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SECTION A (30 Marks)

1. Answers

List A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)
List B A B D B C D B B A B

2. For each of the items (i) - (x), write True if a statement is correct or False if a statement is not
correct in the spaces provided.
List A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)
List B F T T T T F F T F T

3. Answers
List A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
List B E A D H B


SECTION B (50 Marks)

5. (a) To Define the following terms

(i) Laboratory is a special room or building designed for doing Experiments
(ii) Biology is the branch of science which deals with living things
(iii) Botany is a branch of Biology which deals with plants
(b) To State the uses of each of the following laboratory apparati
(i) Microscope is used to magnify objects which are too small to be seen by the naked eyes.
E.g. viruses, bacteria, cells, etc.
(ii) Thermometer is used for measuring temperature.
(iii)Test tube used to hold chemicals and sometimes to heat substances over a short period of
(iv) Test tube holder is used to hold test tubes when they are being heated 2½x4=10

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6. To Study the structure of villus shown below and then to answer the questions that follow:
(a) Small Intestine called Ileum
(b) To Name the parts labeled with letter A, B and C
A – Epithelium
B – Lacteal
C – Blood Capillary

(c) To State three adaptations of the villus for the absorption of food in the alimentary canal.
(i) Fairly long which ensures that the time taken for food to pass through is long for
maximum absorption
(ii) The lining epithelium is very thin, so food is absorbed rapidly
(iii) Presence of villi increase the surface area for absorption
(iv) The inner lining of is folded to increase surface area for absorption also
(v) Dense network of blood capillaries and lymph vessels ensures smooth transportation of
food materials to the rest parts of the body
(vi) It has secretory glands which produce digestive enzymes
(vii) Mucus secreting cells (goblet cells) helps in lubrication

7. (a) Personal hygiene is the practice of keeping your body, belongings and environment clean in
order to maintain a good health
(b) To State four principles of personal hygiene.
(i) Bathing: Wash your body at least twice everyday
(ii) Wash your hands with soap and clean water after visiting the toilet and before and
after meals
(iii) Brush your teeth with toothbrush and toothpaste at least twice a day and after every
(iv) Always wear clean clothes
(v) Keep your nails short and clean
(vi) Wash your hair everyday or at least once a week for girls who plait
(vii) Change your beddings regularly
(viii) Keep the environments clean e.g. Bedroom, house, village, desk, classroom, school,
(ix) Keep your hair short and well trimmed
(x) Change your clothing frequently especially underwear
(xi) Exercise regularly and eat health food

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(xii) Cover your mouth and nose with a clean handkerchief or tissue when you sneeze,
cough or blow.
(c) To State four principles of good manner.
(i) Greet people politely
(ii) Respect yourself and others
(iii) Welcome visitors warmly. Introduce them to people they don’t know
(iv) Be helpful to other people whenever it is required
(v) Be punctual when meeting or visiting someone
(vi) Dress properly according to the occasion and social norms of your community
(vii) Cover your mouth when you sneeze, cough or yawn
(viii) Say “please” when requesting something and “thank you” when given something or
allowed to do something
(ix) Be responsible and hard working individual
(x) Obey established laws, rules and guidelines
(xi) During meal time
- Eat at a reasonable pace
- Chew with your mouth closed
- Use serving spoons to serve food, don’t use hands
- Serve yourself with a reasonable portion
- Wait until everyone has had a share before you start to eat
- Do not lean across the table to reach for food
- Avoid criticizing food prepared by other people
- Do not use bad language during meals
(xii) In a conversation
- Speak in a clear calm voice
- Do not shout or talk too softly
- Do not interrupt when other person is talking
- Do not use foul or bad language
- Listen carefully when another person is talking
- Don’t dominate the conversation
- Be respectful when you disagree with someone’s opinion

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8. (a) To Give two example of each of the following found in the human body.
S/n Tissue Organ System
(i) Connective tissue e.g. bones, Eyes, Skin, Nose, Kidney, Brain, Skeletal system
cartilage, fibrous and adipose Stomach Reproductive system
Digestive system,
(ii) Epithelial tissue Ears Nervous system
(iii) Blood tissue Heart Circulatory system
(iv) Nervous tissue Liver Excretory system
(v) Muscular tissue Lungs Respiratory syste

(b) Outline four characteristics of a cell.

(i) They are tiny microscopic units
(ii) They are composed by structures called organelles
(iii) All life processes occur in the cell
(iv) Cells multiply by cell division
(v) Cell occur in different types, sizes and shapes
(vi) They perform different functions in the bodies of higher organisms
(vii) They are only found in living organisms
(viii) Contain inherited information (DNA and RNA) which control their activities
(c) What will happen if chloroplast is removed from a plant cell? Briefly explain.
The plant will not manufacture its own food during photosynthesis and will lose is green
colour because Chloroplast has a green colour called Chlorophyll which absorb light
energy from the sun for photosynthesis.
Chloroplasts give a green colour of leaves and stems

9. (a) What do you understand by the following terms as used in Biology?

(i) Transportation of materials is the movement of organic and inorganic substances from
one part of the body to another in a living organism
(ii) Mass flow is the bulk transport of materials from one point to another as a result of
pressure difference between the two points eg. Within cells or along tubes or vessels
(b) Explain what would happen when a plant cell is immersed in hypertonic solution?
- Plant cell in hypertonic solution loses water by osmosis, it shrinks and becomes less rigid
and is said to be flaccid
- This process is called plasmolysis
- Plasmolysis is the shrinkage of the contents of the plant cell. This happens especially to
vacuole and cytoplasm.
- The cell membrane gets detached from the cell wall, the cell is said to be plasmolysed.

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(c) State one function of each of the following blood vessels:
(i) Pulmonary vein

Pulmonary veins supply oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart from the lungs

(ii) Pulmonary artery

The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs

SECTION C (20 Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

10. Elaborate three advantages and three (3) disadvantages of the members of Kingdom Monera.
Kingdom Monera contain all bacteria including Cyanobacteria which were formerly called Blue
green algae.
Advantages of Bacteria
(i) Used in fermentation: this is an anaerobic respiration whereby organic compounds are
broken down into useful substances e.g. yoghurt, cheese, vinegar, biogas and alcohol in
beer production industries.
(ii) Used in decomposition of waste materials e.g. sewage systems
(iii) For making antibiotics e.g. streptomycin from streptococcus bacteria
(iv) For digestion of cellulose material in ruminant animals
(v) Nitrogen fixation: Nitrogen fixing bacteria converts atmospheric nitrogen into a form
which can be used by it and other organisms e.g. Rhizobium bacteria in plants like beans
and groundnuts.
(vi) Genetic engineering e.g. production of insulin for diabetic using E. coli bacteria and human
growth hormone
(vii) Produce vitamins such as K and B12 in human gut

Disadvantages of Bacteria
(i) They cause diseases e.g. Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Syphilis and Cholera
(ii) Food spoilage: Bacteria spoil food especially those with high protein
(iii) Damage buried metal pipes eg. sulphur bacteria which produce sulphuric acid

11. “KEEP THE ENVIRONMENT CLEAN”. This slogan emphasizes on maintaining the
cleanliness of surroundings of the community through proper waste disposal. Write an essay on
the above slogan using the following guidelines:

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Meaning of waste
Waste is any unusable, unwanted or rejected material
Meaning of waste disposal
Waste disposal is the way of eliminating or removing or getting rid of wastes
Types of wastes
(i) Solid wastes:
 These are waste materials that contain little or no water
 Examples are household garbage, residual solids from industries, mining wastes,
waste metals, packaging material, etc
(ii) Liquid waste
 These are usually waste water that contains little solid material
 They contain a high concentration of dissolved solid material
 Examples are sewage water, used car oil, used liquid chemicals, waste water from
industries etc
(iii) Sludge:
 These are type of wastes between liquid and solid (semisolid)
 They usually contain little solids while the rest are water dissolved materials.
 Examples are mud, dirty oil, faeces, etc
(iv) Gaseous wastes
 These include Sulphur oxides, Carbon monoxide, Fluoride gas and Nitrogen
dioxide, Nitrogen monoxide, hydrocarbons, ammonia, from industries, car
exhaust, incinerators, homes, and bush fires, etc
Proper ways of disposing of waste
(i) Burying
 This is disposing wastes in holes in the ground or covering with earth e.g. pit
latrines, tipping, landfills, dumping sites, etc
(ii) Incineration
 This is the combustion or burning of wastes at high temperatures. It is usually
done in incinerators to burn hazardous wastes e.g. medical wastes, industrial
wastes, etc
(iii) Use of Sewage area
 A place where waste water is disposed and treated to make it harmless, e.g.
Wastes from pit latrines, chemical closet, water closet, bathrooms, etc

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(iv) Recycling
 This is using wastes to manufacture new products
Effects of poor waste disposal
(i) Outbreak of diseases and infections such as cholera, typhoid, trachoma, malaria, tetanus,
dysentery, bilharzias, etc
(ii) Causes pollution of land, air and water due to leakage and burning of some poisonous waste
(iii) Pollution is contamination of environment with harmful or poisonous substances
(iv) Can harm domestic and wild animals. Reduction or depletion of aquatic organisms e.g.
fishes, important microbes like nitrogen fixing bacteria, plants, animals, etc
(v) Unpleasant or bad smell
(vi) Unattractive environment’

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