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ry SERVICES SRI RAMACHANDRA LABORATOR’ ENTRE ‘SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL C) INVESTIGATION REPORT Patient Name & Address MR.NIMI 4 aes Roterring Dect aVAN VILAI VEEDU, VENDALICODE Be SHANTHI VIJAYARAG! Dt KANYAKUMAR 00 -TAMILNADU.628161 Department INDIA, Ph No.7402556861 HEPATOLOGY ee 5 Req No = Patientid 0003004280 5 foe : 26/01/2004 ‘Age :20 YRS ae e 03/2024 07:53:00PM Collected : 30/03/2024 16:11:00, Received : 30/03/2024 16:43:00 Reported : 90/03/2024 O76 . Biological oe Test Name (Sample typelMethodology) Result Reference Interval BL MISTRY ae 40.00 20-60 maid ** End Of Report * «gp RAMACHANDRA LABORATORY SER ¢RI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE INVESTIGATION REPORT AAR.NIMIN K MALAI VILAI VEEDU, VENDALICODE Referring Doctor KANYAKUMARI Dr SHANTHI VIUAYARAGHAVAN -JANILNADU,628161 Department INDIA, Ph No-7402556881 HEPATOLOGY OYRS Sex = MALE DOB :26101/2004 -ReqNo :01757. Patientia 0003004290 Age Received :01/04/2024 12:23:00 Reported :01/04/2024 01:17:00PM Collected : 30/03/2024 16:11:00 Biological ‘Test Name (Sample type/Methodology) Result Reference interval Units IMINF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY & HAEMATOLOGY. RA “MANTOUX 5 TU0.1 ML - ford ‘Administered on date:30-03-2024, yAKUY Reported on date: 01-04-2024 Reading: ‘Omm. A Remarks ** End Of Report ** SRI RAMACHANDRA LABORATORY SERVICES SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE INVESTIGATION REPORT ontname & Address (uR.NIMIN K Referring Doctor HAA NILAIVEEDU, VENDALICODE aNyAKUMAR] DrSHANTHI VIJAYARAGHAVAN -TAMILNADU 620161 Department J INDIA, PhNo-7402556881 HEPATOLOGY FaIETTID TOOOSOOATEO Age ©2OVRS Sex :MALE” Lab No “RUDTIE DOB ZETTAI —Reqna sO17STSEBT Collected : Recieved : 01/04/2024 14:56:00 Reporte :03/04/20g4 10:08:11 7 DESCRIPTION * Microbiology Result i {Nature of Specimen: CULTURE-URINE B_.oscopy OCCASIONAL PUS CELLS, NO ORGANISM ‘ S Result NO GROWTH IN CULTURE r - Remarks de we * End Of Report Page tof 1 fl SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE Patient Name & Address: INVESTIGATION REPORT MR.NIMIN K MALAI VILAl VEEDU, VENDALICODE Referring Doctor KANYAKUMAR] ~TAMILNADU,629161 INDIA, Ph No:7402556881 Dr'SHANTHI VIJAYARAGHAVAN Department HEPATOLOGY Patientld 0008004290 Ago 120 VRS Sex 1 MALE Gollectod : 30/03/2024 16:11.00 0.0.8 :200772004 ReqNo -077573801 Received : 0/03/2024 16:43:00 Reported :31/03/2024 12:16:19FM lagel Aig er ra Bene vale CLINICAL PATHOLOGY & HAEMATOLOGY. PERIPHERAL SMEAR EXAMINATION RBC: Microtytic hypochromic RBCs with anisocytosis showing ste Normoeytie normochromie RBCS: WBC: Neutrophilic Leucocytosis: PLATELET: Increase in count HEMOPARASITES! Absent IMPRESSION: Microcytie hypochromic anemia with Neutrophilic nd ThromBoeyiast> = * End Of Report ** J MR.NIMIN K MALAI VILA VEEDU, VENDALICODE KANYAKUMARI ‘TAMILNADUS29161 INDIA, Ph No: 7402566881 Patient 1d = 0003004280 Collected : 30082024 18:1100 20YRS Received Age ‘Sex MALE ‘Test Name (Sample type/Methodology) SRI RAMACHANDRA LABORATORY SERVICES SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE INVESTIGATION REPORT 3003/2024 16:43:00 Referring Doctor Dr.SHANTHI VIJAYARAGHAVAN Deparment HEPATOLOGY DOB 1260112004 __ReqNo :017S73801 Reported : 30/03/2024 05:47:00PM Biological CLINICAL PATHOLOGY & HAEMATOLOGY PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT) ‘CONTROL (MNPT) INR ROUTINE URINE COMPLETE ANALYSIS (AUTOMATED) COLOUR(URINE) PA URINE) sPecirie GxavyuRine) ccucose (uRNe) PROTEIN (URINE) BILIRUBIN URINE) KETONE (URINE) UROBILINOGEN (URINE) ERYTHROCYTE wee © euxoorte ‘SEDIMENT (URINE) Rac pus ceLLS “$c (Squamous Epithelial Cells) NeciNon Squamous Epithelial ce Result Roference Interval Units 140 108-129 seconds 122 120 / — Onanticoagulation 2-4 Straw Yellow /Clear 60 48-74 1.012 1.016 1.022, NEGATIVE NEGATIVE <30 mgid NEGATIVE NEGATIVE <10 mg/dl NEGATIVE NEGATIVE <02 maid NEGATIVE NEGATIVE CBC (HB,TC,0C,PCY,RBC,PLT;MCV.MCH MCHC) cOTABind = HAEMOGLOBIN 130-170 gmsial 1c. 4000-11000 celistournm aracaca one Coc Fecmcaca Fone Poty a 637 45-70 % 1G (Promyelo,myelo,metamyelo) os <10 % LympH 284 25-40 % ES 94 +6 % MONO 85 240 % BASO 02 oO % REC COUNT 4.80 45-55 mile. nce mone PLATELET COUNT. 18-45 lakns/oumm | ae pcv 383 40-50 % or ” 798) — 83-101 FL wich 27-33 po cH * End Of Report ** re SRI RAMACHANDRA | LABORATORY SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE INVESTIGATION REPORT Patient Name & Address MR.NIMIN K eaeneees ing Doctor Bele aoe YENOALICODE: DYIRFAN ISMAIL AYUB MBBS, MO, OM, KANYAKUMARI -TAMILNADU,628161 Department INDIA, Ph No-7402556881 PULMONOLOGY - RESPIRATORY MEDICINE Patientid :0003004290 age :20VRS SOX = MALE DOB : 260112004 ReqNo :017546278 Collected : 29/03/2024 14:06:00 Received :23/03/2024 14:14:00 Reported :23/03/2024 03:52:00PM . Biological "i ‘Test Name (Sample type/Methodology) Result Reference interval_UNite BIO-CHEMISTRY_ PLASMA GLUCOSE (R) 95 80-140 maid. RENAL PROFILE (BUN,CREATININE ELECTROLYTES) : © BUN " 79-204 gid en Use WY v CREATININE o7 08-13 gid. : sopium 134 136-146 mmol, POTASSIUM 4s 3554 mmol. A CHLORIDE 98 401-109 mmol. Sen 196i + BICARBONATE 26 a. mmol. “+ End Of Report * INVESTIGATION REPORT. HIN K VILAI VEEDU, VENDALICODE Referring Doctor DrIRFAN ISMAILAYUB MBBS. MD, DM, p “TAMILNADU 629161 Department INDIA, Ph No:7402556081 PULMONOLOGY - RESPIRATORY MEDICINE Patient 1D ; 0003004290 Age :20 YRS Sex : MALE Lab No TARTS6T DOB 2600772004 —"Req No Collected : 23/03/2024 14:06:00 Recieved : 29/03/2024 17:14:00 Reported : 25/03/2024 11:59:00. DESCRIPTION Microbiology Result Nature of Specimen; CULTURE-SPUTUM. | ey 225 EPITHELIAL CELLS, >25 PUS CELLS/10X, PLENTY OF GRAM POSITIVE COCCI IN PAIRS, GROUPSS CHAINS, FEW GRAM NEGATIVE BACILLI, FEW GRAM POSITIVE BACILLL NORMAL FLORA GROWN IN CULTURE “* End OF Report 20YRS Gender: MALE DOB: 26/01/2008 Received: 23/03/2024 17:14:00 Fest Description (Sample type/Methodology) Result “Microbiology Result DIBECT SMEAR - AFB (SPUTUM) SPUTUM : ACID FAST BACILLI NOT SEEN INTHE SMEAR ‘SRI RAMACHANDRA LABORATORY SERVICES. £ SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE : Patient Name & Address. INVESTIGATION REPORT Beet vecacone ee Ho kaNYAKUMARI DrRFAN ISMAILAYUB MBBS , MD OM , MRCP. Al TAMILNADU 629161 Department at INDIA. Ph No:7402556881 PULMONOLOGY - RESPIRATORY MEDICINE cl Patientid ©0003004290 ‘Age :20YRS Sex :MALE D.0.8 + 26/01/2004 Req No :017549485, a a0 4000-11000 celisicumm Pow a 54 ao PLATELETCOUNT a 46 \akhsfeumm pov — 0 % Hag. cv a 10" FL McH i 4 27-33 po MCHC 30.6 315-345 gmvdi Remarks a End Of Report “* a aa DrS.S1 Gayathe Page 1 of 1 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR eigen fate oon mts say casas ai ieercntnts tear 1 ny fe ay roca schmariamnn te 7 meer sagan ep en re ART, REPRODUCTION oF Jes RePogr is Nor pene Sestoncaly Sone &rveed No Susur wae ‘Fovs Chennai - 600 116 Ph: 044 4592 8655 (044 4502 6500 Ext 2 v Patient Name & Address MRANIMIN K MALA\ VILAI VEEDU, VENDALICODE KANYAKUMAR -,TAMILNADU 628161 INDIA, PhNo-7402556881 Patientid +0003004290 age :20 VRS Collected :25/0312024 07:38:00 Sex = WALE ‘SRI RAMACHANDRA LABORATORY SERVICES. SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE INVESTIGATION REPORT Received :25/03/2024 08:00:00 Referring Doctor DriREAN ISMAIL AVUB MBBS, MD , DM. MRCP, Department PULMONOLOGY - RESPIRATORY MEDICINE [ BereTo004 Rego, :D17S40485 DOB ‘Reported 25/03/2024 08:49:008M Biological Test Name (Sample type/Methodology) Result Reference intorval_ UNS jEMISTRY cPK 20 <1 un VITAMIN B12 27e.70 y/ Normal range 197-773 pgm. een e008 Indeterminate:150-126, adios and analyte spect Note : Presence of certain auto-an High evels of biotin and certain drugs may also interfere with the a85ay iba condition, drug therapy and other findings ic antibodies ay interfere withthe assay performance. “The results should alvays be corelated with patients history, ica VITAMIN D TOTAL (02 & 03) (sat) venaeney: 2 neuter ‘girl sem Eu ee 20-30 Normal >30 RENAL PROFILE (BUN,CREATININE,ELECTROLYTES) BUN 10 79-204 maf CREATININE o7 08-13 mgid. soDIUM 38 136-148 mmol. POTASSIUM. ary 3554 mmol CHLORIDE 101-108 mov. sicanseuaTe 2 2-31 mmol/L LET. sot SGPT |ALK.PHOSPHATASE, Sano PAPA Deficient < 150 SRI RAMACHANDRA LABORATORY SERVICES SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE INVESTIGATION REPORT Patient Name & Address MR.NIMIN K Referring Doctor iv ALICC use OUIVENDALICODE DriRFAN ISMAIL AYUB MBBS , MD , DM, MRCP KANYAKUMARI -cTAMILNADU629161 Department INDIA, Ph No 7402556861 PULMONOLOGY - RESPIRATORY MEDICINE Patient d :0003004290 age :20VRS Sex > wall DOB 7; 26012004 ReqNo : 017548485 Collected : 25/03/2024 07:38 Received 2024 08:00:00 Reported = 25/03/2024 08.49:00AM Biological Test Name (Sample type!Methodology) Result Reference intorval__Units ye BIO.CHEMISTRY GLOBULIN 43 2035 oat. A: GRATIO 073 11-20 TOTAL BILIRUBIN 0.62 03-12 mold. DIRECT BILIRUBIN oa7 <02 mg/l INDIRECT BILIRUBIN os Oday 12-85 mg/d cALcuUmennaeascren 1-20ays:32- 113 3-5 days: 13-118 Adu 01-10 GELYGATED He (Ate) Normal <5 % tom wc Prediabetes 5.7 10 6.4 ated average Diabetes >65 stimatod Averago Glucoso| F Diag ele ae ig eee Tae “End Of Report “*

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