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Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science

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Path calculation, technology and opportunities in

dry fiber winding: a review

Tasdeeq Sofi, Stefan Neunkirchen & Ralf Schledjewski

To cite this article: Tasdeeq Sofi, Stefan Neunkirchen & Ralf Schledjewski (2018) Path calculation,
technology and opportunities in dry fiber winding: a review, Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer &
Composites Science, 4:3, 57-72, DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1500099

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2018, VOL. 4, NO. 3, 57–72

Path calculation, technology and opportunities in dry fiber winding:

a review
Tasdeeq Sofia , Stefan Neunkirchenb and Ralf Schledjewskia,b
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Highly Efficient Composite Processing, Montanuniversit€at Leoben, Leoben, Austria; bProcessing
of Composites Group, Department of Polymer Engineering and Science, Montanuniversit€at Leoben, Leoben, Austria

Filament winding is a well-established process to manufacture composite parts. With the Dry fiber winding; path
advancement of automation and process control technologies, the winding of dry fibers to calculation; differential
manufacture a preform for liquid composite molding (LCM) processes is feasible. This study geometry; geodesic; non-
geodesic; robotic winding;
presents an overview of dry fiber winding and explains the most important process aspects. friction coefficient; review
It addresses the application of differential geometry to the winding technique. The formula-
tion of geodesic and non-geodesic equations and their solution is discussed. Besides, non-
analytical methods to generate winding trajectories are introduced. The influence of the fric-
tion coefficient on process-related parameters is covered. Considering technology trends the
study gives an overview of developments in winding systems and equipment. Novel
research areas can be identified in the development of new path generation methods, con-
sidering detailed friction influences. Fiber depositing and guidance systems must also be
adapted. Alternations of the process parameters and their influence on subsequent impreg-
nation processes must be investigated.

1. Introduction winding technique has evolved into a highly flexible

and efficient process, thus allowing more complex
Composites are rapidly evolving as an alternative to
shapes and winding patterns. Three types of filament
increase the performance and capabilities of existing
winding are generally employed in composite industry
materials. Thermoset composite products are gener-
ally made by impregnating dry fibers with resin or namely: dry fiber winding, wet winding, and prepreg
using a semi-finished product such as prepreg material winding. In some publications, the term ‘dry winding’
which contains already partially cured resin. Although, has been used to describe prepreg winding to differen-
high-quality composite products can be manufactured tiate it from wet winding [4–6]. For the winding of
by using prepregs their processing generally incurs fibers without resin, the term ‘post-impregnation’ has
high raw material, storage and manufacturing costs. been used [6]. In this study, it is referred to as ‘dry
Due to the high costs in composite manufacturing, the fiber/filament winding’.
industry is shifting towards manufacturing processes The other two types namely wet and prepreg
using dry fibers or bindered tape with an Out of winding are well-established in the composite indus-
Autoclave (OoA) curing. Dry preforms impregnated try. However, both of these processes have some dis-
through liquid composite molding (LCM) processes advantages. Table 1 shows the advantages and
are now replacing the use of prepreg material in man- disadvantages of each type of winding process. Dry
ufacturing composite structural components. fiber winding has several advantages over the other
Filament winding is one of the main composite types of filament winding [5,7]. It is characterized by
manufacturing processes, in which composite parts are low-cost manufacturing, high fiber content, accurate
produced by laying fibers in prescribed patterns [1]. It and repeatable fiber placement and controllable resin
is one of the most energy-efficient processes in com- flow through LCM impregnation [7]. In this context,
posite manufacturing [2]. It is a well-established, fast dry fiber winding also includes winding of roving con-
and cost-effective process to manufacture fiber-rein- taining binder material (mainly epoxy or thermoplas-
forced composite parts [3]. Filament winding has been tic). The binder is melted to act as an adhesive to
mostly used to manufacture axisymmetric composite fixate the layers of the preform. With the growing
parts. However, with the introduction of robotic man- demand for using dry fibers, it is desirable to manu-
ufacturing and advanced computing software, the facture unidirectional preforms through winding at-

CONTACT Tasdeeq Sofi Christian Doppler Laboratory for Highly Efficient Composite Processing,
Montanuniversit€at Leoben, Otto Gl€ockel-Straße 2/I, 8700 Leoben, Austria.
This article was originally published with errors, which have now been corrected in the online version. Please see Correction
ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

least in parts with rotation symmetry. Dry fiber wind- surfaces of revolution. A detailed literature on this
ing will receive an increasing attention because stable mathematical theory can be found in [10–15].
preforms can be produced conveniently and econom- A fiber path modeled as a curve is described in
ically with less wastage [8]. Therefore, it possesses a terms of various parameters namely tangent (s), nor-
great potential to be a fully automated part of an out- mal (g), binormal (t ¼ s  g) and curvature vectors
of-autoclave (OoA) composite manufacturing process (K; kg ; kn ) as shown in Figure 1. These variables
chain. However, compared to wet winding, dry fiber describe the local properties of the fiber path. A com-
winding is still at an early stage in its development prehensive study on these variables and fundamental
phase. Therefore, it needs to be investigated in detail forms has been covered in [10–13]. A brief description
and this review paper aims to provide an initial over- of some of these variables and fundamental forms has
view of this particular process. been presented in Table 2 (with r being a curve sup-
When winding the fibers on a mandrel surface, the ported on a surface S ¼ S ðu; vÞ, u; v being the sur-
fiber trajectories and the resulting winding pattern face parameters and n ^ being the unit surface normal
have to be determined. Knowledge of differential vector). These are necessary to understand the path
geometry is used to obtain the winding trajectories generation process explained in the latter sections.
[9]. Geodesics are defined as the shortest paths
between two arbitrary points on a surface. They can
simplify the calculation and the computational effort 3. Winding path generation on surfaces
for obtaining winding trajectories on a surface. of revolution
However, for design flexibility, the complete coverage The most common mandrel shapes used in filament
of a mandrel surface, and especially for optimization winding are surfaces of revolution. This section dis-
purposes non-geodesic paths are used. Unlike geodesic cusses the formulation and solution of geodesic and
paths, non-geodesic paths are not stable. Friction non-geodesic equations to determine the winding
forces become essential to keep these paths from slip- paths on mandrel surfaces.
ping and therefore the friction coefficient is a key par-
ameter to be measured.
The objective of this study is to give an overview of 3.1. Geodesic and non-geodesic winding
the dry fiber winding process. It presents the state-of- The winding paths followed by fibers on a surface
the-art of mathematical approaches to generate wind- must be stable, i.e. they should neither slip nor separ-
ing trajectories, friction coefficient measurement tech- ate from the mandrel surface. A standard method to
niques, winding equipment and software tools in avoid slippage is to lay the fibers along geodesic paths
filament winding. The concepts of differential geom- [16]. A geodesic path can be defined as a locally
etry applied to filament winding are discussed first. length minimizing curve [16–18]. The geodesic path
Then the geodesic and non-geodesic paths and their can simplify the calculation and the computational
mathematical formulations are discussed. In addition, effort. However, it is a unique path for a particular
non-analytical methods to generate winding tra- starting point and winding angle and therefore
jectories are discussed. A brief overview of winding restrictive. The calculation of a geodesic path on
methods, simulation tools, and winding equipment is some mandrel surfaces is (locally) not possible and,
given in Section 4. In Section 5, the measurement of therefore, the use of non-geodesic paths becomes
the coefficient of friction is introduced and the effects
of various process parameters are presented. Section 6
highlights the topics and areas where scientific
research is necessary to be carried out.

2. Application of differential geometry to

filament winding
The theory of curves and surfaces is fundamental to
develop the fiber path on a mandrel surface in filament
winding. The mandrel is modeled as a surface in three-
dimensional (3D) space and the fiber trajectories are
represented by curves on this surface. The parametric
representation is generally used to mathematically
describe curves and surfaces because it is efficient for
drawing and widely used in computer graphics [10].
Most of the shapes used in filament winding are Figure 1. Variable description of a fiber path.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of winding processes.

Winding process Advantages Disadvantages
Wet winding  Lower raw material costs  Less control over resin content
 Simplified material storage  Variability
 Resin dripping and resin accumulation
 Tradeoff between quality and speed
 Poor external finish

Prepreg winding  Precise resin content control  Higher material costs

 Higher mechanical properties  Material storage and handling
 Speedy production  Higher manufacturing cost

Dry fiber winding  Precise resin control  Twostep process (preforming and impregnation)
 Lower raw material costs  Preform handling
 Simplified material storage
 Better mechanical properties
 Speedy production

Table 2. Description of path variables and fundamental forms.

Definition Notation
First fundamental form I ¼ Edu2 þ 2Fdudv þ Gdv E ¼ Su  Su , F ¼ Su  Sv , G ¼ Sv  Sv

dS dS
Su ¼ du , Sv ¼ dv

Second fundamental form II ¼ Ldu2 þ 2Mdudv þ Ndv 2 L ¼ ruu  ^

n , M ¼ ruv  ^
n , N ¼ rvv  ^

o2 r o2 r o2 r
ruu ¼ ou 2 , ruv ¼ ouov, rvv ¼ ov 2

Curvature vector The curvature vector at an arbitrary point meas- 2

ures the rate of change of the tangent line to #0 ¼ d# 00 d #
ds and # ¼ ds2
the curve, as the point moves along this
curve. K ¼ s0
Geodesic curvature Component of the curvature vector along the
binormal kg ¼ s0  ðg  sÞ
Normal curvature Component of the curvature vector along the #X ¼ d# d #
dx and #xx ¼ dx 2
II Lþ2Mvu þNvu2
normal kn ¼ I ¼ E þ2Fvu þGvu2
Where # and X are any dependent and
independent variables respectively

necessary. Non-geodesic paths may also be used to r ¼ rðsÞ; supported on a surface S ¼ S ðuðsÞ; vðsÞÞ,
increase the design freedom and for the optimization the geodesic equation can be expressed as [7,27]:
of the mechanical properties [19–21]. They make use 3
of the friction force to avoid slippage of fibers from u0 v00  u00 v0 ¼  C211 ðu0 Þ
the mandrel surface [22]. As a special case of non-   2   2
 2C212  C111 ðu0 Þ v0 þ 2C112  C222 u0 ðv0 Þ
geodesics, semi-geodesics are defined as paths with
only a small deviation from the geodesic path [23,24]. þ C122 ðv0 Þ (1)
Therefore, they require less friction force to keep the
paths stable. Geodesic trajectories were mostly used Equation (1) can also be expressed as a set of two
in filament winding in earlier stages of composite dependent ordinary differential equations (ODE)
manufacturing. However, with the progression of [13,28]:
winding on complex geometries, non-geodesic paths 2 2
are being widely implemented [25,26]. u00 þ C111 ðu0 Þ þ 2C112 u0 v0 þ C122 ðv0 Þ ¼ 0
2 2 (2)
v00 þ C211 ðu0 Þ þ 2C212 u0 v0 þ C222 ðv0 Þ ¼ 0

3.2. Geodesic trajectories Or expressed as a set of four ordinary differential

equations as:
The differential equation of a geodesic path on a
surface can be obtained by using two basic proper- u0 ¼ p
ties of a geodesic path: v0 ¼ q
0 (3)
p ¼ C11 p 2C112 pqC122 q2
1 2

3.2.1. Geodesic curvature is zero q0 ¼ C211 p2 2C212 pqC222 q2

A curve on a surface is geodesic if its geodesic where, Ckij ; i; j; k ¼ 1; 2 are known as Christoffel
curvature kg is zero [27]. For a curve symbols [10].

3.2.2. Minimal arc length

The arc length is minimal for a geodesic path. sin a E ¼ const: or
Therefore, the geodesic equation can be obtained by q sin a ¼ r1 ðin polar coordinatesÞ
means of the calculus of variations [29]. The arc where; r1 is the polar opening radius of the shell of
length in terms of the coefficients of the first funda- revolution and q is the radial distance from the axis
mental form is given as: of rotation. The relation is valid on each point of a
ð ð qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð
geodesic path on any given surface and is funda-
J ¼ ds ¼ E þ 2Fvu þ Gvu2 du ¼ f ðu; v; vu Þ
mental to many filament winding processes. It says
(4) that if the radius increases, the winding angle has to
decrease along a geodesic path on a surface and vice
According to the Euler-Lagrange differential equa-
versa. A geodesic winding path is possible only for
tion [29], the minimum of this integral is given by:
  equal polar openings. The equation for obtaining
@f d @f the expression for the coordinates of the trajectory
 ¼0 (5)
@v du @vu is given by [14,34]:
Using Equation (4) in Equation (5), we get the ð v2 rffiffiffiffi
geodesic equation as: uðvÞ ¼ tanðaÞdv (10)
v1 E
þ 2vu @F @v þ @v vu
@G 2
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The equation for a corresponding to a given
2 E þ 2Fvu þ Gv2u surface of revolution is used in the above equation
d F þ Gvu to obtain the final expression for coordinates of
 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼0 (6)
du E þ 2Fvu þ Gvu2 the trajectory. Figure 2 shows the geodesic
path generation.
For e.g., in case a conical surface having r1 , r2
3.2.3. Geodesics on shells of revolution and b as polar radius, equatorial radius and half-
The general geodesic equations represented by apex angle, respectively, the final geodesic path is
Equations (2) and (6) become rather complicated to given by Equation (11) [34]. Figure 3 shows a geo-
solve without numerical methods. For example, desic trajectory generated on a conical surface, a
Kasap et al. [28] obtained the geodesic path on a cylindrical and a spherical surface.
"    #
surface by first using the finite-difference method 1 1 r1 1 r1
and then solving the resulting non-linear algebraic uðvÞ ¼ sin  sin (11)
sinb r2 v
equations by Newton’s method and a so-called itera-
tive method. Details of the numerical treatment of These figures show a geodesic path for a single
geodesic differential equations can be found in [30]. stroke. Similarly, the strokes can be repeated to
obtain a full coverage on the surface. However, it is
Liouville’s formula and Clairaut’s relation. not possible to obtain full coverage by using only
Liouville’s formula and Clairaut’s relation are two geodesic trajectories. At least, local non-geodesic tra-
well-known expressions which describe the geodesics jectories have to be used. Furthermore, the use of
of shells of revolution in terms of the coefficients of
non-geodesic trajectories becomes essential as
the first fundamental form and of the winding angle.
explained at the beginning of this section.
Consider a surface of revolution defined by
Sðu; vÞ ¼ f ðvÞcosu; f ðvÞsinu; gðvÞg, and let a be
the angle between a filament and a meridian line at a 3.3. Non-geodesic trajectories
point on the surface also known as winding angle,
then Liouville’s formula is given by [25,31]: Non-geodesic paths are not stable on their own.
The fiber will experience slippage when it deviates
da 1 @lnE 1 @lnG
kg ¼  pffiffiffiffi cos a þ pffiffiffi sin a (7) from a geodesic path and some kind of force is
ds 2 G @v 2 E @u required to keep the fiber from slipping. The fibers
As described already, the geodesic curvature kg can maintain a stable path by using the friction
for a geodesic is zero. The geodesic equation is then between the mandrel surface and the fiber. The con-
given by: dition for fiber stability is [35,36]:
da 1 @lnE 1 @lnG kg 
¼ pffiffiffiffi cos a  pffiffiffi sin a (8) l >   (12)
ds 2 G @v 2 E @u kn
Clairaut’s relation [32,33] is a well-known for- where; kg and kn are the geodesic and the normal
mula which states that the geodesics on surfaces of curvatures, respectively. l is the coefficient of friction
revolution are characterized by which will be discussed in detail in Section 5.

Figure 2. Geodesic path generation.

The geodesic curvature is given by [34,35]:

l qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi  
da cos a 1 Ev sin a 6 1 þ gq k1 sin2 a þ k2 cos2 a (16)
kg ¼  pffiffiffiffi  pffiffiffiffi (13) cos a
dv G 2E G
Specifically, f ðqÞ ¼ hðzÞ and gðqÞ ¼ z leads to:
The normal curvature can be obtained from 
Euler’s theorem [12], which is given as: Sð/; zÞ ¼ hðzÞcos/; hðzÞsin/; z (17)

kn ¼ k1 cos2 a þ k2 sin2 a (14) Then the non-geodesic equation becomes:

da sin a  tana hzz hz  tan a
where, k1 and k2 are the principal curvatures. ¼ l  cos a 
Using kg and kn in Equation (12), the non-geo- dz h 1 þ h2z h
desic equation can be obtained as [14]: (18)
da 1 Ev where, ðhðzÞ; /; zÞ represent the polar coordi-
¼  tan a
dv 2E nates for a meridian profile. For l ¼ 0; this equa-
hpffiffiffiffi   i
l tion reduces to the well-known Clairaut’s relation
6 G k1 sin2 a þ k2 cos2 a (15)
cos a [Equation (9)]. For given initial conditions, the
Based on the geometry in consideration, this non-geodesic trajectories can be calculated numer-
equation can be obtained in polar and spherical ically using the Runge-Kutta method. For simple
coordinates. For straight shells, e.g. a conical shape, shapes such as a conical surface, an analytical
this equation is preferred to be in polar coordinates, solution can be obtained [32]. For example, Zhou
whereas for shapes such as ellipsoids and spheres, it et al. [36] proposed a so-called multi-micro-cone
is preferred to be in spherical coordinates. approximation method and plotted winding angles
for non-geodesic paths with respect to different
3.4. Non-geodesics for shells of revolution friction coefficients. They also found out that a
larger friction coefficient is required for a smaller
Polar coordinates. The general non-geodesic equa- winding angle.
tion for a surface of revolution ð/; qÞ ¼

f ðqÞcos/; f ðqÞsin/; gðqÞg in a polar coordinate Spherical coordinates. A surface of revolution in a
system is given by [37,38]: spherical  coordinate system is defined as:
da 1 Sðu; vÞ ¼ f ðuÞsinu cosv; f ðuÞsinu sinv; f ðuÞcosu.
¼  tan a The general non-geodesic equation is given by
dq q

d f
ð sin aÞ ¼  u cot u sin a
du f
"   2
f ðuÞfu þ fu cotu sin a f 2 ðfuu fu cotuÞsin2 a
2 3
6 l    þ  
f ðuÞ f 2 þ fu2 f ðuÞ f 2 þ fu2
2fu2 f ðuÞfuu þ f 2
þ  (19)
f 2 þ fu2
This equation is suitable for a large number of
shapes and simplifies the calculation significantly for
shapes such as cylinders or ellipsoidal [14,34].
Equation (15) does not have an analytical solution.
Therefore, a numerical solution is inevitable. This
equation can be integrated using the fourth-order
Runge-Kutta method [14,37]. Non-geodesic path
generation is presented in Figure 4.
The non-geodesic paths on the surfaces of revolu-
tion are shown in Figure 5. The colors show the
degree of deviation from the geodesic path. While Figure 3. Geodesic path on cone, cylinder and sphere.
the cylindrical pressure vessel needs non-geodesic
paths only in the polar regions, the cone is depend-
ing on the surface friction almost everywhere. The geodesic and non-geodesic trajectories by numerical
here chosen winding pattern for the sphere relies on methods. Generating winding trajectories by solving
many degrees of geodesic behavior. the differential equations can sometimes be compli-
cated and can require considerable mathematical
effort. Furthermore, problems arise when using this
3.4. Alternative methods to generate winding method for irregular and polygonal surfaces. The
paths on geometrical surfaces other three alternative methods that have been pro-
Generally, four approaches have been discussed in posed in the literature which can overcome these
the literature to obtain winding trajectories on sur- drawbacks are the discrete method, the geometric
faces. The first approach which has been already method, and patch winding. A good overview of
discussed solves the differential equations for these approaches can be found in [27].

Figure 4. Non-geodesic path generation.


3.4.2. Geometric method

Discrete methods have been gaining attention with
the introduction of advanced computing systems.
However, in these methods, the geodesic path is cal-
culated at first and then projected on a surface. In
geometric methods which use only geometric infor-
mation, it is possible to obtain geodesics directly on
a surface [43]. Hotz and Hagen [44] presented a
geometric method to obtain geodesics on any arbi-
trary surface. This method calculates geodesics by
using the basic property that geodesics are straight
lines on a plane. The advantage of this method is
that it is independent of the complexity of a surface.
Zhang et al. [27] presented a geometric method for
computing geodesics directly on a regular surface.
This method generates a geodesic curve by generat-
ing a sequence of geodesic points. It is suitable for
parametric surfaces which are relatively flat and it
can generate geodesics with modest accuracy.

3.4.3. Patch winding

Hongya et al. [45] proposed a method to generate
winding trajectories on ‘abnormal’ mandrels such as
airplane inlets and vanes. In this method, the mold
surface is first meshed in order to obtain the coordi-
Figure 5. Non-geodesic path on a cone, cylinder and nates of the mesh points. Then the slippage and
a sphere. bridging free points are selected to generate a wind-
ing path. The modeling of the mold surface was
done through CAD/CAM software and the meshing
3.4.1. Discrete method was obtained through finite element software.
In this method, the mandrel surface is decomposed A comparison of these alternative methods and
into small elements. Then winding trajectories are the differential geometry method to generate wind-
approximated by a series of straight line segments ing trajectories has been presented in Table 3.
on that meshed surface. This method can be used to
generate trajectories for complex surfaces and is 4. Filament winding strategies, equipment,
adaptable for both symmetric and non-symmetric and programming tools
surfaces. Liang et al. [39,40] used a so-called quasi-
4.1. Winding strategies
geodesic method and obtained non-geodesic wind-
ing trajectories on a surface of revolution by decom- The winding pattern plays an important role in
posing the surface into conical sections. Mazumdar determining the mechanical behavior of the compo-
and Hoa [41] obtained winding patterns on a non- nent [46,47]. To obtain a required layup thickness
axisymmetric triangular meshed surface by making suitable winding patterns must be selected.
use of geometric and trigonometric relations. Fu Generally, there are three types of winding patterns
et al. [42] proposed a method which can be used for in filament winding namely helical, hoop and polar
any convex surfaces, either axisymmetric or non- winding (Figure 6) [6,33,48,49]. The winding angle
axisymmetric. In this method, the mandrel surface is the main characteristic which differentiates one
is expressed as a Stereo Lithography (STL) format type of winding from the other.
and winding trajectories are obtained by creating Helical winding: In helical or longitudinal wind-
propagation points on the STL model. ing, the filaments are wound in a helical path in

Table 3. Comparison of differential geometry method and alternative methods.

Differential geometry method Other methods
Modeling of surfaces Generates surfaces using differential geometry Mesh based
Solution accuracy Accurate Fairly accurate
Extent over shapes Difficult to obtain for complex shapes Easier to model complex shapes
Computational effort High Moderate

Figure 6. Filament winding strategies.

one direction at a particular winding angle a, turn mandrel motions. CNC winding machines have up
at the end of the mandrel and return in opposite to six axes of motion and, therefore, can be used to
direction at an angle a. The winding angle is wind complex parts. In industry, they are mainly
between 5 to 80 and the winding pattern is employed to wind symmetrical shapes such as pipes
repeated until the required thickness is obtained. or pressure vessels in mass production. However,
This type of winding allows filament winding the need to manufacture complex parts with high
around corners, pins or polar openings. Helical precision, reduced cost and manufacturing time is
winding can be used to wind a wide range of resulting in the development of robotic-based wind-
geometries but requires more advanced wind- ing technologies [51,52]. Moreover, they allow
ing equipment. higher speeds, flexibility and can produce parts with
Hoop winding: In hoop or circumferential wind- better quality than a conventional filament winding
ing, filaments are wound nearly perpendicular to machine [48]. A review of filament winding systems
the mandrel axis, i.e. the winding angle approaches can be found in [53]. An analysis of existing wind-
90 . It can be considered as a special case of helical ing equipment technologies and filament winding
winding. This type of winding is usually used along processes has been carried out by Minsch et al. [54].
with other winding patterns to resist circumferential The study investigated suitable winding equipment
stress. It is generally applied only to cylindrical por- for numerous applications. Markov and Cheng [51]
tions of a mandrel. presented applications of robotic winding for com-
Polar winding: In polar winding, the fiber feed posite materials and introduced a novel concept for
eye rotates around the longitudinal axis at deter- robotizing the process of winding asymmetric parts.
mined fiber angles ranging from 0 to 5 . The fiber Robotic winding is well suited to the dry fila-
is approximately tangential to the polar openings of ment winding on complex geometries. This
the mandrel. Polar winding is limited by the rela- method is characterized by full control over depos-
tionship between polar openings and the length of ition, laying orientations, the amount of fiber
the part. It is mainly used to wind cylinders with material and homogeneity of fiber structure [9].
length to diameter (L/D) ratio of less than 2. The robotic system offers precision and the con-
Figure 6 shows the different types of winding stancy of winding tension to ensure the highest
patterns and Table 4 provides an overview of these quality. Robotic deposition systems can be adapted
different strategies. for volume production. Several studies have been
carried out on winding through robotic systems.
Carrino et al. [55,56] developed a new deposition
4.2. Filament winding systems
device which can wind more complex parts in
With the introduction of computer control and short time and validated it experimentally. Polini
winding generation software, the filament winding and Sorrentino [57–59] studied the influence of
equipment has evolved from purely mechanical to geometric parameters on winding time in order to
computerized numerical control (CNC) machines minimize it and ensure constant tension for
and highly flexible robotic systems. achieving a high quality of the parts produced.
Different winding equipment technologies exist, Anamateros et al. [60] developed a robotic cell to
varying in degrees of freedom of fiber guidance and manufacture structural parts having concave

Table 4. Overview of the filament winding strategies.

Strategy Type of winding and applications Programming [50]
HELICAL  Geodesic winding, non-geodesic and a com-  Fiber divided into small segments and each
bination possible segment is linearly approximated
 Moderate speed  Program contains a number of blocks
 Can be used to optimize the winding pattern  Program bandwidth in helical winding is
on cylindrical shapes given by:
 Applications: Pipes, pressure vessels, launch L ¼ 2pqcosa
tubes, elbow shapes L ¼ Programmed bandwidth
k ¼ Number of divisions in each circumfer-
n ¼ Number of circuits in each circumferen-
tial segments

HOOP  Geodesic winding, non-geodesic and a com-  Can be performed with certain experimen-
bination possible tal inputs
 High speed  Single block program is sufficient
 Mainly for cylindrical sections  Mandrel rotation is given by h ¼ 360x
 Used to create high consolidation pressure h ¼ Mandrel rotation
 Applications: Pipes, cylindrical and toroidal x ¼ Translation of the carriage parallel to the
pressure vessels, launch tubes mandrel axis
L ¼ Programmed bandwidth

POLAR  Non-geodesic winding  Program contains a number of blocks

 Low speed
 Applications: Domed ends, spherical compo-
nents, road tankers

surfaces. Structural parts whose shape can be pro- Types of robotic winding equipment forms [64]:
duced by sweeping a full section along a non-
intersecting closed curve could be manufactured 1. Stationary Mandrel Winding
by this cell. Chan et al. [61] studied the accuracy  Robotic arm placement: The robot end effector
versus speed relationship for low, medium and fast is fed by continuous roving. The head is
movement modes on a cylindrically shaped man- rotated around the mandrel to lay the
drel and found out that accurate winding can be reinforcement., e.g. as depicted by Carrino.
obtained by the robot-based filament winding cell.  Centerless wheel winding: In this type, the
Some research groups have developed winding end effector is ring-shaped and it is
systems that can lay fibers from multiple roving- rotated around the mandrel to lay the
spools simultaneously. This enables high-speed fiber on the mandrel, e.g. LOTUS filament
winding and production time is reduced signifi- winding process [65].
cantly. Paessler et al. [62], developed a ring winding 2. Stationary Fiber Payout
technology which can simultaneously lay a large
number of rovings circumferentially around a man- In this type, the mandrel is stationary whereas
drel. The ring winding head consists of 12 radial the fiber payout is stationary. A robotic arm is used
movable arms and multiple payout eyes. to move the mandrel, which causes the filaments to
Finkenwerder et al. [63] developed a ring-shaped be laid on the mandrel. Examples are Markov’s con-
arrangement of the fiber deposition unit. The cept of a robotic winding machine [51] or a tumble
winding ring is coupled to a robotic cell, which winding machine [14,20].
permits it to process continuous fiber on straight,
curved or closed shape mandrels. The setup con-
4.3. Programming tools and winding software
sists of a six-axis robot and can perform geodesic and
non-geodesic winding. Besides standard winding Computer aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
methods, the winding ring permits the manufacturing have greatly improved the filament winding technol-
of preform plies. Another development in robotic ogy. Many software programs have been developed to
winding has been made by Cygnet Texkimp in collab- simulate the filament winding process. Among the
oration with Northwest Composites Centre at the commercially available software are CADFIL,
University of Manchester. They have developed a CADMAC [6], CADWIND [66,67], CAWAR [24,68],
winding machine which is based on a nine-axis Abaqus (Wound Composite Modeler) [69] and
robotic winding concept. It is capable of building ComposicaD [70]. Some have also been developed by
complex preforms for LCM processes. research institutions such as PresVes developed by

As the last step, the winding program has to

export the movement data in a suitable machine
code. The options vary from simple text files to
robot programming languages or the G-Code format
used to operate CNC-machines.

5. Friction on mandrel surfaces

5.1. Mathematical description of the friction
For the calculation of non-geodesic paths, the deter-
mination of the friction between the fibers and the
respective mandrel surface is essential. Figure 8
shows a roving on a surface S. The force of the fiber
tension f t leads to a resulting force f r acting
towards the center of the curvature. It can be split
into the normal force f n , which is balanced by the
mandrel surface and the lateral force f b , which has
to be controlled by a friction force f w in order to
avoid slippage: jjf b jj  jjf w jj [22,72,73].
The slippage tendency k (slippage coefficient in
[72]) is defined as the ratio between the magnitude
of the lateral force fb and the normal force fn
Figure 7. Flowchart of winding path generation.
jjf b jj fb
k¼ ¼ (20)
Delft University [20] or CADPATH [71] developed jjf n jj fn
by Risø National Laboratory, Denmark. The friction coefficient (or coefficient of friction)
Figure 7 shows a typical flowchart of a filament l is then defined as the maximum allowable value
winding simulation program. A 3D model of the of the slippage tendency [22]:
defined mandrel geometry has to be created or
imported from a CAD software. jkj  l ¼ (21)
Winding trajectories can then be generated by
solving the path equations analytically (CAWAR It can also be expressed by the relation between
and CADMAC) or using discrete methods (CADFIL normal ðkn Þ and geodesic curvature ðkg Þ or the nor-
and CADWIND). Based on the friction properties mal (Rn Þ and geodesic ðRg Þ radii of curvature
of the used fibers and surfaces, geodesic and non-
geodesic paths can be considered in order to avoid
slippage. For every layer, the collision between the
mandrel, the winding machine, and the payout head
has to be excluded. The final build-up of the layers
is then determined by the full coverage, desired
thickness, and stress requirements. The latter can be
calculated in an early stage by means such as clas-
sical laminate theory (CLT) or netting analysis. For
exact and reliable calculations, finite element ana-
lysis (FEA) is recommended.
For the calculation of the machine control data,
two basic methods are common. The easier method
is to keep the free fiber length between the feed-eye
and the mandrel constant. For an optimized
machine movement control, an enveloping surface
can be defined which specifies the possible machine
movements [33,67]. Figure 8. Forces acting between a roving and a surface.

[25,26,34,39,74–76]: can then be determined directly from the machine

f b f t =Rg Rn kg carriage without further calculations. Contrary to Di
¼ ¼ ¼  l (22) Vita et al. [79] no significant influence of the roving
f n f t =Rn Rg kn
tension and fiber material could be observed. The
difference to the aforementioned study between
glass and carbon is explained by a possible differ-
5.2. Measurement of the friction coefficient
ence in the surface treatment of the fibers or the
The common method to determine the coefficient surface quality of the mandrel. Major influences
of friction is to observe the starting point of the were observed for the roving morphology, the
slippage while performing hoop winding. An over- impregnation of the fibers and the mandrel surface
view of existing methods has been given by [74]: A larger roving width increased the coefficient
Koussios [74]. Several mandrel forms and influence of friction. Also, characteristic for broader rovings is
factors have been tested in the last decades. that they are usually untwisted. A possible explan-
Early work on this topic has been done by ation is given by the interaction between the yarns
Barking and Menges in the late 1970s [77,78]. They and by the velocity difference between inner and outer
determined the coefficient of friction by circumfer- yarns. The friction coefficient values for wet fiber
ential winding on a sphere. Confirmed by various winding were about three times larger than those for
experiments of other authors [26,72,74,79,80], they dry fiber winding. The difference in results of
also found out that the influence of the winding [25,68,76] was pointed out and a standardization was
speed and of the fiber tension on the friction factor proposed. It is assumed that the properties of the resin
is negligible. Wells and McAnulty [26] then replaced and the mandrel surface have a large influence. To
the spherical with an elliptical mandrel to improve investigate the influence of the mandrel surface an
the accuracy of the measurements. They observed epoxy layer was used. This increased the coefficient of
that there is merely a difference between the initial friction approximately by three times. A roughened
slippage point and so-called catastrophic slippage in epoxy layer decreases the friction of a twisted fiber
dry filament winding. The friction coefficient for bundle. It is presumed that the fibers, in this case,
wet filament winding was harder to determine start rolling instead of slipping. Table 5 shows the val-
because the time span between initial slippage and ues for the coefficient of friction for various types of
completely losing adherence to the mandrel became fibers and mandrel surfaces.
significantly larger. The use of a PTFE spray as a The main focus of Madhavi et al. [80] was the
mandrel surface treatment was also examined. It (temporal) influence of the tackiness of already
could increase the coefficient of friction by 0.15 in wound layers in the hoop winding of a pressure ves-
dry filament winding. Li and Lin [25] examined the sel. They found out that a time gap of approxi-
influence of the coefficient of friction on the numer- mately two hours will improve the tackiness and so
ical solutions for non-geodesic paths of various geo- simplify the winding of additional layers. Wang
metries. Di Vita et al. [79] performed experiments et al. [72] based their experiments on the setup of
based on the setup of Wells and McAnulty [26]. Koussios. Additionally, they examined the influence
Glass-epoxy and carbon-epoxy prepreg rovings were of the resin viscosity on the coefficient of friction:
used. The measured values of the coefficient of fric- higher viscosity leads to an increase of friction.
tion were about 0.2 larger for the glass fibers. Also,
a friction coefficient enlargement caused by increas-
ing roving tension has been observed, but only for 6. Opportunities and challenges
the carbon fibers. Low-cost manufacturing, automation, repeatable high
Liang et al. [39] used the slippage resistance k in quality and excellent mechanical properties are the
their calculations of trajectories of quasi-geodesics. main objectives of future filament winding techniques.
Based on the semi-geodesic concept where a con- Dry filament winding can be a viable option.
stant slippage resistance is used, they split the sur- Nevertheless, the control of friction effects is the major
face of revolution up into conical segments. challenge. Furthermore, new issues arise when process
The development of the measuring method sig- parameters are manipulated. To achieve the above-
nificantly improved with the work of Koussios et al.
[74]. A newly shaped mandrel was produced with Table 5. Coefficients of friction [74].
the aim to facilitate the measuring process. This Fibers Mandrel l
elliptical mandrel was designed so that the decrease Dry Polished aluminum surface 0.15
of the friction coefficient over the meridian profile Twisted, dry Roughened epoxy surface 0.20
Wet Polished aluminum surface 0.40
and the feed eye carriage of the winding machine Dry Smooth epoxy surface 0.50
are in a linear relation. The coefficient of friction Untwisted, dry Roughened epoxy surface 0.60

mentioned objectives, the respective research areas are sufficiently. Also, possible correlations of these
pointed out in the following section. parameters have yet to be considered. Furthermore,
since the visual detection is a rather simple method,
the accuracy and repeatability are improvable. A
6.1. Winding trajectories
standardized, precise and reliable measuring method
The focus of research has shifted to winding shapes should be developed.
that are either not possible or very difficult to wind
with the traditional winding. As discussed in Section
6.4. Effects of process-related parameters
3.4, with the introduction of advanced computing
systems, new methods to generate winding trajecto- The filament winding process depends upon a num-
ries on irregular, non-axisymmetric and polygonal ber of interdependent parameters. Complex winding
shapes have been gaining attention. Although some trajectories can cause fiber unfastening or speed var-
work has been carried out by research teams by iations due to abrupt changes in the curvature.
using non-analytical methods, generating slippage- Therefore, controlling the winding tension is still a
and bridging-free geodesic and non-geodesic trajec- challenging topic. In case of dry fiber winding, the
tories on complex shapes is still an issue. All these roving tension and the fiber guidance system may
non-analytical methods have their own disadvan- also induce roving deformation [81].
tages. For example, the discrete methods cannot A high winding speed is necessary to obtain an
generate paths directly on a surface whereas the acceptable production rate. Yet, higher winding
geometric methods are less suitable for the compu- speed leads to a lower accuracy of the movement of
tation of ‘massive’ geodesics on a surface. Therefore, the deposition eye. This, in turn, affects the ability
research effort is required to increase the extent and of the winding system to exactly perform the
accuracy of these alternative approaches. described path. The winding accuracy also depends
on the methodology of computing the path and
coordination between the robot arm and the man-
6.2. Fiber deposition systems
drel. Besides, the winding path itself is influenced
As discussed in Section 4.2, robotic filament wind- by the winding angle, the starting point, the winding
ing can be used to wind complex geometries. The method and the friction coefficient.
challenge will be to develop deposition systems that
allow fast and accurate placement of dry fibers on
6.5. Impregnation challenges
the mandrel surface in a minimum amount of time.
Deposition systems must be flexible enough to lay The preforms produced by dry filament winding have
fibers on complex trajectories without causing fiber to be impregnated using LCM techniques such as vac-
unfastening or speed variations. Therefore, highly uum-assisted resin infusion (VARI) or resin transfer
flexible and efficient deposition systems like the molding (RTM). A very important parameter in LCM
aforementioned ring winding head have to processes is the permeability of the reinforcement
be developed. structure. If a binder or tackifier material is used to
maintain the shape of the preform, the effect of a
binder on preform permeability and the resin flow
6.3. Friction and measurement of the friction
must be evaluated. The dry fiber winding process fur-
ther needs a study both numerically and experimen-
The friction arising during the lay-up of fibers onto tally on the ability to be completely impregnated. Also,
the mandrel surface or on already wound fiber the handling of dry wound preforms from the winding
layers is crucial for the processing of dry fibers. The mandrel to the impregnation unit has to be consid-
manipulation of the acting surfaces in order to ered. Moreover, producing low-cost, reusable or multi-
increase the friction may become necessary. This functional mandrels can drastically reduce the
can be achieved by roughening the mandrel surface manufacturing cost of parts in filament winding, e.g.
and/or increasing the tack of the rovings, e.g. by collapsible, core-less, water-soluble sand or segmented
application of binder material. Moreover, the usage mandrels [6,47,82].
of mechanical fastenings, e.g. holding pins or com-
pacting mechanisms, can be considered.
6.6. Industry applications and need for
State-of-the-art for the determination of the fric-
the future
tion coefficient is the image analysis of the slipping
point of rovings on a mandrel. Although numerous As compared to the wet winding, in dry fiber winding
efforts have been made to investigate influencing better impregnation can be realized through vacuum
parameters, not all of them have been examined infusion or RTM and voids can be minimized.

Therefore, higher strength parts can be manufactured ORCID

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vessels [83] showed that weight can be reduced by Stefan Neunkirchen
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be achieved. Manufacturing cost decreases as the Ralf Schledjewski
throughput increases. Therefore, it is necessary to
increase winding speed and still achieve the same
quality. According to the report [84], dry tape winding
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