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Dear Students

I hope this message finds you well and that you are as excited as I am to
embark on this learning journey together. Welcome to our IELTS online
class! I'm thrilled to have you all on board, and I look forward to
productive and engaging classes.
To ensure that our virtual classroom is a space where we can all learn
effectively, I'd like to introduce some essential guidelines and
etiquettes that will help us maintain a respectful and supportive

1. Technical Preparedness: Test your equipment (camera,

microphone, internet connection) before the class to ensure they
are working properly. Please, learn how to use WhatsApp Web to
have an access to the link that you will be sent ( in case you join
the classes with laptop)
2. Punctuality: Arrive on time for your online classes, just as you
would for in-person classes. Make sure that you are ALWAYS
ready for the classes.
3. Microphone Manners: Mute your microphone when you're not
speaking to minimize background noise and distractions.
4. Respectful Communication: Be respectful in your interactions
with both the instructor and fellow students. Use appropriate
language and tone in chats or discussions. AVOID
INTERRUPTING or speaking over someone. When you have a
question in your mind, wait for the speaker to finish and then ask
your question. USE "raise hand" feature in Zoom to indicate that
you have a question or comment. If you have any question after
the lesson, please, kindly ask it in our common WhatsApp group
chat between 10:00 a.m to 10.00 p.m. If you do not get a
response, please, write a “kind reminder” and do not send question
marks. Make sure than you are polite in your interactions.
5. Participation: Engage actively in the class by asking questions,
participating in discussions. Please do not be silent OR muted
throughout the whole session. Please respond the questions that
are addressed to you and when any of us asks you question,
please, don’t mute yourself. In addition, when you have a question,
please, ask it, rather than writing it in the chat part.
6. Respect Privacy: Do NOT record or share the class session or
any content without permission. Respect the privacy in the class.
7. Attendance: Attend classes regularly. If you must miss a session,
inform me in advance and catch up on the material by asking
about homework for the next session in our WhatsApp group after
the lesson.
8. Timing of Online Class Access: If you receive the class link a bit
later (5-6 minutes) than expected, please don't panic. This may
indicate that the I am currently engaged with another group,
addressing their questions or providing additional support at the
end of their lesson.
9. Greeting and Farewell: Start the class with a POLITE GREETING
and end it with a THANK YOU or goodbye to create a friendly

Thank you for taking the time to review these guidelines, which will help
us create a productive and respectful online learning environment.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the
guidelines, or if there's anything else you'd like to discuss, please don't
hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to seeing you

Best regards,

Aytan Ismayilzada

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