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43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit AIAA 2007-5810

8 - 11 July 2007, Cincinnati, OH

Design and Development of VEGA Solid Rocket Motors

Composite Cases

F. Betti, P. Perugini, A. Mataloni, N. Tessitore, A. Leone, A. Di Cosmo

Avio S.p.A. Propulsione Aerospaziale, Corso Garibaldi 22, 00034, Colleferro, Italy
Ernesto Vari
Europropulsion, 11 Rue Salomon de Rothschild, 92150 Suresnes, France
Michel Bonnet
European Space Agency, VEGA IPT, Via Galileo Galilei, 00044 Frascati, Italy
Gandolfo Di Vita
Italian Space Agency c/o CNES, Rond-point de l’Éspace–Courcouronnes, 91023 Evry Cedex, France

In the framework of the VEGA European small launcher programme Avio has underway the
parallel development and qualification of the composite cases of all the three solid propellant motor
The filament winding technology has enabled casings to be manufactured up to three metres in
diameter. The filament wound casing is thus also suitable for future evolutions of the Ariane 5 solid
rocket boosters, leading to a significant reduction of mass and subsequent increase in payload
This paper gives an overview of the design and technology activities that have been performed for
the simultaneous development of the three new VEGA SRM composite cases and presents the main
results of the testing activity .
The combination of enhanced modelling and full scale test results and the synergies adopted
between the VEGA composite cases has make this new short time development possible to keep
VEGA competitiveness by improving performance and reducing cost.

AVUM = Attitude Vernier Upper Module
CDR = Critical Design Review
PDR = Preliminary Design Review
DMi = Develpment Model i-th
QMi = Qualification Model i-th
CFRP = Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
IMC = Insulated Motor Case
EPDM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
HTPB = Hydroxy Terminated PolyButadiene
IFOC = Initiateur Fonctionnant par Onde de Choc
MEOP = Maximum Expected Operating Pressure
MPS = Moteur à Propergol Solide
SRM = Solid Rocket Motor
TM = Tecnology Model
N/A = Not Applicable

I. Introduction

V EGA, shown in Figure 1, is the small European expandable launcher currently under development by the
European Space Agency. It is designed to deliver 300 to 2000 kg payloads into Polar and low Earth
orbits. The first launch is planned for 2008. VEGA is a single body launcher, which consists of three solid

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Copyright © 2007 by AVIO S.p.A. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
rocket stages, the P80 FW first stage, the Zefiro 23 second stage, the Zefiro 9 third stage, and a liquid rocket
upper module called AVUM. The first stage is developed in the P80 program, which has the additional
objective to demonstrate advanced technologies that shall be used for possible future Ariane 5 evolutions[1].
All three VEGA SRMs are equipped with composite cases that take advantage of the filament winding
technology developed by Avio S.p.A. This technology has enabled casings to
be manufactured up to three meters in diameter, leading to a significant
reduction of mass and subsequent increase in payload capability. In addition
with respect to traditional metallic materials, whose market and technology are
more consolidate, CFRP shows a cost reduction trend due to their progressive
application not only in the space and aeronautical industry, but also in the
commercial market.
Further low-cost technologies being developed for the VEGA solid rocket
motors include low density rubber for the internal insulation, low binder
content and high aluminum percentage for the propellant, a simplified nozzle
architecture, a consumable casing for the igniter and an electromechanical
thrust vector control system using lithium ion batteries.
In this frame Avio S.p.A., among other VEGA development like the fourth
stage liquid motor AVUM and other stage equipment, develops all the three
SRM composite cases. Figure 1: Artist’s
The VEGA SRMs development started in 2002, the project is currently in the impression of VEGA
qualification phase after completion of the Critical Design Review at the end of
2006 for Zefiro9 and Zefiro 23 motors, while the P80 Loaded Motor case Critical Design review is currently
undergoing and is planned to be completed by July 2007.
The motor case are expected to be qualified by the end of 2007 after completion of mechanical qualification
test on P80 and confirmation of the behavior in the remaining qualification motor static firing test.
To make possible the simultaneous development of three new SRMs, and specifically their composite
cases, Avio has take advantage of its heritage in developing and manufacturing SRM with composite case, in
particular Zefiro 16 SRM[10], that was the precursor of current VEGA SRMs, for which 5 composite cases
were manufactured and three static bench firing test were performed.
This heritage has allowed Avio to develop a specific methodology that requires from the early conception
phase a strong concurrent engineering approach among design, technology and manufacturing. The approach
links together the composite material properties, the numerical simulation, the technology constraint,
production means and experimental verification as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Composite case development methodology

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II. Design description

A. Requirements

The main requirement for the Composite Case comes

from its function as component of the SRM and as a General
structural part of the VEGA launcher. They can be Load
summarised as follows:
¾ As SRM component:
• Withstand inner pressure;
• Transmit thrust;
• Contain and protect the propellant grain;
• Provide interface to other SRM component Wiring Tunel
Loacal Load
(Thermal Protection, Igniter and Nozzle)
¾ As launcher structure: Inner
• Sustain general and local launcher loads; Pressure
• Assure adequate stiffness;
• Provide interface to the other structure and
equipment of the stage.
The typical load conditions acting on the SRM
composite case during its operative life are shown in
Figure 3.
All these function have to be accomplished with a Actuator Thrust
Safety Factors compatible with the SRM and L/V Local Load
specification and a high level of process reliability. Load
An overview of the main requirements of the VEGA
SRM composite cases can be found in Table I. Figure 3: Load conditions


Skirt to skirt lenght 8.6m 5.8 m 2.1 m


Boss to boss length 9.3 m 6.2 m 2.8 m

Outer diameter 3.0 m 1.9 m 1.9 m

MEOP 9.5 Mpa 10.6 Mpa 8.63 Mpa


Max operational compression flux 549 KN/m 683 KN/m 545 KN/m

Max operational tensile flux -342 KN/m -337 KN/m -313 KN/m

Ageing 7 years 7 years 7 years

Max Operational Temperature 80°C 80°C 80°C

Table I :Overview of motor case main requirements

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B. Composite case general architecture

In order to satisfy the functions described above within the required specifications, the overall architecture
and the main components shown in Figure 4 are selected for the case. The same architecture applies to the
three composite case of the VEGA solid rocket motors (P80, Zefiro 23 and Zefiro 9).

Y-Joint Y-Joint
Fwd Skirt Filler filler Aft Skirt

Fwd Flange Fwd Aft Aft Flange

Shear-ply Shear-ply
Polar-boss to Polar-boss to
Case Ply Case Ply
Fwd Polar-boss Aft Polar-boss

Figure 4: Composite Case Architecture.

The composite case is composed of a cylindrical vessel, closed with the Forward and Aft Domes,
manufactured by filament winding prepreg Carbon/Epoxy tows onto a dismountable metallic mandrel covered
by the internal Thermal Protection and cured with temperature.
The wall thickness is made by helical layers, wound from boss to boss alternating with hoop layers, wound
on the cylinder only.
The dome openings are reinforced by high strength aluminium alloy polar bosses which interface the
nozzle and the igniter. The polar bosses interface the dome openings by means of a rubber ply.
The interface to the L/V are obtained by the forward and aft skirts. The skirts are connected to the vessel by
means of a rubber shear ply. They are laid up of carbon/epoxy tape interspersed with hoop winding and co-
cured with the vessel.
The skirts terminate with high strength aluminium alloy flanges to interface the L/V interstage. The rear
ring also accommodates the interface to the Thrust Vector Control system actuator.
The technology adopted is the same for the three motor case, selected based on Avio know-how coming
from previous experiences. For the selection of carbon fiber and epoxy resin system of the prepregged tow and
tape a trade-off has been set up based on the following main driving criteria:
9 Performances compatible with project needs
9 Cost competitive prepreg being the Vega launch vehicle a low cost program
9 Technology suitability/robustness (out-life of prepreg compatible with the time of winding process
without loss of material handling, tack)
9 Versatile curing cycle tailored on process needs
As a conclusion the trade-off has allowed the selection of commercial carbon/epoxy material. The same
resin system has been selected for the three motor cases. The material of choice is a unique thermosetting
epoxy resin featuring a one year shelf life and at least two months out life during operative conditions. The
long shelf life at room temperature allows also for elimination of refrigerated shipping and storage cost.
High strength and relatively medium modulus carbon fiber has been selected for all the three composite
case tape, to be used for the skirt, and for the P80 tow, to wind the vessel. For the Zefiro 23 and Zefiro 9 vessel
only due to the stringent mass requirements very high strength aerospace grade carbon fiber has been chosen.

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C. Design activity

The following main aspects have been deeply investigated during the design phase of the IMC-CP:
1. composite vessel case design;
2. igniter and nozzle interfaces verification;
3. Skirts design and verification under compressive loads;
4. Skirt-Case and Interstage-Motor connection verification
5. Damage Tolerance capabilities verification

1. Vessel Design

Starting from the geometrical dome opening requirements, fiber path stability analyses have been
performed using the dedicated software ARIANNA[9] to define optimal domes geometry and winding angles
compatible with technologically allowable fiber slippage tendency onto the mandrel. (see Figure 5).

23 35


60 25
thick. (mm)

thick. (mm)
thick (mm)



15 15

10 10

10 5

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 0
-1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
X(mm) X (mm) X (mm)

Figure 5 P80 Winding Path Definition and vessel thickness

Several loop of detailed structural analyses have been performed in order to optimize the design with the aim
to minimize the composite case mass and calculate the Safety Factors.


Dome profile
20% Zefrio 23
Zefrio 9
Composite mass reduction


10% optimisation


Frozen definition


Figure 6 : SRM Composite case mass optimization evolution

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A 3D model representative of a quarter of IMC-CP, taking advantage of the symmetry of the case geometry
and applied loads has been used for the vessel optimization phase. The Finite Element mesh and results are
shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Helix and Hoop stress at 1.4 MEOP

2. Igniter and Nozzle interface verification

To assure motor chamber sealing, double O-ring barrier has been installed at the interface with the igniter
flange and nozzle stationary shell respectively. In order to verify the gap behaviour of the interface and the
plasticization effect on the polar boss under the pressure and trust load, axisymmetric local analyses, including
contact phenomena and material non-linearity have been performed.
Fiogure 8 shows the whole 2D model of the P80 FW EMC case part and respectively the detail of polar
boss/igniter part and polar boss/nozzle interfaces (both the mechanical connection configurations are reported).

Figure 8 P80 interfaces- global and detailed FEM view

In figure Figure 9 the deformed shape at MEOP shows that for nozzle interface and for each conditions,
closure forces arise to reduce the initial gap (the same has been verified for the forward part). This means that
the O-ring functionality is always assured.

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Figure 9 - Nozzle-Polar boss interface Contat Status at MEOP

By using the same model the polar boss Mos have been evaluated. In Figure 10 the location of the maximum
values of the Von Mises stress on the aft and forward polar boss are reported.

Max stress

Max stress

Figure 10 - Von Mises contour map around 1.1 MEOP- Aft and Forward polar boss

3. Skirt design

The following activities have been developed:

• The baseline configuration has been analysed under the above described dimensioning case to evaluate the
SF with respect the linear buckling by means a local 3D model. The boundary conditions have been
correctly modelled by integrating skirts with the interstage .

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• Non linear buckling analysis have been performed by using the same 3D local model already used for the
linear analysis and MoS have been estimated with respect the instability and compressive strength.
• Finally the MoS with respect the axisymmetric buckling and the strength have been deduced by using a
fully 2D model of the SRM interstage included. This model take the advantage to have a very refined
mesh and a correct representation of the rubber components. The investigation has been performed
including also the geometrical imperfection effects and the delamination effects [2].
Very large MoS have been exhibited by the perfect structure (see respectively Figure 11 and Figure 12 for the
fwd and aft skirt). Large MoS with respect buckling have been obtained for perfect structure by using 3D

Figure 11 – P80 FWD skirt buckling mode shape Figure 12 - P80 Aft skirt buckling mode shape
(Φ=2662 KN/m) non linear analysis without TVC effects (Φ=2352 KN/m) non linear

Since the buckling do not represent a real problem VEGA SRM composite cases, the compressive strength
verification has been deeply investigated by including the effects of the geometrical imperfections. A 2D
global model has been used at this scope for the following reasons:
•A very refined mesh shall increase the stress field accuracy
•Layer by layer representation allow a realistic representation of composite material damage and the
investigation of their effect on the ultimate buckling load and strength
•Boundary condition case side are fully representative since the Y-joint and shear ply layer is completely
modeled by Hermann incompressible elements
The analysis of the compressive strength field leads on the most critical configuration, including possible
dmages in the composite and geometrical imperfection has shown that the composite cases still have positive
MoS. (see Figure 13).

Figure 13 - P80 Deformed shape approaching the buckling load

4. Skirt-Case and Interstage-Motor connection verification

The same 2D axisymmetric model adopted for the interface regions verification, including a very refined mesh
in the shear ply region, has been employed to verify the skirt-case connection.
From a numerical point of view the experimental uniaxial rubber curve has been introduced in the Ogden
formulation to obtain the better representation for the shear ply. The non linear analyses have been performed

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up to the required loads and as expected, the maximum value of shear stress is encountered at the shear ply
free edge and the most critical condition correspond to the pressurized case.
To verify the interstage-motor and the flange-skirt connections a refined 3D local model taking into account
the effects induced by bolt pressure contact on the aluminium flange have been implemented (see Figure 14).
Both bending solicitation on bolts and pre-tensioning of the bolts are included in the analysis. For each model
an angular portion has been discretized and by means of cyclic symmetry constraint conditions the
axisymmetrical behavior of the structure is taken into account.



Figure 14 P80 skirt interstage 1/2 FEM model

For each configurations the following load have been taken into account in the model:

• Axial Bolt Preload

• Radial Bolt Preload
• Tension or compression flux
The results obtained for the models were evaluated and large MoS have been calculated both for the aluminum
flange and composite skirt bearing parameters.

5. Damage Toleran e Verification

Interlaminar flaw, or delamination, can be generated in the composite material during the production
process. Alternatively, these flaws can be initiated by post-production handling or by the action of the external
load during the service life.
Damage tolerance design approach to SRM composite cases requires to establish the critical conditions
which may be sustained without the risk of unstable flaw propagation or the drop of the nominal design
material resistance below acceptable limits. These critical conditions have to be respected in terms of
maximum allowable flow size and design loads. Under compressive load (see Figure 15), the local buckling of
the sublaminates arises and this phenomenon can quickly lead to the delamination growth, causing the sudden
loss of the load-carrying capability of the panel. The way to propagate of a delamination depends on its
location and size.

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Figure 15: Laminate buckling under compressive load

From a conceptual point of view, interlaminar flaws are bi dimensional discontinuities that can be
treated as cracks with a non-straight front, in general. Conditions for stable or unstable crack propagation may
be reached during the application of thermo-mechanical loads when the intensity of the stress field at the crack
tip exceeds a critical value typical for the material under investigation. Due to the similarity to planar cracks,
delaminations can be correctly analyzed with fracture mechanics tools. These tools are the basic fracture
modes and can be divided in three with Mode I, Mode II, and Mode III (see Figure 16)

Figure 16: Basic Fracture Modes

As far as concern composite laminates, the AVIO procedure for the determination of the laminate fracture
resistance under mode I and mixed mode loading conditions are respectively coded in the ASTM-D5528-01
and ASTM-D6671-01, while no specific procedure for pure mode II loading configuration is available.
However, a test procedure for the determination of G under mode II loading condition is available in the
AECMA book of standards (prEN 6034) (see Figure 17) .

Figure 17 DCB and ENF test set up

To determine the maximum acceptable defect on the P80 skirt a routine has been implemented in the
FEM code pre-processor to introduce parametrically the defects in the local models of the skirts [3][4] (see
Figure 18). The following delamination sine shape function has been considered in the model :
⎛ πx ⎞
y ( x) = f * sin⎜ ⎟
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where f is the delamination opening and L is the delamination length.


Top Bottom

Fwd skirt
Aft skirt

Figure 18 Global and local skirts models

The Finite Element Method procedure has been carry out in the following steps:
• Selection of the most critical region along the skirt length,
• Selection of the most critical interface,
• Optimisation of the lay-up sequence to increase the skirt damage tolerance capabilities,
• Definition of the maximum acceptable delamination length,
• Evaluation of the minimum distance of influence for multiple delaminations (see Figure 19).

Figure 19 adjacent delaminations on fwd skirt-deformed shape

III. Composite Material Characterization

The composite cases of Z9, Z23 and P80 SRM are realized with a carbon fibre reinforced thermosetting epoxy
resin, as prepreg tow and unidirectional tape.

Figure 20 – Prepreg tow and tape

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In the framework of Vega program an extensive composite material characterisation was conducted. The logic
is hereinafter reported:

I. Uncured material physical and chemical characterisation

II. Curing cycle set up
III. Physical and mechanical characterisation on cured specimens
IV. Reduced scaled item manufacturing and characterisation
V. Real item manufacturing and characterisation on following specimens

I./II. Firstly the prepreg material was characterised according to conventional techniques to determine the
resin and volatile content, the fibre area weight, prepreg tack and drape. Next a detailed thermal and
rheological analysis was conducted with the double purpose to evaluate the degree of advancement (ageing) on
the uncured prepreg, and to study the cure kinetics.
Understanding the cure behaviour of a thermosetting system is essential in the development and optimisation
of composite fabrication processes. Due to the large sizes of Vega motors the set up of the curing cycle was
particularly critical, and aimed not only at reaching the complete resin cure but also to minimize internal
thermal gradients and residual stresses. The cure kinetics and rheological behaviour were investigated by
means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
While DSC analyses the curing profile from a thermal point of view (enthalpy of reaction), dynamic-
mechanical analysis shows how visco-elastic properties of the material evolve during polymerisation. Different
curing cycle were instrumentally simulated, as reported in Figure 21, and allowed for a fast, time and cost
effective, set up of the curing cycle.
S to rage M od ulu s (G ’)

tem perature Æ

time Æ
Fig. 21 Storage Modulus evolution according to different curing cycles Fig. 22 Glass transition temperature by DMA

III. A complete chemical-physical-mechanical characterisation was performed on cured material.

Resin content, density, glass transition temperature were determined on specimens cut from flat panels cured
according to the established polymerisation cycle. These three physical characteristic were chosen as indicator
of correct process parameters. The glass transition temperature (Tg) is representative of the resin’s crosslinking
density and degree of cure, when compared to prepreg instrumentally polymerised Tg.
Thermo gravimetric analyses on cured specimens was performed in order to investigate the resins
decomposition trend in function of temperature.
Mechanical characterisation was devoted to establish the interlaminar shear strength (ASTM D2344), tensile
strength (ASTM D2290 and ASTMD3039) and compressive strength (ASTM D3410) of the cured material.
The mechanical properties were evaluated at different temperatures and after moisture exposition to simulate
operative conditions. Moreover tests to establish the equilibrium Moisture Content and Moisture Absorption
vs. Time of cured composite (ASTM D5229) were conducted to service life and durability confirmation.

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In Figure 23 to illustrative purpose the apparatus (loading nose configuration and Testing machine) for short
beam shear (SBS) test is reported. Figure 24 reports a picture of a typical SBS specimen and a digital
microscopy image after test of the same.

Figure 23 SBS test configuration (ASTM D2344) Figure 24 SBS


Finally to characterize the fibre strength 6 inches filament wound small vessel were manufactured and burst
tested according to ASTM D2585 (Fig. 25)

Fig. 25 small vessel before and after burst test

IV. A reduced scaled item was manufactured, mechanical characterised and burst tested for the
knock down factor estimation.(Figure 26)

Figure 26

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V. To complete the material characterisation, physical and mechanical properties were evaluated on tag ends
specimens cut from the real item motors. On each motor case glass transition temperature, resin content and
interlaminar shear strength is determined in order to check the compliance with acceptance criteria.

IV. Development Models and Tests

The development plan has been established with the aim to take advantage of all possible synergy between
the three motors has been exploited as much as possible to take advantage of similarity in order to avoid
redundancy and minimise the development.
It has been slightly modified during the evolution of the activities in order to overcome some technical
problems arose during the initial development phase.
For each motor case the following ful scale model have been manufactured and tersted:
• One Technological Model TM aimed to be the path finder for composite case manufacturing
technology, it was devoted also to a first verification of the mechanical properties and capacity.
• Two Development model (DM0 and DM1) devoted to composite case mechanical qualification and to
the first SRM firing test;
• One Qualification Model (QM1) devoted to SRM qualification firing test.

An overview of the major development tests is given in Table II.

Proof Test Mechanical test Burst Test Firing Test

Zefiro 9 Composite cas Zefiro 23 Composite Case P80 Composite Case


SRM Handling/Transport -
Qalification load to be performed
DM0 1.25 MEOP after firing test to be performed after firing perofrmed on Nov. 06

DM1 1.25 Firing Test SRM Handling/Transport N/A to be performed on october 2007

QM1 not needed if DM0 qualfication test succesfull

TM 1.1 MEOP Forward skirt failure N/A N/A

Compression qualification load in
DM0 1.1 MEOP two pieces N/A N/A

DM1 1.25 Firing test N/A Performed after firing performed on June 06
1.1 max compression and
QM1 1.25 MEOP tension N/A N/A
Max compression, tension and
TM 1.1 MEOP bending N/A N/A

DM0 1.25 Firing test N/A N/A performed Dec.05

DM1 1.1 MEOP Completed with qualification load Completed N/A

QM1 1.1 MEOP N/A N/A performed

Table II: Synthesis of development and qualification test

For Composite case mechanical and burst test a dedicated facility was developed, which is able to perform
the following complex test on all three full scale motor cases (see Figure 27):
• simultaneous application of pressure, thrust loads and flight loads (axial and bending);
• hydroburst.

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Fig.27 : P80 FW, Zefiro 23 and Zefiro 9 composite cases at the mechanical test bench

V. Manufacturing Process

Dedicated industrial tools were designed, manufactured, tested and used for development item production.
A scheme of the manufacturing cycle is shown in Figure 28.











Figure 29: Composite Case Manufacturing cycle .

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Figure 30: Simultaneous filament winding of P80 and Zefiro 23 at Avio shop.

VI. Conclusion

The simultaneous development of P80, Zefiro 23 and Zefiro 9 SRM Composite Cases is very challenging.
The achieved result has shown the goodness of the design and validate the technology process and industrial
means put in place for manufacturing.
Up to now the Zefiro 9 Motor Case has been fully qualified. Zefiro 23 Motor Case has withstood
qualification load on the skirt and has passed the burst test on separate items, showing the robustness of the
design and de-criticising a late complete qualification campaign on a dedicated item.
P80 FW Motor Case shall still perform qualification test on the DM0 item after DM firing test, the
mechanical qualification test campaign is foreseen to start shortly and to be completed by October 2007.

The authors would like to thank their colleagues and project members at Avio, Europropulsion, ELV,
CNES, and ESA who enabled the development of the VEGA solid rocket motor composite cases.

[1] Neri, A., Bianchi, S., Pascal, P., Cutroni, M., “An Overview of VEGA Solid Rocket Motors Development
and Qualification Program” AIAA paper 2003-5284, 39th Joint Propulsion Conference, Huntsville,
Alabama, July 2003
[2] Biagi M., Perugini P. “Non Linear Analysis of Vega Launcher First Stage composite skirt with geometrical
imperfection”,AIAA Conference-Honolulu 04-2007
[3] A.Thirkettle , F.Betti, P.Perugini, R.Tontini, J.L.Parquet, A.Obst, J.Jakobsen , Modelling Delamination
Caused By Defects In Large Diameter Composite Cylinders, Noordwijk, ESTEC 2005

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
[4] P. Perugini, A. Mataloni, F. Betti, Damage Tolerance Approach To SRM Composite Cases, 40th
AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Fort Lauderdale, Florida – 11-14 July
[5] Betti F., Neri A., Mastronardi R., Cutroni M., “Vega Small Launcher Solid Rocket Motors”, 6th
International Symposium on Space Transportation of the XXIst Century, 13-17 May 02, Versailles, France.
[6] Betti F., Germani T., Boury D., Pernpeintner R., Binder G., “Possible Option for Ariane 5 Booster Case -
Design Option Overview for MPS2 CPN”, 6th International Symposium on Propulsion for Space
Transportation of the XXIst Century, 13-17 May 02, Versailles, France.
[7] Betti F., Bellomi P., Neri A., Di Vita G., Di Nicola F., “Advanced FRP application for Solid Rocket Motor
Technology”, CEAS Conference on Material for Aerospace Application, 6-8 December 00, Munchen,
[8] Betti F., Neri A., Bianchi S., D’Aversa E., “The 2nd and 3rd Stage of the Vega Small Launcher - An
overview of the Zefiro Solid Rocket Motor Family”, 2nd European Conference on Launcher Technology,
21-24 November 00, Rome, Italy.
[9] Betti F., G. Di Vita, S. Cantoni, “Arianna: a Code for Integrated Techno.logical Design of Composite Solid
Rocket Motor Cases”, 2nd European Conference on Launcher Technology, 21-24 November 00, Rome,
[10]Betti F., Mataloni A., Neri A., “Design and Development of Medium/Large Composite Cases for Solid
Rocket Motor”, 2nd European Conference on Launcher Technology, 21-24 November 00, Rome, Italy.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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