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Includes Secrets of Indian Thumb ‘Reading Richard Webster y; Mind, Spit f Palmiatry SECRETS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND Whether your interest itt palmiistry ix serinus ar just for fun, vou will find the information in this book exceptionally complete, entertaining, and easy to use. rer just the first chap- ter, you can begin reading palms right away. By the time you've finished this hook, you'll beable to advise others in a sensitive and caring manner, determine compatibility between couples, and help people decide what type. of career suits them best Professional palmint and teacher Richard Webster leads you step-by-step through the subject with clear explanations and sample scripts thar serve as a foundation for your read- ings. Under his expert guidance, you will be able to: * + Read palms with confidence and expertise + Assess a palo att a glance + Determine a person's prospects for money, travel, and children + Determine whether wo people are conspatible + Understand the meanings of the shape of the hand, length of [ingers, luop patterns, thunsh, mounts, and all the various lines in the palm + Locate the varions palin lines easily with 181 illustrations scower the secrets of Indian thumb reading Richard Webster (New Zealand) travels the world spesking aad conducting workships an metaphysical subjects. A guest om television's Hard Copy, he is the author of more than 3 Feng Shui for Love e- Renutnee, Aura Reading fer Reginners, Spint Guides and Angel Guertians, Numerulogy Magic, Soul Mates, and Success Secrets, il 1- ci $1495 US iii $22.05 CAN tl) Mi ii ii Llewellyn Worewide: St re, MN 55764.0383 girs MA pi lhemelyreet iN THE REIYE Jo ays aM Lou BE siPapuouTEosaL yFEy Kau wagon, rofea skeage sur sujed wo toeny adcnaap oq) auanag fpreaqnopim [as irq wantin sey z0F aM PaRpAY sured snowy Ayeconeczony, Keaugag aay aly Jo so0ey pasting aay Wikored Atte aay vopaoe SIQEN|CA © poe kapras aeM-ys219 2Up Top YsHitee aio onsey Anemusted yr fo 360ur om oxen pa r9pess yi Findranqawa ‘possoudre Ajduns pee Apeoys sae susp) sapear ays ox dppanp seeds Kaisuaqny Doacoy andueg sur dawauped Jou op yo wonrworard pros napaom y sesuingy q trend uosiaapai yg 30 3038 pure ss5npazd iN nes sc * asiemiogine damijosqe pte sree Amagquag a Team se Fagin sf Popee © ram ogg 2 31 ‘pamseamd ay pun asad PEE weil syoos soya [Je Lomps Ay puepurss tp rmieag Kyurenoe qn Corman adog aped “HD aL TatoRTend Zomgdey pure: pardon BOLE or se jam ey ctnisnuped jo 1a agp go JDistur polipapnousay ain mL Enya, BITTY, Saasiuged fo yoog ataydiaay ayy 40) aster FOREWORD | an NTRonuetion: | vt % ONTENT. GARTER ONS The Shape of the Hand | 1 CHLAPTER TWO Finger and Hand Combinations | 7 CHAPTER TH More Obsery: nson the Hand | 13 Carrie OR * Lincs on the Hand | 17 CULAPTER FIVE The Heart Line | 23 CHAPTER SIX ‘The Head Line | 29 CHAU Se The Life Line | 37 CHAPTER EIGHT The Destiny Line’ | 45 CHAPTER NINE Minor Lines | $3 Charen TEN CHAPTER ELEVEN Indian Thurab Reading | 73 CHAPTER TRELSE ‘The Fingers. | 79 x | communts CHARTER THIRTHEN The Mercury Finger | a> CHAPTER FOURTEDN The Apollo Finger | 95 CHAPTER FIrTH The Satur: er | 98 CHAPTER SATEEN The Jupiter Finger | 103 HALTER SEVENTEDS ‘The Mounts | 107 ‘CHAPTER riGHTRRY Pak Patterns | 115 CHAPTRA NINEENEN ‘The Quadrangle and Great THangle | 121 Cuavicer TWENTE Degrees of the Palm | 127 CLLAPTER TWENTT-ONF Other Factom in the Hand | 131 CHAPTER TWRETWG. Romance and Compatability | 139 (GHArTER TWENTY-THRGE Yalentsand Careers | 143 FOREWORD ‘PALMISTAY 1HASAEON an obsession of mine since Leas 3 young child. Tomuss have travelled well ener ia hundred thousand miles over the years ah my quest for information. | have spoken, with palmists ell around the world, and eared something Gem almost all af them. Hopefully. chey learned ftom esas well: 1 have dso learned a great dea! Som my ste devies. There is + seying that the teacher reaches what he most needs tp know, and that kay cer tainly been true in my ease, J have nenee than three handred books on palmistry in my Kesey xa uv | Fonewann and sill buy new hooks on the subject when ever they appear, in tha hope tha something new, Every now and again, Tae, Different cultures hive diferent ways af all learn ener predict ateidents andl gther disasters for their chenss shen they are going w advice uf this sore cast Some even teil people « die, Needless en ex: become a self: ‘how accarare the palmist was, lm Asia, palknisss reves tn Life fs mone: and frame their cvadings accordingly. It che ‘West, palmisery is heing used more and mare ery that proves assume thay your for huracter analysis, cower guidance. and healeh. Ti fier, Vhelieve thar dhe preanest break hroughs yet to conte with palmuistry ivalve, hi Wier, However, despite these « ences in appraach, th: istry ate the same everywhere, Although my twe books onthe subject are imendad for interested heinners, 1 approached cach ome dillerendl® both in what was or was aut included, and alsin che depth of material ineliled, For instance, in this buok E have included a chapter omthe degrees of thee hand. ‘Tis doer nor appear inthe second beak, noe neeause | kd moe think it was important; but because I consilered other topics 1s be more Velunble for che hegimser, Knowledge of the depwes af the hand is useful because a allows yu ta make assessment atia glance, even ‘when nut acnually rea damentals.of pala ‘he person's hands T have also included sample scripts im Book. This is because: not everynae has acces 4a aA Gaperience:l pals reader enable you to see exactly what a palm wouk! say when presented with a certain ine or mark oma person's hand. Although this intended to help people who-were just becom ing mterested in the subject. | have received) numerous lerters fom ingce advanced sta dénts who found che seripes helpful when stare ing to give cecisnes reading. Paimicory is prowing and developing tise, T have met many peaple 3 world who zn the subject. ‘There are palmistry in wduch yeu cam make vahtaite and original conmibutions. Health and earcer are we nciable ecumales: Ie-would be Thand to think of a sapic more health, and a pmeat deal of is ming on ined determining hewith of the hand. Researchers are scientifically proving things Gat palnises have known sbout for hundreds, even thou- sands, of years. One example is determing peo. pile’s peecspositons to difitnent illnesses. img the right careers thy poojile. Many peuple have no idea why searching didlerent agpects ll many a ine pralmy Another impurtunt area is in hey want todo with their lives, A st cam suguest careers chee will best nlze the pattiulor talents and snerests, 1 have included a chapter an careers iat this back, One aves of pariicular interest ro me is der matugdyphics. Thisis oreitaciked in: ‘on palisiry. | lowever, as it provides valuable insights ino che person's makeup tht cannes be learned in any ocher way, T consider it highly valuable, There o 4 cumiplete chapter ca der matoghyphies in this hock. Inisiry hab been a lifelong anvierese of ming, and Tar sui learning. f will never know everything shout palmistry as there is x0 much ‘toit, This exettes me, as [quickly lose interest in subiects which have litle depch to them This isnot the case with palmnistry, Thave sperm a seat deal of sim in tod felt that | had leamed most af what Indi palmisey hades ofr, A Sew years ago, 1 was fortunate envugh to spend a few days wi gued fiend af New Delhi. Samecr Upadhyay is nes only an old fiend and an excel lene host, he is alsa an exceptional palm reader, with a gentle, coring, and undensarling way wih hisehems, During may stay he kindly aight me his systenis of eating thurnbs. Many paliniats in India read only che chumbs, bur it ha one who would tellme abour ic Th don has never sppeared in Eng! and | am thrilled to be abie sn inciede it here Thumb reading is another arca where ong: Mme yp unl row al the time to do this mye Maybe you will have the ese and che inter si. tis an exciting prospect to shink that rou : le insighes that will kelp futuze generations of palmists, Thope this book enchuses ard inspies you Palmistry 4 wonderful, incredibly wsetis| tal, ent. You will deriv: cot rnotis satisfaction from helping people navigare their way Uhreuigh bie, Your popularisy wii sour, ancl countless people will benefic from your knowledge and expert: kee. also becomes ane of yours: istry is one of INTRODUCTION Many gudss on palmismy seem to have boon e111 of contfinanyg aie reader, ‘This ome is diffrent. ic is designed wo take you step by step through every aspect of palm read ing froma she basics 10 the ved rei, Wherever possible | have included a scripr thal cam he used when deseribine a particular fesrureon thehand. This enables you to make abou other people's hends within bouk The ssript 4g not intended to be memorized, bur te Tel nore in afew r wove what it palonsst ts Wuely say when A avn | axtkopUcHON contunted with « certain ling or marking on a palm, As something om ane part of the hand can contradict something shown else where. thes: scripls are meant tu be used ara guide only They set also intended w pve you some confidence ax pou start your study of this Laseinating subject Thaw hoe ingasested in pallsiawy fg alma, ling t ge overstulled chair inthe korary of henase fascinated wih ‘his tale abows palmicry, whist eating his wife's cake and waned Twag 3 ean wader aad ib was thee brary that intrigued me initially No one else had! met ante hen had a special suum devoted entirely 19 banks, and his backs were so differ ent. He had a huge seccion devoted co pabmisary and T lawed che nar sof the author: Des 5 Cheiro, and Beaham beralles. B’Arpentigns cm growing imerest, my neighbor ities. They were a childiess, maiikllcaged couple end obviously enjoyed my viet One Christmas they 8 eony of che sios edition of Captain Ty Anpentigny’s Th Snence of the Land, translated by Ed Heron. lien, ‘one of my most cherished posses Thave carried ain with my studies foe more than chirey years since then. Phave Bee ate ecough to lear from palmists an many parts of the work, and to ubseree ther intl vidual methods. 1c is fascinating that although Western palmlsey developed independency: from Indian and oriental palmistry all three Systems ageee om the Basie meanings. [have also worked a9 a professional palmust in several countries, anc given many hundreds of talks aad lecnaees on the subjece, fae still acenthur Slastic abour palmistry as | was ten, and hope seme. of th. rub off on co you as-sou read. Palmistry beyan in Sune Ape times Pic. funds et hush donde are frequently tained in cave drawings, indicating cheis special incerest in this parr of the body: he seen in che, Lace Phese paintings can aves in France and aur the remarkable Sentender Province Caves in Spain. In the innermost caves can be found walls covered with paintings of human hands, Similar pict fn Afticn, It is fase can ke found in caves ig to speculare on the purpose of chese paintings. According w Kathanne $1, auker ef scrip thar the world knows of, found among the venerable papyn of isa preseription for the compnsicion nf women’s face-painr, or “makesup’, and the second isa treatise on hand reading.” The ancient Vedic scriprures apparently can- tuned much information on palmer these were thousands of yearsold. KC, Sent am eminent ladon pslmise clsines the earllese wet ings on palmistry ware ancient Sansksit verses which huis both preserved and ate sil guanded feum che public eye. Cheino. ¢ famous palmiscar ‘Of the cennury, claimed ep have seen lscraph, ene Greeks were keen cradlers and Y Pusbubly spread there from India, wrowt on the subject im Ye Historia aminalien some 2500 years ago. Alexander she Great showed @ great interest in every form of furtuneteliing, including palmiscry, daeaied that Jurisentie wrste a book.on: ect for him, siry is alsa mentioned favorably in the Old Testament “oc andhe-ead, Wherefowe dedi my lord thas pursus after his servant? for whar have | dome? or what xl is ey any hand?” (2S “Fle sealcth np the hand of every man, Ghat sy know hit work’ (job 37 “Length of days is in her yeit a i hand reches wel Bchnkd, [have graven thee on cho paleny of “may hands; chy walls are continually before me” Asaish youd), Before the beth of Muiddésa in say we, the Jeading seers of the time gathered ar the roy! palace draw: extranhnary indi- Mara. They were ecstatic to find the mark of she wheel in Rud dha's hands and fers, anilica Ereainess. Pa for this special m : mth ct _ Physician, wile his famous Canon of Medi- al fations revesled in che clae, which included matevial on the mean: ings of the shape and competion of the nd. This book was trunslazed inter Latin century later and was largely responsible for the grear interest ing the cwelh and thirteenth cong fat Emme the number of boaks un palmsiscry mereased rapidly. Unfortunate! fast frame: a Dighy Rollin the Bauleian Library the easly fifteenth cen! palmisery in Bi ‘est complete manus long after this the invention of printing started a food of books on palmigery, ‘The Bist of hese was Die Kuast Ciromiantia by Johann Hartieh, Gypsies come antu the picture arnund this Gme, chough doubtless they hed heen practic: tng palsy lur cenruries before $: the Holy Roman E:nperor, enlisted their acd as spies. Ward of this san; suead and when Gyp sles armved at the gates of Pury i tear they were not alowed inside, However, the citizens of the clay, inteygued and eteited by chese Tomantic. strangess, rushed outside their farcunes told. The tradition of crescing a Gepey's palms with slver dates form this ome. The Church claimed the Cypses were in league with the she Gypsies explained ave a Gypsy’s hand with silver you Would be prowcred, Neediess to say-che silver was rowained by she Gyppies, Se | INTRonTCTION ge, a Carthusian prinr, helped fiepaldiiee palansiry I fis book, Chisomansis, wacone of the firsc up be writwa in a popular soele wich Germany in che six stories of dhe author's experiences. A hundred years later the warks.of De. Jolin Rothman, a Gorman physician, bocante very popular and Were translated into several Linguages, In Eng ki Richard Saunders wrowe a mamber of suc- cesaful books full of die predledons “A Special e like « Clube om the backside of the thomb: near the upward jorn, implies submersion vig. drowning i deep waters.” Two humdred ential Beures in the history of palmisery were Laver the pep: mos inf bur in France, ‘The fist of these way Stanislas TyArpentigny. When be retired from the army he lived close to a wealisy landowner wi eainemely interested in science, His wile was equally as absorbed in the eres. The landowner andihs wie held weekly partes un diferent days lor thei fiends. DY Arpentigny, intesestedin boch, che ars and scence, was reguleriy insited vo Toth parties, Lie wat fascinated 10 cbscover that the landewener’s scientific fends had fingers with formed joints, whilst the wifi’ aztatic linens possessed smmouth fingers Me began smadying she subject senasly and published his famous bok be Champion in a8, OY pemtigny wis net ineesed in the lines on the hand. concerning hinwelf with she shape and texture of the hand and the length ef [ingers. AL the came tine a port inca, Adolphe Dacbaroles, was learning the Cabela wath Eliphas ‘fp WB eres ve Fetes pucks hee et Seed was that Desbarolles look at palmisry w see dt he cuuld bony il up ia date. Desharnlles read every thing he could Hind asd soon begun sealing: palms ‘professionally Unlike D’Acpentiggty, Desharolles was capecially interested in the lines, and had no ‘pationce with people who-claimed the ivesun the ‘palm were creavei! by he opening and casing of the hand, “If anyane shale ell you char these lines and signs in the pelmhavebeen taved’by the movement: of the hil, by its opening and cle sg, ©2¢., andwer thom that thes markings ant found cen mes more dhsenet and numerous im the inandy of dale sariery women than in the busy workers, and ame also pecieutly plain and sawnely eloquent inthe hands of habes bet a few hours oid." Deskarniles! aim was ta wpdare che maditions of “a science as wk] as the swell” | Le did this axl teres debs Masa, which was publishedin 1960. The next development in palmisizy tes when William G. Renham published jclenifie Hana Keadhag ix eyou, Ele sy seed the work of hoth D'Arpensigny and Desberolles and taught thar interprecations could be made only alter an exami of both the shape and the lines on the hand Wiliam Benham used a logical approuch and 3 rould believed? that people with no i soll make oucellent pelm readers. palmistey for poychologicn! evs is a product of the rwentiech century, st major works on this subject was Julius Laterest ies ase ‘Tae: Spier's The iismesof Children, which appeared Se tes ih on ieediodinn be Cid kine This wasquickly IbBowed by works by Noel Jaquin, Charlane Walfi, and—sn the last ten years Andrew Haherbere, Since Work] War Ul sesearch on paler pat temshas been going om at the Kennedy-Galtan, Centre sear Hondin, and scientists ae now ‘beginning so! cunfirm that health factors can ine determined in the hand. The current research into dermatopiyphies (dhe suady at skin pate terns) has che potential 10 be the most exciting development yer in the history of palsy Although polmisry dates Som Stone Ave tirpes. tts greatert period is just beginning The facure of palmiscry is assured naw that selen- sts are proving its wakidity, CHAPTER ONE The Shape of the Hand Paes GUME IN. nwo categorine squire and shlong, When leaking at bat remove the figgers and thumb and sce palm is square or oblong in shape.’ first clue about the person's chavaceen Leak at both hands. If your volunteer is sighthanded this ts he Jun of everyelay Bit, while the le& hand indicaccs the person's imagination and inherited capabilities. 4 loft Rand te the hand of everyday Hie, and the right represents the imagination, lnifications. You 1 ene with a square nd chat Beas a decided bolge om the Hire finger side. This ss Stil a square shaped hand ter our purpose and we vall cover the meaning af the bulge ter va. You mag hive read ether classificarion sys tems in the past. the clissic system divides hands inco clementary (erp praceeal, psychi, philnsephi comic. ‘This system ‘is fine when fe was fiese increxiuced in che lace SSghteenth century by a famous French pakmnist called DY Arpeniimny, as peuple were classified more satily A peasint, for instance; woukd See an clementery lind. while 3 wealthy noblewan eight have beauotully shaped wit hand. Nowadays, few people wark in che fields ond our hands have changed to select shis, niaking the okd system almast obsolete, | ay find son was taughe thn syscem asa child and aill some Humts classify palmat conic or philosophical, for instance, if i though, | simp! Ie may be hi is wary true Go ype. Usually loak fir square of ablang, ful tb include brief deserip- ‘Sony of 'Arpentigny’s hardy as cxecy now aed again you will fad someone with hands ‘hat Fit perfectly inne hie systen ) Je. Elementary hund Elementary Hand ‘The clammentary fhund (1c) has a sotnewhatonade Appearance. Ie it aquare in shape wu shore stubby. rather cupcles fingers, Theskin will be course and possibly hairy: There will be few tines | en the palm, in sorte cases only three. People with cleanentary hands have few innerests and ean be very subhorm They find iv hand 10 express themiselvas in words. sa can oceastynally become olen wien itusmaced. As kang as these bani needs are being met they vale lie exemly as ic comes. suring na thought Sr | tomar a | THe STAs OF THR BAND Square Hand if che fnaned is square shaped (Vai, we mighz say “You are a dowaco-earth, capable, prardeal person, You have a preacdeal af cneney and stamina and need tobe kept husy. You keep your feet on the ground and like tw soe tangible ev dence of something, rather than leap- inv 16 condusions. Yeu agond warkes, ale to work hard and long: when necessary.” Oblong Hand If the hand is gblong shaped (1b). we say big “You are inclined 1p be a bit of a rcamet at times ‘Vou have an imepi- native approach co everything you do, and itis important that your work has a gon deal of variesy auached re il Otherwise yoo aze inclined ty float away and live in your inaaginacion. You come uj wich tentlinns ies, but eet ting starsedd i sometimes difficuis.” Naturally yaw are gurigto seg hands where ‘you are nyt sare they sre really square OF per haps a title Bie oblnng. Ie ie Rat possible te divide all of humanicy ita owo dissing: groups 1b, Oblong-sbaped hand inv this and consequently many peuple wil fs chal do not conveniently fit inte 4 | menor onnigaen ‘ \ ! V Pf) e te. Conic hand Practical Hand ‘Nexcup foes the elementary hand is the prac: teal hand (1d). ‘This alto has a square-shaped pale. bot with longer bemer shaped fingers than the elememiiry band. ‘The skin is less anything hence the nance “practical, | Conic Hand The comic hind (le) hae a graceful, curved appearance, The palm 1s more obleag Cian square, and the fingers are. usually fuiriy Inag with rounded nips. ‘Ihe pala will teed Ueshy ive. acsthete, vinuilice a besa liful werld where everything ts perfect. ‘They distike vulgar language ov'cruely ef any sort lnifications. You 1 ene with a square nd chat Beas a decided bolge om the Hire finger side. This ss Stil a square shaped hand ter our purpose and we vall cover the meaning af the bulge ter va. You mag hive read ether classificarion sys tems in the past. the clissic system divides hands inco clementary (erp praceeal, psychi, philnsephi comic. ‘This system ‘is fine when fe was fiese increxiuced in che lace SSghteenth century by a famous French pakmnist called DY Arpeniimny, as peuple were classified more satily A peasint, for instance; woukd See an clementery lind. while 3 wealthy noblewan eight have beauotully shaped wit hand. Nowadays, few people wark in che fields ond our hands have changed to select shis, niaking the okd system almast obsolete, | ay find son was taughe thn syscem asa child and aill some Humts classify palmat conic or philosophical, for instance, if i though, | simp! Ie may be hi is wary true Go ype. Usually loak fir square of ablang, ful tb include brief deserip- ‘Sony of 'Arpentigny’s hardy as cxecy now aed again you will fad someone with hands ‘hat Fit perfectly inne hie systen ) Je. Elementary hund Elementary Hand ‘The clammentary fhund (1c) has a sotnewhatonade Appearance. Ie it aquare in shape wu shore stubby. rather cupcles fingers, Theskin will be course and possibly hairy: There will be few tines | en the palm, in sorte cases only three. People with cleanentary hands have few innerests and ean be very subhorm They find iv hand 10 express themiselvas in words. sa can oceastynally become olen wien itusmaced. As kang as these bani needs are being met they vale lie exemly as ic comes. suring na thought Sr | tomar Psychic Hand ‘Thisis the shape that arcists love, ‘The hind and Bngers are long, slendes, and graceful. People With this type af hand are adealistie, intuitive, ancl apractical. They spend much of their Sime ina fantusy world rather chan Seeing the realitcsof fe, Pryelale hands (1) are tisund fre: queniy in India and the Far Fas, burseldom in the West, Philosophical Hand “The philosophical hind ig) te usually square in Shape, The lon finge's have very obvious joints: These peuple like wo analyze everything. You can Sse an analogy of thougues carningin froma the Spt of the fingers, eeaching the firs: joue and Saving cv around and armed botore moving eo to che second joint where the pencess is sepeatech Asa cesuly, the doughy is well ana Fyzcd by the time it reaches the palm. 24 Philosophical hand ‘THE SHAPE OF Ti TANTS i ih. Mixed hand Mixed Hand You will find many people ft pertiety inva DAnpencigny'ssystem. He classified everyone why di] not as having mixed hands (1h), For tunately, the system we have hegun with the square-and oblong shaped palms can conve niently classify everyone. ‘The shape of the palny is only half of the system, though. To complete the classification wi onto the fingers, reil Lo asive. CHAPTER TWO Hand and Finger Combinations APTOE Leremuxucc re the palin is square or oblong, we [nuk al the fingers te see if they are short or long. Thi when yeu ate just begin ‘tiee will erable: you ve assess the ata glance. the way along che palm. Li y arc excoptions assonie peuale have extremely exible hands whilst othersare ve semieone with an exereny have long fingers that reach only halfway & | Wasp AND FINGER coMmmamioNs 24, Lang fingers (Oy \ PB , \ \ NU ee % 2h, Short fingers along as the palanitsell is very long. Wil expe- ence you) will be able to look et someone's ‘palin and instantly know if the Gangece are ly ‘of shore, ‘fhe problem eomes when § and Bind s hand with fingers chat ie ane, scam to bencithe: losanior sheet, Factienarels we can cover that mation as well, Long Fingers the fingers are long (2a) che person pays attention ro detail and we cam say “You enjoy work thal has a hot tau You are patient and enjeg all rhe fidaty yon like che details of things. Wharcver work you dy hasta be ve fewolving, 1 it is tea simple you weld lose insorest very quick” | Shore Fingers Someone sich shore fingers opposite. Lie wall be more henad strokes eather than the de: not have much patience, We cunul person: ¥ busy, Shmetimes vou may start something new befor you've finished the offen he sevewal things om the go alla pe ill astlask, There can the seme time. You tend 1 want every- thing Fight new, so patience tens your Strom Suit, Your irapulsivences is ound ro have gut you inte erouble at times in the past. Tn some ways you are ajackoball Medium-Lenpth Fingers Niturally, someone with fingors that are nek- Jong ner short will fall into a middle cate- gery (2c). Wemigt “AR times you can be very pation. Av other (nawes, however, yuu are inclined ro jump first band think afierwards. it shi really Sererests yuu, you want to ger right dawn to Dotto ef it and workit all ove fle is only Passing interest. you are more ir im ower the surface and not learn ici swoeh says We new have four possibilities 10 Ipok ati square herds with shurt fingers, square hands th long fingers, ablong hands with short fin- J ublung hénds with long fingers, Thiy uied is Chinese 5 ficty Fred Getiings’ murmenial book, The Book of the Mant. The Sypes are named aller the Four elements and water 4é-relale very well a the dexerprians ol fhe fire. carth, air aan (a lite sign). For instance, would ave afire hand. You cam lind peaple with all lypes of hand i: every sign of the zodiac Ze, Medlunlength fingers Fire Hands Fireishor, enerpising end eanstandy moving inca provide gentle heat, trat can also burn. Comsequen: ecds careful handling. A fire hand ts ohlang with shurt fingers (2d). Sen gyne with a hand like this i likely to be emo- tional, enthusiastic, and cescive. The short Fingers give a dithke fer detail. and the lang palm adds inewition. For somermie with a hand like his we mighe say: “You have a great mind. full ef won: erful ddcas chav po goa very excited about. These enthusiasms may noe lest for long. ni they ace extzemely iznpar- tant to you erthe time. Your emation con be abil hard co handle on ecrasian, bur they do cnalsle you to eaperieace ya | Han awn a 2d, Fire hands rr A | everything to che fullest. making th most of what bit has 1 offer. Derails are new your aerong pains, and you tend zo prefer the overall picture te the ly bits, You are Likely te be creative in some snreof way and need to be busy te be happy.” Barth Hands Eerhis the dry solid’ part of ourplanet Every: thing, thar happens en | -wnararal rithms of - germination, growth; ieath, and decay Lurth is umeless, and expresses stability: Teele its surface, however, all sores ef changes are constantly uccurring. ‘Vhs can lead to eurtagikes md. ather upheavals The earth hand is much like the practical hand, deconsists of a square palm and shost fingers (Ze). People with ihistype of hand are seliahle, down-to-earth, and practical. They enjoy reperitive work and are youd wath theiz harels, They exgoy rhythm. They 0 five, eserved, and possessive. However, like Marth tise, they cum abo revel wioletilly i they: deem il necessary. WE might say co somenne with earch hands: se “You ard a good hand whrier. tou enjuy physical challenges, and yaun ds can think for chemselves, You san be stubbor imes, and it woul be impossible 1u move you ance your mind made up, You enjoy rhythis good with dhe details. unlevs you are king somnet You pophably pre fer working our of danrs, doing some- fring practioal. You are rebuble. honest, and samewhat reserved” Air Hands Air iswsseattal for bile, We take it for granted | anal seldom navies ip excepe on windy days, Air ion, as i car és ils esvemial for commmant | ries sound waves. Creatures of the winysuch as ‘birds and fying inscers, ane fase moving and - active. The air hams] cumsisty of a squaze palm “end long fingers (2h) Thosopeaplecendio use 3€ Als hands “iegic snore than their quick-wittad ars express the “ They enjoy communicating, and often make " careersin these fields. The strong emphasis on loge meansthat these people tend tw clstrust _eniotions—both their ewn and other people's. “We could say something alung these lines co somenne with air hands “You are intetligons, learchinking, and discriminating. Relationships are important te vou, but you sometimes find logic getcing in she way of your fecknys. You axe reliable and like ta do things Iydical brain and can express yourself very well when you chuuse. You are = ‘Atimu lating companion avd iile is newer 2yy Water handy dull when you are around” petty You haves quick, ana 2 | HAND AND FINGER COMEEtArIUSS Water Hands Finally. waver, if you think about it, water is essentially sul Other furees hive toaci uponil te make it change, tt ie aisn shapcless—ir-sim- ply moves ‘to fill up whatewer shape is available The Moon besa strong influence on water, re ating the Gdes in our oceans, The saying, “Suill waters tun deep.” is very pertinem te the water hand, The water hand consits of an oblong palm with long fingers (2g). Iris some- times called the amuitive hand, as these people are excremely aware and recepéve. People with this cype of hand are chingeable, impression- able, and emesicinal They ane idealistic ane highly imaginative, You could sav to someone, with water hands “You have an eviremely nich immer hie, Your imoginanrd ut keen and you fanta+ size about ju about everything. You can be iluenved by others, a0 yon can be changeable in your ideas. Your inewition, ie strong, You are emotional If you ace keen on somecne, you lon: gjpendeng time in theircompany, but you also need time by yourself te reflec on matiers going. con inv pour owns lite, You are hh trelationship with sumeone to depend and rely upon.” CHAPTER THREE More Observations on the Hand Most range TINK palmistcy is smply amarer of seading the nes ‘an the hands. You already Jonge that is mot the case. Before we move on, no examine che fines, let's have a quick Ibokear the hand gevieralh ait Ove pers has = fire, earth, air, or warer band, w immediately givns wt.4 great deal of informa han, With just a quick sean of che hand increase our knowledge enormously. ra | MOsu QIUURNATIONS ON THE Hasn Fleshy and Padded Palms fint. look to see if the hand is Heshy or well padded, fr may almest seem spony touch in extreme cases, If the Uhe person will desire a lor of the lnzuries of iy Preaskkly imei ile 3 Uete pleas jes If the hond is che oppo- hard tothe touch, you will have is more ster and retner able w withstand the ups and downs af life, He or che will 5¢ able co stay away from differ: ent pleasures if other things ane mnie ampar- fant au the tise, Coarse or Refined Next, look te see if the hand is vane vr relined in appearance, Dy net be fooled by che call eseared ty hard phyweal labor. tr by perfectly possible for a manual laborer tu have zelined handls, A.cuarse hand is one in whieh che pases in the skin are very obvious. This often easier to set on the back @f the hand. People with wary enarss hands have largely tives, ‘They have a kim ited range of needs and wall be perlecely hapery at long as Chote ape being met, They will be indulge when the opporumity itsell, They will also be “thickened” People swith refined hands are more culsured cheir hume and work envi active as possible, will cercainiy ronments to be as. Hair While looking at che back of the hand, you canalso soe che amount oC hair presene, A srall amount of f desirable ona man’s hand heit de uppetttes that hawt tebe mettor the person te be happy. tes someone with large How the Hand Is Held you for fingers tugether (Su) ate Tikely tebe inteaspers tive, wary, ahd often lacking in confidence. People who display their hands with the fim (gets spreud apart (fb) are far mone confident and ourgeing. They will be much more self sayured chan the peuple whe hold thetr fingers together Some people starz out by holding their hands straight, But p belie your gare These pe have thelr flagers held toy fe: cqver their sinermost secrets their bande le will abvays andl the clos ing action indicat ‘The Four Quadrants The band is divided into Sour sections by swe maginary lines (3c). ‘The first one ransdawn the Sanurn (second) Ginger jendd onto the wei ‘This divides the palm into auter- a rected areas, seclusdes she shi nner. uuter area is che half that jb, and Tits relates tw our relates 10, “oar Inner-ditecied thoughrs and accons ‘The second imagina-y “Sumh, hallway herweench aad the startaf the wis: {14s a horizontal line “tunning across the palm. The half'thit includes athe fingers aclares wo acaviey, whilse che remain ona half i incre pasive, or receptive. ‘These. re lines divide the han 6 2 8 e & & Fa : eo Four “Qeadranis; the jctwe-guter, activednner, par save-ouncr, and passivesi the h sont is When you look auveheck co see if ane of chese divi! 2 subjective ching, really, One. quadrant m: appear meine prominent beesuse of che ditter “=m mounes (litrle humps) myide it. or vou may. st get am impression char one area is more paint dha Ue others, it abvays payé co your inmuitive feelings when reading ims. If ne one section appears mare domi ¢ thon she ubters: the person will hava aged to balance che dittesent aneus uf Le, ore promingnt than thy ethers This | ro | MORE OSPRVATIONS OW THE HAND Acnive osater Possive inner Passive outer 3¢, The four quadrants Active-quter Quadrant The-avtive-oute: quadrim: inclades she top section of the thuml, plus the fies finger snd julf of the second finger This azca deals wah the person's ambitigns and goss. If this anes is inant, the person wll pur a greai deal of thooght and effort into achieving success. du Passive-outer Quadrant Inuemediecely below dhis is the passive-ourer quaslrang, which bneludes the borwm by she thumb, plus the moum! below it (mount 4 IF of af Ver staring and sexaskty ‘oped. the person will postess @ prtat deal af pivsicalonengy and st sesual appetite. Uf thu weakest oF the lena qu not be as concerned with physicel activities, ané would) fied it ditfieult ( generate mach enthustasin for anything. area apes! rants, the person wil Active-inner Quadrant The acthe-inner quadtant includes the rine and line fingers as well as half of the second finger. If chis quadrant is dominans, she person nrerest in fearing amd the arts ring great worldly success. Passive-inner Quadrant Finally we come to the passivetnner quadsant, ‘This encompasias arsrea we will discuee liter £ Lama. This area deals with callodthe mount che creative sulransqous, aml if this ata is person will be wey aware of his Ieako relates 10 the imaginaiinn and : to be well developed ia the hynds af peuple engaged i coeaive pursuits, sich as artis, CHAPTER FOUR Lines on the Hand Amst we come to the pan that most people recognize as being "palmistey"—the reading of the Hes on the palm (4a), 2 will quickly dieenver thait no exo palms ware dike, ant] cows the night aiid [ett pales of the same person are Gillerent. Some people have ‘very dew lines ow tunic pales, subst atbaer peo: ple possess a nerwork of hundreds and hun deeds of fine tines, Most lines are caused by worry Conse quently. sumeone with just three lines on his or hor pain i¢ kkely io have an easier fe chan sormeone with hundreds. Heaever taken tothe 33 | VINES ON THE AND Relationship \-~ lines Inmition lines sia, The main Mines ‘extreme of just shine lines, this person's life ts Ekely te be very dull and unimeresting. As with everything in pulmstry, a bulance is required, | so-we look fora hand with a teasonable num. bec of clearly defined lines. Detects onthe Lines The guilty of dhe Iines shows the vitality af the particular axprct of the pessan'sise governed by each particular line. Ideally the lines should he clearly visble, reasonably deep, ax] without any defects on then, Theve area number of possi ble defects. A der or small spor is often foundan a linc, This is in obstacle that temporarily fmpecies progress, A series of dots indicates a recurring prvble: ares (4b) are postive in nature, and repre- sent protection. They often sureound beeabtin 4 litte, and this & 4 sign that the person is pra- cected and will ullimarely taumph over what- seer the clfficulry may be. Grilles beri is wlways a negative indication, It shows chat the persan does not see the situa. pon: asddearly as he or she would bke and eons sequently wastes lime and energy ‘This can be erremely frusteariag Oo teat He 4b, Squares and grilles aoe” poe ee 4c. Islands ao | Limes ON THR HAND ‘Crosses fecross on a line represents changes. ‘This cant he good orbad, The crass needs to be disunet and hot ervated by another Tine ewerlapping the fist, Islands Islands (4c) are the Jinte babbles or ovals inside veal svamered enemy They relate to uncertainty, [Fustration, and emu tional dilficultses. You will often find a number of islands rege: Aline, amd they her forming a braiding effect. “Triangles A triangle is Gund comparatively rarely and relates iy th shrewd and quick-thinking, Iv pays to have a set way of reading # palm ty ensure that nething wy missed, After assess- ing she shepe amd quality fingers, | move om co the leet. fr shows the perso ts head fine, hfe read tn this prdec; heart E 3 and destiny bne. Many Lines, sight hand te. Few Lines, ight hand CHAPTER FIVE The Heart Line ‘Te ReaRT Lass gnvems our emotiunel lives and shows how yt celate wa ot Meigs te inajor line nearest the fingers, running across the palm from che side of the hand under the liste, Hinges und uynally ending ti the area becween the first and second Eingers, ‘There are nwo main cypes of earl line: dhe cai heart lime and the mental heart line. 3 ay | THE MEA LIN sh, Mental beart line Physical Heart Line “Phe physical hears line (34) curves towne fe exid and finishes either on ot between che first nay fingers, Peele with [1 feast lanes are generally able to cxpress their teclings uell, Although they swier Geir share of ups and dewns, they pick themselves up quickly and get on-wilh their lives. ‘They ave likely to ox their Feelings in a physical, assertive amannen, Wie coubd say to samtune with shis rype of heart Iine= “As your heareline ends right up sunwler she Fingers, it shores have an open nature and can express ‘your innermost feelings. You are ware: and affeecionate, When things go wrong you manage ew pick yourself up quickly Mental Heart Line A mental heart line (5b) canes right across the: palm and does net curve at the endl Penge with mona hears lines find it hard to express their innermos: feelings. ‘They will suffer in slence rather than make a scene. They well have plensy of comuntic foctings, which gke preontence ave ind nerd hreaays evercorman sense, They are sensi plengy of space around deme Wen Vu have a heart line that eames ight across pour palm. This is known ava mantal heart line, and it makes i rather difficult fer you tv express your lmcemast feelings, Ifyou work at this se will eradually becnene easier for you You can be rather sensitive ac cimes and posuibly Soule things up a bie. You like pecple. bit definnely need abitor roum around you at the same cime.” As the hearr line overs: Lhe cmatiuns it is Gausual wy find one without Seve ups and downs at different cimes itt our rcs, The most wena] visible: sun of this is a ‘Series of islands ua the hreare line at the time difficuldes occurred! (30). These problems generally relationship ones, and conse: tly it is wery easy tg dowermine ff, for neonié had an ymbsppy marrage plowed by a hippy one, In this vase. the eur: er part of the person’s life (che rare nearest iis fingec) will how a mupitinude of slands, whilscthe resco the kine willbe clear Ending Positions the heart Ine finishes is exremely rant. Ideally, i should end between the and second lingers (3d) as this ives a bale Bee between the egy (eeprevented bby che first Beer) and the west of humanity People with sare realistic sbuur theiremotional lif, and ot have impossible expeelations, thé tine ends onor directly under the firse er (Se), the persan will be idealistic and cfets, atailad as | Sl, Heart Hae ending herween Jupiter and Saturn fingers + af, Heart line ending under Saturn finger | te thelr expectations, Tea Sg. Forked heart ine easih mr. Other people will seldom live wp ta Frequent dis appaincmentcs Af the heare line ends on or nger (51), the person is | be selfish and chink only of his or her oma eatifivation, ‘here will be a lick of emotional involvement. sameona wha has a complex emrionsl | nature, Hour she will lsu beluble 10 see both sides of a situation. ine ends with thee ee mace an indication of someone wha ig extremely es relationships, I: is often regarded as being iémal int all comamtic Sh. Heart line with many branches hacky” sign. but this is true only iF the person ‘y inside a strong, stable, nmumzally sappartive selavianship Special Marks The quality of the heart Ine provides infor. cmation abour the person's enjoyment of lif. “Tarally, it should be well marked. deep. and “dear, This is an indication of a-happy emu- soni fe uncl a ssrong hesre, Chains (Fi)-on the heart Hine reeeal emo- tonal tension—many ups and downs. Cranes dod breaks ate 4 sim of emodional Jose—che end of a relationship, possitily through death. An island shows a period of depression, * f \ \4 51. Chalned heart line 53. Doubled hearr line 2h | une ART EINE & $l, Lasting eelationship UD the heart line ls dowhled (5)), ft ls a sign ‘hat the person's lever will be extremely caring same part of the palm. We will Uiseuss com panibiliy later, The Girdle of Venus Very often, you will find ¢ fine line berween dhe Beart ne and the base of the fingers This as called the girdle of Venus (sk) and denotes extreme sensitivity. ft is found most frequently inwater hands. People witha gindie of ativity, A pindle of Venus that ss made-up of 2 umber of ines parallel ce each other creates an one xely sensitive, highly stnotional per- son why may ho unstable and newrocic Long Lasting Relationship ine parallel wo the very end (al). This denotes that the person will have # long4asting ola tionship thas {ssl dhere or her aldaye. ere is a fi heare CHAPTER SIX The Head Line Thin nuaw Line guverns the person's intellect and shows the quality af bis.or her ng ec different stages of life. ft site revenis how the persan will approach problems, and reveals much about his tr her attitude toward life. [tis suid that the langershe tine is, the mere iatelligent the person will he: The presence ofa Jong head kine, however, doey not necessarly tnean that the person will use ther ability. After all, none of us use: more than amere fraction of our mensal poccatial. We could learn a mew Fact every secund of our lives fom the mamem ef 30 | THE SAD LIND 6a, Imafinative head line Nn LL f 4 ob. Bractical head Line quendly most of usare making use uf justia few percent af our potential Suiriecne. with a shore | head line whe uses it will variably do much better in Lit that a ley thinker with along kne. seuse the lerygh of the bead line 10 estimate how detailed a person's thinking is. ‘The lunger the line, the more complex and berween dhe base of the thumb ad the fi ss pare ok she way across the polit In a flow instances it can completely mss the palm. {1 should be. defined, We; any. negative marks on ic. For inmance, any ne when the person way Urnking ina ninddled lear and w will not have islands or chains om this ine iuhcate 3 ‘sor of way and had an inabilicy w cunventrule, ‘The degre ope of Une line indicates the antount of imagination the person hes. If the line runs straight arsoss the palm, the per soa will be practical. but w slopes down towanl (he wrist che napinative. Tf it will be imaginiatwe, and this quality isereases with the degees of slope, Obyiaudly, it can some- cimes slope so far clown tharthe person can be ‘owt oF touch with reaiiry. You will Grid dese deeply sloping head lines mast tequs water hand ‘ he heart line, we can divide the on types: the imaginaeive ical head Line. The Imaginative Head Line \ "Use imaginative head Vive (48) has a decided | sand heads toward she verist. IL enels | cane oni called! the creative sub inthe part of the hand cconsclaas, paving the perro oreativity and a “good imagination. We might Say to somecnt cw this eype of head line: | you have a creative, inaginaty | approach co everything yor éo, Tels | important thet whatever wark you de ia absorbing 10 you, asamherwise yo | would guickly Boat away inca pour | qmaginaden. You swork best in acs: thevée sunmoundings, and appeecisse nice chings uround you. You have refined rasta” ‘The Practical Head Line [The och main aye of Revd line is the pract- cal one (éin. This line runs susight across the pai. As the name suggests this belongs 10 Seopis who have their Jeet firmly om the ad end bive very much in the present. We “You hae a practical. dewn-t-carth "approech tp everything you do. Yo do “poe take too-much on trust, preferring so work ings out for yourselt. You ke ta get down ta the botcam of whings and make up your awn fang.” ln | \ \S ‘be. Writer's fork have rive geod driends wha make thelr I ing as weriets, One wales popular romance nowlsard the other is amaparine journalst As you sight expect, the romance Writer ha: animoginatiee heed line, while the journals thas a-practical head line. ‘hey are both we suited for (heir Tespective Carress. ‘The Writer's Fork Every now and again you will find ks head hne téc). One bi goes up-to the ts ative subconscicus winlst the osher £0 ‘This combination seraight across che pabr. known aa the writer's fork, it means Chet t pervon basa vid imagieasion, end cam col fe. Head Line joined to-lite Une we start | intie asset qo a business pers up wich good ideas whlch he oF she can then snake real. Writers do this, of cvurse, but do all sonsof other peapie. lt would be a def for! justas it would be for a greative artist One my teachers at schoo! had 2 wonderful gift of creating exciting similes that made Iearaing much easier for the class. He had a very well- defined writer's fark an his hind. | Material Needs ‘Ahead line thar turns up at the endl oward the fingers mndicares svmteone with streng matertal needs (6d), A young yirl determined to find a wealthy husband would be bound 10 have dis fine, ag wouk! 4 busines persos who war bsessed with becoming 2 milionaire. Tn some inscences, the presence uf this line can be an asset, but Usually it destribay someone whto is deiven and dnes nat knew when wo stop Starting Positions Tf the: head line touches the tife Ene fea}, ii means the persun is cautious and alieks first. If the head fine is separited, bur still. close tote ble tine (62), in iy an indication of a-cusil dent person who bas heen a independent thinker since birch. The further away the head f the sant Jine stants from the life line (4g). the more ide: _6f. Head line starting separately from life line Pendent the pesien will be, if itsarisirom the _imounc af fopirer (the mound at dhe base of the whois extremely ambitious and will noc allow "anyone or anything sa ger in the way of his or Cher path te the top. if the head lina starts inside the life line (41), it isan indication of lack of confidence, probably due to family reasons iy “the early years of life. f the bead line arts emached wn the life line (#7) and remains joined some distance, it shows that the family ‘nduence was su strong thac the person was “potable (or wat nc willing) to make decisions con his or her cen. "fins Iinger) (éh), ic is an indicatien af someone oh, Head line starting la manat of Jupiter 6). Head line aveached to life Hue at start VAL TY \ \ UU Y | pe val i Set fF sl. Lang head line Length of the Head Line serie length head line runs aeross the palm and ends sumewhere under the cing finger is ¢ is an indleation of a A tong Read quickchinking, versatile person with many incerests (6!) te ead Ene cuns right across the palm fo the eppadice side (6m), @ shows (het the perun has enormous gawert ihe, Tn effncr, dhisline divules dhe palm in two, affeor ing che energy low. People with short head li sraightinrward, practical (hinkers. ‘They want tw gtet in and de che jos without wasting ewer mutt time. ‘They do not analyze chings to che Segvee their lorig head lined frends will $s (én) are Marks on the Head Line #8 leitgy eléaxy and well stlligence end good. loge eal chinking. 4 the line has an island oni ¢t shows a time When the person's chinking was confused pos- “Hbly caueed by problems arising hetweent whut the pron would like todo and what hear she he fine are a sagt of stress and and a time when che brain was so ‘én, Short bead Line Go, Break in the head line being used a¥it should This cauld be cncsed by depmssion. Is can also ofien be an indlcaror af severcheadaches, Smull perpendiular tines rose sng, the head Hine can also indicwte headaches, Avbreak in the head line f60)} shows a time when the brain was mur beloye used ‘This is uss. ally because che person was uncomscionus for a period, or pechaps was sufiering fom 2 head inpury Tf the: head line is faint and thin in. apprarance, the person will nor be putting any enengy into his rir het thought processes and will bea lazy thinker. If the line is also tong ie shows chat the perwon wil give the impression that he ot she Innaws mach snoe than be or she really does, ifthe head line Is faint and bread, it shaws the pensonis a duggsish Uuinker who willtake a longeime ta come up with ideas CHAPTER SEVE The Life Line ‘Tins tg THE ONE line chet everyone knows! | couldn't begin w estimate die number of times peaple have come vip te me and said, “My Juhnay's got e wery shar: lile fine, Does fe imean he'll die young?” Many children Sey Line lengthens as sible to tell wher someone will ike by looking at their life Inne. Several other factors ate also lovelved, Mareceron, ites ines cusable for amy slnist tu tell someone when they are going eo dis, ar their predhetion could. # Hr GET I 7b, Life line hugging the thumb become a selffulfling propheey When = aunt was Glieen a palm reader t ¢ceachad sixty-five diction and was not lee of a sense of I sha earned sixey-sis, Foenanately, she did not die at the aye she way wld she would, hat she experienced yeors of needless stress and ansicty despise many other psychics telling her the prediction was wrong, Why did the palmise cell her sha wold die at sixty five? Mis possible tat her hand did indicate death at siuty live when ste was liege, But the palaist ignored che facz that our hands are con changing, so what she choughe was definieeh oath at sislyfive was altered as my dune hands changed over the years. I never sell one when they are epinyt tu die, even if the date scoms obvious to sic, and Tange wou wd the same. After all, che hands can change and nullify your predicdon. Ashor life kine does nocindicate a short lif just asa longline does not guarentee a long life ‘You will find some people with all shree man ines (life, head_ and heart} shore “Whee life line is tne frst line thar is farnted ant she palm and appears by the tine the human | embryais eight weeks old. This line is quickly | followed by the heart Une od when the head linc. Tr is interesting to settect that these ines appear long before the baby is able ca make any shovements, oy cin nol be dismissed as boing merely “flere” lines caused by the bending of the hand as some anaes of patnaisery elaiea ‘Che be line's a nseature of a person's vice ig and fe. This a picture of the per- son's life forec and refloces che qualicy of fife. tt aise shows how much serength and energy the Were Ins icineles the m the eile of the pala finger and genng in a semicirele around che sound at the base of ‘the 1 ee che other lines ‘Tharti (7a). starts vib. heuld be clete and well marked. ddeally, is should come ax far across the palin as posible, ay the area enc eles yy chis time (che monat af Venus) indi and lacking in eneres Conversely, someone with a hit line that comes well aemes the palm have plomy of energy and will de nt and enthusiastic about lie. AWE could say to snerionme with a Mfe line that bugs the thumb: “At times vou do not have quite che energy vou would like lo Have, You feed to make sure to physical fitness and ye seall increase.” “This is S someone wil aeroxs che palm: consrast ro wharwe could say sa ha ile time that comes well one f _ Fe, Lite line coming well across the palm doing semeching yu anjay, you go on indefinitely. You enjoy doing physical seuvities, andl when you get tired, you deep at off very quickly at wake ceady ta Mart again” The Sister Line ‘Alo1 of peuple hare a fine line inside and paral- felis the life Hine (78), Thisis wenally found newr the start of the life line, butcan appear any- where, Some fortunate people have it all the | way through their lives, giving the ao THE LIFE Lisa Fe. Worry lines of having two file Tines, This line is called a sie ter Fine, as iris siscer to the life line, Ir protects the individual at the time indicated by the lale Ane. ‘This sneans that something that could really hurt ene person would noz be felt as severely by someone with a sister line om their | palm. Dknow a woman who survived a major | bus accidenr in which almost everyone else ied. She bas 4 very strong sister ine on her palm, Tins line is always 3 form 1g to find om s hand. If is iy Sound near the end ul the life line it indicates someone whe will be physically active in his or her old age. Worry Lines ‘The meund tha i encompassed by the life Tine is called the mount of Venus and we will ‘be covering it in more derail larer on. A large numiber of people have fine lines raat | fom the base of the thumb towand, and sometimes even erassing, che [ie ling “These fine lines are called wurry lines, You can rest axsured that pou wil find many Tands plenty of these! A person with wha appears co be hundreds of these fine lines will be someone whe worries abnur everything. 1 there-are just a few lines, these will inclicate the times when the person has something sn: ug to worry about, You will alsa find same people wich none of these Lines. These people never worry abuut anything bul you cin bet that their patiner will have hundreds oF lines! ¥ the lines crose che life Li it is an indication | person's health, lf thisiz in the person's furare twa cell chem about i, and ary and oneoerage | them ty learn meditation or selFhypnasis zo help them contro! worry, Breaks in the Life Line Breaks in the life line are usually sot gevioun, sommary 0 popular belie? A break indicates a ‘Majer change in the person's We at the time ¢ usualy a change in on is likely to aleor the way fhe or she louks at thiagp wt the time indicated. Generally che life line overlaps itself at these times, providing a sere of brief sister ling 14 ‘niake the change as smouth as posible: Some: fimes, chough, the change van be fairly dra: atc. ft could be a relationship breakup ar a Bash problem, fur instance. (tisallen possible, we derermine evacely whar the problems is by Joking 1 other parts of the hand. and we will Sear how tn symthesice this informarion liver. ime on the Life Line ener eaty onthe haed, ard a number methods have been devised to do chis. Iv the simples! way isto draw an imag: y ine down the palm fom the middie of Saturn (second) finger Where it reaches ifs tae is shows the age of shitty: live (7g Another method is wa messure the length of the life line, Where st reavhes the base of palm and turns te ge ancund the then ds Seardedl as being the age of sevency. Measure 7h Break an lifeline the Jengch nf the ine. fue where it begins to: this point. and you can work out time. fairly accurately, Fur instance, half of the length wii! give you the age of thirty-five. ta India [have seen palmists using a very similar spacer to this using, Ene. Some people have lite lines that go Tight around the thumb and finish only Seeruse she in patterns end. This b reyarded as masking our one hundred years, Remember though, that the presence of an extremely tong life line does nor necessarity indicate alung hie, al we can du by measusing the fife line is tn 1eeard perod of tine, Another mathod isto divide the laf line into three equal suetions feom where ie bogine 1 about the ae of severity. Bach section indicates nvenry eo eweney-five years (7) | THEUER LUNE thave haunt wry helpfd to wee the big kn to determine important events Som the pe: yon’s past. ‘This is usually am loose, uecident, » Hime when the person felt in danger of death By knowing when these events uccurred | ca then micasure Fanuc ting more accurately Cheire hada system of dividing che life anc destiny Umes date, seveneyear periods (71). Ir ‘Germany, many palmists dite events frum thi wrist up. This is due to che influence of Jub Spion, celebrated author of The Hunde af Chil drow (He was responsible ft est in palmis As you can see, itis diffigulbto date events accu rately on a pel Ever? measuring system, bas disidvantages and none ig 100 percent aecunite AO A 1 Tang's inter 4 Th. Three-section method of timing, Fi, Sesenyear method of tin Marks on the Life Line Like tha eher main Ives, she life line should ‘be well marked and clear. In practice few peo- ple have life lines like this, A square an the bile line can be positive in some situations, and che opposite in others. [isa pose witent @ symure furms te enclose a ‘breckiin the life linc (7). This: knowns ¢ pro- tective syware, and is an Indiescion that she per. son will have enous ecieng” and stamina oo ‘hanille the sicuation. Squases that cower the lift ‘nc, but are net enclosing breake (73), are an Adication of comfinecuen. This could mean lift iva dosed! emironmens, such as a monastery, Ir ‘i more likely te indicate prison 901 reed the palin of « young man be bait “several of thave squares on hit palm, T explained har they meant, Fortunately be took some ‘mote of my words and when T saw him again several tmvntha later the squarcs had shsap ‘gered. Because he had changed his way of de, ‘Bis fund had changed to select the new peeson. ‘sands on the life line are an indication of depression and posable hospitalization. | Acchtined life line a sign of many healt ms, usually of an emosionsl nacare. 7k. Square on the Hfeline

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