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Maria Aphane,
TSEKGO PROJECTS Tsekgo Projects Construction cc

MS. Maria Aphane

Cell: 076 397 9367



Procurement Procedures


As per GCC 2015- CLAUSE 4.4

Cession supplier/ subcontractors

Cession suppliers and the subcontractors are subject to the discretion and approval of the Employers Agent.
Only a duly authorized signatory may sign the Irrevocable Cession Agreement on behalf of the Contractor.
Payment shall be deducted from each payment certificate until full payment is made to the cession
supplier/subcontractor. The release of retention is subject to subcontractor and session supplier being paid in
full. The responsibility rest with the contractor to provide suitable proof that full payment has been made in
case of dispute. This proof of payment shall be signed by both parties.

Certification by Recognized Bodies

Where required, Standards South Africa (SABS / SANS) must undertake the certification of items for
inclusion in the Works.

Plant and Materials

Where required, requirements for proof of compliance with materials specifications, submission of samples
of materials and finishes, requirements for shop drawings, are stated in the standard or project
specifications. This will also apply to the subcontracts.

Employment intensive Construction Works

The employer's objectives are to deliver public infrastructure and services using labour-intensive methods
in accordance with EPWP Guidelines

Labour-intensive works
Labour-intensive works comprise the activities such as those described in SANS 1921-5, Earthworks activities
which are to be performed by hand, and its associated specification data. Such works shall be constructed
using local workers who are temporarily employed in terms of this Scope of Work.

Competencies of Supervisory Staff and Management

Established contractors shall only engage supervisory and management staff in employment intensive
construction work who have either completed, or are registered for training towards the skills programme
outlined in Table 1. Emerging contractors shall have personally completed, or be registered on a skills
programme for the NQF level 2-unit standard.

All other site supervisory staff in the employ of emerging contractors must have completed, or be registered on
a skills programme for the NQF level 2-unit standards or NQF level 4-unit standards.

Employment of unskilled and semi-skilled workers

It is the intention of the employer that this contract should make maximum use of the local labour force that is
presently unemployed. Only the contractor's skilled key personnel may be used on the project.

Employment of local labour shall be targeted at the most needy within the beneficiary community, with women
and youth forming a proportion appropriate to the nature of the project and the community. All labour must be
sourced through the local channels as prescribed by the Councils labour policy.

To this end the contractor is expected to limit non local employees to key personnel only and to employ and
train local labour on this contract. The contractor shall fill in the Key Personnel form in the returnable
schedules and state how many non local key personnel he intends to employ. The numbers stated on the
above-mentioned form will be strictly controlled during the contract period and any increase in numbers is
subject to the approval of the employer.

The contractor will be required to arrange his own documentation regarding a contract for locally employed
labour and must include provisions for the Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993) and the Compensation
for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act, and any amendments thereto.

All labour shall be paid according to the rate determined by the employer and is subject to change ker's rate.

It will be expected from the tenderers to give a detailed breakdown/explanation of the basis on which labour-
intensive rates have been calculated.

This is necessary to enable the employer to make the necessary "rate-adjustments" should minimum, wages
be changed, via Government legislation, during the course of this contract. No

payment will be made if work scheduled for labour intensive methods are done by machines, without prior
approval by the engineer.

Where skills training is provided, provision shall be made at the agreed task rate for time spent on training,
both on and off site. No claim whatsoever will be considered for unsatisfactory production of local labourers.
The Contractor is required to keep detailed records of employment for each task-based worker and experience
of each work will be entered into a log book.
Payment of the CLO, on a monthly basis, will be made by the contractor for the full duration of the contract.

Requirements for the sourcing and engagement of labour

Unskilled and semi-skilled labour required for the execution of all employment-intensive construction works
shall be engaged strictly in accordance with prevailing legislation and SANS 1914- Part 5, Participation of
Targeted Labour. The rate of pay as per the EPWP Guidelines otherwise as instructed by City of Matlosana in
terms of their Labour Policy (refer to Contract Data). The current rate of employment of local labour is as
indicated in the Contract Data and the tenderer must allow for the adjustment of wage rates as per
Government and Municipal Notice.

The Tasks established by the Contractor shall be such that:

i) the average worker completes 5 tasks per week in 40 hours or less; and. ii) the weakest worker completes 5
tasks per week in 55 hours or less.

The Contractor shall revise the time taken to complete a task whenever it is established that the time taken to complete a
weekly task is not within the requirements of (c) above.

The Contractor shall, through all available community structures, inform the local community of the labour-
intensive works and the employment opportunities presented thereby. Preference shall be given to people with
previous practical experience in construction and/or who come from households:

i) where the head of the household has less than a primary school education; ii) that have less than one full
time person earning an income;

iii) where subsistence agriculture is the source of income;

iv) those who are not in receipt of any social security pension income

The Contractor shall endeavor to ensure that the expenditure on the employment of temporary workers is in
the following proportions:

i) 55% women;

ii) 55% youth who are between the ages of 16 and 35; and

iii) 2% on persons with disabilities.

Specific provisions pertaining to SANS 1914-5


Local labour: Refers to work that does not require a person to have received prior training related to the task to
be performed and being able to operate to a satisfactory standard.

Requirements and activities

Prospective tenderers must take note of the following:

a) It is required from the contractor to provide all superintendence, labour, small tools and material for the
execution of the works where local labour is involved.

b) People employed must receive suitable training to enable the employees to satisfactorily complete their
respective tasks. An amount will be provided in the schedule of quantities for accredited training.

Terms and conditions for the engagement of local labour

Further to the provisions of clause 3.3.2 of SANS 1914-4, written contracts shall be entered into with targeted

The contractor shall ensure that the CLO submits, on a monthly basis in the format required by the
Municipality an attendance register of all the labour employed.

The report to be submitted no later than the 15' working day following the last day of the month and providing
all information required in order to ensure that the employer can comply with compulsory reporting
requirements, inclusive of proof of payment of UIF contributions.

Variations to SANS 1914-5

The definition for net amount shall be amended as follows: The financial contract value upon completion shall
be exclusive of value added tax or sales tax. The schedule for targeted labour shall define women, youth and
persons with disabilities and the number of days of formal training provided.

Training of Local labour

The contractor shall, from the commencement of the contract, implement a structured progressive training

The generic training will inter alia comprise, but not be limited to the following subjects:

Course Description Estimated No. of estimated Duration (Days) of Trainees

1. Road safety for construction workers

2. Flagmen

3. Concrete handling, placing and finishing

4. Fire Fighter

5. OHS

6. Laying of pipe

Training shall be at or by an approved accredited organization and shall be delivered by suitably qualified and
experienced trainers. The tenderer shall provide with his tender full details of the structured training
programme he intends to implement, which details shall include the following:

(a) The name of the training institution and programme

(b) The manner in which the training is to be delivered.

(c) The numbers and details of the trainers

The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of everything necessary for the delivery of the generic
training programme, including the following:

(a) A suitable venue with sufficient furniture, lighting and power.

(b) All necessary stationery consumables and study material

(c) Transport of the students (as necessary)

(d) Providing coffee / tea and a meal at lunch every day of their training
(e) Payment of wage to all trainees during the classroom training at a rate equal to the minimum wage as set in
the Ministerial Determination for the Expanded Public Works Programme on an annual basis.
(f) Relevant PPE required for the project works
(g) Additional supervision of learners during the practical learning stages of the works. Wage for the leaners
during this stage of the training will be paid through the outputs.

Generic training courses shall commence within one month of possession of site and be completed before the
end of the contract period. The contractor's training programme shall be subject to the approval of the engineer,
and the contractor shall if so instructed by the engineer alter or amend the programme and course content if a
need is identified once the contract commences.

The Contractor shall keep comprehensive records of the training given to each student and whenever required
shall provide copies of such records to the Engineer. At the successful completion of each course each student
shall be issued with a certificate indicating the course contents as proof of attendance and completion.
The cost of the formal training of targeted labour, will be funded by the employer. A minimum of three (3)
quotations must be submitted from accredited training services providers.

The contractor shall dissuade targeted labour from participating in training programs and shall take all reasonable
steps to ensure that each beneficiary is provided with two days of formal training for every 22 days worked. An
allowance equal to 100% of the task or daily rate shall be paid by the contractor to workers who attend formal

Proof of compliance with the requirements of the above shall be provided by the contractor to the Employer prior
to submission of the final payment certificate.

The contractor shall, in so far as it is reasonably feasible taking due cognizance of the nature of the works to be
executed at any given time, utilize trained workers on those aspects of the works for which they have been

In service Training

The Contractor shall in addition to the structured (accredited) training as provided for implement an in- service
training programme, from the commencement of the contract, in which the various skills required for the
execution and completion of the works are imparted to the labourers engaged thereon, in a programmed and
progressive manner. Labourers shall be trained progressively throughout the duration of the contract, in the
various stages of a particular type of work.


Tsekgo Projects Construction cc is inviting capable and competent Service Providers with

proven experience and track-record to submit their bids for :


It is estimated that tenderers must have a CIDB Contractor Grading designation of 1CE or

2CE, emerging contractors that doesn’t have a CIDB Contractor grading are not eligible to

make submissions and will not be considered.

Tsekgo Projects Construction cc is headquartered at Klerksdorp, City of Matlosana, South

Africa, with a strategic operational footprint in South Africa. Tsekgo Projects vision is to be

the leading catalyst for the championing of Civil Engineering Industry.


The scope of work will constitute the following main activities:







Failure to adhere to the conditions stated hereinunder or to provide evidence where specified,

will render the submission non-responsive and the submission will be declared as null and

void and will not be considered further.

(a) Bidders shall be registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). It

is estimated that tenderers must have a CIDB Contractor Grading designation of 1CE or 2CE.

. Emerging contractors without a CIDB Contractor grading registration are not eligible to

make submissions/ to be considered.

(b) Tsekgo Projects Procurement Policy and Procedures shall apply.

(d) The following legislation shall apply:

(i) South African National Standards Act (SANS1200);

(ii) Construction Industries Development Board Act, Act 38 of 2000

(iii) National Treasury Regulations;

(iv) Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000;

(v) Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations, Act (85 of 1993);

(vi) Compensation for Occupational injuries and disease Act (130 of 1993);

(vii) BBBEE Act Number 53 of 2003 (as amended by Act number 46 of 2013); and

(viii) Any other applicable legislation.

(e) Bidders (all the members in the Bidding Team in the case of Consortia or Joint Ventures)

must provide bank confirmation letter.

(f) As per amended construction codes, companies with less than 51% black shareholding

(QSEs & Generics) are to submit a valid SANAS Accredited B-BBEE Verification

Certificate (with the full applicable B-BBEE elements

(g) All Bidders must be Value Added Tax (VAT) Vendors and the Form of Offer must

include VAT.

(h) Bidders and all its Consortium/Joint Venture (JV) members, if any, must confirm their

company registration with Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)

(formerly CIPRO) as Tsekgo Projects will not award any bid to any business that appears on

the CIPC List of de-registered businesses. Tsekgo Projects may verify company registration

with CIPC through BizPortal.

(i) Bidders (all the members in the Bidding Team in the case of Consortia or Joint Ventures)

must provide proof of registration on the National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database

(CSD) or provide a Treasury CSD registration number e.g. MAAA0.

(j) Tsekgo Projects will only award the Bid to a Successful Bidder who is tax compliant. The

tax compliant status of the Bidders (and all the members in the Bidding Team in the case of

Consortia or Joint Ventures) will be verified through the CSD and South African Revenue

Services (SARS) website.

(k) Bidders (all the members in the Bidding Team in the case of Consortia or Joint Ventures)

must provide proof of registration on the compensation for occupational injuries and disease


(k) Public servants are prohibited from conducting any form of business with organs of state,

whether in their own capacity as individuals or through companies in which they are

directors. Verification will be carried out by Tsekgo Projects and Bidders will be disqualified

should they be found to be in contravention with this requirement.

(l) The Bidders must nominate a person who will be their Overall Project Team Leader. The

Overall Project Team Leader:

(i) Should have delegated authority to sign:

(1) The Tender Submissions;

(2) Any correspondence with Tsekgo Projects during the bidding process;

(3) The Agreement to be entered into with the Successful Bidder; and

(4) Any correspondence during the Contract Execution Phase.

(ii) Will be the sole point of contact between Tsekgo Projects and the Bidder during this

bidding process, and during contract execution (i.e. for the Successful Bidder).

(m) Bidders (all the members in the Bidding Team in the case of Consortia or Joint Ventures)

must provide proof of registration on the compensation for occupational injuries and disease


(n) Entities are not allowed to be a member of more than one

(1) Bidders (all the members in the Bidding Team in the case of Consortia or Joint Ventures)

must provide proof of residence

(o) Bidders must complete and sign the POPI Act form X. In case of Joint Venture/

Consortium, a separate form in respect of each party to the JV must be completed

(p) Any misrepresentation of information will lead to immediate disqualification of the

Bidder’s Submission. It is imperative that the duly authorised person conducts quality control

on all the documentation to be submitted to Tsekgo Projects as part of this Tender and signs

the submission as a correct and sound documentation that Tsekgo Projects could put its

reliance on.

(q) It is incumbent upon and the responsibility of the Prospective Bidders to submit their full

and correct contact details when they fill the tender documents to enable any communication

that Tsekgo Projects might need to issue to all the Prospective Bidders during the bidding

process to be realised. Tsekgo Projects will not be accountable for any such omission or

failure by the Prospective Bidders.

(r) No telephonic or any other form of communication with any other Tsekgo Projects

member of staff other than the named individual below relating to this tender document will

be permitted.

(s) The successful bidder will be required to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety

Act and Regulations, Act (85 of 1993); Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease

Act, Act (130 of 1993) and Disaster Management Act, Act (57 of 2002) read with COVID -

19 Regulations and, all relevant legislations throughout the duration of the contract. Upon

appointment of the successful bidder, the service provider will be required to develop

Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems in compliance to

Tsekgo Projects Norms and Standards.

(t) Upon award the successful Bidder will be required to provide a valid proof of registered

SHE Rep.

(u) Incomplete Tender document Submissions will be deemed null and void and shall be

considered nonresponsive

(w) Tenders must only

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