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SECTION A (15 Marks)

i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x


I ii iii iv v

SECTION B (70 Marks)

3. (i) Microlith
Refers to the tools which made by man in late stone age, the tools were small in size and
(ii) Legitimate trade
This was a commercial relation between Europeans and Africans soon after the abolition
of slave trade during the 19th century. This trading relation replaced slave trade in Africa
after the abolition of slave trade in East Africa. It was a trade where African raw materials
especially cash crops were exchange for European goods. Such as palm, rubber, cotton,
skin, cocoa and gum. These products were highly demanded in Europe as a result of the
industrial revolution.
(iii) Homo erectus
Refers to the upright man which existed at the end of old stone age period to the middle
stone age period. This creature was believed to be the one to invent fire during the middle
stone age.
(iv) Patriotism
Means the love of one's country or nation and willingness to defend it. History can promote
this love and willingness because it teaches how the past and present generations offered
their lives to build the nation and to defend it.
(v) Boer trek
This was an eastward migration of Dutch speaking settlers who travelled by wagons trains
from the cape colony into the interior of modern South Africa from 1836 onwards seeking
to live beyond the cape's British colonial administration.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
iii v ii i iv

(i) Limitations of Archaeology
- It consumes time because of the excavation
- It is expensive since it need high technology
- It cannot give out reasons for historical events such as war
(ii) In the history of mankind, it is important to study the evolution of man because
- It helps the learners to know the origin of man, since they learn different stages for the
evolution of man and the areas evolved.
- It helps the learners to know the technological development in man life , since they
learn about different technologies used by man like tools
- It helps to know how man was struggled against the environment in different situation
like drought.
(iii) African communities practiced agriculture and different types of interaction took place
just because the cultivators required various tools such as hand hoes, pangas/ bush knifes
and axes which produced by the Blacksmith. Therefore interaction between agriculturalist
and Blacksmith was an avoidable in pre – colonial Africa. Also, the food produced by the
cultivators was very important for the survival of pastoral societies, Blacksmith as well as
other members in the community.
(iv) The great Exodus in South Africa in the 19th was the migration of Boers families from the
cape to the interior of South Africa in order to escape from the British. The British were
blamed because of introducing black circuit court system, land regislation, abolishing slave
trade and slavery, the use of English as official language which were disliked by Boers
hence forcing them to leave the cape.
(v) Periplus of the Erthrean Sea and Ptolemys
Were the books written by early Greek and Roman traders who visited the coast of East
Africa these books show the economies of people who had settled on the coast of East
Africa by the 1st century CE. i.e agriculture, fishing and the making of dug-out canoes or
dhows. They also reveal the existence of international commercial contacts between the
East African coast, the middle East and the Mediterranean world.
6. (i)
(i) The skull which was discovered by Dr. (i) The skull of the man who could make
Louis Leakey at Olduvai in 1959. and use tools. His skull had the same shape
as that of modern man.
(i) Refer to a collection of public and (i) Are places or buildings in which
private records. historical objects are kept.
(ii) Document kept in the archives include (ii) Some of the items found in museums
letters, diaries, minutes of meetings, are painting, sculptress clothes and
legal documents tools.

(i) Refers to the period of human (i) Is the period in which man made and
development when man relied on the use use iron tools.
of stone tools. (ii) It was started 100AD in East Africa
(ii) It was lasted around 1,500,000BC to (iii) Tools made during this period were
around 500,000BC more advanced.
(iii) Tools made during this period were
simple, heavy and clued.

(i) Are those in which clan heritage is (i) Are those in which clan heritage is based
based on the father whereby the wife on the mother whereby the man moves to
moves to husband's family in the wife's family and the children belong to
exchange for bride wealth and the wife' s clan eg the Yao and Makonde.
children belong to the father eg
Sukuma and Chagga.

(i) Was the form of feudal relations which (i)was a form of feudal relations that was
developed between the Tutsi and Hutu common along the coast of East Africa in
of Rwanda ,Burundi and Buha in which which Wamwinyi who were the political and
feudal relations revolved around cattle religious leaders and prominent traders
ownership. controlled land which was a major means of

(a) The theory of Evolution
(b) Charles Darwin
(c) Homo habilis
(d) Olduvai Gorge
(e) Zinjantropus and Homo habilis.
(i) British introduced English language as the official medium of communication that led to
be spoken by all people including the Dutch
(ii) British abolished slave trade and slavery
(iii) They introduced the land legislation system
(iv) The British government introduced the Black Circuit Court System
(v) The British abolished the restriction of of internal trade that was imposed by Dutch
company officials.
(vi) British introduced the pass and contract system to reduce the exploitation of African
(i) Growth of towns and cities, eg Taghaza, Timbuktu, Gao, Kumbi saleh in West Africa,
Malindi, Mombasa, Bagamoyo, Zanzibar, Tabora and Ujiji in East Africa
(ii) Exposure of African to the external world
(iii) Intensification of agricultural production
(iv) Emergence of classes
(v) The decrease of man power
(vi) Over exploitation of African resources
(vii) Foundation of future economic development

SECTION C (10 Marks)

10. Introduction
A candidate to give out the relevant meaning and examples of Centralized states emerged in
Africa during pre-colonial Africa.
Main body
A candidate to give out the factors for state formation such sa
- Existence of good leadership
- Existence of strong army
- Development of iron technology
- Good geographical location
- Good climate and soil fertility
- The role of trading activities
- Religion.

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