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Al- Falah Secondary School

Form 4 EDPM Promotion Exam


 Answer all questions.

 Ensure your work is neat and legible.
 Where applicable, use appropriate software tools to complete the practical tasks.
 Save your work frequently.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (24 marks)

1. Which of the following is a primary function of a word processor?

a) Playing music
b) Creating documents
c) Browsing the internet
d) Sending emails

2. What does 'CPU' stand for in computing?

a) Central Processing Unit

b) Central Power Unit
c) Central Program Unit
d) Central Peripheral Unit

3. Which file format is commonly used for documents that are to be printed?

a) .docx
b) .jpg
c) .pdf
d) .mp3

4. What is the main purpose of using spreadsheet software?

a) Creating databases
b) Editing images
c) Managing numerical data
d) Writing letters
5. Which of the following is not a type of software application?

a) Antivirus
b) Browser
c) Operating System
d) Mouse

6. The process of checking a document for spelling and grammatical errors is known as:

a) Formatting
b) Proofreading
c) Editing
d) Reviewing

7. Which device is used to input handwritten signatures into a computer?

a) Scanner
b) Keyboard
c) Mouse
d) Graphics tablet

8. Which of the following is a non-volatile storage medium?

a) RAM
b) ROM
c) Cache
d) Register

9. The primary purpose of a database management system (DBMS) is to:

a) Allow the creation of websites

b) Manage and organize data
c) Perform complex calculations
d) Edit video files

10. Which of the following is an example of an input device?

a) Monitor
b) Printer
c) Mouse
d) Speaker

11. What does 'RAM' stand for?

a) Random Access Memory

b) Read Access Memory
c) Read-Only Memory
d) Randomly Allocated Memory
12. In a spreadsheet, the intersection of a row and a column is called a:
a) Cell
b) Table
c) Box
d) Grid

Section B: Short Answer Questions (30 marks)

1. Explain the difference between hardware and software. (5 marks)

2. Describe three common types of printers and their uses. (9 marks)
3. What are the key functions of an operating system? (6 marks)
4. How can you ensure the security of documents on your computer? Provide three
methods. (6 marks)
5. Briefly explain what a LAN and a WAN are. (4 marks)

Section C: Find all the errors in the below agenda and then write the corrections below. (16

Meeting Agenda with the Football Association

Date: 25th Jun 2024

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Confrence Room A, Main Office


 John Doe, President, Football Association

 Jane Smith, Vice President, Football Association
 Mark Johnson, Head Coach
 Lisa Brown, Marketing Director
 Tom Harris, Finance advisor

1. Welcome and Introductions

o John Doe to welcome all attendees and provide a brief intro of the meeting's
2. Review of Last Meeting Minutes
o Discuss and approve the minutes from the last meeting held on june 10th, 2024.
3. Updates on Current Season
o Mark Johnson to provide an overview of team performance and upcoming
o Discussion on player injuries and recovery plans.
4. Financial Report
o Tom Harris to present the financial report for the last quarter.
o Discuss budget allocations for the next season.
5. Marketing Strategies
o Lisa Brown to present the new marketing campaigns and sponsorship deals.
o Discuss social media engagement and community outreach programs.
6. New Training Facilities Proposal
o Proposal for the construction of new training facilities to be presented by Jane
o Discuss potential locations and budget requirements.
7. Youth Development Programs
o Review and discuss then current youth development programs.
o Propose new initiatives to enhance youth participation and talent development.
8. Miscellaneous
o Open floor for any additional topics or concerns from the attendees.
9. Conclusion and Next Steps
o Summarize the key points discussed and outline the next steps.
o Schedule the next meeting date.

Section D: Essay Questions (25 marks)

Impact of Information Technology on Business Communication (25 marks)

Evaluate the impact of information technology on business communication. Your essay should

 Overview of traditional vs. modern business communication methods

 Role of email, instant messaging, and video conferencing in business communication
 Advantages and disadvantages of using IT in business communication
 Examples of how IT has improved communication in specific business scenarios

End of Exam

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