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Code No: A44NA R 20


II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2023
(Common to EEE and ECE)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Note: This Question Paper contains two Parts A and B
 Part A is compulsory which carries 10 marks. Five questions from six units. Answer all
questions in Part A at one place only.
 Part-B consists of 5 Questions (numbered from 2 to 11) carrying 10 marks each. Each of
these questions is from one unit and may contain a, b, c as sub-questions. For each question
there will be an either/or choice (that means there will be two questions from each unit and
the student should answer only one question).
PART – A (5x2 = 10 Marks)
1. Marks Bloom Level CO
a State and prove Shifting theorem. 2 1 1
b Write the normal equations of second degree polynomial. 2 1 2
c dy 2 3 3
Solve  x 2  y, y(0)  1, using Taylor’s series method
and compute y(0.1)
d Show that f ( z)  z  2z is not analytic any where in the 2 2 4
complex plane.
e 1 i 2 3 5
Evaluate  z 2 dz along y  x 2
PART – B (5x10 = 50 Marks)
Marks Bloom Level CO
 ax
2 Find the Fourier sine and cosine transform of e , a  0 and 10 3 I
hence deduce the inversion formulae.
3  2
a) Evaluate  2 dx using parseval’s identity. 5 4 1
0 (x  a )
2 2
5 3 1
b) Find the finite Fourier cosine transform of
f ( x)  sinaxin (0,  )

4 a)Find a positive root of the equation by iteration method 5 3 2
3x  cos x  1
b) Find the interpolation polynomial for the following: 5 3 2
x 0 1 2 5
f (x) 2 3 12 147
5 a) Use Gauss backward interpolation formula to find f(32)
given that f(25)=0.2707, f(30)=0.3027, f(35)=0.3386, 5 3 2
b)Fit a Second degree polynomial to the following data by 5 3
the method of least squares
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 1 1.8 1.3 2.5 6.3
6 Use Runge-kutta method to evaluate y(0.1) & y(0.2), given 10 4 3
that y   y 2  xy, y(0) 1
7 1
1 5 3 3
a) Evaluate  dx by (i) Trapezoidal rule (ii) Simpsons
1  x
3/8 rule 5 3 3
b) Find the value of y for x = 0.2 by modified Euler’s
method, given that  x 2  y 2 , y(0)  0
8 Using Milne Thomson method find an analytic function
sin 2 x 10 4 4
whose imaginary part is v=
cosh 2 y  cos 2 x
9 a)Prove that u  e [( x  y ) cos y  2 xy sin y] is harmonic
2 2 5 3 4
and find the analytic function whose real part is u
 2 2 
b) Prove that  2  2  Re alf ( z)  2 f ( z) where
2 2
5 3 4
 x y 
w f (z) is analytic.
10 e 2z 5 4 5
a) Evaluate c ( z  1)( z  2)dz where C is the circle z  3
b) Find the Laurent series expansion of the function 5 4 5
z 2  6z  1
f ( z)  in the region 3< z  2 <5.
( z  1)( z  3)( z  2)
11 z2 5 4 5
a) Evaluate  dz where C is
C z
i) the semi-circle z  2ei where  varies from 0 to 
ii) the semi-circle z  2ei where  varies from 0 to   5
4  3z 3 3 5
b) Evaluate  dz where c is the circle z 
c z ( z  1)( z  2) 2


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