Bradley West Construction News 04-09

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September 2010

Volume 4 Issue 9

TBIT Construction News

Interim West Bus Terminal

Inside this issue:
Premium Lounge Update Level 4 Premium Lounge Level 5 Premium Lounges Level 6 Premium Lounges Construction Photographs Gate 123B Closes Temporarily 2

Completion and subsequent opening of the Interim West Bus Terminal (IWBT) is rapidly approaching and scheduled for early October. Activation meetings with the Project Team, LAWA Operations and the contractor for the commissioning and relocation effort are ongoing. The exact transition and occupancy date shall be closely coordinated with the TBIT community. For the first 6 months of operation, the IWBT will also house an

interim loading dock facility, until the temporary loading dock is completed. The new IWBT is substantially larger then the existing bus gates facility. With that being said, the IWBT is intended to be a temporary facility and in order to save cost, finishes were kept minimal while still maintaining passenger comfort. In order to better facilitate bus movement, parking more busses and boarding more passengers simultaneously, the bus-

ses will pull in perpendicular to the curb as they do today in the existing facility. Completion of the IWBT is a significant milestone in the implementation of the Bradley West Project. It marks the completion of one of the first projects and makes way for the mass excavation and construction of the new Central Core. The below sketch represents the path of travel for departures, arrivals, crew and trash/loading dock operations at the new IWBT.

Bradley West Program Schedule Communication Ductbank Relocation

TBIT Construction News

September 2010

Premium Lounge Update

29,177 sq. ft.

Level 5 Premium Lounges

18,251 sq. ft.

The Premium Lounge Committee was established earlier this year among the TBIT Airlines to represent the interests of the current Alliance Lounges. The discussion about which lounge will develop which space in the new Bradley West continues with the committee representatives. There has been several efforts made to obtain and ensure that all future requests for Premium Lounge space in the new Bradley West facility have been properly accounted for. Based upon the most recent survey, it is thought that all requests for space are known at this time. The drawings below and on the next page represent the current design and all available Premium

Lounge space. Given that there is a limited amount of Premium Lounge Space, meetings have been held with LAWA on several occasions to review potential alternatives on how to accommodate all requests. Recent meetings have been conducted individually with the Premium Lounge Committee representatives to present and discuss alternatives for each of the future lounge locations. Because of the limited amount of space available, each of the lounge alternatives ended up with less space than desired. Each of the representatives expressed the need to have the amount of space requested so that their passengers are not constrained as they are today.

As a result of these meetings and the representatives input, the necessity of the lounge requests in their entirety was communicated back to LAWA. The ability to capture more space in the TBIT facility to accommodate the current space requests, plus some additional space for future leasing options shall be reviewed with LAWA. New space options and/or alternatives shall be shared with the lounge representatives in the near future. The intent is to have final space allocations for these alliance lounges by the end of the year so the review of the lease agreements and business terms with LAWA can begin.

13,910 sq. ft.

Level 4 Premium Lounge

Level 6 Premium Lounges

11,519 sq. ft.

8,806 sq. ft.

11,994 sq. ft.

12,671 sq. ft.

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Page 3

TBIT Construction News

Construction Photographs
Construction Photographs Clockwise From Upper Left: IWBT - North Elevation IWBT - West Elevation IWBT - Holdroom Looking South IWBT - Mezzanine Level Looking North North Concourse Basement Early Structural Steel & Concrete Wall Pours North Utility Corridor Columns

LAXTEC Corporation 380 World Way Box S - 18 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: 310 - 646 - 9378 Fax: 310 - 646 - 2981 SITA: VNYLXCR

Gate 123B Closes Temporarily

In order to take advantage of the temporary cessation of MX operations, LAWA Operations has closed Gate 123B allowing the contractor to complete utility construction in this area. This will help save overall time for the project and minimize future impacts to the TBIT community. The gate will be closed only until MX starts operation again or until the contractor completes the needed work in this area.

Published for LAXTEC by:

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