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Annual Exam 2016-17
Std. 1st Marks : 80
Subject : English

Date : / /
Student’s Name : _______________________________________________
Roll No. : _______________________________________________

Q1 A Fill the blanks with correct answers 5

(hour, chubby, postman, sweet, Quick)
1. Rat – a – tat – tat goes the ............................
2. Tick – a – Tock – a Tick ,
The clock says, ..................................
3. A ............................. little snowman.
4. I had it today for just an ............................
5. It’s so lovely, .................................. and licky.
B Answer the following questions 5
1. Who ate the snowman’s nose?

2. Who was hard work on the farm?

3. What does the postman’s knock sound lime?

4. What does the postman do?

5. Where was sitting sage?

C Who makes these sounds 2

1. Rat – a – tat – tat _____________________________
2. Tick – a p Tock – a – Tick _________________________
Q. 2 Write one word answer 5
(toy horse, Mr. Boon, Slipper, postman, blue.)
1. Who gets the letter?

2. Who was Johnny?

3. What was the colour of balloon?

4. Who was going to the market?

5. What do Ali want by his Ammi?

B Circle the correct answer 4

1. Tiger is a wild / pet animal
2. Anita go to hospital / beach
3. A letter for Jill / Jack
4. The mouse –cat was changed into a dog / tiger
Q3 Who saying these words?  the correct answer 6
1. Rat – a – tat – tat goes the ________________________
a. Doctor b. Postman c. watchman
2. My five little chicks and I will eat the cake ________________
a. Hen b. Dog c. Cat
3. I am going to the market to buy some rice ___________________
a. Mr. Boon b. Mr. Goon c. Mr. Shah
4. My blue balloon, Has gone gone, gone
a. Girl b. boy c. Man
5. For my time is show true _________________
a. Watch b. clock c. door door
6. In the summer, When it’s sunny.
a. Tea b. Coffee c. Ice-cream
B Write true or falser
1. A little red hen lived on a farm.

2. Johnny was Anita’s best friends

3. Ammi was a doctor.

4. The little mouse was happy to become a duck

5. Postman gives us to letters and parcels

C Write Four vegetables name 4

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
D Take away the first letter from each word in column ‘A’ to make a new word. Find the 5
picture of the new word in column ‘B’. join with them
1. Chair 1.

2. Train 2.

3. Bread 3.

4. Wheel 4.

5. Swing 5.

Q4 Look at the picture and use preposition 3

(in, on, under)

1. The hat is ________________________ the chair.

2. The doll is __________________________ the chair
3. The feather is ______________________ the hat.
B. Circle the adjective 2
1. Beautiful picture
2. Good boy
3. Wide road
4. Taste food
C Write rhyming words 4
1. pin = _________________________________________
2. bake = _________________________________________
3. cone = _________________________________________
4. fat = _________________________________________
D Write ordinal number’s spelling 5
1. 1st _________________________ 2. 2nd _________________________
3. 3 _________________________ 4. 4th _________________________
5. 5 _________________________ 6. 6th _________________________
7. 7 _________________________ 8. 8th _________________________
9. 9th _________________________ 10. 10th _________________________
E Write 3 sentences about yourself beginning with “I am” 3
e.g. I am a student
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
Q5 Rewrite these sentence with a capital letter and a Full stop 3
1. i went to the market
2. hitesh plays cricket
3. heena drawn neatly
B Fill in the blanks correctly with “has” or “have” 4
1. I __________________________ a pet cat
2. Site ___________________________ a bicycle
3. They ____________________________ a new car
4. He ___________________________ many friends.
Q6 Read the words gives below. Put them in the right box 6
(bed, tiger, India, Sonia, table, giraffe, Pune, Neha, chair, cow, Ram, Bhor)
Name Place Animal Thing
4. What are these animals doing in the game park ? 3
(sleep, run, roar)
B. Write about information any one topic 3
My mother / My self / Pet animal
C Look at the picture and write three sentences on each. 3
(classroom, teaching, reading)
Annual Exam 2016-17
Std. 1st Marks : 80
Subject : E.V.S.
Date : / /
Student’s Name : _______________________________________________
Roll No. : _______________________________________________

Q1 A Fill the blanks with correct answers 5

(round, water, hills, creeper, aeroplane)
1. Animals will die without ________________________
2. The sun is ________________________ in shape
3. ________________________ are smaller than mountains.
4. Water melon plant is a ________________________
5. ________________________ is the fastest means of transport.
B Match the following 5
1. Plains ______________________ a. 6 leg
2. Sheep ______________________ b. crawl
3. Ant ______________________ c. Flat land
4. Snake ______________________ d. wool
5. Sea water ______________________ e. salty
C Write very big, Big, small very small in front of each animal 5
1. Elephant - _________________________
2. Snail - _________________________
3. Dog - _________________________
4. Zebra - _________________________
5. House fly - _________________________
D Write true or false 6
1. We must only drink clean water
2. The Earth is square in shape
3. A bridge is man-made thing
4. We got heat and light from the sun
5. Tree have weak stem
6. Valley means high land between two mountains
E Circle the words we need water for following activities 3
1. Wash cloth 2. Write story
3. Make food 4. Bath 5. Drive car
Q. 2 A Answer the following questions 7
1. How many colours have rainbow? 1
2. Make a list of man-made and natural things 2
1. Mane made things 1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
2. Natural things 1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. name the parts of plants
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
B Name two food items that we get from the following 4
1. Plant 1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
2. Animal 1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
C Match the following 5
1. Plains  listen
2. Sheep  smell
3. Ant  see
4. Snake  taste
5. Sea Water  touch
D Odd one out 5
1. Fish crocodile cow duck
2. Mountain Hill plains bus
3. Dog cat cow cockroach
4. Fruit Flower bud mango
5. train plant bridge bus
E Write four vegetables name 4
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
Q. 3 A Circle the correct answer 4
1. Do not ___________________________ water
a. Save b. waste c. spent
2. The clouds are ________________________ in colour
a. blue b. black c. red
3. Roots are grow _________________ ground
a. underb. above c. on
4. Cow is live on _________________________
a. land b. sky c. water
B Colour the picture and write name 2

C Give two examples of each of these 6

1. Plants with fruits
1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________
2. Animals that live in water
1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________
3. Al night we see in the sky
1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________
4. Animals that who have four legs
1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________
5. Write any tow birds Name
1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________
6. Two uses of water
1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________

D Identify these plants as three, herb, shrub creepers and climber and write name of each 4
(tree, shurb, climber, creeper)
Q4 A Find the animals that live on land and live in water from following list 5
(Cow, Fish, Crocodile, dog, cat, duck, frog, horse, crab, donkey)
Animals that live on land
1. _________________________ 2. _________________________
3. _________________________ 4. _________________________
5. _________________________
Animals that live on water
1. _________________________ 2. _________________________
3. _________________________ 4. _________________________
5. _________________________
B Label these part
(Mountain, Plain, Hills, Vally)

C Look at the picture. Then make a list of 6

Man made things 1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________

Natural things 1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________
Annual Exam 2016-17
Std. 1st Marks : 40
Subject : Computer
Date : / /
Student’s Name : _______________________________________________
Roll No. : _______________________________________________

Q1 A Fill the blanks with correct answers 5

(break, computer, microsoft, monitor, mouse)
1. _____________________ is keep us up to date.
2. A computer can work without taking ____________________
3. The mouse controls the movement of this _____________ pointe
4. Click on the ____________________ office button.
5. The top of the ___________________ should be at our eye level.
B True or false 6
1. You should not blink your eyes often.
2. Don’t play with the plug.
3. To start a computer, first switch on the monitor
4. Keep the mouse close to your hand.
5. A mouse has many buttons
6. We should not turn off the computer without properly shutting it down.
C Fill in the missing letters 5
1. M ___ cr ____
2. S ____ f _____
3. D______skt_____p
4. Off_______c ______
5. P _______ in _______er
6. Eye s______gh_____
D Draw the part of computers and write correct name 6
(monitor, C.P.U. Keyboard, mouse)

Q2 A Answer the following questions 6

1. Which key used to go to next line ?
2. What is meant by double click?
3. Write any two uses of computer?
4. What is displayed on the monitor?
5. Who has many keys?
6. Write two part’s of computer?
B Look at the picture and  correct answer and wrong answer X out 6

C Re arrange the following steps in the correct order to start the comuter. 5
a. Switch on the monitor
b. Switch on the power bottom on the computer case
c. Switch on the main switch
d. Desktop is displayed on the monitor
e. The monitor then displayed some text scrolling through the screen.
Answers :-
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
Annual Exam 2016-17
Std. 1st Marks : 50
Subject : G.K.
Date : / /
Student’s Name : _______________________________________________
Roll No. : _______________________________________________

Q1 A Answer the following question 4

1. Which is our national animal?
2. IN which city is the Taj-Mahal situated?
3. Write any two indoor games?
4. Write any two transport name?
B Odd one out
1. Apple, Banana, Potato, Grapes
2. Ice-cream, Pen, Book, Pencil
3. Onion, Brinjal, Tomato, Pear
4. Ice, Ice-cream, Tea, Cool water
5. Lemon, Grapes, Tamarind, Sugar
6. Tabla, Chess, Flute, Violin
C Match the following 5
1. Good __________________________a. meet you
2. Thank __________________________b. morning
3. Excuse __________________________c. Are you
4. How __________________________d. you
5. Nice To__________________________e. me
D Write the name of the four main parts of the computer 4
1. __________________________2. __________________________
3. __________________________4. __________________________
E Write the main three season’s name 3
1. __________________________2. __________________________
3. __________________________
F. Name these musical instruments 2
(Sitar, Violin)

G Name these indoor games 2

Lude, Chess

1. ________________________ 2. ____________________
Q. 2 Write ture or false 6
1. Holi is the festival of lights
2. We can wear woden cloths in winter season
3. Carrom is outdoor game
4. Hockey is our national game.
5. The sun gives us heat and light
6. We eat ice-cream in rainy season
B Identify the games 2
(Outdoor, Indoor)

C Look at the pictures and write the correct phrases in the bubbles 6
(Sorry, Thank you, Good morning)




D Name these of transport 5

(car, bicycle, aero plane, ship, train )
1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________


5. _______________________________

E Look at the following shapes, numbers and letters. Draw the next shapes or write the next 5
number or letter in each row


2 4 6 =



Annual Exam 2016-17
Std. 2nd Marks : 40
Subject : COMPUTER
Date : / /
Student’s Name : _______________________________________________
Roll No. : _______________________________________________

Q1 A Fill in the blanks with correct words 4

(Monitor, Context, Keyboard, Empty)
1. In purble Pairs, our aim is to _______________ all tiles in the square.
2. Blink your eyes often and look around every 15-20 minutes to take a break from the
3. When you right click the mouse a __________________ menu appears
4. Our ________________ will have a left-hand side and right-hand side.
B Answer the following questions 6
1. Which is three row on keyboard?
2. What is call that small arrow?
3. What is meant by right click?
4. How many games in purble place window?
5. When we click on right mouse button what was display on monitor?
6. Which key used to distance between two letters?
C Match the following 3
Posture Body Part
1. Wrist should be straight in ______________________ Body posture
relation to the forearms.
2. Top edge of the monitor should ______________________ Hand posture
be at eye level
3. Legs should touch the ground ______________________ Head posture
D Missing letters 5
1 Micros _____ f _____
2. Pu_____b_____e_____p_____ac_____
3. P_____s_____u_____e
4. N_____tw_____rk
5. S_____rf_____ce
Q. 2 True or false 6
1. The mouse pointer look like an arrow
2. We can drag objects using the right mouse button
3. Sit at arms length from the monitors screen to prevent watery eyes.
4. We should work on a computer in dim light.
5. The cake has a shape, bottom colour, top colour and toppings
6. View the cake that is ordered at the bottom of the screen.

B  the correct body posture 4

X wrong the ones.

C Rearrange the following step in correct order to play game 4

1. Click on games.
2. Now click on All Program. More options will be displayed
3. Click on Microsoft Office start button
4. Now click on the game that you want to play
Answer :-
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________
D Label the different options on the screen 6
(Shape, bottom colour, topings, top colour cake ordered, next and previous buttons)

E Label the games

(Purble Pairs game, cake game)
1. ___________________________ 2. _________________________
Annual Exam 2016-17
Std. 3rd Marks : 80
Subject : ENGLISH
Date : / /
Student’s Name : _______________________________________________
Roll No. : _______________________________________________

Q1 A Fill in the blanks 6

1. Work while you ______________________, play while you play
2. Grandfather clock and _____________________ were having a conversation.
3. The finger marks upon the _____________________
4. Abu _____________________ was a rope maker
5. The friends gave Abu a _____________________ of piece
6. I know a funny little _____________________, As quiet as a _____________________
B True or false 5
1. Farmer Jeff had bought Grandfather clock.
2. Max was a sheep dog
3. Things done by halves, Are never done wrong.
4. A fisher man lived next to Abu’s house
5. Abu had two poor friends
C Anagrams are new words that are made using all the letters from another word 3
1. Table - ______________________ 4. evil - ______________________
2. hops - ______________________ 5. post - ______________________
3. lamp - ______________________ 6. plate - ______________________
Q2 A Answer the following question 6
1. What happens if we try to do too many things at the same time?

2. What was the name of sheep dog?


3. Make a list of all the mischief that Mr. Nobody does.

4. What did Abu Hassan do for a living?

5. How did Abu Hasson loss ninety gold coins?


6 Was imprisonment really good for the minister?


B Correct the underline words and Rewrite these sentences. 5

1 The Mayor gave the piper 50,000 rupees after he rid their town of rats.

2 The king of Gazapuram fell down and hurt his thumb


3 Robert the Bruce learnt a lesson from the mighty lion


4 Abu had five poor friends.


5 The finger marks upon the window


C Who said these words to whom? 5

1 “You are a very wise person. You deserve to be my Prime Minister.”

2 “I can rid your town of rats I’ll charge a thousand florins for this.”

3 “Your Majesty, I am sorry your finger has got cut, but I am sure it is for your own good.”

4 I think that is the best way out for Max. But it will break my heart.

5 “You will not become rich with our money. This time we will give you something useless.”

Q3 A Write one word answer 5

1 Who was lived next to Abu’s House?

2 What was the name of grandfather’s clock?


3 Which country was in was with scotland?


4 How many time Scottish army fought with England?


5 Write the opposite of useless.


B) Use the correct collectives noun from the box to complete the following pharses. 4
(Bunch, Colony, Crowd, Team)
1) A _______________ of ants.
2) A _______________ of players.
3) A _______________ of grapes
4) A _______________ of people.

C) Write two adjectives to describe each noun. 3

1) Milk - 1) _________________ 2) _________________
2) Elephant - 1) _________________ 2) _________________
3) Student - 1) _________________ 2) _________________

D) Explain the definition (any one) 2

1) Adjective 2) Homophones 3) Adverb
1) _____________________________________________________________________________

Q.4 A) Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 4
1) The lady too her _________________ for a walk.
a) Sun b) Son
2) Teacher asked us to solve a ________________
a) Some b) Sum
3) A _____________ has seven days.
a) Week b) Weak
4) The boy ate the ______________ cake.
a) Whole b) hole

B) Make a sentences of your own with the adverbs noun. 3

1) Cleverly :- ____________________________________________________________________

2) Brightly :- ____________________________________________________________________
3) Kindly :- ____________________________________________________________________
C) Frame questions for the following answers, using the question- word given in the bracket. 5
1) My name is Rahul. (What)
2) Radha will come in next Sunday. (When)
3) The postman is public servant. (Who)

4) Rainbow have 7 colours. (How)


5) English is my favorite subject (Which)


D) Divide the sentences. 4

Subject Predicate
1) They went home.
2) The ant is tiny.
3) Leopards run fast.
4) The hen laid an egg.

Q.5 A Fill in the blanks with “there of their” correctly. 5

1) _________________ is a pet dog in their house.
2) They sold _________________ old car and bought a new one.
3) ________________ books are on the table ____________.
4) Doctors wash _________________ after they examine a patient.
5) ______________ are rules everywhere.

B) Look at the following pictures and write it is affirmative or negative. 5

1) Is it raining?


2) Is it Thursday?


3) Are they boys?


4) Is she studying?

5) Is it nine O’clock?

C) Write an essay (any one) 5

1) My Hobby 2) My School 3) The peocock

D) Observe the given pictures and write a paragraph on the postman. You may use the words 5
given below.

Public servant Bring envelops and post cards good nad

Delivers letters bad news Parcels and moneyo rders works
wears a uniform hard.
carries a bag
Annual Exam 2016-17
Std. 3rd Marks : 80
Subject : ENGLISH
Date : / /
Student’s Name : _______________________________________________
Roll No. : _______________________________________________

Q1 A Fill in the blanks 5

1. The substances that pollute water are called ________________.
2. The head of the Panchayat is called a __________________.
3. The new Howrah Bridge in Kolkata, across the river Hooghly, is a ___________ bridge.
4. Every game should be played according to its _________________.
5. Bridges are examples of _____________

B. Put a  around the public properties and put a  around the personal properties. 4
House School Bus

Car Shirt Library

Shoes Train

C. True or false. 6
1. Clove is obtained from the bark of tree. __________________
2. Rain is main source of water. __________________
3. The French started the East India Company in Mumbai. __________________
4. Kolkata was the first city in India to get Metro. __________________
5. The tongue helps us to taste and eat food. __________________
6. We have eight incisors. __________________

D) Identify these tools and machines used by farmers. 5

Q.2 A Answer the following questions. 6

1. Name any four indoor games. 2
2. What is an NGO? 1
3. What did Rishav enjoy most in Kolkata? 1
4. What equipment do you need to play cricket? 2

B) Explain these terms (any three) 6

1. Evaporation :
2. Agricultural waste
3. Mahila Mandal
4. Condensation
5. Orthodontist

C) Give four functions of each of the following (any two) 4

a) Gram Panchayat
b) Municipal Council
c) Municipal Corporation

D) Name the currencies used in the following countries. 5

1) USA - 2) England -
3) Australia - 4) South Africa –
5) Singapore -

Q.3 A) Give scientific reason for the following (any three) 6

1. Clothes dry more quickly outside than inside.
2. Library books should be read handle with care.
3. The level of under ground water is going down.
4. We need to drink a lot of water daily to keep our inside clean.
5. Farmers should useless chemical fertilizers.

B) State one medicinal use for each of these (any four) 4

1. Turmeric-
2. Tulsi -
3. Clove -
4. Saffron-
5. Ginger -

C) Identify the bridge. 5

1. 2.

3. 4.


D) Answer the following questions. (Any five) 6

1. Write down part of tooth?
2. Write any two skilled labour name.
3. What is Public property?
4. Write any four name of public properties.
5. Who is head of gram panchayat?
6. Write any four organ of sense.
7. Where is a Golden gate bridge?

E) Solve the puzzle. 4

Across Down
1) For this sport you need a ball and a net. 1) India’s National sport
2) Indians are crazy about this sport. 2) Four or tow people can play this indoor
3) This is most popular sport in the world. 3) This is played with rackets and a shuttle
4) Leader pose is associated with this sport. 4) Every game should be played according to

Q.4 A. Label these parts of an ear. 4

(Nerve, eardrum, ear canal, outer ear)

B) Draw the types of teeth and mark (incisor, cannie, premolar, molar, wisdom tooth. 6

C) Write the difference between modern home and ancestral home. 4

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