3. Electro Chemistry

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[B. Eleetro Chemisty, © ——— clecho chemishs 38 the - byanck of stience eshich deat, wrth chemical — energy comers ae cee em gy @) eleewirrl energy YS converttd Ito chemical energy called electro “cherish, I : . | conductors i ———_ase A substance which ellos fhe ebecty tei hy pase, | cthwough othe! 5S atte ds — conduct. Peenductvs owe clawihed “toto juo types i Ir metallic C8) electronic @rdu ford 2 Q+;, Clectrolytic. conductors (3) elechoty te - Metalle conductors A conductoy conduct tie electia’hy weithout — tansy of: meattey! ‘wei called ‘Ayetallte condierr! > An metallic — Londucterce fieex roving elechory flow fom Negakve to poitive end- ; ease > metallic conductance Peeps its ‘ineveaaing chor poeta eh Home Appliance, Bete ctronie forme appliances. eleetolytic conductors ——_—- . ; 7 \ A Conductoy ‘Corduct “Ihe electricity In, acquows Hate dy fue] B molten state Wo Cal led aectoly tie — conductors, ’ 16 oT SORIUETADCO duo to Keo moving tom loa frome Postiive 1 O%fatwe end. > leetieak consuct once We reaver «cath neveosing — termperataay . ps Acids | Rares, salle. Droulacton. , A “Substance udbich donat exllows “the. elects et | Peace through them. 5s knewon ot Qnsulatovs. | | th- | =" Weed, plastic | yulbbey . | Gerni Conductors 1 substance « which maintain eonductevilg bh Conductors ond inserlodors | Fs TEEN Gewvaniuim sibesn ) balun. Types oF electo dyes 7 fr | Electrelytes one — elousitied Into “athwee Sy pos + | Iv Strong elecholyte | 2 uroue lec trolyte,, % nen electrolyte «. h Sthong electroly fi »_ The clecholyf —volvel compltel, ionized In diluteon proen kh known as Sheng atechdly tes, GEtr Styong ocidy, Strong bores and oct soluton, 2. | Lora b clectolyt | Atle elecholyk cole parteall, Fonmed In ‘ ’ Se = | a dtldeon preven WS Freed 0s urok | elec holy i. | ; EF cok adds | ent betes, NeKpH «oll, Non ~ete Uroly le oh clecholyte which deanek “Fondo 4, | dilubon proven 4s Jason a4, Non ~electroly fe, ety Benrene - ELECTROLYSIS of FOSED (oR) Motten Nock Clectroly i, Ele chroly sis on electrolyte in an 38. defined od decomporitten of: OG elethode tn fired tote - OAtbede ee platinum electrodes Princ’pl electrolysis Ce oe Feature lovide (reltery roa]. | by ting plottnun aSalu » senetet elec trades “Fives chlovine “ gos at Anh. ot Cathed, . », | Splnaton ey nl atectol tn an elechobe ett 9 Patnunm rods dlippal tn the fused Noel ok on olechodes, The plaknum vod connrded te The positive ris i cteamina® act ay Anede. und Platinum ved connected 40 “the ee& as cethiods « Negat: re > terminad pot when elect ici paned tothe ‘Ahveush he vlolalton the te tang & ovlsh. and tm | jon eneves ‘te Anode \ at w tons lege electrons and oxidne te cli estom then of 8% 4s Gheveultd vot sronede , Noxon gas elechors ahd , | 9 vedueed — s adiuro dein te met ty Ghewted at athode . | Nee equation, _ At Apod’ oxidaton of 35d} O AE sas lede Reduct? on ae + No + O—s' Wot ral —— > Not. oa” fplvonic -ceth §alvonic coll ik wed to convert dhiemicot | eeay into electrical enegy by wing GeeMeanious vedox reactor. | oo geu Gms , combucten of Satvonic cou Calvene’ “ce éoBloing tuo ba et tonsist zine vod dipped in : 2 $a, solebeon, rod Eve). Second Rall colt Consist” — copper ‘Yoo i Spped jr Cusoy solution ~ oc ay” Gittode Gve) -these fo : Rot cell, ase connected » eith, “att bide contain Rast bof celk - ool an J a ” shaped salt bridge PGR ABO ell, [ret seteorated]. working of Geilvonic cegt zine actomy A540 Ottidited. do zine | tony, by bos of. electrode. tty Hector at — Anedic part of zinc Enoun aj Beg ton half eeactton aime electors from “ths ne electrode” flow through’ Iho etlerna® —° Greuit to the copper elechode. : > The capper Fone’ rn Solan” dele Ups -chyse electons frory the copper eteetvede of cathoda c i Rnown a5” veducton bit veceteon , : ! : AL onede +. ox tctean an 3 ae 4 oe Cs) @mi) At cathode ‘= Re quatton- ind 2 cues) et Gort : as iy BB oa ts ta 3 tHe, Nyt Gt* = Ww Gs) Gu’) wri the difererces blur electrolyte eer ef Galvonic colt. Electedy tee cebt Galvonic eu. _ an MiG cel ehernreak © enengy w iia COUN eee read ene ie ect enegy. be corvented Into Chericad eneryy| a Hiferent pe of clecholyta ‘are wed. w Nema age of ache | ened Dene halt cell used + DT sat bridge nat required “| qeco fal? “celles ane ened. falt bridge kk required . soni. The. cell. Apidae MA ys se Avie Negaty, © potitre @ couhods is negate | # 4 tottode Ws. potibye . { of Ab ell do pase electro reptve Puce EMP) of Hy an, cell iy negatve . . Ais coy WA WeVesrbe. Thy + process IN mewhsobt liter |}__— - ane pifference “bho metalic and electroktte conductor : metalic electrolibe Comductorn, | cordu . | enetalic rretabse sesnduciem sone endl | olechray be Corduchs age Conduct dectid by without ‘trams for elechiaty In “acqyabous Blots to fie of rly, @) rootbn tate . Sn eoetalie comductnce Ws Jn elechricod condenctence 1 dus to dus to fee rooting of eleeteon, free roving jon. electom flows For neat | fons Flows for posiBue end wd enpd to patkve end. | negative end... mefolie Conductere decreases eke chica eonduttence increases cathy Snencosing of Aeonpeseitine | esith Pereng of mparding | § | SEE electronic: home. appliances, ext Acids, bays @ sole. [Baer Ay device «Suse owes ceria energy. cf vt ft hay lech icad ereray Ws cotted a “ballon A ote OC, claycfnd § ay * Foecos:| urng Ie Pricnony — Banter & Secondary Bate 3: Let Boctlenie, I Primary Battery Priennag “Rattay WA ccelt Io which the celt wacbon ho rpn reversible . Sh my cell aglonele . . piven, atten Secondeos, Batting Wore cobb in HL. Tho ‘dell fe veoctton Age reversible . They ane. vechaoaghle | ee eti- fead-otid cell Ii ckel~ Cacmem 5 je fuel Batters Ce) fos flee Fel : Plu batter, is an alecho clumicag cell that cornea the Wormald mecetion “inte elechited encigiy , edken “He “reactan ars “eshousted “res "chemicals raperde fldeny 6 CLI Hydrojan — oxygen ek 1 mcheelmgencets explo ths Compructeon , eaidbing, and oppiatong od, C4) Dry colt - (Gel lorx te) GD lead- Stororge fedierg . al GY Cttour, 500” i \ oS Hydrogen * deygen ! dubte col GQ) by cath, - (ag it Gurineules Gaui epinponant vealed ; Dry colt. ye / comtructton and working | - ae | p mvetal AP [ ) & yop Lite TAL > coabon (® Bi We Ge | > collar t hoH tthe woke, | 5 ayy shock Carode Gs) | 2700, ,, HC paste . fede (ine sheet). Ev - hod SaPE canton (#) Graphite cel . 6) clectr A> Nttuct, tno, to which Starch ts added cdo mabe tt Thek poste. Gke so tok “is tess Ckely to Jeake- (A Groptak ved otf of O Corthode which 15 immersed tothe, elettrelyle . 2n dhe centre of the cell. the elechode react axe. Anode weacton m3 ant ae Gxdotton) beds Reaeban, - Bono, +eHSo, hee P4820, 20, +2NHyCL-+ 265 fn, 0, Lanter KH, + Ho tack ee i tht peoebon, | 2D -+QaNnd, Fant —> (En(wHs), Cy) +7405 + ao 2 the formed complex —ErGnQe ti] 1S Stabe. 2t cannot be wevessed by wechadgiog ~ > The dyy cee je a Prinnomy botteny . S'nce no reacton “eRe leche ety. IS Veversable fy Uses ete > dw ceu ic very cheap do mate . 7 BY celle cove Used in Plosh Ug hk, calerlators, ete. QD Lead -s ovo > A Ypicall example for — stovegp celts lead atid — Hovey cett. Dat we Secondory mead wliel Con opeate as on Wilaic cell and 8 on clecho col, Duhon jt ack ar volloic cou, iH supplier oteticad energy ond Betomen rm dene a P Pewing veelarg it oll ‘as elecholyic ceW and oftes recharged Mo Cod “4 yeady to ope ot an ele Chochornicad colt. 30 cocks seats laumbaset WeadGptes U2 Sng Ore conneutd in ovaliet —aind: 4 “0+ ay “Aol “Phos “plaid % Cetneds Gur), are, Connettiel, Iyy . paverie®® ss yh sas The entre combirattorn wade. Inmented IW? dilate HS. Gu $ CRU wactron, oe Areda week, om - [oxic eteen reobon). fod is oxidtred 4p PBF Lions coach Awrther Corobires, wt, SAP fens in y Soluble tesa sul PSO, (ieod’ Sulphate) . Pb +H, Soy —s Phioyis) + OHT a: gem. Cattredie nation Creducton “reacten| | POL is weduced to PER ions cchich —fuxthey Combines with : 3 SF, forms inatuble — Phtoy, } Plo, + HaSa, bani" tae —s pheoucy + aH,O. NMAaU ce reece fon Sy eke —__ Po+ pho. + PH Soy —> aPbtou + of Oo tena Charting of the Uy Gy os Ceclvely be cei) 9 fuore the oboe ealh-reot fiom ib 4 Cleoned Hate pho, U | Pwecplot et bth uy electrodes ancl” the eorentrotoen of Hf {be fottory needs recharge ing, | The cet con be Chaya decease - S05 bp Peleg Che ee caters in tee opposite oat epbiougy FOND 4 energy ~ orbs Pho py 244.0 eu oN = . a => Dn: each ‘ete # a numnbey veh leo (p8) pteetes wed “as ‘6nedo Ge are conertted in pavaltet cind:, a ‘mo Ay Yared Phos “plateh use A Cecthode Ge), aro, Connetlt in, . pores iie® & oy yet The entre combiraipm irae. Imimertea ont dilute HS Geena cell reaction, Pred weoetkon, \- [eos ration reoution] ates Viet oS | a te ou ecdn a | Phar onl Goin) Corabives colt Pr fis ny Sotuble teal sul Pbi0y (leod sulplat)) . Pb +H, Soy Cattred'e veacton > Phioygy + aH" a6 ~ Creduction ~reacteny PbO, is vedewed to PER, ion cchich §— futhe} Combines with yF forms inectuble — PhSoy, Pho, + Maia, +H! tae —- phsoucy + M0. OVAQLE cel reaction daring AiscCorging, | Po+ phon + OH,S0 4 —> apbtow.s + otkd teneigy . Chori of the GU, Looting een (ck 3 electrolytic cet) 9 fyorn the akone eoth reaction it i Cleaned Hot phsoy Ub Percptot ct sth the ebechodes ctl” Ihe caxentratten of He | decease - fo the fottory needs wecharge ing | | [> Tle cet con be chaya bh, Pring, Cech caterer in the opprsite dee ay | | 7 | 2Pb%ue) FOND energy — Pb Phor py 2 thiOy o_O Advantages of ph aud hortierley | } | 2E made ecuily DM produces very hgh -cuwent- use > bead acid botterres axe ured In com, brace, tets ee, |> Be in used inv Gay engine Agnifkon, delaphono exchang Hs pocoer a sakom ete. Ulsan Don Pally a A Uithkurn ton fevltoy 9 a bype of vechadgall battery in voice § Uthium Ton au moet dorm negate dechods +o postu cleetwde clas ng Achasge cand *efuan hack when choaging : Conatinct on pues trod, yard coders (9) Syaphib. - Cha) (4) vr antearalotion ‘Gihium (eat ee ion), Gillfnode SpE tne pvc petri’ lv | chechelyle Liquid etectoly6 which corse of Uithium Salle suck a | | Li Phy | teovking Discheaging sand Chorging “prey ploce in the coorking of Gihiunn ton teotteny - “| | \ | Discharging By Ihe proces clechicity 4 generated. 9n thes prrey moves oad; Cotbed. Uthium dens ore released at vrode ard SLA" node —> cathode | rt Anodk | LL + © Gaidatior) A acthods,- CO, UF +E —3 LO, Litlo0, > Li'GOy , charging Eihiam Jom ere weleared tern cathode and mores fount the ah Anode . Li? -a@cthode, —D Anele. At Arede Chedueben) . ate e ki Ugo, —>» Ut 4O,. dvanteges % sum Jon seeps % Dam Jon tating | lighter than ther rechargeable battery . <> High energy dent . > fast chovgiog vate . > apewe no Uquid clecholyfe @ ne leatage problery. rpplication of LBum Fon battery | > These ade ed In — porcey backup sycerns fae laptops, Cameras and 7 Power banks. ~ 2 OX there ak wed in medical A Apheen -Pryger “Ce CY Geen Leet cell — + the Gallvonie cer thot are desighed 4o convert dhe energy of com by wstton of fixet — Gkes— Hychogen , methent | methenol _ divettly elechica energy ae catled Reet Cet. €L% dhphregen “otygon Fuel cell. y > Hydvogen — oxygen fuel cour ennsisG of foo poroud electede, * made up of cavben Coated wilh Gratt ernounts of Cotalyt Cre nicked] gnd aol Solution 4 used at cle [Platnum , —polovivn [D tydregen cind oxygen <4. pased through electrode . Oxidation ory | Reducton tater ploce at mnrede and ceuthede amd genevakic olechiat Anode ay, + GOH —> GH,0 + Hem cathode \ Op +9H0 —> Yon” overath xeoetron OH, +0, AHO , t Advantage fuct cele, 2 Taek cel ote efficient ard take Ios time for operortton . 13 Wo Keorfur chernicals ade produced In fel cell. | Oriloteons —_——“- > “The Eleleme of =the fuel cell axe not aquaratly bran . (3 Theis Iwitiad coe i Righ.

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