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Chapter 8

Social and Personality Development in the Preschool Years

8-1. According to Erikson, what is the term for development that encompasses changes both in
the understanding individuals have of themselves as members of society and in their
comprehension of the meaning of others’ behavior(s)?

a) initiative-versus-guilt
b) self-concept
c) psychosocial development
d) individualistic orientation

Answer: c Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-2. Who was the psychoanalyst who suggested that during the preschool years, children face
conflict relating to initiative?

a) Freud
b) Erikson
c) Vygotsky
d) Skinner

Answer: b Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.4

8-3. The preschool years largely encompass what Erikson called the ____________ stage.

a) self-concept
b) autonomy-versus-shame
c) individualistic orientation
d) initiative-versus-guilt

Answer: d Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-4. According to Erikson, children 3 to 6 years of age experience conflict between

independence of action and the results of that action during the

a) initiative-versus-guilt stage.
b) autonomy-versus-shame stage.
c) individualistic orientation.
d) collectivistic orientation.

Answer: a Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

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8-5. When 4-year-old Allison is allowed to decide what to wear from several choices her mother
presents to her, she is likely to develop

a) initiative.
b) autonomy.
c) self-concept.
d) individualistic orientation.

Answer: a Page: 241 Level: Difficult LO: 8-1 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-6. Five-year-old Randy is in preschool, and his teacher is trying to show him how to use a pair
of children’s scissors to cut paper. Randy tries to show his independence and ability to use the
scissors without assistance and says to his teacher, “Let me.” Erikson may say that Randy is
demonstrating what stage of development?

a) individualistic orientation
b) psychosocial development
c) initiative-versus-guilt
d) self-concept

Answer: c Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-7. Five-year-old Wendel is new to his kindergarten classroom. His teacher tries to use open
and friendly questions to build rapport with him. His teacher asks him what he is good at and
what he likes. Wendel responds “I can run fast” and “I like to eat pizza.” Wendel’s responses are
examples of his

a) individualistic orientation.
b) autonomy.
c) self-concept.
d) psychosocial development.

Answer: c Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-8. What is the term for a person’s identity, or set of beliefs about what one is like as an

a) individualistic orientation
b) self-concept
c) psychosocial development
d) ego

Answer: b Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-9. Preschool-age children’s view of themselves also reflects the way their culture views self.
For example, many Asian societies tend to have

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a) an individualistic orientation.
b) self-concept orientation.
c) a collectivistic orientation.
d) nationalistic orientation.

Answer: c Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.3

8-10. What is the term for the philosophy that promotes interdependence?

a) nationalism
b) collectivistic orientation
c) individualistic orientation
d) socialism

Answer: b Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-11. Western cultures, unlike many Asian cultures, foster a view of self that is reflected in a(n)

a) self-concept.
b) collectivistic orientation.
c) initiative-versus-guilt stage.
d) individualistic orientation.

Answer: d Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.3

8-12. The philosophy of ______________ emphasizes personal identity and the uniqueness of
the individual.

a) psychosocial development
b) eastern culture
c) collectivistic orientation
d) individualistic orientation

Answer: d Page: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-13. Robbie is a 4-year-old boy in the U.S. who is encouraged to stand out from the rest and
make his needs known. Sean is a 4-year-old boy in Japan who is encouraged to blend in and
refrain from making himself distinct. Robbie is growing up with a(n) _________, and Sean is
growing up with _______.

a) self-concept; no self-concept
b) self-concept; a collectivistic orientation
c) individualistic orientation; a collectivistic orientation
d) individualistic orientation; no self-concept

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Answer: c Pages: 241 Level: Medium LO: 8-1 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-14. What is the term for the phenomenon in which minority children indicate preferences for
majority values or people?

a) race dissonance
b) ethnic preference
c) race identity
d) cultural identity

Answer: a Page: 242 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-15. Four-year-old Sheila, an African American, is asked to choose between pictures of white
children and black children. According to research regarding racial dissonance, Shelia is most
likely to have negative feelings toward

a) pictures of white children.

b) pictures of black children.
c) pictures of black and white children together.
d) neither of the pictures.

Answer: b Page: 242 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-16. Gender, the sense of being male or female, is well established by the time children are

a) adolescent age.
b) around 8 years old.
c) infants.
d) preschool age.

Answer: d Page: 243 Level: Easy LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-17. On the preschool playground, which of the following couples is most likely to be playing
together before the others?

a) a Hispanic American girl and a Caucasian American boy

b) an African American boy and a Hispanic American girl
c) a Caucasian American boy and a Hispanic American boy
d) an African American girl and a Caucasian American girl

Answer: d Page: 243 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-18. What is a sex-related biological characteristic that affects gender-based behaviors?

a) height and weight

b) hormones

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c) brain size/development
d) prenatal development

Answer: b Page: 244 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-19. Research indicates that when girls are exposed to unusually high levels of ________
prenatally, they are more likely to display stereotypical male behaviors.

a) testosterone
b) estrogen
c) androgens
d) toxins

Answer: c Page: 244 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 2.3

8-20. The ____________ approach believes children learn gender-related behaviors and
expectations by observing others and how they are rewarded for acting in gender-appropriate

a) Freudian
b) social learning
c) Erikson’s conflict resolution
d) individualistic orientation

Answer: b Page: 245 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.4

8-21. What is the term for the perception of oneself as male or female?

a) sexual identity
b) individualistic orientation
c) gender schema
d) gender identity

Answer: d Page: 246 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-22. In order to develop a(n) ___________, a child must develop a(n) ________.

a) gender schema; gender identity

b) gender identity; gender schema
c) self-concept; gender identity
d) individualistic orientation; gender schema

Answer: b Page: 246 Level: Difficult LO: 8-2 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.3

8-23. When a preschool-age child is developing a gender schema, he/she is

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a) developing his/her own sexual identity based on inborn expectations.
b) increasing his/her own cognitive abilities to develop “rules” about what is right and
wrong for males and females.
c) developing his/her own ideas about how males and females are biologically different.
d) developing his/her behaviors solely around what he/she sees from parents’

Answer: b Page: 246 Level: Difficult LO: 8-2 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.3

8-24. Five-year-old Amy is getting dressed to go to preschool, and her mother has bought her
brand new jeans to wear. However, Amy refuses and insists that girls wear only dresses. This
may be an example of

a) gender constancy.
b) autonomy.
c) gender schema.
d) gender identity.

Answer: c Page: 246 Level: Difficult LO: 8-2 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-25. _______________ is the belief that people are permanently males or females depending on
fixed, unchangeable biological factors.

a) Gender schema
b) Gender constancy
c) Gender identity
d) Sexual identity

Answer: b Page: 246 Level: Difficult LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-26. At approximately what age do boys and girls tend to understand the concept of gender

a) 4 or 5 years of age
b) 3 years of age
c) 8 years of age
d) 2 years of age

Answer: a Page: 246 Level: Difficult LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-27. The concept that preschool-age children believe that differences in sex are based, not on
biological factors, but on the differences in boys’ and girls’ appearance and/or behavior(s) is
expressed by what researcher and theory?

a) Skinner; social learning theory

b) Freud; psychoanalytic theory

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c) Erikson; conflict-resolution theory
d) Kohlberg; cognitive-developmental theory

Answer: d Page: 246 Level: Difficult LO: 8-2 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.4

8-28. What is the term for a state in which gender roles encompass characteristics thought typical
of both sexes?

a) gender identity
b) androgynous
c) gender schema
d) gender constancy

Answer: b Page: 246 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-29. Marion and her husband Bill are trying to bring up their children, a boy and a girl ages 4
and 5 respectively, in exactly the same way: encouraging their son to demonstrate both
assertiveness as well as tenderness, and encouraging their daughter to exhibit both independence
and empathy. According to the researcher Sandra Bem, these parents are encouraging their
children toward

a) gender constancy.
b) gender schema.
c) androgynous characteristics.
d) gender identification.

Answer: c Page: 246 Level: Medium LO: 8-2 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-30. Preschoolers’ peer relationships are based on

a) care, protection, and direction.

b) intellectual stimulation and cognitive growth.
c) building skills through competition.
d) the desire for companionship, play, and fun.

Answer: d Page: 248 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.3

8-31. Raul and Raymond are 3-years-old, and the main benefit they get out of being friends is

a) the enjoyment of carrying out shared activities.

b) trust, support, and shared interests.
c) the give-and-take of competing with each other in games.
d) the intellectual stimulation of conversation and learning activities.

Answer: a Page: 248 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

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8-32. What is the term for play that involves simple, repetitive activities typical of 3-year-olds?

a) constructive
b) simple
c) functional
d) associative

Answer: c Page: 248 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-33. Which of the following is the best example of functional play?

a) skipping or jumping
b) checkers
c) adding items like cookies to see how many there are
d) playing with Legos to build objects

Answer: a Page: 248 Level: Difficult LO: 8-3 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.2

8-34. Functional play is typical of

a) 2-year-olds.
b) 5-year-olds.
c) 3-year-olds.
d) infants.

Answer: c Page: 248 Level: Difficult LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-35. What is the term for play in which children manipulate objects to produce or build

a) functional
b) parallel
c) cooperative
d) constructive

Answer: d Page: 248 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-36. When 4-year-old Anna uses Legos to build a playhouse, or puts a puzzle together, this is an
example of

a) functional play.
b) parallel play.
c) constructive play.
d) associative play.

Answer: c Page: 248 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

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8-37. Constructive play is typical of

a) 6-year-olds.
b) 4-year-olds.
c) infants.
d) 3-year-olds.

Answer: b Page: 248 Level: Difficult LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-38. What type of play involves action in which children play with similar toys, in a similar
manner, but do not interact with each other?

a) associative
b) functional
c) onlooker
d) parallel

Answer: d Pages: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-39. Melissa is sitting at her preschool table playing with a toy car, while Alex is sitting next to
her playing with a toy car and making quiet engine sounds. These two children never interact
together. What type of play are these two children engaged in?

a) parallel
b) onlooker
c) functional
d) associative

Answer: a Pages: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-40. What is the term for action in which children simply watch others at play, but do not
actually participate themselves?

a) associative
b) parallel
c) onlooker
d) functional

Answer: c Page: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome:

8-41. Several 4-year-old boys are sitting at a table playing with cars in a makeshift race, and one
boy stands by the table watching them. Occasionally, the boy who is standing calls out for the
green car to go faster. This is an example of

a) functional play.

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b) parallel play.
c) onlooker play.
d) associative play.

Answer: c Page: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-42. What is the term for play in which two or more children actually interact with one another
by sharing or borrowing toys or materials, although they do not do the same thing?

a) functional
b) associative
c) parallel
d) onlooker

Answer: b Page: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-43. In preschool one day, 5 children decided to help each other build a fort with the items that
were available to them. Each child took it upon him/herself to find objects in the classroom that
could be put together to build a fort. This is an example of

a) associative play.
b) parallel play.
c) functional play.
d) onlooker play.

Answer: a Page: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-44. What is the term for play in which children genuinely interact with one another, taking
turns, playing games, or devising contests?

a) associative
b) functional
c) cooperative
d) parallel

Answer: c Page: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-45. Three children in the preschool class are working to complete puzzles, and they all take
turns fitting in the pieces. This is an example of

a) cooperative play.
b) associative play.
c) parallel play.
d) functional play.

Answer: a Page: 249 Level: Medium LO: 8-3 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

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8-46. When do associative and cooperative play tend to become most common in children?

a) in infancy
b) when children are 1- to 2-years-old
c) when children are 2- to 3-years-old
d) at the end of the preschool years

Answer: d Page: 249 Level: Easy LO: 8-3 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-47. The difference between a 3-year-old’s development of “pretend” compared to his/her

development of “belief” can be illustrated by

a) show and tell.

b) hide and seek.
c) false belief task.
d) truth or dare.

Answer: c Page: 251 Level: Difficult LO: 8-3 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 3.1

8-48. Children with autism find it particularly difficult to relate to others, in part, because they
find it difficult to

a) listen to others.
b) pay attention.
c) understand what others are thinking.
d) use visualization.

Answer: c Page: 251 Level: Difficult LO: 8-3 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-49. What is the term for parents who are controlling, punitive, rigid, cold, and whose word is

a) authoritative
b) involved
c) authoritarian
d) permissive

Answer: c Page: 252 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-50. Meredith’s 5-year-old friends at the playground run around from the rides to the slides, but
Meredith’s mother told her she had to stay on the swings and not move to another place in the
playground. When Meredith complained that the other children were allowed to play where they
wanted, Meredith’s mother told her to stay on the swings “because I said so.” This is an example

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a) involved parenting.
b) authoritarian parenting.
c) permissive parenting.
d) authoritative parenting.

Answer: b Page: 252 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 3.1

8-51. What is the term for parents who provide lax and inconsistent feedback and require little of
their children?

a) authoritarian
b) authoritative
c) involved
d) permissive

Answer: d Page: 252 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-52. Billy is a 5-year-old child who does not have a regular bedtime, is permitted to neglect
personal hygiene such as brushing his teeth, and doesn’t usually participate in any simple chores,
such as picking up his toys in his room. It would appear that Billy parents’ style of parenting is

a) permissive.
b) authoritarian.
c) involved.
d) authoritative.

Answer: a Page: 252 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 3.1

8-53. What is the term for parents who are firm, set clear and consistent limits, and try to reason
with their children, giving explanations for why they should behave in a particular way?

a) authoritarian
b) permissive
c) involved
d) authoritative

Answer: d Page: 252-253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-54. Five-year-old Benjamin and his younger sister were playing together in the living room,
and his sister grabbed at the toy that Benjamin was playing with. He lashed out at his sister and
punched her in the arm and took back the toy, making her cry. Benjamin’s mother immediately
took Benjamin aside and, rather than punishing him, tried to explain how his choice of behavior
made his sister cry, and that he needs to learn to share his toys. This is an example of what type
of parenting style?

a) authoritative

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b) permissive
c) authoritarian
d) uninvolved

Answer: a Page: 252-253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-55. What type of parents show almost no interest in their children and demonstrate indifferent,
rejecting behavior(s)?

a) permissive
b) authoritative
c) authoritarian
d) uninvolved

Answer: d Page: 253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-56. Isabelle lives in a household where her parents are gone most of the time. Even when they
are home, Isabelle goes to school with dirty clothes and no breakfast. What type of parents is
Isabelle likely to have?

a) uninvolved
b) permissive
c) authoritarian
d) authoritative

Answer: a Page: 253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-57. In its most extreme form, _________ parenting results in neglect.

a) permissive
b) authoritative
c) uninvolved
d) authoritarian

Answer: c Page: 253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-58. The _________________ parenting style includes parental warmth, proactive teaching,
calm discussion during disciplinary episodes, and interest and involvement in their children and
peers’ activities.

a) authoritarian
b) authoritative or supportive
c) involved
d) permissive

Answer: b Page: 253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

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8-59. Maurice is a child of authoritarian parents. He is likely to grow up exhibiting all of the
following characteristics EXCEPT

a) self-assertiveness.
b) withdrawn behavior and low sociability skills.
c) motivation to achieve.
d) likeable and successful.

Answer: b Page: 253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 3.1

8-60. Lucas is the child of permissive parents. He is likely to grow up exhibiting all of the
following characteristics EXCEPT

a) dependent.
b) moodiness.
c) low social skills and self-control.
d) assertive and cooperative behavior(s).

Answer: d Page: 253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 3.1

8-61. Randy and Mandy are the children of authoritarian parents. They are likely to grow up
exhibiting all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

a) little sociability.
b) uneasy around peers.
c) friendly and cooperative behavior.
d) dependency upon their parents.

Answer: c Page: 253 Level: Medium LO: 8-4 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 3.1

8-62. Which of the following is the most frequent form of child abuse?

a) sexual
b) psychological maltreatment
c) physical
d) neglect

Answer: d Page: 255 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-63. Approximately how many children are killed by their parents or caretakers every day?

a) 10
b) 5
c) 15
d) 25

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Answer: b Page: 255 Level: Difficult LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-64. Approximately how many children are physically injured every year?

a) 140,000
b) 150,000
c) 100,000
d) 50,000

Answer: a Page: 255 Level: Difficult LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-65. Steven is an abused 4-year-old child. Which of the following is NOT a likely contributor to
his situation?

a) Steven is a child who is fussy, resistant to control, and is not readily adaptable to new
b) Steven’s parents have a history of violence and marital conflict.
c) Steven’s biological father is his abuser.
d) Steven resides with a single-parent family who lives in poverty.

Answer: c Page: 255 Level: Moderate LO: 8-5 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-66. When considering the signs of child abuse, which of the following is LEAST likely to be
an indication that a child has been abused?

a) inappropriate attire (long sleeves and pants in hot summer weather) to cover marks or
b) over-affectionate behavior from the child; he/she wants to be held and nurtured all
the time
c) extreme behavior including highly aggressive or highly withdrawn or passive
d) feelings of pain for no apparent reason

Answer: b Page: 255 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.3

8-67. While “spanking” may produce immediate compliance of children, the long-term side
effects may include all of the following EXCEPT

a) poorer mental health for both child and parent.

b) higher levels of delinquency and anti-social behavior.
c) that children are taught that violence is an acceptable solution to problems.
d) the child will develop a greater sense of independence and autonomy, and will adhere
to social and cultural norms.

Answer: d Page: 256 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.3

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8-68. What is the term for the theory that the abuse and neglect that children suffer predispose
them as adults to abuse and neglect their own children?

a) psychological maltreatment
b) victim-aggression theory
c) cycle of violence hypothesis
d) parent-child cycle

Answer: c Page: 256 Level: Difficult LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 3.1

8-69. What percentage of children who are raised in abusive households grow up to be abusive
parents themselves?

a) 50%
b) 33%
c) 25%
d) 40%

Answer: b Page: 256 Level: Difficult LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-70. What is the term for abuse that occurs when parents or other caregivers harm children’s
behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or physical functioning?

a) cycle of violence hypothesis

b) parent-child cycle
c) victim-aggression theory
d) psychological maltreatment

Answer: d Page: 257 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-71. Five-year-old Amanda is walking through the grocery store with her mother, and Amanda
accidentally knocks over a display. Her mother is furious with her, calls Amanda names, and
tells Amanda she is clumsy and stupid for causing a mess. This is an example of

a) cycle of violence hypothesis.

b) child abuse.
c) psychological maltreatment.
d) authoritarian parenting style.

Answer: c Page: 257 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-72. What two parts of the limbic system in the brain can be permanently altered as a result of
childhood abuse?

a) prefrontal cortex and corpus callosum

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b) thalamus and corpus callosum
c) temporal lobe and amygdala
d) hippocampus and amygdala

Answer: d Pages: 257 Level: Difficult LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-73. The stress, fear, and terror accompanying abuse may also produce permanent changes in
the brain due to _____________ of the ________.

a) understimulation; hypothalamus
b) overstimulation; limbic system
c) overstimulation; thalamus
d) understimulation; amygdala

Answer: b Page: 257 Level: Difficult LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-74. What is the term for the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high risk
for psychological or physical change?

a) psychological maltreatment
b) cycle of violence hypothesis
c) resilience
d) character

Answer: c Page: 258 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-75. According to psychologist Emmy Werner, young children who are considered “resilient”

a) affectionate, easygoing, and good-natured temperaments.

b) strong independent streaks that allow them to be able to function without nurturing
and assistance from others.
c) parents with excellent parenting skills.
d) been brought up in households that have relatively few stressors.

Answer: a Page: 258 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-76. According to psychologist Emmy Werner, older children who are considered “resilient”

a) are socially pleasant, outgoing, and have good communication skills.

b) have strong independent streaks that allow them to be able to function without
nurturing and assistance from others.
c) have parents with excellent parenting skills.
d) have been brought up in households that have relatively few stressors.

Answer: a Page: 258 Level: Medium LO: 8-5 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

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8-77. What is the term that refers to the changes in people’s sense of justice and of what is right
and wrong, and in their behavior related to moral issues?

a) law and order

b) morality
c) moral development
d) heteronomous morality

Answer: c Page: 259 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-78. According to Piaget, what is the term for the earliest, broad stage of moral thinking in
which rules are seen as invariant and unchangeable?

a) preschool morality
b) heteronomous morality
c) resilience
d) morality

Answer: b Page: 259 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-79. A group of 4 to 7-year-old children play a game of tag on the playground rigidly, assuming
that there is only one way to play. This is an example of

a) resilience.
b) preschool morality.
c) heteronomous morality.
d) incipient cooperation stage.

Answer: c Page: 259-260 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-80. A group of 7 to 10-year-old children are playing organized little league baseball. They
have learned the formal rules of the game, and they play according to their shared knowledge;
however, the rules are seen as unchangeable. Piaget would say that this is an example of

a) autonomous cooperation.
b) heteronomous morality.
c) incipient cooperation.
d) resilience.

Answer: c Page: 260 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-81. When a child turns 10 years of age, he/she is able to, according to Piaget, be fully aware
that formal game rules can be modified if the people playing agree. This is called

a) autonomous cooperation.

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
b) heteronomous morality.
c) incipient cooperation.
d) resilience.

Answer: a Page: 260 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.3

8-82. Prosocial behavior that is learned indirectly by observing the behavior of others is called

a) moral development.
b) modeling.
c) empathy.
d) social learning.

Answer: b Page: 261 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-83. What is the term that describes helping behavior that benefits others?

a) immanent justice
b) moral development
c) autonomous cooperation
d) prosocial behavior

Answer: d Page: 261 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-84. Clarice is a 5-year-old who is watching a movie and eating popcorn with her 3-year-old
brother. Clarice’s brother finishes his popcorn long before Clarice, so she offers her brother some
of her popcorn. Clarice’s mother praises her as a “good girl” for sharing. This is an example of

a) Piaget’s autonomous cooperation.

b) Piaget’s incipient cooperation.
c) prosocial behavior of the social learning theory.
d) modeling.

Answer: c Page: 261 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Applied APA Outcome: 1.3

8-85. According to the social learning theory, modeling paves the way for the development of
more general rules and principles in a process called

a) empathy.
b) abstract modeling.
c) immanent justice.
d) autonomous cooperation.

Answer: b Page: 261 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-86. According to developmentalists, what lies at the heart of moral behavior?

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
a) cognitive ability
b) empathy
c) social skills development
d) Freud’s “superego”

Answer: b Page: 262 Level: Medium LO: 8-6 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-87. What is the term for intentional injury or harm to another person?

a) anger
b) retaliation
c) aggression
d) abuse

Answer: c Pages: 262 Level: Medium LO: 8-7 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-88. According to developmental research, what contributes to the decline of aggression in

preschool children?

a) more access to better child care

b) personality and social development of the child
c) more authoritarian parenting
d) more authoritative parenting

Answer: b Pages: 263 Level: Medium LO: 8-7 Type: Conceptual APA Outcome: 3.1

8-89. What is the term for the capability to adjust emotions to a desired state and level of

a) instrumental aggression
b) relational aggression
c) emotional self-regulation
d) autonomous cooperation

Answer: c Page: 263 Level: Medium LO: 8-7 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

8-90. What is the term for aggression motivated by the desire to obtain a concrete goal?

a) relational aggression
b) instrumental aggression
c) emotional aggression
d) regulated aggression

Answer: b Page: 263 Level: Medium LO: 8-7 Type: Factual APA Outcome: 1.2

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