bank and it can be reliably measured. The cost of day to borrowing of funds.
day servicing of property, plant and equipment are charged
to the Statement of Profit or Loss as incurred. De-recognition
The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and
Depreciation equipment is derecognized on disposal or when no future
Depreciation is calculated by using the written down value economic benefits are expected from its use. The gain or
method on cost of the Property, Plant & Equipment other loss arising from de-recognition of an item of property,
than leasehold properties. Depreciation on leasehold plant and equipment is included in the Statement of Profit
properties is calculated by using the straight line method or Loss when the item is derecognized. When replacement

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costs are recognized in the carrying amount of an item of 3.10 Investment Property
property, plant and equipment, the remaining carrying Investment property is property (land or a building or
amount of the replaced part is derecognized. Major part of a building or both) held (by the owner or by the
inspection costs are capitalized. At each such capitalization, lessee under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital
the remaining carrying amount of the previous cost of appreciation or both but not for sale in the ordinary course
inspections is derecognized. of business.
3.9 Goodwill and Intangible Assets Measurement
Recognition Investment property is accounted for under Cost Model in
An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset the Financial Statements. Accordingly, after recognition as
without physical substance, held for use in the production an asset, the property is carried at its cost, less impairment
or supply of goods or services, for rental to others or for losses. If any property is reclassified to investment property
administrative purposes. An intangible asset is recognized due to changes in its use, fair value of such property at the
if it is probable that the future economic benefits that are date of reclassification becomes its cost for subsequent
attributable to the asset will flow to the entity and the cost accounting.
of the asset can be measured reliably. An intangible asset
is initially measured at cost. Expenditure incurred on an
intangible item that was initially recognized as an expense Investment properties are derecognized when they are
by the Bank in previous annual Financial Statements or disposed of or permanently withdrawn from use since no
interim Financial Statements are not recognized as part of future economic benefits are expected. Transfers are made
the cost of an intangible asset at a later date. to and from investment property only when there is a
change in use. When the use of a property changes such
Computer Software & Licenses that it is reclassified as Property, Plant and Equipment, its
Cost of purchased licenses and all computer software fair value at the date of reclassification becomes its cost for
costs incurred, licensed for use by the Bank, which are not subsequent accounting.
integrally related to associated hardware, which can be
Investment in Associates
clearly identified, reliably measured, and it’s probable that
they will lead to future economic benefits, are included Associates are those entities in which the Bank has
in the Statement of Financial Position under the category significant influence, but not control, over the financial and
‘Intangible assets’ and carried at cost less accumulated operating policies. Investments in associate entities are
amortization and any accumulated impairment losses. accounted for using the equity method (equity-accounted
investees) and are recognized initially at cost. The cost of
Subsequent Expenditure the investment includes transaction costs.
Expenditure incurred on software is capitalized only when
it is probable that this expenditure will enable the asset to The Bank doesn’t have any associates.
generate future economic benefits in excess of its originally
3.11 Due to Banks and Financial
assessed standard of performance and this expenditure
can be measured and attributed to the asset reliably. All
other expenditure is expensed as incurred. Due to banks represents credit balances in Nostro Accounts,
short-term borrowings from banks, deposit accepted from
Goodwill is measured at cost less accumulated impairment “D” class financial Institutions. These are initially recognized
losses. at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition, these are
measured at their amortized cost. As per the Carve Out
Amortization of Intangible Assets regarding the EIR rate treatment issued by ICAN, when
Intangible Assets, except for goodwill, are amortized on calculating EIR, all these transaction cost shall be considered
a straight–line basis in the Statement of Profit or Loss unless it is immaterial or impracticable to do so. Since all
from the date when the asset is available for use, over these transaction costs cannot be identified separately
the best of its useful economic life based on a pattern in for every customer and it seems impracticable, separate
which the asset’s economic benefits are consumed by the EIR rate has not been computed as allowed by Carve Out
bank. Amortization methods, useful lives, residual values issued by ICAN. The Amortization is included in “Interest
are reviewed at each financial year end and adjusted if expenses” in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
appropriate. The Bank assumes that there is no residual
value for its intangible assets. 3.12 Deposit from Customers
The Bank accepts deposits from its customers under savings
De-recognition of Intangible Assets
account, current account, call accounts, fixed deposits and
The carrying amount of an item of intangible asset is
margin accounts which allows money to be deposited and
derecognized on disposal or when no future economic
withdrawn by the account holder. These transactions are
benefits are expected from its use. The gain or loss arising
recorded on the bank›s books, and the resulting balance
on de recognition of an item of intangible assets is
is recorded as a liability for the Bank and represents the
included in the Statement of Profit or Loss when the item
is derecognized.

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amount owed by the Bank to the customer. They have been 3.15 Borrowing Cost:
valued at amortized cost. Borrowing cost directly attributable to acquisition or
construction of asset necessarily takes substantial period of
As per Para 09 of NAS 39 regarding Financial Instruments time to get ready for its intended use or sale are capitalized
recognition and measurement, EIR rate is to be used for
as part of cost of the asset. All other borrowing costs are
booking such interest expense and when calculating the
expensed in the period in which they occur. It includes
EIR, an entity shall estimate cash flows considering all
interest and other costs that entity incurs in connection
contractual term of the financial instrument but not credit
with borrowing of funds.
loss, which includes the fees and points received or paid,
transaction costs, premiums, discounts 3.16 Income Tax
As per the Carve Out regarding the EIR rate treatment issued As per Nepal Accounting Standard- NAS 12 (Income
by ICAN, when calculating EIR, all these transaction cost shall Taxes) tax expense is the aggregate amount included in
be considered unless it is immaterial or impracticable to do determination of profit or loss for the period in respect
so. Since all these transaction costs cannot be identified of current and deferred taxation. Income Tax expense
separately for every customer and it seems impracticable, is recognized in the statement of Profit or Loss, except
separate EIR rate has not been computed as allowed by to the extent it relates to items recognized directly in
Carve Out issued by ICAN. The Amortization is included in equity or other comprehensive income in which case it is
“Interest expenses” in the Statement of Profit or Loss. recognized in equity or in other comprehensive income.
The Management periodically evaluates positions taken in
3.13 Contingent Liabilities and tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable
Commitments: tax regulation is subject to interpretation. It establishes
Contingent Liabilities: provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts
Where the Bank undertakes to make a payment on behalf of expected to be paid to tax authorities.
its customers for guarantees issued, such as for performance
3.16.1 Current Tax
bonds or as irrevocable letters of credit as part of the Bank’s
Current tax assets and liabilities consist of amounts
transaction banking business for which an obligation to
expected to be recovered from or paid to Inland Revenue
make a payment has not arisen at the reporting date, those
Department in respect of the current year, using the tax
are included in these financial statements as contingent
rates and tax laws enacted or substantively enacted on
the reporting date and any adjustment to tax payable in
Other contingent liabilities primarily include revocable respect of prior years.
letters of credit and bonds issued on behalf of customers to
3.16.2 Deferred Tax
customs, for bids or offers.
Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences at
Commitments: the reporting date between the tax bases of assets and
Where the Bank has confirmed its intention to provide liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting
funds to a customer or on behalf of a customer in the form purposes. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all
of loans, overdrafts, future guarantees, whether cancellable taxable temporary differences except:
or not, or letters of credit and the Bank has not made
payments at the reporting date, those instruments are ♦ Where the deferred tax liability arises from the initial
included in these financial statement as commitments. recognition of goodwill or of an asset or liability in a
transaction that is not a business combination, and at
Please refer Note No. 4.28.1 to 4.28.4 for the detail of the time of transaction, affects neither the accounting
contingent liabilities and commitments as at 15 July 2021. profit nor taxable profit or loss.
♦ In respect of taxable temporary differences associated
3.14 Litigation
with investments in subsidiaries, where the timing of the
Litigations are anticipated in the context of business reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled
operations due to the nature of the transactions involved. and is probable that the temporary differences will not
The Bank is involved in various such legal actions in the reverse in the foreseeable future.
normal course of business and the controls have been
established to deal with such legal claims. There are Deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible
pending litigations existing as at the end of the reporting temporary differences, carried forward unused tax credits
period against the Bank, resulting through normal business and unused tax losses (if any), to the extent that it is probable
operations. that the taxable profit will be available against which the
deductible temporary differences, carried forward unused
The details of litigations is presented in 4.28.5. tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilized except:

♦ Where the deferred tax asset relating to the deductible

temporary differences arising from the initial recognition

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of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity,
business combination, and at the time of transaction, other than increases relating to contributions from equity
affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit participants. Revenue is recognized to the extent that it
or loss. is probable that the economic benefits will flow to Bank
♦ In respect of deductible temporary differences and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following
associated with investments in Subsidiaries, deferred specific recognition criteria must also be met before
tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is revenue is recognized.
probable that the temporary differences will reverse in 3.18.1 Interest Income
the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available For all financial assets measured at amortized cost, interest
against which the temporary difference will be utilized. bearing financial assets classified as Fair value through other
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed comprehensive income, interest income is recorded using
at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it the rate that closely approximates the EIR because the bank
is probable that sufficient profit will be available to allow considers that the cost of exact calculation of effective
the deferred tax asset to be utilized. Unrecognized deferred interest rate method exceeds the benefit that would be
tax assets are reassessed at each reporting date and are derived from such compliance. EIR is the rate that exactly
recognized to the extent that it has become probable that discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts
future taxable profit will allow the deferred tax asset to be through the expected life of the financial instrument or
recovered. a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying
amount of the financial asset or financial liability.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax
rates that are expected to apply in the year when the asset Further, Interest income on Loans and Advances is
is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and recognized as per the guideline on recognition of interest
tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted income, 2019 issued by NRB and carve out issued by ICAN
at the reporting date. has been opted.

Current and deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset only Carve out issued by ICAN
to the extent that they relate to income taxes imposed by As per the carve out regarding the EIR rate treatment issued
the same taxation authority. by ICAN, when calculating EIR, all these shall be considered
unless it is immaterial or impracticable to do so. Since all
3.17 Provisions these transaction costs cannot be identified separately
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, and separate EIR computation for every customer seems
the Bank has a present legal or constructive obligation impracticable, such transaction costs of all previous years
that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an has not been considered when computing EIR. Due to
outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the impracticability, such relevant costs are ignored, due to
obligation. The amount recognized is the best estimate which EIR rate equals to the rate provided to customers and
of the consideration required to settle the present therefore, income recognized by system on accrual basis
obligation at the reporting date, taking in to account the has been considered as income Once the recorded value
risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation at that of a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets has
date. Where a provision is measured using the cash flows been reduced due to an impairment loss, interest income
estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying continues to be recognized using the rate of interest
amount is determined based on the present value of those used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose of
cash flows. A provision for onerous contracts is recognized measuring the impairment loss.
when the expected benefits to be derived by the Bank
Guideline on Recognition of Interest Income, 2019 by
from a contract are lower than the unavoidable cost of
meeting its obligations under the contract. The provision is
measured as the present value of the lower of the expected Criteria for determining loans on which interest no
cost of terminating the contract and the expected net longer be recognized to the profit or loss account but
cost of continuing with the contract. Provision are not shall be suspended
recognized for future operating losses. Guideline issued by NRB on income recognition defines
certain criteria for determining loans on which interest no
Before a provision is established, the Bank recognizes any longer be recognized to the profit or loss account but shall
impairment loss on the assets associated with that contract. be suspended .These criteria are as follows
The expense relating to any provision is presented in the
Statement of Profit or Loss net of any reimbursement. a. Loans where there is reasonable doubt about the
ultimate collectability of principal or interest;
3.18 Revenue Recognition b. Loans against which individual impairment as per NAS
Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits during 39 or life time impairment as per NFRS 9 has been
the period arising from the course of the ordinary activities made;

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c. Loans where contractual payments of principal and/or financial instrument are designated at fair value through
interest are more than 3 months in arrears and where profit or loss. The bank has no income under the heading
the “net realizable value” of security is insufficient to net income from other financial instrument at fair value
cover payment of principal and accrued interest; through profit or loss.
d. Loans where contractual payments of principal and/or
interest are more than 12 months in arrears, irrespective 3.19 Interest Expense
of the net realizable value of collateral; For financial liabilities measured at amortized cost using
e. Overdrafts and other short term facilities which have the rate that closely approximates effective interest rate,
not been settled after the expiry of the loan and even interest expense is recorded using such rate. EIR is the rate
not renewed within 3 months of the expiry, and where that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments
the net realizable value of security is insufficient to or receipts through the expected life of the financial
cover payment of principal and accrued interest; instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the
f. Overdrafts and other short term facilities which have net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial
not been settled after the expiry of the loan and liability.
even not renewed within 12 months of the expiry,
irrespective of the net realizable value of collateral; 3.20 Impairment of non-financial Assets:
Bank assess at each reporting date whether there is an
Criteria to cease the accrual of interest indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such
Bank and financial institutions shall accrue the interest indication exists, Bank estimates the recoverable amount
on loan although it has been decided to suspend the which is higher of Fair Value less cost to sell or value in
recognition of income. However, BFIs shall cease to accrue use. Where the carrying amount exceeds its recoverable
interest on loan, in case where contractual payments amount, asset is considered impaired and is written down
of principal and/or interest of the loan are due for more to recoverable amount.
than 12 months and the “net realizable value” of security
is insufficient to cover payment of principal and accrued 3.21 Employment Benefits
interest. Cessation of accrual of interest for accounting Employee benefits include:
purpose shall not preclude an entity to continue to accrue ♦ Short-term employee benefits such as the following, if
interest on a memorandum basis for legal enforcement expected to be settled wholly before twelve months
purposes unless the loan is written off. after the end of the annual reporting period in which
the employees render the related services:
3.18.2 Fee and Commission Income
Fees earned for the provision of services over a period i. Wages, salaries and social security contributions;
of time are accrued over that period. These fees include ii. Paid annual leave and paid sick leave;
Service fees, commission income. Guarantee commission iii.Profit sharing and bonuses, and
are recognized as the cash is realized. Loan syndication iv. Non-monetary benefits (such as medical care, housing,
fees are recognized as revenue when the syndication has cars and free or subsidized goods or services) for
been completed and the Bank retained no part of the loan current employees;
package for itself, or retained a part at the same effective Short term employee benefits are measured on an
interest rate as for the other participants. Portfolio and other undiscounted basis and are expenses as the related
management advisory fees and service distribution fees are service is provided. A liability is recognized for the amount
recognized based on the applicable contracts, usually on a expected to be paid under short term cash bonus or profit
time apportionment basis. sharing plans if the Bank has present legal or constructive
obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service
3.18.3 Dividend Income provided by the employee and the obligation can be
Dividend income is on equity instruments are recognized estimated reliably.
in the statement of profit and loss within other income on
cash basis. ♦ Post-employment benefits, such as the following:
i. Retirement benefits (eg: pensions, lump sum payments
3.18.4 Net Trading Income
on retirement); and
Net trading income comprises gains less losses relating
ii. Other post-employment benefits such as post-
to trading assets and liabilities, and includes all realized
employment life insurance and post-employment
interest, dividend and foreign exchange differences as
medical care;
wells as unrealized changes in fair value of trading assets
♦ Other long term employee benefits and
and liabilities.
♦ Termination benefits
3.18.5 Net Income from other financial
Post employments benefits are as follows:
instrument at fair value through Profit or Loss
Trading assets such as equity shares and mutual fund are Defined Contribution Plans
recognized at fair value through profit or loss. No other A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit
plan under which an Bank pays fixed contribution into a

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separate Bank (a fund) and will have no legal or constructive expense. Bank recognizes the total actuarial gain and loss
obligation to pay further contributions if the fund does not that arises in calculating Bank’s obligation in respect of
hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits relating gratuity in other comprehensive income during the period
to employee services in the current and prior periods, as in which it occurs.
defined in Nepal Accounting Standards – NAS 19 (Employee
Benefits). The demographic assumptions underlying the valuation
are retirement age (58 years), early withdrawal from service
The contribution payable by the employer to a defined and retirement on medical grounds.
contribution plan in proportion to the services rendered
to Bank by the employees and is recorded as an expense Unutilized Accumulated Leave
under ‘Personnel expense’ as and when they become due. Bank’s liability towards the accumulated leave which
Unpaid contribution are recorded as a liability under ‘Other is expected to be utilized beyond one year from the
Liabilities’. end of the reporting period is treated as other long
term employee benefits. Bank’s net obligation towards
Bank contributed 10% on the salary of each employee unutilized accumulated leave is calculated by discounting
to the Employees’ Provident Fund. The above expenses the amount of future benefit that employees have earned
are identified as contributions to ‘Defined Contribution in return for their service in the current and prior periods to
Plans’ as defined in Nepal Accounting Standards – NAS 19 determine the present value of such benefits. The discount
(Employee Benefits). rate is the yield at the reporting date on government binds
that have maturity dates approximating to the terms of
Defined Benefit Plans Bank’s obligation. The calculation is performed using the
A defined benefit plan is a post-employment benefit plan Projected Unit Credit method. Net change in liability for
other than a defined contribution plan. Accordingly, staff unutilized accumulated leave including any actuarial gain
gratuity has been considered as defined benefit plans as and loss are recognized in the Statement of Profit or Loss
per Nepal Accounting Standards – NAS 19 (Employee under ‘Personnel Expenses’ in the period in which they arise.
3.22 Other expense
Other Expense have been recognized in the Statement of
An actuarial valuation is carried out every year to ascertain
Profit or Loss as they are incurred in the period to which
the full liability under gratuity.
they relate. All expenditure incurred in the operation of the
Bank’s obligation in respect of defined benefit obligation is business and in maintaining the capital assets in a state
calculated by estimating the amount of future benefit that of efficiency has been charged to revenue in arriving at
employees have earned for their service in the current and profit for the year. Provisions in respect of other expenses
prior periods and discounting that benefit to determine are recognized when there is present obligation (legal or
its present value, then deducting the fair value of any constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that
plan assets to determine the net amount to be shown in an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will
the Statement of Financial Position. The value of a defined be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate
benefit asset is restricted to the present value of any can be made of the amount of the obligation.
economic benefits available in the form of refunds from
3.23 Finance and Operating Leases
the plan or reduction on the future contributions to the
plan. In order to calculate the present value of economic The determination of whether an arrangement is a lease,
benefits, consideration is given to any minimum funding or it contains a lease, is based on the substance of the
requirement that apply to any plan in Bank. An economic arrangement and requires an assessment of whether the
benefit is available to Bank if it is realizable during the life of fulfillment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of
the plan, or on settlement of the plan liabilities. a specific asset or assets and the arrangement conveys a
right to use the asset.
Bank determines the interest expense on the defined
benefit liability by applying the discount rate used to Finance Lease
measure the defined benefit liability at the beginning of Agreements which transfer to counterparties substantially
the annual period to the defined benefit liability at the all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of
beginning of the annual period. The discount rate is the assets, but not necessarily legal title, are classified as finance
yield at the reporting date on government bonds that lease. When Bank is the lessor under finance lease, the
have maturity dates approximating to the terms of Bank’s amounts due under the leases, after deduction of unearned
obligations. interest income, are included in ‘Loans to & receivables from
other customers’, as appropriate. Interest income receivable
The increase in gratuity liabilities attributable to the services is recognized in ‘Net interest income’ over the periods of
provided by employees during the year (current service the leases so as to give a constant rate of return on the net
cost) has been recognized in the Statement of Profit or Loss investment in the leases.
under ‘Personnel Expenses’ together with the net interest

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When Bank is a lessee under finance leases, the leased Forward exchange contracts are valued at the forward
assets are capitalized and included in ‘Property, plant and market rates ruling on the reporting date. Both unrealized
equipment’ and the corresponding liability to the lessor losses and gains are reflected in the Statement of Profit or
is included in ‘Other liabilities’. A finance lease and its Loss.
corresponding liability are recognized initially at the fair value
of the asset or if lower, the present value of the minimum 3.25 Financial guarantee and loan
lease payments. Finance charges payable are recognized in commitment
‘Interest expenses’ over the period of the lease based on the A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires
interest rate implicit in the lease so as to give a constant rate the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the
of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails
to make payment when due. Financial guarantee contracts
Operating Lease may have various legal forms, such as a guarantee, some
All other leases are classified as operating leases. When types of letter of credit, etc. Where the bank has confirmed
acting as lessor, Bank includes the assets subject to its intention to provide funds to a customer or on behalf
operating leases in ‘Property, plant and equipment’ and of a customer in the form of loans, overdrafts, etc. whether
accounts for them accordingly. Impairment losses are cancellable or not and the bank had not made payments at
recognized to the extent that residual values are not fully the reporting date, those instruments are included in these
recoverable and the carrying value of the assets is thereby financial statements as commitments.
3.26 Share Capital and Reserves
Operating leases are not recognized on the balance sheet.
Share capital and reserves are different classes of equity
Bank has recognized accrued lease for the period as an
claims. Equity claims are claims on the residual interest
expense on incremental basis (as per lease term) considering
in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
the general inflation as more appropriate than Straight Line
Changes in equity during the reporting period comprise
Method considering economic benefit rendered by leased
income and expenses recognized in the statement of
assets and in accordance with the provision contained in
financial performance; plus contributions from holders
para 34 of NAS 17 Lease.
of equity claims, minus distributions to holders of equity
3.24 Foreign Currency Transactions, claims.
Translation and Balances
3.27 Earnings per Share including diluted
All foreign currency transactions are translated into the earning
functional currency, which is Nepalese Rupees, using
Bank presents basic and diluted Earnings per share (EPS)
the exchange rates prevailing at the dates when the
data for its ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing
transactions were affected.
the profit and loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign Bank by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
currencies at the reporting date are translated to Nepalese outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS is determined
Rupees using the spot foreign exchange rate ruling at that by adjusting both the profit and loss attributable to the
date and all differences arising on non-trading activities are ordinary equity holders and the weighted average number
taken to ‘Other Operating Income’ in the Statement of Profit of ordinary shares outstanding, for the effects of all dilutive
or Loss. The foreign currency gain or loss on monetary items potential ordinary shares, if any.
is the difference between amortized cost in the functional
Earnings per share is calculated and presented in the face of
currency at the beginning of the period, adjusted for
Statement of Profit and loss.
effective interest and payments during the period, and the
amortized cost in foreign currency translated at the rates 3.28 Segment Reporting
of exchange prevailing at the end of the reporting period.
An operating segment is a component of an entity:
Non-monetary items in a foreign currency that are
♦ that engages in business activities from which it may
measured in terms of historical cost are translated using
earn revenues and incur expenses (including revenues
the exchange rates as at the dates of the initial transactions.
and expenses relating to transactions with other
Non-monetary items in foreign currency measured at fair
components of the same entity),
value are translated using the exchange rates at the date
when the fair value was determined. ♦ whose operating results are regularly reviewed by
the entity’s chief operating decision maker to make
Foreign exchange differences arising on the settlement decisions about resources to be allocated to the
or reporting of monetary items at rates different from segment and assess its performance, and
those which were initially recorded are dealt with in the
♦ For which discrete financial information is available.
Statement of Profit or Loss. However, foreign currency
differences arising on available-for-sale equity instruments Not every part of an entity is necessarily an operating
are recognized in other comprehensive income. segment or part of an operating segment. For example, a

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corporate headquarters or some functional departments

may not earn revenues or may earn revenues that are only
incidental to the activities of the entity and would not be
operating segments. For the purposes of this NFRS, an
entity’s post-employment benefit plans are not operating

The bank has identified seven segments based on the

geographic locations of its offices in the 7 provinces of the
country. Interest earnings and foreign exchange gains/losses
generated while conducting businesses under different
segments are reported under the respective segment. For
segmentation purpose, all business transactions of offices
and business units located in a particular province are
grouped together. All transactions between the units are
conducted on arm’s length basis, with intra unit revenue
and cost being nullified at the bank level.

3.29 Impairment of Non-Financial Assets

The Bank assesses at each reporting date whether there
is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any
indication exists, or when annual impairment testing for an
asset is required, the Bank estimates the asset’s recoverable
amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of an
asset’s or the fair value of the Cash Generating Units (CGU)
fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. Where the
carrying amount of an asset or CGU exceeds its recoverable
amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written
down to its recoverable amount.

In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows

are discounted to their present value using a pre–tax
discount rate that reflects current market assessments of
the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.
In determining fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate
valuation model is used.

3.30 Dividend on Ordinary Shares

Dividend on ordinary shares are recognized as a liability
and deducted from equity when they are approved by
the Bank’s shareholders. Interim Dividend is deducted
from equity when they are declared and no longer at
the discretion of the Bank. Dividend for the year that is
approved after the reporting date is disclosed as an event
after the reporting date.

3.31 Cash Flow Statement

The cash flow statement has been prepared using ‘The
Direct Method’, whereby gross cash receipts and gross
cash payments of operating activities, finance activities and
investing activities have been recognized.

3.32 Comparative Figures

The comparative figures and phrases have been rearranged
wherever necessary to conform to the current year’s

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4.1 Cash and Cash Equivalent

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Cash in Hand 579,771,630 616,470,422
Balances with BFIs 3,821,463,786 1,094,433,712
Money at Call and Short Notice - -
Other - -
Total 4,401,235,416 1,710,904,134
"The fair value of cash is the carrying amount. Cash and cash equivalent comprise the total amount of cash-in-hand, balances with other bank and
financial institutions, money at call and short notice, treasury bills and placements having original maturity of three months or less than three months.
Cash at vault is adequately insured for physical and financial risks. The amount of cash at vault is maintained on the basis of the regulatory, liquidity and
business requirements. Cash held in FCY is subject to risk of changes in the foreign exchange rates. These are closely monitored, and risks, if identified,
are promptly managed. The income on these assets is credited to statement of profit or loss under interest income."

4.2 Due from Nepal Rastra Bank

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Statutory Balances with NRB 940,622,266 1,074,761,475
Securities purchased under Resale Agreement - -
Other Deposit and Receivable from NRB - -
Total 940,622,266 1,074,761,475
Statutory balances with NRB includes the CRR balance maintained with NRB.The fair value of balance with the Nepal Rastra Bank is the carrying amount.

4.3 Placements with Banks and Financial Instutions

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Placement with Domestic BFIs - -
Placement with Foreign BFIs - -
Less: Allowances for Impairment - -
Total - -
Bank does not have any Placement related to Domestic and Foreign bank and financial institutions.

4.4 Derivative Financial Instruments

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Held for Trading
Interest Rate Swap. - -
Currency Swap. - -
Forward Exchange Contracts - -
Others held for trading - -
Held for Risk Management
Interest Rate Swap - -
Currency Swap - -
Forward Exchange Contracts. - -
Others held for risk management - -
Total - -

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4.5 Other Trading Assets

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Treasury Bills - -
Other Government Bonds - -
NRB Bonds - -
Domestic Corporate Bonds - -
Equities - -
Other Trading Assets - -
Total - -

4.6 Loans and Advances to BFIs

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Loans to Micro-Finance Institutions 965,251,537 986,526,471
Other loans to BFIs - -
Less: Allowances for Impairment on Loan to BFIs (12,548,270) (9,865,265)
Total 952,703,267 976,661,206
The loan above consist of Interest Accured on such loans amounting to Nrs. 3,390,768.90 for this fiscal year.

4.6.1 Allowances for Impairment

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Balance at Shrawan 01 9,865,265 13,420,224
Impairment Losss for the year:
Charge for the year 2,683,005 -
(Recoveries)/Reversal - (3,554,960)
Amount Written Off - -
Balance at Asar End 12,548,270 9,865,265

4.7 Loans and Advances to Customers

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Loans and Advances measured at Amortized Cost 39,489,258,410 26,565,295,982
Less: Impairment Allowances
Collective Impairment (541,444,418) (314,412,914)
Individual Impairment (367,263,150) (324,865,053)
Net Amount 38,580,550,842 25,926,018,015
Loans and Advances measured at FVTPL - -
Total 38,580,550,842 25,926,018,015
Loans and advances are assessed individually and collectively as per incured loss model which is compared with the loss provision prescribed by NRB
directive no. 2. Higher of the loss as per incurred loss model and NRB directive is considered for impairment. Accrued Interest Receivable on loans have
been considered under Loans and Advances measured at Amortized Cost. Loan to employees provided according to the Employee Bylaws of the bank
is presented under this head, which is also measured at amortized cost.

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4.7.1: Analysis of Loans and Advances - By Product

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Term Loans 19,374,496,577 11,341,966,251
Overdraft 10,183,471,720 5,727,640,571
Trust Receipt/Import Loans 10,449,964 -
Demand and other Working Capital Loans 891,548,090 806,328,169
Personal Residential Loans 1,809,254,556 1,987,780,554
Real Estate Loans 70,941,754 604,633,402
Margin Lending Loans 1,240,515,483 262,469,148
Hire Purchase Loans 2,495,661,714 2,563,080,513
Deprived Sector Loans 1,956,305,162 2,056,732,046
Bills Purchased - -
Staffs Loans 211,193,733 171,152,897
Other 1,075,792,739 678,326,652
Sub-Total 39,319,631,493 26,200,110,202
Interest Receivable 169,626,917 365,185,780
Grand Total 39,489,258,410 26,565,295,982

4.7.2: Analysis of Loans and Advances - By Currency

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Nepalese Rupee 39,489,258,410 26,565,295,982
Indian Rupee - -
United States Dollar - -
Great Britain Pound - -
Euro - -
Japanese Yen - -
Chinese Yuan - -
Other - -
Grand Total 39,489,258,410 26,565,295,982

4.7.3: Analysis of Loans and Advances - By Collateral

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Moveable/Immoveable Assets 35,651,411,788 24,235,089,193
Gold and Silver 759,033,668 483,244,817
Guarantee of Domestic BFIs - -
Government Guarantee 601,658 1,727,133
Guarantee of International Rated Bank - -
Collateral of Export Document - -
Collateral of Fixed Deposit Receipt 306,855,328 177,771,045
Collatereal of Government Securities - -
Counter Guarantee - -
Personal Guarantee 1,042,060,019 321,243,487
Other Collateral 1,559,669,033 981,034,528
Subtotal 39,319,631,493 26,200,110,202
Interest Receivable 169,626,917 365,185,780
Unsecured - -
Grand Total 39,489,258,410 26,565,295,982

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4.7.4: Allowance for Impairment

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Specific Allowance for Impairment
Balance at Shrawan 01 324,865,052 124,017,685
Impairment Loss for the year
Charge for the year 42,398,097 200,847,367
Recoveries/Reversals during the year - -
Write-Offs - -
Exchange Rate Variance on Foreign Currency - Individual - -
Other Movement - -
Balance at Asar End 367,263,150 324,865,052
Collective Allowances for Impairment
Balance at Sharawan 01 314,412,916 195,993,848
Impairment Loss for the year
Charge/(Reversal) for the year 227,031,502 118,419,068
Exchange Rate Variance on Foreign Currency - Foreign - -
Other Movement-From Merger - -
Balance at Asar End 541,444,418 314,412,916
Total Allowances for Impairment 908,707,567 639,277,968

4.8 Investment Securities

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Investment Securities measured at Amortized Cost 4,670,000,000 5,134,819,106
Investment in Equity measured at FVTOCI 302,529,625 624,596,997
Total 4,972,529,625 5,759,416,102
The total investment of the bank in the financial instruments is presented under this account head in two categories; investment securities measured
at amortized cost and investment in equity measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

4.8.1: Investment Securities measured at Amortized Cost

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Debt Securities - -
Government Bonds 4,670,000,000 -
Government Treasury Bills - 1,567,794,152
Nepal Rastra Bank Bonds - 3,567,024,953
Nepal Rastra Bank Deposit Instruments - -
Other - -
Less: Specific Allowances for Impairment -
Total 4,670,000,000 5,134,819,106

4.8.2: Investment in Equity measured at FVTOCI

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Equity Instruments
Quoted Equity Securities 283,255,525 618,714,897
Unquoted Equity Securities 19,274,100 5,882,100
Total 302,529,625 624,596,997

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4.9 Current Tax Assets/(Liabilities)

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Current Tax Assets
Current year Income Tax Assets 316,516,517 87,202,509
Tax Assets of Prior Periods - -

Current Tax Liabilities

Current year Income Tax Liabilities 269,564,022 -
Tax Liabilities of Prior Periods - -

Total 46,952,495 87,202,509

4.10 Investment in Subsidiaries

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Investment in Quoted Subsidiaries - -
Investment in Unquoted Subsidiaries - -
Total Investment
Less: Impairment Allowances - -
Net Carrying Amount - -

4.10.1: Investment in Quoted Subsidiaries

Previous Year
Cost Fair Value
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each

4.10.2: Investment in Unquoted Subsidiaries

Previous Year
Cost Fair Value
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each
Total - -

4.10.3: Information relating to Subsidiaries of the Bank

Percentage of Ownership held by
Current Year Previous Year
Total - -

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4.10.4: Non Controlling Interest of the Subsidiaries

Current Year
…..Ltd. …..Ltd.
Equity Interest held by NCI (%)
Profit (Loss) allocated during the year
Accumulated Balances of NCI as on Asar End
Dividend Paid to NCI
…..Ltd. …..Ltd.
Equity Interest held by NCI (%)
Profit (Loss) allocated during the year
Accumulated Balances of NCI as on Asar End
Dividend Paid to NCI

4.11 Investment in Associates

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Investment in Quoted Associates - -
Investment in Unquoted Associates - -
Total Investment - -
Less: Impairment Allowances - Associates - -
Net Carrying Amount - -

4.11.1: Investment in Quoted Associates

Previous Year
Cost Fair Value
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each

4.11.2: Investment in Unquoted Associates

Previous Year
Cost Fair Value
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each
………Shares of Rs. ….. Each

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4.11.3: Information relating to Associates of the Bank

Percentage of Ownership held by Bank
Current Year Previous Year

4.11.4: Equity Value of Associates


4.12 Investment Properties

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Investment Properties measured at Fair Value
Balance as on Shrawan 01 9,610,000 -
Addition/(Disposal) during the year. 25,200,000 9,610,000
Net Changes in fair value during the year. - -
Adjustment/Transfer - Fair Value - -
Closing Balance of NBA 34,810,000 9,610,000
Investment Properties measured at Cost
Balance as on Shrawan 01. - -
Addition/(Disposal) during the year - -
Net Changes in fair value during the year - -
Adjustment/Transfer - At Cost - -
Net Amount - -

4.13 Property and Equipments
Leasehold Computer & Furniture & Equipment Total Asar

Particulars Land Building Vehicles Machinery Asar end

Properties Accessories Fixtures & others end 2078
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Balance as on Shrawan 1 2077 154,268,802 63,917,838 140,058,268 79,638,625 96,275,012 185,169,458 - 142,139,955 861,467,959 607,096,499
Addition during the Year - - 1,609,207 14,623,131 44,558,250 25,286,972 - 77,761,968 163,839,528 267,497,987
Acquisition - - 1,609,207 14,623,131 44,558,250 25,286,972 - 77,761,968 163,839,528 267,497,987
Capitalization - - - - - - - - - -
Disposal during the year - - (534,921) (76,936) (5,775,720) (78,638) - (521,146) (6,987,361) (13,126,528)
Adjustments - 796 1,817,123 (1,529,943) 451,190 (45,935,452) - 46,697,399 1,501,113 -
Balance as on Asar End 2078 154,268,802 63,918,635 142,949,677 92,654,877 135,508,733 164,442,340 - 266,078,175 1,019,821,239 861,467,959
Depreciation and Impairment
As on Shrawan 1 2077 - 8,780,676 28,315,177 31,621,008 32,217,479 64,828,416 - 43,987,519 209,750,274 123,161,060
Impairment for the year - - - - - - - - - -
Depreciation charge for the year - 2,756,898 14,064,028 13,510,385 18,205,604 22,125,674 - 42,047,411 112,710,000 86,589,214
Disposals - - - - - - - - - -
Adjustments - - - - - - - - - -
As on Asar End 2078 - 11,537,574 42,379,204 45,131,393 50,423,083 86,954,089 - 86,034,930 322,460,273 209,750,274
Capital Work in Progress - - - - - - - - 84,283,146 -
Net Book Value 154,268,802 52,381,061 100,570,473 47,523,485 85,085,650 77,488,250 - 180,043,245 613,077,820 651,717,685
As on Asar End 2078 154,268,802 52,381,061 100,570,473 47,523,485 85,085,650 77,488,250 - 180,043,245 613,077,820 651,717,685

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4.14 Goodwill and Intangible Assets

Total Asar end Total Asar end
Particulars Goodwill Software Other
2078 2077
Purchased Developed
Balance as on Asar end 2077 - 17,086,559 - - 17,086,559 13,783,639
Addition during the Year
Acquisition - 10,440,168 - - 10,440,168 3,472,420
Capitalization - - - - - -
Disposal during the year - - - - - (169,500)
Adjustment/Revaluation - (1,167,447) - - (1,167,447) -
Balance as on Asar end 2078 - 26,359,279 - - 26,359,279 17,086,559
Amortisation and Impairment
As on Asar end 2077 - (6,693,331) - - (6,693,331) (3,914,050)
Impairment for the year
Depreciation for the year - (3,414,380) - - (3,414,380) (2,779,281)
Amortisation charge for the year - - - - -
Disposals - - - - - -
Adjustment - - - - - -
As on Asar end 2078 - (10,107,711) - - (10,107,711) (6,693,331)
Capital Work in Progress 84,283,146 -
Net Book Value - 16,251,569 - - 100,534,705 10,393,228
As on Asar end 2078 - 16,251,569 - - 100,534,705 10,393,228

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4.15 Deferred Tax

Current Year
Deferred Tax Deferred Tax
Particulars Net Deferred Tax
Assets Liabilities
Assets /(Liabilities)
Deferred tax on temporary differences on following items
Loans and Advances to BFIs - - -
Loans and Advances to Customers - - -
Investment Properties - - -
Investment Securities - 1,402,623 (1,402,623)
Property and Equipment - 4,683,514 (4,683,514)
Employees' Defined Benefit Plan 33,860,064 - 33,860,064
Lease Liabilities - - -
Provisions - - -
Debentures 605,398 - 605,398
Other Temporary Differences - - -
Deferred tax on temporary differences 28,379,326
Deferred tax on carry forward of unused tax losses
Deferred tax due to changes in tax rate
Net Deferred Tax Asset (Liabilities) as on year end of Ashadh
Deferred Tax (Asset)/ Liabilities as on Shrawan 01, 2077 (36,562,104)
Origination/(Reversal) during the year (8,182,778)
Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized in profit or loss 9,498,969
Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized in OCI (17,681,747)
Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized directly in Equity -
Previous Year
Deferred Tax Deferred Tax
Particulars Net Deferred Tax
Assets Liabilities
Assets /(Liabilities)
Deferred tax on temporary differences on following items
Loans and Advances to BFIs - - -
Loans and Advances to Customers - - -
Investment Properties - - -
Investment Securities 17,115,295 - 17,115,295
Property and Equipment - 3,297,028 (3,297,028)
Employees' Defined Benefit Plan 22,743,837 - 22,743,837
Lease Liabilities - - -
Provisions - - -
Other Temporary Differences - - -
Deferred tax on temporary differences 36,562,104
Deferred tax on carry forward of unused tax losses
Deferred tax due to changes in tax rate
Net Deferred Tax Asset (Liabilities) as on year end of Ashadh
Deferred Tax (Asset)/ Liabilities as on Shrawan 01, 2076 (31,673,888)
Origination/(Reversal) during the year 4,888,216
Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized in profit or loss 8,989,819
Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized in OCI (4,101,603)
Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized directly in Equity -

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Total 34,810,000 9,610,000

4.16 Other Assets
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Accounts Receivable 36,125,214 18,206,450
Prepayments and Deposits 263,354,843 63,575,932
Deferred Employee Expenditure 130,782,059 105,815,120
Deferred Revenue Expenditure 22,255,296 143,721,064
Accrued Income 66,623,954 13,095,561
Prepaid Expenses 397,540 100,186
Stationery Stock 15,375,451 15,701,435
Insurance Tie Up Home Loans - Interest Receivable 18,887,414 9,343,703
Staff Advances 9,168,876 -
Other Assets 81,711 8,905,964
Paid In Advance 3,102,045 -
Bills Receivable 56,737,002 -
NRB - Interest Subsidy 10,617,059 -
Total 633,508,463 378,465,414
Prepayments and deposits contains advance given to NIBL Ace Capital amounting to Nrs. 250,000,000 with the intention to invest funds in projects
meeting the predefined criteria of the bank.

4.17 Due to Banks and Financial Institutions
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Money Market Deposits - -
Interbank Borrowing - -
Other Deposits from BFIs 1,106,024,820 1,061,544,497
Settlement and Clearing Accounts - -
Total 1,106,024,820 1,061,544,497

4.18 Due to Nepal Rastra Bank

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Refinance from NRB 599,786,423 -
Standing Liquidity Facility - -
Lender of Last Resort facility from NRB - -
Securities sold under repurchase agreements - -
Other Payable to NRB - -
Total 599,786,423 -

4.19 Derivative Financial Instruments

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Held for Trading
Interest Rate Swap - Held for Trading - -
Currency Swap - Held for Trading - -
Forward Exchange Contracts - Held for Trading - -
Others - Held for Trading - -
Held for Risk Management
Interest Rate Swap - Risk Management - -
Currency Swap - Risk Management - -
Forward Exchange Contracts - Risk Management - -
Others - Risk Management - -
Total - -

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4.20 Deposits from Customers

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Institutional Customers:
Term Deposits. 10,022,924,435 7,810,343,688
Call Deposits 3,356,857,828 3,201,030,078
Current Deposits. 761,324,646 565,076,242
Others. - -
Individual Customers:
Term Deposits 16,971,200,748 11,539,398,927
Saving Deposits 13,088,298,062 8,699,152,003
Current Deposits - 75,244,016
Call Deposits. - 15,731,670
Total 44,200,605,720 31,905,976,624

4.20.1: Currency wise analysis of deposit from customers

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Nepalese Rupee 44,200,605,720 31,905,976,624
Indian Rupee - -
United States Dollar - -
Great Britain Pound - -
Euro - -
Japanese Yen - -
Chinese Yuan - -
Other - -
Total 44,200,605,720 31,905,976,624

4.21 Borrowings
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Domestic Borrowings
Nepal Government - -
Other Institutions. - -
Other - -
Sub Total - -
Foreign Borrowings
Foreign Banks and Financial Institutions - -
Multilateral Development Banks - -
Other Institutions - -
Sub Total - -
Total - -

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4.22 Provisions
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Provisions for Redundancy - -
Provisions for Restructuring - -
Pending Legal Issues and Tax Litigation - -
Onerous Contracts - -
Provision for Expenses 20,742,331 16,263,616
Provision for rebate and refund 4,211,548 38,768,838
Provision on Assets for Probable Loss 770,045 545,950
Provision for NBA - 9,610,000
Other Provisions 100,383 6,221,095
Total 25,824,308 71,409,499

4.22.1: Movement in Provision

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Balance at Shrawan 01 71,409,499 11,266,941
Provision Transfer from Merger/Acquision - -
Provisions made during the year - 60,142,558
Provisions used during the year (45,585,191) -
Provisions reversed during the year - -
Unwind of Discount - -
Balance at Asar end 25,824,308 71,409,499

4.23 Other Liabilities

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Liabilities for emloyees defined benefit obligations 47,422,425 31,749,720
Liabilities for long service leave 65,444,456 44,063,069
Short term employee benefits 560,708 583,483
Creditors and accruals 18,811,020 52,424,024
Interest payable on deposits 50,271,649 51,778,163
Unpaid Dividend 13,071,591 16,846,838
Employee bonus payable 96,063,017 18,720,250
Employee Provident Fund Payable 3,413,601 7,209
ATM/CARD Payables 8,952,476 5,147,018
TDS Payable 31,932,232 32,058,308
Managers Cheque 1,864,313 8,856,713
Deposit Account Payable 37,419,244 40,418,893
Fee\Commission Payable 3,020,485 330,245
CIT Payable 7,788,224 5,994,948
Social Security Fund Payable 35,551,517 11,374,800
Retention Money 37,020,974 41,844,178
Payable for Remittance 734,488 104,130
Other Liabilities 17,638,145 16,422,576
Interest payable on debentures 34,273,294 -
Clearing Accounts 698,394 -
CIB Payable 2,139,990 -
Income Tax Payable 27,348,404 -
Total 541,440,648 378,724,565
Staff bonus payable also contains Nrs. 702,929 payable from last fiscal year and other payable included in other liabilities amounting to Nrs. 14,994,831
contains amount payable to different parties and received from local authority for distribution as Social Security Allowance.

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4.23.1: Defined Benefit Obligation

The amounts recognised in the statements of financials positions are as follows :
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Present value of unfunded obligations 47,422,425 31,749,720
Present value of funded obligations 7,926,606 11,568,983
Total present value of obligations 55,349,031 43,318,703
Fair value of plan assets 7,926,606 11,568,983
Present value of net obligations 47,422,425 31,749,720
Recognised liability for defined benefit obligations 47,422,425 31,749,720

4.23.2: Plan Assets

Plan assets comprise
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Equity securities - -
Government bonds - -
Bank deposit - -
Other 7,926,606 11,568,983
Total 7,926,606 11,568,983
Actual return on plan assets 751,083 1,179,777

4.23.3: Movement in the present value of defined benefit obligations

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Defined benefit obligations at Shrawan 1 43,318,703 37,204,791
Actuarial losses 2,497,111 (4,216,701)
Benefits paid by the plan (4,393,460) (2,943,065)
Current service costs and interest 13,926,677 13,273,678
Defined benefit obligations at Asar end 55,349,031 43,318,703

4.23.4: Movement in the fair value of plan assets

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Fair value of plan assets at Shawan 1 11,568,983 13,332,271
Contributions paid into the plan - -
Benefits paid during the year (4,393,460) (2,943,065)
Actuarial (losses) gains (290,126) (20,127)
Expected return on plan assets 1,041,208 1,199,904
Fair value of plan assets at Asar end 7,926,606 11,568,983

4.23.5: Amount recognised in profit or loss

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Current service costs 10,907,977 10,090,173
Interest on obligation 3,018,700 3,183,505
Expected return on plan assets (1,041,208) (1,199,904)
Total 12,885,469 12,073,774

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4.23.6: Amount recognised in other comprehensive income

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Acturial (gain)/loss 2,497,111 (4,216,701)
Total 2,497,111 (4,216,701)

4.23.7: Actuarial assumptions

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Discount rate 9% 9%
Expected return on plan asset 9% 9%
Future salary increase 10% 10%
Withdrawal rate 15% 15%

4.24 Debt secutities issued

Current Year Previous Year
Debt securities issued designated as at fair value through profit or loss - -
Debt securities issued at amortised cost 992,982,007 -
Total 992,982,007 -

4.25 Subordinated Liabilities

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Redeemable preference shares - -
Irredemable cumulative preference shares (liabilities component - -
Other - Subordinated Liabilities - -
Total - -
4.26 Share capital
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Ordinary shares 2,651,963,732 2,540,195,352
Convertible preference shares (equity component only) - -
Irredemable preference shares (equity component only) - -
Perpetual debt (equity component only) - -
Total 2,651,963,732 2,540,195,352

4.26.1: Ordinary Shares

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Authorized Capital
30,000,000 Ordinary share of Rs. 100 each 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000
Issued capital
26,519,637.32 Ordinary share of Rs. 100 each 2,651,963,732 2,540,195,352
Subscribed and paid up capital
26,519,637.32 Ordinary share of Rs. 100 each 2,651,963,732 2,540,195,352
Total 2,651,963,732 2,540,195,352

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4.26.2: Ordinary share ownership

Particulars Percent Amount
Domestic ownership - -
Nepal Government - -
"A" class licensed institutions - -
Other licensed intitutions - -
Other Institutions - -
Public - -
Other 100% 2,651,963,732
Foreign ownership - -
Total 100% 2,651,963,732
Share Capital Structure
Promoter Shareholder: 51%
Ordinary Shareholder: 49%

List of Shareholder holding more than 0.5% of total share capital of the bank.
Name of Shareholders Total Kitta Percentage (%)
Tulasa Pandey 555,110 2.09%
Sita Acharya 416,261 1.57%
Shri Ram Pandey 346,313 1.31%
Sitaram Upreti 301,059 1.14%
Kamal Raj Uday 258,967 0.98%
Hathway Investment Nepal 250,467 0.94%
Babu Ram Pant 224,679 0.85%
Chakrapani Bastola 217,946 0.82%
Ganesh Bahadur Shrestha 206,712 0.78%
Bhim Raj Adhikari 206,553 0.78%
Ram Prasad Pokharel 186,343 0.70%
Rib Bahadur Thapa 174,850 0.66%
Bhim Prasad Tulachan 171,795 0.65%
Madan Khanal 167,130 0.63%
Dewan Singh Thapa 164,157 0.62%
Omkar Gauchan 154,908 0.58%
Raj Kumar Amatya 144,973 0.55%
Deepak Kharel 144,368 0.54%
Prakash Chhetri 143,924 0.54%
Bharatraj Koirala 142,795 0.54%
Caliber Investment Company Pvt Ltd 138,382 0.52%

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4.27 Reserve
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Statutory General Reserve 539,221,561 419,586,413
Exchange Equilisation Reserve 281,275 229,742
Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve 5,981,757 1,971,643
Capital Redemption Reserve - -
Regulatory Reserve 111,646,881 161,997,807
Investment Adjustment Reserve 3,000,000 3,000,000
Capital Reserve - -
Assets Revaluation Reserve - -
Fair Value Reserve 3,272,786 (39,935,689)
Dividend Equalisation Reserve - -
Actuarial Gain (8,532,915) (6,581,849)
Special Reserve - -
Other Reserve 3,884,182 3,884,182
Total 658,755,534 544,152,249

Statutory General Reserve

General reserve maintained as per the regulatory requirements. The regulatory requirement to set aside 20% of net profit
until the reserve is twice the paid up capital and thereafter minimum 10% of the net profit.

Exchange Equalization Reserve

Exchange equalization is maintained as per requirement of NRB Directive, which is set at 25% of foreign exchange
realuation gain on the translation to the reporting currency. This reserve is accumulation of such gains over the years.

Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve

Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve is created as per NRB directive, which is set aside of 1% of net profit. The balance in
the reserve is the amount which is not exhausted in the current fiscal year to be utilized for Corporate Social Responsibility
Objective in the coming years.

Regulatory Reserve
Regulatory Reserve is created due to the changes in the NFRS conversion and adoption with effect in the retained earnings
of the bank

Investment Adjustment Reserve

Investment Adjustment Reserve is created as per the directive of NRB created against the quoted as well as unqoted
investments. The investment adjustment reserve of the bank contains investment amouting to Nrs. 3,000,000 made in
Prabhu Capital Ltd. The investment in SCT (Smart Choice Technologies) has not crossed 3 years time period as prescribed
by NRB and is not required to create investment adjustment reserve.

Fair Value Reserve

The fair value reserve is created against the valuation of the investment of the bank as per the fair valuation of the
investment made, quoted as available for sale investments.

Actuarial gain/(losses)
The reserve created against the actuarial valutation of gratuity benefit to the employee of the bank.

Other Reserves
Other Reserves include reserve created for the Employee Training Reserve created as per the NRB directive, the allocation
is utilized in the current year and remaining balances is transferred to training reserve which is created to be utilized for
training expenses in coming years.

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4.28 Contingent liabilities and commitments

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Contingent liabilities 9,400,000 109,435,000
Undrawn and undisbursed facilities 160,957,616 1,028,334,548
Capital commitment - -
Lease Commitment - -
Litigation - -
Total 170,357,616 1,137,769,548

4.28.1: Contingent Liabilities

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Acceptance and documentary credit - -
Bills for collection - -
Forward exchange contracts - -
Guarantees 9,400,000 109,435,000
Underwriting commitment - -
Other commitments - -
Total 9,400,000 109,435,000

4.28.2: Undrawn and undisbursed facilities

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Undisbursed amount of loans - -
Undrawn limits of overdrafts 160,957,616 1,028,334,548
Undrawn limits of credit cards - -
Undrawn limits of letter of credit - -
Undrawn limits of guarantee - -
Total 160,957,616 1,028,334,548

4.28.3: Capital commitments

Capital expenditure approved by relevant authority of the bank but provision has not been made in financial statements
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Capital commitments in relation to Property and Equipment
Approved and contracted for - -
Approved but not contracted for - -
Sub total - -
Capital commitments in relation to Intangible assets
Approved and contracted for - -
Approved but not contracted for - -
Sub total - -
Total - -

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4.28.4: Lease commitments

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Operating lease commitments - -
Future minimum lease payments under non cancellable operating lease, where the bank is lessee - -
Not later than 1 year - -
Later than 1 year but not later than 5 years - -
Later than 5 years - -
Sub total - -
Finance lease commitments
Future minimum lease payments under non cancellable operating lease, where the bank is lessee - -
Not later than 1 year - -
Later than 1 year but not later than 5 years - -
Later than 5 years - -
Sub total - -
Grand total - -

4.28.5: Litigation
There are no pending legal cases of the Bank apart from those related to normal business practice.

4.29 Interest Income

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Cash and cash equivalent 14,546,584 203,946,735
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank - -
Placement with bank and financial institutions - -
Loan and advances to bank and financial institutions - -
Loans and advances to customers 3,758,561,788 3,224,767,135
Investment securities 258,047,929 51,090,089
Loan and advances to staff 59,158,328 51,178,826
Other Interest Income - -
Total interest income 4,090,314,629 3,530,982,785
Interest income is recognized for all items on accrual basis as per the fair presentation framework of NFRS. Interest accrual on default party is not
recognised as per the guidelines issued by Nepal Rastra Bank. Hence considering the materiality of the transaciton cost with respect to the tenure of
the loan interest rate charged to customer is considered as effective interest rate to calculate the interest on loans and advances.

4.30 Interest Expenses

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Due to bank and financial institutions - -
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 7,925,217 -
Deposits from customers 2,513,863,934 2,376,276,742
Borrowing - -
Debt securities issued 32,255,301 -
Subordinated liabilities - -
Other Charges - 7,573,062
Total Interest expense 2,554,044,452 2,383,849,804

Interest expense on debentures are recognized in profit or loss using effective interest rate method.

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4.31 Fees and Commission Income

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Loan administration fees 246,627,785 165,830,583
Service Fees 16,029,849 9,516,091
Consortium fees - -
Commitment fees 6,364,674 4,691,730
DD/TT/Swift fees - -
Agency Commission 1,307,020 2,810,667
Issue and Renewals of ATM Cards - -
Prepayment and swap fees 4,020,122 3,481,032
Investment banking fees - -
Asset management fees 1,974,118 2,237,882
Service Charges - Cards 7,958,394 3,088,643
Prepayment fee - -
Mobile banking 23,866,188 1,948,226
Renewal Fees - -
Exchange Fee - -
Brokerage fees 2,127,961 2,572,483
Revenue Sharing - NCHL 3,646,420 2,410,724
Remittance fees 6,300,856 7,648,059
Commission on letter of credit - -
Commission on guarantee contracts issued - -
Commission on share underwriting/issue - -
Locker rental 837,875 581,250
Other Fee and Commission - Cards 3,646,243 2,135,467
Other Fees and Commission - Loan 13,661,248 12,513,498
Total Fees and Commission Income 338,368,753 221,466,336
Fees and commissions are generally recognized on an accrual basis when the service has been provided or significant act is performed. Service
processing fees on loan is recognized as fees and commission income by the bank and the same is recognized by the bank upfront and is not
deferred with the tenure of loan.

4.32 Fees and Commission Expense

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
ATM management fees 7,357,367 3,077,327
VISA/Master card fees - -
Guarantee commission - -
Brokerage - -
DD/TT/Swift fees. - -
Remittance fees and commission - -
Other fees and commission expense 9,412 1,728,045
Total Fees and Commission Expense 7,366,778 4,805,371

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4.33 Net Trading income

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Changes in fair value of trading assets - -
Gain/loss on disposal of trading assets - -
Interest income on trading assets - -
Dividend income on trading assets - -
Gain/loss foreign exchange transaction 44,822 51,791
Other Trading Income - -
Net trading income 44,822 51,791
"Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of financial instruments held at fair value through profit and losses are included in the statement
of profit or loss in the period in which they arise. Gains and lossed arising from changes in the fair value of available for sale financial assets are
recognised directly in equity, until the financial assets are derecognised.
Dividends on equity instruments are recognised in the statement of profit or loss within other income when the Bank has right to recive paryment is

4.34 Other Operating Income

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Foreign exchange revauation gain 206,131 898,051
Gain/loss on sale of investment securities 248,508,075 (433,159)
Fair value gain/loss on investment properties - -
Dividend on equity instruments 13,600,168 12,865,334
Gain/loss on sale of property and equipment 1,081,165 (4,569,168)
Gain/loss on sale of investment property - -
Operating lease income - -
Gain/loss on sale of gold and silver - -
Other Operating Income 3,931,141 3,829,216
Total 267,326,680 12,590,273
"All other operating income not specifically provided under the income heads above is booked and presented under this head.This include foreign
exchange revaluation gain, gain/loss on sale of available for sale securities, dividend on available for sale securities, gain/loss on sale of property and
equipment, gain/loss on sale of investment properties, operating lease income, gain/loss on sale of gold and silver, finance income of finance lease etc."

4.35 Impairment charge/(reversal) for loan and other losses

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Impairment charge/(reversal) on loan and advances to BFIs 2,683,005 (3,554,960)
Impairment charge/(reversal) on loan and advances to customers 269,429,600 319,266,435
Impairment charge/(reversal) on financial Investment - -
Impairment charge/(reversal) on placement with BFIs - -
Impairment charge/(reversal) on property and equipment - -
Impairment charge/(reversal) on goodwill and intangible assets - -
Impairment charge/(reversal) on investment properties - -
Total 272,112,605 315,711,475
Loans and advances are assessed individually and collectively as per incured loss model which is compared with the loss provision prescribed by
NRB directive no. 2. Higher of the loss as per incurred loss model and NRB directive is considered for impairment. Accrued Interest Receivable on
loans have been considered under Loans and Advances measured at Amortized Cost. Loan to employees provided according to the Employee
Bylaws of the bank is presented under this head, which is also measured at amortized cost.

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4.36 Personnel Expenses

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Salary 229,135,353 321,660,080
Allowances 158,203,846 35,436,306
Gratuity Expense 12,885,469 12,073,774
Provident Fund 20,297,880 17,039,952
Uniform 4,147,405 5,097,932
Training & development expense 396,687 3,300,851
Leave encashment 35,614,909 6,945,577
Insurance - Staff 2,045,140 3,695,014
Finance expense under NFRS 35,291,282 30,762,620
Staff Tiffin Expenses 19,890,060 16,825,633
Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) Expenses 2,511,000 -
Medical 1,300 -
Employees incentive - 16,825,633
Cash-settled share-based payments - -
Pension expense - -
Other expenses related to staff 7,677,182 1,465,734
Subtotal 528,097,515 471,129,106
Employees Bonus 95,360,088 18,234,118
Grand total 623,457,603 489,363,223
Staff bonus has been calculated and provided at 10 percent of net profit after tax. Other expenses related to staff also contains provision of Nrs.
5,969,399.86 as incentive payment for CEO.

4.37 Other Operating Expense

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Directors' fee 1,476,000 871,000
Directors' expense 544,251 3,959,712
Auditors' remuneration 750,000 750,000
Other audit related expense - -
Professional and legal expense 749,304 449,531
Office administration expense 153,329,350 196,648,275
Operating lease expense 84,275,520 76,513,913
Corporate social responsibility expense 1,971,643 5,217,579
Other Expenses 19,468,854 31,852,267
Share Issue Expenses 1,445,436 440,664
Deposit Product Insurance 351,820 2,552,248
Bank Charges 2,186,185 300,350
Mobile Banking Expenses 3,025,180 1,948,226
Registration and Renewals 4,209,272 3,883,580
Clearing Expenses 502,895 300,350
Software Licencing and Related Costs 5,794,112 6,639,877
DC Colocation Rent 976,320 -
Debenture & Other Related Expenses 673,577 -
Commission Expenses 304,057 -
Other Operating Expenses - 15,786,973
Total 262,564,924 316,262,277

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4.37.1 Office administration expense

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Water and electricity 16,712,481 16,948,612
Repair and maintenance
(a) Building 945,601 523,880
(b) Vehicle 1,362,912 1,082,249
(c) Computer and accessories 222,355 133,995
(d) Office equipment and furniture 1,458,455 1,543,891
(e) Other 1,090,792 2,505,510
Insurance 3,870,349 5,690,615
Postage, telex, telephone, fax 5,245,425 15,703,545
Printing and stationery 11,998,424 14,097,181
News paper, books and journals 33,240 341,750
Advertisement 4,558,331 4,594,088
Security expense 44,561,125 73,275,793
Deposit and loan guarantee premium 13,076,032 9,389,329
Travel allowance and expense 4,990,300 7,047,562
Annual/special general meeting expenses 515,723 705,220
Fuel Expenses 5,441,441 4,924,197
Business Promotion Expenses 7,856,824 9,165,438
Technical/Consultancy Services Fee 641,654 3,025,531
Office Expenses 12,607,053 10,910,607
Annual Maintenance 3,333,336 2,334,735
Meeting Expenses 1,202,539 314,278
Branch Opening Expenses 112,601 1,679,996
Donation 400 9,696
Internet Expenses 11,491,956 10,256,877
Write Off Expenses - 1,770
Other adm exp - 441,930
Total 153,329,350 196,648,275

4.38 Depreciation and Amortisation

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Depreciation on property and equipment 112,710,000 86,589,214
Depreciation on investment property - -
Amortisation of intangible assets 3,414,380 2,779,281
Total 116,124,379 89,368,495
Depreciation is calculated by using the written down value method on cost/valuation of the Property & Equipment other than freehold land and
leasehold properties. Depreciation on leasehold properties is calculated by using the straight line method on cost or valuation of the property.
Intagible asset contains software which has been amortised over 5 years.

4.39 Non Operating Income

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Recovery of loan written off - -
Other income - -
Total - -

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4.40 Non Operating Expenses

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Loan written off 2,143,348 1,623,481
Redundancy provision - -
Expense of restructuring - -
Other expense. - -
Total 2,143,348 1,623,481

4.41 Income Tax Expenses

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Current tax expense
Current year 269,564,022 53,377,549
Adjustments for prior years - -
Deferred tax expense
Origination and reversal of temporary differences (9,498,969) (8,989,819)
Changes in tax rate - -
Recognition of previously unrecognised tax losses - -
Total income tax expense 260,065,053 44,387,730
"Income Tax expense is recognized in the statement of Profit or Loss, except to the extent it relates to items recognized directly in equity or
other comprehensive income in which case it is recognized in equity or in other comprehensive income.Inocme tax and deferred tax have been
recognised as per regulatory profit.

4.41.1: Reconciliation of tax expense and accounting profit

Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Profit before tax 858,240,793 164,107,058
Tax amount at tax rate of 30% 257,472,238 49,232,117
Add: Tax effect of expenses that are not deductible for tax purpose 12,091,784 4,145,432
Less: Tax effect on exempt income - -
Add/less: Tax effect on other items - -
Total income tax expense 269,564,022 53,377,549
Effective tax rate 31.41% 32.53%

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5. Disclosures & Additional Information 5.1 Credit Risk

5.1 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Risk is an inherent feature of any business and it drives
Introduction and Overview an entity towards income generation. Likewise, Risk
Risk is inherent in the Bank’s activities but is managed management objective of the Bank is to strike balance
through a process of ongoing identification, measurement between risk and return, and ensure optimum Risk-adjusted
and monitoring, subject to risk limits and other controls. return on capital. A reasonable level of return is essential for
This process of risk management is critical to the Bank’s sustainability of the business. However, taking higher risk
continuing profitability and each individual within the Bank in search of higher earnings may have chances to result
is accountable for the risk exposures relating to his or her in failure of business. Thus effective risk management is a
responsibilities. The Bank is mainly exposed to; must for business success. Towards this end Kamana Sewa
Bikas Bank has implemented robust risk management
1. Credit Risk architecture as well as policies and processes approved
2. Liquidity Risk by the Board of Directors. These encompass independent
identification, measurement and management of risks
3. Market Risk across various facets of banking operation.
4. Operational Risk
Board level risk management committee has been set
up under NRB Directive for ensuring/reviewing bank's
Risk Management Framework
risk appetite are in line with the policies and CRO acts as
The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the
member secretary. CRO closely monitors and report on
establishment and oversight of the Bank’s risk management
credit related risks in RMC meeting.
framework. Chief Risk Officer (CRO), along with his team, is
responsible for overall risk management of the Bank which Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM)
includes managing, assessing, identifying, monitoring and The Bank has extensive policy and guidelines to mitigate
reducing pertinent global, macro and micro-economic level credit risks. The Bank’s credit policy has strengthened
business risks that could interfere with Banks objective and minimizing credit risk and provided support to make
goals and whether the Bank is in substantial compliance qualitative analysis based on sound credit principles and
with its internal operating policies and other applicable procedures. Bank has a policy to consider as security for
regulations and procedures, external, legal, regulatory pledge, hypothecated or mortgage which have value
or contractual requirements on a continuous basis. considering physical control and legal title. Bank has
Further, CRO ensures integration of all major risk in capital considered eligible CRM as prescribed by Capital Adequacy
assessment process. The Bank’s risk management policies standard. Collateral taken as Deposit with own Bank,
are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by Deposit with other BFIs, National Saving & Development
the Bank, to set appropriate risk limits and controls, and to Bonds, and Gold & Silver have been considered as CRM and
monitor adherence to established limits. Risk management adjusted on overall risk weighted exposure on credit risk in
policies and systems are reviewed annually to reflect line with the standard.
changes in market conditions, products and services offered.
The Bank , through its training and management standards The Bank has developed a risk assessment culture and has
and procedures, continuously updates and maintains a in place the required reports for assessing concentration of
disciplined and constructive control environment, in which risks. Periodic performance reporting based on Balanced
all employees are assigned and made to understand their Scorecard, in line with capital strength, to the Board is also
respective roles and responsibilities. Risk Management in place. These reports are periodically put up to the board.
structure is depcited below: Board also reviews the same and issues instructions, as
appropriate, to the Bank’s management.

Collateral and other credit enhancements

Board The amount and type of collateral required depends on an
of Directroes
assessment of the credit risk of the counterparty. Guidelines
Risk Management are in place covering the acceptability and valuation of
each type of collateral.
Risk Officer The general creditworthiness of customers tends to be
the most relevant indicator of credit quality of a loan.
Market &
Operation Risk Liquidity Risk Credit Risk However, collateral provides additional security and the
Bank generally requests large borrowers to provide same.
The Bank may take collateral in the form of a first charge
over real estate and residential properties, floating charges
over all corporate assets and other liens and guarantees.

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The Bank’s policy is to pursue timely realisation of the operations are independently reported through separate
collateral in an orderly manner. The proceeds are used to reporting line other than business generation and credit
reduce or repay the outstanding claim. The Bank generally risk where independence of checking and control is
does not use non-cash collateral for its own operations. complied with.

Definition of Past Due Processes are reviewed periodically so that their perfection
Bank consider that any amounts uncollected one day or can be weighed and any shortcoming can be addressed.
more beyond their contractual due date are ‘past due’. Most of the functions like line approval, bill payment, loan
disbursement are centralized which controls activities that
Past due but not impaired loans can cause mistake due to inadequate knowledge on the
Past due but not impaired loans are those for which part of staff. Similarly awareness to the public is made on our
contractual interest or principal payments are past due, but services and products periodically by placing the notices
the Bank believes that impairment is not appropriate on in the website of the Bank, or in branches or publishing
the basis of the stage of collection of amounts owed to the notices as appropriate. Staffs are given orientation on the
Bank. All loans and advances have been imapired. job including that of system of the Bank before they are
placed for the job and are guided to follow the SIMs for the
5.1.2 Market Risk
job. Any staff for the first time in any job is put under the
Operational risk is the risk of losses arising from failed
supervision of an experienced staff and is allowed to work
internal processes, systems failure, human error, fraud or
independently after attaining required skills.
external events. When controls fail to perform, operational
risks can cause damage to reputation, have legal or Bank has Whistle Blowing Policy to report to senior or
regulatory implications, or lead to financial loss. Strategic management directly on anyone’s suspicious conduct
and Reputational Risks are not covered in Operational Risk. outside and inside the Bank. Skill development and skill
enhancement programs are conducted on periodic basis
Effective operational risk management systems aims to
and staffs identified for the program get the opportunity
minimizing losses and customer dissatisfaction due to
for training, seminar and workshop. Adequate numbers of
failure in processes, focusing on flows in products and
trainings are conducted and staffs required with training are
their design that can expose the Bank to losses due to
given the opportunity for skill enhancement. Knowledge
fraud, analyzing the impact of failures in technology /
sharing is one of the core methods of skill development.
system, developing plans to meet external shocks that
If a staff gets any training, s/he is encouraged to share the
can adversely impact continuity in the Bank’s operations.
same among the peers in the division/branch.
Bank has introduced a “comprehensive operational risk
monitoring and reporting framework” as well as “output In operations, the Bank has put in place a maker and
checking” at all branches covering all transactions on daily checker concept in which a transaction has to compulsorily
basis to minimize operational risk. go through two individuals from a control standpoint
with proper transaction right to capture deviations, if any.
One of the growing risks among others these days is Operations
Similarly MIS Reports are generated to check correctness
Risk that arises out of inefficient processes and people inside
of transactions and any mistakes are promptly addressed
and outside the Bank. Asset Liability Management Committee
and rectified. The activities of a personnel and division /
(ALCO) is the management committee where operating risk,
branch can be viewed and monitored centrally through
market risk and other risks are discussed, in line with ALM
an integrated system, which helps in minimizing the risk
Policy. Banking System (BS) is another area of concern where
of misconduct, if any. The Bank has an on-line replication
it has witnessed growing threat from outside. Information
Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) which captures the record of
and Technology Division in the Bank reviews and checks the
each transaction that takes place at the Production Server.
security aspects in line with IT Policy of the Bank. Bank has
Both the sites (Production Server and Disaster Recovery
conducted an IS Audit of the Bank’s system and suggestions
– Back up site) are housed in well-conditioned and high
given by the audit with respect to safety and security standards
shock resistant buildings and are at different seismic zone,
are being put in place.
far from each other. DRS is outsourced to a professionally
Bank has separate division to oversee operation risk managed company having expertise in the sector. Drill is
including Compliance of KYC and AML. The division is being done periodically and is being tested occasionally to
headed by senior level staff with adequate access to the assess the functioning of DRS.
daily report, operational processes and right to recommend
Each desktop is implemented with Active Directory System
the changes in the system and procedures. The head of
(ADS) which does not allow user to take away the data in
operation risk directly reports to the Chief Risk Officer. Bank
devices like data traveler (pen drive) or bring in data for
has SIMs (Standing Instruction Manuals) for all businesses
processing or any other purposes posing threat to the
of the Bank. All the activities are undertaken in line with the
repository. Similarly individual data in desk are also stored
set criteria in the Standing Instruction Manual, policies and
and backed up in periodic interval at data center so that any
guidelines including Directives and circulars from central
loss of data in desktop can be retrieved from data center.
bank (the regulatory authority). Similarly daily functions at

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The Bank has a separate Legal division which is adequately by senior management, Risk Management Committee and
manned by qualified and experienced staff. All legal Board. The Bank in line with BASEL provisions and ICAAP
agreements, deeds and documents including claims and document assesses risk exposures and allocated sufficient
charges are thoroughly studied prior to making any decision capital/cushion for perceived risks. The adequacy of capital
involving such documents. Compliance with existing rules is main agenda of any ALCO, Man-Com and board meetings.
and regulations and business practices globally and locally
are taken into account before arriving at the decision. 5.2.2 Quaantitative disclosures
The cases where the Bank needs expert's opinion on any 1 Capital structure and capital adequacy
• Tier 1 Capital and a breakdown of its Components:
of the issues the same is done through the expert in the
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
respective field. Paid up Equity Share Capital 2,651,963,732
Irredeemable Non-cumulative preference shares -
5.1.6 Currency Risk Share Premium -
Currency risk arises as a result of fluctuations in the value Proposed Bonus Equity Shares -
of a financial instruments due to changes in foreign Statutory General Reserves 539,221,561
exchange rates. The Bank’s Board has set limits on positions Retained Earnings 527,521,035
Un-audited current year cumulative profit -
by currency in line with NRB directives (maximum
Special Reserve Fund -
position for all currency excluding INR is 30% of core Capital Adjustment Reserves -
capital). In accordance with the bank’s policy, positions Dividend Equalization Reserves -
are monitored on a daily basis and also reviewed in Capital Redemption Reserves Fund -
ALCO meeting and hedging strategies are used to ensure Deferred Tax Reserve -
Less: Goodwill -
positions are maintained within established limits. Market Less: Intagible Assets -
risk management policy and Treasury Manual of the bank Less: Fictitious Assets -
are the guiding documents for the management and Less: Deferred Tax Assets -
mitigation of currency risk. Less: Investment in equity of licensed Financial
Less: Investment in equity of institutions with financial
The Bank's capital management policies and practices Less: Investment in equity of institutions in excess of
support its business strategy and ensure that it is adequately limits
capitalised to withstand even in severe macroeconomic Less: Investments arising out of underwriting
downturns. Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank is a liscened institution Less: Purchase of Land & Building in excess of limit &
provides financial services therefore it must comply with utilized
capital requirement of central bank so called Nepal Rastra Less: Reciprocal crossholdings -
Less: Other Deductions -
Total Tier 1 Capital 3,708,659,927

The Bank's capital consists of Tier I capital and Tier II capital. • Tier 2 Capital and Breakdown of its Components:
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
5.2.1 Qualitative disclosures Cumulative and/or Redeemable Preference Share -
Nepal Rastra Bank has directed the Banks to develop own Subordinated Term Debt 992,982,007
internal policy, procedures and structures to manage all Hybrid Capital Instruments -
material risk inherent in business for assessing capital General loan loss provision 483,278,808
Exchange Equalization Reserves 281,275
adequacy in relation to the risk profiles as well as strategies for
Investments Adjustment Reserves 3,000,000
maintaining capital levels. This includes basic requirements Assets Revaluation Reserves -
of having good governance, efficient process of managing Special Reserve Fund -
all material risks and an effective regime for assessing and Total Tier 2 Capital 1,445,743,204
maintaining adequate capital. The Bank has various BODs
• Total Qualifying Capital:
approved risk management policies for proper governance.
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
The Bank has developed a comprehensive ICAAP document
Core Capital (Tier 1) 3,708,659,927
which is subject to review every year. The ICAAP has two Supplementary Capital (Tier 2) 1,445,743,204
major components; first is an internal process to identify, Total Capital Fund 5,154,403,132
measure, manage and report risks to which the bank is
exposed or could be exposed in the future; and second is • Core Capital Ratio: 10.02%
• Capital Adequacy Ratio: 13.93%
an internal process to plan and manage a bank’s capital so
as to ensure adequate capital. The Bank prepares the ICAAP • Summary of the bank’s internal approach to assess
report annually complying with the NRB requirement. the adequacy of its capital to support current and
The report is reviewed and analyzed by Risk Management future activities, if applicable:
Committee and Board. The report is prepared as per BASEL
III norms considering various adverse scenarios. The Bank Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank adopts healthy risk management
also conducts the stress testing on thirty two different framework. The bank follows Internal Capital Adequacy
unfavorable scenarios on quarterly basis and is reviewed Assessment Process (ICAAP)and Risk Management

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Guideline while taking decision on any business. It • Risk Weighted exposures under each 11 categories of Credit Risk:
has always taken note of ICAAP and has taken steps Categ ories Amount (Rs.)
accordingly in ensuring soundness of capital position Cash Balance 579,771,630
and sustainability of the business. The bank’s policies and Balance With NRB 940,622,266
Investment in Nepalese Government Securities 4,670,000,000
procedures are approved by the Board of Directors and
Claims on Government and Central Bank -
these documents provide guidance on independent Claims on Other Financial Entities -
identification, measurement and management of risks Claims on Banks 4,786,715,323
across various businesses. Bank’s different committees like Claims on Domestic Corporate and Securities
Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee review the Firms
business and risks periodically and take account of stress Claims on Regulatory Retail Portfolio & Other
test results, scenario analysis so as to align risk, return and Retail Portfolio
Claims secured by residential properties 2,043,092,724
capital in sustainable manner.
Claims secured by residential properties
The bank also defines risk aspects, considering domestic Claims secured by Commercial real estate 27,834,819
economic scenario, and puts in place the system Past due claims 688,599,685
to minimize and remove such risk. The risk appetite High Risk claims 1,467,224,240
and approach towards risk taking is well discussed in Lending Against Securities 1,236,965,483
management level and board level. It is always aligned with Investment in Listed Stock 278,849,615
the business, its return and capital. Basel disclosures have Investment in Un-Listed Stock 19,004,600
been complied with, addressing the risks and adopting Staff Loan Secured by Residential Properties 215,675,743
Interest Receivable/ Claims on government
measures to minimize their impact. Increasing complexities 71,297,411
in risks, weakness of businesses and fast changing world Other Assets 1,851,387,628
with intense competition pose a threat to sustainability. Off Balance Sheet Items 723,784,564
Total 53,242,155,772
Capital planning is an integral part of the bank’s medium
term strategic planning and annual budget formulation • Total Risk Weight Exposures calculation Table:
process. Total risk weighted exposures for the projected RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURES Amount (Rs.)
level of business operations is calculated, the required Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk 34,155,774,024
capital level is projected, and a plan is formulated to retain Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk 1,795,705,212
the required capital. The bank is well capitalized and able to Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk 6,914,542
Add: 2% of the total RWE added by Supervisory
maintain the required capital through internal generation, Review (For Overall Risk Mgmt)
and equally through capital markets if needed. Add: RWE equivalent to reciprocal of capital
charge of 2% of Gross Income (For Operation 719,167,876
2 Risk exposures Risk Mgmt)
Total Risk Weighted Exposures (After Bank's
• Risk weighted exposures for credit Risk, Market Risk and Operational Risk: 37,011,091,254
adjustment of Pillar II)
RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURES Amount (Rs.) Total Core Capital 3,708,659,927
Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk 34,155,774,024.30 Total Capital 5,154,403,132
Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk 1,795,705,212.34
Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk 6,914,541.89 • Amount of Non-Performing Assets (both Gross and Net):
Total Risk Weighted Exposures (Before Particulars Net NPL (Rs)
Bank's adjustment of Pillar II) Restructured -
Sub-Standard 220,023,779
Doubtful 59,597,419
Loss -
Total 279,621,199

5.2.3 Compliance with External Requirement

Bank has complied with externally imposed capital
requirements to which it is subject and there are no such
consequence where the institution has not complied with
those requirement.

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Analysis of financial instruments by measurement basis.

Financial instruments are measured on an ongoing basis either at fair value or at amortized cost. The summary of significant
accounting policies describes how the classes of financial instruments are measured, and how income and expenses,
including fair value gains and losses, are recognized. The following table analyses the carrying amounts of the financial
instruments by category as defined in NAS 39 and by headings of the Statement of Financial Position.

Fair Vaule Measured at

Particulars Amortized Cost Total
through PL FVTOCI
Financial Assets
Cash & Cash Equivalents 4,401,235,416 - 4,401,235,416
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 940,622,266 - 940,622,266
Placement with Bank and Financial Institutions - - -
Derivative Financial Assets - - -
Loan and Advances to B/FIs 952,703,267 - 952,703,267
Loans & Advances to Customers 38,580,550,842 - 38,580,550,842
Financial Investments - Measured at Fair Value through PL - - - -
Financial Investments - Measured at Fair Value through OCI - 302,529,625 302,529,625
Financial Investments - Measured at Amoritized cost - - -
Other Financial Assets - - -
Total Financial Assets - 44,875,111,792 302,529,625 45,177,641,417
Financial Liabilities
Due from Customers 44,200,605,720 - 44,200,605,720
Other Financial Liabilities 1,705,811,243 - 1,705,811,243
Other Liabilities 535,723,075 - 535,723,075
Total Financial Liabilities - 46,442,140,038 - 46,442,140,038


Particulars Province 1 Province 2 Province 3 Province 4 Province 5 Province 6 Province 7 Total

(a) Revenue from external customers 41,854,860 56,839,751 970,905,308 1,754,730,360 1,797,344,838 17,636,027 56,743,738 4,696,054,883

(b) Intersegment revenues - - - - - - -

(c) Net Revenue - - - - - - -

(d) Interest Revenue 25,130,081 38,955,394 803,925,188 1,564,035,410 1,597,476,684 14,300,703 46,491,169 4,090,314,629

(e) Interest Expense 5,365,075 13,210,737 534,195,446 1,093,632,536 877,925,675 6,492,474 23,222,508 2,554,044,452

(f ) Net interest revenue (d-e) 19,765,005 25,744,657 269,729,741 470,402,874 719,551,009 7,808,230 23,268,661 1,536,270,177

(g) Depreciation and Amortization 6,672,055 6,839,159 68,101,415 17,495,901 13,212,206 923,783 2,879,861 116,124,379

(h) Segment profit/(loss) 3,206,162 (1,138,194) (15,712,181) 265,635,253 350,202,813 253,937 598,175,740

Entity"s interest in the profit or loss

(i) of associates accounted for using - - - - - - -
equity method

(j) Other material non-cash items: - - - - - - -

…… - - - - - - -

…… - - - - - - -

…… - - - - - - -

(k) Impairment of assets - - - - - - -

(l) Segment assets 645,397,841 767,750,234 16,904,405,300 17,690,919,042 14,470,128,689 219,267,479 607,035,641 51,304,904,226

(m) Segment liabilities 597,114,114 710,313,037 15,639,747,064 16,367,419,867 13,387,584,400 202,863,564 561,621,880 47,466,663,926


Not Applicable

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The Standard defines a contingent liability as:

♦ a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or
non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or
♦ a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because : it is not probable that an outflow of
resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or
♦ the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability An entity should not recognise a contingent
liability. An entity should disclose a contingent liability, unless hte possibility of an outflow of resources embodying
economic benefits is remote."

The followings are the details of contingent liabilities of bank:

2077/78 2076/77
1. Claims on Bank but not Accepted by the Bank - -
2 Letters of Credit (Full Amount) - -
a. Letter of Credit With Maturity Less than 6 Months - -
b. Letter of Credit With Maturity More than 6 Months - -
3 Rediscounted Bills - -
4 Unmatured Guarantees/Bonds - -
a. Bid Bonds 9,400,000 15,017,500
b. Performance Bonds - 96,750,000
c. Other Guarantee/Bonds - -
5 Unpaid Shares in Investment - -
6 Forward Exchange Contract Liabilities - -
7 Bills under Collection - -
8 Acceptances and Endorsements - -
9 Underwriting Commitments - -
10 Irrevocable Loan Commitments 160,957,616 1,028,334,548
11 Guarantees issued against Counter Guarantee of In'lly Rated Foreign Banks - -
12 Advance Payment Guarantees - -
13 Financial Guarantees - -
14 Contingent Liabilities on Income Tax - -
15 Unpaid Guarantee Claims - -
TOTAL CONTINGENT LIABLITIES 170,357,616 1,140,102,048

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5.1 Related parties disclosures 5.2 Merger and Acquisition

a. Identified related parties The Bank Has entered into merger with Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd.,
The bank has identified following as related parties under a regional level development Bank centered in Rupandehi
NAS 24: District and started joint operation from 2074/04/20.
1. Directors
2. Key Management Personnel of the Bank and Merger in FY 2074/75
3. Related parties of the above two The Bank has merged with Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd. (SBBL), a
“B” Class licensed financial institution during the FY 2074/75
S. N. Name of Related Party Relationship
and started joint operations after transfer of all assets
1 Mr. Sudeep Acharya Chairman, Board of Directors and liabilities of SBBL on 20th Shrawan 2074. The existing
2 Mr. Bhim Prasad Tulachan Member, Board of Directors shareholders of erstwhile SBBL were issued ordinary equity
3 Mr. Chaturakhar Adhikari Member, Board of Directors shares of the bank at the approved share swap ratio of 1:1.
4 Mr. Dev Krishna Kafle Member, Board of Directors SBBL has prepared audited financial statements as of 19th
5 Mr. Bishweshwar Subedi Member, Board of Directors
Shrawan 2074, i.e., the date before acquisition. Assets and
Liabilities of the merged entities has been recognized in
6 Mr. Balaram Baral Member, Board of Directors
its audited balance sheet has been recorded in the books
7 Mrs. Sita Ghimire Member, Board of Directors of accounts of Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited as on the
8 Mr. Prabin Basnet Chief Executive Officer date of acquisition i.e., 20th Shrawan 2074. Profit and Loss
account of the acquired entity as of date of merger are
b. Key management personnel (KMP) prepared separately and transferred to retained earnings
Key Management Personnel are those persons having after appropriating for staff bonus and taxation.
authority and responsibility for planning, directing and
controlling the activities of the entity directly or indirectly. The changes in equity of the bank due to the merger is
The Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of summarized below:
the bank are identified as KMP of the bank. Amount in NPR
Proportion of
c. Transaction with Board of Directors Date of voting equity Consideration
Particulars 2020-21 Merger interests transferred
Board meeting fee/allowance 1,476,000.00
acquired (%)
During 2074/75
Other board level meeting fee/
allowance 20th
Sewa Bikas Bank
Shrawan 100% 1,017,076,888
Total 2,020,251.00 Limited

All board of directors are non-executive directors. The * Merger was complete on 19th Shrawan 2074 with joint
directors are entitled to meeting fees on attending board operations starting from 20th Shrawan 2074.
and board committee meetings as well as monthly
Consideration Transferred
allowances to cover for expenses towards communication
and periodicals. The Bank has issued 10,170,768 shares to shareholders of
SBBL as purchase consideration on the basis of swap ratio
d. Transaction with Chief Executive Officer of 1:1 shares of Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited for each
Particulars 2020-21 share of SBBL.
Net Salary Payments (After Tax) 5,875,903.50 The acquisition date was 20th Shrawan 2074 on which
Total 5,875,903.50 the Bank considered adjusted net assets value of SBBL
as fair value of purchase consideration and accordingly
Current CEO Mr. Prabin Basnet was appointed as CEO on issued 10,170,768 number of shares to the shareholders of
Falgun 1, 2075. Figures stated above for 2020-21 are the erstwhile SBBL as purchase consideration.
benefits paid during the year to him.
Particulars Amount in NPR
e. Transaction and agreements involving KMP and Cash -
their close family member Equity shares issued 1,017,076,888
Close family members of a KMP are those family members Contingent consideration arrangement -
who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by, Total 1,017,076,888
that KMP in their dealings with the Bank. They may include
KMP’s spouse and children, children of the KMP’s spouse
and dependents of the KMP or of the KMP’s spouse. Close
family member is related parties to the Bank.

For the reported period there have been no payments or

transactions with close family members of KMP except in
the normal course of banking business, both for the Bank.

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Assets acquired and liabilities recognized at the date b. Reserve

of merger i. General Reserve
Amount in NPR
Section 44 of Bank and Financial Institutions Act 2073
Particulars Fair value requires the Bank to allocate at least 20% of the net profits
Cash Balance 216,568,367 of every year to General Reserve until it is twice the paid-up
Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank 231,005,852 capital. The Bank has appropriated NPR 119,635,148 of the
Balance with Banks/Financial Institutions 1,198,938,485
net profits to General Reserve in the current year.
Money at Call and Short Notice -
Particulars This Year Previous Year
Investments 40,604,365
Opening General Reserve 419,586,413 395,642,548
Loans, Advances and Bills Purchased 5,227,217,355
Fixed Assets 43,324,423 20% of Profit to be transferred 119,635,148 23,943,866

Other Assets 83,379,607 Closing General Reserve 539,221,561 419,586,413

Total Assets (A) 7,041,038,454
Deposits 5,653,823,006 ii. Exchange Equalization Reserve
Other Liabilities 217,322,406 Section 45 Bank and Financial Institutions Act 2073 requires,
25% of revaluation gain from foreign currency exchange
Total Liabilities (B) 5,871,145,412
rate differences to be transferred to Exchange Equalization
Net Assets Acquired (A-B) 1,169,893,042
Reserve and revaluation loss is charged to profit and loss
account. 25% of Revaluation profit of foreign currency
Gain arising from Bargain Purchase accounts during the current period amounting NPR 51,533
Assets and liabilities are valued at fair value pursuant to been transferred to exchange fluctuation fund maintained
NFRS 3 Business Combination. Fair value of net assets by the Bank.
acquired is NPR 1,169.89 million. In compliance with NRB
directive, reserve and surplus taken over on merger of NPR Previous
152.81 million has been separately considered and thus Particulars This Year
has deducted from net assets acquired. The resulting net Opening Exchange Equalization Reserve 229,742 5,230
assets values has been assessed to NPR 1017.08 million. The
25% of Revaluation gain 51,533 224,513
fair value of the consideration transferred is NPR 1,084.44
million. No bargain Purchase gain has occurred to the bank Closing Exchange Equalization
281,275 229,742
because the swap ratio was 1:1. Thus, no profit has been
recognized in statement of profit and loss.
iii. Fair Value Reserve
Particulars Fair value (Amount
The net change in fair value of financial assets that
in NPR) are measured at fair value and change in fair value is
recognized in other comprehensive income until assets
Consideration transferred 1,017,076,888
are derecognized. The amount transferred to this reserve
Less: Fair value of identifiable net assets 1,017,076,888
during the year is:
acquired (excluding reserve and surplus
taken over on merger)
Particulars This Year Previous Year
Net Amount to be charged to profit and -
loss resulting from bargain purchase Opening Fair Value Reserve (39,935,689) (46,568,496)
Transfer/ Adjustment in Reserve 43,208,476 6,632,806
5.3 Additional disclosures
Closing Fair Value Reserve 3,272,786 (39,935,689)
a. Paid-up capital
The structure of the share capital of the Bank is as follows: iv. Assets Revaluation Reserve:
♦ Authorized capital of NPR 3,000,000,000 represented by Assets are recognized under cost model and they are
30,000,000 Ordinary Shares of NPR 100 each; and presented under historical cost. So, no assets have been
♦ Issued capital as of balance sheet date is NPR revalued as on balance sheet date.
2,651,963,732 represented by 26,519,637.32 Ordinary
Shares of NPR 100 each.
♦ Paid-up capital as of balance sheet date is NPR
2,651,963,732 represented by 26,519,637.32 Ordinary
Shares of NPR 100 each.
The Paid-up capital of the Bank as on the balance sheet date
is NPR 2,651,963,732 represented by 26,519,637.32 Ordinary
Shares of NPR 100 Paid up share capital of the Bank.

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v. Regulatory Reserve
The amount to this reserve has been allocated from profit/retained earnings as per the Directive of NRB for the purpose of
implementation of NFRSs and is not regarded as free for distribution of dividend. Details are as presented under:

Short loan loss Fair value Loss

Interest Deferred tax Actuarial Loss
Fiscal Year provision on Recognized in Total
receivable assets Recognized
FY 2074/75 - - - - - -
FY 2075/76 74,027,705.00 - 31,673,888.00 9,519,451.00 58,567,078.00 173,788,123.00
FY 2076/77 72,863,864.00 6,054,300.00 36,562,104.00 6,581,849.00 39,935,689.00 161,997,807.00
Transfer From Reserve (1,163,841.00) - - (2,937,602.00) (18,631,389.00) (22,732,832.00)
Transfer To Reserve - 6,054,300.00 4,888,216.00 - - 10,942,516.00
FY 2077/78 52,804,340.56 21,930,300.00 28,379,326.00 8,532,915.00 - 111,646,880.98
Transfer From Reserve (20,059,523.44) - (8,182,778.00) - - (20,885,526.00)
Transfer To Reserve - 15,876,000.00 - 1,951,066.00 - 17,827,066.00
Total (All Fiscal Year) 199,695,909.56 27,984,600.00 96,615,318.00 24,634,215.00 98,502,767.00 447,432,810.98

vi. Investment Adjustment Reserve

The Bank has maintained adequate reserve in compliance with NRB Directives 08/2078 for unlisted investments according
to which 100% reserve to be created for investments not being listed.

Particulars This Year Previous Year

Opening IAR 3,000,000 10,425,557
Add: Additional Reserve during this year - (7,425,557)
Less: Adjustment in Reserve - -
Closing IAR 3,000,000 3,000,000

c. Other Reserve Reconciliation

Particulars This Year Previous Year
Opening Balance
Staff Skill development Fund 3,884,182.00 3,884,182.00
Total 3,884,182.00 3,884,182.00
Transfer During the year
Staff Skill development Fund - -
Closing Balance
Staff Skill development Fund 3,884,182.00 3,884,182.00

d. Investment Securities:
Investment Securities have been valued under fair value or amortized cost as allowed under NFRS 9. Closing Market Price
of Securities has been used as the Fair value of the Asset/Securities for investment securities valued at Fair Value through
Other Comprehensive Income. Different Fair Value Hierarchy has been considered (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3) depending
upon the availability of information and regarding the valuation of other investments through amortized cost, EIR rate has
been used for booking the amortized cost of investment and interest income accordingly.

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e. Loans & Advances to B/FIs and customers:

Loans & Advances to B/FIs and Customers have been valued under amortized cost as allowed under NFRS 9. Separate
Effective Interest Rate (EIR) has not been computed since all the relevant transactions costs for computing EIR are ignored
due to impracticability to determine the relevant costs as allowed by Carve Out issued by ICAN. The details of loans and
advances are as follows:

Loans & Advances (In’000)

Particulars Deprived Sector Foreign Total
Insured Uninsured
1 2 3 4 5=1+2+3+4
1 Performing Loan and Advances 1,111,791.53 - 38,311,622.59 - 39,423,414.12
1.1 Pass Loan 1,111,791.53 - 38,311,622.59 - 39,423,414.12
1.1.1 Pass Loan (other than Restructured/Rescheduled
1,111,791.53 - 36,897,345.00 - 38,009,136.53
Covid Related)
1.1.2 Pass Loan (Restructured/Rescheduled Covid Related) - - - -
1.2 Watch List - - 1,414,277.59 - 1,414,277.59
2 Non-Performing Loan and Advances - - 646,884.35 - 646,884.35
2.1 Restructured / Rescheduled - - - - -
2.2 Sub-standard - - 293,365.04 - 293,365.04
2.3 Doubtful - - 119,194.84 - 119,194.84
2.4 Loss - - 234,324.47 - 234,324.47
3 Total Loan and Advances (1+2) 1,111,791 - 38,958,506 - 40,070,298

The reconciliation of loans as per above and financials are as follows:

Particulars Amount
Loans as per Financial 40,454,509,946
Staff Loan Included (341,975,792)
Air on Loan (173,017,686)
Staff Loan NFRS Adjustment 130,782,059
Total Loans (NRB) 40,070,298,527

As per para 63 of NAS 39, an entity shall assess at the end of each reporting period if there is any objective evidence
that financial asset or group of financial assets measured at amortized cost is impaired. Bank has applied Para 63 and has
computed impairment loss. However, as per the Carve-out issued by ICAN as a mandatory treatment of impairment loss
for the transition period for banks and financial institution, impairment loss to be measured at higher of amount derived as
per norms prescribed by NRB for loan loss provision and as per para 63. Details of such impairment is as mentioned below:

Particulars This Year Previous Year P/L Impact

Loan Loss as per NRB 921,255,837.41 649,143,232 272,112,605.41
Good 483,278,808.18 250,563,992 232,714,816.18
Watch list 70,713,879.66 73,714,187 (3,000,307.35)
Substandard 73,341,259.77 35,189,282 38,151,977.77
Doubtful 59,597,419.39 54,367,944 5,229,475.39
Bad 234,324,470.42 235,307,827 (983,356.58)
Impairment as per NFRS 22,305,866.88 188,084,947 (165,779,080.12)
Individual Impairment - 170,238,219 (170,238,219.00)
Collective Impairment 22,305,866.88 17,846,728 4,459,138.88
Impairment to be considered as
Alternative Treatment by ICAN 921,255,837.41 649,143,232 272,112,605.41
(Higher of above two)

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Provision as per NRB contains provision required as NRB Previous

directive as well as those prescribed by NRB supervision Particulars This Year
audit. Higher of impairment as per para 63 of NAS 39 and Defined Benefit Obligations 65,444,456 4,40,63,069
as per the provision norms prescribed by NRB for loans
Fair Value of Planned Assets - -
and advances has been considered in preparing financial
statements. Net Liability 65,444,456 4,40,63,069

f. Segmental reporting j. Deferred Tax Asset/Liability:

An operating segment is a component that engages in Tax effect of all the NFRS adjustment are created and
business activities from which it earns revenue and incurs reflected under deferred tax income or expenses. All the
expense, including revenues and expenses that relating to adjustments relating to current year are taxed in current
transaction with any of groups other components, whose period and all the prior year NFRS adjustments have been
operating results are reviewed by management. deferred.
g. Staff Bonus
Deferred Deferred Net Deferred
Proposed bonus for staff have been provided for 10% of net Particulars Tax Tax Tax Assets /
profit before such bonus. Assets Liabilities (Liabilities)
h. Interim Financial Statements: Deferred tax on temporary differences on following items
Interim Financial Statements are prepared and published Loans and Advances to
on quarterly basis in accordance with NRB Directives in - - -
compliance with statutory and legal requirement within
Investment Securities - 1,402,623 (1,402,623)
the time frame as prescribed.
Property and
- 4,683,514 (4,683,514)
i. Gratuity and Accumulated Leave Provision: Equipment
Gratuity Employees’ Defined
33,860,064 - 33,860,064
The bank has provided gratuity to staff as per its own internal Benefit Plan
policy and not as per the provisions of Labor Act 2074. As Debentures 605,398 - 605,398
per the actuarial valuation, gratuity liability of the bank is
NPR 47,422,425. Bank has made an additional provision Deferred tax on temporary differences 28,379,326
of NPR 15,672,705 for gratuity liability as per the actuarial Net Deferred Tax Asset (Liabilities) as on year-end of
valuation report this year. However, funding arrangement Ashadh 2078
to CIT has been made on the basis of gratuity liability Deferred Tax (Asset)/ Liabilities as on Shrawan 01,
computed as per relevant provisions of Act. Net liability 2077
after deducting the fair value of planned assets from Net Origination/(Reversal) during the year (8,182,778)
Benefit Obligations has been shown as Net liability of bank.
Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized in profit
or loss
Details of actuarial valuation of gratuity and leave are as
follows: Deferred Tax expense (income) recognized in OCI (17,681,747)

Particulars This Year

Previous k. Staff Loans measured at fair value
Year Under previous NAS, staff loans were recorded at cost less
Defined Benefit Obligations (DBO) 55,349,031 4,33,18,703 repayments net of loan loss provision, if any. Under NFRS,
Fair Value of Planned Assets 7,926,606 1,15,68,983 the Bank has to measure the staff loans granted below the
market interest rate at their fair value, calculate based on
Net Liability 47,422,425 3,17,49,720
the market interest rate of similar products.
Expense booked as in PL 12,885,469 12,073,774
Actuarial Gain/ (Loss) booked The fair value of such loans as at Ashad 31 2078 the fair
2,787,237 4,196,574
in OCI value of staff loan was NPR 341.98 Million. The difference
between the fair value and NAS carrying amount was NPR
Leave 130.78 Million has been recognized as deferred employee
The Bank has recognized an additional provision of NPR expenditure.
21,381,387 for accumulated leave liability in the current
year. Being non-funded arrangement, total amount is
booked as liability for bank. Moreover, leave encashment
paid in excess of accumulated leave exceeding 90 days
each of sick and annual leave is also charged in profit and
loss account.

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l. Weighted Average Interest Rate Spread p. Earnings per Share

The weighted average interest rate spread between Loan Earnings per Share is calculated using the earnings
and Investment and Deposit Liabilities are shown as below. attributable to equity shareholders for the period divided
by the number of weighted average number of shares as
Annual Average required under NAS 33 Earnings per share.
Average Interest Rate of Loan and Investment 10.50% Current Previous
Particulars Units Year Year
Average Interest Rate of Deposit and
Profit attributable to NPR 598,175,740 119,719,328
Average Interest Rate Spread 4.20% equity shareholders
Weighted average of 26,519,637 25,401,954
m. Loans and Advances extended to Promoters: number of equity shares
The Bank has not extended any loans to promoters during used in computing
basic earnings per share
the year.
Earnings Per Share (EPS) NPR 22.56 4.71
n. Non-Banking Assets Diluted Earnings Per
NPR 22.56 4.71
Non-Banking Assets are the assets obtained as security for Share (DPS)
loans & advances and subsequently taken over by the Bank
in the course of loan recovery. Such assets are booked at As there is no potential ordinary shares that would dilute
fair market value or total amount due from the borrower, current earning of equity holders, basic EPS and diluted EPS
whichever is lower. The NBA of the bank consists of Nrs. are equal for the period presented.
9,610,000 of Asmita Construction and Nrs. 25,200,000 of
q. Unpaid Dividend
Mathagadi Furniture Udyog. The bank has following Non-
As on balance sheet date, total dividend payable amounts
Banking Assets as on the date of financial statement:
to NPR 13,071,591 (PY NPR 16,846,838.03). Details have
been presented as under:
Particulars Current Previous
Year Year
As at
Balance as on Shrawan 01. 9,610,000 - Dividend Payable of FY
15 July 2021
Addition/ (Disposal) during the year. 2,5200,000 9,610,000
Net Changes in fair value during the - - DIVIDEND PAYABLE KSBBL 073/074 46,123.20
year. DIVIDEND PAYABLE KSBBL 074/075 158,436.80
Adjustment/Transfer. - - DIVIDEND PAYABLE KSBBL 075/076 12,867,030.80
Net Amount 34,810,000 9,610,000

o. Contingent Liabilities
Contingent liabilities related details has been presented
under Schedule 4.28.

r. Non-performing assets
The Banks’ non-performing assets ratio stood at 1.61% as at balance sheet date. The total non-performing assets and loan
loss provision related to non-performing assets calculated as per NRB directives is as below:

Particulars This Year Previous Year
Amount %
Performing Loan

Pass 38,009,136,586 25,056,399,193 12,952,737,393 52%

Watch List 1,414,277,593 1,474,283,742 (60,006,149) -4%
Non-Performing Loans (NPL)
Restructured/rescheduled - - -
Substandard 293,365,039 140,757,127 152,607,912 108%
Doubtful 119,194,839 108,735,888 10,458,951 10%
Loss 234,324,470 2,353,07,827 (983,357) 0%
Gross Loans & Advances 40,070,298,527 27,015,483,777 13,054,814,750 48%

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s. Interest recovered after 31st Ashadh 2078 Expiry Date of Additional 20%
As per the circular issued by NRB, BFI’s may calculate the loan Working Capital Loan (COVID Loan)
loss provision by considering the collection of due interest extended for upto 1 year with 5%
on 31st Ashadh 2078 till 15th Bhadra 2078 the uncollected
portion of interest is to be transferred to regulatory reserve. Expiry Date of Additional 10% Term
Loan (COVID Loan) extended for NA NA
The details of interest recovered after 31st Ashadh 2078 till upto 1 year with 5% provisioning
15th Bhadra 2078 are as follows:
Time Extension provided for
repayment of Principal and NA NA
Particulars Amount Interest for upto two years as per
clause 41 of NRB Directives 2
AIR Current Year 173,017,686.03
The bank has provided 10% and 20% enhancement to the
Opening AIR - borrowers during the fiscal year and they have not expired
Adjusted AIR For Current Year Collection 173,017,686.03 till the end of this fiscal year. Hence, additional 5% provision
has not been created.
Collection After Ashadh 31, 2078 to Bhadra 89,201,273.56
15,2078 w. Business Continuity
Interest Accrued but not collected till 83,816,412.47 During the fiscal year the bank has provided the refinance
Bhadra 15 2078 loan to 767 customers as below:
Gross Regulatory Reserve 52,804,339.86
During FY 2077/2078
Opening reserve 72,863,863.82
Regulatory Reserve for uncollected
Particulars No. of Amount
20,059,523.96 (NRs.)
interest Customers
Refinance Loan 767 452,182,927.17
t. Interest Capitalization
Business Continuity Loan - -
Interest accrued has not been capitalized during this year.

u. Loan Write off x. Subsidized Loan

During the fiscal year loan write off amounting to Nrs. During the fiscal year the bank has provided subsidized
2,143,348 of Mr. Arjun Kumar Poudel. loan to 1188 customers as below:

v. Forbearance/relaxation During FY 2077/2078

As the COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe and Particulars No. of
Nepal, which has contributed to a significant decline and Amount (NRs.)
volatility in global and domestic financial markets and a
significant decrease in global and local economic activities. Subsidized Loan 1188 2,336,691,051.03
The bank has abided by the directives issued by NRB and
has continued to provide enhancement of working capital 5.4 Events after reporting date
and term loan as below during the fiscal year: Events after the balance sheet date are those events,
favorable and unfavorable, that occur between the balance
sheet date and the date when the financial statements are
As of Asadh End 2078 authorized for issue.
No. of Amount Appropriate adjustments in the financial statements and
Customers (NRs.) disclosures in notes to accounts have been made for all
Accrued Interest Received after material and significant events that have occurred between
19,003 89,201,273.56
Asadh end 2078 till 15 Bhadra 2078 the balance sheet date and date when the financial
statements have been authorized for issue.
Additional 0.3% Loan Loss Provision
22,572 104,240,915.01
created on Pass Loan Portfolio
Where necessary all material events after reporting date
Extension of moratorium period of have been considered and appropriate adjustments or
loan provided to Industry or Project NA NA disclosures have been made in the Financial Statements as
under construction
per NAS 10. There are no material events that have occurred
Restructured/Rescheduled Loan subsequent to 15 July 2021 till the signing of this financial
with 5% Loan Loss Provision
statement on 23th September 2021.
Enhancement of Working Capital
Loan by 20% to COVID affected 282 98,386,323.68

Enhancement of Term Loan by 10%

789 199,789,767.46
to COVID affected borrowers

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Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited

Comparison of Projected and Audited Financial Statements as of FY 2077/78

Statement of Financial Position As per Projected As per Audited Variance

Reasons for Variance
Financial Statement Financial Statement
Assets In amount In %
Cash and Cash Equivalent 4,597,551,386 4,401,235,416 (196,315,970) -4.27% Cash is only maintained as per neccessity and NRB requirement.
NRB balance is only required to be maintained at 3% of Deposit for CRR
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 1,848,596,425 940,622,266 (907,974,159) -49.12% purpose and the bank will only keep deposit in NRB upto the required
Placement with Bank and Financial Institutions - - - 0.00%
Derivative Financial Instruments - - - 0.00%
Other Trading Assets - - - 0.00%
Loans and Advances to BFIs 963,117,882 952,703,267 (10,414,615) -1.08% DSL loan was disbursed less than expected.
Loan disbursed was better than projected due to growth in business
Loans and Advances to Customers 36,323,624,859 38,580,550,842 2,256,925,984 6.21%
NRB has limited the investment capacity and duration of the bank as per
Investment Securities 6,321,105,969 4,972,529,625 (1,348,576,344) -21.33%
the recent circular due to which investment has decreased.
Current Tax Assets 114,461,612 46,952,495 (67,509,117) -58.98% Actual tax was less than estimated tax.
Investment in Subsidiaries - - - 0.00%
Investment in Associates - - - 0.00%
Investment property was created due to takeover of collateral from bad
Investment Property - 34,810,000 34,810,000 0.00%
loans which was not expected.
Purchase of Property and Equipment was postponed due to effects of
Property and Equipment 684,052,625 613,077,820 (70,974,806) -10.38%
COVID in economy.
Goodwill and Intangible Assets 11,163,839 100,534,705 89,370,866 800.54% Purchase of intangible assets by bank exceeding the projected target.
Deferred Tax Assets - 28,379,326 28,379,326 0.00% As deferred tax is only finalized after audit it could not be projected.
Other Assets 374,154,943 633,508,463 259,353,521 69.32% Other assets has increased due to increase in volume of transaction.
Total Assets 51,237,829,540 51,304,904,226 67,074,686 0.13%
Particulars As per Projected As per Audited Variance
Reasons for Variance
Liabilities Financial Statement Financial Statement In amount In %
Bank has held deposit of other banks only as per necessity which was less
Due to Bank and Financial Institutions 1,167,698,947 1,106,024,820 61,674,127) -5.28%
than projected.
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank - 599,786,423 599,786,423 0.00% Refinance facility was not expected while preparing projected financials.
Derivative Financial Instruments - - - 0.00%
Deposits from Customers 44,662,930,202 44,200,605,720 (462,324,482) -1.04% Deposits from customer is maintained as per CCD and CD requirements.
Borrowings - - - 0.00%
Current Tax Liabilities - - - 0.00%
Provisons were not expected while preparing the projected financial
Provisions - 25,824,308 25,824,308 0.00%
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - - 0.00%
Reduction in liabilities is the result of reduction in investment in property
Other Liabilities 537,719,799 541,440,648 3,720,849 0.69%
and equipment.
Debt Securities Issued 1,000,000,000 992,982,007 (7,017,993) -0.70% The differene is due to amortization of debenture as per NFRS.
Subordinated Liabilities - - - 0.00%
Total Liabilities 47,368,348,947 47,466,663,926 98,314,978 0.21%
Issue of bonus share was not finalized before preparation of projected
Share Capital 2,550,170,109 2,651,963,732 101,793,623 3.99%
financial statements.
Share Premium - - - 0.00%
The bank projected high dividend capacity but due to effect of COVID the
Retained Earnings 516,717,480 527,521,035 10,803,555 2.09%
bank could not meet the projected target.
The bank projected high dividend capacity but due to effect of COVID the
Reserves 802,593,004 658,755,534 (143,837,470) -17.92%
bank could not meet the projected target.
Total Equity Attributable to Equity Holders 3,869,480,592 3,838,240,300 (31,240,292) -0.81%
Non Controlling Interest -
Total Equity 3,869,480,592 3,838,240,300 (31,240,292) -0.81%
Total Liabilities and Equity 51,237,829,540 51,304,904,226 67,074,686 0.13%
As per Projected As per Audited
Statement of Profit or Loss Variance Reasons for Variance
Financial Statement Financial Statement
In amount In %
The difference in interest income is due to fluctuation interest rate which
Interest income 4,033,908,585 4,090,314,629 56,406,043 1.40%
is dependent on quarterly base rate.
The difference in interest expense is due to fluctuation of interest rate
Interest expense 2,659,529,939 2,554,044,452 (105,485,488) -3.97%
which is published in montly basis.
Net interest income 1,374,378,646 1,536,270,177 161,891,531 11.78%
The increment in due to high volume of transactions and huge increment
Fee and commission income 221,276,735 338,368,753 117,092,017 52.92%
in loan and deposit compared to last fiscal year.
The increment in due to high volume of transactions and huge increment
Fee and commission expense 2,110,757 7,366,778 5,256,022 249.01%
in loan and deposit compared to last fiscal year.
Net fee and commission income 219,165,979 331,001,974 111,835,996 51.03%
Net interest, fee and commission income 1,593,544,624 1,867,272,151 273,727,527 17.18%
Net trading income 59,560 44,822 (14,738) -24.74% Foreign exchage transaction was hugely impacted due to COVID.
Other operating income 40,290,244 267,326,680 227,036,436 563.50% The bank has sold bonds during this fiscal year which was not projected.
Total operaing income 1,633,894,428 2,134,643,653 500,749,225 30.65%
Impairment charge/(reversal) for loans and NRB directed all BFI's to make additional 0.3% provision in good loans
104,657,347 272,112,605 167,455,258 160.00%
other losses from this fiscal year.
Net operating income 1,529,237,081 1,862,531,047 333,293,967 21.79%
Operating expense - 0.00%
Personnel expenses 558,446,169 623,457,603 65,011,434 11.64% Personnel expenses has increased due to bonus from profit to employees.
Bank has reduced its operating expenses by only opening new branches
Other operating expenses 344,939,415 262,564,924 (82,374,492) -23.88%
at the end of this fiscal year.
Depreciation & Amortization 98,305,344 116,124,379 17,819,035 18.13% The difference is due to different date of purchase of fixed assets.
Operating profit 527,546,152 860,384,141 332,837,989 63.09%
Non operating income - - - 0.00%
Non operating expense - 2,143,348 2,143,348 0.00% Loan Write off was not projected during preparation of projected report.
Profit before income tax 527,546,152 858,240,793 330,694,641 62.69%
Income tax expense - - 0.00%
Current Tax 158,263,846 269,564,022 111,300,176 70.33% Tax has increased due to increment in profit from operation.
Deferred Tax - (9,498,969) (9,498,969) 0.00%
Profit /(loss) for the period 369,282,307 598,175,740 228,893,433 61.98% Profit has increased due to increment of other operating income.
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Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited

Comparison of Unaudited and Audited Financial Statements as of FY 2077/78
As per Audited
As per Unaudited
Statement of Financial Position Financial Variance
Financial Statement Reasons for Variance
Assets In amount In %
Cash and Cash Equivalent 4,401,235,416 4,401,235,416 - 0.00% Reclassification of Accounts
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 940,622,266 940,622,266 - 0.00% Reclassification of Accounts
Placement with Bank and Financial
- - - -
Derivative Financial Instruments - - - -
Other Trading Assets - - - -
Loans and Advances to BFIs 1,007,500,000 952,703,267 (54,796,733) 100.00% Reclassification of loan provided to D Class financial institutions
Loans and Advances to Customers 38,829,183,314 38,580,550,842 (248,632,472) -0.64% Reclassification of loan provided to D Class financial institutions
Investment Securities 4,967,854,215 4,972,529,625 4,675,410 0.09% Final adjustment for fair market value of investments
Current Tax Assets 316,044,517 46,952,495 (269,092,022) -
Investment in Subsidiaries - - - -
Investment in Associates - - - -
Investment Property 34,810,000 34,810,000 - -
Property and Equipment 701,419,005 613,077,820 (88,341,185) -12.59% Final adjustments for the depreciation as per the NFRS
Goodwill and Intangible Assets 12,363,147 100,534,705 88,171,558 713.18% Final adjustments for the depreciation as per the NFRS
Deferred Tax Assets 36,562,104 28,379,326 (8,182,778) -22.38% Final calculation of deferred tax assets
Other Assets 497,434,056 633,508,463 136,074,407 27.36% Reclassification and adjustments of other assets on final audit
Total Assets 51,745,028,041 51,304,904,226 (440,123,816) -0.85%
As per Audited
As per Unaudited
Particulars Financial Variance
Financial Statement Reasons for Variance
Liabilities In amount In %
Due to Bank and Financial Institutions 846,504,019 1,106,024,820 259,520,801 30.66% Reclassification of deposits on final audit
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank 599,786,423 599,786,423 - 0.00%
Derivative Financial Instruments - - - -
Deposits from Customers 44,450,166,682 44,200,605,720 (249,560,962) -0.56% Reclassification of deposits on final audit
Borrowings - - - -
Current Tax Liabilities 300,103,029 - (300,103,029) -100.00% Final adjustments for tax after tax audit.
Provisions 39,567,498 25,824,308 (13,743,190) -34.73% Final adjustments for the depreciation as per the NFRS
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - - -
Other Liabilities 567,703,659 541,440,648 (26,263,011) -4.63% Reclassification and adjustments of other liabilities on final audit
Debt Securities Issued 1,000,000,000 992,982,007 (7,017,993) -0.70% Amortization of Debenture as per NFRS.
Subordinated Liabilities - - - -
Total Liabilities 47,803,831,310 47,466,663,926 (337,167,385) -0.71%
Equity - - -
Share Capital 2,651,963,732 2,651,963,732 - -
Share Premium - - - -
Retained Earnings 444,883,643 527,521,035 82,637,391 18.58% Changes due to change in Profit figure after final audit.
Reserves 844,349,357 658,755,534 (185,593,823) -21.98% Changes due to change in Profit figure after final audit.
Total Equity Attributable to Equity Holders 3,941,196,731 3,838,240,300 (102,956,431) -2.61%
Non Controlling Interest - -
Total Equity 3,941,196,731 3,838,240,300 (102,956,431) -2.61%
Total Liabilities and Equity 51,745,028,041 51,304,904,226 (440,123,816) -0.85%
As per Audited
As per Unaudited
Statement of Profit or Loss Financial Variance Reasons for Variance
Financial Statement
In amount In %
Interest income 4,046,388,080 4,090,314,629 43,926,548 1.09% Adjustments as per the NFRS
Interest expense 2,556,062,445 2,554,044,452 (2,017,993) -0.08% Adjustments as per the NFRS
Net interest income 1,490,325,636 1,536,270,177 45,944,541 3.08%
Fee and commission income 275,889,242 338,368,753 62,479,511 22.65% Reclassification into other operating
Fee and commission expense 5,070,733 7,366,778 2,296,046 45.28% Reclassification of income heads
Net fee and commission income 270,818,509 331,001,974 60,183,465 22.22%
Net interest, fee and commission income 1,761,144,145 1,867,272,151 106,128,007 6.03%
Net trading income 44,822 44,822 - 0.00%
Other operating income 78,248,463 267,326,680 189,078,217 241.64% Reclassification of fee and commission income
Total operaing income 1,839,437,429 2,134,643,653 295,206,224 16.05%
Impairment charge/(reversal) for loans and
139,331,519 272,112,605 132,781,086 95.30% Adjustment for provision after recovery upto Bhadra 15 2078
other losses
Net operating income 1,700,105,910 1,862,531,047 162,425,137 9.55%
Operating expense - 0.00%
Personnel expenses 599,101,942 623,457,603 24,355,661 4.07% Impact of final profit on employee bonus
Other operating expenses 269,052,323 262,564,924 (6,487,399) -2.41% Adjustments as per the NFRS
Depreciation & Amortization 112,313,758 116,124,379 3,810,621 3.39% Final adjustments for the depreciation as per the NFRS
Operating profit 719,637,887 860,384,141 140,746,254 19.56%
Non operating income 287,685,988 - (287,685,988) -100.00% Reclassificatio of income heads.
Non operating expense 6,980,445 2,143,348 (4,837,097) -69.29% Reclassificatio of expense heads.
Profit before income tax 1,000,343,430 858,240,793 (142,102,637) -14.21%
Income tax expense - - 0.00%
Current Tax 300,103,029 269,564,022 (30,539,007) -10.18% Change in tax figure after audit.
Deferred Tax - (9,498,969) (9,498,969) 0.00% Change in tax figure after audit.
Profit /(loss) for the period 700,240,401 598,175,740 (102,064,661) -14.58%

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Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited

Principal Indicators
S.N. Particulars Indicators 2072/73 2073/74 2074/75 2075/76 2076/2077 2077/2078

1 Net Profit/Gross Income % 24.06 20.47 13.87 10.72 3.19 13.51

2 Earnings Per Share Rs 17.01 15.96 12.64 11.20 4.71 22.56

3 Market Value per Share Rs - - 141.00 160.00 145.00 580.00

4 Price Earning Ratio % - - 11.16 14.28 30.77 25.71

5 Dividend (including bonus) on share capital % 21.58 17.12 9.50 6.80 4.63 19.47

6 Cash Dividend on share Capital % - 9.27 8.00 6.80 0.23 0.97

7 Interest Income/Loans & Advances % 6.71 13.22 14.26 12.21 12.82 10.35

8 Employee Expenses/Total Operating Exps % 12.41 13.06 10.63 59.26 54.68 62.21

9 Interest Exps on Total Deposit and Borrowings % 2.81 5.97 7.60 7.52 7.47 5.78

10 Exchange Fluctuation Gain/Total Income % - - - 0.0008 0.000014 0.000010

11 Staff Bonus/ Total Employee Expenses % 46.85 34.92 27.80 15.91 3.87 18.06

12 Net Profit/Loans & Advances % 1.76 2.89 2.25 1.41 0.45 1.51

13 Net Profit/ Total Assets % 1.32 2.14 1.56 1.07 0.33 1.17

14 Total Credit/Deposit % 86.64 87.53 85.35 94.67 81.60 87.26

15 Total Operating Expenses/Total Assets % 3.35 6.70 7.70 2.16 2.44 1.95

16 Adequacy of Capital Fund on Risk Weighted Assets

a. Core Capital % 13.30 11.75 20.52 15.44 12.73 10.02

b. Supplementary Capital % 0.95 1.02 1.06 1.37 1.26 3.91

c. Total Capital Fund % 14.25 12.76 21.58 16.81 14.00 13.93

17 Liquidity % 8.71 28.76 23.65 22.74 23.79 22.10

18 Non Performing Loans/Total Loans % 1.03 1.39 1.13 0.97 1.79 1.61

19 Weighted Average Interest Rate Spread % 6.95 4.33 5.22 4.97 4.91 4.20

20 Book Net worth Rs 945,632,957 1,047,934,569 2,924,475,713 3,245,220,259 3,204,056,688 3,838,240,300

21 Return on Equity % - - 12% 9% 4% 16%

22 Total Shares Number 8,043,792 8,674,853 25,026,555 25,401,954 25,401,954 26,519,637

23 Book Net Worth Per Share Ratio 118 121 115 128 126 145

24 Reserve & Surplus Rs 141,253,757 328,815,484 634,739,930 705,024,907 663,861,336 1,186,276,568

25 Total Employees Number 147 158 398 790 913 905

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As on 31 Ashadh 2078 (15 July 2021)


i. Core Capital (Tier I)
Particulars Amount (NRs. ‘000’)
a Paid up Equity Share Capital 2,651,963.73
b Irredeemable Non-cumulative preference shares -
c Share Premium -
d Proposed Bonus Equity Shares -
e Statutory General Reserves 539,221.56
f Retained Earnings 527,521.04
g Un-audited current year cumulative profit/(loss) -
h Capital Redemption Reserve -
i Capital Adjustment Reserve -
j Dividend Equalization Reserves -
k Other Free Reserve -
l Less: Goodwill -
m Less: Deferred Tax Assets -
n Less: Fictitious Assets -
o Less: Investment in equity in licensed Financial Institutions -
p Less: Investment in equity of institutions with financial interests -
q Less: Investment in equity of institutions in excess of limits -
r Less: Investments arising out of underwriting commitments -
s Less: Reciprocal crossholdings -
t Less: Purchase of land & building in excess of limit and unutilized (10,046.40)
u Less: Other Deductions -
Total Core Capital (Tier I) 3,708,659.93

ii. Supplementary Capital (Tier II)

Particulars Amount (NRs. ‘000’)
a Cumulative and/or Redeemable Preference Share -
b Subordinated Term Debt 992,982.01
c Hybrid Capital Instruments -
d General loan loss provision 449,479.92
e Exchange Equalization Reserve 281.28
f Investment Adjustment Reserve 3,000.00
g Asset Revaluation Reserve -
h Other Reserves -
Total Supplementary Capital (Tier II) 1,445,743.20

iii. Information about Subordinate Term Debt

The bank does not have any Subordinated Term Debts.

iv. Deduction from Capital

Particulars Amount (NRs. ‘000’)
a Less: Deferred Tax Assets -

b Less: Purchase of land & building in excess of limit and unutilized 10,046.40
Total 10,046.40

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

v. Total Qualifying Capital

Particulars Amount (NRs. ‘000’)
a Total Core Capital (Tier I) 3,708,659.93
b Total Supplementary Capital (Tier II) 1,445,743.20
Total Capital Fund (Tier I + Tier II) 5,154,403.13

vi. Capital Adequacy Ratio

Capital Adequacy Ratio (Percentage) 13.93%

vii. Summary of the bank’s internal approach to assess the adequacy of capital to support current and future activities
The bank considers the capital adequacy requirement pursuant to the provision set by NRB. The tier 1 capital ratio of
the bank as at Ashadh 2078 is 10.02% and the total capital ratio is 13.93%. The bank has successfully achieved the paid
up capital requirement of NRB, which is 2.5 billion. The capital adequacy is major factor that is considered in the bank’s
annual meeting, daily financial analysis and during ALCO meeting and Risk Management Committee meetings. The
bank in its strategic planning cautiously considers the capital adequacy and projects capital adequacy required for
the organization’s growth.

i. Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk, Market Risk and Operational Risk
Particulars Amount (NRs. ‘000’)
a Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk 34,155,774.02
b Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk 1,795,705.21
c Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk 6,914.54
Total Risk Weighted Exposures (Before adjustments of Pillar II) 35,958,393.78
Adjustments under Pillar II
a Add RWE equivalent to reciprocal of capital charge of 2 % of gross income. 719,167.88
b Overall risk management policies and procedures are not satisfactory. Add 2% of RWE 333,529.60
Total Risk Weighted Exposures (After Bank’s adjustments of Pillar II) 37,011,091.25

ii. Risk Weighted Exposure under each Categories of Credit Risk

S.N. Categories Amount (NRs. ‘000’)
A Balance Sheet Exposures 52,518,371.21
a Cash Balance 579,771.63
b Balance With Nepal Rastra Bank 940,622.27
c Investment in Nepalese Government Securities 4,670,000.00
d Claims on domestic banks that meet capital adequacy requirements 4,786,715.32
e Claims on Domestic Corporates (Unrated) 5,067,959.32
f Regulatory Retail Portfolio (Not Overdue) 28,573,370.72
g Claims secured by residential properties 2,043,092.72
h Claims secured by residential properties (Overdue) -
i Claims secured by Commercial real estate 27,834.82
j Past due claims (except for claims secured by residential properties) 688,599.68
k High Risk claims 1,467,224.24
l Lending Against Securities (Bonds & Shares) 1,236,965.48
Investments in equity and other capital instruments of institutions listed in stock 278,849.62
Investments in equity and other capital instruments of institutions not listed in the stock 19,004.60
o Staff loan secured by residential property 215,675.74
p Interest Receivable/claim on government securities 71,297.41
q Other Assets (as per attachment) 1,851,387.63
B Off- Balance Sheet Exposures 723,784.56
a Bid Bond, Performance Bond and Counter guarantee domestic counterparty 170,357.62
b Irrevocable Credit commitments (short term) 553,426.95
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iii. Amount of Non-Performing Assets (Gross and Net Amount) (NRs. ‘000’)
Particulars Gross Amount Provision Net Amount
A Restructured - - -
B Sub-standard 293,365.04 73,341.26 220,023.78
C Doubtful 119,194.84 59,597.42 59,597.42
D Loss 234,324.47 234,324.47 -
Total 646,884.50 367,263.15 279,621.20

iv. Non-Performing Assets (NPA) Ratios

NPA Ratios Percentage (%)
a Gross NPA to Gross Advances 1.61%
b Net NPA to Net Advances 0.71%

v. Movement of Non-Performing Assets (NRs. ‘000’)

Opening Balance Closing Balance
S. No. Particulars Movement
(Ashadh End 2077) (Ashar End 2078)
Non-Performing Loan
1 Restructured Loan - - -
2 Sub-standard 35,189.28 73,341.26 38,151.98
3 Doubtful 54,367.94 59,597.42 5,229.48
4 Loss 235,307.83 234,324.47 (983.36)

vi. Write Off of Loans and Interest Suspense

Write off of Loans (Full Figure) 2,143,348

vii. Movement of Loan Loss Provision (NRs. ‘000’)

Opening Balance Closing Balance (Ashad
S. No. Particulars Movement
(Ashadh End 2077) End 2078)

1 Pass 250,563.99 483,278.81 232,714.82

2 Watch list 73,714.19 70,713.88 (3,000.31)
3 Restructure - - -
4 Sub-standard 35,189.28 73,341.26 38,151.98
5 Doubtful 54,367.94 59,597.42 5,229.48
6 Loss 235,307.83 234,324.47 (983.36)
Total Loan Loss Provision 649,143.23 921,255.84 272,112.61

viii. Details of Additional Loan Loss Provision (NRs. ‘000’)

S. No. Particulars Ashadh End 2078
1 Pass -
2 Watch list -
3 Restructure -
4 Sub-standard -
5 Doubtful -
6 Loss -
Total -

ix. Segregation of the Bank’s Investment portfolio

x. Investments are segregated as per NRB Directive.
Investment held for Trading Amount (Full Figure)
a. Investment held to Maturity 4,670,000,000.00
b. Investment Available for Sales (Cost) 297,854,215.42

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i. Strategies and Policies
Risk management strategies and policies are paramount to mitigating risks that are faced by banks. In addition to
maintaining adequate capital, the responsibility of the bank also lies in maintaining a balance between risk and return.
Therefore, effective risk management is a must for sustainability of banks. Apart from the business credit department,
a separate credit risk department has been formulated, and senior level staff has been handed the responsibility of
ensuring that the risk management guidelines are properly placed and executed. Regarding operation risk, operation
risk management policy has been formulated and effective channels are being formed to ensure that the policies are
thoroughly followed. The Asset Liability Committee looks after the market risk and meetings are held periodically to
ensure that the bank takes proper decisions based on the market situations.

ii. The Structure and Organization of the Relevant Risk Management Function
A senior level staff has been appointed who is responsible to ensure that the credit risk are identified and mitigated.
In operation, AML/CFT unit has been created and an experienced senior level manager has been appointed as
compliance officer, who also looks after the operation risk. Customization is under process to develop system/software
to ensure AML/CFT and other operation risks are identified and necessary actions taken. The ALCO looks after the
market risk. The Asset Liability committee has members from different department and therefore identification of risk
and mitigating actions are decided right promptly. Apart from this, risk management committee, consisting of board
members dully considers the situations and issues of risks faced by bank and further provide directions to reduce and
mitigate risks.

iii. The Scope and Nature of Risk Reporting and / or Measurement Systems
The risk identified from credit, operation and market risk department are further discussed in management meetings,
ALCO meetings and are placed before the risk management committee. The internal audit department also reviews
the risk at every level and reports to the audit committee. Recently, whistle blowing policy has also been formulated
to ensure that the risk are timely identified and mitigated.

jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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jflif{s k|ltj]bg

NOTES Date:............................

Website: | Email: | Toll Free No.: 16600-11-3000

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NOTES Date:............................

Website: | Email: | Toll Free No.: 16600-11-3000

jflif{s k|ltj]bg


Kathmandu Metropolitian City
Pokhara Metropolitian City
DAMAK BRANCH Damak Municipality-11107-Jhapa
BIRATNAGAR BRANCH Biratnagar Metropolitian City MANAMAIJU BRANCH Tarakeshwor Municipality PURANCHAUR BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City
11214-Morang 30606-Kathmandu 40504-Kaski
PADAJUNGI BRANCH Kamal Rural Municipality CHAPALI BRANCH Budhanilkhantha Municipality CHHINEDANDA BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City
11106-Jhapa 30604-Kathmandu 40504-Kaski
BUDHABARE BRANCH Buddhashanti Rural Municipality BOUDHA BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City NEWROAD PKR BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City
11102-Jhapa 30608-Kathmandu 40504-Kaski
ITTABHATTA BRANCH Mechinagar Municipality KULESHWOR BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City SRIJANA CHOWK Pokhara Metropolitian City
11101-Jhapa 30608-Kathmandu BRANCH 40504-Kaski
BALAJU BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City
BIRTAMOD BRANCH Birtamod Municipality
11112-Jhapa 30608-Kathmandu Butwal
SUSTA BRANCH Susta Rural Municipality
ITAHARI BRANCH Itahari Sub-Metropolitian City GWARKO BRANCH Lalitpur Metropolitian City 50707-Nawalparasi West
11306-Sunsari 30802-Lalitpur
TAULIHAWA BRANCH Kapilbastu Municipality
DHARAN BRANCH Dharan Sub-Metropolitian City BHANGAL BRANCH Budhanilkhantha Municipality 50907-Kapilbastu
11301-Sunsari 30604-Kathmandu
BASHABASAHI BRANCH Sarawal Rural Municipality
BIRAT CHOWK BRANCH Sundarharaicha Municipality SANAGAUN BRANCH Mahalaxmi Municipality 50705-Nawalparasi West
11204-Morang 30801-Lalitpur
PARASI BRANCH Ramgram Municipality
INARUWA BRANCH Inaruwa Municipality LOKANTHALI BRANCH Madhyapur Thimi Municipality 50703-Nawalparasi West
11309-Sunsari 30703-Bhaktapur
BHAIRAHAWA BRANCH Siddharthanagar Municipality
MADHUMALLA BRANCH Miklajung Rural Municipality
Narayanghat 50811-Rupandehi
NARAYANGHAT BRANCH Bharatpur Metropolitian City BETHARI BRANCH Mayadevi Rural Municipality
PATHARI BRANCH Pathari Shanishchare Municipality 31304-Chitawan 50812-Rupandehi
11207-Morang DALDALE BRANCH Devchuli Municipality-40805 BARDAGHAT BRANCH Bardaghat Municipality
URLABARI BRANCH Urlabari Municipality Nawalparasi East 50701-Nawalparasi West
11208-Morang SHARDHANAGAR Bharatpur Metropolitian City THADA BRANCH Shitaganga Municipality
KERABARI BRANCH Kerabari Rural Municipality BRANCH 31304-Chitawan 50506-Arghakhanchi
11203-Morang BELDIHA BRANCH Gaidakot Municipality-40801 SALJHANDI BRANCH Sainamaina Municipality
Nawalparasi East 50803-Rupandehi
Province 2 HAKIM CHOWK BRANCH Bharatpur Metropolitian City GORUSINGE BRANCH Buddhabhumi Municipality
BARDIBAS BRANCH Bardibas Municipality
20401-Mahottari 31304-Chitawan 50902-Kapilbastu
CHANDRAPUR BRANCH Chandrapur Municipality KHURKHURE BRANCH Rapti Municipality-31301-Chitawan CHANDRAUTA BRANCH Shivaraj Municipality
20601-Rautahat HETAUDA BRANCH Hetauda Sub-Metropolitian City 50903-Kapilbastu
NIJGADH BRANCH Nijagadh Municipality-20701-Bara 31206-Makwanpur RAMPUR BRANCH Rampur Municipality-50601-Palpa
BIRGUNJ BRANCH Birgunj Metropolitian City TANDI BRANCH Ratnanagar Municipality-31305 MAINABAGAR BRANCH Butwal Sub-Metropolitian City
20807-Parsa Chitawan 50802-Rupandehi
RAJBIRAJ BRANCH Rajbiraj Municipality-20113-Saptari BIKASHCHOWK BRANCH Bharatpur Metropolitian City PALPA BRANCH Tansen Municipality-50605-Palpa
31304-Chitawan BUTWAL BRANCH Butwal Sub-Metropolitian City
LAHAN BRANCH Lahan Municipality-20201-Siraha
DANDA BRANCH Kawasoti Municipality 50802-Rupandehi
MAHULI BRANCH Agnisair Krishna Sabaran Rural 40806-Nawalparasi East
Municipality-20103-Saptari GARGARE BRANCH Kanchan Rural Municipality
DUMKIBAS BRANCH Binayi Tribeni Rural Municipality 50804-Rupandehi
GOLBAZAR BRANCH Golbazar Municipality 40808-Nawalparasi East
20203-Siraha HORIZONCHOWK Butwal Sub-Metropolitian City
PRAGATINAGAR BRANCH Devchuli Municipality BRANCH 50802-Rupandehi
JANAKPUR BRANCH Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitian 40805-Nawalparasi East
City-20315-Dhanusa KOTIHAWA BRANCH Tilottama Municipality
SARDI BRANCH Binayi Tribeni Rural Municipality 50808-Rupandehi
HARIWON BRANCH Hariwan Municipality 20502-Sarlahi 40808-Nawalparasi East KHAIRENI BRANCH Devdaha Municipality
GAIGHAT BRANCH Triyuga Municipality KAWASOTI BRANCH Kawasoti Municipality 50801-Rupandehi
11403-Udayapur 40806-Nawalparasi East MAINIYA BRANCH Gaidahawa Rural Municipality
MIRCHAIYA BRANCH Mirchaiya Municipality 50805-Rupandehi
20204-Siraha Pokhara PHARSATIKAR BRANCH Suddhodhan Rural Municipality
BAISJAGAR BRANCH Bhanu Municipality-40701-Tanahu
Kathmandu DUIPIPLE BRANCH Madhya Nepal Municipality
SHANTINAGAR EXT. COU Kathmandu Metropolitian City 40604-Lamjung KAILASHNAGAR BRANCH Siyari Rural Municipality-50807
30608-Kathmandu Rupandehi
DAMAULI BRANCH Byas Municipality-40702-Tanahu
HATTIBAN BRANCH Mahalaxmi Municipality PADSARI BRANCH Om Satiya Rural Municipality
30801-Lalitpur SUNDAR BAZAR BRANCH Sundarbazar Municipality 50809-Rupandehi
JAGATI BRANCH Bhaktapur Municipality MANIGRAM BRANCH Tilottama Municipality
30702-Bhaktapur BESISHAHAR BRANCH Bensi Shahar Municipality 50808-Rupandehi
GONGABU BRANCH Tokha Municipality
30605-Kathmandu BENI BRANCH Beni Municipality-40406-Myagdi Western
DIMUWA BRANCH Modi Rural Municipality ATTARIYA BRANCH Godawari Municipality
SWAYAMBHU BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City 70803-Kailali
30608-Kathmandu 41001-Parbat
KUSMA BRANCH Kushma Municipality-41003-Parbat DHANGADHI BRANCH Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitian
NAKKHU DOBATO Lalitpur Metropolitian City City-70813-Kailali
BRANCH 30802-Lalitpur GALKOT BRANCH Galkot Municipality
41108-Baglung SUKHAD BRANCH Ghodaghodi Municipality
BHOTAHITI BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City 70805-Kailali
30608-Kathmandu BAGLUNG BRANCH Baglung Municipality
41101-Baglung MAHENDRANAGAR Bhimdatta Municipality
DHADING BRANCH Nilkhantha Municipality BRANCH 70904-Kanchanpur
30406-Dhading DHUNGEPATAN BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City
40504-Kaski LAMKI BRANCH Lamki Chuha Municipality
GALCHHI BRANCH Galchhi Rural Municipality 70807-Kailali
30411-Dhading KHAIRENITAR BRANCH Shuklagandaki Municipality
40704-Tanahu HOLERI BRANCH Runtigadhi Rural Municipality
KALANKI BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City 50208-Rolpa
30608-Kathmandu DUMRE BRANCH Bandipur Rural Municipality
40709-Tanahu LAMAHI BRANCH Lamahi Municipality-51007-Dang
THAMEL BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City
30608-Kathmandu DEEP BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City TULSIPUR BRANCH Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitian City-
40504-Kaski 51003-Dang
MAIN BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City
30608-Kathmandu DHORPHIRDI BRANCH Shuklagandaki Municipality JASPUR BRANCH Mandavi Rural Municipality
40704-Tanahu 50306-Pyuthan
KUMARIPATI BRANCH Lalitpur Metropolitian City-30802
Lalitpur AMARSINGH BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City GHORAHI BRANCH Ghorahi Sub-Metropolitian City
40504-Kaski 51002-Dang
CHABAHIL BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City
30608-Kathmandu LEKHNATH BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City BAIJANATH BRANCH Baijanath Rural Municipality
40504-Kaski 51103-Banke
NEWROAD KTM BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City
30608-Kathmandu BIRAUTA BRANCH Pokhara Metropolitian City KOHALPUR BRANCH Kohalpur Municipality
40504-Kaski 51102-Banke
RADHE RADHE BRANCH Madhyapur Thimi Municipality
30703-Bhaktapur JHALUNGE BRANCH Walling Municipality SURKHET BRANCH Birendranagar Municipality
40909-Syangja 61006-Surkhet
BHIMSENGOLA BRANCH Kathmandu Metropolitian City
30608-Kathmandu WALING BRANCH Walling Municipality NEPALGUNJ BRANCH Nepalganj Sub-Metropolitian City
40909-Syangja 51106-Banke

Province 6
(1 Branch) Branch Network

Province 4
(32 Branches)

Province 3
(34 Branches)
Province 1
(15 Branches)

Province 7
(5 Branches)

Province 5
(32 Branches) Province 2
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

(11 Branches)
jflif{s k|ltj]bg

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-g]kfn /fi6« a}+s af6 ævÆ ju{ sf] Ohfhtkqk|fKt /fl:6«o:t/sf] ljsf; a}+s_
Kathmandu-30, Gyaneshwor, Anand Bhairab Marg
Tel: +977-01-4540115/116/124/133/134
Toll Free Number: 16600-11-3000

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