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Coupled Fluid–Structure Interaction Analysis of Solid Rocket Motor with

Flexible Inhibitors

Article in Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets · November 2017

DOI: 10.2514/1.A33947


6 3,749

3 authors, including:

H. Q. Yang Robert E. Harris

CFD Research Corporation CFD Research Corporation


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Coupled Fluid–Structure Interaction Analysis of Solid Rocket

Motor with Flexible Inhibitors

H. Q. Yang∗
CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama 35806
Jeff West†
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama 35812
Robert E. Harris‡
CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama 35806
DOI: 10.2514/1.A33947
Flexible inhibitors are used in solid rocket motors to control the burning of a propellant, and vortices generated by
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propellant flow around the inhibitors have been identified as a driving source of instabilities that can lead to thrust
oscillations in launch vehicles. Potential coupling between the thrust oscillations and structural vibration modes is an
important risk factor in launch vehicle design. To better understand these phenomena, a fluid–structure interaction
simulation capability has been developed, and this paper describes its application to investigate multidisciplinary
phenomena of flexible inhibitors inside solid rocket motors. The features of the fluid and structural solvers, along with
the multidisciplinary coupling methodology, are presented in a general Eulerian–Lagrangian framework. The fluid
domain is discretized using general polyhedral unstructured meshes, and full three-dimensional shell elements are
used in the structural domain for the inhibitors. Verifications for the structural model show excellent agreement with
analytical solutions, and coupled results show that, because of acoustic coupling, the dynamics of one of the most
flexible inhibitors shift from its first modal frequency to the first acoustic frequency of the solid rocket motor. This
demonstrates that the capability can provide valuable insights into how the dynamics of the inhibitor can affect the
flowfield, which can influence solid rocket motor design.

Nomenclature ρ = density, kg∕m3

a = burning rate constant, mm∕s σ = stress tensor
[C] = damping matrix, kg∕s τ = shear stress, N∕m2
D = bending rigidity of a plate, χ = mesh coordinate
f = internal body force, N∕m3
[G] = transformation matrix Subscripts
k = thermal conductivity, W∕m ⋅ K
f = in the fluid phase
[K] = stiffness matrix
fs = on fluid–solid interface
M = plate mass per unit area, kg∕m2
G = moving grid part
[M] = mass matrix
i = direction in x, y, or z
m_ 00 = mass flux, kg∕s
n = normal direction
p = pressure, N∕m2
s = in the solid phase
Rp = radius of a plate, m
τ = tangential direction
R = universal gas constant, J∕mol ⋅ K
r = radial coordinate, m
T = temperature, K I. Introduction
t = time, s
velocity component, m∕s
control volume, m3 D URING the development of Ares I and Ares V launch vehicles,
potential coupling between thrust oscillations in the solid rocket
motor (SRM) first stage and vibration modes in the launch vehicle
v = velocity vector, m∕s
w = deflection of a plate, m was identified as the top risk in the Ares I program. The frequency of
X = Lagrangian coordinate, m pressure pulses in the five-segment SRM is close to the natural
x = Eulerian coordinate, m frequency of the second longitudinal vibration mode of the complete
λ; η = Lamé constant launch vehicle. This creates the risk of a “pogo stick” resonant
μ = dynamic viscosity of fluid, kg∕s ⋅ m vibration, which leads to concerns that the vibration could make it
difficult for astronauts to perform their tasks, including reading their
flight displays. Because the thrust oscillations come mainly from
Presented as Paper 2014-1268 at the 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, solid rocket motor pressure oscillations, an accurate predictive
National Harbour, MD, 13–17 January 2014; received 20 April 2017; revision capability of pressure oscillation features considering all the
received 3 August 2017; accepted for publication 12 August 2017; published important driving physics is crucial in the development of NASA’s
online 9 November 2017. Copyright © 2017 by the authors. Published by the new space launch system (SLS).
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Vortices emitted by an obstacle such as an inhibitor have been
All requests for copying and permission to reprint should be submitted to CCC identified as the driving acoustic and combustion instability sources
at; employ the ISSN 0022-4650 (print) or 1533-6794 that can lead to thrust oscillations from the SRM [1]. Flexible
(online) to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissions inhibitors have been used in the space shuttle SRM to control the
*Chief Scientist, CFDRC/Jacob ESSSA Group, 701 McMillian Way; burning of propellant as illustrated in Fig. 1 [2]. The inhibitor is an insulating material bonded to part of the propellant that prevents the
† underlying surface from becoming hot enough to ignite. The SRM
Team Lead, Fluid Dynamics Branch, ER42.

Senior Principal Engineer, 701 McMillian Way; has inhibitors on the flat, forward-facing ends of the propellant in
Article in Advance / 1
2 Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS
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Fig. 1 Flexible Inhibitors inside NASA’s Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor [2].

each of the three joint slots, which are annular rings made of asbestos- study of 3-D flows past rigid and flexible inhibitors in the Space
silica-filled nitrile butadiene rubber. The inhibitors help fine-tune the Shuttle redesigned solid rocket motor. Only a section of the rocket
burning surface area and, therefore, the thrust performance, to satisfy near the center joint slot at 100 s after ignition was modeled using
shuttle requirements [2]. compressible dynamic large-eddy simulation (LES) for the fluid
The presence of an inhibitor can significantly affect the flowfield in domain and an implicit finite element solver for the solid domain.
its immediate vicinity and some distance downstream, primarily Differences in the instantaneous and mean flow response to rigid and
through vortex shedding from the inhibitor tip. A number of cold- flexible inhibitors led to some useful insights regarding the design of
flow experiments and high-fidelity numerical simulations have been inhibitor geometry and material.
performed to study the influence of inhibitors on pressure oscillations As of this writing, no fully coupled fluid–structure interaction
in rockets [3–5]. A recent study by Mastrangelo et al. [1] has simulation has been reported for a production-level (50–500 million
identified the inhibitor as the primary source of amplification of the cells) SRM study, and no mature tool to analyze and study the fluid–
pressure oscillation. structure interaction in a solid rocket motor exists on a production
Because inhibitors often consist of relatively thin sheets of flexible level. In a recent study, a comprehensive, fully coupled, high-fidelity,
materials, the difference in gas pressure on the forward- and aft- user-friendly multidisciplinary simulation tool was developed by
facing sides of the protruding portion of an inhibitor can cause it to CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC) and Mississippi State
bend in the direction of the flow. If the inhibitor is long and compliant University [10] to enable the investigation of the nonlinear
enough, it can come into contact with the burning propellant surface interaction of flexible inhibitors with the vortical flow inside the
downstream. Even if the inhibitor does not touch the propellant SRM. The approach was to couple a NASA production
surface, it can be expected to oscillate about some equilibrium angle computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, Loci/CHEM [11,12],
of deflection if viscoelastic damping in the solid and viscous damping for solid rocket motor ignition analysis (see the sample result in
from the fluid are small enough. It is essential to understand the role Fig. 2a) with a U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) open-source finite
of the flexible inhibitors in the coupled fluid–structure physics. For element analysis solver, CoBi, developed at CFDRC for nonlinear
instance, does the inhibitor flexibility lead to the instability, or does large structural deformation (see example in Fig. 2b).
the flexibility of the inhibitor act as a means of controlling and The simulation tool with the preceding features is a highly valuable
reducing unstable pressure modes in the SRM? For turbulent flow asset when the time comes to design a new motor or even when a
inside the SRM, the load on the inhibitor is generally highly three- modification is planned on existing geometries. The multidiscipli-
dimensional (3-D) and chaotic, and therefore very complex inhibitor nary tool can improve pressure oscillation modeling fidelity and
motions are possible even if the material is isotropic and undamaged. provide insight into nonlinear fluid–structure interaction leading to
It is important to understand not only the effect of inhibitor shape on thrust oscillations in the preliminary design phase for future SRM for
the vortex shedding but also how the dynamically changing inhibitor SLS. The present tool is also useful in identifying and predicting, as a
geometry affects the flow. first approximation and at a very early stage, the critical geometries
Roach et al. [6] and Weaver et al. [7] made attempts to study the and the time during firing at which thrust oscillations could occur.
flexible inhibitor interacting with a firing rocket motor using a quasi-
static coupling approach. First, a static or time-dependent fluid-only
computation was performed on the initial inhibitor geometry. The II. Mathematical Formulation
resulting pressure load was passed (through files) to a commercial Continuum mechanics has been conventionally subdivided into
finite element method (FEM) solver, which determined the the distinct fields of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics. Even
deformation under that prescribed force. The new geometry was though both disciplines solve Newton’s second law of motion, they
given (through files) back to the fluid solver, and the steady or use different reference frames, as well as different solution variables
unsteady flow was determined from the new geometry. Fiedler et al. and solution methods. For example, in structural dynamics, the
[8] successfully computed the motion of a flexible inhibitor located in dependent variables are displacements and are typically formulated
the core flow region aft of a joint slot in a fully coupled 3-D in a Lagrangian reference frame. These displacements are solved by
simulation. They demonstrated that an inhibitor flapped periodically finite element method (FEM). In fluid dynamics, the dependent
with an angle of deflection ranging from 30 to 40 deg. Unfortunately, variables are velocities, pressure, density, etc., and are usually
no information regarding such a flapping effect on the instability formulated in an Eulerian reference frame and solved using the finite
mechanism is available. Wasistho et al. [9] conducted a numerical volume method (FVM) or finite difference method (FDM). Some of
Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS 3

Fig. 2 Capability demonstration for CFD: Loci/CHEM and for computational structural dynamics: CoBi.

the characteristics of fluid dynamics and structural dynamics solvers p

ρ (4)
are listed in Table 1. RT
As a result, problems involving interaction between fluid flow and
solid deformation, with the examples of an aircraft body and wing, The constitutive relation between stress and rate of deformation for
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wind loaded structure, and heat transfer, are generally treated fluids is given by Stokes’ law:
separately and in a decoupled manner. There is, however, a wide
range of problems that require the simultaneous solution of fluid 2
σ ij  μvi;j  vj;i  − μδij vk;k − pδij (5)
flow and solid body deformation and thus require a unified 3
multidisciplinary approach. This section will first present a unified
formulation for both fluid and structure and then describe the fluid where μ is the dynamic viscosity.
and structural solvers used in this study. Finally, the coupling For an elastic solid, the constitutive relationship is given by
methodology of the solvers will be described. Hooke’s law:

A. Unified Governing Equation σ ij  ηui;j  uj;i   λδij uk;k (6)

Regardless of the solution method (FEM, FVM, or FDM), the solid
and fluid mechanics actually share the same governing equations and where η and λ are the Lamé constants, ui is the displacement vector,
differ only in constitutive relations. The governing equations for both and
fluid and a solid are the momentum equations of Newton’s law:
vi  u_ i (7)
ρv_ i  σ ij;j  fi (1)
Note that, in the fluid, the stress is expressed in terms of velocity
(strain rate), whereas in the solid, the stress is expressed in terms of
where ρ is the material density; vi is the velocity; σ ij is the stress displacement (strain).
tensor; fi is the internal body force; a superscript dot designates a
total derivative; a comma denotes a partial derivative with respect to B. Consistent Interface Boundary Conditions
the following variable; and repeated indices denote summation over
As for boundary conditions at the fluid–solid interface, it is
the appropriate range. To close the system in Eq. (1), information
required that displacement, velocity, and stresses are continuous, i.e.,
about the response of a particular material to an applied force is
necessary. Here, we will take a compressible gas and elastic solid as
ui s  ui f (8)
example of fluid and solid materials, respectively.
For fluid dynamics, the equation of state is
vi s  vi s (9)
ρ  ρp; T (2)
σ ij n s  σ ij n f (10)
where p is pressure, and T is temperature. For an incompressible
σ ij τ s  σ ij τ f (11)
ρ  constant (3)
with subscript s and f representing solid and fluid domains, and n and
and for an ideal gas, τ are the normal and tangential directions with respect to the interface.

Table 1 Comparison of fluid dynamics and structural dynamics solutions

Solver details Fluid dynamics Structural dynamics

Reference frame Eulerian Lagrangian
Discretization Finite volume method Finite element method
Solution variables Velocity: V x , V y , V z Displacement: Ux , Uy , Uz
Equation type Parabolic or elliptic Hyperbolic
Unknown location Cell center Cell node
dV ∂V ∂V ∂x ∂V dV ∂V
Expression for acceleration a     V ⋅ ∇V 
dt ∂t ∂x ∂t ∂t dt ∂t
Solvers Loci/CHEM, Loci/STREAM Nastran
Constitutive relation Proportional to velocity gradient Proportional to displacement gradient
4 Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS

C. Reference Frame and Mesh Systems Loci framework [11] and is a Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes,
Before an equation is discretized, it is important to select an finite volume flow solver for generalized arbitrary polyhedral grids.
appropriate reference frame. In classical solid mechanics, the The Loci system uses a rule-based approach to automatically
dynamics equation is formulated in a Lagrangian reference frame, assemble the numerical simulation components into a working
where solver. This technique enhances the flexibility of simulation tools,
reducing the complexity of CFD software introduced by various
dvi boundary conditions, complex geometries, and varied physical
ρv_ i  ρ (12)
dt models. Loci plays a central role in building flexible goal-adaptive
algorithms that can quickly match numerical techniques with
Here, one moves with or follows the structure. In classical fluid different physical modeling requirements. Loci/CHEM is also
dynamics, the conservation equation is formulated in a Eulerian equipped with a robust volume mesh deformation module that is
frame, where capable of efficiently resolving large-scale deformations in the fluid
mesh as a result of boundary motion or deformation.
∂vi Loci/CHEM [12] uses density-based algorithms and employs
ρv_ i  ρ  vi;j vj (13)
∂t high-resolution approximate Riemann solvers to solve finite rate
chemically reacting viscous turbulent flows. It supports adaptive
It is the second nonlinear term that has given rise to many mesh refinement, simulations of complex equations of state including
difficulties in fluid dynamics. However, in the fluid dynamics cryogenic fluids, multiphase simulations of dispersed particulates
approach, the Eulerian frame is necessary. using both Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches, conjugate heat
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transfer through solids [13], tightly coupled fluid–structure

D. Eulerian–Lagrangian (Fluid)–Lagrangian (Solid) Approach interaction [14], and nongray radiative transfer associated with gas
Because the structural dynamics equations are formulated in a and particulate phases. It supports multiple two-equation RANS
Lagrangian reference frame, whereas the fluid dynamics equations turbulence models including Wilcox’s k − ω model, Menter’s
are expressed in a Eulerian reference frame, direct coupling of two baseline model, and Menter’s shear-stress transport (SST) model
solvers could lead to overlapped meshes or holes in the solution [15]. For unsteady flow problems such as the present rocket motor
domain. This is illustrated in Fig. 3. acoustic waves, Loci/CHEM has hybrid RANS/LES turbulence
The critical requirement for reference frames is to preserve fluid– model treatments that include high-speed compressibility correc-
structure interface and prevent cutting and crossing. This ensures that tions. The Loci/CHEM CFD code is a library of Loci rules (fine-
consistent interface conditions are applied. The Eulerian–Lagrangian grained components) and provides primitives for generalized
(fluid)–Lagrangian (solid) approach has the preceding properties as meshes, including metrics; operators, such as gradient; chemically
seen from Fig. 3. Within this formulation, a mesh velocity is reacting physics models, such as equations of state, inviscid flux
introduced, and the momentum equation becomes functions, and transport functions (viscosity, conduction, and
diffusion); a variety of time and space integration methods; linear
ρ  vj − vGj vi;j  σ ij;j  fi (14) system solvers; and more. Moreover, it is a library of reusable
∂t components that can be dynamically reconfigured to solve a variety
of problems involving generalized meshes by changing the given fact
Here, we set the mesh velocity as
database, adding rules, or changing the query. Using the sophisticated
vGj  vj (15) automatic parallelization framework of Loci, Loci/CHEM has
demonstrated scalability to problems in size exceeding 500 million
in the solid, and cells and production scalability to 4000 processors.

vGj fs  vj fs (16) B. Nonlinear Structure Dynamics Solver

The structural dynamics solver used in this study, CoBi, is a DOD
at the solid–fluid interface. open-source code developed at CFDRC. CoBi discretizes the Eq. (1)
To facilitate the Eulerian–Lagrangian framework for the fluid, a using the finite element method as
volumetric mesh deformation in the fluid domain is required.
∂2 fus g ∂fus g
M  C  Kfus g  ffs g (17)
∂t2 ∂t
III. Solution Procedure
A. Fluid Dynamics Solver where [M], [C], [K], us , and fs denote the mass matrix, the damping
A fully coupled fluid–structure interaction approach needs solvers matrix, the stiffness matrix, the displacements, and the loads,
for both fluid and structural phases. A NASA production CFD respectively. The main capabilities of the solver include: 1) triangular,
code, Loci/CHEM, is used to solve the compressible fluid dynamics quadrilateral, tetrahedral, prismatic, or brick elements; 2) linear or
inside the solid rocket motor. The Loci/CHEM code is a modern high-order isoparametric elements; 3) small or large deformations;
multiphysics simulation solver that is capable of modeling 4) elastic or plastic stresses; 5) isotropic or anisotropic materials;
chemically reacting multiphase high- and low-speed flows. CHEM, 6) thin to thick shell/plate elements; 7) modal analysis and eigenvalue
which was developed at Mississippi State University, is written in the solutions; and 8) steady and dynamic analysis.

Fig. 3 Mesh deformation for Eulerian and Eulerian–Lagrangian approach.

Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS 5

To consider the large deformation of the inhibitor, the nonlinear

strain due to large deformations must be taken into account. The
nonlinear structural effect can shed light on the complex coupling of
acoustics with structural vibrations, which is not available in the
classical linear analysis. Typically, for the elastic solid, the linear
constitutive relationship is given by Hooke’s law [Eq. (6)]:

σ ij  ηui;j  uj;i   λδij uk;k (18)

where η and λ are the Lamé constants, and ui is the displacement

vector. A comma denotes a partial derivative with respect to the
following variable. To include the nonlinear geometrical
contribution, additional terms have to be added, such that

σ i;j  ηui;j  uj;i  uk;j uj;k   λδij uk;k  um;k um;k  (19)
Fig. 4 Illustration of the nonmatching interface between fluid mesh
To expand the preceding expression, for example, the strain (left) and structure mesh (right).
displacement for εx and εxy can be written as
 2  2  2 
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∂u 1 ∂u ∂v ∂w using a transformation matrix [G]:

εx     (20)
∂x 2 ∂x ∂x ∂x
fxa g  Gfxs g (23)
∂u ∂v ∂u ∂u ∂v ∂v ∂w ∂w Then, the requirement for conservation leads to a corresponding
εxy      (21)
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y matrix for the transformation of forces:

Similar expressions can be written for the other strain components. ffs gT fΔxs g  ffa gT fΔxa g  ffa gT GfΔxs g (24)
The nonlinear terms in the preceding expression are due to
geometrically large deformations. As such, the structural dynamics which leads to:
equation is no longer linear. In this study, the final nonlinear equation
is solved by Newton’s method in the FEM module, where the fΔfs gT  GT fΔfa g (25)
stiffness matrix is represented as
In this way, the global conservation of work can be satisfied
k  k0   kσ   kL  (22) regardless of the method that is used to obtain the transformation
matrix. In the current coupling procedure, Loci/CHEM provides
in which [ko ] is the linear small displacement stiffness matrix, [kσ ] is a traction vectors at face centers, which are integrated on the CFD
symmetric matrix dependent on the stress level, and [kL ] is known as surface mesh and then interpolated to nodal forces on an interface
the initial displacement matrix. [kL ] is also called the large mesh in the CoBi model through the preceding transformation.
displacement matrix, and it contains only terms that are linear and
quadratic in displacement, whereas [kσ ] is a function of the initial
stress. IV. Model Description
We now apply the tightly coupled fluid–structure interaction
C. Fluid–Structure Coupling and Data Exchange capabilities to simulate the flow and structural response inside the
The coupling of the structural dynamics solver, CoBi, with the SRM with flexible inhibitors separating the propellant sections. The
fluid dynamics solver, Loci/CHEM, is accomplished through the computational model is an SRM at 80 s after ignition as shown in
boundary conditions across the solid–fluid interface. The boundary Fig. 5. The model is comprised of a propellant grain surface, solid
conditions require the continuity of interface displacement and walls, and exit boundaries. All geometrical models, boundary
velocity and the continuity of normal and tangential forces, as stated conditions, and initial conditions are based on the work of Davis et al.
in Eqs. (8–11). Because each solver (structural and fluid) employs an [16] of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC).
iterative method within each time step, coupling across the interface
is carried out at the inner iteration level to ensure strong coupling. A. Fluid Dynamics Mesh
Within each physical time step, the flow solution and the structural An initial unstructured hybrid prism/pyramid/tet/hex computa-
solution are repeatedly advanced by several iterations followed by an tional mesh composed of 62.5 million cells was generated for this
update of the aerodynamic forces and mesh deformations. This application. The solid rocket motor was meshed using 1 in. surface
procedure is repeated until the flow and displacements are converged spacing for the grain and walls. Finer spacing was used at the
before proceeding to the next physical time step. This modular inhibitors, and coarse spacing was used downstream of the throat. An
treatment allows one to apply well-established and optimized illustration of a cross-sectional cut through the computational mesh is
methods for the both flow and the structure solution, respectively. given in Fig. 5.
In practical applications, the CFD model may use a much finer
discretization than does the computational structural dynamics
(CSD) model. As a result, the mesh used for discretization of the
structural mode shapes does not coincide with the fluid mesh as
shown in Fig. 4. In our current study, aerodynamic loads are obtained
on the body-fitted flow mesh and are projected onto the structural
mesh. Deformations obtained on the structural mesh must then be
transferred to the fluid mesh. Both transformations have to satisfy the
requirements of conservation of work and energy.
The principle of virtual work is employed to ensure conservation. Fig. 5 Geometry for reusable SRM problem: illustration of propellant
For a linear transformation, let the displacements fxa g of the fluid grain surface, solid wall, and exit boundaries (top); and cross-sectional
mesh be expressed in terms of the structural mesh displacements fxs g cut of 3-D mesh (bottom).
6 Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS
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Fig. 6 Refined mesh with packed cells near the vortex path for three inhibitors.

To better capture and preserve vortices shed from the inhibitors, a simulated. The smallest remaining structures and the turbulence
finer mesh was also generated where cells were packed near the path energy contained within them are then modeled using a subgrid-scale
of the vortex street from the inhibitors as shown in Fig. 6. The new model. This technique allows a more appropriate representation of
mesh keeps the same spacing on the grain and solid wall surfaces with the unsteady turbulent fluctuations than RANS alone, and it is
a total cell count of 80 million. This new and finer mesh is used for computationally feasible for the present unsteady flow with vortex
this study. shedding and breakdown. For the structural solution, only the
inhibitors are taken as elastic bodies, whereas all other parts including
B. Fluid Dynamics Solver Settings the casing and nozzle are assumed to be rigid.
For the Loci/CHEM flow solution, second-order spatial and A single-phase equivalent gas model is used as the chemistry
temporal accuracy is employed, with the second-order upwind model for the SRM gas [16]. An adiabatic, no-slip boundary
inviscid flux and Venkatakrishnan limiter. A time step of 0.0001 s is condition is employed for all solid walls, and a supersonic outflow
used with eight Newton iterations per time step and urelax  0.4. condition is employed at the exit. On the propellant grain surfaces,
This time step is selected so that there are at least 500 time steps per gas at 3996 K is injected in the normal direction into the fluid domain
oscillation cycle for the first acoustic mode (15 Hz). Based on our with a mass flux determined from the steady burn-rate formula of
experience, the time step is small enough to accurately simulate this
transient flow. Sutherland’s law is applied to the laminar transport _ 0 0  ρs aPn
m (26)
model, and Menter’s SST turbulence model with multiscale LES is
employed. Because direct numerical simulation calculations are Here, ρs is propellant density, a is the burning rate constant, and n is
impractical for complex flows and RANS calculations are not strictly constant.
applicable to unsteady flows, the technique of combining traditional
RANS with LES (hybrid RANS/LES) offers an affordable C. Structural Dynamics Mesh
alternative. With hybrid RAN/LES, only the largest turbulent eddy The computational meshes for the finite element solution on the
structures that can be adequately resolved on a given mesh are three flexible inhibitors are shown in Fig. 7. All three inhibitor

Fig. 7 Geometry for SRM with close-up on flexible inhibitors to highlight the portion of each inhibitor that is fixed.
Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS 7

Fig. 8 Initial transient CFD solution for SRM with rigid inhibitors: instantaneous Mach number field (top), instantaneous vorticity field (middle), and
instantaneous pressure field (bottom).
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surface area that is capable of deforming, and the third inhibitor has the
smallest. The inhibitors are made of an asbestos-silica-filled nitrile
butadiene rubber, which is a hyperelastic material and necessitates the
use of a nonlinear material model. However, we could not find
references that provide reliable data for the nonlinear model. Instead, a
linear elasticity model is used for the solid material, with elastic
modulus E  1.8 × 108 Pa [6,7,9], Poisson’s ratio ν  0.49998, and
density ρ  1000 kg∕m3. Nonlinear large geometrical deformations
are permitted. During the initial testing, it was found that the preceding
Young’s modulus gives excessive deformation of the inhibitor, making
Fig. 9 Bending of a circular plate under uniform pressure.
a converged solution impossible. It was decided to use a larger values
of E  1.4 × 109 Pa and ρ  7800 kg∕m3 . Because both Young’s
meshes are composed of 80 cells in the circumferential direction and modulus and density are increased at the same ratio, this will ensure the
one cell in the axial direction, with 14, 10, and 7 cells in the radial same modal frequency of the inhibitors. For the structural solver, a
direction for the first, second, and third inhibitor, respectively. second-order-accurate temporal scheme of Newmark is used along
Because the inhibitor is very thin, the problem is solved using the with a time step the same as that in the CFD solver of 0.0001 s for all
shell element formulation. The preceding discretization yields 1120, simulations.
800, and 560 shell elements for the first, second, and third inhibitor,
respectively. Unlike the fluid mesh, where the smallest vortex could
dominate the fluid physics such as in turbulent flow, in structural V. Results
dynamics, the first few modal deformations dominate the structural In this section, results for coupled fluid–structure interaction in the
response. Because of this property, it is possible to use a much coarser SRM are presented. Results for decoupled solutions are presented
mesh for the structural solution. The results of the modal analysis are and discussed first, followed by those for coupled fluid–structure
presented in Sec. V. interaction simulations.

D. Structural Dynamics Setting A. Fluid Solution with Rigid Inhibitor

As can be seen in Fig. 7, the bounding surfaces on all three inhibitors In preparation for the fully coupled fluid–structure interaction
are fixed as zero displacement. The first inhibitor thus has the largest simulation, we first perform fluid-only simulations with rigid

Fig. 10 Verification model for circular plate under uniform pressure.

8 Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS

d2 1 d d2 1 d P
∇4 w    w (27)
dr2 r dr dr2 r dr D

where w is the deflection of the plate, and D is the bending rigidity of

the plate:

D (28)
121 − ν2 

The parameters t and ν are the thickness and Poisson’s ratio of the
plate material, respectively. With a clamped edge boundary,

w  0;  0; at r  R (29)

one can find the analytical solution in the form of

Fig. 11 Comparison between the analytical solution and present FEM
solution from CoBi.   2 2
PR4 r
wr  1− (30)
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64D a
structures to allow the flow inside the solid rocket motor to develop to The verification model has the similar geometrical and mesh sizes
a nearly fully developed state. The problem can be very stiff in the as the first inhibitor as shown in Fig. 10. The computed plate
beginning, and so we employ first-order schemes to establish the deflection from the CoBi shell element solution is compared with the
initial flowfield. A representative instantaneous flowfield from an preceding analytical solution in Fig. 11. The average difference
initial run is shown in Fig. 8. The instantaneous Mach number, between the two solutions is less than 0.005.
vorticity, and pressure fields are displayed at the top, middle, and To find the natural frequency of the preceding circular plate, the
bottom of the figure, respectively. As one can see from the Mach governing equation can be written as
number contours, the flow is almost fully developed. The initial flow
inside the SRM is clearly vortex-dominated with heavy vortex
m ∂2 w
shedding present at all of the rigid inhibitors, which locally produce ∇4 w  0 (31)
lower pressures due to the vortices as observed just downstream of the D ∂t2
first inhibitor. There is also a clear net pressure gradient axially
toward the nozzle exit, which will ultimately act to bend the inhibitors where m is the plate mass per unit area. The eigenvalue solution of the
in that direction during the coupled fluid–structure interaction (FSI) preceding equation is in the form of Bessel functions:
J 0 γRI 1 γR  J1 γRI 0 γR  0 (32)
B. Structural Solution Without Fluid Forcing
The first few natural frequencies are
The current CFD solver Loci/CHEM has been used at NASA
MSFC for many years, and it has been validated and verified for many r
k D
different applications. On the other hand, the current structural solver, ω1  n2 ; k  10.22; k2  21.26; k3  34.88; k4  39.77
CoBi, is not particularly well known. To instill some confidence in R m 1
the structural solver, we will first present two verification cases (33)
relevant to the inhibitor: the bending of a circular plate and the first
four natural frequencies of the circular plate, as shown in Fig. 9. In Figure 12 and Table 2 show the first four mode shapes and the
these two cases, analytical solutions are known and available. associated frequencies. The analytical solutions for the first four
The governing equation for the linear bending of the circular plate modes are compared with the present prediction. Excellent
under a uniform pressure force P is [17] agreements are observed for several different modes. The results

Fig. 12 Bending modes of circular plate.

Table 2 Modal frequency comparison to NASTRAN

Frequency Error, %
Modes Analytical, Hz NASTRAN (shell) CoBi (shell) NASTRAN (shell) CoBi (shell)
First mode (fundamental) 1.867 1.888 1.866 −0.13 0.033
Second mode (one nodal diameter) 3.883 3.928 3.866 −0.17 −0.07
Third mode (two nodal diameters) 6.371 6.435 6.374 −0.46 −0.053
Fourth mode (one nodal circle) 7.264 7.347 7.272 −0.26 −0.128
Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS 9
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Fig. 13 Structural modes for first two SRM inhibitors computed using CoBi modal analysis.

Fig. 14 Schematic showing iterative workflow of the tightly coupled fluid–structure interaction process.

from NASTRAN are also shown in the figure. One can see that CoBi
provides superior accuracy.
With the preceding successful verification study, a modal analysis
was performed on the first 40 structural modes of the three inhibitors.
The computed mode shapes for all three inhibitors are shown in
Fig. 13. As one can see, the first inhibitor has the largest area exposed to
the fluid and hence has the lowest natural frequency of 7.62 Hz. This
mode is axisymmetric. The mode numbers 2 and 3 are a pair and have
the same frequency with a mode shape rotated by 90 deg to the axial
direction. The second bending mode of the first inhibitor is mode
number 37 and has a frequency of 45.2 Hz. The first bending frequency
for the second inhibitor is 30.55 Hz, and the first bending mode of the
third inhibitor is beyond the first 40 modes of the present analysis.

C. Coupling and Iteration Process

A schematic is shown in Fig. 14 to illustrate the iterative workflow Fig. 15 Normalized residual drops of fluid and structural solvers during
of the tightly coupled fluid–structure interaction process. The a typical time step.
10 Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS

flowfield is restarted from the previous first-order solution (but on the surface deformation. With this new deformation, the fluid field
changed to second-order in both time and space), and the structural is solved to obtain a new traction vector. This force is then fed to the
solution is started with no deformation and zero velocity initial structural solver again and so on. The fluid and structure are solved in
conditions. First, the structural solver receives the forces acting on the this tightly coupled manner at every subiteration within each time
structural boundary and then solves for the deformation. This step until convergence is reached in each solver. Typically, the
deformation is then mapped to fluid surface mesh. The moving mesh residual from the structural solver drops three orders of magnitude
deformation is activated to deform the volumetric fluid mesh based within six subiterations, as shown in Fig. 15.
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Fig. 16 Instantaneous vorticity field for tightly coupled FSI simulation of SRM with flexible inhibitors: from 0.1 s (top) to 0.6 s (bottom) in even 0.1 s

Fig. 17 Close-up view of first inhibitor, fluid mesh, and instantaneous vorticity field: from 0.1 s (top left) to 0.6 s (bottom right) in even 0.1 s increments.
Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS 11

D. Coupled Fluid–Structure Solution The large structural deformations are very clearly observed in the
Tightly coupled fluid–structural interaction simulations were close-up views of the first inhibitor along with the fluid mesh colored
carried out for the SRM application with flexible inhibitors until by vorticity presented in Fig. 17. The inhibitor tip can be seen
t  0.60 s. The instantaneously computed vorticity field on a slice deflecting up to about 20–30 deg in each direction in response to the
through the SRM, including the deforming solid surfaces, at six unsteady flow with large pressure gradients.
different time instances from 0.1 to 0.6 s in even 0.1 s increments, is To illustrate the three-dimensional nature of the unsteady vortical
shown in Fig. 16. Unsteady vortex shedding is clearly observed at flow, instantaneous isosurfaces of helicity at three different time
each of the flexible inhibitors, and the first inhibitor is undergoing instances (0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 s) are presented in Fig. 18. Here, the
very large deformations in response to the large pressure gradients helicity is defined as the dot product of velocity vector with vorticity
present within the solid rocket motor. vector. In response to the periodic unsteady vortex shedding,
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Fig. 18 Instantaneous helicity field for tightly coupled FSI simulation of SRM with flexible inhibitors: 0.05 s (top), 0.10 s (middle), and 0.15 s (bottom).

Fig. 19 Time history of inhibitor tip displacement showing first inhibitor shift from its own first modal frequency (7.5 Hz) to the SRM acoustic frequency
(15 Hz).

Fig. 20 Comparison of structural deformation at the peak tip displacement for the first inhibitor with its computed mode shape at 15.2 Hz.
12 Article in Advance / YANG, WEST, AND HARRIS

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Services (ESTS) Contract NNM05AB50C. Ram Ramachandran was
the Jacobs ESTS Task Lead, and Jeff West (MSFC Fluid Dynamics V. Babuska
Branch, ER42) was the NASA MSFC Task Monitor. Associate Editor

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