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Shot Questions

1. Write the mass and charge of sub (fundamental) particles (electron , proton, neutrons )
2. Define atomic and mass numbers? with examples.
3. Write the differences between orbit and orbital?
4. Explain Aufbau , Hunds, Paulis principles.?
5. Write the electronic configuration of Cu, Cr, K.
6. Define solution, solvent, solute? Types of solutions based on their physical
7. Unsaturated and saturated , super saturated solutions, ?(solubility)
8. Define mole
9. define equivalent and calculate the equivalent weight of a) NaOH b) HCl c)Na2CO3 d)H2SO4
10. Define conductor , insulator and semi conductor.
11. Define electrolyte? and what are strong ,weak and non electrolytes with examples
12. Define electro chemical and chemical equivalents
13. Explain electro chemical series with applications
14. Write short note on electrode and standard electrode potentials.
15. Define E.M.F
16. role of salt bridge in Galvanic cell
17. How many types of water? Which salts are responsible for the hard water?
18. Define hardness? and how many types of hardness?
19. Write the essential conditions of drinking water?
20. Write the disadvantages of hard water?
21. Define polymer. And explain the types of polymers.
22. Write the differences between additional and condensation polymerizations.
23. Define monomer and write the monomers of a) pvc b)Teflon c)polythene
24. Define Elastomer. With examples.
25. Define environment? And explain the segments (spheres) of the environment?
26. Write short note on global warming , acid rains and ozone depletion?
27. Define biodiversity? And explain the threats of biodiversity?
28. What is primary and secondary pollutants?
29. Explain the terms of a) COD b)BOD c)receptor d)sink e) contaminant f) TLV g) DO h) pollutant f)pollution
30. Explain a) producer b) consumer c) decomposer d) deforestation .
31. Define air pollution write any two causes and controlling methods of air pollution.
32. Define water pollution write any two causes and controlling methods of water pollution.

Essay Questions

1. Explain Bohr ’s atomic model with merits and limitations?

2. Define quantum number? And explain the types of quantum numbers?
3. Define orbit? And draw and explain the S, p ,d, Orbital’s ?
4. Write the differences between ionic and covalent bonds? With an examples?
5. Define molarity ? (sums in concept of molarity)
6. Define normality ? (sums in concept of normality)
7. Define electrolysis? and explain the electrolysis of fused NaCl?
8. Define Galvanic cell? and explain the construction and working of Galvanic cell
9. explain the faradays laws of electrolysis?( 1st and 2nd laws)
10. Define softening ? and explain zeolite ( permutite) and ion exchange process?
11. Define osmosis , osmotic pressure and reverse osmosis?
12. Explain the chlorination and defluoridation methods used for treatment of water.
13. Define polymerization ?and explain the types of polymerizations with an examples.
14. Define plastics? And write the differences between thermo and thermosetting plastics.
15. Define vulcanization with neat equation? And write the characteristics of vulcanized rubber.

Important problems
1. Define molarity ?Calculate the molarity of solution containing 0.4 grams of NaOH in 450 ml of solution
2. Define molarity? Calculate the weight of Na2CO3 required to prepare 100ml of 0.5 M Na2CO3 Solution
3. Define normality? if 98 grams of H2SO4 is present in 5 lit of solution .find the normality of solution.
4. If 9.65 amperes of current is passed for 10 min through CuSO4 solution. calculate the weight of copper deposited at

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