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Health related physical fitness and vigilance profile of police

personnel in Pune City.

Human beings have been very active and creative by nature and
physical activity has been part of their life along since evolution. During
starting of life in this world for survival physical activities was
necessitated not only that it was also the first mode of communication
and expression. As the society become more and more complex leading
towards the modern age. The body and mind were thought to be two
separate entities and the philosophies drew a very clear cut demarcating
lines between the two. A human organism is a combination of body and
mind. It is not merely a total of nerves, bones, blood etc, it has been
integral aspect also i.e. mind, the power to think, sift analyze and act with
his organs accordingly. The whole texture of a mind and body is very
beautiful woven. The working of the body affects the mind and mental
behaviour affects his body states vice versa.
Physical fitness has remained a very essential requirement for the
human being from time immemorial. History points to the facts that
physical fitness has been the basic fact for survival of the fitness, physical
fitness should therefore become an essential program for total
development of body fitness. Physical fitness is the ability to carry out
daily tasks with visor and alertness, without undue fatigue and with
ample energy to engage in leisure and to meet emergency situations.
Physical fitness is all about tuning your body so that you can
perform to the best of your potential. A state that helps us to look and feel
good is fitness. A physically fit person can perform his/her daily tasks
with enthusiasm and utilize the left over energy in other activities.
When talking about physical fitness, exercise is the first thought
that comes in mind. Certain basic exercise is important to develop a
fitness regime. There are following basic principles of exercise.
To be physically fit is one of the major criteria for good health. The
entire concept of physical fitness can be better understood by examining
its basic components. The basic components of physical fitness are as,
cardio respiratory endurance muscular strength, muscular endurance,
flexibility, body composition; through physical activity human being may
become physically fit. It is useful for daily though schedule of modern
Physical fitness is one of the nearing key to life to live with
happiness speaking. It means the ability to carry out daily task without
fatigue. In the sporting contest it is difficult to define. Since it can be
psychological, physiological or anatomical state of the body.
Fitness means different things to different people. A man who is fit
for his work as a taxi driver may be dangerously unfit for a game of
Health related physical fitness is a minimal level of fitness which
we all need to have good health. We call this health related fitness. To
have enough fitness for good health we need.

1.2 Health :
Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well being
where as fitness is the ability to meet the demands of a physical task.
Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. It is also a level
of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism, often implicitly
human. Happiness has got different meaning to different people, some
people think that they may live, happily if the have more money. Human
being should formulate his life in such a way to live with happiness
without much stress and strain. His career physical fitness relationship
with others financial position, spiritual aspect the environment every
thing should be adjusted towards his health and earning little wealth.

1.3 Fitness And Health

The advancement of technology and automation has contributed to
lessening physical activity at work, home or even in other fields. To
fulfill daily life needs technology and appliances have replace human
efforts and physical activity. The demand of fast and competitive life in
this age have completed the human being to change the priority and
thereby making life more sedentary and place of physical activity in
human life is degraded. Man does not only through the advancement and
application of health since, but also through the efforts and intelligent
lifestyle choices of the individual and society. Health is a very essential
for humankind without health no one can survive. And also no one can
work in workplace without healthy mind and healthy body.

1.4 Need and Importance of Health and Fitness

In 1986 the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion,
raid that health is “a resource for everyday life, not the objective of
living, Health is a positive concept emphasizing a sizing social and
personal resources, as well as physical capacities.”
Physical fitness is a dynamic construct in that is continually
growing in importance to everyday life and health. It may be defined as
“The ability to perform moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity
without undue fatigue and the capability of maintaining such ability
throughout life (ACSM, 2006).
2. Significance of Study :
This study will help to know the status of Health Related Physical
Fitness and vigilance profile of police personnel in Pune city. And also
their awareness related to physical fitness and health. This study will also
help to enhance the awareness related to physical fitness and health.

3. Statement of the problem :

Health and physical fitness is correlated with each other both are
essential factor for mankinds for daily life. Every personal need health for
survive and for health there is need of fitness of body for active and
healthy life there is need of mental, physical and social well being of
person while working at workplace. So study of the status of health
related physical fitness and vigilance profile of Police personnel in Pune
This study will find out the health related physical fitness and
vigilance profile of Police personnel in Pune city.

4. Objectives :-
1) To find out the health related physical fitness and vigilance profile
of Police personnel in Pune city.
2) To analyze the status of fitness based on different aspects in the
5. Delimitation :-
1) The study is delimited to the Pune City Police.
2) Study is delimited to male Police in Pune city.
3) The study is restricted 30 male copes of Pune city.
4) To find out the physical fitness and vigilance profile of copes of
Pune city.
6. Limitations :-
As the subject participating in this study will be from Pune city
police stations the factor such as daily routine habits, life style diet,
exercise, nutrition, socio-economic condition, work place condition, age
etc. will not be consider for this study. Hence researcher considers it as
limitation of the study.

7. Hypothesis :-
On the basis of evidence available in the literature and with
personal experience as well as discussion with experts.

8. Operational definition :-
 Physical fitness : A set of attributes that an individual has or has
acquired which help in their ability to perform physical activity.
 Health : Health is a condition or quality of the human organism
expressing the adequate functions of the organisms in given
condition or quantity of the environmental.

Health related physical fitness :

It is ability to carry out daily task with gigour and alternates
without undue fatigue with ample energy to energy in leisure pursuits and
to meet emergency situations in includes components.

9. Review of Related Literature :-

The investigator reviewed a large number of the recent as well a
past literature to justify the present research problem the relevant studies
gleaned from various source have been presented below with different
Ellual, Inguanez, Cammileri. A. (2002)4 :
The “Health related fittness” the researcher study problem was
“Health related physical fitness : utilizing the eurofit battery primary
school children, the tools that were used were eurot fit test battery, the
sample of 47 children under went to test. These children were divided in
to two groups : the experiment group and the control group. The
experimental group was submitted to a fitness program so that a
comparative analysis utilizing the Euro fit test battery could be executed
with the control group. The experimental group was submitted to a fitness
program so that a comparative analysis utilizing the Euro fit test battery
could be executed with the control group. The study showed that regular
weekly physical activity enhances children C.V. endurance further more
it was found that level of skin fold measurement go lower with the aid of
continuous and regular physical activity, in the other euro fit test battery
there was no statistical significant difference between the two groups.
Journal of visual impairment and blindness V. 82 n6 p 237-39 (1998).
Adolesant physical fitness. A comparative study retrieved Nov. 26, 2008

Girish, T.K. (1989)9 tested 100 subjects from the rural area and 100
subjects from the urban area high school boys to compare the physical
fitness. AAHPEER youth fitness test and NPED tests were administered
to obtain the physical fitness level of the subjects. He concluded that
there was no significant difference in physical fitness level between rural
and urban high school boys.

Nagarani, K. (1992)10 Conducted a study on comparatives analysis of

physical fitness among N.C.C., N.S.S. and physical education students.
This study measured both health related and performance related and
performance related physical fitness variable of twenty-five women
subjects in each group. This study concluded that physical education
college women students were better in speed, endurance and secular body
composition. In shoulder strength, flexibility and triceps body
composition, there was no difference among physical education college
women students were better in speed, endurance and secular body
composition. In shoulder strength, flexibility and triceps body
composition, there was no difference among physical education college
women students national cadet corps and national service scheme

Barban and Jose (1984)11 Conduct a comparative study of

anthropometric and physical fitness measurement of Brazilian and
American school children the subject for this were 2342 boys and girls
enrolled in a public school, system in Brazil and America during 1982
school year. Health related physical fitness test better and athlete ability
test were administered.

Girish T.K. (1989) Comparison of physical fitness of rural and urban

school students

Nagarani, K. (1992). Comparative analysis of physical fitness

components among N.C.C., N.S.S. and physical education students
unpublished Master’s degree thesis. Alagappa University, Karaikudo.

Barbant and Jose, A. (1983) A comparative study of selected

Anthropometric and physical fitness measurements of Bazillion and
American school children, dissertation abstract international P-158.
Mookerjee S. (1978)12 made a comparative study of physical fitness of
young boys in the age group 13-17 year belonging to rural and urban and
also less active boys of the same age group the result of this study was
that there is no doubt that regular physical activity contributes
significantly to the enhancement of physical status. Physical fitness of
rural active subjects were defiantly and reasonable regular physical
hardships are chief contributory factor in promoting physical fitness.

Dorothy, H. (1986)13 Study was to determine the effect of the year’s

physical education programme or the physical fitness achievement of
junior high school girls. The instrument of measurement was New York
state physical fitness and that the girls improved in overall physical
fitness and that the same girls fell below the average the New York junior
high school girls.

Mookerjee, S. (1978)12. A study of physical fitness of boys 13-17 years

of age. 8 NIPES Journal Vol. I, 55.

Doroth. H. (1968)13 Physical fitness achievement of girls in the alliance

nalraska city junior high school. Enlewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice hall,

Abstract :-
The variety of task that characterize police work highlights the
importance of being in good health and physical fitness.
A person’s ability to perform the physical demands of the core task
of police work. Physical condition of police officers falls short of
recommended standard. The fitness capacity of the average police officer
was below the fitness capacity of the average criminal.
Health police officers are also an important topic from a preventive
point of view. That poor muscle fitness and endurance as well as high
B.M.L. are risk factors for productivity loss and sickness also enteeism,
causing additional costs for the police. Health risk as well as motivational
support to improve their life style. Health and physical fitness of officers
in the police force. Police force use health related physical fitness test for
incumbent officers and applicants. Police work is mainly a sedentary job
alternated with physically highly strenuous peak moment.
Physical fitness is only assessed at entry in police force and rarely
assessed thereafter. Physical condition of incumbent police officers and to
investigate the suitability of the health related physical fitness test as a
future periodic instrument not on a voluntary but on a compulsory basis-
to monitor the physical condition of police officers in relation with there
work load.

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