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Just a day without accidents..


Safety Talks

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today


EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today


EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today



There's an old saying that what you don't know can't hurt There's another kind of not knowing that is plenty
you. I figure the guy who made that up was talking mainly dangerous. That's the kind that hasn't anything to do with
about gossip. But when it comes to knowledge about the our training or skill or general intelligence. It's the kind of
job, what you don't know can hurt you—it can kill you. not knowing that can hit any of us any day.

For instance, there's the machine you've watched a What I mean is the kind of blank-out that makes us forget
fellow worker operate. It looks interesting—anything is that there's anybody else around us, or any other work
likely to look more interesting than our own work. It looks than our own. We go plugging along at our own job, not
pretty easy, too. We figure that if Joe can do it. we can. paying any attention to anything, and pretty soon some
guy backs a fork lift into our midsection, or drops a pipe
Maybe Joe is sick, or late to work, or maybe he even wrench on our head, or leaves a skid six inches from the
asks you to give him a hand so he can take five, not back of our heels.
realizing that you aren't a trained operator. You figure?
this is the time to run the machine, and that you ought to Going into a daze, or daydreaming, or plain
be able to handle it O.K. absentmindedness in a plant is almost as bad as going
into one of them when you're driving a car. Our eyes and
If that temptation ever comes to you—tell old Satan to get ears should always be open—and we'd better be sure that
back behind you where he belongs. Because any our minds are always ready to get the dope the eyes and
machine which you haven't been properly trained and ears pass on. Otherwise, what we don't know is likely to
authorized to run is sure to have some hidden habits that hurt and hurt plenty.
are likely to show up by knocking you for a loop or curling
you up around its flywheel or taking hunks out of your
hide with its teeth.

The gun sharks warn us never to use any gun that we

haven't been taught from A to Z. I say the ordinary
factory machine is deadlier than a gun, if it's run by the
guy who doesn't really know how.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today



Regardless of your job, there are some basic safe work Anyone known to be under the influence of drugs or
practices that should be observed by everyone working on intoxicating substances which impair the employee's ability
the job site. The objective of the safety program is to prevent to safely perform the assigned duties shall not be allowed on
injuries and to allow you to do your job efficiently and safely. the job while in that condition. If you are taking medication
It takes an effort on your part to support the safety program prescribed by a physician or taking over-the-counter
but, after all, that's what it's all about. medication, be sure to tell your supervisor before you begin
work. Some medications may impair your ability to work or
Right now, let's review some basic safe work practices. All operate equipment safely. We discussed unsafe behavior
persons must follow these safe practices and render every and how it leads to injuries on the job. Unsafe behavior
possible aid to safe operations and be a part of the program includes horseplay. Scuffling, practical jokes and other acts
by reporting all unsafe conditions or practices to your which tend to have an adverse influence on the safety or
supervisor or superintendent. The vast majority of work well being of other employees. No one shall knowingly be
related injuries are the result of unsafe acts of workers. That permitted or required to work while the employee's ability or
means, when you take shortcuts, you violate safety alertness is so impaired by fatigue, illness, or other causes
regulations or simply don't take safety seriously, injuries are that they might unnecessarily expose the employee or
more likely to occur. Your company has a responsibility and others to injury.
obligation to make sure that all employees observe and
Work shall be planned and supervised to prevent injuries in the
obey all applicable company, state or Federal regulations
handling of materials and in working together with equipment.
and order as is necessary to the safe conduct of the work
Employees shall not enter manholes, underground vaults,
and must take such action as necessary to obtain
chambers, tanks, silos, or other similar places that receive little
ventilation unless it has been determined that it is safe to enter.
If you violate company safety rules, or you work in an unsafe Confined spaces can be quite hazardous from toxic fumes, gas,
manner, you will be provided a written safety counseling. This and other hazards can gather in the spaces creating a
counseling will explain what the unsafe behavior was and how to dangerous hazard.
correct it. If it's a minor violation, then the counseling will serve
as a reminder for the proper procedure. If it's a serious violation,
Machine guards and other protective devices must be in
or you continue to exhibit unsafe behavior, disciplinary action
their proper place before machinery and equipment is used
may be warranted. The purpose of safety rule enforcement is the
and employees must report any deficiencies or hazards to
protection of all employees. One employee's unsafe
the supervisor when they are detected. If the equipment is
behavior can affect the safety of other employees and safety is
unsafe to operate, do not operate the equipment until it has
too important to allow unsafe behavior or unsafe been replaced or repaired.
In the construction industry, frequent accident prevention Crowding or pushing when boarding or leaving any vehicle
instructions or training is provided at least every ten days. or other conveyance is prohibited.
However, it is each employee's responsibility to work and act
safely every day on every job. Training is simply making you
more aware of safety and safety rules and it's your job to work
safe and act safely every day.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today

Employees must not handle or tamper with any electrical Vises must be equipped with handles and not used to
equipment, machinery, or air or water lines in a manner not punch or pry. A screwdriver should not be used as a chisel.
within the scope of their duties unless they have received Portable electric tools shall not be lifted or loaded by
instructions and authorization from their supervisor. means of a power cord. Use ropes, not the power cordfor
lifting or lowering electrical tools. Before electrical tools are
If you are injured on the job, report the injury immediately. used, they must be inspected to make sure the power cord
Don't wait. Report the injury when it occurs, even if you and plugs are in good condition. Cords with cuts or fray
believe that medical treatment is not necessary. If medical must be replaced. You cannot simply wrap electrical tape
treatment is required, it will be provided. over a cut or frayed cord.
When lifting any thing, use the power of your legs and not your
Only those persons who are trained and authorized may
back. If you keep your back in its natural curvature by bending
operate machinery or equipment. Loose or frayed clothing,
your legs, it's difficult to suffer a back injury.
long hair, dangling ties, finger rings, necklaces, and other
Inappropriate footwear or shoes with thin or badly worn soles
potentially hazardous items may not be worn around
must not be worn. Wear proper footwear and clothing on the
moving machinery or other areas where they become
job. Materials, tools, and other objects shall not be thrown from
entangled. Machinery shall not be serviced, repaired or
structures until proper precautions are taken to protect others
adjusted while in operation, or shall oiling of moving parts
from the falling objects.
be attempted, except when equipment that is designed or
fitted with safeguards to protect the person performing the
Housekeeping is important to everyone's safety so take work. Where appropriate, lockout-tagout procedures must
time to keep your work area clean. If you see a hazard, be used. If you see a piece of equipment or a machine that
correct it. If you can't correct the hazard yourself, report it is locked out and tagged out, do not attempt to operate this
so it can be corrected. equipment. A lock and tag means that someone is working
on that machine and could possibly be injured if the
When handling chemicals or hazardous substances be equipment were to be inadvertently started.
sure to use personal protective equipment as necessary
and follow the instructions provided on the chemical label. Employees shall not work under vehicles or other
Never use gasoline for any type of cleaning purposes. equipment supported by jacks or chain hoists without
Wash your hands and skin after handling chemicals and protective blocking that will prevent injury if jacks or hoists
hazardous materials. should fail.
Air hoses shall not be disconnected at compressors until
When using ladders, inspect the ladder before using it to the hose line has been bled and is free of any air pressure.
make sure it is in good condition and will carry the load.
Using the proper ladder on the job is equally important. All excavations must be visually inspected before
Never stand on the top two steps of a ladder, and when backfilling to ensure it is safe to backfill. Excavating
using straight ladders, make sure the ladder extends at equipment must not be operated near tops of cuts, banks
least 3 feet above the landing, or where the ladder is or cliffs if employees are working below. Tractors,
positioned on the structure. bulldozers, scrapers, and carryalls must not operate where
there is a possibility of overturning in dangerous areas, like
Any damage to scaffolds, false work, or other supporting edges of deep fills, cut banks and steep slopes.
structures shall be immediately reported to your supervisor
and repaired before use. Watch out for moving vehicles and equipment on the job
site. Often this equipment is noisy and the operator may
No source of ignition shall be applied to any enclosed tank not be able to hear or see you. You have the responsibility
or vessel, even if there are some openings, until it has for watch out for moving equipment.
been first determined that no possibility of explosion
exists. An authority for the work is obtained from your There are many more safe practices and rules that could
supervisor. Persons using welding equipment must be listed, but it's impossible to list them all. Actually, safety
always be concerned in starting fires from the sparks or is simply using common sense and good judgment. If
flash. Never weld around combustible or flammable something appears to have the potential for injury, then
material and, if necessary, have someone standing by that's the time to take steps to make sure the injury doesn't
with a fire extinguisher during welding operations. occur.
Teamwork - everyone's cooperation and a special effort can
When using tools and equipment, maintain these tools
result in a safe and helpful work environment. If you take safety
and equipment in good serviceable condition. Damaged
seriously, you'll have a much better attitude about yourself and
tools or equipment must be removed from service and
your job. Take time for safety, because safety really does make
tagged "defective." Pipe or Stilson wrenches must not be
a difference.
used as substitute for other wrenches. Only appropriate
tools shall be used for a specific job.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today


Hidden Hazard Accidents

Have you ever bumped into another person or had a engrossed in a conversation that you don't notice threats
dinner tray cart pushed into you? Have you ever been hit to your safety that are right in front of you.
by a falling or flying object? These accidents can result in
more than bruises! When approaching a corner or intersection in a hallway,
walk in the center of the hallway instead of next to the wall
How would you like to have a big stack of linen tumble where you cannot see or be seen by those traveling in
down on top of you? Of course you wouldn't, and neither other directions.
would anyone else. The best way to prevent this is to
avoid stacking materials too high; stack it in such a way Perhaps the employees in your work area can reduce the
that it absolutely cannot fall. Even if you take time to chances of bumping into each other by agreeing to walk
stack items properly, you can't depend on everyone else only on the right sides of hallways. Think about how this
taking the same care. You should make a habit of type of accident can be avoided; the next person you
inspecting the environment for this type of hazard; this bump into could be carrying hot coffee or sharp objects.
can prevent an accident.
There is a possibility of bumping into or being bumped into
A door is another moving object that often strikes people. by a cart of some kind. You may not be injured, but who
Most people know what it feels like to approach a door, wants to take chances? If you happen to be moving a cart,
perhaps with arms full, and have the door open suddenly especially a large one that you cannot see over or around,
from the other side. don't push it, pull it.

Some have learned the hard way that if windowless Never push a cart; it's too easy to accidentally push a cart
doors open toward you, it's best to approach them with into someone when you can't see where you're going.
caution. Never stand in front of such a door for an
extended period of time. If you must work in such an People can also be struck by, and are frequently severely
area, prop the door open and secure it, or place a sign on injured by, objects flying out of machinery, such as pieces
the opposite side of the door. It goes without saying that of wood or metal. Whatever they are, they're likely to
you shouldn't use a ladder where a door opens toward travel at a high velocity, which increases the likelihood of
it unless you can be sure, by locking the door or propping injuries. Proper machine guarding is one of the best
it open, that the door will not be opened. Of course, out of protection against flying objects.
consideration for those on the other side, you should not
push a door open rapidly or forcefully. When approaching These safety suggestions must be followed by everyone
double doors, follow signs indicating which door to use. to meet our goal of making the workplace as safe as
possible for everyone. We should remember that our
People, too, can be safety hazards if they do not watch actions affect everyone in our department. Let's work
where they are going. While walking, don't get so . together so everyone can be assured that our workplace
is a safe one.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today



I used to have a wisecracking friend who always And there have been a lot more people loss eyes when
introduced his favorite jokes by saying, "This'll kill you!" so-called friends decide to blow some dust in their faces
Every time I see some wiseacre going in for practical with air hoses.
jokes in a plant, I think of that saying, "This'll-kill you!"

Sure, we all like a gag. We all like a laugh. But there are Just about any kind of a wiseacre practical joke pulled in a
some situations in which a gag is no joke, and the laughs busy shop is a threat to safety.
get turned into screams of pain. When we were kids, we
thought it was great sport to push a guy down, or trip
him—and I've seen stunts like that pulled in factories by Sometimes it's even a threat to the safety of the joke
adults who never grew up. puller. I've read several cases where the victim of a
practical joke got sore, lost his head, and let fly with
whatever was handy—wrench, hammer, knife, or
A kid takes a fall well—usually. His bones are flexible and whatever. And some of those times,, the guy's aim was
don't break easily. On a school playground, there's no good and the practical joker wound up in the hospital.
fast machinery or concrete floors. But you take a grown
person and give him a spill that wouldn't faze a kid and
you'll stand a good chance of causing a crippling injury. So let's behave like grown-up men and women, not like
little kids on Halloween. If you've got a wisecrack, maybe
we'll laugh at it when you tell it. But let's lay off the
Or scaring somebody—another favorite kid-trick. Maybe horseplay and practical jokes on the job.
you never saw one of those cases where a scare pulled
as a gag causes real trouble—but it happens often.
Maybe the guy being scared has a bad heart. Maybe he's
carrying something heavy that can crush a foot. Maybe
the start that fear causes puts him into danger at his
machine or makes him step off a platform and fall.

Air hoses seem to bring out the baby in some grown

men—they just want to play tricks with them. There have
been several people killed by fellow workers who thought
that it was smart to goose somebody with an air hose—
sounds funny, but it isn't—it's likely to be plain deadly.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today


Not to find fault or blame, but the cause of the accident.
When you determine what caused an accident, you can do
something about it, so it won't happen again. That's basic
safety information, but it's something you should keep in
mind, to help maintain a good attitude about accident

Are accidents ever caused by something beyond an

individual's control? Quite obviously, since the action or
failure of action by another individual can lead to an accident
of someone not involved? It happens everyday. There have
been thousands and thousands of fatalities of employees
who weren't doing anything unsafe, but got caught in the
process of some other accident cause.

Accidents happen to other people. Car accidents happen to How about those deaths resulting from cave ins? It's straight
other people, work injuries happen to other people. Yes, fact that no employee would ever go into a trench, if they
accidents do happen to other people, but the lucky ones knew it was going to cave in. No one would ever stay at
never experience an accident. Well, if that's a true hotel, if they knew that particular hotel was going to catch on
statement, we'd all being wearing our lucky charms all the fire during their stay.
time. Luck has nothing to do with it, but accident prevention
is each individual's responsibility. There's always a sense of security about the job you're
performing, and you fully believe that nothing will go wrong.
Why do people think that accidents only happen to It's when you let your guard down, by believing in this false
someone else? One of the best reasons is a person may sense of security that accidents occur.
have worked safely for many years without an injury and
truly believes that an accident will not happen. There are We could go on and on, but the point we want to make is.....
many other reasons or rationalization that can be used to accidents and injuries can be prevented. Nothing mysterious
explain how accidents happen to other people, but let's for about the process, no magic....... but each individual must
get that for now. take the responsibility to avoid accident causes.

This program is designed to make you think more about How about those back injuries? Can they be prevented?
accident causes and how you can prevent injuries. After all, your back is a weak link in our anatomical being, so
Accidents and injuries can be prevented, so let's begin that how can back injuries be prevented? Keeping your back
journey right now. healthy through exercise, learning how to lift safely and
using your knowledge to lift safely, every time you lift
If you look at the word accident itself, it's defined as an anything. It's not good enough to know how to lift safely. You
unplanned, uncontrollable event..... When you use the word have to practice it every time you lift anything. You need the
uncontrollable, that means it can't be controlled. knowledge of how your back works, so you can make the
Experience has demonstrated that accidents can be right decision how to lift safely even when you can't bend
controlled. Right away, that tells you the word accident your legs. It's thinking about your back and not taking
should not be used in what we normally call an accident. chances....every day, on every job.
There are thousands of safety rules, regulations and certainly
It may be unplanned, but it can be controlled. For the time
your organization's policies and procedures relating to safety. It's
being, everyone is familiar with the word accident, so we'll
up to each individual to be aware of safety, exercise good
continue to use it, just keep in mind that accidents can be
judgment and to perform every job in a safe and healthy manner.
No more, no less. You've heard it from the people who have
witnessed or experienced accidents and injuries. You've
What causes accidents? There may be several causes
probably witnessed or experienced accidents yourselves, but the
contributing to an accident. Lack of knowledge, taking short
moral of the story is that accidents don't just happen to other
cuts, not paying attention to the job, violating safety rules
people. They are caused by something or someone. If you
and others, caused by the behavior of the individual. There
eliminate the cause of accidents, you're on your way to an
may be causes related to unsafe conditions or safety
accident free workplace and lifetime.
hazards that contribute to the accident. A combination of
unsafe behavior and unsafe conditions can cause
Safety works in your home also. It works when you're driving
accidents. Accident investigation is conducted to determine
your automobile. It works when you decide to make it work. Right
the cause of all accidents, so corrective action can be
now, commit to taking safety seriously and you'll find that
taken to prevent a similar occurrence in the future.
accident prevention is a piece of cake.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today



In today's work environment, employees are protected by a WHAT IS AN UNSAFE ACT?

variety of safety laws, rules, regulations and of course, An unsafe act is any personal characteristic or condition that
concerned employers. Safety is just good business and it may cause or influence an employee to act unsafely.
requires a team effort and responsibility by all employees. These conditions may be mental, emotional or physical. Some of
the types of unsafe acts could be: unaware of the job hazard,
Safety Engineers have always relied upon three essentials, inattention to job hazards, low level of job skill or inadequately
called the three E's. Education, Engineering and Enforcement. trained for a specific job. It could be the employee tried to avoid
Education means training, explaining the proper procedures of extra effort or tried to gain or save time by taking a shortcut.
job responsibilities, safety rules and of course, constant
awareness for working and acting safely. A slip and fall is an unsafe act because the employee could have
prevented the slip and fall if he or she had been paying attention
Accident prevention through education and training. to the walking surface. Attention to the walking surface can
Engineering is finding safety hazards and correcting them prevent slips and falls even if the floor is uneven, slippery, wet or
before they contribute to an accident. Engineering also includes has a physical hazard, such as a hole or torn carpet.
proper selection of equipment and facilities. Engineering
focuses primarily on physical hazards in the workplace, but can Certainly the unsafe condition of the floor should be corrected,
also include job safety analysis, ergonomics and other safety but that's not a reason to slip and fall. Inattention to the walking
engineering functions. surface contributed to the accident.
The third E is enforcement of safety rules. It doesn't do any
good to have rules if they aren't enforced. This program A laceration or cut is the result of not paying attention to the job,
addresses the enforcement of safety rules, so let's begin with or neglecting to take the precautions necessary to prevent the
some information relating to the causes of most injuries in the injury. Every time you begin to use a knife or box cutter, say to
workplace. yourself, this is a finger cutter. This one little mental reminder is
enough to alert you that special precautions must be taken to
Accident statistics from all industries have been compiled over prevent an injury in the event the knife or box cutter slips from its
the years by insurance companies and governmental agencies. intended cutting path.
The results of analyzing hundreds of thousands of accidents
reveal 85 to 98 percent of all accident causes result from the A back injury is also an unsafe act. If you lift properly, it's difficult
unsafe acts of employees. There may be more than one cause to injure your back. Even in difficult lifting conditions, it's up to
of an accident, but most accidents are caused, in whole or in you to use your good judgment on the safest method of lifting, to
part, by the unsafe acts of employees. protect your discs and to prevent ligament damage or strains.
Does this mean employees intentionally hurt themselves, or
they don't care, or that they're irresponsible? NO! We could go on, but this gives you a better understanding and
Quite often, it's the hard working, dedicated, loyal employee awareness of what an unsafe act is and how it's your
who gets busy and tries to take a short cut, or simply isn't responsibility to prevent unsafe behavior.
thinking about safety and contributes to the accident cause.
That old safety slogan "Think Safety" means just that. Think
Let's explain how this can occur. Remember, we're talking about what you're doing, how you're going to do it and then use
about great employees, people wanting to do a good job and your judgment to perform the job without accident or injury.
certainly people who want to be accident free. You're the only person who has control over unsafe acts.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today

One more example. Let's say you fall off a ladder. The unsafe A minute ago we stated safety counseling were not disciplinary
act contributing to the fall was perhaps your inattention to the action. That's very true. However, if an employee continues to
footing, or perhaps you exceeded the limitations of the ladder. demonstrate unsafe behavior contributing to additional accidents
You contributed to the accident. or injuries, disciplinary action may be taken on that particular
employee. The objective of any safety program is to prevent
What if the ladder was defective? Still an unsafe act? Certainly. accidents and injuries. If a person cannot or will not perform his
It's your responsibility to inspect equipment before you use it, or her job safely, then that person should not continue to
therefore if you had inspected the ladder before using it, you jeopardize other employees or that person by continuing in the
would have found the defect and wouldn't have used the ladder work environment. This rarely occurs, but it does happen.
until it was repaired or replaced. Let's move on to the
enforcement of safety rules and what happens when you Safety is serious business and all employees must accept the
experience an accident or injury as a result of an unsafe act. responsibility for working and acting safely.
Enforcement of safety rules has always been management's That brings us to the question of what about the accident prone
responsibility. Management is required to investigate accidents employee. There really aren't accident prone employees, there
and take corrective action to prevent similar accidents. It's a are employees who have more injuries than others. This relates
little more complicated than that. Management is legally more to their attitude, experience, training, awareness and safety
required to enforce safety rules. For a safety program to be behavior. Perhaps they haven't been counseled so as to effect a
judged effective, there are several elements or tests the change in their safety behavior. Don't blame accidents on
program must pass. accident proneness. Training, education, supervision and
1. Does the company have written safety rules and procedures? counseling is the most effective method of changing "accident
2. Are employees advised of these rules through education and proneness" to good safety behavior.
training? One last thing and we're finished. If you're really conscientious
3. Is the training documented? Documentation includes what and take the time to perform you job in a safe and healthful
information was taught, when it was taught and who provided manner, that's what's going to happen. If you watch where you
the instruction. walk, you won't slip and fall. If you see a safety hazard, correct it
4. Are safety hazards identified and corrected. This is why or report it so it can be corrected.
routine safety inspections are necessary and Action taken to
correct identified deficiencies. Safety is really nothing more than preventing accidents by your
5. Are safety rules enforced? If yes, management must prove personal behavior.
this with documentation. That's what we want to talk about now.
It's not complicated and it certainly doesn't take time to think
How do you document that rules are enforced? When an safety. It's a personal responsibility you have working. It's a
employee causes an accident or injury through an unsafe act, personal responsibility when driving your car or at home or even
the employee must be told what he or she did wrong and during recreation.
management must explain how to correct the unsafe behavior. Think of the possible injuries to avoid so accidents and cuts,
We call it a Safety Counseling. lacerations, back injuries, can be eliminated easily, quickly and
It's not disciplinary action, the employee isn't being called on then use your good judgment.
the carpet to face a chewing out. It's a requirement for Slips and falls, muscle strains---these can be eliminated easily,
management to explain what type of behavior or unsafe act quickly and certainly without any extra effort. You're worth it, so
caused the accident. An employee can't be expected to correct attack those unsafe acts and it will make your job easier and
something without knowing what it is that needs correcting. much safe.
After explaining the unsafe act, management is obligated to
explain how to correct the deficiency.

If it's a back injury, perhaps additional training in the safe lifting

technique is needed. If it's a slip and fall, a reminder to watch
where the person is walking is all that's necessary. The
employee should be given a time period in which to correct the
deficiency. In most cases, it will be right away.

If safety rules are not enforced, which is documented by this

Safety Counseling, then the company's safety program is not
legally effective. Safety counseling serve several purposes, but
the two most important purposes are:

The company is ensuring all safety rules are enforced,

which is for the benefit of all employees in the workplace.
Everyone benefits from a safe and healthful workplace.
More importantly, the person experiencing the accident
or injury is provided information and training to help
prevent a similar incident in the future. Everyone wins.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today



When you see a safety sign, the ones on heavy For example, can you remember what pictures are on the
equipment, machine guards, electrical control panels and walls of your living room? It's kind of hard to do. You're so
boxes, and combustible/flammable liquid storage rooms used to those pictures, just like the safety signs here on
that say: DANGER, WEAR GOGGLES WHILE the job, you don't notice them anymore. And not seeing
OPERATING: HIGH VOLTAGE: NO SMOKING: FIRE safety signs is dangerous business. If a sign says DO
DOOR. DO NOT BLOCK: what is your reaction? NOT OPERATE WITHOUT GUARDS, that sign means
what it says. If you don't pay attention to the sign because
Most people react in one of two ways. A few get angry it's been there a long time, you are leaving yourself wide
and fed like doing the opposite. They don't like to be told open to an accident.
what to do or what not to do. The majority know that
safety signs make sense and that there is a reason for Disregarding a safety sign for any reason means you are
each sign being where it is. They take the sign's taking a big chance of getting injured and/or hurting
message as a visual warning and are glad its there to someone else. Being responsible for putting a coworker in
remind them. the hospital should lay heavy on anyone's' conscience

The second reaction is the right one, of course. The NO Remember. each and every safety sign is posted for a
RIDERS signs on the forklift are not there just to make good reason, to keep you from getting hurt!
you walk when you could ride. They are there to remind
you that hitching rides on trucks is risky, and someone is
going to get hurt.

A NO SMOKING sign is put where it is to keep you from

lighting up and prevent you from starting an
uncontrollable fire

Some people don't believe a serious fire can start from a

cigarette. Consider the fact that the National Safety
Council reported that in one year alone, 95,000 fires were
started by smoking and matches. These fires caused
property damage in the tens of millions of dollars, not to
mention the people killed and injured.

The purpose of signs is to visually remind you to stay

safe, however, the big problem is that we all get so used
to these signs that we don't notice them any more.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today



As you know, we're coming into the windy season of the Finally, high winds pick up sparks from open fires and
year. The supervision on this job has a responsibility for cause whipping tarpaulins to overturn heaters. The
taking general precautions when strong winds are resulting fires have caused many severe burn injuries and
expected, but each employee must help in protecting damage to buildings under construction.
himself and other people.
Sudden gusts of wind can cause unexpected accidents If 1. What are the particular hazards which high winds can
the wind is gusty, use a tagline when hoisting loads with cause on this job?
large flat surfaces and you won't get caught when the 2. What can we do as individuals to control these hazards
load swings. Don't get caught in a position where a and protect ourselves and other people?
sudden gust can throw you off balance and cause a bad
fall. Stay off beams and away from the unbarricaded
edges of structures and excavations If you're on a
scaffold be sure there's a guardrail to protect you.

A 20 to 30 mile per hour wind can pick up a piece of

scrap material and carry it as far out as the height from
which it came. A piece from a 20-foot scaffold can hit a
man standing 20 feet away while the same piece coming
off a high rise building may travel almost a full city block.
Scraps of plywood and sheet metal cause the most
trouble, but a strong wind can pick up a loose 2 x 10 deck
plank and drop it off a scaffold.

The wind can whip up clouds of dust and reduce visibility.

Drivers and operators should slow down accordingly, but
a man on foot must watch out for himself and not depend
on an operator to see him in time to prevent an accident.

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Any accident or near accident whether or not it results in 1. A description of what took place or what initiated the
property damage or employee injury is an indication investigation.
something has gone wrong in the operation. For
example, a surveyor carrying an expensive instrument 2. A description of why the accident or situation occurred.
stumbles and falls over some rebar, which were The facts should be developed by studying the job and
thoughtlessly dumped on an access way. The surveyor applying the following questioning procedures: Why was
may or may not be injured, however his instrument is the action or situation necessary? What was its purpose?
damaged requiring repair, and some line grade work is Where should it be done? Was this the best time? Who
delayed, delaying other work in turn. While this accident should have done it? Was the best qualified man doing it?
is regrettable and costly it should also be an indicator or How else could it be done? Or was there a better way?
warning of much greater hidden problems.
3. Determination of which of the three factors, equipment,
Is it possible that something is wrong in the planning? material or people require additional attention.

Or in the handling and placing of materials? 4. A description of the action that should be taken to
eliminate the responsible cause(s).
Are proper instructions and communications lacking?
5. An evaluation of what effect this action will have on
Is it possible that the scheduling program has gone improving overall operations.
Employee Responsibility: Employees are not only charged
Any of these conditions could prevail throughout the with the responsibility to perform their jobs in a safe
entire job, creating a general pattern of poor operation. manner and to avoid accident producing situations, but
The intent of an accident investigation is first to have additional responsibilities to:
determine what other losses could be related to this
cause and what can be done to eliminate this basic 1. Report all accidents promptly and completely.
cause. It is common knowledge that the same loss 2. Fully cooperate with job foreman in accident
producing causes are responsible for personal injury investigations so both primary and underlying
losses, losses involving damaged equipment, damaged accident causes can he identified and corrected.
material, unnecessary delays, rework, poor quality and 3. Correct and/or bring to the attention of the job
damaged public relations. Accidents are definitely an foreman conditions which the employee feels could
operating problem. lead to an accident
4. Fully cooperate with all measures taken to promote
Steps in Accident Investigation: It is necessary to provide safe working conditions and safe work habits.
a systematic procedure to use when investigating
accidents. The following procedure is time-tested and
incorporates sound methods of engineering principles.

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What can I do about accident prevention?

1. Accept accident prevention as a personal challenge.

You can't pass the buck or leave it to the other fellow.
You yourself must be interested—enthusiastic—believe
in it—do something about it. Practical experience has
proven that this is the common sense method of living
and working.

2. Report unsafe working conditions. You may be the first

one to notice a loose bolt, a frayed electric cord, a
cracked ladder rung, a faulty controller, a slipping clutch,
or anything that is unsafe. When you see such an unsafe
condition that is leading up to an accident, report it
promptly to your supervisor.

3. Help new employees. They are eager and willing to

contribute their best effort. Make them feel that they are
welcome. Help to instruct and train them. Show them
skillful "knacks". Be patient and help them to become
effective, accurate workers by teaching them the best

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A few years ago the National Safety Council made a A bright color to make the man in the water easy to spot.
study of work-connected drowning. They found that about
600 of these accidents were occurring every year. They These goals are met in the work vests we have provided
also discovered that about half of the victims were for your use. However, your help is needed if the vests are
unconscious when they hit the water and that only about going to make our work safer. First, the harness has to be
one out of a hundred was wearing a life jacket. When fitted for comfort, loose enough to give you room to work
workmen were asked about these accidents they and move, but tight enough so that it won't slip off.
reported that life jackets were available but they were not Second, it has to be fastened or it will not turn you face up
being worn because they were difficult to put on, were and may slip off when you need it most. Finally and most
hot and uncomfortable, and they restricted movement. important, it has to be worn whenever you are over or
near the water.
As a result of all this, the modern work vest was designed
for work around water. The goals which the designers QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:
aimed for were there! 1. On which of our locations and operations are work
vests needed?
A harness that is comfortable and easy to adjust but will 2. What adjustments can be made to make our vests
not allow the vest to slip off even when a man hits the comfortable to wear without making them unsafe?
water feet first.

Quick release fastenings for ease and speed in getting in

and out of the vest.

Minimum interference for working and moving around.

A design that will turn an unconscious man face up in the


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An employee's attitude toward workplace safety certainly Here is where our supervisory skills get the test. Ask
can influence his safety record on the job. He will yourself the following:
continue to work safely only as long as a positive safety 1. Are we as supervisors setting a good safety
attitude is held. example? Do we always use the hard harts, safety
glasses, gloves that are available? Do we do it the
The following two examples show how positive safety safe way?
attitudes lead to employees making the right choices for 2. Do we make all employees aware that we expect
continued safety. A maintenance man making a plumbing good safe work attitudes and habits from them at all
repair finds that he does not have the correct tool for the times?
next job step. There are only two choices: Should he 3. Do we make it clear that only following safe work
improvise and use a substitute tool or method? Or, procedures will be tolerated? Are we allowing safety
should he take a little extra time and get the right tool? shortcuts to crop up in our daily routines?
The employee with a strong, positive safety attitude Only by setting and maintaining a good positive
certainly will take the time and do the job properly. safety attitude in our departments will we reach the
desired level of safety we expect--NO ACCIDENTS
Another employee is required to work overhead on some
piping. He has just two options: Move a box over and use
it as a work platform or get the rolling safety stage in the
next room. The employee choosing the stage
demonstrates a real positive awareness of safety.

How do we reach those employees who continuously opt

for the makeshift or temporary means to do the job?

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A habit can be defined as the tendency or disposition to HAZARD: Squeeze points. These are created by two
act in a certain way. Our ability to acquire habits— objects, one or both of which is in motion as they move
whether good or bad—is directly related to our need for toward one another. Examples: Machine tables at extreme
satisfaction. The importance of developing these safe traverse position forming squeeze points with other
work habits on the job is that we avoid certain exposures machines, walls, and building columns. Materials being
even if we are not thinking about the particular hazard. If moved on power conveyors create squeeze points with
we are always alert, never let our attention wander, and fixed objects along the conveyor.
remember to use all the safe practices and equipment SAFETY HABITS: Maintain a minimum clearance of 18
required for a particular task, then habits are not inches between moving and fixed objects. Relocate
necessary. Circumstances arise for various reasons and equipment where necessary. Maintain proper guarding.
complete attention is not always possible, however, Maintain sweep bars equipped with shutoff switches in the
under these circumstances safe work habits really pay squeeze area.
HAZARD: Run-in points. Examples: Belts and sheaves,
Potential hazards, and the safety habits that may chains and sprockets, gears in mesh, rolls, conveyor
protect you from being injured, are listed for your chains, ropes and pulleys, cable and drums.
review. SAFETY HABITS: Maintain and use proper guarding.
Know your equipment. Never operate or work close to
HAZARD:The possibility of getting into the path of a unfamiliar equipment.
moving object as it moves toward a stationary object. Building safe habits is like turning on an autopilot in your
SAFETY HABITS: Check to make sure that the machine body; you function with less mental stress in your thinking
openings are guarded. Look for cross-overs or cross- capacity.
unders and use them when they are needed. Pay
attention to warning signals; there is a reason for such Make safety a habit when you recognize any of these
devices. hazards. Don't be caught in, on, or between. Apply these
safety measures or some measures of your own. Good
HAZARD:Catch points/shear points. These objects have habits are safe habits!
sharp corners, splines, teeth or other rough shapes
capable of catching the operator or work clothing.
Examples: Rotating drills, reamers, spline shafts,
broaches, keys and keyways, nails on the inside of kegs
and packing crates, shears, and dies.
SAFETY HABITS: Wear proper clothing. Make sure
guards are in place, and used. Remove nails and staples
from kegs and packing crates.

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Your hands are complex and wonderfully designed Now let's take a look at the different kinds of hand and
machines. Together with your wrists, they help you do wrist injuries. Remember the information we've just
a remarkable variety of tasks. From playing the piano discussed about bones, ligaments and tendons.
to cooking dinner or hammering a nail. Your hands
respond daily to various commands that ask for feats 1. Wrist fractures. This injury is most often caused
of strength and dexterity. To put it simply, your hands by trying to break a fall with an outstretched hand.
are literally extensions of your brain. More of your Sometimes the ends of the forearm bones can be
brain is reserved for controlling hand movements then broken too.
for controlling any other part of your body. Clearly
your hands and wrists are important to every aspect 2. Hand and finger fractures. Generally this is
of your life. You use your hands all day, everyday, caused by trapping or twisting the fingers suddenly.
both at home and at work. Yet in doing all of these The finger is caught in a car door for example.
things that they do everyday, your hands and wrists Accidentally hitting the finger, such as with a
are prone to accidents and injuries. Today's talk is hammer, can cause a finger fracture.
designed to show you what you can do to prevent
injury and what to do just in case an accident occurs. 3. Hand sprains. These occur when the ligaments
in the hand or wrist are stretched too far and tear.
Now before we go any further, it's important to take a Thumb sprains, for example, are a common sports
quick look at the structure of your hand and wrist. This injury.
will help you to understand the types of injuries we'll
discuss later. 4. Finger tip injuries. Finger tips are subject to
Let's begin with the bones. Bones form the structural many different types of injuries; the bones can be
support and strength in your hand and wrist. All fractured, the fleshy part of the finger may be torn
together there are 27 different bones in your hand and or the finger nail may be damaged.
wrist. In comparison there are only 3 bones in your
arm. The bones are surrounded and tied together by 5. Lacerations. Lacerations or cuts can be minor,
muscles, ligaments and tendons. that is, only effecting the layers of skin or major,
serious deep cuts which sever nerves, muscles or
Ligaments are strong, fibrous bands of tissue that tendons. Lacerations can occur if your not careful
serve to stabilize joints and prevent damage by while handling sharp cutting tools, such as knives
limiting side movements of joints. or saws.

Tendons permit flexibility. When a muscle 6. Nerve compression. This injury results from a
contracts, the tendons lift or curl the fingers. swelling of tissues that surround a nerve. As a
result there is a loss of feeling or sometimes a
All of these working together enable your hand to tingling sensation. Repetitive
perform some remarkable things, including grasping movements are the culprit here as they tend to
and the ability to pick up small objects with your thumb create the swelling of tissues.
and index finger.

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Caring for hand and wrist injuries depends upon the Nerve compression. This is often called Carpal Tunnel
type of injury. A hand surgeon or emergency physician Syndrome. Pain and numbness of the hand and fingers
can treat the problem. Emergencies, such as is generally caused by swollen tissues pressing on the
lacerations, will be cleaned and sutured, while x-rays median nerve which runs through the carpal tunnel in
will be taken first, for fractures, to properly diagnose the wrist. This injury is a bit different than the previous
the problem. ones, as it's caused by repeated flexing of the hand and
very repetitive motions. It's an acquired injury, not the
Your doctor may ask you questions about how the result of a sudden accident. Treatment involves
accident or injury happened. If the injury is believed to medication to relieve pain and swelling, followed by
be a sprain or fracture, the fingers, hand or forearm will splinting to keep the wrist straight. Severe cases are
be examined and gently moved to determine the limits treated with surgery where the carpal ligament is cut to
of movement. This helps to diagnose the injury relieve the pressure on the nerve. And there are other
correctly. Fractures of the fingers, wrists or forearm are proven treatments besides surgery to correct Carpal
treated by being repositioned or set to their former Tunnel Syndrome.
position before the broken bone is immobilized with a
cast or splint. Pins may be used if the fracture is in an Because you use your hands all day, everyday, there's
unstable area. A cast is generally used here and the always the chance that you may injure them. However,
cast will probably be removed in 6 to 8 weeks. you can decrease the chance of injury even further by
working safely and carefully, both at work and at home.
Sprains are treated in a different manner. Usually anti- While at work, be extra careful around machinery and
inflammatory medication is prescribed to reduce power tools. Use caution while handling knives or other
swelling and the area is immobilized with a splint or sharp objects.
cast until the ligament heals properly.
You can prevent a hazardous fall by watching where you're
walking and avoiding tripping hazards. Watch out for potential
Other specific hand and wrist injuries require very
hazards. Don't take chances around broken glass or sharp
specific treatments. For example, hitting your fingernail
pieces of metal. Think about keeping your hands and wrists safe
with a hard direct blow, such as from a hammer, can
on the job and at home. Just think about all the wonderful things
cause bleeding beneath the fingernail. This condition is
your hands and wrists do for you everyday. Isn't it time you took
called black nail. Sometimes this will disappear as the
a little time to care for them?
nail grows out but if pain or pressure continue your
doctor will relieve this by drilling a hole in the nail to
drain off the blood.

A crushing blow to the fingertip, such as a finger being

caught in a moving machine, can fracture the last bone
of the finger and drive the nail upwards. This avulsion
of the nail is treated with a thorough cleansing and
fragments of the bone are removed. Damaged portions
of the nail are removed as well.

A tissue loss, as from a pinching or tearing injury, is

usually repaired with either suturing or surgery. Skin
will be sutured back together or in very complex
injuries, surgery will carefully repair tendons and
ligaments. Sometimes skin grafting will be necessary
to restore function and appearance. A splint may be
used to protect the finger as it heals.
Lacerations or cuts are treated according to their
depth. Minor injuries, like those from a sharp knife, are
usually fairly shallow because the force of the cutting
instrument is not very great. This type of cut is cleaned
and can be closed with either a butterfly bandage or a
few stitches. Major lacerations usually cut skin,
tendons and nerves. This type of deep cut usually
occurs from an accident involving machinery or power
tools. Surgery is necessary to repair damaged tissues
and the skin is stitched closed. Splints are used to
immobilize all major lacerations while they heal.
Physical therapy may be necessary to restore full use
of the tendons and help loosen scar tissue.

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Select from the "problems and solutions" below. Present SOLUTIONS:

your views and solicit discussion. You can select from the .... Training of employees
ideas here or supplement them with your own. The .... External inspection of cylinders regularly
discussion questions at the bottom are designed as .... Removal of rust, scale, caked paint, etc.
thought provokers. .... Storage of cylinders on end
.... Securing cylinders to rigid object
THE PROBLEMS: .... Lifting of cylinder with another person. They're a two-
.... Lack of external inspection man job.
.... Failure to store and secure in an upright position .... Avoid exposure of cylinder to heat or sun
.... Removal of safety valve .... Avoid storage of cylinder near flammable materials
.... Handling of cylinders with gloves that are greasy .... Securely block or tie cylinders when they're being
.... Leaks transported
.... Contact with salt or corrosive materials .... Handle each cylinder as if it were full
.... Back injuries .... Review rules for safe handling of cylinders regularly
.... Explosion potential .... Train new employees in proper handling procedures
.... Sliding of cylinders off truck instead of lifting
.... Lack of assistance when lifting cylinder DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:
.... Exposure of cylinder to heat or sun 1. What should we check for when inspecting an
.... Storage of cylinder near flammable materials acetylene cylinder?
2. How are cylinders transported?
3. What may cause a cylinder to turn into a jet propelled
4. Why do we need to treat each acetylene cylinder as if it
were full?

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Chemicals are all around us - in the food we eat, the 2. Corrosives

clothes we wear, in the products we use everyday. This type of chemical is usually an irritant. corrosives can
Chemicals can help us live better lives, but if we don't damage your body by burning, scalding or inflaming body
understand about the chemicals we use, they can harm tissues. Examples of corrosives are chlorine, hydrochloric
us. acid, of course, battery acid.

This program is designed to help you understand more 3. Flammables

about chemicals and chemical safety. It's important to be Flammables are the chemicals that burn readily. They
informed and aware of chemicals and chemical safety. may explode or burn if sparks, flames or other ignition
The first and most important step is to stop and read the sources are present. Examples are gasoline, benzene and
label! ethyl ether.

All the basic information you need to know is found on 4.Reactives

the label. It will tell you the name of the basic substance, Reactive chemicals are those that require stability and
what types of hazards there are, what it will do, what careful handling. Some of them can explode or react
chemicals can't be mixed with this particular substance, violently if the container is dropped or hit. Other reactives
and any emergency medical information you'll need to may react violently if mixed improperly with other
know. You'll also learn how to properly store, handle, and substances. Nitroglycerine is an example of a reactive
dispose of the material. chemical.

Once you've read the label you'll be able to identify the No matter what type of chemicals you're using, you need
type of chemical and the proper instructions required for to be aware of the ways that chemicals may affect you. If
this chemical. you're not properly protected, you may be exposed to
chemical hazards. Here are the ways in which chemicals
Basically, there are four types of chemicals. Let's take a can enter your body:
look at what they are:
Inhalation Chemical vapors, dust or gases can be inhaled
l. Toxic agents if you=re not wearing a respirator or proper respiratory
These are chemicals that are poisonous to you, and can equipment.
act upon the body very rapidly. Hydrogen sulfide and
cyanide are examples of toxic agents. Absorption. Some chemicals can be absorbed right
through your skin and enter your body. You can prevent
this hazard by wearing the appropriate gloves and
protective clothing.

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Ingestion. You may be ingesting small doses of 6. Report any suspected problems.
chemicals daily and not even realize it. Chemicals can be If you notice any malfunctioning equipment or any
absorbed by food, cigarettes and drinks. They can also electrical equipment that is in need of repair, report it to
remain on your skin and be transferred to your food if you your supervisor immediately. Also report any suspected
don't wash your hands before eating. Always be sure to problems with your chemicals, if the chemical odor has
wash your hands before eating and make sure you store hanged or is unusual, don't use that chemical. It may have
food away from your work area. changed with time. Report anything unusual to your
Spillage. There is always a chance that you may be
accidentally splashed or exposed to a chemical. To 7.Keep your work area neat, clean and organized.
prevent injury you should always wear the proper You'll know where everything is, and you'll be able to work
protective equipment, according to company policy and more efficiently.
the requirement of each specific chemical.
8. Store everything properly.
Ok, let's review some basic safety tips about chemicals: Make sure to close containers tightly. Keep flammables in
a safe area, and use only the smallest amount necessary
1. Read the label. for the job. Store compressed gas in leak- free containers
It will tell you what you need to know about your
chemical. If you find you need more information, ask your
supervisor for a copy of the material safety data sheet.

The msds gives more technical information about the

chemical than the label.

2. Dress the part.

Wear the proper safety protection, clothing and
equipment as required.

3. Follow directions.
If the label says, use only with adequate ventilation make
sure you do so. Never mix chemicals unless you've been
trained and authorized by your company.

4. Know emergency procedures.

Be familiar with first aid procedures, and be sure to know
where the emergency eye wash showers are located;
also know where emergency phone numbers are posted.

5. Be careful!
Don't work alone, make sure there is someone there to
help you if necessary. Don't try to hurry or take shortcuts,
you just can't rush safety! Don't roughhouse or goof
around. Chemical safety is a job for professionals.

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As professionals, you can readily understand the need This program is called HAZARD COMMUNICATIONS,
for updated training and information on important topics "YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW". More importantly, it's your
relating to your job and health. Today, this program helps need to know. You already have an understanding of the
meet this challenge, by reviewing information you need to chemicals you use at home and work, and you certainly
protect yourself and others when working with hazardous are aware that some chemicals can be hazardous to your
materials and chemicals. health if used improperly.

You work with hazardous materials and chemicals Treat all chemicals as potential physical and health
everyday. Cleaning supplies, pesticides, soaps, hazard. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but why take
detergents, solvents, gasoline, and many others. a chance. Water can be dangerous if you don't use it
You name it, they're all part of your job. You use these Common hand lotion will make you sick if you drink it. The
same basic chemicals in your home. Are you at risk by point we're trying to make is to treat all chemicals with
using chemicals? There is no one, specific answer to the respect, read and follow the information printed on the
question. We can't possibly cover all chemical hazards, label. The next step in the educational process is to know
but we simply want to provide some basic information to more information about the chemicals used in your job.
help reduce health hazards. The company maintains a MATERIAL SAFETY DATA
SHEET on every chemical in the workplace. This MSDS is
A hazardous chemical is any chemical that poses a provided by the chemical manufacturer and contains
physical or health hazard. Physical hazards include information on each chemical. A chemical inventory is
combustible liquids, compressed gas, explosive or maintained and if a new chemical, such as a new cleaner
flammable liquid, organic peroxides, oxidizers, or or paint, is introduced... a MATERIAL SAFETY DATA
pyrophoric chemicals. Health hazards include those SHEET will be added.
chemicals creating acute or chronic health effects.
Basically anything that can damage the eyes, lungs, skin The MSDS serves several important functions. The
or mucous membranes. All this tells you is practically information on the MSDS is used by management to
every chemical at home or work has a potential physical determine the type of safety equipment needed to protect
or health hazard. Of course, each chemical has varying against potential hazards.
degrees of hazards and for that reason it's critical for you
to read and follow the instructions and warnings labels on The information is also the basis for policies and
all chemicals. procedures to reduce potential physical and health
hazards, including how to safely use, store, handle and
Gasoline is a physical and health hazard and it's used dispose of a particular chemical. The information
safely by millions of people. Learn the hazard and take contained in the Material Safety Data Sheet is available to
the steps necessary to avoid the risks. you, if you're interested in more information about a
specific chemical. All you have to do is check the
information on the data sheet.

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Quickly, let's review what type of information is contained Last, but not least is chemical signs and Certainly, your
on the data sheet. employer has established policies and labels.' procedures,
therefore follow your company's guidelines. Generally,
Section 1 is product identification, manufacturer and every chemical must be labeled, with the contents.
identifies the chemical and trade names of the Frequently, chemicals are shipped in larger containers,
substance. but the smaller container may not be labeled. It's up to you
to identify the contents of all chemical containers.
Section 2 lists the hazardous ingredients including
hazardous mixtures of liquids, solids or gases. This There have been thousands of accidents and injuries
section also lists any carcinogenic or cancer causing because of mislabeled contents, or no label at all. Hazard
components, if any are contained in the chemical. Communications, Your right to know is a fancy title for
being aware of potential hazards, reading and following
Section 3 explains the physical characteristics of the the information contained on chemical labels and of
substance. This section gives engineering and course, if you want more information about a particular
management information on flash points, solubility rate, chemical, ask your supervisor for the Material Safety Data
evaporation rate and other physical characteristics to Sheet. This information won't do you any good if you don't
help determine how to use the chemical safely. put it to use.

Section 4 deals with fire and explosion hazards and Chemicals in today's society are here to stay and many of
extinguishing fires containing this chemical. It's always a the chemicals are extremely safe to use, but all chemicals
good idea to notify your local fire department if you use must be treated with respect and you must always follow
chemicals requiring special fire fighting techniques or the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions.
equipment. Never mix any chemicals unless you have been trained
and authorized by management.
Section 5 contains reactivity information, such as what
chemicals, liquids or substances may react to this Even at home, improper mixing of chemicals can be
particular chemical. extremely hazardous. If you mix a common household
chlorine cleaner with ammonia, it can form a deadly gas
Section 6 is extremely important, as it explains potential called chloramine. Of course, avoid a very common
health hazards. You need to know if the substance is mistake of thinking more is better. You've all done it, like
harmful, then take the required precautions to reduce adding just a bit more of the cleaner or liquid so it will do a
exposure. Section 6 also includes emergency first aid better job. If the label specifies one tablespoon, don't think
and emergency procedures. 2 or 3 tablespoons will work 2 or 3 times better. Follow the
Section 7 explains the type of protective equipment or
engineering controls required to reduce exposure. It may That's about it, but it's really up to you to work and act
specify safety glasses, gloves, respirators, ventilation safely. Safety is your responsibility and all the rules,
equipment or other hygiene procedures. regulations, policies, labels or Material Safety Data Sheets
won't do any good, if you don't take the responsibility to
Section 8 contains procedures for spills or leaks. You perform every job safely. It won't slow you down or
can't just wash spilled chemicals down the drain, or mop interfere with your job. It will reduce accidents and injuries.
them up and throw the residue in the trash. Each You can also take safety home with you.
chemical has specific procedures that must be carefully
followed. This information is also used to prepare
emergency action plans.

Although the sections may be different on your Material

Data Sheet, all the information will be contained on the
Material Safety Data Sheet. Material Safety Data Sheets
must contain this information, although the forms used
may be slightly different from manufacturer to
manufacturer. It's your right to know and the information
is available, all you have to do is ask your supervisor.

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Liquefied petroleum gas, commonly called LPG or LP The most important consideration is safety, so always
gas is a mixture of several hydrocarbon gases. Propane follow your company's policies and procedures relating to
and butane, used separately or in mixtures, are the refueling propane cylinders and other safety regulations
principal LP-gases. Propane is the LP gas most widely recommended by the Propane supplier or equipment
used in the USA. Propane is a vapor at normal manufacturer. The very first step is to make sure the
temperatures and atmospheric pressure. Your gas cylinder is approved by the markings on the cylinder, such
supplier converts propane to a liquid by a combination of as DOT, ICC or ASME nameplates. Inspect the cylinder to
compression and cooling, which greatly reduces space determine if there is any damage to the cylinder, before
requirements. Approximately 270 gallons of vapor can be filling and never use a damaged or if defects are found. A
converted to one gallon of liquid. Moderate pressure protective ring or housing is required on all approved
holds the propane in liquid form until needed and of cylinders to prevent physical damage to the valves. The
course, a pressure tank is necessary to maintain this next step is to make sure there are no open flames,
pressure. sparks or other sources of ignition near the refueling tank
or area. Naturally, no smoking is allowed near the
Propane has been a common fuel in homes and refueling area. The vehicle must be shut off during
businesses since the early 1920's. Today, propane is refueling and it is recommended the forklift propane
used extensively for forklifts operating in warehouses cylinder be removed from the vehicle during refueling.
because propane's clean burning properties eliminate One important consideration when removing the cylinder
sludge, carbon and gum deposits, resulting in lower is to lift safely. Lift Safely to prevent a back injury and also
maintenance and operation costs, as well as reducing lifting properly to prevent damage to the cylinder. All
harmful exhaust emissions. Without going into great propane cylinders should be considered under pressure,
detail, let's quickly review some basics of a propane therefore, should be handled in a safe manner to prevent
dispensing tank. The dispenser is a complete system damage.
consisting of the fuel supply tank, hose coupling and all
fixtures necessary to complete the system. It's important Let's now take a look at the refueling of a forklift propane
that any person using the propane dispenser unit to cylinder from a dispensing unit. In addition to inspecting
transfer propane liquid into portable cylinders. Learn what the cylinder for proper marking and identification, a check
inspections and preventative maintenance are required should be made to detect any gouges, dents, bulges or
and if you have any questions about the safety features other damage.
of the system, be sure to ask your supervisor.
Check for leaks. All seams and openings should be
inspected. Check that the relief valve will discharge
This program is designed to provide basic safety
directly into the atmosphere and will not impinge on
knowledge of proper cylinder refueling operations by the tank, structural members or adjacent objects. A
vehicle operators. protective cover should be installed on the piping to
prevent entrance of moisture or debris into the relief

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Always wear proper protective gloves and Propane is not poisonous. Propane liquid is
eye/face protection as required by your company colorless and odorless in its natural state. A rotten
safety regulations. Remove the protective plastic egg odor is added to propane for your protection
cap on the tank filler valve. Connect the hose and to aid in detection. You should always be able
coupling to the tank filler valve. Open the main to smell this odor if a small amount of vapor is
liquid valve at the storage tank. Turn on the vented into the air. Propane liquid is extremely
transfer pump. Open the valve on the tank to be volatile and will vaporize quickly if spilled.
filled is so equipped. Slowly open the hose end Propane liquid leaking into the atmosphere can
valve, no more than two turns. Check the entire often be detected by a white fog caused by
system for leaks. Open maximum liquid level freezing of moisture in the air. Propane vapor is
outage valve approximately one quarter turn until heavier than air and can accumulate in low spots.
the gas starts to vent. Fill the tank until liquid Escaping propane could lead to one or more of
vents from the outage valve. When liquid vents, the following incidents:
there will be a visible cloud and this indicates the
cylinder is full. When liquid vents, close the hose 1. Fire due to burning of the gas.
end of the valve immediately. Shut off transfer 2. Explosion due to ignition of combustible mixture
pump and close the outage valve. A word of of gas and air in a confined space.
caution: DO NOT OVERFILL THE TANK. 3. Asphyxiation due to the lack of oxygen.
Adequate vapor space must be left in the tank to 4. Freeze burn from direct contact of propane
allow for expansion of the liquid. If over filled, liquid with the skin.
bleed off excess LP gas in a safe location. Close
the valve on the tank if so equipped. Partially Where escaping gas is encountered, all possible
loosen the hose coupling at the tank filler valve sources of ignition must be considered and
and bleed off trapped liquid. When eliminated or controlled. Do not remain in a
depressurized, disconnect the hose coupling. propane rich atmosphere for any prolonged length
Replace the protective plastic cap on the tank of time for the following reasons:
filler valve.
1. Propane vapors are non-toxic, but they can
Check that the outage gauge is closed tight, close the reduce the oxygen content in a vapor cloud or
main liquid valve at the storage tank and store the hose enclosed space.
properly. Forklifts normally have another safety relief
valve located behind the driver's seat on most 2. In an atmosphere of pure propane vapor, a
equipment. In the event the tank is overfilled and person would rapidly become unconscious and
expansion occurs, the cylinder's safety valve would vent die in several minutes if not removed from this
the over fill, however, if that valve does not function atmosphere. Oxygen starvation often develops
properly, an additional safety relief valve on the forklift slowly and the victim is generally unaware that
will allow the gas to escape. This points out the need for anything is wrong until it's too late.
forklift operators to inspect the entire fuel system on the
vehicle. Inspect fuel hoses, connections and the safety Direct contact with propane liquid produces rapid freezing
relief valve for any sign of wear, damage or leaks. Quite of skin tissue because of the high rate of heat transferred.
frequently, fuel connections from the cylinder to the This freezing causes a "chemical burn" very similar to
forklift become loose and should be checked periodically frostbite. Gloves which will not absorb propane liquid
to make sure they are properly tightened. should be used when handling propane. The wearing of
clothing which will repel or partially absorb liquid is the
Certainly, there may different systems, different types of best way to avoid exposure to your skin from propane
cylinders and other configurations of propane systems, liquid. Immediately remove any clothing which has been
but it's important that you follow the equipment saturated with propane liquid to reduce the extent and
manufacturer's recommendations, your propane supplier severity of skin burns. Safety glasses and a full face shield
recommendations and of course, your company's safety are recommended when filling propane tanks and
policies and procedures. cylinders, due to the same exposure as your skin. If you
need or want more information regarding propane, consult
Right now, let's take a look at some of the characteristics your company's Material Safety Data Sheet for propane.
of propane, to give you a better understanding of the This MSDS provides additional information on the
liquid and vapor. As a liquid, propane is easily Hazardous Ingredients, Physical Data, Fire and Explosion
transported and stored, but requires special handling and Hazards, Health Hazard Data, Reactivity Data, Spill or
safety procedures. Propane burns cleanly, has a high Leak procedures, Special Protection Information and any
heat value and has a high octane number. Special Precautions.

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When we discuss toxicology, there are many new terms as you'll see this term more often than any other. It can be
and definitions we must learn to understand what they explained very simply. Let's take a bottle, which contains
mean. Let's quickly review some of the terms and one million parts of air. Drop in a substance of 10 parts
definitions relating to hazardous materials. into this air space and you have 10 parts of the substance,
per million parts of air, by volume. Another way to look at
TOXICOLOGY is the study of toxic or poisonous parts per million is eleven parts million is equivalent to 11
substances. It relates to the physiological effect, source, minutes in two years. Or an eleven ounce needle in a ton
symptoms and remedial measures for the materials. A of hay. One part per million is equal to one bottle of soda
in a row of bottles over 40 miles long. One car in a line of
TOXIN is any substance, which upon contact with a living traffic 2,650 miles long. One part per billion equates to one
organism, can cause injury or interference with the life quarter, in a stack of quarters nearly 1,500 miles high.
processes of that organism, without acting mechanically. One part per trillion is equal to one minute of time in the
past one million, 920 thousand years. These are certainly
TOXICITY is the amount of a toxin or poison which under not scientific explanations, but it does put the concept into
specified conditions will result in detrimental biological perspective, for ease of understanding what parts per
changes. million means. We can now measure parts per billion, or
parts per trillion. Each chemical is different, with different
Toxins cause injury in relatively small amounts compared concentrations of hazards. Identifying by parts per million
to other substances, but materials classified as toxic may or billion is just one method of protecting individuals from
differ by a small factor or ten billion in the potencies. The potential health hazards.
margin of safety is determined by the dosage and the
toxicity of the material encountered. ACUTE TOXICITY is the toxicity resulting from exposure
to a relatively high concentration of a toxic material over a
DOSE is the quantity of a substance that enters into the relatively short period of time, such as seconds, minutes
biological system. Dose is not synonymous with or hours. The relationship of exposure and toxic effect is
concentration. usually quite clear and defined, since the effect is
relatively immediately. Acute means quick.
CONCENTRATION is the quantity of a substance that is
exposed externally to a biological system. CHRONIC TOXICITY is the toxicity resulting from
exposure to a relatively low concentration of a toxic
UNITS OF DOSE AND CONCENTRATION can be material over a long period of time, such as days, weeks,
expressed in terms of the quantity administered, such as months or years. With chronic exposure, the relationship
per unit weight, usually expressed as milligrams of between exposure and toxic effect is not always apparent
substance per kilogram of body mass. It can also be and in some cases cannot be established with certainty.
expressed per area of skin surface, unit volume of air Acute toxicity is immediately known, such as a person
inhaled, which is commonly termed parts per million of air passes out immediately from the effect. Chronic toxicity
by volume. This term parts per million is very important, could go for several months or years before feeling the
effects of the exposure.

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Ok, let's take a look at some factors which may modify effect or a "no effect" level exists. This no-effect level will
the toxic effects of a substance: vary from chemical to chemical. TLV's refer to airborne
concentrations of substances and represent conditions
1. The route of exposure or entry. Was it inhaled, under which it is believed that nearly all workers may be
absorbed through the skin or ingested? repeatedly exposed, day after day, without adverse effect.
When you look at the information on Material Safety Data
2. The physical state of the substance. Was it solid, Sheets, or other technical information about a particular
liquid, gas? What was the concentration of the hazardous substance or chemical, TLV's will most often
substance? be listed. You have to be able to understand this
information to protect yourselves from the toxic effect of
3. The external temperature. Some materials are more the substance. Part of the information you need to know is
toxic or hazardous when they are warm, than others. the Measures of TLV's.

4. The physiological condition of the individual. Was the TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE is the concentration most
person in good health or was the person in poor health. workers can be repeatedly exposed to during an 8 hour
Persons in good health are more likely to recover more day, 40 hour work week without developing adverse acute
quickly than persons in poor health. A good way to or chronic effect. A TLV may have a TLV with a SKIN
describe the various toxicants is by their actions on living notation. This special "skin" notation indicates that direct
organisms, such as irritants, asphyxiants, nerve poisons skin contact should be avoided due to the chemical's skin
or systemic poisons. absorption properties.

5. The dosage. This again, goes back to the amount or TLV-C or Ceiling. A TLV-C is a ceiling value. It's the
concentration of the substance. Was it 10 parts per concentration that cannot be exceeded even
million, or 500 parts per million. The higher the dose, the instantaneously because of serious health effects.
more toxic it may be.
TLV-STEL or Short Term Exposure Level is the allowable
Most toxic effects are reversible and do not cause exposure concentration for a short period of time. A 15
permanent damage, although complete recovery may minute average exposure period, repeated no more than
take a long time. With regard to emergency response four times a day, with at least one hour between
personnel, potential acute exposures are more typical. successive exposures, provided the 8 hour Time
Acute exposures do not persist for long periods of time. Weighted Average is not exceeded. If you follow these
Acute skin exposures may occur when workers must guidelines, there should be no health problem.
work close to substances in order to control a release or If you see the term IDLH, it's time to be especially careful.
contain and treat the spilled material. Once the The term IDLH means Immediate Dangerous to Life and
immediate site problems have been alleviated, exposures Health. IDLH means conditions that pose an immediate
tend to become more chronic in nature as cleanup threat to life or health or conditions that pose an
progresses. immediate threat of severe exposure to contaminants.

Chronic exposures usually are associated more with Exposure to IDLH environments is likely to cause
hazardous waste site investigations where contaminated irreversible damage or death.
soil, debris and water or containment systems may hold
diluted chemicals. Abandoned waste sites represent The world of toxicology is so technical and complex that
potential chronic exposure problems. However, during only highly educated and trained personnel fully
initial activities at these sites, personnel engaged in understand the hundreds and thousands of terms and
sampling, handling containers, or bulking compatible definitions. It's difficult to know all the toxic effects of
liquids face an increased risk of acute exposures to thousands of chemicals, their parts per million rating,
splashes, mists, gasses or particulates. TLV's, STEL's, and what precautions should be taken
when working with hazardous materials. The most
Let's now discuss some more important terminology and common sense advice is to know as much about a
we'll begin with TLV. Threshold Limit Value. TLV's were particular chemical or hazardous material, that you're
developed based on the BODY's ABILITY TO working with, or may be exposed to in the event of an
RECOVERY WILL NO LONGER OCCUR, or occur at Read and follow the information contained on Material
decreased rates. In other words, there is a sufficiently Safety Data Sheets and chemical labels. Ask questions.
small amount of exposure to toxic substances that does The more you know about potential hazards, the more
nothing injurious. This concept implies that a threshold of prepared you'll be when working with these substances.

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5. Do not overreach or cut above shoulder height.

6. Do not operate when you are fatigued.

7. Use safety footwear; snug fitting clothing; protective

gloves; and eye, hearing, and head protection devices.

8. Use caution when handling fuel. Always turn off engine

before adding fuel. Allow the chain saw to cool before
refueling. NEVER smoke at or near the fueling point.
Move the chain saw at least 10 feet from the fueling point
before starting the engine.

9. Do not allow other persons near when operating chain

Any piece of equipment can be dangerous if not operated 10. Do not start cutting until you have a clear work area,
properly. You are responsible for the safe operation of secure footing, and a planned retreat path from the falling
this equipment. The operator must carefully read and tree.
follow any warnings, safety signs and instructions
provided with or located on the equipment. Do not 11. Keep all parts of your body away from the saw chain
remove, defeat, deface or render inoperable any of the when the engine is running.
safety devices or warnings on this equipment. If any
safety devices or warnings have been removed, 12. Before starting the engine, make sure that the saw
defeated, defaced or rendered inoperable, DO NOT USE chain is not contacting anything.
13. Shut off the engine before setting the chain saw down.
1. KICKBACK may occur when the nose or tip of the
guide bar touches an object, or when the wood closes in 14. When cutting a limb that is under tension. be alert for
an pinches the saw chain in the cut. -Tip contact in some spring back so that you will not be struck when the tension
cases may cause a lightening fast reverse reaction. in the wood fibers is released.
kicking the guide bar up and back towards the operator. -
Pinching the saw chain along the top of the guide bar 15. Operate the chain saw in well ventilated areas only.
rapidly back towards the operator. Either of these
reactions may cause you to lose control of the saw which 16. Do not operate chain saw in a tree unless you have
could result in serious personal injury. With a basic been specifically trained to do so.
understanding of kickback, you can reduce or eliminate
the element of surprise. Sudden surprise contributes to 17. Use extreme caution when cutting small size brush
accidents. and saplings because slender material may catch the saw
chain and be shipped towards you or pull you off balance.
2. Keep a good firm grip on the saw with both hands, the
right hand on the rear handle. and the left hand of the I 8. Keep cord clear of cutting area. Do not operate chain
front handle, when the engine is running. Use a firm grip saw in wet or damp locations as electrical shock could
with thumbs and fingers encircling the chain saw occur.
handles. A firm grip will help you reduce KICKBACK and
maintain control of the saw. DON'T LET GO! 19. Do not cut any creosote treated wood. utility poles or
cross ties.
3. Make sure the area in which you are cutting is free If the person receiving this handout will not be the user of
from obstructions. Do not let the nose of the guide bar the equipment, forward these instructions to the operator.
contact a log, branch. or any other obstruction which If there is any doubt as to the operation or safety of the
could be hit while you are operating the saw. equipment, DO NOT USE!!!



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In most plants, well marked and efficiently laid out aisles Aisle safety and powered industrial trucks are closely
are needed to provide optimum protection and ease of related. Powered industrial truck operators must learn a
movement of personnel and material. set of rigid rules, including procedures regarding to the
Aisle lines are intended to provide unobstructed paths for manner of travel, warnings, relationship to pedestrian
personnel and vehicles conveying materials, parts in traffic, speed, security of the load and procedures at aisle
processes or finished products from location to location. intersections. It is the responsibility of all of us to
Therefore, we must observe certain travel patterns for cooperate and observe the rules laid down for powered
such traffic as well as rules for their movement. industrial truck operators. Aisle marking is a fundamental
part of truck and pedestrian movement in almost every
Perhaps the first consideration in keeping these paths large plant.
clear is to see that nothing is stacked so that it extends
beyond the marked line. Also see that nothing is left in Therefore, it only makes sense that to provide the utmost
the aisle ways, such as tools, boxes, scrap and debris. in safe working conditions we must all be courteous to
Constantly check floor conditions and report those areas each other. It must be pointed out that there will be times
needing attention to your supervisor. This applies to when it is necessary to have an electric power cord or a
areas where lights have burned out and better compressed industrial gas hose cross an aisle way.
illumination is needed. Provisions will be made for bridging by affixing boards on
either side of the cord or hose so that neither trucks nor
Most aisle ways have intersections where various pedestrians need come in contact with the hose or cord.
precautionary methods have been installed, such as
warning signs, four-way stops and convex corner mirrors. The importance of clear aisles is brought sharply to our
Alarms for overhead hazards, like cranes and hoists, attention when we consider access to fire extinguishers
consisting of gongs, sirens or bells, are required. Pay and to fire escape routes. Never permit aisles to become
attention to them and stay alert. cluttered, especially where it could prevent persons from
reaching a fire extinguisher, turning in an alarm or
escaping in the event of a fire.

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Recently a survey was made of fatal accidents occurring QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:
on road construction work. Before the study it was
assumed that the most serious problem was high speed 1. Which operations on our job involved backing
hauling with trucks and scrapers. The survey revealed equipment?
that the real problem involved backing equipment. These
backing accidents occurred at low speed. The equipment 2. Are there reasons for men on foot to be in the areas
involved included trucks, dozers, graders and front end where these operations are going on?
loaders. The man injured in each case was not the
equipment operator, but a man standing on the grade.

Here are three typical accidents:

1. A laborer was spotting dump trucks in a fill area. The

spotter was walking backwards when a truck backed over

2. A laborer was cleaning up overage from an adjacent

lane when he was struck by a hot-mix batch truck
backing into the laydown machine on an asphalt paving

3. A grade foreman was setting grade stakes. He was

leaning over to check a stake when a dozer backed over
him. The moral is—if you are on foot, keep your eye on
moving equipment. Furthermore, don't go into an area
where equipment is backing unless you have a specific
job to do there. If you are driving, know where your
spotter is and make him give you your signals—know
where people are working near your moving equipment---
take the time to look. A backup alarm is no guarantee
against injury.

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Compressed air is a valuable took, but it must be used 2. Never use compressed air for cleaning without
intelligently and in a safe manner. When misused, it can adequate eye protection. Use safety glasses with side
cause serious injury or even death. A boilermaker was shields or goggles.
making repairs on a boiler. Upon emerging from the
firebox, he disconnected the air hose from a riveting gun 3. If it is essential to use compressed air to clean dirt and
and began to blow dust from his clothes. There was one chips from your work, use a proper nozzle on the end of
spot on his jacket sleeve that was so embodied in the the air hose to maintain air pressure at 30 pounds per
fabric that the air did not readily remove it. In order to square inch or less. Place a screen around the work area,
direct more air into the spot, he placed his index finger or check to see that other workers are safely out of the
over the end of the air hose to partially close the opening. range of flying particles.
Air entered his finger through a small puncture wound,
causing swelling and pain. 4. Whenever possible, substitute brushes or vacuum
systems for compressed air in cleaning operations.
Foreign material, apparently made up of dust and soot
from the air, and oil from the compressor, was later 5. Before using compressed air, check the air hose for
removed from the wound. Even with proper medical damage or signs of failure. Make sure connections and
treatment, gangrene set in and the finger had to be couplings are tight. A loose air hose under 80 pounds per
amputated. square inch makes a dangerous bullwhip!

As shown by this accident, using compressed air to blow 6. Before attempting to disconnect a hose from an air line,
dust or dirt off clothing or the body is a very dangerous the air should be cut off, and the remaining air bled from
practice. A strong blast of air can dislodge an eye from its the line.
socket, rupture lungs, intestines, or an eardrum. Air
forced into the blood stream can even cause death. 7. Keep air hoses off the floor where they become tripping
hazards and are subject to damage by vehicles, doors,
The protect yourself and others when using and dropped tools. If possible, suspend air hoses from
compressed air, you should be aware of the overhead.
following safety guidelines:
8. Never use compressed air to transfer flammable liquids.
1. Never point an air hose at anyone, including yourself, Remember, compressed air, like any other tool, can be a
in fun or to remove dirt from clothing or the body. valuable work-saving device. Use it the right way ....

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Confined spaces present an added element of danger to 5. Test for:

the work place. We define a confined space with three a. Combustible Gas
criteria: b. Oxygen deficient atmosphere (carbon dioxide)
c. Carbon monoxide
(1) enclosures having limited means of entry and exit d. Other suspected toxic gases (Exposure may cause
such as storage tanks, tank cars, bins, boilers, and other inability to smell; do not rely on your sense of smell.)
tank-like compartments usually with only a manhole for
entry; 6. Always put on harness and life line (two men "on top")
when going into a manhole, sewer or inadequately
(2) open-topped spaces not subject to good natural ventilated confined space. Continue to test air when
ventilation, more than four (4) feet in depth such as pits, entering any confined space. Electrical equipment must be
vaults, and vessels; and explosion proof if flammable mixtures could be present.
Guard stationed outside confined space must not enter in
(3) underground structures such as septic tanks, sewers, rescue attempt until other help has been called.
utility tunnels, and pipelines.
If work is to be performed in an area such as this, the 7. If the atmosphere is potentially dangerous or oxygen
following guidelines must be followed: deficient, in addition to the harness and life line, wear a
NIOSH or U.S. Bureau of Mines approved air line or self-
1. Do not enter if work can be done on top or outside. contained breathing apparatus. (See warning below.)

2. Blank-off inlet and outlet lines; lock all valves in closed 8. Always recheck air quality each day after breaks or
position and all switches "off." after space has unoccupied before entering a manhole,
sewer, conduit or other confined space (steps 1 through 7
3. Remove manhole covers or entry doors; avoid above) and keep records of test results from 5 above
breathing vapors when removing covers; ventilate space. made prior to all entries, and of all persons entering.
WARNING: Some vapors or gases, such as hydrogen
4. Purge by blowing air, steam, or both into space to be cyanide, can be absorbed through the skin and require
entered, to exhaust the confined space. Do not enter complete body protection.
space until space is properly tested and certified as safe. REMEMBER: Continue to mechanically ventilate the
space at all times while inside.

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Today's lightweight chain saws are easy to use. You can 6. Always keep both hands on the saw when it is running.
also make sure they are safe to use by following these
ten simple safety rules: 7. Never let the chain contact any obstacle other than the
work at hand. Never let is contact other limbs or touch the
1. Keep fuel in clearly labeled safety-type cans and fill the ground.
chain saw over ground that presents no fire hazard.
Move at least 10 feet away from fueling spot before 8. Keep clear of a moving chain. Do not touch it.
starting saw.
9. After completing the cut, don't move away until the
2. Always wait for saw to cool before refueling. Never chain stops. Shut off the engine before carrying the saw
refuel while saw is hot. Keep fire extinguisher handy. between cuts and before making cuts and before making
any saw repairs or adjustments.
3. Make sure the saw is clean and free from leaves,
sawdust, pitch tar and oil. Keep the handles free of oil 10. Keep helpers and bystanders a safe distance from the
and grease. Do not operate with fuel cap loose or operator and the cutting chain.
mufflers or filters removed. 4. If there is anything wrong
with the saw, get it fixed before using it. Keep the chain
sharp and properly tensioned. A dull, misfitted or loose
chain will chatter and buck, and can cause the saw to
kick back.

5. Beware of falling limbs when working near trees.

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Chain slings are essential for moving heavy materials on - Loads should be raised vertically. Don't try to drag heavy
the job. Unfortunately, these slings are too often taken for loads with an overhead hoist. It puts a severe strain on the
granted and subject to severe abuse by people who use hook at the chain links.
them. A chain sling that has been abused can fail under
the stress of a heavy load causing damage to the - Never splice a chain by inserting a bolt between two
material being lifted or severe injuries to employees links. This will damage the links and the bolts may &il
working in the area. under far less loads than the chain.

In a recent accident a chain sling did fail causing a load - Never put a strain on a kinked chain. Take up the slack
of metal castings to tip over. The castings struck an slowly and be sure that every link in the chain seats
employee who was too close to the load. This employee properly.
sustained head and upper body injuries and may be
permanently disabled. An inspection of the sling after the - Do not use a hammer to force a hook over a chain link.
accident revealed that almost every link had been This could damage both the hook and the link.
severely elongated, an indication that the sling had been
overloaded, perhaps on several occasions. The throat - Avoid dragging chain over the floor or ground. If the
opening of the hook on the overhead hoist was also surface is hard, concrete for example, it could cause
elongated. serious wear.
- Remember, if you decrease the angle between the legs
The cause of this accident is clear. Someone had tried to of a chain sling and the horizontal it increases the load in
pick up materials that were heavier than the safe design the legs of sling.
load for the sling. He got by with it once, twice and - Always be sure that the load is properly set in the bowl of
perhaps several other times. But unfortunately, the the hook. Loading on the point can overload the hook
inevitable happened; the sling became fatigued under the causing it to spread.
heavy load and gave way.
- When not in use, store chain in suitable racks. Don't let
There are some critical chain safety tips that we should chain lie on the ground or floor for extended periods.
all keep in mind when working with chain slings. These - Always inspect the sling before you use it. Check for
tips will prolong the life of the chain and prevent elongation, cracks, severe corrosion, and serious nicks,
unexpected failures. gouges and abrasion. If you doubt the safety of the chain.
report the conditions.
- Never pick up materials that are heavier than the
specified safe working load limit of the sling, hook and • When working around hoists and slings, stay alert. The
hoist. If you don't know the safe load limit, find out. This major source of injury is crushed fingers and hands that
practice can elongate links and cause fatigue in the sling are placed into pinch points. Keep your hands clear of
even for a short time. pinch points and keep your mind on the job.

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INTRODUCTION: Select from the "problems and DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:

solutions" below. Present your views and solicit 1. Have you inspected your chains and slings lately?
discussion. You can select from the ideas here or 2. Do you know replacement procedures in the company?
supplement them with your own. The discussion 3. How do you find the capacity of chains and slings?
questions at the bottom are designed as thought 4. What are the standard signals for cranes?—Do you all
provokers. know them?


.... Poor condition .... Inspect regularly
.... Stretched .... Replace
.... Surface defects .... Check capacity
.... Binds .... Do not overload
.... Weak .... Proper storage
....Worn links .... Avoid running over
.... Overloading .... Use proper size
.... Twisting .... Check pinch points
.... Splices .... "Jagger" .... Prevent binds
.... Excessive angles .... Proper joints
.... Extreme heat .... Limit device
.... Corrosion .... Watch the swing
.... Being run over .... Avoid excessive angles
.... Being kinked .... Guard Sheaves
.... Capacity marking .... Use proper signals
.... Sufficient length .... Keep hands clear
.... Condition of attachments .... Proper lubrication
.... "Contractor's standby" .... Protective equipment
.... Pinch Points
.... Signals
.... Hand injuries

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Driving a forklift is not unlike driving a car or other - Follow all in-plant traffic rules and take extra care in
vehicle. Rules of the road must be followed, and all areas where pedestrians are present.
drivers must be trained and licensed to operate these
vehicles. - Drive with hands and feet inside the truck, and do not
smoke, drink or eat while operating the truck.
The following do's and don'ts should be observed by all
forklift truck operators: - Lower the fork and remove the key before leaving the
- Before operating the truck each day, check the tires,
fluid levels, radiator, battery, fire extinguisher, brake, Forklift trucks should be inspected on a daily basis for any
deadman control, warning lights, horn and reverse defects or problems, and the forks should be checked for
indicators. cracks and dents each day.

- Travel in reverse when carrying a bulky load which

blocks vision in front.

- Face a load uphill when driving on an incline and

downhill when the truck is empty.

- Travel at a safe speed and use extra caution on hills,

corners and ramps.

- Check the stability of a load before moving it.

- Never lift loads which exceed the rated load capacity on

the nameplate.

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B.J. had just turned 21 and was looking forward to an

exciting year. He had a good job as a warehouseman • B.J. didn't buckle the seat belt that was provided on the
and forklift operator for a tool manufacturer and attended lift. "It wasn't worth the time." If he had worn a seat belt, he
college at night so that he could improve his position with would still be alive.
the company. He was even engaged and planned to be
married. Yes, things were going well for B.J.; that is untill - The mast was too high. We all know that forklifts are
last Thursday. On that day B.J. was crushed to death highly unstable when the mast is elevated in a high
under the forklift vehicle he operated. position, yet we still try to drive them that way.
The accident occurred while B.J. was lifting a heavy steel
box filled with metal scrap. The lift truck mast was lifted - Fast speeds have killed too many operators. When
too high, creating a top heavy condition with the vehicle. driving these top heavy trucks in close, confined areas it
He backed up at a high rate of speed, the truck lost just doesn't make sense to drive fast. Think of B.J. the
control, and started to tip over. B.J. fell off and the truck next time you're operating a lift. It's not too late for you to
landed on top of him. He was pronounced dead on arrival develop some good habits.
at the hospital.

B.J. died because of several bad habits that he had

picked up while learning to operate the lift truck. The
habits are quite common among forklift operators and, in
combination, they could be dangerous. You might want to
check your own bad habits to see if you are guilty of
these common practices.

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Grinders are essential to most industrial plants. We see 3. Be sure the wheel is mounted securely on the arbor,
them just about everywhere, and most shop workers will and always replace the protective guards. The hood that
use one at some time or another. Being so common, we encloses the wheel should be of solid construction.
take them for granted. But do you know that an average Remember, it must be able to contain the fragments of a
wheel turns at a speed greater than a mile a minute? wheel broken with a rim speed of approximately 9,000 feet
That's fast—so fast that it can cause people to get hurt. per minute.

In a recent accident, a worker mounted a cracked wheel 4. Adjust the tongue guard to within 1/4" of the abrasive
on a grinder. He turned it on without replacing the guard wheel face and the tool rest to within 1/8" of the abrasive
and the centrifugal force of the grinder caused the wheel wheel face.
to explode with the force of a hand grenade. Several
pieces struck the worker resulting in injuries to his head, 5. Always wear eye protection whenever using a grinder.
eyes and chest. Pieces from the wheel or the piece being worked on can
fly up into your eye and cause very serious injuries

Most grinder accidents, even the common ones like 6. Don't wear jewelry or loose clothing when operating the
particles in the eye or abrasions caused by touching a grinder. It only takes a fraction of a second for the wheel
moving wheel, can be prevented with a little forethought. to grab things and pull them in toward the wheel.
Some grinder safety tips that you should remember are:
7. Be sure that illumination around the grinder is suitable
1. If you put on a new wheel, make sure that it is the size, for the work being done. Shadows and poor lighting make
and diameter for the grinder and that its rated speed will it that much more easy to injure yourself.
not be exceeded.
8. Be sure that the grinder is shut off and stopped when
2. Before you install the wheel, do a "ring test" to be sure you're through with it. Don't create hazards for others.
the wheel is not cracked. This test is done by holding the
wheel by inserting a pencil through the arbor hole, and
lightly tapping the wheel along its outer edge with a small
object. If it is not cracked, it should have a clear ring; a
dull thud indicates the wheel is cracked.

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Trudging through a typical day on the job, you've Why? Because the match is buried in the jungle.
got to fight your way through the underbrush, You don't have to let the shop become a jungle;
watch every single step you take and duck a few you probably created the mess yourself, with a
hazards you hadn't bargained for. Life sure is an little help from your friends. Clutter can grow like
adventure, isn't it? Well, that's the way it goes vines, but it can only grow where it's allowed to
when you're out there in the jungle. Trying to find grow. When last week's clutter is still in our midst
your way around a cluttered workspace can be to be stumbled over or pushed aside, the system
about as much fun as struggling through a hot has broken down. A clean work place should be a
steamy jungle and it can be just as dangerous. A common concern for all, but it must be established
clean workspace is among the ramparts of as such. Identifying common concerns help
safety. promote cooperation.

A cluttered workspace can restrict movement in Nobody said cleaning up is fun, but it's part of the
the plant and increase the likelihood of slips and job and if you let it accumulate then you've got to
falls. Chances are that when somebody slips on get out the machete and that is a chore.
something, it is something that shouldn't be Teamwork is the key to a clean work area and
there. housekeeping-safety. Everyone must do his part
and realize that housekeeping is a shared
In 1987 over 400,000 reported injuries were the responsibility. Remember that good housekeeping
result of slips and falls, and 35 percent of all lost reduces accidents, improves morale and
workdays were caused by injuries due to slips increases efficiency. Most people appreciate a
and falls. A cluttered workspace can also be a clean and orderly work place where they can
firetrap. Poor housekeeping creates more places accomplish their tasks without interference or
for fires to start and provide fuel for fires to feed interruption.
on. In fact, many industrial fires are the direct
Now, you don't want to work in the jungle do you? And
result of accumulations of oil soaked, and paint
saturated clothing and rags. If there is a fire, you certainly don't want to waste valuable time trying
to slog your way through the underbrush, do you?
clutter can prevent a quick and safe exit and
Next time you throw down a paper cup or toss an old
restrict access by fire extinguishing equipment.
rag into the corner, remember, today's debris will
surely become tomorrow's dangers. Safety is your job
Clutter on the job is not only dangerous, it is
counter-productive. Quality on the job is hard to
maintain when the workspace is crowded and
messy. . Here your are all bright eyed and bushy
tailed and ready to set the world on fire and you
can't find a match.

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Control of hazardous energy source is a Each machine or piece of equipment must be

requirement that organizations must implement inspected by trained persons to determine
for the safety of all employees. This program is adequate lockout procedures for all potential
designed to explain the basic procedures and hazardous energy sources. Your organization
terminology used in the procedures and general must have these energy sources identified and
requirements. listed in these written lockout/tagout policy and
Before this requirement was released in
September of 1989, organizations used the Before we go much further, let's discuss two
lockout and tagout procedures to protect categories of employees requiring knowledge and
employees from machinery and equipment training in lockout/tagout procedures.
hazards during maintenance and repair. Control
of hazardous energy source is the new concept The first category is "Authorized Employees."
with new requirements for the previous These are maintenance personnel who actually
lockout/tagout program Let's begin with some use lockout and tagout procedures while they are
basics as you'll need these to understand the repairing or maintaining equipment.
The second category is "Affected Employees."
What is... hazardous energy sources? This describes any employee who uses or works
Electricity is used to provide power to a wide around equipment and machinery. It is
variety of machines and equipment. Locking out recommended that virtually all employees be in
of electricity prevents electrical equipment from the "Affected Employees" category.
accidental release of electricity during
maintenance or repair. The main problem here is There is one exception to the lockout rule and
locking out electricity does not guarantee that that's equipment connected only by an electrical
other energy sources won't be released. cord and plug. You do not have to lockout this
type of equipment if there are no other hazardous
There may be a steam valve that requires locking energy sources.
out as well, or hydraulic, vacuum or pneumatic
pressure, mechanical motion springs, thermal The major requirement of cord and plug
energy, such as steam, heat or extremely low connected equipment is that when cleaning,
temperature liquids or gases. maintenance or repair of such equipment is being
done, the person performing the cleaning,
Release of chemicals or chemical reactions are maintenance or repair has control of the plug to
other energy sources that must be controlled, prevent the equipment from becoming re-
dissipated or shut off. Locking out of electricity energized during the servicing operation.
may not provide adequate protection during

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aintenance and repair.

How about those routine service operations
maintenance persons who perform adjustments
You need to remember the phrases "Normal
while machinery and equipment are running?
Production Operations" and "Servicing or
Maintenance During Normal Production
The greatest limitation to tagout only programs is
Operations." Normal production operations that it does not secure the energy isolating device
means operation of equipment by machine
and prevent the equipment from being
operators. From time to time, minor adjustments
reenergized. Tagout is highly dependent on
are made by machine operators to keep the human factors and requires constant vigilance to
machine operating properly. The key safety
ensure proper procedures are used. Employee
factor in normal productions is machine guarding
training must be provided to ensure everyone
to protect the machine operator. When understands what tagout means is - not to remove
employees are protected by machine guarding or
tags without authorization and, generally, to be
similar devices, lockout and tagout is not
educated in tagout procedures. Retraining on at
necessary. The employee has protection.
least an annual basis is mandatory.
The term servicing and maintenance during
The one major factor that organizations must
normal production operations also requires consider is how to improve your tagout program
maintenance persons to be protected by
as an effective lockout/tagout program. As we
machine guarding. If guards or other protection
mentioned earlier, there are many machines and
must be removed during this process, the equipment used in all industries. Some machines
servicing employee could expose hands, fingers
may not be lockable.
or other body parts to moving machine parts.
Lockout/tagout procedures are then necessary.
One requirement on purchases of equipment after
Clearing jams is also another area of concern. A September 1, 1989 is equipment must be
provided with a capability of being locked out if
good rule of thumb is, if an employee will be
such design is feasible. Older equipment already
exposed to possible injury due to unexpected
activation, release of energy, or machine in service, which otherwise may be undergoing
extensive repair, renovation or modifications, must
guarding is removed, creating potential hazards,
also be provided with capability of being locked
then lockout/tagout procedures must be used.
out, if the design is feasible.
You need to develop specific procedures for
each machine and all authorized and affected Lockout and tagout hardware is provided by the
employees must be trained in these procedures.
employer. Lockout/tagout hardware may only be
used for lockout/tagout and cannot be used for
The next part of lockout/tagout procedures is an any other purpose. this pertains primarily to tags
inspection process. An inspection or audit to
because lockout tags used for other purposes
ensure employees are trained and
may dilute the meaning of the tag.
knowledgeable on company policies and
procedures. These procedures must be properly Each individual must accept the responsibility to be aware
used. Documentation of audits and inspections of the rules and follow your organization's policies and
are required. The person conducting the audit procedures exactly. The purpose of lockout/tagout is
must not be the one responsible for accident prevention. Safe guarding machine operators
lockout/tagout procedures. and the maintenance employees servicing the equipment.
Safety has always been a team effort and lockout/tagout is
In other words, maintenance people performing no different and the rules are very important. If you're not
lockout/tagout procedures cannot conduct the sure about a particular procedure, ask your supervisor.
audit. Don't take chances because failure to properly lockout
and tagout when necessary can lead to potentially serious
What about organizations that use only tagout injury.
without the use of lockouts. Here are some
concerns about tagout. Only programs that
include more durable, weather-proofed tags
should be used and they must remain securely
attached to the equipment during servicing.
"Securely Affixed" appears to rule out flimsy or
easily removed string or other attaching devices.

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A lockout is just that—a lock placed on a machine which

prevents the power source from being activated - Never pull fuses instead of locking out. The circuit may
accidentally. Here is the safe way to lock out: not be dead and there is no way of knowing who may
replace the fuse and when.
- Always use your own lock. If you don't have one, ask.
- Never loan anyone your key or lock combination.
- When working with others on the same machine, use
your own lock—don't depend on their locks for your - Never let anyone remove your lock.
safety. Lock and tag the circuit box switch if repairs on
the machine are being made. - Never disregard lockout procedures when they are called
for. You could endanger the lives of your coworkers in
- Lock out all energy sources—this includes hydraulic, addition to risking your own life.
pneumatic and electrical energy as well as unattended

- Test the machine to be sure the lockout is effective.

- Wait until a relief worker locks out before you unlock at

the end of your shift.

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Workers need to be trained in procedures to follow if they

notice guards are damaged, missing or inadequate.

An operator or maintenance worker should be provided

with a dress code. For example; no loose fitting clothing or
jewelry. These items could easily be caught in the
machines, and remember, safety is everyone's

Maintenance workers need to be provided information on

up-to-date machines that have been serviced, and they
should maintain a record log of this information.

Do you know that machine guards on your machine are Maintenance workers must also know when to LOCK OUT
important to you and your safety as an employee? the machines. This is extremely critical when repairs are
being done on the machine. Maintenance workers should
Here are some important factors as to why it is important also be using safe equipment when doing repair work and
to you as an employee to use safe guards on machines. they should insure the equipment itself is properly
First, your hands, arms and other parts of your body are guarded. You are much more productive working safely
vital to you and we all want to protect our physical body and obeying safety rules. All we ask is for you to perform
from any harm, right? your job professionally and safely.
Let's review a few engineering principles so you will have
This is the reason that your company has taken the time the knowledge to make your own decisions and exercise
to educate you with this orientation on why safe guards good judgment.
should be put on machines. When operating a moving
part machine with a safety guard it will prevent the The first condition for maintenance workers is to be aware
operators hands, fingers and body from any type of of guarding during maintenance. This is perhaps the most
danger which could result in serious injury. Any individual hazardous time, and if not aware of certain procedures it
who operates this equipment must be trained first and can result in large numbers of accidents and injuries. The
also authorized. Your license means you have received machine must be put in a state where; if making an
proper training and are capable of safely operating the unexpected movement which could cause an injury, it
guard machine. Once you are trained and authorized, the would be reduced to a practical minimum.
rest is up to you.
The purpose of this procedure is to discuss the power lock
You are expected to have the maturity and responsibility out. The second condition is the zero-mechanical state or
to operate the machine efficiently and safely. Don't take ZMS, where every power source of the machine that can
this responsibility lightly. A good operator knows why produce movement has been locked off.
machine guarding is extremely important while operating
the machine and that is you first step to safety. The third important principal is RESPONSIBILITY.
The manufacturer should provide information and furnish
It is crucial to understand why safe guards are to be used
operation and maintenance instruction with equipment covered
on machines. In addition to operators, maintenance
by standards and instructions.
workers must be trained and taught how to use the safe
Specific operating and maintenance instructions need to
An operator or maintenance worker must be informed as be outlined in the maintenance and operating manuals to
to the location of the safe guards on the machines, and aid personnel in the safe operation and maintenance of
should also be provided information on why safe guards equipment.
protect them and what hazards they protect them from.
The fourth important factor is the EMPLOYER.
They shall be responsible for monitoring employees activities
An operator or maintenance worker also should be
while engaged in trouble shooting and maintenance or repair of
trained on how to remove safe guards from the machines
machines in an isolated or hidden area.
and also to understand in what circumstances guards
can be removed.

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The employer should also be aware of the equipment The techniques of guarding various action when using
which could have mechanical defaults and possible tools to perform work, such as cutting, bending, punching,
injuries to the safety of the operators. The operator must would be the guarded motion approach which is used to
be placed in an intensive training program of ZMS drive or power the tool when using it.
instructions. This is to teach the operator that it can be
very dangerous to enter a machine unless every Here are some requirements that you need to be aware of
requirement of ZMS is satisfied. when operating a machine.
Persons must not place any part of their body in the path First, all machines, parts of machines, or component parts
of possible moving machine members during set up, that you are using which create hazards are required to be
lubrication, adjustments, installation or maintenance. safety guarded.
Operators must be trained to respect the possible danger
of machine motions. There also has to be n opening through guards or
enclosures within two inches of the moving part to
Operators have to be trained to be aware of possible preclude passage of any objects one-half inch in diameter.
defects or malfunctions on their machine guards. All operators should have free access to the power control
buttons in case of an immediate emergency. Machine
It is the responsibility of the employer to recommend a power controls shall be kept up in a safe operating
start up procedure that will minimize hazards. The condition. The machine power controls shall be located
employer will also set up a shut down procedure before and installed at a proper location whey they can't operate
allowing any inspection, adjustment or maintenance from accidental contact, with objects or parts of the body.
covered by the standard requirements of ZMS. They should also be located for the operator, so it's near
Each manager should develop a written program policy his working position.
for his/her employees to follow, such as rules, specific
procedures to follow. All power control buttons and switches will be color coded
as follows;
Each initiator and valve. "Manual Override" must be
tested to insure that all power sources have been Start, Run or Inch - Black, Green or Silver.
disconnected and that all remaining pressure from the Emergency stop - RED
machines have been reduced to prevent unexpected Cycle Stop or Auto Stop - Yellow or Red.
motion of machine members. He must give particular
attention to the closed center valves. There should also All power control buttons and switches will be properly
be plated "Caution" and "Warning" signs posted for identified to its function and purpose.
operators to be aware of. Employers should also post
written policies for ZMS to follow. When working on electrical equipment hazards can occur,
such as, starting of motors. This is why it is important for
If the machine you are using has been equipped with a the operator to be aware of whether the circuit is opened
machine guard against hazardous injuries..... in the long at the switch box, and the switch should be padlocked in
run it will save the company a great deal of money. the OFF position and tagged with a work to be done tag
Guarding terminology - and the lack of meanings of on the equipment, the name of the person working on it,
terms can cause accidents and injuries. and the department involved.
Built in guards are machines purchased with a safety
guard already attached to the machine. All this information must be written on the tag, this will
enhance positive protection.
Guards and noise controls, are another important principal to be So remember ....., train your staff right, safely and
used on machines to help absorb or reflect sound waves. For efficiently. Monitor all employees safety requirements and
noise reduction, manufactures have built home made guards day to day check up on your performance. Remember
that can be designed as a barrier for noise as well as a barrier anyone can write up a warning tag saying "in repair" but
against personal injury. this is not the way for a positive, reassuring protection
from locking out equipment.
Machines can produce only it they are used correctly, and they
are used correctly only when all guards and safe guards are in The supervisor should give detailed procedures to be followed
place. and he should insure that maintenance crews are supplied with
and use the right protective equipment.
So in brief, a complete guarding program is essential for Maintenance personnel must constantly be on guard when they
any company. It prevents accidents, either to operators are working around electrical equipment and circuits, in order to
or machines, and thus facilitates production goals. So, prevent accidental grounding.
with this understanding and knowledge it will help
prevent hazardous injuries on the job. Employees also need to have the knowledge of the warning
The techniques of guarding a hazard creating motion may be signs, guards and other protective devices. Supervisors should
guarded by several ways, such as guarding, reciprocating, or give training on some existing or electric hazard machine, and
transverse motions. how to go about it.

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Do not look at machine guards as an hindrance to doing

your job? Do you often think, if only that guard wasn't - Before operating machinery always check to be sure that
there, I could do my job easier and faster? If you do, take the proper guards are in place and in good condition.
what might be the last look at your hands.
- No machine should be operated without guards in place.
Statistics reveal that three out of every ten lost-time
injuries involve the hands and arms and almost ten - If guards are defective or missing, report this unsafe
percent of all disabling injuries are caused by machinery. condition to your supervisor, IMMEDIATELY.
While machine guards cannot prevent all injuries to the
hands, guards do prevent many accidents that in the past - Only authorized personnel should make guard
have crippled or maimed. adjustments.

Guards are designed to protect, not hinder. They are - Guards should never be adjusted or removed unless
engineered to provide as much protection as possible. authorized by your supervisor.
even to machine operators who take chances or who are
distracted while on the job. - When guards are removed for adjustment or repair, the
main power switch for the machine should be locked in the
Machine guards protect against direct contract with off position.
moving parts, flying chips, kickbacks, and splashing of
metal or corrosive liquids. Guards are also used for Remember, safe guards are installed on machinery to
machine operator protection in the event of a mechanical protect your safety and health. If they are to protect you
or electrical failure. effectively, they must be position and maintained in good
A guard cannot be effective without the cooperation of
the person operating the machine. It is very important
that anyone working with or around machinery
understands the following general safety rules.

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plate on your specific vehicle. It will provide some

specific data about the vehicle, such as serial number,
make, model, but more importantly, it will provide the
maximum safe load capacity of the vehicle. Never
exceed the safe lifting capacity of the vehicle at any
time. Let's briefly look at some basic operating rules for
this type of equipment:

1. Know your equipment. Do not operate the equipment until

you have been trained and authorized by your company.
Read all warnings and instructions in the operator's manual
the information on the vehicle's data plate and other areas. If
your vehicle is found to be in need of repair, defective, or in
any way unsafe to operate, the vehicle should be taken out
of services until it has been restored to a safe operating

A very important piece of equipment in the warehouse 2. No riders. Passengers are not allowed to ride on this
and material handling areas is the electric pallet jack. type of equipment. Be sure you never permit anyone to
It's an economical and versatile unit, designed to move stand in the area where the load is being positioned or
stacks of materials from one place to another,....... deposited, as foot injuries can easily occur.
safely and without injury or product damage. Because
it's easy to use and provides such durable service, it's 3. Make sure your loads are stable and are not stacked
natural to take them for granted, but there are basic too high. Loose or unstable loads can fall and cause
safety rules and operating procedures required when serious injury. Use special care when handling long,
using this type of equipment. Maintenance of the high or wide loads to avoid losing the load striking
equipment is equally important. bystanders or tipping the vehicle. Carry the
load flush against the load stop.
Today's safety talk provides some basic safety tips
and maintenance procedures, but we can't list all the 4. Center your load. When using forks, space the forks
rules and operating procedures. Be sure to follow your as far apart as the load will permit. Before lifting, be
organization's policies and procedures when using or sure loads are centered and forks are completely under
operating this type of equipment. Each electric pallet the load. Of course, never overload the vehicle. Do not
jack manufacturer has different operating procedures hit or bump anything with the ends of your forks, as this
and safety rules, so be sure to read and understand can damage the vehicle. Never lift a load with only one
the rules for each type of equipment used. fork engaged.
5. Keep the load low to the floor. Travel with the load or
Let's begin with a basic understanding of the electric lifting mechanism low to keep the center of gravity low,
pallet jack. Keep in mind each manufacturer's vehicle but make sure the load is lifted high enough to insure
may be slightly different than the ones we use in our adequate floor clearance. Never lift or lower the load
demonstration, but the basic principles apply to most while the vehicle is in motion.
6. Avoid sudden movement. Start, stop, travel, steer
The vehicle itself is composed of Directional and and brake smoothly. Use special care when traveling
Speed control levers....., horn....., lift and lower...... and without the load, as the risk of overturning the vehicle is
high speed controls. greater when unloaded.

A T-Bar support handle....., battery......., pallet forks for 7. Exercise caution on ramps and inclines. Travel slowly
the load....., load wheels and tires. A skid runner rider and do not angle or turn on ramps. Always travel with
platform...., drive unit cover....., steering....... and the load downhill when using pallet jacks. Be extremely
brake control handles. cautious when operating the vehicle near the edge of a
loading dock or ramp.
You'll become familiar with all the controls and levers through
on the job training by your supervisor and as you gain
8. Secure bridqeplates. Drive carefully and slowly
experience with this equipment. It's important to know and
across dockboards and bridgeplates. Never exceed
understand the operating rules, maintenance procedures and
these dockboards or bridgeplates rated capacity and
all the safety rules used with this type of equipment. Take a make sure they are secured before driving on these
look at the data plates.

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9. Do not operate this equipment with greasy hands or Don't speed, go slow and be prepared to stop. On some
shoes. It's too easy to slip off the controls and create an electric pallet jacks, they have several safety features you
unsafe condition. should look for and become familiar with for safety. A
reversing switch may be located on the T-Bar. This
10. Come to a complete stop before changing directions. reversing switch is provided to protect the operator from
being pinned between the truck and an immovable object.
11. Continuing to operate either the drive or hydraulic When pushed, this button will reverse the direction of the
controls in a situation where the truck or load will not move, truck away from the operator, whenever the steering arm is
will cause damage to the electric motor. in the operating position.

12. Do not push extra loads or other pallet jacks. Pushing Many models have an automatic brake, designed to stop
another vehicle or extra loads is damaging to the vehicle's the vehicle when the handle is moved to a completely
working parts. Never allow your vehicle to be pushed or vertical Position, or a completely horizontal position.
towed by another vehicle. Should a truck become disabled If you are operating a walk only type vehicle, then no one
and require moving, notify management for the proper should ever ride on this type vehicle. They have special
procedures. features and are not designed for riders or passengers.

13. When traveling, keep your hands, feet and other parts Use the manufacturer's safety recommendations, operating
of your body inside the running lines of the vehicle. Always instructions and other information as the basis for operating
look in the direction of travel and keep a clear view of the your vehicle safely. Follow your company's operating rules
path of travel. When visibility is impaired, operate the and instructions. Right now, let's discuss briefly, how to
vehicle with the opposite inspect your equipment before you use it. We won't discuss
end in the travel direction and use caution. Be careful of anything about batteries, as this is covered in another
drive end swing when turning while operating the vehicle in training program, however, there are some basic
reverse. This could result in damage to material or maintenance checks that operators should conduct before
equipment, specifically to the drive end of your vehicle. operating any electric pallet jack equipment.
Another very important safety tip is to keep your feet well
away from the front skirt and rider platform when Before each shift....every 8 hours, it is the operator's
maneuvering the vehicle. responsibility to carry out the following checks and
inspections before beginning operation. Do not operate the
14. Before entering trucks or trailers, be certain the brakes vehicle if it is need of repair. If it's in an unsafe condition,
on the truck or trailer are applied and the wheel chocks are remove the key and report the condition to the proper
in place. If trailers are not coupled to a tractor, supports authority. If the truck becomes unsafe in any way while
may be needed to prevent upending or corner dipping of you're operating it, STOP operating the equipment and
the trailer. Inspect the flooring of trucks, trailers and rail report the unsafe condition to your supervisor. Ok,
cars for breaks and weakness before driving onto them. let's quickly check the vehicle. Make sure the load backrest
Make sure you know the weight of the load and vehicle, extension and any other safety devices are properly
compared to the maximum load rating of the floor onto attached and in good working condition. Make sure
which you are driving. capacity, safety and warning plates and decals are installed
and visible. Inspect the vehicle for damage that may have
15. When approaching cross aisles, slow down, sound your occurred during the previous shift.
horn and if vision is obstructed, keep to the right side.
Operate the truck under all conditions at a speed that will Inspect the vehicle before and after your shift for any signs
permit it to be brought to a stop in a safe manner. Of of external leaking, such as the battery or hydraulic system.
course, yield the right of way to Operate the service/parking brakes, all hydraulic controls,
all pedestrians. accelerator switch, forward and reverse directional switch
and steering. Make sure they operate freely and return to
16. When parking your vehicle for an extended period of their proper positions. Inspect the condition of the tires.
time, be sure the lifting mechanism is lowered, controls Inspect the forks for cracks or broken parts. Test the horn,
are placed in neutral and the brake is applied. Shut off the lights and all other accessories.
power and disconnect the battery connection. Keep your
vehicle clear of exits and access to stairs and fire In other words, inspect all areas of the vehicle, all accessories
equipment and don't block aisles. and verify that there are no leaks, damage or defects. That's
your job and responsibility. This equipment will serve you
17. SPEEDING. Electric pallet jacks don't have speedometers.
safely and efficiently, however, it's important that you maintain
Generally, the rule of thumb is to go slow. If you're going fast
the equipment in a safe condition at all times.
and have to make a sudden stop, you can be thrown off the
The most important consideration in using any type of
equipment is to use your good judgment and don't take
The vehicle appears to be lightweight, however, when you're
chances. The time you try to save by speeding, taking short
operating the vehicle, it has a tremendous amount of force and
cuts or not following the rules isn't worth it. One accident
weight and if you run into a person or stationary object or
will wipe out any benefit you get by taking chances, so
another piece of moving equipment, the damage and injuries
don't take chances. It's that simple.
can be quite substantial.

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Just a day without accidents.. today


If you're required to operate any type of equipment, wait until
you've been trained and authorized....even if you have
experience on that type of equipment. We'll train you, so
don't operate any equipment until you've been trained and
authorized by the company.
Much of the equipment has moving mechanical parts that require
guarding. Whether it's a slicer blade, rotating belt or pulley or
other potential hazard, guards must be in place when the
equipment is operating. Only authorized personnel are permitted
to remove guarding for repair or cleaning. If you're an equipment
operator, make sure all guards are in their proper place and all
persons are clear of the machine before beginning operation.

You should also know the location of all emergency stop buttons
and lockout and tagout procedures for this equipment.

Lockout and tagout means an authorized maintenance person

may be working on the equipment and for safety purposes, the
machine must be rendered safe from all Hazardous Energy
Sources, which could possibly cause the machine to operate
Welcome to our great team of professional employees. If a machine is locked out and tagged out, never attempt to
We're proud of our company and our employees. Our operate this equipment. In addition to proper mechanical
success is built around quality teamwork and guarding, never place your hand or any other body part into
professionalism. Today's short program is an overview of operating equipment, for any reason. Never leave a machine
your safety responsibilities to help you perform your job running that's unattended. Never adjust or perform
safely. Safety is important to you, the company and to your maintenance on any machine while it's in motion. It's your
fellow employees. Our basic safety policy is simply this: responsibility as a machine operator, to make sure the area
"We don't have any job that can't be performed safely". is cleared before you activate the machine. Of course, keep
your work area clean. Don't allow debris to clutter your work
Don't take short cuts or risks. There's only one way to area and walking surfaces. Should any of your tools or
perform your job - the safe way. If it can't be performed equipment malfunction or become unsafe to use, notify your
safely, we don't want you to do it. That's our policy and your supervisor immediately.
obligation. Accident and injury statistics complied over the
past 50 years reveal the majority of all accidents and Electrical safety is equally important. Water and other liquids
injuries are caused by the unsafe acts of employees, such are potential hazards around any electrical equipment,
as taking short cuts, violating safety rules or job therefore you should be alert for any electrical hazard and
procedures. If the company discovers you've committed never use electrical tools or equipment near water or other
one of these unsafe acts, the company will provide liquids. Even greasy, moist or sweaty hands can be
counseling on proper job performance. This means you'll be hazardous around electricity. Report hazards to your
instructed in the unsafe act, what action is required by you supervisor, particularly damaged electrical switches, plugs,
to prevent similar unsafe acts and the time allowed for you cords, receptacles or any type electrical tool. Most electrical
to correct this unsafe behavior. We're serious about safety tools and equipment have a third prong on the electrical
and expect you to perform every job, every day, safely. Ok, plug. This prong is a grounding device to protect you from
let's review the basics of job safety and some of the general electrical shock in the event of a short or malfunction. Be
hazards to which you may be exposed to on the job. We sure this ground prong is not broken off as this could result
can't list all hazards, but you'll receive more training from in an injury.
your supervisor.
Some electrical equipment may not have this ground prong,
The first rule is to report to work rested, alert and fit to give as the equipment is protected by double insulation inside the
your full attention to the job. Of course, alcohol and drug tool. If the tool does not state DOUBLE INSULATED by the
use is prohibited on the premises, as are the residual manufacturer, then the third prong grounded plug is
results of their use. This policy is established in order to required. Certainly, if you ever receive a shock from an
ensure all employees have a safe environment in which to electrical tool, appliance or piece of equipment, shut it off
work. Violation of this policy can result in termination of and report it immediately. Even a mild shock is dangerous,
your employment. If you're taking drugs prescribed by a so report any equipment that's unsafe to use.
physician, report this fact to your supervisor before
beginning work. Quite often, some over the counter drugs Always follow company procedures when using personal
can cause drowsiness or may impair your reflexes, so protective equipment. There is a variety of protection
report the use of these drugs before beginning work. available.

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Just a day without accidents.. today

The most important part of your responsibility is to wear the Never jump off ladders or platforms, step down easily and
proper protection when it's required and provided by the slowly. A sprained ankle or broken leg takes a long time to
company. heal and taking chances isn't worth it.

Dress for work. Don't wear torn or loose fitting clothing that Slips and falls injure more people than any other type of
can get caught in moving machinery. Wear serviceable, accident. Watch where you're walking and pay attention to
leather topped shoes. Athletic or tennis shoes shouldn't be potential hazards, such as wet or slippery floors, torn carpets
worn, as they do not afford any type of foot protection. or loose tile. Watch for a change in elevations of the floor
Rings and jewelry can also be hazardous around and of course, do not run at work. It's ok to be in a hurry, but
machinery, so follow company policies and procedures it's not ok to disregard safety and take chances. Use only
relating to appropriate clothing, footwear and jewelry. authorized walkways or aisles, especially in warehouses or
Naturally, long hair around machinery can be quite around machinery. When you walk up or down stairs, always
dangerous. Confine long hair under a cap or net to prevent hold the handrail. In the event you slip or trip, you'll have the
serious head injuries from moving machinery. If your job handrails to prevent a fall.
calls for handling rough or sharp parts, wear proper hand
protection, but don't wear gloves when you're using saws or The next safety tip is how to prevent back injuries. You'll
other rotating equipment, as gloves can get caught in the receive more training from your supervisor, but these are the
moving parts and pull your entire hand into the machine. basics. Most back injuries are the result of improper lifting,
stretching you back muscles or twisting your back. The back
When working with chemicals, always wear proper is a complex and delicate part of your body. It's composed
protective clothing and eye/face protection. Chemicals are basically of vertebrae or bones, discs, ligaments and nerves.
to be handled only by employees who have been trained
and authorized to do so. There are Material Safety Data When you lift matter how heavy or light it is,
Sheets available for each chemical or hazardous material bend your legs, get a good grip and use your leg muscles to
used, which are available through your supervisor. These lift the load. We realize there are thousands of lifting
MSDS have more technical information, so if you're requirements that don't always permit you to bend your legs,
interested in more information, ask your supervisor for an as if you were picking up a box. Just keep in mind how your
MSDS. The time to have your questions about hazardous discs protect the nerves and use your leg power, keeping
chemicals is before you begin to use them. Remember, your back in its natural curvature. If you can't bend your legs,
these are the basics of job safety, so if you're not sure use one hand to provide additional support for your back.
about something, check with your supervisor. You can also use your legs as back support for certain types
of unusual lifting assignments. Stretching while lifting
Fire prevention is another important part of each employee's
anything can stretch or tear ligaments. Ligaments are
responsibility. Don't create conditions that promote fires.
flexible, but if you stretch too far, they'll tear and can be quite
Important safety guidelines include keeping aisles, corridors
painful and take a long time to heal. You can prevent strains
and walkways should have at least 44 inches of clearance for by not stretching when you lift. Twisting your back while
walking. There should be 18 inches of clearance below any
lifting can be extremely dangerous. Remember the discs and
sprinkler head to allow for sufficient water flow. All electrical
bones and nerves? make it a rule never to twist your body
panels, transformers or switch gears must have clear access
while lifting. You're the only one who can prevent back
which means nothing within three feet above, behind, on the
injuries. if you have the right attitude about safety and think
sides or front. These areas should not be considered as storage about safety when you're can always prevent
areas. Learn where fire extinguishers are located and how to
back injuries.
operate them.
If you are injured on the job, report the accident or injury to
Make sure you know where the exits are located and that the your supervisor immediately. Even if you think you don't
exits aren't blocked. In the event of a fire, personal safety is the need medical attention. Report all accidents, near misses
most important concern. Activate the nearest pull station to alert
and injuries when they occur, not hours or days later.
everyone else, notify your manager or supervisor and then Medical treatment, if required, will be provided, however,
proceed following your company's emergency procedure plan. supervision and management must be made aware when an
If time permits and you can extinguish a fire safely, that's the incident does occur.
thing to do, however, don't take chances. If there's any doubt
about your safety, leave the area and fire suppression activities As you can see in this short program, safety is really nothing
to the professionals. more than common sense and thinking about safety. It's
called safety awareness and it does work. It takes an effort
Ok, let's review some safety items that require your skill and on your part to keep safety foremost in your mind when you
expertise. These next few tips can reduce accidents if you perform any job, at work or at home. Safety doesn't slow you
practice them on a daily basis. Don't use chairs, boxes or down, it doesn't make your job more difficult and it doesn't
makeshift platforms to reach high places. require a lot of technical skill. It does prevent accidents and
injuries and makes your job easier in the long run. You're
Use a ladder that is specifically designed for that purpose. more professional, efficient and responsible person when
Never use a ladder that is broken or defective. Inspect it before you don't create hazards or cause accidents and injuries.
you use it. Never stand on the top 2 steps of any stepladder, as
you can overextend the center of gravity of the ladder and it can We care about all employees and want you to be successful in
easily tip over. your job. Safety is a part of that responsibility. Take the time for
safety, because it really does make a difference.

EHS Central
Just a day without accidents.. today



There's a right and wrong way to dress the end of a

A screwdriver is not a cold chisel or a pry bar. When you screwdriver blade. Grind the sides of the blade so that
need to chisel or pry—use the right tool, not a they will be parallel to the inside surfaces of the slot on the
screwdriver. screw head. You need a good continuous contact. Grind
the thickness of the blade so that it will fit the slot snugly.
If you need to use a screwdriver on a small unit, put the Don't make a wedge shape that will turn the screwdriver
unit in a vise or on a bench. Don't rest it in your hand to into a combination of ice pick and chisel.
work on it. One slip means a jab in your palm which won't
improve your hand or your disposition either. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:
1. What shape are our screwdrivers in?
Don't put pressure on the screw with your face in a 2. Can you give an example of an injury or near injury
position where it might be struck if the screwdriver slips. using a screwdriver?
Men have lost an eye when a screwdriver slipped.

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Just a day without accidents.. today



Can seat belts save lives? Yes! The evidence is Wouldn't a person be better off if he were thrown clear
overwhelming in favor of belts. Of the 50,000 Americans of a wreck?
killed each year on our streets and highways, the lives of Thousands of accident investigations prove you are five
5,000 can be saved through the use of seat belts. So times safer if you remain inside the protective shell of a
says the National Safety Council. vehicle. Seat belts keep you from being thrown out into
the path of other traffic—keep you from striking against
In a crash, seat belts hold a vehicle's occupants and fixed objects.
prevents them from being hurled through the windshield,
out open doors or against objects inside vehicles. For the How about being trapped in a burning or submerged
doubters among us who still don't see the value in seat vehicle?
belts let's answer some questions regarding belts. In cases of fire or submersion seat belts help by giving
you a greater chance of maintaining consciousness— thus
What purpose do seat belts serve in low speed city increasing dour chances for escape.
Seat belts really help in the majority of accidents which QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION:
occur in cites at relatively low speeds. Belts prevent Are there any of our vehicles which do not have seat belts
ejection from the vehicle—a common cause of serious in useable condition?
injury following collisions. Belts lessen the chance of
striking the head against windshields and dashboards.
They help you retain control in sudden turns or quick

What good are seat belts in a high speed accident?

High speed accidents generate a force many times that
of gravity and, of course, some of these collisions, with or
without belts are not survivable. However, belts distribute
and absorb impact force thus reducing occupant
buffering. If the force of the collision does not cause
cabin penetration the evidence is that seat belt wearers

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It can happen from sitting in a chair improperly. It can Cleaning is a fundamental safety measure to help
happen when walking on something you shouldn't be reduce slippery walking surfaces, but it's also very
walking on. It can happen when you walk in the important to reduce the amount of dirt, sand, ice and
parking lot and aren't watching where you walk. It snow from being carried inside the building. On the
happens when you carry something and trip. It inside of the building, the first 15 to 25 feet from the
happens when you slip off a ladder. That's right, slips entrance are the most important. This is where any dirt
and falls. How does it happen and how can you or other debris is carried into the building from the
prevent it? Well, it's easy to see how it happens..... bottom of your shoes.
you're not paying attention to where you're walking or
what you're doing and something happens to cause Walk off mats are recommended at the entrances to
you to trip, slip or fall. help clean your shoes as you walk inside. These mats
wipe off dirt and moisture, which reduces the slippery
The next step is to determine how you can prevent shoe surfaces from the outside dirt. These mats should
these accidents. be about 15 to 25 feet long and should be wide enough
to accommodate everyone walking through. Next,
First of all, it's important to understand that the vast frequent cleaning of the walk off mat is critical. If they're
majority of slips and falls occur because the person is not cleaned frequently, dirt, grease and moisture builds
not paying attention to where they are walking or what up and instead of cleaning your shoes as you walk on
they're doing and they either trip on something or the the mat, they add slippery water, grease and other
floor surface is slippery. We can describe slips and things to the bottom of your shoes. A dirty walk off mat
falls as a dual cause accident. We say dual because is worse than no mat at all. One word about mat
there may be two causes. First, the person wasn't cleaning. It's important to clean the top, but don't forget
paying attention. the bottom of the mat. Dirt under the mat can build up
and cause the mat to slip or bunch up when you walk
The second cause could be a slippery floor, an on it. Naturally, all walking surfaces must be kept clean.
electrical cord that shouldn't have been there or a Think about the equipment that rolls over the same floor
number of other potential hazards. To reduce about 90 on which you walk. Forklifts, hand truck and other
percent of slips and falls, just pay attention to what equipment can have grease, oil, solvent and other
you're doing and be aware of your walking or sitting debris on their tires and can make walking surfaces
surfaces or positions and you'll eliminate slips and very slippery.
falls. Ok, let's look at the other 10 percent and we'll call
these physical hazards that can cause slips and falls. Next, you need to pay attention to the type of wax that
is applied to walking surfaces. Purchasing departments
No matter what industry you work in, you generally and maintenance personnel are generally very
have a building in which to work. The first step is to knowledgeable about types of wax, but watch out for
have a good maintenance program to keep the outside contaminated wax. This means the was is contaminated
walking surfaces in good condition. A consistent with bacteria and can cause good wax to become very
sweeping program with either a push sweeper or slippery. That's why maintenance persons are advised
mechanical sweeper can reduce the level of dirt, grit or never to pour unused wax back into large wax
sand in the parking lot and around entrances. containers. It doesn't take much bacteria to ruin a barrel
of wax. The same thing applies when using the proper

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Just a day without accidents.. today

tools for cleaning. Always use clean wax applicators, surfaces. This is particularly true if your shoes have any
clean mops and other tools. You never use the same grease, oil or other residue on them.
wax applicator or mop to clean up spills. Don't forget
that all waxes are not created equal. There are Walk only in authorized walking areas. Walking over
different types of waxes for tile floors, concrete floors conveyors can cause a slip or fall. Watch for wet or
and so on. Be sure you follow the manufacturer's slippery surfaces. Don't walk over boxes, pallets or
recommendations as well, when applying and using other materials.... use the proper walk way. Think about
cleaning materials and waxes. Floor maintenance is the walking surface on which you're walking. If you're
very important, but it's everyone's responsibility. If you walking on a carpeted surface that will change to tile or
see a spill, clean it up. If you can't do the job, be sure concrete, be aware that different floor surfaces will have
to warn others and report it so it can be cleaned up as a different level of friction. The carpet will have good
quickly as possible. If you notice a potential slip and friction, but the tile or concrete will be slippery
fall hazard, report it to your supervisor. That hazard compared to the carpet. If you're aware of the
may have been there for over a year and you walk difference, you'll make the necessary adjustments to
past it everyday, assuming that someone will take care prevent a fall. Don't forget about telephone wires,
of it. Well, don't wait... report it so it can be corrected. electrical cords and other things that can cause a trip.
Clean up spills when they occur. You'll notice sticky Even in office, open file drawers can cause trip hazards.
parts of the floor around soda machines. That's
because someone spilled a liquid and no one bothered If you read any textbook on safety, the three E's is
to clean it up. Different spills require different mentioned. Engineering, Education and Enforcement.
procedures. Oils and grease....even mayonnaise Engineering is correcting potential physical hazards or
spilled on a surface is difficult to clean. First you wipe making your facility as free of defects as possible.
up the spill, then it may be necessary to use a gritty Education is making sure that everyone is aware of
powder cleaner to get into the pores of the concrete or safety and everyone is trained in accident prevention. In
tile to remove the grease or oil. After that, you can the case of slips and falls, it means paying attention to
then clean the powder cleaner. Just wiping with a mop where you walk so slips and falls won't occur. The
doesn't always make the surface clean. Enforcement part of the equation means your company
has safety rules and they are enforced. It's pretty
We're not trying to make maintenance persons out of simple. Engineering, Education and Enforcement.
everyone, just some basic information to help you Words to live by. Well, that's about it.
understand what it takes to keep floor surfaces free of Not much else to say about slips and falls other than it's your
slip and fall hazards. It requires your assistance.
responsibility. Be aware of potential slip and fall hazards, then
take the necessary action to prevent them. Safety is a team
Ok, let's now look at something almost everyone does
effort and we want you to do your part because it's important to
by instinct or habit. When you walk up or down stairs,
the whole team.
hold the hand rail. In case you slip or trip, the hand on
the rail will help prevent you from falling. This has
been a safety habit since stairs were first introduced.
There are some hazards associated with stairs. Torn
carpeting, damaged tread nosing, oily treads and dirty
stairs. Keep in mind that your shoes should be clean
and non-slippery when walking up or down stairs. If
your stairs need some attention, report it to your
supervisor. Next, falls from ladders can be quite
serious. Broken or damaged rungs can cause falls, but
more than likely it will be greasy or slippery shoes.
Also, a person will stand on the ladder improperly, or
stand on the top two steps, which will create a stability
problem. Never stand on the top two rungs of any step
ladder. Never lean past your belt buckle. When you
lean too far from the edge of any ladder, the center of
gravity shifts and the next thing you know.... there will
be an accident.

Getting into and out of vehicles. Never jump from

trucks or other vehicles or equipment..... you're asking
for trouble. If you look at statistics, you'll find that most
non-driving truck driver injuries result from getting into
or out of their truck. They either don't hold onto
handrails or they jump off their truck.
Proper footwear can also help reduce slips and falls. High
heels, certain leather on the soles of shoes, even the popular
tennis shoes can be very slippery on some

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Just a day without accidents.. today



I know a kind of climbing that is deadlier than mountain

climbing. And what's more, it's a kind of climbing you do If we don't watch ourselves, we may fall on the top step
often. I'm referring to the commonest kind of climbing in and crash. Or we may bang into someone else who isn't
the world—the climbing of stairs. looking, and send ourselves and our friend spinning. Or
we may slip or stumble on some object left carelessly on
We do all we can to build stairs safely. Our stairs have the stairs.
hand rails. The stairs aren't too steep, and they are well
lighted. They have treads that aren't slick and slippery. Finally, stairs are made for walking, not running. Trying to
Yet even stairs like these can kill and cripple if we don't be a speeder on stairs may save a few seconds, but, like
use them right. speeding on the highway, it can be deadly. So, for real
time and health saving, take time going UP and going
For instance, the best hand rail in the world won't prevent down.
a fall if you don't use it. I know it is easy to forget. We
look at a flight of stairs, and it looks safe. We can walk up On every trip on every stairway home, in the plant, and
and down it time after time without any trouble, even everywhere else, keep safe, by following these three
without holding on. So we are likely to get careless and rules. First, always keep one hand on the hand rail.
ignore the rail.
Second, always keep your eyes open and your mind alert.
Yet we all know that sooner or later there comes a time
when we slip or stumble or someone bumps into us. And Third, walk, don't run, on every stair.
then whether we have a hand grip or not may make the
difference between good health and a broken neck. If you'll follow these rules, our stairs will be what stairs
Remember, the hand rail is just like the seat belt. Mostly should be—a safe road from one floor to another, not a
you don't need it, but sooner or later it becomes a life highway to hazards and the hospital.
If you want to take a chance and do some adventurous
Good lighting helps us in our stair climbing, but it won't climbing, take a vacation in the Rockies next summer, or
help us if we refuse to use our eyes. I have walked down get a job as a steeple jack. But even then—on the riskiest
stairs in complete darkness—but I did it very slowly, of mountain climbs or high flagpole work, you won't
cautiously, hanging on for dear life. Yet many a worker escape the truth that all good climbers know—the truth
forgets to use his eyes when he is on the stairs, and so that good climbing means hanging on, looking out, and
he might just as well be in darkness—might better. as a taking your time.
matter of fact. for then he'd know he had danger to deal

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Just a day without accidents.. today



No single satisfactory guard has been developed for the saw blade, in good condition, will cut its way cleanly through the
ordinary wood table saw. Why? Because so many different wood. But if you don't feed the wood in straight, it will get caught
kinds of jobs are done on these saws. Each individual kind of against those up-running teeth The saw may grab it, lift it up, and
sawing job can be well guarded. But no single guard can throw it back.
protect us on all operations. Be sure you know the safe way to
perform each operation. And be sure to do it that way. Table Some people will tell you that the way to prevent kickback is to
saws probably cut off more fingers than any other kind of keep the saw as low as you can and still have it cut through the
machine. wood. They are right, if those teeth are sharp so they'll cut clean.
And if the stock is fed straight. The amount of set a saw has will
EXAMINE THE SAFETY DEVICES also have a bearing on how it cuts. Slide the material smoothly
Is the guard the kind that rides on top of the work? It should be ahead along the guide and through the saw. Be sure to keep it
for all ordinary sawing, particularly ripping. See that it moves up against the guide all the way through. A good way to have an
and down freely without side play. Saws should have and- accident is to use the saw without a spreader, especially when
kickback dogs and spreaders. See that the and-kickback dogs cutting green or twisted wood. The spreader is located right after
move freely and are sharp enough to dig into the stock if it the blade to keep the stock from binding. The anti-kickback dog
starts to kick back. See that the spreader is close to the saw should be used, too, because the wood might bind against the
teeth, stiff and well secured. Check the guide (fence) to make teeth before it reaches the spreader.
sure it lines up parallel with the saw blade. Then set it for the
Always keep your hands a safe distance away from the saw
CHECK YOUR FOOTING blade, at least six inches and preferably twelve inches. You can
When you have a sawing job, check your footing Be sure the do this by using a push stick or push block. If the stock or block
floor isn't slippery and there isn't anything for you to stumble is made to fit the lumber and has a good handle, you can do a
over. Place your feet securely and comfortably. See that there better job width it at the finish of the cut than you can using your
is nothing loose on the saw table to get in the way. Be sure hand only. And if something should go wrong, you won't lose
there is enough light so you can see what you are doing. your hand.


If you have more than a piece or two to rip, place the stock on a Don't crowd the saw. A blade in good condition will take the
hand truck or where you can easily reach it from the saw table. wood easily. It will almost feed itself. If it doesn't, something is
Stand far enough right or left of the line of the saw blade so that wrong.
a kickback will miss you. But not so far that it's awkward to feed
the wood through. Make sure no one else gets behind the saw PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT
while you are ripping. In some shops or on some jobs, an Whenever using a power saw, don't forget to protect your eyes
extension is added to the saw table, so that the operator can't by wearing your safety goggles.
stand directly in line with the saw blade. It also permits long
stock to be controlled more easily. HOUSEKEEPING
Whatever kind of a saw you are using, gasoline powered or
AVOID KICKBACK otherwise, good housekeeping is important. Continually pick up
Unless you have seen a kickback, you don't realize how vicious sawdust and scrap that accumulates near the saw. And also
one can be. Those saw teeth may be moving from 10,000 to keep a fire extinguisher handy.
nearly 20,000 feet per minute. The teeth at the top of the saw
blade are running toward you. If they get caught in the wood, IT'S UP TO YOU
they'll shoot it right back the way it came. Saws don't kick back Because Deere is no single satisfactory guard for table saws, the
if they are treated right. If used correctly, a properly mounted main responsibility for avoiding accidents is up to you.

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Just a day without accidents.. today



Regardless of your job in a warehouse environment, Let's say you have a 48 by 48 inch pallet. The load center
you're going to be using and handling wooden, plastic or of an evenly stacked load is 24 inches. The load center is
metal pallets. Pallets are very useful in material handling measured from the center of the load, to the vertical face
because they allow us to stack and move materials safely of the forks. This load center is extremely important
and quickly. because the load center directly affects the lifting capacity
of the forklift. If the forklift's maximum capacity load limit is
Pallets are very common and used in so many different 5,000 pounds when lifting a 24 inch load center, if you
places, we often tend to forget that pallet safety is part of extend the load center to say 30 inches, this forklift cannot
the safety program. To help you become more familiar safely lift the same 5,000 pounds. A 60 inch pallet, evenly
with pallet safety, let's review the basics because many loaded would have a load center of 30 inches, which
people, all over the world, experience injuries from greatly decreases the safe lifting capacity of the forklift.
mishandling and misusing pallets. Wooden pallets are
the most common, so we'll use wooden pallets as our You don't have to remember all this, but you must be
examples in this training program. aware that different size pallets do have an effect upon the
safe lifting capacity of lift equipment. Right now, let's look
Pallets come in different sizes. Depending upon the at some basics when handling and using pallets.
industry, the most common size is 48" by 40", four way Certainly, each company has specific rules and standards
pallet, which is also known as the GMA pallet. On a 48 by for handling pallets, however, the information provided
40 inch pallet, both forklifts and pallet jacks may pick up here can give you the basics of pallet handling and adding
the pallet from the 40 inch side. to your knowledge and safety awareness, to help prevent
pallet injuries. The first rule is when handling pallets,
However, only forklifts should be used to pick up this size always wear appropriate gloves, to help prevent hand
pallet from the 48 inch side. In giving pallet dimensions, injuries.
the first dimension is always the length of the "stringer".
The second dimension is the width of the pallet. As you Before you use a pallet, check it to be sure it can be safely
can see, pallets have different measurements, stored in a rack with a heavy load. It should be
specifications, stringers and different weight capacities constructed of hardwood, be in good condition, with top
and if you mishandle, misuse or overload pallets, you're and bottom boards in place. Boards should be the proper
creating a potential injury. Rarely do equipment handlers thickness, at least 5/8ths of an inch and solid. Boards
pay attention to the specifications of pallets, however, should not be cracked or have any pieces missing.
each size and construction of the pallet has different load Stringers, as shown here, must be in good repair and if
and weight ratings and must be used according only to they are damaged they should be properly repaired with
your company's rule and regulations. If you're not sure plugs or mending plates. There must be no protruding
about a pallet's specifications and load limits, ask your nails or slivers of wood on the pallet. This may look like a
supervisor. lot to inspect, however, as you gain experience, a quick
glance can tell you if the pallet is in a safe condition. If you
The size of the pallet can also affect the forklift or other determine that a pallet is unsafe to use, take it out of
material handling equipment. service until it can be repaired.

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Removing a pallet from the stack should be completed by Ok, to properly and safely stack pallets, slide the pallet up
not pulling it part way off the stack, then letting it drop. It to the side of the stack. Stand facing the pallet. The deck
could fall on your feet or legs or the pallet could be boards will be vertical, facing you. Firmly grasp the deck
damaged. boards and with the proper lifting motion, slide the pallet
up the side of the stack, over the top and lay it onto the
Splinters can break off, causing potential hand and eye stack, then square the stack. Let's look at that again,
injuries. The proper way is to slide it off the side, tip it, specifically the safe lifting motion. Your back is in it's
firmly grasp the deck boards, let it slide down the stack natural curvature, knees are bent and you lift with your leg
as you guide it, and gently rest on the floor. Keep control power, not your back muscles. It takes practice, but it's the
of the pallet. safe way to lift pallets onto stacks.

When moving pallets across the floor, stand it up on its Remember to manually stack pallets only 7 or 8 high and
edge and slide it, pulling it from the end, then lay it down. let forklifts make larger stacks.
Use extreme caution when sliding pallets on floors. If you
hit a crack or bump in the floor, the pallet could stop When sorting pallets, this is a 2 person job. Be sure both
suddenly, causing it to fall, or other injury. Keep control of persons use gloves and one person stands on each end
the pallet and watch where your going. of the pallets in the stack being sorted. The stack being
sorted is in the center, with a sort-to stack on each side.
Don't lift and carry pallets as they weigh approximately
65 pounds and are quite awkward to carry. DO NOT One stack for reusable pallets, the other for pallets
THROW PALLETS. Several bad things can happen when requiring repair. With one person on either end of the
you throw pallets. Obviously, back and ligament injuries pallet, carefully inspect the top surface for broken/missing
can occur and the pallets can be damaged. Don't throw boards, cracks, chunks missing, proper thickness and
pallets. proper repair. Turn the pallet up on the edge and inspect
the bottom boards. Then both people pick up the pallet
DO NOT STORE PALLETS ON ITS EDGE OR END. So and move it to the proper stack. Simple, efficient and safe.
many injuries are caused by pallets falling, so don't store
pallets on edges or ends. Stack them properly. When Naturally, pallets are used on a daily basis and material
positioning a pallet on the floor, don't drop or throw it handlers don't take the time to think about pallet safety. In
because it can be damaged. A damaged pallet can break your experience, you may think of hundreds of other
when a heavy load is put on the pallet and can be quite safety tips relating to pallet safety. Forklift operators in a
dangerous, especially if the damaged pallet is stored in a hurry can easily damage a pallet and continue to use it.
rack. Pallet jacks are notorious for breaking the bottom boards
of pallets.
Don't walk on pallets. Walk around a pallet because the
chances of slips, trips and falls increases on a pallet. The bottom boards of a SMA pallet are spaced to
Boards can break, your feet can slip between the accommodate the load wheels of a pallet jack. Be sure
openings and other hazards. Don't walk on pallets. In you have positioned your machine properly in the pallet
some cases, you may have to step on pallets if you're before attempting to raise it. If you are not in the correct
loading them by hand or for other reasons, but when you position, the machine will likely rip the bottom boards off,
do, try to use only one foot on the pallet and the other making the pallet unsafe to use and possibly leaving
one on the floor, for good traction and stability. In some boards lying on the floor with nails sticking up, waiting for
cases the floor may be slippery and when you step on a someone to step on them. If the pallet you need to move
pallet, the entire pallet moves, causing you to fall. is not designed to be handled by a pallet jack, get a forklift
When you've finished stacking product off a pallet, stand to move it rather than damaging the pallet. If a pallet is
the pallet on its side and pull it to the area for stacking unsafe or you are unsure of how to handle it, call your
empty pallets. There should be two stacking areas. One supervisor for direction. As we stated, pallet safety is
for serviceable and reusable pallets, the other area for important and it isn't given the attention to safety it
pallets that need repair. Don't mix unsafe pallets with deserves. Take the time and effort to think about a 2500
serviceable pallets. Another safety tip is how to safely lift pound load, raised to heights of 15 to 20 feet and make
pallets onto stacks. Don't stack pallets more than 7 or 8 sure the pallet is safe, sturdy and has been properly
high. That's about the maximum safe stack for people to handled to prevent an injury. Will the pallet be safe
reach. Naturally, you'll eventually stack pallets about 15 enough to hold the load? If you handle, store or use
high to save room, but that's the job of a forklift. You can pallets, you're the only person who can answer the
manually stack 7 to 8 pallets high, then use forklifts to question. It takes an effort on everyone's part to make
make higher stacks. pallet safety a part of your everyday operations.

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Our company has a tradition of providing our of a contractor's work force should not
employees with the highest standards of safety compromise its safety attitude or program. Often,
and health and our intent and effort is to provide written documentation and verification of the
contractor employees with conditions and work contractor's training efforts, and audits may be
rules that are as protective of their safety and required. In some cases, a qualifying examination
health, as those governing our employees. may be necessary to verify that employees have
the knowledge to safely perform the specified
It's important that general contractors provide work under expected worksite conditions.
their employees and sub contractors employees
with a safe and healthful place to work. In this Prior to the start of the job, a company
short program, we want to provide an overview of representative shall meet with appropriate
these responsibilities. However, it is the general contractor staff to conduct a pre-job safety
contractor's responsibility to know and orientation session and coordinate safety program
understand our company's rules and work provisions between the company and contractor.
procedures and to effectively communicate these
rules and procedures to each employee and sub- The minutes of the pre-job safety orientation
contractor. We have job requirements for meeting will be documented with the subjects
contract employees who perform "safety discussed and the signed roster of the attendees
sensitive" duties. A safety sensitive duty is one attached to minutes of the meeting. The minutes
that is directly related to the safe operation or of the meeting will be attached to the job contract.
security of a facility or piece of equipment and
which, if not performed properly, could result in a The subjects to be discussed during the safety
serious safety risk or environmental hazard to meeting are:
persons, a facility or the general public.
Most accidents and injuries are preventable. Communications is a stringent requirement that
While the company has the obligation for governs all employers and employees. It's called
providing a safe and healthful workplace, each the Employee's Right to Know, relating to the
contractor has a personal and vital responsibility chemicals used in the workplace. Our company is
to contribute to safe work performance. Through very strict in adherence to these regulations and
such joint effort, an accident and injury free work it's mandatory that any contractor to our company
environment can be achieved. In our company, review our written program and know the location
safety is an important factor in the selection of the written program. Contractors must be aware
process of our outside contractors. There are a of our company's requirements and follow these
several means of assessing a contractor's ability rules during your work on company property.
to perform the intended work safely and the size

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a. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - incident.

Copies of all MSDS to be provided to
contractor, for training of their 8. COMPANY SAFETY POLICIES AND
employees. PROCEDURES - The contractor will be provided
with written company Safety Policies and
b. For products brought on the site by a Procedures. These policies must be
contractor, MSDS's must be provided communicated to all contractor personnel and the
and located on the worksite, for procedures followed by all employees.
inspection by auditors and for training
employees on these products. 9. SAFETY TRAINING - Required regulatory
training will be determined prior to the start of the
2. WRITTEN WORK PERMITS - Our company requires job. It will be the responsibility of the company
Safe Work, Hot Work, and Entry Permits. Contractors will Project representative to include the Safety
be required to acknowledge all permits issued with a Training and the Substance Abuse Program
signature by an authorized representative of the requirement in the bid contract. Part of the training
contractor company. These permits are extremely requirements will be education and training on
important to safeguard the health of safety of all Hazardous Materials including Hazard
employees during potentially hazardous operations, such Communications, Material Safety Data sheets,
as welding, cutting, confined space entry, trenching and Hazwoper, which is Hazardous Materials
shoring, scaffolding and other similar work. Emergency Response training, Control of
Hazardous Energy Sources or Lockout/Tagout
3. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN - Contractors are and Respiratory Protection. Respiratory protection
responsible for reviewing the company's emergency training must also include selection and use of
response plan; for fire alarm systems, which includes respiratory equipment, how to fit test respiratory
sounding fire alarms to acquaint contractor personnel of equipment and other information necessary to
the particular sound for emergencies. Notification to properly protect employees who are required to
company representatives must be made in an wear respiratory equipment.
emergency. Understanding appropriate evacuation
In the event that select facility managers are
routes, assembly areas, and location of fire extinguishers
responsible for the job, it will be their responsibility
on company property is a must for all contractor
employees. to notify the contractor of the Safety Training and
Substance Abuse Program requirement.
Contractors must ensure proper levels of safety
emergency eyewash and shower locations within the training for all contractor employees, consistent
with company policies and training requirements.
facility during the job walk. All contractor employees must
be fully aware of these emergency stations and how to 10. In addition to our policies, procedures and training
use them in the event of an emergency. regarding the safety and health of all employees, each
contractor is responsible for adhering to all Federal, State
5. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) - The and local requirements regarding safety, health and other
requirement for Personal Protective Equipment will be government regulations, including The Environmental
listed on the proper work permit. Contractors are Protection Agency and others.
responsible for ensuring the use of all required personal
protective equipment by their employees when required. We take safety seriously. The safety and health rules,
procedures and safe practice of our facilities apply equally
6. MEDICAL TREATMENT FACILITIES AND to all employees, be they company or contractor
RESTROOM FACILITIES - It will be the responsibility of employees. Company contractors have the responsibility
the general contractor to provide the medical treatment to provide training, education, personal protective
facilities and restroom facilities for their employees and equipment, documentation of training and compliance and
sub-contractors. all the other things necessary to comply with our
company's safety and health requirements. It's a big
7. ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES - The responsibility, but it's essential that every employee be
general contractor will be responsible for reporting and properly trained, properly protected and provided a safe
preparing all accident reports, property damage and and healthful place to work. It's not only good business,
injury reports. Company management will be advised it's required.
verbally of any accidents to contractor personnel and will
be followed by a written report within 24 hours of the

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Our topic today is "Electrocution" or "What Can Happen What should the men have done? Obviously, they should
When a Crane Boom Hits an Energized Power Line". have stopped the crane farther back. They also should
Most of you who have spent time in heavy construction have kept a close watch on the block as the boom was
know of someone who has been killed or severely being lowered, and signaled the operator to stop when it
shocked or burned by such an accident. The cause is became evident that the boom was going to hit the power
generally poor judgment or forget fullness. line. Had they done so, the crane could have backed off
and completed the lowering without a mishap.
When a job is being planned, power lines should be But what about the operator? He knew the length of the
located and the voltages determined. Provisions should boom and the arc it made when being raised or lowered.
be made to eliminate the danger by having the current He should have allowed enough distance to provide
shut off or to minimize the danger by setting up safe clearance, regardless of the ground men's lack of
procedures. Make sure you know if the current is shut off judgment.
and that you understand the established safe procedures
when working around power lines. All crew members share the responsibility for preventing
accidents in situations such as the one described. All must
A TYPICAL CASE be alert at all times; first to protect themselves, and
second, to protect the other person. If someone appears
Forgetfulness is bad enough. But poor judgment is even to be forgetful or inattentive, wake that individual up.
worse, as illustrated by the following example: A change WORTH REPEATING
of work area made it necessary to position a crane under
a power line. With the boom in the air, the crane was When you're working close to a power line, use good
rolled forward and then stopped. Supposedly, it was far judgment. Keep boom, cable block and tag line a
enough away from the line to allow the boom to be minimum of ten feet away. Even greater clearance may be
lowered without hitting the wires. But the boom didn't required, depending on voltage and work conditions.
clear. Remember, the current will jump from the power line to
the boom or cable without contact being made.

Who was guilty of poor judgment? The whole crew, which

includes the operator and the men who guided the
movement and gave the signals.

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Some say that coming events cast shadows before them. In a crowed work situation, the swing area should be
The idea is based on every event being the result of a roped off or barricaded. Signs should be posted to keep
cause. This idea has direct application to safety. Every unauthorized persons out of the hazardous areas. In
accident has a cause which projects shadows and gives extreme cases it may be necessary to post a watchman or
warnings of possible results. Such shadows usually can traffic controller. In concreting operations, it is especially
be seen if we watch for them. For instance, the necessary to keep all persons away from the vicinity of the
continuous performance of a job in an improper manner bucket travel. A chunk of semi-hardened concrete
causes incidents that foretell possible trouble. This is frequently drops from a bucket and can produce a serious
especially true in the swing area of cranes. injury even if the victim is wearing a hard hat.

Accidents involving men who work or walk under crane The puddler should stay clear when the crane operator is
booms and buckets are all too common, and when they landing the bucket and during the take-away.
happen they are often fatal.
Even if the crane is in excellent condition and is being run 1. Are our crane operations always designed to minimize
by a first-rate operator, it is never wise for men to be the swing of booms and buckets over work areas?
exposed needlessly. Frequently, the victim is a laborer 2. Are personnel adequately warned about crane
doing an assigned job which as nothing to do with the operations in the area?
crane. The rule is simple: "Don't stand, walk, or work
under crane booms, buckets or suspended loads . "

Prior planning of crane operations usually takes into

account the area to be covered by the swing of the boom.
Cranes should be positioned so that the boom or bucket
cannot be swung over workmen. Otherwise, the
operation should be scheduled for times when men are
clear of the swing area.

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These rules apply to the following types of earthmoving 5. Check the braking system on all equipment—it must be
equipment: scrapers, loaders, crawlers or wheel tractors, capable of stopping and holding the equipment fully
bulldozers, off-highway trucks, graders, agriculture and loaded.
industrial tractors, and similar equipment (this does not
include compactors and rubber-tired "skid steer" 6. Watch for changing road conditions—icy and wet roads
equipment). should be used with extreme caution.

1. Anytime equipment or its parts are suspended by use 7. Keep ladders, walkways, and tracks clear of mud, ice,
of slings, hoists, or jacks, they should be blocked or snow, etc., to insure proper footing.
cribbed to prevent falling or shifting before employees are
permitted to work under or between them.

2. Dozer and scraper blades, end loader buckets, dump

bodies, and similar equipment, should either be fully
lowered or blocked when being repaired or when not in

3. All controls should be in neutral position with the

motors stopped and brakes set unless work being
performed requires otherwise.

4. Seat belts need not be provided for equipment which is

designed only for stand-up operations; i.e., graders or for
equipment which does not have roll-over protection
structure (ROPS) or adequate canopy protection In other
words, if you have overhead protection you must wear a
seat belt unless it is designed for stand-up operations.

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Shoring is employed in many construction operations. Any surface with dangerous material should be scaled.
Excavation shoring, as concerns building excavations Workers should not work one above another where there
and trenches, is intended for the protection of workers is a danger of falling rock or materials.
and property and often the general public as well.
Shoring of adjacent buildings may be necessary when
Workers in excavations must always be aware of the fact their walls are weakened by excavation. Sidewalks if
that much of their safety depends upon themselves. Even undermined during construction require shoring for the
though there is a daily inspection of bracing systems, protection of the public and the men working below.
certain conditions may arise suddenly that come to the
attention only of the man on the job. You must be able to Always make use of stairways, ramps, or ladders when
recognize dangers when you see them and report them you enter or leave an excavation. Climbing or jumping is
before they cause injury to yourself or those around you. hazardous.

Accidents such as falls or being struck by objects in and Because shoring is often subjected to considerable
about excavations and trenches often result because pressures, it demands regular inspection. Every workman
workers fail to follow the safety instructions that have engaged in excavation must take the responsibility of
been given them. helping to check on shoring because your own safety is at
stake. If you detect any unusual conditions, you must
Shoring presents problems and hazards. That is another report them immediately.
of the reasons why safety education has become so
important in the field of construction. When using screw jacks in shoring, be careful of them
slipping and throwing you.
One of the major purposes of shoring is to protect you
while you work in the excavation. Bracing systems are The jack will not kick out when the load is properly
intended to prevent sliding, slipping, caving, squeezing, centered. Nevertheless, blocking should be carried
or any other movement of the face of the excavation that forward with jacking in order to reduce the hazards due to
could endanger men in the excavation. failure or slipping of jacks.

At times, soil conditions make it possible to slope

excavations; but in many cases, the sides must be
supported by shoring. Regular physical inspection should
be made of faces and banks where there may be loose

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Is there a serious fall problem? When you consider that Some tips for avoiding falls are:
each hour in the United States 19 people are injured by
falls, or that a fatal fall accident occurs every 37 minutes, · Good housekeeping is essential. Don't leave loose
you must agree that the fall problem is significant. Falls in objects on walking or working surfaces.
the United States are the number two accident killer,
ranking only behind traffic accidents as a cause of - Never leave water or oil spills unattended. If they can't
accidental death. Falls on the job account for about 30% be cleaned up immediately, set a barrier down so that
of all injuries. Last year close to 1,600 employees died people know about the hazard.
and over 300,000 were injured from falls on the job.
· Never allow an object to sit on stairways or ramps.
What makes falls such a problem? Most falls involve Cartons, boxes, and other obstacles are especially
three important elements: "obstacles," "heights," and dangerous here.
"tracdon." People fall off ladders or down stairways; they
trip over stools and electrical cords, and they slip on - Report loose or damaged handrails, stairway treads,
water, or oil spills. The complicated human mechanism mats and walkway runners. Sometimes even a small worn
usually allows us to maintain our balance when walking spot can cause someone to trip.
or standing. The fall problem occurs with traction is lost,
unexpected obstacles are placed in our path or when we - Wear proper footwear. Synthetic rubber soles are best
overextend the limits of our balance when working on on oily floors, soft rubber soles are good on wet floors.
ladders or raised platforms. Leather soles can be extremely slippery on water or oil.

Falls can be prevented, but only if everyone on the job - Lighting is important in walkways. Report conditions
does his part. First, always be alert to potential fall created by burned out lights or when walkways are too
hazards in unfamiliar surroundings. Experienced workers dark.
spot-check walkways and work areas to be sure that no
trip or slip hazards exist. Even more importantly, when - Report any floor openings that are not protected. These
you find a fall hazard, make sure that something is done openings can cause very serious falls.
to correct it. The majority of falls at work are caused by
obvious hazards, most of which could have been easily - When walking, don't carry loads that block your vision. If
corrected. Water and oil spills, small objects on the floor, you can't see where you are going, a trip and fall is
electrical cords, and objects hanging out into walkways enevitable
will eventually trip someone. Take a moment to eliminate
these obvious hazards. - Use hand or safety rails on stairways. It's the best way to
keep your balance. - Be especially careful when working
near the edge of loading docks or raised scaffolds.

These tips are sensible and reasonable. Perhaps they can

help you to avoid a trip/fall injury.

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Best Practices
• All persons exposed to fall hazards should wear
safety belts and lines.

• Openings in the floor that create a hazard should be

covered or protected with handrails or barriers.

• New employees should be indoctrinated in safety

METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY - On January 19, rules and safe work procedures.
1998, a 40 year old welder/ laborer working for a
contractor at the mill of a limestone quarry was killed • Mine operators should take an active role to assure
when he fell approximately 50 feet from the top of a that contractors follow basic safe work procedures.
hopper to the ground. The victim had 8 years experience
as a millwright and had previously worked as a contractor
employee at this mine for about 1 month. He was one of
four contractor employees, along with their supervisor,
who were repairing screens, chutes, and hoppers during
plant renovation. Several days prior to the accident,
handrails for the hopper were removed, exposing a 3- by
9-foot opening in the floor. The victim stepped across the
opening and sat on the edge of the hopper. He fell
backward through the opening to the ground. He was not
wearing a safety belt and line.

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Falls - Falls Disable 400,000 workers a year. Of every

100 workers hurt, 20 fall down. Almost as many falls 4. Don't overreach Be sure of your balance by keeping
happen on the level as from elevated places. your belt buckle between the rails.
If you are on the level, you should:
5. A ladder should have safety feet. Use a board on soft
1. Watch out for slippery spots such as oil, grease, or earth or to level the feet.
water spills.
6. The 4 to 1 rule: Set the ladder one foot out for every
2. Use aisles. Don't take shortcuts through storage and four feet up to the point of support. Rungs are one
machinery areas. foot apart so it's easy to figure the angle.

3. Look out for objects on the floor that can roll, slide, or Weak Spot:
trip you up.
If you are higher up: Inattention is the weak spot in the defense against falls . . .
1. Don't run on stairs. Use the handrail. Watch where you are going!
2. Inspect safety belts and lines before using them.
3. Never jump from work stages, trucks, or loading docks.
4. Use ladders the right way.


1. Inspect a ladder for cracks and loose rungs.

2. Choose a ladder long enough so you can stay off the

top rungs.

3. Climb with both hands holding the rungs. Hoist tools

and materials by hand line.

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Flagging can be a physically demanding task. to help
prevent fatigue, use a short box or similar object to put
one foot on. This improves circulation and helps
prevent back strain. you may be able to install the
stop/slow paddle on a pole to further reduce back

OK, you've got the proper attitude, training and are

professionally dressed for the job. You should check
with your supervisor about the appropriate control
requirements for your local or state traffic control
procedures for signs and sign placement. Generally,
you take a position about 150 feet behind the flagger
ahead sign. Be sure you're positioned in an area that
is fully visible to traffic. use your authority to control

The lives of fellow employees depend upon the This doesn't mean angry looks or abusive
safety provided by conscientious flaggers. language or other unprofessional actions.
Maintain eye contact with the vehicle operators so
Flaggers are the persons that stand between a they'll know and understand the instructions to
safe work project and potential disaster. your job slow or stop. If the traffic is moving to fast, use
as a flagger is important but simple. your free hand to motion for he drivers to slow
It's your job to keep traffic aware of the project
ahead, control vehicle speed and act as a Be courteous. If the lane has stopped, politely
representative of your organization. you are an explain to the lead car the reason for the delay.
authority figure, just like a police officer. your When safe, ask them to proceed slowly and safely
appearance, presence of mind and professional and use your free hand to motion the vehicles
image commands authority. forward. let's watch some flaggers in operation.

A properly attired and attentive flagger can Flagging can be a tough job. Keep a cool head
control traffic. you don't need a police officers and professional attitude. if a problem arises such
uniform. what kind of authority figure is this as motorists knocking down signs and other traffic
person doesn't instill a lot of confidence in the control measures or anyone putting your crew at
people he's trained to control. The only message risk, take the vehicle description and license
conveyed here, is that the company doesn't care number and report them to the police. Avoid any
about traffic control. the crew you're protecting confrontations because you never know how
deserves 100 percent effort at all times. They're some people will react. discretion is the better part
busy and trust that you're performing your job in of valor.
a professional manner. therefore, they believe
traffic is under control. Relaxing in lawn chairs or Flaggers have an important job. We've said that
not paying attention to your job is asking for several times. It looks simple and it looks easy. It's
trouble. especially when your crew is paying a difficult job and the only way to perform your
attention to their job and not traffic. flagging duties is to dress properly, follow the
safety guidelines established by our company and
A professional flagger dresses with an orange be in control of traffic at all times. The crew you
reflectorized vest, yellow or orange hard hat or are protecting is relying on you to provide
possible an orange ball cap, for greater visibility. professional traffic control. All you have to do is
your tools are maturity, awareness and a have the proper attitude, responsibility, and
stop/slow paddle. Some states use only flags to maturity to control the traffic on your project.
make motorists aware of traffic control. night jobs
would require reflectorized clothing, paddles and
illumination of both flaggers and the prewarning

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Professionals in the construction industry take When grinders are rotating, the operator must
pride in their crafts and certainly in the tools they assure the operator is in a balanced position and
use. any tools that are designed to have guards the momentum of the disc will carry the tool away
and handles must have those guards and from the operator if it becomes stuck.
handles unaltered and they must be in place at
all times. Deadman switches are required on all tools. If you
release the power trigger, the tool must shut off.
Tying back a guard on a saw doesn't make any Lockon devices are prohibited. Make sure all hand
sense and anyone removing a guard, handle, or and powered hand tools are in serviceable
using an unguarded tool will be subject to condition before you use them.
dismissal from the jobsite. It's just too important
to take chances. The power supply for electrical
tools must be disconnected when not in use or
when changing blades, bits, discs or other
routine maintenance tasks.

Loose clothing, rings or other jewelry cannot be

worn around operating tools or machines. Keep
shirt sleeves buttoned. Industrial leather gloves
should be worn when using tools. Before you use
any grinding tools, you must be trained and
authorized. Using grinders without proper training
is asking for trouble.

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The average safety hard hat weighs about 14 ounces. Often workmen are reluctant to wear hard hats because of
an expressed concern of the weight and discomfort of
The average man's head weighs 14 pounds. So there's heat during warm weather. Considering the protection
an ounce of safety for every pound of head—provided afforded, the weight theory is negligible.
the head protection is properly worn and maintained.
The average hard hat weighs 14 ounces as compared to
The brain is the control center of the body. The slightest the three pounds of the helmet used in World War II and
damage to any part of the brain will cause malfunctions the Korean Conflict. However, under duress of battle, the
of some area of the body. The skull, under normal helmet afforded a psychological feeling of security. Why
circumstances, protects the brain. But when a possibility then, in certain areas of employment, shouldn't the hard
of injury from falling or flying objects exists, additional hat give this same feeling of security in industry?
protection is required. This is the objective of the use of
hard hats Regarding the so-called discomfort of heat, a test in
temperature of 110 degrees showed that the inside
The force of a falling object can be calculated temperature of a cloth cap and a felt hat were 2 degrees
approximately by multiplying the weight of the object by cooler than the prevailing outside temperature. The same
the distance of its fall. A three and one half ounce test revealed the inside temperature of hard hats varied
washer, for example, falling thirty-two feet, will generate a from 5 to 12 degrees cooler. The material, reflection and
force of seven foot pounds of impact. air space were the governing factors.

Should this washer strike an unprotected head, the force

of the blow would be equivalent to 560 pounds; when a
hard hat is worn, the force transmitted to the neck and
spine is reduced to only 127 pounds.

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1. Inspect ladders at frequent regular intervals; if any 6. Always face the ladder and hold on with both hands,
ladder is found defective red tag it until it is repaired or whether climbing up or down.
discarded. NEVER use a defective ladder.
7. Carry tools in suitable pockets, or have tools and other
2. Use shellac, varnish, or two coats of oil as a objects hoisted with a rope and bucket.
preservative; paint conceals defects.
8. Work facing the ladder and hold on with one hand.
3. Avoid the use of metal ladders when the possibility of
contact with electrical power exists. 9. Use a safety belt if the type of work requires it.

4. Clean mud or greasy substances from your shoes 10. It is dangerous to reach out too far from a ladder in
before climbing up a ladder. any direction; move the ladder as the work requires.

5. Place the ladder securely, against a solid backing, at a 11. It is unsafe to use a ladder as a horizontal member of
safe angle of about 75 degrees with the horizontal. a scaffold

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Materials Handling and Storing

The efficient handling and storing of materials is vital to the MOVING, HANDLING, AND STORING MATERIALS
construction industry as these operations provide a When manually moving materials, you should seek help when
continuous flow of raw materials, parts, and assemblies a load is so bulky it cannot be properly grasped or lifted, when
through the work place, and ensure that materials are they cannot see around or over it, or when a load cannot be
available when needed. Yet, the improper handling and safely handled. Workers also should use appropriate
storing of materials can cause costly injuries. protective equipment as necessary to help reduce accident
potential. For loads with sharp or rough edges, wear gloves or
Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects other hand and forearm protection. To avoid injuries to the
being lifted as major contributing factors to their injuries. The hands and eyes, use gloves and eye protection. When the
second factor frequently cited was body movement. Bending, loads are heavy or bulky, the mover should also wear steel-
followed by twisting and turning, were the more commonly toed safety shoes or boots to prevent foot injuries if the worker
cited movements that caused back injuries or back pain. slips or accidentally drops a load.

In addition, workers can be injured by falling objects, When mechanically moving materials, avoid overloading the
improperly stacked materials, or by various types of equipment by letting the weight, size, and shape of the
equipment. When manually moving materials, however, material being moved dictate the type of equipment used for
workers should be aware of potential injuries, including the transporting it. All materials handling equipment has rated
following: capacities that determine the maximum weight the equipment
can safely handle and the conditions under which it can handle
• Strains and sprains from improperly lifting loads, or those weights.
from carrying loads that are either too large or too
heavy. All stacked loads must be correctly piled and cross-tiered,
where possible. Precautions also should be taken when
• Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by stacking and storing material. Stored materials must not create
materials, or by being caught in pinch points; and a hazard. Storage areas must be kept free from accumulated
materials that may cause tripping, fires, or explosions, or that
• Cuts and bruises caused by falling materials that may contribute to the harboring of rats and other pests. When
have been improperly stored, or by incorrectly stacking and piling materials, it's important to be aware of such
cutting ties or other securing devices. factors as the materials' height and weight, how accessible the
stored materials are to the user, and the condition of the
containers where the materials are being stored.
Since numerous injuries can result from improperly handling
and storing materials, it is important to be aware of accidents
Used lumber must have all nails removed before stacking.
that may occur from unsafe or improperly handled equipment
and improper work practices, and to recognize the methods Lumber must be stacked and leveled on solidly supported
for eliminating, or at least minimizing, the occurrence of those bracing. The stacks must be stable and self-supporting. Stacks
of loose bricks should not be more than 7 feet in height. When
accidents. Consequently, everyone should examine their
these stacks reach a height of 4 feet, they should be tapered
work places to detect any unsafe or unhealthful conditions,
practices, or equipment and take the necessary steps to back 2 inches for every foot of height above the 4-foot level.
correct them. When masonry blocks are stacked higher than 6 feet, the
stacks should be tapered back one-half block for each tier
above the 6-foot level.

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Drums, barrels, and kegs must be stacked symmetrically. If ERGONOMIC SAFETY AND HEALTH PRINCIPLES
stored on their sides, the bottom tiers must be blocked to Ergonomics is defined as the study of work and is based on
keep them from rolling. When stacked on end, put planks, the
sheets of plywood dunnage, or pallets between each tier to principle that the job should be adapted to fit the person, rather
make a firm, flat, stacking surface. When stacking materials than forcing the person to fit the job. Ergonomics focuses on
two or more tiers high, the bottom tier must be chocked on the work environment and items such as design and function
each side to prevent shifting in either direction. When of work stations, controls, displays, safety devices, tools, and
stacking, consider the need for availability of the material. lighting to fit the employees' physical requirements and to
Material that cannot be stacked due to size, shape, or fragility ensure their health and well being. Ergonomics includes
can be safety stored on shelves or in bins. Structural steel, restructuring or changing work place conditions to make the
bar stock, poles, and other cylindrical materials, unless in job easier and reducing/ stressors that can cause injuries. In
racks, must be stacked and blocked to prevent spreading or the area of materials handling and storing, ergonomic
tilting. Pipes and bars should not be stored in racks that face principles may require controls such as reducing the size or
main aisles; this could create a hazard to passers-by when weight of the objects lifted, installing a mechanical lifting aid, or
supplies are being removed. changing the height of a pallet or shelf.

USING MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT In addition to using ergonomic controls, there are some basic
To reduce potential accidents associated with work place safety principles that can be employed to reduce injuries
equipment, employees need to be trained in the proper use resulting from handling and storing materials. These include
and limitations of the equipment they operate. This includes taking general fire safety precautions and keeping aisles and
knowing how to effectively use equipment such as cranes, passageways clear.
and slings.
In adhering to fire safety precautions, employees should note
Cranes that flammable and combustible materials must be stored
Only thoroughly trained and competent persons are permitted according to their fire characteristics. Flammable liquids, for
to operate cranes. Operators should know what they are example, must be separated from other material by a fire wall
lifting and what it weighs. Plan lifts before starting them to or other appropriate storage separation. Also, other
ensure that they are safe. Take additional precautions and combustibles must be stored in an area where smoking and
exercise extra care when operating around power lines. using an open flame or a spark-producing device is prohibited.
Dissimilar materials that are dangerous when they come into
Some mobile cranes cannot operate with outriggers in the contact with each other must be stored apart.
traveling position. When used, the outriggers must rest on
firm ground, on timbers, or be sufficiently cribbed to spread When using aisles and passageways to move materials
the weight of the crane and the load over a large enough mechanically, sufficient clearance must be allowed for aisles at
area. This will prevent the crane from tipping during use. loading docks, through doorways, wherever turns must be
made, and in other parts of the work place. Providing sufficient
Hoisting chains and ropes must always be free of kinks or clearance for mechanically moved materials will prevent
twists and must never be wrapped around a load. Loads workers from being pinned between the equipment and
should be attached to the load hook by slings, fixtures, or fixtures in the work place, such as walls, racks, posts, or other
other devices that have the capacity to support the load on machines. Sufficient clearance also will prevent the load from
the hook. Sharp edges of loads should be padded to prevent striking an obstruction and falling on an employee.
cutting slings. Proper sling angles shall be maintained so that
slings are not loaded in excess of their capacity. All cranes All passageways used by employees should be kept clear of
must be inspected frequently by persons thoroughly familiar obstructions and tripping hazards. Materials in excess of
with the crane, the methods of inspecting the crane, and what supplies needed for immediate operations should not be
can make the crane unserviceable. Crane activity, the stored in aisles or passageways, and permanent aisles and
severity of use, and environmental conditions should passageways must be
determine inspection schedules. Critical parts, such as crane marked appropriately.
operating mechanisms, hooks, air or hydraulic system
In other words, material handling and storing takes an effort on your part
components and other load-carrying components, should be
to think about safety when moving, storing or lifting anything. It's your
inspected daily for any maladjustment, deterioration, leakage,
deformation, or other damage. responsibility, but it's an important part of your job.

When working with slings, employers must ensure that they are visually
inspected before use and during operation, especially if used under
heavy stress. Riggers or other knowledgeable employees should
conduct or assist in the inspection because they are aware of how the
sling is used and what makes a sling unserviceable. A damaged or
defective sling must be removed from service. Slings must not be
shortened with knots or bolts or other makeshift devices; sling legs that
have been kinked must not be used. Slings must not be loaded beyond
their rated capacity, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Suspended loads must be kept clear of all obstructions, and crane
operators should avoid sudden starts and stops when moving
suspended loads. Employees also must remain clear of loads about to
be lifted and suspended. All shock loading is prohibited.

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A Material Safety Data Sheet, often referred to by its Pigments, catalysts, vehicles, solvents, additives, others
acronym MSDS, is a detailed informational document Base metals, alloys, metallic coatings, fillers, hazardous
prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a hazardous mixtures of other
chemical which describes the physical and chemical liquids, solids or gases
properties of the product. Information included in a
Material Safety Data Sheet aids in the selection of safe Section III describes the physical properties of the
products, helps employers and employees understand material.
the potential health and physical hazards of a chemical
and describes how to respond effectively to exposure - Boiling point
situations. - Specific gravity
- Vapor pressure
The format of a Material Safety Data Sheet may vary but - Percent volatile
there is specific information that must be included in each - Vapor density
sheet. It is useful to review this information to increase - Evaporation rate
your ability to use a Material Safety Data Sheet. - Solubility in water
All Material Safety Data Sheets should include the - Appearance and odor
following information:
Section IV describes the fire and explosion hazard data for
Section I of the MSDS lists information identifying the the material. Based on the flash point and other fire and
manufacturer and the product. explosion data, the appropriate extinguishing agent for
Manufacturer's name, address and telephone number fires involving the material will be listed. Special
Number to call in case of emergency involving product procedures may also be listed.
Chemical name and synonyms Flash point
Trade name and synonyms Lower and upper explosive limits (LEL/UEL)
Chemical family and formula Extinguishing agent - water, dry chemical, foam, halon,
CAS# (Chemical Abstract Service) for pure materials etc.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards, toxic fumes
Section II describes the various hazardous ingredients
contained in the product, the percentages, and exposure Section V describes the known health hazards associated
limits when appropriate. All hazardous chemicals which with the material, applicable exposure limits and
comprise 1% or greater of the mixture will be identified. symptoms/health effects associated with overexposure.
Carcinogens will be listed if their concentrations are 0.1% This information will help the user and medical personnel
or greater. If a component is not listed, it has been recognize if an overexposure has occurred.
judged to be non-hazardous or is considered proprietary Threshold Limit Value
information by the manufacturer. The types of Effects of overexposure: headache, nausea, narcosis,
components that might be listed include: irritation, weakness, etc.

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Primary routes of exposure: inhalation, skin, ingestion Section IX describes handling and storage procedures to
Cancer or other special health hazards be taken with the material. Information may include
Emergency and first aid procedures for ingestion, statements, such as: keep container closed; store in a
inhalation and skin or eye contact cool, dry, well ventilated area; keep refrigerated (caution:
flammable solvents require a "flammable storage
Section VI describes reactivity data; that is, the material's refrigerator"); avoid exposure to sunlight; etc.
ability to react and release energy or heat under certain
conditions or when it comes in contact with certain Section X describes any special precautions or
substances. miscellaneous information regarding the material.
Stability: stable; unstable; conditions to avoid
Incompatibility: materials to avoid Manufacturers may withhold certain information as
Hazardous decomposition products proprietary (such as hazardous ingredients) on a Material
Hazardous polymerizations: conditions to avoid Safety Data Sheet if the information is considered a trade
Section VII gives instructions for the steps to be taken in
case of an accidental release or spill. The steps normally
include information on containment, evacuation
procedures and waste disposal as appropriate. The
statements on the Material Safety Data Sheet are very
general; more specific information is available from your
supervisor or the department chemical hygiene
officer/laboratory supervisor.
Steps to be taken in case material is released or spilled
Waste disposal methods

Section VIII describes the protective equipment for the

individual who might have to work with the substance.
This section normally describes worst case conditions;
therefore, the extent to which personal protective
equipment is required is task dependent. Contact your
supervisor or department Chemical Hygiene
Officer/Laboratory Supervisor for specific instructions if
you are unsure.
Respiratory equipment: dust mask; chemical cartridge
self-contained breathing apparatus
Ventilation: local; general; special
Protective gloves: type; fabrication material
Eye protection: goggles; face shield
Other protective equipment

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In the construction industry, there are a variety of The equipment itself must have specific safeguards and
requirements where fasteners are used on semi-hard or rigid restrictions to provide an adequate degree of safety at all
surfaces. One of the most effective methods of securing times. A lockable container shall be provided and kept with
fasteners to these materials is through the use of a powder- each tool. The words "POWDER-ACTUATED TOOL" shall
actuated tool. These tools are quite useful and perform a appear in plain sight on the outside of the container. The
wide range of tasks, but they require training, certification and following notice shall be attached on the inside of the cover of
extra care for use of these tools. the container:

This program is designed to review some of the basics of "WARNING-POWDER-ACTUATED TOOL TO BE USED
handling, storing and using this equipment, however, all tool ONLY BY A QUALIFIED OPERATOR AND TO BE KEPT
operators and instructors must follow their organization's UNDER LOCK AND KEY WHEN NOT IN USE"
policies and procedures and the manufacturer's
recommendations for these tools and equipment. Only those Additionally, each tool shall be supplied with the following:
powder-actuated tools that meet the design requirements of 1. Operator's instruction and service manual.
ANSI A10.3-1977 or local state approval codes may be used. 2. Power load and fastener chart.
The qualifications for becoming an operator depends upon 3. Tool inspection and service record.
current safety standards and each individual employer. 4. Service tools and accessories.

Generally, no one will be allowed to operate this equipment When using "pole tool assemblies", only those pole tool
without proper training, certification and who possess a valid assemblies that are approved shall be used. The tool shall be
operator's permit. During training and under the direct serviced and inspected for worn or damaged parts at regular
supervision of a qualified instructor, trainee operators may intervals as recommended by the tool manufacturer. Prior to
use the equipment as the tool being put back into use, all worn or damaged parts
part of the training process. shall be replaced by a qualified person. A record of this
inspection and service shall be noted and dated on the tool
The operators' cards/permits shall be issued either by inspection record.
qualified instructors who carry a valid, authorized instructor
card issued by the tool manufacturer or other authorizing Instruction manuals, maintenance tools and accessories
agencies. supplied with the tool shall be stored in the tool container when
not in use.
Qualified instructors shall be trained in accordance with the
training requirements established by either the tool Powder-actuated tools and power loads shall be locked in a
manufacturer or by the Powder Actuated Tool Manufacturers container and stored in a safe place when not in use and shall
Institute or PATMI. Certified instructors should have written be accessible only to authorized personnel.
documentation on file that the instructor is knowledgeable in Some of the limitations of use include the following:
the use, maintenance and repair of the tool and that their
instructions will cover all applicable OSHA safety orders and
rules pertaining to this equipment. In some states, no one
under the age of 18 is permitted to operate this equipment.

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The tool shall not be used in an explosive or flammable CAUTION - POWDER-ACTUATED TOOL IN USE
atmosphere. A loaded tool shall never be left unattended.
Fasteners shall not be driven into very hard or brittle These signs may be removed when tools are no longer being
materials including, but not limited to, cast iron, glazed tile, used in this area.
hardened steel, glass block, natural rock, hollow tile or most Each person using these tools must refer to the power load
brick. Fasteners shall not be driven into easily penetrated or charts. Cased power loads shall be coded to identify power
thin materials or materials of questionable resistance unless load levels by case color and power load color, as specified in
backed by a material that will prevent the fastener from these approved charts. Caseless power loads shall be coded
passing completely through the other side. Fasteners shall to identify power load levels by power load color as specified in
not be driven closer than 1/2 inch or 13 millimeters from the the chart and by configuration. Power load packages shall
edge of steel except for specific applications recommended provide a visual number and color indication of the power level
by the tool manufacturer. Fasteners shall not be driven of the power load. A typical chart looks like this. (show
closed than 3 inches or 76 millimeters from the unsupported graphic). Power level 1 would have a brass case color, a load
edge of masonry materials except for specific applications color of gray, with nominal velocity speeds.
recommended by the tool manufacturer. Fasteners shall not As you can see by all the specific rules and limitations, you
be driven into concrete unless material thickness is at least really have to know what you're doing to operate one of these
three times the fastener shank penetration. Fasteners shall tools. These tools are safe to use, if you use them safely and
not be driven into any spalled area. Fasteners shall not be follow the tool manufacturer guidelines and your company's
driven through existing holes unless a specific guide means, policies
as recommended and supplied by the tool manufacturer is and procedures. You just can't take short cuts or violate safety
used to assure positive alignment. rules with this equipment.

Some additional requirements for the use of the equipment If you're a powder actuated tool operator, you'll be given more training
and will be properly authorized to use this equipment, but the most
include using the equipment only in accordance with the
important safety feature of the equipment is the person using it. Know
manufacturer's instructions. Eye or face protection to be worn
by operators and assistants when the tool is in use. Prior to and follow all the rules.... exactly. Don't try to invent your own rules. Use
extreme caution when handling the power loads and when loading and
use, the operator must inspect the tool to determine that it is
firing the tool. The red light should go on the minute you unlock the tool
in proper working condition in accordance with the testing
container because that's when it's mandatory to follow all rules and the
methods recommended by the manufacturer of the tool. Any
tool found not to be in working condition must be immediately tool manufacturer's recommendations. Safety won't slow you down, but it
makes a big difference in your professional use of the equipment...... and
removed from service, tagged "DEFECTIVE" and not used
for the safety of everyone around the tool when it's in use.
until it has been properly repaired. The shield, fixture,
adapter, or accessory suited for the application
recommended by the manufacturer and is supplied by the
manufacturer. We keep repeating manufacturer's
recommendations because they built the equipment, they
know it's limitations and the safe use of their equipment, so it
is important to learn their rules and follow them
shortcuts. Only those fasteners and power loads
recommended by the tool manufacturer for a particular tool,
or those providing the same level of safety and performance,
may be used. Tools must not be loaded until the tool is ready
to be fired. If the work is interrupted after loading, then the
tool shall be unloaded immediately.

Safety is the most important consideration, so never point

either a loaded or unloaded tool at any person. Hands and
feet must be kept clear of the open barrel end. The tool is
always to be held perpendicular to the work surface when
fastening into any material,
except for specific applications approved by the tool
manufacturer. In the event of a misfire, the operator must
hold the tool firmly against the work surface for a period of 30
seconds and then follow the instructions recommended by
the manufacturer for misfires.
When storing different power loads, power loads of different
power levels must be kept in separate compartments or

A sign at least 8 by 10 inches, or 20 by 25 centimeters, using

boldface type no less than one inch or 2.5 centimeters in
height, must be conspicuously posted within 50 feet or 15
meters of the area where the tools are being used. The sign
shall bear wording similar to the following:

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One of the most important aspects of crane operations and First, let's review the simple law of gravity. A stable load is one
lifting loads is the rigging. No matter how safe the crane and in which the center of gravity of the load is directly below the
all the equipment associated with lifting, rigging continues to main hook and below the lowest point of attachment of the
be a major part of crane operations and safety. Each of you slings. The center of gravity of an object is that point at which
who perform rigging duties are professional, experienced and the object will balance. The entire weight may be considered
fully understand the aspects of rigging safety, but this as concentrated at this point. Let's take a look at the center of
program is designed to review the basics, to make you more gravity on some loads. You can see where the center of
aware of the many safety aspects of rigging. After all, the gravity is on each different load. This tells you that odd sized
objective is to reduce and eliminate accidents and injuries loads all have varying centers of gravity and it also varies with
which are always tragic and costly. the types of slings used. As an example, we have an odd sized
load and we can guess where the center of gravity is located,
One of the most important, yet basic elements of rigging but until the load is lifted, you may not know exactly where that
safety is the hoisting triangle. The hoisting triangle consists of center of gravity is located. You would try to lift this load with
the crane, the operation of the crane and the rigging of the the hook over that point and then correct it by trial and error
load to the crane. until such time you found out the true center of gravity of this
particular load.
First, the crane must be in good condition, properly inspected
as required and generally in good, serviceable condition. Sling angles are critical in rigging safety, so let's quickly review
Professional crane operators are extremely aware of this some basic sling angles and why they are so important.
requirement. The second element is the knowledge and
operation of the crane. The operator must fully understand The rated capacities as given in the various sling catalogs and
the load charts, make sure the crane is set up properly, use tables are based on newly manufactured slings. As the sling is
of outriggers as necessary and must consider the radius, used, factors such as nicking, distortion, abrasion, corrosion
quadrants and operate the equipment to eliminate shock and and other factors of use will affect the load rating and must be
dynamic loading. The operator must take into account any given consideration when lifts are planned. Because slings can
potential hazards, such as overhead obstructions and be used at various angles and since rope stress increases
electrical lines, weather conditions and other hazards that rapidly with the angle of lift, therefore it is essential that this be
may impact upon the safe operation of the crane. The crane considered when ordering slings. The rated load capacity of
operator must also insist upon good signaling and the sling decreases sharply as the angle formed by the sling
communications. leg and the horizontal becomes smaller. Let's see how this
Finally, the individual attaching the load must know the
weight of the load and its center of gravity, allow for First, there's a two leg sling at a 90 degree angle, lifting a one
appropriate sling angles, and of course make sure all the thousand pound load. Each leg of the sling has 500 pounds of
rigging hardware is in good, serviceable and safe condition. stress or tension, thus the 1,000 pound load is supported by
When all three elements are functioning properly, you'll have two legs of the sling equally.
a safe lift.
If the two legs of the sling are formed at a 45 degree angle on
Since we're assuming the crane is in good, serviceable this 1,000 pound load, you can see that each sling leg has 707
condition and the crane operator is operating the crane in a pounds of stress or tension on each sling leg. When the angle
safe manner, let's take a look at some rigging responsibilities. is 45 degrees, the rated capacity has decreased to 71 percent
Knowledge of rigging is extremely critical because if you don't of the load that can be lifted when the legs are vertical.
understand sling angles, centers of gravity and other required Normally, sling angles should not exceed 45 degrees, except
information, it's difficult to rig the load properly. in special cases. If you lift the same one thousand pound load,
using two sling legs at an angle of 60 degrees, there is one

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thousand pounds of stress or tension on each leg of the sling. periodic inspection of alloy steel chain slings in use shall be
Even though the sling is lifting only one thousand pounds, made on a regular basis, to be determined on the basis of (A)
two thousand pounds of stress is placed on the sling, one frequency of sling use; (B) severity of service conditions; (C)
thousand pounds on each leg. Reduce the sling angle to 75 nature of lifts being made; and (D) experience gained on the
degrees and the stress on each leg of the sling is 1,932 service life of slings used in similar circumstances. Such
pounds. inspections shall in no event be at intervals greater than once
every 12 months. The employer shall make and maintain a
The most important thing to remember is that sling angles record of the most recent month in which each alloy steel
can seriously affect the safe lifting capacity of the load. Let's chain sling was thoroughly inspected, and shall make such
take another example, just to make the point: record available for examination.

You can see in this graphic, the working load with lifting Wire rope. The safe working loads of various sizes and
angles. This shows how the angle of the sling affects the classifications of improved plow steel wire rope and wire rope
working load limit. The chain in the vertical position can lift slings with various types of terminals are determined by the
the maximum working load limit of the chain. At a 60 degree manufacturer and are listed in approved rigging charts. For
angle, it's only 86 and one half the normal working load, 45 sizes, classifications, and grades not included, the safe
degree angle reduces it to 70 percent, a 30 degree sling working load recommended by the manufacturer for specific,
angle reduces it to 50 percent and at a 10 degree angle, the identifiable products shall be followed, provided that a safety
chain is reduced to only 17 and a half of the working load factor of not less than 5 is maintained. Protruding ends of
limit. That's quite a difference, for the same chain, the only strands in splices on slings and bridles shall be covered or
thing that changed was the angle of the sling. blunted. Wire rope shall not be secured by knots, except on
haul back lines on scrapers. When used for eye splices, the U-
Keep in mind that each size chain, wire rope, fiber rope and bolt shall be applied so that the "U" section is in contact with
synthetic sling each have different load capacities, plus the the dead end of the rope. Slings shall not be shortened with
restriction of the sling angles imposed upon these rigging knots or bolts or other makeshift devices. Sling legs shall not
devices. be kinked. Slings used in a basket hitch shall have the loads
balanced to prevent slippage. Slings shall be padded or
Let's now take a look at some basic rules regarding rigging protected from the sharp edges of their loads. Hands or fingers
and rigging equipment. Rigging equipment for material shall not be placed between the sling and its load while the
handling shall be inspected prior to use on each shift and as sling is being tightened around the load. Shock loading is
necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe. Defective prohibited. A sling shall not be pulled from under a load when
rigging equipment shall be removed from service. Rigging the load is resting on the sling. End attachments. Welding of
equipment shall not be loaded in excess of its end attachments, except covers to thimbles, shall be
recommended safe working load. Rigging equipment, when performed prior to the assembly of the sling. All welded end
not in use, shall be removed from the immediate work area attachments shall not be used unless proof tested by the
so as not to present a hazard to employees. Special custom manufacturer or equivalent entity at twice their rated capacity
design grabs, hooks, clamps, or other lifting accessories, for prior to initial use. The employer shall retain a certificate of the
such units as modular panels, prefabricated structures and proof test, and make it available for examination. There are a
similar materials, shall be marked to indicate the safe working wide variety of inspection techniques and inspection standards
loads and shall be proof-tested prior to use to 125 percent of for different types of rigging equipment, such as manila ropes,
their rated load. Inspections. Each day before being used, the fiber ropes, synthetic materials and others, but it's up to each
sling and all fastenings and attachments shall be inspected professional to follow your company's procedures when using
for damage or defects by a competent person designated by these rigging devices and materials. The condition of the
the employer. Additional inspections shall be performed crane, the safe operation of the crane and rigger and of
during sling use, where service conditions warrant. Damaged course, the rigging equipment all combine into a safe lift.
or defective slings shall be immediately removed from Visual inspections of rigging equipment before each lift will
service. help make your job easier and much safer.
Remembering and applying safe sling angles to every load will make the
Alloy steel chains. Welded alloy steel chain slings shall have lift safer. There's a lot to rigging. It takes experience, expertise,
permanently affixed durable identification stating size, grade, knowledge and effort to be a safe rigger, but it's an important
rated capacity, and sling manufacturer. Hooks, rings, oblong responsibility. Be on the safe side and work to make your job a safe and
links, pear-shaped links, welded or mechanical coupling links, rewarding one
or other attachments, when used with alloy steel chains, shall
have a rated capacity at least equal to that of the chain.
Job or shop hooks and links, or makeshift fasteners, formed from bolts,
rods, etc., or other such attachments, shall not be used. Whenever
wear at any point of any chain link exceeds the maximum allowable
wear at any point of the link, according to approved rigging charts, or
the manufacturer, the assembly shall be removed from service. Visual
inspections. Chain slings should be inspected before every lift. Never
assume the chain is in serviceable condition as damage can occur
between lifts, especially if the sling is left on the ground. During the
visual inspection, the rigger can check for stretched, bent, worn or
gouged links. Significantly stretched links will have an hourglass shape
and the links will tend to bind on each other. Multi-leg slings can be
hung on a hook to check that all legs are the same length. A thorough.

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The most common accident involving scaffolds is must not extend more than 18 inches or less than
a fall to a lower level. That's quite obvious, since six inches beyond the supports. If the planks
the purpose of erecting scaffolds is to provide a extend more than 18 inches, you run the risk of
safe place to work when you must work at a walking on unsupported ends. The minimum six
height above ground level. This short training inch extension is necessary to keep the plank
program is designed to review some of the from slipping off the support under pressure. For
basics of scaffolds and how to properly use this your protection, elevated working platforms must
equipment. Keep in mind that each state has be surrounded on all open sides and ends with
different rules, regulations and standards and it's guardrailing, which consists of a top rail,
up to you to intermediate rail and
determine the exact scaffold requirements in the toeboard.
state where you're located and working. This
short program does not list all hazards or safety Although many codes only require such
measures of scaffolds, it's simply an overview of scaffolding and guardrailing over ten feet high, for
some basics, to help make you more aware of your safety it should always be provided, after all,
safety around scaffolds. you can be severely injured by a four or five foot
fall. Let's take a look at guardrailing, as
Always follow your company rules and guardrailing must be properly constructed. The
regulations when working with or using scaffolds. top rail should be at least 2 x 4 lumber or the
Any scaffold must be constructed to safely equivalent. It must be at least 3 and a half feet
support a weight four times the maximum high. Intermediate rails should be made from 1 x 6
intended load. For example, a scaffold normally lumber or its
expected to hold a 200 pound man and equivalent and installed approximately half way
his twenty pounds of material should be between the top rail and the platform surface. The
designed to support 880 pounds without toeboard should be at least four inches high and if
breaking. To be on the safe side, you should necessary, a screen or paneling should extend
never load a scaffold beyond the maximum along the entire opening between the toeboard
intended weight. Always inspect the scaffold. and the intermediate or top rail to prevent
Make sure the planks are laid with their edges materials stacked higher than the toeboard, such
close together so no tools or materials can slip as bricks, from being knocked off the scaffold and
through and strike someone below. Plank ends striking people below. To make sure the scaffold
must be overlapped at least twelve inches or is rigid, space support posts for guardrailing
nailed, so the planks will not move when you should not be more than 8 feet apart.
walk on them. Cleating both ends also prevents
sliding. Scaffold planks

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If workers are exposed to falling objects, Rolling scaffolds are similar to built up scaffolds
overhead protection must be provided. Of except they are wheel mounted. They have the
course, powerlines near scaffolds are same safety requirements, plus a few additional make sure the power company ones. To prevent tipping, the maximum work
has shut off the electricity before a scaffold is height of a rolling scaffold must not be more than
erected where a worker might come in contact 4 times the smallest dimension of its base. When
with the lines. Even safely constructed scaffolds this requirement cannot be met, either use
are hazardous if they are not used correctly. suitable outrigger frames to enlarge the base, or
When hoisting materials onto a scaffold, attach a brace the scaffold. Rolling scaffold wheels must
tag line to safely control the load and keep it from have a lock to prevent unexpected movement.
swinging and striking someone or damaging the Never move the scaffold with anyone on the
scaffold. Naturally, keep the work platform clear scaffold.
of tools, materials, and debris which could cause Suspended scaffolds, such as those used in office building
tripping hazards. Do not work on scaffolds which
construction, carry a working platform on ropes secured to
are covered with ice and snow....slipping hazard
outrigger beams thrust out from the building. There are
is too great. Proper scaffold maintenance is light duty, medium duty and heavy duty scaffolds, each
important also. Check metal on scaffolds for rust,
designed for a specific requirement and use. Always
which, if left untreated, can weaken the structure.
follow your company's policies and procedures when
Do not use damaged parts. If a scaffold is erecting, using, handling or working on scaffolds. There
damaged in any way...don't use it until it's
have been many fatalities, serious injuries related to
repaired or replaced.
poorly constructed scaffolds, overloading, improper use of
scaffolds and in general, not following proper procedures.
The most common types of scaffolds are built up
scaffolds, rolling scaffolds and suspended There's no reason to take short's simply asking
for an accident. When your using scaffolds, take the time
scaffolds. Built up scaffolds are made of wood or
to work and act safely because your life really does
metal supports and are built up higher as the
work progresses. In all built up scaffolds, the depend upon how well you follow the rules.
vertical members must
be straight up and down and the horizontal
members completely level. If the scaffold tilts
noticeably it might collapse if it is unevenly
loaded. Cross bracing or diagonal bracing or
both will keep the scaffold erect, level and rigid.
Again, make sure the footing and anchorage for
built up scaffolds are sound, rigid and strong
enough to support four times the maximum
intended load.

Never allow unstable objects such as barrels,

boxes, loose bricks or concrete blocks to be used
as support for scaffolds or planks. As a means
for additional safety, built up scaffolds should be
secured to the building or structure at least every
30 feet horizontally and every twenty six feet
vertically, by heavy wire, brackets or the
equivalent. A ladder must be provided to give
you safe access to the scaffold platform.

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As a Construction Industry Contractor, it's important for There are additional requirements, but the most important
you and all employees on the jobsite to work and act thing to remember is each employee must be properly
safely. It's a responsibility. trained for the job they are performing, each company
must have the proper safety programs and documentation
Regardless of your job, your trade or your relationship required by OSHA, the General Contractor and other state
with the General Contractor, or other contractors working or local governing bodies, including excavation and
on the job site, there are basic safety rules that must be trenching permits. A drug and alcohol free work
followed at all times. Each company or contractor has the environment is essential for the safety and health of all
responsibility to make sure all employees follow safety employees on the job site. Right now, let's review some of
and health rules and any specific or special rules of the the basic safety rules or safe work practices expected of
jobsite. all companies and employees on the job site, although this
list is certainly not intended to be the only safety and
Each contractor should have a written Injury and Illness health rules on the job. Each contractor or trade may have
Prevention Plan for employees that documents the job more stringent rules for safety compliance.
safety and health requirements and to make sure all
employees are trained in these requirements. Employee Generally, all persons shall follow safe work practices,
safety training, regardless of job experience is render every possible aid to safe operations and report all
mandatory. General safe work practices are important, as unsafe conditions or practices to their foreman or site
is specific training for those jobs with potential special superintendent so they can be corrected. Foremen or
hazards, such as crane operation, powder actuated tools, supervisors shall insist on employees observing and
welding, grinding or other specific type jobs. Each obeying every applicable company, state or federal
employer on the job site is responsible for all training regulation and order as is necessary to the safe conduct
documentation, OSHA recordkeeping and other required of the work and shall take such action as is necessary to
documentation. All employers on a job site are obtain compliance.
responsible for a written and properly implemented
Hazard Communications program, which includes All employees shall be provided frequent accident
Material Safety Data Sheets for each chemical on the prevention training at least every 10 working days. Anyone
worksite. known to be under the influence of drugs or intoxicating
substances which impair the employee's ability to safely
In addition to appropriate worker compensation and perform the assigned duties shall not be allowed on the
liability coverages for all employees, it's important that job while in that condition. Horseplay, scuffling and other
adequate first aid supplies and trained persons be acts which tend to have an adverse influence on the
available. Emergency telephone numbers for fire, police safety or well being of employees shall be prohibited.
and paramedics should be maintained by all work site Work shall be well planned and supervised to prevent
employers. injuries in the handling of materials and in working with
equipment. Anyone working with any type of equipment

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must be properly trained in the safe use of that Appropriate personal protection is required for all jobs
equipment. No one should knowingly be permitted or requiring the use of this type of equipment. Inappropriate
required to work while the employees ability or alertness footwear or shoes with thin or badly worn soles must not
is so impaired by fatigue, illness or other causes that they be worn. Loose or frayed clothing, long hair, dangling ties,
might unnecessarily expose the employee or others to finger rings and other potentially hazardous materials shall
injury. Employees shall not enter manholes, underground not be worn around moving machinery or other areas
vaults, chambers, tanks, silos, or other similar places that where they may become entangled. Machinery shall not
receive little ventilation unless it has been determined be serviced, repaired or adjusted while in operation, nor
that it is safe to enter. Anyone entering confined spaces shall oiling of moving parts be attempted, except on
must be properly trained and comply with confined space equipment that is designed or fitted with safeguards to
entry rules before entry. protect the person performing the work. Where
appropriate, lockout/tagout procedures shall be used.
When any trenching or shoring operations are in effect, Employees shall not work under vehicles supported by
no one shall enter any trench unless it is properly jacks or chain hoists without protective blocking that will
supervised by a competent person, all trenching and prevent injury if jacks or hoists should fail. Air hoses shall
shoring operations are done in the proper manner and not be disconnected at compressors until the hose line
that no one shall enter a trench unless it is properly has been bled. All excavations shall be visually inspected
shored or sloped according to appropriate OSHA before backfilling to ensure that it is safe to backfill and
regulations. that no one is in or near the excavation while backfilling.
Excavating equipment shall not be operated near tops of
Work shall be arranged so employees are able to face a cuts, banks or cliffs if employees are working below.
ladder and use both hands while climbing up or down Tractors, bulldozers, scrapers and carryalls shall not
ladders. Straight ladders must have at least 36 inches of operate where there is a possibility of overturning in
the ladder extending beyond the landing to assist dangerous areas like edges of deep fills, cut banks and
employees in safely getting on or off the landing. Only steep slopes.
those ladders that meet OSHA specifications may be
used on any jobsite. Any damage to scaffolds, falsework, As you can see, these are simple and basic safety rules.
or other supporting structures shall be immediately We did not list all potential hazards or requirements in this
reported to the foreman or superintendent and repaired program, as it's up to each contractor/employer to know
or replaced before use. and understand safety and health requirements for the
worksite. A safe attitude among all employees on the job
No burning, welding or other source of ignition shall be site is extremely critical. If everyone is properly trained
applied to any enclosed tank or vessel, even if there are and performs their jobs in a safe and healthful manner,
some openings, until it has first been determined that no injuries and illnesses can be prevented. Employees
possibility of explosion exists and authority for the work is should be instructed to report all injuries when they occur,
obtained from the foreman or superintendent. so proper medical treatment can be provided if necessary
and all incidences can be properly investigated. In the
Only appropriate tools for each job will be used. All tools construction industry, each contractor and each employee
and equipment shall be maintained in good condition. is responsible for job safety and health. Proper safe work
Damaged tools or equipment shall be removed from practices and performing the job safely is what it's all
service and tagged defective and not used until repaired about. Think about the job, think about safety and if you
or replaced. Portable electric tools shall not be lifted or have any questions about your responsibility, ask
lowered by means of the power cord, however, they can questions because safety and health on the job is too
be lifted with ropes. Electric cords shall not be exposed to important to be left unanswered.
damage from vehicles. Workers shall not handle or
tamper with any electrical equipment, machinery, or air or
water lines in a manner not within the scope of their
duties, unless they have received proper training and
instructions from their foreman. Only trained and
authorized persons shall operate machinery or
equipment. Gasoline shall not be used for cleaning
purposes. Employees shall cleanse themselves
thoroughly after handling hazardous substances and
follow special instructions from authorized sources.

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Polyester webbing slings are used whenever acid conditions
are present or a minimum of stretch is desired. Polyester is
unaffected by common acids and hot bleaching agents. It's not
suitable for use with concentrated sulfuric acids, alkaline or at
temperatures in excess of 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Stretch at
rated capacity is approximately 3 percent. Synthetic slings
should never be used at temperatures in excess of 180
degrees Fahrenheit.

Nylon and polyester slings are adversely affected by prolonged

exposure to sources of ultraviolet light, such as sunlight and
arc welding. When not in use, slings should be stored in a
cool, dry and dark place to prevent damage. Metal chips, weld
spatter or heavy grit can damage a synthetic sling both
internally and externally. Nylon slings should never be
exposed or used where acid conditions exist.
Polyester slings should never be used where alkalis or caustic
conditions exist. Slings incorporating aluminum fittings should not be
used where fumes, vapors, sprays, mists or liquids of acids or
caustics are present.

In 1992, a lineman was killed. He died as a result of blunt

trauma of the chest and abdomen when a synthetic sling, Another factor is wear. Wear protection is mandatory on those
DAMAGED PRIOR TO USE, failed. His death, like so many slings, which are subject to sharp edges and abrasive
accidental deaths, could have been prevented. surfaces. Keep in mind, the edge of materials need not be
razor sharp to damage synthetic slings. Wear protection
We can use this incident to help sling users believe that assures an economical and safe, useful life, but it has to be
damaged slings can and will injure or kill. It's unfortunate that used to do any good. Edges in contact with the sling must be
we now have this example to help emphasize the necessary padded with material of sufficient thickness to prevent damage
aspects of our program, to help scare sling users to life. At to the sling. Sleeves cover both sides of the sling and can be
least, in this sense, the ultimate sacrifice paid can have some shifted to a specific location
positive effect for sling users. Our goal is accident prevention
through education. If together we prevent just one incident, When the load is lifted, the sleeve stays positioned and allows
then we have accomplished something great. the sling to stretch through it. The sleeve can be re-positioned
for quick and easy inspection of the sling. Generally, sleeves
Failure to follow proper use, care and inspection criteria could are available in four different constructions, such as cordura,
result in severe personal injury or death. heavy duty nylon, leather and neoprene. An edge wrap is a
strip of cordura or leather which is sewn around the edge of
SAFE USE/HANDLING AND THE SLING ENVIRONMENT the sling. This form of protection is necessary in applications
Let's now discuss other major factors in the safe use and where excessive edge wear and damage occur. Wear pads
handling of synthetic slings. One important consideration is are sewn to the sling for protection in critical wear areas.
the sling's environment. That's right, the environment. It's These pads can be sewn at any location, in single or multiple
important to select a sling that has the proper characteristics, layers and can be attached to one or both sides of the sling.
making the sling compatible with its environment. The time to
review these environmental considerations is BEFORE you Leather wear pads in excess of 5 feet are not recommended.
purchase the sling. Keep in mind that chemicals, heat, light The body wrap protection is similar to the sleeve, but is sewn
and water do affect synthetic slings. to the sling body and protects not only the sling body, but
edges of the sling as well.
Concentrated acid or caustic solutions are clearly dangerous
to synthetic slings. Nylon and polyester are ideal materials for Ok, continuing on with additional safety features, each
slings because they offer resistance to a wide range of manufacturer has safety features automatically built in to
chemicals. You'll have to refer to the manufacturer's chart for synthetic slings. Some manufacturers do, some do not, so it's
specific chemical agents, but just keep in mind that certain up to you to determine which manufacturers provide these
chemicals do react with synthetic slings, so it's an important additional safety features. This manufacturer has the following
factor for you to know and understand when selecting the safety features built in, so you don't have to order them with
proper sling. your slings....they come automatically.
The RED CORE SAFETY YARN. This webbing has inner load
Generally, nylon webbing slings are popular general purpose bearing yarns that carry over 70 percent of the load. Woven into this
synthetic webbing slings are unaffected by grease and oil. layer are red core safety yarns, which become visible as the
They have good chemical resistance to aldehydes, ethers protective outer cover is worn away. The exposure of these yarns
and some alkalis, but are not suitable for use with acids and provides the sling user with a signal to remove the sling from
bleaching agents or at temperatures in excess of 180 service. In some applications, slings become extremely dirty,
degrees Fahrenheit. The stretch of a nylon webbing sling is making it difficult to see the red yarns.
approximately 6 percent at the rated capacity.

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BRANDED LEATHER TAGS. A heavy duty leather tag is With a basket hitch, the sling cradles the load while both eyes
sewn to each sling of this manufacturer. All the necessary are attached overhead.
information required by the various regulatory agencies is One of the most important parts of selecting a sling to handle a
hot-branded into genuine leather, resulting in the most given load, always consider the sling to hook angle. Slings
durable tag available. Custom tags reflecting information that having adequate capacity to lift a given load have actually
you may require can also be attached for a nominal charge. been broken because of an excessive sling to hook angle.
In addition to the leather tag, a supplemental warning label is
attached. This tag contains valuable information for the sling As the angle increases, the stress to which the sling is
user. The combination of these two tags provide the sling subjected to also increases and the capacity of the sling is
user with the most complete and descriptive tags available. reduced. A sling to hook angle is the angle that is formed
between the sling leg and an imaginary line that would split the
EYE WEAR PADS are sewn to the bearing point of the sling load into two equal halves. You can look at it this way.
eyes. This is a critical wear area and this attachment helps to Suppose you were carrying two buckets of sand, holding the
increase the life cycle of the sling. Again, these are additional bucket in the vertical position. If you stretch your arms out
safety features of this particular manufacturer. Before towards the horizontal, the stress increases. Could you hold
purchasing any synthetic sling, be sure you understand all the two buckets better at your side or vertical, are could you
the safety features of your sling. Safety is too important not to hold the buckets with less stress in the horizontal? That's what
ask questions. we're talking about in sling angles.

Everyone knows that sling inspection is a very important part Let's look at a sling to hook angle for a basket hitch. Here we
of your sling safety program. Each company must adopt their have a zero degree angle, with the rated capacity of the sling
own inspection criteria and program, based upon your at 1,000 pounds. At a zero degree angle the loss factor is one,
company's requirements and adherence to Federal or other therefore the actual sling angle is 1000 pounds. We multiplied
safety regulations. 1,000 pounds times one, which came to one thousand. If you
Many companies use a three stage inspection program. have a 30 degree sling to hook angle, the loss factor is point
866. We multiply one thousand times point 866 and find the
STAGE ONE, or initial inspection. This inspection is done at capacity of a thousand pound sling is actually 866 pounds.
the time the product is first received to insure that damage
has not occurred during shipping. Also verify that the goods A 45 degree angle has a loss factor of point 707, which
are in compliance with the specifications of not only your equates to only a 707 pound capacity. A 60 degree angle
purchase order, but also comply with the specifications of the reduces this thousand pound sling capacity to only 500 pounds
manufacturer. because the loss factor here is point 500. The point we're
trying to make is that just because your sling's rated capacity is
STAGE TWO, or frequent inspections. This level of one thousand pounds, doesn't necessarily mean you can
inspection should be done by the person handling the sling, safely lift one thousand pounds. It depends upon the sling to
each and every time the sling is used. The entire sling should hook angle. The sling to hook angle is the angle formed
be thoroughly examined for defects and discarded, if unsafe. between the sling leg and an imaginary line that would split the
Federal OSHA stipulates that "each day before being used, load into two equal halves. If you're not sure about sling
the sling and all fastening and attachments shall be inspected angles, or rated capacities, be sure to ask your supervisor.
for damage and defects by a competent person designated Don't take chances or guess.
by the employer". A person using a sling should inspect the
sling before every use. Many things can happen during the On the choker hitch, the sling passes through one eye around
day to create an unsafe condition, so it's best to inspect the the load. The other eye is free to be placed on the hook. The
sling every time you use it. If any damages, such as the choker hitch is 40 percent of the basket hitch capacity. On the
following, are visible, the sling should be removed from vertical hitch, one eye is on the hook, while the other eye is
service immediately: Acid damage, abrasion damage, attached directly to the load. Use a tagline to prevent load
damaged eye, snags and punctures, tensile break, melting rotation and sling damage on this type of hitch. The vertical
and charring, broken stitching, knots, inferior tag or cuts. hitch is 50 percent of that in a basket hitch.
Don't take chances.
Let's examine a choker hitch and how the angle will change as
STAGE THREE, or periodic inspections. The periodic level of we change angles of the choke. Whenever a choker hitch
inspection should be done by designated personnel at regular results in an angle of choke that is less than 120 degrees, the
intervals. The interval should be determined by the frequency rated capacity must be adjusted. Simply multiply the choke
of use and by the severity of the service cycle. The condition hitch rated capacity by the appropriate loss factor to determine
of each sling must be recorded at this time and upon each the sling's reduced capacity.
subsequent inspection and permanent records must be
maintained. Documentation of sling inspections is very
Keep in mind, it is your explicit responsibility to consider all risk factors
prior to using any rigging device or product. Read and understand this
SLING HITCHES. You must always verify actual load weight
information before using synthetic webbing products and follow all local,
before using any type of sling and remember that stress
state and federal regulations and guidelines.
imposed upon sling legs also applies to pairs of vertical slings
above the load. Slings carry their loads in one of three Use by untrained persons is hazardous. Improper use will result in
serious injury or death. Do not exceed rated capacities. Webbing slings
hitches. The capacity of the sling is affected by the hitch that
and products will fail if damaged, abused, misused, overused or
is used. Most slings can be used in all three hitches, but
some are designed for use in only one hitch. The capacity in improperly maintained. One of the most important safety factors when
a vertical hitch is 50 percent of that in a basket hitch. using webbed products is you. It's your knowledge, good judgment and
proper application of all safety procedures that make synthetic slings
Capacity in the choker hitch is 40 percent of the basket hitch
safe. The manufacturer has done its part, it's up to you to do the
capacity. Let's take a look at each of these hitches.

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Best Practices
• A safety harness attached to a lifeline should
always be used when persons enter silos,
hoppers or surge piles. A second person should
constantly adjust the lifeline to eliminate slack.

• Safe access should be provided and maintained

METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY – to all working places.

On January 27, 1999, a 51-year-old co-owner of a • Silos should be equipped with mechanical devices
contracting firm with 10 years contracting experience was or other effective means of handling material so
fatally injured at a cement plant. His crew had been persons are not required to work where they are
removing old cement which had built up inside the exposed to entrapment by sliding material.
storage silos. The victim entered the silo and stood on
crusted cement while attempting to remove material from • Mine operators should take measures to assure
the wall. He was not using a safety belt attached to a that contractors follow basic safe work practices.
lifeline and was buried by material which slid down and
engulfed him

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• Trenching operations account for many injuries.

Accidents can happen to workers in trenches, to other • When workers are working on hard surface roads where
workers as a result of excavated materials, and to a flow of traffic is being maintained, it is important that
workers working in the vicinity of trenches. small stones be removed off the road. Stones are
sometimes thrown with great speed by the tires of passing
• As is the case with most accident situations, a few cars and can cause serious accidents.
simple precautions take most of the risk out of trench
construction. • Broken arms and legs and other injuries can result when
workers fall into construction trenches. They result
• First of all, workers in trenches must have hard hats because workers fail to look where they are going when
and should wear sturdy shoes. they walk too close to the edge or when they attempt to
leap across the trench.
• Workers should be safely spaced out in a trench unless
there is a necessity of working together. They should also • Rocks and tools thrown near the edge are not only a
stay out of the immediate area of excavating equipment hazard to workers in the trenches but can cause falls into
and not work ahead of the shoring. the trench by men walking on the surface.

• Workers are sometimes injured by slides of earth or • Use extra care in venturing near the edges of trenches
rock into the trench in which they are working. All and other excavations when the weather is bad and there
excavated materials should be placed a safe distance are icy or muddy conditions.
back from the edge of the trench. Workers should check
with their supervisor for instructions as to how far back
material should be placed.

• Even when this is done, large heavy objects can roll or

slide down the incline and into the trench. Tools and
rocks should either be placed on the outer slope of the
excavated materials or else on the other side of the
trench if the surface is flat.

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Find out where utility mains (water, gas, electricity) Keep electrical cords in good condition and out of the
involved with your work are and where the emergency water.
shut offs are. Make sure all utilities are field located
before you begin work. Make personally sure that the power is off before cutting
any electrical line.
Test all confined spaces for toxic and deadly gases,
flammable vapors, and oxygen deficiency before each Anticipate equipment contacting overhead power lines.
Make personally sure that gas mains have been shut off,
Make sure that trenches are properly sloped or shored or located and adequately protected, before working near
and that there is someone readily available who can get them.
help; even trenches in "solid rock" have caved in.
Be sure that your trench has the proper emergency exits
Be aware that vibrations from equipment or nearby traffic at the proper spacings.
can "liquefy" soil and cause cave-ins. Think. No one knows the hazards of your job better than
Make certain that pipe is properly stored and handled;
rolling pipe kills.

Know what to do and who to contact in case of

emergency; keep emergency telephone numbers where
you can find them.

Be alert when working near heavy equipment; the

operator might not see you.

Wear your personal protective equipment.

Make sure that saws and other equipment have their

proper guards in place.

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A few years ago the National Safety Council made a A bright color to make the man in the water easy to spot.
study of work-connected drowning. They found that about
600 of these accidents were occurring every year. They These goals are met in the work vests we have provided
also discovered that about half of the victims were for your use. However, your help is needed if the vests are
unconscious when they hit the water and that only about going to make our work safer. First, the harness has to be
one out of a hundred was wearing a life jacket. When fitted for comfort, loose enough to give you room to work
workmen were asked about these accidents they and move, but tight enough so that it won't slip off.
reported that life jackets were available but they were not Second, it has to be fastened or it will not turn you face up
being worn because they were difficult to put on, were and may slip off when you need it most. Finally and most
hot and uncomfortable, and they restricted movement. important, it has to be worn whenever you are over or
near the water.
As a result of all this, the modern work vest was designed
for work around water. The goals which the designers QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:
aimed for were there! 1. On which of our locations and operations are work
vests needed?
A harness that is comfortable and easy to adjust but will 2. What adjustments can be made to make our vests
not allow the vest to slip off even when a man hits the comfortable to wear without making them unsafe?
water feet first.

Quick release fastenings for ease and speed in getting in

and out of the vest.

Minimum interference for working and moving around.

A design that will turn an unconscious man face up in the


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Electrical Fatality
Some points to remember:
A laborer recendy died because of an electrical shock he
received while using an ungrounded drill. In this case, the - Make sure, not only that the electrical equipment is
shock didn't kill him, but it did cause him to lose his grounded, but also that the electrical service is grounded.
balance and he fell from a 20 foot scaffold and hit his
head on a slab of concrete. - Don't use electrical tools that do not have a grounded
Shock Injuries
- Don't use electrical tools while standing on or in contact
Every year people die or are injured from electrical with metal ladders or work platforms.
shocks. You can receive an electrical shock anydme oart
of vour botv comes into contact with an electrical source. - Inspect flexible electrical cords and connections for
If it does, vou can eet hurt in three ways: damage before you use the equipment.

- From nerve shock which could cause your lungs or - Don't perform work on or close to energized electrical
heart to stop. equipment unless the power is locked out and you are
- From the heating effect of the current which can cause qualified to do this type of work.
severe burns.
- If you see defecdve electrical tools or service cords, take
- From secondary injury caused from normal body them out of service and report them at once.
reaction to the shock. If you touch something that is hot
or gives you a jolt, your body may move back - Be alert for the electrical hazards that others may create
involuntarily. This could hurt if you are on a ladder. for themselves and you. If you see hazards, let me know
If you are standing on a dry, clean, nonmetallic floor, about them.
chances are that you wi11 have enough resistance and
shouldn't get a severe shock. But you can never tell
whether the work area or floor is sufficiently clean and
free of conduedve objects, like nails or metal scrap.
If your work surface is wet or covered with metallic
objects, and if you are sweaty, your body resistance may
be so low that a shock as low as 30 volts could kill you.
The only effective way to minimize shocks is to keep
electrical equipment in good condition so that live current
is fully contained:

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Electrical safety in today's modern and Inspect it for frayed, cracked or cut cables, loose
technological environment is extremely fittings on plugs and if a ground prong is required
important. Everywhere you go, machines, on the plug, it must be functioning properly. Let's
computers, tools, household items, everything quickly explain what this ground prong does.
runs on electricity. If electricity is properly
controlled, it's very useful, but if you don't treat it On normal 110 volt equipment, there are three
with respect and follow the rules, it's very wires inside the cable. One is the hot wire, one is
dangerous. neutral and one is ground. The hot and neutral
move electricity along the cable to provide the
Electrical shock injuries are less severe when the energy from the source to the tool. The third wire,
current does not pass through or near nerve or ground is there in case of a short or
centers or vital organs. The majority of electrical malfunction. If this occurs, the electricity then
injuries in industry, the electrical current flows goes to ground, which means the electricity is
from hands to feet. Since such a path involves transferred to this ground wire back to earth or
both the heart and the lungs and are usually very ground. If this ground wire is missing, the
serious. electricity could flow through your body.

Another type of injury is burns from electrical If you're using a grounded type tool and the
flashes. These burns are usually very deep and ground prong is missing, you have no electrical
are slow to heal and can involve large areas of protection in case something happens.
the body. Even persons at a reasonable distance Inspect your tools and equipment to make sure all the
from the arc can receive eye burns.
cables are in good condition and the ground prong is in
place and not missing. Don't use damaged electrical
Quite a few injuries result from falls from one
cords, plugs or equipment until it's been replaced or
level to another caused by the worker receiving a
shock from defective or malfunctioning repaired. Never try to repair electrical cords by wrapping
electrical tape around the cord. Frayed, cut or damaged
equipment. That's the down side of electricity, but
cords must be replaced or repaired by a trained and
learning how to properly use and handle
electricity will help reduce the risks. authorized electrician.

The first step is to never use damaged or

defective electrical tools or equipment. Tools and
equipment must be in good working condition,
with proper safeguards installed and working
properly. This means you must inspect your
equipment before using it.

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Another useful electrical tool is the DOUBLE On electrical panels, be sure all circuit breakers
INSULATED tool. The words DOUBLE are properly labeled. In an emergency, or in
INSULATED will appear on the manufacturer's normal maintenance, it's important to know what
identification plate and if it doesn't say double breaker controls what machine or other electrical
insulated, you need a ground prong on the tool's equipment. Naturally, if you're working on
plug. Double insulated means the inside of the electrical equipment, be sure the energy source is
tool is insulated, so if there is a short or locked out and tagged. By locking and tagging the
malfunction, the double insulation will provide energy source, this prevents someone from
adequate shock protection. If it's a double inadvertently turning on the power while your still
insulated tool, you'll only have the hot and working. It's happened many times before, but
neutral plug on the tool and won't need the three preventing accidents is the name of the game.
prong plug. Just be sure the manufacturer's plate
Receptacles used around water, such as those found near
states the tool is double insulated and if not, it's sinks and in construction industry use a device called a
not double insulated.
GFCI, or ground fault circuit interruptor. This device acts
Everyone knows that electricity and water don't
extremely fast, so if there is a malfunction of electrical
mix. Always keep your hands dry when using equipment, the electricity will be shut off before it can
electrical tools because sweat is water and can
reach the equipment, thus saving someone from an
create a serious unsafe condition.
electrical shock. We just mention this because in some
Naturally, don't stand in water when using cases, it may be advisable to use a ground fault circuit
electrical tools or use water fire extinguishers to
interruptor rather than relying upon other safety devices.
put out electrical fires. Water and electricity just
don't mix. Don't use a metal or aluminum ladder
when working around electricity because the
metal ladder is a good conductor of electricity
and if it contacts electricity, you can be

Ok, a few more tips on electrical safety. In

addition to keeping your equipment in good
condition, housekeeping is important.
Housekeeping to keep areas clear from electrical
panels and other electrical equipment. Don't
allow dust to accumulate near electrical
equipment because there are sparks inside
motors that could cause fires.
The same principal applies to flammables and
combustibles. Think about all the arcing and sparking
that goes on inside electrical switches, motors and
equipment and keep potential explosions and fires from
occurring through good housekeeping.

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What's so special about electrical safety? Millions The electricity is now gone and you won't get
of people use electricity everyday and it's not a another shock until you generate more electricity.
major problem. Why all the fanfare about That's static electricity. It can be generated in
electricity in the workplace? many ways, but for now, let's think of static
electricity as electrical charges.
That's a good question, so let's begin with some
basic understanding about electricity, then we'll How about those high voltage lines you see on
demonstrate the reasons all employees must use telephone poles? Ever wonder how birds can sit
extra caution when using electrical equipment on those lines without getting shocked, but if a
and appliances. human did that, they'd be in serious difficulty?
There are different types of electricity or electrical That's part of understanding what electricity is and
energy...........low voltage......high voltage....static how it works. Basically, a circuit consists of three
electricity.....alternating essential elements. One element is the source of
current....and so on. Static electricity is quite energy, This supplies the driving force or voltage
common because from time to time we to make the current flow. Next, we must have a
experience a shock from a walk across a carpet, user of electricity, such as a light bulb. Thirdly,
then touch a light switch or door knob. you must have transmission lines, or wires to
conduct the electricity. For current to flow, there
Static electricity originates when two different must be a complete or closed circuit. If the wire is
materials are brought together, such as the soles cut or disconnected somewhere, forming an open
of the shoes and the carpet, then they are circuit, charges will accumulate and stop the flow
separated. When the two materials are forced of current.
apart, two different kinds of electricity are type on the carpet, the other on The bird must be part of the electrical circuit and
the shoe soles. They attract each other, trying to there must be a continuous flow of many charges,
pull the shoe back to the carpet; attempting to not just a few to charge up the bird. A human
recombine. If the two types are not permitted to touching this same wire would probably be
recombine where first generated, and the person electrocuted because he would be grounded by
touches a door knob or light switch, the electricity the apparatus that
flows through the body, arm and finger to leave lifted him to this position, such as a crane. The
by the door knob or light switch. You can feel the electricity would flow from the wire, through the
shock as it leaves your body. body, to ground by way of the crane.

Electrical equipment has a lot of wiring to carry

electrical current, and naturally, wiring can
become loose or even broken during daily use.

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When this occurs, a potential shock hazard can but then it has a two prong plug on the other end,
be created. The largest prong on an electrical with a wire extending for a couple of inches.
plug is the grounding prong. Essentially, it's your
protection from shock in the event of a These must never be used because they offer no
malfunction or...A short in the equipment. If you safety protection at all. Supposedly, the short wire
were to follow this third prong wire back through is connected to an outlet where it will serve as a
the electrical outlet, it would lead to a ground. ground. If you notice this type of plug or adapter,
remove it and get rid of's dangerous.
Remember the guy on the crane? Electricity went
from the wire, through his body to ground. In the Naturally, liquids and electricity don't mix. Never
case of this grounded appliance, electrical use electrical equipment, when any part o f your
current will flow through this grounding prong, body is standing on or near fluids.
through the wire and go to ground, not through
your body. Electricity flows through the path of Make absolutely sure the electrical equipment you
least resistance. use is safe to use and it's being used in a safe
manner. Electrical safety is common sense and
Your body has quite a bit of resistance, the being aware of potential hazards. Generally, the
grounding wire has very little resistance. If there best advice is never place electrical cords where
is a choice, electricity will always flow through the they can be tripped over or receive excessive
ground wire and not your body. If there is no wear.
ground wire or other protection, electricity has no
option other than to flow through your body. Damage can occur inside the cords with rough
treatment. Keep cords away from heat and water
Electricity can also cause fires and explosions. or other liquids. Remove electrical plugs from the
Flammable agents and many other flammables wall receptacles by pulling on the plug, not the
found in work environments can be ignited by cord. Avoid kinking, crushing or binding cords.
electrical sparks and even static electricity. Inspect cords and cables frequently for wear,
especially at the plug and connectors. Use only
Alcohol, acetone, various preparations and safe, approved extension cords.
sprays that use these or other flammable
components, clothing, bedding, oils, greases, all Avoid overloading any electrical circuits. This
are suitable fuel for an unexpected fire. includes not using octopus adapters, which allow
you to plug in more appliances than is authorized
Now that you know why electrical safety is so on each receptacle. Extension cords must be of
important, what can you do to help prevent the same thickness and rating as that of the
electrical shock and other potential electrical equipment cord. Any questions regarding the
hazards? Remember the third prong on the plug? serviceability or safety of the equipment should be
The other two electrical blades on the plug are referred to management. Don't use any defective
for electrical current flow. We call this a ground electrical equipment if it becomes excessively
plug. There are two current carrying wires and warm or hot....have it checked out. Immediately
one grounding wire. Almost all equipment must unplug any equipment if it begins to smoke or
be protected by this system. The third prong is does not seem to work properly.
your protection, as long as the prong and wiring
are intact. If electrical equipment gives you a shock, no
matter how slight, ...unplug it and don't use it until
All electrical cords should be inspected its been repaired or replaced.
periodically to make certain that the ground wire
inside the system is properly connected and Have we left any important information out of this
each person using the equipment should always program? Probably......but the program is
inspect to make sure the prong is intact and that designed to make you aware of electrical safety,
all wiring is in good condition. Wiring or cables and how important it is for you to continue your
that are cracked, frayed, cut or damaged must be education and knowledge by knowing and
replaced. Inspect the understanding your organization's policies and
connections to your equipment. If you notice any procedures, being more aware about safety and
loose or worn parts, report it so it can be the safety of all employees.
corrected. Quite often , you'll find a cheater plug
on electrical equipment that has a special It's a worthwhile endeavor ..... and it does save
receptacle for inserting your three pronged plug, lives!!!

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Electrical shock kills and injures thousands of workers If your body is sweaty or damp, an oversensitive ground
each year. Most of these accidents happen because within it is created, which easily causes electrical shock.
people don't look, don't think or just don't understand the One way to keep the body's resistance high is to keep it
shocking power of electricity. dry, particularly the hands and feet, which might make the
contacts and be instrumental in compledag the circuit.
Voltage, current and resistance are the basic terms used This can be accomplished by wearing rubber gloves,
when talking about dectricity. Voltage is the force that boots and rubbers.
causes the current to flow. Current (amperage) refers to
the amount of dectricity that is flowing. Resistance Eflfects of electrical shock depend mainly on the total
denotes the restriedons that try to slow down or stop the amount of current flow and the path of the current through
flow. the victim's body. To prevent electrical shock, which can
cause several types of injuries, make sure that your body
Electrical shock can only occur when a part of the body cannot become part of the electrical flow and the path of
completes a circuit between a conductor and another the current.
conductor or a grounding source.
An important phase of electrical safety is knowing how to
Death or injury is not caused by the voltage; the damage help an electrical shock victim. First, stop the current
is done by the amount of current that flows through the flowing from the circuit through the victim's body, if it
body when the contact is made. Of course, the higher the hasn't already been done. Often, particularly in cases of
voltage, the greater the amount of current. Some people low voltage shock, victims are unable to pull away from
have survived shocks of several thousand volts, while the source of current. If the victim is still in contact with the
others have been killed by voltages as low as 12V. current, disconnect or de-energize the circuit, if possible. If
this cannot be accomplished, obtain a nonconduedve
The dry outer skin of the human body offers extremely item, such as dry clothing, dry rope or a dry sdek, and
high resistance to electrical flow. However, this remove the victim fram the cawirce af the cllrrent.
resistance is reduced to almost zero when the skin is
wet, especially if the skin is wet because of perspiradon. Then call or send for help. Next, check to see if the
victim's heart or breathing has stopped. Give the required
Electricity and proper grounding work together for safety. first aid undl professional help arrives.
A ground is a conduedag connecdon between an
electrical circuit or equipment and the earth, or to some
conducting body that serves in place of the earth.

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We use a lot of electricity for light and for power. It is a Here are some suggestions that will keep you safe
real lifesaver, for bad light and belt-driven machines were from electrical hazards:
man-killers in the days before industry went electric. But 1. If any electrical device near your work area sparks,
like any good thing—electricity can be deadly if it is overheats or smokes, don't try to repair it yourself. Shut it
misused. off and report it.
2. Stay away from all electrical switches, fuse boxes, or
You people aren't supposed to be electricians, and we other devices unless you have been authorized to handle
don't expect you to know how to handle electrical repairs. them and instructed in their use. Even if you think you
But there are a few facts about electricity you ought to understand them completely, it's better to remember the
know to guard yourselves against electrical shock. old saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
3. If you are authorized to replace fuses, follow the
The first thing is this—it isn't the amount of electricity in a operating instructions you've been given faithfully. An
circuit that makes the difference between life and death apparently harmless variation may be deadly. And never
to you. What makes the difference is the amount of bridge a fuse with a nail or other metal—the fuse is your
current that runs through the vital parts of your body. best safety device on any electrical circuit.
4. When you must use any electrical equipment (including
For instance, you can work around a machine powered portable electrical tools or extension lights) in a situation
by very heavy voltage with complete safety if you stay where there is a lot of moisture around or where you have
away from the energized connections, if the machine is to contact grounded metal (particularly water or heating
well grounded and properly protected by fuses. If you pipes) GET CLEARANCE FROM YOUR SUPERVISOR
must touch equipment, make sure your hands are dry FIRST. No equipment is foolproof, and if we try act like
and your feet are on dry floor. fools we can be hurt.

On the other hand, even the 110 volt power in your home Remember this rule—don't tackle any electrical job you
electric light circuit can kill if you contact it with wet hands haven't been assigned to, and don't do any electrical job
and are in contact with a ground return such as wet floor you have been assigned to any other way than the way
or a water pipe or radiator. you've been trained to do it.

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Insulation and grounding are two recognized means of The ground fault circuit interrupter is a fast-acting circuit
preventing injury during electrical equipment operation. breaker which senses small imbalances in the circuit
Conductor insulation may be provided by placing caused by current leakage to ground and, in a fraction
nonconductive material such as plastic around the of a second, shuts off the electricity. The GFCI
conductor. Grounding may be achieved through the continually matches the amount of current going to an
use of direct connection to a known ground such as a electrical device against the amount of current returning
metal cold water pipe. from the device along the electrical path. Whenever the
amount "going" differs from the amount "returning"
The metal housing or enclosure around a motor or the by approximately 5 milliamps, the GFCI interrupts the
metal box in which electrical switches, circuit breakers electric power within as little as one fortieth of a second.
and controls are placed. These enclosures protect the
equipment from dirt and moisture and prevent The GFCI will not protect a person from line to line
accidental contact with exposed wiring. contact hazards, such as a person holding two "hot"
wires, or a hot and a neutral wire in each hand. It does
There is, however, a hazard associated with housings provide protection against the most common form of
and enclosures. A malfunction within the equipment, electrical shock hazard, the ground fault. It also
such as deteriorated insulation, may create an provides against fires, overheating and destruction of
electrical shock hazard. Many metal enclosures are insulation on wiring.
connected to a ground to eliminate the hazard, but if a
"hot" wire contacts a grounded enclosure, a ground With the wide use of portable tools and the use of
fault results which normally will trip a circuit breaker or flexible cords, connectors, receptacles and cord and
blow a fuse. Metal enclosures and containers are plug connected equipment, hazards are created by
usually grounded by connecting them with a wire going improper use and maintenance. Flexible cords are more
to ground. This wire is called an equipment grounding vulnerable to damage than is fixed wiring. Flexible
conductor. Most portable electric tools and appliances cords must be connected to devices and to fittings so
are grounded by this means. There as to prevent tension at joints and terminal screws.
is one disadvantage to grounding. A break in the Because a cord is exposed, these terminals become
grounding system may occur without the user's more vulnerable.
Improperly connected terminals is another common
Insulation may be damaged by hard usage on the job situation. When a cord connector is wet, hazardous
or simply by aging. If this damage causes the leakage can occur to the equipment grounding
conductors to become exposed, the hazards of conductor and to humans who pick up that connector if
shocks, burns and fire will exist. Double insulation may they also provide a path to ground. Such leakage is not
be used as additional protection on the live parts of a limited to the face of the connector, but also develops at
tool, but double insulation does not provide protection any wet portion of it.
against defective cords and plugs or against heavy
moisture conditions. The use of GROUND-FAULT When the leakage current of tools is below 1 ampere,
circuit interrupter or GFIC is one method used to and the grounding conductor has a low resistance, no
overcome grounding and insulation deficiencies. shock should be perceived. However, should the

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resistance of the equipment grounding conductor permanent wiring of the building or structure and which
increase, the current through the body also will are in use by employees.
increase. Therefore, if the resistance of the equipment
grounding conductor is significantly greater than 1 Receptacles on the ends of extension cords are not part
ohm, tools with even small leakages become of the permanent wiring and therefore, must be
hazardous. protected by GFCIs whether or not the extension cord is
plugged into permanent wiring. These GFCIs monitor
GFCIs can be used successfully to reduce electrical the current to the load for leakage to ground. When this
hazards on construction sites. Tripping of GFCIs or the leakage exceeds a certain amount, the GFCI interrupts
interruption of current flow is sometimes caused by the current. They are rated to trip quickly enough to
wet connectors and tools. It is a good practice to limit prevent electrocution.
exposure of connectors and tools to excessive
moisture by using watertight or sealable connectors. Whether you choose the inspection and testing method
Providing more GFCIs or shorter circuits can prevent or GFCI method, the objective remains the same..........
tripping caused by the cumulative leakage from protection from electrocution. Safety on any job site is
several tools or by leakages from extremely long of paramount importance. Each individual on the job
circuits. site has a responsibility to inspect all electrical
equipment before use, including cords, cables,
There are two basic requirements on construction sites connectors, receptacles, terminals, plugs and the
applying to GFCIs. 1) A ground fault circuit interrupter equipment itself.
for receptacle outlets in use and not part of the
permanent wiring of the building or structure. Or, a Don't abuse electrical tools. Never carry a tool by the
scheduled and recorded assured equipment grounding cord or hose. Never yank the cord or the hose to
conductor program, covering all cord sets, receptacles disconnect it from a receptacle. Keep cords and hoses
which are not part of the permanent wiring of the away from heat, oil and sharp edges. Disconnect tools
building or structure and equipment connected by cord when not in use, before servicing and when changing
and plug accessories such as blades, bits and cutters.
which are available for use or used by employees.
This scheduled and recorded assured equipment All observers or other employees should be kept at a
grounding conductor program must be accompanied safe distance from the work area. Avoid accidental
by a written description of the program, including the starting. Don't hold a finger on the switch button while
specific procedures adopted and must be kept at the carrying a plugged in tool. Tools should be maintained
job site. with care. They should be kept sharp and clean for the
best performance. Follow instructions in the user's
This program should outline the employer's specific manual for lubricating and changing accessories. All
procedures for the required inspections, tests and test portable tools that are damaged must be removed, or
schedule. Electrical equipment noted in the assured tagged "do not use".
equipment grounding conductor program must be
visually inspected for damage or defects A positive on-off switch can be used only on platen
before each day's use. Any damaged or defective sanders, grinders with wheels two inches or less in
equipment must not be used until replaced or repaired. diameter, routers, planers, laminate trimmers, nibblers,
There are two tests required. One is a continuity test to shears, scroll saws and jig saws with blade shanks one
ensure that the equipment grounding conductor is fourth inch wide or less.
electrically continuous. This test may be performed
using a simple continuity tester, such as a lamp and Other hand held tools, such as circular saws, chain
battery, a bell and battery, an ohmmeter or a saws, and percussion tools without positive accessory
receptacle tester. holding means must be equipped with a constant
pressure switch that will shut off the power when the
The other test must be performed on receptacles and pressure is released.
plugs to ensure that the equipment grounding
conductor is connected to its proper terminal. This test Electrical safety when working with electrical is much
can be performed with the same equipment used in more than plugging your equipment into a receptacle
the first test. These tests are required before first use, and beginning work. It's inspecting and maintaining
after any repairs, after damage is suspected to have your equipment. It's working safely by following the
occurred and at 3 month intervals. If the cord sets and rules and procedures. It's thinking about safety every
receptacles are essentially fixed and not exposed to time you perform your job.
damage, these may be tested at 6 month intervals. Take time for safety because you're worth it. Think electrical
These testing and recordkeeping requirements may be safety and safety for your fellow employees.
somewhat time consuming, so most employers choose to use
the GFCI system of protection. Ground fault circuit interrupters
must be provided for all 120 volt, single phase, 15 and 20 amp
receptacle outlets on
construction sites which are not a part of the

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In a recent accident a maintenance employee was 4. DO NOT TAMPER WITH INTERLOCKS -

electrocuted when he attempted to bypass a safety Do not depend on interlocks for protection; always shut
interlock switch in order to test a 400 V motor power down the equipment or de-energize the electrical system.
supply to a machine. The screwdriver that he used to Never remove, short circuit or tamper with interlocks
complete the connection on the live circuit, accidentally except to repair the switch.
contacted against a metal hand rail. Unfortunately, the
employee's other hand was also grounded onto the hand 5. DO NOT GROUND YOURSELF -
rail thus creating a convenient path to his body for the Make sure you are not grounded when adjusting
electrical current equipment or using measuring equipment. It is good
practice to only use one hand when servicing energized
In this instance, the company's procedure required that equipment and keep the other hand behind you.
power be de-energized before making these kinds of
connections, but the employee was in a hurry and 6. DO NOT ENERGIZE EQUIPMENT IF THERE IS ANY
ignored the procedure. Unfortunately, high voltage EVIDENCE OF WATER LEAKAGE -
electricity is not forgiving and he will never have another Repair the leak and wipe up the water before energizing.
chance to disregard company procedures. If work is required on energized circuits, the following
Electricity, particularly high voltage electricity is very practical safety rules should apply:
helpful to us, both on and off the job. However, if not
handled properly, this electricity can be extremely 1. Only authorized and experienced personnel should
dangerous. The following suggestions are basic and work on eneqized electrical systems. If you don't know
should be followed by everyone working with or near high about electricity, you could be playing a deadly game.
voltage circuits: 2. Ample lighting is an absolute necessity when working
around high voltage electrical systems that is energized
1. CONSIDER THE RESULT OF EACH ACT - 3. The employee doing the work should be insulated from
There is absolutely no reason to take chances that will the ground with some suitable non-conducting material
endanger your life or the life of others. Always consider such as dry wood or a rubber mat of approved
what you are going to do and how it might affect you and construction.
others around you. 4. The employee doing the work should, if at all possible,
use only one hand in accomplishing the necessary
Do not change parts or make adjustments inside of 5. Identify all circuit breakers to indicate what equipment
machinery or equipment with the high voltage energized. or Branch outlets they control so that the system or
Always de-energize the system. equipment can be de-energized immediately in case of an
3. DO NOT SERVICE HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL 6. A person qualified in first aid for electric shock should
EQUIPMENT ALONE - be located near the work area for the entire period of
Service electrical equipment in the presence of another repair.
person capable of rendering first aid assistance in the
event of an emergency.

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Welcome to another safety training program and your Chains and slings are identified with the safe lifting
responsibility in the safety program. Today we want to capacity. Don't overload your equipment. You can
review cranes and lifting devices. After all, the best overload your equipment without a capacity load. The
equipment in the world isn't safe until you understand most common safety hazard is the operator trying to lift
how to use it properly. This is particularly true about or stop a load too quickly. This is called "jerking" a load.
chains, slings and cranes. The most important safety Raise and lower loads slowly. Avoid quick stops.
feature is the operator's knowledge of how to use,
inspect and maintain the equipment. Safety around Keep your chains, hooks and slings off the floor. Hang
hoisting equipment is extremely important because them on racks, posts or hooks on the wall. So don't
one little mistake can be disastrous. leave them on the floor or places they can be abused.
Tying knots in the chain or sling greatly reduces the
Damaged or worn out parts also make your equipment safe lifting capacity because it puts a tremendous stress
unsafe to use. Something that everyone must know where the knot is tied. Never tie knots in your chains or
and understand is simply this: If your equipment is slings.
unsafe to use, don't use it. That goes for any
equipment. If it's unsafe - don't use it. Inspect your Make sure your chain or wire rope isn't kinked or
hoisting equipment everyday. twisted. Kinks or twists can ruin the chain guides and
your chain or wire rope. To prevent stress on your lifting
Any equipment can break, wear out or become chains or slings, keep in mind this important safety rule:
damaged. It's your responsibility to check it thoroughly Keep your lifting rope or chain as straight and parallel to
before you use it. If something is wrong or unsafe to the vertical as possible.
use, report it to your foreman who will take action to If you must lift at an angle, don't exceed 10 degrees from the
get it corrected. Inspect metal chains for cuts or worn
vertical. This is about the safest method of lifting anything. If you
links. Push the links together and check where metal
exceed the 10 degree angle - you're asking for trouble. If your
rubs metal. This is where a chain is most likely to
crane or hoist is off center from the load, it would start swinging
become worn. It might appear good on the outside, but from side to side when it's lifted. Make sure no one is standing
could be unsafe in the hard to see areas. If a chain nearby when you lift a load, and keep the load as straight as
looks like it has been stretched, it's probably unsafe to
use.. When in doubt, check it out.
When traveling with a load, always carry the load as close to the
Whether you're using chains, wire rope or nylon slings, floor as possible. If the load does start swinging, you'll be able to
watch out for sharp edges on the material you're lifting. stop it quickly before you cause an accident. These are just
Protect your chains and slings by putting padding over
common safety rules. Let's refresh your memory on some other
the sharp edges. Never use the crane hoist chain or
important safety rules when using slings We indicated earlier,
wire rope as a sling. The rope or chain that is
always lift the load as close to vertical as possible. Anything over
connected to the crane or hoist can only be used to lift 10? from the vertical is actually unsafe. Sling angles are
or lower hooks. Use another chain or sling to help different, but the same rule still applies keep the sling angle as
make the lift. Don't overload your equipment. You
close to vertical as possible. This is a good sling angle.
know how much something weighs before you lift it.
You also know the capacity of the crane or hoist.

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The best example is a person lifting two buckets of Part of your equipment includes hooks and we'll take a
sand. Both arms are lifting vertical to the load. Stress look at 2 of the more common type. This type of hook
is being transmitted from the arm straight down to the must have a safety latch on it, to keep your sling from
load. If you place your arms at an angle, stress is slipping off the hook. If the latch is broken or bent, have
applied downward from the weight of the load and at it repaired or replaced. This hook doesn't require a
the same time, stress is applied from the horizontal. safety latch because it is used to connect directly to the
You have two forces creating stress. Each of these material being elevated. Let's review some hook safety
slings is lifting one thousand pound loads. The two procedures. Lift your load in the center of the hook,. It's
vertical sling legs on the far left load have an equal designed to take the load only in the center. Of course,
amount of stress or 500 pounds on each leg. The sling we all know that lifting on the tip of any hook is unsafe.
next to it is at a 45 degree angle from the vertical and It stretches and weakens the hook. Use a sling or other
you can see 707 pounds of stress are applied to each device, but don't use the tip of a hook to lift anything.
leg of the sling. If you use a sling with a 60 degree When a hook is stretched more than 15% of its original
angle, each leg has 1,000 pounds of stress. The sling size, it's unsafe use. Take it out of service until it can be
leg on the far right has over 1900 pounds of stress on replaced. Here are some special considerations we
each leg of the sling because the sling angle is so far want to review.
from the vertical. Keep in mind, we're still talking about
a 1,000 pound load.. A 30 degree angle from the Wire rope and cranes. Naturally, if you notice broken or
vertical puts 8 tons of stress on each leg of the sling. damaged strands in your wire rope, that's the time to
That's 16 tons of stress on the sling, with an 8 ton have your foreman or maintenance man check it out.
load. A 15 degree angle puts 31 tons of stress on the Don't use that crane until it is checked out. The most
same 8 ton load. damaging thing you can do to wire rope is allow it to
kink or twist. Your crane hook is quite heavy and is
This illustrates very clearly that it is easy to overload your sling,
designed to keep enough tension on your wire rope to
even though you don't have a maximum capacity load. That's
prevent twisting and kinking. Problems occur when the
why you have to make sure your sling angles are as close to
hook is allowed to rest on the floor or other material.
the vertical as possible. If you are creating unsafe sling angles Watch what you're doing and don't let the hook
because your sling is too short, get another sling.
assembly rest on the floor, machine, or other materials.
Another safety rule to practice is never run the hoist or crane all
the way up or all the way down. This can damage the guide pins,
alignment plates or the chain

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Sometimes a machine will jam—getting a piece of

material in the wrong position, it will suck and stick; hard. Some of you may be asking yourselves, "What if we try to
You've each been told what to do when that happens on clear a jam the way you've told us to, and that doesn't
your own machine—what steps to take, what equipment work. We've still got a jammed machine. What do we do
to use, who to ask for help if you need it. You've also then?"
been told what not to try to do—what to leave to
specialists, what safeguards to leave in place, and so on. The answer to that is simple and safe—if the way we've
taught you to clear a jam on your machine doesn't clear
The things you've been told to do have been figured out the jam then get help. Get it from the supervisor or
by smart guys. But the guys who study these problems mechanic or maintenance man who is trained and
have found out that if you try to do the things you're told authorized to handle that kind of problem.
not to do, you're just asking for trouble.
The point is just this—the moment you go beyond your
For instance, on some kinds of punch presses, operators instructions, you are in danger. We know that the method
are supplied with special soft metal rods or "picks" to free we give you may not clear every jam. We expect that. But
jams. These picks are usually made of aluminum or we'd a lot rather have the expert take it from there than
brass and will simply flatten out if accidentally caught have you experiment around and take chances that can
between the dies. If the operator uses the pick according cost you a serious accident.
to instructions, he isn't going to get hurt. It can be pushed
under or through the guard, and the hands are still safely
on the right side of the guard.

But suppose that doesn't clear the jam. Suppose the

operator decides he can clear it with, say, a pair of pliers
or a screwdriver. To get at the jam, he lifts up the guard
he's been told to keep in place. Maybe he does free the
jam, but what happens if the press operates at this point?
The punch comes down on the screwdriver, which is
made of hardened steel; one, or both of the dies shatter,
and steel fragments fly out in all directions. There is little
chance of an operator escaping injury when this

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Did you ever think how we most often change the shape When that happens, the chances are that what will give
of anything? away is your flesh and bone. So, for your own sake,
always give the guy with a moving load plenty of room.
If we want to change the shape of a piece of paper, we
pinch it between two blades of scissors. If we want to Number two is the kind of accident that happens to guys
change the shape of heavy wire, we pinch it between two handling or pushing heavy loads. They grip the load or
jaws of a pair of pliers. If a blacksmith wants to change truck in a position which puts their hands right in the
the shape of iron, he pounds it between a hammer and middle, waiting for a crushing smash against wall or floor
an anvil. We do the same thing in a power press. or other obstruction. There's a safe handhold for every
load and every truck. Learn it and use it. Those hands of
People sometimes get their shape changed the same yours will come in handy if vou don't smash them.
way—by getting caught between things in motion. And
the way their shape gets changed never makes them Finally, there's type number three—the killer type. That's
look or feel better. the kind that puts you between something really heavy
and something hard.
There are a whale of a lot of serious accidents that we
could call "getting caught in the middle." Most machine In type three are the accidents that happen when a crane
accidents are of this type. But I want to talk about a few load spills on a man—the kind of accidents that make it a
non-machine accidents that can crush you like a bar of must to live by the rule, never walk under any load carried
iron between the blacksmith's sledge and the anvil. by crane or hoist.

Number one is the kind of accident that can pin you In type three are the accidents that come from
between a moving load and some fixed object, like a post carelessness around box cars, trucks, and parking lots,
or wall or machine. We'll say some workers are pushing where the short cut between standing equipment is often
trucks or carrying heavy stuff when you come by. Maybe only a shortcut to horrible death when the standing
it looks like there's room between their load and the post, equipment starts to move. Remember, this equipment was
and you decide to squeeze past them. That's always a made to move, so give it plenty of room.
sucker play, for now and then a truck will swerve, or a And in type three are all material handling accidents that
load will swing, and you'll be in the middle between involve workers getting their hands between the load, the
heavy stuff moving fast and something hard that won't floor, or pile or wall and the accidents from falls of badly
give way. piled material. The ways of preventing these are obvious,
but you'll have to remember to use those ways.

Don't get caught in the middle in any type of accident. You

won't like the way it changes your shape!

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Most gas welding and cutting operations use compressed gas
cylinders and there are some important procedures to follow when
using these cylinders.

All cylinders stored inside must be located in a well-protected,

well ventilated, dry location. They must be at least 20 feet from
highly combustible materials, sparks, open flames, excessive
heat and away from elevators, stairs or gangways.
When cylinders are not connected for use, valve protection caps
must be in place unless the cylinder is not designed to accept a
cap. Stored oxygen cylinders must be separated from stored fuel
cylinders or combustible materials, especially oil or grease, by at
least 20 feet or by a non-combustible barrier. This barrier must be
at least 5 feet high and have a fire resistance rating of one-half

When you're working with gas welding and cutting operations, All cylinders must be legibly marked to identify their contents.
there are a number of safety procedures to follow. Each Cylinders connected for use must be lashed or chained to
company is responsible for developing specific guidelines, prevent them from falling over. Be careful that cylinders are not
policies and procedures. We cannot list all potential hazards placed so as to become a part of an electrical circuit. Mark
or safety elements. Today's discussion is simply a guideline empty tanks MT, close the valves and replace valve caps
of basic safety measures, designed as safety awareness. securely.

Let's begin with the area used for such operations. The Let's take a look at the valve and regulator settings.
welding or cutting area must be protected against fire The regulator is a delicate piece of equipment and must be
hazards, posed by combustible and flammable materials. handled carefully at all times. Pipe wrenches or pliers must not
be used for attaching regulators to cylinders. Use an end
Combustibles must be located at least 35 feet from the wrench of proper size. Leave the valve wrench on the
worksite. If this is not possible, combustibles must be acetylene cylinder whenever the valves are open. This permits
protected with flameproof covers or metal or other fireproof emergency shut off of the gas. Hammers or wrenches must
shielding. Floors on which combustible materials such as not be used to open or close cylinder valves that are fitted with
paper clippings, wood shavings, or textile fibers accumulate, hand wheels. If a regulator "creeps", have it repaired
must be swept clean for a radius of 35 feet. immediately. "Creeping" of a regulator is indicated by a gradual
increase in pressure after the torch valves are closed.
Floors of combustible material must be kept wet, covered
with damp sand, or protected by fire-resistant shields. When Hoses showing leaks, burns, or worn places must be replaced
welding is to be done on metal walls, partitions, ceilings or or repaired. Hoses should be color coded to avoid accidental
roofs, combustibles on the other side should be relocated or mixing of the gases.
protected. Keep in mind that welding temperatures are
extremely high and welding on metal can create heat transfer The green hose is for oxygen and it has a right hand thread.
from the metal part to combustible materials located nearby. The red hose is acetylene and has a left hand thread. Check
Welding operations have cause a high number of major fires. hose connections for proper threading. Standard hose
connections are threaded right hand for oxygen and left hand
Due to the potential for fires, explosions and health hazards, for acetylene or other fuel gases. The obvious purpose is to
cutting or welding must be carefully controlled. keep them from getting mixed up.

Never weld or cut in the presence of mixtures of flammable Periodically inspect the hoses and check them for leaks. Test
gases, vapors, liquids, or dusts with air, or inside improperly the hose for leaks by immersing it under normal working
cleaned tanks or equipment which have previously contained pressure, in water or by using soapy water. Never try to repair
such material. hoses with tape. When repairing hoses, use only approved
bronze or brass fittings. Copper fittings must never be used on
Never weld or cut near large quantities of exposed, readily acetylene cylinders. Under certain conditions, the acetylene
ignitible materials such as bulk sulfur, baled paper or cotton. might react with the copper to produce an explosive
Never weld or cut near vapor degreasing operations, or spray Never use oil, grease or other petroleum products on any torch
booths, due to potential fire hazards. Some chemicals can or regulator. Oil and grease in the presence of oxygen may
decompose under the ultraviolet radiation of the burn with explosive force, if they become ignited.
welding/cutting operation and become quite dangerous. When hooking up the cylinders, point the cylinder outlet away
from each other. This helps reduce improper mixture in case of
Always weld and cut only in those areas authorized by leaks. Valves malfunction periodically and can be quite
management. Protection in the form of curtains or enclosures hazardous. To prevent injury from malfunctioning valves, never
is required when other persons could be harmed by the face a gauge while opening the cylinder valve.... stand to one
effects of the flying slag or eye hazards side.

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When lighting your welding or cutting torch, there are certain Although welding under normal operations would not be
precautions and procedures. First, purge the hoses. Open the expected to produce hazardous concentrations of chromium
valve on the acetylene cylinder. This should never be opened compounds, welding of stainless steel should be carried out in
more than one and one-half turns, and three-fourths of a turn well-ventilated areas.
is preferable.
Open the acetylene torch valve one-fourth turn. Adjust the Fluoride compounds are found in the coating of several types
acetylene to working pressure which is less than 15 pounds of fluxes used in welding. Exposure to these fluxes may irritate
square inch GAUGE, or 30 pounds square inch ABSOLUTE. the eyes, nose, and throat. Exposure to fluoride dusts and
fumes has also produced skin rashes.
Close the acetylene torch valve. Next, slowly open the
oxygen cylinder valve all the way. Open the oxygen torch Zinc is used in large quantities in the manufacture of brass,
valve one-half turn. Adjust the oxygen to working pressure galvanized metals and various other alloys. Exposure to these
with the gas regulator screw. Turn off the oxygen torch valve. fumes is known to cause metal fume fever, with symptoms
similar those of common influenza.
Next, we have the final steps of actually lighting the torch.
Don't use matches. Use a friction lighter to light the blow pipe. The most effective measure of reducing exposure to fumes is
Reopen the acetylene torch valve one fourth turn and light. to work in a well-ventilated area. Where this is not possible,
Open the oxygen valve one-fourth turn and adjust the flame. portable ventilation systems can be used to extract welding
Now you can adjust the acetylene working pressure with the fumes for your breathing zone.
blow pipe lighted.
Some of the physical agents that can be harmful to welders is
When shutting off the torch, close the torch valves. Acetylene ultraviolet radiation when using arc welding. Skin exposure to
first, then the oxygen. Close the cylinder valves, ultraviolet radiation can result in severe burns. UV radiation
again...acetylene first, then the oxygen cylinder. can also damage the lens of the eye.

Open both torch valves to release the pressure inside the Infrared radiation, produced by the electric arc and other flame
hoses. Shut off the regulator adjusting handle until you no cutting equipment may heat the skin surface and the tissues
longer feel any spring tension. Close the torch valves. This immediately below the skin surface. Use protective clothing to
procedures reduces the possibility of regulator fires when the prevent this type hazard.
oxygen cylinder valve is open again. It will also prevent leaks
of acetylene or oxygen while the equipment is not in use. A Intense visible light exposure to the eye can produce
leak could cause a serious fire. adaptation, pupillary reflex and shading of the eyes. Such
actions are protective mechanisms to prevent excessive light
Experienced welders understand the term "cracking" a from being focused on the retina. This is particularly true in arc
cylinder. This is simply opening the cylinder valve slightly and welding operations. Always use proper eye protection and
then closing it, to remove any potential dust or debris inside never allow anyone to "watch" arc welding without proper eye
the valve. Cracking is accomplished before installing protection.
regulators. When leaving the area, don't leave pressure in
the hoses. Shut off the oxygen and acetylene at the cylinder. There are a variety of specially designed eye protection for
each type of welding operation. Be sure you know what
Never use a hard, sharp tool for cleaning tips, except where such specific type eye protection is used for each operation. If
tools may be specifically recommended by, or supplied by, the tip- you're not sure, ask your supervisor or the equipment
manufacturer. Use appropriate tip cleaners. manufacturer for specific information.
Naturally, the material you're welding or cutting must be approved
for such use. No welding or cutting should be performed on used Woolen clothing is preferable to cotton because it is not readily
drums, barrels, tanks or other containers until they have been ignited and also helps protect the welder from changes in
cleaned thoroughly, eliminating all flammable materials and all temperature. Cotton clothing, if used, should be treated with a
substances, such as greases, tars or acids which might produce flame retardant. Clothing treated with non-durable flame
flammable or toxic vapors when heated. Use a cleansing agent retardant materials, should be treated again after each wetting
appropriate for the gas or liquid which was in the container. Clean or cleaning.
the container a second time with either water or steam.
Sparks may lodge in rolled up sleeves, pockets or cuffs.
Sleeves and collars must be kept buttoned and pockets should
All hollow spaces, cavities or containers should be vented to be removed from the front of clothing. The legs of trousers or
permit the escape of air or gases before preheating, cutting coveralls should not be rolled up on the outside.
or welding.
There are literally hundreds of different rules, regulations and
Without listing all the health hazards, let's just review a few procedures to follow in welding operations. We've only touched
hazards that can occur in welding/cutting operations. on a few. Special eye protection, respiratory protection,
Acetylene is one of the most commonly used fuels for gas welding, hearing protection, valves, gauges, hoses, fittings....... all the
cutting and brazing. It is capable of displacing oxygen from the things you need to know to make your job safer and healthier.
atmosphere, reducing it to a level below that required by your If you're not sure about something, ask your supervisor. You
body. The major hazard is the explosion potential. Acetylene may be quite familiar with the equipment and personal
becomes unstable at excessive pressures, so do not pressurize it protection required, but you may be welding or cutting material
above 15 psi, or 30 psi. that's unfamiliar to you. Take a minute to find out what this
material is made of and what hazards it may pose to you and
Chromium is the primary alloying agent in stainless steel. others.
Chromium compounds are strong oxidizing agents and are Welding and cutting is a safe operation, if you follow the rules. If you try
extremely toxic and irritating to the skin, eyes, mucous to take short cuts, or not follow proper procedures, it could become a
membranes. hazardous job. Take time for safety and health because you're worth it.

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Portable Power Tool Safety

If you've spent your day operating a drill press, your hand

drill may not seem like a particularly dangerous tool. Not 6. Before plugging or unplugging tools, be sure power
true. It's estimated that about 8% of industrial accidents switch is turned to "OFF."
involve the unsafe use of hand tools (both manual and
power). These accidents result from using the wrong tool 7. Never disconnect power by pulling on the cord--
for the job (or using the right tool incorrectly), failing to remove the plug from the outlet.
wear personal protective equipment, or failing to follow
approved safety guidelines. 8. Never clean or repair a tool unless power is
disconnected. (Repair tools only if you are trained to
The following checklist provides some basic rules for the do so.)
safe use of portable power tools. Take a moment to
review this list, and use the tips here whenever you use a 9. When working on ladders or scaffolding, rest power
portable power tool--on or off the job. tools on a flat surface or in a bin secured to the ladder
itself. ( A falling tool can seriously injure a coworker or
Power Tool Rules
1. Use your tool only for the specific task it was
designed to do. 10. Use a ground fault circuit interrupter when working
with power tools.
2. Read the owner's manual before using your tool.
11. Do not wear rings, jewelry, or loose clothing when
3. Never use any tool--power or manual--unless operating power tools.
you are trained to do so.
12. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as
4. Inspect before each use and replace or repair if face shields, safety goggles, disposable masks, etc.
parts are worn or damaged. as required.

5. Inspect screws, nuts, bolts and moveable parts

to make sure they are tightened.

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Anyone with a loss of blood can become weak, In trying to control bleeding of the chest, first aiders are
lightheaded and can even go into heart failure or die from limited to what they can do. The first thing to do is see if
loss of blood. When a person is bleeding, it's important to there is any leakage of air into or from the chest. This can
establish bleeding controls as quickly as possible. One of create leakage of air from the lung into the space between
the most important treatments for lost blood is to replace the lung and inside of the chest cage. A lung could
it through fluids. That's why doctors and hospitals will use collapse and reduce the amount of blood supply to the
intravenous fluids to replace volume, however, if you lose brain. Fast action of transporting the person to medical
enough blood, then a transfusion is blood is required. attention is necessary.
Let's quickly review the different types of bleeding and
what action would be required, particularly for first aid, The best advice is to be trained for an emergency. Trained
until medical treatment can be achieved. to know all the pressure points and how to apply pressure
to control the bleeding. Trained to know what NOT to do in
In some situations, applying pressure is not easy or there case of an emergency and trained to know and
is no artery which is close to a bone that can be understand the hazards involved in providing first aid to
compressed. In some cases, the only treatment available persons who are bleeding. The hazards include blood to
is to apply a tourniquet and this could occur in a remote blood contamination of a person infected with HIV-the
area or the wound is located where there is no alternative AIDS virus or the Hepatitis B virus. We call these hazards
to stop the bleeding, but to apply a tourniquet. In this bloodborne pathogens and if you provide first aid to a
case, the basic rule is to find the bleeding side and apply person who has HIV or Hepatitis B viruses, there is a
the belt or band around the limb between the side of the possibility you could be infected. Perhaps you have a cut,
bleeding and the heart. Get the patient to medical care as or open sore and blood is transmitted into these openings,
quickly as possible. Keep in mind that tourniquets are there is a possibility of infection. Plastic or latex gloves
rarely used, as this is generally a last ditch attempt to and other personal protective equipment are worn by
control bleeding where medical care is not available. paramedics, police, doctors and other health care
providers just for the purpose of protecting themselves
Bleeding on the neck and face is usually quite profuse from bloodborne pathogens. Knowing the hazards and
and because at least 40 percent of the blood supply goes being trained in your protection is as important as knowing
to the head and neck at all times. Be very careful about first aid procedures. This short training program can't
breaking the blood vessels in the face, neck and head teach you first aid. It serves as an overview of basic
because the patient will lose blood very quickly. Stopping techniques, but the important message is you should be
the bleeding in these areas is very important. The upper properly trained and understand how to control bleeding,
thigh area just below the groin is another place where as well as knowing the hazards associated with this type
you can lose large amounts of blood. An artery is located of first aid.
there and it's about the size of your thumb. It only takes
two to three minutes to lose a very substantial amount of
blood. Arterial bleeding must be stopped by pressure
points as quickly as possible.

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CPR........The letters mean....... Exposure to these viruses through blood and

certain body fluids can be reduced by the wearing
CARDIO..... which refers to the heart, of personal protective equipment.
blood and circulation.
PULMONARY..... refers to lungs and This short program is not intended to make you a
breathing qualified CPR Provider, however, with the basics,
RESUSCITATION,..... which means to you can begin to understand the process by which
revive or restore life. persons can be revived in emergencies. It is
recommended that everyone be trained in CPR
CPR or CARDIO PULMONARY because CPR can be used at home, during
RESUSCITATION provides artificial circulation recreational activities and almost anywhere an
and breathing to a person whose heart and lungs emergency may arise.
have stopped functioning. The American Heart Association, Red Cross and
the medical communities are studying methods to
External chest compressions, administered improve CPR, however, today we'll only address
manually are alternated with mouth-to-mouth the basics of the current CPR procedures.
resuscitation in order to keep a person alive until
additional medical help can be obtained. First. we look at the ABC's of CPR. The A of CPR
In today's environment with infectious diseases' means airway. The most important action for
or bloodborne pathogens such as the HIV or successful resuscitation is immediate opening of
AIDS virus and HBV, which is the Hepatitis B the airway. In opening the airway, it's important to
virus,.' precautions must be taken when providing remember that the back of the tongue is the most
CPR to other persons. It is recommended that common cause of airway obstruction in an
when giving mouth to mouth resuscitation, use a unconscious victim. The tongue is attached to the
device,, so there is no direct contact between the lower jaw and moving the lower jaw forward lifts
victim and the CPR provider the tongue from the back of the throat and opens
the airway.
This reduces the chance of exposure from a
victim who may be infected with these The B of CPR means breathing. When breathing
pathogens, or exposure of the victim by an stops, the body has only the oxygen remaining in the
infected CPR provider. lungs and bloodstream. It has no oxygen reserve .
'When breathing stops, cardiac arrest and death
If there is blood on the victim, wear personal quickly follows.
protective equipment as required, such as latex
or plastic gloves and other protection
recommended by your employer.

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If a victim is not breathing. it's important to breath The rates for artificial respiration for victims 8
for the victim. ....Mouth to mouth resuscitation is years or older, are one full breath every 5
the quickest, most effective way to get oxygen seconds. As an example, the rescuer should
into the victim's lungs. There is more than count like this... one one thousand, two one
enough oxygen in the air you exhale to supply thousand, three one thousand, four one thousand,
the victim's needs. Rescue breathing must be then breathe.
performed until the victim can breathe on his own
or until trained professionals take over. Child victims, ages one to 8 years old require a
moderate breath only every four seconds.
If the victim's heart is beating, you must maintain Infants younger than one year should be
an open airway and breathe for the victim at a ventilated only with enough force to see the chest
rate of 12 times per minute, which is once every rise. The infant rate is 1 breath every three
5 seconds. seconds.
lf the victim's heart is NOT beating, you have to
perform CPR, which is mouth to mouth Again, we've barely scratched the surface. CPR
resuscitation and chest compression. requires specialized training and it must be
practiced on a training mannequin. Never practice
That brings us to the C of CPR, which is CPR on a healthy person use a mannequin for
circulation. This skill of CPR is chest practice.
compressions which replaces the circulation or
Learn as much as you can about CPR because it
heartbeat of the victim. This procedure results in
does save lives...thousands of lives each year. You
the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs. may never know when it's going to be used, so be
brain and other vital organs.
prepared by learning how to use CPR and when not
Never perform chest compressions on a victim
to use CPR.
unless you or a second rescuer also performs
mouth to mouth resuscitation. There are many
causes of sudden death, such as trauma,
poisoning, , choking, electrocution and smoke

The most common cause is the heart attack.

There are numerous special treatments and
special handling required for different types of
injuries.' Each case is different and the proper
handling requires training and skills. We can't
possibly cover all the aspects of CPR in this
short program,..... however, we do want to
provide some additional tips in the event of an

Always call for medical assistance whenever

possible. Fast action is the key to proper

If the victim has a pulse, but is not breathing,

continue to provide artificial respiration to
oxygenate the blood. Do not perform chest
compressions on a victim that has a pulse.
However, check the pulse every minute and if the
pulse is absent, then begin chest compressions
and breathing.

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Everyday we read in the newspaper or This information will enable the command
hear on the news about some form of center to make appropriate decisions
disaster that has occurred. Whether it be regarding evacuation procedures. A third
caused by fire, earthquakes, tornados, branch includes emergency response
flooding, or typhoons. The most crucial personnel.
element in surviving any type of natural
disaster is preparing for the emergency. Your company should designate a
number of employees to be responsible
"Emergency Preparedness" is vital and for reporting information to the command
will save lives and prevent injuries.. This center, assist those injured and provide
program's priority is for life safety and life procedures for receiving emergency
sustaining actions before, during and information. An injury care area with injury
following an emergency .Let's start with care personnel should be provided as
the emergency preparedness committee. well. This group would establish a safe
If your company doesn't have one, it area after an emergency to serve as an
would be wise to form such a committee. on-site hospital.
It should be made up of volunteer
Injured people will be brought to the care area by
employees who are trained to perform
emergency response personnel and treated by the
special assignments in the event of an
emergency. The emergency trained injury care personnel. Lastly, shelter and
sustenance personnel should be established to
preparedness committee should set up
provide the necessary food, water and other
five different branches with in the
committee with each branch responsible supplies from the on-site storage or shelter. One
of the major problems we face after a disaster is a
for separate functions. For example, one
lack of communications with our families. Local
branch should be made up of emergency
communications personnel who would telephones may be out of service or circuits
overloaded with too many calls. One way to
be responsible for setting up a central
overcome this problem is to set up an 800 number
location to monitor all communications.
to provide communication links for emergency
This type of "command center" is essential in information between employees and their families.
providing information between other branches
with in the committee and the media during an The family member should be prepared to give the
emergency. An engineering and damage following information:
assessment branch should be devised so that 1.Name
when an emergency does occur, the appointed 2.Name of employee
personnel could inspect the building and 3.Phone number and location of call .
surrounding areas to determine structural 4.The status of family members.
damage. 5.Short message.

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OK, let's take a look at some of your 4.If you're on the fire floor, or detect
responsibilities in the event of an smoke or fire on your floor, sound the
earthquake. alarm if possible and evacuate
.Take cover under a desk or table when immediately.
the shaking starts. If you take cover
under your desk, pull your desk chair Remember, team members will
toward you for additional protection. (If assist with the evacuation and
there is no cover available for you, seek may attempt to extinguish the fire.
an inner hallway or curl up against an Team members will also conduct
inner wall and protect your head, neck primary search of the floor to
and back). ensure complete evacuation prior
to leaving, making sure no one is
Avoid window and glass areas - Stay left behind. Team members will
clear of file cabinets or large objects that report the evacuation status to
could fall or move. Watch out for falling the command center.
ceiling panels, lights and debris. If
possible, go to the nearest stairway and 5.Take extreme caution when evacuating
duck, cover and hold. Stay put until your through closed doors, as the fire may be
emergency response team instructs you on the other side. Feel the top of the door
to move. Evacuate the floor or building with the back of your hand. If the door is
only when you are instructed to do so by not hot, open the door slowly. Be
your emergency response team or prepared to close it immediately if
command personnel. (Outside hazards necessary. If the door is hot, don't open it.
need to be evaluated before evacuation, Remain calm, don't panic, help is on the
if possible). Go to the assembly area as way.
directed, as all persons must be
accounted for by team members. Never Of course, never use elevators in the
use elevators during or after an event of a fire anywhere in the building
earthquake. If you're in an elevator at the .6.During emergencies, professional
time of the earthquake and can't get assistance may be needed. In the event
out....stay calm! Use the emergency of an injury or illness, provide first aid.
phone number to notify management
that you are confined in the elevator. Preparing for emergencies does save
Never attempt to leave the elevator until lives. By providing the necessary
the door opens. During fire or emergency supplies, support services,
earthquake emergencies, elevators are training, and assistance of all employees,
first priority to rescue personnel. your company will be able to maintain the
highest state of preparedness.
So stay calm and don't panic. Of course, The emergency preparedness committee
assist your fellow workers if necessary. consists of volunteer, company-trained
Follow your emergency response team's employees. If you haven't already done so, join
instructions, as they have been trained the team, contribute to your fellow employees
for this purpose. In the event of a fire, and learn more about fire, earthquake and
basic emergency actions include: emergency preparedness.

1.Confine the fire by closing all doors, if You can take the training home with you to your
possible. families. Emergency preparedness is a
commitment to each and every employee, and
2.Sound the alarm, if possible.
your families. Learn, practice and be ready. An
3.Upon being notified or hearing the fire emergency may never occur, but with your
support and participation, your emergency
alarm, immediately go to your
preparedness program will save lives and
predetermined assembly area and
prepare for an evacuation. prevent injuries if an emergency does occur.

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Emergency planning has been around for many years, but it's Do your supervisors and employees know how to secure or
still a vital part of any safety program. Emergency preparedness handle these materials? What are the emergency action and first
means what the name implies... being prepared for aid procedures? The employer should list in detail, the
emergencies and the goal is to reduce employee injury and procedures to be taken by those employees who must remain
property damage in case of an emergency. behind to care for essential equipment or operations until their
Generally, a written emergency plan should contain the evacuation becomes absolutely necessary. Training these
following minimum elements: personnel is also part of the program, after all, they need
information and procedures to put the emergency action plan
1. Emergency escape procedures and emergency
into action. All employees must be trained in emergency
escape route assignments.
evacuation and the use of floor plans or workplace maps that
clearly show routes of evacuation and assembly areas.
2. Procedures to be followed by employees who
remain to perform or shut down critical operations
A chain of command should be established to minimize
before they evacuate.
confusion so employees will have no doubt about who has
authority for making decisions. Responsible individuals should
3. Procedures to account for all employees after
emergency evacuation has been completed. be selected to coordinate the work the emergency response
team. Due to the importance of these positions, adequate
backup must be arranged so that trained personnel is always
4. Rescue and medical duties for those employees
who are to perform them. available. During a major emergency involving a fire or
explosion, it may be necessary to evacuate offices and other
5. The preferred means for reporting fires and oth er areas. Normal services, such as telephone, electricity, and water
emergencies. may not be available, so planning ahead will help reduce these
problems. In case of a major emergency, there should be some
6. Names or regular job titles of persons or means of communications, to handle incoming and outgoing
departments to be contacted for further information or calls. A method of communication is needed to alert employees
explanation of duties under the plan. to the evacuation or to take other action as required by the
situation and plan. The warning plan should be in writing and
To make the program effective, the emergency action plan management must ensure that each employee knows what the
should address all potential emergencies that can be expected signals mean and what action is to be taken. A method of
in the workplace, such as earthquakes, civil unrest, tornados, contacting other personnel should be developed, including fire
hurricanes, floods and other similar emergencies. What department, police, hospitals, key personnel, the Red Cross and
happens in case of an earthquake or tornado? It's important to possibly outside contractors for hazardous waste cleanup or
consider what emergencies may arise, so you can prepare for damage repairs.
them before they occur.
Emergency Response Teams are the first line of defense in
Take an inventory of what hazardous materials are generally at emergencies. These are people who have been identified and
the workplace and make preparations by outlining how they are trained in emergency procedures. They should know the various
to be secured or handled in case of an emergency. types of fire extinguishers and how to properly use them. They
should be trained in first aid and CPR, as well as how to properly
shut down electrical, gas, water and other systems. They must
be well acquainted with emergency evacuation routes, assembly
areas and roll call procedures.

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The Emergency Response Team should also be trained in

atmospheres, oxygen- deficient atmospheres, or
chemical spill control procedures, search and rescue atmospheres immediately dangerous to life or health.
procedures and basic fire fighting techniques. Those members
assigned for search and rescue may be required to use Self 4. Escape masks are also part of a respiratory
Contained Breathing Apparatus, or SCBA. Naturally, the scope protection program.
of emergency action procedures and written plans depends
upon the size of the organization and the potential hazards In the case of respirator use, the following conditions must be
within the workplace. met:
1. A medical evaluation should be made to determine if
There are basic training requirements for all employees, so let's the employees who wear respirators are physically able
take a quick look at some of the training responsibilities: to use the respirator.
In addition to the specialized training for Emergency Response
Team members, all employees should be trained in the 2. Written procedures must be prepared covering safe
following: use and proper care of the equipment and employees
1. Evacuation plans. must be trained in these procedures and the use and
2. Alarm Systems. maintenance of respirators.
3. Reporting procedures for personnel.
4. Shutdown procedures for equipment and other 3. A fit test must be made to determine a proper match
processes. between the facepiece of the respirator and the face of
5. Types of potential emergencies. the wearer. Employee training is required and it should
be tested in a test atmosphere, to ensure a good, safe
These training programs should be provided initially, when the
plan is developed and for all new employees. Training is 4. A regular maintenance program must be instituted,
required when new equipment, materials or processes are which includes proper cleaning, inspecting and testing
introduced into the work areas and when procedures have been of all respiratory equipment. Respirators used for the
updated or revised. Training includes practicing the emergency emergency response must be inspected after each use
action plan and when it is determined that employee and at least monthly to assure they are in satisfactory
performance must be improved, additional training and practice working conditions. A written record of inspection must
is required. This training must be performed at least annually. be maintained.
These emergency control procedures should be written in 5. Distribution areas for equipment used in emergencies
concise terms and made available to all employees. A drill must must be readily accessible to employees.
be held randomly, but at least annually. An evaluation of the
evacuation performance should be conducted and this Quite naturally, in emergencies, medical assistance is of vital
evaluation should remain in company files as documentation of importance. In the absence of a clinic or hospital in close
the drill. It's always a good idea to coordinate any drills with proximity to the workplace, persons should be adequately trained
local police and fire departments, as they may want to to render first aid and adequate medical supplies should be
participate. They also need effective training to maintain their available. Where the eyes or body of any employee may be
professional capabilities. exposed to injurious chemicals or corrosive materials, eye
washes or suitable equipment for quick drenching or flushing
There are a variety of personal protective devices and must be provided in the work area for immediate emergency use.
equipment that may be required during an emergency,
particularly when chemicals and hazardous materials are Employees must be trained in the use of this equipment.
involved. Personal protective equipment is provided by the In an emergency, you should plan for security to prevent
employer, however, when it is provided, it's up to you to use it. unauthorized access and to protect vital records and equipment.
Don't forget about certain records that have to be preserved, in
This equipment can include eye, head, face and hand case of an emergency. These records can be stored in duplicate
protection, but there may be a need for respiratory protective outside the work area or in protected secure locations.
equipment. In this case, additional training and written plans
and procedures are adopted for these items. Generally, there If you have employees who are hearing impaired or have some
are four basic categories of respirators: type of handicap, your plans must include the alarm notification
and proper evacuation procedures for these people. There's a lot
1. Air-purifying devices including filters, gas masks and to emergency planning, but it really takes an effort to inspect
chemical cartridges, which remove contaminants from your work areas and develop site specific plans for emergency
the air, but cannot be used in oxygen-deficient preparedness. Plan for different types of emergencies and adopt
atmospheres. procedures for each emergency. As the work area changes, or
new chemicals or processes are introduced into the workplace,
2. Air-supplied respirators including hose masks, air then the plans must be modified.
line respirators, which should not be used in
atmospheres that are immediately dangerous to life or Emergency preparedness saves lives, protects property and gets
health. you back to work more quickly. There are a great number of
cases and past history that demonstrates the benefits of
3. Self-contained positive-pressure breathing emergency preparedness, so take every effort to plan for your
apparatus, which are required for unknown next emergency, whatever it may be.

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The importance of safety cannot be over emphasized. An One very important rule in any safety program is that all
accident free work environment is the goal of all injuries be reported to their supervisor immediately upon
organizations and their managers and supervisors. You being injured, regardless of the extent of the injury. This
play a key role in the safety program. one rule will result in the reduction of infections and
disability. It will also reduce false claims of injury or
The most important thing on your mind when an injury disability.
occurs, is the welfare of the injured employee. Was he
hurt? How bad is it? Quite often it's only a minor scrape Our company furnishes first aid supplies, however, only
or cut or other minor injury. You put a band aid on it and designated, trained and certified first aid persons should
he goes back to work. administer first aid. This reduces the chance of an injury
That's what we want to discuss in this program. Minor treated without being reported. It's human nature to go
injuries and how you, as supervisors, can react to the over to a first aid kit, get a band aid, and go back to work.
minor injuries. We're not talking about making you Report all injuries when they occur, regardless of the type
Doctors or even qualified first aid persons in this short of injury.
program. We believe it's important for you to understand
a first aid program and what's it's all about, so you'll be in A good first aid program should include:
a better position to ensure your employees receive
prompt first aid and medical attention when and if it 1. Properly trained first aid persons on each shift. Red
becomes necessary. One word of caution. Always follow Cross and other certifying organizations can provide the
your organization's policies and procedures relating to training and certification.
medical and first aid services. The company's medical
advisor or physician is the most qualified to provide 2. Adequate first aid supplies or first aid kits should be
recommendations, so please follow our organization's readily available. The type and size kit is best determined
policies and procedures. by your company's medical advisor or physician. First aid
kits should be certified as adequate for your operations by
Ok, let's review some basics. There are two kinds of first a licensed medical physician.
aid treatment. One is emergency treatment. According to
the Red Cross, "first aid is the immediate, temporary 3. You should have emergency telephone numbers
treatment given in the case of accident or sudden illness posted, with instructions for obtaining emergency medical
before the services of a physician can be secured. services, such as ambulances or emergency medical
The other kind of first aid is the prompt attention given to
injuries, such as cuts, scratches, bruises and burns,
which are so minor that the injured person would not
ordinarily seek medical attention.

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4. You should also have an adequate first aid reporting

system and record. First aid records are valuable in
analyzing where accidents are occurring, time of day,
and what types of injuries are occurring. You can use this
information to target safety measures for eliminating
these particular accidents. Who is being injured is
another important evaluation. A person experiencing
several first aid injuries indicates an employee who may
need additional training, counseling or safety motivation.
Several minor injuries means a person who's most likely
heading for a major injury in the near future. No one likes
paperwork, but first aid records can give you a lot of good
information on which to improve your overall safety

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It's difficult to determine just how many people must If you add in humidity, the problem is increased.
work in the heat, but hot, humid conditions are Sweating doesn't do anything unless the moisture is
common to a wide range of industries. Being removed from the skin by evaporation, and guess
uncomfortable is not the only problem with working in what....humidity retards evaporation.
high temperatures and high humidity. Workers who are
suddenly exposed to working in these areas face the Hard work becomes even more difficult. Under these
risk of additional hazards, if they are not prepared for conditions, so much of the blood is going to the external
the stress of heat and humidity. surface of the body, relatively less goes to the active
muscles. Strength declines and fatigue becomes a
Today's training will be to the point because you problem. Psychological effects also may appear.
already know when you get hot, and uncomfortable, Workers who perform delicate or detailed work may find
generally, you want to keep as cool as possible under their accuracy suffering and those who must absorb
the conditions. Regardless of the outside temperature, information may find their comprehension and retention
the human body maintains a fairly constant lowered.
temperature. Just like a furnace, your body burns fuel Heat tends to promote accidents due to slipperiness of
and manufactures heat to keep internal temperatures sweaty hands, dizziness or the fogging of safety
within safe limits. glasses or other problems. You're just not as sharp in
extreme heat as you are otherwise. What's the answer?
The body must also get rid of excess heat. This is Because it's hot, we shouldn't do anything or try to get
accomplished through the varying rate and depth of the work out? Take the day off? No, the answer is to
blood circulation and through the release of fluid use your good judgment and take the precautions
through the circulation and release of fluid through the necessary to reduce the risks associated with heat
skin and sweat glands. Under moderate temperatures, stress.
the brain controls the function of balancing body
temperature. When the temperature of the blood Millions of people work in hot environments everyday,
exceeds 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the heart pumps it's been going on for many, many years. What did we
more blood, blood vessels expand to accommodate do before air conditioning was invented? The best
the increased flow. The blood circulates closer to the approach is to be professional and have as much
surface of the skin, and the excess heat is lost into the information as possible about heat, how the body works
cooler atmosphere. and what steps you can take to reduce the effects of
heat in a work environment. Air conditioning is not the
Heat loss from increased skin blood circulation is the solution to hot work environments.
usual method of maintaining a constant deep body
temperature. If this doesn't do it, the brain kicks into Ok, let's quickly review some of the illnesses that can
another gear and you start sweating, to reduce body result from not taking proper precautions in a hot
heat. Everyone can attest to the fact, these are environment. Please understand that heat can do a lot
marvelous operations, but it doesn't always result in of things to the body and it doesn't make any difference
being comfortable. whether you're at home, play or work.
Heat stroke is the most serious of health problems in
hot environments. The system simply breaks down
under heat stress and sweating stops.

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No one knows why it happens and generally, there is Drink water frequently. In hot environments, don't
no warning. A heat stroke victim's skin is hot, dry and always depend upon thirst to tell you it's time to take a
usually red or spotted. Body temperature is 105 drink of water. In hot environments, you should drink
degrees or higher and rising. The victim may be water every 15 or 20 minutes. If you sweat a lot, drink
mentally confused, delirious, or in convulsions or plenty of water.
unconscious. Unless the victim receives quick and
adequate medical treatment, it's all over. If you choose to take salt tablets or lightly salted water,
make sure you have the advice of your physician.
We can't provide medical advice, that's up to your
personal or company physician. In case of emergency, Next, we come to a touchy subject. You are certainly
always call an ambulance for assistance. The aware that drugs and alcohol are prohibited in the work
generally accepted first aid treatment for heat stroke place. But how about getting bombed the night before,
victims is to remove them to a cooler area and soak then trying to work the next day?
their clothing with cool water. Fan the victim to
increase the cooling. It's critical to get professional Alcohol dehydrates your body and it takes a long time
medical treatment as soon as possible. to correct the problem. If you work in hot environments,
stay away from alcohol.
Heat exhaustion is caused by the loss of fluid in
sweating, sometimes by the loss of salt or by both. To summarize the information just reviewed, let's just
The worker with heat exhaustion still sweats, but also say you should always use your common sense.
experiences extreme weakness or fatigue, nausea or
headache. In most cases of heat exhaustion, Staying cool may not be possible, but frequent rest
treatment is simple. Have the victim rest in a cool periods, plenty of water intake and following your
place and give him or her plenty of liquids, particularly organization's work practices go a long way to reducing
cool water. In the years past, physicians the stress of heat.
recommended the use of lightly salted water, however, Your job is being aware of the hazard, then making the
this medical advice is no longer used. effort to reduce the effects of heat on the body. It
includes such things as not taking chances and making
Persons with heart problems or those on low sodium sure of what you're going to do before you do it. If
diets must have a physician's advice on proper you're getting dizzy or feeling the effects of the heat, let
treatment. your supervisor know. Not taking chances, that's the
We mentioned these two illnesses to give you an idea You can work safely in hot environments, but you need to know
of what to do in case of a severe problem in hot what the hazards are and how to prevent the heat from
environments. To be honest, persons who work in hot becoming a safety and health problem .Drink plenty of water,
environments everyday, rarely have a heat stroke or follow your company's procedures and of course, stay off the
heat exhaustion.
booze.... Your safety and the safety of your co-workers deserves
no less.
Even fainting from heat environments is rare, unless a
person stands erect or immobile for a long period of
time. If you're busy, moving around, fainting is not your
problem. If a person does faint, due to heat, the best
thing to do is remove that person to a cooler area, lay
the person down to allow blood to return to the brain
more quickly. After gaining consciousness, moving
around would be of value to increase blood circulation.

These are just some of the examples of the problems

that can occur, but again, these are rare. Just be
aware of what can happen if you don't think about the
problem and do something about it to prevent the
problem. Normal, everyday work can be made less
difficult, if you take proper precautions for the work, so
let's take a look at what you can do.

In the course of a day's work, you can perspire away

as much as 3 gallons of body fluid. More times than
not, dehydration and loss of salt occurs from this fluid
loss. Try to drink as much water as you lose.

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PROBLEM: Heavy traffic

When you drive are you continually aware of what is SOLUTION: Be alert for empty spaces (road shoulders,
going on around you? Do you anticipate well in advance side streets, driveways and open lawns).
what the driver in front, to the side or behind you may
do? "Sometimes"? PROBLEM: Cars ahead stop suddenly
SOLUTION: Leave yourself adequate following distances
We aren't always as attentive as we should be. Critical (a cushion).
decisions must be made frequently when driving. Experts
have found that drivers make about 20 decisions per PROBLEM: Head-on collision during passing
mile. They can be simple ones like slowing down or SOLUTION: Allow sufficient room while passing. Ask
indicating a lane change, or lifesaving ones such as yourself if this pass is necessary.
acting in time to avoid an oncoming car.
One of the more important decisions which is often left DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:
out while driving, is the decision to "leave yourself an 1. Have you ever had to use an "out" while driving?
out". It's difficult to choose between two consequences 2. Thinking back to any accidents that have occurred,
when you don't like either. so—plan an escape route. would leaving an "out" have prevented them?
3. How fast should you approach a blind intersection?
Try to determine if your people are "leaving themselves
an out" while they are driving and if not, see if you can
impress upon them the need to do so. Select from the
"Problems" and "Solutions" below. Present your views
and solicit discussion. You can select from the ideas here
or supplement them with your own. The discussion
questions at the bottom are designed as thought
provokers. Some of the feedback from your people might
well be relayed to senior management.

PROBLEM: Blind Intersections

SOLUTION: Slow down, foot off gas, above brake.

PROBLEM: Bad visibility & weather

SOLUTION: Allow more space, adjust for conditions.

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Our interstate highway system is a marvelous example of Brakeline freeze can be very annoying and dangerous.
modern engineering, but no matter how good or bad the Drivers should take care to protect the air supply from
roads are, they can sdll become very dangerous. Driving freezing up. Newer vehicles are often equipped with
speeds can be very dangerous and should be reduced synthetic air lines, so the old solution of melting the ice
when sleet, snow or ice is on the roadway. Below are with a fusee or torch is not a quick solution anymore. If a
some helpful suggesdons for driving in bad weather. vehicle is not equipped with an air dryer or other ways to
automadcally expel water and other contaminants from air
When the roads are slippery, look far ahead to andoipate tanks, you should take the time to manually drain the air
emergencies or condidons that may require sudden tanks every day.
maneuvering of your vehicle. Most skids that occur on
the hipway are caused by sudden stops or turning on During the winter months, the lighting system of a vehicle
slippery pavement. becomes very important. Nights are longer and the
visibility is usually worse because of the weather. It is a
When driving on hills, special precaudons should be good idea to inspect brake lights, turn signals, and tail
taken. When going over the top of a blind hill, go at a lights on a vehicle more often during the winter months
speed that will enable you to bring your vehicle to a stop and to clean them when necessary so they can be easily
in case the highway ahead is not clear. Remember that seen by others around you on the highways.
when going downgrade, both loss of tracdon and gravity
are working against you. Wet, icy or snow covered Even though all precautions and good practices are
pavement on downgrades are significant hazards and followed, watch out! There will still be occasions when
may cause your vehicle to slide or skid. condidons become too hazardous to proceed. When
conditions are bad, pull off the road to a safe place and
Do not try to drive around or through a scene where other notify your company the reason for the delay. A brief delay
vehicles have had trouble with the road conditions. The in your trip will be far less costly than a serious accident
cause of the road condidons may still be there when you caused by bad weather.

You should always allow plenty of clearance between

your vehicle and other vehicles, or fixed objects when
maneuvering on bad road surfaces. Avoid driving on the
shoulder of any road, pardeularly in wet conditions.
Undermining caused by water and mud may cause you
to lose control of your vehicle.

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Most of the vehicle accidents that occur on public roads

are caused by a few common driving errors. 6. Do you always slow down and stop when the light turns
Unfortunately we all develop some bad habits and when
it comes to driving, these habits can be dangerous. 7. Do you always make a complete stop at STOP signs?

Of course, it's easy to spot careless or reckless drivers 8. Do you always wait for a broken yellow line before
on the road—unless that person happens to be yourself. passing the car in front of you?
The Highway Users Federation has developed a self-
rating quiz of the driving habits that are often identified as 9. Do you always slow down at intersections on two-lane
major contributors to traffic accidents. Eight or more YES roads without lights or stop signs?
answers indicate good driving habits. Less means
improvement is needed. If you answer yes to less than 10. Do you always keep your lights on low beam even
five of the questions, your chances of being involved in though oncoming cars fail to dim theirs?
an accident are very great!
11. Do you maintain eye contact with objects on all sides
BE HONEST AND JUDGE YOURSELF by regularly checking the rear and side view mirrors?

1. Do you always signal before turning at intersections? 12. Do you always avoid weaving in and out, or around
traffic just to save time when driving on expressways?
2. Do you always make a complete stop at intersections
with flashing red lights? 13. Do you and your passengers always buckle their
safety (seat) belts?
3. Do you always wait for the light to turn green before

4. Do you always stick to the 55 mph speed limit?

5. Do you always keep a safe distance between your car

and the one in front of you when following other vehicles?

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Winter driving is not an excuse for an accident, it is a QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:

challenge to your driving ability.
1. Do we change our driving habits when bad weather
Wet roads require 50 more distance in which to stop, and arrives?
ice 10 times more distance!
2. Do we allow for more time to get to work or make a trip
Here are some tricks for bad weather driving: in bad weather?

1. Drive at a safe speed for weather, traffic and road 3. Where are some locations on local roads that become
conditions. danger spots in bad weather?

2. Maintain on wet roads at least twice the safe following

distance for dry pavement or two car lengths for every 10
miles of speed.

3. Make smooth gradual turns and gradual stops by

pumping the brakes lightly when slowing down. Don't let
the wheels lock.

4. Rein your reflexes. You can't automatically twist the

wheel or slam on your brakes to squeak out of a tight

5. Expect ice on bridges, at an underpass or on the

shady side of a hill. Intersections can be more slippery
and extra hazardous.

6. Slow down before entering a turn while on the


7. Beware of one bald tire or uneven brakes. Such

conditions can quickly throw you into a skid.

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When a fire starts, fire doors are involved in preventing - Place combustibles well away from fire doors. The
the spread of smoke and flame. But they're only effective intense heat of a fire can radiate through closed doors and
if they can close the way they're meant to. Unfortunately, ignite combustibles on the other side.
though, they often can't work because of people's
carelessness or lack of knowledge. The following tips are - If you drive a forklift, be extra careful around fire doors. If
very important for everyone to remember and to follow you bump a sliding door, you could knock it off its track. If
when it comes to fire safety. you have overhead rolling doors. your forklift could bend
the guides, causing the door to jam.
- Never wedge or block a fire door to keep it open.
Properly functioning fire doors save lives. So make sure
- Never adjust a fire door to make it easier to open. Your you and your employees give them the care they deserve.
adjustment may render the door useless.

- If you have sliding fire doors, keep the slide track free of
debris. Never store materials in the doorway.

- Don't leave boxes and equipment in front of automatic

doors or at the edge of the door frame. The door won't be
able to close and catch.

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Do You Know "How & When to Use a Fire Extinguisher?”

1. Most fires start small. Except for explosions, fires can 6. AIM... Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or it's
usually by brought under control if they are attacked horn or hose) at the base of the fire.
correctly with the right type and size of extinguisher
within the first two minutes!
7. SQUEEZE... Squeeze the handle. This releases the
extinguishing agent.
2. A fire extinguisher should be "listed and labeled" by an
independent testing laboratory. The higher the rating
number on an A or B extinguisher, the more fire it can put 8. SWEEP... Sweep from side to side at the base of the
out. Be careful, high-rated units are often heavier models. fire until it appears to be out. Watch the fire area in case
Make sure you can hold and operate the model you are fire breaks out again, and repeat use of extinguisher if
buying. necessary.

3. A portable fire extinguisher can save lives and property

by putting out a small fire or containing it until the fire 9. Most portable extinguishers work according to these
department arrives. Before attempting to fight a small fire directions. But some do not. Read and follow the
be sure everyone is out of the building. It is important to directions on your extinguisher. If you have the slightest
have someone call the fire department. If the fire starts to doubt about whether or not to fight a fire - DON'T! Get out
spread or threatens your escape path, get out and close the door behind you.
10. Ask your fire department about training and practice in
4. The operator must know how to use the extinguisher, the use of portable fire extinguishers. Many departments
quickly without taking time to read directions during an offer training sessions to the public.
emergency. Remember that the extinguishers need care
and must be recharged after every use. IF YOU FIGHT A FIRE, REMEMBER THE WORD
5. PULL... Pull the pin. Some extinguishers require
releasing a lock latch, pressing a puncture lever or other

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Have you ever tried to open a tin can with a hammer?

Your efforts may lead to an injury, and you might not 3. Class C extinguishers are used for fires involving
even get the can open. A similar result could occur if you electrical wiring and equipment where the non conductivity
try to extinguish a fire with the wrong type of fire of the extinguishing agent is of first importance. For
extinguisher Fires involving different substances create example, water solution extinguishers must not be used
different conditions which make them extremely difficult on electrical fires because the water conducts electricity
to extinguish if the wrong type of fire extinguisher is used. and the operator may receive a shock from the energized
electrical equipment via the water. A Class C extinguisher
You owe it to yourself, your job and your family to know is identified by a blue circle.
about the different classes of fire extinguishers so that
you can react accordingly to extinguish a fire in an 4. Class D extinguishers are used for fires involving
emergency situation. Take a moment and review these combustible metals, such as magnesium, potassium,
fire extinguisher classes: powered aluminum, zinc, and sodium. Class D
extinguishers are identified with a yellow star.
1. Class A extinguishers are used on ordinary
combustibles such as wood, paper, and textiles, where When a fire breaks out, your first action should be to call
quenching and cooling effects are required. Of course, the fire department. When the fire is small, take fast action
water is the most common type of Class A with the right extinguisher to put it out or keep it contained.
extinguishment. The ID symbol for Class A fire Fire extinguishers are effective only when fires are in their
extinguishers is a green triangle. first stages. It is essential they they be immediately
accessible and promptly used.
2. Class B extinguishers are used for flammable liquid
and gas fires, such as oil, gasoline, paint, and grease,
where oxygen exclusion or flame interruption effect is
essential. Class B extinguishers are identified by a red
square with a letter "B" inside.

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A mechanic, using an oxy-acetylene torch, decided to cut .... The quick identification of the location of fire
the end out of a 55 gallon metal drum. A small residual of extinguishers lacking. SOLUTIONS:
concrete curing compound liquid remained, and there .... Does everyone understand what flammables are?
was sufficient vapor to cause the drum to explode when .... Clearly identify all containers containing flammable
the torch cut through the metal. A gas station attendant materials.
was using gasoline as a solvent to clean a grease .... Identify and protect areas where flammables are
deposit near the lube rack. Vapors accumulated in the stored, transferred and used.
immediate area and were ignited by the pilot light of a .... Ensure good ventilation where flammables are located.
floor mounted hot water heater. The resulting explosion .... Smoking controlled?
and fire caused second and third degree skin burns over .... Proper grounding and bonding of the containers during
90% of the attendant's body. flammable liquid transfer.
.... Equipment ignition sources (fire, electrical) controlled?
Simply stated, the term flammable indicates that the .... Use of nonflammable solvents used for cleaning.
material will ignite easily, and burn rapidly. Contrary to .... Proper extinguishers readily available and properly
popular belief, the flammable liquid itself does not burn, serviced.
but the vapor it generates does. If the temperature of the .... Empty containers used to hold flammable materials
liquid was reduced to below the flash point, insufficient steam cleaned.
vapor would be generated to establish ignition. Given the
proper air/vapor mix contained within a closed space, QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:
and a source of ignition, an explosion will result
1. What flammables are used in our work? Where?
.... Smoking in flammable liquid storage, transfers and 2. How conscious are we of a potential fire? Explain the
use areas. possibilities and how to reduce the potential for a fire.
.... Poor flammable vapor exhaust ventilation.
.... Poor flammable liquid storage practices. 3. Do you know how to test for flammable vapors?
.... Unprotected electrical wiring and equipment within
flammable liquid storage and use areas. 4. Do we have more flammable liquids in storage than we
.... Use of gasoline or other flammable liquids for cleaning use in a month?
without proper safeguards.
5. Do you know where the nearest extinguisher is located
and how to use it properly?

6. Is there proper grounding and bonding used when

flammable liquids are transferred from bulk to end use

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Certainly you've seen these labels on chemical If the N.F.P.A. rating is used and workers are properly
containers, but you may not have understood exactly instructed in its use, the other system is probably
what the colors and numbers mean. Well, let's take 2 or 3 unnecessary. Remember, each label must also identify
minutes to clear it up and explain this particular labeling the material and the manufacturer or distributor, as well
method. as, safety precautions, emergency procedures and the
emergency telephone number.
A suggested method for identifying hazardous material
containers is the modified National Fire Protection Now let's talk about each of the 4 sections in a little more
Association system. The N.F.P.A. method which is used
in addition to the original container label provides quick First we'll talk about the Health Hazards section, it's the
recognition in an emergency. blue left diamond. Now a Class 4 in this section can be
defined as materials which on very short exposure could
The N.F.P.A. utilizes a diamond shaped warning symbol cause death or major residual injury, even though prompt
which has 4 sections, usually color coded. The left medical treatment was given. A Class 3 - materials which
diamond signifies the Health section, coded blue. The top on short exposure could cause serious temporary or
diamond is the Flammability rating, coded red and the residual injury even though prompt medical treatment was
right diamond is the Reactivity signal, coded yellow. The given. Class 2 - materials on which intense continued
bottom diamond is colored white and contains special exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or
symbols, indicating properties and categories not possible residual injury unless prompt medical treatment is
explained by the other sections. given. Class 1 - materials which on exposure would cause
irritation but only minor residual injury even if no treatment
The rating systems within each section are numbered were given. And a 0 in this section is for materials which
from 0 to 4, ranging from least dangerous to extremely do not present a health hazard.
dangerous. In addition, OSHA and the National Institute
of Occupational Safety and Health have indicted that the Let's move along to the Flammability section, the top red
scale Caution, Warning and Danger is appropriate for diamond. A Class 4 here means materials which will burn
warning labels. readily and rapidly or which will completely vaporize at
atmospheric pressure and normal ambient temperature.
If both of these warnings are to be placed on a container, Class 3 - liquids and solids that can be ignited under
the word DANGER would cover any diamond which had almost all ambient temperature conditions. Class 2 -
at least one 3 or 4 rating. WARNING would cover any materials that must be moderately heated or exposed to
diamond which had at least one 2 retaining and relatively high ambient temperatures before ignition can
CAUTION would appear with diamonds having nothing occur. Class 1 - materials that must be pre-heated to high
greater than a 1 rating. temperatures before ignition can occur. And a Class 0 in
the Flammability diamond means materials that will not

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The next diamond is for the Reactivity standard, it's the If you're unsure of the degree of hazards and the correct
right hand or yellow diamond. A Class 4 here means number or symbol to insert, contact the manufacturer or a
materials in which themselves are readily capable of qualified Health and Safety professional for assistance.
detonation or explosive detonation or of explosive Entries must be correct.
decomposition or reaction at normal temperatures and
pressures. A Class 3 Reactivity standard is materials in That's it. The N.F.P.A. method of labeling is designed to
which themselves are capable of detonation or explosive aid fire fighters at the scene of a fire. Quick recognition of
reaction, but require a strong initiating source or which hazards is an important step in emergency situations and
must be heated under confinement before initiation or if you're prepared with the proper labeling systems, you've
which react explosively with water. A Class 2 - materials got it made. Preparing for emergencies is a good step in
which in themselves are normally unstable and readily preventing those emergencies.
undergo violent chemical change, but do not detonate.
Also, materials which may react violently with water or
which may form potentially explosive mixtures with water.
A Class 1 - materials which in themselves are normally
stable, but which can become unstable at elevated
temperatures and pressures or which may react with
water with some release of energy, but not violently. And
a Class 0 - materials in which themselves are normally
stable and which are not reactive with water.

And the 4th and final diamond is the white lower

diamond. It's used for Other Hazards. A Class W in the
white lower diamond can be defined as a substance
which you should use no water with. ACID of course,
means acids. If the class is BASE, it signifies Alkalies,
Cyanides or Neutral Salts. O.X.Y. as a class means
oxidizing agents. F.L.A.M. stands for flammable
materials. Flammability Classes 2, 3 and 4. R.A.D.
signifies radioactive material. And P.Y.R.O is for
Pyrophoric gasses.

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The clothing we wear can either protect us from an Remember that hard hats and safety glasses protect our
accident or pull us into one. It all depends on whether we brains and our eyes.
wear the proper clothing at the proper time. For example,
gloves should be worn when handling rough material but We would think a football player crazy to come out on the
a worker suffered a seriously disabled hand when the field to play in a baseball uniform. Let's dress right for our
glove on his hand caught and wound around a power drill jobs. too.
he was using.
Pants that are too long may cause you to trip coming 1. Do we keep cuffs off our pants and keep them short
down a ladder or stepping backward. Your heel can catch enough to avoid tripping?
and down you go. Cuffs can catch on the equipment and 2. What jobs do we have where gloves should be worn?
cause a fall. 3. What jobs do we have where gloves should not be
Work shoes need thick soles and ankle support. Don't 4. What special clothing precautions are needed for the
use your worn out dress shoes for on the job. job you do?

Keep your clothes clean. Dusty or oil soaked clothing can

cause skin irritations. Also clothes soaked with oil and
grease can result in fatal burns should their wearer come
in contact with a spark or name.

Wear enough clothing in cold weather. Wool is warmer

than cotton and two light layers are better than one real
heavy one.

Leave off the decorations. One man lost a finger when

his ring caught as he fell climbing down from a truck.
Loose watch chains, keys on belts, or any item that might
hook on something should be avoided.

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A sign over a bench grinder read, "DO NOT REMOVE

SHIELDS FROM GRINDER. SPARE EYES AND - When working with grinders or power tools, be especially
FINGERS ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE." Amusing, careful by keeping your face a safe distance from the tool
but true! An injury to any part of the eye can result in a and away from the line of work just in case a tool breaks
permanent loss of vision. or particles fly up.

Those who have had close calls and nearly lost their - Keep your mind on your work, particularly when eye
eyesight are usually very conscious of wearing eye hazards are involved. Remember, it only takes a fraction
protection. They look for and recognize the unsafe of a second for a fragment or particle to damage an eye.
conditions that may affect their eyes. A lot of us,
however, take these hazards to the eyes far too lightly. - If you do get a particle in your eye, do not rub the eye to
dislodge it. Rubbing the eye could cause an abrasion. Use
Perhaps it would benefit us all to reflect on the things that clean, warm water to wash the particle out.
we can and should do to safeguard our eyesight.
For your safety, follow these eye safety tips: - Always be alert to tool hazards such as mushroomed
heads on chisels, cracked hammers and badly worn
- Wear your goggles or face shield when doing any work screwdrivers. These tools have caused serious eye
that presents an eye injury hazard. injuries far too often.

- Don't wear dirty, greasy, scratched or badly worn safety Remember that you are the one who can do the most
goggles—they can distort your vision. It's better to take when it comes to protecting your eyesight. Your eyes can't
the time to clean them, or if necessary, replace them. be replaced.

- Be especially careful of splashes or spills when opening

containers of acids, caustics or other harmful liquids that
could cause injury to the eyes or face.

- Don't wear contact lenses in production plants where

chemicals, spray mists or flying particles could cause
injury. Contact lenses should never be used as a
substitute for proper eye protection.

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There are very few jobs around that don't involve your - Follow safety rules, even if you've gotten away with
hands in some way. In fact, next to your eyes, your short cuts before. It only takes one wrong move to
hands are probably the most important part of your body suffer a serious hand injury.
when it comes to doing your job. Your hands are your
wage earners, a valuable asset that must be protected. - Seek prompt treatment if an accident does occur. Prompt
treatment can help prevent more serious consequences,
It's up to you to prevent your hands from being among such as an infection from occurring.
the over 500,000 injured each year. Your employer helps
by developing safety measures to overcome the hand - Report all injuries to your supervisor, immediately. He
injury hazards in your workplace, but it's up to you to use needs to know the specifics of the accident to help prevent
them. if from occurring again.

Play your part in the hand safety effort. Remember, it's Remember, your employer is committed to helping you
up to you to: prevent injury to your hands, but the hand safety effort
takes team work. You must do your part by learning basic
- Wear proper hand protection for the job. Be sure you safety rules developed by your employer and following
know the right kind of glove for the job. If you're not sure. them.

- Think through each task before you do—know what

you're asking your hands to do.

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Noise is a fact of life we cannot ignore. Noise can Hearing protection comes in many forms, such as ear
damage your hearing permanently, that's why it's muffs, ear plugs and other types of protection. The most
important to protect your hearing at work, at home and important rule to remember when wearing hearing
everywhere else. Right now, let's review some of the protection is to make sure it fits properly and that you
things you may already know and possibly a few new keep it clean and in good working condition. If you put a
things for you to consider. Awareness of the hazard is dirty ear plug in your ear, you could get an infection or
the first step in hearing conservation. Being aware that other disease, so make sure your hands are clean
noise can hurt your hearing goes a long way in when placing ear plugs in your ear canal.
preventing injuries.
The same applies to ear muffs, make sure the muffs are
Generally, a hearing conservation program has three clean before you wear them. As we indicated earlier,
specific parts, but the most important focal point is the part of the hearing conservation program is training.
effort you take to protect your hearing. The program is
based upon TESTING, TRAINING AND It's important to understand how your hearing works
PROTECTION. Let's look at the testing phase of and what you can do to protect your valuable hearing.
hearing conservation. Let's take a quick look at your ear and how it works.

The company takes noise levels throughout the The outer ear concentrates sound waves and channels
facilities, to determine if noise levels are high enough them through the ear drum to the middle ear. Tiny
to warrant a hearing conservation program. If the noise bones in the ear convert these sound waves to
levels are high, generally those employees who are mechanical vibrations. There are thousands of hair cells
exposed to the noise will be given a base line hearing in the inner ear that translate these vibrations into
test. The test will be conducted in a clinic by electrical impulses, which are then transmitted to the
audiologists or specialists in noise and hearing brain for interpretation and action.
conservation. This test determines how well you hear, It's sort of like a computer. You strike the keys which
which becomes your baseline. Generally, you'll be represents the sound waves, then the circuits inside the
tested on an annual basis to make sure your hearing computer converts the sound waves to mechanical
hasn't decreased. If your work area has high noise vibrations and then other circuits change their form and
levels, engineering controls will be used to reduce the transmit them to the computer screen so they can be
noise levels as much as possible. seen and acted upon.

Often times loud machines are isolated by barriers, or Another way of looking at this is to put your hand to
other noises are reduced through engineering controls your ear to hear better. This is actually duplicating the
as much as possible. function of the outer or external ear. The sound travels
down the ear canal and strikes the ear drum, causing it
In the event engineering controls cannot reduce the to vibrate.
noise to an acceptable level, the protection part of the
program includes hearing protection.

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The eardrum vibrates in response to the sound waves The plug will then expand and block out unwanted
that strike it. The vibration or motion is transmitted noise or sound.
across the air-filled middle ear cavity to a fluid in the
delicate inner ear. This creates waves in the inner ear Here's an important safety tip. Everyone has seen
fluid that stimulate microscopic hair cells. This cotton swabs used to clean ears, however, you should
generates nerve impulses, which pass along the never insert the cotton swab directly into the ear canal.
auditory nerve to the brain. The cotton swab manufacturer even gives you this
Sounds complicated? Well, to be honest it is, but you warning, not to insert the swab into the ear canal. All
don't have to remember all this information. you're doing is pushing wax deeper into the ear canal
and eventually may cause a hearing deficiency or
The important part is the hearing process is extremely infection.
complicated, delicate and many things can damage
your hearing. Loud sound or noise can damage those Consult with your medical adviser for the proper method
tiny hair cells and when these hair cells are damaged, of cleaning wax from your ears. It's very important to
they bend over like grass that's been stepped upon. keep your ears cleaned, especially ear plugs that you're
Eventually, they will straighten up, but frequent inserting into the ear canal.
exposure causes the cells to be permanently
damaged. Some cells die off naturally with age and If your ear plugs become dirty or damaged, get new
noise damage. ones. If you're wearing reusable ear plugs, keep them
clean and sanitized. Keep them in a clean case or bag
You just can't replace these tiny hair cells in your ear when they're not being used.
when they become permanently damaged.
Inspect your hearing protection before you use it. Ear
Have you ever been in a high noise situation, such as muffs should be check for cracks, cuts or stiffness.
riding on a motorcycle or shooting a pistol, then notice
a temporary loss of hearing? It's those hair cells being Do not modify your hearing protection in any way, such
damaged, like the blades of grass when they're as drilling small holes in ear muffs.
stepped on. After a while the grass stands up again, How about radio headphones as hearing protection?
as do the tiny hair cells.
Don't even think about it..... Radio headphones should
Too much or too frequent exposure to high noise can never be worn at work anyway, as they are a
lead to permanent damage and to hearing loss. The distraction, but more importantly, they do not serve any
extent of hearing loss depends upon the intensity or purpose for hearing protection.
loudness of the exposure and for how long.
Sometimes, a sudden single exposure to very high Your organization can provide the testing, training and
noise levels, such as a gunshot, is sufficient to cause hearing protection, but hearing conservation is your
permanent damage and permanent hearing loss. responsibility. You're the only person who controls what
you do on a daily basis.
To make a long story short, you're the person who
makes the decision to protect your hearing. Sure, you can take short cuts and not wear the proper
protection when it's required, but hearing loss is
Ok, let's say you have the three part program of permanent. As you get older, you're going to notice a
testing, training and protection. Let's look a bit closer normal loss of hearing, so you don't need to lose your
at the protection part. hearing if you don't have to.

You've all seen or heard of people wearing cotton in If you follow the rules, you can protect your hearing
their ears for hearing protection. For years, people in from damage and loss. Prevention is the best medicine
the military were issued cotton when they practiced and you're the person that can prevent hearing loss and
firing pistols, rifles and other loud noise areas. damage to those tiny hair cells.

Cotton does not protect your hearing... not at all. How about all those loud rock and roll bands that have
We've discovered that cotton does not prevent hearing played loud music without any hearing protection?
loss from loud noises.
After a while, they have to start wearing hearing aids to
Let's look at some of the things that will protect your hearing.
watch television. If you're a rock and roller, wear your
Soft plugs are placed into the ear canal, blocking out unwanted hearing protection too.
noise. Custom ear plugs are molded to the exact fit of your ear.
Ear muffs are placed over the ear to block out unwanted noise, If you have a job in a high noise area, wear your hearing
however, you have to be careful with ear muffs. If you wear protection. It just doesn't make sense to do it any other way.
glasses or chew gum, the ear muffs can leak noise and can
give you a false sense of security. To wear soft plugs, make
sure your fingers and hands are clean, then roll the plug in your
fingers, gently pull up on your outer ear and slide the plug into
the ear canal.

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Hazards in the workplace are a fact of life. No Safety glasses provide eye protection from flying
matter what you do, there's the need for personal chips, debris and other eye hazards. Goggles
protective equipment on many of the jobs you protect your eyes from chemical splashes and
perform. Health hazards, eye hazards, noise and face shields are a safeguard when worn over
chemicals. whether or not you use personal other protective eyewear, such as safety glasses.
protective equipment is really up to you. If you Handy dandy straps connected to your safety
choose not to, your attitude may be the biggest glasses keep them from falling off your nose, or
hazard of all. Personal Protective equipment is connected around your neck when safety glasses
one of the best ways to protect your own health are not necessary. Gloves protect your hands
and safety. from chemicals, rough or sharp parts and a wide
range of skin protection. Keep in mind that there
You've all seen it before.............eye protection are literally hundreds of different types of gloves,
that's uncomfortable, equipment that sets in your each designed for a specific purpose, so select
way and thousands of other excuses for not the proper glove for the job.
wearing protection, when it's required. When
personal protective equipment is provided by Respirators can protect you against a wide variety
your employer and its use is required, it's your dusts, fumes, gases, vapors and many other
job to wear it. Maybe your equipment isn't health hazards. One of the most misused
comfortable or convenient as you'd like it to be, respirators in industry is the dust mask. It's
but you should convince yourself that your health designed only for certain types of dust, but many
and well being are worth the effort. people believe it's good for any type of hazard. A
dust mask cannot be used for spray painting or
Stop for a minute and consider the risks. What if other types of vapors. Each specific hazard must
you lost an eye, or hand or became exposed to a have the proper respirator that provides protection
life threatening illness? Is it really worth the for that hazard. Proper fitting of respiratory
gamble? Of course not. Let's take a quick look at equipment and the wearing of equipment as it was
some basics of personal protective equipment: intended is equally important.

Ear plugs or ear muffs can go a long way to The old standby. . . . hard hats protects your head from
avoid hearing loss. Adjust your muffs so they're low hanging or falling objects. Wear hard hats as they
comfortable and don't squeeze your ears. were intended to be worn and never make modifications to
Disposable ear plugs must be clean and fitted your hat, such as drilling air holes in the sides. Each hat is
properly. Never insert dirty ear plugs or use dirty engineered for impacts and if you modify the hat, you
hands when putting the plugs in your ears. Of could damage the hat to such a degree where the hat will
course, ear plugs connected to portable radios not afford the designed protection. Bump caps
are not considered hearing protection.

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are made of lesser quality plastic and are not It's your attitude that really makes the difference. If
engineered for falling objects or impacts. Bump you have a good attitude about safety, follow the
caps are used in areas where there are bump rules and take the time to perform your job
hazards and not falling objects. Many food can't go wrong. Wearing personal
processing facilities use bump caps solely for the protective equipment when it's required is not only
purpose of containing hair and not for protection for your protection.
from impacts of falling objects. It makes good sense to protect your safety and health.
Safety glasses can be a pain in the neck because you
Boots and shoes are good personal protective
may not be used to wearing them, or respirators can get
equipment. Even if your job doesn't require steel uncomfortable from perspiration or perhaps the straps
toed safety shoes, leather topped shoes can
may not fit just right. Tennis shoes may be more
provide a degree of protection from chemical
comfortable than leather topped shoes. It may be a hassle
splashes, petroleum products and small cuts, not to wear safety glasses under face shields when
bruises and abrasions. Your shoes should be in
grinding metal. Gloves may not fit properly or they're 20
good condition and the soles of the shoes should
feet away and it's only going to be a short job. You're only
be slip resistant. Keep your footwear in good going to handle a small amount of chemical, so you
condition and always clean off your shoes before
neglect to take proper precautions. These are attitudes,
climbing ladders, or getting into vehicles. Grease
but they really don't add up when it comes to you, your
or slippery shoes can create accidents.
family and to the company. Safety and health are much
Chemical clothing and encapsulating suits are too important to neglect. When you're required to wear
personal protective equipment, then that's the professional
used when there are vapor, gas and other
thing to do. You won't regret it.
airborne hazards. When you're engaged in this
type of work, more training is necessary, to make
sure you understand what protection is offered
and how to specifically use, handle and store the
equipment. When we talk about personal
protective equipment, the basic equipment just
described comes to mind, but in a work
environment, you must consider many other
safety devices that could be lumped together
with personal protective equipment.

Machine guarding isn't just for one individual, but

it could be considered personal protective
equipment. Electrical safety devices, lock and tag
out procedures, barriers, warning signs, labels
and hundreds of other safety devices should be
considered. Safety isn't just one thing. It's a
combination of equipment, procedures and each
individual interacting together to make health and
safety a reality. Let's say you're spray painting. A
proper respirator isn't your only concern. It's how
you handle, store and use the paint. What
precautions you take if the paint is toxic or
flammable, so you don't expose others or create
an explosion. It's cleaning your equipment when
you're finished. It's reporting unsafe equipment or
hazards to your supervisor.

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Anyone who has ever suffered the pain and discomfort of

a backache should understand how important it is to 5. Lift the object slowly straightening your legs; keeping
prevent the strain in the first place. Far too many of the the load close to you as you come up. (By keeping your
back strains that occur, at home and at work, could have spine straight, you force your leg muscles to do the lifting.)
been prevented if a few rules were followed. Take just a
moment to learn these easy steps and use them 6. If you have to change direction, do not twist your body.
whenever you're lifting heavy objects. They could prevent To turn, move only your legs and feet
a backache from ruining your day.
7. To set down the object, reverse the lifting procedure.
With back straight, bend knees and go down to the

1. Footing is as important in lifting as it is to a batter in

baseball. Your feet should be close to the object to be
lifted and far enough for good balance (about shoulder
width). Place one foot slightly ahead of the other. Your
toes should be pointed slightly outward.

2. Bend your knees and go down to a crouch (but not a

full squat—it takes double effort to straighten up from a
full squat as it does form a crouch).

3. Keep your back as straight as possible; don't arch it.

4. Get a good, firm grip on the object. Do not lift until your
hold is strong and your hands won't slip.

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Loading Docks are often the stardng and ending points of .... Inspection maintenance program
our production cycle. Traffic on these docks can be quite .... Better design
heavy. Certain employee safety considerations should be .... Edge protection (bumpers, angle iron, etc.)
made for those working around loading docks. Below are .... Warning signs
problem and solution ideas with discussion questions .... Perimeter protection (guardrails)
Use those most applicable to your situation for presenting .... Provide access to elevated area
your safety talks. .... Planned storage & positive
.... Chocks & positive means to prevent car/truck

.... Floor & edge irregularities QUESTIONS:

.... Dockplates—securing, design capacity, handling
.... Exposure to inclement weather 1. Who inspects and maintains our docks?
.... Shear points of hydraulic dockplates
.... Car/truck spotting & control 2. Is traffic congested on our dock?
.... Elevated work area
.... Inadequate illumination 3. What aids would make our work easier on our docks?
.... Spills
.... Dock/truck height alignment 4. What improvements do you have for our material
.... Temporary Storage on docks storage and traffic?
.... Improper dock edge protection

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