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Lesson 7 ue Dictation zara 2h wt og: S28 Listen & Talk 1 B. M: Jessica, what are you going to do for the school talent show? WI didn’t decide yet. What ar) 2 good at ? M: You're good at dancing, aren't you? W: Not really, fil 1 Shinle Tin geod at Gingjay | like singing very much. M: Really? Actually, 1“ plomied fo ylay fock hue with my band. Why don’t you sing for us? w: Sare, 1d love fo | There will be a school _ Talent Show . Jessica doesn’t know what to do [for the show. The boy asks Jessica to Sing for his feck : Could |; Mom, | need to fill out this form for tomorrow's career counseling program. fZaf} you help me? : Sure. Let me see. YO allfady weve our dream Jop and hehhy zeZzn : Yes, | want to be a P.E. teacher, and my hobby is watching sports games. But writing my strengths is hard. What am | good at? : (Yell L think jan have lds of Stienyths First of all, you are good at playing baseball, aren't you? Oh, yes. 'm good at playing baseball. And jor hate matc]other_stiereths You're right. | also work well with other people. And I'm good at listening to people. j Right! Yoste al ect fo Many thing, Thanks, Mom. = 28282 The boy and his mom think about his Streing . He is goal | ay baseball and working with and Jistening, to others. Lesson 7 ci toyfaie tafe) Listen & Talk 2 B. W: Jason, | read your paper. It was so amazing! -/ i M: Thank you for saying that. Lintpyind ard “to iniprove my Wwitng | want to be 2 writer someday. Really? | want to write well like you. What do | need to do? You need to read a lot of books. [Leading Wake Your Wert hetter What else do | need to do? I: Well, | write almost every day. why don jou Fart _Epiny_ dian Thank you for your advice. I'l start today. szs28 as well as Jason. Jason suggests that she read many | a _ diane | n /; Hello, Mr. Watson! Thank you for doing this interview. Sure 9 problem - This interview is for students who want to be food stylists. Can you tell me about your job? sure. You Mary Gee pittureg ot food inbaks or A food stylist decorates food to look good for pictures or movies. | want to be a food stylist like you. What do | need to do? Mow heed te 1a cahoot arr (cial 06 Food What else do | need to do? You ned to fudy art ytoo Creativity is important. All right! Thank you for your time, Mr. Watson, EEE 22286 The girl is Lirtervieuiny Mr. Watson, a food stylist. Food stylists are _Crertae food and _art | | | and know a lot about many kinds of _ Lesson 7 Vocabulary, | i [s Ex] ECE Ol ae a4 ae | j woes | | ak a i | i a tal Jot | ats. | telert Mae a 10 | sc aqoy Ie son hal alent: | | | do something w for singing. | | mene HHS] Ct a ieee] + { | (BSB) | [to write down Oo] SAlol } 2 | 7reerct a] full out | inLozkrtion, ona | 71g Please fill out this am | |e | form EHQ. a | ; | | | ja gms I ee lace a Job that 24 te ; | wis The man chose acting | | ~~ |_special skitls or training jsaice aa _Carecr MeSH | Us He} i | | ada(e that is givento | #2 | yereived Sone | atc ouncelion 48 G i 4 jae corncelint | someone to help them ase anseing from | with their problems | See my homeroom teacher. | woth. . jus sae | Orie an advantageous qu [Uae | My strength is that | _ a ee. sirens or ability dec — | beliv | | Holt, | UE Go} MHASH, faerie. to make something wae You ned to IMptove 1 6 lapparicy | — I petter HAAR | your English wat Ch. - ili ir oa 4s —-2 , wore, aa o | the ability to a or yon creatvty isthe KEY cot or somethin | 7 cutout fexente 9 to Succes. | new ujwolct. Ys wae You need to Contte| jot oA the fe€lu ® ae 8 | ae emot: any of the feelings. ae your erections, B27} Ach | aa (& 90h et eee | 9 | coy float [#2 Ray up on water Ts snc, |! cat fos nthe wate} | ! = 4 St | ] 7 | to seem to be a certain | 317+ SHEO | The sun appeared ety ee nt ay verte. | 10 the sky. ee eons Lesson 7 Language Focus [ = #4 88 ao a2 4 | ae | I laiseaaeeeg| “to think about what might | ola} | Now is the time +0 happen in the fue | UCHMHOF P| Looks ahead | Ai 101Ct | | [Pale Sel | | | exeol . | a person who makes | soy 45, | We ate looking fora | 12 | sear [mal | something based on sae 30 thedeler for gar | i seth | | something else rane |e | Lt { a RD Ue. _ | 01 NOE | hi food contains | is |. |azael | not nature : |B 47 | 1 | articicia | no 4 | Coles Figxy = [att created by humans B01 217) ae ct a | ) | | t a r [- | he e ae T looked 4#{¢ | a person who receives me | fhe nurse lookec an ie ane : ae \« |e" | pacicnt | dca care boat “the_patient lesa] 1 Sale \ | | ae a ee who has 2 | eso We eu las | ae specialist | special pare | SPedalist over from | sKill | BASIC Korea, 7 7 as | clam ca leaute a way between two ewe q |The bus route is A | jie |e 24 |rote Me a 4 | |_| places ego, |e | | 1 ofa) ay | D0 YOU want 2 | | 17 | aoret loternjght late _act night | late-night Shacl< ? | _ a \ | Fae | | levees We need to analyze __| Bate { fa tudy in ade = 1s | esrsict | amulyze to study in detail eee ae theteue ct H ; | alu. _ | _| wart UC i gal | weralict, o | to grow or become more | 242 MB | How can | deyelsp 1? lara, | SSS Fadamed | RANE | ty wit Gk? | em | “Tories, : @ THOR tle wifey [2 Yarone [The revinney ade 0 |. > a ;euener opinions choot the H&S ELay tle ay atest Lihupy wrtity of ie \ tH SFY mw havi | ee [Aerts how mailers Le 7 on ee 2a id 0} unr Te EES aatyry TUTE A tM SAE SH SOB HE BAL 54 : want Slow, ask expect need tl, advise. $21 SAVE SWAY BO} Moje! HAj2j Moje wo ch. SNS @ = Ch + BE BA + S90] GERAD tt I art Mom to buy me a new cell phone. Yuna (asked>me to join the math club with her. The doctor @dviged me to stop eating junk food. eran 1S SAAD AAGES SOA Cos yer) WAso] SIS So} Balch, (1) AGE Lo] ZS HseD Sygch me asked give advice her she to = She asked me te give hey adviC© Q 1S2 Wa Lye ofegetct they ‘try expect harder to me Piper ie te hardek re Q) LHe 2] £80] Basch. you I need help to me 2 = Lert an ty help fh 2S = SYO| VS £0] SSH to¥PAS gs LIS esa} SAlch. (1) | think that you should listen to your father. = | want you to |ifen to your Fath (2) She said that | should return this book by Friday, = She told me to return thiy Jose by Prd (3) My teacher told us that we should get some rest. = My teacher advised ui +> get ‘Swe Vt (4) His mom said that they could watch TV after dinner. = His mom allowed -then to _vetch TV after nguage Focus Lesson 7 2c et tH Ol: Point A. to#BAE SAA MHS AE SAt BS oj HOB Its PHS wpo| LIS eyshjo. 1. | asked him fo Cail me back tomorrow. (call) 2. | didn't expect you _“{o act home so fast. (get) 3. What do you want me {2 by you for dinner? (buy) 4, He advised me i> __ Sr? a doctor right away. (see) 5, He ordered us ts" the project by Monday. (finish) 6. The doctor advised me ts fp _ eating junk food. (stop) 7. | asked the staff > put __ my suitcase to the room. (put) 8 We expect you to Win the singing contest. (win) 9. Jessie told me to Send ___an email to Mr. Smith as soon as possible. (send) 10. My mom allowed me Pat ice cream for dessert. (eat) Lesson 7 Language Focus 2g ok Ol: 7 reer , 8 Ue UES St if at sy — ie pet UF & | «otal: gat 2h sv iRSV ] + Mel i AUS UE VSAbS, “i+ RO+SAS MCh Gol Bol s Se, HAA ‘l of aOR Bch Ly ay. Start the meeting without me Hf I'm late tomorrow. ve If you don't sleep enough, you will be very tired, [exis tt PH Dio SEE BUI HE hy hsue LETS MOU ES AAR Olio] Be LcHuyceE SAKE SAIN Ch | f something hagpers tomorrow, call me immediately a Gr: LCS BUA 7} SUD ROS 7B UWS AS Bet BAC (1) @ She will give you ® some money @ you @ drive her there ©. (2) ® 1 @ don't answer my phone, @ call my sister ©. (3) @ We can go @ to another library @ this library @ is closed ©. (3) @ © I'm wrong, ® you should @ tell me @ the right answer © @ 2S Palgat VS Ko] SSS iB 1s | BIS AA Balch (1) You don't have any plans. We can go shopping. (UI7E ABLO! SCPE, S2le ABs Ze ch) > TA pon don't be ang, we (on ao Shoppin (2) | don't come out at six tomorrow. Please wake me up. (UI7t IG! GAL LEA] BOS, LHS MS) = Tf 1 doit Cone out af tik “frn0trow plee wate me sp. (3). It rains tonight. | will stay at home. (Qe Ho} wI7} SH, LHE Mol HS Zolch) = Tf it fans i ZL wl st 2 (4) You run faster. You won't miss the bus. (ai7t Gf Wel BENCH, HE HAR SI) BS ZoIch) a EL so pun farter You wont iss “the bus. Lesson 7 Language Focus 2a Point B. ZUG Bots ifs SAM HOH BAS Fe SIS egspajo. fsa) OO please introduce me to him / take thimedicine quickly / you can't go into the pool |/ you can see a Ton9f fish and sea animals / | can beNbere by seven / cage right’ away / let's gor a picnic / you will tal\to the ground ~ 1. If you don't take a shower first, ~yo. Coat 4 2_tifo fhe pool. if it doesn't rain. L Ca (here lry Seven if the bus leaves on time. 4. If you know Mr. Lee, (0!e5e introduce we to hy 5. If you don't hold the bar tight, you will fatl fo the 4 coud. 6. If you have any questions, Gall We Fiq kt avy . 7. If you feel sick, Tate “this wredicne quit 8. If you go to the aquarium, You Gn see a lof of fish and Sea aninaly Lesson 7 % EETateHWictetey [ifeYelt is) ‘A Ole: \e | 2B SZ UAOES ¥lzto| Upeycling Designers oSe tet Fo wale new prodectt « Fedate The ahoamt Of witite e enced ls be. fei and learn abort SBS Bet BAC , | \ oe Hume f 3D Modelers : “Big Data Specialists \ * Collett dad arate a lot er | use data to ciate the bet decen| shred sth aad Prebler~folving | | \ Seis , | ‘Tuare ai Printer, B.S FHM EGS PUUE AsHI/o. If you are good at computer programming and art, you can be a 3D modeler. \4 - aoe | Tag pr En TSR Lym wel %& 4 he Taeho wants more people to use 3D printed products in the future. \2 Tae etre AOL OP Gf AGE LATE Bee | She knows big data allows us to learn more about our daily lives. }3 on, Gamer. eel Fame WE eo Tan A 42 "IF you want to become a big data specialist, you should develop your math and ‘4 | problem-solving skills! [ae tn Vn MM ZR Tie OU ERR APPELLEE, If you keep looking ahead and dreaming big, your future will be bright. a ce Leseon 2 More Reading Yt oO} gia, 2a x USS aa 4B ‘who Ao Of} LOH BALCH. Have you ever heard of *miniature figure painters? They paint plastic models of | movie or animation characters. Jack, a miniature figure painter, works for a company | that produces the figures that he paints. Jack has always loved painting. His childhood hobby was figure painting. As he | | got older, he took pictures of the miniature figures that he painted and put them on | his blog. He really enjoyed painting them, and he got better and better at it, People | loved his work and he got many fans. Finally, a miniature figure company saw his blog | | and offered him his current job! | | its amazing how a hobby can turn into a job opportunity! (@ miniature figure | painter, if, want, you, become, to), you should be passionate about painting. According | to Jack, if you truly like painting, you'll be a great miniature figure painter, | miniature figure BB Seu FoH BES Bet BACH rider A Mee AD St + B @ What is Jack's job? 4 rim ature tigate @ What company does Jack work for? @ What was Jack's childhood hobby? Fiqute peiating, @ What pictures did Jack put on his blog? Miniature Figures Hout be printed @ How long does Jack take to paint 2 money = B. BS tO] Coys SO] Sr] Haste] SIS sey Balch. EE yor vurt to betone a miniature, you should be passionate about painting, tiqure pater C. LFS HSLS O-OH AHO] Moet AZ! SACHS HASH SAIct. fa - 2 @ Jack's hobby was figure painting © He got better at painting miniature figures. ® A miniature figure company offered him a job. ® He posted the pictures of his works on his blog. Lesson 8 oS a it _ o1B: oe ; | ® eo} Awao| 1g 8144 og T | he 1 | ae, 2m | hapeness a a of Use we} aeolch Son eeae 7. | SEE | being hopes ot _huppine to say what will || | votes 2 ecg wee | it's predicted [2 [82H | eater happen in the | 2,08 #88 wee | Its gredcted _ that i ies a fake Oe EICh this summer will be hot. L—t —— | int in| WH SAH Tartolay a |e once upon a} at some point in| Oy eo) cua ate Once ugon a ‘tine, there wt | tine the pust oe lived a gitl named Gretel. a | Boe to give off cum eo1e so) uc, | THE nesa_shines waolct ght in the dark. being fled The star was twinkling s |e beshtty 2 wot WUD siete ay with light “__ ' rightly Bao, to talk or write | $#e UIs Bey B|We need to exiteh wr 6 [3 gepucy | PARES | cbout something | 27 UC. feelings : a light and soft a thing that 7 [AOS | poatter ing that BE ME HOI Bich | All birds have Leathers 28 Covers a a bird's body GR D8 eee ae pleated _ Lam really gread of @ fem o71| 2° PS — | about something | H7t ua IBAA ct you have done eA to make 2 a7 Can you _2¥plain the 9 | waterct ain | something easy | 2,4y2,7 08 #84 ae —— to Understand : to acer We can't go outside up toa certain | gale ut axi7] am} ~e Un ul ti) the rain st ey ee tine AL stot Ua gio, |S EE ren Sp Lesson 8 Vocabulary Netter 2a __ lf OB: —_ = tot S8z0 One ott one | OF Bf ot, | 2 BES Yo] wea | The park has some W jor g Cos Hractive gy | Gergeadl — | very attractive | Oey g.ergbeouk scenery 2 {-® chafe make someone | i= 2& g7i1gg Bo} ]! Chfed auey all the BOHICE | ~ away go au sch mosquitoes. p |to be unable to | ie g | be Stack | . BowrSS RSA Yo | The dogs weve Stucle ji 3 fey a}. get out of | Ser | 7 in wad 21atch the house all day. something different He is alike, any 14 | ~- oe alice ae CE Abeab chect. | t from B other people. a@ box made tol tts 3 Me MBO! gsi] I put the bird in the hold anna ch cage BBE alo] ojcig | Nowadays, you can go Oe Ro HE oBe| CIES x 16 | oii | aaqtere | at any plate HE O18) Deis | answere and stil find 15 | 22, ME | cove a internet. ing a fe aege, |. paid a ee -s| 282 off 2144 | His novel was very 7 loa ve |i wwe | of admiration | oye, ee and prespect be able to d REA | be free i - oe ° lus ome on ae m/l want to he €ree to 8 lac |t0 at you Want | gg elect come and go at anytime, to do a person in AWA I 29) B2} B | James is the musical aS fdicetter | chuye __ of | goicy direttor of the Shaw something weiciange: 0} 7M Bale w@7| This article needy ts be 20 | mua |edit coer OF | ovcy ted | improve a text | Lesson 8 1. Pharrell Williams] ‘2H, Happy ST Y2HS APA2. It _miqht seem crazy what I'm about to say Swobhine she's here, you (an take a break 'm a hot air balloon at _ could go to Space With the air, like 1 don't care baby by the way [Hook] Because I'm happy / Clap along _\- you feel like a room“! a roof Because I'm happy / Clap along _|* you feel like hayyiness is the truth ih Because I'm happy / Clap along you know “st happiness is to you Because I'm happy / Clap along _! you feel like that's what you wanna do Here come _tad news talking this and that, yeah, Wall, Wiv@ me all you got, and don't hold back, yeah, Well, | 94244 _ probably warn you I'll be just fine, yeah, No offense to you, don't WASTE _ your time Here's whe Hey, come on Bring me dou _/ Can't ncttin{__ bring me down / My levels too igh Bring me down / Can't nothing bring me down / | said (1@-t___ me tell you now) 2, [Hook] 4#B BEM USE SY Ass] SHS Por Abo SA/Q. Because I'm happy / Clap along if you are whrte ded your “oY Stas so brgitty_ (Swan) ox pad of Because I'm happy / Clap along if you have Colorful Herthers whi nate 427 Sypeuante (Parrot) Feather and COTO Because I'm happy / Clap along if you we colorful, by and yonder, a jou. (Peacock) Because I'm happy / Clap along if you are tree to eng where (Crow) Lesson 8 Bid in the Arye Swan eid fou ee pied did ae the MHP < ‘| gL. dent have y" tention! he the amy [P(e J 407 Views AZ20 Lesson 8 A SA SHS Se SAAS toe Wap | + SAAR SBS ASHE SAF: avoid, deny, finish, enjoy, give up, keep on, mind, practice, risk, stop, suggest ~ We enjoyed flying kites in the park. ~ Don't stop working out until the music stops. + SAR toF SAS HOHE SAt : want, choose, decide, expect, learn, hope, plan, promise, agree, ask & - | want to stay home today. ~ She decided to study Chinese for the future. +» SAR SSA, toH#BAS SS ASHE SAS O|O] *}O|7} ME BF : like, love, hate, continue, begin & - J will continue doing(to do) my best. - Kyle began taking(to take) a cooking class. + SAE SBA, oF BAS 2S FOE SAS Ol AO|7P- RE SP [remember forget + SAF GPA = HE AS ATH ACT remember/ forget_+ to¥!2AP (BOB) ~ FAB 7ishch/ Yep regret + S84 GIAO) ~ HE AB Sa regret + to SAP AM, Olajol) ~8}4 Jo} BztOICh try + SBA (Ae Boh ~ sheer [° + to¥ BAP W824 ASICHOHAACH - She remembers visiting her uncle. ( 214) 20%( 434 'e HR yt = She remembers to visit her uncle. (322 2el( 43x M2 7%) - He tried eating Korean food(%3 244 ef ue “ye ) ~ He tried to eat Korean food(%3' 445 oa aun ) a2 - | stopped answering the phone. ( 2% “1% ) - | stopped to answer the phone. ( ~28 “1( 4/4) ) Lesson 8 Point A. SHO ABS SHE SAA to¥ BA 1. ~inglt to VE AFSSHAL 2{2t2) CHS}o] Se BIS etgotAle. ——— — You were driving too fast. g& 9 Yes, it’s true. Sorry! She admitted driving too fast. nal ol Goren GDR) | Tey dc get mari. (Please hep me. BOK) [She agreed Fs help him nN (Bese sr eae Sf By wo. nome She Promises tet to ell = extryone Cs a Good tea!) She sogeed jag rs i 3 \ 7 fl 2 teil |+| Costner SD Lomo wn) pec her mage i He denied breathy the 5| (You broke the CO player. ¢ {C +E 4 CD laser tii | ae Can you wait @ few minutes? watiag y & OF few minutes 2, Say SS oT WS A SAS AAS WS MAl2, 1) WH MZfo] TE UY SAS tea AS 71Isrl RE A ACh I don't think that he remembers meet my sister. meting 2) US Sol Bata SS A7I Fa Bach I stopped buy some water because | was thirsty. to bay 3) HAte|o] S7] Hol Wal SB ABSS RF OKeh. Don't forget set the alarm clock before you go to bed. to Set 4) LHS AAS M BET OAC OLAS ASA BC. | tried use the machine, but it didn’t work. te “se 5) GAS SOS + Sicha seal sof RAUCH. | regret say that | can't help you. to S44 Lesson 8 ar SE B. BAf9| blast age 1, Hale SEW Ee a [ease ter talk tale hard u?lrcheap ~Chéaper BO] -e + eute-(4er wise wer _ late- later BO ER +ES [AG Fer [hot-hotier —_ big-byyele __ thin thine BO] Sty yotiter easy- euler busy-busi@r _pretty-prettier 288 O18 more + 2a | famous-nore fanei _ difficult nore dficate [era good-beffer_bad-_0@ _ many- mel @_ little-_Les 2 alata Set [ ce of see test strong--strayest fast-furtest small-fusllest BO -e +st large-lariert brave- bravert nice--micest. 20] ISS+HAHS | AS H7hsest | fatter big-Byvett — hot-kotfet Bo] AB+y [priest | ainy-dichest cary earliert 288 Old most + 2a | active-mott aCe useful Nott woeful] an4 good-best bad-Wertt _ many-hot __ little Least 3. aeH| DS He is the smartest boy in his class. ++ No (other) boy in his class is smarter than him(he is). + He is smarter than any other boy(s) in his class. 1, Wade 288 Ge £8 74 Asa BLS wy MAL. 1) He thought no one was more beautiful than he was. He thought he was the nett beautifel in the world 2) The swan is the happiest bird in the world. oe fen is tipper then any ether brill ia “the wert No other bird 9 He wor ih hapPr than the Swan 3) | am the most beautiful bird. No other bird in the world (1 more heautital thea ne Lesson 8 is Writing Practice Ce _ 2a A HDS AS SIS AssA\2 Read the situations and complete the sentences, Use a comparative form (~er or more ..). 1 Yesterday the temperature was six degrees. Today it’s only three degrees. I's colder today. than it, mas. yesterday. co i 2 The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train. Te takes Longer..b4_Anain.cthan by. Car. se ——s 3 Dave and I went for a run. Iran ten kilometres. Dave stopped after eight kilometres. Tran Sucther/tartler than Dave. SS 4 Chris and Joe both did badly in the test. Chris got 30%, but Joe only got 25%. Joe did worse. the.,..Chacis...Cin the, tet... een 5 Texpected my friends to arrive at about 4 o'clock. In fact they arrived at 2.30. My friends accived. earlier, thea, T. exgetted = _— oven 6 You can go by bus or by train, The buses run every 30 minutes. The trains run every hour. The buses .f49..nere..often/ frequently “thea .th€.. ALAM. 7 We were very busy at work today. We're not usually as busy as that. We w2ie. OMe. than. amal Cot, wee. edict) oa mnenen a B Asse ASO BSS esse. What do you say in these situations? Use a superlative + ever. Use the words in brackets (in the correct form). 1. You've just been to the cinema. The film was extremely boring. You tell your friend: (boring / film / see) That's ...the,.tnost. boring, film 've. ever. seen. 2 Your friend has just told you a joke, which you think is very funny. You say: (funny / joke / hear) Thar’s the.tAniest yale. Live ever. heard... so 3 You're drinking coffee with a friend. It’s really good coffee, You say: (good / coffee / taste) This.it..1he. bert. coffee Te. ever. tasted . 4 You are talking to a friend about Mary. Mary is very generous. You tell your friend about her: (generous / person / meet) Shevinth€...02t 4 ONE tous, perfen, ve Ser mer. 5 You have just run ten kilometres. You've never run further than this. You say to your friend (far /run) That'...the.. Sacthest./farthert. Tye. Vee. 6 You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend: (bad / mistake / make) Itishas the west mistae 2ve Ever mule. ( 7 Your friend meets a lot of people, some of them famous. You ask your friend: (famous / person / meet?) Who “o..the..aft,.f neh .persen.ofaa Ve,..SVEK Met. 2 Lesson 8 2a wb __ wf Ol: HRS 82, 2 VEO! est BAICh [bear Advisor, | am a second year middle school student. These days, everyone around me looks happy on social media. For example, my cousin Jessie posts a lot of selfies. | guess she can enjoy taking selfies because she is pretty. My friend Toby has a rich father. He | usually posts pictures of his new clothes. They look expensive. | think their lives are full of happiness. | can't find anything special about my life. Help me, please. Unhappy Girl Dear Unhappy Girl, A lot of people feel the same way. Here are some things you can do to feel better. First, remember that many people post only the w things that happen in their lives. They don't talk about the sad things that happen much. Everyone has ups and downs in his or her own life. So try not to envy other people's lives too much, Second, look for your own true happiness. Think about anything that brings you joy in your everyday life and write it down, It can be your loving family, friends, your dreams, | and even hobbies. You will find that @) is already in your heart! | J ACHE Gale So} SIELHE So} choi HOF AALS, OAL, ARBSHE | dear a SOIC | look J pal EM advior [AACE | fost [Ser BOE hee des | Sal cap al Joos | QAPERE | everqly ve AE | cousin [asec env = even 8. 12S AT, 249] MICE 7B ase Ae Be Balch, © Fal ASANO SSE A © Fe AHO! lw waz! 2 be © Nt MA celfiey AES WR BE A 4 @ 177} ABS US Bol se © AQ] a0] Hats Bsspx| BS A C. HBS! WZ A), Gol SIF BE AS AMS AB Bet Balch. ® bad - happiness @ good ~ life ® good ~ happiness @ special - dream © special ~ sadness Lesson 8 What are the four elements you need to be happy? According to the book, “Eat, Pray, Love’, they are intelligence, friendship, power, and poetry. Happiness quotes might help you brainstorm. 1. "Happiness is a warm pape — Charles M. Schulz 2. "For every minute you are angry you lose sixty s‘ed1 ___of happiness." — Ralph Waldo Emerson 3. “One of the keys to happiness is a bad menory _."— Rita Mae Brown 4. “Count your age by fre __ not years. Count your life by smile’ _, not tears.” — John Lennon 5. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own action’ “— Dalai Lama XIV 6. “They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to lwe. something to do, and something to hope _ for." Tom Bodett 7. "No medcii€__ cures what happiness cannot.’— Gabriel Garcia Marquez 8. "You can't be happy unless you're Unhagyy sometimes”.’— Lauren Oliver, Delirium 9. “Attitude is a choice, Happiness is a choice. Optimis _ is a choice. Kiadaess is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes y.ox Cheese _ wisely.” — Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart 10. "Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and hagpier . Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face. kindness in your eye: kindness in your smiles." — Mother Teresa Four Elements of Happiness

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