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SPE 18047

An Improved Modeling Program for Computing the Torque and

Drag in Directional and Deep Wells
by H-S. Ho, NL Petroleum Services
SPE Member

Copyright 1988, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 63rd Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in
Houston, TX, October 2-5, 1988.

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ABSTRACT increasing urgency to reduce the total

drilling, completion, and production cost of a
In directional and deep wells, the torque well in order to develop a reservoir more
and drag generated by contacts between the economicall y. This will reduce the influence
drillstring and the borehole play major roles of price fluctuation of the world’s crude oil
in the following operations of the well: plan- on the exploration and development programs of
ning, drilling (trouble diagnosis and prevent- the operating companies. Directional drilling
ion), and casing running/setting.They also is now regarded as one way to achieve this
affect the completion/cementing operation. objective.
This paper discusses the shortcomings of Directional drilling is increasingly
the “soft-string” model, which has been widely being regarded as an effective means to mini-
used in the drilling industry. The soft–string mize overall development and production cost
model ignores the effects of drillstring stif- of an oil field, particularly for the follow-
fness, stabilizer placement, and borehole ing situations:
clearance. Consequently it generally shows
reduced sensitivity to local borehole crooked- (1) Drilling multiple directional wells
ness and underestimates the torque and drag. from the same platform or rigsite,
particularly in offshore and arctic
An improved modeling program is presented areas, to reduce rig cost;
here that combines a BHA (bottomhole assembly)
analysis in the stiff collar section, coupled (2) Drilling “horizontal” wells to im-
with an improved soft-string model for the prove production drainage, avoid
remainder of the drillstring. water coning, and develop very thin
Case studies are presented to demonstrate
the difference between this improved model and While the outlook on directional drilling
the soft-string model; and also to justify the is very positive, there are many unique
approach of the improved model. technical problems that need to be resolved in
order to further reduce the total cost of a
For deep vertical wells, spiraling of the directional well. ‘The following two problem
well can result in very severe torque and are particularly significant:
drag. Simplified formulas are derived, and
examples are given to demonstrate the exponen- (1) Trajectory prediction and control;
tial increases of torque and drag as the well (2) Torque and drag generated by the
depth increases. In essence, deep vertical drillstring’s eccentric deformation
wells with spiraling tendencies should be and the consequent contact between
handled as directional wells. the drillstring (or casing) and the
A comprehensive drilling program must there–
A. Challenges In Directional Drilling: fore address the following issues in an inte-
gral reamer:
As oil and gas exploration becomes more
expensive due to more severe environments (1) Planning/prediction/control of well
(deeper offshore, or arctic areas), there is path;
(2) Avoidance/prediction/advisory of tion), and casing running/setting operations.
drilling troubles They also affect the completion/ cementing
operation. Their accurate predictions are
(3) Total cost minimization. therefore very important if the well is to be
successfully and economically drilled and
Item (1) is imperative, since the target completed.
must be reached within certain offsets if the
well is to be effective. In general, the dril- A good torque and drag model, especially
ling trajectory does not conform to the when coupled with improved surface torque and
planned well path. Doglegs caused by unwanted hook load measurements, can be used for the
deviations are the major source of drilling following purposes:
trouble, and require costly course corrections
and trips. Causes of these deviation ten- (A) Improved well planning design to
dencies need to be well understood, in order reduce torque and drag;
to plan for them if at all possible, and to
monitor and account for their effects on the (B) More realistic drillstring design and
drilling operation. surface equipment selection;
During well planning, “optimum” well path (C) Rig-site trouble-spotting using diag-
should be defined to minimize total drilling nostic drilling (tripping) logs:
cost. Conventional well-path planning merely Comparison of measured and predicted
defines the trajectory connecting two points, torque and drag can help spot
mostly assuming 2-D trajectory. This should be potential troubles;
expanded to include the anticipated deviation
caused by the BHA and the formation; the (D) Aid in casing running and setting;
generated torque and drag, and the ensuing
implications to drillstring/casing design (E) Inferring downhole loads (WOB, TOB,
requirements. or casing landing force) from surface
While drilling, constant monitoring is
needed to maintain proper well trajectory, (F) Quantifying the casing eccentricity
taking corrective actions if needed. Improved and its effect on cementing, using a
control and predictive capabilities will re- program that computes the actual
quire fewer corrective actions, and result in deformation of the near-bottom sec-
major cost savings. tion of the casing;

Item (2) deals with the many potential (G) Aid in depth correlation of MWD mea-
troubles during drilling, such as: fluid pres- surements;
sure control (kick or lost circulation); in-
sufficient cuttings transport and hole clean- (H) Aid in jarring operation: Identifi-
ing; drillstring failure; severe hole crooked- cation of the free point and the
ness which may cause key-seating and stuck overpull needed to activate jarring,
pipe. Severe drilling troubles may require since both are affected by drag;
side tracking or even hole abandonment. Most,
if not all of these problems, become more (I Means to redefine borehole trajectory
acute and more difficult to resolve in direct– and geometric condition: Using suc-
ional wells. Thus it is essential to under– cessive (time lapsed) tripping logs,
stand the causes of these drilling troubles, one can detect changes in the trajec-
and develop capabilities to monitor, inter– tory and/or geometric conditions of
pret, control and predict them. the borehole.

Item (3) deals with the optimization of At present, applications of torque and drag
the total cost for the entire well, by con- are mostly limited to (A), (B), and some lim-
sidering trade-offs between conflicting gov- ited cases of (C) and (D). Increased usage of
erning parameters. This task is considerably such models will be possible only with im-
more difficult in directional drilling since proved reliability and sophistication of such
more parameters are present. Therefore better models, along with improved surface measure-
understanding is needed about the effect of ments of hook load and torque.
variation of each parameter on the overall
drilling cost. An example of trade-off is the Some directional drillers use steerable
choice of drilling mud. Lubricated muds can downhole motors to change the drilling direc-
reduce borehole friction but are much more tion. Compared to rotary drilling, motor
expensive and more difficult to dispose, while drilling generates much higher drag in the
the water-based muds are cheaper but will drillstring, because friction is generated by
cause higher torque and drag. sliding along the axial direction, rather than
the circumferential direction, of the drill-
B. Role Of Torque-Drag Model Programs In string. For horizontal and for extended reach
Directional Drilling: directional wells, there may be a depth limit
beyond which one can no longer apply proper
In directional and deep wells, the torque WOB to the motor.
and drag generated by contacts between the
drillstring and the borehole play major roles
in the following areas: well–planning, drill– Recently, the drilling industry has de-
ing operation (trouble diagnosis and preven- voted considerable effort to develop fundamen-
tal understanding and analysis software pro-

grams to address the major issues in direc- internal and external flowing fluids will be
tional drilling mentioned in the previous presented in a later paper.
section. In particular, several BHA (bottom- B. Limitations Of The Soft-string Model:
hole assembly) analysis programs [1-5] and
some predictive bit-rock interaction models As described in Appendix B, the soft-
[1,2,6-10] have been proposed and/or devel- string model neglects the stiffness of the
oped. These programs, if proven in the field, drillstring, and is independent of the clear-
will pave the way for a true predictive direc- ance between the drillstring and the borehole
tional drilling program that can be used both wall. As a result, effects of tight holes and
in the office as a planning aid, and in the severe local hole crookednesses cannot be
field as a monitoring and advisory tool. By easily detected by such a model. As a result,
coupling such a predictive drilling program the soft-string model generally underestimates
with a trouble analysis program which accounts the torque and drag, or overestimates the
for the effect of hole deviation on torque and friction coefficient.
drag, we have the basic elements of a direc-
tional drilling simulator that will enable us These limitations are clearly illustrated
to drill a well on a computer. in Figs. 3 and 4 to be presented in the fol-
lowing section. They will severely limit the
usefulness of the soft-string model as a rig-
II. PREVIOUS MODELS FOR COMPUTING TORQUE AND site monitor/advisory tool for trouble-spot-
DRAG ting.
Several papers have been presented on a Reportedly, some major oil companies have
model,to be called the “soft-string” model, incorporated a stiffness correction factor to
for computing the torque and drag in direc- the soft-string model. However, the exact
tional wells [11-14]. However, up to now, nature of this correction is not yet publi–
there remain some doubt and confusion about cized and is unknown to the author.
various aspects of its theoretical foundation
and/or limitation. The following briefly dis– III. IMPROVED TORQUE-DRAG MODEL
cusses these issues.
To account for the effect of drillstring
A. Basic Premises Of The Soft-String Model stiffness, an smimproved torque-drag model pro-
And Its Derivations: gram TORDRA-I , has been developed. It com-
bines two programs:
The derivation of the governing equations for
the soft-string model is based on the free-
body diagram of Fig. 1. It contains the fol- (1) An in-house developed soft-string
lowing premises: model program, TORDRA-0 sm, coded with
a very stable numerical integration
(1) It assumes the drillstring to contin- technique.
uously contact the borehole. This
implies that effectively the borehole (2) A BHA analysis program for the stiff
clearance is zero (or rather, no collar section. This is modified from
effect of actual borehole clearance DIDRIL-I sm (a finite-difference based
is seen). program using large deformation
theory [5]) to account for the drag
(2) It ignores the presence of shear generated while tripping.
forces in the drillstring in its
force equilibrium. Under general The rationale of the improved program is
conditions, the assumption of zero to include the effect of drillstring stiffness
stiffness does not imply vanishing where such effect is the greatest, namely in
shears, as shown in Appendix B. the collar. Adding BHA analysis also enables
us to include the effects of stabilizer place-
(3) For an infinitesimal drillstrinq ment and hole clearance. In addition, when
element, it violates moment equili- used for casings with centralizers, output of
brium in the lateral direction. For the BHA analysis portion will enable us to
any finite drillstring segment, the determine the amount of eccentricity of the
assumed torque transfer is incorrect. casing. This information is important for
proper cementing operation.
Ironically, when viewed from the large
deformation theory [5], the seemingly erro- This improved torque-drag program,TORDRA-
neous torque transfer equation turns out to be Ism, can handle top drives when the drill–
a correct simplification, as verified by equ. string is rotated while tripping. It is also
(A-17) in [5]. being modified to allow the computation of
stiffness effect in more than one segment of
To handle the fluid effects, the effective the drillstring if needed. It currently con-
tension Te will be used in place of the true tains the following options:
tension T and the submerged weight density
will replace the drillstring’s dry weight (1) Soft-string analysis only, BHA
density, as in [12]. The relation between Te analysis bypassed;
and T is:
Te (1)
TORDRA, DIDRIL are sevice marks
A more complete discussion of the effects of of NL Petroleum Services
4 9
(2) Inverted BHA analysis, where the changed, since the soft-string model is inde-
stiff collar section is not located pendent of the borehole diameter.
near the “bit”.
It can be run in two modes: (1) Forward mode: c. Experience Of The Improved Model
Given friction coefficient, to find surface
loads; (2) Inverse mode: Given surface Limited analyses have been carried out on
load(s), to find friction coefficient. existing wells using the improved model, and
compared to those using the soft–string model.
The following case studies provide the We make the following remarks:
basic rationale for the development sm of
TORDRA-I sm. These case studies also clearly (1) The improved model consistently ob-
illustrate the shortcomings of the soft–string tains larger surface loads than the
mode 1. Soft string model. This implies that,
when the average friction coefficient
Consider a situation where measurements at is computed from the soft-string
two adjacent survey stations show the borehole model, its value tends to be
to be in a smooth trajectory, when in fact somewhat higher. However, for reason-
there exists local crookedness. This can arise ably smooth holes (less than 1.5
when drilling through hard and soft formation deg/100’ curvature anywhere), the
sequences, as depicted in Fig. 2. The question soft-string mode 1 does give
is: can we use torque-drag tripping logs to reasonably good results.
detect such local hole crookedness?
(2) When uncorrected MWD survey data are
A. Comparison Of Trip-out Tension Across A used, particularly if the interval is
Step Kink very small (some at 7’ intervals),
both our soft-string model and our
First consider the situation where the stiffness model obtain surface loads
local hole crookedness is a “step kink”, shown considerably in excess of what
in Fig. 3, embedded in a supposedly straight has been actually observed, with the
hole. Assume the bit to be at point A, trip- stiffness model showing consistently
ping out. We examine the effective tension at higher values. The major problem here
point B, as a function of the length of the is that the inferred borehole tra–
curved section of the well. The shorter the jectory becomes unrealistically
curved section (with the same total change in crooked, which is more faithfully
deviation angle), the more severe the local reflected in the higher torque and
hole crookedness is. Intuitively this will drag obtained by the stiffened model.
lead to larger tension at point B. Results
using the soft–string model are shown as dot- Therefore, when using MWD survey, care
tedlines (for collar, HWDP, and drillpipes) must be taken to reasonably smooth the data by
in Fig. 3. They show clearly that the soft– the following:
string model is totally insensitive to such
local hole crookedness. (a) Use reasonable survey interval (no
less than 25’);
Superimposed in Fig. 3 are results using (b) Correct intrinsic errors of the sur-
the modified BHA program, using a similar vey measurements. One type of system-
make-up for collar, HWDP, and drillpipe. We atic error is caused by the defor-
can conclude: mation of the instrument sub, causing
the instrument axis to differ from
(1) Stiffness effect is very significant the borehole axis.
in collar section when passing (c) Smoothing may be necessary to elimi-
severe local hole crookedness. For nate random instrument errors.
example, when the curve section (d) In depth regions where prior trips
length is 50’, tension at point B is and/or reaming runs have been carried
about 8 kips greater than that out, the borehole geometry has been
computed from the soft-string model. considerably altered. Therefore,
additional survey should be taken
(2) Such effect lessens dramatically for while tripping in. Precaution should
HWDP, and is negligible for drill- be followed similarly as mentioned
pipe. above.

Down Kink
In theory, there will be no torque and
This case study is similar to the one drag in truly vertical wells. In reality,
above, except the hole crookedness is now commonly observed hole spiraling will lead to
assumed to be a “down kink”, as shown in Fig. continuous wall contacts generating torque and
4. Results show entirely similar trends as in drag. The problem grows in exponential manner
the previous case. When the curved section as the well depth increases, and becomes ser-
length is 50’, difference in tension at point ious for very deep vertical wells. Once hole
B is about 12 kips. spiraling occurs, a vertical well behaves much
like a directional well, and needs to be han-
Furthermore, in Fig. 4, when borehole dled as such. Causes of hole spiraling are:
clearance is reduced for the curved length at
100’, the improved model shows dramatic in– (1) Bit tilt from an initial vertical
crease in the effective tension at point B, position, due to “buckling” of the
whereas the soft-string model remains un– collar when WOB is applied.

(2) The applied torque generating a walk B. Torque-Drag Computation For A Spiraled
force, as fully described in [5]. Vertical Well

(3 Equs. (7,8) show that torque and drag are

Up-dip drilling deviation tendency uniquely determined by the following quanti-
[1,9,10] when drilling into aniso- ties: the equivalent curvature k , the coef-
tropic formation with non-horizontal ficient of friction f, and the well depth S.
Note that the phenomenon of hole spiraling It is very useful to compare the torque
is different from the helical buckling of the and drag of such spiraled wells to those of a
drillstring in a vertical hole, the latter not slanted well having the same constant devia-
generating any drag while tripping. tion angle, Ad. We will neglect the second
term in the bracket for Mt(s) (if exists at
A. Simplified Relations all), since it is small compared to the first
term for deep wells. The following load fac–
TO compute the torque and drag, particu– tors are useful indicators for such compari-
larly in irregularly spiraled vertical wells, sons:
an improved model including stiffness effects
should be used. In the following, simple for– (1) The “over-pull factor” t , defined as
mulas are derived based on the following as- the ratio of added surface pull over
sumptions: the sticking force, To:

(1) Spiraling is periodic with constant tp = exp[f kb s];

pitch. This implies:
(2) The “drag factor” td, defined as the
d(Ad)/dS = O; d(Az)/dS = const.= kz ratio of the surface hook load over
(2) the total dead weight (approximately
the hook load for slanted
(2) The hole deviation angle, Ad, is straight well):
constant but very small, so that
sin (Ad) is negligible with respect td= (tp -1)/(fkbs);
to unity. This implies, in general,
that [sin(Ad) d(Az)/dS] is negligible (3) The “torque factor” tm, defined as
when compared to Nn term. This re- the ratio of over-torque (the differ-
sults in a “lower” estimate of the ence between the surface and the down
drag generated. hole torque, if any) over the torque
generated by a slanted well with
Variation from a uniform helix is very constant deviation angle Ad:
important and needs to be defined, because
such variation also tends to increase the t m = kb s/ (2 sin(Ad)).
surface torque and drag. Improved torque-drag
model should then be used instead. For better To show how the well depth influences
results, BHA deformation must be determined to these factors, sample cases are included in
correct the MWD survey data. Table I, using a friction coefficient of 0.2.
At present, it is not possible to predict the
For the simplified situations, equs. (A–6 degree of spiraling in a vertical well. There-
to A-12) can be written as: fore, equivalent curvatures Of kb = .5, 1.,
and 2. deg/100’are considered.

The table shows dramatic exponential

increases in torque and drag as the well depth
increases, and illustrates the significant
(3) impact of deep hole spiraling on drillstring
design and surface equipment Selection. We
kb =Abs(k z sin(A d); (4) observe:
N=N n=-T kb=Tsin(A d) kz; Nb = 0; (5) (1) The surface loads are much higher
than what would be for inclined
d T/dS - f T kb= - g cos(Ad) = -g; (6) straight holes. For example, for a
40,000’ well with an equivalent
For tripping out condition, integration of curvature of only 1 degree / 100’ and
equ. (6) leads to: a low friction coefficient of
0.2, the over-pull factor t is 4.04,
the drag factor td is 2.18, and
(7) the torque factor t m is 100.
Similarly, integration of equ. (A-13) leads (2) These values are very sensitive to
to: the curvature of the spiral.

. (3) Variation from the perfect spiral

(8) assumed herein tends to increase
the surface torque and drag. There-
fore, accurate definition of the
borehole trajectory is very impor-

TABLE I (4) Very deep vertical wells should be

handled as directional wells.
ON TORQUE & TRIP-OUT DRAG (5) Torque and drag in vertical spiraled
wells with spiraling tendencies in-
crease exponentially with depth.
Simple formulas have been derived for
their estimation.

(6) Improved surface load measurements

are needed for more accurate estimate
Cases: (1) kb - 0.5 d e g / 1 0 0 ’ ; All based on f - 0.2; of the drag generated. A 5 % error in
( 2 ) kb - 1 . 0 d e g / 1 0 0 ’ ;
Ad - 2 deg.
the total hook load may mean an error
(3) kb - 2.0 deg/100’;
in excess of 50% in the generated
In summary, we should regard deep ver-
tical wells with spiraling tendencies as di- (7) With improved understanding, the
rectional wells with extended reach. The fol- improved torque-drag model can be
lowing considerations are essential for suc– used for many other applications to
cessful drilling to the total depth: help the drilling process.

(1) Well-planning should account for the VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

potential of hole spiraling.
The author wishes to express his appre-
(2) Surface torque and drag requirements ciation to the following persons: John
as well as drillstring and casing Fontenot for his guidance while he was at NL
strength requirements must be planned Paul Rodney and Vik Rao for their sustained
as in directional wells. support and encouragements; Steve Sawaryn of
Britoil and James Dech of Arco for their well
(3) Frequent surveys are needed to accu- data and helpful discussions. Thanks also go
rately define the borehole spiral to Cathy Connelly, Mary Spencer, and Mary
and variation from helical spiral. Fouts for their rush typing support. Last but
Errors in survey measurements (e.g., not least, the author thanks NL management for
effect of survey tool departure from the permission to publish this paper.
borehole centerline) should be
eliminated if possible.
(4) Every effort should be made to re-
duce/control spiraling while drill– Ai : Drillstring section area
ing. The use of a predictive drill- defined by inner diameter
ahead program with rock-bit interac- Di
tion is very desirable for this pur-
pose, especially when used iterative-
ly in conjunction with MWD surveys. Ao: Drillstring section area
defined by outer diameter Do
(5) Results shown in Table I are only
lower estimates. When hole spiraling
becomes irregular, the simplified Ad: Deviation angle
formulas no longer suffice. An im-
proved torque-drag model program such Az: Azimuth angle
as TORDRA-I should be employed.
V. CONCLUSIONS: E: Elastic (Young’s) modulus

In conclusion, we note: Unit base vectors in global

system, pointing in East,
(1) The soft string model violates funda- North, and Up-vertical
mental equilibrium of the drill- directions
string. It is a useful model only
when the well trajectory is reason–
ably smooth. Unit base vector in natural
curvilinear system
(2) The effect of stiffness is dominant
in the collar section, less important
in the heavy weight drillpipe sec– principal normal direction;
tion, and negligible for drill pipe.
Binormal direction;
(3) An improved “stiffened” torque-drag
model is formed by combining a non-
linear BHA analysis for the collar Tangential direction,
section, coupled with a soft–string positive uphole;
model for the remainder of the drill-
string. Such a model should provide
more realistic torque and drag compu- section of drillstring
Effective axial tension,
Friction coefficient = T+(po A o - pi A i )

Distributed contact force Sticking force (effective)

vector on drillstring
Distributed torque per unit
Components of resultant length on drillstring
vector force at a section
in global coordinates Over-pull factor, = Surface
tension induced by To,
Vector of submerged drill- divided by To
string weight per unit
Drag factor = Total surface
tension (T. = O) divided
g = g v ( Ao - Ai ) by total suspended string
gV gs - gf; submerged
weight density; Torque factor = Surface
torque divided by torque on
Drillstring’s dry weight a straight hole of same
density constant deviation angle, Ad

Fluid’s weight density Physical components of

resultant force in
curvilinear coordinates
Moment of inertia of
drillstring section Fixed global coordinate
system, in:
= π (D04- Di4) / 64 East, North, and Up-vertical
Total bending curvature
Natural tortuosity of
drillstring centerline [1 Lubinski, A. and Woods, H.B.: “Factors
Affecting the Angle of Inclination and
Dog-legging in Rotary Bore Holes”, API
Rate of change of Drilling & Prod. Pratt., 1953, pp. 222-
azimuth angle: dAz/dS 250.
[2 Williamson, J. S. and Lubinski, A.: “Pre-
dicting Bottomhole Assembly Performance”,
Resultant moment vector at a IADC/SPE Conf., paper no.-14764, Dallas:
positive section of BHA Feb. 1986.
[3 ] Millheim, K., Jordan, S. and Ritter, C.
Distributed normal contact J .: “Bottom-hole Assembly Analysis Using
the Finite Element Method”, JPT, Feb.
1978, pp. 265-274.
[4 ] Jogi, P. N., Burgess, T. M. and Bowling,
Drillstring torque J. P.: “Three–Dimensional Bottomhole
Assembly Model Improves Directional
Drilling”, IADC/SPE Conf., paper no.
Components of in 14768, Dallas, Feb. 1986.
curvilinear coordinates [5 ] Ho, H.-S.: “General Formulation of Drill-
string Under Large Deformation and Its
Annulus fluid pressure Use in BHA Analysis”, SPE Ann. Tech.
Conf., Oct. 1986, New Orleans, SPE paper
Bore fluid pressure [6 Bradley, W. B.: “Factors Affecting the
Control of Borehole Angle in Straight
Torque-generating radius of and Directional Wells”, JPT, June 1973,
drillstring pp. 679-688.
[7 Millheim, K. K. and Warren, T. M.: “Side
Cutting Characteristics of Rock Bits and
Arc length of borehole/ Stabilizers while Drilling”, SPE paper
drillstring centerline, 7518, Fall Annual SPE Conf. 1978, 8p.
positive going uphole [8 ] Brett, J. F.; Gray, J. A.; Bell, R. K.
and Dunbar, M. E.: “A Method of Modeling
the Directional Behavior of Bottomhole
Actual axial tension Assemblies Including Those with Bent Subs
and Downhole Motors”, SPE/IADC confer-
ence, Feb. 1986, Dallas SPE paper 14767.
[9 ] Ho, H.-S.: “Discussion on: ‘Predicting
Bottomhole Assembly Performance’ by
J. S. Williamson & A. Lubinski, Spe/
Drilling Engng. J., Mar. 1987, pp. 37-
46”, SPE/DE, Sept. 1987, pp. 283-284.
[10] Ho, H.-S.: “Prediction of Drilling Tra-
jectory in Directional Wells Via a
New Rock-Bit Interaction Model”, SPE
Paper #16658, Presented at SPE Conf.,
Oct. 1987, Dallas.
[11] Johancsik. C. A., Dawson, R. and Friesen,
D. B.: “Torque and Drag in directional
Wells – Prediction and Measurement”,
IADC/SPE conf., SPE paper 11380, New
Orleans, 1983, pp.201-208.
[12] Sheppard, M. C., Wick, C. and Burgess, T.
M .: “Designing Well Paths to Reduce Drag
and Torque”, SPE paper #15463, Presented
at SPE Conf., Oct. 1986, New Orleans, 12 p.
[13] Maidla, E. E. and Wojtanowicz, A. K.:
“Field Comparison of 2-D and 3-D
Methods for the Borehole Friction
Evaluation in Directional Wells”, SPE
paper #16663, Presented at SPE Conf., Sept.
1987, Dallas, pp. 125-139, Drilling.
[14] Brett, J. F., Beckett, C. A. and Smith, D.
L .: “Uses and Limitations of a Drillstring
Tension and Torque Model to Monitor Hole
Conditions”, SPE paper #16664, Presented at
SPE Conf., Sept. 1987, Dallas, pp. 125-139,

The basic governing equations are given
here in natural curvilinear coordinates for the
soft-string model. When compared to the
“Constrained stiff model” given in Appendix B,
and further to real situations, the assum~
tions of the soft-string model will then be
The effects of the internal and external
fluids, with pressures pi and p o,are taken
into consideration as in [12], by using the
effective tension, Te:

Te = T + p o A o - Pi A i
(A-1 )
and replacing the dry weight density, gs, by
the submerged density, g v:

= -
gv gs g f; (A-2)
where gf is the fluid density. A more detailed
treatment of these effects and related prob-
lems will be presented in a future paper.

With those substitutions, equilibrium of the

soft–string model is described as follows, per
Fig. 1, while tripping out:

Using the Frenet-Serret formulas for the

centerline of the borehole:

[5], where now the natural coordinate system
Mt kb = O. (Et, En, Eb) will be used instead. This is
because the drillstring is assumed to be com-
This violates equilibrium, unless kb = O. pletely constrained by the borehole, and
Furthermore, when any finite length of the therefore the centerline of the drillstring
drillstring is taken as a free body, overall has the same trajectory as that of the bore-
moment equilibrium is clearly violated in all hole. Equilibrium of the differential segment
directions, unless the borehole is straight. dS while tripping out is given by (Fig. 6):

To illustrate, Fig. 5a is a finite seg-

ment of the drillstring with constant (2-D)
curvature kb subjected to torque Mtl and Mt2
at both ends, and an assumed constant distri-
buted torque, t, for ease of illustration. To
consider moment equilibrium, we do not need to
include all the forces acting on the free
body, since there is in general no force cou-
ple. We can therefore consider moment equi-
librium about a point on the line of action of
the resultant total force.

Fig. 5b is a geometric construction of

the total moment acting on the free body by
the applied torque. The straight lines AB and
CD denote the torque at b and c, i.e., Mtl and
Mt2 respectively, whereas the curved (circular and the resultant bending moment, Mb, is de–
arc) section BC denoteS the integration of the fined by the borehole’s flexural curvature,
distributed torque t Et. Note the following: kb, by:

(a) Length CD = Length AB +Arc length BC

(from (A-14));
Noting that:
(b) Vector CD is tangent to arc BC at
point C.

Similarly, for any point p within the section

BC in Fig. 5a, the corresponding torque is the
vector PQ in Fig. 5b, satisfying the above two
conditions. Note that if t is not constant,
then, the curve BC will not be a circular arc,
but the above conditions still hold.

The above relationships can be inter-

preted as follows: The torque integrand curve
APC is the “evolute” of the torque integral
curve AQD, which in turn is the “involute” of
APc .

Therefore, the total resultant moment for (B-5)

this section is the vector AD, and not zero.
This implies that the section is not in moment (2) Force equil. in Et direction:


CONSTRAINED DRILLSTRING MODEL (3) Force equil. in En direction:
If we assume, as in the “soft-string”
model, that the drillstring is completely
constrained by the borehole (resulting in
continuous contact), but do not neglect the ( B-7)
stiffness of the drillstring, then a rigorous
theory can be derived for computing the con-
tact force, and the generated torque and drag. (4) Force equil. in Eb direction:

The derivation is based on the large de-

formation formulation recently presented in
( B-8)

In addition, we have: (2) The interpolated borehole trajectory

between survey stations is smooth (at most
linearly varying curvature) and has zero tor-
tuosity. In such situations the soft-string
model does provide very good results within
each such survey interval.
Note that the assumption of zero stiffness by
the soft-string model implies Mb = 0. However, When viewed from the entire borehole tra-
we cannot therefore assume zero shear force, jectory, one can see the following problems
as does the soft–string model, because of the with the soft-string model:
term kb Mt. This error will lead to incorrect
normal contact force.
(1) The drillstring centerline does not
conform to that of the borehole, particular-
Several comments can be made about equations ly if the borehole has reversed curvatures
(B.5-8): (local hole crookedness).

(1) The bending moment always contributes (2) Due to the above condition, the
to a positive effective tension. However, this drillstring twist is different from the bore-
effect is generally small and negligible. For hole tortuosity and not zero, and does contri-
a 4.5” pipe under 30 deg/100’ curvature, this bute to the tortuosity of its centerline (also
amounts to about 25 lbf; for a 7“ collar, discussed in [5]). Therefore significant error
about 330 lb. exists in the computation of the contact force
(2) Comparing (B-7) to (A-8) in computing
the normal component of the contact force Nn, (3) For any finite length segment of the
we see that the soft-string model (A–8) misses drillstring, moment equilibrium is violated,
the first two terms. Assuming planar curves as proven in Fig. 5a and 5b.
(as is the case with most survey interpolation
methods), then the tortuosity kn vanishes.
Therefore, if the moment (or hole curvature)
varies linearly, no error is involved. Other-
wise, substantial error will occur in the es-
timate of Nn. Note that real boreholes do pos-
sess non-vanishing kn.

(3) Comparing (B-8) to (A-9) in computing

the binormal component of the contact force
Nb, under the assumption of zero tortuosity,
we see that the soft-string model misses the

The second term vanishes if the circu-

lar arc method is used, but the first term is
always present, being equal to:

We can conclude that the soft-string

model provides reasonably good estimates of
the torque and drag under the following con-

(1) The drillstring continuously contacts

the borehole, i.e., the drillstring centerline
nearly coincides with the borehole centerline.
This requires the borehole trajectory to be
very smooth and contain few if any reversed
This is a major assumption and the
source of significant error. It completely
ignores the effect of hole clearance.


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