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1 - Take these books and put _____ in the table.

a) He
a) it b) His
b) them c) Her
c) their d) She
d) its
e) that 8- Samara is my teacher and I like ___
a) He
2 - Mr. John's secretary don’t come last week, so he had to type the letters _____. b) His
a) yourself c) Her
b) themself d) She
c) herself
d) itself 9- Sara and John are my friends. I like to play with ___
e) himself a) Us
b) We
3 – I did my homework. Did you do _____? c) Them
a) yours d) They
b) your 10 - My brother and I are going to the beach. Do you want to go with ___ ?
c) its a) Us
d) it b) We
e) theirs c) Them
d) They
4 - Em relação à frase: “Mary Jane is an actress in the movie Spider-Man.” é
CORRETO afirmar que: 11 - John doesn't like ___ but I like ___
a) Movie é um pronome pessoal. a) I, him
b) Mary Jane pode ser substituído por he. b) Me, him
c) Mary Jane pode ser substituído por she. c) Me, he
d) Actress tem o mesmo significado de it. d) I, she

5- Richard é brasileiro. Ele é de Fortaleza . 12 - I have to do my homework. Can you help ___ with ___ ?
a) Richard is brazilian. Him is from Fortaleza. a) I, it
b) Richard is brazilian. He is from Fortaleza. b) Him, it
c) Richard is brazilian. His from Fortaleza. c) Me, him
d) Richard is brazilian. It is from Fortaleza. d) Me, it

6- “No sábado, eles foram para a festa.”

a) “On Saturday him went to the party.”
b) “On Saturday went they to the party.”
c) “On Saturday they went to the party.”
d) “On Saturday he went to the party.”
7- This is Amanda. ___ is my girlfriend
1 - Take these books and put _____ in the table. a) He
a) it b) His
b) them c) Her
c) their d) She
d) its
e) that 8- Samara is my teacher and I like ___
a) He
2 - Mr. John's secretary don’t come last week, so he had to type the letters _____. b) His
a) yourself c) Her
b) themself d) She
c) herself
d) itself 9- Sara and John are my friends. I like to play with ___
e) himself a) Us
b) We
3 – I did my homework. Did you do _____? c) Them
a) yours d) They
b) your 10 - My brother and I are going to the beach. Do you want to go with ___ ?
c) its a) Us
d) it b) We
e) theirs c) Them
d) They
4 - Em relação à frase: “Mary Jane is an actress in the movie Spider-Man.” é
CORRETO afirmar que: 11 - John doesn't like ___ but I like ___
a) Movie é um pronome pessoal. a) I, him
b) Mary Jane pode ser substituído por he. b) Me, him
c) Mary Jane pode ser substituído por she. c) Me, he
d) Actress tem o mesmo significado de it. d) I, she

5- Richard é brasileiro. Ele é de Fortaleza . 12 - I have to do my homework. Can you help ___ with ___ ?
a) Richard is brazilian. Him is from Fortaleza. a) I, it
b) Richard is brazilian. He is from Fortaleza. b) Him, it
c) Richard is brazilian. His from Fortaleza. c) Me, him
d) Richard is brazilian. It is from Fortaleza. d) Me, it

6- “No sábado, eles foram para a festa.”

a) “On Saturday him went to the party.”
b) “On Saturday went they to the party.”
c) “On Saturday they went to the party.”
d) “On Saturday he went to the party.”

7- This is Amanda. ___ is my girlfriend

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